Policy Basics is a series of brief background reports on issues related to budgets, taxes, and government assistance programs.
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities | cbpp.org
Fiscal Stimulus
During a recession, a well-designed fiscal stimulus a government spending
increase, tax cut, or bothcan shore up demand for goods and services and thereby
help to reduce the recession’s depth and length and make the recovery more robust.
What Is Fiscal Stimulus?
Fiscal stimulus is an important tool that policymakers can use to reduce the severity of recessions. The
federal government provides
fiscal stimulus when it increases spending, cuts taxes, or both, to shore up
households’ and businesses’ demand for goods and services during a recession. Strong, well-targeted fiscal
stimulus allows people and businesses to keep purchasing goods and services. This bolsters aggregate
demand, lessening the recession’s depth and length and promoting a stronger recovery.
The United States is almost certainly in a recession caused by COVID-19 and the public health measures
needed to combat it. A
recession is a significant decline in economic activity lasting more than a few months,
whose precise start and end dates are determined after the fact by the National Bureau of Economic
Research. Recessions can have profound
human and economic costs. Prolonged unemployment harms not
only workers’ job prospects and lifetime earnings but also their and their families’ health and well-being.
Long unemployment spells and business failures can also
depress the economy’s productive capacity far
beyond a recession’s end. This is why it’s important that lawmakers use the policy tools available to them to
reduce the severity of recessions.
In recessions, the economy produces less than it is capable of when businesses are operating at full
capacity and workers are fully employed, usually due to insufficient demand for goods and services. In the
case of COVID-19, however, the pandemic and public health response have temporarily reduced both the
quantity of goods and services the economy can produce and households’ disposable income, which
supports the demand for these goods and services. Retail sales were down 16.4 percent in April, for
example. And falling demand due to lost income in such sectors can make the recession even deeper when
it spreads to goods and services that could still be produced if the demand were there. For example,
slowdowns and business failures in restaurants and retail mean that their employees will face reduced
hours or layoffs, and they will in turn reduce their own spending, lowering demand for an even wider range of
goods and services.
When it is safe to reopen businesses and for people to go back to work, the temporary supply constraints will
be reduced, but economic
“slackthe gap between aggregate demand and what the economy is capable
of producing with full use of its productive resourceswill likely persist due to weak demand. Fiscal
stimulus can reduce this hit to demand by providing people with the resources they need to continue
purchasing goods and services.
Other terms useful for understanding fiscal stimulus include the following:
Fiscal stimulus that comes from new legislation is often referred to as “discretionary” fiscal stimulus;
examples include the CARES Act’s relief rebates (officially “economic impact payments”) of up to
$1,200 per qualifying adult. This contrasts with
automatic stabilizersprograms such as
unemployment insurance (UI), Medicaid, and SNAP (formerly food stamps), which under preexisting
law cushion the effects of a slowing economy. Automatic stabilizers help because they expand as the
economy weakens and more people lose income and become eligible for the programsand they
shrink again in good economic times. However, the United States’ automatic stabilizers have
significant coverage holes and modest benefits. As a result, U.S. policymakers have had to
supplement them with discretionary measures, but they often haven’t done so until well into a
recession or have ended them before the economy fully recovered. This highlights the importance of
both strengthening existing automatic stabilizers and supplementing them as needed with
discretionary measures.
Fiscal stimulus complements Federal Reserve actions to fight recessions, including traditional
monetary policy, that is, cutting interest rates to make borrowing easier. When interest rates are
already very low, the Fed can use unconventional measures such as
forward guidance and
quantitative easing, and in a financial crisis, it can act to stabilize financial markets and ensure credit
flows. The Federal Reserve has been aggressively using these policy tools in the current recession, but
further discretionary fiscal stimulus is also needed, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has
What Fiscal Stimulus Is Most Effective?
