Benchmarking E-government:
A Global Perspective
Assessing the Progress of the UN Member States
United Nations
Division for Public Economics and
Public Administration
American Society for
Public Administration
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements iv
About the Project v
Section page number
Section 1: The 2001 Global E-government Landscape 1
1.1 Executive Summary 1
1.2 E-government Profile of the UN Member States 1
1.3 The E-government Index 2
1.4 Important Global Trends in 2001 3
1.5 The Information Decade 4
Section 2: Benchmarking E-government 8
2.1 Services are the Public Face of Government 8
2.2 Current Benchmarking Practices 10
2.3 The Stages of E-government 11
2.4 Country Progress 13
Section 3: Analysis of Stages 15
3.1 Overview 15
3.2 Emerging Presence 16
3.3 Enhanced Presence 17
3.4 Interactive Presence 17
3.5 Transactional Presence 19
3.6 Website Evaluation as a Benchmarking Tool 21
Section 4: The E-government Index 22
4.1 Ensuring an Enabling Environment 22
4.2 Compiling the E-gov Index 24
4.3 Global Overview 27
4.4 Change: The Essential Process of the E-gov Universe 28
Section 5: Geographic Regional Analysis 34
5.1 North America 35
5.2 Europe 37
5.3 South America 40
5.4 The Middle East 41
5.5 Asia / Oceania 42
5.6 Central America 44
5.7 The Caribbean 45
5.8 Africa 45
Section 6: Public Administration and E-government 48
6.1 E-administration: 48
Challenges of Governing in the Information Age
6.2 Administrative Issues in 2001 50
6.3 E-Governance 53
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
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Conclusion 56
Appendix 1: Member States’ E-government Index By Region 57
Appendix 2: Best Practices Developed by 63
Appendix 3: Sample Questionnaire 64
Appendix 4: Website Evaluation Form 67
Selected Online Resources 69
References 71
Endnotes 74
Box 1: Online Profile of UN Member States 1
Box 2: The Stages of E-Government 2
Box 3: National governments roles in an information society 4
Box 4: The Principles of E-Government 6
Box 5: The Stages of e-Government 10
Box 6: Single Entry Portals Are Standard 18
Box 7: Single Entry Portals: Several Excellent Examples 18
Box 8: Online Tax Transactions 19
Box 9: September 11, 2001 21
Box 10: Factors Impeding an Enabling E-gov Environment
in Developing Countries 22
Box 11: Global Online Population 23
Box 12: Indexing South America 26
Box 13: E-Government Program Development 50
Box 14: The Framework of E-Governance 54
Chart 1: Country Stages for 2001 12
Chart 2: E-Gov Index by Geographic Regions 34
Chart 3: Percentage of Population Online By Region in 2001 40
Chart 4: Information Access Measure by regions 42
Chart 5: Telephone lines and mobile phones / 100 inhabitants
by region in 2001 47
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
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Table 1: 2001 Global E-gov Leaders 3
Table 2: The 2001 E-Government Index 7
Table 3: Global Online Population 23
Table 4: Global Leaders 24
Table 5: Indices for South America 26
Table 6: 2001 Global E-Government Indexes 30
Table 7: Geographical Regional Comparison of Indicators 34
Table 8: Index North America 35
Table 9: Index Europe 37
Table 10: Index South America 40
Table 11: Index Middle East 41
Table 12: Index – Asia / Oceania 43
Table 13: Index Central America 44
Table 14: Index Caribbean 45
Table 15: Index Africa 46
Table 16: Barriers to E-government 49
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
Benchmarking E-government: Assessing the United Nations Member States was made
possible through a collaboration between the American Society for Public Administration
(ASPA) and the United Nations Division for Public Economics and Public Administration
(UNDPEPA) of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA).
There are several individuals we wish to acknowledge for their cooperation, assistance
and guidance in the research and preparation of this report. We would like to thank
Ms. Mary Hamilton, Ph.d, Executive Director, ASPA, who made available the
organization’s membership and staff. We would also like to thank Prof. Marc Holzer,
Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey, Director, Ph. D. Program in Public Administration
and founder of the E-Governance Institute at Rutgers University --- Newark whose
expertise in the area of performance measurement proved of great value.
We would also like to express our deepest appreciation to the members of the Office of
the E-Envoy of the United Kingdom; the E-government Project Team, Department of the
Taoiseach, Government of the Republic of Ireland and the members of the United States
Government’s team and the United States General Services Administration,
in allowing access to their respective units and who were extremely generous with their
knowledge, ideas and time.
We would further like to thank the following individuals who provided an invaluable
service in conducting research: Dr. Jafar M. Jafarov, UNDP; Laura Forlano, Ph.d
candidate, Columbia University, Sylvie Angelou, New York University, and especially
Dana Curran of Columbia U. for her country analysis and Jesse Catral of Rutgers
University for his insightful assistance and statistical analysis in developing the
e-government index.
Finally, we would like to express our deepest appreciation and heart felt thanks to
Mr. Guido Bertucci, Director, UN Division for Public Economics and Public Administration,
for without his vision and support, this study would have remained a proposal.
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
In an effort to gain an appreciation of the global e-government landscape in 2001, the
United Nations Division for Public Economics and Public Administration (UNDPEPA) and
the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) undertook a research study
analyzing the approach, progress and commitment on the part of the 190 UN Member
The study’s primary goal was to objectively present facts and conclusions that define a
country’s e-government environment and demonstrate its capacity to sustain online
development. This was accomplished by a comparative analysis of fundamental
information and communication technology (ICT) indicators and critical human capital
measures for each UN Member State. The final measure or E-government Index could be
useful tool for policy-planners as an annual benchmark.
In determining what defines an enabling environment, this report analyzed critical factors
by benchmarking the core areas endemic to national e-government programs. The final
measure or E-government Index attempts to objectively quantify these factors, and
establish a “reference point” for which a country can measure future progress.
The E-government Index presents a more inclusive and less subjective measure of a
country’s e-government environment. It incorporates a country’s official online presence,
evaluates its telecommunications infrastructure and assesses its human development
The website research was conducted during two intervals from May to July and October
to December, 2001 in order to measure progress and ensure accuracy. Each Member
State was examined using sites available on the world wide web during these periods.
E-government development can be swift and continuous, yet inchoate. Change and
improvement must be a permanent part of the process if a country is to achieve the
stated goals within its strategic framework and to offer the most inclusive citizen-centric
approach. Unquestionably, many of the UN Member States will have a different look six,
even three months from the release of this report.
Progressive governments are upgrading their sites regularly; expanding the types and
quality of their online services and improving their content daily in an effort to achieve
the highest measure of user satisfaction, administrative efficiency and cost effectiveness.
The research and analysis conducted for this research is an appraisal taken at a
particular period in time --- a digital photo of the global e-gov landscape during 2001.
Stephen A. Ronaghan
Project Coordinator and
author of the final report
New York
May, 2002
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
Stephen A. Ronaghan has been employed by the United Nations as a policy analyst and
project coordinator since 1994. He has worked on several information and
communications technology (ICT), public sector management and governance projects
and has contributed to numerous research studies and policy analyses. Mr. Ronaghan
has also worked in the area of UN project and program evaluation and performance
measurement. He received an M.P.A. from New York University’s Robert F. Wagner
Graduate School of Public Service in 1993.
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
1.1. Executive Summary
Since the mid -1990s governments
around the world have been executing
major initiatives in order to tap the vast
potential of the internet for the distinct
purpose of improving and perfecting the
governing process. Like the personal
computer, the internet has become an
indispensable tool in the day-to-day
administration of government. In an
effort to gain an appreciation of the
global e-government landscape in 2001,
the American Society for Public
Administration (ASPA) and the United
Nations Division for Public Economics
and Public Administration (UNDPEPA)
undertook a research study analyzing
the approach, progress and
commitment on the part of the 190 UN
Member States.
Broadly defined, e-government can
include virtually all information and
communication technology (ICT)
platforms and applications in use by the
public sector. For the purpose of this
report however, e-government is
defined as:
utilizing the internet and the
world-wide-web for delivering
government information and services to
In order to maximize e-government’s
effectiveness and realize its vast
potential, several fundamental
conditions must exist in order to
facilitate an enabling environment. The
study’s primary goal was to objectively
present facts and conclusions that
define a country’s e-government
environment and demonstrate its
capacity (or lack of) to sustain online
development. This was accomplished by
a comparative analysis of fundamental
information technology (IT) indicators
and critical human capital measures for
each UN Member State.
Two methodologies were used in the
research. First, national government
websites were analyzed for the content
and services available that the average
citizen would most likely use. The
presence, or absence of specific
features contributed to determining a
country’s level of progress. The stages
present a straightforward benchmark
which objectively assesses a country’s
online sophistication. Second, a
statistical analysis was done comparing
the information and communication
technology infrastructure and human
capital capacity for 144 UN Member
States. The final measure or
E-Government Index could be useful
tool for policy-planners as an annual
1.2. E-government Profile of the UN
Member States
National e-government program
development among the UN Member
States advanced dramatically in 2001.
Box 1: Online Profile of UN Member States
UN Member States: 190
with a government website presence: 169
with a National Government Website: 84
with single entry portals: 36
with sub-national govt websites: 84
with online transaction capacity: 17
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
Countries whose web presence in
previous years consisted of one or two
static government web pages began
offering content rich, well-designed,
citizen-centric sites. But despite creative
initiatives, national e-government
program development remains
overwhelmingly at the information
provision stage. The level of
sophistication in which countries are
using the internet to deliver quality
information does, however, vary
Full-fledged commitment to
e-government implies that a country’s
leadership recognizes the fact
information has become a social and
economic asset just as important and
valuable as traditional commodities and
natural resources. Information benefits
the most the individuals and industries
which have unimpeded access to its
acquisition, and the self-determination
to convert essential data into
knowledge. The theme of this report,
therefore, is “facilitating information
access for enhanced citizen
participation through e-government”.
In 2001, of the 190 UN Member States,
169 (88.9%), of their national
governments used the internet in some
capacity to deliver information and
services. For 16.8% of these
governments, their presence on the
internet was just emerging. The official
information offered in these countries
was often static in content and limited
to only a few independent websites.
Countries with an enhanced internet
presence --- where users can access an
increasing number of official websites
that provide advanced features and
dynamic information ---- represented
34.2%, the highest number among the
Member States. Thirty percent of the
countries surveyed offered interactive
online services where users have access
to regularly updated content and,
among other things, can download
documents and e-mail government
officials. The capacity to conduct
transactions online, where citizens can
actually use the internet to pay for a
national government service, fee or tax
obligation, was offered by 17 national
governments, or only nine percent of the
UN Member States.
A country's social, political and
economic composition most definitely
correlates closely with its e-government
program development. However there
were exceptions, as evidenced by
several developing and transitioning
economies. Key factors such as the
state of a country’s telecommunications
infrastructure, the strength of its human
capital, the political will and
commitment of the national leadership
and shifting policy and administrative
priorities play important roles. Each of
these factors influence how decision
makers, policy planners and public
sector managers elect to approach,
develop and implement e-government
1.3. The E-government Index
In determining what defines an enabling
environment, this report analyses the
above issues by benchmarking the core
areas endemic to national
e-government programs. The final
measure or E-government Index
attempts to: 1) objectively quantify
Box 2: The Stages of E-Government
Emerging: An official government online presence
is established.
Enhanced: Government sites increase; information
becomes more dynamic.
Interactive: Users can download forms, e-mail
officials and interact through the web.
Transactional: Users can actually pay for services and
other transactions online.
Seamless: Full integration of e-services across
administrative boundaries.
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
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these critical factors and 2) establish a
“reference point” for which a country
can measure future progress.
The E-gov Index presents a more
inclusive and less subjective measure of
a country’s e-government environment.
It incorporates a country’s official online
presence, evaluates its
telecommunications infrastructure and
assesses its human development
The Index identifies, underscores and
weighs the importance of the requisite
conditions which enable a country to
sustain an e-government environment
which ensures that every segment of its
population has unconstrained access to
timely, useful and relevant information
and services.
Not surprisingly, the results of the E-gov
Index tend to reflect a country’s
economic, social and democratic level
of development. Industrialized nations,
whose citizens enjoy the benefits of
abundant resources, superior access to
information and a more participatory
relationship with their governments, rank
well above the mean E-Gov Global
Index of 1.62.
Geographically by region, North
America (2.60), Europe (2.01), South
America (1.79) and the Middle East
(1.76) all registered an index above the
global mean. Asia (1.38), the Caribbean
(1.34) Central America (1.28) and Africa
(0.84) fell below the global index.
Among individual countries, the United
States (3.11
) is the current global leader
and was the only country to register an
index above 3.00. By geographic region
the leaders in 2001 were: North
America: United States; Europe: Norway
(2.55); South America: Brazil (2.24);
Middle East: Israel (2.26
); Asia /
Oceania: Australia (2.60
); Africa: South
Africa (1.56); Caribbean: the Bahamas
); Central America: Costa Rica
1.4. Important Global Trends in 2001
E-government can offer numerous
possibilities for improving how a nation’s
public sector responds to the basic
needs of its citizens. There is however a
wide variance as to the process in which
governments choose to realize such
Throughout the course
of researching this
we were able to gain
access to a
considerable number
of high level policy and
decision makers,
dedicated public
sector managers,
administrators and civil
servants working on
their country’s national
programs. Onsite visits were made to
several countries, while in-depth
interviews were conducted by
telephone and e-mail. A questionnaire
(see appendix 3)was also sent to
selected individuals. Many generously
shared their expertise, knowledge and
thoughts with us. Below are some of their
most important insights.
A country’s overall progress in
e-government closely correlates
with its social, political or
economic composition. The
more effective programs
prioritize development to reflect
ICT, human resources and user
National E-government program
development remains desultory
and unsynchronized. A
compelling lack of coordination
exists across administrative and
policy boundaries. Ultimately this
may compromise program
effectiveness and performance
USA 3.11
Australia 2.60
New Zealand 2.59
Singapore 2.58
Norway 2.55
Canada 2.52
UK 2.52
Netherlands 2.51
Denmark 2.47
Germany 2.46
Table 1:
2001 Global E-
ov Leaders
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
Online service delivery should be
thought of as complementary
rather than accepting the more
popular view that it will ultimately
replace many traditional
channels for service delivery.
Increased access to the world
wide web does not automatically
transform into increased use of
e-government as user interest
has been low and indifferent.
There exists a significant digital
divide within national public
Single Entry Portals are an
accepted and important
Prioritizing online service delivery
to the business community is a
implementation strategy in
several emerging economies at
the expense of citizen-centric
service delivery.
National E-gov management
teams in 2001 were the
exception rather than the rule.
There is a considerable lack of
public awareness campaigns
informing citizens that national
governments are offering online
service delivery.
Cost Effectiveness: The belief
that online service delivery is less
costly than other channels is not
wholly unfounded. However
there exists little empirical
evidence to support this
With few exceptions funding
e-government is tied directly to
the level of commitment on the
part of the political leadership.
Perhaps the most compelling finding of
the survey, however is: for a large
majority of countries, national
e-government program development is
occurring in a swift and dynamic
manner and for now change is the only
1.5. The Information Decade
Over the past ten years the dramatic
advances made in information and
communications technology (ICT) have
transformed much of the world into a
digitally interconnected community that
is increasingly functioning on a “365 / 24
/ 7” basis. Throughout this period,
especially the past five years, the
predominant drivers of change have
been the internet and the world wide
web. Both have added a new, and
arguably indispensable "e" dimension to
academia, commerce, and now
Considerable resources, both human
and financial, are being committed to
launching and perfecting programs
which deliver government information
and services online. Such initiatives are
intended to improve administrative
operations and enhance government
efficiency while realizing the residual
effect of deeper citizen involvement in
the governing process. From
Box 3: National governments play four
distinct roles in an information society
Determine the policies and
regulatory structures
Deliver the programs and services
of government to the citizen
Use the information infrastructures
to enhance the internal
administrative practices
Interface with citizens in the
democratic process of
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
Zambia the concept of e-government is
being openly embraced.
For most of the UN Member States,
electronic service delivery, or
e-government, is still a new and
challenging medium. To be precise,
e-government encompasses many
applications and incorporates virtually
all ICT platforms. However, it is the
internet that is the most widely
recognized and identifiable component
driving e-government. A major indicator
of a society’s openness is access to the
information available on the internet.
Restrictive states have sought ways to
contain or manage information and
access, ultimately compromising an
enabling e-government environment
The year 2001 saw a greater expansion
in government online presence than the
previous five years combined. Website
content and online applications
progressed from static, public affairs
“e-brochures” to virtual information
centers where the interaction between
citizen users and the public sector is
continuous. Last year also saw an
increase in the online transaction of
business with government.
In 2001, it was estimated that globally
there were well over 50,000 official
government web-sites (22,000 sites in the
US Federal government alone) with
more coming online daily.
In 1996 less
than 50 official government homepages
could be found on the world-wide-web.
Of the 190 UN Member States, 169 were
providing some degree of information
and services online. Based on the
available resources, policy priorities and
political commitment, however, the
scope and content of national
See Worldwide Governments on the World Wide
e-government programs contrast
substantially. Namibia's Ministry of Health
and Social Services
( for
example, maintains an effective
information gateway despite extremely
inadequate resources, while the
Republic of Korea’s National Tax Service
) is indicative of what
can be done with unabridged
commitment and support.
E-government development is constant
and conspicuous. It has received
considerable attention through a steady
stream of events at the national and
international levels. In March 2001, for
example, the Third Global Forum on
Reinventing Government
) chose for its
theme: “Fostering Development
through E-government”. Participants
from 122 nations, which far exceeded
the combined official representation of
the first two Global Forums,
met in
Naples, Italy to share best practices,
information and ideas.
The Third Global Forum articulated the
following key points:
E-government can consistently
improve the quality of life for citizens
and can create a sharp reduction of
costs and time.
E-government will eventually
transform the processes and structures of
government to create a public
administration less hierarchical,
empowering civil servants to serve
citizens better and to be more
responsive to their needs.
E-government must be given
serious consideration also in the
developing countries not only for its
potential for stronger institutional
capacity building, for better service
delivery to citizens and business (thus
increasing local social and economic
development), for reducing corruption
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
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by increasing transparency and social
control, but also for “showing the way”
to the civil society and business
Wide-ranging e-government programs
remain at, or near, the top of most
countries’ policy agendas. For many
nations, digitizing service deliveries like
filing personal income taxes online or
paying VATs electronically represents a
marked departure from the traditional
paper-based way of doing business. For
some countries, such departures have
culminated in success. For others the
challenge is formidable, but not
When asked to describe the ultimate
benefit of e-government, the most
consistent response given by decision-
makers and public sector professionals
interviewed for this report was that it
transforms governance like no previous
reform or reinvention imitative.
E-government potentially empowers
individual citizens’ by providing them
with an alternative channel for
accessing information and services and
interacting with government.
It also gives the individual citizen another
choice: whether to become an active
participate in the governing process or
remain a passive observer.
Providing citizens with new choices is a
goal that resonates throughout many of
the national e-government strategic
plans. Both the intended and the
residual outcomes of this objective are
considerable: open communication,
enhanced transparency, increased
social inclusion and citizen participation,
democratic enrichment and superior
governance. These outcomes however,
tend to be more potential then extant,
and objectively quantifying a
potentiality is in itself a test. This study ---
the first global effort at benchmarking
e-government --- is in itself a challenge
as it attempts to balance both the
abstract and the tangible in order to
But perhaps what e-government is
ultimately about is opportunity.
Opportunity to transform a public sector
organization’s commitment so it can
function as truly citizen-centric.
Opportunity to provide cost effective
services to the private sector
contributing to the development of
business and promoting long-term
economic growth. Opportunity to
enhance governance through improved
access to accurate information and
transparent, responsive and democratic
institutions. The types of services that can
be delivered over the internet are still
being conceived, developed and
improved by both the public and
private sectors. Over the next few years
expect to see a increased
experimentation, innovation and
organizational learning in an effort to
perfect e-government.
