General Rules:
1. The dog may be registered, crossbred, or unregistered. The animal may be male
or female (it is recommended that dogs be spayed or neutered to keep the dog
population of unwanted dogs low). Dog must be owned by the 4-H member or
immediate family.
2. All dogs participating at the fair must be immunized against distemper,
adenovirus (hepatitis), leptospirosis, parvovirus, para influenza, and rabies by a
licensed, accredited veterinarian. All shots must be given after August 15 of
previous fair year and before July 15 of current year.
3. All dogs participating at the fair must be licensed in the county. Members must
show proof of current vaccination and licenses at judging or will not be eligible to
show. (Members must show paper receipt of license tag purchase.)
4. All dogs are to be on a leash while on the fairgrounds, except when participating
in judging activities that require a leash.
5. 4-H’ers must provide their own leash, kennel, water dishes, and any equipment
6. Females in estrus cannot be exhibited.
7. The judge may dismiss from the ring any dog exhibiting unsafe or threatening
behavior or any 4-H’er abusing the dog.
8. Youth showing showmanship can show the same dog or different dog in any
level obedience classes.
9. Youth showing in any level obedience classes can show the same dog or
different dog in showmanship.
10. Muzzling a dog is not permitted.
11. All dogs being shown during the fair will be required to have a dog walk pass in
their possession while on the fairground. These passes may be obtained at the
Greene County OSU Extension Office.
12. These rules as well as the Ohio State 4-H Dog Show Rules will be followed. If
there are any questions the Ohio State 4-H Dog Show rules will have the final
say. For these rules please refer to the Ohio State 4-H dog program website
13. If there are any questions or concerns about these rules please contact Kristina
Morgan (4 Pawz & Clawz Club volunteer and member of the Ohio State 4-H Dog
Committee) at
Dog Project Books
201R Dog Resource Handbook
Required supplement for dog projects
Purchase one time and keep it throughout 4-H dog project career
Families may share
201 Dog Project Record Book
Complete one Dog Project and Record Book every year
Use the same book for multiple projects
Use the same book for multiple dogs
There are no longer individual project books (All dog projects must fill out this
Copy appropriate sections for multiple dogs
Dog Projects
201D You and Your Dog
Recommended for first-year youth just learning about dogs.
Exhibit Requirements:
1. Exhibit dog. Participate in an interview with judge.
2. Interview demonstrate knowledge of dogs and dog care and welfare; accurately
responds to age-appropriate questions taken from the Ohio 4-H Dog Resource
3. Dog Project and Record Book must be current; animal records section cannot
be photocopied for the You and Your Dog project dog. Complete, neat and
4. Member’s appearance and attitude presents with appropriate dress;
demonstrates courtesy, poise, and good sportsmanship.
5. Dog’s appearance and manners presents with evidence of overall good health
(consider age) and good grooming (pay special attention to eyes, coat, ears,
teeth, and toenails); demonstrates good manners; allows examination without
6. Creative achievement of member and dog team (member and dog)
demonstrates level of achievement gained this year with a scrapbook or poster.
7. Prepare a poster. Posters must be made using size 22” x 28” regular poster
board. Do not use foam core poster board or science fair display boards.
Posters MUST be constructed and displayed horizontally. Do not mount
poster boards on any type of stiff backing. Shadow boxes, overlays, or three-
dimensional posters are not permitted. Items hanging off the sides of the poster
are not permitted. Stick-on letters and stickers are permitted. It is not a
requirement for posters to be laminated; however, lamination may help preserve
the poster. Each poster must be clearly labeled in the front lower right hand
corner with the exhibitor’s name, county, and age as of January 1, 2017.
Explanation of areas to be evaluated:
Member’s appearance and attitude
Dogs appearance and manners
Creative achievement of the member and dog
201O Obedience
Obedience classes:
J-l Beginner Novice A. This class is for the beginning exhibitor and beginning
dog. Neither exhibitor nor dog has had any prior obedience experience before
April 1. This class may not be repeated and once entered participant must move
to Beginner Novice B or Pre-Novice
J-2Beginner Novice B. This class is for the exhibitor or dog who has shown in
Beginner Novice A or has had experience before April 1. This class may be
repeated until the exhibitor and/or dog wins first place.
J-3- Pre-Novice- This class is for beginning exhibitor or for beginning dogs or dog
who have shown in Beginner Novice A or B. This class may be repeated until the
exhibitor and/or dog wins first place.
J-4Novice A. In this class, neither the exhibitor nor dog has had any prior
experience at the Novice level before April 1. This class may not be repeated and
once entered participant must move to Novice B or Graduate Novice A.
J-5Novice B. This class is for the exhibitor or dog who has shown in Novice A
or has had experience at the Novice level before April 1. This class may be
repeated until the exhibitor and dog wins first place.
J-6Graduate Novice A . In this class, neither the exhibitor nor dog has had
any prior experience at the Graduate Novice level before April 1. This class may
not be repeated and once entered participant must move to Graduate Novice B
or Open A.
J-7Graduate Novice B. This class is for the exhibitor or dog who has shown in
Graduate Novice A or has had experience at the Graduate Novice level before
April 1. This class may be repeated until the exhibitor and/or dog wins first place.
