Blue Star Fishing Guide Program Framework:
Partnering with Charter Fishing Operators to Encourage Responsible
Angling Practices in Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
I. Program Mission
The mission of the Blue Star Fishing Guide program is to encourage responsible angling in
Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary through education, communication, and partnership.
II. Program Goal and Objectives
The goal of the program is to develop a voluntary education, recognition, and endorsement
program for charter fishing operators to expand their awareness and knowledge, and,
ultimately, that of their clients, about responsible angling practices, the South Florida
ecosystem, and Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS).
Program objectives include:
A. Increase the awareness, knowledge, and stewardship of the marine ecosystem and
Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary among the angling community
B. Provide fishing guides and customers with tools that allow them to enjoy the marine
ecosystem resources now while making choices that will protect and conserve them for
the future
C. Promoted adoption of best practices that reduce the negative impacts fishing trips can
have on the historic, biological, and cultural resources within Florida Keys National
Marine Sanctuary
D. Recognize and support fishing businesses participating in stewardship and conservation
of Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary;
E. Increase communication and partnership opportunities between FKNMS and the charter
fishing community
III. Background
The Blue Star Fishing Guide program is a voluntary program with no regulatory component,
implemented and coordinated through the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and National
Marine Sanctuary Foundation, in partnership with local charter fishing ventures and local and
state agencies. The initial framework was released in 2018 after a several year long
development period in partnership with charter fishing captains, FKNMS staff, and local
The Blue Star Fishing Guide program fulfills strategy E.4, activity 6, under the Education and
Outreach Plan of the FKNMS Final Management Plan (2007) and fulfills goal 1, objective 1.3 and
goal 4, objective 4.3 under the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (ONMS) Strategic Plan
IV. Benefits of Blue Star Participation
A. Raising Public Awareness About Blue Star Fishing Guide program
To ensure the Blue Star Fishing Guide program is effective in reaching anglers and to
create a further incentive for operators to participate in the program, NMSF/FKNMS will
pursue the following public awareness activities:
1. Create a Blue Star Fishing Guide page as part of the sanctuary’s website,
including a complete list of Blue Star Fishing Guide operators.
2. Use social media channels to advertise the Blue Star Fishing Guide program.
3. Work with fishing, travel, and other relevant media to publicize the Blue Star
Fishing Guide program.
4. Present information about the program at relevant consumer trade shows, such
as iCAST, science symposiums, and fishing tournaments and various outreach
5. Work with the Monroe County Tourism Development Council, as well as other
tourism-related organizations, to increase awareness about the program.
6. Create outreach materials such as rack cards, presentations, and publications
for distribution to appropriate locations, such as hotels and visitors centers.
7. Provide program poster, decal, flag, and/or stickers to distribute to shops for
display and as possible handouts to customers.
B. Eligibility for Exclusive Participation in Conservation Programs
Different organizations provide opportunities to test new gear or receive gear cheaply
such as barotrauma prevention, garbage collection/debris retention, coolers, measuring devices, etc.
V. Eligibility for Program Recognition
Captains, guides, or businesses licensed to conduct for-hire charter fishing operations
originating in FKNMS are eligible to participate. Captains must show their valid Florida Fish and
Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) Charter Captain or Charter Boat license (or other state
equivalent), as well as a Monroe County Occupational License, if applicable.
Note 1: Some charter businesses may combine fishing trips with other water-based activities (i.e.
kayaking, snorkeling/diving, wildlife viewing). Blue Star recognized operators agree to follow all program
criteria, including providing a modified version of the Blue Star briefing to their customers, regardless of
the type of charter they are running on a given day. The full Blue Star briefing should be provided on all
fishing charters.
Note 2: Recognition by the Blue Star program does not create any right to renewal and does not represent
a waiver by NOAA to seek penalties that are provided by law if violations are discovered.
Note 3: Recognition by the Blue Star program does not ensure that the vessel complies with U.S. Coast
Guard safety inspection or other applicable safety and insurance requirements. Patrons are encouraged
to ask businesses if they maintain current inspection, license, and insurance documentation.
VI. Program Criteria
As referenced below, operators include business owner or manager and staff, program
coordinator refers to FKNMS staff program lead, and representatives can include FKNMS staff,
volunteers, or program coordinator.
A. Comply with Applicable Laws and Regulations
1. Comply with all current, applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations,
including respecting no-take zones. See Operator Handbook for additional
information regarding applicable laws.
2. Report suspected fisheries or resource violations to the appropriate authority
including marine mammal strandings, vessel groundings, and illegal fishing
3. Act as a responsible role model for guests.
4. Immediately correct behavior of guests that are witnessed to be violating laws,
regulations, or best practices.
