SUPERSEDES: DP 1.11 – 06/21/2018
All portions of this document in bold print are deemed by the San Diego Police Department to be
records of security procedures and are exempt from disclosure under the California Public Records
Act by Section 6254(f) of the California Government Code.
This Department procedure establishes guidelines for members to follow when receiving
subpoenas, being excused from subpoenas, and when testifying in court.
This procedure applies to all members of the Department.
A. All work-related criminal, civil, and Civil Service Commission subpoenas will be
accepted for service by the command/unit subpoena clerk, if received a minimum
of five court days prior to the court appearance date, not including the issue date,
court date, weekends and holidays. This includes subpoenas from the Sheriff’s
Office, process servers, and other agencies (DMV, Parole, etc.).
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B. Subpoenas submitted to the Department fewer than five days before the scheduled
court appearance will not be accepted. The agency copy of the subpoena is to be
subpoena clerk will record on the DA27 screen an "N" for not served, with the
appropriate comment. An entry will also be made in the computerized Subpoena
Log located on the LAN. The stamped agency copy will be sent to the Court
Liaison Unit and a copy of the subpoena will be faxed to the Court Liaison Unit
C. The Subpoena Log is a database used by the Department to track and retrieve
subpoena information. This database is located on the LAN at I:\DB
Apps\Batches\subpoenas.bat. This log is used by the entire Department to track
subpoenas. It allows officers, commands, and the Court Liaison Unit to research
subpoena information. It is imperative that information entered into this log be
timely, accurate, and includes all relevant information regarding the subpoena.
1. The Subpoena Log will be used when an automated subpoena is printed or
when a subpoena is received by the Department for a member. Once the
subpoena is served, entries will be made without delay. If a subpoena will
not be served prior to the court date, the comments shall indicate the
reason. Only command subpoena clerks have access to make entries into
the Subpoena Log.
2. Anyone with LAN access has “Read Only” access to the Subpoena Log.
Launch the database by double-clicking on “subpoenas.bat.” Once the
program launches, a message box will pop-up with the message, “You
have read only permissions.Click OK. To view individual subpoenas;
Click the “Set Filter” button, enter the number 4, click OK, enter
individual ID number, and then click OK. To page through the subpoenas
use the arrow buttons at the bottom of the page next to “Record.”
D. Individual members may be served in person by process servers, other agencies
(DMV, parole, etc.), or representatives from the District Attorney’s Office or City
Attorney’s Office up to the date of appearance and shall not refuse service with
less than five days’ notice.
E. Subpoenas received in Records Division will be forwarded immediately by FAX
to the concerned command or supervisor for service. Subpoenas received via
Teletype will be forwarded from the Records Division subpoena clerk to the unit
subpoena clerks.
1. Division captains or their designees are responsible for ensuring timely
service, logging, and return of subpoenas for employees assigned to their
command. Subpoenas received for employees no longer assigned to the
command will be forwarded directly to their new assignments. If the new
assignment is not known, call the Human Resources Division at (Deleted
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records of security). for the current assignment. Short notice
subpoenas should be faxed or hand-delivered to the new command.
2. All subpoenas received by a command will be date stamped, then entered
into the Department’s Subpoena Log. They will be entered by: command,
issue date, officer ID, officer name, defendant name, prosecutor case
number, court date, court time, and court department. Supervisors serving
subpoenas will legibly sign them, and include their rank, ID number, and
date of service. Employees will sign and date the subpoena,
acknowledging receipt. Supervisors will return the signed subpoena on
the day of service to the subpoena clerk. Upon receipt of the served
subpoena, the subpoena clerk will enter service information into the
Subpoena Log indicating: served by, served date and supervisor serving.
This will complete the Subpoena Log entries. The comments field will be
used by subpoena clerks to enter additional information such as: call-off
information, subpoena not served (stating reason) and any other
information that would be relevant to a specific subpoena. Without delay,
the subpoena will be returned to the Court Liaison Unit (MS 721B) or
Kearny Mesa Court Liaison (MS 36), as appropriate.
