SIOP® 8 Components and 30 features
Adapted from Making Content Comprehensible for English Language Learners, The SIOP Model
by Jana Echevarria, Mary Ellen Vogt and Deborah J. Short.
The Eight Components of Sheltered Instruction:
The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) was developed to make
content material more comprehensible to English Language Learners. The model
was developed by Jana Echevarria, Mary Ellen Vogt and Deborah J. Short.
The SIOP Model includes the following eight components:
1. Lesson Preparation 5. Interaction
2. Building Background 6. Practice and Application
3. Comprehensible Input 7. Lesson Delivery
4. Strategies 8. Review and Assessment
1. Lesson Preparation:
Planning must produce lessons that enable students to make connections
between their own knowledge and experiences and the new information being
taught. Well-planned lessons include content area objectives as well as language
objectives. Concepts must be appropriate for the age and educational level of the
student. The teacher and students should use supplementary materials such as
charts, graphs, pictures, illustrations, multimedia and manipulatives, as well as
demonstrations. Graphic organizers, such as outlines and labeling, should also
be used, in addition to study guides, marginal notes, adapted text, and
highlighted text.
Content Objectives and Language Objectives
Clearly define content and language objectives —
Write on the board- use friendly written language
State orally
Content objectives describe what the students will learn during the lesson.
Language objectives describe how the students will learn the content of the
lesson. They are based on your students needs. They demonstrate how the
students are going to learn the content. They determine which of the 4 domains
of language (listening, speaking, reading, writing) students will use to accomplish
the objectives.
(Explained more thoroughly in 7—Lesson Delivery)
Language Skills Associated with Content Lessons
Listening Speaking Reading Writing
draw a picture name preview and
create complete
role play discuss find specific
answer questions explain read fluently list
listen and retell ask and answer
identify main
follow directions summarize determine fact
vs. opinion
demonstrate evaluate scan create a poem
clarify identify
write questions
and/or answers
record justify infer diagram
Adaptation of the Content
Make texts available to students and simplify without “watering down” the
material. Choose content concepts for age appropriateness as well as
educational background level of students.
Graphic Organizers
Use graphic organizers to assist students in grasping the “wholeness and parts”
of a concept. Graphic organizers are also used to improve mathematics reading
comprehension, verbal communication, writing and story problem solving skills.
Use to supplement written or spoken words before, during and after the lesson.
Before lesson—guides and supplements the building of background for
difficult text or challenging mathematical concepts and helps organize
mathematical thinking.
During lesson—focuses students’ attention and makes connections to
prior knowledge.
After lesson—to assist in recording personal understandings and
responses and to double-check mathematics problem solving sequence
and understanding.
Examples of graphic organizers for mathematics:
Venn Diagrams
Concept Maps
Comparison Charts
Discussion Webs
Use teacher-prepared outlines to guide students in taking notes in an organized
T-charts can be useful for organizing and outlining information.
For those who need visual support, display a completed outline first until it
becomes a familiar and routine format for organizing information.
Highlighted Text
For newcomers, highlight key concepts, important vocabulary, and summary
statements in student’s text. Student reads only highlighted sections.
Marginal Notes
Teacher makes notes in the margin of the newcomer’s text assisting in focusing
attention on important concepts or ideas, key words, and definitions. It can also
draw attention to important supporting facts for “why?” or “how?”
Tip: Use sticky notes rather than actually writing in textbooks.
Adapted Text
Sometimes it is necessary to rewrite dense text in order to make it easier to
comprehend. Short, simple sentences are easier for newcomers. The format
should include a topic sentence followed by several sentences with supporting
details. All sentences need to be relevant to the context. Maintaining a consistent
format affords easier reading and more connections to prior knowledge.
One or two members of each cooperative team are chosen by the teacher to be
responsible for one section of an assignment. A separate team is formed for
each of the identified sections. Text sections are read aloud within the team and
then discussed and reviewed to determine essential information and key
vocabulary, and to create a better collective understanding of the concept.
When clear understanding is reached, “expert team” members return to their
original cooperative teams to teach their teammates, demonstrating peer-
modeling. English language learners benefit from this system because they are
learning from others while not burdened with reading the longer text individually.
Leveled Study Guides
Teacher composes study guides to accompany students’ textbook.