B. Follow Established Policies, Recommendations, and Guidelines for
Responsible Angling (adapted from FishSmart)
1. Expect to release fish on any given trip and prepare the necessary equipment to
do so.
2. Use gear suited to the size of fish targeted, including properly-sized hooks, bait,
line strength, and tackle. Use barbless, circle hooks whenever practical/possible.
3. Limit fight times to avoid playing the fish to exhaustion. Land the fish as quickly
as possible.
4. Use knotless, rubberized landing nets and rubberized gloves or wet hands to
handle fish to avoid removing the slime layer from their body.
5. Keep fish horizontal and support their body weight when lifting large fish.
6. Take care to not drop the fish onto hard surfaces or long distances.
7. If preparing for release, leave fish in the water rather than bringing them out of
water. If it is not possible to have fish remain in the water, limit air exposure as
much as possible.
8. Take time to revive fish to ensure a successful release. If necessary, use a
recompression device to successfully release barotrauma-affected fish.
C. Voluntarily Exceed Standards Specified by Law, Policies, and Guidelines to Promote
Responsible Stewardship of Fisheries Resources
1. Limit your catch; do not keep more fish than your clients want/need for private
2. Ensure humane conditions for fish, including, but not limited to: avoid gaffing a
fish intended for release, avoid holding fish by gill cover or jaw, and immediately
anaesthetize fish intended for harvest (place in cooler, stun, pith).
3. Only attempt hook removal if hook is superficially embedded, otherwise, cut
line as close to deep hook as possible.
4. Use mooring buoys when feasible, available, and practical or anchor safely and
in accordance with sanctuary regulations.
5. Provide adequate facilities on-board vessels to dispose of waste responsibly
without allowing it to enter the marine environment. Properly dispose of or
recycle all waste including, but not limited to: trash, fish waste, fishing gear, and
engine oil. Work towards eliminating single-use plastics onboard vessels unless
required for safety reasons.
6. Take care to respect other anglers, and the habitat and resources in the area
you are fishing. Do not target fish during their spawn.
D. Participate in Trainings
Participate in annual training provided by FKNMS to attain a program standard of
knowledge on responsible angling practices, the South Florida ecosystem, and FKNMS,
and ensure all operator staff are trained according to program standards, including new
employees hired after the initial training.
E. Conduct an Onboard Educational Briefing
During the charter, and before any lines enter the water, conduct a Blue Star
educational briefing onboard. Participants will be provided with a waterproof card to
assist in the briefing. The briefing should include, but is not limited to:
1. Responsible Angling Practices
2. Set expectations of catch: what to take home and what to release
3. South Florida Ecosystem
4. Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
5. Blue Star Fishing Guide program: what it is, why it’s important, and the criteria
operators agree to follow
F. Provide Outreach and Education Materials
1. Provide customers with Blue Star Fishing Guide brochures and other outreach
materials that promote the program mission and purpose. FKNMS will provide
these materials at no cost and by request.
2. Provide additional materials by request of customers (i.e., educational script,
additional FKNMS brochures, fact sheets)
G. Promote the Blue Star Fishing Guide Program
1. Where feasible, promote the Blue Star Fishing Guide program by including Blue
Star Fishing Guide graphic elements prominently on the homepage of the
charter fishing business website, email correspondence, and advertisements.
Include a link from your business, if applicable, to the Blue Star Fishing Guide
program website. Operators are not required to create a website for this
2. Where feasible, display Blue Star Fishing Guide program materials such as
poster, decal, flag, and/or sticker in or around your business, vessel, or vehicle.
H. Participate in at Least One Conservation-Related Activity per Year
Examples include: reef cleanups, mangrove cleanups, REEF field station, participation in
coral restoration, etc. Activities not listed may be approved by the Blue Star Program
Coordinator. Conservation-related activities may occur after the operator is recognized,
but must be completed within the calendar year. Initial recognition will be awarded on
an operator’s commitment to offer a conservation-related activity by the end of the
I. Attend a Continuing Education Opportunity Once per Year
In order to continuously stay informed of environmental issues in the Florida Keys and
to impart additional stewardship information to customers, participating businesses are
required to attend any one of the marine conservation lectures or presentations offered
every year by Florida Keys agencies and nonprofits, most of which are provided at no
Examples include, but are not limited to: Agency council meetings
(FKNMS/FWC/SAFMC/GFMC), Mote’s BleachWatch training, REEF’s lionfish safe
handling/collection training, REEF Fish n’ Friends lectures, History of Diving Museum
lectures, Coral Restoration Foundation training, Mel Fisher Maritime Heritage Museum,
and Florida Keys Community College’s sanctuary seminar series. Program coordinator
will provide participants with notice of applicable presentations when possible.
