Technical Guidance for Calculating Scope 3 Emissions [113]
Category 11:
Use of Sold Products
Category description
his category includes emissions from the use of goods and services sold by the reporting
company in the reporting year. A reporting company’s scope 3 emissions from use of
sold products include the scope 1 and scope 2 emissions of end users. End users include
The Scope 3 Standard divides emissions from the use of sold products into two types (see also table 11.1):
Direct use-phase emissions
Indirect use-phase emissions.
In category 11, companies are required to include direct use-phase emissions of sold products. Companies may also
account for indirect use-phase emissions of sold products, and should do so when indirect use-phase emissions are
expected to be signicant. See table 11.1 for descriptions and examples of direct and indirect use-phase emissions.
Category 11 includes the total expected lifetime emissions from all relevant products sold in the reporting year across
the company’s product portfolio. (Refer to chapter 5.4 of the Scope 3 Standard for more information on the time
boundary of scope 3 categories.) See box 11.1 in this chapter for an example of reporting product lifetime emissions
and box 11.2 for guidance related to product lifetime and durability. The GHG Protocol Product Standard provides
information on accounting for life cycle GHG emissions from individual products.
Companies may optionally include emissions associated with maintenance of sold products during use.
See section 5.6 of the Scope 3 Standard for guidance on the applicability of category 11 to nal products and
intermediate products sold by the reporting company.
Technical Guidance for Calculating Scope 3 Emissions [114]
CATEGORY 11 Use of Sold Products
Table [11.1] Emissions from use of sold products
Type of Emissions Product Type
Direct use-phase
emissions (required)
Products that directly consume energy
(fuels or electricity) during use
Automobiles, aircraft, engines, motors, power
plants, buildings, appliances, electronics, lighting,
data centers, web-based software
Fuels and feedstocks Petroleum products, natural gas, coal, biofuels, and
crude oil
Greenhouse gases and products that
contain or form greenhouse gases that
are emitted during use
, CH
, N
, refrigeration and
air-conditioning equipment, industrial gases, re
extinguishers, fertilizers
Indirect use-phase
emissions (optional)
Products that indirectly consume energy
(fuels or electricity) during use
Apparel (requires washing and drying), food (re-
quires cooking and refrigeration), pots and pans
(require heating), and soaps and detergents (require
heated water)
Source: Table 5.8 from the Scope 3 Standard.
Calculating emissions from category 11 typically requires product design specications and assumptions about how
consumers use products (e.g., use proles, assumed product lifetimes). Companies are required to report a description
of the methodologies and assumptions used to calculate emissions (see chapter 11 of the Scope 3 Standard).
Where relevant, companies should report additional information on product performance when reporting scope
3 emissions to provide additional transparency on steps companies are taking to reduce GHG emissions from sold
products. Such information may include GHG intensity metrics, energy intensity metrics, and annual emissions from the
use of sold products (see section 11.3 of the Scope 3 Standard). See section 9.3 of the Scope 3 Standard for guidance on
recalculating base year emissions when methodologies or assumptions related to category 11 change over time.
Any claims of avoided emissions related to a company’s sold products must be reported separately from the company’s
scope 1, scope 2, and scope 3 inventories. (For more information, see section 9.5 of the Scope 3 Standard)
Box [11.1] Example of reporting product lifetime emissions
An automaker sells 1 million cars in 2010. Each car has an expected lifetime of 10 years. The company reports the
anticipated use-phase emissions of the 1 million cars it sold in 2010 over their 10-year expected lifetime. The company
also reports corporate average fuel economy (km per liter) and corporate average emissions (kg CO
e/km) as relevant
emissions-intensity metrics.
Source: Box 5.7 from the Scope 3 Standard.
