Douglas County Adult Services Drug Court Program
330 NE Industrial Lane
Lawrence, KS 66044
Douglas County Drug Court Policies and Procedures Manual
Douglas County Drug Treatment Court is a four-phase program for adults who have been
arrested and charged, or are currently under probation supervision, for a non-violent
felony offense and having difficulty staying substance free. Drug Court is a multi-agency
team effort including the following: Douglas County District Court Judge, Douglas County
District Attorney, Defense Counsel, Criminal Justice Services Adult Services Officer,
Treatment Provider, Douglas County Sheriff Department, Lawrence Police Department
and community partners. By working together, the goal is to provide the participant with
consistent supportive supervision and a variety of programs to help maintain a substance-
free lifestyle. Drug Court requires regular and frequent court appearances, meetings with
the Adult Services Officer, random drug and alcohol testing as well as group and
individual treatment counseling. Participants are awarded incentives for compliant
behavior and sanctions are imposed for violations of program rules.
The Douglas County Drug Court Program seeks to reduce recidivism of those individuals
with substance use disorder who are involved in the criminal justice system by offering
community treatment services with a therapeutic court setting which provides the
opportunity to develop a structured, law abiding and substance free lifestyle while
enhancing public safety.
To reduce recidivism among Drug Court Participants
o Admit 15 participants into the Drug Court Pilot Program
o 65% will complete the Douglas County Drug Court Program
o To eliminate new arrests for substance abuse related offenses by 80% after
the completion of Phase II-in program
o Assess re-arrest rates for 100% of program graduates. Follow up/Run
Records at: 3, 6, 12 and 24 months.
To promote and enhance public safety
o Provide Risk Assessment/Substance Abuse Screening within 10 days of DA
approved referrals
o Provide intensive supervision to program participants, including weekly
contact with program staff, home visits, random color code drug testing
and mandatory phase court appearances
o When lack of compliance has occurred the Drug Court Team determines
whether to impose a sanction. If imposed, the sanction will occur
immediately (same day)
To hold those with substance use disorder accountable and provide alternatives
to incarceration for addicted offenders
o Provide participants with substance abuse treatment within 48-72 hrs of
entry into the program
o Participants will demonstrate attendance compliance with
groups/individual sessions. Phase I=80%, Phase II=85%, Phase III=90% and
Phase IV=100%
o Drug and Alcohol usage will decrease with each phase in program. Each
phase in program requires mandatory clean time in order to
Engage the community in the Recovery Process though Education and
awareness of the addiction cycle
o Solicit locations for the placement of program participants in meaningful
community service
o Solicit local businesses to support participants towards recovery through
private partnerships that donate tangible rewards for success
o Solicit public speaking engagements by Drug Court Team Members and
Graduates, to improve awareness of cycle of addition and role of Drug
Court in helping participants to break the cycle (3-4) per year
Type of Program Offered
Post-Plea, Pre-Sentence Program
The participant must enter a plea of guilty to the charge(s) and is subsequently
convicted. Sentencing is withheld pending successfully completion of the program, at
which point the plea is withdrawn and the case dismissed. If at any time during the
program the participant is terminated unsuccessful, sentencing proceeds with terms as
outlined in the plea.
Eligibility Criteria
Douglas County, Kansas, resident
Admission to substance use disorder and agreement to cessation of use and
Approval of the Douglas County Drug Court Team
18 years of age or older
Must have felony charges pending
Must resolve all out of county or state charges
Must have no serious or persistent mental illnesses which prohibit participation in
substance abuse treatment
If charged with possession with intent to deliver, the amount must be determined
to be minor and be for the purpose of supporting the defendant’s addiction
Exclusion Criteria
Denial of substance use disorder
Previous completion of the program or discharge from the program will be
handled on a case by case basis
Current charge involves violent person felony
Current charge involves firearms
Prior criminal history of violence - Prior conviction(s) of violence within the past 10
years will be considered case by case, as determined by DA’s office.
Determination of Potential Eligibility
Applications for the Douglas County Drug Court may be obtained through the Douglas
County District Attorney’s Office. Referrals may come from a number of different
sources, including but not limited to: judge, district attorney, defense attorney,
probation officer, law enforcement, or treatment provider. The Douglas County District
Attorney’s Office will determine potential eligibility for Drug Court. All Drug Court
applicants are screened for suitability by the treatment provider and then by the Drug
Court Team. As part of the screening process each applicant will be administered a risk
and needs assessment. All results are used to determine the level of supervision and
type of treatment that may be offered to allow for the greatest likelihood of success if
admitted to the program. Final determination for admission will be made by the Drug
Court Judge based on the recommendations from the Drug Court team.
Admissibility of Statements during Assessment
No statement made by the defendant (or any information derived from said statement
to any Drug Court Team Member during the assessment process to determine his/her
eligibility for the Drug Court Program), and prior to presentation of the findings of such
assessment to the Court, may be used to impeach the defendant in the pending case
from which he/she makes application to be admitted into Drug Court.
Waiver of Rights
In order to participate in Drug Court, a defendant must:
Waive the right to a preliminary hearing, enter guilty plea and sentencing
Waive the right to a fast and speedy trial
Sign and enter into a Drug Court contract
Agree to an order of supervision that will include searches without a warrant and
random drug and alcohol testing
Sign a waiver of confidentiality
The Drug Court Team
The Drug Court Judge will make all the final decisions concerning the imposition of
incentives or sanctions, as well as graduation or termination from the program. The
Drug Court team will provide participation information to the Drug Court Judge, who
will take the information into account when making decisions. The Drug Court team
consist of:
Douglas County District Attorney
Adult Services Officer
Treatment Provider
Law Enforcement
Representative from Local Defense Bar
Prior to each court hearing, the Drug Court Team will meet and discuss participant
progress. The Judge will then discuss the progress with the participant at the hearing.
