Fir Clubmoss
Huperzia selago
Moorland specialist
- Neat looking evergreen perennial which grows in an erect fashion (to 25cm,
but usually much smaller).
- Stems covered in dense spiral of small leaves.
Pteridium aquilinum
Moorland specialist
- Tall - up to 3.5m in height although usually to 1.5m.
- Bracken is deciduous and spreads via rhizomes and forms extensive stands - it
is a well-adapted pioneer plant which can colonise land quickly. This ability to
expand rapidly is at the expense of other plants and wildlife and can cause
major problems for land users and managers.
- Often a dominant plant on heaths and moorlands.
Lemon-Scented Fern
Oreopteris limbosperma
Moorland specialist
- A yellow-green fern which is lemon scented (when leaves crushed).
- Grows to 120cm.
- Lower surface of leaves covered by multiple small brown-yellow glands. Pinnae
(leaves either side of stem) decrease in length towards base of stem with
those at the bottom very small.
Plant Guide
Welcome to the Moors for the Future Partnership’s guide to the characteristic moorland
plants of the Peak District National Park and South Pennines.
Use this guide to try your hand at spotting and identifying some of the many beautiful and
fascinating plants that help to make these moorlands such important and unique places.
If you have a smartphone search for MoorPLANTS on the Apple and Android app stores to
nd our interactive version of this eld guide.
Blechnum spicant
Moorland specialist
Hard fern has once pinnate fronds (the “pinnae” or leaves off the stalk don’t
split again) making them relatively easy to identify. If the spore carrying “sori”
are present there are two that run the length of the leaf (pinna) in parallel. Can
grow up to 50cm.
Broad Buckler Fern
Dryopteris dilatata
Moorland specialist
- Has olive-green to dark or bluish green fronds which can grow to 150cm in
length. They appear in dense crowns and usually arch outward from the
crown giving an inverted shuttlecock appearance.
- Remains green throughout most of winter.
- Leaves are 3 x pinnate (branch 3 times). Stem has scales at base which are
dark in the centre and light at the edges.
Flowering herb
Potentilla erecta
Moorland specialist
- Low growing, creeping perennial with glossy, dark green and deeply toothed
leaves. Leaves are 3-5 lobed and those near the base have long stalks. Stem
leaves are sessile (no stalk so directly joined to stem).
- Flowers (June-September) are yellow and have 4 petals.
- Prefers slightly acid soils.
Marsh Violet
Viola palustris
Moorland specialist
- Short plant with small, kidney shaped leaves.
- Attractive lilac owers with dark veins (April-July).
- Likes acid bogs, marshes and wet woodlands.
Rosebay Willowherb
Chamerion angustifolium
- Tall perennial which grows up to 150cm.
- Lanceolate leaves arranged in a spiral around stem.
- Flowers (July-September) have four petals that are a deep pink and form a
tapering spike. The feathery seeds can be seen blowing across the land in their
thousands on a windy day.
- Forms dense stands often on disturbed ground.
Sheep’s Sorrel
Rumex acetosella
- Grows in short vegetation, often with bare rock and soil. Short (<20 cm).
When in ower (May-September) can cast a deep orange-red haze over the
vegetation when abundant.
- It has green arrowhead-shaped leaves and red-tinted deeply ridged stems.
Common Sundew
Drosera rotundifolia
Moorland specialist
- Insectivorous perennial with rounded leaves arranged in a basal rosette.
- Each leaf adorned with long, sticky hairs.
- Small white owers borne on long stem (June-August).
- Found on acid peat-based soils, among Sphagnum, wet heaths and bogs.
Common Mouse-Ear
Cerastium fontanum
- A small, hairy perennial that can sometimes form quite large mats.
- Flowering shoots grow vertically (to 40cm) and have pretty, small white owers.
Non-owering stems have a prostrate growth form.
Heath Bedstraw
Galium saxatile
Moorland specialist
- Often a very common herb on acidic heaths and moors.
- Flowers are small (typically 2-4mm across) and white in colour (June-August).
