User Guide
version 1.5.3
Table of Contents
Quick Start............................................................................................................................................3
The Drum Pads.....................................................................................................................................7
Main Controls.......................................................................................................................................9
Modulation Controls...........................................................................................................................10
FX Section..........................................................................................................................................11
Sends / Master....................................................................................................................................16
Quick Start
To quickly start, load Speedrum into your preferred plugin host / DAW, and then just drag and
drop the audio sample(s) from a plugin host sample browser or a system file manager to a Pad or
Layer editor. Layer editor will show the waveform of a loaded sample and layer controls will be
available for adjusting. Left-click on a Pad to play it, or use your midi controller.
Or drag and drop an audio loop in to the Slicer tab, so it can be sliced to individual drum hits,
which you then drag to every pad you want as a single sample.
Supported audio file formats are WAV, AIFF, FLAC, MP3 and OGG.
TIP - if you plugin host support it Pad name will be visible in a plugin host Piano Roll (only for
VST/VST3 version of a Speedrum)
Resize - set plugin window size for this instance of a plugin
Speedrum logo - open About page on mouse left-click
Save drumkit - button to save drumkit ( enabled if kit was changed )
Central label - displays all relevant information
Main menu:
New DrumKit
Load DrumKit
Lite kit - will import kit saved with Lite version (only Sample AHD Hold parameter will
not be imported, because in a Speedrum it is automatic on a sample level)
Poise kit - partial import of the Poise (by One Small Clue) drumkit, not all but most of
the parameters will be converted and imported
Geist kit - basic, partial import of the Geist2 (by FXpansion) drumkit - samples +
compatible parameters(volume, pan, pitch, padmode... also for layers)
SFZ kit - basic, partial import of the of sfz format file. With the option in Preferences it
is possible to recognize <group> as one Pad and import first 8 samples <region> as
Layers. Otherwise, first 32 <region> will be converted to Pads with one layer each.
Volume, Pan and Lo/Hi velocity parameters for each layer will be converted/imported.
Save Drumkit As - opens a save customization dialog box, where you specify what you want
to save
samples will be saved in a sub-folder named like a drumkit file
loading a drumkit with a Pads Midi Map saved will show that map in a Pads Midi Map
menu of the Setup tab
kit info consists of text and an image that can be easily loaded
Set Outputs - shortcuts to set output channels for all pads on A/B set at once
Download User Guide - open Speedrum web page
Check for Updates - check latest stable version
About - some info about the plugin and the system
MIDI - MIDI-IN LED indicator
Global Volume - knob for global volume of the instrument
Browser - toggle sample/kit browser
Preferences - toggle Preferences page
Drag&Drop on Pad Default - default behavior for
sample drop on a Pad - Alt/Option key will override
this and do the opposite
Select Pad with MIDI Notes - when plugin host not
Reset Output on Pad Reset - option to reset also
Output channel when a Pad is reset
Play Pad on Click - whether a mouse left-click on
the pad will play that pad or just select it
Preview Layer on Click - whether a mouse left-
click on the layer will preview that layer or just
select it
Default Size - plugin window size for new instances
Default Layout - set 16 or 32 pads layout for new
Alternate AB Layout - put B set of pads on top of A
set of pads in a 32 pads layout (default is B right of
an A)
Show on Pad - change what is displayed on a Pad
Show channel on Pad - pad output channel
Middle C Octave - according to what middle C
octave to display the notes numbers
Apply Pad Color to Controls - apply active Pad
color to all active Pad controls, otherwise controls
will have default plugin color
Default Pad Color - default color for pads on new
Hide Cursor on Knobs - hide mouse pointer when dragging knobs
Playhead - playhead gui position
Layer S/E Tiny Auto Fade - automatic fade for Start (0.1ms) and End (3ms) layer sliders,
this comes in very handy when Humanization is on to eliminate clicks and pops due to
sudden transitions
Save Kit Button Action - action of the Save Kit Button (silent or dialog)
SFZ Import <group> as Layers - recognize <group> as one Pad and import first 8 samples
<region> as Layers
Drag&Drop Render Folder - will be used to save drag&drop rendering to Pad or DAW,
unless overriden with folder selection in the Setup tab
External Audio Editor - browse to binary of an audio editor on your system
Autocheck for new Versions - automatically checking for a new version of a plugin
Browser will show drumkits and samples for supported
The arrow keys can be used to navigate the browser, while
RightArrow will preview selected sample.
