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United States Government Accountability Office
United States Government Accountability Office
Highlights of GAO-20-303, a report to
congressional requesters
April 2020
Army Should Assess Progress in Standardizing
Designs for Facility Construction
What GAO Found
The nine Centers of Standardization (Centers) within the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers undertake a number of activities designed to support each of their
program objectives. Their charter includes three objectives: (1) developing and
refining Centers’ policies and processes; (2) assuring consistent application of
the Centers’ standards; and (3) monitoring execution to meet the overarching
objectives and priorities of the Army Facilities Standardization Program (AFSP)
and standardization process. We found that the Centers’ various activities¾such
as conducting value engineering and life-cycle cost studies to identify possible
cost savings and analyze long-term costs of new facilities¾are consistent with
key principles and concepts in Office of Management and Budget guidance for a
disciplined capital planning process. Additionally, the post-occupancy
evaluations led by the Centers are designed to evaluate whether the Army
functional requirements have been met, Army standard design has been
implemented, and there are any areas where the design could be improved.
These evaluations support all three of the Centers’ objectives by evaluating
whether a design needs improvement, a facility was constructed in accordance
with the approved project design, and customer needs were met.
Centers of Standardization Activities Performed during Army Military Construction Projects
The Army has limited performance measures to track the Centers’
progress in achieving program objectives. Semi-annual meetings of the
Army’s Centers of Standardization Management Board (Board) enable
the Army to track the Centers’ progress toward their goal of developing
and updating Center policies and processes (first objective of the
Centers). However, GAO found that the Army lacks performance
measures to assess the Centers’ progress in ensuring the consistent
application of Army standard designs (second objective of the Centers)
and in monitoring how well the Centers meet the objectives and priorities
of the AFSP and standardization process (third objective of the Centers).
Specifically, the Board does not maintain, consolidate, or analyze
information about how frequently the Centers participate in construction
projects, or how this activity affects the program and supports AFSP
objectives, such as reducing project costs, times, and change orders.
Taking steps to develop and implement appropriate performance
measures would enhance the Army’s efforts to ensure that the Centers
are meeting their program objectives.
View GAO-20-303. For more information,
contact Diana Maurer at [email protected] or
(202) 512-9627
Why GAO Did This Study
In 2006, the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers began its Centers of
Standardization program to develop
design standards for facility types
that the Army constructs on a
regular basis. The Centers support
broader Army efforts under the
AFSP to standardize facility types
with objectives such as improving
design quality, reducing design and
construction costs and time, and
reducing change orders.
Senate Report 115-262
accompanying the John S. McCain
National Defense Authorization Act
for Fiscal Year 2019 included a
provision for GAO to evaluate the
Centers’ effectiveness. This report
assesses, among other things, the
extent to which (1) the Centers have
identified activities that support their
objectives, and (2) the Army tracks
the Centers’ progress toward their
objectives. GAO reviewed and
analyzed applicable regulations and
program and project documentation;
compared Center activities to
program objectives; and interviewed
cognizant agency officials to gain an
understanding of the Centers’
operations and potential financial
What GAO Recommends
GAO is recommending that the
Army establish performance
measures to assess the Centers’
progress to (1) ensure the consistent
use of standard designs and (2)
reduce construction costs and time
and reduce the occurrence of
change orders. The Army concurred
with our recommendations.
Page i Defense Infrastructure
Letter 1
Background 4
The Centers Have Engaged in Activities That Support Key
Objectives and Are Consistent with Key Principles and
Concepts in OMB Guidance 8
Army Has Limited Performance Measures to Track the Centers’
Progress toward Key Objectives 13
Use of Standard Design Does Not Introduce Increased Liability to
Facility Projects 16
Conclusion 17
Recommendations for Executive Action 18
Agency Comments and Our Evaluation 19
Appendix I: List of Projects GAO Reviewed 21
Appendix II: Facility Types Supported by Centers of Standardization 22
Appendix III: Department of Defense Standardization Program 25
Appendix IV: Crosswalk of Key Centers of Standardization Activities and Objectives 28
Appendix V: Comments from the Department of the Army 32
Appendix VI: GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments 35
Appendix VII: Accessible Data 36
Agency Comment Letter 36
Table 1: GAO’s Assessment of the Relationship between Centers
of Standardization (Centers) Activities and Applicable
Objectives 12
Table 2: List of Standard Design Construction Projects Reviewed 21
Table 3: Staffing Levels and Facility Types Supported by Centers
of Standardization 22
Page ii Defense Infrastructure
Table 4: GAO’s Assessment of the Relationship between Centers
of Standardization Activities and Objectives 29
Figure 1. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Centers of
Standardization Geographic Locations 5
Figure 2. Organizational Chart of Army Facilities Standardization
Committee, Centers of Standardization Management
Board, and the Centers of Standardization 6
Figure 3. Figurative Comparison between Army Standard Designs
and Two Other Sets of Facility Guidelines, the
Department of Defense’s Unified Facilities Criteria and
General Army Standards 7
Figure 4: Centers of Standardization Activities Performed during
Military Construction Army Projects 10
Page iii Defense Infrastructure
Army Department of Army
ACSIM Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management
AFSP Army Facilities Standardization Program
Centers Centers of Standardization
Change Order Contract changes
Committee Army Facilities Standardization Committee
DOD Department of Defense
Facilities Criteria Unified Facilities Criteria
IMCOM Installation Management Command
MILCON Army Military Construction
OMB Office of Management and Budget
OUSD(R&E) Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for
Research and Engineering
POE Post-Occupancy Evaluation
The Board Centers of Standardization Management Board
UFGS Unified Facilities Guide Specifications
USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Page 1 Defense Infrastructure
441 G St. N.W.
Washington, DC 20548
April 22, 2020
Congressional Committees
In 2006 the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) began its Centers of
Standardization (Centers) program. Under this program, USACE
established nine Centers to develop design standards for types of
facilities that the Department of the Army (Army) constructs on a regular
basis, such as barracks, battalion headquarters, dining facilities, and
fitness centers. The objectives for Army facilities’ standardization and use
of the Centers’ standard designs include improving the design quality of
Army facilities, reducing the design and construction costs and time, and
reducing the contract changes during construction. We have previously
reported that federal construction projects typically involve some degree
of change as the projects progress. Contract changes (change orders)
are made through modifications to a contract and can occur for a variety
of reasons, including design errors and changes in user requirements.
For instance, a contractor could file a claim against the government if the
contractor felt there was a flaw in the Army’s standard design or that
using the standard design resulted in unanticipated costs during the
design or construction phase.
In March 2018 we reported that Department of Defense (DOD)
construction projects consistently faced cost overruns and schedule
Additionally, we reported that guidance for construction projects
did not fully incorporate the necessary steps for developing reliable cost
estimates. We recommended that DOD fully incorporate all 12 steps
needed for developing high-quality reliable cost estimates. As of August
2019, DOD officials told us that the department was planning to update its
cost-estimating guidance to include all 12 steps.