3. Command subpoena clerks are responsible for continued monitoring of the
subpoena log for non-served subpoenas. Daily inquiries should be made
when a court date is near and the subpoena has not been returned as
F. Members are responsible for recording appearance dates and preventing loss of
subpoenas. Should a subpoena become lost, members should check with their
division or unit subpoena clerk for subpoena information. Officers may also
locate the subpoena information via the Department’s Subpoena Log on the LAN.
G. Members are required to comply with any special instructions listed on subpoenas
such as calls to attorneys or calling the recording for call off information. Calls to
attorneys are to be made the first business day following receipt of the subpoena
to determine whether to appear at the time specified on the subpoena or at a future
date that is agreed upon. Members unable to reach attorneys are to appear as
instructed by the subpoena. Unless mitigating circumstances exist, members who
appear in court, off-duty, on cases listed on the call off recording are not eligible
for overtime.
H. Subpoenas issued by criminal defense attorneys shall be handled in the same
manner as subpoenas issued by the prosecution. Such subpoenas deserve the
same high standard of response, including preparation, unbiased testimony and
courtesy, in all respects. Members subpoenaed by the defense in criminal cases
are to immediately contact and advise the prosecutor of the subpoena. The fact
that a member is subpoenaed by the defense does not mean that the member must
discuss the case with the defense attorney prior to trial. Members subpoenaed by
the defense may only be released or called-off by the defense attorney.
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I. A telegraphic or faxed copy of a subpoena for a witness in a criminal proceeding
is as effectual as the original subpoena.
A. Electronic subpoenas are received at all locations set up with a destination code.
Those subpoenas should be called up by the unit subpoena clerk on the DA37
screen at least once daily, Monday through Friday.
B. If an electronic subpoena is received in error by a unit (e.g., employee has been
transferred to another division), or the person is no longer a member of the
Department, the Records Division Subpoena Clerk shall be notified immediately.
The Records Subpoena Clerk will make appropriate corrections in the computer
system and, if necessary, FAX and interoffice the subpoena to the correct
C. After the unit subpoena clerk prints the subpoenas, both agency and member
copies will be sent to the appropriate supervisor for service. Upon their return,
the unit subpoena clerk will acknowledge service or non-service on the DA27
screen. The original subpoenas for Kearny Mesa Court will be mailed to the
Traffic Court Liaison Officer at MS 36. All others will be mailed to the Court
Liaison Unit at MS 721B.
A. As a result of a June 2005 court decision, Baustert v. Superior Court, 129 Cal.
App. 4th 1269 (2005), a Declaration is needed from any sworn officer or civilian
employee requesting an excusal from a subpoena in criminal cases only. This
form titled “Officer Declaration for Continuance” will be used for all requests for
subpoena excusals. This form is on the LAN, at
1. The Officer Declaration for Continuance will be used if an employee is
requesting to be excused from a court appearance due to vacation, military
leave, scheduled training class outside of San Diego County, conflicting
court appearance, family emergency, or any other reason where the
employee needs to be excused from court.
2. This form is required for all employees who will not be served a subpoena
including subpoenas issued via the Automated Subpoena System. This
includes employees on industrial leave. If the command receives a
subpoena for an employee that will not be served, the employee’s
supervisor must submit this form for the person.
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B. Subpoenas arriving prior to an employee's scheduled vacation, compensatory
leave, or Department authorized training will be served. None of the above types
of leave shall be sought or granted, once a subpoena has been served, that would
conflict with the member's court appearance. In order for a member to be excused
from a court appearance, the member must first obtain their supervisor's approval,
and then follow the procedures listed below:
1. Misdemeanor and traffic cases to include South Bay Traffic Court –
Prepare an Officer Declaration for Continuance Form, have it approved by
a supervisor and mail it to the Court Liaison Unit (MS 721B) or Traffic
Court Liaison (MS 36), as appropriate. If the appearance date is less than
ten working days from date of service, immediately fax a copy of the
served subpoena and the Officer Declaration for Continuance Form to the
appropriate Court Liaison Unit. Mail the original Officer Declaration for
Continuance Form and the signed subpoena to the Court Liaison Unit. If
the officer is not available, the immediate supervisor shall submit the
Officer Declaration for Continuance Form.
