2018 Annual Report
Voluntary Agreement for
Ongoing Improvement to
the Energy Eciency of
Set-Top Boxes
August 13, 2019
Prepared on behalf of the
Steering Committee by:
D+R International
1100 Wayne Avenue, Suite 700
Silver Spring, Maryland 20910
Executive Summary .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Overview of the Voluntary Agreement ................................................................................................................. 7
Voluntary Agreement Objectives .................................................................................................................... 8
Voluntary Agreement Signatories and Steering Committee ........................................................................... 8
Service Provider Commitments .................................................................................................................... 10
Independent Administrator and Auditor Role ................................................................................................ 10
New Feature Allowances .............................................................................................................................. 10
Increased Energy Efficiency of Set-Top Boxes ....................................................................................................11
Report on Procurement Commitments ...............................................................................................................11
Impact on National Energy Consumption ........................................................................................................... 12
Audit and Verification .......................................................................................................................................... 16
Procurement Audit ........................................................................................................................................ 16
Verication Testing ........................................................................................................................................ 16
Progress on Other Energy Efficiency Commitments .......................................................................................... 17
Whole-Home Systems .................................................................................................................................. 17
Consumer Access to Energy Efciency Information .................................................................................... 18
Next-Generation Video Delivery .................................................................................................................... 18
Automatic Power Down ................................................................................................................................ 19
Satellite Study on Residential Premises Equipment ..................................................................................... 19
Viewing Without Operator-Supplied Set-Top Boxes ............................................................................................ 20
Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................................... 24
Appendix A: Voluntary Agreement Commitments .............................................................................................. 25
Appendix B: Set-Top Boxes Purchased by Voluntary Agreement Signatories in 2018 ........................................ 26
Appendix C: Consumer-Facing Set-Top Box Energy Efficiency Information ........................................................ 31
Appendix D: 2018 Procurement Audit Report ..................................................................................................... 32
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 1
Table ES-1: Voluntary Agreement Energy Savings 2013-2018 ............................................................................... 4
Table ES-2: Weighted Average Typical Energy Consumption for Major Set-Top Box Categories .......................... 5
Table 1: Weighted Average Typical Energy Consumption for Major Set-Top Box Categories ...............................11
Table 2: Voluntary Agreement Signatory Set-Top Box Procurement 2018 .......................................................... 12
Table 3: Base Case – 2012 Estimated Energy Consumption .............................................................................. 12
Table 4: Change in Subscribers from 2012-2018 ................................................................................................. 13
Table 5: Estimates of Total Deployed Units in the Market in 2013-2018 ............................................................. 13
Table 6: National Energy Consumption for Devices Based Upon Year of Purchase ............................................ 15
Table 7: National Energy Consumption of Installed Set-Top Boxes 2012-2018 ................................................... 15
Table 8: Platforms and Apps Used by Customers to View Content Without Set-Top Boxes .............................. 21
Table 9: Voluntary Agreement Commitments ..................................................................................................... 25
Table 10: Set-Top Boxes Procured by Voluntary Agreement Signatories in 2018 ................................................ 27
Table 11: Set-Top Box Base Allowances .............................................................................................................. 29
Table 12: Set-Top Box Feature Allowances ......................................................................................................... 30
Table 13: Consumer-Facing Energy Efficiency Information ................................................................................. 31
Figure ES-1: Annual Energy Saved by the Voluntary Agreement Procurement Commitments ............................ 4
Figure 1: Distribution of Current Inventory by Year of Procurement (Percentage of Units) ................................ 14
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 2
In 2012, the pay television industry, led by NCTA - The Internet & Television Association and the Consumer Technology
Association, signed the Voluntary Agreement for Ongoing Improvement to the Energy Efficiency of Set-Top Boxes with the
goal of increasing the energy efficiency of set-top boxes while protecting rapid innovation and timely introduction of new
features. Signatories include major manufacturers of set-top boxes and the largest cable, satellite, and telco service
providers serving 82.1 million U.S. video subscribers, accounting for 94.3% of the market in 2018. In 2013, leading energy
efficiency advocates joined with the pay television industry in an expanded version of the Voluntary Agreement.
One of the requirements of the Voluntary Agreement is the publication of an annual report. This sixth annual report provides
a summary of developments for the previous calendar year, 2018. Annual reports for the previous five years as well as this
report can be found at http://www.energy-efficiency.us.
The Voluntary Agreement has reduced the national set-top box annual energy consumption from 32 TWh in 2012 to 19.4
TWh in 2018, a reduction of 39% over the life of the Agreement, even as functionality and features of set-top boxes have
increased. This 12.6 TWh reduction is more power than is generated by four typical 500 megawatt coal-run power plants in a
Also, in 2018 alone consumers saved more than $1.6 billion
and avoided 8.9 million metric tons of CO
During the six years of the Voluntary Agreement, cumulative energy consumption has been reduced by an estimated 40.4
TWh, saving consumers approximately $5.15 billion and avoiding 28.6 million metric tons of CO
emissions. The energy
saved during this six-year period is enough to power all homes in the entire state of Pennsylvania with electricity for a year.
1 - A common
unit in measuring energy efficiency savings is the “Rosenfeld” (3 terawatt hours per year), the same amount of electricity generated by a conventional
500 megawatt coal-run power plant each year. See https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/rosenfeld-energy-savings/.
2 - This calculation is based on national average energy cost of $0.1289 per kWh. See U.S. Energy Information Administration, Electric Power Monthly, available at
3 - Emission reduction estimates in this report are based on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator, available at
4 - 40.4 TWh is equivalent to the annual energy usage of 3,421,015 households and the annual electricity usage of 4,982,028 households. See
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts
Table ES-1: Voluntary Agreement Energy Savings 2013-2018
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
of VA
National Energy Consumed
(TWh/yr) Total
30.6 29.2 26.9 24.5 21.0 19.4 151.6
National Energy Saved
1.4 2.8 5.1 7.5 11.0 12.6 40.4
500 MW Power Plant
Equivalents Saved (Rosenfelds)
0.47 0.93 1.70 2.50 3.67 4.20 13.47
Electricity Costs Saved
$169,820,000 $350,560,000 $645,150,000 $941,250,000 $1,417,900,000 $1,624,140,000 $5,148,820,000
Avoided (Metric tons) 990,011 1,980,023 3,606,470 5,303,633 7,778,661 8,910,103 28,568,900
The electricity generated by a typical 500 MW power is measured in Rosenfelds, which represents annual electricity output. Even at the 2012 peak, set-top boxes used
10.67 Rosenfelds annually, and that gure declined to 6.47 Rosenfelds in 2018. The Agreement has not replaced annual demand of 13 distinct power plants.
Figure ES-1 Annual Energy Saved by the Voluntary Agreement Procurement Commitments
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Total 6 years
savings 40.4 TWh
These savings are driven primarily by the service providers’ commitment to procure energy-efcient set-top boxes. Under
the Voluntary Agreement, 90% of new set-top boxes procured by service providers after December 31, 2016 must meet the
efciency levels referred to as “Tier 2” in the Voluntary Agreement, replacing the Tier 1 levels that became effective in 2014.
This report is the second in which the Tier 2 levels were in effect. In 2018, 97.7% of service providers’ set-top box purchases
met the Tier 2 levels, thereby meeting the procurement commitments in the Voluntary Agreement, and all service providers
met the 90% commitment individually.
Contributing to the increase in savings is the fact that service providers met the
more rigorous Tier 3 levels in 78.1% of set-top boxes procured in 2018, two years ahead of the effective date of Tier 3 in
2020, according to D+R’s calculations and veried test results.
5 - As set forth below, this calculation is based on 2018 procurement data submitted to D+R by service providers and corroborated by the results of independent verication
testing and by the procurement audit conducted by D+R.
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 4
The procurement of energy-efcient set-top boxes under the Voluntary Agreement has resulted in a substantial decrease
in average energy consumption by the major types of set-top boxes. In particular, the new-unit average power usage of the
most energy-intensive type of set-top box, the DVR, has fallen by 48% since 2012, and the number of DVR devices in DVR
homes has declined through support for whole-home and/or cloud DVR offerings. In addition, the energy usage of each of
the other two major categories of set-top boxes have also fallen sharply over that time, as shown in Table ES-2.
Table ES-2: Weighted Average Typical Energy Consumption for Major Set-Top Box Categories
TEC (kWh/yr)
Percent Change
in Weighted
2018 Stock
Weighted Average Pre-VA to 2018
DVR 267 138.71 -48%
Non-DVR 119 91.76 -23%
Thin Client 90 45.39 -50%
DTAs and Multi-Service Gateways were each purchased only by one service
provider in 2018 in relatively small quantities.