In addition, in July 2019 we reported that USACE does not regularly
monitor how long it takes to finalize construction contract changes, thus
limiting management’s ability to identify and respond to problems. We
recommended that the Secretary of the Army direct the Chief of
Engineers and Commanding General of the U.S. Army Corps of
See GAO, Federal Construction: Army Corps of Engineers and GSA Need to Improve
Data on Contract Changes, GAO-19-500 (Washington, DC: July 2, 2019).
GAO, Defense Infrastructure: Action Needed to Increase the Reliability of Construction
Cost Estimates, GAO-18-101 (Washington, D.C.: Mar. 27, 2018).
Page 2 Defense Infrastructure
Engineers to develop a strategy to expand on existing data and systems
to routinely collect information on and monitor the time frames for
finalizing construction contract changes at the headquarters level. DOD
agreed with this recommendation, and officials told us that DOD has
developed a corrective action plan to address the recommendation. They
estimate that this effort will be completed in August 2020.
Senate Report 115-262, accompanying a bill for the John S. McCain
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019, included a
provision for us to evaluate the effectiveness of the Centers, including
whether they are achieving their objectives.
This report assesses the
extent to which (1) the Centers have identified activities that support their
key objectives; (2) the Army tracks the Centers’ progress in meeting their
key objectives; and (3) increased liability may be introduced to the
Centers during construction when standard designs are used.
For objective one, we assessed the Centers’ roles and responsibilities
as stipulated in Army and USACE regulationsto identify activities that
the Centers undertake on construction projects. We identified eight Army
projects that were authorized in fiscal years 2014 and 2015 for our
We selected projects from those years because military
construction projects typically take multiple years to complete. Therefore,
selecting projects from this time frame increased the likelihood that the
contractor had completed construction of the projects and that the
Centers had conducted post- occupancy evaluations, which are used to
assess users’ satisfaction with completed projects.
We then compared
these activities to the objectives expressed in the Centers’ 2006 charter to
S. Rep. No. 115-262, at 402-03 (2018).
The Army documentation provided for these projects showed that five of themwhich
involved three of the nine Centersused standard designs. Of the remaining three
projects: one project was canceled, and the other two did not use standard designs. See
appendix I for a list of the projects we reviewed.
DOD guidance uses the term “post-occupancy review” and Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) guidance uses the term “post-occupancy evaluation” to refer to the process
of reviewing completed projects. For the purposes of our report, we will use post
occupancy evaluation (POE). See Army Engineer Regulation 1110-3-113, Department of
the Army Facilities Standardization Program, Appx. G (Apr. 21, 2016); OMB Circular No.
A-11, Preparation, Submission, and Execution of the Budget, Supplement, Capital
Programming Guide, Version 3.0 (December 2019).
Page 3 Defense Infrastructure
determine whether the activities supported the objectives.
We reviewed
supporting documentation for eight Army projects that the service
identified as being built using standard designs to determine whether
evidence existed to demonstrate that the Centers had engaged in these
activities. While our observations on these projects are not generalizable
to all Army projects, they illustrate the kinds of activities the Centers
engage in on Army projects that use standard designs. We further
evaluated whether the Centers’ activities are consistent with key
principles and concepts in Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
guidance to agencies for a disciplined capital programming process (for
example, federal buildings).
We also interviewed cognizant officials
concerning the Centers’ objectives and activities they engage in to
support those objectives.
For objective two, we reviewed information on processes related to the
Centers’ project documentation and performance metrics. We also
reviewed DOD annual performance reports to identify any goals and
performance measures that are related to the objectives of the Centers.
We assessed whether the project documentation, the Centers’
performance measures, and any performance measures in DOD’s annual
performance reports would assist the Centers in assessing progress
toward their three program objectives to (1) develop and refine Centers of
Standardization policies and processes; (2) assure consistent application
of standards of the Centers program; and (3) monitor the Centers’
execution to meet the overarching objectives and priorities of the Army
Facilities Standardization Program (AFSP) and standardization process.
Finally, we interviewed Centers headquarters and Army officials, including
members of the Centers of Standardization Management Board,
concerning any performance measures currently being utilized.
For objective three, we reviewed DOD and Army guidance and
regulations that address legal responsibilities related to military
construction to identify the extent to which the Centers’ role in developing
standard designs used in construction potentially exposes the Centers to
liability related to problems that arise during construction.
We reviewed
documents that relate to the Centers’ standard contracting practices and
Army Regulation 420-1, Army Facilities Management (Feb. 12, 2008) (incorporating
administrative revision, dated March 6, 2012); Army Engineer Regulation 1110-3-113.
OMB, Capital Programming Guide (December 2019).
E.g., Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), 48 C.F.R. § 52.236-23 (2020). See also FAR,
48 C.F.R. § 52.236-25 (2020) (“Requirements for Registration of Designers”).
Page 4 Defense Infrastructure
interviewed USACE legal counsel concerning any previous or potential
liability related to standard design.
We conducted this performance audit from January 2019 to April 2020 in
accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards.
Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
sufficient, appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable basis for our
findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. We believe that
the evidence obtained provides a reasonable basis for our findings and
conclusions based on our audit objectives.
The overall objective of the Army Facilities Standardization Program is to
achieve savings and benefits in the programing, design, and construction
of Army facilities of excellence.
To meet AFSP’s objectives in a timely,
efficient, and cost-effective manner, the Army established the nine
Centers in 2006 to support the AFSP, as shown in figure 1.
Army Engineer Regulation 1110-3-113. The objectives for Army facilities standardization
include, but are not limited to: (1) increased credibility with the Congress through more
consistent construction program development; (2) increased consistency in facility types
with equal treatment among Army Commands, installations, and users; (3) improved
master planning and site development activities, improved design quality, and the
promotion of design excellence; (4) simplified programming activities; (5) simplified design
and construction project management, reduced design costs and times, reduced
construction costs and time, and reduced change orders during construction; and (6)
increased customer satisfaction through improved responsiveness to user’s functional and
operational requirements.
USACE is comprised of eight divisions (geographical areas of responsibility), 43 district
offices, and nine other organizations serving specific functional needs. In five instances,
the division headquarters and district office are collocated.
Page 5 Defense Infrastructure
Figure 1. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Centers of Standardization Geographic Locations
The AFSP operates under the direction of the Army Facilities
Standardization Committee (Committee). As shown in figure 2 below, the
Committee is chaired by the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation
Management (ACSIM) and composed of members from USACE and the
U.S. Army Installation Management Command (IMCOM). Each of these
offices has representatives who are either full-fledged or advisory
members of the Centers of Standardization Management Board (the
Board). The Board members directly oversee the activities of the Centers
and are responsible for developing performance measures and reporting
them to the Committee.
Page 6 Defense Infrastructure
Figure 2. Organizational Chart of Army Facilities Standardization Committee,
Centers of Standardization Management Board, and the Centers of Standardization
The Centers have primary responsibility for developing and managing
Army standard design packages for designated facility types. The
Centers, among other things, ensure that these standard designs and
construction of projects comply with two other sets of facility guidelines:
DOD’s Unified Facilities Criteria (Facilities Criteria) and general Army
· As we previously reported, the Facilities Criteria are overarching,
DOD-wide technical manuals and standards used for planning,
design, construction, restoration, and maintenance of DOD facility
projects. These criteria must be used to the greatest extent possible
by all DOD components.
