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Winter 1-18-2017
Complete Esophageal Obstruction a'er
Endoscopic Variceal Band Ligation in a Patient with
a Sliding Hiatal Hernia
Munthir Mansour MD
Yousef Abdel-Aziz MD
Hesham Awadh
Nihar Shah MD
Marshall University, [email protected]
Akash Ajmera
Marshall University, [email protected]du
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Mansour M, Abdel-Aziz Y, Awadh H, Shah N, Ajmera A. Complete Esophageal Obstruction a>er Endoscopic Variceal Band Ligation
in a Patient with a Sliding Hiatal Hernia. ACG Case Reports Journal. 2017;4:e8. doi:10.14309/crj.2017.8.
Complete Esophageal Obstruction after Endoscopic Variceal
Band Ligation in a Patient with a Sliding Hiatal Hernia
Munthir Mansour, MD
, Yousef Abdel-Aziz, MD
, Hesham Awadh, MD
, Nihar Shah, MD
Akash Ajmera, MD
Department of Internal Medicine, Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, Marshall University, Huntington, WV
Department of Gastroenterology, Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, Marshall University, Huntington, WV
Complete esophageal obstruction is a rare complication of endoscopic variceal banding, with only 6 cases
in the English literature since the introduction of endoscopic variceal banding in 1986. We report a case of
complete esophageal obstruction following esophageal banding due to entrapment of part of a sliding hia-
tal hernia. To our knowledge, our case is one of few with esophageal obstruction post-banding, and the
rst associated with a hiatal hernia. We recommend caution when performing esophageal banding on
patients with a hiatal hernia.
Endoscopic variceal ligation (EVL) is the denitive treatment of choice for active variceal hemorrhage. It is
a relatively simple procedure and is associated with fewer complications than endoscopic sclerotherapy.
Only 6 cases of complete esophageal obstruction following EVL have been reported in the English
A 65-year-old woman with a history of cirrhosis secondary to alcohol abuse, grade 1 esophageal varices, and a slid-
ing hiatal hernia (SHH) presented with hematemesis. She was found to have esophageal varices 2 years ago and
was started on nadolol. On examination, she had scleral icterus, and her laboratory tests were hemoglobin 10.7
g/dL, alanine aminotransferase 71 U/L, aspartate aminotransferase 120 U/L, international normalized ratio 1.4, se-
rum Na 145 mEq/L, serum creatinine 1 mg/dL, and total bilirubin 4 mg/dL. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD)
revealed 4 columns of grade 2 varices in the distal third of the esophagus. Two of the columns showed red wale
stigmata. Four ligation bands were successfully deployed.
The patient returned 3 weeks later for a repeat EVL. EGD revealed a small grade 1 varix in the distal third
of the esophagus (Figure 1). The patient had a large SHH and had hiccups during banding. Gastric tissue
slid upwards unpredictably during her hiccups, and a small amount of gastric tissue was caught in the band
when it was deployed. The patient tolerated the procedure well without other complications, and was dis-
charged home. She presented 3 days later for persistent nausea and non-bloody emesis. She did not toler-
ate any solids or liquids following the procedure. A barium swallow showed complete obstruction of the
distal esophagus.
EGD revealed a complete obliteration of the lumen at the gastroesophageal junction. An esophageal band with in-
advertent gastric tissue was seen. The tissue was edematous and blocking the lumen (Figure 2). No endoscopic
ACG Case Rep J 2017;4: e8. doi:10.14309/crj.2017.8. Published online: January 18, 2017.
Correspondence: Akash Ajmera, Department of Gastroenterology, Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, Marshall University, 1249 15th St, Erma Ora Byrd Clinical
Center, Huntington, WV 25701 ([email protected]).
Copyright: © 2017 Mansour et al. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0
International License. To view a copy of this license, visit
ACG Case Reports Journal / Volume 4 1
intervention was attempted, and the patient was observed in
the hospital. She tolerated a diet after 3 days, and the
obstruction resolved spontaneously. She did well until 4
weeks later when she presented with dysphagia. An EGD
revealed a stricture at the distal end of the esophagus, with
difculty passing the endoscope (Figure 3). With pressure,
the stricture was passed. Over the next 4 months, she
required 3 sessions of balloon dilation of the stricture with re-
solution of her symptoms (Figure 4).
Endoscopic variceal banding works by capturing the varices
causing venous occlusion from thrombosis and leading to
tissue necrosis. The bands slough off in a few days, leaving a
supercial ulceration that rapidly heals. EVL has been associ-
ated with fewer complications and mortality than endoscopic
Complications described after EVL include
transient dysphagia, stricture formation, ulcers, pneumonia,
and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis.
Complete esophageal obstruction following EVL is extremely
rare. Only 6 prior cases exist in the English literature.
Esophageal obstruction post-banding may occur secondary
to edema and necrosis at the banding area. It is believed that
placing a band close to mucosa that is damaged with edema
or necrosis may increase the risk of post-ligation obstruction.
We believe that allowing appropriate time for the damaged
mucosa to heal between banding is crucial to avoid this complica-
tion. There is limited evidence to support an optimal time inter-
val. It is likely that smaller varices are more prone to ulceration
and stricture formation due to greater injury to the surrounding
mucosa, thus increasing the risk of post-ligation obstruction.
Therefore, particular caution needs to be exercised in selecting
the right-sized varix for ligation, avoiding excessive suctioning of
mucosa surrounding varices, and a gentle examination of the
esophagus following the completion of EVL. One report recom-
mended that EVLs should be applied in a spiral fashion to avoid
extensive luminal compromise on one plane.
Our patient had a history of SHH and was hiccupping during the
procedure. We believe that hiccupping caused the hiatal hernia
to slide up during deployment of the band, causing it to get
caught in the band. Gastroenterologists should use caution when
banding patients with a hiatal hernia, especially if they are band-
ing in the distal esophagus or near the gastroesophageal junc-
tion. Active manipulation to alleviate the obstruction is generally
not successful, and conservative management is the accepted
approach for esophageal obstruction following EVL.
Author contributions: M. Mansour, Y. Abdel-Aziz, and H.
Awadh wrote the manuscript. N. Shah and A. Ajmera edited
the manuscript. A. Ajmera is the article guarantor.
Figure 3. Esophageal stricture following esophageal obstruction.
Figure 4. Balloon dilation of the esophageal stricture.
Figure 1. Endoscopy showing small esophageal varices with red wale
Figure 2. Esophageal obstruction from banding of inadvertently caught
gastric tissue with necrotic tissue and edema surrounding the band.
Mansour et al Esophageal Obstruction after Esophageal Banding
ACG Case Reports Journal / Volume 4 2
Financial disclosure: None to report.
Informed consent was obtained for this case report.
Received May 7, 2016; Accepted October 7, 2016
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Mansour et al Esophageal Obstruction after Esophageal Banding
ACG Case Reports Journal / Volume 4 3