First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the
free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the
people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Judge Murray Gurfein, Pentagon Papers case, June 17, 1971:
“The security of the Nation is not at the ramparts alone. Security also lies in the value of
our free institutions. A cantankerous press, an obstinate press, a ubiquitous press must be
suffered by those in authority in order to preserve the even greater values of
freedom of expression and the right of the people to know.”
Fairhaven Neighborhood News
A publication of all things Fairhaven
Volume 19, Issue 24 June 6, 2024
Teeming with information you need.
(And some you don’t need, but will be glad you have anyway.)
The little paper
with a big voice!
FH sends 147 out into the world
Fairhaven Class of 2024 president Elizabeth DaCunha shows her excitement upon exiting the football stadium after graduation on
Sunday, 6/2/24.. See page 12 for story. Photo by Beth David.
And....they’re off!
Fairhaven’s latest new -
bies to adult life have
officially left the high
school world.
Graduation is always a
fun event. Add that
beautiful sun and weather we had, and it’s even more
fun. See page 12 for the story, a few pictures, and how
you can watch the whole thing online.
And let me add my two cents. As you move onto
college and other ventures, please choose your friends
carefully, especially those of you who are going away to
school and might be far from home. Here, you know who
will have your back. Be sure to use your instincts when
choosing your new friends. And, be a good friend, too.
Good luck out there, kids. Make Fairhaven proud!
Speaking of pride...
Fairhaven’s Got Pride celebration is this weekend. See
page 4 for the events planned for Saturday and Sunday.
There will be food, vendors, entertainment for all
ages, and more.
The Millicent Library has some bad news, but
hopefully, it will be a temporary thing. The Fairhaven
Star, the local paper from 1879 to 1967, is going offline
for a few months. See page 4 for details on why.
The Colonial Club found a new home. They’ll be
hanging at the Whitfield-Manjiro House soon. See page
18 for details.
There’s more graduation related stuff, too: scholar -
ships (see page 3); graduate names (page 20); top ten
graduates (page 13); athletes signing day (page 17).
There’s other stuff in here, of course. So, check out
each and every page. And while you’re doing that, be
sure to notice who our advertisers are so you can tell
them you saw their ads in the
Neighb News.
Until next week then, see ya,
Glory to Ukraine!
Glory to the Heroes!
Fairhaven Neighborhood News
Volume 19, Issue 24
Thursday, June 6, 2024
Copyright 2024 Elizabeth A. David
Editor: Beth David
Published weekly on Thursday by
Fairhaven Neighborhood News, LLC, at
166 Dogwood Street, Fairhaven, MA 02719
508-979-5593 • Fax: 508-991-5580
Contributions: The Neighb News accepts press releases, editorial
contribu tions and letters to the editor at the above address; by email
with copy in the body of the email, not as an attachment. If mailed by
USPS or faxed, editorial must be typewritten, 500 words or fewer.
Unfortu nately, The Neighb News is not able to pay money for
contributions at this time. Contributors agree, by virtue of their
submissions, to grant The Fairhaven Neighborhood News, LLC, the
right to publish submissions in print and online. Contributors also
verify, by virtue of their submissions, that they own the right to
publish the work submitted. Any claims of copyright infringement
will be referred to the contributor, who will also be responsible for
any and all costs associated with said claims.
Advertising: Call or write for rate card and sample issue or visit our
website at
The Fairhaven Neighborhood News, LLC, reserves the right to refuse
advertising and editorial for any reason. The Neighb News will not
assume any liability, financial or otherwise, for errors in ads or in
editorial content submitted by contributors. The Neighb News will
run a correction on the inside front cover to rectify any misprints or
errors in the previous week’s issue. Readers, advertisers, and writers
are responsible for notifying The Neighb News of any inconsistencies
or errors in the paper.
Advertisers are responsible for all claims made in their ads. The
Neighb News is not be liable in any way for claims made by
advertisers. Advertisers are responsible for their own content. We
will, to the extent reasonable, try to verify any claims that seem
unreasonable or unlikely to be true. Readers are encouraged to
report any problems with our advertisers.
Subscriptions are available for 6 months (24 issues) or one year (48
issues) at $1.75 per issue for a total of $42.00 or $84.00 respectively.
Also available for free online at For free email
subscription, send to [email protected] and include your first
and last name.
Copyright 2024 Elizabeth A. David
Publisher Beth David with
Charlie, aka Evil Dog
The Editor
A day late and many dollars short.
Classifieds/Help Wanted ..................................................................18
Colonial Club finds home at Whitfield-Manjiro house ................18
COVER: Graduation ..........................................................................12
Dear Frankie ......................................................................................10
Fairhaven athletes sign....................................................................17
Fairhaven’s Got Pride.........................................................................4
Fairhaven High School Graduates ..................................................20
Fairhaven High School top 10.........................................................13
Fairhaven Star offline .........................................................................4
From our readers..............................................................................22
Happenings .................................................................................5, 8, 9
Obituary: Robert Silvia ....................................................................19
Rec Center/Senior Ctr......................................................................11
Legal Notices/Public Hearings........................................................23
Upcoming meetings/Fairhaven & Acushnet..................................18
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get more local than the Neighb News. Any small amount will
help. Just clip the coupon and send check or money order to
Fairhaven Neighborhood News, 166 Dogwood St., Fairhaven, MA
02719. Ask for a bumper sticker that says “I Support the Neighb
News.” And thank you for reading the little paper with a big voice.
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Fairhaven Neighborhood News Thursday, June 6, 2024
Page 3
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A variety of academic scholarships
have been awarded to graduating
seniors who are continuing their
education beyond high school.
Fairhaven Mothers’ Club
The Fairhaven Mothers' Club is
pleased to announce the award of
three $1,000 scholarships to Fair -
haven students. The recipients are:
• Trowbridge-Whitfield Scholarship:
Ms. Lyla Tavares of Fairhaven, a
Senior at Westover School
General Scholarship: Ms. Sophia
Fleurent of Fairhaven, a Senior at
Fairhaven High School
General Scholarship: Ms. Campbell
Costa of Fairhaven, a Senior at
Fairhaven High School.
The Mothers’ Club is celebrating
108 years of assistance to Fairhaven’s
young people.
West Island 5K
As a result of donations from our
sponsors and race registrations, The
West Island 5K has awarded
scholarships to the following 2024
Fairhaven High School graduating
cross country seniors.
Joshua Arruda - Stonehill College
Michael Vardo - Penn State
Gabe Correia - Johnson and Wales
• Libby St. Pierre - Emmanuel College
Natalie Yochim - Penn State
Sabrina Zheng - Boston College
Jenna Arruda - UMass Dartmouth
Olivia Darmofal - Bristol
Community College
Jack Finn - Bristol Community
Christopher Hu - Wentworth
Noah Pacheco - Bristol Community
Nadia Torres - UMass Dartmouth
Sophia Torres - UMass Dartmouth
Fairhaven Dollars for
Fairhaven Dollars for Scholars held
its annual Awards Ceremony on May
22, 2024 in the Fairhaven Town Hall
Auditorium. In front of family, friends,
community partners, benefactors and
guests, students were awarded 38
scholarships. Fairhaven Dollars for
Scholars, a 100% volunteer driven
chapter of Scholarship America is a
501c3 that supports academic
success in our community.
Congratulations to all the 2024
Parker Herman: Barton B. Leach
Memorial Scholarship
Jayce Duarte: Beverly Tunstall
Shavinsky Memorial Scholarship
Lauren Bernardo: Carl Lee Pacheco
Memorial All Sports Scholarship/
Elizabeth DaCunha: Carl Lee
Pacheco Memorial All Sports
Sophia Fleurent: Carl Lee Pacheco
Memorial All Sports Scholarship/
Coby Yin: Carl Lee Pacheco
Memorial All Sports Scholarship/
Melandia Coutinho: Carl Lee
Pacheco Memorial All Sports
Scholarship/FHS Renewable
Hugh Boucher: Fairhaven Dollars
for Scholars Curtis L. Lopes
Memorial Scholarship
Sydney Merusi: Fairhaven Dollars
for Scholars Scholarship Fund in
Memory of Myra A. Lopes
Hugh Boucher: Fairhaven High
School PTO Scholarship
Kiana Coppa: Fairhaven High
School PTO Scholarship
Coby Yin: Fairhaven High School
PTO Scholarship
Sydney Merusi: Fairhaven Improve -
ment Association Jean Campbell
Parker Herman: Fairhaven Improve -
ment Association Memorial
Scholarship in Memory of Dan
Libby St. Pierre: Fairhaven Road
Race Scholarship/FHS
Michael Vardo: Fairhaven Road
Race Scholarship/FHS
Michael Vardo: Fort Phoenix 5K
Road Race Scholarship in Memory
of Curtis L. Lopes II
Colby Correia: Fort Phoenix Polar
Lauren Bernardo: Fort Phoenix
Polar Plunge Scholarship Honoring
FF’s/Emergency Medical
Sydney Merusi: Henry Danielli
Scholarship/FHS PTO
Aaron Palhota: Henry Danielli
Scholarship/FHS PTO
Hugh Boucher: Kathleen M. Rocha
Colby Correia: Leroy L. Wood-
Victoria Pilling Aguiar Scholarship
Elizabeth DaCunha: Leroy L. Wood-
Victoria Pilling Aguiar Scholarship
Jayce Duarte: Leroy L. Wood-
Victoria Pilling Aguiar Scholarship
Lucy Paiva: Leroy L. Wood-Victoria
Pilling Aguiar Scholarship
Sophia Fleurent: Linda J. Meredith
Memorial Scholarship
Lauren Bernardo: Paul Powers and
Kathleen Murphy MOLIFE Memorial
Michael Vardo: Paul Powers and
Kathleen Murphy MOLIFE Memorial
Kiana Coppa: Peter J. Muise
Community Servant Leader
Scholarships awarded to graduates
Support Local Journalism!