Presentations not on the list may be approved by the Blue Star Program Coordinator.
Lectures or presentations must be marine/conservation related. The continuing
education requirement may be fulfilled after the operator is recognized, but must be
completed within the calendar year. Recognition will be awarded on the operator’s
commitment that all staff will complete the continuing education requirement by the
end of the year.
J. Maintain open and frequent communication with Blue Star Program
Coordinator and Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and respond to
requests in a timely manner.
Open and frequent communication is essential to ensuring the effectiveness and success
of the Blue Star program. If a Blue Star operator has not responded to a request made
via email from the Blue Star Coordinator, the Blue Star Coordinator will take the
following steps:
1. Send two separate emails to the Blue Star operator requesting response and
follow up.
2. Call the Blue Star operator and leave a message, requesting a response, if the
owner or Blue Star liaison is not available.
If the Blue Star operator has not responded to requests within one month of the initial
contact they will be notified that their Blue Star recognition will be temporarily
suspended and their organization will be removed from the Blue Star website until
contact is re-established.
Once contacted, the Blue Star Coordinator will work with the Blue Star operator to
initiate the re-evaluation process (see page 10, section VI F
). Once program
requirements are complete the Blue Star operator will be reinstated and their
information will be added to the Blue Star website again.
K. Comply with the logo use policy and agree to immediately remove the Blue
Star logo from any materials found by NOAA in violation of the use policy.
Use of the Blue Star logo is given on condition that the operator (1) has completed the
current year’s program requirements as outlined in the program framework, and (2)
uses the logo in a manner that is consistent with and promotes the purposes of the Blue
Star Program.
Use of the Blue Star logo must meet the following criteria: Use of the logo (1) must at all
times be consistent with and promote the purposes of the Blue Star Program; (2) may
not generate controversy or harm public confidence in NOAA’s Office of National
Marine Sanctuaries, the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, or the Blue Star
Program; (3) may not include partisan political views; (4) may not be used to promote
services or products or to endorse companies not participating in Blue Star; and (5) may
not be used in association with vulgar language, personal attacks of any kind, or
offensive terms/posts that target protected classes. Use of the logo is limited to the Blue
Start operators and may not be shared with other companies or entities or be used to
endorse any other company or entity that is not currently a recognized Blue Star
Complaints about violation of this logo policy will be processed according to Section VIII
of the Framework with the exception of B.5, which provides the operator 30 days to
remedy a violation. Any person or entity authorized to use the logo (as described above)
found by NOAA to be using the Blue Star logo in violation of these conditions agrees to
immediately stop using the logo unless/until arrangements have been made to remedy
violations. Process for Program Participation
K. Initial Evaluation
1. Business owner or manager contacts Blue Star Fishing Guide coordinator
indicating desire to participate.
2. Blue Star Fishing Guide coordinator provides the business owner or manager
with a checklist of Blue Star Fishing Guide components and criteria (hereby
called the Operator Agreement), as well as materials to help the business
prepare for an evaluation before participation and recognition are confirmed.
3. Business owner or manager reviews the Operator Agreement and ensures their
practices comply.
4. Business owner or manager completes an initial Blue Star Fishing Guide training
(see paragraph B below). The owner or manager ensures that all employees are
trained to program standards before the evaluation.
5. Following the training, business owners or managers contact the Blue Star
Fishing Guide coordinator to request an evaluation to verify their business is
following program criteria.
a) Evaluation, including a site visit and review of relevant materials, occurs
within four weeks of request.
b) Blue Star Fishing Guide coordinator requests copies of company
brochures and other advertising materials, reviews the operator’s
webpage, and conducts a web search to ensure all business information
aligns with program criteria.
c) Blue Star Fishing Guide coordinator meets with operators at the
business site on a mutually convenient date to review the evaluation
d) If feasible, Blue Star Fishing Guide coordinator observes a complete
charter to ensure the briefing includes educational information and that
the captain (or other applicable staff) is following program criteria. If
not feasible, the coordinator will observe a simulated briefing by captain
or staff during evaluation.
e) Coordinator provides evaluation results to the business owner or
manager within four weeks of completing the evaluation.
6. Following successful completion of the evaluation, the business owner or
manager becomes an official Blue Star Fishing Guide operator by signing the
Operator Agreement to voluntarily follow Blue Star program criteria for the
calendar year in which the business was initially evaluated. The operator also
receives recognition materials (see paragraph C below) from FKNMS and is
included on all Blue Star Fishing Guide materials as appropriate.