They are developed through the joint
efforts of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Naval Facilities
Engineering Command, and the Air Force Civil Engineer Center, and
they are approved by the Engineer Senior Executive Panel of the
Unified Facilities Criteria Program.
For more information on DOD’s Unified Facilities Criteria, see as maintained by the National
Institute of Building Sciences and the Department of Defense.
Page 7 Defense Infrastructure
· According to Army Regulation 420-1, Army standards are the immutable,
unchanging, required facility elements and criteria that define the
fundamental purpose and function of a facility’s design and
These Army standards are authorized by the Committee.
Army standard designs define the facility key components, features, and
characteristics that must be included in the design and construction or
major renovation of all facilities of the same type regardless of location,
available funding, command preferences, or installation mission.
Essentially, Army standard designs may consist of architectural and
engineering drawings as well as written design specifications that a
construction team can easily adapt or modify for site-specific
Figure 3 below compares Army standard designs with Facilities Criteria
and general Army standards.
Figure 3. Figurative Comparison between Army Standard Designs and Two Other
Sets of Facility Guidelines, the Department of Defense’s Unified Facilities Criteria
and General Army Standards
In addition to developing and managing Army standard design packages,
the Centers’ staff function principally as engineering and architectural
consultants within larger project teams as they monitor and oversee the
appropriate use of Army standard designs (as well as any incorporated
Army standards or Facilities Criteria). According to Centers officials, 12
full-time and 21 part-time staff are currently dedicated to the Centers.
Staff are located in USACE headquarters in Washington, D.C., as well as
in eight USACE districts and one Engineering and Support Center. Each
Army Regulation 420-1, Army Facilities Management, Appx. G (Feb. 12, 2008)
(incorporating administrative revision, dated March 6, 2019).
Page 8 Defense Infrastructure
Center specializes in and is responsible for specific facility types and their
designs. While the Centers support the Army’s overall efforts for
standardization, not every Army facility is built according to a standard
Appropriate Centers staff are required to review every proposed
Army construction project at its outset and, if an installation has requested
a waiver from an existing Army standard or standard design, all voting
members of the Committee may authorize waivers in accordance with
certain procedures. According to Centers officials, Army standard designs
have been developed for about 70 regularly constructed facility types out
of the Army’s nearly 900 facility types. For example, the Army has
standard designs for fire stations, chapels, dining facilities, and weapons
storage. (See appendix II for a listing of the 70 facility types that currently
have standard designs or for which standard designs are under
According to Centers officials, the Centers’ 70 facility types account for
approximately 60 percent of Army Military Construction (MILCON)
projects and represent an estimated 55 percent to 70 percent of the
overall Army MILCON budget for any given year.
(See appendix III for
information on overall DOD standardization program, including the Navy
and Air Force standard design programs.) In fiscal year 2019, the Centers
reported a combined annual budget of about $6.2 million for their
operations and personnel.
The Centers identified and engaged in a number of activities designed to
support the key objectives found in their charter and these activities are
consistent with key principles and concepts in OMB guidance for a
disciplined capital programming process. The Centers’ charter includes
Specifically, standard design applies to specific facility types that are funded through the
Military Construction, Army accounts. Standard designs do not apply to facilities
constructed by USACE for other military services or components.
In fiscal year 2019 this would amount to between $556 million and $708 million for
projects using Army standard designs.
Page 9 Defense Infrastructure
the following three objectives: (1) developing and refining Centers’
policies and processes; (2) assuring consistent application of standards of
the Centers program; and (3) monitoring the Centers’ execution to meet
the overarching objectives and priorities of the AFSP and standardization
To meet the three objectives, the Centers engage in different
activities throughout the military construction process. Figure 4 below
shows the various points at which the Centers are involved in the life-
cycle of a military construction project and examples of the activities in
which the Centers engage. For example, Engineer Regulation 1110-3-
113 states that during the design phase of projects, the Centers maintain
a lead role and will be the technical lead for coordination, review, and
acceptance of design deliverables, including providing field technical
assistance, identifying and advising when a waiver is required and
coordinating with appropriate authorities in this matter, and reviewing and
editing requests for proposal documentsactivities that according to our
analysis support the Centers’ second objective.
The AFSP objectives include (1) increased credibility with Congress through more
consistent construction program development; (2) increased consistency in facility types
with equal treatment among Army Commands, installations, and users; (3) improved
master planning and site development activities, improved design quality, and the
promotion of design excellence; (4) simplified programming activities; (5) simplified design
and construction project management, reduced design costs and times, reduced
construction costs and time, and reduced change orders during construction; and (6)
increased customer satisfaction through improved responsiveness to user’s functional and
operational requirements.
Army Engineer Regulation 1110-3-113, Department of the Army Facilities
Standardization Program (April 21, 2016).
Page 10 Defense Infrastructure
Figure 4: Centers of Standardization Activities Performed during Military
Construction Army Projects
Based on our review of supporting documentation from five projects that
used standard designs, we found that the Centers were undertaking the
activities mentioned above.
In addition, activities in which the Centers
engaged during the design, construction, and post-construction phases of
these projects were consistent with key principles and concepts in OMB
Specifically, we found evidence that, for these five projects,
Centers’ staff participated as integrated members of the project delivery
teams in planning meetings, design reviews, assessments of the need for
standard design waivers, value engineering studies, and life-cycle cost
analyses during the projects’ design and construction phases. These
activities were consistent with key principles and concepts in OMB
guidance for a disciplined capital planning process, including that
agencies should use integrated project teams, as appropriate, to manage
We requested and received supporting documentation for seven Army military
construction projects initially authorized in fiscal years 2014 and 2015. Five of these
projects utilized standard designs and the other two projects did not.
OMB Circular No. A-11, Preparation, Submission, and Execution of the Budget,
Supplement, Capital Programming Guide, Version 3.0 (December 2019). The purpose of
the Capital Programming Guide is to provide professionals in the federal government
guidance for a disciplined capital programming process, as well as techniques for planning
and budgeting, acquisition, and management and disposition of capital assets. The
Capital Programming Guide also provides agencies flexibility in how they implement the
key principles and concepts discussed.
Page 11 Defense Infrastructure
the various capital programming phases or major acquisition programs
within the agency.
In addition, we found that other Centers’ activitiesperforming post-
occupancy evaluations (POE) and updating standard designs when
applicablewere also consistent with key principles and concepts in
OMB guidance for a disciplined capital planning process. For instance,
we found that a POE was completed for one project, a post-occupancy
questionnaire was completed for another project, a POE was planned
during fiscal year 2020 for a third project, and a fourth project was still
under construction.
