Guidance Staff
Class of 2024 Information
Graduation, College, and Senior Event Information
Guidance Staff
Are You Ready for Graduation?
Meet your Counselors
Overview of graduation requirements
Overview of the college application process
Post-secondary resources and important deadlines
**Presentation will be posted on DHHS website**
Guidance Staff
Mrs. Casazza
Dun - Ji, HMO
Ms. Jakovich
Jo - Pin
Mrs. Dean
Pit - Z
Mrs. Zides
A - Duf, AVID
Guidance Staff
To Earn Your Diploma You Must:
Complete a minimum of 210 credits
To be on track, you should currently have at least 160 credits
MUST Pass 12
grade English course (ex: AP Lit, Adv. Comp, ERWC)
MUST Pass 12
grade Social Science course (ex: AP Gov/Econ, Gov/Econ)
MUST Pass any graduation requirements that have not yet been fulfilled
(ex: 58.5 credits of electives, 3 years of math, 4 years of English, 2 years of
science, 1 year of language/fine art/CTE, 3 years of History)
If a student does not complete the above requirements, they will not receive their diploma in May
and will not be able to participate in the graduation commencement ceremony.
Counselor will refer students to summer school as a late grad.
Earning Your Diploma
Guidance Staff
Are You on Track?
1.Check your total completed courses. You should be at or above 160 credits.
a. If you are below this number, you may be enrolled in 6 courses, enrolled
in Academic Intervention, or enrolled in Credit Recovery.
2. Check your grades for each course. For graduation, a D- is passing.
b. If you want to apply to a 4 year university, all grades must be C or higher.
3. For graduation you must complete either 1 year of a fine art OR 1 year of a world
language OR 1 year of CTE course.
c. If you want to apply to a 4 year university, you must have at least 2 years
of the same foreign language AND one year of a fine art.
4. Specific questions?
d. Your counselor is available before school, at break, lunch, and after school
most days. You can also email through canvas to set up a time to meet
Guidance Staff
Options for Pathways After Graduation
2-Year Community College (i.e. Saddleback, IVC, Orange Coast, Santa Ana)
4-Year Public or Private College or University (In-State or Out-of-State)
Apprentice or Trade School
Enter the Workforce
Enlist in the Military
Gap Year
Let’s review the options above!
Community Colleges
Benefits of aending a Community College
Only requirement to enroll in a Community College is a high school diploma
Transfer programs to Four Year Universities
Certificate Programs (2 or 3 semesters to complete)
Tuition is free if school is part of the California Promise Program
Close to Home (i.e. save money on travel and other costs)
Apply to Community College
Saddleback College (hp://
Irvine Valley College (hp://
Orange Coast College (hp://
High School Seniors who complete
Matriculation Process by April 2024 (date
TBD) will receive priority registration for
the 2024-25 school year including summer.
Please visit the Freshman Advantage Page on the Saddleback
website for up to date information. Click here.
Available on campus at DHHS:
Tuesday (5th period) or Wednesday (6th period) in spring
Transferable to CSU
1.5 unit college success class for seniors only
Taught by a Saddleback College Counselor
Free dual enrollment class/buy textbook
Will walk you through the application, matriculation, and
registration process.
Great bridge class between high school and college so you know
exactly what to enroll in and the resources available to you.
Eligibility Requirements
Be first-time college students; this program is for students who have never
attended college (Dual/Concurrent enrollment students, Special Admit
students, and other high school students who took college classes while
still in high school are still eligible for the Promise Program)
Be California residents or be eligible by AB 540/Dream Act status
Register for Saddleback College courses and identify Saddleback as
“College of Record”
Complete the 2023-24 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or
California Dream Act Application by May 1, 2024
Enroll in 12 units or more each semester of enrollment to include
enrollments in:
Math and/or English during the first semester and both completed
by the end of your first year
Questions about the Promise Program:
Student Services Office 949-582-4566
Saddleback 1:1 Counseling
Saddleback Counselor available for:
●SENIORS: Freshman Advantage, Counseling 100 & Promise Program
●ALL GRADES: dual enrollment in Saddleback courses
●Career Technical Education and Associate Degrees
●Bachelor Degrees and University Transfer
●CSU/UC/Private and Out of State Transfer Information
●Career Counseling
To set up an appointment with our DHHS Saddleback Counselor,
please click here.