- Leaves arranged in a whorl of 6-8 leaets around the smooth, square stem.
Each leaet ends in a small point.
- Can form compact cushions or mats. Prefers to grow along the ground
although ower stems may be ascending.
Flowering herb
Marsh Pennywort
Hydrocotyle vulgaris
Moorland specialist
- Creeping perennial with circular, gently scalloped leaves held upright like
- Found in damp areas such as rushy ushes and pond margins - but always
rooted in the ground.
- Has tiny owers (1mm across).
Bog Asphodel
Narthecium ossifragum
Moorland specialist
- Bright yellow, star-like owers which are borne on pyramidal spikes (June-
August). Can grow between 10-40cm tall. They set fruit in autumn when the
ower spikes turn deep orange.
- The leaves are attened often forming a fan around the stem.
Jointed Rush
Juncus articulatus
Moorland specialist
- A common perennial of wet acid habitats. May grow along the ground or
upwards. Stems reach 80cm in length.
- As its name suggests it has joints in its leaves (but this is not diagnostic since
other rush species also share this feature) with near-vertical branches and
generally atter leaves.
Sharp-Flowered Rush
Juncus acutiorus
Moorland specialist
Very similar to Jointed Rush but growth habit is always erect (never prostrate)
and taller (to 100cm) with main branches almost horizontal and round leaves.
Common on wet acid soils.
Bulbous Rush
Juncus bulbosus
Moorland specialist
- As the name suggests this small rush (30cm) tends to have a bulbous base.
- It has hollow leaves (3-12cm) and simple (one stalk per ower) or branched
owers that are sometimes replaced by green plantlets. These are capable of
establishing a new plant of their own. A creeping plant.
Flowering herb
Heath Rush
Juncus squarrosus
Moorland specialist
- The leaves of this wiry rush are basal (grow out from the point that the stem
leaves the ground), deeply grooved and are up to 15cm in length. They are
strongly reexed (folded down the middle, spreading in a at rosette).
- The owering stems grow to 50cm. Flowers June-July and the large fruit-
capsules (for its size) have pale edges to the tepals giving a stripey effect.
Soft Rush
Juncus effusus
Moorland specialist
- A tall rush (to 130cm) which is densely tufted and grows straight up. Forms
dense stands.
- The stems are smooth cylinders that contain a continuous foam-like pith (once
used as candle wick).
- The owers, which erupt from the stem towards the top, may be quite loose
or in a dense clump (June-August).
- Found on many soil types but prefers damp grasslands and bogs (always poorly
drained soils).
Common Cottongrass
Eriophorum angustifolium
Moorland specialist
- This is actually another sedge species which generally grows 20-50cm tall. It is
most conspicuous and easy to identify when the fruit (uffy white seed heads)
are produced in June-September.
- A plant of bogs (especially Sphagnum bogs) and wet heaths. Taller and with
more unkempt “seed heads” than hare’s-tail cottongrass it also produces
multiple heads per stem (where hare’s-tail produces only one terminal ower/
seed head).
- Common cottongrass is one of the plants that the Moors for the Future
Partnership use to help restore areas damaged by erosion. Over 190,000
individual plants of 6 species, including common cottongrass, were propagated
from specimens found in the Dark Peak SSSI and then planted out. Chosen for
their ability to stabilise peat effectively in different situations, and provide a
natural cover of ora which is important to a wide range of wildlife, these
plants will help to continually enhance the biodiversity of the moors.
Hare’s-tail Cottongrass
Eriophorum vaginatum
Moorland specialist
- This is actually another sedge species which can form tussocks up to 50cm tall.
It is most conspicuous and easy to identify when the fruit (uffy white seed
heads) are produced in May-June. These are solitary (one per stem), terminal
and resemble a hare or rabbits tail.
- A plant of bogs, moorland and wet heaths. The similar common cottongrass is
taller and with more unkempt “seed heads” than hare’s-tail cottongrass. It also
produces multiple heads per stem.