Another major trend of note in 2018 is the continued decline in the number of new set-top boxes. The signatories purchased
only 23 million new set-top boxes in 2018, half of the 46 million new set-top boxes they purchased during the rst year of
the Voluntary Agreement’s commitments in 2014. This decline is likely attributable to a mix of factors, including subscriber
losses and the increasing prevalence and usage of options for customers to watch their programming using apps rather
than through an operator-supplied set-top box. Consumers used more than 36 million customer-owned and managed
devices such as Smart TVs, smartphones, tablets, personal computers, and streaming devices such as Apple TV, Roku,
Google Chromecast and Amazon Fire to access the providers’ video services via apps in 2018, up by 33% from 27 million
in 2017. The service provider signatories are continuing to work to enhance the functionality of their apps such as through
new support for cloud DVR offerings, and investing in customer education and employee training to promote the use and
awareness of apps. The growth in adoption of energy-efcient app streaming solutions further reduces the overall energy
used by the signatories’ set-top boxes.
The Voluntary Agreement contains additional commitments and verication tools, including deployment of automatic power
down and whole-home systems, efforts to improve energy efciency in future-generation equipment, posting of information
for consumers and other stakeholders at www.energy-efciency.us and on company websites, verication testing of
randomly-selected set-top boxes from each reported category, and an audit of a randomly-selected service providers set-top
box procurements. The signatories’ satisfaction of all of these commitments are summarized in Table 9 in Appendix A of this
All of the verication results support the overall ndings of this report that the signatories met their commitments in 2018.
The audit of the randomly-selected signatory veried its reported data, and 100% of the verication testing results were
within the accepted tolerances of the measurements reported by the companies. The details of the verication results and
an update on each of these measures are presented in the full report below.
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 5
The Voluntary Agreement prescribes that if a service provider signatory fails to meet a procurement commitment, it shall
implement a remedial plan approved by a review panel that includes the Energy Advocates with new savings measures that
offset the extra energy associated with the set-top boxes that caused it to miss its commitment. As previously reported,
one service provider missed its procurement commitment in 2017. The review panel continues to oversee the
implementation of this party’s remedial plan that is expected before the end of 2019 to secure ongoing savings of the
required offset of more than 7 million kWh/year. The service provider will be providing quarterly updates to the review panel
until the review panel is satisfied that the required energy savings are achieved.
As part of the revised Voluntary Agreement, the largest service provider signatories committed to engage directly with their
supply chains, including component suppliers, to explore approaches in 2018 to further improve the energy efciency of
set-top boxes in all power states in advance of starting discussions in late 2019 to develop proposed Tier 4 energy levels.
These service providers had extensive meetings and engagement with key suppliers and the Energy Advocates in 2018 to
study further improvements in key components and power scaling, and expect to achieve further new efficiencies in the
2020s as a result.
Under the extension of the Voluntary Agreement, the Independent Administrator will continue to monitor these
developments and publish these annual reports through the 2021 report to be issued in 2022.
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 6
Cable, satellite, and telco service providers offer pay television to approximately 87.1 million U.S. households using customer
premises equipment, often referred to as set-top boxes.
Each device contains hardware and software to receive television
programming and related services from service providers and process them for home networks, display devices, and
recording devices. The underlying delivery network and the types of service provided vary widely among service providers.
As a result, set-top boxes operate as highly specialized components, and the devices change frequently as the service
providers introduce new services.
All set-top boxes have one thing in common: they require power to operate. In aggregate, set-top boxes in the United
States consumed an estimated 32 TWh of electricity in 2012, constituting 18% of residential consumer electronics
electricity consumption and 2.2% of all residential electricity consumption.
To reduce the amount of energy consumed by
set-top boxes while protecting rapid innovation and timely introduction of new features, the pay television industry crafted
the Voluntary Agreement for Ongoing Improvement to the Energy Efficiency of Set-Top Boxes. The Voluntary Agreement
provides a framework for the pay television industry to deliver market-based energy efficiency gains that keep pace with
technological innovation. The signatories of the Voluntary Agreement represent all of the major pay-TV service providers,
equipment vendors, and related industry organizations in the United States. Combined, these companies provided
multichannel video service to approximately 82.1 million American households in 2018, accounting for 94.3% of the market.
This figure represents an increase from 93.1% in 2017, with the increase mostly attributable to the addition of the
Suddenlink systems owned by signatory Altice USA.
After extensive negotiations among the initial signatories and energy efficiency advocates, an expanded Voluntary
Agreement was launched in 2013. The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), the American Council for an Energy-
Efcient Economy (ACEEE), the Appliance Standards Awareness Project (ASAP), the Consumer Technology Association
(CTA), and NCTA - The Internet & Television Association announced this expansion in December 2013. The revised Voluntary
Agreement included additional energy efciency commitments, coverage of whole-home multifunction gateway devices,
expanded provisions for transparency and accountability, and participation by energy efciency advocates in the Steering
Committee for the Voluntary Agreement.
That version of the Voluntary Agreement expired at the end of 2017. In March 2018, the signatories unanimously amended
the Voluntary Agreement and extended its term for an additional four years through the end of 2021. The revised Voluntary
Agreement includes new, more rigorous Tier 3 energy levels that will become applicable to the 90% procurement
commitment in 2020. The signatories have estimated that these new levels are 20% more efcient, on average, than
the current Tier 2 levels and will save consumers an additional $600 million annually once the benets of the Tier 3
commitments are fully realized. Service providers have demonstrated they are already on track to meet these Tier 3
commitments, with 78.1% of devices procured in 2018 meeting Tier 3 levels two years early, according to D+Rs calculations
which are supported by verication testing. The four largest service provider signatories also agreed to engage directly with
their supply chains, including component suppliers, to explore approaches to further improve the energy efciency of set-
top boxes in all power states in advance of starting discussions in late 2019 to develop proposed levels for a Tier 4. These
service providers had extensive meetings and engagement with key suppliers and the Energy Advocates in 2018 to study
further improvements in key components and power scaling, and expect to achieve further new efficiencies in the 2020s as
a result.
6 - Based on data provided by NCTA and CTA.
7 - Bryan Urban; Victora Shmakova; Brian Lim; Kurt Roth, Energy Consumption of Consumer Electronics in U.S. Homes in 2013, Final Report to the Consumer Electronics
Association (CEA
), Fraunhofer USA Center for Sustainable Energy Systems (2014). This report estimated 31 TWh of use in 2013, which is consistent with the annual report’s
estimate of ongoing declines under the Voluntary Agreement since set-top boxes used 32 TWh in 2012.
8 - See supra note 6.
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 7
Voluntary Agreement Objectives
The primary objective of the Voluntary Agreement is to continue improvements in the energy efciency of set-top boxes
without jeopardizing their intended uses and functionalities. Further, energy efciency improvements are expected to
preserve or enhance the customer experience and be sufciently exible to adapt to technological innovations and market
competition, while also improving functionality, offering service enhancements, and fostering rapid innovation.
The signatories originally estimated that consumers would save at least $1 billion annually in energy costs several years
after the 2017 effective date of Tier 2, once Tier 2 set-top boxes had largely replaced the set-top boxes in use in 2012. That
objective has been surpassed, with more than $1.6 billion in annual savings estimated in 2018.
These 2018 energy savings
exceed the power generated by four typical 500 megawatt coal-run power plants
annually and will avoid 8.9 million metric
tons of CO
emissions per year.
Voluntary Agreement Signatories and Steering Committee
The current signatories and participants in the Voluntary Agreement are listed below. Each of these entities participates in
the Steering Committee.
Energy Efficiency Advocates
American Council for an Energy-Efcient Economy (ACEEE)
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
Cable Service Providers
Cox Communications
Satellite Service Providers
DISH Network
Telco Service Providers
9 - See supra note 2. This calculation is based on national average
energy cost of $0.1289 per kWh. See U.S. Energy Information Administration, Electric Power Monthly,
available at https://www.eia.gov/outlooks/steo/report/electricity.cfm.
10 - See supra note 1. A common unit in measuring energy efficiency savings is the “Rosenfeld” (3 terawatt hours per year), the same amount of electricity generated by a
conventional 500 megawatt coal-run power plant. See https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/rosenfeld-energy-savings/.
11 - See supra note 3. Emission reduction estimates in this report are based on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator, available
at https://www.epa.gov/energy/greenhouse-gas-equivalencies-calculator.
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 8
Other Organizations
NCTA – The Internet & Television Association
Consumer Technology Association (CTA)
Cable Television Laboratories (CableLabs)
Effective January 1, 2019, Altice USA (the parent company of the original signatory Cablevision) joined the Voluntary
Agreement, which had the effect of bringing into the Voluntary Agreement the cable systems operated by another of Altice’s
subsidiaries, Suddenlink Communications in addition to its Cablevision/Optimum system that already participated in the
Agreement. Suddenlink was previously the largest non-participating pay-TV provider in the United States, so its admission
has meaningfully increased the percentage of U.S. consumers covered by the Agreement to more than 94%. Suddenlink’s
systems previously used a different mix of set-top boxes than Altices Cablevision system, but in connection with its entry
into the Agreement, Altice committed to accelerate the deployment in its Suddenlink systems of the more energy-efcient
equipment used in its Cablevision system.