Box 4: The Principles of E-Government
Build services around citizens’ choices
Make government and its services
more accessible
Facilitate social inclusion
Provide information responsibly
Use government resources effectively
and efficiently
UK Government White Paper
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
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Table 2:
The 2001 E-Government Index
Global Index: 1.62
High E-gov Capacity
Medium E-gov Capacity
Minimal E-gov Capacity
Deficient E-gov Capacity
2.00 - 3.25
1.60 - 1.99 1.00 - 1.59 Below 1.00
USA 3.11 Poland 1.96 Armenia 1.59 Cameroon 0.99
Australia 2.60 Venezuela 1.92
Brunei 1.59 Cent African Rep. 0.98
New Zealand 2.59 Russian Fed. 1.89 South Africa 1.56 Ghana 0.98
Singapore 2.58 Colombia 1.88 Paraguay 1.50 Nepal 0.94
Norway 2.55 Latvia 1.88 Cuba 1.49 Thailand 0.94
Canada 2.52 Saudi Arabia 1.86 Philippines 1.44 Congo 0.94
UK 2.52 Turkey 1.83 Costa Rica 1.42 Maldives 0.93
Netherlands 2.51 Qatar 1.81 Panama 1.38 Sri Lanka 0.92
Denmark 2.47 Lithuania 1.81 Nicaragua 1.35 Mauritania 0.91
Germany 2.46 Ukraine 1.80 Djibouti 1.35 Bangladesh 0.90
Sweden 2.45 Bahamas 1.79 Dominican Rep. 1.34 Kenya 0.90
Belgium 2.39 Hungary 1.79 Trinidad & Tobago 1.34 Laos 0.88
Finland 2.33 Greece 1.77 Indonesia 1.34 Angola 0.85
France 2.33 Jordan 1.75 Jamaica 1.31 Haiti 0.84
Rep of Korea 2.30 Bolivia 1.73 Iran 1.31 Mauritius 0.84
Spain 2.30 Egypt 1.73 Azerbaijan 1.30 Tanzania 0.83
Israel 2.26 Slovakia 1.71 India 1.29 Senegal 0.80
Brazil 2.24 Slovenia 1.66 Kazakhstan 1.28 Madagascar 0.79
Italy 2.21 Mongolia 1.64 Belize 1.26 Zimbabwe 0.76
Luxembourg 2.20 Oman 1.64 Barbados 1.25 Burkina Faso 0.75
Unit. Arab Emir. 2.17 Ecuador 1.63 Guyana 1.22 Zambia 0.75
Mexico 2.16 Suriname 1.63 Honduras 1.20 Mozambique 0.71
Ireland 2.16 Malaysia 1.63 El Salvador 1.19 Sierra Leone 0.68
Portugal 2.15 Romania 1.63 Guatemala 1.17 Cambodia 0.67
Austria 2.14 Belarus 1.62 Gabon 1.17 Comoros 0.65
Kuwait 2.12 Peru 1.60 Turkmenistan 1.15 Guinea 0.65
Japan 2.12 Uzbekistan 1.10 Namibia 0.65
Malta 2.11 Vietnam 1.10 Togo 0.65
Iceland 2.10 Samoa (Western) 1.09 Gambia 0.64
Czech Republic 2.09 Cote d'lvoire 1.05 Malawi 0.64
Argentina 2.09 China 1.04 Mali 0.62
Estonia 2.05 Pakistan 1.04 Ethiopia 0.57
Bahrain 2.04 Nigeria 1.02 Chad 0.55
Uruguay 2.03 Kyrgyzstan 1.01 Niger 0.53
Chile 2.03 Botswana 1.01 Uganda 0.46
Lebanon 2.00
Tajikistan 1.00
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
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2.1. Services are the Public Face of
Virtually all government services can be
classified under one of three
fundamental categories: informational,
interactive and transactional. The first,
informational, is by far the most
significant. Information is at the heart of
every policy decision, response, activity,
initiative, interaction and transaction
between government and citizens,
government and businesses and among
governments themselves. How
information is collected, processed,
analyzed, packaged and disseminated
is in itself a specialized industry.
Successful citizen-centric e-government
programs emphasize the indispensable
nature of information while balancing its
often limited shelf-life and considerable
inflationary component. In the
information and knowledge age, there is
no institution that produces raw data
and new information with more
regularity than government.
Since services are the public face of
government, the primary objective of all
e-government initiatives is to provide the
citizen user with an efficient alternative
medium for interacting with public
sector service providers. This is generally
accomplished by improving the flow of
information both externally and
internally. Information is government’s
most fundamental output
consequently, transforming ministries,
departments, agencies, units and staff
to make theme”-ready is an intense
and challenging process.
Eighty-eight percent of the UN Member
States have made at a legitimate effort
to commit to some form of
e-government; that is 169 countries have
an established online presence with
official government websites. However,
in 2001, for over 25% of the countries, the
content of official websites consisted of
static and insufficient information often
of a public relations nature and
consistently with strong political
overtones. Such sites can hardly be
described as service delivery or
considered citizen-centric since they are
not a medium to elicit useful feedback.
This trend is predominant in a several
emerging countries in Asia, the
Caribbean and throughout Sub-Sahara
Africa where countries like Zimbabwe
) exploit the web for
very singular purposes.
The industrialized countries have taken a
less desultory approach in developing
their programs and the types of services
they are providing. This is particularly
evident throughout Europe, North and
South America as nearly all the countries
in both regions have highly dynamic
and interactive official government
websites, where content is accurate,
specialized and regularly updated.
The capacity to conduct transactions
online at the national government level
in 2001 was available in 17 countries.
There was also considerable activity at
the sub-national level, which would
suggest that in countries where
e-government is evolving autonomously
or without a coordinated national
strategic program, transactional service
delivery will occur irregularly with, in
many cases, local governments
demonstrating such a capacity before
the national government.
Although online transactions are one of
the primary features that justify a wide-
ranging e-government initiative, it is
worth noting, that despite the benefits of
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
technological and the impact of
globalization, the national economies of
over 75% of the countries indexed are
substantially cashed based.
In the
majority of these societies, credit-card
use is still reserved for a select and
privileged minority. Consequently, the
necessity for online transactions in such
countries may not be as great as the
need for reliable information.
Credible information is sine qua non for
maintaining a balanced and open
dialogue between decision-makers and
the civil society. The policy participation
process is one example.
A higher level of participation that goes
beyond just providing feedback and
comment is the participation of citizens
in the processes of policy development
and decision making of government.
Traditionally this has been practiced
through the use of voting and referenda
and again mostly at community and
local levels. It goes beyond simply
providing feedback; rather it is a process
of discussions and negotiations which
often involves personal interaction.
E-government potentially increases
citizen involvement in the process of
governance at all levels by introducing
new voices to the dialogue through
online discussion groups, thus expanding
outreach and influence while
enhancing the rapid development and
effectiveness of interest groups.
In the United States for example, there is
concern among academics, activists,
and elected officials that government
websites might focus more on providing
services, and less on facilitating civic
involvement. This type of service
orientation, they argue, treats citizens as
consumers rather than partners in
government, and thus inhibits public
engagement with the nation’s political
While users are certainly taking
advantage of all the services and
information made available on
government sites, a smaller portion are
active in using the Internet to monitor
public affairs. In 2001, an estimated 42
million Americans (24% of those with
access) used government Web sites to
research public policy issues; 23 million
(13% with access) used the Internet to
send comments to public officials about
policy choices; and 13 million (7.5% with
access) participated in online lobbying
Despite the incredible advances made
in information technology, digitizing
government is, and will continue to be
into the foreseeable future, a complex
and constant process. Countries vary
radically in their approach, level of
development and overall commitment
to e-government. Critical endemic
factors like available resources, political
leadership, economic capacity and the
character of the civil society deeply
impact on the scope and breadth of a
government's e-gov policy. How a
nation ultimately shapes its
e-government commitment ideally
should consider these factors and
respect the citizen-centric approach
rather than being influenced by short-
lived trends or what outcomes may be
politically expedient.
For countries, like the United Kingdom
) launching an
e-government program is an extensive,
meticulously planned exercise with
ambitious goals and targets. The UK also
enjoys the advantages of unabridged
political support. For other nations,
especially those in Sub-Sahara Africa,
just going online can be a frenetic leap
from the past into the future with little
time to absorb the present.
E-government is a new and for the most
part a nascent activity. Program success
Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project
Government Web Sites Survey, September 5-27,
2001 N=815. Margin of error is ±4%.
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
is not necessarily measured by the
increase in the number of government
websites, the number of daily “hits” or
user visits to each site, or by the number
of officials who can be accessed by
e-mail. (Though for many countries
producing a fully interactive, service
oriented website is a task not to be
taken lightly.) Successes are kept in
perspective, and setbacks are to be
expected. Despite the highly visible and
multi-functional sites, many governments
continue to "flight test" their programs in
an attempt to find the right combination
of services, features, content and entry
points that are efficient, cost-effective
and truly citizen-centric. However, time
in cyberspace does not allow
governments to celebrate very long
their accomplishments, nor mull over
their setbacks.
2.2. Current Benchmarking Practices
Benchmarking is an essential and
valuable exercise since the practice
allows individuals to mark a specific
policy or program’s progress and
chronicle successes and setbacks over a
given period of time. This provides policy
developers, decision makers and public
sector managers with vital information in
order to make mid-course adjustments,
improve program efficiency and ensure
that the tax-payers are getting a return
on their ‘investment’. Several countries,
international organizations and private
sector consulting firms have developed
useful tools in an attempt to measure e-
government progress through a series of
targets that mark a specific stage of
The primary research conducted for this
report was gathered for two purposes:
first, to gain an appreciation and
understanding of the global
e-government landscape and; second,
to quantify data so to develop and test
a new and impartial benchmarking
practice. The research sought to assess
how governments have approached,
developed and implemented online
service delivery. The research also
sought to maintain objectivity, yet to be
as inclusive as possible in determining all
UN Members’ level of development
based on the available data.
A practice currently in use by
governments, international organizations
and private sector firms charts progress
through a series of levels or stages
marked by the presence (or absence) of
fundamental online applications and
basic features. The primary research for
this report has benchmarked a country’s
progress using the tools and methods
being practiced by the European Union
(, the United Kingdom’s
Office of E-Envoy; the United States
Government’s General Services
Administration; and Ireland’s national
e-government program.
Box 5: The Stages of e-Government
Emerging: A government web
presence is established
through a few
independent official
sites. Information is
limited, basic and static.
Enhanced: Content and information
is updated with greater
Interactive: Users can download
forms, contact officials,
and make appointments
and requests.
Transactional: Users can actually pay
for services or conduct
financial transactions
Seamless: Total integration of e-
functions and services
across administrative
and departmental
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
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Using the world wide web, all 190 UN
Member States were accessed and over
1900 national government websites
examined in order to analyze and chart
each country’s level of progress. The
citizen-centric approach was the basis
for our analysis. That is sites
(predominately cabinet ministries and
departments) and sectors considered to
be most representative of services that
the majority of citizens were likely to seek
were evaluated. The primary or target
sectors were: health, education, labor or
employment; social welfare and
services, and finance. Countries were
also evaluated for a capacity to
conduct transactions online.
Countries were assessed by the following
An official government web
presence must exist.
The type of service delivery
available: basic or informational,
interactive, transactional.
The presence and of services in
five critical sectors: education,
health, labor/employment,
welfare/social services and
financial services.
Use of single entry portals; and
de facto portals (official national
government websites).
To a lesser degree, fidelity to
strategic plans, use of e-gov
2.3. The Stages of E-government
National (and for that matter, regional
and local) government strategic
planning, characterizes e-government
Here we took a broader approach to the
research, not restricting the transactional capacity
to the targeted sectors.
development as a linear progression,
with service providers moving through
four, five or even six levels or stages
before achieving the stated program
This type of benchmarking is
a based primarily on analyzing website
content; any interactive features
(e-mail), quality and timeliness of
information and the capacity to
conduct online transactions. It provides
a convenient reference point for
developed and emerging nations, but it
presupposes a definitive level of
technical sophistication.
Prior to this study, developing countries
were omitted from much of the research
completed using this practice. We have
included a stage that reflects the
progress of developing countries.
In order to quantify the results, a
numerical scale ranging from 1 – 5 with
one representing an Emerging Presence
and five, Seamless or fully integrated,
was used. Each stage was furthered
analyzed for the presence of specific
features and content and measured by
intervals of .25.
The stages are a method for quantifying
progress. They are representative of the
government’s level of development
based primarily on the content and
deliverable services available through
official websites. This is not to suggest,
however, that in order to achieve
immediate success, a country must
follow this linear path, but rather reflects
the type of analysis and standards used
in 2001.
E-government programs are subjected
to a number of internal and external
factors. Technology and trained staff
obviously play a vital role in e-gov
development and influence how a
government will implement its program.
But it is the availability of resources that
dictate the goals of a particular
government. Ramping up from level one
to level two, level three, etc is, for now, a
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
consequence of the patterns of
contemporary program evolution. This
does allow policy planners a degree of
flexibility and creativity in program
development while still following the
game plan. Based on the availability of
a governments’ resources, an effective
program can be designed and
launched with the intent of being fully
transactional before ever going online.
Ramping up also allows the luxury of
utilizing a cost-effective practice of
testing through pilot programs.
The website research was conducted
during a three month period from May
to July and repeated from October to
December, 2001 in order to measure
progress and ensure accuracy. Each
Member State was examined using sites
available on the world wide web during
these periods. As stated earlier,
e-government development can be
swift and continuous, yet inchoate.
Change and improvement must be a
permanent part of the process if a
country is to achieve the stated goals
within its strategic framework and to
offer the most inclusive citizen-centric
approach. Unquestionably, many of the
UN Member States will have a different
look six, even three months from the
release of this report.
Progressive governments are upgrading
their sites regularly. Expanding the types
and quality of their online services and
improving their content daily in an
attempt to achieve the highest measure
of user satisfaction, administrative
efficiency and cost effectiveness. The
website analysis conducted as part of
this research is an appraisal taken at a
particular period in time --- a digital
photo of the global e-gov landscape
during 2001. (The stages of development
are however an important variable in
compiling the E-gov Index: Section 4)
For the purpose of the UN/ASPA survey,
a country’s online presence can be
categorized by one of five stages:
emerging; enhanced, interactive;
transactional; and fully integrated or
Chart 1: Country Stages for 2001
Emerging Enhanced Interactive Transactional Seamless
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
2.4. Country Progress
Emerging Presence:
A country commits to becoming an e-gov player. A formal but
limited web presence is established through a few independent government websites
which provide users with static organizational or political information. Sites may include
contact information (i.e telephone numbers and addresses of public officials). In rare
cases, special features like FAQs may be found.
Antigua & Barbuda
Cape Verde
Central African Rep.
Marshall Islands
St. Vincent & Gren.
Solomon Islands
Enhanced Presence:
A country’s online presence begins to expand as its number of
official websites increase. Content will consist more of dynamic and specialized
information that is frequently updated; sites will link to other official pages. Government
publications, legislation, newsletters are available. Search features, and e-mail addresses
are available. A site for the national or ruling government may also be present that links
the user to ministries or departments.
Bosnia / Herz.
Burhino Faso
Cote d’Ivoire
Domincan Rep.
El Salvador
Papaua New Guinea
St. Kitts & Nevis
St. Lucia
San Marino
Sierre Leone
Trinidad & Tobago
Viet Nam
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
Interactive Presence: A country’s presence on the internet expands dramatically with
access to a wide range of government institutions and services. More sophisticated level
of formal interactions between citizens and service providers is present like e-mail and
post comments area. The capacity to search specialized databases and download
forms and applications or submit them is also available. The content and information is
regularly updated.
Costa Rica
Czech Rep.
Russian Federation
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Sri Lanka
United Arab Emirates
Transactional Presence:
Complete and secure transactions like obtaining visas,
passports, birth and death records, licenses, permits where a user can actually pay
online for a services pay parking fines, automobile registration fees, utility bills and taxes.
Digital signatures may be recognized in an effort to facilitate procurement and doing
business with the government. Secure sites and user passwords are also present.
New Zealand
Rep. Of Korea
United Kingdom
United Statees
Seamless or fully integrated:
Capacity to instantly access any service in a "unified
package”. Ministerial/departmental/agency lines of demarcation are removed in
cyberspace. Services will be clustered along common needs.
No country surveyed has achieved this stage.
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
3.1. Overview
Much of the current performance analysis
recognizes e-government development as
a linear progression, with countries moving
through four, five or even six levels or
stages of advancement. This form of
benchmarking is a based primarily on
analyzing website content, special
features, the quality and type of
information offered and the capacity to
conduct online transactions. It provides a
convenient reference point for developed
and emerging nations, but it presupposes
a certain level of sophistication.
Developing countries have, for the most
part, been omitted from many of the
studies completed using such a
benchmark. Our research recognizes the
efforts of least developed countries as
well. Therefore a stage that reflects their
efforts and progress was included.
However in practice, there exists three
functional levels of online service delivery
--- basic or publish, interactive and
For most countries, gradually ramping up
to a more advanced level or stage of
development is a sound strategic
approach. Factors like technological
improvements, financial and human
resources, political commitment and
citizen participation, all contribute to how
quickly an e-government program
There are, however, other factors that
should be noted as well. In certain
developing and emerging nations current
cultural and economic conditions may
justify e-gov programs that reflect the
immediate needs and technical capacity
of these societies. In such cases, attaining
level three or even level two may be a
realistic strategic development goal and a
sufficient online response. Consequently,
some programs may seem modest in
comparison to progressive or industrial
nations. It should be emphasized that the
primary objective of any e-government
program is to address the needs of
citizens. For a number of countries
attaining the enhanced or interactive
level may successfully fulfill this objective.
There are a finite number of services that
citizens and businesses can transact online
with national governments. Transactional
services vary depending upon the type of
political system. Highly centralized
governments will retain jurisdiction over
many transactions that decentralized and
federal systems will devolve to sub-
national levels. Driver’s license is one
As noted in Section 2, the research
procedure selected for analyzing the
government websites was based on a
practices currently in use by national
governments, international organizations
and to a lesser degree, private sector
consulting firms.
The citizen-centric approach was the basis
for our analysis, therefore official websites
addressing sectors that were considered
to be most representative of services that
average citizens were most likely to seek
were evaluated. Five primary or target
sectors were analyzed: health, education,
labor or employment; social welfare and
services, and finance.
We further sought to Identify those aspects
of agency websites that are most
important for effective delivery of public
information and services. It is envisioned
that the results of this research will lead to
the development of a set of objective
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
performance measures for determining
the degree to which an agency website
effectively fulfills its mission of providing
information and services to the public.
Once accepted, these measures can be
tested and refined. Eventually a concise
set of internationally recognized
procedures that describe how these
performance measures can be refined
and ultimately applied could be
National government websites were
analyzed for their content and the type of
services available. The presence or
absence of specific features and
information factored into a country’s level
or official presence. The stages present a
straightforward and functional benchmark
of a national government’s online
presence and the sophistication of its
e-government program. Below is a brief
analysis of each stage.
3.2. Emerging Presence
Nearly all 32 countries, (16.8 of those
surveyed) at the
Emerging Presence Level,
are among the world’s least developed
nations with over half (18) in Sub-Sahara
Africa. Countries at this level averaged 3.9
official websites per government (in 2001,
the United States had over 31,000 Federal,
State and local sites) with content
consisting of predominately static and
insufficient information that is updated
infrequently, if at all. Most programs are in
their embryonic stage, providing few
interactive features like e-mail or
downloading forms. Actual online
services, as of this writing, are non-existent
for the countries at this level, and no
country offered an official website for any
of the five target sectors. Official
information for many of these countries is
predominately of a highly partisan,
political nature, i.e. bios and predictable
spin on the prime minister or the party in
power. The number of sites
disproportionately favor the political
parties over the service-provision or
administrative sites. There is little or no
information that would assist an individual
in accessing a specific public service. For
the most part, content could hardly be
described as citizen-centric.
Sectors with sites that are funded by
international organizations or outside
groups, or those promoting foreign
investment and tourism tend to be more
highly developed as a result of the
political and economic weight placed on
such issues. Some island nations, whose
primary source of economic activity is
tourism, have one or two sites promoting
the advantages of visiting or investing in
their country. Seychelles and Trinidad and
Tobago are such examples.
Obviously many of these countries are
among the poorest in the world, whose
limited resources are stretched well
beyond their finite capacities. National
priorities focus on basic survival issues.
However some countries have displayed
an intrinsic capacity for progress. Gabon’s
national government site
is an example of a
‘de facto’ single entry portal and allows
users to access 14 official national
government sites. Guiana and Botswana
are on the verge of ramping up to the
next level.
Most government sites do not have links to
all of the ministries and agencies, and
many have not been updated. The sites
typically are not used for administrative
purposes. For the countries at the
Emerging Presence level, e-government
program development is erratic and
disparate. There is little evidence of any
coordination or strategic planning within
ministries or departments, let alone,
national governments. However, this
condition may be reflective more of the
prioritization of needs rather than
organizational or political indifference.
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
3.3. Enhanced Presence
Of the 65 countries (34.2%of the Member
States) with an
Enhanced Presence,
are emerging or newly industrialized
economies, and, with the exception of
North America, are found in all
geographic regions. The average number
of sites for countries at this level is 18. There
are several cases of developing countries
like Cote’d Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Ghana
who are quickly succeeding in their
e-government programs as evidenced by
their commitment to content
improvement. There is still, however, very
little if any online representation of
ministries or departments dealing and with
social welfare, education or health issues.
The potential for more advanced
development in e-government is
apparent from some areas of Ghana's
site, however. Administrative guidelines
and regulations for obtaining a license to
export cocoa are clearly outlined in
extensive detail. Although the sites do not
allow the user to download the necessary
forms and applications, the information is
easily accessible and thorough. The
majority of CIS states including Georgia,
Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan are at the
Enhanced Presence level.
Presently, Nigeria's government web sites
are primarily for public affairs issues, with
very little dynamic information to the
citizens of Africa’s most populous nation.
Political agendas of the party in power are
obvious and appear on the forefront of
the site. In Nigeria's case, the unofficial
government web site is the Presidency.
Quotes about combating corruption and
allegiance to the presidency appear on
the page. The site itself does not provide
direct access to all ministries and legisla-
tive or judicial issues, including laws and
regulations or court decisions. This is not
uncommon among the countries at this
level, particularly those in Africa.
Nigeria has no ministries online, and
instead provides links to an array of
agencies and departments concerning
export regulations, ports authority, public
enterprises, corporate affairs, and
investment promotions. The focus is
clearly on promoting investment and
enhancing economic growth and
development. However, all sites or
information relating to education, social
services, health care or women and
children specifically are conspicuously
absent. This pattern of unbalanced
implementation is common at this level
and among developing countries.