Study guide may include:
summary of text,
questions, and/or
statements of learning
Teacher can designate questions for different proficiency levels by marking as
* (easiest),
** (moderately challenging), or
*** (most challenging).
Cornell Notes
Developed by Walter Pauk of Cornell University, Cornell Notes are used to
provide a permanent record of learning. Students are taught how to take notes by
using abbreviations, pictures, and diagrams; how to write down key questions;
and how to summarize notes in a final paragraph.
For more information on using Cornell Notes contact the AVID Program at
Supplementary Materials
Use supplementary materials to provide students with concrete experiences,
visual support, and scaffolding of learning.
Hands-on manipulatives
Pictures, photos, visuals
2. Building Background
Concepts must be directly related to the students’ background experiences,
when possible, whether personal, cultural, or academic. Teachers must make
explicit and direct links between past learning and new concepts. Emphasize key
vocabulary, and present new vocabulary only in context. Studies have shown
that there is a strong correlation between vocabulary knowledge and student
achievement. It is therefore necessary to explicitly teach academic language and
academic content vocabulary.
Contextualize Key Vocabulary
Review the content—select key vocabulary terms that are critical to
understanding the concept being taught.
Introduce and define terms simply and concretely.
Demonstrate how terms are used in context, and explain through the use
of synonyms or cognates to clarify meaning.
Vocabulary Self-Selection
Students self-select vocabulary words that they think are essential to
understanding the concept. This empowers students by allowing them to choose
the most appropriate vocabulary words and key concepts.
Personal Dictionaries or Glossaries
Personal dictionaries or glossaries are created as an individual vocabulary
and spelling resource.
In mathematics, dictionaries or glossaries could be arranged around key
Content Word Wall
With student involvement, create a word wall specific to mathematics
content for students to refer to as a resource.
Display alphabetically or by concept.
Concept Definition Map
A graphic organizer used to discuss complex concepts and clarify meaning.
Math Vocabulary Games
Use the cloze technique to teach and review content vocabulary in
o Choose a sentence that has a strong contextual support for the
focus word.
o Have students brainstorm possible replacement words.
o Teacher assists students in choosing correct word.
Word sorts are used to categorize previously introduced vocabulary
according to meaning, structure, word endings, or sounds. This reinforces
word relationships, spelling, and word structure.
Visual vocabulary can be used to form pictures or graphic representations
of words and concepts.
Vocabulary through music can help students remember concepts and
Word generation games help students relate a new word to one previously
learned through analogy. Students brainstorm words that contain a chunk
of a word.
3. Comprehensible Input
Teachers must use speech that is appropriate to the students’ language
proficiency level. The teacher should speak slowly, enunciate clearly, repeat
more frequently, and adjust speech as needed. The teacher should avoid jargon
and idioms and use body language, gestures, and pictures to accompany spoken
words. The explanation of a task should be made clear in a step- by- step
manner using visuals. Teachers should use a variety of techniques to make
concepts clear, including paraphrasing and repetition.
Appropriate Speech
Use speech appropriate to students’ language proficiency level.
Avoid jargon and idiomatic expressions.
Use body language, gestures, and pictures to accompany spoken words.
Explanation of Academic Tasks
Present and explain instructions in a sequential step-by-step manner,
demonstrating when needed, and using visuals.
Allow students to explain instructions to the group.
Paraphrase and repeat when necessary.
Verbal Scaffolding—restating a student response to model correct English
usage and grammar.
o Model critical thinking by using “Think Aloud” strategies.
o Reinforce contextual definitions by restating a term and giving its
context or definition.
Procedural scaffolding—building a student’s independent knowledge of
concepts and language to move a student from explicit teaching – to
modeling – to practicing – to application.
o Such practices should include grouping of students to build skills
and increase independence.
Use a variety of question types.
Ask open-ended questions that require true communication from and
between students.
Allow student discussion and interaction to provide peer support and
opportunities to practice language.
Vary student groupings day-to-day and even within a lesson (partners,
teams, triads).
Wait Time
Many English language learners need more time to formulate answers and
should be given ample wait time (up to 20 seconds).
Clarifying Key Concepts in First Language
English language learners need to be allowed to confer in their primary language
about subject matter and their own thinking—with each other or with the teacher.
Application of Content and Language Knowledge
“Discussing and doing” make abstract concepts more concrete to students and
allow students to practice English in a safe environment.
Integration of Language Skills with Mathematics
Reading, writing, speaking, and listening are mutually supportive and need to be
integrated into content areas.
Review of Key Vocabulary
Multiple exposures to new terminology builds proficiency
Paraphrase when needed.