Technical Guidance for Calculating Scope 3 Emissions [115]
CATEGORY 11 Use of Sold Products
Box [11.2] Product lifetime and durability
Because the scope 3 inventory accounts for total lifetime emissions of sold products, companies that produce more
durable products with longer lifetimes could appear to be penalized because, as product lifetimes increase, scope
3 emissions increase, assuming all else is constant. To reduce the potential for emissions data to be misinterpreted,
companies should also report relevant information such as product lifetimes and emissions intensity metrics to
demonstrate product performance over time. Relevant emissions intensity metrics may include annual emissions
per product, energy eciency per product, emissions per hour of use, emissions per kilometer driven, emissions per
functional unit, etc.
Source: Box 5.8 from the Scope 3 Standard.
This section provides guidance of the following:
What should be included in the emissions from use of sold products
Guidance on what to include in a use prole
Reporting guidance
Guidance on how to assess uncertainty on the product’s use prole.
Calculating emissions from use of sold products
This guidance provides calculation methods to calculate a company’s:
Direct use-phase emissions
Indirect use-phase emissions.
Calculation methods for direct use-phase emissions
Companies should rst determine in which categories their products belong. The following products have direct-use
phase emissions:
Products that directly consume energy (fuels or electricity) during use: involves breaking down the use phase,
measuring emissions per product, and aggregating emissions
Fuels and feedstocks: involves collecting fuel use data and multiplying them by representative fuel emission
Greenhouse gases and products that contain or form greenhouse gases that are emitted during use: involves
collecting data on the GHG contained in the product and multiplying them by the percent of GHGs released and GHG
emission factors.
If a company sells a large selection of products, or if the use phase of multiple products is similar, it may choose to
group similar products and use average statistics for a typical product in the product group. For example, a fast-moving
consumer goods company selling carbonated drinks may decide to group products by packaging types and treat all
products within that group with the same use prole.
Technical Guidance for Calculating Scope 3 Emissions [116]
CATEGORY 11 Use of Sold Products
Calculation method for direct use-phase emissions from products that directly consume energy
(fuels or electricity) during use
In this method, the company multiplies the lifetime number of uses of each product by the amount sold and an
emission factor per use. Companies should then aggregate use-phase emissions of all products.
Activity data needed
Total lifetime expected uses of product(s)
Quantities of products sold
Fuel used per use of product
Electricity consumption per use of product
Refrigerant leakage per use of product.
Emission factors needed
Life cycle emission factors for fuels
Life cycle emission factors for electricity
Global warming potential of refrigerants.
Data collection guidance
Data sources for activity data include:
Internal data systems
Sales records
Industry associations.
Data sources for emission factors include:
The GHG Protocol website (
Life cycle databases
Company or supplier developed emission factors
Industry associations.
It is important to consider the region where products are used, especially if the product consumes electricity because
electricity grid emission factors can vary signicantly. If its product is used globally, a company may consider using
a global average electricity emission factor but estimating product use at a more granular level (either regional or
national) and applying regional or national electricity grid emission factors would result in more accurate emissions
estimates for this category. Scenario uncertainty can also be helpful here.
Technical Guidance for Calculating Scope 3 Emissions [117]
CATEGORY 11 Use of Sold Products
Calculation formula [11.1] Direct use-phase emissions from products that directly consume energy
(fuels or electricity) during use
e emissions from use of sold products =
sum across fuels consumed from use of products:
∑ (total lifetime expected uses of product × number sold in reporting period
× fuel consumed per use (kWh) × emission factor for fuel (kg CO
sum across electricity consumed from use of products:
∑ (total lifetime expected uses of product × number sold in reporting period
× electricity consumed per use (kWh) × emission factor for electricity (kg CO
sum across refrigerant leakage from use of products:
∑ (total lifetime expected uses of product × number sold in reporting period
× refrigerant leakage per use (kg) × global warming potential (kg CO
Example [11.1] Calculating direct use-phase emissions from products that directly consume energy
(fuels or electricity) during use
Company A is a manufacturer of electrical appliances such as washing machines and irons. It collects sales records of
quantities sold as well as average lifetime uses for each of its products. It sources data on electricity consumed per use from
industry reports and electricity emission factors from government data. The results are summarized in the table below:
Total uses
over lifetime
Number sold
consumed per use
Electricity emission
factor (kg CO
Washing machine
1,000 11,500 1.3 0.5
Washing machine
1,100 1,900 1.5 0.5
Iron Y123 2,000 20,000 0.2 0.5
Note: The activity data and emissions factors are illustrative only, and do not refer to actual data.