The composition of the Steering Committee allows the Voluntary Agreement to offer a multi-stakeholder approach while
permitting rapid adjustments as the technology landscape changes.
In 2018, in accordance with their commitments, representatives of the signatories provided updates to state and federal
regulators and other stakeholders regarding the ongoing execution of the Voluntary Agreement.
Additional responsibilities of the Steering Committee include the following:
Managing the Voluntary Agreement
Hiring the Independent Administrator
Reviewing proposals for energy allowances based on new features, which the Steering Committee can
approve, reject, or add to the Voluntary Agreement, as appropriate
Evaluating the effectiveness of the Voluntary Agreement in achieving its purposes
Adopting new or revised efciency measures, courses of action, and amendments to the Voluntary Agreement
as technologies advance
In accordance with their obligations under the Voluntary Agreement, CTA and NCTA provided the following two reports to
the Independent Administrator for 2018:
The estimated total number of U.S. residential multichannel video subscribers and the number served by
service providers participating in the Voluntary Agreement during the reporting period (due by April 1 of each
year, beginning in 2014).
Information on progress with respect to other energy efciency commitments (due by May 1 of each year,
beginning in 2014).
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 9
Service Provider Commitments
The primary service provider commitment is that at least 90% of its set-top box purchases will meet specied energy
efciency levels. The original levels were replaced by a more rigorous Tier 2 set of levels for devices purchased after
December 31, 2016. This is the second annual report in which the Tier 2 levels were in effect. Progress on these
commitments is discussed in Report on Procurement Commitments, below. Service providers also made commitments
relating to automatic power down, whole-home systems, engagement with the Energy Advocates and key vendors to
explore approaches to further improve the energy efciency of set-top boxes in all power states in the 2020s, a report
on additional satellite-delivery customer premises equipment, and public posting of energy efciency information for
consumers. Additional information on these commitments is outlined in Progress on Other Energy Efciency Commitments,
below. All service provider commitments are outlined in Appendix A.
Independent Administrator and Auditor Role
The Voluntary Agreement obligates the Steering Committee to designate an Independent Administrator and an Independent
Auditor. The Steering Committee designated D+R as the Independent Administrator and Auditor in 2013. D+R has continued
in this role since its appointment. Under the Voluntary Agreement, the Independent Administrator must aggregate and
compile condential procurement data submitted by service providers and assess whether there is substantial compliance
with the service provider commitments. If these commitments are not met, the Independent Administrator initiates a
remedial process following the procedures set out in the Voluntary Agreement. The Independent Administrator is required to
publish its ndings in an annual report. This is the sixth annual report. D+R is also required to conduct a random audit of one
service provider’s procurement gures each year. The 2018 audit report presented in Appendix D concluded that the service
provider data supported this report’s conclusion of substantial compliance with its commitments.
New Feature Allowances
The Tier 2 levels were adopted in 2013, long before they rst became effective in 2017. To assure that the Voluntary
Agreement did not deprive consumers of the benets of innovation, the Tier 2 program includes a process for establishing
allowances for new energy-efcient features. This process enables new features to be deployed without advance notice or
permission, so that companies can secure the competitive benets of rst-mover advantages and so that consumers are
not delayed from accessing new features. At the same time, the process assures that such new features are promptly and
transparently brought within the bounds of the Voluntary Agreement’s commitments to energy efciency.
If a service provider deploys a set-top box that includes a new feature with no allowance, and the presence of the feature
causes the set-top box to exceed the allowable TEC, the new feature process permits the service provider to set and report
an appropriate initial allowance based upon its best estimate of the amount of energy consumed by the new feature. One
new feature allowance was proposed in 2019, for set-top boxes with embedded cable modems with up to twenty-four
downstream DOCSIS channels (the current allowance covers up to eight downstream channels). The Steering Committee
has convened a subcommittee to review this allowance and has indicated that it intends to establish an initial allowance and
effective date by the end of this year.
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 10
Table 1 highlights the progress made by the signatories in improving the energy efciency for each set-top box product
Table 1: Weighted Average Typical Energy Consumption for Major Set-Top Box Categories
TEC (kWh/yr)
Percent Change in Weighted Average
Procurement Data
Weighted Average
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
2012 to
2013 to
2014 to
2015 to
to 2018
2017 to
DVR 267 195.37 179.39 170.61 161.28 142.90 138.71 -48% -29% -23% -19% -14% -3%
Non-DVR 119 108.55 103.27 92.57 85.61 90.83 91.76 -23% -15% -11% -1% 7% 1%
Thin Client 90 51.42 49.98 49.13 46.91 44.33 45.39 -50% -12% -9% -8% -3% 2%
39 57.60 49.26 46.50 49.91 54.86 55.85 43% -3% 13% 20% 12% 2%
While the increase in DTA power has previously been explained by the addition of HD and advanced video processing (AVP) capabilities after 2012, the continued increases in
recent years and the fact that only 71% of 2018 DTA purchases met Tier 2 could potentially be a cause for concern if DTA purchases were continuing at high levels. However,
DTA purchases have declined by 95%, from 9.2 million in 2015 to 427,480 in 2018. Since DTAs use relatively little power and are being purchased only in small and declining
quantities, the change in new DTA power has only a very small effect on national energy consumption.
The continuation in 2018 of the small increase in energy consumption in the non-DVR category seen in 2017 after the
downward trend in previous years is likely attributable to new functionalities such as Ultra High Denition 4K Video, High
Efciency Video Processing, and multiple tuners to stream live video to client devices.
One service provider, Altice (the parent company of Cablevision), reported the purchase of a single model of a multi-service
gateway in 2017 and 2018 that met the applicable Tier 2 levels, as noted in Appendix B. The multi-service gateway category
is excluded from the above table because there is no baseline with which to compare these devices and no change
between 2017 and 2018 since the model is the same. In accordance with the condentiality requirements of the Voluntary
Agreement, this report also excludes multi-service gateways from all calculations showing the number of units purchased
by category because that gure would reveal Altice’s individual purchase gures.
The model is reported in Appendix B
and meets the applicable Tier 2 levels, and the relatively small quantity purchased would not have a material impact on this
report’s assessment of the overall national energy consumption of set-top boxes.
Under the Voluntary Agreement, the service providers committed that 90% of set-top boxes they purchased after December
31, 2016 would meet the Tier 2 efciency levels. This is the second year in which this Tier 2 procurement commitment has
been evaluated, and the fth year in which the procurement commitment is in force. All service providers that signed the
Voluntary Agreement submitted procurement data for 2018 on time. These providers are: Altice, AT&T (separately for AT&T/
DIRECTV and its U-verse telco services), Charter, Comcast, Cox, CenturyLink, DISH, Frontier, and Verizon. Details about
the set-top boxes purchased by these providers are shown in Appendix B. 97.7% of the set-top boxes purchased by these
service providers met the Tier 2 commitment, as shown in Table 2 below.
12 - Section 8.6 of the Voluntary Agreement seeks to protect the condentiality of Altices procurement gures by precluding this report from disclosing the number of Multi-
Service Gateway units it purchased in 2018, which could readily be deduced if a total national gure were reported.
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 11
Table 2: Voluntary Agreement Signatory Set-Top Box Procurement 2018
Meeting Tier 2
Total Procured
Meeting Tier 2
DVR 6,304,346 6,133,497 97.3%
Non-DVR 10,066,928 9,837,380 97.7%
Thin Client 6,316,550 6,316,550 100.0%
DTA 427,480 302,400 70.7%
Totals 23,115,304 22,589,827 97.7%
In 2018, all reported Multi-Service Gateway devices met Tier 2 levels.
All service providers met the Voluntary Agreement procurement commitment in 2018.
The service provider that missed its 2017 procurement proposed a remedial plan to offset the extra energy associated
with its 2017 deployments that exceeded the commitment level, as required by the Agreement.
D+R calculated that
the provider needs to offset more than 7 million kWh/year under this standard. Remediation plans must be approved by
a unanimous vote of a review panel that includes the Energy Advocates and the two trade association members of the
Steering Committee. The service provider’s rst remediation proposal was not accepted, but its second proposal was
unanimously approved and remediation efforts remain ongoing under the plan. The service provider will be providing
quarterly updates to the review panel until the energy savings target is achieved, which it expects to occur by the end of
2019. Further details of the plan are not included in this report because they would reveal the identity of the service provider.