2. In all cases with an assigned prosecutor (e.g., District Attorney, City
Attorney), defense attorney, or hearing officer the member will personally
contact (a phone message does not constitute personal contact) the
assigned prosecutor, defense attorney, or hearing officer a minimum of ten
days prior to the appearance date. If an agreement is reached, the member
will complete an Officer Declaration for Continuance Form, have it
approved by a supervisor and mail it to the Court Liaison Unit at MS
721B. If the member is not available (vacation, training, sick leave, etc.) a
supervisor shall make the necessary contacts and submit a Declaration for
Continuance Form.
3. Subpoenas for members on extended industrial, maternity, or sick leave,
who have been administratively transferred to the Human Resources
Division, shall be forwarded to the Medical Assistance Unit (MS 778). If
the member is able to attend court, a Medical Assistance Supervisor will
arrange to have him/her served in person or by telephone. If the member
is not able to attend court, the Medical Assistance Unit will submit the
Officer Declaration for Continuance Form. Upon request, it is the
member's responsibility to provide the court with a physician's excuse
from attending court.
4. Only the subpoenaing party or agency can excuse a member from an
appearance. The prosecution cannot excuse an appearance on a defense
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5. The court will consider prior commitments of member witnesses in the
same manner as it would consider prior commitments of lay witnesses
when deciding whether or not a good cause for continuance exists. If
problems or questions arise concerning the above procedures, contact the
Court Liaison Unit between 0600 and 1600 hours at (Deleted records of
security) or the 24 hour message line at (619) 533-5561.
C. Members required to appear on separate cases on the same date and time shall
contact the Court Liaison Unit at (Deleted records of security). This call
should be made upon receipt of the second, conflicting subpoena. Depending on
circumstances an Officer Declaration for Continuance Form may be required.
D. Members who are ill, or for any other reason cannot appear in court on the day of
the trial, are responsible for contacting the Court Liaison Unit at (Deleted
records of security), if it is a City Attorney/Misdemeanor Case, or for Kearny
Mesa or South Bay Traffic Court cases contact the Traffic Court Liaison Officer
at (Deleted records of security), or the assigned District Attorney.
E. Members delayed while traveling to court shall immediately notify the Court
Liaison Unit at (Deleted records of security), Downtown Court Waiting Room
at (Deleted records of security), or for Kearny Mesa or South Bay Traffic
Court the Traffic Court Liaison at (Deleted records of security). Court Liaison
personnel will notify the court and the case may be trailed until the member
A. Members subpoenaed for City Attorney cases at 1100 Union Street are to report
to the officers’ waiting room at the time indicated on the subpoena. Members
subpoenaed to attend Kearny Mesa Court are to report to the officers’ waiting
room at the Traffic Court, 8950 Clairemont Mesa Boulevard. Members
subpoenaed to attend South Bay Traffic Court at 500 3
Avenue Chula Vista
Department 5, are to report at the time indicated on your subpoena. Members
shall report to the location indicated on all other subpoenas.
B. There are situations where, by mutual agreement between the prosecutor and the
member, the member can assume stand-by status while on or off-duty. These
arrangements must be coordinated through the Court Liaison Unit, as they have
accountability for the member's presence in court.
C. Members are not eligible for overtime pay while off-duty and on voluntary
stand-by status away from the court. Stand-by status away from the court while
off-duty cannot be required of a member without compensation.
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A. A pre-trial conference with an attorney is not required by law. At the member's
discretion, arrangements via the member's commanding officer may be made for
an interview at the area station with any attorney or attorney's representative,
either before or after shift, not to exceed 30 minutes.
B. The prosecutor must be advised in advance of any such interview involving a
criminal case. In any other case in which the City might possibly be a party to
any civil action, the members should advise a Police Legal Advisor at (Deleted
records of security).
C. Members may receive up to 30 minutes of overtime for this conference.
D. Members will extend the courtesy of telephoning an attorney or his or her
representative when requested to do so. Time spent in this manner is not
E. Members attending pre-trial conferences with any prosecuting agency
representative should maintain case confidentiality. Persons not involved in the
matter may not sit in on such meetings.