Technical Guidance for Calculating Scope 3 Emissions [118]
CATEGORY 11 Use of Sold Products
Emissions for each product are calculated using the following formula:
∑ (total lifetime expected uses of product × number sold in reporting period
× electricity consumed per use (kWh) × emission factor for electricity (kg CO
Washing machine X100:
= 1,000 × 11,500 × 1.3 × 0.5 = 7,475,000 kg CO
Washing machine X200:
= 1,100 × 1,900 × 1.5 × 0.5 = 1,567,500 kg CO
Iron Y123:
= 2,000 × 20,000 × 0.2 × 0.5 = 4,000,000 kg CO
total emissions from use of sold products
= emissions from X100 + emissions from X200 + emissions from Y123
= 7,475,000 + 1,567,500 + 4,000,000 = 13,042,500 kg CO
Calculation method for direct use-phase emissions from fuels and feedstocks
Feedstock refers to starting materials that are used to make fuels, power and/or products. These may include biomass
for producing power, crops for producing biofuels, or crude oil for producing plastic products. If the reporting company
is a producer of fuels and/or feedstocks, the use-phase emissions are calculated by multiplying the quantities of fuels/
feedstocks by the combustion emission factors for the fuels/feedstocks. If the feedstock is not combusted during the
use phase, no emissions should be calculated.
Note that only the combustion emissions should be reported in this category, not the upstream emissions associated with
the feedstock/fuel. This method avoids double counting as the upstream emissions associated with the production of the
feedstock/fuel were already included in the reporting company’s scope 1 and scope 2, as well as other scope 3 categories.
Activity data needed
Total quantities of fuels/feedstocks sold.
Emission factors needed
Combustion emission factors of fuel/feedstock.
Example [11.1] Calculating direct use-phase emissions from products that directly consume energy (fuels or
electricity) during use (continued)
Technical Guidance for Calculating Scope 3 Emissions [119]
CATEGORY 11 Use of Sold Products
Data collection guidance
Combustion emission factors for fuel/feedstock are well documented by many internationally recognized sources such
as the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report and those factors included in the GHG Protocol calculation tools. In practice, the
emissions vary between applications and countries based on the following:
Technology: the completeness of combustion may vary from application to application
Exact fuel mix: the precise fuel mix may vary from region to region and company to company; for example, the
types of aromatic hydrocarbon mixed with gasoline may alter the combustion emissions.
Because of this variation companies should use the most representative emission factors for their fuel.
Calculation formula 11.2: Direct use-phase emissions from combusted fuels and feedstocks
e emissions from fuel =
sum across fuels/feedstocks:
∑ (total quantity of fuel/feedstock sold (e.g., kWh)
× combustion emission factor for fuel/feedstock (e.g., kg CO
Calculation method for direct use-phase emissions from greenhouse gases and products that contain or
form greenhouse gases that are emitted during use
Some products may contain GHGs which are emitted during use or at the end of the product’s useful life (e.g. products
that contain refrigerents).
If the reporting company is a producer of products containing GHGs, use-phase emissions are calculated by multiplying
the quantities of products sold by the percentage of GHGs released per unit of GHG contained in the product and by
the global warming potential (GWP) of the greenhouse gases released.
Activity data needed
Total quantities of products sold
Quantities of GHGs contained per product
Percentage of GHGs released throughout the lifetime of the product.
Emission factors needed
GWP of the GHGs contained in the product, expressed in units of carbon dioxide per unit kilogram of the GHG (e.g.,
25 kg CO
Note: If dierent GHGs are released by the product, the total carbon dioxide equivalent should be reported and the
breakdown of GHGs (e.g., CO
, CH
, N
O) may be reported separately (see chapter 8 of the Scope 3 Standard).
