Information Processing and Management 61 (2024) 103672
Available online 3 February 2024
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Cognitive Biases in Fact-Checking and Their Countermeasures: A
Michael Soprano
, Kevin Roitero
, David La Barbera
, Davide Ceolin
Damiano Spina
, Gianluca Demartini
, Stefano Mizzaro
University of Udine, Via Delle Scienze 206, Udine, Italy
Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), Science Park 123, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
RMIT University, 124 La Trobe St, Melbourne, Australia
The University of Queensland, St Lucia QLD 4072, Brisbane, Australia
Cognitive bias
Truthfulness assessment
The increase of the amount of misinformation spread every day online is a huge threat to
the society. Organizations and researchers are working to contrast this misinformation plague.
In this setting, human assessors are indispensable to correctly identify, assess and/or revise
the truthfulness of information items, i.e., to perform the fact-checking activity. Assessors, as
humans, are subject to systematic errors that might interfere with their fact-checking activity.
Among such errors, cognitive biases are those due to the limits of human cognition. Although
biases help to minimize the cost of making mistakes, they skew assessments away from an
objective perception of information. Cognitive biases, hence, are particularly frequent and
critical, and can cause errors that have a huge potential impact as they propagate not only
in the community, but also in the datasets used to train automatic and semi-automatic machine
learning models to fight misinformation. In this work, we present a review of the cognitive
biases which might occur during the fact-checking process. In more detail, inspired by PRISMA
a methodology used for systematic literature reviews we manually derive a list of 221
cognitive biases that may affect human assessors. Then, we select the 39 biases that might
manifest during the fact-checking process, we group them into categories, and we provide a
description. Finally, we present a list of 11 countermeasures that can be adopted by researchers,
practitioners, and organizations to limit the effect of the identified cognitive biases on the
fact-checking activity.
1. Introduction
The amount of information which is generated daily by users on social media platforms, news agencies, and the web in general
is rapidly increasing. As a result, organizations performing fact-checking of information items are overwhelmed by the amount
Corresponding author.
Michael Soprano, Linkedin: michaelsoprano (M. Soprano), David La Barbera, Linkedin: david-la-barbera-8a1a646a (D. La Barbera), Davide
Ceolin, Linkedin: davideceolin (D. Ceolin), Damiano Spina, Linkedin: damianospina (D. Spina), Gianluca Demartini, Linkedin: gianlucademartini
(G. Demartini), Stefano Mizzaro, Linkedin: stefano-mizzaro-1234082 (S. Mizzaro).
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M. Soprano), [email protected] (K. Roitero), [email protected] (D. La Barbera),
[email protected] (D. Ceolin), [email protected] (D. Spina), [email protected] (G. Demartini), [email protected] (S. Mizzaro).
URLs: (M. Soprano), (K. Roitero), (D. Ceolin), (D. Spina), (G. Demartini), (S. Mizzaro).
Received 10 July 2023; Received in revised form 13 December 2023; Accepted 22 January 2024
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of material that requires inspection (Porter, 2020). Moreover, the current processes and pipelines implemented by fact-checking
organizations cannot cope with the current trend as they are not designed to scale up to the massive amount of information
that requires attention. The problem is so serious that the World Health Organization (WHO) director-general used the neologism
‘‘infodemic’’ to refer to the problem of misinformation during the 2020 edition of the Munich Security Conference,
while the
COVID-19 pandemic was still ongoing (Alam et al., 2021).
People such as fact-checkers, being experts (Drobnic Holan, 2018;, 2020; The RMIT ABC Fact Check Team, 2021)
or crowd workers (Demartini, Mizzaro, & Spina, 2020; Roitero, Soprano, Fan, et al., 2020; Roitero, Soprano, Portelli, et al., 2020;
Soprano et al., 2021), can be subject to systematic errors that can harm the information assessment process. Systematic errors due
to the limits of human cognition are called cognitive biases. According to the Oxford Dictionary, a general definition of bias is
‘‘a strong feeling in favor of or against one group of people, or one side in an argument, often not based on fair judgment’’. There
exist different types of biases: cognitive biases, conflicts of interest, statistical biases, prejudices. In this paper, we focus on cognitive
biases because these are systematic biases due to limits in human cognition that can unintentionally affect the effectiveness of fact-
checking processes. From a psychological point of view, evolutionary studies suggest that humans developed biases to minimize
the cost of making mistakes in the long period, as they can improve decision-making processes (Johnson, Blumstein, Fowler, &
Haselton, 2013). According to error management studies that aim at explaining human processes in decision-making, cognitive
biases, defined as ‘‘the ones that skew our assessments away from an objective perception of information’’ (Johnson et al., 2013),
have been favored by nature in order to minimize whichever error that caused a great cost (Haselton & Nettle, 2006; Nesse, 2001,
2005). In fact, decision-making processes are often complex, and we are not always capable of keeping up to date – and statistically
correct the estimations of the error probabilities involved in such processes; thus, natural selection might have favored cognitive
biases to simplify the overall decision process (Cosmides & Tooby, 1994; Todd & Gigerenzer, 2000). Summarizing, cognitive biases
evolved because of the intrinsic limitations of humans when making a decision. Cognitive biases play a major role in the way
(mis)information and verified content are consumed (Draws et al., 2022), and different debiasing strategies have been proposed in
relation to cognitive factors such as people’s memory for misinformation (Lewandowsky, Ecker, Seifert, Schwarz, & Cook, 2012);
also, debiasing is not the only possible choice, as other proposals aim at managing bias instead of removing it (Demartini, Roitero,
& Mizzaro, 2021).