Several Central American countries, such
as El Salvador, the Dominican Republic
and Guatemala, despite persistent
program obstacles (i.e. technological,
financial and human resources), are on
the verge of ramping up to the next level
of development. The Principalities of
Monaco and Liechtenstein each have
technically advanced websites, but their
content provides general information of a
public affairs nature promoting the
benefits of their countries.
The majority of nations at the Enhanced
Level show a greater degree of diversity in
their online content and the quality of
information. Although the content on most
official sites is predominantly political or
public affairs in nature, more than half the
countries (34), are developing a citizen-
centric approach with sites for at least one
of the targeted sectors. Forty-two
countries are upgrading their information
on a regular basis (at least once every two
3.4. Interactive Presence
The Interactive Presence clearly
embodies the citizen-centric approach as
content, information and services
become what the people should expect
rather then what governments prefer to
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
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The delivery of information and services is
aimed at maximizing the importance of
the consumer by ensuring that ease of use
is priority. Portals are the preferred point of
entry; content is critically managed and
information is well balanced. Security and
privacy features are prominent among
At this stage, perhaps the most varied
profile of the Member States in terms of
national economic, political and social
conditions can be found. Of the 55
countries who offer interactive services,
20% are developing nations. The
remaining 80% are evenly divided
between newly emerging economies and
industrialized countries. Virtually all the
governments have demonstrated a strong
national commitment to a citizen-centric
e-government program and are well
advanced technically in their programs.
Only ten countries did not have websites
for all five target sectors. Each of the ten,
did however have a minimum of three
target sectors online.
Twelve countries (24%) at this stage
employ official single entry portals. Thirty-
one countries (62%) have official national
government sites which serve as de facto
portals, each linking the user with most
ministries, agencies departments as well as
government and elected officials. Of the
31 countries with official national
government sites, 24 link to the ministries of
the five targeted sectors: health,
education, labor, social welfare and
finance. Communicating with government
or elected officials is available through
e-mail and post comments features for
each of the 55 countries.
Information and content take on a
greater significance at this level and are
continuously updated. The sites are also
upgraded on a regular basis. Although
there is always a degree of political
information present in the content, it does
not dominate a country’s official
government web presence. In all 55
countries, users have the capacity to
download and request either documents
or forms from a specific ministry,
department, agency or unit. For a
number of countries like the Netherlands,
Sweden, Japan, ramping up to the
transactional level is only a matter of time,
Box 7: Single Entry Portals:
Several Excellent Examples
Brazil .
New Zealand
Rep. Of Korea
United Kingdom
United States www.first
Box 6: Single Entry Portals Are Standard
As a gateway or single point of entry to
government services, portals are
becoming the standard. In 2001, 36
countries provided easy access through
single entry portals. At the regional or
state level the number is much higher. All
26 of Brasil's states use this approach, as
do Germany's Landers, the majority of
Mexico's states and all 50 of the US states.
Serving as much more than a simple
gateway, however, a portal offers an
opportunity to reorient services around
the needs of citizens while consolidating
back office responsibilities. The United
States (
) and the United
Kingdom (
) are
excellent examples.
Eighty-four countries have an official
national government web page. These
sites can serve as de facto single entry
portals. National government websites
offer most of the features and links that
would be found on single entry portals.
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
and several may have already achieved
the capacity by the release of this report.
Although online transactions are one of
the primary services that demonstrate
e-government’s utility, the point must be
reiterated, that despite daily advances in
information technologies and the
inescapable impact of globalization the
national economies for the large majority
of UN Member States are predominately
cashed based. Credit-cards, online
banking and other paperless forms of
e-commerce are, for the present,
available to those who have the means to
access such services. The necessity for
online transactions in many of these
societies may not be as great as the need
for reliable and practical information.
3.5. Transactional Presence
At the Transactional Presence level, a
country has fully demonstrated the
capacity for users to interact with the
government by purchasing publications or
other item, or utilizing a service like
obtaining a passport and paying for it
online with either a credit card, bank
debit or by some other electronic means.
At the completion of our online research,
17 countries offered complete
transactions online. (In should be
emphasized that in the case of online
transactions, the empirical evidence
sought required a closer examination of
national government websites. In some
cases transactional activity at the local
level has preceded national
governments.) Each of these countries is
a member of the OECD. All 17 use single
entry portals with the UK and Singapore
adopting the personal user ID approach.
All have very sophisticated citizen-centric
sites that offer the user access to
government organizations whose
existence most citizens may hardly be
aware of. The sites are undergoing
frequent revision and improvement to
achieve the maximum level of user
satisfaction. Content is regularly updated
to reflect the constant demand for current
and accurate information.
Box 8: Online Tax Transactions
Perhaps the most often cited example of e-
government’s utility is the capacity to pay
taxes online. Many countries now offer
electronic filing. Spain, has one of the most
sophisticated online taxation programs in
But paying online is a different matter. France
has had an electronic payment program for
years and has successfully transitioned the
service to the web. But the program itself
requires several steps include gaining
permission to participate and securing an
electronic credit from the government and
the bank selected for payment and has yet
to achieve popularity with the French
citizens. Mexico has a similar program. But of
the 91 million people only 3.7 million have
access to the web. Payment of VAT,
personal and business taxes are at varying
stages of development.
From January 1 to April 15 the Internal
Revenue Service Website receives three
times as many hits as any other official US
government website. However the number
of taxpayers e-filing is disproportionately low.
There are a number of explanations, but the
most common is that despite the relative
ease and convenience, US taxpayers have
yet to gain a sense of trust for the process.
The IRS has projected that 45 million US
citizens will file electronically in 2002an
increase of 16 percent from 2001. The
remaining 95 million US taxpayers, however,
will continue to use the traditional approach
Online filing is gaining popularity among
South American countries. Collecting
payment however, is still in the pilot stage.
Chile for a example since instituting the
service in 1997 has seen a business filings
increase from 23,000 in 1998 to 800,000 in
2001. Brasil also has in effect an online filing
system in which over 80% of those who filed
taxes in 2000, filed online.
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
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Australia, the UK, Ireland, Brazil and the
United States all present a concise, easily
navigable portal to its transactional
Perhaps the most frequently cited online
national government transaction is the
filing and payment of taxes (see Box 8).
Online taxation payment is technically in
the pilot program stage for nearly all 17
countries at the transactional level. Spain,
) has one of the most
sophisticated online taxation programs in
Europe. Citizens can pay income taxes
online, and businesses can pay income,
property and sales taxes online as well.
Spain also features the use of digital
Germany and Finland have successfully
launched payment programs for citizens
as well as businesses. The Republic of
) has introduced online
VAT payments. Ireland also provides
services like paying one’s utility bill, which
is available at most General Post Offices
throughout the Republic, now online.
) is the site of
the Norwegian Revenue Service offers
several transactional services, including
the payment of income, property and
sales taxes.
The United States
improved its online taxation payment
program from a year ago, though the
number of those filing e-returns has
remained below expectations.
France has used a variation of electronic
tax filing for several years. However the
transition to online taxation has been slow
to gain acceptance as those wishing to
use the service must negotiate several
administrative steps. Mexico has instituted
a similar system.
Canada has perhaps one of the most
comprehensive e-government programs.
In addition to offering a bi-lingual portal, it
provides citizens with a wide range of
services in a highly efficient and user-
friendly manner. Content and services
reflect the government’s unremitting
commitment to improvement and to
providing the best product to Canadian
citizens and international users.
Level Five or Seamless government
represents, for some countries, the
ultimate goal. However very few countries
have publicly acknowledged it as a final
policy objective. The United Kingdom and
Singapore are two examples. Seamless
government is not as easy to qualify as the
four previous levels. It is characterized by
the objective of having all online services,
information, websites, etc available to the
user through a single entry point that is
driven by a super-search engine. But
that’s only half the equation. It also
presupposes a reorganization of internal
administrative structure of government’s
responsibilities to process these services: in
effect eliminating administrative
boundaries. It is sound strategic thinking,
however it is a perfect world scenario. A
more futuristic vision of service delivery
based on the presumption that both
technology and human nature will be so
compliant that the administrative
procedures will transverse organizational
boundaries and become one simple
seamless process.
Attaining this level would necessitate a
considerable degree of political,
administrative and managerial
cooperation. Before the government’s
time and the public’s resources (both of
which will need to available in
abundance) a specific set of
environmental conditions must exist.
These include:
A realistic political vision and
plan that completely grasps the
strengths and weaknesses of its
public sector’s capacity.
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
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A fully committed national
leadership secure enough to
sustain the political opposition to
such a reform program.
A confident and professional
administrative culture willing to
relinquish some degree of
organizational and
administrative territory.
For the majority of countries, attaining
the goal of seamless government may
be an abstract or remote objective.
3.6. Website Evaluation as a
Benchmarking Tool
Governments analyze and test a variety
of measures and indicators in order to
find the most practical benchmarking
methods. Website Evaluation should be
used in conjunction with other
assessment and benchmarking activities
that compliment its value. When
perfected, website evaluation can be
useful in fulfilling such governance goals
Improved planning and goal
setting of E-government
Improved decision-making and
resource allocation related to
E-government programs.
Determining the effectiveness of
a E-government website.
Determining the degree to which
the website adds value to the
Providing trend data to assess
change over time.
Contributing to continuous
improvement efforts and
Identifying problems and possible
solutions, as well as the
effectiveness of corrective
Empowering organizational
actors to seek and enact
Developing accountability
organizational learning.
Improving public information
access services of those
Box 9: September 11, 2001
When the entire downtown area around the White
House, including the FirstGov offices, was evacuated
on September 11
, team members worked through the
night on computers in their homes to produce content
and design for a special section on the FirstGov
By 7:00 AM on September 12
, the team had already
assembled critical lists of more than 60 websites and
telephone numbers of official government services,
critical care facilities, and emergency centers. By that
afternoon, the special FirstGov site called “America
Responds to Terrorism” was up and running on the
World Wide Web. In a matter of hours, the major
commercial Internet search sites — AOL’s Government
Guide, MSN, MSNBC, Yahoo and Google had special
hot links to FirstGov. Key government sites, the White
House, FEMA, DOD, State, GSA and SSA all crossed
linked to FirstGov. Specialized listserves and Federal call
centers alerted their subscribers to FirstGov’s special
site. Television and radio stations across the U.S. began
to broadcast FirstGov’s URL.
The days following the devastation in New York and
Washington provided the FirstGov team with an
extraordinary opportunity to use technology to create
a rapid, effective response in a time of national
emergency. Hits on the site doubled, visits tripled, and
the number of unique visitors to the FirstGov portal
quadrupled. But what meant the most to the FirstGov
team were personal testimonials from Americans
stunned by the September 11
attacks. Americans
turned to FirstGov for information on missing family
members, for hospital telephone numbers, for locations
of blood donation centers, and links to airlines and
disaster centers. Hundreds of people in the U.S. and
from more than 60 other countries contacted the
FirstGov team, communicating their sympathy, anger
and suggestions for additional information.
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4.1. Ensuring an Enabling Environment
To ensure that a national e-government
program realizes its maximum potential,
the existence of a favorable or enabling
environment is paramount. By regularly
assessing the core areas that are
requisite for sustaining an information
society --- institutional capacity, cultural
and human resources conditions, ICT
strengths and the political commitment -
-- governments would be in a position to
carefully evaluate performance
opportunities and challenges while
candidly appraising their strengths and
weaknesses. “E-capacity” analysis allows
policy and decision-makers to initiate
the appropriate actions necessary in
order to ensure the needs of their
citizens are effectively met.
National governments play four distinct
roles in sustaining the enabling
environment of an information society:
Determine the policies and
regulatory structures.
Deliver the programs and
services of government to the
Use the information
infrastructures to enhance the
internal administrative practices.
Interface with citizens in the
democratic process of
In order to effectively respond to the
numerous technological, fiscal and
cultural factors that contribute to
developing and sustaining an
information society, decision-makers
and public sector professionals should
maintain a clear, practical vision of their
national e-gov programs that
realistically reflect the strengths,
weaknesses, needs and priorities of their
Box 10: Factors Impeding an Enabling E-gov Environment in Developing Countries:
The are several core factors that have been identified in UN reports on ICT and have also been discussed in various
forums impacting developing countries in ICT and e-government projects.
Core Factors Symptoms Consequences
Institutional Insufficient Planning Inadequately Designed Systems
Weakness Unclear Objectives Cost Over-runs
Human Shortage of Qualified Personnel Insufficient Support
Resources Lack or Professional Training Isolation from sources of technology
Funding Underestimated Project Costs Unfinished Projects
Arrangements Lack of recurring expenditure Higher Maintenance Costs
Local Lack of Vendor representation Lack of qualified technical support
Environment Lack of back-up systems / parts Implementation Problems
Technology and Limited Hardware / Software System Incompatibility
Information Changes Inappropriate software Over-reliance on Customer Applications
Knowledge Societies
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If a national government’s strategic
“e-vision” anticipates greater citizen
participation, improved service delivery,
increased efficiency, administrative
modernization, enhanced transparency
and increased foreign investment, then
the political leadership must be fully
prepared to see such a commitment
through to the completion of these
objectives regardless of the challenges.
Table 3: Global Online Population
The strategic goals of any national
policy should, most importantly, reflect
the needs and expectations of the
citizens, not necessarily the grandiose
dreams of policy advisors or ephemeral
promises of the political leadership.
Like resources and technical capacity,
priorities and expectations vary widely
from county to country, government to
government and citizen to citizen.
Where perfecting the payment of taxes
online is one of several principle
objectives in Spain, for example, simply
“going online” or staying online may be
the most immediate goal in Senegal.
In developing and transitioning
countries, factors such as institutional
weakness, lack of qualified or properly
trained staff and technological
limitations potentially make even a
minor e-gov activity, like responding to
e-mail, a major administrative challenge
(see Box 10
). The need for technical
assistance, administrative capacity
building and human resource training
are the most conspicuous areas where
the international community and the
United Nations can play an active,
facilitating and significant role.
The web, being a transparent and highly
visible medium, is the public’s most
palpable assessment of a country’s
e-readiness. Consequently a subtle
dynamic is taking place among
governments: the allure of the status
associated with the recognition (or the
perception) of being e-ready. In order to
realistically compete (or at least be
given the opportunity to compete) as a
knowledge-based economy in the
Online August ‘00
% change
World Total 408 mil 514 mil + 20
Africa 3.2 mil 4.2 mil + 24
Asia /
105 mil 143 mil + 28
Europe 114 mil 154 mil + 26
Middle East 2.5 mil 4.7 mil + 47
Canada /
168 mil 181 mil + 8
17 mil 25 mil + 32
Box 11: Global Online Population
The figures used were collected by,
) an internet research firm, based in
Dublin, Ireland. Currently they are the only analysts
who have attempted to measure access for all
countries. The analysis has shown that in all
technologies Europe and North America have the
highest percentage of access while the African
region has the lowest percentage. According to a
UNESCO study this could be an indication that as
expected the more the region matures and develops
economically the higher the percentage of access.
This same trend becomes evident when the analysis
focuses on industrialized and developing countries.
The Annual Global growth rate over the past year
was 20%, which according to internet watchers
should hold at this level for the next few years.
Although it is not unlikely that a region could show
accelerated growth, as was the case with the Middle
East. This reflects a policy of full commitment to
access on the part of governments in the region. The
advanced telecommunications infrastructure also
assisted significantly. Africa’s 24 percent growth rate
was its highest yet and the region should achieve at
least this level of growth over the next year, if not
exceed it. The figure of eight percent for Canada
and the US reflects the near saturation point for both.
As regards to the provision of telematics services to
government departments the difference between
developing and industrialized countries is striking, as
industrialized countries have an edge in that a higher
proportion of their government departments have
access. Source:
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
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global e-commerce arena, many
developing country governments are
committing to fast track applications
that are either lack real substance or
address only the needs of a single sector
such as the business community, often
at the expense of a citizen-centric
4.2. Compiling the E-government Index:
The Key Indicators
There are several key factors that define
the core areas of an enabling
e-government environment. Many are
endemic to a nation’s individual
political, economic and cultural fabric.
In short a country's national character.
Yet because the visions, goals and
policies that encompass e-government
vary considerably among practitioners
and users, comparative indicators may
not always be precise, while any proven
reference points, at this time, are
virtually nonexistent. Consider also the
fact that despite a pattern of continuous
growth in internet usage (see Table 3) it
is too early to anticipate with
confidence what percentage of a
country’s population will completely
accept e-government and make it a
regular part of their lives.
Several proven indicators, however, do
exist that are representative of a
country's capacity to launch, sustain,
perfect and promote an effective
e-government program --- a country's
e-gov environment---
and can be used
as dependable benchmarks.
Telecommunications indicators like, pc’s,
internet hosts, telephone lines, are
indispensable, as without these requisite
technologies, a country’s capacity to
sustain online service delivery is
Appendix 1 describes the formula used in
compiling the e-gov index.
nonexistent. Analyzing website content,
access patterns, online services and
official information, give only a partial
(albeit a critical) account of a countries
overall e-gov environment.
Table 4: Global Leaders
USA 3.11
Australia 2.60
New Zealand 2.59
Singapore 2.58
Norway 2.55
Canada 2.52
UK 2.52
Netherlands 2.51
Denmark 2.47
Germany 2.46
Sweden 2.45
Belgium 2.39
Finland 2.33
France 2.33
Rep of Korea 2.30
Spain 2.30
Israel 2.26
Brazil 2.24
Italy 2.21
Luxembourg 2.20
Unit. Arab Emir. 2.17
Mexico 2.16
Ireland 2.16
Portugal 2.15
Austria 2.14
Kuwait 2.12
Japan 2.12
Malta 2.11
Iceland 2.10
Czech Republic 2.09
Argentina 2.09
Estonia 2.05
Bahrain 2.04
Uruguay 2.03
Chile 2.03
Lebanon 2.00
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In devising a methodology for
benchmarking and performance
measurement for an enterprise as
nascent and unique as e-government,
one approach would be to include
many variables in order to obtain the
most comprehensive picture as possible.
But currently, there are only a few
comparable universal indicators suitable
for quantifying e-government. And, such
comprehensiveness may not be entirely
desirable. While too few indicators may
tell only a partial story, too many can
distort the picture or dilute general
trends. The model practice will weigh
disparities and balance inequities.
The E-government Index attempts to
emphasize and balance the conditions
that are most representative of a
country's capacity to develop, sustain
and provide unimpeded access to
timely, useful and relevant information
and services for every segment of its
In order to best capture a balanced
interpretation, three distinctive measures
consisting of primary indicators
available for most (144), of the UN
Member States were developed. The
measures are: Web presence Measure;
Telecommunications infrastructure
Measure and; Human Capital Measure.
The first --- web presence measure---
captures a country's online stage of
development discussed in Sections 2
and 3. The second measure ---
telecommunications infrastructure
measure --- compares six primary
indicators which define a country's ICT
infrastructure capacity. The sources for
the statistics are the 2001 International
Telecommunications Union Report and
the 2001 UNDP Human Development
Report. They are:
PCs per 100 individuals: For now,
PC’s are the primary device for
accessing the internet until
access becomes universally
available through other mediums
like television; this statistic is
fundamental in quantifying a
country’s capacity to deliver
online service.
Internet hosts per 10,000 individs:
Measures internet penetration.
Obviously, the greater the
number of internet hosts and
service providers, the greater the
opportunity for citizen access.
Percentage of a nation’s
population online:
Estimates how many are citizens
are using the web. The
source for these figures is
, (see table 3),
the only organization that
provides statistics for nearly every
UN Member State
Telephone lines per 100 Individs:
Which is basic infrastructure
measure. The greater the
number of telephone lines the
likelihood increases for access.
Mobile phones per 100 individs:
Indicates a country’s potential
for wireless capacity. Wireless
connectivity is extremely
important in many developing
countries. This could play an
important role in the near future,
as mobile access becomes more
Televisions per 1000: This
indicator was included to assess
the prospects of web TV. Cable
and satellite TV potentially offer
the highest rate of access of any
hardware device.
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Having the education, freedom and
desire to access information is
critical to e-government’s
efficacy. Presumably, the higher
the human development the more likely
citizens will be inclined to accept and
use e-government services.
Having the technical means to access
relevant and timely information and
services is a critical factor addressed in
the web presence and infrastructure
measures. The third measure --- human
capital --- attempts to capture a
country's, and its citizens’ facility,
opportunity and willingness to use online
government. The three indices are
The UNDP Human Development
index which measures a
society's well being, including
level of education, economic
viability and healthcare.