A. Members shall not negotiate, directly or indirectly, any compromise or
arrangement for the purpose of permitting any person to escape the penalty of the
law; nor shall any member interfere with the courts of justice.
1. It is inappropriate for Department members to have contact with members
of a jury. Department members should not attempt to contact jurors.
2. In the event that a juror attempts to converse with a Department member,
the member should explain the conflict and politely excuse himself or
herself from the conversation. Department members may respond to
simple greetings and queries such as requests for directions within the
B. Members must review all reports relating to the case prior to appearance in court.
In some cases, it is advisable to revisit the scene of the incident. Any errors
noted on the reports or citations must be brought to the attention of the
prosecutor prior to the trial.
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C. Physical evidence is to be transported by the arresting officer who must maintain
custody of the property until it is entered into evidence. Items not entered into
evidence or property not retained by the court shall be returned to Department
custody by the officer.
D. Vehicles with “exempt” license plates may park at metered spaces without
having to pay the meter. Exempt license plates DO NOT allow vehicles to be
parked in red zones, or areas designated for passenger drop off or loading.
E. Members on Department business or attending court off-duty are permitted to
park unmarked Department vehicles or their private vehicles at the Community
Concourse Parkade. Upon exiting, members shall sign the log maintained by the
attendant. Department vehicles are to be parked legally unless an emergency
exists or situations require it. For additional information refer to Department
Procedure 1.12, Operations of Police Department Vehicles and Department
Procedure 7.07, Parking Enforcement Procedures.
F. Members may park at any San Diego Trolley parking lot and ride the Trolley to
Court. Members should exit the Trolley at the 300 West C Street, and walk to
the Courthouse. Be sure to board the Trolley for the Court House Trolley Stop.
Members will not be required to buy tickets for the Trolley, but must show their
Department identification card to Trolley security officers if asked to show their
ticket. Department ID cards may be used in place of Trolley tickets by members
on official business only. Members shall not use their Department ID when
riding the Trolley on personal business. Members who become involved in
enforcement actions while riding the Trolley shall send a copy of the
arrest/incident report to the Court Liaison Unit at MS 721B.
G. Members shall attend court in full uniform (including leather gear) or in civilian
clothes, as outlined in Department Procedure 5.10, Uniforms, Equipment, and
Weapons. No person other than a Peace Officer on OFFICIAL business, within
courthouse facilities, shall possess a firearm, knife, taser, teargas, stun gun, or
similar device listed in Penal Code sections 171b, 244.5, 17240 and 17250. On-
duty police officers who are appearing in court as a requirement of their duties
are an exception to this order. Members who are appearing in court as litigants
in personal matters are not exempt and must not bring firearms or any of the
above listed items into any courthouse facility. Jury duty is considered personal
business for the application of this procedure. Violators may be prosecuted for a
violation of Section 171b of the Penal Code.
H. It is every member’s responsibility to be punctual and available at all times
during court proceedings. Absences must be coordinated with the prosecuting
attorney assigned to the case and the Court Liaison Unit.
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I. Members are expected to closely monitor court proceedings and know the status
of their case (whether it has been continued, dismissed, transferred to another
courtroom, etc.).
J. Parking for members attending Kearny Mesa Traffic Court will be on the east or
west side parking lots. The north side is reserved for court staff.
Police Department members, who have become experts in their fields and are called upon
to do work or testify for outside or private agencies on their own time, may receive direct
payment for such services, provided:
A. Such service is not connected with any matter that was perceived or investigated
in the course of the member’s duties with the Police Department; and,
B. The member has permission to engage in outside employment as specified in
Department Procedure 5.12, Outside Employment.
A. Members must respond to any out-of-county criminal subpoena regarding an
event or transaction that was perceived or investigated in the course of their
duties if it meets the following conditions:
1. The subpoena meets all the legal requirements as to form and content;
2. The subpoena is served as prescribed by law within a reasonable time
prior to the court appearance; and,
3. The place of the trial is within 150 miles of the member's place of
residence, or the judge has endorsed on the subpoena an order for the
attendance of the witness.