It is important to remark that biases can have far-fetched consequences. Keeping the focus on fact-checking, machine learning is
an interesting potential solution to address the obvious scalability issues of the approach based on human experts (Ciampaglia et al.,
2015; Liu & Wu, 2020; Wang, 2017; Weiss & Taskar, 2010). In this respect, biases not only interfere with the human fact-checking
activity in practice, but they also create issues for automatic approaches as they creep into the datasets that are then used to train
the machine learning systems, in some cases contributing to blatant errors (see, e.g., the famous ‘‘Gorilla Case’’ (Simonite, 2018)
where an image recognition algorithm misclassified black people as ‘‘gorillas’’). Since biases introduce errors due to systematic
limits in human cognition that are potentially shared among several individuals, bias prevention, management, and/or control are
The contributions of this work are four-fold. First, we propose a comprehensive list of 221 cognitive biases by reviewing the
available related literature. Next, we extract the subset of 39 biases that may manifest during the fact-checking activity. Furthermore,
we categorize them and propose a list of countermeasures to limit their impact. Lastly, we outline the building blocks of a bias-aware
assessment pipeline for fact-checking, with each countermeasure mapped to a constituting block of the pipeline.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 provides some background on the fact-checking process and on
cognitive biases. In Section 3 we discuss aims and motivations of our work, as well as the relations and differences with other
existing reviews. Next, we describe the methodology used in this paper (Section 4). We then present the list of cognitive biases
selected in this work as relevant to fact-checking (Section 5), along with their categorization (Section 6). Finally, we propose a
list of countermeasures (Section 7) and the constituting blocks of a bias-aware assessment pipeline (Section 8) to be employed in
fact-checking. To conclude, we discuss the limitations of our approach (Section 9) and provide implications of the work, future
work, and a summary of the contributions (Section 10).
2. Background
To contextualize our research within the existing body of work, we describe the fact-checking process by presenting how some
notable organizations work in practice (Section 2.1). Next, we investigate in Section 2.2 the methodologies developed by researchers
to evaluate the truthfulness of information items (i.e., the core process of the fact-checking activity) using crowdsourcing and
machine learning. Then, in Section 2.3, we recall works on cognitive biases and we briefly discuss existing literature reviews and
comparing them with the scope of our paper.
2.1. The process of fact-checking
Fact-checking is a complex process that involves several activities (Mena, 2019; Vlachos & Riedel, 2014). An abstract and general
pipeline for fact-checking might include the following steps (not necessarily in this order): check-worthiness (i.e., ensure that an
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information item is of great interest for a possibly large audience), evidence retrieval (i.e., retrieve the evidence needed to fact-check
the information item), truthfulness assessment, discussion among the assessors to reach a consensus, and assignment and publication
of the final truthfulness score for the information item inspected. With respect to this pipeline, in this paper we focus mainly on the
truthfulness assessment step.
It is also interesting to briefly examine the fact-checking processes adopted in practice by three famous organizations, namely
PolitiFact, RMIT ABC Fact Check, and verified signatories to the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN, – given that they set a de-facto standard for the pipeline required to perform fact-checking at scale.
fact-checks information items by US Politicians. Drobnic Holan (2018) details the process as follows. The reporter in
charge of running the fact-checking proposes, to perform the truthfulness assessment step, a rating using a six-level ordinal scale
(Pants On Fire, False, Mostly False, Half True, Mostly True, and True). Such assessment is reported to an editor. The reporter
and the editor work together to reach a consensus on the rating proposed by adding clarifications and details if needed. Then, the
information item is shown to two additional editors, which review the work of the editor and the reporter by providing answer to
the following four questions (Drobnic Holan, 2018, Section ‘‘How We Determine Truth-O-Meter Ratings’’): (1) Is the information
item literally true? (2) Is there another way to read the information item? Is the information item open to interpretation? (3) Did
the speaker provide evidence? Did the speaker prove the information item to be true? (4) How have we handled similar information
items in the past? What is PolitiFact’s jurisprudence? Then, the definitive rating of the item is decided upon using the majority vote
of the score submitted by the editors, final edits are made to make sure everything is consistent, and the report is finally published.