7. If the business owner or manager does not meet all program criteria following
the evaluation, the Blue Star Fishing Guide coordinator provides a letter
describing how best to revise their practices to conform. The Blue Star Fishing
Guide coordinator provides technical assistance, when possible. After reviewing
the evaluation and making suggested changes, the business owner or manager
contacts the Blue Star Fishing Guide coordinator to arrange for re- evaluation.
Note: If the re-evaluation request is made within six
months of the initial evaluation, only those areas which the criteria are not being
met will be re-evaluated. If the re-evaluation request is made more than six
months after the initial evaluation, a full evaluation will be conducted.
L. Annual Evaluation
Evaluation of operators is essential to gauge the
program’s effectiveness and success, which relies on operators continuing to
follow the program criteria after their initial evaluation and after receiving
recognition as a Blue Star Fishing Guide operator. The goal of the annual
evaluation is not to eliminate operators from the program but, rather, to ensure
that operators are following the Blue Star Fishing Guide program criteria and
gather feedback for program improvement. Therefore, the focus of the annual
evaluation process is to provide operators with constructive comments on their
operations as related to the Blue Star Fishing Guide program, and work with
them to meet program criteria.
1. A trained Blue Star Fishing Guide representative from FKNMS conducts the
annual evaluation. Evaluation techniques may include, but are not limited to:
a) In-person or online client evaluations
b) Secret shopper-style evaluations
c) Prearranged, voluntary ride along by the Blue Star Fishing Guide
coordinator, trained representative, or third party, with feedback
provided to the business following the end of the trip.
2. All Blue Star Fishing Guide operators are evaluated at least once per year.
3. FKNMS representatives conducting Blue Star Fishing Guide evaluations are
trained to ensure objectivity and an accurate assessment.
4. Once the representative submits the evaluation results to the Blue Star Fishing
Guide coordinator, the coordinator will contact the operator to discuss these
results and any areas of concern and/or make recommendations. The operator
will receive a copy of the evaluation results via mail, fax, or email, whichever is
preferred. The operator will have the opportunity to note any areas of
disagreement regarding the evaluation and can challenge the findings if they
disagree with the FKNMS representative’s observations or conclusions. If a
FKNMS representative observes what he/she believes may be a violation of the
law, he/she or the coordinator will contact the appropriate law enforcement
agency to report the incident.
5. Prior to renewal, and by December 1 of each year, operators must complete the
online refresher training.
6. If there are any areas of deviation from the program criteria, operators have 30
days to revise their practices. The Blue Star Fishing Guide coordinator is
available for technical assistance as necessary. Operators are re-evaluated after
the 30-day period through techniques described in paragraph 1 above.
Operators will not receive any poster, decal, flag, and/or sticker for the new
program year until it is determined they have revised their practices to meet the
Blue Star Fishing Guide criteria.
7. If a Blue Star Fishing Guide operator disagrees with the representative’s
evaluation findings, the operator may submit a written description explaining
why they disagree with the evaluation findings and demonstrating their full
compliance with the program criteria. After reviewing both accounts, the Blue
Star Fishing Guide coordinator will decide whether the operator did not satisfy
the criteria, triggering the process in paragraph 5 above. If the coordinator
determines that the operator successfully met the program criteria, the
coordinator will note this on the evaluation form and notify the operator via
email, mail, or fax that no further action is required.
8. Program grant funding or program operator in-kind funding will cover the cost
of voluntary trips taken by FKNMS representatives to evaluate program
operators, as applicable.
9. Operators are welcome to provide feedback on the evaluation process to the
Blue Star Fishing Guide coordinator at any time.
10. Additional spot checks may be carried out on a random or unannounced basis to
ensure that all operators continue to meet program criteria.
11. Complaints from the general public or other program operators that a Blue Star
Fishing Guide operator is not following program criteria will be handled
according to the procedure described in Section VI below.
M. Re-Evaluation
If a Blue Star operator is unable to meet the program requirements as outlined in this
Framework within the timeline above their Blue Star recognition will be suspended, and
they will be removed from the Blue Star website, pending re-evaluation.
The Blue Star Liaison is responsible for contacting the Blue Star Coordinator to schedule
a meeting to discuss re-evaluation. During this meeting the operator will outline where
they failed to comply with the Blue Star framework and what changes they have
implemented to ensure future compliance. At this time the operator will schedule a
date for a ride along and re-evaluation with the Blue Star Coordinator.
After a ride along evaluation has successfully been completed the Blue Star operator will
be re-established and will receive the current year’s recognition materials.
VII. Complaints Procedure
The following procedure establishes a process to address complaints the FKNMS coordinator receives
from the public or program operators about Blue Star Fishing Guide operators who may not be meeting
program criteria.
