Step 1: Site
(1) BuildingType. Select a building type from the available pre-approved plans catalog. The Small Apartment requires an
architect or engineer to provide additional drawings above and beyond those provided to the applicant.
(2) ZoningDistrict. Conrm that the selected building type is allowed in the applicable zoning district and can t on your
property, including all setbacks required by the development standards of Section 21-03 of the South Bend Zoning
(3) Contact. Reach out to the Department of Community Investment to obtain the Plan Set for your building type.
(4) Survey. Locate or purchase a survey of your property from a local licensed land surveyor.
(5) SitePlan. Identify the preferred site conguration and orientation for your lot. Draw a site plan to show that all
development standards are met. Site plans must be drawn to an engineer scale (e.g., 1” = 20’) and include the size of the
property (lot dimensions and area) as well as the size and setbacks of all proposed structures located on the property.
Step 2: DesignDevelopment
(1) FacadeOption.Select from the available elevation design options, including all applicable details, and an exterior
siding material per the provided building set.
(2) Deviations. Review the list of acceptable minor design deviations and discuss with the City. If any proposed changes are
not listed, you are required to hire an architect to adjust the plans and submit updated drawings to the City.
(3) Contacts. Identify your General Contractor and any sub-contractors (electrician, plumber, and HVAC information) that
you will be working with to complete your pre-approved building. Ensure that they are familiar with the pre-approved
building requirements and any design selections you desire. Contractors should be notied of the selected plan
orientation and elevation option. Any pages of the permit set that do not apply to your selected elevation option should
be removed or marked to avoid confusion.
(4) CostEstimate. Conrm the estimated cost of labor and materials with your contractor. Use the Small Developer
Handbook for guidance on base assumptions and selections.
Step 3: Submittal
(1) PermitApplication. Submit your site plan, application, and associated fees to the Building Department. All buildings
except the Small Apartment shall use the “New House Permit Application.” The Small Apartment shall use the
“Commercial Building Permit Application.
(2) Review. The Building Department will review your complete application within 2 business days. They will issue a release
approval or let you know if any additional information or changes are required. The Small Apartment will be subject
to an additional review period at the State level. Pre-approval may not be granted if your property is in a oodplain;
requires an additional drainage report; or if your site plan does not meet the site conguration guidelines or requires a
(3) ExteriorInspection. Once construction begins of a pre-approved building, on-site review of selected details and
building elements will be required.. This inspection will happen concurrently with the required building inspections.
South Bend Pre-Approved Buildings: Process
Pre-approved buildings are permitted in any zoning district that
allows the selected building type. This process oers high-quality
architectural plans with contingent building and site development
approval. In exchange for time and cost savings, the building must
be built to match the oor plans and facade designs, including
all architectural details with only minor deviations allowed. If you
are ready to get started, contact the Department of Community
Investment, Building at 574-235-9554 or
S1 S2 U1 U2 U3 UF NC DT
Key Allowed Allowed subject to Conditions Special Exception
Windows. The location, proportion, and approximate size of windows may
not be changed. However, the following revisions are acceptable:
Windows on side and rear elevation that are not required for
egress or ventilation may be removed. Windows may not be
removed from any front facade or corner facade facing a street.
Simulated divided lights (SDL) muntins may be removed or
changed as desired.
Double-hung windows may be replaced with single-hung. A
transom type window may be used in any bathroom location.
Materials & Details. All buildings shall install the prescribed trim, eave,
and porch details. However, exterior details may be adjusted as followed:
Vinyl or cement board siding may be used in any color. Other
materials may be approved by sta.
Porch columns may be simplied to 6” x 6” posts with no detail
Railing design may be change or removed in accordance with the
Building Code
Side entry awnings or eave brackets may be removed
Rafter tails may be falsely applied (sistered or toe-nailed) rather
than an extension of the roof rafter.
Foundation & Walls. Any deviations to design or structure must comply
with all applicable codes and regulation. Possible adjustments include:
Foundation walls left unnished concrete instead of parge coat
Exterior walls may be constructed using 2x4 structure or other
pre-engineered wall system that meets design intent
Basement may be replaced with a slab on grade foundation
Interior layouts may be adjusted if no exterior structure or window
location is aected
Basement Unit. To create a lock-o basement unit, an exterior
door may be add at the top of the basement stair.
Master Suite. A ground oor master suite may be added per the
pre-approved plan layout
Carriage House. A second residential unit, located above the
garage, may be added within the rear yard of the lot.
South Bend Pre-Approved Buildings: Allowed Variations
The execution of pre-approved buildings shall meet the design of the provided plans to the greatest extent possible.Unless
otherwise noted, exterior dimensions shall not be increased or decreased. Interior nishes, xtures, and appliances may be
determined at the discretion of the applicant. The following design deviations are allowed by administrative approval. The
contractor is required to conrm that any modications are code compliant, appropriate, and complete prior to construction.
Optional windows on side facade
Porch columns and brackets may
be simplied or removed
A rear extension or side entrance
may be added to accommodate
additional living spaces
The execution of pre-approved buildings shall meet the design of the provided plans to the greatest extent possible. The
exterior “in the eld” inspection should conrm compliance with the drawing set. The contractor is responsible for contacting
Building to schedule the required inspections. Inspections will pay specic attention to the following elements:
>>Conrm that the building type is allowed in the applicable zoning district and meets any site plan requirements noted on
page A-1.01 of the plan set. Mark selections below.
Zoning District S1 S2 U1 U2 U3 UF NC DT
Building Type Carriage House Narrow House - 2 Bed Narrow House - 3 Bed Standard House - 3 Bed
Standard House - 4 Bed Duplex Apartment House
Site Plan Conguration Corner Lot Interior Lot with Alley Access Interior Lot without Alley Access
>>Conrm correct layout of the building on the lot:
Building Orientation _______________________________
Fits within allowed lot width? _______________________________
Located on a corner lot? _______________________________ If yes, check for proper orientation of plan
Setbacks F:_____ C:_____ S:_____ R:______
>>Check elevations for the following:
Facade option selected _______________________________
Placement of minimum required windows (measured to center line of opening)
Conrm correct head height of windows (measure to rough opening)
Ground 1st oor level height above grade
>>Check following detail elements for compliance:
Porch columns (Option A/B/C) _______________________________
Eave detail (Option A/B/C) _______________________________
Trim details visible from the street (i.e. window surrounds, corner boards, frieze board, water table trim, and skirt
>>Check the site plan for the following regulations:
Walkway to main entrance
Shade Trees provided
South Bend Pre-Approved Buildings: Exterior Inspections