- Hare’s-tail cottongrass is one of the plants that the Moors for the Future
Partnership use to help restore areas damaged by erosion. Over 190,000
individual plants of 6 species, including hare’s-tail cottongrass, were
propagated from specimens found in the Dark Peak SSSI and then planted out.
Chosen for their ability to stabilise peat effectively in different situations, and
provide a natural cover of ora which is important to a wide range of wildlife,
these plants will help to continually enhance the biodiversity of the moors.
Trichophorum cespitosum
Moorland specialist
Small, neat looking sedge (to 35cm) producing dense growth of smooth stems
which are vibrant green and topped with a terminal brown ower. Growth form
resembles a bottle-brush. There is a tiny leaf at the base of each stem.
Star Sedge
Carex echinata
Moorland specialist
A densely tufted sedge which grows 10-40cm in height. Found in bogs and acid
wet heathland. Distinctive, star-shaped fruit.
Glaucous Sedge
Carex acca
Moorland specialist
- As the name suggests this sedge has a distinct blue-green colour particularly
the under surface of the leaf. It can spread via rhizomes and has a creeping
habit. Grows to 60cm.
- Flowers May-June and fruits July-August.
Carnation Sedge
Carex panicea
Moorland specialist
- A glaucous (blue-grey) sedge growing up to 60cm in height.
- When in ower it has one cigar shaped, purple-brown male ower at the top
of the stem and 1-3 female owers below.
- Fruits are 3-4mm long and oval.
Common Yellow-Sedge
Carex viridula
Moorland specialist
- A small (5-30cm tall) densely tufted sedge with yellow-green leaves which are
keeled (folded down the middle).
- Flowers - one terminal male ower spike (brown) which continues in line with
stem. 2-4 female owers which are oval in shape and form into distinctive
fruiting bodies (June-Sept).
Nardus stricta
Moorland specialist
- Tufted grass which can form dense tussocks.
- Stems to 40cm with leaves being tightly rolled and quite stiff.
- Flowers (June-August) are one-sided spikes.
- Found on acid soils including moorland and hill grasslands where it prefers
well-grazed areas.
Sheeps Fescue
Festuca ovina
Moorland specialist
- A tufted greyish-green grass with ne, bristle-like small leaves (3-15cm).
- This widespread grass species is found in a variety of upland habitats. It is
abundant on calcareous soils and is less common on heather moorlands. On
some heather moors it is found temporarily where work is undertaken to
stabilise bare peat (lime, grass seed and fertiliser are applied to reduce acidity
and form an initial crop of grass).
- Flowers May-June.
Wavy Hair-Grass
Deschampsia exuosa
Moorland specialist
- Tussock forming grass which has very ne, shiny, mid-green leaves to 20cm
but ower spikes to 100cm.
- The open, hair-like ower heads create a shimmering pinkish haze over the
leaves and when in seed fade to a more buff colour.
- The seed of wavy hair-grass is applied as part of the Moors for the Future
Partnership’s aerial seed application programme which is helping to stabilise
and restore large areas of damaged moorland.
Yorkshire Fog
Holcus lanatus
Moorland specialist
- A very common grass which can grow to 100cm in height. It produces a large
amount of seed and is a rapid coloniser of disturbed ground.
- Leaves are a grey-green colour with visible soft, downy hairs.
- Flowers are loose, soft panicles often creating a silvery-pink haze when open.
Before unfurling owers are strongly tinged with pink.
- This grass tends to stand out against others due to its grey-green colour.
- Flowers May-September.
Common Bent
Agrostis capillaris
Moorland specialist
- A relatively ne-leaved grass with leaves tapering evenly from the stem to the
point. The nely branched, delicate looking ower head becomes evident from
May to June and forms a reddish-purple haze over the leaves.
- Dead ower heads may persist well into the autumn.
Purple Moor-Grass
Molinia caerulea
Moorland specialist
- A very variable tussock-forming grass. Often tall (to 130cm). Can become
dominant and form tall, dense, tufted tussocks.
- Ligules (where leaf meets stem) have a ring of hairs around them.