(Counselor available by appointment only, beginning Wednesday September 21st)
Parents can attend via Zoom
Guidance Staff
Applying to a 4-Yr College/University
We will cover:
Application process
Leers of Recommendation
Support for students and families
Financial Aid
Guidance Staff
Applying to a CSU or UC Campus
Application Fee: $70.00 per campus
(Fee waiver available based on eligibility)
CSU does not require letters of recommendation
No college essay
CSU - California State University
Application 2023
Submit App: October 1 - November 30
UC - University of California
Application 2023
Submit App: October 1 - November 30
Information for both California
public university systems
DHHS High School
CEEB code is 050729
Self Report Grades
Unofficial Transcript
Application Fee: $80.00 per campus
(Fee waiver available based on eligibility)
UC does not require letters of recommendation
UC requires completion of four Personal Insight
Questions (PIQs)
Guidance Staff
Applying to a Private/Out of State
Application Process
Complete application for specific private/out-of-state public university online
Watch for deadlines, which includes campus specific scholarship deadlines
Check your personal email and/or college portal daily
Use the specific school website to apply if the university does not
participate in one of the above online forums
Guidance Staff
College Applications
CSUs UCs Private/Out of State
Apply online starting Oct.1-Nov. 30
Apply online starting Oct.1-Nov. 30
Deadlines vary—earlier deadline
if applying for scholarships
One application One application
Common App/Separate Apps
$70 per school
$80 per school
Cost varies
Send transcript only if requested
and to final school selected
Send transcript only if requested
and to final school selected
Transcripts must be included in
No essays (Unless applying for
4 personal insight questions
One essay and supplemental essays
(depends on college)
No letters of recommendation
No letters of recommendation
Letters of recommendation
(typically 1-2 teachers, one
Guidance Staff
College Rep Visits
Why should I aend a college rep visit?
Many of the reps that speak are the actual individuals who review your application. This is a great
way to make a personal introduction.
Colleges like to see dedicated interest. Aending a visit shows a student is genuinely interested.
Great way to learn about special programs and scholarship opportunities.
Visits may help a student determine if he or she wants to actually visit a campus in person.
There are so many great colleges in addition to the top 25 everyone wants to go to. This is a great way
to learn about schools that students may not have previously considered.
*Visits available online through Zoom or in person. Check the link
below for specific days/times/locations.*
Guidance Staff
Official and Unofficial Transcripts
Unofficial Transcripts
Student will need a copy of
their unofficial transcript
to complete your
application to CSU and UC
and private universities
Available in your
Aeries Student Portal
Official Transcripts
Universities will require an
official transcript as part of
the application process.
Must be ordered
online through
Once you commit to a
university (CSU, UC or
private) you will be asked
to send your final official
transcript which includes
your graduation date.
When ordering before
graduation, request to hold
Guidance Staff
Letter of Recommendation - Counselor
In order to get a Leer of Recommendation (LOR) from your counselor, you must:
Invite us to your application as a COUNSELOR recommender. This can be found on
the individual school tab under FERPA/ Recommender. Counselor emails can be
found on the Guidance Staff page on the website.
Complete the Student LOR form that is found here:
This is meant to be used as a bragging board so please include any and all details
of everything you have participated in and achieved so we can highlight them in
your leer.
Ask one parent to fill out the parent/guardian LOR form found on the same page.
Your counselor will then have access to directly upload their leer as well as other
necessary documents directly to your application.
Keep an eye on due dates and provide your counselor with at least 3 weeks notice.
Guidance Staff
Letter of Recommendation - Teacher
Select teachers that you feel know you best and can speak to who you are
as a student.
Each teacher may vary on what they need from you in order to write a
quality leer. Meet with your teachers individually to determine exactly
what they need.
Do not wait until the last minute, and contact the teacher as early as possible.
Provide at least 3 weeks notice to your first deadline.
Be sure to THANK them. Teachers write these leers on their own time.
Guidance Staff
Should you register for the or ??
For Fall 2024 applicants, many universities/colleges are no longer
requiring students to take the SAT or ACT exam.
Please verify with each individual college/university where you are
applying to determine if a test is required for admissions or scholarship
Some merit scholarships may require you to take an
ACT/SAT test, as your scores may be used for awards.
Guidance Staff
Verify the last test sitting date accepted by the colleges you are applying to.