Donate to the Neighb News through a PayPal link
on our website:
Or send check or money order to Neighb News, 166
Dogwood Street, Fairhaven, MA 02719.
And thank you for reading the Neighb News!
SCHOLARS: cont’d on page 17
Thursday, June 6, 2024 Fairhaven Neighborhood NewsPage 4
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Fairhaven •
Press Release
In 2018, the Millicent Library made
available online the entire run of the
Fairhaven Star newspaper, spanning
from 1879 to 1967. Over 25,000 pages
were digitized, allowing each article
to be keyword searched with results
segmented by article.
This project began in 2015 when
the Millicent Library received a grant
from the Fairhaven Community
Preser va tion Committee.
Recently, we learned that our
provider, Ignite Tech, is retiring the
software that supports our digitized
newspaper, giving us very little notice
to find a compatible provider to
migrate our collection. As a result,
the Fairhaven Star is scheduled to go
offline on June 27, 2024.
The Millicent Library is committed
to maintaining online access to this
historically valuable resource. We
have been working urgently to find an
affordable option that can migrate the
digitized data to ensure it remains
searchable and viewable.
We are currently planning to utilize
Digital Commonwealth, a non-profit
collaborative organization founded in
2006 in partnership with the Boston
Public Library. Digital Common -
wealth provides resources and
services to support the creation,
management, and dissemination of
cultural heritage materials held by
Massachusetts libraries, museums,
historical societies, archives, and
other cultural institutions.
We estimate that the Fairhaven
Star will be available via the Digital
Commonwealth in about six to eight
months. This timeline is based on the
preparation work needed on the
digital files by library staff and the
workload of Digital Commonwealth.
During the period the Fairhaven
Star is offline, the Millicent Library
will be happy to assist patrons in
finding information. However, limited
staff time may result in delays in
locating and providing information.
Updates on the Fairhaven Star
migration project will be posted at For more infor -
ma tion about Digital Commonwealth,
please visit
Fairhaven Star temporarily going offline
Fairhaven holding pride event this weekend
Fairhaven’s Got pride!
Fairhaven’s Got Pride is a celebra -
tion that supports and celebrates
local LGBTQ+ communities. Whether
you are part of the LGBTQ+ commu -
nity, an ally, or just curious about
what all the rainbows are about,
you’re welcome to join!
The event includes entertainment,
guest speakers, vendor and informa -
tional booths, opportunities for
sharing stories, and more.
Pride Month Let’s delve into why
Pride matters.
Solidarity and Visibility: Pride
Month continues to be a powerful
symbol of solidarity. It brings
LGBTQ+ people together, celebrating
their identities and achievements.
Visibility matters because it fosters
understanding, empathy, and
acceptance within society.
Advocacy and Education: Pride
events serve as platforms for educa -
tion. They raise awareness about
LGBTQ+ history, struggles, and
PRIDE: cont’d on page 5
Fairhaven Neighborhood News Thursday, June 6, 2024
Page 5
Fr. Day Road Race
Celebrating 50 years! 50th Annual
Fairhaven Father’s Day 5K Road Race,
Sun., 6/18, 9 a.m. Starts and ends at
Hastings Middle School, 30 School St.,
Fairhaven. Family, fun and fitness, a
Father’s Day tradition.
Family, fun and fitness, a Father’s
Day tradition.
Online registration ONLY at
Reg: $30/adults; $10 for children
under 13 and over 70. Early bib
pickup, Sat., 6/15, 10 a.m. to noon;
Hastings Middle School.
Course is USATF sanctioned. All
miles marked and splits given.
Numerous water stops.
Refreshments will be provided to
all registered runners compliments of
our local sponsors. Support will be
given throughout the course and at
the finish by Fairhaven Emergency
Management Agency, the Fairhaven
Police andFire Departments.
Prize money to top three male and
female finishers; gift cards, Red Sox
tickets, and other prices for more
than 60 other individual and team
categories; medal to each finisher.
Beach Cleanup
World Oceans Day Beach Cleanup
with Pokémon Go Southcoast, Be the
Solution to Pollution, New Bedford
Free Public Library and DATMA.
Fort Phoenix, Fairhaven, Sat., 6/8,
9am to noon. Meet in the parking lot
near the cannons. Bring a reusable
water bottle. Pizza, Giveaway, &
Surprises at 12pm for volunteers
Everyone is welcome but young
children must be accompanied by an
adult. This program is supported by
The Community Collaborative, Inc.
and the New Bedford Local Cultural
Council. For more information email:
Free Movie
For Father’s Day, come enjoy
“Three Godfathers” (1948), a John
Ford, Technicolor western! Three
outlaws (John Wayne, Pedro Armen -
dáriz, & Harry Carey, Jr.) reluctantly
become the godfathers to an orphaned
newborn. To save him, they’ll have to
risk their lives and journey across a
grueling and hostile landscape.
The program screens on Monday,
June 10 at 5:30 PM at the Millicent
Library, 45 Center St., Fairhaven. All
are welcome, and the event is free!
Use the Walnut St. entrance to access
the auditorium.
South Coast Cinemaniacs meets
the second Monday of the month,
excluding holidays, to watch and
discuss classic movies. For more
information, email club president
Beth Ann Gallagher at:
Pickleball Clinics
The Fairhaven Pickleball Associa -
tion is holding clinics at Livesey
Parkon Sat. & Sun., 6/8 & 9, Beginners,
11 a.m.–1 p.m.; Wed., & Thurs., 6/12 &
13, Beginners, 5–7 p.m.; Wed., 6/19,
Next Step, 11 a.m.–1 p.m.; Thurs.,
6/20, Next Step, 5–7 p.m.
If you are interested, please send a
check for $30 payable Fairhaven
Pickleball Association to Dan Ferreira
at 12 Grant St., Acushnet, MA 02743.
You can also use Venmo. Fairhaven
Pickleball Association, if it is your
first time phone code is 7190. You can
call Dan at 508-728-7190.
To learn more about the FPA, visit
our website at https://www.
Parade Sign-Up
It is that time of year again and we
can’t wait to celebrate another July
4th with Fairhaven! If you have not
signed up yet, we would love for you
to join us!
Please join us again this year as we
travel down Green Street to show
Fairhaven our American Pride and
ending at Fort Phoenix for the annual
ceremony and cannon firing! If you
would like to be part of the
celebration this year, please fill out
the registration form so that we know
who will be joining us for the parade.
Register here:
We are looking forward to seeing
you on Thursday, July 4, 2024
Pirates & Privateers
Pirates & Privateers Presentation,
Friday mornings, 10:00 a.m., June
through September. WEATHER
PERMITTING. Fort Phoenix, south
end of Fort St., Fairhaven, MA. Tour
begins at fort flagpole. Free.
Is there really pirate treasure
buried by Captain Kidd on Sconticut
Neck? Why might you become a
privateer instead of joining the Navy?
What’s the deal with the parrot on the
shoulder? Hear tales of pirates,
Revolutionary War era privateers,
and historical Fort Phoenix, pre -
sented by Greybeard, an 18th century
Find Greybeard & Companie on
Facebook: https://www.facebook.
com/GreybeardCompanie/ See less
ADA Survey
The town of Fairhaven received a
grant from the MA Office on Disability
to conduct a town-wide accessibility
The Accessibility Survey is now
available at: https://www.survey
monkey. com/r/J8H2T3H.
Or visit the town’s website at and find it
under “News and Notices.”
achieve ments. Education helps com -
bat ignorance and fosters empathy,
promoting a more inclusive world.
Challenging Homophobia: Pride
reminds us of the damaging effects of
homophobia. Even today, prejudice,
hatred, and lack of acceptance persist.
By celebrating Pride, we challenge
harmful stereotypes and promote a
culture of acceptance and love.
Acknowledging Progress and
Future Goals: Pride is a time to
reflect on how far LGBTQ+ rights
have come. Pride encourages us to
continue advocating for a world
where everyone can live authentically
and without fear.
Chalk the Walk June 8th at 6pm-
decorating a rainbow crosswalk
between the Millicent Library and
Fairhaven Town Hall, 40 Center
Street, Fairhaven.
Fairhaven’s Got Pride, Sunday,
June 9: Unitarian Universalist out -
door service at 10 a.m. Pride from
11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. featuring
food, vendors, entertainment. All
ages, rain or shine. On the lawn of
Fairhaven Town Hall, 40 Center
Street and Center Street between
Town Hall and the Millicent Library.
Pride Month is about acceptance,
equality, celebration, education, and
raising awareness. It’s a powerful
reminder that LGBTQ+ rights are
human rights, and we must continue
the fight for a more inclusive and
compassionate world.
PRIDE: contd from page 4
Thursday, June 6, 2024 Fairhaven Neighborhood NewsPage 6
<* $);*:-%'7$&;'=.;""/'>-3")$*/'?)$.#'@*)#6'
Looking for a special gift for
dad, mom or a recent graduate?
How about an engraved brick
in the Fairhaven High School
Memorial Brick Park?
Fairhaven Neighborhood News Thursday, June 6, 2024
Page 7
in Mattapoisett.
Close proximity
to the beach.
115 Huttleston Ave, Fairhaven
774-510-7881 |
Mon-Thurs: 10AM-8PM |
Friday & Sat: 10AM-8PM | Sun: 10AM-6PM
Thursday, June 6, 2024 Fairhaven Neighborhood NewsPage 8
RJD Free To Military
This summer, active-duty military
families can once again visit The
Rotch-Jones-Duff House & Garden
Museum (RJD), 396 County St., New
Bedford, for free as part of Blue Star
Museums, a program of the National
Endowment for the Arts (NEA)
and Blue Star Families (BSF), in
collaboration with the Department of
Defense. The 2024 program will
continue through Monday, September
2, 2024, Labor Day.
RJD is one of many participating
museums from across all 50 states.
Each year, a wide variety of museums
take part, from history, art, and
children’s museums to botanical
gardens, planetariums, and zoos.
For more information about RJD,
call the Museum at (508) 997-1401 or
visit Additional
information and a complete list of
participating museums is available at
Day of Portugal
Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sun., 6/6, 7, 8, 9,
Senhor De Pedra Club Feast Grounds,
81 Tinkham St., New Bedford, MA.
Thursday: 6:30 p.m., raising of
Portuguese flag at New Bedford City
Hall, with speaking ceremony and and
public reception to follow at Camoes
Hall of the Consulate of Portugal, 638
Pleasant St., NB.
Friday: 6:30 p.m., Inaugural proces -
sion from Our Lady of Immaculate
Conception on Earle Street, to feast
grounds; and ribbon cutting. 8 p.m.,
performance by Luis Pacheco.
Saturday, 3 p.m., K-9 presentation
for kids; 5 p.m., SCA Folclore Group; 6
p.m., Recordacoes de Portugal
Folclore Group; 7 p.m. DLA Folclore
Group; 8 p.m., performance by Edge.
Sunday: 3 p.m., K-9 presentation
for kids; 4:15 p.m., Grupo Dancas e
Cantares do CJL; 5 p.m., Despnsa Mar
e Terra USA (Rabo de Peixe); 6:30
p.m., Concertinas do Norte; 8:30 p.m.,
performance by Luizinho.
AHA Pride
Celebrate another year of Pride
Month with AHA! at the vibrant Pride
Block Party on Thursday, 6/13, from
5pm to 10pm. Presented by the
Queer Arts Council of New Bedford,
this year the festivities move up
William Street to the Steeple
Playhouse and Gallery X between
Sixth and Eighth streets for an
evening filled with love, laughter, and
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Explore a
vibrant marketplace with vendors
offering unique goods. Be entertained
by street performers, live visual
artists, and circus arts. Engage with
community partners. Enjoy live music
and puppet theater. Treat yourself to
delicious delights from the Sorbae
Truck. Dive into LGBTQ+ art at
Gallery X, featuring a curated art
show by the Alders, accompanied by
live music by Sarah Donner.
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Immerse
yourself in live stage performances
inside Steeple Playhouse, including
drag artists, live music, and poetry,
all hosted by the fabulous Dr. Claire
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm Let loose and
dance the night away at the live DJ
dance party inside Steeple Playhouse,
featuring DJ Math3ca from Boston.
Observed annually in Dublin,
Bloomsday is a celebration of the life
of Irish writer James Joyce. On
Thursday, June 13, from 5 p.m. to 7
p.m., the Rotch-Jones-Duff House &
Garden Museum (RJD) will offer a
two-part tour to celebrate Bloomsday
with Lead Gardener Rick Finneran.
Starting in the Museum’s historic rose
garden on County Street, the walking
tour will explore nearby gardens,
church bells, and the literary history
of the neighborhood. Stops along the
way will include Our Lady of
Assumption Church, the Friends
Meeting House, and the First
Unitarian Church among others.
Participants may join the entire tour
or part of the planned itinerary. The
Museum is located at 396 County
Street, New Bedford.
The tour is offered in conjunction
with New Bedford’s AHA Night and is
free and open to the public. For more
information, call the RJD at (508) 997-
1401 or visit the Museum's website,
Oyster Fest
Cisco Brewers and Fishing
Hertigage Cnter are excited to launch
New Bedford's first Oysterfest, Sat.,
6/15, from 4:00 to 7:00pm! Enjoy
oysters from some of the region's
finest oyster farms, drinks, live music,
and more. Meet the growers and learn
how to shuck! Tickets will be sold
exclusively through the FHC. For
tickets visti http://fishingheritage
A portion of the proceeds support
the Center.
Ernestina Public Sails
Set sail aboard the historic
Schooner Ernestina-Morrissey this
summer with FHC! These public sails
are the perfect opportunity for
anyone interested in learning about
the history of the commercial fishing
industry. We invite you to join us this
summer for sunset sails departing
from New Bedford's State Pier at 6:00
p.m. on June 29, July 19 and August
16. Tickets are only available through
the FHC website, http://
calendar/: $60/general public. FHC
members receive a 20% discount and
a portion of the ticket sales support
the Center!
League of Women Voters
Dr. Daniela Melo, a lecturer at
Boston University Department of
Social Sciences and Co-founder and
Chair of the Board of The New
Bedford Light, is the keynote speaker
at the League of Women Voters
SouthCoast Annual Meeting at the
Wamsutta Club in New Bedford on
Thursday, June 20, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.
Come and hear how three years
ago, at the launching of The New
Bedford Light, Dr. Melo and its
founders had little evidence that this
new model for local news could work.
But what the founders did know was
that the progressive disinvestment in
The Standard-Times had left the city
without investigative reporting. As a
microcosm of nationwide trends, New
Bedford was experiencing polariza -
tion, low voter turnout, and increased
misinformation. Dr. Melo will use The
New Bedford Light model to focus on
potential solutions to overcome
negative trends and whether new
local media models can prevail.
The League of Women Voters, a
nonpartisan organization, invites
discussion on civic and political topics,
voter registration, and education.
For further information please get
in touch with Kris Eastman at 508-758-
6051, or Susan Spooner at 508-990-
2145 or
Fairhaven Neighborhood News Thursday, June 6, 2024
Page 9
Boston Pride
Boston Pride For The People is
excited to announce Pride Month
celebration in Boston on June 8th,
2024. The celebration will include a
parade, a festival, and more! Boston
Pride For The People is a volunteer-
led organization that plans activities
and events that celebrate the rich
diversity, culture, and inter -
sectionality of the LGBTQ+
For more information, visit https://
Sat., 6/8, 11 a.m., starting at Copley
Square, ending at the Boston
Festival & Block Party
Sat., 6/8, Boston Common,
featuring local and national
entertainers all afternoon. City Hall
Plaza will host a Block Party for 21+
later in the afternoon.
Paul Clayton Tribute
In honor of Pride Month, the
Mattapoisett Museum on 5 Church
Street invites the public on Thursday,
June 13 at 7:00 pm to celebrate the life
and legacy of New Bedford’s own Paul
Clayton and his influence on the folk
music scene of the 1950’s and early
60’s in Greenwich Village.
This program, Remembering the
Songman of New Bedford, will explore
Clayton’s life through musical per -
formances and historical narrative by
Tom Goux, Dan Lanier, Butch
McCarthy, Neal McCarthy, Seth Asser,
Gary Brown and MaryBeth Soares.
Almost 60 years after his death, Paul
Clayton’s ghost continues to hover
over American folk music. The man
whom Bob Dylan once described as a
“medium” that channeled the very
essence of traditional songs from the
sea and the mountains, and whom
Dave Van Ronk acknowledged was an
important “influence” on both Dylan
and himself, was born right down the
road in New Bedford in 1931.
Clayton was a performer, a
collector and a field recorder of
traditional folks songs and openly
gay. From 1956-1961 he was the most
recorded young folk singer in
America. He brought hundreds of
obscure folk ballads and songs into
the American music scene. Praised by
many superstars to come out of the
entire folk musical era now gone,
Clayton is a national treasure. This
presentation will help to shed light on
how the history of the whaling
culture in our area influenced a young
man to pursue his interest and
passion for folk music.
This program is supported in part
by a grant from the Mattapoisett
Cultural Council, a local agency
which is supported by the Mass
Cultural Council, a state agency.
Registration is required at www.
Wild Edibles Walk
Curious about foraging, but not
sure what you can and can’t eat? Join
DNRT Development & Outreach
Specialist Kendra Parker for a fun and
informative walk as they point out a
variety of edible plants that grow on
the property. Take this knowledge
home and forage from your own
Sat., 6/8, 10:30 a.m. Cost: $10 per
person. Slocum’s River Reserve, 320
Horseneck Rd, Dartmouth. Visit event/wild-edibles-
Register at:
Climate Change
Mass. Climate change and climate
justice legislation update: Monday,
June 10 at 7 PM on ZOOM
Join advocates and policy experts
to hear about proposed Massachu -
setts climate change and climate
justice legislation and how we can
help get it across the finish line.
Presented by Climate Reality Massa -
chu setts Southcoast. Register at
Habitat House Ded.
Buzzards Bay Area Habitat for
Humanity (BBAHFH) will hold a
dedication ceremony for two families
this Sat., 6/8, at 11:00 a.m. at 629
Westport, MA. The public is invited to
During the ceremony, the families
will be presented with keys to their
new homes, while the non-profit gives
thanks to all the volunteers,
subcontractors, and donors that
helped make the build happen. The
homes were designed by Saltonstall
Architects as a farmhouse-style, 3-
bedroom, 2 bath, 2-unit duplex, built
with Passive House strategies, one of
the highest home energy efficiency
ways to build. At the close of the
dedication, attendees may take a
walkthrough of one of the homes. The
new homeowners are two local
women that will be moving in with
their families. As part of Habitat’s
“sweat equity” requirement, each
family contributed over 300 hours
building their own home. The homes
were built in partnership with the
West port Housing Trust and CPC fund.
Donations of money and materials,
as well as volunteer labor, enable
Buzzards Bay Area Habitat for
Humanity to build homes for those in
need in our area. The completed
homes are sold to qualified families at
an affordable price with a below-
market interest loan. For more
information, to make a donation, or to
volunteer, please visit www.Buzzards
Bay or call 508.758.4517.
Grab & Go
Get Tickets NOW!
Hosted by the Knights of
Columbus, Damien Council, 57
Fairhaven Road, Mattapoisett, MA.3
Sun., 6/23. Pickup time, 1–2 p.m.
Includes: clams, fish, sausages, hot
dog, linguica, onions, white and sweet
potoato, stuffing, corn on the cob,
brown bread, watermelon.
Benefits Knights of Columbus
Tickets: $45 pp. For info and
tickets, call Jim, 508-863-3496.
Advanced purchase of tickets is
needed. Free delivery of tickets is
Duck Race
Get Tickets NOW!
The Acushnet Lions Club will
sponsor its annual Duck Race on Sun.,
6/23, at the Acushnet Sawmill and
down the Acushnet River at 1:30 p.m.
Proceeds from the race go to Mass.
Lions Eye Research, Scholarships and
other Lions Club charities.
Tickets to adopt your duck are $10
each. See any Acushnet Lions Club
member or call Joe Costa, 774-849-2028.
place, $1000; 2nd place, $500; 3rd
place, $200.
Left Out
Dear Frankie,
My brother
Joey is five
years older than
I am. We enjoy
spending time
watching our
favorite TV
shows, playing
games, and
hanging out.
However, he
acts like he doesn’t know me when
his friends come over to play chess
or soccer.
Whenever I ask him if I can join in
and play, he says I can’t because I
can’t run fast enough, and I don’t
know how to play chess.
I admit I can’t run as fast as they
do. But I’m no dummy. I graduated
first in my obedience class and can
hold my own in checkers. How hard
could it be to learn how to move a few
kings and queens around a board?
I can’t believe Joey is being so
Dear Bingo,
Joey is not being mean. He gave
you a straight answer based on facts.
You can’t run fast enough to play
soccer, and you don’t know how to
play chess, which is a game that
requires a great deal of thought and
problem-solving skills.
Even if Joey and his friends were
willing to teach you, which is not
their responsibility, you couldn’t play
at their level. What fun is that for
Give it up, Bingo. Your time would
be better spent using those smarts
that got you a first in your obedience
class, developing a list of ways to
spend time when Joey has visitors.
Let me give you a running start: 1.
Invite friends my age to play, 2. Ask
Mom or Dad to play a game, 3. Watch
a favorite TV show, 4. Clean my room,
4. Do my homework, etc.
I’m sure you can come up with a
million more activities to add to the
Best, Frankie
© 2024 Geneva Woodruff
Comments and letters can be sent to
Thursday, June 6, 2024 Fairhaven Neighborhood NewsPage 10
Recipe of the Week
Dear Frankie
Vegan Pan-Grilled
Portobello Mushrooms with
Herb-Infused Marinade
8-12 large porotbello mushrooms
1 cup balsamic vinegar
1 cup tamari soy sauce
1 cup water
3 sprigs fresh rosemary (1 tsp
3 sprigs fresh thyme (1 tsp dried)
3 springs fresh oregano (1 tsp
black pepper
Remove stems from
mushrooms and clean well. In a
large bowl combine all the
ingredients. Add mushrooms and
make sure each is covered by the
marinade. Let marinate for at least
30 minutes.
Heat the grill to medium and
cook each side 5-7 minutes until
Price may
We strive to maintain our competitive reputation
by reducing costs
24-Hour Service
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New Bedford, MA 02740
FRANKIE: cont’d on page 21
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72 Main St. • Fairhaven, MA 02719
Phone: 508-525-4455 • Fax: 774-206-1692
389 Alden Road • Fairhaven, Mass.
Short Term Rehab and Long Term Care
“We Take Good Care of our Neighbors
Fairhaven Neighborhood News Thursday, June 6, 2024
Page 11
Social Day Program
The Fairhaven Social Day Program
provides a fun day of activities for
seniors who are in need of super -
vision or just want to spend the day
socializing with others. The program
is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays and
Thursdays from 8:30-3:00. Lunch is
provided and transportation can be
arranged at an additional fee.
For more information, please call
508-993-9455 and ask for Sally Bourke.
Mall Trips
Reservations accepted for mall
trips at beginning the 15th of the prior
month. There is a $6 charge unless
otherwise noted. Please bring exact
amount. The van leaves the Fairhaven
Senior Center promptly at 9: 6/12,
Hyannis Mall, Trader Joe’s, Whole
Foods; 6/19, NO TRIP/HOLIDAY; 6/26,
Thames St., Newport, RI; 7/3, Tiverton
Casino; 7/10, Mashpee Commons.
Join Us for Lunch
We serve lunch every weekday at
11:30 a.m. To schedule a lunch, call
the day before by 10 a.m. Voluntary
dona tion of $2. To let us know you
want to join us, and to arrange for a
ride, call 508-979-4029.
Monday Movie Matinee
Free. Mon., 6/10, 12:15 p.m. If you
would like lunch before the movie at
11:30 a.m., please call the center the
day before to reserve a meal, 508-979-
4029. $2 donation towards the meal.
The movie is free.
Featuring My Big Fat Greek
Wedding 3. After the death of the
family’s patriarch, Toula attempts to
locate her father’s childhood friends
in Greece for a family reunion.
Falmouth, June 20, $10. Please
arrive at the COA for 8:15 a.m. SHARP.
Initial walking site at The Knob.
After visiting The Knob, we will travel
to downtown Falmouth library for use
of the bathroom facilities. Following
the break, we will walk 2.8 miles along
the Falmouth Road Race path. Last
stop, ice cream! Please bring cash.
Bring your own sunscreen, hat,
backpack, hydration, lunch, and
snack. Please wear proper footwear
and outerwear for the day.
Please call to sign up, 508-979-4029.
Walking Schedule
Walk with friends at the Rec Center
gym next door from 12:30–1 p.m.,
Monday–Friday. FREE
Tech Cafe
Do you need help with your
cellphone or computer? Stop by the
Fairhaven Senior Center for FREE
helpat our Tech Cafe! Every Thursday
from 3–4 p.m.
Do you have old medical
We are happy to take an unused
medical equipment in working
condition to loan to others in need.
Recreation Center
508-979-4029 • 229 Huttleston Ave • Fairhaven
Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., 7:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m.; Wed., 7:30 a.m.–8 p.m.
Fairhaven Senior Center
Visit our website at:
Fairhaven Council on Aging
Open Mon-Thurs, 6 a.m.-8 p.m.;
Fri., 6 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sat., 8 a.m.-
2 p.m.; Closed Sunday • 227
Huttleston Ave, 508-993-9269
Be sure
to tell
you saw
their ads
in the
Independent, Assisted Living &
Memory Care • Respite Available
Schedule a tour today!
391 Alden Road, Fairhaven, MA
508.994.9238 •
Kool Kids
Get ready for an unforgettable
summer with Kool Kids Camp!
Fairhaven Recreation's premier
summer camp experience is
designed for children entering 1st
grade to 12 years old. Every day, our
campers will enjoy a diverse range of
sports, games, art and STEM
activities. Children will enjoy special
themed events, Friday pizza lunches,
cool water activities and exciting
field trips.
For more information and pricing
visit the Rec center or go online at
https://fairhavenrecreation.activity 9 weekly sessions
CIT Counselor in Training
Empowering Teens to become
future leaders.
Teens aged 13-16 get ready to
develop essential leadership skills
and learn how to become summer
counselors! Our comprehensive 2
week CIT program includes
Early education tips and job
interview skills
Planning and executing a theme
day for our Kool Kids program
Assisting senior counselors with
projects and running games
Field trips on Thursdays and pizza
lunch every Friday
• Valuable experience and skills to
boost your future career.
Sign up online or stop by to
Participants will go through an
interview with the Director and
Program Coordinator for acceptance
in the program
Member $260./ Non member $310.
Pickleball Clinic for
Teens (12-17)
Bring your paddle and a water
bottle, Thursdays May 30- June 20th
Location: Livesey Park Pickleball
courts. Must pre register online or at
the rec
Cost: $75. for members $80. for
Non members
Thursday, June 6, 2024 Fairhaven Neighborhood NewsPage 12
By Beth David
A bright and sunny sky greeted 147
Fairhaven High School graduates in
the football stadium on Sunday,
6/2/24, for their send-off into the
world, with the main message of the
day being to savor the moment.
Valedictorian Kianna Coppa told
her fellow graduates that when they
look to the future, they do not know
anything, there is no guarantee that
their plans will unfold as expected.
“Seize control of the present,” she
told them, and be an active
participant in their lives.
She told them to literally feel the
plastic of their seats, the gown
rubbing against their skin, feel the
caps on their heads and the person
beside them.
“Remember, our future may be
uncertain, but we all have a role we
can play in the present,” said Ms.
Superintendent Tara M. Kohler
echoed the sentiment. She said she
had a difficult year herself with some
injuries and realized that life is not all
the things you are accomplishing and
the routine of the days.
“Every single day is a gift,” she said.
“And you forget that sometimes.”
They have all faced obstacles and
had setbacks, but it is what they do in
those moments. She said she liked
how Kianna said to feel the seats.
“And in this moment, be in the
present,” said Ms. Kohler. “Because it
truly is the only moment you are
certain of.”
She told them not only to look to
the people around them when things
to wrong, but to be those people.
Because the “real gift in his life,” she
said is social connection.
“It’s the kindness. It’s the act of
community,” she said, adding that
she knew they were a phenomenal
class. “Stay phenomenal. Stay
uniquely yourself, whatever that is.”
She said being a graduate of FHS
was a connector, and she encouraged
them to connect with the alumni
association and the way they do.
Every community thinks it is special,
she said, but this one really is.
“It’s close. It’s grounded in some
really steep traditions,” said Ms.
Kohler, adding that everyone who is
an alumni of FHS shares those
Enjoy all the little moments, she
“Every single one of them. Enjoy
them, take them in and like your
valedictorian said, really celebrate
that moment,” said Ms. Kohler.
Principal Andrew Kulak, told the
graduates they were no longer FHS
students, but graduates and now
alumni of “this unique, amazing high
“Your time as students was short,
but your time as alumni will continue
for the rest of your lives,” Mr. Kulak
told the graduates.
Their future is in front of them, he
said, and used lyrics from Bruce
Springsteen’s “No Surrender.”
For some high school was a breeze,
said Mr. Kulak, for others a challenge,
and not always because of academics.
They discovered their likes and
dislikes, their character and moral
compass, learned how to navigate
social situations, and figured out who
would be friends or not.
“Well, we busted out of class. Had
to get away from those fools. We
learned more from a three-minute
record, baby. Than we ever learned in
school,” he recited from the song, and
then noted that long time music
teacher and band instructor Brian
Young would be “busting out of class”
and heading for retirement.
Mr. Kulak told the graduates that
their paths did not end on graduation
day, that the milestone was just a
“You’re all in various stages of
figuring out your goals, your hopes
and your dreams,” said Mr. Kulak.
“While high school may have seemed
hard, the hardest battle you will ever
fight will be between who you are
today and who you want to become in
the future.”
“Well, we made a promise we
swore we’d always remember. No
retreat, baby, no surrender,” read the
“Make the promise to yourself,”
said Mr. Kulak. “No retreat, no
surrender. never give up on your
dreams...keep fighting and pushing
He said as educators, their job was
to impart some knowledge, teach
them some standards and skills, but
most importantly, teach them
“critical thinking skills” and help
them learn to make decisions so they
can fight those battles.
“Hopefully, we did,” he said.
“Be safe, make good decisions,” Mr.
Kulak told them. “Keep the promise of
no retreat and no surrender. And
wherever you end up, tell them
Fairhaven High School sent you.”
Salutatorian Aaron Palhota said his
class had a strong sense of purpose.
They went through a lot of change, he
said, but “no amount of change can
remove us from the dignity of being
Fairhaven High School alumni.”
They will have many opportunities
to recall high school life, he said, and
they should embrace those moments,
and every time they look back they’ll
be able to admire how far they have
After the ceremony, graduates and
family members hung around for
FHS sends 147 into the world
GRAD: cont’d next page
Fairhaven Neighborhood News Thursday, June 6, 2024
Page 13
photos, hugs, and goodbyes.
Katherine St. Amand and Jade
Beauregard took a moment to pose
with music teacher, Molly McNulty.
Ms. St. Amand will be attending
Trinity College for Creative Writing;
and Ms. Beauregard will attend
American Music and Drama Academy
for Musical Theater.
Elijah Mercado said he was not
sure of his future plans, but was
considering a trade school in the fall.
Meanwhile, he will continue his work
in the restaurant field.
Landon Lawrence also said he
would most likely opt for a union job,
maybe driving commercial vehicles.
Meanwhile, he will work at his
restaurant job.
Friends Mikaylah Cardoza, Kylie
Gamble, and Goddess Gregg will all be
attending Bridgewater University,
Makaylah for biology and chemistry,
and eventually nursing school; Kylie
and Goddess for Early Elementary
“I feel pretty good,” said Preston
Amaral, who will be attending
UMassD for Civil Engineering. “I’m
pumped and excited to start the next
“I feel great,” said Owen Centeio,
who will be attending Johnson &
Wales for Sports Management, and
will play lacrosse. “Awesome. I’m
having an unbelievable, amazing day.”
The program also included singing
of “The Halls of Ivy,” with the FHS
Concert Choir; presentation of class
gift; presentation of diplomas; tassel
ceremony; class song, “Love Live” by
Taylor Swift.
The ceremony is available on
demand on the Blue Devil TV
YouTube channel at https://www.
Fairhaven High School Top Ten Grads
Here are the top ten Fairhaven High School graduates for 2024.
1: Kiana L. Coppa,
Brown University,
2: Aaron B. Palhota,
Worcester Polytechnic
Institute, computer sci.
3: Elizabeth R. DaCunha,
Harvard University,
biology & global health
4: Ava M. Bissonnette, U.
of North Carolina Chapel
Hill, biomedical eng.
5: Libby D. St. Pierre,
Emmanuel College,
international relations
6: Natalie R. Yochim,
Penn State, bio chemistry
& molecular biology
7: Sydney G. Merusi,
Northeastern University,
8: Arden C. Bradshaw,
Providence College,
political science
9: William W. Foster,
University of Central
Florida, actuarial science
10: Emily M. Pedersen,
Bridgewater State
University, biology
LEFT, L-R: Graduates celebrate with brothers and cigars after the ceremony in the football stadium at Fairhaven High School on Sunday,
6/2/24, L-R: Owen Centeio, Greg Centeio, Hugo Surprenant, Luke Isaksen, James Isaksen. RIGHT L-R Mikaylah Cardoza, Kylie
Gamble, Goddess Gregg, are all smiles holding their diplomas. Photos by Beth David.
GRAD: cont’d from previous page
Thursday, June 6, 2024 Fairhaven Neighborhood NewsPage 14
Reflex to Balance
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78 Middle St, Fairhaven, MA
By Appointment Only.
Press Release
The Fairhaven Colonial Club, Inc.,
and the Whitfield/Manjiro Friendship
Society have signed an agreement
welcoming the Club to use the
Society’s Cultural Center for its
meetings. The two groups had often
collaborated on events when the Club
was housed at the Coggeshall House,
which was put up for sale in 2016.
This agreement brings a decades-long
friendship back to life.
The Cultural Center, which is an
adaptive reuse of the historic
Carriage House, is currently under
construction. It will provide a space
for classes, meetings, and other
events. The Colonial Club has made a
generous donation to cover the cost
of appliances for the kitchen.
The Whitfield/Manjiro Friendship
Society, located in Capt. Whitfield’s
historic home at 11 Cherry Street,
continues the friendship between
Tosashimizu, Japan, and Fairhaven by
telling the story of the rescue of
Manjiro by Capt. Whitfield in 1841 and
promoting cultural exchanges.
The Fairhaven Colonial Club was
established in 1812 and incorporated
in 2021. Its purpose is to promote
understanding of the history, art, and
culture of Fairhaven by organizing
lectures and other activities and
contributing to the preservation of
historic buildings and artifacts.
Colonial Club finds home at Whitfield-Manjiro house
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L-R: Gerry Rooney, CEO and President of the Whitfield-Manjiro Friendship Society, and
Beth Luey, Co-President of the Fairhaven Colonial Club, sign an agreement allowing the
club to hold their meetings in the WMFS Cultural Center. Photo courtesy of Debbie
Fairhaven Neighborhood News Thursday, June 6, 2024
Page 15
Fairhaven Center for Business
65 Alden Road, Fairhaven, MA 02719
Auto • Home
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Saturday Night Scallop Delight
Five Choices: $15.95
Eat in/Take out • 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Sun.: 8 a.m.–2 p.m. • Mon.–Wed.: 7 a.m.–2 p.m.
Thurs.: 7 a.m.–7 p.m. • Fri.–Sat: 7 a.m.–8 p.m.
116 Sconticut Neck Road • Fairhaven • 508-992-8615
A local landmark since June 21, 1946
Special Hours: Open 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Serving Breakfast ’til noon. Dinner served until 5 p.m.
Eat in or take out
Clam Boil or BBQ Chicken and Rib Plate
with Dessert: $25.
Reservation requested.
Thursday Special
June 13 • Eat-in/Take-out
Roast Beef or Southern Fried Chicken $9.95
Thursday, June 6, 2024 Fairhaven Neighborhood NewsPage 16
Complete Menu of Chinese &
American Selections
Call 508-992-8668 for take-out.
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Diane Tomassetti
Call me to list your home
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Mobile: 808-315-1733
Fairhaven Neighborhood News Thursday, June 6, 2024
Page 17
Elizabeth DaCunha: Peter J. Muise
Community Servant Leader
Lauren Bernardo: Rob Shields
Kindness Award
Libby St. Pierre: Rob Shields
Kindness Award
Aaron Palhota: Rob Shields
Memorial Scholarship
Libby St. Pierre: Rogers School
Alumni Scholarship
Landin Dallaire: Ronald J. Tavares
Katherine St. Amand: The Nicholas
M. Iddon Music Scholarship Fund
• Coby Yin: The Nicholas M. Iddon
Music Scholarship Fund
SCHOLARS: cont’d from page 3
FHS holds celebratory signing for athletes
Fairhaven High School held a celebratory
signing for high school seniors who are
planning on playng a sport next year in college,
on Thursday, 5/23, in the FHS library.
RIGHT, L-R: Aiden Pacheo, Nikko Morris, Colby
Correia, Chace Feno, Jayce Duarte, pose for a photo
during the celebratory signing event for Fairhaven High
School seniors who are planning to play sports in
college on 5/23/24. BELOW LEFT: Aiden Pacheco
poses with his family during the signing. BELOW
RIGHT: Jayce Duarte poses with his family, Jarrid Antil,
Coach Derek Almeida, and Roman. BOTTOM LEFT:
Nikko Morris with his dad. BOTTOM MIDDLE: Colby
Correia signs on to play baseball at Endicott College
during the celebratory signing event . BOTTOM
RIGHT: Chace Feno poses with a family member.
Submitted photos.
Thursday, June 6, 2024 Fairhaven Neighborhood NewsPage 18
Est. 1997
Boat Trailer for Sale
Works for 14–19 foot boat.
Has fixed rollers, not skids;
heavy duty springs for a
smooth and quiet ride. In
very good shape. Nothing
wrong with it at all, I just
decided on a different style
trailer. Lights work, tires are
good. $800 (make an offer,
but don’t insult me).
Call Beth, 508-979-5593.
18 Center Street
Fairhaven MA
Class of 2024!
We are proud of your
accomplishments and wish you
success in your new adventures
Fairhaven Neighborhood News Thursday, June 6, 2024
Page 19
Roofing Contractor
44 years in the
Detailed workmaship
Attentive, personal
Certified Owens
Corning Preferred
Marc A. Gadbois • 508-992-0226
MA Const. Sup. Lic. # 003000
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EPA Lead Safe Certified
Fully Insured
Offering extended warranties available only through
an Owens Corning Certified Preferred Roofing
Materials Supplied by ABC Supply Company
W. “Bob”
Robert W.
Sylvia, 86, a
fixture on
for decades
and a pre -
emi nent
mechanic servicing thousands of
commercial marine vessels over
many years, passed away peacefully
surrounded by family on Wednesday,
April 17, 2024 in Lady Lake, Florida,
after a period of declining health.
Born in Mattapoisett, Robert lived
most of his life in Fairhaven. He was
the son of the late Albert and Anna
(Morgado) Sylvia. Bob was a graduate
of Greater New Bedford Regional
Vocational Technical High School and
several specialized schools related to
the diesel industry. He served in the
U.S. Army Reserves in the 1960s.
Bob began his career in the marine
industry in 1961 as a diesel mechanic.
He became well known to hundreds of
captains and boat owners as the head
mechanic and shop leader at D.N.
Kelley & Son Inc. (Now Fairhaven
Shipyard Co. Inc.) in Fairhaven. In
1992, Bob opened his own GM marine
engine repair business, Fairhaven
Diesel, which he ran until his
retirement in 2003.
When not keeping the area fleet’s
fishing and working vessels running
safe and trustworthy, Bob enjoyed
driving the 1923 Ford Model-T
“T-bucket” hot rod he built himself.
He also loved woodworking, fishing,
ballroom dancing, and playing cards
with his friends.
He is survived by his wife of 62
years, Marie (Rose) Sylvia, a brother,
Raymond Sylvia of Everest, Kansas, a
son Robert W. Sylvia Jr. and his wife
Tracie of New Orleans, Louisiana, his
grandchildren Cameron Sylvia and
Maghan Landi, a great-grandchild,
Ezekiel M. Sylvia, and several nieces
and nephews. Robert was pre -
deceased by his brother, Albert Sylvia
A memorial service is being
planned for later this summer in Lady
Lake with arrangements by Baldwin
Brothers Funeral & Cremation Society
of Wildwood, Florida.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be
made to the American Heart
Association (, to help
fund lifesaving research, advocate for
healthier communities, improve
patient care and work for equitable
health for all people.
Obituary: Robert “Bob” Sylvia
19 Plaza Way
Fairhaven, MA 02719
Next to Staples)
Get $2 off a Footlong Sub,
Wrap or Large Pizza or $1
off a 6" Sub or Small Pizza
No cash value. Not to be combined with any
other offer. Only one coupon per visit. Valid
only at 19 Plaza Way, Fairhaven, MA 02719.
EXPIRES: 7/6/24
Support the Food Pantry
The Shepherd’s Food Pantry at the Long Plain United Methodist
Church in Acushnet spends more than $5,500 each month to keep
the shelves stocked. It serves more than 120 families each week.
There are three bins to drop off food: at the Millicent Library and
Stop & Shop in Fairhaven, and at the Acushnet Public Library.
Tax deductible donations may be sent to Shepherd’s Pantry, PO
Box 760, Fairhaven, MA 02719. Visit
Thursday, June 6, 2024 Fairhaven Neighborhood NewsPage 20
Madison P. Akin
Highest Honors
Chelsey P. Amaral
High Honors
Laila K. Amaral
High Honors
Mila E. Amaral
Preston J. Amaral
High Honors
Danica M. Andersen
Highest Honors
Lean M. Z. Arroyo
Jenna L. Arruda
Highest Honors
Joshua N. Arruda
High Honors
Brady R. Banville
Jade E. Beauregard
Highest Honors
Barrett S. Becotte
Lauren E. Bernardo
Highest Honors
Ava M. Bissonnette
Highest Honors
Hugh C. Boucher
Amelia F. Bowen
Arden C. Bradshaw
Highest Honors
Austin R. Branco
Cody J. Cabral
Eliana G. Cabral
Kacie J. Calheta
High Honors
Aidain J. R. Camacho
Mason C. Cardoso
Mikaylah M. Cardoza
Owen J. Centeio
High Honors
Jake T. Cerce
Dylan M. Cloutier
Justin F. Coelho
Kiana L. Coppa
Colby D. Correia
Highest Honors
Gabriel J. Correia
Highest Honors
Lucas M. Correia
Highest Honors
Campbell H. Costa
Highest Honors
Derick D. Costa
Alexandra M.
Highest Honors
Landon J. Crosson
Matthew J. DaCosta
Elizabeth R. DaCunha
Highest Honors
Landin A. Dallaire
Highest Honors
Cheyanne DaPonte
High Honors
Olivia M. Darmofal
Highest Honors
Lexi S. Davignon
Yasmin S. A. de Souza
Elizz M. Demers
Nathan R. Deslauriers
High Honors
Taylor E. Desmarais
Highest Honors
Rysiah J. DeSouza
Jayce D. Duarte
Grace E. Dupre
Highest Honors
Savannah L. Dwelly
Amanda M. Ellis
High Honors
Brian D. Felix
Chase G. Feno
Ava L. Fernandes
High Honors
Lucas J. Fernandes
Ameenah L. Ferreira
High Honors
Victor M. Ferreira Jr.
Mason T. Figueiredo
Jack D. Finn
Baile A. Fitzgerald
Gavin B. Fletcher
Sophia C. Fleurent
William W. Foster
Highest Honors
Ethan C. Furtado
Highest Honors
Kylie M. Gamble
Kethan R. Garcia
Christian M. Geerdes
Emma O. Gomes
Highest Honors
Goddess A. Gregg
Noah R. Guillotte
Gabbie M. Hamel
Parker B. Herman
Highest Honors
Nylynn R. Hernandez
Harmon M. Hochella
Christopher E. Hu
Highest Honors
James T. Isaksen
Scott P. Joseph Jr.
Genevieve D.
High Honors
Landon R. Lawrence
Rachel L. Lemrise
Highest Honors
Giavanna M. Lincoln
Highest Honors
Sherlyn P. Lobo
Mariah L. Lombard
Highest Honors
Lana J. V. Lucas
Bryanna L. Macedo
Ryan T. Machado
Samara E. Machicote
Thomas P. Marcotte
Tyler D. Martin
Leila R. McKay
High Honors
Sarah N. Melo
Elijah D. Mercado
Sydney G. Merusi
Highest Honors
Nikko J. Morris
Madison R. Moura
Aiden H. Pacheco
Highest Honors
Noah J. Pacheco
High Honors
Lucy J. Paiva
Ryan L. Paiva
Aaron B. Palhota
Troy A. Parker
Emily M. Pedersen
Highest Honors
Marrissa M. Pereira
High Honors
Julien J. Perry
Christina F. Pimentel
High Honors
Owen S. Pimentel
Olivia E. Poulin
High Honors
Ryan S. Ptaszenski
Alex K. Robillard
Franklin L. Robillard
Camron A. Salgado
Jacobb B. Schmidt
Sean P. Scully
Zachary J. Silva
Ryan B. Silveira
Anthony L. Silvia
Quinn C. Soucy
Montana A. Sousa
High Honors
Ian J. Souza
High Honors
Katherine R. St.
Highest Honors
Jaime L. St. Onge
Libby D. St. Pierre
Highest Honors
Hugo L. Surprenant
Highest Honors
Connor A. Sylvia
High Honors
Jax E. Sylvia
Ava R. Tadeu
High Honors
Colin P. Tavares
Jaidyn L. Thomas
Nadia M. Torres
High Honors
Sofia R. I. Torres
High Honors
Brayden K. Tremblay
Angelina O. Triplett
High Honors
Matthew C. Tripp
Andrew J. Tucker
Olivia P. Turgeon
Highest Honors
Arianna L. Turner
Michael C. Vardo
Highest Honors
Adrian S. Vieira
Ethan D. Vieira
Tyler N. Vieira
Highest Honors
Andy Wang
Highest Honors
Oliver E. Westgate
Tristyn F. Wieghmink
Coby C. Yin
Highest Honors
Natalie R. Yochim
Highest Honors
Eric Zhao
Highest Honors
Sabrina Zheng
Highest Honors
Fairhaven High School Class of 2024
The purpose
of life
is a life
of purpose.
Robert Byrne
What lies behind
you and what lies
in front of you,
pales in comparison to
what lies inside of you.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Patriotism is
supporting your country
all the time, and your
government when
it deserves it.
Mark Twain
Fairhaven Neighborhood News Thursday, June 6, 2024 Page 21
Burglar, Fire and Camera Systems.
Ask about our low rate on U.L 24-hour alarm
monitoring and FREE MONITORING.
Replace your old alarm system with a new
system for as little as $299 Complete
FREE ESTIMATE: 508-992-7633
TEL: 508-965-6072.
doors, decks. Small jobs, big jobs.
ong Free estimates. Call Dave, 508-971-0929. on
All Interior, Exterior Work
Additions • Windows • Roofing • Siding
Masonry • Bsmt Waterproof • Painting
Lic/Ins. Since 1988
Winter Specials
4/4 508-326-8996 4/4
8’ FIBERGLASS DINGHY with flotation,
3 HP motor and oars. $750.00 OBO.
5/30 Call 508-992-1766. 5/30
Used but in good condition, life preserver, and
6/6paddle. $350.00. Call Damon 508-789-52466/6
Small cottage, 1-2 bedrooms. Fairhaven or
6/13 surrounding towns. Call 774-992-8616. 6/13
Make Your Dog a Better Pet at Plymouth County
Canine Club’s next 8 week Beginners session
starting Friday, 6/28, at 7PM with Trainer Ed
Dupont at Rochester Grange, 205 Hartley Road.
Ed will teach you “how to” train your dog in all the
basic commands. Classes are limited, call for
info. &/or to reserve space. 508-763-8471 or
508-763-3355. This course will help prepare you
for Canine Good Citizen (CGC) and Therapy
Dog (TDI) titles., 35 yrs. experience! Drop in
advance classes at 8pm weekly. 6/20
28 years’ experience. Lic. #13901A.
Small jobs preferred. Old houses a specialty.
Generator hook-ups. Eric, 774-849-0425.
for Mass. license to carry firearms or FID card.
Call Phil Lacerda, 508-989-6093. ongoing
GT CARPENTRY Exterior, interior painting and
repairs, sheetrock, siding, yard cleanup. Call
George, 774-810-5008. ongoing
class starts June 12, 2024 The Wampanoag
Kennel Club, 1121 Main St. Acushnet. $125 for 8
weeks. Call/text 508-858-9962
Experienced cleaner, $15/hour
Call 508-991-1104
David J. Dias Plumbing
Local Plumber. 50 years.
License # 8366, 508-965-6584
5/16 Small jobs preferred/semi retired. 5/16
$4.00 per dozen.
5/16 Call or text Rosemary, 508-991-9424 5/16
HAVING A YARD SALE? Place a classified ad!
Only $7 for three lines, $1 each additional line.
Call Beth at 508-979-5593.
Looking for work, small jobs: carpentry,
plumbing, landscaping, etc. Call me, tell me
6/27 what you have. John 508-951-2113. 6/27
12 ft. double-ended fiberglass skiff with 4 oars.
$700. Call 508-728-7765
Upcoming Meetings
*= Predicted minus tides from -0.1 ft. to -1.0 ft
**Predicted minus tides from -1.1 ft to -2.0 ft or more
US Army Corps of Engineers, Cape Cod
Canal/Piney Point
Thursday 6 0822 2044 0247 1354
Friday 7 0912 2133 0338 1444
Saturday 8 1001 2220 0410 1532
Sunday 9 1049 2307 0431 1612
Monday 10 1137 2354 0455 1648
Tuesday 11 --- 1229 0525 1727
Wednesday 12 0046 1322 0602 1816
Thursday 13 0139 1412 0652 1928
Friday 14 0228 1500 0753 2045
Saturday 15 0317 1550 0844 2143
Sunday 16 0411 1645 0928 ---
Monday 17 0511 1739 1012 2342
Tuesday 18 0604 1825 1100 ---
Wednesday 19 0647 1905 1146 1146
Thursday 20 0727 1945 0048 1229
a.m. p.m.  a.m. p.m.
Board of Public Works
Mon., 6/17, Arsene St., 6 p.m.
Commission on Disability
Thurs., 6/13, Town Hall, 6 p.m.
Conservation Commission
Mon., 6/17, Town Hall, 6 p.m.
Cultural Council
Wed., 6/26, Town Hall, 6:30 p.m.
Marine Resources Comm.
Thurs., 6/6, Town Hall, 6:30 p.m.
School Committee
Wed., 6/12, Media Ctr/Lib., 6:30 p.m
Select Board
Mon., 6/10, Town Hall, 6:30 p.m.
Historical Commission
Tues., 6/11, Town Hall, 6:30 p.m .
Tues., 6/24, Town Hall, 4 p.m.
Town Meeting
Mon., 6/17, Ford Middle Sch, 7 p.m.
in a variety of settings, including offices, light
manufacturing facilities, etc. Duties include
dusting, mopping floors, cleaning restrooms,
emptying trash, and other tasks as necessary.
Full and part time positions available. Five
days/week, day shift; and five days/week
evening shifts available. Call Cyclone Cleaning
Services, 508-995-8816 or 508-400-4494.
Sat., 6/8, 9–2. Greenbrier Court, NB.
Rain date 6/15
Frankie at dearfrankiecolumn@gmail.
com. The Fairhaven Neighbor hood News
publishes the Dear Frankie column. To
receive a free online sub scrip tion,
readers can email neighbnews@comcast.
net, request their name be added to the
email list or visit www.neighbnews.
com to read the paper online or to
download the latest issue.
FRANKIE: cont’d from page 10
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our advertisers you
saw their ads in the
Neighb News!
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through a PayPal link on our website:
or send check or MO to Fairhaven Neighborhood News,
166 Dogwood St., Fairhaven, MA 02719.
Thank you for reading the Neighb News!
Design by Metro Creative Graphics, Inc.
Thursday, June 6, 2024 Fairhaven Neighborhood NewsPage 22
American at at Crossroads
What we are witnessing at our
universities where students are calling
for the destruction of Israel and the
destruction of our govern ment is not a
spontaneous event. The origin and its
driving force goes back decades.
It has its roots in a socialist Marxist
ideology which is arrogant, elitist,
and self-righteous, which denies God
and the rights of individuals like they
are enshrined in our constitution. Its
goal and driving force is to destroy
our form of government, where the
citizen is subjugated to the
government and all individuals are
controlled by ruthless anarchy.
Israel is the only democracy in the
middle east. They have made any
attempts in the past and concessions
and other arrangements to achieve
peace with their Palestinian neigh bors,
only to be attacked repeatedly.
October 7, 2023 being the worst. Men,
women, children, even babies were
slaughtered. Women were raped, 1200+
Israelis were killed, 300 taken prisoner.
Israel has fought back. They have
no choice, their survival depends on
it. They are conducting this war as
humanely as possible against a
ruthless enemy which uses their
citizens as shields.
While these students have a right
to demonstrate peacefully, they have
no right to interfere with the
functions and take over parts of these
universities, intimidate Jewish
students, desecrate memorials of
veterans and burn the American flag.
I believe this is a result of years of
indoctrination by social Marxist
teachers and professors where a bias
one-sided version of American
history is taught. Where America is
portrayed as a nation that enslaved
people and mistreated its natives.
Yes, this is true, however, I believe no
nation has done as much to make
amends, witness the civil rights laws
and programs to help the Indians.
I believe little is being taught about
the uniqueness of our country. I
believe no nation as ever fought a war
to free the slaves. It took the Civil War
do do this, 600,000-700,000 men died
in the American Civil War. At no time
in history have so many enjoyed the
freedoms and opportunities we have.
These freedoms were secured at a
high price by the men and women to
fought and died to secure them. We
have been and still are the bright and
shining beacon on a hill in the past
and still are. However, we are a nation
of laws. So sovereign nation can
survive without borders. The vast
majority of immigrants came here
legally, were vetted, learned to speak
English and passed a citizenship test.
In closing, I would like to point out
how far we have gotten from God.
When I was in a public grammar
school, we would start out day by
reciting the Lord’s Prayer and Pledge
of Allegiance. Marriage was between a
man and a woman, abortion was
strongly discouraged. Now the
sanctity of marriage has been greatly
diminished and it’s abortion for just
about any reason up to the moment
of birth in some states.
In the past the Jews were God’s
chosen people, however they rebelled
and worshiped other gods. Everyone
did what was right in his or her eyes.
God severely punished them. Some
repented and God restored them. Can
we be any different ? I say it’s our only
hope to do likewise. Repent and call
upon God. A nation that honors and
reveres God I believe is blessed by God.
John Pond, Fairhaven
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24 Center Street • Fairhaven, MA 02719
508-992-1714 • On Facebook: Euro Ship Store/Phoenix
Fairhaven Neighborhood News Thursday, June 6, 2024
Page 23
Notice is hereby given that the Acushnet
Conservation Commission will hold a public
hearing on Wednesday, June 12, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.
at the Town Hall Meeting Room located at 122 Main
Street, Acushnet, Massachusetts.
Public Hearing RDA – Paul J. DaCosta/Blacksmith
Drive, Map 5, Lot 7F. A Request for Determination
was filed by Paul J. DaCosta for property located at
Blacksmith Drive, Map 5, Lot 7F. The applicant
proposes to construct a single-family house, garage
and septic system located outside the 100-ft. buffer
zone, some site grading and landscaping located
within the buffer zone of wetlands. The applicant is
represented by Richard Charon of Charon Associates,
Inc. Plan name is “Plan of Site, Proposed House &
Subsurface Sewage Disposal” dated May 13, 2024,
review of matters presented; votes may be taken.
Ryan Rezendes, Chairman of Acushnet
Conservation Commission
FNN, 6/6/24
Notice of Public Hearing
Acushnet Planning
Notice is hereby given that the Acushnet Planning
Board will conduct a public hearing on June 20, 2024 at
6:00pm in the Board of Selectmen’s meeting room at
Town Hall, 122 Main Street, Acushnet MA 02743. This
will be a Hybrid meeting with a Zoom option:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 817 1707 3757
Passcode: 528479
This meeting is held in accordance with and
pursuant to the provisions of the Acushnet General By-
Laws, Zoning article VIII, Section 3.3C. (13), Common
Driveways. The Petitioner is Thomas Threlfall of 110
Quaker Lane, Acushnet and the owner is Threlfall
Family Trust of 2017, with an address of 112 Quaker
Lane, Acushnet, Map 6, Lot 19. The Applicant is
proposing to improve an existing gravel driveway to
Planning Board standards for the access to the Existing
Dwelling #112, and to an additional newly created
residential lot known as Retreat Lot 1. A 33,440 S.f.