B. Members required to appear in court on their regularly scheduled work day will
be excused from their normal work assignment. They will be carried on the
payroll as working a "Special Detail" and will receive their normal salary from
the City. Members may receive overtime if their total hours are in excess of ten
hours based on actual time in court and reasonable travel time. Members
assigned to late night shifts may, at their own discretion, request to have their
days off changed or working hours adjusted so they will have sufficient rest.
NOTE: Subpoenaed members must notify their supervisors at least 72 hours in
advance of the out-of-county court appearance for scheduling purposes.
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C. Members appearing on their days off will submit the subpoena to their immediate
supervisor and enter the appropriate time information on their bi-weekly labor
card. Time entered should include actual hours in court and reasonable travel
D. Transportation to and from the court of appearance is the responsibility of the
member subpoenaed. Department vehicles will not be utilized for any
out-of-county appearances.
E. Upon written order of the court, members subpoenaed for an out-of-county
criminal court appearance are entitled to a reasonable sum for necessary expenses.
These expenses shall include transportation to and from court, measured from the
member's place of residence, with meals and lodging, if required. At the time of
the court appearance, the member must obtain the necessary forms required for
the reimbursement of funds from the Court Clerk. It will be the member's
responsibility to request such payment for expenses. Members are not entitled to
receive witness fees since their salary is paid by the Department (P.C. § 1329(b).)
F. Members must have the Court Clerk stamp their subpoenas with the court "file
stamp" verifying appearance for each day in court.
G. Members who have questions regarding subpoenas are directed to call the Court
Liaison Unit at (619) 533-5561.
California has adopted the Uniform Act to Secure the Attendance of Witnesses from
without the State in Criminal Cases (P.C. §§ 1334 – 1334.6). Any member receiving
such a subpoena should contact the Police Legal Advisor's Office at
(Deleted records of security).
A. Service may be made statewide. The only limitation is one requiring that the
witness be a resident within the state at the time of service.
B. Members subpoenaed for a civil trial or deposition appearance shall receive their
normal salary (and expenses, if any) from the City for time at court, including
travel time. In accordance with California Government Code section 68097.7, it
is a misdemeanor for any person to pay or offer any additional consideration for a
member's services, with regard to any matter which he or she witnessed or
investigated in the course of his or her duties, or for any member to ask or receive
any other payment other than reimbursement through the City for salary and out-
of-pocket expenses.
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C. These provisions shall also apply to subpoenas issued for arbitration board
hearings and/or depositions.
D. Subpoenas issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles on license revocation
hearings which call for the member's appearance outside San Diego County, will
not be honored. Neither the City nor the Department of Motor Vehicles will pay
any mileage or other expenses. Members receiving these subpoenas shall forward
them to the Court Liaison Unit (MS 721B).
E. Copies of subpoenas involving traffic accident cases, for which a member did
investigative work, must be sent by the member along with a copy of the accident
report, without delay, to the Chief Deputy City Attorney, Civil Litigation
Department, 1200 Third Avenue, Suite 1100, MS 59, San Diego, CA 92101, for
review to determine whether or not there is a possibility of City involvement.
Members can contact the City Attorney’s Civil Litigation Department at (619)
F. A Police Department supervisor subpoenaed to testify about Department policy
and procedures must send a copy of the subpoena to a Police Legal Advisor for
G. When a civil subpoena duces tecum (request for appearance and to bring
documents, reports, etc.) is received by Fiscal Management, a copy of that
subpoena will be forwarded by the Fiscal Management Subpoena Clerk to the
Records Unit for review. Members who are served with a subpoena duces tecum
should refer to Department Procedure 1.26, Access and Release of Criminal
H. Any Police Department member who is subpoenaed to appear in civil court, or at
a deposition as a percipient or investigative witness because of a work-related
matter, will use the following procedures, whether on-duty or off-duty at the time
of appearance:
1. The service of a civil subpoena to a member of the San Diego Police
Department must include a $ $275.00 witness fee deposit check, pursuant
to Government Code sections 68096.01 (non-sworn) and 68097.2 (sworn).