A. Telephone/verbal complaints
A record of the conversation is made and the complainant(s) is asked to document
concerns in writing. The complainant is advised that a copy of the written complaint
may be provided to the operator against whom the complaint was made, but the
complainant may choose to remain anonymous. The procedure for written complaints
in section B then applies. No further action will be taken unless the coordinator receives
a signed, written complaint from the complainant. Note: Any complaint from the public
that appears to describe a violation of the law will be forwarded to NOAA Office of Law
Enforcement or the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission for appropriate
B. Written complaints
1. Complaints are date stamped and shared with the Blue Star Fishing Guide
coordinator. Before sending the written complaint to the operator, the
coordinator reviews the complaint and assesses whether it relates to a
deviation in program criteria. Within six (6) weeks of receiving a written
complaint, the coordinator will make a determination. If the coordinator
determines the complaint does not relate to the program criteria or the
operator was following all program criteria, no further action is taken. If the
coordinator determines the operator deviated from the program criteria, the
coordinator will provide a copy of the written complaint to the operator
involved, outlining the main points of the complaint and requesting a response.
2. If separate complaints against the same Blue Star Fishing Guide operator are
received and reviewed before the formal complaint is provided to the operator,
all complaints will be compiled and sent as one document. Follow-up complaints
received against the same operator for the same issue(s) as the original
complaint will not be accepted until the original complaint is reviewed,
processed, and provided to the operator. This allows the operator the
opportunity to become aware of the potential complaint and address the
issue(s) prior to additional complaints being shared with the operator.
3. Upon receiving a written complaint, the Blue Star Fishing Guide operator has 30
days to provide the Blue Star Fishing Guide coordinator with a written response
(or rebuttal) to the complaint. The Blue Star Fishing Guide coordinator reviews
the operator's response to the complaint made against them and determines if
the points have been adequately addressed. This may involve the need for a
meeting with the operator to clarify any points, a re- evaluation through an
unannounced spot check, and/or a prearranged ride along. The coordinator will
select the most appropriate method.
4. If a second complaint against the operator is received and upheld within one (1)
year after the formal complaint process is complete, the operator undergoes
additional evaluation in accordance with procedures described in subsection 3
above. If three (3) complaints are upheld and/or three (3) evaluations are not
successfully completed within one (1) recognition year, the operator will be
ineligible for the Blue Star Fishing Guide program for one (1) year. The
coordinator will remove the operator from Blue Star Fishing Guide program
materials and the operator will not receive the annual renewal poster, decal,
flag, and/or stickers.
5. The business may request re-evaluation and renewal participation after one (1)
full year of nonparticipation.
Note: If any complaint that is investigated by NOAA
Office of Law Enforcement or the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Commission results in a judgment against the operator, the operator will be
removed from the program. Future reinstatement is at the discretion of the
VIII. Framework Review
An annual review of the framework will ensure that the Blue Star Fishing Guides program is
functioning as intended and provide the opportunity to address issues that were not foreseen
when the framework was developed initially. Participating operators are encouraged to provide
feedback for program improvement throughout the year.
A. June
In June of each year, current Blue Star participants are notified via email or phone call
that the annual framework review is beginning, which will include but is not limited to:
interviews with and received suggestions from participants, the public, FKNMS
Sanctuary Advisory Council members, or other appropriate parties. A webinar may be
held, and all Blue Star operators will be encouraged to attend, during which operators
can provide feedback on the Blue Star framework and suggestions for program
modification and improvement.
B. July
The program coordinator reviews input from participants and others, along with any
internal proposals, and completes a new draft of the framework if necessary by the end
of July.
C. August
By August, the program coordinator will complete a new draft of the framework if
revisions are necessary. The new draft framework is circulated among current operators
for comment, with 30 days to respond.
D. September
Comments are reviewed, and the revised final framework provided to current operators
and program partners in October. Operators agree to abide by all amendments to Blue
Star Fishing Guide criteria.
E. October - December
Blue Star Fishing Guide operators have three (3) months (October-December) to ensure
their practices meet the revised criteria, if necessary. The revised criteria are used for all
operator evaluations in the upcoming renewal year, and the online refresher training
will be based on the revised criteria. Participants agree to abide by all amendments to
the Blue Star criteria. Blue Star operators are responsible for scheduling their annual
ride along in order to receive their current year certification sticker. As of January 1st
each year participants are recognized for their successful implementation of Blue Star
For questions about or feedback for the Blue Star Fishing Guides program please
contact the Blue Star Program Coordinator at Bluestar.F[email protected] or by
calling 305-809-4727.