RMIT ABC Fact Check
focuses on information items made by Australian public figures, advocacy groups, and institutions. Their
process works as follows (see The RMIT ABC Fact Check Team, 2021 for a more detailed description). The information item to be
checked needs to be approved by the director which assesses its check-worthiness. Then, one of the researchers at RMIT ABC Fact
Check contacts experts in the field and occasionally the claimant to retrieve evidence and get back data which can be helpful for
fact-checking. The researcher writes the data and the information. An expert fact-checker inspects and reviews them. In this stage, the
expert fact-checker identifies possible problems and questions the researcher on anything that they might have missed (e.g., missing
or not exhaustive evidence retrieved). The expert fact-checker and the researcher revise the draft until the fact-checker is satisfied
with the outcome; then, the whole team discusses the final verdict for the item. The final verdict is then expressed on a fine-grained
categorical scale, which is used in their publications. For documentation purposes, the verdict is further refined into a three-level
ordinal scale defining its truthfulness value: False, In Between, True. This choice is based on previous work demonstrating that a
three-level scale may be the most suitable.
fact-checks information items dealing with US politicians. Their process works as follows (see,
2020 for a more detailed description). As for the check-worthiness step, they select items made by the president of the United
States and important politicians, focusing on those made by presidential candidates during public appearances, top senate races,
and congress actions. To perform evidence retrieval, they seek through video transcripts or articles to identify possible misleading
or false information items and ask the organization or the person making the item to prove its truthfulness by providing supporting
documentation. If no evidence is provided, searches trusted sources for evidence confirming or refusing the item.
Finally, the verdict about the information item is published, without assigning a fine-grained truthfulness label. At,
each item is revised in most cases by four people (, 2020, Section ‘‘Editing’’): a line editor (reviewing content), a copy
editor (reviewing style and grammar), a fact-checker (in charge of the fact-checking process), and the director of the Annenberg
Public Policy Center.
In summary, the fact-checking processes of the three organizations share similarities and differences, described in Table 1.
The table reports, for each fact-checking organization considered, the information items provenance, together with the claimants
considered, the truthfulness scale used, and the number of expert fact-checkers involved in the process. All three organizations are
committed to upholding the principles of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) and focus on checking information items
made by politicians and/or public figures. However, they differ in the specific process followed for evidence retrieval, truthfulness
assessment, and rating of the items. PolitiFact focuses on US politicians, using a six-level rating scale and a consensus-based process
among editors and reporters to determine the final rating. RMIT ABC Fact Check targets Australian public figures, engaging field
experts and a collaborative review process where fact-checking is performed by three experts, thus having the whole team decide the
final verdict. also concentrates on US politicians, seeking evidence from claimants and trusted sources, and has a four-
person team to review each information item. Despite these differences, all three organizations demonstrate a strong commitment
to accuracy, transparency, and thoroughness in their fact-checking processes, providing valuable resources for the public to access
reliable information on political items. Moreover, it is worth mentioning that since all three organizations rely exclusively on human
judgment for their evaluations, their processes are potentially susceptible to the set of cognitive biases addressed in this paper.
2.2. Fact-checking: Crowdsourcing and machine learning
The process of fact-checking, as implemented by the organizations, has the clear limitation of being not scalable: it requires
experts and, being rather time-consuming, is clearly not capable of coping with the huge amount of information shared online
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Table 1
Statistics of the fact-checking process as performed by different organizations.
Organization Country Claimants Truthfulness scale Experts involved
PolitiFact USA Politicians Pants On Fire,
False, Mostly
False, Half True,
Mostly True, True
Australia Public Figures,
Advocacy Groups,
False, In Between,
3 USA Politicians / 4
every day (Das, Liu, Kovatchev, & Lease, 2023; Demartini et al., 2020; Spina et al., 2023). For this reason, the misinformation
problem gained attention among researchers who tried to develop alternative methodologies which can help in identifying and
evaluating the truthfulness of online information. To this end, essentially two main approaches have been proposed.