Infrastructure Measure Human Capital Measure
PCs / 100
Int Hosts
/ 10000
% of Pop
Lines /
Phones /
TVs /
Urban as
% of Total
Argentina 3.25 5.13 72.98 10.5 21.32 16.34 289 .842 .916 89.6
Bolivia 3.25 1.23 1.59 2.1 6.17 5.16 115 .648 .833 61.9 1.73
Brazil 4 4.41 51.53 7.1 18.18 13.63 316 .750 .667 80.7
Chile 3.25 8.55 49.11 12.5 22.12 22.36 232 .825 .833 85.4 2.03
Colombia 3.25 3.37 11.06 3.3 16.92 5.33 217 .765 .500 73.5
Ecuador 2.75 2.01 0.18 1.5 10.00 3.81 293 .726 .667 64.3 1.63
Guyana 2.5 2.45 0.69 1.1 7.49 0.33 59 .704 .833 37.6
Paraguay 2.75 1.12 2.36 1.3 5.00 19.55 101 .735 .583 55.3 1.50
Peru 2.5 3.57 4.17 1.5 6.37 4.02 144 .743 .583 72.4
Suriname 2.5 1.10 0.24 3.0 18.06 9.84 217 .758 .916 73.5 1.63
Uruguay 3 9.96 162.02 12.8 27.84 13.19 242 .828 .999 91.0
Venezuela 3 4.55 6.68 5.7 10.78 21.75 185 .765 .500 86.6 1.92
Average 3.00 3.95 30.22 5.19 14.19 11.28 200.83 .760 .740 72.65
Box 12: Indexing South America
The table used as an example compares the
12 countries of South America. Analyzing the
numbers reveals some interesting findings. For
example, Brasil is the overall regional leader
with a 2.24 E-gov Index. This is achieved
primarily based on the strength of its Web
Presence Measure of 4.0, the highest in the
Uruguay (2.03), however leads the region in
nearly all individual infrastructure and human
capital measures, and along with Argentina
(2.09) scored higher than Brasil in many of
these indicators. However both countries have
not, matched Brasil’s online service
development. Consequently, they are slightly
behind in the overall index.
Uruguay’s strength in the infrastructure and
human capital measures (highest Information
Access indicator) would suggest that there is a
greater likelihood for overall long term success
and increased citizen participation. This of
course precludes the possibility of political or
economic emergencies.
Table 5: Indices for South America
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
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The Information Access Index
which draws on two annual
surveys from Transparency
international (
and Freedomhouse International
Quantifying a country’s citizen
interaction with government is a
challenge. Both organizations
produce annual surveys that
measure key democratic
components which contribute to
accessing and disseminating
information and monitor a
countries public sector for
corruption. The Information
Access Index combines
the two annual indicators
converts them to a
Urban / rural population ratio
which gives an indication of
internet service patterns and
how access may be prioritized.
Countries with a greater
percentage of its inhabitants in
rural areas may find bringing
service to its population a
greater challenge.
4.3. Global Overview
Overall, 61 or 42% of those countries
indexed placed above the global mean
of 1.62. Thirty-six countries, or 25% of the
144 indexed have High E-government
Capacity, exceeding the value of 2.00.
The majority of the countries with a High
E-gov Capacity (25) are OECD
members. Countries indexing above
2.00, predominantly, have the technical
and human capacity and the resources
to sustain innovative and productive
citizen-centric e-gov programs with few
The United States (3.11) is the overall
global leader and the only country to
register an index greater than 3.00.
Clearly, the US’s tradition as a
pioneering leader in the field of
information technology, along with its
well-educated population, economic
strength and a fidelity to the principles of
freedom of information give it a
significant competitive advantage. But
despite an abundance of technological
and human capital reserves, the US was
slow off the e-gov mark and only began
to make serious strides in 2001 with the
performance of, the official
portal of the federal government;
improved online transaction capabilities
and the US Government’s remarkable
ability to disseminate accurate, reliable
and timely information immediately
following the events of Sept. 11
, 2001
and thereafter.
Several countries, such as Mexico (2.16),
Brazil (2.24) and Chile (2.03) for
example, were able to overcome
persistent infrastructure limitations, like
inadequate hardware availability or
scarce internet access, and rigorous
human capital challenges, to develop
complete e-government programs. In
Mexico and Brasil, much like in Australia,
the United Kingdom, Ireland and
Sweden the commitment on the part of
political leadership has been strong and
Twenty-six countries (18% of those
indexed) have Medium E-government
Capacity and placed between 1.60 and
1.99 with Poland (1.96) just missing
inclusion among the global leaders.
Countries in this group are
predominantly technologically
advanced and in many cases enjoy a
well educated population. However,
each country may be weak in one or
more key individual areas. Poland, for
example, scored high in its web
presence measure suggesting an
unabridged commitment on the part of
the political leadership to a competitive
e-government program. However in the
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
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infrastructure and human capital
measures, Poland ranked comparatively
lower than most of its European
Egypt (1.73) is another example where
the commitment to an effective and
efficient e-gov program is a priority
despite ongoing infrastructure and
human capital limitations.
A greater number of countries, 36 (25%),
demonstrated a Minimal E-government
Capacity indexing between 1.00 – 1.59
than any other level. Included in this
group were newly emerging economies,
developing and least developing
countries. The e-government programs
among these countries reflect the
realities of their limited infrastructure and
human capital capacities while
balancing the priorities of their
development needs. Information
provision is the primary service provided
by governments and in several cases it is
of minimal value to the users (when they
can actually gain access to the
Lack of basic assets like PC’s, partial
internet access, and an inadequate
number of telephone lines are part of
the equation. Limited economic
resources are the other part. Despite
inadequacies in the areas of education,
human capital levels are improving.
The commitment to a fully functional
e-government program, however, is
strong in many countries including,
Armenia (1.59), Costa Rica (1.42),
Jamaica (1.31) and India (1.29).
Among the developing countries, India,
has benefited from the combined effort
of its political leadership and highly
professional civil service in developing a
multi-functional e-gov program. It
maintains a single entry portal and offers
many of the requisite features found in
the programs of the global leaders.
Of the 35 (24.3%) countries who indexed
below 1.00 --- Deficient E-gov Capacity
31 are among the world’s least developed
nations with 25 from Sub-Saharan Africa.
For the majority of these countries,
e-government registers a low order of
priority on the policy agenda.
Augmenting ICT capacity must be
rationally balanced with food, medical,
educational and labor issues.
However, there are nations who are
finding the resources and the expertise
to make e-government happen.
Bangladesh, Kenya, and Ghana, for
example recognize the importance of
the role technology plays in
development and have embarked on
e-government programs representative
of their respective development
4.4 Change: The Essential Process of the
E-government Universe
Change is the one word that best
characterizes the current global
e-government condition. Change in
processes; change in thinking; change in
administrative practices and change in
outlook. This may sound simplistic, but it is
accurate and contains its own set of
complex issues.
Change in cyberspace is constant, swift
and dynamic. Many of countries that
are excluded from access to
technological advances are often not
even aware of the fact that they are
falling behind.
Hardware and software availability and
internet access are vital components of
e-government for the obvious reason
that they facilitate the delivery of
information to communities. This benefit
ultimately empowers citizens with the
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
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capacity to participate more readily in
the governing process and by having a
greater voice in decisions that impact
upon their societies. This point cannot be
over emphasized.
Public education to increase familiarity
and comfort with the internet is a
significant component of the enabling
environment. Although highly guarded
of official information, Singapore, for
example, has made it a specific goal to
ensure that its population has access
and becomes literate in the use of the
Persuading citizens to change however
and accept, for example, transactions
online, or to even trust the official
information provided requires, in many
cases, a major readjustment of cultural
thinking. As discussed earlier, as of 31
December 2001, 17 national
governments had online transaction
Most developing countries
and NICs are predominantly cash-based
economies with a small percentage of
the population credit card users (usually
restricted to the professional and
affluent). One residual effect of this
reality is the escalation of the digital
divide. Changing cultural traditions will
be a gradual and challenging process.
The raison d'être of online service
delivery is to provide citizens and
businesses with a 24 / 7 / 365 channel to
government. Yet several nations have
created for themselves a temporary
dilemma: choose between a citizen
centric approach or prioritize
information and service delivery to
address the needs of a specific sector:
For perspective: a recent Pew Internet Project
Survey found that of an estimated 68 million
Americans who accessed a government website
in 2001, 5.4 million or 8% conducted a transaction
online. Note this includes federal, state and local
i.e. the business community. This was not
lost upon the conclusions of the Third
Global Forum on Reinventing
“In developing countries,
e-government can reduce economic
and social gaps, but in such contexts a
particularly strong public action is
needed to guide the process and avoid
an exclusively business approach."
Our research corroborates these
findings, as addressing the business
sector has been an approach preferred
by many developing and newly
emerging countries. This is particularly
true in Latin America for countries, like
Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay and to a
lesser degree Brazil and Argentina. Such
a policy, or strategic approach,
however supports the premise that ICT
led economic growth has consistently
raised national productivity, created
jobs and increased income.
with a long tradition of social service
delivery, on the other hand, have
prioritized a citizen-centric approach.
The Nordic countries are excellent
examples. Yet despite numerous
measures to liberalize the ICT sector in a
number of developing countries only
about nine percent of the world’s
population enjoys regular internet
. Concerns like telephony, user
costs, bandwidth size, telecom
regulations must be weighed in
considering e-government’s potential
for transforming governance.
Access to the web will continue to
increase as the telecommunications
infrastructure improves and the
preparation of vital draft legislation
facilitating access become laws
removing outdated regulations
impeding e-government projects.
However, there is currently little
evidence to suggest that these actions
will lead to increased e-government use.
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
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Table 6: 2001 Global E-Government Indexes
High E-gov Capacity: 2.00 - 3.25
ICT Infrastructure Measures Human Capital Measures
PCs /
Int Hosts
/ 10000
% of
Lines /
/ 100
TVs /
Urban as
% of Total
USA 4 58.52 2928.32 62.1 69.97 36.45 847 .934 .999 77.0 3.11
Australia 4 46.46 843.52 52.5 52.41 44.63 639 .936 .999 84.7 2.60
New Zealand 4 36.02 900.87 46.1 49.57 40.25 501 .913 .999 85.7 2.59
Singapore 4 48.31 437.56 49.3 48.57 68.38 348 .876 .333 100.0 2.58
Norway 4 49.05 1009.31 54.4 72.91 70.26 579 .939 .999 75.1 2.55
Canada 4 39.02 768.68 46.5 67.65 28.46 715 .936 .999 77.0 2.52
United King 4 33.78 280.75 55.3 56.72 66.96 645 .923 .916 89.4 2.52
Netherlands 3.5 39.48 1017.49 54.4 60.67 67.12 543 .931 .999 89.3 2.51
Denmark 3.75 43.15 626.60 54.7 75.25 60.99 585 .921 .999 85.3 2.47
Germany 4 33.64 248.30 34.5 60.12 58.59 580 .921 .916 87.3 2.46
Sweden 3.75 50.67 670.79 69.9 68.20 71.37 531 .936 .999 83.3 2.45
Belgium 3.5 34.45 295.44 26.4 49.94 54.89 510 .935 .916 97.3 2.39
Finland 4 39.61 1022.53 48.3 54.69 72.64 64 .925 .999 66.7 2.33
France 4 30.48 190.89 19.7 58.02 49.41 601 .924 .916 75.4 2.33
Korea, Rep. of 4 19.03 84.10 46.4 46.37 56.69 346 .875 .833 81.1 2.30
Spain 4 14.29 112.19 18.4 42.12 60.93 506 .908 .916 77.4 2.30
Israel 3.5 25.36 287.52 17.1 0.47 70.18 318 .893 .833 91.1 2.26
Brazil 4 4.41 51.53 7.1 18.18 13.63 316 .750 .667 80.7 2.24
Italy 4 20.94 177.97 33.4 47.39 73.73 486 .909 .916 66.9 2.21
Luxembourg 3 45.90 271.15 22.9 75.97 87.22 619 .924 .999 91.0 2.20
United Arab Emirs
3.5 12.51 176.00 33.0 41.79 58.51 294 .809 .250 85.5 2.17
Mexico 4 5.06 56.55 3.5 12.47 14.23 261 .790 .750 74.2 2.16
Ireland 4 36.46 296.37 32.5 42.63 66.76 456 .916 .999 58.8 2.16
Portugal 4 10.48 62.02 21.8 43.05 66.52 542 .874 .999 62.7 2.15
Austria 3.5 27.65 588.49 40.6 47.36 78.55 516 .921 .999 64.6 2.14
Kuwait 3 12.13 17.55 8.1 24.40 24.86 491 .818 .416 97.4 2.12
Japan 3 31.52 365.66 37.2 58.58 47.30 799 .928 .916 78.6 2.12
Malta 3 18.13 169.59 11.4 52.49 29.42 518 .866 .999 90.3 2.11
Iceland 2 39.15 1419.96 60.8 67.74 66.98 356 .932 .999 92.4 2.10
Czech Rep 3.5 12.20 155.52 10.7 37.79 42.42 447 .844 .916 74.7 2.09
Argentina 3.25 5.13 72.98 10.5 21.32 16.34 289 .842 .916 89.6 2.09
Estonia 3.75 13.52 284.25 25.6 36.33 38.70 48 .812 .916 68.8 2.05
Bahrain 3 13.98 0.77 10.1 24.97 30.05 419 .824 .083 91.8 2.04
Uruguay 3 9.96 162.02 12.8 27.84 13.19 242 .828 .999 91.0 2.03
Chile 3.25 8.55 49.11 12.5 22.12 22.36 232 .825 .833 85.4 2.03
Lebanon 3 4.64 23.00 9.0 19.96 19.38 352 .758 .250 89.3 2.00
Averages 3.60 27.05 447.93 32.2 46.00 49.68 459.5 .883 .844 82.3 2.29
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
Medium E-Gov Capacity: 1.60 – 1.99
ICT Infrastructure Measures Human Capital Measures
PCs /
Int Hosts
/ 10000
% of
Lines /
/ 100
TVs /
Urban as
% of Total
Poland 3.5 6.89 87.66 9.1 28.24 17.40 413 .828 .916 65.2 1.96
Venezuela 3 4.55 6.68 5.7 10.78 21.75 185 .765 .500 86.6 1.92
Russian Fed 3 4.29 22.22 10.1 21.83 2.22 420 .775 .333 77.3 1.89
Colombia 3.25 3.37 11.06 3.3 16.92 5.33 217 .765 .500 73.5 1.88
Latvia 3 8.20 83.72 10.1 29.99 16.86 593 .791 .916 69.0 1.88
Saudi Arabia 3 5.74 1.73 2.5 13.72 6.37 26 .754 .001 85.1 1.86
Turkey 3 3.81 10.64 6.2 28.00 24.56 286 .735 .416 74.1 1.83
Qatar 2 13.58 37.68 9.8 26.77 19.96 808 .801 .167 92.3 1.81
Lithuania 3 5.95 48.14 7.2 32.11 14.17 376 .803 .916 68.4 1.81
Ukraine 3 1.58 7.09 0.4 19.89 1.62 490 .742 .500 67.9 1.80
Bahamas 2 2.34 0.79 5.1 37.59 10.36 896 .820 .999 87.9 1.79
Hungary 3 8.51 102.09 11.9 37.09 29.34 437 .829 .916 63.8 1.79
Greece 3 7.05 103.91 13.6 53.16 55.90 466 .881 .833 59.9 1.77
Jordan 3 1.39 1.36 4.1 9.29 5.83 52 .714 .500 73.6 1.75
Bolivia 3.25 1.23 1.59 2.1 6.17 5.16 115 .648 .833 61.9 1.73
Egypt 3.75 1.20 0.35 1.1 8.64 2.14 127 .635 .250 45.5 1.73
Slovakia 3 10.93 70.16 14.2 31.42 23.94 402 .831 .916 57.3 1.71
Slovenia 3 25.14 110.11 34.2 37.80 54.66 356 .874 .916 50.3 1.66
Mongolia 3 0.92 0.64 1.3 4.97 4.04 63 .569 .750 63.0 1.64
Oman 2 2.64 11.46 2.0 8.88 6.48 595 .747 .250 82.2 1.64
Ecuador 2.75 2.01 0.18 1.5 10.00 3.81 293 .726 .667 64.3 1.63
Suriname 2.5 1.10 0.24 3.0 18.06 9.84 217 .758 .916 73.5 1.63
Malaysia 3 9.45 29.33 17.0 19.93 21.32 166 .774 .333 56.7 1.63
Romania 3 2.68 18.60 3.6 17.46 11.19 226 .772 .833 55.9 1.63
Belarus 2.5 3.15 1.99 1.7 26.88 0.48 314 .782 .167 70.7 1.62
Peru 2.5 3.57 4.17 1.5 6.37 4.02 144 .743 .583 72.4 1.60
Averages 2.88 5.43 29.75 7.0 21.61 14.57 334.0 .764 .609 69.2 1.75
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
Minimal E-Gov Capacity: 1.00 – 1.59
ICT Infrastructure Measures Human Capital Measures
PCs /
Hosts /
% of
Lines /
/ 100
TVs /
Urban as
% of Total
Armenia 2.5 0.57 7.57 1.1 15.53 0.23 217 .743 .500 69.7 1.59
Brunei 2 6.22 141.21 1.2 24.59 20.52 638 .857 .167 71.7 1.59
South Africa 3 6.18 42.95 6.3 11.36 12.01 125 .702 .916 51.1 1.56
Paraguay 2.75 1.12 2.36 1.3 5.00 19.55 101 .735 .583 55.3 1.50
Cuba 2 0.99 0.59 1.1 4.36 0.06 239 .765 .001 76.7 1.49
Philippines 2.5 1.93 2.54 3.0 3.92 8.24 108 .747 .750 57.7 1.44
Costa Rica 2.5 10.17 18.29 7.1 24.94 5.20 387 .821 .916 47.6 1.42
Panama 2.25 3.20 52.82 2.3 16.43 8.27 187 .784 .916 56.0 1.38
Nicaragua 2.25 0.81 2.76 1.0 3.04 0.90 190 .635 .667 55.8 1.35
Djibouti 1.5 0.95 0.02 0.5 1.40 0.04 73 .447 .416 83.3 1.35
Dominican Rep 2 1.75 9.44 0.2 9.81 5.02 84 .722 .833 64.40 1.34
Trin & Tobag 1.5 5.42 50.96 4.0 23.11 10.29 331 .798 .833 73.60 1.34
Indonesia 2.75 0.99 1.26 1.2 3.14 1.73 136 .677 .583 39.8 1.34
Jamaica 2 4.30 5.71 3.2 19.86 14.24 323 .738 .833 55.60 1.31
Iran 2 5.58 0.27 0.8 14.90 1.51 157 .714 .167 61.1 1.31
Azerbaijan 2 0.45 1.99 0.7 10.36 5.56 254 .738 .250 56.9 1.30
India 3 0.45 0.35 1.2 3.20 0.35 69 .571 .750 28.1 1.29
Kazakhstan 2 0.30 4.55 1.1 10.82 0.30 234 .742 .250 56.4 1.28
Belize 2 10.63 12.16 6.9 14.94 2.97 180 .776 .999 53.6 1.26
Barbados 2 7.80 3.74 3.3 42.71 11.14 283 .864 .999 49.50 1.25
Guyana 2.5 2.45 0.69 1.1 7.49 0.33 59 .704 .833 37.6 1.22
Honduras 2 0.95 0.20 1.1 4.61 2.39 90 .634 .667 51.6 1.20
El Salvador 2 1.62 0.92 1.1 9.08 6.22 250 .701 .750 46.3 1.19
Guatemala 2.25 0.99 4.92 1.1 5.71 3.05 126 .626 .583 39.4 1.17
Gabon 1 0.84 0.28 1.5 3.18 9.79 136 .617 .416 80.3 1.17
Turkmenistan 2 0.46 2.76 1.0 8.19 0.09 201 .730 .001 44.7 1.15
Uzbekistan 2 0.29 0.11 1.0 6.58 0.22 273 .698 .083 37.2 1.10
Vietnam 2 0.89 0.02 1.0 3.19 0.99 180 .682 .083 39.8 1.10
West Samoa 2.5 0.56 139.52 0.3 4.75 1.69 69 .701 .833 21.5 1.09
Cote d'lvoire 1.75 0.55 0.41 0.2 1.81 1.77 70 .426 .460 45.7 1.05
China 2 1.59 0.54 2.1 11.12 6.58 272 .714 .083 31.6 1.04
Pakistan 2 0.43 0.46 0.9 2.22 0.25 88 .498 .250 36.5 1.04
Nigeria 1.75 0.64 0.06 0.4 0.43 0.03 67 .455 .500 43.1 1.02
Kyrgyz tan 2 0.43 8.76 1.1 8.00 0.19 44 .707 .250 33.6 1.01
Botswana 1.5 3.10 14.53 1.2 7.69 7.45 27 .577 .833 49.7 1.01
Tajikistan 2 0.28 0.44 0.2 3.53 0.01 285 .660 .167 27.5 1.00
Averages 2.10 2.39 14.89 1.7 9.75 4.70 182.0 .686 .531 50.8 1.26
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
Deficient E-Gov Capacity: Below 1.00
ICT Infrastructure Measures Human Capital Measures
PCs /
Hosts /
% of
/ 100
Phones /
TVs /
Urban as
% of Total
Cameroon 1.5 0.27 0.21 0.5 0.64 1.00 81 .506 .083 48.0 0.99
Cent Afric Rep
1.75 0.14 0.02 0.9 0.26 0.14 5 .372 .583 40.8 0.98
Ghana 1.75 0.25 0.01 0.4 1.17 0.64 115 .542 .750 37.9 0.98
Nepal 2.5 0.27 0.48 0.3 1.16 0.04 4 .480 .583 11.6 0.94
Thailand 2 2.43 10.47 2.5 8.70 4.39 236 .757 .750 21.2 0.94
Congo 1 0.35 0.02 0.1 0.77 0.12 8 .429 .333 61.7 0.94
Maldives 2 1.89 9.85 2.1 9.08 2.85 39 .739 .250 26.1 0.93
Sri Lanka 2 0.56 1.14 0.6 4.06 2.38 92 .735 .583 23.3 0.92
Mauritania 1 2.72 0.45 0.2 0.72 0.27 91 .437 .250 56.4 0.91
Bangladesh 2 0.10 0.25 0.8 0.34 0.12 7 .470 .583 23.9 0.90
Kenya 1.75 0.42 1.56 1.1 1.01 0.11 21 .514 .250 32.1 0.90
Laos 2 0.23 0.01 0.7 0.75 0.23 4 .476 .083 22.9 0.88
Angola 1.5 0.10 0.01 0.6 0.53 0.20 124 .422 .167 33.5 0.85
Haiti 1.5 0.88 0.10 1.5 0.89 0.31 5 .467 .250 35.10 0.84
Mauritius 1 9.37 27.62 8.0 23.69 10.15 228 .765 .916 43.1 0.84
Tanzania 1 0.24 0.23 0.7 0.49 0.51 21 .436 .500 50.1 0.83
Senegal 1 1.51 1.94 0.5 2.17 2.06 41 .423 .583 46.7 0.80
Madagascar 1.5 0.19 0.34 0.3 0.36 0.23 46 .462 .667 29.0 0.79
Zimbabwe 1.25 1.30 2.31 1.1 2.07 1.51 29 .554 .250 34.6 0.76
Burkina Faso 1.75 0.10 0.32 1.1 0.45 0.21 6 .320 .500 17.9 0.75
Zambia 1 0.72 0.86 0.3 0.93 0.31 137 .427 .416 39.5 0.75
Mozambique 1 0.26 0.06 0.1 0.44 0.11 4 .323 .583 38.9 0.71
Sierra Leone 1 0.21 0.43 0.4 0.39 0.25 26 .258 .416 35.9 0.68
Cambodia 1.5 0.11 0.37 0.1 0.26 1.00 123 .541 .167 15.6 0.67
Comoros 1 0.30 0.58 0.5 1.00 1.00 4 .510 .333 32.7 0.65
Guinea 1 0.34 0.25 0.3 0.79 0.53 41 .397 .250 32.0 0.65
Namibia 1 2.95 18.51 2.3 5.94 4.67 32 .601 .750 30.4 0.65
Togo 1 1.77 0.34 0.8 0.92 0.54 20 .489 .333 32.7 0.65
Gambia 1 0.79 0.12 0.1 2.30 0.42 4 .398 .167 31.8 0.64
Malawi 1.25 0.10 0.01 0.3 0.44 0.22 2 .397 .667 23.5 0.64
Mali 1 0.10 0.08 0.2 0.25 0.04 11 .378 .750 29.4 0.62
Ethiopia 1.25 0.10 0.01 0.2 0.37 0.03 5 .321 .333 17.2 0.57
Chad 1 0.13 0.01 0.1 0.13 1.00 2 .359 .250 23.5 0.55
Niger 1 0.04 0.16 0.3 0.18 0.01 26 .258 .500 20.1 0.53
Uganda 1 0.25 0.08 0.3 0.26 0.54 26 .435 .250 13.8 0.46
Averages 1.36 0.90 2.26 0.9 2.11 1.09 47.6 .469 .431 31.8 0.77
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
Chart 2: E-Gov Index by Geographic Regions
Nor th
Eas t
Asia /
Table 7: Geographical Regional Comparison of Indicators
ICT Infrastructure Measures Human Capital Measures
PCs /
Int Hosts
/ 10000
% of
Lines /
/ 100
TVs /
Urban as %
of Total
North America 4 34.20 1251.18 37.4 50.03 26.38 607.67 .887 .916 76.1 2.60
Europe 3.25 21.14 280.93 24.97 45.41 43.54 431.75 .861 .863 71.5 2.01
South America 3 3.95 30.22 5.19 14.19 11.28 200.83 .760 .740 72.6 1.79
Middle East 2.77 6.46 37.23 7.08 14.11 16.89 279.53 .733 .278 75.1 1.76
Asia / Oceania 2.46 7.07 96.77 8.89 14.55 11.1 227.87 .709 .446 47.3 1.37
Caribbean 1.86 3.35 10.19 2.62 19.76 7.35 308.71 .739 .678 63.2 1.34
Central America 2.18 4.05 13.15 2.9 11.25 4.14 201.43 .711 .785 50.0 1.28
Africa 1.3 1.13 3.48 0.96 2.26 1.75 50.12 .453 .446 38.9 0.84
Global 2.6 10.17 215.39 11.25 21.44 15.3 288.49 .731 .646 61.9 1.62
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
5.1. North America
North America registered a regional
index of 2.60 for a High E-gov Capacity
mark. Canada, Mexico and the United
States are fully committed to providing
the most innovative and citizen centric
e-government programs. Based on the
measures, each country enjoys a strong
enabling environment capable of
sustaining the most sophisticated e-gov
programs. For the United States and
Canada, technology and human
capital are not an issue when it comes
to improving service delivery, reaching
users and enhancing overall e-gov
program performance. In Mexico,
however, the situation is different.