SAT Registration Dates for 2023-2024
Register at
SAT Test Dates & Deadlines
ACT Registration Dates for 2023-2024
Register at
ACT Test Dates & Deadlines
SAT Test Dates Deadline
October 7, 2023 September 26, 2023
November 4, 2023 October 24, 2023
December 2, 2023 November 21, 2023
March 9, 2024 February 27, 2024
May 4, 2024 April 23, 2024
June 1, 2024 May 21, 2024
ACT Test Dates Deadline
October 28, 2023 September 22, 2023
December 9, 2023 November 3, 2023
February 10, 2024 January 5, 2024
April 13, 2024 March 8, 2024
Register for the or
Futureology Counselor
Mrs. Rengifo is available for
appointments in Room 501
Monday through Friday!
Schedule a 1:1
Upcoming College and
Career Webinars
Get support with:
Career Technical Education (CTE)
CTE courses & pathways
CTE presentations
CTE classroom tours
Interviewing & Resumes
Career Exploration
CTE Adult Program
Mrs. Marissa Davisson
Monday - Friday:
7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Drop in at lunch or after school
Make an appointment
through Calendly or at the
College and Career Center (room 501)
Make an appointment here
Career Guidance Specialist
CTE Adult Program
Interested in touring the
Crs # Course Name IGETC High School
Biological Anthropology YES ANHS
ENG 52 Film as Literature YES CVHS
ANTH 1 Biological Anthropology YES DHHS
PHIL 1 Introduction to Philosophy YES SCHS
HUM 1 Introduction to Humanities YES SJHHS
ANTH 2 Cultural Anthropology YES THS
For more information, please contact:
Mrs. Marissa Davisson
College and Career Center (room 501)
Spring 2024
Spring 2024 College @ Capo
Guidance Staff
Financial Aid
College Campus Based Aid
Must file FAFSA and CSS Profile (for some
universities) to be considered.
Check the financial aid page on the website of
the college/university you are applying to.
Adhere to deadlines as they will be different
and sometimes earlier than the admissions
California Dream Act
Can begin applying on October 1st
Must meet AB 540 requirements
Free Application For Federal Student Aid
Apply online at
Apply for FSA ID numbers now!
(parent and students electronic
Counselors will be holding information
sessions during tutorial - more info coming
Cal Grants (California Schools)
Information at
All student GPA’s will be sent to the
California Aid Commission to determine
Grant GPA eligibility
California State deadline: March 2
AB469 requires all high
school seniors to submit the
FAFSA or CA Dream Act,
unless an opt out form is
Guidance Staff
Financial Aid Support
Saddleback Community College offers FREE workshops to help walk
students through the FAFSA process.
Student does NOT need to be planning to aend Saddleback in order to
aend. If parent chooses to aend, he/she must be accompanied by the
student as well.
Guidance Staff
Successful Financial Aid Tips
Apply Early!
Ask Questions
Financial Aid is available for all postsecondary plans
FAFSA is required if seeking athletic or academic scholarships
Visit the Financial Assistance and Scholarship Office of the University or
Get help filing your FAFSA/Dream Act Application
Aend a FAFSA Workshop
Financial Literacy (hps://
Financial aid professionals are here to help you succeed!
Guidance Staff
Scholarship Information can be found on the DHHS website at:
Fill out the DHHS Local Scholarship Application. It is a single application for just
DHHS students. One application can put you in the running for multiple
Students are responsible for researching and applying to scholarships on their
own - Start Early! There is a list of local and private scholarships provided on
our guidance website.
Follow deadlines and instructions for completing scholarship applications.
Apply to as many as possible
Questions regarding scholarships? Please see Mrs. Stevenson in the Guidance Office.
Guidance Staff
Are Senior Classes Important?
UC and CSU will look at final 2nd semester grades - your acceptance
could be rescinded if your grades go down.
Private Schools ask counselors for reports as the year goes on. Any
changes could change their admission decisions.
End of the year awards (based on Spring 12-week reporting period)
Scholar of Scholars
Valedictorian (GPA 4.0 +)
Academic Distinction (GPA 3.5 - 3.99)
We are here to help!
The Guidance Office has many resources to help you complete your
applications and reach your postsecondary goals.
Do not hesitate to contact your Counselor with any questions. We can be
reached the following ways:
Use the online Counseling Referral
Email us in Canvas to make an appointment
Drop-in during break, lunch, passing periods, or before/after school
Go Class of 2024!