In 2012, service providers began working with energy efciency advocates to estimate the energy consumption of set-top
boxes and the number of units installed in subscriber households. Using service provider and energy efciency advocate
reports and data on product trends, the signatories developed the base case shown in Table 3, representing the market in
Table 3: Base Case – 2012 Estimated Energy Consumption
Segment Category
TEC Units
National Energy
500 MW
Power Plant
kWh/yr Millions TWh/yr Rosenfelds
Cable DVR 282 27 7.5 2.5
Non-DVR 139 57 7.9 2.6
Thin Client 90 2 0.1 0.0
DTA 39 33 1.3 0.4
Satellite DVR 283 21 5.9 2.0
Non-DVR 110 58 6.4 2.1
Telco DVR 140 6 0.8 0.3
Non-DVR 90 21 1.9 0.6
U.S. Total - 225 32 10.6
13 - As previously reported, one service provider fell short of its procurement commitment in 2017, with only 71% of its purchases meeting Tier 2 due to a delay in the availability
of its Tier 2 solution until after the start of 2017.
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 12
To gauge the Voluntary Agreement’s impact on energy consumption at the national level, D+R estimates energy savings
over the base case. The rst step is to estimate changes in set-top box stock levels. Under the terms of the Voluntary
Agreement, D+R does not collect a census of deployed legacy equipment. Instead, it has employed a model that assumes
that newly purchased devices generally replace older (less energy-efcient) and broken equipment from the same category
rather than add to total deployed stock.
However, the total deployed stock estimate is adjusted to account for changes in
subscriber levels as shown in Table 4 below.
Table 4: Change in Subscribers from 2012-2018
Percent Change
to 2013
to 2014
to 2015
to 2016
to 2017
to 2018
to 2018
Cable -4.5% -0.3% -0.5% -1.7% -3.7% -2.2% -12.3%
Satellite 1.0% 0.1% -1.9% 3.0% -9.2% -7.5% -14.3%
Telco 25.4% 8.2% -0.9% -20.9% 2.0% -3.5% 4.7%
Based on data provided by the Steering Committee (for 2012) and service providers (for 2013-2018).
As a result of the changes in subscribership levels and replacement assumptions, D+R estimates total stock levels as
shown in Table 5.
Table 5: Estimates of Total Deployed Units in the Market in 2013-2018
DVR 54,038,000 54,599,000 53,890,000 52,674,000 49,892,000 47,672,000
Non-DVR 130,344,000 122,650,000 112,668,000 96,327,000 92,563,000 89,139,000
Thin Client 10,561,000 20,299,000 28,774,000 39,784,000 34,958,000 32,447,000
DTA 31,633,000 31,543,000 31,396,000 30,866,000 29,722,000 29,074,000
Total 226,576,000 229,092,000 226,727,000 219,651,000 207,135,000 198,331,000
Units are rounded for this table, but D+R did not round any gures when calculating the national footprint estimate.
Altice’s Multi-Service Gateways purchased in 2017 and 2018 are excluded from this table. See supra note 12.
The next step in estimating national energy consumption is to account for products procured in 2018. The signatories
purchased nearly 10 million fewer set-top boxes in 2018 than in 2017, likely due at least in part to a decline in subscribership
and also to the increasing prevalence and usage of options for customers to watch their programming without a set-top
box, as discussed below. D+R subtracts 2018 set-top box procurements from the total units listed in Table 6, using the new
replacement assumptions described above. This methodology yields multiple sets of stock – one for each purchase year –
each with its own weighted average TEC values. The weighted average TEC values for each of the purchase year sets are
shown in Figure 1.
14 - From 2013 to 2016, purchases of thin clients were assumed to replace non-DVRs since this category was relatively new to the market. It is now more reasonable to assume
that thin clients are generally replacing like devices, rather than non-DVRs, since the earlier generations of these categories of set-top boxes have reached replacement age.
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 13
Figure 1: Distribution of Current Inventory by Year of Procurement (Percentage of Units)
Thin Client
2015 Shipments
2013 Shipments
2017 Shipments
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
10% 30% 50% 70% 90%
2016 Shipments
Pre-VA Existing Stock2014 Shipments
2018 Shipments
Multiplying the number of units purchased each year that still remained in the eld at the end of 2018 and the average TEC
for that category of device at the time of its purchase produces the estimated national energy consumption shown in Table
6. Table 7 displays this calculation year over year for the lifetime of the VA.
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 14
Table 6: National Energy Consumption for Devices Based Upon Year of Purchase
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
2018 National
Energy Consumption
DVR Purchases from Each
Year Remaining in Field
0 0 10,207,886 11,671,180 11,219,933 8,268,205 6,304,346
DVR TEC Average (kWh/yr) 267.0 195.4 179.4 170.6 161.3 142.9 138.7 7.7
Non-DVR Purchases from
Each Year Remaining in
10,162,478 12,360,006 18,646,064 10,977,499 11,535,694 15,390,556 10,066,928
Non-DVR TEC Average
119.0 108.6 103.3 92.6 85.6 90.8 91.8 8.8
Thin Client Purchases from
Each Year Remaining in
0 0 0 6,832,030 11,010,506 8,287,414 6,316,550
Thin Client TEC Average
90.0 51.4 50.0 49.1 46.9 44.3 45.4 1.5
DTA Purchases from Each
Year Remaining in Field
6,771,048 1,334,238 5,201,332 9,169,913 4,831,980 1,337,930 427,480
DTA TEC Average (kWh/yr) 39.0 57.6 49.3 46.5 49.9 54.9 55.8 1.4
Total 2018 National Energy Consumption (TWh/yr) 19.4
Table 7: National Energy Consumption of Installed Set-Top Boxes 2012-2018
2012 (Pre-VA) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Estimate of Total Deployed
Units in the Market
225,000,000 226,576,000 229,092,000 226,727,000 219,651,000 207,135,000 198,331,000
National Energy Consumed
32.0 30.6 29.2 26.9 24.5 21.0 19.4
500 MW Power Plant
Equivalents (Rosenfelds)
10.67 10.20 9.73 8.97 8.17 7.00 6.47
(Metric Tons)
22,628,832 21,638,821 20,648,809 19,022,362 17,325,200 14,850,171 13,718,729
These improvements in energy efficiency spurred by the Voluntary Agreement have had an increasingly significant role in
reducing national energy consumption. The Voluntary Agreement reduced national set-top box energy consumption from
32 TWh/year in 2012 to 19.4 TWh/year in 2018, which is a reduction of 39%. This 12.6 TWh reduction represents
consumer savings of over $1.6 billion
and avoidance of 8.9 million metric tons of CO
in 2018 alone.
During the six
years of the Voluntary Agreement, cumulative energy consumption has been reduced by an estimated 40.4 TWh, saving
consumers approximately $5.15 billion and avoiding 28.6 million metric tons of CO
15 - See supra note 2.
16 -
See supra note 3.
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 15
Procurement Audit
D+R is required to conduct an audit of one randomly-selected service providers procurement gures each year. The audit
report for the 2018 reporting year is presented in Appendix D. D+R determined that the data submitted by the service
provider for the audit is consistent with the annual report submitted by that service provider.
Verification Testing
2018 marks the rst year in which lab verication testing replaced the historical eld verication testing program. The
objective of lab verication testing is to compare tested energy usage determined by an accredited, independent third party
to the modal power and annual energy use values reported by the service providers to the Independent Administrator and
to the energy levels applicable to the procurement commitment. The verication testing program requires the Independent
Administrator to randomly select one model from each category of set-top boxes reported by service providers to be tested
by an accredited third-party approved by the Steering Committee, or under a supervised signatory testing program with an
accredited observer approved by the Steering Committee. As demonstrated below, the 2018 test results submitted by
service providers to D+R confirmed that the energy usage of service providers’ set-top boxes observed by the independent
third parties is consistent with the energy information provided to consumers and is in substantial compliance with the
procurement commitments of the Voluntary Agreement.
The verication test results are measured in two ways: against the Voluntary Agreements energy allowances and also
against the energy levels reported by the service providers. The rst measurement assures compliance with the Voluntary
Agreements procurement commitment, and the second assures the accuracy of the savings calculations included in this
report, as well as the accuracy of gures reported to consumers. One hundred percent (100%) of tested set-top boxes
measured within the applicable Tier 2 energy efciency levels, and one hundred percent (100%) of the devices tested were
at or below the values reported by service providers, with the applicable tolerance levels applied.
The TEC measured across all verication tests performed in 2018 was 8.84 kWh/year less than the TEC levels reported by
the service providers, compared to 5.52 kWh/year less in 2017 eld verication results. These test results corroborate the
energy savings calculations to be included in the Independent Administrators annual report because they suggest that the
actual energy usage of the new-model set-top boxes in the home are, on average, less than have been reported by the
service providers.