According to OMB capital programming guidance,
POEs are tools to evaluate the overall effectiveness of an agency’s
capital acquisition process. The primary objectives of a POE include (1)
identifying how accurately a project meets its objectives, expected
benefits, and strategic goals of the agency and (2) ensuring the continual
improvement of an agency’s capital-programming process based on
lessons learned. The guidance identifies factors to be considered for
evaluation in conducting a POE, such as standards and compliance,
customer/user satisfaction, and cost savings. The guidance also notes
that a POE should generally be conducted 12 months after the project
has been occupied, to allow time for the tenant to evaluate the building’s
performance and relevant aspects of project delivery. However, the
guidance allows agencies some flexibility in the timing of a POE to meet
their unique needs if 12 months is not the optimal timing to conduct the
Our review of Centers guidance and project documents also found that
the Centers’ activities supported the Centers’ objectives as well as AFSP
objectives and priorities. In addition, Centers officials emphasized that the
Centers participate in all Army standard design construction projects to
ensure that the facility designs support the objectives of the AFSP,
specifically improving the programing, design, and construction processes
for Army facilities. As shown in table 1 and further outlined below, we
OMB, Capital Programming Guide (December 2019). Value-engineering is a federal and
commercially recognized systematic process of reviewing and analyzing project
requirements, among other things, for the purpose of achieving the essential functions at
the lowest facility life-cycle cost consistent with required levels of performance, reliability,
quality, or safety. Life-cycle cost is the total cost of a building or other product, computed
over its useful life. It includes all relevant costs involved in acquiring, owning, operating,
maintaining, and disposing of the facility over a specified period of time. See OMB Circular
No. A-131, Value Engineering (Dec. 26, 2013).
According to Centers officials, a POE is not required for the fifth project because a
waiver of the requirement to use the current standard design was approved.
Page 12 Defense Infrastructure
assessed whether the Centers’ activities undertaken on standard design
construction projects were applicable to the Centers’ objectives. Then, for
those that were applicable, we determined whether those activities
supported the Centers’ objectives. (See appendix IV for a detailed
analysis of how the Centers activities support the program’s objectives.)
Table 1: GAO’s Assessment of the Relationship between Centers of Standardization (Centers) Activities and Applicable
Centers of Standardization
Objective 1:
Developing and
refining Centers
policies and
Objective 2:
Assuring consistent
application of Centers’
Objective 3:
Monitoring Centers execution to meet the
overarching objectives and priorities of the
Army Facilities Standardization Program
(AFSP) and standardization process?
Development of Army standards
and Army standard designs
Planning meetings
Design reviews
Value engineering
Life cycle cost analysis
Post occupancy evaluation
Authorizing standard design
Legend: n/a: not applicable
Source: GAO analysis of Centers of Standardization information. | GAO-20-303
Value-engineering is a systematic process of reviewing and analyzing project requirements, among
other things, for the purpose of achieving the essential functions at the lowest facility life-cycle cost
consistent with required levels of performance, reliability, quality, or safety.
Life-cycle cost is the total cost of a building or other product computed over its useful life. It includes
all relevant costs involved in acquiring, owning, operating, maintaining, and disposing of the facility
over a specified period of time.
· Centers use POEs to evaluate standard designs: We found, for
example, that the POEs led by the Centers are designed to evaluate
whether the project met fundamental Army functional and mission
requirements, whether the project implemented Army standard design,
and whether improvements to the design could be made. These reviews
support Centers objectives 1, 2, and 3developing and refining Centers’
policies and processes, consistently applying Army standard designs,
and supporting AFSP objectives and prioritiesby identifying areas of
the design needing improvement, evaluating whether a facility was
constructed in accordance with the approved project design, and eliciting
customer feedback concerning whether the finished facility meets
mission requirements.
Page 13 Defense Infrastructure
· Centers review standard design waivers: The Centers review an
installation’s waiver request and advise whether a waiver to Army
standards or standard designs is required for that specific project. This
process supports Centers objectives 1, 2, and 3developing and refining
Centers’ policies and processes, consistently applying Army standard
designs, and supporting AFSP objectives and priorities. Specifically, part
of the waiver review and approval process is the Centers’ assessing
whether a waiver request represents a unique need of a specific end user
or a possible permanent change to the Army standard design or Unified
Facilities Criteria. In addition, if the Centers waive the use of or approve
deviations from standard design prior to the beginning of the construction
phase, it may reduce the number of change orders that occur during
The Army, through its Centers of Standardization Management Board, is
responsible for oversight of the Centers and has performance measures
to track their progress in achieving one of their three key objectives.
However, the Army does not have performance measures for assessing
progress for their other two objectives.
The Board provides oversight to the Centers in support of the AFSP. The
Board members are responsible for developing, implementing, and
reporting on program metrics. The Centers’ Charter of 2006 broadly
identifies the mission and objectives of the Board, while more recent
program guidance and regulations describe its functions in more detail.
The Charter states that the mission of the Board is to provide corporate
oversight and consistent Centers execution in support of the AFSP.
See Army Regulation 420-1, Army Facilities Management (Feb. 12, 2008) (incorporating
administrative revision, dated March 6, 2019); Army Engineer Regulation 1110-3-113,
Department of the Army Facilities Standardization Program (April 21, 2016).
Page 14 Defense Infrastructure
In overseeing the Centers, it is key that the Board has performance
measures that provide it with evaluative information to help make
decisions about the programinformation that tells them whether, and
why, a program is working well or not. Performance measurement is the
ongoing monitoring and reporting of program accomplishments,
particularly progress toward pre-established goals. It is typically
conducted by program or agency management and is critical for providing
information concerning whether a program is working well or not.
Performance measures may address the type or level of program
activities conducted (processes), the direct products and services
delivered by a program (outputs), or the results of those products and
services (outcomes).
The Army has a performance measure to support its first key objective.
Each fiscal year, the nine Centers develop budget execution plans that
outline how they will support the design standards for the specific facility
types for which they have responsibility. In these plans, the Centers
establish goals for updating specific existing standard designs and
developing new standard designs (that is, the output from the Centers’
efforts). The Board’s primary oversight process consists of monitoring
program execution of the nine Centers. According to Center officials, the
Board reviews these execution plans at the semi-annual board meetings
to determine whether the Centers are executing as planned, that is have
the Centers met their goals for updating and developing standard
designs. We found that this oversight process enables the Board to
assess the progress each of the Centers has made toward achieving its
goals for updating existing standard designs and developing new ones.
For example, in fiscal year 2017 the Fort Worth Center completed all four
of its planned standard design updates, and the Honolulu Center
completed three of its four planned updates.
We also found that the Board does not evaluate progress toward ensuring
that the Centers consistently apply standard designs across the Centers
GAO, Performance Measurement and Evaluation: Definitions and Relationships,
GAO-11-646SP (Washington, D.C.: May 2011). A program is defined as any activity,
project, function, or policy that has an identifiable purpose or set of objectives.
Page 15 Defense Infrastructure
of Standardization program (second objective of the Centers).
Specifically, as shown in table 1 above, the Centers engage in a number
of activities that support the consistent application of Centers standards
on a project-by-project basis.
However, the Board does not maintain,
consolidate, or analyze information about how frequently the Centers
engage in such activities, or how the Centers’ activities affect the
program. That is because, according to Army and Centers officials,
neither the Board nor the Centers have developed and implemented
performance measures to assess the progress the Centers are making in
ensuring that standard designs are consistently used. Absent such
measures, the Army lacks assurance that standard designs are being
applied, when appropriate, and that standard designs are being applied
consistently across the service.