Return key will load selected drumkit, or it will load
sample in the visible tab (LAYERS or SLICER).
If it doesn't work, check that your plugin host send
keystrokes to the plugin (some hosts may not support
sending key press info to a plugin).
Audio preview can be toggled with a small speaker icon,
and preview volume can be set with a knob. Also the
preview output channel can be set to any available output.
The section on the right will show basic info (sample rate,
channels, etc.) for the selected sample, or name and cover
art for the selected drumkit.
There are 10 slots for a folder fast access.
Left-click on a slot will set the browser to that location,
right-click on a slot will set a slot shortcut for the currently
opened location, and Alt/Option + right-click will empty
the slot.
The first slot is a default location for new instances.
Double-clicking on a drumkit will load it.
Select one or multiple samples and drag & drop to Pad,
Layer buttons or Layer waveform.
The Auto, Favorite folders or the Info can be selected with
the buttons on the bottom left.
If autoload toggle is on, the selected sample will be
automatically loaded into active editor (layer/slicer).
The Drum Pads
Speedrum has 32 Drum Pads. Each Pad can have up to 8 layers, and each layer can load one
sample. Each Pad is triggered by one MIDI note.
Drum pads can be swapped by drag & drop, and copied by Alt/Option + drag & drop.
Delete key or middle-click will reset the pad.
Arrow Keys can be used to change the selected drum pad.
(If browser is open, Arrow Keys are used to navigate the browser)
Multiple Pads can be selected at once for a
multi-edit functionality.
Ctrl/Command + left-click on a Pad will
add/remove it from multi-selection.
Multi-selection can also be achieved by
mouse right-button drag, or adding to
selection while holding Ctrl/Command.
Ctrl/Command + left-click on a layout button
( A / B / AB ) selects all pads from that
When in multi-edit mode, any change to an active Pad will be applied to all other Pads in a multi-
selection (volume, out channel, color...).
Pads layout can be set with A / B / AB buttons.
A = shows pads 1 to 16
B = shows pads 17 to 32
AB = shows all 32 pads
In the AB layout, pads can be in a default A set and B set left to right or in an alternative form
where B set is on top of A set (settable in a Preferences).
Pad context menu:
Add sample... - open system file manager to load
Reset Pad(s) - Clear Pad (Pads if multi-edit) data
Rename Pad
Standard Cut, Copy, Paste
Export Render... - to file (with maximum
velocity, ignore Humanization)
Export Render (Replace)... - same as above but
replaces Layers with rendered sample after
exporting the render
Import Pad... - import saved Pad from a file
Export Pad... - save single Pad settings to a file
Voice Mode - see Main Controls
Play Mode - see Main Controls
Cut group - see Main Controls
Cut by group - see Main Controls
Trigger - on note on trigger selected Pad 1-32
Mute - mute the Pad
Solo - solo the Pad
Lock - locked drum pads will be skipped when loading drum kits, loading new drum kits,
delete/reset pads
TIP - Shift + left (right) click on a Pad will mute (solo) selected pads
Main Controls
Main Controls of a Pad:
Color - there are 12 colors that can be assigned to each Pad for better recognition, default pad
color can be set in the Preferences
Waveform-button - drag&drop to export rendering of the Pad (Rendering Folder or Project
Folder if specified will be used for saving files)
- On Windows and MacOS - can be droped to other Pad or outside Speedrum
(DAW or folder)
- On Linux - can be droped to other Pad
Voice Mode - Retrigger - active sample layers will be silenced, sound will not overlap
- Poly - active sample layers will continue to play, sounds will overlap
Play Mode - The play mode option controls how a drum pad responds to MIDI note-off events.
- One Shot - pad will play all the way through, ignoring any MIDI note-off events,
release knob will be disabled in this mode
- Note On - pad will play until it receives a MIDI note- off event. If the amplitude
envelope is off, the pad will be silenced immediately, if the amplitude
envelope is on it will begin the release stage.