Historically, the United States (3.11) has
been an innovator and leader in digital
government initiatives. Between 1993
and 2001, the Federal government
launched over 1300 independent
initiatives that may eventually morph
into a truly comprehensive national
e-government policy. An abundance of
economic, technical and human
resources, account for the US’s global
dominance in virtually all the
infrastructure and human capital
measures. For the United States it is now
a case of living up to its potential and
reputation. The challenges for the US
are in improving performance,
coordinating policy and programs, and
encouraging increased citizen
participation. Challenges which Firstgov
) are responding to with
creativity and a total commitment to
the customers’ needs. In the US, citizen
acceptance of e-gov has taken on a
quiet momentum. Increased use,
however, is due more in part to an
internet savvy population rather then
any official government promotion.
(Although, urls for many local and state
governments are appearing with
greater frequency on public service
announcements, television ads, and
vehicle license plates as with the State
of Pennsylvania
Table 8: Index – North America
Perhaps in more than any other
federative system, the autonomy that
exists among the US federal, state and
local governments is most evident
through the delivery of services. The
greatest number of services that are
provided to citizens are done so by local
and municipal governments. State
governments provide less services with
the Federal government providing the
fewest amount of services directly to
citizens. (Although there does exist some
confusion on the part of US citizens as to
jurisdiction: case in point, the most
frequently asked e-question the Federal
Government’s Department of
Transportation receives has to do with
driver’s licenses, which are actually
issued by the state governments.) To
address this issue, a pilot project
“Government Without Boundaries”
which will develop a directory of
government services available from all
governments to citizens has been
developed and is under
implementation. The test program in
2001 was the purchasing of national and
state park user and camping permits
through one combined service,
available on the site.
The Bush Administration had been
supportive of e-government, appointing
a federal “e-gov czar” and initiating a
policy that will migrate to the internet by
2003, all government procurement.
Regional Index
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
Yet, it remains information provision
where the US is the strongest.
No government offers greater online
access to official information than the
United States. Whether this improves
government performance, increases
citizen participation and enhances the
policy making process, only time and a
commitment to improvement will tell.
Possibly more than any other country,
Canada (2.52) has demonstrated an
uncanny prescience and intrinsic
understanding of e-government’s
potential and reality. Like the United
States, Canada’s strong infrastructure
and human capital measures are the
foundation of a solid enabling
environment and a High E-gov
Capacity. Where the Canadian
government excelled in 2001 was in its
ability to implement upgrades and
improvements, particularly in the area of
customer relationship management.
Coordination among departments is
perhaps stronger than in any other
industrialized nation. This could be
attributed to the leadership
demonstrated by the Treasury Board,
which is the focal point for the national
e-gov program and promotes cross
departmental communication and
coordination through the presence of
ad hoc and permanent task forces.
Canada’s portal (
focuses on the requests most likely
frequently made by three groups ---
citizens, businesses and non-Canadians.
Each major government ministry and
agency websites are linked by theme.
Canada’s fidelity to its strategic plan has
also enabled individual agencies to
keep pace with each other’s
development and maintain a
consistency in site presentation.
Canada benefits from an uninterrupted
confluence of technology, human
capital and government
resourcefulness, suggesting that Canada
will be a case study on e-gov success for
years to come. It is, however, the citizens
who will determine the success of
‘e-Canada.’ In 2001, public
acceptance of e-government was still
Despite a less favorable enabling
environment when compared with the
United States and Canada, Mexico
(2.16) has, nevertheless demonstrated a
High E-gov Capacity. This is primarily
due to the strength of its web presence
(4.0) as Mexico provides several
transactional services, including the
paying of taxes online. However,
Mexico’s infrastructure (5.06 pcs/ 100
and 3.5% of the population online in
2001) and human capital measures (.790
HDI and .750 Info Access) rank near the
bottom among the 36 countries who
placed in the High E-gov Capacity
bracket. With the exception of
percentage of population online and an
overall e-gov index second only to Brasil,
Mexico does rank well above the
regional average of indicators for Latin
Despite such obstacles Mexico is
developing a strong service oriented
e-government program. Much of the
credit could be directed toward the
leadership of the administration of
President Vicente Fox, which has made
combating corruption, improving
administrative efficiency and providing
the highest quality of services to the
people the highest priority of the federal
In 2001, the ‘e-Mexico’ initiative was
launched with the goal of providing
online all essential services. The
materialization of most citizen-centric
services, however, has been slow,
despite the ambitious strategic
objectives of the federal government.
There is, however, very little evidence of
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
coordination among ministries and
agencies. Online services are not
organized around the needs of the
citizens, but rather the objectives of the
service provider. Progress has been slow,
however, notable advances have been
made in the social services sector
); education
); welfare
; and labor
Mexico benefits from political leadership
that is committed to transforming the
country into the leading e-government
nation in Latin America. It will take an
unremitting effort to achieve this goal,
5.2. Europe
Throughout Europe e-government is a
major administrative and political
priority. Regionally, Europe has emerged
as a global innovator and leader in
strategic planning, program
development, information access and
citizen participation. With a regional
e-gov index of 2.01 and 32 of the 36
countries researched achieving an
index above the global mean of 1.62,
Europe’s E-government capacity in
2001is classified as High.
In providing online services, only four
countries rank below the interactive
presence level. Seven countries offered
online transactions in 2001. This figure
should more than double in 2002 as an
additional eight countries are poised to
upgrade services. In 33 of the 36
countries, all the key ministries targeted
as benchmarks --- health, education,
social services, employment and
finance --- offer interactive sites and
provide regularly updated content.
Currently, 20 countries use single entry
portals. There is also a considerable local
government presence online.
In both the ICT and Human Capital
measures, Europe scores higher than all
other regions with the exception of North
America. Throughout most of Europe
political commitment and leadership
are extraordinarily supportive and are
key motivating factors, as is a keen
Table 9: Index – Europe
Country Index
Czech Republic
Russian Fed.
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
competitive spirit among nations.
This is reflected by the content of the
sites and the official information made
available. The United Kingdom, Sweden,
Norway, France
Germany, the Republic of Ireland,
Estonia, Belgium
and Italy
) are
particularly advanced in policy
regarding official government
information and content available to
their residents. Well educated citizens
who take government participation
seriously and fewer official boundaries
impeding information access contribute
to an energetic e-government
environment. Also, the European Union is
active in the policy area by developing
a set of guidelines that will ensure that
the 15 member states’ e-government
programs complement each other.
Europe’s technological proficiency,
innovative approaches to providing
online services and a history of active
civil participation would suggest that
Europeans should take to e-government
enthusiastically. However, such was not
the case in 2001, as citizen acceptance
was modest. This could be attributed to
among other factors, the cost of the
internet provider service and the cost of
telephone service to name just two.
Despite an online population index of
24.9 %, which is more than double the
global average, the internet has not
been the phenomena in the majority of
European countries as it has been in the
United States or Canada. France, Austria
and Germany are examples as each
have a surprisingly lower than average
internet use than that of the rest of
Europe despite scoring high in key ICT
Norway (2.55)
), The UK
), the
Netherlands (2.51),
lead the region.
Although competitive in most key
sectors, The Netherlands lags behind in
the area of online revenue payment
and information. Spain, (2.30) ( has become an innovator
in the area of online taxation through its
Agencia Estatal de Administracion
). There is
however, no middle ground with Spain’s
e-government experience. Programs
and agendas are traditionally
developed along departmental or
regional lines with little coordination and
open communication. Consequently the
service is either exceptional, as in the
case with taxes or deficient, as with the
social services sector. Poland (1.96)
is an example where a
comparatively weak ICT measure
contributes to an index lower than the
regional medium. However this has not
deterred the country’s overall
development as Poland has a
prominent web presence. Demark
) ranks fourth
overall and like its Nordic neighbors
offers exceptional social services sites.
Also, official information is abundant.
Where the Danes are weak is in the area
of online revenue and taxation, as the
service was limited and inconsistent in
2001. The United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy
(before the change in government)
Spain, Estonia, and the Nordic countries
are examples of where elected officials
have ardently supported e-government
initiatives. Any mention of e-government
as a campaign issue was conspicuously
absent from both the UK and Italian
2001general elections, though
administrative reform and civil service
performance were not.
An intense competitive and chauvinistic
nature exists among the countries,
particularly within the EU, as each seems
to be striving to secure the title of global
e-gov leader, for what ever that may be
worth. Most countries are balancing
program development evenly between
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a citizen-centric approach and
facilitating online services to the business
community. In 95% of European
countries, the key sectors, health,
education, social services,
employment/labor and justice have
interactive or transactional websites. The
Nordic countries are particularly specific
in their approach in a region where the
use of the internet is the highest in the
world. The steady progress being made
by the Baltic States, particularly Estonia
are excellent case studies and models
for NICs. Estonia
(2.05) has from the start of its program
respected the citizen-centric approach.
In the areas of strategic development,
planning and sharing information with
the public the overall strategic leader
must to be considered the United
The UK’s Office of E-Envoy
has approached
the vast project of digitizing government
with a level of professionalism that
deserves to be praised and emulated.
This is reflected in the results attained
thus far. The UK also has taken several
innovative steps in the direction of
performance measurement of online
services. However, despite prescience
planning, meeting the deadline of all
services online by 2003 is questionable
due to unremitting interoperability issues.
Convincing an indifferent public to use
e-gov may be considerably easier than
persuading a recalcitrant Ministry to
surrender administrative responsibilities
to one central entity.
In the Republic of Ireland
resources and political commitment are
not a problem. Like UK Prime Minster
Tony Blair, the Taioseach Bertie Ahern, pledged his full
support in making Ireland a global
e-gov leader and his commitment is
reflected in the coherency of its
program. However also like the UK,
advances hit numerous walls in 2001,
because of interoperability issues.
Ireland excelled in developing an online
revenue system and made the service a
showcase of its E-Ireland Program.
Revenue On Line
) allows
citizens to pay all types of tax obligations
online and is one of the governments
most popular and user-friendly sites.
Close coordination typifies the
collaboration between the national
government and the 26 counties in
administrating the programs. A national
council, consisting of central and local
government representatives was
established and interacts directly with
county managers. The council’s purpose
is to facilitate communication of the
central government’s goals and the
local governments concerns. County
managers retain broad decision making
powers, which can produce innovative
results. An example is County Meath,
where the county manager applied
DHL’s package tracking system and
software to track every document that
comes out of his and his staffs offices.
Throughout the Irish public sector there is
a strong commitment to hiring physically
disabled workers. This is particularly true
of e-government as demonstrated by
County Meath.
As a federal system, Germany’s
) e-government
initiatives, innovations and practices
were driven by the Landers. The Federal
Government has, however, expanded
its e-government presence by providing
citizens with greater ease of access to
the sites and services of the national and
local governments, and by offering
superior content and information. This is
especially true in the education sector,
as the federal sites are exceptional.
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Chart 3: Percentage of Population Online By Geographic Region in 2001
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Central America
South America
Middle East
North America
5.3. South America
South America registered a regional
index of 1.79, which classifies its E-gov
Capacity as Medium. Most of the 12
countries are making steady progress.
However, for several governments there
remains an absence of strategic vision,
program coordination and balancing
real citizen-centric concerns with
constituent needs. Throughout Latin
America in general, but in South
America particularly, three issues impact
on the enabling environment: diffident
political leadership; inadequate
commitment to a citizen-centric
approach, and the digital divide. The
research suggests that the approach in
most of South America is moving toward
prioritizing service delivery to businesses
potentially at the expense of individual
services to citizens.
Most of the region enjoys a high rate of
teledenesity and expanding internet
access. In 2001, Uruguay led the region
in PCs/100 (9.96) int. hosts / 10,000 (102)
and percentage of population online
(12.8%). South America enjoys the
second highest human development
index (.760) in Western Hemisphere; and
growing economic diversity.
Table 10: Index – South America
With a regional average of 3.0, nearly all
12 South American countries have an
extensive web-presence. In each
country, information provision dominates
the online services. Interactive and
South America Index
Regional Index
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transactional services remain
inconsistent and primarily address the
needs of the business community. This
may be due to the combination of
several factors: the strategic
importance of the business sector as a
source of government revenue; the
likelihood that businesses will regularly
use e-gov services more then individual
citizens since they are more likely to
have regular access to the technology;
a cultural hierarchy that historically
appreciates the affluent class; the fact
that governments can publicly
demonstrate a greater degree of
success with the business community
than with the delivery of individual
citizen-centric social services.
Despite increased awareness regarding
the digital divide and cultural biases,
hard policy choices are being made
that potentially compromise citizen-
centric approach. Chile is a case in
point, while Brazil seems to have
developed a more balanced program.
Online service delivery to the business
sector is a strategic planning priority that
can be seen as a tool to facilitate
economic development. This particularly
true in Chile, and to a lesser degree in
Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay. It is
commonly promoted that if country can
demonstrate a strong enabling
environment, increased foreign
investment will follow. Prioritizing service
delivery to the business community
could also potentially generate an
accelerated revenue stream for the
government. Administratively, Brasil is in
the process of upgrading back office
capacity by a new administrative model
that seeks to achieve the ambitious goal
of computerizing the entire civil service
by 2002.
There are also plans for the
creation of an infrastructure linking
internet services of the Federal, State
and Municipal governments.
Throughout South America,
e-government is a high priority. A third of
the countries have achieved a high
e-gov capacity. Venezuela, Colombia
and Bolivia should ramp up in 2002.
5.4. Middle East
Table 11: Index – Middle East
The Middle East regional index of 1.76
qualifies its E-government Capacity as
Medium. However, the enabling
environments of each country vary
dramatically. False program starts and
the retracing of implementation steps is
a common. Israel (2.26) is the overall
leader and along with The United Arab
Emirates (2.17) Kuwait (2.12), Bahrain
(2.04) and Lebanon (2.00) demonstrated
a High e-gov capacity in 2001. While
Tunisia, Yemen, and Algeria are well
below the regional index.
The Middle East is predominately
characterized by wide imbalances in
infrastructure measures. For example
Israel, Qatar, Bahrain and the UAE all
have twice the regional mean (6.46)of
pcs/ 100, while in Libya, Algeria and
United Arab Emirs
Saudi Arabia
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Yemen only one person in every 300 has
access to a pc. The regional mean for
percentage of population online was
7.08. The UAE with one third of its total
population online is among the global
leaders; Morocco, however, with
only 0.4% of its over 32 million residents
online, is among the lowest in the world.
There also exists an imbalance in the
quality of information. Residents have
access to little official content other
than information of a highly political
nature. The regional mean for the
information access
Chart 4: Information Access Measure
by Regions
measure was (.278) the lowest among all
geographic regions. The Middle East
had the highest percentage of what
could be considered political
information sites and the fewest which
would be described as citizen-centric.
Government subsidization of the internet
is the highest in the world.
the Middle East, the disparity in ICT
infrastructure may not be as great an
obstacle to an enabling environment as
the disparity in citizen-centric
information and the freedom to access
5.5. Asia / Oceania
Despite having five of the global
leaders, Asia / Oceania’s E-gov regional
index measured 1.38 qualifying the
region’s E-gov Capacity as Minimal.
While several countries performed
exceptionally well in 2001, the majority
indexed at the minimal level with several
qualifying as deficient in e-gov capacity.
Asia / Oceania was one of two regions
whose mean for each of the 10 E-gov
measures was below the global
averages. However, the region’s web
presence measure of 2.46 was surpassed
only by North America and Europe,
indicating that national governments
are treating their online presence
seriously. Most countries in the region
have at least reached the interactive
stage in their program development.
Australia (2.60), New Zealand (2.59) and
Singapore (2.58), led the region. Each
country demonstrated a balanced and
citizen-centric e-government program,
while possessing the benefits of a high
technological infrastructure and human
capital measures.
0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 0.600 0.700 0.800 0.900 1.000
Middle East
South America
Central America
North America
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The Republic of Korea, (2.30) made
perhaps the most dramatic advances in
its e-government program by
successfully implementing several new
online transaction features. Japan,
(2.12) however, has yet to live up to its
rather significant potential. Japan’s
e-government program has not yet
reached a comparable level of
sophistication as that of the regional
leaders due primarily to achieving only a
limited interactive presence among
national government websites. Japan
scores high in both technology
infrastructure and human capital, but
despite a new national strategic plan,
the government has been unable to
begin to rectify the interoperability
problems afflicting its obdurate
Among the developing countries of
Asia, Malaysia (1.63) has made
e-government a high priority as it seeks
to attain developed nation status.