In fact, to provide the project-specific documentation that we reviewed,
the Centers needed to request documents from the USACE district office
responsible for the projects. According to Centers officials, this was
necessary because the Centers currently do not have a document
management system in which project documentation is stored. Instead,
as the USACE organization responsible for specific projects, each district
maintains its own project records. The officials stated that USACE
recently moved to a cloud-based system for storing project documents
and is exploring whether this system could provide a more central
document storage system. We note that having access to such
information, along with creating appropriate performance measures, could
enable the Board to measure whether progress has been made in
ensuring that standard designs are applied consistently.
In addition, we found that the Board does not evaluate whether the
Centers are making progress in supporting the objectives and priorities of
the AFSP (third objective of the Centers). One of the objectives of the
AFSP is to reduce design costs and time, construction costs and time,
and the number of change orders issued during construction. Although
Army and Centers officials told us that the use of standard designs
reduces project costs, time, and change orders, they could not provide
supporting data. That is because, according to Army and Centers
officials, neither the Board nor the Centers have developed and
implemented performance measures to assess the effects of the use of
standard designs. Creating such measures could enable the Army to
See appendix IV for details of the specific activities the Centers engage in and the
objectives these actions support.
Page 16 Defense Infrastructure
assess the extent to which the Centers are reducing design costs and
time, construction costs and time, and the number of change orders
DOD’s Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Performance Plan and Fiscal Year 2018
Annual Performance Report established a goal of simplifying, delivering
faster, and reducing costs of product and service procurement. One of the
performance measures associated with this goal was to reduce cost
overruns and schedule delays by up to 50 percent for military construction
projects. Developing and implementing performance measures related to
reducing design costs and time, construction costs and time, and the
number of change orders issued would enable the Centers to
demonstrate the extent to which they are supporting DOD’s annual
performance goals.
We found that the use of the standard design does not introduce
increased liability for the Centers if issues arise during a construction
project. Centers officials stated that a contractor could file a claim against
the government if the contractor felt there was a flaw in the Army’s
standard design or that using the standard design resulted in
unanticipated costs during the design or construction phase. However,
Centers officials stated that there have been no instances in which any of
the Centers was a party to legal action related to the use of a standard
According to Centers officials, the design for a facility project is typically
developed by one of the USACE district offices or an architect-engineer
contractor. Further, these officials stated that while the pertinent Army
standard design guides the development of Army project designs, the
final project design, certified by the USACE district office or an
architecture/engineering contractor, represents the plan for a specific
project. In addition, according to the Federal Acquisition Regulation
(FAR), the architect-engineer contractor is responsible for the
professional quality, technical accuracy, and coordination of all designs,
drawings, specifications, and other services furnished by the contractor
Page 17 Defense Infrastructure
under its contract.
Furthermore, the FAR states that the contractor
shall, without additional compensation, correct or revise any errors or
deficiencies in its designs, drawings, specifications, and other services.
The FAR also stipulates that the contractor may be liable for government
costs resulting from errors or deficiencies in designs furnished under the
Consequently, according to USACE officials, because the
Centers are not responsible for the design of a specific project, they
would not have increased liability in the event that changes were required
during construction.
The Centers of Standardization develop and update Army standards and
Army standard designs within the Army Facilities Standardization
Program. In addition, the Centers are responsible for ensuring that the
design and construction of Army military construction projects comply with
approved Army standards and Unified Facilities Criteria. While the Army
tracks the Centers’ program execution related to the Centers’ efforts to
develop new and update existing standard designs (first objective of the
Centers), it does not have performance measures for assessing progress
toward the Centers’ other two objectives. Specifically, the Army does not
have performance measures in place to assess the progress the Centers
have made toward assuring consistent application of standards from the
Centers’ program (second objective of the Centers) or monitoring the
Centers’ execution to meet the overarching objectives and priorities of the
AFSP and standardization process (third objective of the Centers)
including, among other things, reducing design costs and time,
construction costs and time, and change orders during construction. This
hinders the Centers’ ability to determine how well they are supporting the
objectives of both the Army Facility Standardization Program and DOD’s
annual performance plans, as well as the Centers’ ability to demonstrate
the extent to which they are achieving their objectives.
Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), 48 C.F.R. § 52.236-23 (2020). See also FAR, 48
C.F.R. § 52.236-25 (2020) (“Requirements for Registration of Designers”).
Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), 48 C.F.R. § 52.236-23 (2020).
FAR, 48 C.F.R. § 36.608 (2020). See also FAR, 48 C.F.R. § 36.609-2 (2020) (“Redesign
Responsibility for Design Errors or Deficiencies”); FAR, 48 C.F.R. § 36.609-4 (2020)
(“Requirements for the Registration of Designers”)
Page 18 Defense Infrastructure
We are making two recommendations to the Secretary of the Army.
The Secretary of the Army should ensure that the Assistant Chief of Staff
for Installation Management, in conjunction with the Centers of
Standardization and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, establish and
implement performance measures to assess the progress the Centers are
making in ensuring that standard designs are used consistently.
(Recommendation 1)
The Secretary of the Army should ensure that the Assistant Chief of Staff
for Installation Management, in conjunction with the Centers of
Standardization and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, establish and
implement performance measures to assess the effects of the use of
standard designs, specifically the progress the Centers are making in
reducing design costs and time, construction costs and time, and change
orders. (Recommendation 2)
Page 19 Defense Infrastructure
We provided a draft of this report to the Department of the Army for
review and comment. In its written comments, the Army concurred with
both of our recommendations, and stated it would take actions to
implement them. The Army’s comments are printed in their entirety in
appendix V.
We are sending copies of this report to the appropriate congressional
committees; the Secretary of Defense and the Secretaries of the Army,
Navy, and Air Force.
In addition, the report is available at no charge on the GAO website at
If you or your staff have any questions concerning this report, please
contact Diana Maurer at (202) 512-9627 or m[email protected]. Contact
points for our Offices of Congressional Relations and Public Affairs may
be found on the last page of this report. Key contributors to this report are
listed in appendix VI.
Diana Maurer
Director, Defense Capabilities
and Management
Page 20 Defense Infrastructure
List of Committees
The Honorable James M. Inhofe
The Honorable Jack Reed
Ranking Member
Committee on Armed Services
United States Senate
The Honorable John Boozman
The Honorable Brian Schatz
Ranking Member
Subcommittee on Military Construction,
Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies
Committee on Appropriations
United States Senate
The Honorable Adam Smith
The Honorable Mac Thornberry
Ranking Member
Committee on Armed Services
House of Representatives
The Honorable Debbie Wasserman Schultz
The Honorable John R. Carter
Ranking Member
Subcommittee on Military Construction,
Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies
Committee on Appropriations
House of Representatives
Appendix I: List of Projects GAO Reviewed
Page 21 Defense Infrastructure
Table 2: List of Standard Design Construction Projects Reviewed
Responsible Center of
Unmanned aerial
vehicle hanger
Fort Irwin,
Battlefield weather
support facility
Fort Campbell,
Tactical equipment
maintenance facility
Joint Base Lewis-
Advanced infantry
training barracks
Joint Base Langley-
Eustis, Virginia
Fort Worth
Advanced infantry
training barracks
Fort Gordon,
Fort Worth
Source: Centers of Standardization information | GAO-20-303
Appendix II: Facility Types Supported by
Centers of Standardization
Page 22 Defense Infrastructure
According to Centers officials, a total of 12 full-time and 21 part-time staff
are assigned to the Centers of Standardization. Each Center specializes
in and is responsible for specific facility types and their designs. Table 3
below lists the current staffing levels and the facility types supported by
each of the Centers.