The pre-court staffing and hearings are closed to the public.
All participants in Drug Court will be required to abide by the rules outlined in the
participant contract, including but not limited to the following:
1. Tell the truth;
2. Do not use, possess, distribute or sell any drugs or alcohol;
3. Do not associate with any person selling, manufacturing, possessing or using
controlled substances;
4. Report to your Adult Services Officer as directed and follow all directives given;
5. Attend and participate in all ordered treatment sessions;
6. Be on time for Court, all treatment and any other required meetings or
7. Dress appropriately for Court and treatment sessions;
8. Do not make threats towards other participants or staff, or behave in a violent
9. Do not associate with a known felon with the exception of Drug Court or
treatment programs;
10. Do not bring any drugs, alcohol or weapons to treatment sessions or into Court;
11. Work to Complete high school diploma or GED;
12. Obtain and maintain employment;
13. If you come into contact with law enforcement, you must notify them that you
are a Drug Court participant and notify your Adult Services Officer of the LEO
14. Do not possess, own or use a firearm and/or ammunition;
15. No sexual contact, dating or intimate relationship with any current Drug Court
participant, or other member of your treatment program;
16. Do not move or change residence or living environment without the prior
approval of the Drug Court Team.
The Drug Court program requires random drug and alcohol testing in addition to testing
as requested by any representative of the Drug Court Team or treatment provider. All
participants are assigned a pin number and enrolled in the random drug testing system.
The participant is expected to call daily and report for testing as outlined in the Consent
for Random Urine Screens.
Sobriety is important to success in the Drug Court program and drug and/or alcohol
usage while in the program is taken seriously. Upon testing, if a positive drug or alcohol
test is submitted, a sanctions will be imposed. Sanctions increase in intensity, and may
take into account a participants current Phase in the program. See the Intervention
and Sanctions Continuum for possible outcomes.
Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)
During involvement in the Drug Court program, a participant may request or be
considered for medication assisted treatment. The approved medications are
prescribed to reduce cravings and urges to use alcohol and/or opiates, especially for
those clients who have a history of relapse, or report cravings as an issue in staying
sober. If a participant begins receiving MAT, the participant is expected to remain
active in the Drug Court program and continue to follow treatment guidelines and
protocol. Additionally, the participant must meet with a nurse and/or doctor on a
monthly basis to discuss the prescribed medication and to report immediately any
concerns or complications. A participant who is actively receiving MAT services, must
authorize communication between the Drug Court team and all medical professionals
involved in the MAT treatment plan and writing prescriptions.
Drug Court Phases
Drug Court Phases consist of four separate phases that will require the participant to
obtain various levels of success towards accomplishing goals and meeting basic
requirements in each phase. Advancement from one phase to the next will be
determined by the Drug Court Team, as they staff each participant and review case
determine eligibility for advancement.
Phase I Stabilization: minimum of 10 weeks. A personalized treatment plan, including
group and individual therapy, is developed. Weekly drug court appearance, reporting
as directed by Adult Service Officer, and calling daily color code line for drug screens
are all requirements. To advance, a participant must have 30 consecutive days of
clean UA’s, no level III sanctions in last 15 days, submit a Phase up Request Form and
meet the above noted criteria.
Phase II Acceptance: minimum of 12 weeks. Participants will continue treatment as
directed by the Treatment Provider and obtain a sponsor. Bi-weekly drug court
appearances, reporting as directed, calling daily color code line for drug screens,
securing employment or enrolling in an education program, and joining a cognitive
based program are all requirements. To advance, a participant must have 60
consecutive days of clean UA’s, no level III sanctions in last 30 days, submit a Phase up
Request Form and meet the above noted criteria.
Phase III Change: minimum of 20 weeks. Successful competition of outpatient
treatment, aftercare plan and treatment, and continued individual therapy. Monthly
drug court appearance (minimum), reporting as directed, calling daily color code line
for drug screens, 12 step work with sponsor with support meetings, employment or
schooling maintained, regular attendance or completion of a cognitive based
program are all requirements. To advance, a participant must have 90 consecutive
days of clean UA’s, no level III sanctions in last 45 days, submit a Phase up Request Form
and meet the above noted criteria.
Phase IV Maintenance: minimum of 20 weeks. Continue with aftercare plan and
individual therapy. Drug court appearance as determined by court, reporting as
directed, calling daily color code as Phase IV-for drug screens, employment
maintained, continued step work with sponsor, completion of cognitive based program
are all requirements. To graduate, participants must have 120 days of consecutive
clean UA’s, no level III sanctions in last 60 days, meet all requirements listed above and
complete a letter to the Court reflecting on time participating in the Drug Court
Program with request to graduate.
Graduation: Eligibility for Graduation will be based upon successful completion of the
Treatment Program and satisfaction of all court requirements. Graduation from the Drug
Court Program is recognized as an important event. Your loved ones will be invited to
join you at a Special Ceremony as the entire Drug Court Team will congratulate you for
your successful completion of the program and all the hard work you put into achieving
a Life Changing Gift- Recovery! The Goal of Douglas County Drug Court is to help you
achieve a life free from dependence of mind-altering substances. The entire team will
help guide, assist, and support and hold you accountable. To succeed, you must be
motivated to continue your commitment and live a drug free life.