Malaysia’s infrastructure measure’s are
above the regional means. (i.e. 17.9 % of
population online; more than twice the
regional average.) However its
information access measure (.333) is
among the lowest index of the 190 UN
Member States. Malaysia’s online
services were barely above the
interactive level, though the citizen-
centric component is only minimally
present. India (1.29) has enormous
infrastructure and human capital
challenges that must continuously be
confronted. A highly innovated and well
educated public sector, however, is the
driving force behind a serious
e-government commitment that has
made the citizen-centric approach a
priority. India most assuredly will attain
the transactional level in 2002. However
the country most likely will pay a high
price as it continues to lose qualified
staff to higher paying jobs in other
Table 12: Index – Asia / Oceania
For the majority of Asian countries the
enabling e-government environment is
weak. Addressing the deficencies in
their infrastructure and human capitral
measure should be a high priority for the
governments of these countries.
Country Index
New Zealand
Rep. Of Korea
Samoa (Western)
Sri Lanka
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5.6. Central America
Table 13: Index – Central America
With an index of 1.28, well below the
global mean of 1.62, Central America’s
E-gov Capacity could be
described as Minimal. This is due
primarily to a deficiency in several
infrastructure and human capital
indices. Although the region on
average has more pc’s / 100 (4.05),
more internet hosts (13.15 /10000) and
slightly higher percentage of the
population online, (2.9) than the
Caribbean, it lags behind in telephone
lines (11.25) and human development
(.711). The region’s information access
measure (.785), however, was higher
than that of South America, the
Caribbean, Africa, Asia and the Middle
Despite numerous national
technological and human capital
obstacles, each country did score a
minimum of 2.00 in the e-gov web
presence measure, confirming that
e-government has secured a place on
the national policy agendas of each
country. Yet e-gov development for six
of the seven countries lacks consistent
coordination and a clear vision.
Through out Central America, online
services are restricted to information
provision. The content does, for the most
part, address the needs of the
constituents and is regularly updated.
Although registering a modest index
(1.42), Costa Rica is an excellent
example of effectively maximizing
limited resources. With the exception of
pcs/100 and internet hosts, Costa Rica
leads the region in all infrastructure and
human capital measures. The national
e-gov program is consistently making
progress. Costa Rica is also succeeding
in carefully balancing the need of
citizens with those of the business
community, although there were no
transactional and very few interactive
services available to both citizens and
business in 2001.
Since1998 Costa Rica has invested in
government led initiatives to upgrade
ICT facilities in schools and universities. In
addition, the government is spending
$2.5 million to increase the number of
professionals in the education system
and to improve the country’s intellectual
property regime.
management and technical training has
resulted. Panama (1.38) registered the
second highest index in the region
primarily due to the highest number of
internet hosts (52.82/10,000); four times
greater than the regional average); a
high HDI (.784) and a high Info Access
index (.916). Belize scored the highest
Info Access (.999) and also had the
second highest percentage (6.9) of its
population online in the region also
show promise.
Information access is less than adequate
throughout Central America due
primarily to a weakness in several of the
infrastructure areas and a reluctance to
fully commitment to a citizen-centric
approach on the part of most of the
governments. Regionally, the indicators
would suggest that six of the seven
countries show a potential to easily
ramp up to the next level in 2002.
However the indicators also suggest that
achieving a favorable enabling
environment for each will be a
protracted and costly exercise.
Costa Rica
Regional Index
El Salvador
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5.7. The Caribbean
Based on the Caribbean’s index of 1.34,
in 2001, the region’s E-gov Capacity is
Minimal. No country scored higher than
2.0 in the Web Presence measure, which
suggests that each country is still
determining their best approach to
providing online services. Only Jamaica,
despite a low index, and a weak
enabling environment, demonstrated a
steadfast commitment to e-government.
Table 14: Index -- Caribbean
Infrastructure measures across the region
are low. Only three in every 100 persons
own or have access to a pc. In 2001, just
2.9 percent of the population had
access to the internet; only Africa was
lower. The Bahamas (1.79), had the
highest percentage of its population
accessing the internet (5.1), but was
below the regional average (3.35) in
pcs/100 (2.34). (The Bahamas did
register the highest level of
televisions/1000 ---896--- in the world.)
Human Capital Measures are high, (.739
HDI) as the Caribbean ranks ahead of
the Middle East, Central America and
Africa in regional Human Development.
For information access, five of the seven
countries (.899) scored well above the
global average (.646). Cuba and Haiti’s
extremely low indices will eventually
compromise the efficacy of their e-gov
5.8. Africa
With a regional index of 0.84 Africa’s
E-government Capacity could be
described as Deficient. Clearly, this
reflects a near total absence of the core
areas necessary to sustain an enabling
e-government environment. But despite
the regions appalling lack of an
adequate telecommunications
infrastructure, nearly all Sub-Saharan
countries have some form of web
presence. As our research found, 75% of
the countries offer only static information
websites. There are, however, several
notable exceptions: South Africa (1.56),
Djibouti (1.35), Gabon (1.17), Cote
D’Ivoire (1.05), Nigeria (1.02), Ghana
(0.98), the Central African Republic
(0.98), Congo (0.94), Mauritania
(0.91),Kenya (0.90) all of whom
exceeded the regional Index of 0.84.
Political commitment has been
moderate but in some cases open to
conditional external assistance.
South Africa’s (1.56) enabling
environment is the strongest in Africa
allowing the government to successfully
emulate the programs of industrialized
countries. South Africa far exceeds the
rest of the region in each of the ten
e-gov indices, and in all probability will
begin to offer transactions online in 2002.
Ghana has instituted the use of wireless
payphone kiosks that has provided a
cost-effective application to broaden
rural access.
There was in 2001, moderate expansion
of the Internet in Africa. For the first time,
all countries and territories are now
online, and the number of dial up
internet subscribers grew by
approximately 15% over the one million
recorded in 2000.
Most of this development, however, is
happening in the major cities, and
Dom. Rep.
Trin & Tobago
Regional Index
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consequently is not reaching the
majority of the Africa’s population.
Universal internet access remains the
major challenge. Despite a nearly 20
percent increase in users, access is
largely confined to the capital cities ---
over 61% of the continent’s inhabitants
live in rural areas.
The unfortunate reality is that only one in
every 100 Africans have access to a pc,
and less the one percent of the
continent’s 750 million inhabitants have
actually gone online.
The infrastructure and human capital
challenges have not deterred
e-government progress in some
countries. Ghana, Kenya, Namibia,
South Africa, Nigeria and Zimbabwe, for
example, have taken the initiative to
upgrade their official government sites
with interactive features that include,
search capabilities, site maps,
feedback, and discussion boards. This
would indicate an increasing
acceptance among decision-makers in
these countries that e-government is an
essential and potentially powerful
medium from which to disseminate
information to citizens.
Nigeria's e-government presence will
likely develop and advance in
proportion to the changes and
improvements in accessibility for the
population. Nigeria is a country worth
observing closely since it is home to
more than one fifth of Sub-Sahara’s
population. Reaching Nigeria’s rural
populations through e-government has
been given a high priority.
Table 15: Index -- Africa
Two independent sites ---
) --- provide a unique
service and are sources for accurate
and frequently updated information for
Country Index
South Africa
Cote d'lvoire
Cent. African Rep.
Burkina Faso
Sierra Leone
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Chart 5: Telephone lines and mobile phones / 100 inhabitants by region in 2001
North America
South America
Middle East
Central America
0 1020304050
Tele Lines / 100 Mobile Phones / 100
every country. and are independent sites
which fill a vast e-government void for
many countries. Although the sites do
not link to legislation and ministry
websites, the scope of their content and
the mere fact that single sites have
consolidated information on so many
countries allows each to function as a
de facto single entry portal. Africaonline
allows users to access dynamic
information about developments in
every country, regardless of the progress
that government itself has made online.
A residual benefit of these sites is in
building of an information and
e-government culture among Africans.
This type of centralized information
provider is a first step to increasing the
number of e-government users. It may
also become an ideal way to
encourage horizontal development
among countries, so that the web
presence of one government may be
seen as an incentive or encouragement
for others to develop. This is already
in evidence to a certain extent, but the
direction each government's online
development takes is very divergent.
Considering their weak enabling
environments, eight countries are
making progress with e-government.
Yet, no country has implemented
transactional services. But as access
expands and the number of users
increase, it is possible that demand for
such services will lead to their
development. For now the obstacles of
cost, intervention of prevailing political
party views and priorities, and the
inability to find a common strategy or
theme which determines how
e-government should develop, either
across countries or within one country's
government, remain the biggest barriers
to developing an enabling environment
capable of sustaining interactive and
eventually transactional service delivery
in all African countries.
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Section 6: P
6.1. E-administration: Challenges of
Governing in the Information Age
Information age governing presents an
entirely new set of challenges for
decision-makers, public sector
professionals and citizens. How
individuals and businesses interact with
government is being fundamentally
altered by the technological advances
driving e-government. This
transformation has public sector
professionals considering questions like:
How will e-government affect
the performance of public
What are the structural effects of
e-government and information
technology on the public
What skills do public employees
need in order to maximize their
performance in an information
What new leadership skills will be
needed in the e-governing age?
Will e-government instill
individuals in public sector
organizations with a greater
degree of autonomy, enabling
them to re-think conventional
administrative practices?
Developing an effective online public
administration or e-administration means
balancing the needs of two constituent
groups: one external --- the citizens or
the customers, and one internal --- staff
and management, or the administrative
back office. These two obligations are
neither conflicting nor mutually
exclusive. In both situations the internet
has become essential in augmenting the
administrative system in support of its
For a number of countries (industrialized,
emerging and developing) there exists a
propensity to center their e-government
projects and budgetary resources on
the output of services provided to
external users before ensuring the
administrative capacity exists to support
such initiatives. The reason for this
choice, as a recent EU report found, is,
“the need to catch-up that prompts
governments to go as fast as possible
giving priority to matters of direct interest
to citizens, before being fully capable of
providing such services.”
The obvious result is that there is limited
back office capability to handle the
new responsibilities created by
e-government, thus potentially
compromising online service delivery
efficiency. This was perhaps the major
concern of the public sector
professionals interviewed for this report.
In developing countries the chronic lack
of qualified staff and inadequate
human resources training has been a
problem for years. The new
e-government programs that many
developing countries feel compelled to
launch further compounds this problem.
Countless official guidelines and
methodologies have been published to
help countries implement e-government
initiatives more successfully. While these
tools have been used with some
success, many e-gov programs are
underachieving and falling short of their
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initial promise. Implementation problems
exist because too many organizations
conceive of, organize, and implement
e-government programs first and
foremost as generic information
technology projects.
Box 13 identifies
the most common organizational
obstacles encountered at the
Institutional, Managerial and Planning
areas. Several can afflict more than one
Table 16: Barriers to e-government
The most perplexing problems, however,
are almost always the ones created as a
result of the politics of organizational
change. If change-related issues get the
kind of consideration they warrant, then
implementing e-government programs
will be a much less complicated
The most effective back office e-gov
applications are not used simply to
facilitate existing workflows but, to
reorganize assignments and planning in
ways that fundamentally transform
government operations—integrating
work-flow across (and outside)
government in recognition that citizens
interact with government as a single
Skeptical decision-makers
and reluctant public sector managers
need to understand and appreciate the
value that can be created when
technology is used to redesign workflow
from an enterprise perspective. While
such changes will often be difficult to
implement, the potential benefits may
very well justify the risks involved. The
goal should be to balance risk against
return—not merely to minimize risk.
For the aforementioned skeptical
decisions-makers, a first step is to
recognize and understand the patterns
Technology and infrastructure
costs / factors
Lack of capacity to manage
large scale IT projects
Lack of Coordination and or
Strategic Planning
Lack of resources to support
24 / 7 operations
Lack of conviction of top or
middle mangers
Lack of comprehensiveness and
continuity of policies /
Lack of innovative incentives in
the public sector – particularly
regarding IT
Management Expectations vs.
Management Realities
Absence of Policy guidelines
Organizational / cultural
Doubts and resistance by
Organizational / cultural
Lack of institutional support
Opposition by professional or
union interests
Local governments and
municipalities if left far behind
become bottlenecks
Information mismanagement
Reluctance to share among
depts. Misuse of sensitive data
Obsolete legal frameworks to
innovate and incorporate
private sector
Lack of comprehensiveness and
continuity of policies and
Absence of Policy guidelines
Information mismanagement
Reluctance to share among
depts. Misuse of sensitive data
Opposition by professional or
union interests
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of confusion and conflict that can be
associated with a particular e-gov
project. Different paradigms will require
different types of decision-making ---
“thinking outside of the box” is a start.
The degree in which E-gov can improve
a government's administrative systems
varies greatly and may be too
subjective to measure reliably. The
dream of a paperless office is still, for a
large majority of government's years
away, if it is a realistic outcome at all.
The EU report found that only a few of its
members confirmed that the expanding
use of ICT has had a concrete and
tangible effect on administrative
reorganization and effectiveness.
new technological tools are used within
the framework of existing organizational
environments depends on the
administrative traditions, practices and
cultures endemic to a country.
Successful execution of these changes
depends on the will which managers
and decision makers ultimately
6.2. Administrative Issues in 2001
National E-government program
development lacks coordination.
There are four fundamental approaches
to e-government program
development. 1) A nationally
coordinated or top-down approach,
which is driven by the central
government and often features a
national strategic plan that coordinates
all e-gov initiatives, spending and
implementation, among ministries,
departments, agencies and units. 2) A
nationally autonomous or parallel
approach where ministries and agencies
develop their own e-gov initiatives with
less formal strategic planning, support or
coordination from the central
government. 3) Sub-nationally or
vertically up where local and state
governments tend to be the drivers and
initiators of programs that rise up and
are eventually adopted as policy by the
central or federal government. 4) Sub-
nationally autonomous approach,
where again the innovations and
programs are developed at the local
levels, but have modest influence on the
national governments e-gov activities.
Predominately across ministries,
departments, agencies and units
e-government development has been
autonomous, with only a limited number
of countries coordinating national
efforts. This could probably be best
attributed to the newness of the medium
and technology and to the fact that
there are few existing policies and
strategies to act as guidelines.
Although the success of a coordinated
e-gov approach cannot be
overemphasized, only 35 countries, in
2001, developed a comprehensive
official national strategic e-gov agenda
and translated it into a government
wide policy.
A majority of decision and policy makers
choose to proceed from the point of
view that e-government should remain
part of existing government information
technology programs. But developing
e-government independent of existing
government IT programs has been a key
to successful development: the United
Kingdom, Ireland and Singapore are
Box 13: E-Government Program Development
Nationally Coordinated: top down approach
Nationally autonomously: parallel
Sub-national autonomously: vertically up
Sub-national autonomously: parallel
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Although coordination from the top
down is a strategically sound initiative, in
practice actual program development
is autonomous and spontaneous in
character as most ministries department
and agencies go online as their
capacity and resources permit.
or developing countries, the priority is
upgrading internal administrative
capacity --- back-office capability --- in
order to support e-government
programs. In the developing world,
citizen-focused online services barely
exists as website content remains static
and politicized. Limited resources are an
obvious explanation, but a collective
lack of confidence and / or creativity on
the part of the ICT strategists is another
Ultimately the push will come
from an informed civil society. The
developing countries have been slow to
accept a coordinated approach to
e-government implementation. Of the
58 countries In Sub-Sahara Africa, for
example, 20 have demonstrated some
type of limited coordinated approach
to e-government program
development. An obvious measure is
the websites themselves and how
content is displayed.
One important factor impacting all
countries, but particularly those where
resources are scarce, is the change in
thinking required within the public
sector, particularly among the
administrative culture, when transitioning
to web-based service delivery. This
actuality is more likely to create a
greater sense of unease than most other
policies or new programs because of
the imposing nature that the technology
can project.
For example, the decision
to assign content-managers the
responsibility of keeping information
topical and responsive to constituent
needs requires an extensive
organizational commitment. Also, the
delegation of authority that must
accompany increased accountability,
individual ministries and departments will
need to interact more intensively with
their clients and the community at large.
Traditional processes where material
being made public was confined to a
specific unit or individual will now need
to yield to managerial empowerment,
with greater accountability.
In 2001, E-gov project management
teams were the exception rather than
the rule.
The creation of specialized units or
divisions mandated with the
responsibility of coordinating and
implementing the government wide
e-gov strategic plan rather than
delegating the responsibility to individual
agencies remains the exception rather
than the rule. E-gov management
teams are a significant organizational
change and a tangible sign that
governments are serious about
implementation. They recognize the
challenges and realize that the success
of projects of this scale depends upon
inter-governmental cooperation of an
unprecedented scope.
These units are
usually not an independent agency,
fall under the administration of the
executive branch and can be ad hoc.
Over 100 countries have official Chief
Information Officers, many of Cabinet
. Special e-gov offices or task
forces appear to be more effective
when independent of the CIO. They
mandated with the difficult task of
launching the e-gov initiatives usually
under extremely tight deadlines. Team
composition is often an eclectic
combination of talent from the policy
areas, IT, management and public
affairs areas. There are several
management models that warrant
further study. These include the UK,
Ireland, Italy, and to a lesser degree
Brasil, Singapore, Australia. The US
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
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Firstgov team is operating on very limited
resources due to the tragic events of
September 11
, 2001.
A prevailing belief which exists among
non-IT government staff is that e-gov,
especially web-based activities, is
merely another policy administrative
approach to providing generic public
affairs type information. Outside of the
ICT community there seems to be a
limited sense of e-gov as a major driver
of change, administrative reform or
The one weakness of e-gov teams:
They tend to be isolated and self-
contained generating limited
acceptance on the part of the rest of
the government. They may also attach
a quasi-messianic message and posture
to their mission.
A considerable digital divide exists
within public administrations.
Upon taking office as Secretary of State
in January 2001, one of the first
administrative policy decisions Colin
Powell made was to address the
significant deficiency in information
technology throughout the Department
of State. All 42,000 State employees
were to receive pcs and have internet
access before the end of 2002. Even
the global e-gov leader is subjected to
resource imbalances.
Lack of connectivity to the web, inferior
technology, limited e-mail capacity,
absence of intranets all need to be
addressed within national, regional,
state and local public sectors, before
governments can realistically expect
online service delivery to be effective. At
the same time there is a need to
all governmental agencies on
the level of effort, capacity,
coordination, citizen focus, and most of
all, commitment needed to transition to
digital government.
Though the most visible component of
e-gov, the internet is, however, another
medium for service delivery. Potentially
a very powerful medium, but still another
means for delivering services. Despite
the hype, most decision-makers and
public sector professionals understand
this and tend to view e-government
through a pragmatic and objective lens.
Those truly in touch with reality are not
myopic in their outlook to think that the
internet alone is the ultimate
transformational or “killer” application
that will reform how government
provides information and delivers service
to citizens.
The issue of funding e-government is tied
directly to the level of commitment and
prioritization on the part of the political
Despite its growing importance, in a
majority of countries decision-makers
tend to view e-government as a
decentralized IT issue allocating funds
accordingly based on individual
department, ministries, IT budgetary
needs. There are of course exceptions
among the national leadership and it is
reflected in the level of development in
several national programs. UK Prime
Minister Tony Blair is one example, as is
the Republic of Ireland’s Taioseach, Berti
Ahern. President Fernado Cordoza of
Brazil has also demonstrated a strong
degree of public support for
e-government. Does this guarantee
success? Not necessarily. Does a lack of
political leadership mean limited success
or slower development? Not necessarily
either. Supportive political leadership,
however, is more likely to accept the
complexities and tolerate the setbacks
that are encountered throughout all
phases of development. Several OECD
countries have established independent
funding initiatives or arrangements
through the executive branch.
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Cost effectiveness
The belief that online service delivery is
less costly than other channels is not
wholly unfounded. But according to a
Columbia University Study
this is
contingent on several factors like cost
per unit / cost per transaction /
processing time, etc. Currently, there is
very little reliable data to support or
refute this assertion. What research or
data that does exist is likely to come
from local or regional governments.
Savings can translate into a source of
additional revenue, but most likely this
will take several years to realize in both
developed and developing countries.
E-services require investments in IT
hardware, software and staff. Most
e-gov savings expected or anticipated
by the transferring and upgrading of
service delivery will not be realized in the
fiscal year in which the project is
launched or the services are
In fact it will more than likely
be several years before an agency or
government can show appreciable
savings. Planning web-based service
delivery programs should include a
scheme that automatically collects unit
cost data, analyzes and projects costs.
According to the Columbia University
Study, very little if any microanalysis is
being done in the US.
Logically, the unit cost of web-bases
services will be reduced as there is an
increase in citizen use. Accordingly
citizen use will increase as more people
become web proficient. Analysis should
factor in increased speed and accuracy
of online service delivery and increased
customer satisfaction.
The Digital Divide
There is growing concern that
e-government will only exacerbate the
digital divide and further marginalize the
have-nots. Among the reasons for this
are, governments prioritize program
development based on limited or
contracting resources consequently
targeting sectors that are more likely to
use e-gov. There is a cynical perception
on the part of some decision-makers
that those without access will never
have the motivation or desire to accept
and take advantage of e-government
programs regardless of what services,
hardware or incentives are provided.