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 16
The Voluntary Agreement established other energy efciency commitments, some of which are specic to certain industries
or providers.
Whole-Home Systems
Whole-home set-top boxes use home network interfaces (HNIs) to share content with other video client devices over a high-
bandwidth home network. HNIs can provide the following functions while consuming a fraction of the energy required by
stand-alone fully-featured set-top boxes with built-in tuners and DVRs:
Shared DVR functionality to set-top boxes without DVR capability
Transcoding to serve a variety of customer-owned video devices
Channel tuning capabilities to thin client devices that do not need to connect directly to the service providers
The satellite signatories committed to make energy-efcient whole-home servers and clients available to all new and existing
subscribers in 2013, and since then AT&T/DIRECTV and DISH have offered nationwide availability of their DIRECTV “Genie
(https://www.att.com/directv/experience/genie.html) and DISH “Hopper” and “Joey” (https://www.dish.com/equipment/
dvrs/hopper-3/#) whole-home DVR servers and clients, and these energy-saving devices have been widely adopted by
consumers. These congurations continue to become even more energy-efcient. The EPA ENERGY STAR program has
noted the efciency of whole-home architectures, stating that households “can experience signicant energy savings
through the deployment of multi-room thin-client devices in homes that are currently served by two or three high-power
STBs with DVR functionality.
AT&T (with respect to its U-verse services), CenturyLink, Frontier, and Verizon continued to meet their commitment that
energy-efcient whole-home architectures will be available to all new and existing subscribers. Whole-home architectures
serve content to multiple remote or client devices within a consumer’s home more efciently than congurations involving
multiple DVR set-top boxes throughout the home.
Although not required by the Voluntary Agreement, cable operators have also deployed new whole-home solutions.
Comcast customers can use the whole-home capabilities of a single X1 DVR to perform recording and playback functions
from their non-DVRs rather than needing additional DVRs. Cox continues to employ a similar arrangement in a majority of its
New Contour installations. Altice has eliminated DVR hard disk drives in the home altogether for new installations through
the use of cloud DVR services available to all of its set-top boxes within the home.
The successful implementation of whole-home DVRs or cloud DVR in most of the signatories’ systems has likely
contributed to a decline in the purchases of new DVRs over the past two years. From 2013 through 2016, the signatories
purchased between 11.2 and 12.7 million DVRs annually. In the early years of whole-home DVR, the decline in the number of
DVRs deployed per DVR household was at least partly offset by increased demand for DVR functionality. However, with DVR
adoption now more mature and stable, DVR purchases declined to 8.3 million in 2017 and 6.3 million in 2018. While new
DVRs in 2018 are much more energy-efcient than in 2012 (using 48% less power as calculated above), DVRs with hard-
drives are still the most energy-intensive set-top boxes in a home, so their replacement with non-DVRs, thin clients or apps
saves even more energy.
17 - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Set-Top Boxes, available at https://www.energystar.gov/products/electronics/set_top_boxes_cable_boxes.
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 17
Consumer Access to Energy Efficiency Information
All service providers committed to provide subscribers and potential customers with reasonable access to energy efciency
information for set-top boxes purchased since January 1, 2014. This information makes it easier for consumers to learn about
energy-efcient set-top boxes and typical set-top box energy consumption. This information has been posted on company
websites since 2014. In 2015, service providers worked to enhance the accessibility of such information on their websites,
for example by optimizing related terms in their search tools. D+R annually conrms that this information is readily available
to the public from the links listed in Appendix C of this report. D+R again reviewed all links provided by the signatories to
ensure that they still worked and presented the required information. When the service provider website did not contain
all of the required information, D+R reached out to the relevant company to update the information, and then conrmed
that the update was made. To make the information even more readily accessible, in 2016, the signatories published a new
website, www.energy-efciency.us, which offers a single site from which the public may conveniently link to each provider’s
information, the Independent Administrators annual reports, the Voluntary Agreement, and related news and information.
Next-Generation Video Delivery
The four largest service provider signatories committed to continue to engage with the Energy Advocates, the manufacturer
signatories, component suppliers and software developers to explore approaches to further improve the energy efciency
of set-top boxes in all power states, with a special emphasis on efciencies in standby power, while preserving a good
consumer experience. The cable operators committed, as they had under the prior version of the Voluntary Agreement
adopted in 2013, to continue to work with suppliers to develop specications for new model set-top boxes that operate
in a reduced power consumption mode while still functioning with cable system architectures and meeting consumer
expectations for quick start-up time and functionality.
The efforts undertaken to date under the Voluntary Agreement to reduce set-top box power in standby modes have
contributed to signicant improvements in energy efciency, though not always in the ways that were initially envisioned.
Pursuant to their 2013 commitments, the cable operators attempted to develop “deep sleep” modes in which most
functionalities were turned off, with a goal of reducing power draw to approximately three watts or less. Trials of set-top
boxes in these deep sleep modes were unsuccessful because of the intolerable length of time for the devices to wake
and display video services. When the time required to wake devices from deeper sleep modes is too long, dissatised
customers seek to disable sleep modes altogether. However, associated development efforts led to improved abilities to
tailor and reduce power usage for various functions even when the set-top box is turned on. As a result, the power usage
of newer model set-top boxes in all modes has declined signicantly since adoption of the initial Voluntary Agreement. The
cable operators had extensive meetings and engagement with key suppliers in 2018 to build upon these developments, and
expect to achieve further new efciencies in the 2020s as a result.
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 18
The revised Voluntary Agreement also recognized emerging technology changes in the video marketplace by providing that
in addition or in the alternative to the above power scaling commitment, cable operators may pursue strategies to reduce
the overall energy usage in typical homes through other means such as IP delivery or architectures that reduce the number
of operator-supplied devices in the home. Charter now offers low-power Apple TV IP devices as one of its equipment
Comcast and Cox now offer very low-power IP set-top boxes; these devices currently must be connected to
a higher-powered, fully-featured set-top box in the home, but in the future will instead be able to connect directly to the
customer’s Internet router when the companies complete their transitions to all-IP delivery. This migration to IP will therefore
eliminate a higher-powered set-top box from the home. Altice offers a multi-service gateway that combines the modem,
Wi-Fi router, primary cable set-top box and telephone adapter all into a single device that uses much less energy than its
features would as separate devices. As detailed in the next section, all of the service provider signatories are supporting
apps that enable customers to access live and on-demand content on a screen such as a television or tablet without any
operator-supplied set-top box. The cable operators are committed to continuing to pursue these strategies that improve the
overall energy efciency in the delivery of their services.
Automatic Power Down
Automatic power down (APD) monitors parameters related to viewing and user activity. If the parameters indicate that no
user activity or viewing is occurring, APD enables the device to transition to sleep mode. For example, DIRECTV’s HR54-700
Genie Whole Home DVR APD implementation reduces power by approximately 10%, from 12.10W in on mode to 11.01W
in APD mode. The satellite signatories committed that, effective January 1, 2013, at least 90% of new set-top boxes will
include an Automatic Power Down” (APD) feature with a default value of four hours or less. In 2018, 100% of the set-top
boxes purchased by DISH and AT&T/DIRECTV met this requirement.
Satellite Study on Residential Premises Equipment
The satellite service providers completed their commitment to prepare a joint study on the energy use of all additional
residential premises equipment that they deploy to support their multichannel video services. The study was rst presented
to the Energy Advocates and then to the Steering Committee. The study evaluated the energy usage of outdoor units
(ODUs), low noise block downconverters (LNBs), multi-switches, broadband converters, video wireless access points
(VWAPs), and wireless video bridges (WVBs). The Energy Advocates and satellite service providers discussed approaches
that reduce the energy footprint of a satellite installation by streamlining the number of separate power-drawing devices in
the home, such as:
Multi-switch devices, which have been needed to support multiple direct connections of more than three set-
top boxes to a single ODU, have been phased out of most new installations because thin clients can be
connected to the whole-home set-top box rather than to the ODU, and also because the satellite service
providers have integrated RF switching into their LNBs.
Broadband converters have been used to interface with the customer’s home network to deliver on-demand
services to the set-top box. Newer set-top box models have integrated MoCA (Multimedia Over Coax) and Wi-
Fi which eliminates the need for these separate devices in most homes.
Wireless video bridges are occasionally used to enable thin clients to be connected to the whole-home set-top
box via Wi-Fi. AT&T/DIRECTV integrated this capability into its newest whole-home DVR model, eliminating the
need for a separate bridge device.
18 - This offering started in 2019 so Apple TV is not listed in Table 10, but will be in the next report.
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 19
The study found that the aggregate energy use of additional premises equipment is trending downwards due to the
phase-out of these equipment types, as well as the decreasing number of satellite subscribers. The Energy Advocates and
satellite service providers also discussed measures that generally guard against continued power draw by this equipment
after the discontinuance of services.