J-8Open A. In this class, neither the exhibitor nor dog has had any prior
experience at the Open level before April 1. This class may not be repeated and
once entered participant must move to Open B or Graduate Open A.
J-9Open B. This class is for the exhibitor or dog who has shown in the Open
A or has had experience at the Open level before April 1. This class may be
repeated until the exhibitor and/or dog wins first place.
J-10 Graduate Open A. In this class, neither the exhibitor nor dog has had any
prior experience at the Graduate Open level or a higher level of dog obedience
before April 1. This class may not be repeated and once entered participant must
move to Graduate Open B or Utility.
J-11Graduate Open B. This class is for the exhibitor or dog who has shown in
the Graduate Open A or has had prior experience at the Graduate level or higher
level of dog obedience before April 1. This class may be repeated until the
exhibitor and/or dog wins first place.
J-12 Utility. This is the highest obedience class offered in 4-H. This class is for
exhibitors who have or have not shown in Utility or may or may not have prior
experience at the Utility level of dog obedience. This class can be repeated until
the exhibitor and/or the dog is no longer eligible.
Exhibit Requirements:
1. All Beginner Novice class exercise are as follows:
Beginner Novice A Beginner Novice B Maximum Score
Heel on Leash Heel on Leash 40 points
Figure Eight (on leash) Figure Eight (on leash) 40 points
Sit for Exam (on leash) Sit for Exam (on leash) 40 points
Sit Stay (on leash) Sit Stay (leash attached, on ground) 40 points
Recall (on leash) Recall (off leash) 40 points
2. All Pre-Novice class exercises are performed on leash: heel on leash, figure 8,
stand for exam, recall, long sit (one minute), long down (three minutes).
3. All Novice class exercises are performed as follows: Performed on leash: heel on
leash and figure. Performed off leash: stand for exam, heel free, recall, long sit
(one minute), long down (three minutes).
4. The Graduate Novice exercises are performed as follows: heel on leash and figure
8 (the heel is performed on leash, the figure 8 is performed off leash). Performed off
leash: drop on recall, dumbbell recall over high jump, recall over broad jump, long
down (three minutes handler out of sight).
5. All Open class exercises are performed off leash: heel free and figure 8, drop on
recall, retrieve on flat, retrieve over high jump, broad jump, long sit (three minutes
handler out of sight).
6. All Graduate Open classes are performed off leash: signal exercises, scent
discrimination, directed retrieve, moving stand and exam, go out, directed jumping.
201S Showmanship
Includes Preparing for Showmanship, Stacking, Gaiting, Showmanship Patterns,
Tabling, Breed Presentation, and Ring Procedure.
Showmanship classes:
J-l3Showmanship Junior A. This class is for the 4-H/FFA member, 8-10 years
of age as of January 1. Neither the exhibitor nor the dog as had any prior
experience in showmanship.
J-14Showmanship Junior B. This class is for the 4-H/FFA member or dog who
has shown in Showmanship Junior A or has had prior experience in
J-15Showmanship Intermediate A. This class is for the 4-H/FFA member, 11-
13 years of age as of January 1. Neither the exhibitor nor the dog has had any
prior experience in showmanship.
J-16Showmanship Intermediate B. This class is for the 4-H/FFA member or
dog who has shown in Showmanship Intermediate A or has had prior experience
in showmanship.
J-17Showmanship Senior A. This class is for the 4-H/FFA member, 14-18
years of age as of January 1. Neither the exhibitor nor the dog has had any prior
experience in showmanship.
J-18Showmanship Senior B. This class is for the 4-H/FFA member or dog
who has shown in Showmanship Senior A or has had prior experience in
Exhibit Requirements:
1. Interview demonstrates knowledge of dogs and dog care and
welfare: accurately responds to age appropriate questions taken from the Ohio
4-H Dog Resource Handbook.
2. Handler, appearance, and attitude dress appropriately (neat/clean), proper
shoes. Hair neat and out of the way. Courteous, poised, good
sportsmanship. Good attitude towards dog.
3. Grooming general condition of dog (consider age of dog), condition of coat
(clean/groomed), condition of eyes, condition of ears, condition of teeth, toenails
clipped, hair trimmed between pads.
4. Handling show bite, stacking, gaiting, pattern, smoothness, control of dog,
consideration of others, handler attentive to judge, use of equipment (use show
# 201W Working Dogs
Includes Assistance Dogs, Therapy Dogs, Police Dogs, Search and Rescue Dogs,
Military, Herding and Detection Dogs. Youth must be enrolled in this project to show in
the Assistance Dog Class at the Ohio State Fair.
Use: Dog Project and Record book #201. Also, use #201R Dog Resource Handbook;
each are required. Read Chapters 1, 4, 6 ,8, 13, and 16.
Exhibit Requirements:
1. Interview with judge demonstrating your knowledge of chapters read.
2. Dog project and record book must be current and animal records up to date. Book
should be accurate, complete, and neat. Bring record book to judging.
3. Exhibitor's appearance and attitude - appropriate dress (see general rules for LLT
projects), demonstrates courtesy, poise, and good sportsmanship.
4. Dog's appearance and manners - presents evidence of overall good health and
grooming, demonstrates good manners and allows examination without resistance.
5. Exhibitor can demonstrate all ten items (AKC canine good citizen test) as found in
the Project Record Book Judges Evaluation Sheet.