Table 3: Staffing Levels and Facility Types Supported by Centers of Standardization
Centers of standardization
(location, staff, scope)
Seventy facility types
supported by standard design
Fort Worth, Texas
· 2 full-time, 2 part-time
· 10 facility types, including 1 under
1. Advanced individual training complex
2. Basic training and one station unit complex
3. Central issue facility
4. General purpose warehouse
5. Reception barracks
6. Starship renovation
7. Unaccompanied enlisted personnel housing
8. Unit supply support facility
9. Warriors in transition complex
10. Advanced survivable test battery (under development)
Honolulu, Hawaii
· 0 full-time, 2 part-time
· 2 facility types
11. Senior leaders quarters
12. Transient officer’s quarters
Appendix II: Facility Types Supported by
Centers of Standardization
Page 23 Defense Infrastructure
Centers of standardization
(location, staff, scope)
Seventy facility types
supported by standard design
Huntsville, Alabama
· 2 full-time, 2 part-time
· 17 facility types
13. Army community service center
14. Automated record fire range
15. Basic 10M-25M firing range
16. Battle command training center
17. Child development center
18. Combat pistol MP firearms qualification course
19. Directorate of emergency services facility
20. Fire station
21. Live fire exercise shoothouse
22. Modified record fire range
23. Outdoor sports facilities
24. Physical fitness facility
25. School age center
26. Solder family service center
27. Training support center
28. Urban assault course
29. Youth center
Louisville, Kentucky
· 0 full-time, 3 part-time
· 2 facility types
30. Judicial center with courtroom
31. Operational readiness training complex
Mobile, Alabama
· 2 full-time, 3 part-time
· 4 facility types
32. Attack/reconnaissance/assault battalion hanger
33. Aviation support battalion hanger
34. General support aviation battalion hanger
35. Unmanned aircraft systems hanger
Norfolk, Virginia
· 1 full-time, 2 part-time
· 8 facility types
36. Army family housing
37. Automated-aided instruction
38. Criminal investigation command
39. General instruction building
40. Information systems facility
41. Military entrance processing station
42. Non-commissioned officer academy
43. Permanent party enlisted dining facility
Omaha, Nebraska
· 1 full-time, 2 part-time
· 5 facility types
44. Access control points
45. Chapels
46. Family life center
47. Initial entry training chapels
48. Religious education facilities
Appendix II: Facility Types Supported by
Centers of Standardization
Page 24 Defense Infrastructure
Centers of standardization
(location, staff, scope)
Seventy facility types
supported by standard design
Savannah, Georgia
· 2 full-time, 3 part-time
· 5 facility types
49. Battlefield weather support facility
50. Brigade/battalion headquarters
51. Company operations facility
52. Echelons above brigade command & control facility
53. Tactical equipment maintenance facility
Winchester, Virginia
· Center for nonpermanent facilities
· 2 full-time, 2 part-time
· 17 facility types
54. Envelopes
55. Administration
56. Billeting
57. Brief/assembly classroom
58. Dining
59. Fire station
60. Force protection
61. Headquarters
62. Joint operation center
63. Latrine
64. Laundry
65. Medical
66. Morale, welfare, and recreation-fitness
67. Officer quarters
68. Religious
69. Tactical operation center
70. Weapon storage
Source: Centers of Standardization information | GAO-20-303
The Starship facilities are similar in function to the Basic Combat Training complexes and house
1,200 soldiers. A Starship includes barrack accommodations, latrines, classrooms and a detached
dining facility.
Envelopes represent seven temporary facility types that can be adapted to meet the specific needs
of the user.
Appendix III: Department of Defense
Standardization Program
Page 25 Defense Infrastructure
The Department of Defense’s (DOD) department-wide standardization
program has the goals of improving military operational readiness,
reducing total ownership costs, and reducing cycle time. Overseen by the
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
(OUSD(R&E)), the Department of Defense Standardization Program is
described in DOD Manual 4120.24, which outlines its governing council,
definitions, and procedures that apply to all components within the
Under the Defense Standardization Program, DOD component heads
ensure that materiel standardization, including information technology and
facilities, is addressed throughout the acquisition process. The three
overarching goals of the Defense Standardization Program are to (1)
improve military operational readiness, (2) reduce total ownership costs of
the department, and (3) reduce cycle times. The manual also defines the
following terms:
· Standard. A document that establishes uniform engineering or technical
criteria, methods, processes, and practices.
· Standardization. The process of developing and agreeing on (by
consensus or decision) uniform engineering criteria for products,
processes, practices, and methods for achieving compatibility,
interoperability, interchangeability, or commonality of materiel.
· Defense standard. A document that establishes uniform engineering
and technical requirements for military-unique or substantially modified
commercial processes, procedures, practices, and methods. There are
five types of defense standards: interface standards, design criteria
standards, manufacturing process standards, standard practices, and
test method standards.
DOD Manual 4120.24, Defense Standardization Program (DSP) Procedures (Sept. 24,
2014) (incorporating change 2, effective Oct. 15, 2018).
Appendix III: Department of Defense
Standardization Program
Page 26 Defense Infrastructure
DOD’s Unified Facilities Criteria (Facilities Criteria) and Unified Facilities
Guide Specifications (UFGS) provide facility planning, design,
construction, operation and maintenance, sustainment, restoration, and
modernization criteria for facility owned by the DOD. The Facilities
Criteria contain technical guidance; introduce new and innovative
technology; or provide mandatory requirements to implement laws,
regulations, executive orders, and policies prescribed by higher authority
documents. The Facilities Criteria also define performance and quality
requirements for facilities to support their mission throughout their life
cycle. According to DOD guidance, the Facilities Criteria provide the most
current operationally effective, cost-efficient, and safe criteria at the time
of publication.
Both the Facilities Criteria and UFGS are developed
through the joint efforts of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Naval
Facilities Engineering Command, and the Air Force Civil Engineer Center,
and are approved by the Engineer Senior Executive Panel of the Unified
Facilities Criteria Program.
The Facilities Criteria and UFGS systems were designed not only to
establish uniformity among defense facilities, but to standardize and
streamline the process for developing, maintaining, and disseminating
construction criteria. The procedures for the development and
maintenance of the Unified Criteria and Unified Specifications are outlined
in Military Standard 3007G, which is updated by the Engineering Senior
Executive Panel.
Each military department (Army, Navy, and Air Force) has its own
facilities standardization program that implements the Unified Criteria and
Unified Specifications as well as service-specific facilities criteria,
standards, and guides. The Army’s program, known as the Army Facilities
Standardization Program (AFSP), is the oldest among the three
departments, having been initiated in 1993. Due largely to the unique
construction needs of the Army, the AFSP is the most complex and
DOD Military Standard 3007G, Department of Defense Standard Practice Unified
Facilities Criteria, Facilities Criteria and Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (Nov. 1,
DOD Military Standard 3007G, Department of Defense Standard Practice Unified
Facilities Criteria, Facilities Criteria and Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (Nov. 1,
2019). Members of the Engineering Senior Executive Panel include: the Deputy Under
Secretary of Defense for Facility Management; the Chief of Engineering and Construction
of the Army Corps of Engineers; the Chief Engineer of the Naval Facilities Engineering
Command; and the Deputy Director of Civil Engineers, Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics,
Engineering and Force Protection, Headquarters, U.S. Air Force.