All of the service provider signatories are continuing to enable their customers to watch video programming without the
use of operator-supplied set-top boxes through their support of apps. These apps can be used on hundreds of millions
of consumer-owned Internet-connected devices, such as smartphones, tablets, personal computers, select Smart TVs,
game consoles, and streaming devices such as Apple TV, Roku, Google Chromecast and Amazon Fire. Nearly all U.S. TV
households have at least one of these devices,
and three-quarters can stream video to their televisions.
The service providers reported that consumers used more than 36 million of these customer-owned and managed devices
to access the providers’ video services via apps in 2018, up by 33% from 27 million in 2017.
Table 8 lists the supported
TV and other platforms and devices used by consumers to view each service providers content using its app without an
operator-supplied set-top boxes in 2018. The table indicates whether the service providers app on each platform supports
access to linear (live TV) content, on demand content, and/or recording capability, which are among the features that help
make apps an attractive alternative to a set-top box. The service provider signatories are continuing to work to enhance the
functionality of their apps such as through new support for cloud DVR offerings, and investing in customer education and
employee training to promote the use and awareness of apps.
19 - Nielson, The Nielsen Total Audience Report Q3 2018 (2019), available at
20 - Jeff Baumgartner, Study: 74% of U.S. TV Homes Have at Least One Connected TV Device (Jun. 2018), available at
https://www.multichannel.com/blog/study-74-u-s-tv-homes-have-at-least-one-connected-tv-device (includes Smart TVs and TVs connected to the Internet with a connected device).
21 - The 2017 gure has been revised from the original version of D+R’s prior report to better reect actual customer usage of devices to watch video, and the 2018 gure is
based on the same revised methodology.
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 20
Table 8: Platforms and Apps Used by Customers to View Content Without Set-Top Boxes
Service Provider Platform App Name
Live TV
Amazon Kindle
Fire HD
Optimum Yes Yes No
Android Optimum Yes Yes No
Apple iOS Optimum Yes Yes No
PC Optimum Yes Yes No
Android TV DIRECTV Now Yes Yes Yes
Apple TV DIRECTV Now Yes Yes Yes
DIRECTV Now Yes Yes Yes
Roku DIRECTV Now Yes Yes Yes
Roku TV DIRECTV Now Yes Yes Yes
Samsung TV DIRECTV Now Yes Yes Yes
Amazon Kindle
Fire HD
DIRECTV, U-Verse Yes Yes Yes
Android DIRECTV, U-Verse, DIRECTV Now Yes Yes Yes
Apple iOS DIRECTV, U-Verse, DIRECTV Now Yes Yes Yes
PC DIRECTV, U-Verse, DIRECTV Now Yes Yes Yes
Amazon Fire TV U-Verse, DIRECTV Now Yes Yes No
Amazon Kindle
Fire HD
Prism TV app Yes Yes No
Android Prism TV app Yes Yes No
Apple iOS Prism TV app Yes Yes No
Roku Prism TV app Yes Yes No
Roku TV Prism TV app Yes Yes No
Android Spectrum TV Yes Yes No
Apple iOS Spectrum TV Yes Yes No
Roku Spectrum TV Yes Yes No
Roku TV Spectrum TV Yes Yes No
Samsung TV Spectrum TV Yes Yes No
Xbox One Spectrum TV Yes Yes No
MAC Spectrum.net Yes Yes No
PC Spectrum.net Yes Yes No
Amazon Kindle
Fire HD
Stream Yes Yes Yes
Android Stream Yes Yes Yes
Apple iOS Stream Yes Yes Yes
MAC Stream Yes Yes Yes
PC Stream Yes Yes Yes
Roku Stream Yes Yes Yes
Samsung TV Stream Yes Yes Yes
Amazon Kindle
Fire HD
Contour Yes Yes No
Android Contour Yes Yes No
Apple iOS Contour Yes Yes No
Mac Contour Yes Yes No
PC Contour Yes Yes No
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 21
Table 8: Platforms and Apps Used by Customers to View Content Without Set-Top Boxes (cont.)
Service Provider Platform App Name
Live TV
Amazon Kindle
Fire HD
DISH Anywhere Yes Yes Yes
Apple iOS DISH Anywhere Yes Yes Yes
Android DISH Anywhere, SlingTV Yes Yes Yes
MAC DISHAnywhere.com, SlingTV Yes Yes Yes
PC DISHAnywhere.com, SlingTV Yes Yes Yes
Amazon Fire TV SlingTV Yes Yes Yes
Android TV SlingTV Yes Yes Yes
Apple TV SlingTV Yes Yes Yes
SlingTV Yes Yes Yes
LG TV SlingTV Yes Yes Yes
Roku SlingTV Yes Yes Yes
Roku TV SlingTV Yes Yes Yes
Samsung TV SlingTV Yes Yes Yes
Xbox One SlingTV Yes Yes Yes
Android FrontierTV Yes Yes Yes
Apple iOS FrontierTV Yes Yes Yes
PC FrontierTV Yes Yes Yes
Amazon Kindle
Fire HD
Fios TV Yes Yes Yes
Android Fios TV Yes Yes Yes
Apple iOS Fios TV Yes Yes Yes
MAC tv.verizon.com Yes No No
PC tv.verizon.com Yes Yes No
Number of unique customer owned and managed
devices that have accessed video services via apps during
Reporting Period
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 22
The impact of consumer adoption of pay-TV apps on set-top box energy usage is starting to show through a precipitous
decline in operator purchases of new set-top boxes. The signatories purchased only 23 million new set-top boxes in
2018, only half of the 46 million new set-top boxes they purchased during the rst year of the Voluntary Agreements
commitments in 2014. While some of this reduction is due to subscriber losses and other factors, app usage can replace or
reduce demand for set-top boxes in a variety of ways. For example, the use of apps to view MVPD content on televisions
can render a set-top box unnecessary for that television. It was estimated that in 2017, for the rst time, a majority of all
streaming content is viewed on televisions rather than PCs and mobile devices.
One analyst concluded that “there has
been an enormous surge in the use of connected televisions” and that “[n]ew data shows many subscribers prefer the app
experience” to operator set-top boxes even on their TVs.
App usage on other devices can replace set-top boxes as well.
While the use of apps on mobile devices outside the home typically would expand consumer access to providers’ video
services rather than replace set-top boxes, mobile devices are also often used by consumers inside the home to watch
programming in rooms that do not have, and now do not need, a set-top box.
In addition, as of the end of 2018, approximately 4 million consumers subscribed to DISHs SlingTV service or DIRECTV
Now service, neither of which use a service provider supplied set-top box. Cable operators have started to offer similar
services to their Internet subscribers. The energy-efficient IP streaming devices used to receive these services, which may
be purchased at retail or provided by the service provider, further reduce the overall energy used by set-top boxes.
22 - Conviva, All-Screen Streaming TV Census Report Q1 2018 (Apr. 2018),available at https://www.conviva.com/research/convivas-screen-streaming-tv-census-report-q1-2018.
23 - Colin Dixon, nScreenMedia, Connected TV dominates premium streamed video viewing, (Apr. 25, 2018), available at
http://www.nscreenmedia.com/conviva-streaming-tv-connected-tv-growth/ and TV Everywhere users prefer apps to operator set-top boxes (Apr. 24, 2017) available at
http://www.nscreenmedia.com/tv-everywhere-users-prefer-apps/, citing Adobe, Adobe Digital Insights 2017: The State of Digital Video (Apr. 18, 2017).
24 - This report has not attempted to estimate any incremental energy usage in service providers’ networks that may be associated with the increased use of apps to watch
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 23
In 2018, 97.7% of set-top boxes purchased by the signatories met the Tier 2 energy efciency levels of the Voluntary
Agreement, with all service providers meeting the individual 90% commitment. As a result, the Voluntary Agreement
reduced national energy consumption of set-top boxes from 32 TWh/year in 2013 to 19.4 TWh/year in 2018, a reduction
of 39%, even as the functionality of set-top boxes increased. These savings have been conrmed year-by-year through
independent verication testing and procurement audits. The signatories are expected under the terms of the Voluntary
Agreement to continue to work toward additional savings through their implementation of Tier 3 efciency levels in 2020 and
continued efforts to improve the energy efciency of set-top boxes in all power states through ongoing engagement with
key suppliers that can lay the foundation for discussions, scheduled to begin in 2019, of possible Tier 4 energy levels in the
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 24
Table 9 lists the commitments of the signatories of the Voluntary Agreement along with the status of the signatories
progress toward these commitments.
Table 9: Voluntary Agreement Commitments
Commitments Group Status
90% of set-top boxes purchased after December 31, 2016 meet Tier 2. All Service
Each signatory met its 90% commitment individually.