Mute / Solo
Volume - Pad volume - after the sum of all layers, and before FX processing
Pan - Pad pan/balance
Pitch - Pad pitch +/-12 semitones
Cut / Cut By - There are 8 Cut groups. When a pad assigned to a 'Cut' group is
triggered, any pads assigned to the corresponding 'Cut By' group will be silenced
Trigger - on note on trigger selected Pad 1-32
Output - Each Pad can be set to one of 16 individual stereo outputs, first stereo output is Master
Some tips for knobs:
double-clicking the knob will reset its value to default
for fine control, hold down a Shift key on your computer keyboard
before adjusting the knob
some knobs snap to specific values (like Pitch), with an Alt/Option key
moving knob will ignore snapping
knob contextual menu (right-click on a knob):
click on the blue value to enter the value manually
MIDI Learn - based on selected Pad/Layer (follows the active Pad/Layer) (also for buttons)
there are option in the Preferences to apply Pad color to all controls
Modulation Controls
Volume Envelope:
AHD(R) (Attack, Hold, Decay, Release) type Pad envelope with 0 - 15 seconds for every segment
Release will be enabled only in a “Note On” Play Mode
Pitch Envelope:
Pitch envelope is Pad based, but the amount it will affect the Pad Layer is controlled on a Layer
with a “Pitch Env” knob
Pitch 1 - the initial sample pitch shift amount
Time 1 - time taken to travel to the second envelope point
Pitch 2 - the second sample pitch shift amount
Time 2 - time taken for the pitch envelope to finish
to Pad Volume
to Pad Pitch (-12 to +12 semitones)
to Filter Cutoff in a FX Section (-100% to +100 %)
Velocity (+/- 40 %) maximum amount to randomize the trigger velocity
Pitch (+/- 2 semitones) maximum amount to randomize sample pitch
Time (0 - 50 ms) maximum time to delay the sample start
Pan (+/- 40 %) maximum amount to randomize sample pan
Send 1 - the amount of pads output to be sent to Delay or direct output for external processing
Send 2 - the amount of pads output to be sent to Reverb or direct output for external processing
Output Volume - the final output volume of the Pad, after FX processing
TIP - when Humanizize is on check the “Layer S/E Tiny Auto Fade” in the Preferences to
eliminate clicks and pops due to sudden transitions
FX Section
Each drum Pad has a dedicated FX Section with four essential effect.
The effect’s section changes its layout depending on the layout of the Pads.
All effects have a Power button, so can be activated/deactivated.
Distortion includes controls for:
Bits - bitcrusher
S. Rate - sample rate reduction
Shaper - waveshaping
R. Freq - ring modulation frequency
R. Depth - ring modulation depth
Filter has 2 type, Analog and Ladder
with 3 mode lowpass, bandpass and highpass all with
12 / 24 dB slopes
Cutoff and Resonance controls can be controlled simultaneously, dragging on the filter response
Ladder type has additional Drive parameter.
Compressor is classic VCA type with all essential controls.
It is used for adding punch and to control dynamics.
Ratio knob snaps to specific values but can be fine-tuned with Alt/Option key modifier.
Simple reduction meter show gain reduction.
Transients is a simple transient shaper with two parameters, Attack and Sustain.
It also includes an overall Gain parameter and a Hard Clipper.
The lower pane of a plugin window contains PAD LAYERS, SLICER, SENDS / MASTER and
SETUP and tabs.
LAYERS tab shows all the Layers (with a loaded sample) of an active Pad. Every Pad can have up
to 8 Layers, and every Layer can load one sample.
Left-click on a Layer number or the waveform will make that layer active, and preview the audio of
the layer if host not playing.
Multiple sample layers can be selected at once for quick editing with Ctrl/Command + left-click,
or Ctrl/Command + right-click on any layer button will select all layers.
Layers can be swapped, or can be moved to a different Pad (copied with Alt/Option) by drag and
Delete layer(s) with middle-click on a layer number.
TIP - Shift + left (right) click on a Layer will mute (solo) selected layers (same behavior as on Pads)
Layer menu (hamburger icon):
Delete - unload sample and reset the layer
Duplicate - add a duplicate of an active layer at the end of layers if not all 8 layers used already
Export - Render - to file (ignore Pad params)
Export (Replace) - Render - to file (ignore Pad params), and reload rendered afterwards
Load in Slicer - load the sample file in the Slicer tab
Show file... - shows the sample using system default file manager
Edit with (editor) - open sample file in a selected (in Preferences) audio editor (WARNING if
sample file is edited (premanent change) but was loaded in mutiple layers/pads it will not load on
that other layers/pads next time when loading state/kit, because it is now a diferent sample file)
Each Pad has a Layers Mode parameter. It determines which layers are played when a drum pad is
Pad Layers Modes:
Single - when a Pad is triggered, only the active (selected) layer will play
Round Robin - the next layer will be played each time the Pad is triggered
Random - a random layer will be played each time the Pad is triggered
Random Exc - (random exclusive) same as Random, but does not repeat the last played
All Tight - default mode - all layers will be played, the humanization is calculated once and used
for all layers
All mods can additionally respect velocity ranges (“V” button) - triggering according to the
MIDI note velocity, and layers velocity ranges can be edited (see Velocity ranges view)
Every layer has a set of dedicated controls:
Volume - layer volume
Pan - layer pan
Pitch - adjusts the pitch of the sample layer.