Use multiple modalities to remember words.
4. Strategies
Strategies include techniques, methods, and mental processes that enhance
comprehension for learning and retaining information. Learning strategies include
meta-cognitive, cognitive, and social/affective strategies. Students should be
provided ample opportunities to use learning strategies, which have been taught
through explicit instruction. Teachers should consistently use scaffolding
throughout a lesson and decrease support as students acquire experience. The
goal is for students to become more independent in self-monitoring their own
learning strategies. Common strategies include thinking aloud, preview and
prediction, prompting, elaboration, and questioning that promotes higher order
thinking skills.
Sheltered Instruction strategies include the following:
Thinking Aloud
The teacher models thinking through concepts and problems by verbalizing his or
her explicit thinking with students.
Creating an “I Wonder” Chart
Brainstorm about the book, topic, or material.
Create a chart with who, what, when, where, and why—“I wonder
Previewing and Predicting Strategy
Students individually preview learning material looking at illustrations,
pictures, and bold print.
With a partner, students write three (3) things they think they will learn
from the material.
Partners share their list with another pair of students and the list is
condensed or expanded.
Transfer final list to chart paper.
Four-person teams share lists with whole group
Teacher then reads first section of material or text (one page or less) while
students follow along.
Summarizing Strategy
After reading a section of text or other reading material, teacher and
students underline or pick out 10 words or concepts that are most
important in understanding the text.
Write the 10 words or concepts on chart paper or chalkboard.
Teacher and students write one to two summary statements, using as
many of the listed words or concepts as possible.
Relating Summarizing Statements Back to Predictions and “I Wonder”
Read each statement aloud.
Confirm whether it is true or false depending on the reading selection.
Erase or cross out statements that are not likely to relate to the rest of the
reading selection and add new predictions.
Write down answers to questions from “I Wonder” Chart if they were found
in reading material.
Prompting, Questioning and Elaborating
Prompt higher order thinking skills by questioning and asking students to
elaborate on new learning. Extend new learning by using these:
Graphic organizers
Illustrations of new learning
A gallery walk to respond to question or topic
5. Interaction
English language learners benefit from opportunities to use English in multiple
settings across content areas. Learning is certainly more effective when students
have an opportunity to participate fully, actively discussing ideas and information.
Instead of teachers talking and students listening, sheltered content classes
should be conducted in a way that allows students to interact in their
collaborative exploration of the content. Through meaningful interaction, students
can practice speaking and making themselves understood by asking and
answering questions, negotiating meaning, clarifying ideas, and other
techniques. Important teacher strategies used to promote interaction include a
variety of grouping options which support language and content objectives,
ample wait time for responses, and opportunities for clarification in the student’s
native language when possible.
Opportunities for Interaction
Effective teachers strive to provide a more balanced linguistic exchange
between themselves and their students—ELL students need the practice
in speaking!
Interaction accesses the thought processes of another and solidifies one’s
own thinking.
Talking with others, either in pairs or small groups, allow for oral rehearsal
of learning.
Encouraging More Elaborate Responses
It is important to encourage students to elaborate on their verbal responses and
challenge them to go beyond “yes” and “no” answers:
“Tell me more about that.”
“What do you mean by. . .?”
“What else. . .?”
“How do you know?”
“Why is that important?”
“What does that remind you of?”
The teacher can also model and clarify by restating the student’s answer:
“In other words. . . Is that accurate?”
It is also important to allow wait time for students to formulate answers. If
necessary, the teacher can also call on another student to extend his or
her classmate’s response:
“That’s correct. Can someone else tell me more about. . . ?”
Fostering Student Interaction
Provide interactive activities that allow interaction with varied student groupings.
Grouping Configurations
All students, including English language learners, benefit from instruction that
frequently includes a variety of grouping configurations. It is recommended that
at least 2 different grouping structures be used during a lesson.
Whole class
o To develop classroom community
o To provide a shared experience for everyone
Flexible small groups
o To promote multiple perspectives
o To encourage collaboration
o To provide practice opportunities
o To scaffold instruction
o To give assistance before independent practice
Homogenous or heterogeneous grouping:
Group students homogeneously by language proficiency, language
background, and/or
ability levels.
Heterogeneous variety maintains students’ interest.
Movement from whole class, to partners, to small group increases student
Heterogeneous grouping can challenge students to a higher level and
provide good student models.