Overall, 97.7% of set-top boxes purchased by the signatories
in 2018 met Tier 2.
Prepare annual procurement report for prior year by April 1. All Service
All service providers submitted to Independent
Administrator in 2018.
Provide energy efficiency information to subscribers and potential
subscribers of set-top boxes purchased since January 1, 2014.
All Service
D+R verified that the information is available from the
website energy-efficiency.us and company websites listed in
Appendix C, and followed up and confirmed changes with
the signatories that needed to update the information.
90% procurement of set-top boxes with automatic power down
Satellite 100% deployment in 2018.
Make whole-home servers and clients available to all new and existing
Satellite Offered throughout the United States 2013-2018.
Prepare joint report on energy use of all additional residential
premises equipment that they deploy to support their multichannel
video service.
Satellite The report was delivered and is summarized in this annual
Work with suppliers to develop set-top boxes with next-generation
power management, and deploy such economically feasible new
models that successfully perform on a cable operators network
and support all of the operators services in its ordinary set-top box
replacement cycle. In addition to or in lieu of the foregoing efforts in
regards to traditional QAM set-top boxes, a cable operator may pursue
strategies to reduce the overall energy usage in typical homes through
other means such as IP delivery or architectures that reduce the
number of operator-supplied devices in the home.
Cable The cable operators had extensive meetings and
engagement with key suppliers in 2018 to pursue continued
improvements in energy efficiency in all power states.
Charter is offering Apple TV as one of its equipment
options. Comcast and Cox are offering very low-power IP
client devices for secondary TVs. Altice has integrated the
modem, router, and set-top box into a single device. All of
the service provider signatories are supporting apps that
enable customers to access live and on-demand content on
a screen such as a television or tablet without any operator-
supplied set-top box.
Use reasonable efforts to design and manufacture equipment to
enable improved set-top box energy efficiency while meeting the
service providers’ functional and operational specification.
Manufacturers’ efforts to date are reflected in the energy
savings reported by service providers, and there is ongoing
development of next-generation set-top boxes with lower-
power silicon solutions.
Whole home architectures will be available to all new and existing
subscribers. Whole-home architectures serve content to multiple
remote or client devices within a consumers home more efficiently
than configurations involving multiple DVR set-top boxes throughout
the home.
Telco Deployed throughout the United States 2014-2018.
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 25
Table 10 lists the reported typical energy consumption (TEC) for each model of set-top box purchased by Voluntary
Agreement signatories in 2018. These values are reported TEC, rather than calculated TEC. In the Voluntary Agreement,
service providers have the option to publish a “reported TEC” that rounds up calculated TEC values for reporting purposes
to account for production variances. Modal power and reported TEC gures in this Appendix are rounded up to the next
one-tenth digit (e.g., 99.11 kWh/year would be rounded up to 99.2 kWh/year). Please note that the same model could
have variances in TEC for several reasons, including differences in reported versus calculated TEC, enabling of different
product features, and/or deployment of the device by service providers running different software. The Voluntary Agreement
calculates maximum allowable TEC for a product using the base-type allowances outlined in Table 11 and the feature
allowances outlined in Table 12. Table 12 also includes descriptions of the features abbreviated in Table 10 in the “Claimed
Allowances” column. The Voluntary Agreement sets forth rules for how to claim feature allowances, so the column for
claimed allowances lists only the features used when calculating the maximum allowable TEC for the specic product.
The template used to collect the information reported in this Appendix is posted at https://www.energy-efciency.us/library/
pdf/2018-STB-VA-Reporting-Template.xlsx. Procurement data submitted by service providers is subject to one random audit
per year and the Steering Committee has the option to direct the Independent Administrator to conduct additional audits
as necessary. An asterisk indicates models that were evaluated through third-party verication testing under the Voluntary
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 26
Table 10: Set-Top Boxes Procured by Voluntary Agreement Signatories in 2018
Brand Model No. Claimed Allowances
Tier 2
On Sleep
Altice Cable
Sagemcom DGCI384*
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video(2), D3, HD,
Multi-room, MS, MS-A, W-HNI,
MIMO-2.4(3), MIMO-5(4), RTG,
28.50 26.44 236.8 Yes
Altice Cable Non-DVR Sagemcom DCIWA384*
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video(2), HD, HNI,
MS, W-HNI, MIMO-2.4(3), MIMO-
5(4), HEVP
10.88 9.05 84.0 Yes
Adv Video(2), DVR, HD, HNI, S-DVR,
12.06 10.33 99.4 Yes
Charter Cable Non-DVR Humax 101H - ODN
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, D3, HD,
12.86 12.47 110.1 Yes
Charter Cable DVR Humax 201H - ODN
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, DVR, D3,
16.17 15.63 138.7 Yes
Charter Cable Non-DVR Technicolor 101T - ODN*
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, D3, HD,
13.48 12.33 111.1 Yes
Charter Cable DVR Technicolor 201T - ODN*
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, DVR, D3,
16.79 14.16 133.6 Yes
Charter Cable DVR Technicolor 8640HDC2 - P*
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, CableCARD,
20.37 17.35 159.9 No
Charter Cable Non-DVR Technicolor 4640HDC2 - P*
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, CableCARD,
D2, HD
13.03 9.72 93.7 Yes
Charter Cable Non-DVR ARRIS
DCX3200M/P3 -
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, CableCARD,
13.72 11.55 106.5 Yes
Charter Cable DVR ARRIS
DCX3520E -
Adv Video, DVR, D2, HD, MS 20.70 20.14 179.3 No
Charter Cable Non-DVR Samsung SMT-H3362 - ODN
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, CableCARD,
12.75 11.99 107.1 Yes
Charter Cable Non-DVR ARRIS
DCX3220E -
Adv Video, D2, HD 10.88 10.57 94.2 No
Charter Cable DVR ARRIS DCX3510 - ODN*
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, CableCARD,
19.73 15.28 145.6 Yes
Charter Cable Non-DVR ARRIS 110A - Spectrum
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, D3, HD,
11.50 11.06 97.7 Yes
Charter Cable DVR ARRIS 210A - Spectrum
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, DVR, D3,
15.79 11.80 113.6 Yes
Charter Cable Non-DVR Technicolor 110T - Spectrum
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, D3, HD,
14.14 13.12 118.5 Yes
Charter Cable DVR Technicolor 210T - Spectrum
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, DVR, D3,
17.77 13.60 130.4 Yes
Charter Cable Non-DVR Humax 110H - Spectrum*
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, D3, HD,
13.54 12.97 115.2 Yes
Charter Cable DVR Humax 210H - Spectrum*
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, DVR, D3,
17.53 13.78 130.1 Yes
Comcast IP Non-DVR Pace PX051AEI
Adv Video, HD, HNI, W-HNI, MIMO-
6.59 3.78 47.5 Yes
Comcast IP Non-DVR Pace PXD01ANI* Adv Video, HD, HNI, M-HNI 5.70 4.87 47.0 Yes
Comcast IP Non-DVR Cisco CXD01ANI* Adv Video, HD, HNI, M-HNI 5.68 4.41 45.2 Yes
Comcast Cable DVR ARRIS AX014ANM*
Adv Video, DVR, D3, HD, M-HNI,
Multi-room, MS, MS-A
16.93 14.91 141.0 Yes
Comcast Cable DVR ARRIS AX014ANC*
Adv Video, CableCARD, DVR, D3, HD,
M-HNI, Multi-room, MS, MS-A
17.47 15.34 145.3 Yes
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 27
Table 10: Set-Top Boxes Procured by Voluntary Agreement Signatories in 2018 (cont.)