- Flowers and leaves purple tinged (July-September). Leaves are straw coloured
in winter.
- Purple moor-grass can be a problem on the moors as it is can dominate and
become invasive (this is where it starts to become so dominant that it affects
the ecological balance of the moor).
- It has traditionally been dealt with by a combination of burning, poisoning and
ailing followed by possible repeat cycles of these and then a nal bout of
heather seed spreading. However, a new project managed by the Moors for
the Future Partnership for Natural England and Yorkshire Water is
investigating a less destructive method for reducing the dominance of this
plant using ailing alone followed by the application of Sphagnum beads.
Ulex europaeus
Moorland specialist
- Extremely spiny, evergreen shrub which can grow to 2m in height and may
form dense stands.
- Wonderful, bright yellow, coconut scented owers (December-July).
Rubus chamaemorus
Moorland specialist
- Short creeping plant with single owers. Fruit rarely seen. Grows only to
- The leaves alternate between having 5 and 7 soft, hand-like lobes on straight,
branchless stalks.
- After pollination the white (sometimes reddish-tipped) owers form edible
raspberry-sized berries. Each fruit is initially pale red, ripening into an amber
colour in early autumn.
- Interestingly cloudberry plants are dioecious meaning that there are both male
and female plants.
- Cloudberry is one of the plants that the Moors for the Future Partnership
uses to help restore areas damaged by erosion. Over 190,000 individual plants
of 6 species, including cloudberry, were propagated from specimens found in
the Dark Peak SSSI and then planted out. Chosen for their ability to stabilise
peat effectively in different situations, and provide a natural cover of ora
which is important to a wide range of wildlife, these plants will help to
continually enhance the biodiversity of the moors.
Betula spp
- A genus consisting of broad-leaved, deciduous “pioneer” species (often one of
the rst tree species to establish in disturbed habitats and those without
active management or grazing regimes).
- The most familiar and common of the genus in the UK is the Silver birch
(Betula pendula) - easily recognised by its papery, silver bark and triangular-
diamond shaped leaves.
Salix spp
- Willows come in a variety of different shapes and sizes. They are most
recognisable in the early spring when many bear the familiar furry silver and
then yellow catkins.
- They prefer damp habitats and specialise in growing in boggy areas or those
adjacent to water bodies.
Empetrum nigrum
Moorland specialist
- Low growing, evergreen, heather-like shrub with alternate leaves.
- Pink owers (May-June) and produces blue-black edible fruit.
- Crowberry is one of the plants that the Moors for the Future Partnership use
to help restore areas damaged by erosion. Over 190,000 individual plants of 6
species, including crowberry, were propagated from specimens found in the
Dark Peak SSSI and then planted out. Chosen for their ability to stabilise peat
effectively in different situations, and provide a natural cover of ora which is
important to a wide range of wildlife, these plants will help to continually
enhance the biodiversity of the moors.
Rhododendron spp.
- A large evergreen shrub with leathery leaves which form a spiral around stem.
- Has attractive purple to pink owers (May-June) borne in terminal, round
- Woody stems form into a trunk when mature. Often forms round-shaped
- Introduced to the UK and invasive.
Common Heather
Calluna vulgaris
Moorland specialist
- Low-growing perennial shrub generally 20-60cm tall, but sometimes much
shor ter.
- It is the dominant plant in most heathland and moorland in Europe, and in
some bog vegetation. It has small scale-like leaves (less than 2–3mm long)
borne in opposite and crossing pairs.
- Flowers emerge in late summer; in wild plants these are normally mauve (and
occasionally white).
- Common heather seed is applied as part of the Moors for the Future
Partnership’s “brash works” and aerial seed application programme which is
helping to stabilise and restore large areas of damaged moorland.
Cross-Leaved Heath
Erica tetralix
Moorland specialist
- Leaves are a grey-green colour, in whorls of 4, and hairy. Grows to 60cm.
- Pink, bell-shaped drooping owers in clusters at top of stem (July-September).
- Found in acid bogs, wet heathland and moorland.
