Communication Plan & Templates Communicate your Microsoft Viva Insights Launch
Communicate your
Microsoft Viva
Insights Launch
Ready to rollout Viva Insights company-wide? Clear, engaging, and well-timed communications
that build towards a primary launch event are critical to the success of your rollout.
Here are communications templates with recommended timeframes to help you prepare your
company and users for a smooth transition. Feel free to adapt and use these as you see fit.
Communication project plan
The following plan includes communication templates, recommended tasks, and suggested
timeframes to help you plan and prepare for your company’s Viva Insights network launch.
Feel free to use the resources provided in the Viva Insights Adoption Resource web page to
educate your users and support the communication plan.
Project plan
Description and
Article on Intranet
Landing Page
Introduce Viva Insights, intended use cases and
benefits, links to training, and reference material
4 weeks
before launch
Executive Email
Introduce Viva Insights, intended use cases and
benefits; include link to intranet page
3–4 weeks
before launch
Awareness Events
and Promotions
Posters, announcement boards, Viva Insights
in public places, etc.
Starting 34 weeks prior
and through launch event
Introduce Viva Insights and identify
department-specific uses
2 weeks before launch
or as scheduled
Network Announcement to
Existing Viva Insights Users
Inform existing users to encourage
colleagues as they join Viva Insights
2 weeks before launch
Intranet Article Update Status, countdown, link for training information 1–2 weeks before launch
Network Launch Reminder Expectations, intended use, benefits 1 week before launch
Intranet Article Update
Launch Success
Stats about the success of network launch 1 day post launch
Viva Insights Announcement
Post Launch
Success stories, recognize involved team and
high contributors
1 day post launch
Intranet Article Update #2
Post Launch
Reminder of why and how-to Viva Insights 1 month post launch or
at Admin discretion
Communication Plan & Templates Communicate your Microsoft Viva Insights Launch
1. Article on intranet landing page
Recommended task
Post a basic Viva Insights informational article
to your organization’s intranet home page
Suggested timeframe
4 weeks before launch
Have you ever
Found the line between work and life is blurring and it is harder to unplug?
Feel stretched thin as a manager with little time left for coaching and development?
Want to better understand how work is getting done to maximize your time and your teams?
Well, there’s an app for that…. Viva Insights!
What is Viva Insights?
Viva Insights provides privacy-protected
insights and actionable
recommendations that help everyone in
the organization work smarter and
achieve balance.
Viva Insights is extremely intuitive and
easy to use. It’s here to help you
understand how you work and help you
maximize your wellbeing.
Viva Insights lets you:
Understand how you work Take action
in the flow of your work to build
better work habits and insights.
Support your team Help managers
and leaders to better understand
current team norms and take action
for positive change.
Manage your wellbeing Actionable
recommendations to help you take a
quick mental break, protect time for
focused work and mindfully
disconnect after hours.
Viva Insights help everyone in the
organization work smarter and achieve
Communication Plan & Templates Communicate your Microsoft Viva Insights Launch
Why should I use Viva Insights?
Here are a few of the ways you can use Viva Insights:
Stay on top of key tasks and deliverables
h daily and monthly Viva Insights
briefing emails.
Protect time by setting up a focus or
time plan.
Send praise to team members fostering
a cult
ure of positivity and
Manage multiple 1:1 schedule in one
easy pla
Access generalized analytics for
ers and leaders to help their
teams avoid burnout & stress.
Use free resources from headspace to
and unplug.
Only the end user can view personal data and insights based on work patterns in your
emails, meetings, calls, and chats. Viva Insights is designed to protect the user’s privacy.
Manager and leader insights are protected by differential privacy, strong personal privacy
protection that makes it impossible to discern an individual’s activities or metrics.
When is Viva Insights being launched?
Viva Insights will be officially launched to all employees on [Date]. Employees who are
not yet signed up for Viva Insights will receive an email with instructions on how to
sign up and join our network.
Where do I find
Viva Insights?
Viva Insights is accessible as a tab
within Office 365, Outlook, and
Pin the Viva Insights Module to your
Teams bar for easy access
Will there be training
for Viva Insights?
Yes! To help everyone get familiar
with Viva Insights, we will be holding
training sessions on [Date].