Varying group structures increases the preferred mode of instruction for
Cooperative Learning Ideas
Information gap activities
Each student in a group has only one or two pieces of the information
needed to solve the puzzle or problem. Students must work together,
sharing information, while practicing their language and using critical
thinking skills.
Jigsaw a reading task by chunking text into manageable parts (1–2
pages). Number students in each group (1–4 or 1–5). All #1s read the first
2 pages, #2s read the second 2 pages, and so on. These numbered
expert groups then discuss their reading and share ideas. The original
groups then reconvene, discuss the whole text, and share their expertise.
Students pool their information.
Numbered heads together
Similar to Jigsaw, but without forming expert groups. Each student works
on one portion of assignment and then students share.
Four corners
This activity lends itself well to introducing a topic or chapter of study.
Write one question or idea on each chart paper. Divide class into 4
groups, each group has a different color marker. Each student group
moves to one corner chart and a designated student begins writing their
ideas on the chart. Students then move clockwise to next corner, read
responses and add their comments.
Use with open-ended questions, grammar practice. Small groups of
students sit at tables, with one sheet of paper and a pencil. A question,
concept, or problem is given to each group by the teacher; students pass
paper around table, each writing his/her own response. Teacher circulates
3-Step Interview
Students are paired. Each student listens to the other as they respond to a
topic question. At the end of 3 minutes, each pair joins another pair of
students and shares what their partners said. This activity provides
students with a good way to practice language.
Writing Headlines
This activity provides a way to practice summarizing an activity, story, or
project. Provide models of newspaper or magazine headlines. Students
work in pairs writing a headline for an activity. Pairs share their headlines
with the rest of the class and the class votes on the most effective
Send a Problem
One table team sends a question or problem to another table. Each table
team solves or answers the question and passes it back to original table.
This is a good way to review for a test.
Wait Time
Wait time varies by culture. Research has shown that the average amount of wait
time in American classrooms is not sufficient.
Allow students to express their thoughts fully without interruption.
Allow students to discuss their answer with a partner before sharing with
the whole group (known as Think-Pair-Share).
Have more advanced students write their response while waiting.
Clarify Key Concepts
Clarify vocabulary and language concepts in the students’ first language
when possible.
Use bilingual paraprofessionals, teachers and peers as those who can
help clarify concepts, vocabulary and procedures.
Use native language texts, dictionaries and word lists as tools.
6. Practice and Application
Lessons should include multiple opportunities to use hands-on materials or
manipulatives to learn and practice the content and should include activities for
students to apply content and language knowledge in their learning. Hands-on
activities and materials enable students to forge connections between abstract
and concrete concepts. Students make these connections most effectively when
they are engaged in activities that integrate all language skills such as listening,
speaking, reading, and writing.
Hands-on Materials and Manipulatives for Practice
Students need
multiple opportunities to practice;
relevant, meaningful ways to practice a concept; and
“hands-on” experiences and concrete manipulatives.
Teachers should
divide content into meaningful short chunks;
keep practice time short (10-15 minutes);
keep practice periods frequent and close together when exploring new
review material periodically from previous learned content; and
give students immediate feedback.
ELL students need to connect abstract concepts with concrete experiences.
Especially in mathematics, manipulatives can be organized, counted, rearranged
and dismantled. Physically manipulating objects helps the student make these
necessary connections.
Application of Content and Language
New content and abstract concepts need to be presented in personally relevant
ways that spark a student’s prior knowledge and experiences. Some examples
include the following:
Keeping personal learning journals
Making and/or playing a game for reviewing content (Bingo, Jeopardy etc.)
Writing test questions or creating math problems for another student to
Teaching a concept to another student
Encouraging students to discuss, interact, and work together makes abstract
concepts more concrete. These are some ways to do this:
Making and using graphic organizers
Solving problems in cooperative groups
Engaging in discussion circles
Partnering students for a project
Opportunities for social interaction promote language development. Encourage
partner work, small group work, and the reporting of information both orally and
in writing. It is important for us to model correct English language grammar after
a student has made a grammar or pronunciation error in order to instill
appropriate grammar and word usage. However, it is also important to do so in a
gentle but effective manner.
Integration of Language Skills
Oral language development and language skills such as reading, writing,
speaking, and listening need to be developed in conjunction with one another.
They are all interrelated and integrated naturally.
Practice in any one area promotes development in the other areas as well.