- Cross-Leaved Heath is one of the plants that the Moors for the Future
Partnership uses to help restore areas damaged by erosion. Over 190,000
individual plants of 6 species, including cross-leaved heath, were propagated
from specimens found in the Dark Peak SSSI and then planted out. Chosen for
their ability to stabilise peat effectively in different situations, and provide a
natural cover of ora which is important to a wide range of wildlife, these
plants will help to continually enhance the biodiversity of the moors.
- Heather seed is applied as part of the Moors for the Future Partnership’s
“brash works” and aerial seed application programme which is helping to
stabilise and restore large areas of damaged moorland.
Bell Heather
Erica cinerea
Moorland specialist
- A low, spreading shrub growing to 15–60cm tall, with ne needle-like leaves
4–8mm long arranged in whorls of three.
- Bunches of leaves at points up the stem.
- The owers are bell-shaped and pink-purple (July-September).
- Heather seed is applied as part of the Moors for the Future Partnership’s
“brash works” and aerial seed application programme which is helping to
stabilise and restore large areas of damaged moorland.
Bog Rosemary
Andromeda polifolia
Moorland specialist
- Dwarf evergreen shrub which reaches 35cm in height. Uncommon.
- Leaves are alternate, dark green above and glaucous below, and curled over
along the edges.
- Flowers are globe-shaped and a delicate rosy-pink to white (May-September).
Vaccinium oxycoccos
Moorland specialist
- Cranberry is a prostrate, trailing perennial with long wiry or threadlike stems.
It has small alternate and widely spaced leathery leaves which are dark green
above and paler below.
- Pretty pink owers (June-August) and produces small edible red fruit. Often
found creeping over Sphagnum moss.
Vaccinium vitis-idea
Moorland specialist
- A low growing (to 30cm) evergreen shrub with numerous branches of dark
green, oval leaves which are pale below.
- Flowers (June-August) and produces edible round red berries.
Vaccinium myrtillus
Moorland specialist
- Low growing shrub which bears edible dark blue/purple fruit. Fruit is similar to
the (American) blueberry.
- Stems are essentially triangular in cross section and are uted often twisted.
- The nely toothed leaves are a deep green during summer turning yellow and
then red in autumn.
- Bilberry is one of the plants that the Moors for the Future Partnership use to
help restore areas damaged by erosion. Over 190,000 individual plants of 6
species, including bilberry, were propagated from specimens found in the Dark
Peak SSSI and then planted out. Chosen for their ability to stabilise peat
effectively in different situations, and provide a natural cover of ora which is
important to a wide range of wildlife, these plants will help to continually
enhance the biodiversity of the moors.
Since 2003, the Moors for the Future Partnership has been working to reverse more than 200 years of damage
from industrial pollution and wildres that left large areas of uplands bare of vegetation in the South Pennine
Moors Special Area of Conservation and Special Protection Area.
The £5.5 million EU LIFE+ MoorLIFE project is a key part of the initiative. Its primary objective is to restore
habitats of European signicance – protecting active blanket bog by restoring bare and eroding peat. In just ve
years, more than 2,000 acres of Peak District and South Pennine moorland has been restored.
The project has key benets for communities on both sides of the Pennines in terms of improved landscape,
water quality and diversity of upland fauna and ora. The blanket bogs are home to many important birds
including the endangered twite, curlew and golden plover. Peat-forming Sphagnum moss, which has nearly
disappeared from this area due to industrial pollution and wildres, and other key upland plants - heather,
cottongrass, bilberry, crowberry, cloudberry and cross leaved heath – has been re-introduced.
Moors for the Future Partnership
Photo showing cottongrass plugs being planted out
© Moors for the Future Partnership
Photo showing healthy blanket bog
© Tim Melling
The MoorLIFE Project was funded by the EU Life+ programme, led by the Peak District National
Park Authority and delivered by the Moors for the Future Partnership. Partners: Environment
Agency, Natural England, National Trust, United Utilities, Yorkshire Water.
Find out more at www.moorsforthefuture.org.uk