You will learn what Viva Insights is,
how to get started, and best
Click here to register
Communication Plan & Templates Communicate your Microsoft Viva Insights Launch
2. Executive email introduction
Recommended task
Arrange for an executive to send a Viva
Insights launch announcement via email
to all employees.
Suggested timeframe
3–4 weeks before launch
Dear [Company Name] employees:
I am pleased to introduce a new resource here for work and wellbeing learnings here at
[Company Name], called Viva Insights. For those of you who are not familiar with Viva
Insights, it is a data-driving, privacy-protected tool for [Company Name] employees to
better understand how you work and to help you maximize your wellbeing throughout
the day. You will be able to access Viva Insights resources through Office 365, Outlook,
and Teams.
Nurturing a culture that prioritizes balance and wellbeing is critical to the success of
our organization. By better understanding our work habits and patterns through Viva
Insights, we can now work better than ever before. Here are some business benefits
we’ll gain by using Viva Insights:
[Enter specific use case examples]
Breakdown information silos and gain more collaboration.
Manage meeting overload so we are prioritizing the customer and deep work.
Uplift, encourage and praise each other’s wins and successes.
Prioritize our wellbeing throughout the workday to help avoid burnout and stress.
More information can be found on the Viva Insights intranet site at [Include link here].
Stay tuned for our network launch which will take place on [Date].
Thank you.
[C-level executive]
Communication Plan & Templates Communicate your Microsoft Viva Insights Launch
3. Awareness and promotions
Recommended task
Create awareness around the Viva Insights launch. Often
these are most successful when paired with another initiative
already going on within the organization, such the before,
during, or after the annual employee satisfaction survey,
new CEO, or companywide HR initiatives.
Suggested timeframe
Several times starting
3–4 weeks before launch
Viva Insights Network
launch events
Encourage employees to share what they
learned from Viva Insights and how it has
helped them strike work/life balance, be
less stressed, feel more productive, etc.
Build awareness offline
Eye-catching posters and flyers can be a
great way to spark interest in Viva Insights.
Please feel free to use any of the content
included in this communication plan and
accompanying materials to create posters
for display on announcement boards and
throughout your office environment. You
can also display the Viva Insights feed on
monitors in public places, like the cafeteria,
entrance lobby, or main auditorium.
Make Viva Insights
fun and relevant
Regardless how you choose to promote
Viva Insights, be creative and adapt to
your company’s culture and needs. We
recommend highlighting top users,
memorable conversations, and valuable
interactions that led to great results as
well as upcoming on - and offline
Communication Plan & Templates Communicate your Microsoft Viva Insights Launch
Additional resources
Microsoft product overview
High-level product review and case studies
Microsoft tech community
Microsoft Viva Blog Collaborate, share and,
learn from experts
Microsoft docs
Technical documentation for developers
and IT professionals
Microsoft support
Access FAQ and support documentation
Establishing champions for
user adoption best practices
Microsoft Viva Insights
Connect, learn, and discuss with Viva
Insights experts and peers
Microsoft tech community
Microsoft Viva Blog Collaborate, share and,
learn from experts
Microsoft Workplace Insights
Case studies and Microsoft learnings
Microsoft Adoption
Resources to rollout your Viva adoption
Communication Plan & Templates Communicate your Microsoft Viva Insights Launch
4. Departmental communication
Recommended task
Department head to send an email.
Suggested timeframe
2 weeks before launch
Dear [Company Name] employees:
We are very excited to announce that on [Date] Viva Insights will be rolled out
throughout [Company Name].
In addition to the company-wide benefits Viva Insights will bring, our [Department]
will be able to use Viva Insights in the following ways:
Help managers better manage and prioritize their 1:1 meeting.
See where we can manage meetings more effectively to open more time
for deep, focused work.
Surface the most important tasks, deliverables, and priorities via Viva
email briefings.
Prioritize wellbeing resources that help the team mindfully manage stressors
and unplug from work each day.
To start, I’d like to hold monthly Q&A sessions to discuss department goals and
project initiatives using a Viva Insights Live Event. Post your questions before or
during the event. Click [here] for more details.
To help our organization make the most out of this new technology, [Name] has
volunteered to serve as the point of contact for our [Department]. Please contact
[Name] if you have any questions or need help getting started.
Thank you.