Appendix III: Department of Defense
Standardization Program
Page 27 Defense Infrastructure
comprehensive of the facility standardization programs.
It utilizes two
levels of guidance for standardized facility types: a broad standard, called
“Army Standards,” and a specific standard, called “Standard Design.” The
Department of the Navy program began in 2014 and provides policy and
standards for the design development, and revision of Navy project
documents in Navy and Marine Corps Design and Facilities Criteria, while
the Air Force program was started in 2016 and provides criteria in an Air
Force Instruction for design and construction of Air Force facilities.
Specifically, while the Army has standard designs for 70 facility types, the Navy and Air
Force programs have standard designs for nine and 23 facility types, respectively. In
addition, while the Navy program has a standard format, it does not contain the same level
of specific design information that is contained in the Army standard designs. Similarly, the
Air Force program provides basic floor plans for the 23 facility types for which it has a
standard design. While these designs do include the various functional modules needed
for the facility, the level of detail included in the design does not provide the same level of
detail as the Army’s standard.
Navy Facilities Criteria 1-300-09N, Navy and Marine Corps Design Procedures (May 1,
2014) (incorporating change 4, effective June 14, 2018); Air Force Instruction 32-1023,
Designing and Constructing Military Construction Projects (Nov. 19, 2015).
Appendix IV: Crosswalk of Key Centers of
Standardization Activities and Objectives
Page 28 Defense Infrastructure
The Centers of Standardization (Centers) undertake a number of
activities designed to support the key objectives found in their charter,
which includes supporting the objectives of the Army Facilities
Standardization Program (AFSP). Table 4 identifies each of these
activities along with the specific objectives that we determined the
activities support.
· Centers objectives:
· developing and refining Centers of Standardization policies and
· assuring consistent application of standards of the Centers’ program, and
· monitoring the Centers’ execution to meet the overarching objectives of
the AFSP and standardization process.
· AFSP Objectives:
· increased credibility with the Congress through more consistent
construction program development,
· increased consistency in facility types with equal treatment among Army
Commands, installations, and users,
· improved master planning and site development activities, improved
design quality, and the promotion of design excellence,
· simplified programming activities,
· simplified design and construction project management, reduced design
costs and times, reduced construction costs and time, and reduced
change orders during construction, and
· increased customer satisfaction through improved responsiveness to
users’ functional and operational requirements.
Appendix IV: Crosswalk of Key Centers of
Standardization Activities and Objectives
Page 29 Defense Infrastructure
Table 4: GAO’s Assessment of the Relationship between Centers of Standardization Activities and Objectives
Center of Standardization (Centers) objectives being supported
Developing Army standards and Army
standard designsUnder the Army
Facilities Standardization Program (AFSP),
the Centers are responsible for developing
and updating both Army standards and
Army standard designs. Both of these must
also comply with Unified Facilities Criteria
established by DOD.
Centers objective 1: Developing and Refining Policies and Processes The Army
standards and Army standard designs are the basis for designing facilities;
consequently, Centers’ activity that develops and refines either Army standards or Army
standard designs supports this objective.
Centers objective 3: Supporting AFSP Objectives and Priorities Supports three of
the Army facilities standardization objectives. (1) Supports the objective of increased
consistency in facility types by developing new Army standards and Army standard
designs and updating these designs as needed based on user input and changes in
operating requirements. (2) Supports the objective of improved master planning and site
development activities, improved design quality, and the promotion of design excellence
by providing approved standards for use on certain facility types. (3) Supports the
reduction of design costs and times by providing the basic designs for facility types,
which is likely to reduce design costs and times.
Centers participation in planning
meetings Personnel share information
and document site development work that
the USACE Geographic District is required
to perform in preparation for integrating the
standard design into the site, coordinating
utilities, and combining site and facility
Leadership in Energy and Environmental
Design strategy, among other things.
Centers objective 1: Developing and Refining Policies and Processes
Participating in the planning process enables the Centers to identify updates needed in
the standard design to satisfy emerging requirements.
Centers objective 2: Consistently Applying Standard Design Participating in the
planning process for the construction project enables the Centers to ensure that
standard design is considered and incorporated appropriately.
Centers objective 3: Supporting AFSP Objectives and Priorities Supports three of
the Army facilities standardization objectives. (1) Supports the objective of increased
consistency in facility types in that the Centers, which are responsible for creating,
updating, and ensuring the use of standard designs, participate in the planning process
for current construction projects that incorporate standard designs. (2) Supports the
objective to improve master planning and site development activities, improved design
quality, and the promotion of design excellence in that the Centers participate in the site
development activities and work with the end users to incorporate unique requirements
into the design. (3) Supports the objective to increase customer satisfaction by
incorporating unique user requirements into the design process as appropriate.
Conducting design reviews At various
times during the design process, the
Centers review the design to determine if it
complies with the standard design
requirements. The Centers reviewer
provides detailed written comments about
the design, to which the designer of
responsibility responds and resolves prior
to design approval.
Centers objective 2: Consistently Applying Standard Design The Centers’
participation in the review of proposed design ensures that standard design is
considered for the construction project and results in an approved design that
incorporates the standard design.
Centers objective 3: Supporting AFSP Objectives and Priorities Supports three of
the Army facilities standardization objectives. (1) Supports the objective of increased
consistency in facility types in that the Centers, which are responsible for creating,
updating, and ensuring the use of standard designs, review the proposed designs for
construction projects and incorporate standard designs into the design process for
current projects. (2) Supports the objective to improve master planning and site
development activities, improved design quality, and the promotion of design excellence
in that the Centers participate in the site development activities and work with the end
users to incorporate unique requirements into the design. (3) Supports the objective to
increase customer satisfaction by incorporating unique user requirements into the design
process as appropriate.
Appendix IV: Crosswalk of Key Centers of
Standardization Activities and Objectives
Page 30 Defense Infrastructure
Center of Standardization (Centers) objectives being supported
Conducting value engineering studies
Centers personnel study the functions a
project is supposed to achieve and identify
alternative ways to achieve the equivalent
function while increasing the value and the
benefit ratio of the project.
Centers objective 2: Consistently Applying Standard Design Supports this
objective in that the studies ensure that standard design is utilized unless a more cost-
effective or a more functional alternative would better serve the end user of the project.
Centers objective 3: Supporting AFSP Objectives and Priorities Supports four of
the Army facilities standardization objectives. (1) Supports the objective of increased
consistency in facility types in that the studies identify the instances in which standard
design can be altered. (2) Supports the objective to improve master planning and site
development activities, improved design quality, and the promotion of design excellence
in that the studies identify project specific exceptions to standard design. (3) Supports
the reduction of construction costs through incorporation of acceptable design changes
that provide greater value and/or benefits and the reduced change orders by
incorporating changes upfront rather than during the construction process. (4) Supports
the objective to increase customer satisfaction in that the studies incorporate alternative
design options that will satisfy the functional requirements of the project that provide
greater value and/or benefits to the user.