(+/- 12 semitones)
LP, HP - Low-pass and High-pass filter
Pitch Env - amount of Pad Pitch envelope
applied to a Layer
Phase - invert the phase of a sample
Offset - the offset control delays the start of a
sample when the pad is triggered
Stretch - stretching on/off
Stretch Mode - Normal, Smooth, Crisp
Sample Length Beats - left/right arrow will stretch to next whole beat if possible, it is also
possible to manually enter a value with a mouse click
Stretch Ratio - ratio knob, it is also possible to manually enter a value with a mouse click
Pitch FL - pitch that use stretching - sample will not change the length
Slice - trim (indefinitely, non-destructive) to use only part of the sample. It will be disabled when
Stretch or Reverse is active. The colored button emphasizes that it is a slice. Layer created from
Slicer will automatically be Slice.
Reverse - reverse the sample, non-destructive
Normalize - normalize a sample to 0dB, -3dB, -6dB, it is non-destructive and can be undone
Channels Mode - for stereo samples selectable Stereo, Mono (L + R), Left and Right, also non-
destructive and can be undone
There are two views in a Layer editor (can be switched with first two buttons on the editor header):
Waveform view - default view - sample waveform
view of the selected Layer
With a simple mouse drag you can set a Start / End of
a sample and also an Attack / Decay of a sample
AHD envelope.
Selection can be moved left right with Alt/Option +
You can also zoom waveform view horizontally to get a closer look:
ruler drag up/down and left/right to zoom and move
double-click on a ruler resets view to full
Alt/Option + double-click on a ruler zoom to selected area (Start-End sliders)
mouse wheel up/down to zoom in/out on a mouse pointer
mouse middle-click + drag to move zoomed area left/right
Ctrl/Command + left/right-click sets start/end marker to mouse pointer
MIDI Learn for start/end slider - (right-click) based on selected Pad/Layer and actual zoom
Top right corner contains the name of the loaded sample with the number of samples in a current
folder, and the Slice mode toggle button. Double-click on a sample/loop name will open a Browser
and select that sample file.
There are also some buttons for fast loading sample from current folder, with the autoplay:
previous sample
reload current sample
next sample
random sample
Holding Alt/Option while changing the file will try to preserve Sart/Eend/Attack/Decay state.
The far right is the ordinal number of the sample file in the total number of files in the current
Velocity ranges view - velocity ranges of all
The velocity ranges work in conjunction with all
Play Modes and can be used to program velocity
The velocity menu contains commands for
spliting, inverting, reseting and moving overlaps.
With Slicer, the drum loop can be cut into individual drum hits which can then be loaded into the
Pads as normal samples.
There are two slicing modes:
In Transients mode, slicing will look at transients/onsets.
Threshold - the Threshold knob will set the sensitivity when looking for transients/onsets
Length - the Length knob will set the minimum length of a slice
In BPM mode, slicing will be processed with the beats per minute base.
Sync - sync slicing bpm to free/host/stretch bpm
BPM - set the desired beats per minute
Division - additional divisions of a beat
Stretching controls:
Stretch - stretching on/off
Stretch Mode - Normal, Smooth, Crisp
BPM - right mouse click will set stretching bpm to host bpm, with left mouse click you can
manually enter a bpm value
Stretch Ratio - ratio knob, it is also possible to manually enter a value with a mouse click
Pitch FL - pitch that use stretching - sample will not change the length
A slice can be selected with the left mouse button. When selected, start and end of a slice can be
changed with the Start/End slider. Moving a transient/onset marker over the other will delete that
marker. Additional transient/onset markers can be created with the Shift + left-click on the loop.
The slices can be dragged and dropped onto the pads to populate pads or layers on a specific pad.