Competition among other programs for
resources is keen and can result in the
more proactive sectors or programs
winning out. The question, How long will
innovative attempts to bring access to
rural poor remain viable and cost
manageable? is embedded in most
planning agendas.
Effective citizen-centric programs
prioritize development to reflect a
country's ICT capacities, no matter how
weak, and user capacity, no matter
how limited. If most businesses are
connected, the priority may be towards
e-commerce service delivery. This is not
to suggest that there should be a zero
sum attitude toward strategic
deployment of e-government programs
or that decisions are based on less than
equitable factors. It is intended to
emphasis the reality that governments
face when it comes to allocating
resources in choosing the approach that
is the most cost-effective and beneficial.
Service delivery programs should be built
around current technological strengths
no matter how limited these strengths
may appear to be.
6.3: E-Governance
Defining E-Governance
Governance is not necessarily
government as a physical entity, nor is it
the act of governing through individuals.
It is more realistically understood to be a
process: the process by which
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
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institutions, organizations, and citizens
'guide' themselves. Governance is also
about the interaction between the
public sector and how society organizes
itself for collective decision making, and
provides the transparent mechanisms for
seeing those decisions through.
E-governance is the public sector’s use
of the most innovative information and
communication technologies, like the
internet, to deliver to all citizens
improved services, reliable information
and greater knowledge in order to
facilitate access to the governing
process and encourage deeper citizen
participation. It is an unequivocal
commitment by decision-makers to
strengthening the partnership between
the private citizen and the public sector
Digital government has the potential to
connect every citizen with elected
officials and decision-makers like no
previous innovation or activity. It offers
individuals new and greater access to
information and knowledge,
subsequently redefining personal
freedom. Introduction and acceptance
of e-governance is a way to ensure that
every citizen has an equal right to be a
part of the decision-making processes
which affect them
directly or indirectly,
and influence the
process in a manner
which may best
improve their
conditions and the
quality of their lives.
E-Governance has the
potential to ensure
that citizens are no
longer passive
consumers of services
offered to them by
allowing them to play
a more proactive role
in deciding the kind of
services they want
and the structure
which could best
provide them. Below
are the core disciplines which form the
framework of E-governance.
E-government is characterized by inter-
organizational relationships including
policy coordination and policy
implementation and by the delivery of
services online or through other
electronic means to citizens. This
Developing citizen- centric
Promoting and enhancing citizen
Perfecting Online service delivery
through analysis and evaluation;
measuring efficiency and
benchmarking against other
forms of service delivery
Country Indexing (performance
measurement benchmarking):
portal analysis; website analysis
Box 14: The Framework of E-Governance
E-Government: Inter-organizational relationships
Policy coordination
Policy Implementation
Public Service Delivery
E-Administration: Intra-organizational relationships
Policy Development
Organizational Activities
Knowledge Management
E-Governance: Interaction between citizens, government
organizations, public and elected officials
Democratic Process
Open Government
Transparent Decision-Making
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E-administration defines the intra-
organizational relationships or the
internal and public sector management
component and includes:
Strategic planning in transitioning
to electronic delivery of services
Quantifying cost effectiveness of
electronic service delivery
Benchmarking and performance
Human resource management
issues like training and
recruitment, deployment of staff
and maximizing existing
E-governance facilitates the interactions
between citizens, government
organizations and elected officials and
how the internet can improve the
governing and policy making process.
The core are:
How technology (particularly the
web) is transforming the
governing process
E-federalism; the changing
relationship among the levels of
Social implications --- the digital
Administrative professionalism:
e-ethics; increased transparency
Enhancing citizen
participation; online voting;
Issues of Ethics, security and
privacy; Fundraising for the
e-campaign; increased
Legislative and policy-making
environment framework: policy
initiatives governments are
taking; the regulatory framework;
implications of initiatives like
recognizing the legality of
e-signatures; greater citizen
participation in the policy-
making environment
( e-democracy)
International Implications:
Lowering of borders through
information exchanges --
impacts and consequences;
International standards and best
practices; Information and
knowledge management and
As the various components of
e-governance evolve from objectives
into accomplishments, the vision and
philosophy for digital government will be
confirmed. In the past, citizens
presented themselves to governments
that stood between them and the
information and services they wanted. In
contrast, e-governance ensures citizens
direct access to information and
services on their own terms without
regard to the government agency
behind the counter or service. This
requires the bureaucrat that used to
control that information, and indeed all
government, to take on a whole new
role in serving the citizen.
Instead of being served at arms length
as a customer, the citizen now has
assumed their rightful place as the
proprietor and must be regarded and
respected as a shareholder in the
business of government. And it is this
citizen who will define the details and
determine the future and nature of
digital government.
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E-government is no longer an
experiment in administrative reform but
a permanent part of the governing
process. For both governments and
citizens, clearly its advantages far
outweigh the risks of investment.
Yet how a country chooses to
approach, design, and ultimately
implement e-government is dependent
upon its capacity to sustain an enabling
environment and address the needs
and priorities of its citizens. By the end of
2002, many countries will have
upgraded their online services, while
many more will be striving to find the
best possible approach. The E-gov
Index attempted to identify and
benchmark the core factors that
embody the UN Member States
“e-capacity”, and to create a
foundation for further analysis and
performance measurement.
E-government is about opportunity.
Opportunity to transform a public sector
organization’s commitment in order to
function as citizen-centric. Opportunity
to provide cost effective services to the
private sector contributing to the
development of business and promoting
long-term economic growth. And
opportunity to enhance governance
through improved access to accurate
information and transparent, responsive
and democratic institutions.
As Thomas Jefferson wrote nearly two
hundred years ago:
“Information is the
currency of democracy.”
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Appendix 1: Member States’ E-government Index by Region
Computing the E-government Index:
The e-government index is a mean figure derived from the Web Presence,
telecommunications infrastructure, and human capital measures. Since multiple
indices contribute to the infrastructure and the human capital measures, a
composite variable was compiled. Because of the considerable differences in a
number of the ICT indices, a weighted composite variable for the infrastructure
measure was computed in an attempt to ‘level the playing field’ to some extent.
The unabridged tables for each region are available on the UN’s Public
Administration Website (
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
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North America
Central America
Infrastructure Measure Human Capital Measure
PCs /
Hosts /
% of
Lines /
/ 100
TVs /
Urban as
% of Total
E-Gov Index
Belize 2 10.63 12.16 6.9 14.94 2.97 180 .776 .999 53.6 1.26
Costa Rica 2.5 10.17 18.29 7.1 24.94 5.20 387 .821 .916 47.6 1.42
El Salvador 2 1.62 0.92 1.1 9.08 6.22 250 .701 .750 46.3 1.19
Guatemala 2.25 0.99 4.92 1.1 5.71 3.05 126 .626 .583 39.4 1.17
Honduras 2 0.95 0.20 1.1 4.61 2.39 90 .634 .667 51.6 1.20
Nicaragua 2.25 0.81 2.76 1.0 3.04 0.90 190 .635 .667 55.8 1.35
Panama 2.25 3.20 52.82 2.3 16.43 8.27 187 .784 .916 56.0 1.38
Regional Avg 2.18 4.05 13.15 2.9 11.25 4.14 201.43 .711 .785 50.04 1.28
The Caribbean
Infrastructure Measure Human Capital Measure
PCs /
Hosts /
% of
Lines /
/ 100
TVs /
Urban as
% of Total
E-Gov Index
Bahamas 2 2.34 0.79 5.1 37.59 10.36 896 .820 .999 87.90 1.79
Barbados 2 7.80 3.74 3.3 42.71 11.14 283 .864 .999 49.50 1.25
Cuba 2 0.99 0.59 1.1 4.36 0.06 239 .765 .001 76.7 1.49
Dom Rep 2 1.75 9.44 0.2 9.81 5.02 84 .722 .833 64.40 1.34
Haiti 1.5 0.88 0.10 1.5 0.89 0.31 5 .467 .250 35.10 0.84
Jamaica 2 4.30 5.71 3.2 19.86 14.24 323 .738 .833 55.60 1.31
Trin & Tob 1.5 5.42 50.96 4.0 23.11 10.29 331 .798 .833 73.60 1.34
Regional Avg 1.86 3.35 10.19 2.62 19.76 7.35 308.71 .739 .678 63.26 1.34
Infrastructure Measure Human Capital Measure
PCs /
Hosts /
% of
/ 100
/ 100
TVs /
Urban as
% of Total
E-Gov Index
Canada 4 39.02 768.68 46.5 67.65 28.46 715 .936 .999 77.0 2.52
Mexico 4 5.06 56.55 3.5 12.47 14.23 261 .790 .750 74.2 2.16
USA 4 58.52 2928.32 62.1 69.97 36.45 847 .934 .999 77.0 3.11
Regional Avg 4 34.20 1251.18 37.4 50.03 26.38 607.67 .887 .916 76.1 2.60
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
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Infrastructure Measure Human Capital Measure
PCs /
Int Hosts
/ 10000
% of Pop
Lines /
Phones /
TVs /
nt Index
Urban as %
of Total
Austria 3.5 27.65 588.49 40.6 47.36 78.55 516 .921 .999 64.6 2.14
Belarus 2.5 3.15 1.99 1.7 26.88 0.48 314 .782 .167 70.7 1.62
Belgium 3.5 34.45 295.44 26.4 49.94 54.89 510 .935 .916 97.3 2.39
Bulgaria 2 2.66 22.41 7.6 35.04 8.97 366 .772 .750 69.3 1.47
Croatia 2 6.70 37.12 4.7 36.49 23.09 267 .803 .750 57.3 1.33
Cyprus 2.5 19.32 117.62 15.8 64.72 32.11 167 .877 .999 56.2 1.50
Czech Rep 3.5 12.20 155.52 10.7 37.79 42.42 447 .844 .916 74.7 2.09
Denmark 3.75 43.15 626.60 54.7 75.25 60.99 585 .921 .999 85.3 2.47
Estonia 3.75 13.52 284.25 25.6 36.33 38.70 48 .812 .916 68.8 2.05
Finland 4 39.61 1022.53 48.3 54.69 72.64 64 .925 .999 66.7 2.33
France 4 30.48 190.89 19.7 58.02 49.41 601 .924 .916 75.4 2.33
Germany 4 33.64 248.30 34.5 60.12 58.59 580 .921 .916 87.3 2.46
Greece 3 7.05 103.91 13.6 53.16 55.90 466 .881 .833 59.9 1.77
Hungary 3 8.51 102.09 11.9 37.09 29.34 437 .829 .916 63.8 1.79
Iceland 2 39.15 1419.96 60.8 67.74 66.98 356 .932 .999 92.4 2.10
Ireland 4 36.46 296.37 32.5 42.63 66.76 456 .916 .999 58.8 2.16
Italy 3.75 20.94 177.97 33.4 47.39 73.73 486 .909 .916 66.9 2.21
Latvia 3 8.20 83.72 10.1 29.99 16.86 593 .791 .916 69.0 1.88
Lithuania 3 5.95 48.14 7.2 32.11 14.17 376 .803 .916 68.4 1.81
Luxembourg 3 45.90 271.15 22.9 75.97 87.22 619 .924 .999 91.0 2.20
Malta 3 18.13 169.59 11.4 52.49 29.42 518 .866 .999 90.3 2.11
Moldova 2.25 0.80 4.03 1.1 13.33 3.02 297 .699 .667 46.2 1.29
Netherlands 3.5 39.48 1017.49 54.4 60.67 67.12 543 .931 .999 89.3 2.51
Norway 4 49.05 1009.31 54.4 72.91 70.26 579 .939 .999 75.1 2.55
Poland 3.5 6.89 87.66 9.1 28.24 17.40 413 .828 .916 65.2 1.96
Portugal 3.5 10.48 62.02 21.8 43.05 66.52 542 .874 .999 62.7 2.15
Romania 3 2.68 18.60 3.6 17.46 11.19 226 .772 .833 55.9 1.63
Russian Fed 3 4.29 22.22 10.1 21.83 2.22 420 .775 .333 77.3 1.89
Slovakia 3 10.93 70.16 14.2 31.42 23.94 402 .831 .916 57.3 1.71
Slovenia 3 25.14 110.11 34.2 37.80 54.66 356 .874 .916 50.3 1.66
Spain 4 14.29 112.19 18.4 42.12 60.93 506 .908 .916 77.4 2.30
Sweden 3.75 50.67 670.79 69.9 68.20 71.37 531 .936 .999 83.3 2.45
Switzerland 3 50.25 366.41 51.5 71.99 64.46 535 .924 .999 67.7 1.96
Turkey 3 3.81 10.64 6.2 28.00 24.56 286 .735 .416 74.1 1.83
UK 4 33.78 280.75 55.3 56.72 66.96 645 .923 .916 89.4 2.52
Ukraine 3 1.58 7.09 0.4 19.89 1.62 490 .742 .500 67.9 1.80
Regional Avg 3.25 21.14 280.93 24.97 45.41 43.54 431.75 .861 .863 71.48 2.01
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
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South America
Infrastructure Measure Human Capital Measure
PCs /
Int Hosts
/ 10000
% of
Lines /
Phones /
TVs /
nt Index
Urban as %
of Total
Argentina 3.25 5.13 72.98 10.5 21.32 16.34 289 .842 .916 89.6 2.09
Bolivia 3.25 1.23 1.59 2.1 6.17 5.16 115 .648 .833 61.9 1.73
Brasil 4 4.41 51.53 7.1 18.18 13.63 316 .750 .667 80.7 2.24
Chile 3.25 8.55 49.11 12.5 22.12 22.36 232 .825 .833 85.4 2.03
Colombia 3.25 3.37 11.06 3.3 16.92 5.33 217 .765 .500 73.5 1.88
Ecuador 2.75 2.01 0.18 1.5 10 3.81 293 .726 .667 64.3 1.63
Guyana 2.5 2.45 0.69 1.1 7.49 0.33 59 .704 .833 37.6 1.22
Paraguay 2.75 1.12 2.36 1.3 5 19.55 101 .735 .583 55.3 1.5
Peru 2.5 3.57 4.17 1.5 6.37 4.02 144 .743 .583 72.4 1.6
Suriname 2.5 1.1 0.24 3 18.06 9.84 217 .758 .916 73.5 1.63
Uruguay 3 9.96 162.02 12.8 27.84 13.19 242 .828 .999 91 2.03
Venezuela 3 4.55 6.68 5.7 10.78 21.75 185 .765 .500 86.6 1.92
Regional Avg 3 3.95 30.22 5.19 14.19 11.28 200.83 .760 .740 72.65 1.79
The Middle East
Infrastructure Measure Human Capital Measure
PCs /
Hosts /
% of
Lines /
Phones /
TVs /
Urban as
% of
Algeria 2 0.58 0.01 1.1 5.60 0.27 68 .693 .250 59.5 1.27
Bahrain 3 13.98 0.77 10.1 24.97 30.05 419 .824 .083 91.8 2.04
Egypt 3.75 1.20 0.35 1.1 8.64 2.14 127 .635 .250 45.5 1.73
Israel 3.5 25.36 287.52 17.1 0.47 70.18 318 .893 .833 91.1 2.26
Jordan 3 1.39 1.36 4.1 9.29 5.83 52 .714 .500 73.6 1.75
Kuwait 3 12.13 17.55 8.1 24.40 24.86 491 .818 .416 97.4 2.12
Lebanon 3 4.64 23.00 9.0 19.96 19.38 352 .758 .250 89.3 2.00
Libya 2 0.35 0.05 4.0 10.88 0.36 143 .770 .001 87.2 1.57
Morocco 2.75 1.08 0.84 0.4 5.03 8.26 16 .596 .416 55.3 1.47
Oman 2 2.64 11.46 2.0 8.88 6.48 595 .747 .250 82.2 1.64
Qatar 2 13.58 37.68 9.8 26.77 19.96 808 .801 .167 92.3 1.81
Saudi Arabia 3 5.74 1.73 2.5 13.72 6.37 26 .754 .001 85.1 1.86
Tunisia 2 1.53 0.03 2.9 8.99 0.58 198 .714 .250 64.8 1.36
Unit Arab Em 3.5 12.51 176.00 33.0 41.79 58.51 294 .809 .250 85.5 2.17
Yemen 3 0.17 0.03 1.1 2.27 0.17 286 .468 .250 24.5 1.30
Regional Avg .77 6.46 37.23 7.08 14.11 16.89 279.53 .733 .278 75.01 1.76
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
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Infrastructure Indices Human Capital Indices
PCs /
Hosts /
% of
/ 100
s / 100
TVs /
as %
Angola 1.5 0.10 0.01 0.6 0.53 0.20 124 .422 .167 33.5 0.85
Botswana 1.5 3.10 14.53 1.2 7.69 7.45 27 .577 .833 49.7 1.01
Burkina Faso 1.75 0.10 0.32 1.1 0.45 0.21 6 .320 .500 17.9 0.75
Cameroon 1.5 0.27 0.21 0.5 0.64 1.00 81 .506 .083 48.0 0.99
Cent Afric Rep 1.75 0.14 0.02 0.9 0.26 0.14 5 .372 .583 40.8 0.98
Chad 1 0.13 0.01 0.1 0.13 1.00 2 .359 .250 23.5 0.55
Comoros 1 0.30 0.58 0.5 1.00 1.00 4 .510 .333 32.7 0.65
Congo 1 0.35 0.02 0.1 0.77 0.12 8 .429 .333 61.7 0.94
Cote d'lvoire 1.75 0.55 0.41 0.2 1.81 1.77 70 .426 .460 45.7 1.05
Djibouti 1.5 0.95 0.02 0.5 1.40 0.04 73 .447 .416 83.3 1.35
Ethiopia 1.25 0.10 0.01 0.2 0.37 0.03 5 .321 .333 17.2 0.57
Gabon 1 0.84 0.28 1.5 3.18 9.79 136 .617 .416 80.3 1.17
Gambia 1 0.79 0.12 0.1 2.30 0.42 4 .398 .167 31.8 0.64
Ghana 1.75 0.25 0.01 0.4 1.17 0.64 115 .542 .750 37.9 0.98
Guinea 1 0.34 0.25 0.3 0.79 0.53 41 .397 .250 32.0 0.65
Kenya 1.75 0.42 1.56 1.1 1.01 0.11 21 .514 .250 32.1 0.90
Madagascar 1.5 0.19 0.34 0.3 0.36 0.23 46 .462 .667 29.0 0.79
Malawi 1.25 0.10 0.01 0.3 0.44 0.22 2 .397 .667 23.5 0.64
Mali 1 0.10 0.08 0.2 0.25 0.04 11 .378 .750 29.4 0.62
Mauritania 1 2.72 0.45 0.2 0.72 0.27 91 .437 .250 56.4 0.91
Mauritius 1 9.37 27.62 8.0 23.69 10.15 228 .765 .916 43.1 0.84
Mozambique 1 0.26 0.06 0.1 0.44 0.11 4 .323 .583 38.9 0.71
Namibia 1 2.95 18.51 2.3 5.94 4.67 32 .601 .750 30.4 0.65
Niger 1 0.04 0.16 0.3 0.18 0.01 26 .258 .500 20.1 0.53
Nigeria 1.75 0.64 0.06 0.4 0.43 0.03 67 .455 .500 43.1 1.02
Senegal 1 1.51 1.94 0.5 2.17 2.06 41 .423 .583 46.7 0.80
Sierra Leone 1 0.21 0.43 0.4 0.39 0.25 26 .258 .416 35.9 0.68
South Africa 3 6.18 42.95 6.3 11.36 12.01 125 .702 .916 51.1 1.56
Tanzania 1 0.24 0.23 0.7 0.49 0.51 21 .436 .500 50.1 0.83
Togo 1 1.77 0.34 0.8 0.92 0.54 20 .489 .333 32.7 0.65
Uganda 1 0.25 0.08 0.3 0.26 0.54 26 .435 .250 13.8 0.46
Zambia 1 0.72 0.86 0.3 0.93 0.31 137 .427 .416 39.5 0.75
Zimbabwe 1.25 1.30 2.31 1.1 2.07 1.51 29 .554 .250 34.6 0.76
Regional Avg. 1.30 1.13 3.48 0.96 2.26 1.75 50.12 .453 .466 38.98 0.84
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
Asia / Oceania
Infrastructure Measure Human Capital Measure
PCs /
Hosts /
% of
Lines /
/ 100
TVs /
as %
Armenia 2.5 0.57 7.57 1.1 15.53 0.23 217 0.743 0.500 69.7 1.59
Australia 4 46.46 843.52 52.5 52.41 44.63 639 0.936 0.999 84.7 2.60
Azerbaijan 2 0.45 1.99 0.7 10.36 5.56 254 0.738 0.250 56.9 1.30
Bangladesh 2 0.10 0.25 0.8 0.34 0.12 7 0.470 0.583 23.9 0.90
Brunei 2 6.22 141.21 1.2 24.59 20.52 638 0.857 0.167 71.7 1.59
Cambodia 1.5 0.11 0.37 0.1 0.26 1.00 123 0.541 0.167 15.6 0.67
China 2 1.59 0.54 2.1 11.12 6.58 272 0.714 0.083 31.6 1.04
Georgia 2 0.31 3.17 1.1 12.31 1.88 472 0.742 0.500 60.2 1.39
India 3 0.45 0.35 1.2 3.20 0.35 69 0.571 0.750 28.1 1.29
Indonesia 2.75 0.99 1.26 1.2 3.14 1.73 136 0.677 0.583 39.8 1.34
Iran 2 5.58 0.27 0.8 14.90 1.51 157 0.714 0.167 61.1 1.31
Japan 3 31.52 365.66 37.2 58.58 47.30 799 0.928 0.916 78.6 2.12
Kazakhstan 2 0.30 4.55 1.1 10.82 0.30 234 0.742 0.250 56.4 1.28
Rep. Korea 4 19.03 84.10 46.4 46.37 56.69 346 0.875 0.833 81.1 2.30
Kyrgyzstan 2 0.43 8.76 1.1 8.00 0.19 44 0.707 0.250 33.6 1.01
Laos 2 0.23 0.01 0.7 0.75 0.23 4 0.476 0.083 22.9 0.88
Malaysia 3 9.45 29.33 17.0 19.93 21.32 166 0.774 0.333 56.7 1.63
Maldives 2 1.89 9.85 2.1 9.08 2.85 39 0.739 0.250 26.1 0.93
Mongolia 3 0.92 0.64 1.3 4.97 4.04 63 0.569 0.750 63.0 1.64
Nepal 2.5 0.27 0.48 0.3 1.16 0.04 4 0.480 0.583 11.6 0.94
New Zealand
4 36.02 900.87 46.1 49.57 40.25 501 0.913 0.999 85.7 2.59
Pakistan 2 0.43 0.46 0.9 2.22 0.25 88 0.498 0.250 36.5 1.04
Philippines 2.5 1.93 2.54 3.0 3.92 8.24 108 0.747 0.750 57.7 1.44
West Samoa
2.5 0.56 139.52 0.3 4.75 1.69 69 0.701 0.833 21.5 1.09
Singapore 4 48.31 437.56 49.3 48.45 68.38 348 0.876 0.333 100.0 2.58
Sri Lanka 2 0.56 1.14 0.6 4.06 2.38 92 0.735 0.583 23.3 0.92
Tajikistan 2 0.28 0.44 0.2 3.53 0.01 285 0.660 0.167 27.5 1.00
Thailand 2 2.43 10.47 2.5 8.70 4.39 236 0.757 0.750 21.2 0.94
2 0.46 2.76 1.0 8.19 0.09 201 0.730 0.001 44.7 1.15
Uzbekistan 2 0.29 0.11 1.0 6.58 0.22 273 0.698 0.083 37.2 1.10
Vietnam 2 0.89 0.02 1.0 3.19 0.99 180 0.682 0.083 39.8 1.10
Regional Avg 2.46 7.07 96.77 8.89 14.55 11.10 227.87 0.709 0.446 47.37 1.37
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
Appendix 2: Best Practices developed by the USA’s team
Web Content Best Practices
! Define purpose of website
! Define your audience(s)
! Focus on audience, not on your organization or program names
! Provide audience interaction and listen to your audience
! Respond to customers
! Continue to define your audience
! Offer information/services in different ways/paths
! Avoid duplication and confusion – develop once, then use many times
! Get forms and services online; 3-Click rule for common services/information
! Structure content to make it scan-able; avoid long scrolling pages
! Create consistent navigation
! Create consistent look and feel
! Partner with organizations, agencies, states and localities
! Write for the web; Use Plain Language
! Determine style guide and use consistent style
! Keep content up-to-date; Check often for broken links
! Create linking, security and privacy policies and post them on your site
! Make site accessible and usable for persons with disabilities
! Test your site in browsers and levels of machines
! Check back often with your customers – and use their input
System Architecture Best Practices
! Design systems around a secure paradigm
! Promote standards-based open systems
! Ensure scalability
! Strive for modularity
! Be aware of customer needs
! Anticipate integration needs
! Ensure fault tolerance
! Understand and manage risk
! Constantly re-evaluate system architecture needs Linking Policy
! Official government-owned or supported site
! Official government information or services
! Complements existing information and services
! Accessible and applicable to a wide audience
! Relevant and useful for our customers
! Accurate and current
! Consistent with privacy and security policies
! User-friendly
! Highly desirable:
! Crosses agency or intergovernmental boundaries
! Enables online transactions
! Includes ability to interact with government
! Provides information on service performance
! Provides community-level information and services
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
Appendix 3: Sample questionnaire sent to public sector professionals
working on e-government.