A civil subpoena will not be accepted without the deposit unless there is a
court order with the subpoena that waives the witness fees, or a
determination by the Department has been made that the fees are to be
waived. Fiscal Management is responsible for receiving and processing
civil subpoenas and will stamp the subpoenas "RECEIVED" in the upper
right-hand corner to confirm that the witness fee deposit is received or
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2. After the service is made, Fiscal Management will make the appropriate
copies and attach a "Cost Recovery Form" to the member's copy of the
subpoena. This form must not be removed from the subpoena. A second
copy of the subpoena will also be provided as a control copy for the Unit
Subpoena Clerk;
3. If a Cost Recovery Form is not attached to the subpoena or no
"RECEIVED" stamp appears in the upper right-hand corner of the
subpoena, then the employee named on the civil subpoena must verify
with their Division Subpoena Clerk that the witness fee has been made;
4. If the employee’s appearance is canceled, indicate on the Cost Recovery
Form by circling “NO” specify the reason why (i.e., "the case settled, call-
off”, etc.), and go directly to the signature lines.
5. After attending court or a deposition appearance, the member will
complete the Cost Recovery Form. The completed Cost Recovery Form
must be received by Fiscal Management within 5 working days of
scheduled appearance, continuation or call-off.
a. Day and date of appearance.
b. Rank (Use "acting" rank at the time of the appearance, if
c. Shift – Shift hours and days off, at the time of the appearance.
Also, indicate whether or not the appearance was on overtime.
(Cross Reference for Court overtime: Memorandum of
Understanding/SD Police Association, Article 30; Police
Department Procedure 1.20/ Page 9-11).
d. Hours (Military time) – Include the time in court or deposition and
travel time to and from home or work location.
e. Miles traveled by Department vehicle.
f. Miles traveled by personal vehicle – If the employee appeared for
civil court or deposition when off-duty or off-shift and used their
personal vehicle, mileage will be reimbursed only if the employee
completes a "Mileage Report" (AC-1145), and submits it with the
completed cost recovery form. Reimbursement will be made
directly through the payroll process. (Reference City of San Diego
Administrative Regulations 45.10)
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g. Expenses for parking (Receipts are required) – A “Petty Cash
Certification Slip” (COM-5) for parking must be completed and
returned along with any receipts at the time the completed Cost
Recovery Form is returned to Fiscal Management. Reimbursement
will be made by petty cash (Reference Police Department
Procedure 1.22/Page2).
h. Expenses for meals (Receipts are required) A “Meeting and
Promotional Expense Report” (AC-1516) and “Petty Cash
Certification Slip” (COM-5) must be completed and returned along
with any receipts at the time the completed Cost Recovery Form is
returned to Fiscal Management. Reimbursement will be made by
petty cash (Reference Police Department Procedure1.22/Page 2;
City of San Diego Administrative Regulation 95.40).
i. Parkade (1
Avenue and B Street) Parking- Include the number of
stamps used (This number is told to the employee when they sign
out of the Parkade). (Police Department Procedure 1.11/Page7)
j. Employee’s Signature and Date
k. Supervisor’s Signature and Date
6. Return the completed Cost Recovery Form, Mileage Record, and any
receipts (if applicable), as well as the attached subpoena to the Division
Subpoena Clerk. If there is no Division Subpoena Clerk, return the
form(s) and attached subpoena directly to Fiscal Management, MS 715.
I. Subpoena Clerk’s Signature and Date
1. The Unit Subpoena Clerk will check the form(s) to ensure they are
complete and accurate, and sign the Cost Recovery Form in the space
provided. The Cost Recovery Form and subpoena, along with any other
applicable documentation (Copy of Overtime Slip, Mileage Report,
Meeting and Promotional Expense Report, Petty Cash Certification Slip,
and receipts) are then returned to Fiscal Management, MS 715.
2. The subpoenaed member will make the appropriate court time entries on
their bi-weekly labor card. Time entered on the card will include actual
time in court or at the deposition plus the travel time, and must equal the
total time that appeared on the Cost Recovery Form.
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A. Members shall obtain a signed certificate of attendance form from the United
States Attorney.
B. Members shall submit the completed form to the United States Marshal, who will
issue a check in the member's name. (In San Diego, the U.S. Marshal's Office is
on the lower level of the Federal Courthouse.)