Fact-checking has been studied with the help of crowdsourcing techniques, which have been leveraged to obtain reliable labels
at scale (Demartini, Difallah, Gadiraju, & Catasta, 2017; Demartini et al., 2020). Draws, Rieger, Inel, Gadiraju, and Tintarev (2021)
focused on debiasing strategies for crowdsourcing, proposing a methodology that researchers and practitioners can follow to improve
their task design and report limitations of collected data; Eickhoff (2018) gathered labels to study and analyze assessor bias, finding
that they have major effects on annotation quality (Eickhoff, 2018); Li et al. (2020) worked in the setting of Twitter topic models;
La Barbera, Roitero, Demartini, Mizzaro, and Spina (2020) and Roitero, Demartini, Mizzaro, and Spina (2018), Roitero, Soprano,
Fan, et al. (2020) collected thousands of truthfulness labels focusing on crowd workers’ effectiveness, agreement, and bias. They
show that crowdsourcing labels correlate with expert judgments, and workers’ backgrounds and biases (e.g., political orientation)
have a major impact on label quality. Roitero, Soprano, Portelli, et al. (2020) worked in a similar setting with a focus on COVID-19
pandemic-related information items. Some other works focused on the credibility and trust of sources of information (Bhuiyan,
Zhang, Sehat, & Mitra, 2020; Epstein, Pennycook, & Rand, 2020) and on echo chambers and filter bubbles (Eady, Nagler, Guess,
Zilinsky, & Tucker, 2019; Nguyen, 2020).
Besides human-powered systems, other lines of research investigated the usage of automatic machine learning techniques for
fact-checking (Hassan et al., 2015; Thorne & Vlachos, 2018). Such techniques rely on training some machine learning algorithm on
a labeled dataset which is usually built using human assessors. Thus, the set of biases that are present in the dataset might impact
the trained machine learning model (Caliskan, Bryson, & Narayanan, 2017). For this reason, we briefly report related work in the
setting of machine learning techniques to cope with disinformation. A set of works focused on the bias of the datasets used to train
machine learning models: Vlachos and Riedel (2014) defined the setting and the challenges needed to create a benchmark dataset
for fact-checking; Ferreira and Vlachos (2016) described a dataset for stance classification; Wang (2017) created the LIAR dataset
which contains a large collection of fact-checked information items; Liu and Wu (2020) used a deep neural network architecture to
perform detection and stop the spreading of misinformation before it becomes viral. Another line of research focused not on the data
but rather on the algorithms which can be employed to build a fully automatic methodology to fact-check information: Weiss and
Taskar (2010) developed a method based on adversarial networks; Ciampaglia et al. (2015) used an approach based on knowledge
networks; Alhindi, Petridis, and Muresan (2018) leveraged justification modeling; Reis, Correia, Murai, Veloso, and Benevenuto
(2019) and Wu, Rao, Yang, Wang, and Nazir (2020) discussed explainable machine learning algorithms that can be employed for
fake news detection; Evans, Edge, Larson, and White (2020) and Oeldorf-Hirsch and DeVoss (2020) considered information sources
and their metadata.
2.3. Cognitive biases
Given that the truthfulness assessment step of the fact-checking pipeline is driven by human assessments, either as direct human
assessments or when using the human labeled data to train machine learning models, it is prone to suffer from cognitive biases.
According to the literature, more than 180 cognitive biases exist (Caverni, Fabre, & Gonzalez, 1990; Haselton, Nettle, & Murray,
2015; Hilbert, 2012; Kahneman & Frederick, 2002). Even if a standard conceptualization or classification of such biases is a debated
problem (Gigerenzer & Selten, 2008; Hilbert, 2012), many works confirmed the presence of bias in many domains using reproducible
studies (Thomas, 2018), for example in information seeking and retrieval (Azzopardi, 2021). Furthermore, biases are often classified
by their generative mechanism (Hilbert, 2012); Oeberst and Imhoff (2023), for instance, argue that multiple biases can be generated
by a given fundamental belief. Research also agreed that multiple biases can occur at the same time (MacCoun, 1998; Nickerson,
It is common knowledge that cognitive biases affect the reasoning process, decision-making, and human behavior in general.
Their effect has been widely studied in multiple disciplines: Barnes (1984), Das and Teng (1999), Ehrlinger, Readinger, and
Kim (2016), Hilbert (2012), and Swets, Dawes, and Monahan (2000) studied the effect of cognitive biases in decision processes
and planning, Fisher and Statman (2000) focused on market forecasting, Draws et al. (2021) and Eickhoff (2018) analyzed
cognitive biases in crowdsourcing, Baeza-Yates presented an overview of biases in the web (Baeza-Yates, 2018) and in search
and recommendation systems (Baeza-Yates, 2020), Sylvia Chou, Gaysynsky, and Cappella (2020) studied the role of cognitive
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biases in social media platforms, Kiesel, Spina, Wachsmuth, and Stein (2021) studied biases related to presentation format using
conversational interfaces in the context of systems for argument search. All those works reported that bias is strongly correlated
with data quality and with the effectiveness of the systems and models detailed in the papers.