The company should rst account for all the dierent types of GHGs contained in a product, then aggregate for all
products. If the use phase of a product is likely to be similar for multiple products, companies may group similar products.
Technical Guidance for Calculating Scope 3 Emissions [120]
CATEGORY 11 Use of Sold Products
Calculation formula [11.3] Direct use-phase emissions from greenhouse gases and products that contain or
form greenhouse gases that are emitted during use
e emissions from greenhouse gases and products that contain or form greenhouse gases
that are emitted during use =
sum across GHGs released in a product or product group:
∑ (GHG contained per product × Total Number of products sold
× % of GHG released during lifetime use of product × GWP of the GHG)
sum across products or product groups:
∑ (use phase emissions from product or product group 1,2,3…)
Note: if the % released is unknown 100% should be assumed.
Calculation methods for indirect use-phase emissions
Calculation method for indirect use-phase emissions from products that indirectly consume energy (fuels or
electricity) during use
For products that indirectly consume energy or emit GHGs (see table 11.1), the reporting company should calculate
emissions by creating or obtaining a typical use-phase prole over the lifetime of the product and multiplying by
relevant emission factors.
Activity data needed
Average number of uses over lifetime of product
Average use scenarios (e.g., weighted average of scenarios)
Fuel consumed in use scenarios
Electricity consumed in use scenarios
Refrigerant leakage in use scenarios
GHGs emitted indirectly in use scenarios.
Emission factors needed
Combustion emission factors of fuels and electricity.
Ideally agreement should be reached by a sector (e.g., industry associations and trade bodies) on common rules for use-
phase assumptions. These assumptions can then be veried by an independent third party to improve consistency and
The emission factors applied should be representative of the geography of where the product is sold as well as the
reporting year.
Technical Guidance for Calculating Scope 3 Emissions [121]
CATEGORY 11 Use of Sold Products
Data collection guidance
The generation of a typical use phase may be dicult because the same product may consume more or less energy
depending on the conditions in which it is used. For example, a potato may be roasted, boiled, or microwaved, each
cooking method using a dierent amount of energy and thus producing dierent levels of emissions.
Therefore, it is important to generate a use prole that is representative of use scenarios over the lifetime of the
product by the intended consumer population. These may come from sources such as:
Industry recognized benchmark testing specications
Product category rules
Previous emissions studies
Consumer studies.
Companies may choose to identify several dierent use-phase scenarios for a product and create a weighted average
based upon actual activity.
Calculation formula [11.4] Indirect use-phase emissions from products that indirectly consume energy
(fuels or electricity) during use
Indirect use-phase CO
e emissions of products =
sum across fuels consumed from use scenarios:
∑ (total lifetime expected uses of product × % of total lifetime uses using this scenario
× number sold in reporting period × fuel consumed per use in this scenario (e.g., kWh)
× emission factor for fuel (e.g., kg CO
sum across electricity consumed from use scenarios:
∑ (total lifetime expected uses of product × % of total lifetime uses using this scenario
× number sold in reporting period × electricity consumed per use in this scenario (kWh)
× emission factor for electricity (kg CO
sum across refrigerant leakage from use scenarios:
∑ (total lifetime expected uses of product × % of total lifetime uses using this scenario
× number sold in reporting period × refrigerant leakage per use in this scenario (kg)
× emission factor for refrigerant (kg CO
sum across GHG emitted indirectly from use scenarios:
∑ (total lifetime expected uses of product × % of total lifetime uses using this scenario
× number sold in reporting period × GHG emitted indirectly (kg) × GWP of the GHG)
Technical Guidance for Calculating Scope 3 Emissions [122]
CATEGORY 11 Use of Sold Products
Example [11.2] Calculating indirect use-phase emissions from products that indirectly consume energy
(fuels or electricity) during use
Company A produces laundry soap, which indirectly entails consumption of electricity during the use phase. Company A
collects data from consumer journals regarding the average consumer behavior in washing clothes and obtains average
electricity emission factors from life cycle databases. The data is summarized in the table below:
ture setting
Lifetime uses
per product
Consumers using
setting (percent)
per use (kWh)
(kg CO
30°C cotton
0.40 0.5
40°C cotton
40 0.50 0.5
90°C cotton
40 1.20 0.5
Note: The activity data and emissions factors are illustrative only, and do not refer to actual data.