C. If court attendance occurred while the member was on-duty, the check is to be
endorsed and given, along with the subpoena, to the member's immediate
supervisor. The supervisor will then forward them to Fiscal Management, MS
715. If, for some reason, a member's personal vehicle is driven to court, the
member is entitled to mileage and will be reimbursed by Fiscal Management.
D. Members attending court while off-duty may retain any expense money, but must
submit the witness fees with the subpoena to their immediate supervisor, who will
then forward them to Fiscal Management, MS 715. The member will complete an
overtime slip for actual court time per Department Procedure 1.20, Overtime
E. It is not necessary to complete the "Police Department Cost Data Form" as
required for civil subpoenas.
A. A summons is a legal document notifying the person summoned that an action has
been initiated against that person in the court where the summons was issued. A
person who has been served with a summons in a civil action is a defendant in
that case and an answer must be filed in court on that person's behalf within 20
days from the date of the service of the summons if it is a civil rights action in
Federal Court, or 30 days if it is an action brought in State Court. If an answer is
not filed within the 20-30 day period, the court may render a default judgment
against the defendant.
B. Members of the Department are required to accept personal service of summons
on themselves in civil cases related to the performance of their duties. The Code
of Civil Procedure section 415.30 authorizes service by mail. With the sole
exception of Internal Affairs, members of the Department shall not receive
personal service of a summons in a civil suit for any other member unless
specifically authorized to do so by the member in writing.
C. Internal Affairs shall receive service of summonses directed to any member of the
Department in civil actions related to the performance of their duties, unless a
member has directed Internal Affairs in writing not to receive summons.
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D. Members personally served with a summons in a civil suit shall immediately read
the summons and complaint carefully.
1. Members shall note their name, date, and time when served in the upper
right hand corner and forward the paper immediately to Internal Affairs.
2. It is imperative that this procedure be followed if the member intends to be
defended by the City so that the City Attorney can prepare and file the
proper pleading on behalf of the member.
3. The member will be contacted by the Deputy City Attorney assigned to
the case and any questions the member may have can be discussed with
the Deputy City Attorney.
A. These actions stem from personal matters unrelated to employment, such as
debt/contractual disputes, divorce, small claims court, and other civil actions.
B. Process servers will be directed to the member's command or work unit should
they initially contact the Subpoena Clerk or any other member. The process
server shall be informed that their access to Police Department property is limited
to the areas normally open to the public.
C. Personnel at this level are ordinarily under no obligation to accept or assist with
the service, but shall provide accurate information as to when and where the
member reports and leaves from work. If the process server cannot "with
reasonable diligence" serve the summons directly upon the member, the summons
may be left in the presence of a person apparently in charge of the member's
office or place of business. See California Code of Civil Procedure § 415.20(b).
The process server must inform the person in charge of the contents of the
summons at that time.
D. If a summons is left by a process server, then personnel shall note in the upper
right hand corner of the summons their name, date, and time when the summons
was left and forward the papers immediately to the member.
E. The process server must, thereafter, mail a copy of the summons and complaint to
the member at the address at which the summons was left. Service of a summons
in this manner is complete on the tenth day after the mailing
F. Upon receipt of a mailed summons, personnel shall note in the upper right hand
corner of the summons their name, date, and time when the summons was
received and forward the papers immediately to the member.
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G. Any questions regarding this section should be referred to a Police Legal Advisor.
Court Liaison Sergeant (619) 533-5587
District Attorney’s Court Liaison Officer (Deleted records of security).
District Attorney’s Court Liaison FAX (619) 685-6057
District Attorney’s Court Liaison Mail Station 721A
City Attorney’s Court Liaison Officer (Deleted records of security).
City Attorney Court Liaison Msg Line (619) 533-5561
City Attorney’s Court Liaison FAX (619) 533-5505
City Attorney’s Court Liaison Mail Station 721B
Downtown Officer’s Waiting Room (Deleted records of security).
Traffic Court Liaison Officer (Deleted records of security).
Traffic Court Liaison FAX (858) 634-1888
Traffic Court Liaison Mail Station 36