Among all the studies dealing with cognitive biases, a line of research has focused on the role of specific cognitive biases in
relation to the misinformation topic. Park, Park, and Kang (2021) discuss the fact-checking activity, asserting that its effectiveness
varies due to multiple factors. They illustrate how statements that are neither entirely false nor true, often resulting in borderline
judgments, can manifest unexpected cognitive biases in human perception. Meanwhile, Zhou and Zafarani (2020) survey and
evaluate methods used to detect misinformation from four perspectives. They argue that people’s trust in fake news can be built
when the fake news confirms one’s preexisting political biases (i.e., particular cognitive biases), thus providing resources to evaluate
the partisanship of news publishers. Mastroianni and Gilbert (2023) show, in a recent study, how biased exposure to information and
biased memory for information makes people believe that morality is declining for decades. Zollo (2019) studied how information
spreads across communities on Facebook, focusing on echo chambers and confirmation bias. They provide empirical evidence of
echo chambers and filter bubbles, showing that confirmation bias plays a crucial role in content selection and diffusion (Cinelli,
Cresci, Quattrociocchi, Tesconi, & Zola, 2022; Cinelli, De Francisi, Galeazzi, Quattrociocchi, & Starnini, 2021; Cinelli et al., 2020; Del
Vicario et al., 2016; Zollo & Quattrociocchi, 2018). Wesslen et al. (2019) explored the role of visual anchors in the decision-making
process related to Twitter misinformation. They found that these visual anchors significantly impact users in terms of activity, speed,
confidence, and accuracy. Karduni et al. (2018) focused on uncertainty on truthfulness assessment when employing visual analysis.
Acerbi (2019) analyzed a cognitive attraction phenomenon in online misinformation, identifying a set of cognitive features that
contribute to the spread of misinformation. Chou, Gaysynsky, and Vanderpool (2021) investigated factors such as biases driving
misinformation sharing and acceptance in the context of COVID-19. Traberg and Van Der Linden (2022) investigated the role
of perceived source credibility in mitigating the effects of political bias. Zhou and Shen (2022) considered confirmation bias on
misinformation related to the topic of climate change. Ceci and Williams (2020) propose ‘‘adversarial fact-checking’’, i.e., pairing
fact-checkers from different sociopolitical backgrounds, as a mechanism to address biases that may occur when verifying political
While the previously cited works focus on specific aspects, there are literature reviews that relate with the issues of cognitive
biases and the overall misinformation spreading problem. Ruffo, Semeraro, Giachanou, and Rosso (2023) address the most important
psychological effects that provide provisional explanations for reported empirical observations regarding the mechanisms behind
the spread of misinformation on social networks. Wang, McKee, Torbica, and Stuckler (2019) reviews works specifically focused
on the spread of health-related misinformation, but they explicitly choose to avoid the extensive literature related to cognitive
biases. Tucker et al. (2018) reviews research findings related to cognitive biases in political discourse, with a focus on the detection
of computational propaganda.
More generally, the literature includes recent reviews that address cognitive biases in various fields of study not related to
misinformation and fact-checking. Armstrong et al. (2023) specifically explores biases that may impact surgical events and discusses
mitigation strategies used to reduce their effects. Similarly, Vyas, Murphy, and Greenberg (2023) investigates biases affecting military
personnel. Eberhard (2023) reviews strategies to mitigate the effects of cognitive biases resulting from visualization strategies on
judgment and decision-making. Additionally, Gomroki, Behzadi, Fattahi, and Fadardi (2023) collect data on cognitive biases in
information retrieval.
3. Aims & motivations
In addressing the challenges posed by cognitive biases that may impact the fact-checking activity, various studies have focused
on different aspects of fact-checking. There is still a gap in comprehensively reviewing how cognitive biases specifically influence
the fact-checking process.
Existing literature reviews have primarily concentrated on technical and procedural aspects of fact-checking (Zhou & Zafarani,
2020), addressing cognitive biases partially. For instance, they propose generative mechanisms for subsets of cognitive biases (Oe-
berst & Imhoff, 2023), address partisanship-related biases exclusively (Walter, Cohen, Lance Holbert, & Morag, 2020), review only
those deemed as the most important by the authors (Ruffo et al., 2023), or avoid the aspect completely (Wang et al., 2019). Some
reviews focus on the context of political conversations only (Tucker et al., 2018). Other recent reviews dealing with cognitive
biases are contributions to other fields of study (Armstrong et al., 2023; Eberhard, 2023; Gomroki et al., 2023; Vyas et al., 2023).
The existing reviews, thus, often overlook the underlying set of cognitive biases that can significantly impact the outcomes of the
fact-checking activity. Our review is aimed at filling these gaps and we believe it is necessary because cognitive biases are inherent
in human judgments and, as a consequence, in the datasets used for training machine learning models for the fact-checking domain.