[Department Head]
Communication Plan & Templates Communicate your Microsoft Viva Insights Launch
5. Network announcement to
existing Viva Insights users
Recommended task
Post a Viva Insights broadcast announcement
within the existing network of users
Suggested timeframe
2 weeks before launch
As you may have heard, we will be rolling out Viva Insights company-wide so that
[Company Name] can start companywide usage. We’ve seen great benefits thus far in
Viva Insights’s ability to help employees understand their work patterns and put into
place best practices for prioritizing wellbeing.
Please help ensure our Viva Insights rollout success! You can do this by welcoming new
users, encouraging them to use Viva Insights, answering their questions, and
responding to their posts and emails.
Our company’s use of Viva Insights enables [Insert vision]. Thank you for your
contributions thus far! If you would like to help with the network engagement activities,
please contact [Insert team member/community name] or join the [Insert rollout
Viva Insights community name].
6. Intranet article update
Recommended task
Post an article to your company’s intranet
homepage, perhaps with a recent Viva
Insights success story
Suggested timeframe
1–2 weeks before launch
We are excited to launch Viva Insights in a few weeks. Check out what’s been
happening in the community so far. To date [NNNN] members have joined.
We are [Timeframe] away from launching Viva Insights. Employees who have not
already started using Viva Insights will receive an email with detailed instructions of
how to access Viva Insights. Click here [Include link to original article] for more
[Best Practice: Add success story]
Communication Plan & Templates Communicate your Microsoft Viva Insights Launch
7. Launch email
final reminder
Recommended task
Send a company-wide email reminding all
regarding the launch of Viva Insights
Suggested timeframe
1 week before launch
A final reminder that on [Date] we will be
launching our [Company Name] Viva
Insights! All employees who have not already
started leveraging Viva Insights will receive
an email with a detailed instructions on how
to access Viva Insights via Office 365,
Outlook, and Teams.
8. Intranet article
launch success
Recommended task
Post an update to your company’s
intranet homepage
Suggested timeframe
1 day post launch
On [Date] [# of new users] started leveraging
Viva Insights! Thanks for prioritizing your work
experience and wellbeing with Viva Insights.
[Include relevant usage statistics here].
9. Viva Insights
Recommended task
Post an announcement to broadcast the
success of your network launch on Viva
Insights. Additionally, you may want to
include a Praise for Launch Team members.
Suggested timeframe
1 day post launch
The [Company name] Viva Insights
app is up and running and has had
a very active first week! Thank you
to everyone for the hard work that
has gone in to making this
successful. If your teammates have
begun leveraging Viva Insights,
please encourage this now. The
more people participating on
Viva Insights, the more we will
all benefit!
[Add additional adoption/launch
event details/pictures from the
Lastly, I would like to recognize
[Viva Insights users] who already
made significant contributions to
[Company Name] through their
use of Viva Insights. [Include
relevant details on usage].
Communication Plan & Templates Communicate your Microsoft Viva Insights Launch
10. Follow-up intranet article
Recommended task
After the initial launch of your network,
follow up with this intranet article
Suggested timeframe
1–2 weeks after launch, or at
Network Admin discretion
Do you Viva Insights?
Viva Insights has been with us here at
[Company Name], since [Network start
date]. It has become a vital business tool
for making understanding how we work
and to help us maximize our employee
Here you can learn what Viva Insights’ all
about and how to use it.
Why else should I use Viva Insights?
Viva Insights not only helps you gain
valuable work habit insights, but also
Helps make consistent 1:1’s a priority
across the organization.
Provides exercises, videos, articles, and
resources to help your mindfulness
throughout the workday.
Protects your workday by
implementing focus time, quiet time,
no-meeting days, or to ensure you are
planning for your time off.
Check out Viva Insights today through
Office 365, Outlook, or Teams!
What’s Viva Insights?
Viva Insights includes a Microsoft Teams
app and web features and tools that
help people and businesses thrive with
data-driven, privacy-protected insights,
and recommendations to improve
productivity and wellbeing.
We’ll also be utilizing Viva Insights’
broad organizational insights to help
support our key HR employee
satisfaction programs. We want to
continue to foster a work culture that
values human connection, purpose,
growth, wellbeing, and success. We
believe Viva insights is a key tool to help
us work better together and maximize
our personal wellbeing.
Additional resources
[Include any company resources
where they can find more