Ctrl/Command + drag will take selected slice plus all the slices to the right of the selected, so for
example, to drag all slices at once hold Ctrl/Command while start dragging first slice.
When dropping on pads, “Drag&drop on Pad Defaul” from preferences is respected, which can be
temporarily switched with holding Alt/Option key.
TIP - mouse wheel on knobs is very handy here, also the Shift key modifier
Sends / Master
Sends / Master tab provides two Send fx/out slots and master output channel FXs.
Send can be FX, first slot has a Delay while second has a Reverb effect, or it can be a direct output
to send signal to external effect. If it is Delay or Reverb, then the signal is forwarded to the main
output channel. In the case of the direct output the signal is not returning to the master channel.
Delay includes controls for:
Sync - sync the delay to your host's tempo with the selected note value
Time - when Sync is on, it will give a note values - right-click will bring the menu to choose from
- when Sync is off, it will control the delay in seconds(milliseconds)
Feedback - amount of repeating echoes, a value of 0 produces only one echo
LP / HP - lowpass and highpass filter
Volume - output volume of the delay
Reverb includes controls for:
Predelay - a short amount of delay (0-500ms) before the reverb takes effect
Size - sets the room size, affecting how long the reverberation lasts
Damp - amount of absorption in the room from the environment
LP - lowpass filter
Width - higher values increase the stereo effect
Volume - output volume of the reverb
Output - send can be set to any of the available direct output channels, so it can be used to easily
send the amount of the output of an individual pad to an external effect
Compressor is classic VCA type with all essential controls.
It is used for adding punch and to control dynamics.
Ratio knob snaps to specific values but can be fine-tuned with Alt/Option key modifier.
Simple reduction meter show gain reduction.
The Clipper can be Soft or Hard, and its input can be adjusted new using Gain.
TIP - the peaks on the meter can be reset by clicking on the meter itself
The Setup tab contains the settings related to MIDI, but also some settings exclusive to the current
instance of plugin.
Pads MIDI Map (trigger map)
A trigger map contains 'region' information for each drum pad. In other words it controls what
MIDI notes trigger which drum pad. Every pad respond to a single MIDI note.
For pad to learn a trigger note just left-click on a pad note/number you want to learn in the Setup tab
and then press a key or pad on your MIDI controller or a DAW Piano Roll. It will change the pad
text according to the newly learned note.
To manually set pad to a specific midi note number, right-click on a trigger button to get a dialog
for entering number.
Save, delete and load of trigger maps is supported from a Pads MIDI Map menu.
Also, it is possible to set the current trigger map to be the default map for all new instances.
Midi CC map contains GUI control links to midi cc parameters.
There are two operating modes for receiving cc messages, so it can be set to correctly recognize the
mode from the sender:
Absolute - received messages are interpreted as 0 to 127
Relative - received messages are interpreted +1/-1 (most often come from the endless encoder)
The currently mapped controls are visible in the list. A control can be "unlearned" by clicking on
the red "X" in its row.
Project Folder - if selected, will be used to save drag&drop rendering to Pad or DAW, but only for
this instance of the plugin, and it overrides Render Folder slected at Preferences. It is useful for
storing rendered samples directly in the DAW project folder.
What are the system requirements?
Host software / DAW - 64 bit
CPU Intel / AMD / Apple M1
Windows 7 or newer
MacOS 10.11 or newer
Linux Ubuntu 20 or newer (experimental = tested on Mint and Manjaro, and will probably
work on other linux distributions as well)
What are the restrictions of the Demo version?
Demo version is fully functional with no time restrictions but loading the drumkit and reloading the
plugin state is disabled.
Do I need internet to Activate plugin?
No! It is a simple unobtrusive offline activation. When you purchase a license in our online store
your purchase will be processed by Paddle and you'll be sent an activation code by email. Then
open the demo plug-in, enter your email and activation code when asked, and enjoy your fully-
functional, licensed plug-in.
Can I use a license on multiple PCs?
You can use the personal license on all of your computers, and this includes mixed use on
Windows/macOS/Linux computers, as long as only you use it.
Apple Silicon compatibility?
The installer will install universal binary that contain separately optimized code for Intel and Apple
Silicon processors which will run natively on each platform.
Can I request a refund?
Unfortunately, not. The license issued is non-revocable so there is no way to return the purchase.
All Speedrum sales are final.