These biases can subtly but profoundly influence the effectiveness and reliability of fact-checking processes. By identifying and
understanding these biases, we can develop more robust and unbiased fact-checking methodologies, being them human-based or
automatic. This approach not only enhances the accuracy of fact-checking but also contributes to the broader discussion on the
reliability and trustworthiness of information.
In this review, our primary motivation is to provide a comprehensive and systematic investigation of the cognitive biases that
may manifest during the fact-checking process, compromising its effectiveness in a real-world scenario. Thus, the purpose of this
review is fourfold: (i) to systematically identify the cognitive biases that are relevant to the fact-checking process, (ii) to provide
a categorization of these biases and real-world examples to illustrate their impact on fact-checking, (iii) to propose potential
countermeasures that can help mitigate the risk of cognitive biases manifesting in a fact-checking context, and (iv) to provide
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the constituting blocks of a bias-aware fact-checking pipeline that helps to minimize such a risk. In more detail, we adopt PRISMA,
a methodology well-grounded in the literature, to systematically collect and report biases. Specifically, our focus is on retrieving
a single formulation for each considered bias and, if possible, a single reference to support its framing in a fact-checking-related
scenario. Our goal, therefore, is not to build a comprehensive list of references, but rather, a comprehensive list of biases.
In summary, our work aims to characterize cognitive biases that may manifest during the fact-checking activity, offering a novel
perspective that complements and extends existing literature. While we acknowledge that our proposal is not conclusive and should
be regarded as a starting point for further investigation in this area, our aim is to provide valuable insights and practical guidance for
researchers, practitioners, and policymakers working in the field of fact-checking and information assessment. Furthermore, to our
knowledge, this is the first work to provide a comprehensive set of countermeasures to prevent cognitive biases in the fact-checking
4. Methodology
We initially introduce the PRISMA methodology, an approach to conduct high-quality systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
Then, we describe how we adopt it to find existing literature about cognitive biases. To summarize, we explore various information
sources to find literature that addresses one or more examples of cognitive biases by relying on our search strategy. From the
literature found, we perform data collection by extracting one or more biases according to our eligibility criteria. Then, we filter
the whole list of cognitive biases according to our selection process to obtain only those cognitive biases that might manifest while
performing the fact-checking activity.
4.1. The PRISMA methodology
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) is an evidence-based minimum set of items for
reporting in systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Moher, Liberati, Tetzlaff, and Altman (2009) originally proposed the approach in
2009 and it was a reformulation of the QUORUM guidelines (Moher et al., 1999). In 2020, Page, McKenzie, et al. (2021) proposed
an updated version known as ‘‘The PRISMA 2020 Statement’’. In the following, we describe and refer to such a formulation.
PRISMA is a transparent approach that has been widely adopted in various research fields. It aims to help researchers in
conducting high-quality systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Its clear and structured framework facilitates the identification,
assessment, and synthesis of relevant data, ensuring that the review process is rigorous, replicable, and unbiased. At its core, PRISMA
consists of a checklist
and a flow diagram,
both publicly available.
The PRISMA checklist is composed of 27 items addressing the introduction, methods, results, and discussion sections of a
systematic review report, summarized in Table 2. Items 10, 13, 16, 20, 23, and 24 are further split into sub-items (not shown in the
table). The flow diagram, on the other hand, depicts the flow of information through the different phases of a systematic review. It
maps out the number of records identified, included, and excluded, together with the rationale for exclusions; it is available in two
forms, depending on whether the review is a new contribution or an updated version of an existing one. Given that the review we
are proposing is a new contribution, we rely on the former version, reported in Fig. 1. If we compare the figure with Table 2, we
can see how the diagram provides further details mostly related to items 5 to 10, and 16 of the checklist.
The checklist and the diagram should be used according to the ‘‘Explanation and Elaboration Document’’ (Page, Moher, et al.,
2021), which aims to enhance the use, understanding, and dissemination of a review made using PRISMA. Several extensions
have been developed to facilitate the reporting of different types or aspects of systematic reviews. The ‘‘PRISMA 2020 Extension For
Abstracts’’, published together with the overall statement (Page, McKenzie, et al., 2021), is a 12-item checklist that gives researchers
a framework for condensing their systematic reviews into abstracts for journals or conferences. To summarize, the review proposed
in this paper is conducted by relying on four main PRISMA elements: (i) the checklist, (ii) the flow diagram, (iii) the checklist for
abstracts, and (iv) the explanation and elaboration document of the PRISMA 2020 statement (Page, McKenzie, et al., 2021; Page,
Moher, et al., 2021).