Effective fiscal stimulus has a highbang for the buck(formally the fiscal multiplier”). That is, for every
dollar of cost to government, it generates the largest economic boost. For example, a policy with a multiplier
of 1.5 means that $1.00 of that stimulus will lead to a $1.50 increase in economic output. A multiplier of
0.75 means that $1.00 of stimulus will lead to a $0.75 increase in output.
Stimulus policies with high bang for the buck deliver resources quickly, and to the households most likely to
need help making ends meet and so will quickly spend rather than save any additional dollar they receive.
For example, increasing nutrition assistance (SNAP) and boosting unemployment insurance have high bang
for the buck because each dollar the government spends on SNAP or UI will likely be spent quickly by
households on groceries and other necessities. The money that SNAP and UI recipients spend also helps
shore up the income of the businesses and workers that produced and sold the goods and services. These
workers, in turn, will be less likely to cut back on their own spending, shoring up the incomes of still more
business and workers. An initial, well-targeted dollar that the government spends can generate well more
than a dollar of additional spending through the economy as its impacts ripple outwards. The Congressional
Budget Office (CBO) and a range of economists generally rate measures such as SNAP and UI as highly
effective stimulus, with multipliers greater than $1for SNAP roughly $1.50
when demand is weak.
Federal fiscal relief for states and localities also rates as high bang-for-the-buck stimulus. In a recession,
state budget receipts fall, and rising unemployment and poverty increase the demands on state-provided
services. But nearly all states are prohibited from running deficits in their operating budgets. So without
federal help, many of the actions that states must take to achieve budget balance in the face of falling
revenues cutting services, laying off workers, and raising taxes would further weaken the economy.
Federal financial assistance to states that mitigates these effects is therefore quite effective as stimulus.
Currently, due to the COVID-19 crisis, states are on the brink of budget shortfalls that could be the largest on
record, totaling more than $765 billion
In contrast, tax cuts for wealthier households, which they will likely save rather than spend quickly, do little to
bolster demand and so typically generate far less than $1 of output for each dollar of fiscal cost.
Broad-based tax cuts for businesses also typically rate much more poorly than measures that go to
households that are financially struggling. In a recession, the biggest problem that businesses usually face is
lack of customers, and, irrespective of a tax cut, businesses will not likely hire more workers or purchase
more raw materials or intermediate goods from their suppliers if they cannot sell their products. Further,
broad-based tax cuts are poorly targeted to get cash to those firms that need help surviving until their
customers can return.
The impact of a stimulus policy on economic output is determined both by its cost-effectiveness its bang
for the buckand by its sizehow many bucks are spent.
The Great Recession and the COVID-19 Recession
The United States last experienced a recession in the Great Recession of 2007 to 2009. Although a
substantial fiscal response prevented an even more severe recession, the stimulus ended prematurely and
was insufficient to promote a sufficiently strong recovery. The protracted period of high unemployment and
underemployment after the economy began growing again in June 2009 continued to cause hardship and
impede long-term growth.
Today, it is already clear that the COVID-19 recession is far deeper
than the Great Recession and could get
even worse, unless policymakers enact further sound fiscal stimulus to mitigate the damage. Policymakers
have enacted substantial fiscal relief measures, particularly in the Families First Coronavirus Response Act
on March 18 and the CARES Act
on March 27. But CBO estimates that even with those measures in place,
the gap between the actual size of the economy and its potential size is still far larger than the gap over the
first two years of the Great Recession.
May 21, 2020
For more information on fiscal responses to recessions, see:
Fiscal Stimulus Needed to Fight Recessions: Lessons From the Great Recession
Putting the Size of the Needed COVID-19 Fiscal Response in Perspective
States Need Significantly More Fiscal Relief to Slow the Emerging Deep Recession
Payroll Tax Cut Is Poor Stimulus
CARES Act Includes Essential Measures to Respond to Public Health, Economic Crises, But More Will Be
Coronavirus Response Should Include Urgent Fiscal Policy Measures to Address Financial Hardship, Stave
Off a Severe Recession