1a) Has your government developed a national e-government strategic plan?
yes _______ no _______
b) Approximately what is the time frame for fully implementing the program?
Under 12 months _____ 1- 2 years____ 2- 5 years____ 5 + years _____
2) Who is charged with the overall responsibility of implementing and managing the e-gov program?
a) National Government Chief Executive
b) Minister / Director of Public Administration
c) Information Technology Dept / Chief Information Officer
d) Special Commission / Agency
e) Special e-government Unit
Other _________
(please specify)
3a) Does your government have an intranet?
yes _______ no _______
b) Does the ministry / department / agency where you work have an intranet?
yes _____ no ______
4) Approximately how many staff (full and part time) would say are part of your e-gov team?
Below 10 _____ 25 – 50 _____ 50 – 100 ______ 100 + _______
5) Approximately how much in US dollars is being allocated annually to e-government activities?
Under $100,000 _____ $100,000 – 500,000 ______ $500,000 – 1 million ______
$1 million – 1.5 million ______ $1.5 – 2 million _______ $2 million + ________
6) In your opinion, how high of a priority is your country’s commitment to e-government?
Of the highest priority
b) Of a high priority
Of a moderate priority
d) Of an emerging priority
7) Is the decision to place specific content and information online made by:
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
a) National chief executive
b) National legislature
c) Chief Information officer
d) Individual Ministers
e) Individual Dept / Unit heads ________
8) On of a scale of 1 - 5, with 1 being extremely important and 5 of little importance, rank the below
challenges that may be impacting on country’s e-government development
limited availability of financial resources _________
lack of technology / trained public sector IT staff __________
internet access limitations __________
absence of a coordinated government strategy __________
citizen unresponsiveness __________
lack of support from elected officials __________
g) other (please specify) ______________ __________
9) Are any of the below areas of your e -government program being outsourced:
yes no
a) full network architecture and online service delivery development _____ _____
b) website development _____ _____
c) human resource training _____ _____
d) transactions and collections _____ _____
e) other ___________________ _____ _____
10) What initiatives (if any) are being undertaken by decision-makers to ensure e-government oversight?
The establishment of: (check as many as appropriate)
a) special institutions; ______
b) special commissions; ______
c) specialized units within departments, agencies; ______
d) e-gov task force(s); ______
e) non-governmental independent oversight; ______
f) e-envoy / ombudsmen; ______
g) other (please specify) ______
Have any of the following actions been taken by the national government to encourage increased citizen use
of the internet for accessing government services?
financial assistance to local governments for e-gov activities ____
government sponsored training programmes for the public; ____
c) national public information campaigns; ____
d) local citizen awareness programs; ____
e) public information kiosks; ____
f) other: please specify _____________
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
12) Are any of the below government "special initiatives" being instituted to close the “digital divide”?
yes no
a) assistance programmes for the less privilege ____ ____
b) awareness programmes through the media to reach rural areas ____ ____
c) awareness programmes to reach citizen with special needs ____ ____
d) awareness programmes through educational institutions and programmes ____ ____
e) financial assistance to local governments ____ ____
f) other: please specify __________________
13) Would you favor or oppose permitting voters to cast their ballots over the internet for the following:
National regional/state municipal/local
Favor _____ _____ _____
Oppose _____ _____ _____
No opinion _____ _____ _____
14) In the very near future, the use of new wireless information and communication technologies like web tv and
cell phones will permit countries to “leapfrog” in their development stages of e-government.
Would you say your were:
a) very optimistic; b) optimistic; c) cautious; d) skeptical; e) of no opinion
that such technologies will accelerate the development of e-gov in your country by expanding access of
online service delivery to virtually all citizens.
15) The Final question concerns the role the UN can play in providing assistance to developing countries and
countries in transition in the area of e-government. UN/DPEPA has recently launched the internet based
United Nations Public Administration Network (UNPAN) which is a one stop portal to the services provided
by the UN and its regional partners like ASPA in all areas of public sector management and finance. UNPAN
is a working example of how the internet can effectively be used to facilitate capacity building and provide the
latest in public sector developments, best practices and knowledge. In your opinion, how can international
assistance (i.e. UN) be the most effective in this area.
By providing:
a) Technical capacity building of e-gov systems;
b) Human resources training in e-gov and ICT;
c) Technical and Resource mobilization;
d) Legal assistance;
e) Research and identification of emerging e-gov issues, programmes, best practices
f) Other (please specify) ___________
Name and e-mail address (optional)
Ministry, department or agency where you work
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
Does the country maintain an official:
Customized portal (UK model)
One-stop-shop portal; (US, Australia, NZ model)
National government home page
Other (describe)
Do the sites link to any or all of the following?
Ministries -- How many?
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Welfare/Social Services
Ministry of Labor
Specialized agencies/ divisions units
Parliaments / national legislatures
Regional / Local governments
International Orgs (UN) NGOs
Private Sector sites
Is there an national e-gov strategic plan online?
Can the user download or printout national laws;
bills; judicial decisions?
How is the sites content organized? By:
services provided
none of the above
Does the site's content include?
links to minister / dept. head
links internal divisions, units, staff
links to specialized programmes
links to the online services offered
links to other related services provided by
links to other govt ministries, agencies, departments
general organization information / org chart
Does the site's content include the following?
name of contact individual(s)
telephone numbers, addresses, etc
site index or map
help feature
contact us
what's new link
Does the site offer access to specialized
databases? (i.e. job banks, hospitals, legislation,)
Is the site multi-lingual? Please list all languages
other than national.
Does the site offer a search feature that is easy to
use and accurate?
Does the site allow the user to post comments or
offer feedback?
Is there a site security feature?
Does the site offer the following online services:
e-application forms requesting a specific service
e-forms requesting a permit of any kind
e-form requesting a benefits payment
request information or publication
register online for a benefits service or progamme
register online for a training or skills enhancement
register online for a job or employment service
apply / pay a utility bill, fine or other govt obligation
make an appointment with officials, staff etc:
download or print forms or applications
Can taxes be filed (national;local;sales; VAT)
Can the user pay any tax obligation online?
Can the user pay fines or other government
obligations online?
What form or method of online payment is used
(for any transaction)
credit card
bank or debit card
bill the users home
Please list any additional online transactional
services; this could include: purchasing postal
services, govt bids, commerative gifts, property,
military surplus, etc.
Appendix 4: Sample form used to evaluate websites
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
Is there a direct link to specific individual services?
Is there a direct link to all available online forms?
What kind of published information is available?
official government reports
publications available for purchase
press releases; news alerts, bios, pa* summaries
specialized publications on critical topics
Can the documents be saved or downloaded?
Is there a fee?
Are the documents mostly in PDF format?
Can the user participate in a chat room or e-
Does the site accept digital signatures?
Does the site include:
links to private sector sites
advertisements of any kind
other uncommon features (give an example)
Does the site offer streaming media, like live video
or audio of events, etc.
Does the site offer push technology?
Would you describe the type of content and
services available as predominately: (select one)
informational (basic);
interactive (users can e-mail, offer feedback, etc)
transactional (user can pay for service(s); taxes; fines;
Would you say the content was updated:
frequently (weekly)
regularly (monthly or bi-monthly)
seldom (six months or longer)
How user-friendly was the site? Select one
Extremely user friendly with content well presented
User friendly with content adequately displayed
Somewhat user friendly with room for improvement
Not at all user friendly; content was disorganized
Site was poorly developed.
Were there any content items, basic features, links
you expected to be present on the site and were
If so, please list examples.
Name of contact on page (if any)
For questions 14-17 the Minstry of Finance or
any Division or Unit of Taxation may be the best
place to try, in which case please indicate so on the
(*) pa = public affairs / public relations pieces
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
Selected Online Resources
United Nations:
Division for Public Economics and Public
United Nations Department of Economic
and Social Affairs
The Division's mission is to assist Member
States in ensuring that their governance
systems, administrative and financial
institutions, human resources and policy
development processes function in an
effective and participatory manner by
fostering dialogue, promoting and
sharing information and knowledge and
providing technical and advisory
The United Nations Online Network in
Public Administration and Finance
(UNPAN) is a network of international
organizations and an electronic
gateway to research, information and
knowledge on all public sector
management and administrative issues
and areas currently impacting the UN
Member States. The mission of UNPAN is
to promote the sharing of knowledge,
experiences and best practices
throughout the world in sound public
policies, effective public administration
and efficient civil services, through
capacity-building and cooperation
among Member States, with emphasis
on south-south cooperation and
UNPAN's commitment to integrity and
The American Society for Public
Administration is a non-profit
organization whose mission is to
advance excellence in public service.
ASPA was established to professionalize
the public service, to keep members on
the cutting edge of good government,
and to help answer the enduring
question of how to make government
work better.
Governments on the WWW is
comprehensive database of
governmental institutions on the World
Wide Web: parliaments, ministries,
offices, law courts, embassies, city
councils, public broadcasting
corporations, central banks, multi-
governmental institutions etc. Includes
also political parties. It contains more
than 17000 entries from more than 220
countries and territories.
Foreign Government Resources on the
This portal offers resources on e-
government including reports, news and
links sorted by category.
The Third Global Forum on Reinventing
Government Portal
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
The World Bank’s e-government page
includes information and case studies
from developing countries on e-
government organized by country,
sector or objectives as well as links to
external studies on e-government, many
from developed countries.
The Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Web site offers downloadable reports (in
PDF format) on various aspects of e-
government, public participation and
The Web site for the Intergovernmental
Technology Leadership Consortium of
the Council for Excellence in
Government has information on e-
government, including public surveys
from the US and an award competition
Digital Governance is a project that
explores and disseminates innovative
models by which ICT can be used in
developing countries to lead to better
This site of the Social Science Information
Gateway, part of UK Resource Discovery
Network, offers links to numerous papers,
reports, news, governmental and non-
governmental organizations addressing
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
Publications /Text Books
Comparative Performance
Morley, Bryant and Hatry
The Urban Institute, Washington, DC,
Performance Measurement: Getting
Harry P. Hatry
The Urban Institute, Washington, DC,
Designing E-government:
On the Crossroads of Technological
Innovation and Institutional Change
Edited by J.E.J. Prins
Kluwer Law International, 2001
E-Government 2001
Pricewaterhouse Coopers Endowment
for The Business of Government
Edited by Mark A. Abramson and Grady
E. Means
Reinventing Government in the
Information Age: International Practices
in IT Public Sector Reform
Editor: Richard Heeks
Routledge Publications, London and
New York, 2000
The Internet Edge: Social Technical and
Legal Challenges for a Networked World
Mark Stefik
MIT Press, 1999
The Rise of the Network Society
Manual Castells
Blackwell Publications, 1996
UN Reports / Publications:
Building Confidence
Electronic Commerce for Development
United Nations Conference on Trade
and Development (UNCTAD), 2000
2000 Human Development Report
United Nations Development Program,
New York, NY
Oxford University Press
Knowledge for Development
World Development Report 1999
World Bank, Washington DC
Knowledge Societies: Information
Technology for Sustainable
Robin Mansell and Uta Wehn, editors
Untied Nations Commission on Science
and technology for Development
Oxford University Press, 1998
Global Survey of Online Governance
The Commonwealth Network of
Information Technology for
Development Foundation
United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization
Paris, 2000
Government Publications / Reports
Government Online
The Commonwealth Government’s
Office for Government Online
Telephone:02 6271 1222
Facsimile:02 6271 1698
The e-Citizen Estonia
A nation-wide project for developing
the co-operation between Estonian
citizens and the public sector through
the Internet
The Republic of Ireland
Information Society Ireland
Third Report of the Information Society
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
The Government of Italy
E-government Action Plan
The Netherlands
Contract with the Future
A vision on the electronic relationship
between government and citizen
Memorandum presented to the Lower
Chamber of Dutch Parliament by the
Minister for Urban Policy and the
Integration of Ethnic Minorities.
Lower Chamber, session year 1999-2000,
May 2000
24 / 7 Program: Strategic Plan 2001
The United Kingdom:
E-government: A Strategic Framework
for Public Services in the Information Age
Cabinet Office, April 2001
E-government Interoperability
Framework, April 2001
Cabinet Office
Information Age Government
Benchmarking Electronic Service
A report by the Central IT Unit, July 2000
The UK Modernising Government White
(MGWP), 1999
The United States
The Enabling Environment for a Free and
Independent Media
Contribution to Transparent and
Accountable Governance
January, 2002
Office of Democracy and Governance
Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and
Humanitarian Assistance
US Agency For International
The European Union
Benchmarking eEurope
Methodology Paper
Information Society Working Group
October, 2000
The Use of Information and
Communication Technology in the
Public Administration of the EU Member
Conference of the Directors-
General of the Public Service of the
Member States of the European Union
Strasbourg, November 2001
Articles / Reports
How People Use Government
Agencies’ Web sites
Principal authors: Elena Larsen, Research
Lee Rainie, Director
Pew Internet & American Life Project,
April, 2002
The Rise of the e-Citizen
Eight Imperatives for Leaders in a
Networked World:
The Harvard Policy Group On Network-
Enabled Services and Government
John F. Kennedy School of Government
Imperative 3: Utilize Best Practices for
Implementing Initiatives
March, 2001
Imperative 4 : Improve Budgeting and
Financing for Promising IT Initiatives
April, 2001
The Use of the Internet in Government
Service Delivery
Steven Cohen and William Eimicke
Columbia University: School of
International and Public Affairs
E-Government 2001
The Pricewaterhouse Coopers
Endowment of the Business of
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
The African Internet - A Status Report
May 2001
Mike Jensen-
Internet for the Arab World
International Telecommunications Union
Telecommunication Development
Meeting for the Arab Region for
The World Telecommunication
Development Conference, Alexandria
(Egypt), 17-19 October 2000
Document 15-E
2 October 2000
The Role of Government in A Digital Age
Commissioned by the Computer &
Communications Industry Association
Joseph M. Stiglitz, Peter R. Orszag,
Jonathan M. Orszag
October 2000
And Justice for All: Designing Your
Business Case for Integrating Justice
Information, 2000
Center for Technology in Government,
Albany, NY
E-Government: The Next American
Revolution. Council for Excellence in
Government Washington D.C.: Council
for Excellence in Government, 2001.
Innovative Funding Approaches for
Information Technology Initiatives:
Federal, State, and Local
Government Experiences. Washington
D.C.: Intergovernmental Advisory Board,
Overcoming Budget Barriers: Funding IT
Projects in the Public Sector. Jerry
Mechling and Victoria Sweeney
Cambridge, MA:
Program on Strategic Computing and
Telecommunications in the Public
Harvard University, 1997
Dollars & Sense: Several States Are
attempting to overhaul funding for
enterprise IT projects
Steve Towns
Government Technology
January 2001.
Powering Up: How Public Managers Can
Take Control of Information Technology.
Katherine Barrett and Richard Greene.
Washington D.C.: CQ Press, 2001.
Consulting Firms:
At the Dawn of E-government
Deloitte Research, Pittsburgh, PA
Rhetoric vs. Reality - Closing the Gap,
Accenture Consulting Washington, DC,
July 2001
Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective --- Assessing the UN Member States
United Nations - DPEPA ASPA
The Enabling Environment for Free and
Independent Media: Contribution to
Transparent and Accountable Governance
Office of Democracy and Governance
US Agency for International Development
January, 2002
Reinventing Government in the Information
Age: International Practices in IT Public
Sector Reform
Editor: Richard Heeks
ibid, Heeks
Building Confidence:
Electronic Commerce for Development
United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD), 2000
How people use government
agencies’ Web sites
Principal authors: Elena Larsen, Research
Fellow, Lee Rainie, Director Pew Internet &
American Life Project, April, 2002
Ibid, Pew
Ibid, Pew
At the Dawn of E-government, Deloitte
Research, Pittsburgh PA
Information Age Government
Benchmarking Electronic Service Delivery,
A Report by the Central IT Unit, July 2000
The Role of Government in A Digital Age
Joseph E. Stiglitz, Peter Orszag, Jonathan
M. Orszag; Computer & Communications
Industry Association, October 2000
ibid, Knowledge Societies
Global Survey of Online Governance
The Commonwealth Network of Information
Technology for Development Foundation
United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) Paris, 2000
ibid, Knowledge Societies
ibid, USAID
ibid, Knowledge Societies
Rhetoric vs. Reality - Closing the Gap,
Accenture, Washington, DC, July 2001
ibid, Accenture
Global Survey of Online Governance
The Commonwealth Network of Information
Technology for Development Foundation
United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) Paris, 2000
World Bank: 1999 World Development
The Internet in Africa, Analysis Mike Jensen.
European Union The Use of Information
and Communication Technology in the
Public Administration of the EU Member
States 35
Conference of the Directors-
General of the Public Service of the Member
States of the European Union
Strasbourg, November 2001
ibid, Heeks
ibid, European Union, Knowledge Societies
ibid, Heeks
ibid, European Union
ibid, European Union
ibid, UNESCO
ibid, Knowledge Societies
ibid, Heeks
ibid, Heeks
The Use of the Internet in Government
Service Delivery Steven Cohen and
William Eimicke Columbia University
E-Government 2001
The Pricewaterhouse Coopers Endowment of
the Business of Government