Given that our goal is to identify and extract the cognitive biases that might manifest in the fact-checking process from the
whole set of cognitive biases described in the literature, rather than finding all the research papers that address cognitive biases
to some extent (see Section 3), not all the items provided by the PRISMA checklist have to be addressed. However, we recognize
the importance of adhering to the original guidelines as much as possible. Thus, we start by detailing the checklist items that we
did not address because they are not relevant for the goal of finding biases or simply because they are not needed. In more detail,
we do not: compute effect measures (Item 12), study heterogeneity and robustness of the synthesized results (Item 13), present
assessments of risk of bias for each included study (Item 18), perform statistical analyses (Item 20), present assessments of risk of
bias due to missing results for each synthesis (Item 21), present assessments of certainty in the body of evidence for each outcome
(Item 22), provide particular registration information about the review (Item 24).
Most of the work performed to adopt PRISMA concerns the alterations of the inclusion and exclusion criteria that would typically
be applied to research articles in a literature review and the collection and selection process of the cognitive biases presented in
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Table 2
The 27 items of the PRISMA checklist.
Source: Adapted from Page, McKenzie, et al. (2021).
Item # Section/Topic
1 Title
2 Abstract
3 Rationale
4 Objectives
5 Eligibility Criteria
6 Information Sources
7 Search Strategy
8 Selection Process
9 Data Collection Process
10 Data Items
11 Study Risk Of Bias Assessment
12 Effect Measures
13 Synthesis Methods
14 Reporting Bias Assessment
15 Certainty Assessment
16 Study Selections
17 Study Characteristics
18 Risk Of Bias In Studies
19 Results Of Individual Studies
20 Results Of Syntheses
21 Reporting Biases
22 Certainty Of Evidences
23 Discussion
24 Registration And Protocol
25 Support
26 Competing Interests
27 Availability Of Data
Fig. 1. The PRISMA flow diagram for new systematic reviews which included searches of databases, registers and other sources.
Source: Adapted from Page, McKenzie, et al. (2021)
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Fig. 2. Data collection and selection process.
the following; that is, how we approach the items 5–10 and 13 reported in Table 2 and how we perform the processes described
by the flow diagram shown in Fig. 1. This tailored adaptation allows us to follow PRISMA’s structured approach which involves
predefined eligibility criteria, search strategies, and data extraction – that helps minimize the risk of errors in our review process by
considering a slightly different final outcome. Section 4.2 describes our eligibility criteria, information sources and search strategy,
while Section 5 details the data collection and selection processes. The full ‘‘PRISMA Abstract Checklist’’ and ‘‘PRISMA Checklist’’
are reported in Appendix A.
4.2. Eligibility criteria, information sources, and search strategy
To build the list of cognitive biases that may manifest while performing the fact-checking process, we started by defining three
eligibility criteria to include or not a given work:
1. Is a given bias described in a peer-reviewed literature work?
2. Does the bias have a clear definition? Are its causes and domains of application explained?
3. Can we frame a fact-checking related scenario which involves the bias, eventually supported by existing literature?
The PRISMA statement emphasizes the importance of obtaining a balance between precision and recall, depending on the goals
of the review. Keeping this in mind, we have defined our eligibility criteria to identify all cognitive biases with the outlined
characteristics. Biases were excluded if they were not well-established, lacked a clear definition, or were not relevant to fact-checking.
Concerning information sources, more than 200 biases are listed on publicly available web pages. Specifically, Wikipedia lists 227
while The Decision Lab, an applied research firm, provides a list of 103 biases.
Other researchers have listed cognitive biases
as well. For instance, Dimara, Franconeri, Plaisant, Bezerianos, and Dragicevic (2020) identifies 154 cognitive biases, and Hilbert
(2012) lists 9. The search strategy involved exploring the literature retrieved by performing manual searches using each bias name
as a query. The databases we utilized are Google Scholar, Scopus, PubMed, Wiley Online Library, ACL Anthology, and DBLP.
4.3. Data collection and selection processes
The complete methodology for data collection and selection that we adhere to is derived from the diagram shown in Fig. 1
and presented in Fig. 2. We consolidated the lists obtained from the information sources by removing duplicates and performing
disambiguation for each bias, thus obtaining the final amount of 221 cognitive biases. Given that a standard conceptualization or
classification of biases is a debated issue (Gigerenzer & Selten, 2008; Hilbert, 2012), and as our objective is to maximize the number
of cognitive biases identified, we include two biases even if their differences are subtle.
To select the cognitive biases that might manifest during the fact-checking process, we analyzed each of the 221 cognitive biases
found in the literature, consolidated in our list, one at a time. We focused on their definitions, causes, and domains of application,
evaluating each bias according to the eligibility criteria as described in Section 4.2. The selection process has been carried out as
follows: two authors of the paper (referred to as Assessor 1 and Assessor 2) individually and independently examined the full
set of 221 biases, analyzing each bias definition along with a collection of practical examples for each bias. They also provided
justification for the inclusion or exclusion of specific biases by citing examples of their manifestation in a fact-checking scenario.
