B. Welle Qualified
9020 Resume Lane
Any City, Any State 00000
Phone: (123) 456-7890
Cell: (098) 765-4321
Email: bwq@isp.com
osition Applying For:
Vacancy Announcement No. EXSER/09-000CBP
Director of Finance, Large Agency
Budget Director 02/2007 to Present
GS-560-15, $150,000 per annum
Large Agency, Washington, DC
Supervisor: John H. Boss, Director of Finance, (123) 346-789
Presently serve as Chief of the Financial Management Division at the Large Agency. Lead a
staff of 150 employees and contractors in the formulation and execution of a complex budget
totaling $15 billion. Responsible for management of all budget, accounting, and financial
management programs and operations. Oversee all phases of the agency budget cycle,
to include Office of Management and Budget (OMB) submissions and Congressional
Justifications. Participate in budget presentation meetings with Departmental officials, agency
senior officials, and OMB officials. Provide briefings and advice to senior officials of the Large
Agency, including the Director and Deputy Director, on such matters as detailed financial
analyses. Key accomplishments include the following:
- Developed organizational proposal for user fees to support important agency missions
during a period of government-wide budget reductions. My user fee proposal was
enacted by Congress and implemented within two budget years of initiation. This
program now funds 20 percent of the agency’s programs and has been so successful
that authorized personnel and funding levels have increased by 10 percent since
- Within one year of my appointment, I reorganized the Budget Staff into a more efficient
functional alignment, allowing me to reduce professional staff by 10 positions while
increasing staff productivity by 20 percent and improving positive feedback from our
internal customers by 36 percent. I received an agency award for my efforts in this
- I have significantly improved agency relationships with the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB), congressional appropriations committees, and the Congressional Budget
Office, reducing response times for information requests by 25 percent and establishing
strong professional relationships with key OMB staff and Congressional committee
chairs, staff directors, and key committee members. As a result, since my appointment,
the agency has received additional resources or no resource reductions for most key
programs during a period of fiscal austerity.
Assistant Budget Director, Formulation 08/2002 to 02/2007
GS-560-14, $100,000 per annum
Medium Agency, Washington, DC
Supervisor: Sarah H. Leader, Director of Budget, (123) 456-7890
As Assistant Budget Director, I led a staff of 30 Budget Analysts and Program Specialists
responsible for the Medium Agency’s budget formulation effort. Represented the Budget
Director on budget and financial matters at meetings with senior officials. Assisted the Division
Director in the presentation and justification of the budget to agency leadership, OMB, and the
Congress. Collaborated with management officials in client offices to develop budget estimates
in support of new initiatives or programs. Led analyses of proposed budget and program
actions and advised management of alternative courses of action. Key accomplishments
include the following:
- Developed and implemented a new automated budget formulation system, which
significantly reduced personnel hours devoted to the process, expedited submission and
revision response times, and improved the agency product. Over the two-year
implementation period for my new system, total personnel hours devoted to the annual
formulation process were reduced by 20 percent and revision response times were
reduced by 10 percent. I received a special award from the agency head for my
leadership of this project and a letter of commendation from OMB citing the improvement
in the agency’s budget submissions as a result of the system I developed.
- At the personal request of the Assistant Secretary for Administration, I led a group of
budget, finance, and management analysts, and agency program managers in
formulating the budget for a new program to support Presidential Directive 2003-04,
Reducing Waste in Government. Operating with an extremely short deadline, I
managed the identification and analysis of financial and program data, the development
of agency waste reduction priorities and initiatives, and the formulation of the supporting
budget. I assisted agency leadership in the presentation of the proposal to OMB and the
Congress. The proposal was approved with few external adjustments, and my group
and I received cash awards for our successful efforts. After two years of operations
under the new program, the agency reported a 10 percent reduction in waste. I received
a significant cash award and agency head recognition for my successful efforts on this
- Made significant contributions to several agency-wide financial automation projects,
leading a subgroup that identified, reviewed, and made recommendations for off-the-
shelf accounting and financial management software. Participated fully on a subgroup
that identified, reviewed, and made recommendations for hardware and financial
systems contractor selections. Received several cash awards and the projects received
agency-wide recognition for our significant contributions to improving agency efficiency
and effectiveness.
Financial Manager 12/1998 to 08/2002
$75,000 per annum
Private Sector Company, New York, NY
Supervisor: Sam Tycoon, Company President, (123) 456-7890
I served as the Financial Manager for a medium-sized manufacturing operation with annual
receipts of $100 million. Was responsible for policy oversight and management of the
formulation, validation, justification, and execution of the annual operating budget; cost
allocation models; program controls for information technology projects; and reporting functions.
Key accomplishments include the following:
- Developed and implemented the first-ever automated financial management system for
the company, improving efficiency and accuracy and allowing me to downsize the
operation by 20 employees and reduce my budget by $500,000. I received a large
bonus for my successful efforts.
- I vastly improved labor management relations in the financial management organization
by meeting regularly with union leadership to brief them on the automation project. As a
result, I gained union support and implemented the financial system ahead of schedule.
- From 1999 to 2000, I served as the Vice President for External Relations of the
Statewide Financial Management Association. In this role, I worked extensively with the
state legislature, state regulatory agencies, and my peer financial managers to ensure
that laws and regulatory actions did not adversely affect the state’s industries. My most
significant accomplishment was to stop a state regulation that would have added millions
in expenses to the industries of the state by requiring an excessive amount of detail to
financial reporting requirements.
B.S., Accounting, Large State University, Anywhere, Any State, USA, 06/1992.
M.B.A., Large Private University, Anywhere, Any State, USA, 06/1994.
C.P.A., State of Anywhere, 12/1994.
Program Management Certification - Level III, DAWIA, 10/2005.
Awards and Recognition
Agency Head Awards, 2005, 2004, 2003.
Cash Awards and Outstanding Performance Ratings, 1996 to present.
State Financial Management Association Recognition, 2000.
Community Volunteer of the Year, Any Town, Any State, 2006.
U.S. Citizen.
Top Secret Security Clearance.
Foreign Language Proficiency: Spanish.
Sam Associate, Budget Director, Large Agency, (123) 456-7890.
Joe Co-Worker, Financial Manager, Medium Agency, (123) 456-7890.
Susan Financess, President, Private Sector Company, (123) 456-7890.