Connections between abstract and concrete concepts are best made
when all language processes are incorporated and integrated during
practice and application.
7. Lesson Delivery
Lesson delivery includes how well the stated content and language objectives
are supported during the lesson, to what extent students are engaged in the
lesson, and how appropriate the pace of the lesson is to students’ abilities. The
research relating to engaged time on task states that instruction that is
understandable to ELLs, that creates opportunities to talk about the lesson’s
concepts, and that provides hands-on activities to reinforce learning, captures
students’ attention and keeps them more actively engaged.
Content Objectives
Content objectives describe what the students will learn during the lesson.
Content objectives should be stated orally; be written where all will see,
preferably in the same space each time; and be limited to one or two per lesson.
Clarifying these objectives help:
provide a focus for the lesson;
provide a structure for carrying out the procedures of the lesson;
allow students to be aware of the purpose and direction of the lesson; and
provide ways for teacher and students to evaluate the lesson in respect to
the content objectives.
Language Objectives
Language objective describe how the student will learn the content of the lesson.
Language objectives should be stated orally and should be written where all will
see, preferably in the same space each time. Language objectives can be
specific academic “school words” and they need to be recognizable in the
lesson’s delivery.
Pace of Lesson
Pacing refers to the rate at which information and concepts are delivered during
a lesson. The pacing rate for ELL students must be quick enough to keep
students’ interest but not so quick that it makes understanding difficult.
Engaged Students
For lesson delivery to be considered effective students should be actively
engaged 90% to 100% of the time period set-aside for the lesson.
Students should be engaged in activities that relate directly to material that
they will be tested on.
Effective teachers minimize off task activities such as making
announcements, passing papers etc.
These are some factors that contribute to high levels of student engagement:
Well planned lessons
Clear explanation of academic tasks or instructions
Appropriate allocation of time for academic task
Strong classroom management skills
Opportunities for students to apply learning in relevant and meaningful
Active student involvement in planning and implementation of activities
Lesson design that meets the language proficiency and learning needs of
8. Review and Assessment
Throughout the lesson, and especially at the end, it is important to determine
how well students have understood and have retained key vocabulary and
content concepts. The determination of whether to move on or offer additional
instruction and support is the key to effective assessment and instruction. It is
essential for the success of English language learners. It is important for
teachers to incorporate review and assessment into the daily lesson to assess
student learning and effective teaching. Effective sheltered instruction involves
reviewing important concepts, providing constructive feedback through
clarification, and making instructional decisions based on student response.
Review of Key Vocabulary
Review key vocabulary by
relating new words to previously learned words with the same pattern or
drawing the attention of the learner to verb tense, parts of speech and
sentence structure; and
repeating and reinforcing language patterns so that learning words
becomes automatic.
Scaffold student learning through
paraphrasing—rephrase a sentence to help in clarifying a word;
systematic word study—since isolated word lists and dictionary definitions
do not necessarily promote vocabulary or language development, it is
important for students to be able to become familiar with and study words
in a variety of ways (write them, say them, see them, act them out, draw
them, sing them, etc.); and
word study books or personal dictionariesstudent-made personal books
in which the students enter frequently used words, concepts, and ideas.
Review of Key Content Concepts
Review key concepts before, during, and after a lesson using the following
Informal summarizing—“Discuss with your partner the three most
important things you have learned up to this point.”
Chunking of information—Lead students in a periodic review aloud of text
or material.
Structured review—Students summarize with partners or in small groups,
listing key points.
Linking review—Link the review back to content objectives to ensure a
focus on essential concepts.
Final review—Allow students to ask questions to clarify their own
Providing feedback during review clarifies and corrects misconceptions, helps
students develop English proficiency, and allows teacher to paraphrase and
model correct grammar and usage.
Assessment of Lesson Objectives
Assessment is “the gathering and synthesizing of information concerning
student learning.”
Evaluation is “making judgments about student learning.”
Assessment comes first, then evaluation.
Informal Assessment
o involves on-the-spot and on-going opportunities to determine the extent
of student learning.
Authentic Assessment
o applies to real life contexts;
o is multidimensional (includes writing, interviews, models, drawings,
observations, projects, and group responses);
o includes multiple indicators to show competency of a content objective;
o uses rubrics to define the levels of learning and is shared with students
and parents.
Adapted from Making Content Comprehensible for English Language Learners,
The SIOP Model by Jana Echevarria, Mary Ellen Vogt and Deborah J. Short.
Electronic References