Conducting life-cycle cost analyses
Life-cycle cost analyses explore the
feasibility of alternative approaches for
meeting the user needs for a specific
Centers objective 1: Developing and Refining Policies and Processes Supports
this objective in that the Centers participate in the planning process, which enables them
to identify updates needed in the standard design to satisfy emerging requirements.
Centers objective 2: Consistently Applying Standard Design Supports this
objective in that the Centers consider standard design in the planning process for the
construction project, which ensures that standard design is considered and incorporated
Centers objective 3: Supporting AFSP Objectives and Priorities Supports three of
the Army facilities standardization objectives. (1) Supports the objective of increased
consistency in facility types in that the Centers, which are responsible for creating,
updating, and ensuring the use of standard designs, participate in the planning process
for construction projects by incorporating standard designs into the planning process for
current projects. (2) Supports the objective to improve master planning and site
development activities, improved design quality, and the promotion of design excellence
in that the Centers participate in site development activities and work with the end users
to incorporate unique requirements into the design. (3) Supports the objective to
increase customer satisfaction in that the analyses incorporate unique user requirements
into the design process as appropriate.
Centers participation in post occupancy
reviews Post-occupancy reviews
evaluate whether a facility meets the Army
standard design. Center personnel identify
and evaluate discrepancies to determine
their cause and whether revisions to the
standards are needed.
Centers objective 1: Developing and Refining Policies and Processes Supports
this objective in that the Centers identify instances in which standard design needs to be
updated or revised.
Centers objective 2: Consistently Applying Standard Design Supports this
objective in that the Centers identify and advise when waivers are required to ensure
that there is sufficient justification when facilities do not use standard designs.
Centers objective 3: Supporting AFSP Objectives and Priorities Supports two of
the Army facilities standardization objectives. (1) Supports the objective to improve
master planning and site development activities, improve design quality, and promote
design excellence in that the Centers review recommended changes for inclusion in
updates to the standards. (2) Supports the objective to increase customer satisfaction
through improved responsiveness to users’ functional and operational requirements in
that the Centers consider recommended changes based on user needs for inclusion in
the updates to the standards.
Appendix IV: Crosswalk of Key Centers of
Standardization Activities and Objectives
Page 31 Defense Infrastructure
Center of Standardization (Centers) objectives being supported
Centers approval of standard design
waivers Reviews and grants waivers for
deviations from Army standards or Army
standard designs. The Centers review
specific projects and advise installations on
requests for waivers, which the Army
Facilities Standardization Committee
approves or disaaproves. The Centers also
review and approve/disapprove requests
for waivers from Army standard designs.
Centers objective 1: Developing and Refining Policies and Processes Supports
this objective in that the Centers consider requests for waivers and consider whether
approved waivers should be incorporated into the standards.
Centers objective 2: Consistently Applying Standard Design Supports this
objective in that the Centers, by identifying and advising when waivers are required,
ensure that there is sufficient justification when facilities do not use standard designs.
Centers objective 3: Supporting AFSP Objectives and Priorities Supports four of
the Army facilities standardization objectives. (1) Supports the objective to increase
consistency in facility types in that the Centers grant waivers only when properly justified
and consider whether waivers should be incorporated into the standards. (2) Supports
the objective to improve master planning and site development activities, improve design
quality, and promote design excellence in that the Centers consider whether approved
changes to one project are appropriate for future projects. (3) Supports the objective to
reduce change orders during construction in that approving waivers enables the Centers
to include changes in design prior to the beginning of the construction phase. (4)
Supports the objective to increase customer satisfaction in that the Centers’ review of
waivers provides a formal process for users’ to request changes to the standard designs.
Source: GAO analysis of Department of Defense information | GAO-20-303
Appendix V: Comments from the Department
of the Army
Page 32 Defense Infrastructure
Appendix V: Comments from the Department
of the Army
Page 33 Defense Infrastructure
Appendix V: Comments from the Department
of the Army
Page 34 Defense Infrastructure
Appendix VI: GAO Contact and Staff
Page 35 Defense Infrastructure
Diana Maurer at (202) 512-9627 or [email protected]
In addition to the contact named above, Brian Lepore, Director (Retired);
Maria Storts, Assistant Director; John Wren, Analyst-in-Charge; Marybeth
Acac, Virginia Chanley, Christopher Gezon, David Jones, Lashai
McCullough, Carol Petersen, Steve Pruitt, Carter Stevens, and Cheryl
Weissman made significant contributions to this report
Appendix VII: Accessible Data
Page 36 Defense Infrastructure
Page 1
MAR 31 2020
Ms. Diana Maurer
Director, Defense Capabilities Management
U.S. Government Accountability Office
441 G Street, NW
Washington DC 20548
Dear Ms. Maurer,
Enclosed is the Department of Defense (DoD) response to the GAO Draft
Report GAO-20-303, "GAO DRAFT Report GAO-20-303, DEFENSE
INFRASTRUCTURE: Army Should Assess Progress in Standardizing
Designs for Facility Construction, Dated April 2020 (GAO Code 103240)."
Also enclosed is the Department of the Army response to the subject
report. My point of contact is Ms. Jacquelyn M. Anthony who can be
reached at (703) 695-5705 or jacquelyn.m.anthony.civ@mail.
Alex A. Beehler
Appendix VII: Accessible Data
Page 37 Defense Infrastructure
Page 2
MAR 19 2020
MEMORANDUM FOR Secretary of the Army
SUBJECT: Request for approval to release Army Comments to GAO
Should Assess Progress in Standardizing Designs for Facility
Construction, Dated April 2020 (GAO Code 103240)
I recommended the following responses to the draft GAO report:
a. GAO Recommendation 1: "The Secretary of Army should ensure
that the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management, in
conjunction with the Centers of Standardization and the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, establish and implement performance
measures to assess the progress the Centers are making in
ensuring that standard designs are used consistently."
Army Recommended Response: Concur with comment. This
recommendation will be implemented by the Deputy Chief of Staff, G9.
b. GAO Recommendation 2: The Secretary of the Army should
ensure that the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation
Management, in conjunction with the Centers of Standardization
and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, establish and implement
performance measures to assess the effects of the use of
standard designs, specifically the progress the Centers are
making in reducing design costs and time, construction costs and
time and change orders."
Army Recommended Response: Concur with comment. This
recommendation will be implemented by the U.S. Army Corps of
Alex A. Beehler
Appendix VII: Accessible Data
Page 38 Defense Infrastructure
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Contact FraudNet:
Automated answering system: (800) 424-5454 or (202) 512-7700
Orice Williams Brown, Managing Director, [email protected], (202) 512-4400,
U.S. Government Accountability Office, 441 G Street NW, Room 7125,
Washington, DC 20548
Chuck Young, Managing Director, [email protected], (202) 512-4800
U.S. Government Accountability Office, 441 G Street NW, Room 7149
Washington, DC 20548
James-Christian Blockwood, Managing Director, [email protected], (202) 512-4707
U.S. Government Accountability Office, 441 G Street NW, Room 7814,
Washington, DC 20548