Then, Assessor 1 and Assessor 2 compared their respective lists, discussed any conflicts that arose, and reached a consensus. In
order to maximize recall, they chose to include a bias in the list even if its likelihood of manifesting was relatively low. After such
a step, a third author (referred to as Assessor 3) reviewed the finalized, conflict-free list of biases to ensure its comprehensiveness
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and consistency. While the selection process inherently involves some degree of subjectivity, we believe that our implementation
of discussion points, redundancy, and cross-checks establishes a robust and reliable methodology for identifying relevant cognitive
biases in the context of fact-checking.
The process detailed lead to a list of 39 cognitive biases that might manifest while performing fact-checking. To the best of our
knowledge, this is the first time such a list of cognitive biases will be made public. It must be noted that proposed list of cognitive
biases should not be taken as final, but rather should be updated as new evidence of effects of specific cognitive biases get published
in the literature.
5. List of cognitive biases
In this section, we list in alphabetical order the 39 cognitive biases that might manifest while performing fact-checking found
by following the process described in Section 4; for each of them, we provide reference to literature that propose a psychological
explanation for it, a short description, and we frame a situation where such bias can manifest. We also provide a fact-checking
related reference to support our framing, when available. The list of 39 cognitive biases selected is presented in the following, while
the full list of the 221 cognitive biases considered is reported in Appendix B.
B1. Affect Heuristic (Slovic, Finucane, Peters, & MacGregor, 2007). To often rely on emotions, rather than concrete information,
when making decisions. This allows one to conclude quickly and easily, but can also distort the reasoning and lead to making
suboptimal choices. This bias can manifest when the assessor likes, for example, the speaker of an information item.
B2. Anchoring Effect (Ni, Arnott, & Gao, 2019). To rely too much on an information item (typically the first one acquired) when
making a decision. This bias can occur when the assessor inspects more than one source of information when assessing the
truthfulness of an information item (Stubenvoll & Matthes, 2022).
B3. Attentional Bias (Bar-Haim, Lamy, Pergamin, Bakermans-Kranenburg, & van IJzendoorn, 2007). To misperceive because of
recurring thoughts. This effect may occur due to the overwhelming amount of certain topics on news media over time, for
example for an assessor who is asked to evaluate the truthfulness of COVID-19 related information items (Lee & Lee, 2023).
B4. Authority Bias (also called Halo Effect) (Ries, 2006). To attribute higher accuracy to the opinion of an authority figure
(unrelated to its content) and be more influenced by that opinion. This bias can manifest when the assessor is shown the
speaker/organization making the information item (Javdani & Chang, 2023).
B5. Automation Bias (Cummings, 2004). To rely on automated systems which might override correct decisions made by a human
assessor. This bias can occur when the assessor is presented with the outcome of an automated system that is designed to
help him/her to make an informed decision on a given information item.
B6. Availability Cascade (Kuran & Sunstein, 1998). To attribute a higher plausibility to a belief just because it is public and more
‘‘available’’. This bias might occur when the information item presented to the assessor contains popular beliefs or popular
facts (Shatz, 2020a).
B7. Availability Heuristic (Groome & Eysenck, 2016): to overestimate the likelihood of events that are recent in the memory.
This bias can occur when the assessors are evaluating recent information items (Hayibor & Wasieleski, 2009).
B8. Backfire Effect (Wood & Porter, 2019). To increase one’s own original belief when presented with opposed evidence. This
bias, which is based on a typical human reaction, can in principle always occur in fact-checking (Swire-Thompson, DeGutis,
& Lazer, 2020).
B9. Bandwagon Effect (Kiss & Simonovits, 2014). To do (or believe) things because many other people do (or believe) the same.
This bias manifests for example when an assessor is asked to evaluate an information item related to recent or debated topics,
for which the media coverage is high.
B10. Barnum Effect (also called Forer Effect) (Fichten & Sunerton, 1983). To fill the gaps in vague information by including
personal experiences or information. This bias can in principle always occur in fact-checking (Escola-Gascon, Dagnall,
Denovan, Drinkwater, & Diez-Bosch, 2023).
B11. Base Rate Fallacy (Welsh & Navarro, 2012). To focus on specific parts of information which support an information item
and ignore the general information. This bias is related to the fact that the assessors are asked to report the piece of text or
sources of information motivating their assessment.
B12. Belief Bias (Leighton & Sternberg, 2004). To attribute too much logical strength to someone’s argument because of the
validity of the conclusion. This bias is most likely to occur when the assessors are asked to evaluate factual information
items (Porter & