Webinar: Complying with
Form AP Rules
Jennifer Rand, Deputy Chief Auditor, OCA
Lisa Calandriello, Associate Chief Auditor, OCA
The views we express today are our
own and do not necessarily reflect the
views of the Board, individual Board
members, or other members of the
Board’s staff.
Polling Question
Polling question, what does the “AP”
in Form AP represent?
A. Audit Partner
B. Additional Procedures
C. Audit Participants
D. Another Process
Polling Question
Polling question, what does the “AP”
in Form AP represent?
A. Audit Partner
B. Additional Procedures
C. Audit Participants
D. Another Process
Learning Objectives
Describe the elements of Form AP
Understand disclosure requirements regarding
information about other accounting firms that went
effective on June 30, 2017
Understand general filing requirements and when
to amend Form AP
Locate the resources and tool available to assist
with the implementation of Rule 3211 and Form AP
Today’s Topics
Basic Elements of the Form
Other Accounting Firm Disclosures
Filing Requirements
Special Circumstances
Form AP Resources
Basic Elements of the Form
Part I Identify of the Firm
Legal name of the firm
Different name if used
Part II Amendments
Used when a Form AP is being amended
Describes what sections are the subject of the
Basic Elements of the Form
Part III Audit Client and Audit Report
Item 3.1 Information about the Audit Client
and the Audit Report, includes:
Type of issuer (e.g., issuer, investment company,
employee benefit plan)
Issuer information
CIK, if any
Fund series, if any, for investment companies
Name of the issuer
Engagement partner information
Partner ID, including any previously used Partner IDs
Information from the audit report
Audit report date
End date of the most recent period’s financial statements
Basic Elements of the Form
Item 3.2 Other Accounting Firms
Indicate, by checking the box, if one or more
other accounting firms participated in the audit
Statement that the firm signing the audit report
(that is, the firm filing Form AP) takes
responsibility for the work of all other
accounting firms that participated in the audit
Item 3.3 Divided Responsibility
Indicate, by checking the box, if responsibility
for the audit was divided
Basic Elements of the Form
Part IV Responsibility for the Audit is not
Disclosures about other accounting firms
Part V Responsibility for the Audit is
Disclosure of the referred-to auditor
Part VI Certification
Other Accounting Firm
Disclosure of other accounting firms is
based on percentage of total audit hours:
If 5% or greater of total audit hours: the name,
location, and extent of participation of each
other accounting firm; and
If individually less than 5% of total audit hours:
the number and aggregate extent of
participation of all other accounting firms
What is an "other accounting firm?"
A registered public accounting firm other than the
firm filing Form AP, or
Any other person or entity that opines on the
compliance of any entity's financial statements with
an applicable financial reporting framework
Participants that do not meet the definition of
an “other accounting firm” are considered
nonaccounting firm” participants in the audit.
These firms are not identified on Form AP but are
included in the computation of total audit hours.
Other Accounting Firm
An other accounting firm “participated” in an
audit if:
The principal auditor assumes responsibility for
the work and report of the other accounting firm
as described in paragraphs .03-.05 of AS 1205,
Part of the Audit Performed by Other
Independent Auditors, or
The other accounting firm or any of its principals
or professional employees was subject to
supervision under AS 1201, Supervision of the
Audit Engagement.
Other Accounting Firm
Other Accounting Firm
Excluded from Form AP's disclosure requirements
and computation of total audit hours are:
The engagement quality reviewer;
The person who performed the review pursuant to SEC
Practice Section ("SECPS") 1000.45 Appendix K;
Specialists engaged, not employed, by the auditor;
An accounting firm performing the audit of the entities in
which the issuer has an investment that is accounted for
using the equity method;
Internal auditors, other company personnel, or third parties
working under the direction of issuer management or the
audit committee who provided direct assistance in the audit
of internal control over financial reporting; and
Internal auditors who provided direct assistance in the audit
of the financial statements.
Case Study: Background
ABC Audit Firm US located in the United
States is the firm signing the audit report
for Company Z.
Company Z has operations in the United
States, France, Germany, Italy, and China.
ABC Audit Firm US uses work performed
by its affiliates in France, Germany, Italy,
and China, who also perform statutory
audits of Company Z’s subsidiaries in these
Case Study: Background
ABC Audit Firm US does not make reference
to another public accounting firm in its audit
Time is not tracked separately by the French
or German affiliates for work on the issuer
audit and the work on the statutory audits, as
such the actual number of audit hours related
to Company Z’s audit is unknown for these
Time is separately tracked by the Italian and
Chinese affiliates for the work performed on
the issuer audit.
Case Study: Background
Also involved in the audit were:
An engagement quality reviewer
A specialist engaged by ABC Audit Firm US
A shared service center in India that assisted
the US and Chinese firms.
Case Study: Background
Audit Participants and Audit Hours
Audit Participant
Firm ID (if
Audit Hours
Hours Attributed to
Company Z's Audit
A. ABC Audit Firm US 99876 2,500 2,500
B. ABC Audit Firm France 97654 1,200 unknown
C. ABC Audit Firm China Not registered 800 250
D. ABC Audit Firm Italy 98012 500 125
E. ABC Audit Firm Germany 99125 500 unknown
F. Shared Service Center n/a 500 500
G. Engagement Quality Reviewer n/a 80 80
H. Specialist Engaged by ABC Audit Firm US n/a 300 300
Case Study (cont'd)
Which of the audit participants are "other
accounting firms" in this case study?
A. Audit Firms US, France, China, Italy, &
B. Audit Firms France, China, Italy, &
Germany, and Shared Service Center
C. Audit Firms France, China, Italy, &
D. All participants listed
Case Study (cont'd)
Which of the audit participants are "other
accounting firms" in this case study?
A. Audit Firms US, France, China, Italy, & Germany
B. Audit Firms France, China, Italy, & Germany,
and Shared Service Center
C. Audit Firms France, China, Italy, & Germany
D. All participants listed
Case Study (cont'd)
The shared service center is not a registered firm
and does not opine on the compliance of an
entity's financial statements with an applicable
financial reporting framework. How should the
shared service center be considered for Form AP?
A. As an other accounting firm
B. As a non-accounting firm
C. None of the above
Case Study (cont'd)
The shared service center is not a registered firm
and does not opine on the compliance of an
entity's financial statements with an applicable
financial reporting framework. How should the
shared service center be considered for Form AP?
A. As an other accounting firm
B. As a non-accounting firm
C. None of the above
Case Study (cont'd)
Should any of the participants be excluded from
disclosure and the computation of total audit
A. No. All participants would be included in the
computation of total audit hours.
B. Yes, only the engagement quality reviewer
would be excluded.
C. Yes, only the auditor-engaged specialist would
be excluded.
D. Yes, both the engagement quality reviewer
and the auditor-engaged specialist would be
Case Study (cont'd)
Should any of the participants be excluded from
disclosure and the computation of total audit
A. No. All participants would be included in the
computation of total audit hours.
B. Yes, only the engagement quality reviewer
would be excluded.
C. Yes, only the auditor-engaged specialist would
be excluded.
D. Yes, both the engagement quality reviewer
and the auditor-engaged specialist would
be excluded.
Case Study (cont'd)
Summary of results
Audit Participant
Type of Participant
A. ABC Audit Firm US
Firm Signing the Audit Report
B. ABC Audit Firm France
Other Accounting Firm
C. ABC Audit Firm China
Other Accounting Firm
D. ABC Audit Firm Italy
Other Accounting Firm
E. ABC Audit Firm Germany
Other Accounting Firm
F. Shared Service Center
Non-accounting firm
G. Engagement Quality Reviewer
Excluded from disclosure and computation
H. Specialist Engaged by ABC Audit Firm US
Excluded from disclosure and computation
Total audit hours in the current period's audit
are comprised of hours attributable to:
The financial statement audit;
Reviews pursuant to AS 4105, Reviews of
Interim Financial Information for the fiscal year
covered by the audit; and
The audit of internal control over financial
reporting pursuant to AS 2201, An Audit of
Internal Control Over Financial Reporting That Is
Integrated with An Audit of Financial Statements.
Total Audit Hours
Total Audit Hours (cont'd)
When more than 1 period presented was audited
during a single audit engagement, total audit hours
and hours of other accounting firms are calculated
for the single audit engagement.
The firm would not separate the hours related to the
current years audit from the hours related to audits of
prior periods if they were incurred in the same audit
When an audit report is dual-dated, total audit
hours and the hours of other accounting firms are
computed through the latest report date.
Nonaccounting firms, for purposes of Form AP,
are entities that participate in the audit that do
not meet the definition of "other accounting firm"
Examples may include offshore service centers, tax
consulting firms, or other types of entities
These firms are not identified on Form AP
The hours incurred by them should be
Included in the computation of total audit hours and
Allocated among the principal auditor and the other
accounting firms participating in the audit on the basis
of which accounting firm commissioned and directed
the applicable work of the nonaccounting firm
Treatment of Nonaccounting
Firm Participants
Case study (cont'd)
The shared service center in India
assisted both the US and Chinese
accounting firms. How would the hours of
the shared service center be allocated?
A. All hours are allocated to the US firm
B. All hours are allocated to the Chinese firm
C. Hours are allocated between the US and
Chinese firms
Case study (cont'd)
The shared service center in India
assisted both the US and Chinese
accounting firms. How would the hours of
the shared service center be allocated?
A. All hours are allocated to the US firm
B. All hours are allocated to the Chinese firm
C. Hours are allocated between the US and
Chinese firms
Case study (cont'd)
According to the case facts, the
shared service center tracked hours
incurred associated with the work
commissioned by the US and
Chinese firms separately and
reported actual hours.
Audit Participant ABC Audit Firm US
ABC Audit Firm
Hours Related to Company Z's Audit 2,500 250
Shared Service Center 350 150
Hours to Include in Total Audit Hours 2,850 400
If actual audit hours are unavailable, the firm
may use a reasonable method to estimate the
components of this calculation
For example, a firm may know all the audit hours
(based on its timekeeping system) for the audit
up until the last month before Form AP is
required to be filed and may estimate the
remaining month's hours based on its experience
from prior years on this audit or experience on
similar audits
Estimating Audit Hours
Case Study (cont'd)
Based on the case facts, actual audit
hours are unknown for ABC Audit
Firm France and ABC Audit Firm
Germany. ABC Audit Firm US will
estimate those hours.
Audit Participant
Audit Hours
Percentage of Work
Related to Company
Z's Audit
Hours to Include in
Total Audit Hours
ABC Audit Firm France 1,200 45% 540
ABC Audit Firm Germany 500 15% 75
The computation of total audit hours should be
documented in the firm’s files and include the
method used to estimate hours when actual
audit hours are unavailable and the computation
of total audit hours on a basis consistent with AS
1215, Audit Documentation.
Under AS 1215, the documentation should be in
sufficient detail to enable an experienced auditor,
having no previous connection with the engagement,
to understand the computation of total audit hours
and the method used to estimate hours when actual
hours were unavailable.
Case Study: Disclosure
Total audit hours and extent of
Audit Participant
Audit Hours
Incurred Extent of Participation
ABC Audit Firm US 2,850 71.4%
ABC Audit Firm France 540 13.5%
ABC Audit Firm China 400 10.0%
ABC Audit Firm Italy 125 3.2%
ABC Audit Firm Germany 75 1.9%
Total Audit Hours 3,990 100%
Case Study: Disclosure
Firm ID
Check here if no
Firm ID is available
% or range 10% to less than 20%
Legal name
Headquarters' Office Location
Country France
City Paris State
Percentage participation
ABC Audit Firm France
Firm ID
Check here if no
Firm ID is available
% or range 10% to less than 20%
Legal name
Headquarters' Office Location
City Beijing State
Percentage participation
ABC Audit Firm China
Case Study: Disclosure
Aggregate percentage of participation
% or range
5% to less than 10%
a. State the number of
other accounting firm(s) individually representing less than 5% of total audit hours.
b. Indicate the aggregate percentage of participation of the other accounting firm(s) that individually represented less than 5% of total
hours by filling in a single number or by selecting the appropriate range:
A secondment arrangement for purposes of reporting on
Form AP is one in which a professional employee of an
accounting firm in one country:
Is physically located in another country, in the offices
of another accounting firm, for at least three
consecutive months
Performs audit procedures with respect to entities in
that other country
Does not perform more than de minimis audit
procedures over the term of the secondment in
relation to entities in the country of his or her employer
These employees should be treated as if they were
employed by the accounting firm to which they are
Secondment Arrangements
Form AP requires certain information to be
disclosed regarding the other accounting firm's
audit, including:
The identification of the referred-to auditor (including
its legal name;
City and state (or, if outside the United States, city
and country) of its office; and Firm ID, when
applicable) and
The magnitude of the portion of the financial
statements audited by the referred-to auditor
The firm filing Form AP should not include hours of
the referred-to auditor in its computation of total
audit hours for Part IV
Divided Responsibility Audits
Filing Requirements
Firms are required to file Form AP with the
PCAOB for public company audit reports
issued on or after January 31, 2017:
Engagement partner names started being
disclosed on January 31, 2017.
Information about other accounting firms that
participated in the audit started being disclosed
for audit reports issued on or after June 30,
Form AP is required to be filed by:
The 35
day after the date the audit report is
first included in a document filed with the SEC;
The 10
day after the date the audit report is
first included in a registration statement under
the Securities Act filed with the SEC
Filing Requirements: Deadlines (cont’d)
Situations where no Form AP filing is
Attestation engagements, for example,
compliance with servicing criteria pursuant to
Exchange Act Rules 13a-18 and 15d-18
Regulation AB;
Reports issued for interim reviews; and
Non-issuer audits conducted in accordance with
PCAOB standards, including audits of --
Brokers and dealers reporting under Exchange Act
Rule 17a-5 and
Non-issuers under SEC rules, such as Regulation
Crowdfunding and Regulation A
Filing Requirements: No Filing Required
Amendments to Form AP are required to:
Correct information that was incorrect at the time
the form was filed, or
Provide information that was omitted from the
form and was required to be provided at the time
the form was filed.
Filing Requirements:
Dual-dated audit reports
When an audit report is reissued and dual-dated, a new
Form AP filing is required
If the engagement partner has changed after the original
audit report is issued, Form AP will disclose both the name
of the engagement partner who was responsible for the
original audit report and the name of the engagement
partner responsible for the dual-dated content
Reissued reports, including consents
If the firm issues an audit report that is included in an
issuer's Form 10-K filing and the firm subsequently consents
to inclusion of that same audit report in the issuer's Form S-3
filing, the firm is not required to file a new Form AP in
connection with the Form S-3 filing
Filing Requirements: Special
Form AP Resources
Rule 3211, Auditor Reporting of Certain Audit Participants,
and Form AP Instructions
Staff guidance for Form AP Implementation (February 16,
2017): Auditor Reporting of Certain Audit Participants and
Related Voluntary Audit Report Disclosure
Fact Sheet:
Sample form:
These materials, as well as how to contact the staff with
questions, are available on the Form AP Resource Page -
Wrap-Up & Key Take-Aways
Elements of Form AP
Disclosure of other accounting firms
Filing requirements and
Amending a form
Staff guidance addresses practical
implementation questions.