Brand Model No. Claimed Allowances
Tier 2
On Sleep
Comcast Cable Non-DVR Pace PX022ANM*
Adv Video, CableCARD, D3, HD,
M-HNI, Multi-room, MS, MS-A
14.50 13.34 122.8 Yes
Comcast Cable Non-DVR Pace PX022ANC*
Adv Video, CableCARD, D3, HD,
M-HNI, Multi-room, MS, MS-A
15.21 13.93 128.6 Yes
Comcast Cable DTA Cable DTA Pace PXD01ANI DTA* Adv Video, HD, HNI 6.23 6.20 54.5 Yes
Comcast Cable DTA Cable DTA Evolution DMS2004UHDW* Adv Video, HD 6.77 6.74 59.2 No
Adv Video, HD, HNI, W-HNI, MIMO-
2.4(2), MIMO-5(2)
4.80 3.35 36.8 Yes
Comcast IP Non-DVR Technicolor TX061AEI*
Adv Video, HD, HNI, W-HNI, MIMO-
2.4(2), MIMO-5(2)
4.02 3.13 32.0 Yes
Cox IP Non-DVR Cisco CXD01ANI* Adv Video, HD, HNI, M-HNI 5.98 4.58 47.3 Yes
Adv Video, CableCARD, DVR, D3, HD,
M-HNI, Multi-room, MS, MS-A
24.81 23.18 211.4 Yes
Cox Cable Non-DVR Pace PX022ANC*
Adv Video, CableCARD, D3, HD,
M-HNI, Multi-room, MS, MS-A
16.41 14.44 136.6 Yes
Cox Cable Non-DVR Pace PX022ANM*
Adv Video, CableCARD, D3, HD,
M-HNI, Multi-room, MS, MS-A
15.43 13.46 128.0 Yes
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, DVR, HD,
HNI, M-HNI, Multi-room, MS, MS-A
12.20 11.10 100.1 Yes
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, DVR, HD,
HNI, M-HNI, Multi-room, MS, MS-A
12.66 12.64 110.8 Yes
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, DVR, HD,
HNI, M-HNI, Multi-room, MS, MS-A
12.10 11.01 99.3 Yes
DIRECTV Thin Client Thin Client DIRECTV C41W-100*
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, HD, HNI,
W-HNI, MIMO-5(4)
7.20 5.57 53.0 Yes
DIRECTV Thin Client Thin Client DIRECTV C41W-500*
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, HD, HNI,
W-HNI, MIMO-5(4)
7.17 5.73 53.9 Yes
DIRECTV Thin Client Thin Client DIRECTV C61-100*
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, HD, HNI,
5.40 4.25 40.2 Yes
DIRECTV Thin Client Thin Client DIRECTV C61-500*
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, HD, HNI,
5.43 4.22 40.1 Yes
DIRECTV Thin Client Thin Client DIRECTV C61-700*
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, HD, HNI,
5.28 4.10 39.0 Yes
DIRECTV Thin Client Thin Client DIRECTV C61-200*
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, HD, HNI,
5.41 4.23 40.1 Yes
DIRECTV Thin Client Thin Client DIRECTV C61k-700*
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, HD, HNI,
9.50 4.10 49.8 Yes
DIRECTV Thin Client Thin Client DIRECTV C61W-400*
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, HD, HNI,
W-HNI, MIMO-5(4)
6.53 5.03 47.9 Yes
DIRECTV Thin Client Thin Client DIRECTV C61W-700*
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, HD, HNI,
W-HNI, MIMO-5(4)
6.56 5.22 49.2 Yes
DIRECTV Satellite DVR DIRECTV H44-100*
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, DVR, HD,
HNI, M-HNI, Multi-room, MS, MS-A
9.79 9.05 81.2 Yes
DIRECTV Satellite DVR DIRECTV H44-500*
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, DVR, HD,
HNI, M-HNI, Multi-room, MS, MS-A
10.37 9.37 84.7 Yes
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, DVR, HD,
M-HNI, Multi-room, MS, MS-A, XCD,
20.20 18.92 169.1 Yes
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 28
Table 10: Set-Top Boxes Procured by Voluntary Agreement Signatories in 2018 (cont.)
Brand Model No. Claimed Allowances
Tier 2
On Sleep
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, DVR, HD,
M-HNI, Multi-room, MS, MS-A, XCD,
19.48 18.34 163.6 Yes
DISH Satellite DVR DISH Hopper 3*
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video(2), DVR,
HD, HNI, M-HNI, Multi-room, MS-A,
24.23 22.50 201.8 Yes
DISH Thin Client Thin Client DISH Wireless Joey
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, HD, HNI,
W-HNI, MIMO-5(3)
7.83 7.49 66.2 Yes
DISH Thin Client Thin Client DISH Joey 3*
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, HD, HNI,
5.10 4.81 42.8 Yes
DISH Satellite Non-DVR DISH Wally* APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, HD, HEVP 7.99 7.77 68.5 Yes
DISH Satellite DVR DISH Hopper Duo*
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video(2), DVR, HD,
HNI, M-HNI, Multi-room, MS, HEVP
14.19 13.75 121.5 Yes
Frontier IP DVR ARRIS VIP5662EW*
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, DVR, HD,
13.03 13.03 111.7 Yes
Frontier IP Non-DVR ARRIS VIP4402W*
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, HD, HNI,
6.35 6.35 55.7 Yes
Frontier Thin Client Thin Client ARRIS IPC815W*
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, HD, HNI,
6.66 6.66 56.6 Yes
Frontier Cable DVR ARRIS FMS2
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, DVR, HD,
15.06 15.06 136.1 Yes
Verizon Cable DVR ARRIS 1100*
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, CableCARD,
DVR, HD, HNI, M-HNI, Multi-room,
22.70 22.70 198.9 Yes
Verizon IP Non-DVR ARRIS 1100 P2*
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, HD, HNI,
7.00 7.00 61.4 Yes
Verizon Cable DVR ARRIS 4100
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, CableCARD,
DVR, HD, HNI, M-HNI, Multi-room,
19.68 15.44 146.1 Yes
Verizon IP Non-DVR ARRIS 4100
APD (hrs)(4), Adv Video, HD, HNI,
8.78 5.99 59.7 Yes
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 29
able 11 presents the base allowances for set-top boxes under Tier 2.
Table 11: Set-Top Box Base Allowances
Base Type
(Use topmost if multiple apply)
Tier 2 Allowance
DTA 25
Cable (CBL) 45
Satellite (SAT) 50
Internet Protocol (IP) 45
Thin Client (TC) 12
able 12 sets forth the features listed for set-top boxes and outlines the feature allowances under Tier 2.
Table 12: Set-Top Box Feature Allowances
Set-Top Box Feature Allowances
Feature Description
Tier 2 TEC
Adv Video Advanced Video Processing 8
Cable CARD CableCARD 15
DVR Digital Video Recorder (DVR) 45
D2 DOCSIS 2.0 20
D3 DOCSIS 3.0 50
HD High Definition (HD) 12
HNI Home Network Interface 10
S-DVR Shared DVR 20
Multi-room Multi-room 40
MS Multi-stream 8
MS-A Multi-stream Additional 8
XCD Transcoding Base 13
XCD-A Transcoding Additional 5
MIMO-2.4 MIMO WiFi HNI 2.4 2
RTG Routing 27
HEVP High Efficiency Video Processing 10
UHD-4 Ultra High Definition - 4K 5
TELE Telephony 4
AP WiFi Access Point 8
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 30
Set-top box energy information for consumers is available at www.energy-efciency.us, and for each service provider at the
links below.
Table 13: Consumer-Facing Energy Efficiency Information
Service Provider Consumer Information Location
Altice https://energy.cablelabs.com/cablevision/
AT&T/DIRECTV https://www.att.com/ecms/dam/att/consumer/help/pdf/ATT-Receiver-Products-ENERGY-STAR.pdf
CenturyLink http://www.centurylink.com/home/help/television/prismtv/prism-set-top-boxes-save-energy.html
Charter d/b/a Spectrum http://www.spectrum.net/support/tv/digital-receiver-energy-use/?domain-redirect=true
Comcast https://www.xfinity.com/support/cable-tv/set-top-box-energy-usage/
Cox Communications https://www.cox.com/residential/support/conserving-energy-with-your-digital-receiver.html
DISH Network https://www.mydish.com/support/energy-efficiency
Frontier https://frontier.com/~/media/HelpCenter/Documents/tv/fios/set-top-box-equipment-efficiency.ashx
Verizon https://www.verizon.com/Support/Residential/Tv/FiosTv/Receivers/User+Guides/User+Guides.htm#energy
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 31
2018 Annual Report
Audit Results
In 2012, the pay television industry signed a Voluntary Agreement with the goal of increasing the
energy efciency of set-top boxes, while protecting rapid innovation and timely introduction of new
features. Signatories of the Voluntary Agreement include major manufacturers of set-top boxes and
the largest cable, satellite, and telco service providers and leading energy efciency advocates.
The Voluntary Agreement requires the service providers to submit annual procurement data to
an Independent Administrator, who collects and analyzes the data, then publishes the ndings in
an annual report. Data from the individual service providers is aggregated for publication in the
annual report to protect this highly condential information. To verify the accuracy of the reported
procurement data, the Voluntary Agreement requires a random audit of one service provider each
year. In accordance with the condentiality requirements of the Voluntary Agreement, the name of
the service provider is not published.
D+R conducted an audit of the 2018 procurement data, which was used to develop the ndings
published in the 2018 Annual Report. D+R randomly selected the service provider by creating
an Excel spreadsheet and using the “random” function, after excluding the signatory that was
successfully audited last year in accordance with the terms of the Voluntary Agreement.
D+R requested raw data from the selected service provider to verify the procurement data
submitted, which included invoice data and specication sheets. D+R has determined that the data
submitted by the service provider for the audit is consistent with the annual report submitted by
that service provider.
August 13, 2019
D+R International • The Energy Efficiency Market Experts 32