Ratio Classroom
About Ratio Classroom Materials
Finding Ratios
Finding Ratios Worksheet
Ratio Matching
Ratio Matching Worksheet
Ratio 4-in-a-line Game
Cards (Ratio Hard)
Cards (Ratio Easy)
Cards (Equal Parts)
Pocket Money
Pocket Money Worksheet
Pocket Money Clues
Saturday Jobs
Saturday Jobs Worksheet
Saturday Job Clues
Ratio Posters
Poster 1
Poster 2
Poster 3
Poster 4
Poster 5
The following materials were developed by Mathematics and EAL teachers to support a
collaborative learning style within the classroom.
Finding Ratio (worksheet)
Objectives Solve simple problems involving ratio and proportion.
Level 3
Description This activity provides practice for students in understanding ratio
in the context of shaded and unshaded cubes. It also provides
an opportunity to re-inforce the convention for writing ratio.
Additional notes The use of shaded and unshaded multilink cubes is essential for
weaker students.
Ratio Matching (worksheet)
Objectives Solve simple problems involving ratio and equivalent ratios.
Level 5
Description This activity provides practice for students in understanding
equivalent ratio in the context of shaded and unshaded cubes.
Additional notes The use of shaded and unshaded multilink cubes will help weaker
students to see the equivalent ratios.
Ratio 4-in-a-line Game
Objectives Solve simple problems involving ratio and to encourage students
to recognise the language associated with ratio and equivalent
ratios in the context of a game.
Level 3-5
Description A 3-in-a-line Game for 4 students split into two teams. Before a
shape can be covered the team must say aloud the ratio
written on the card.
Additional notes The board needs to be enlarged and photocopied on to A3 card.
Each team requires 20 counters in one colour. Teachers should
photocopy and cut out the appropriate cards for students. The
‘equal parts’ cards are for the weakest students, though it would
be good to mix them with the ‘ratio easy’ cards.
About Ratio Classroom Materials
Pocket Money (worksheets)
Objectives Solve simple problems involving ratio.
Level 6
Description An easier problem solving activity than Saturday Jobs.
Students sort out the information from the clues in order to
answer the two questions.
Additional notes The Pocket Money Clues should be cut out and placed in an
Saturday Jobs (worksheets)
Objectives Solve simple problems involving ratio.
Level 7
Description A more complex activity than Pocket Money. Students sort out the
information from the clues in order to answer the three questions.
Additional notes The Pocket Money Clues should be cut out and placed in an
Objectives Solve simple problems involving ratio.
Description Five posters to stimulate classroom discussion.
Additional notes Each poster needs to be enlarged to A3.
Finding Ratios
Write down the ratio of shaded cubes to unshaded cubes in the following solids.
1 : 4
2 : 3
2 : 5
Example This solid has 5 cubes.
The ratio of shaded cubes to unshaded
cubes is 2 : 3
Ratio is used to compare two or more quantities.
This solid has cubes.
The ratio of shaded cubes
to unshaded cubes is
This solid has cubes.
The ratio of shaded cubes
to unshaded cubes is
This solid has cubes.
The ratio of shaded cubes
to unshaded cubes is
This solid has cubes.
The ratio of shaded cubes
to unshaded cubes is
This solid has cubes.
The ratio of shaded cubes
to unshaded cubes is
This solid has cubes.
The ratio of shaded cubes
to unshaded cubes is
This solid has cubes.
The ratio of shaded cubes
to unshaded cubes is
This solid has cubes.
The ratio of shaded cubes
to unshaded cubes is
This solid has cubes.
The ratio of shaded cubes
to unshaded cubes is
This solid has cubes.
The ratio of shaded cubes
to unshaded cubes is
Ratio Matching
1. Write down the ratio of shaded cubes to unshaded cubes for each of the 12 solids.
2. Make four groups of three solids by matching equivalent ratios.
These three solids are made from
shaded cubes and unshaded cubes.
The ratio of shaded cubes
to unshaded cubes is 1 : 3
The ratio 1 : 3 is in the simplest form.
For every shaded cube there are
three unshaded cubes.
2 3 4 5
6 7
The four equivalent groups are
______ , ______ and ______
______ , ______ and ______
______ , ______ and ______
______ , ______ and ______
Draw a circle around the ratio
written in its simplest form.
The ratio of shaded
cubes to unshaded
cubes is 2 : 6
The ratio of shaded
cubes to unshaded
cubes is 3 : 9
3 : 9
2 : 6
1 : 3.
are equivalent ratios
Ratio 4-in-a-line Game
A game for 4 students split into two teams.
You will need 20 counter of the same colour for each team and a set of Ratio 4-in-a-line cards.
Each team chooses a colour. Shuffle the cards and place them face down on the table.
Each team takes it in turn to turn over a Ratio 4-in-a-line card. Say the ratio out aloud.
Then use a counter to cover up a shape on the board which matches the ratio on the card.