emissions for each use phase scenario is calculated as follows:
∑ (total lifetime expected uses of product × % of total lifetime uses using this scenario
× number sold in reporting period × electricity consumed per use in this scenario (kWh)
× emission factor for electricity (kg CO
30°C cotton wash: 1,000 × 0.2 × 2,000 × 0.4 × 0.5 = 80,000 kg CO
40°C cotton wash: 1,000 × 0.4 × 2,000 × 0.5 × 0.5 = 200,000 kg CO
90°C cotton wash: 1,000 × 0.4 × 2,000 × 1.2 × 0.5 = 480,000 kg CO
total emissions from use of sold products
= emissions from 30°C + emissions from 40°C + emissions from 90°C
= 80,000 + 200,000 + 480,000 = 760,000 kg CO
Technical Guidance for Calculating Scope 3 Emissions [123]
CATEGORY 11 Use of Sold Products
Calculation method for sold intermediate products
When a company sells an intermediate product that directly emits GHGs in its use phase, it is required to account for
direct use-phase emissions of the intermediate product by the end user, (i.e., emissions resulting from: the use of the
sold intermediate product that directly consumes fuel or electricity during use; fuels and feedstocks; GHGs released
during product use). Companies may optionally include the indirect use-phase emissions of sold intermediate products.
In certain cases, the eventual end use of sold intermediate products may be unknown. For example, a company
may produce an intermediate product with many potential downstream applications, each of which has a dierent
GHG emissions prole and be unable to reasonably estimate the downstream emissions associated with the various
possible end uses. In such a case, companies may disclose and justify the exclusion of all downstream emissions
related to sold intermediate products. For more information, see section 6.4 of the Scope 3 Standard (Accounting for
downstream emissions).
Activity data needed
Type(s) of nal product(s) produced from reporting company’s intermediate product(s)
Percentage of reporting company’s intermediate product sales going to each type of nal product
Activity data required to calculate the use-phase emission of the nal product will be the same as described
previously in this chapter.
Emission factors needed
Depending on the type of nal product, emission factors required will be the same as described earlier in
this chapter.
Calculation formula [11.5] Use-phase emissions from sold intermediate products
Use-phase CO
e emissions of sold intermediate products =
sum across sold intermediate products total use phase emissions:
∑ (total intermediate products sold × total lifetime uses of nal sold product
× emissions per use of sold intermediate product (kg CO
Technical Guidance for Calculating Scope 3 Emissions [124]
CATEGORY 11 Use of Sold Products
Example [11.3] Calculating use-phase emissions from sold intermediate products
Company A manufactures engines used in airplanes. It sold 10 engines to an airplane manufacturer.
of engines
Weight of
each airplane
Weight of
each engine
Total lifetime uses
of nal products
(km own by airplane)
Emissions per use
of nal product
(kg CO
e/km own)
10 500 20 300,000 0.3
Note: The activity data and emissions factors are illustrative only, and do not refer to actual data
Company A works out the direct use-phase emissions of its sold engines as follows:
total use phase emissions = ∑ (total intermediate products sold
× total lifetime uses of nal sold product
× emissions per use of sold intermediate product (kg CO
× (weight of engine / weight of airplane))
= (10 × 300,000 × 0.3 × (
)) = 36,000 kg CO
In this example, physical allocation is most suitable. The allocation is based on the weight of the engine as a proportion
of the total weight of the airplane. For allocation rules refer to section 8 of the Scope 3 Standard.