Common Driveway Easement is provided for travel and
vehicle turn around areas. The proposed Common
Driveway would service two residential lots. Schneider,
Davignon & Leone, Inc. is representing the Applicant in
this application. The accompanying documentation is
available for inspection at the Town Clerk’s Office,
Parting Ways Building, 130 Main St. 1st Floor, during
regular business hours.
Mark Francois, Chairman, Acushnet Planning Board
FNN 6/6/24, 6/13/24
Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 6:30 pm
Town Hall, 40 Center Street
Fairhaven, Massachusetts
Notice is hereby given that the Fairhaven Planning
Board will conduct a Public Hearing at 6:30 P.M. on
Tuesday June 25, 2024, at Town Hall, 40 Center
Street, Fairhaven, MA. The Planning Board Meeting will
be conducted in Town Hall and remotely and will be
televised live on Fairhaven TV Channel 18 and Join the Meeting from home Log on
call 1-929-205-6099 - Meeting ID: 931 6335 8101-
Passcode: 740257
Live on Fairhaven TV Channel 18 and
The purpose of the hearing will be to receive in -
forma tion and public comment on the following
application: SP24-02 36 Francis Street ADU – Jessica
Whiteley, the owner of 36 Francis Street, requests a
special permit for the total conversion of the existing
garage into an Accessory Dwelling Unit. The property is
located at Map 12 Lot 135.
Copies of the applications are on file for public
review at the Planning Board Office, Town Hall, by
appointment and on the Town website.To schedule an
appointment to review the application call the Planning
Department at (508) 979-4023, Ext. 8123 or go to:
Cathy Melanson, Chair, Planning Board
FNN: 6/6/24, 6/13/24
There will be an Annual Town Meeting held on
Monday, June 17, 2024, at 7:00 P.M. at the Ford Middle
School in the Auditorium, 708 Middle Road, Acushnet,
MA 02743.
Robert Hinckley, Chairman
David Wojnar
Kevin Gaspar, Sr.
FNN, 6/6/24, 6/13/24
Conservation Commission
Monday, June 17, 2024 at 6:00pm
Fairhaven Town Hall, 40 Center Street
Fairhaven, Massachusetts
Pursuantto Chapter 20 of the Acts of 2021, this
meeting will be conducted in person and via remote
means, in accordance with applicable law. This means
that members of the public body as well as members
of the public may access this meeting in person, or via
virtual means. In person attendance will be at 40
Center Street, and itis possible that any or all
members of the public body may attend remotely, with
in-person attendance consisting of members of the
public. MGL, Ch. 30a,§20(f) requires anyone that
intends to record any portions of a public meeting,
either by audio or video, or both, to notify theChair at
the beginning of the meeting.
Anyone wishing to access the meeting via remote
means may do so in the following manner:
or CALL 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 869 5315 5076
Passcode: 633695
The Fairhaven Conservation Commission will hold
the following Public Hearings pursuant to the
Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (M.G.L. c. 131,
s. 40) and the Code of the Town of Fairhaven Chapter
192, Wetlands:
a.SE 023-1460, CON 023-423: 9 Goulart Memorial
Drive, Map 42, Lot 15G Notice of Intent filed by
Fernando & Diane Lemos to construct a 20’x6’
cantilever deck extension, with a 16’.5”x16’.5”
elevated sunroom, and a 9’.5”x11’ elevated screened
porch with proposed footings, in addition, the
applicant proposes a 9’.5”x5’ grill deck and an
18’x9’.5” deck attached to the existing single-family
dwelling. Work proposed within the 25’-50’ Buffer
Zone and property within Land Subject to Coastal
Storm Flowage, FEMA Flood Zone VE (El.20’) at
Assessor’s Map 42, lot 15G.
b.SE 023-___, CON 023-424: 23 Eaton Road, Map
29B, Lot 110 Notice of Intent filed by Michael &
Hayden Linley to raze existing house and construct a
new residence on FEMA Flood Zone compliant foun -
da tion, sewer & water connections and associated
site work. Work to take place within Land Subject to
Coastal Storm Flowage and FEMA Flood Zone VE
(El. 20’) at Assessor’s Map 29B, Lot 110.
c.SE 023-1461, CON 023-425: 60 Highland Avenue,
Map 28A, Lots 164 & 165 Notice of Intent filed by
Stan Feck to construct a single-family dwelling on a
pile foundation within the Buffer Zone to a Bordering
Vegetated Wetland and within Land Subject to
Coastal Storm Flowage. The house will be serviced
with municipal water and sewer at Assessor’s Map
28A, Lots 164 & 165.
d.CON 023-426: 5 Bay Street, Map 28A, Lot 409
Request for Determination of Applicability filed by
Clint Wilson to install new asphalt driveway with
same footprint as current dirt/gravel driveway.
Property located in land Subject to Coastal Storm
Flowage and FEMA Flood Zone VE (El.13’) at
Assessor’s Map 28A, Lot 409.
e.CON 023-428: 39 Nelson Avenue, Map 43, Lot 224
Request for Determination of Applicability filed by
Kathleen Taylor to replace existing fence and replace
with a FEMA compliant fence. Work to take place
within FEMA Flood Zone VE (El.18’) at Assessor’s
Map 43, Lot 224.
f.CON 023-429: 25 Alder Street, Map 43A, Lot 71
Request for Determination of Applicability filed by
Mark Silverman to mechanically remove invasive
plants and vines, dead trees and fallen limbs in
vacant lot at intersection of Alder and Balsam Street;
plan to spread 2-3 inches of processed wood chips as
a base. Property includes Coastal Beach, Buffer Zone
and Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage at
Assessor’s Map 43A, Lot 71.
g.SE 023-___, CON 023-430: 25 Shore Drive, Map
29C, Lots 615 & 616 Notice of Intent filed by Young
Family Trust to construct a single-family dwelling with
a 10’ wide crushed shell driveway on the westerly
side of the house and install a shadow box privacy
fence along a portion of the northerly property line.
Work to take place within FEMA Flood Zone VE
(El.17’) at Assessor’s Map 29C, Lots 615 & 616.
h.CON 023-431: 178 Balsam Street, Map 43B, Lot 38
Request for Determination of Applicability filed by
Patricia Roberts to install FEMA compliant fence
along back of the property in existing grass. Property
within Bordering Vegetated Wetland, Salt Marsh, and
Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage (LSCSF) at
Assessor’s Map 43B, Lot 38.
i.SE 023-___, CON 023-433: 101 Balsam Street, Map
43A, Lots 123 & 124 Notice of Intent filed by Bryan &
Marie Esposito to demolish the existing cottage and
build a 2-story single-family dwelling with an elevated
deck on 3 sides, and a detached garage in
compliance with FEMA and MA Building Code. The
entire lot falls within Land Subject to Coastal Zone
Flowage (LSCSF) and Flood Zone VE (El.18’) at
Assessor’s Map 43A, Lots 123 & 124.
j.CON 023-434: 4 Jeannette Street, Map 34A, Lots
62D & 62N Request for Determination of Applicability
filed by Jacob Fleurent for an after-the-fact installation
of a concrete apron around an existing inground pool.
The area of work is in existing maintained lawn;
closest point of the apron to the pond is 51 feet. Work
has taken place within Bordering Vegetated Wetlands
at Assessor’s Map 34A, Lots 62D & 62N.
k.CON 023-435: 35 Nakata Avenue, Map 43, Lot 117
Request for Determination of Applicability filed by
Erica Souza to replace existing 4’ picket fence that
was destroyed by a winter storm. Work to take place
within FEMA Flood Zone VE (El. 20’) at Assessor’s
Map 43, Lot 117.
Information regarding remote meeting access,
listed above, will also be provided on the Conservation
Agenda posted on the Town’s website at least 48 hours
prior to the meeting.
Copies of the applications and site plans listed in
this hearing notice may be viewed at the Conservation
Office in Town Hall, located at 40 Center Street,
Fairhaven, MA and links to the applications are on the
Town Website.
Karen Isherwood, Vice Chair
Fairhaven Conservation Commission
FNN: 6/6/24
Zoning Board of Appeals
The Zoning Board of Appeals is hereby giving
notice that a meeting will be held by the Board on
Tuesday, June 18th, 2024 at 6:30 P.M. in the
Selectmen’s Meeting Room located at 122 Main Street.
The following hearings will be heard.
a.Case #2024.05.28A A continuance of the case of
Wendy and Alexander Barros, of 23 Morse’s Lane,
who are petitioning the Board to convert a one-family
house to a two-family dwelling on a lot with minimum
30,000 square foot area. This request is being made
under the provisions of Section 3.3.4.B.5.
b.Case #2024.06.15A A case of Richard Frates, of 65
Wing Road, who is petitioning the Board to be able to
park a commercial vehicle on the property due to its
mixed use.
***Plans are available for public view in the Town
Clerk’s office, 130 Main St., Acushnet, during their
normal business hours***
FNN, 6/6/24, 6/13/24
Public Hearings/Legal Notices
NOTE: All legal notices are available on the Neighb News website,, under the “Legal Notices” tab on the top of the main page. Legal ads are also
available at, search under “Fairhaven Neighborhood News”
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