The winning team is the first to make a ine of four, either vertically, horizontally or diagonally.
shaded : unshaded
shaded : unshaded
shaded : unshaded
shaded : unshaded
shaded : unshaded
shaded : unshaded
shaded : unshaded
shaded : unshaded
shaded : unshaded
2 : 2
5 : 10
3 : 15
8 : 4 9 : 3
2 : 6
2 : 10
2 : 4
6 : 6
Ratio 4-in-a-line Cards (ratio hard)
shaded : unshaded
shaded : unshaded
shaded : unshaded
shaded : unshaded
shaded : unshaded
shaded : unshaded
shaded : unshaded
shaded : unshaded
shaded : unshaded
1 : 1
2 : 4
1 : 5
2 : 1 3 : 1
1 : 3
2 : 2
1 : 2
3 : 3
Ratio 4-in-a-line Cards (ratio easy)
Number of
equal parts
Number of
equal parts
Number of
equal parts
Number of
equal parts
Number of
equal parts
Number of
equal parts
Number of
equal parts
Number of
equal parts
6 3
2 4
6 32
Ratio 4-in-a-line Cards (equal parts)
Number of
equal parts
Pocket Money
An activity for 2 people.
You will need a copy of Pocket Money Clues
In this activity you will be sorting out information to find:
the names of six students
how much they each receive for pocket money each week
the age of each student …
1. Cut out the 16 clues from Pocket Money Clues.
2. Sort the information to help you answer the following questions.
Who receives the same pocket money as their age?
Who is the youngest?
The following table might help you organise the information.
In this activity you will:
consolidate understanding of the relationship between ratio and proportion;
reduce a ratio to its simplest form
divide a quantity into two or more marts in a given ratio
interpret and use ratio in a range of contexts, including solving word problems
The ratio of Bob’s pocket
money to Roxannes pocket
money is 2 : 1.
The ratio of Fran’s pocket
money to Jo’s pocket money
is 5 : 1
Pocket Money Clues
The sum of Roxanne and
Andy’s pocket money is £16
The sum of Tom and Bob’s
pocket money is £21.
The sum of Andy’s and
Roxanne’s age is 15 years.
The ratio of Roxanne’s
pocket money to Andy’s
pocket money is 3 : 5
The ratio of Bob’s age to
Toms age is 2 : 3.
The sum of all their pocket
money is £55.
The sum of Fran and Jo’s
pocket money is £18.
The ratio of Jo’s pocket
money to Roxanne’s pocket
money is 1 : 2
The sum of Fran’s, Tom and
Jo’s ages is 32 years.
The ratio of Toms pocket
money to Jos pocket money
is 3 : 1
The ratio of Fran, Tom and
Jo’s ages is 4 : 3 : 1
The sum of all the ages of
the six is 55 years.
The ratio of Jo’s age to
Andys age is 2 : 5.
The ratio of Andy’s age to
Roxannes are is 2 : 1
Saturday Jobs
An activity for 2 people.
You will need a copy of Saturday Job Clues
In this activity you will be sorting out information to find:
the names of four students
what job they do on a Saturday
what they earn per hour
how long they work …
1. Cut out the 16 clues from
Saturday Job Clues.
2. Sort the information to help you answer the following questions.
Who saves the most money?
Who works the longest?
What is the ratio of the total amounts earned by the four students.
Write this ratio in its simplest form.
The following table might help you organise the information.
In this activity you will:
consolidate understanding of the relationship between ratio and proportion;
reduce a ratio to its simplest form
divide a quantity into two or more parts in a given ratio
interpret and use ratio in a range of contexts, including solving word problems
The fast food assistant earns
£4 per hour.
The ratio of hours worked by
Brendon, Dailey and Alma
is 3 : 2 : 1
Saturday Job Clues
Brendon spends as much as
Dailey earns in total.
There are four Y11 students,
Alma, Brendon, Catrin and
Dailey earns half as much
per hour as Catrin.
Alma, the newspaper
assembler, saves £4.
The ratio of the amount spent
to amount saved in Alma’s
total earnings is 5 : 1.
Catrin earns £24 for 4 hours
Catrin spends twice as much
as she saves.
The ratio of total amount
earned by Dailey to total
amount earned by Brendon is
1 : 2
The ratio of Catrin’s rate per
hour to Brendon’s is 3 : 2.
Dailey saves half as much as
Alma’s total earnings.
The ratio of total amount
earned by Catrin total
amount earned by Alma
is 1 : 1.
The hairdresser’s assistant
earns £18 in total .
Alma earns twice as much
per hour as Brendon.
The cashier in a supermarket
works for 4 hours.
Ratio Poster
Ratio is used to compare two or more quantities.
What is the ratio of shaded equilateral
triangles to unshaded regular hexagons?
Ratio Poster
What is the ratio of shaded triangles to
unshaded triangles?
Ratio is used to compare two or more quantities.
Ratio Poster
Ratio is used to compare two or more quantities.
What is the ratio of shaded squares to
unshaded octagons?
Ratio Poster
Ratio is used to compare two or more quantities.
What is the ratio of shaded rhombuses
to unshaded hexagons?
Ratio Poster
Ratio is used to compare two or more quantities.
What is the ratio of shaded triangles
to unshaded triangles?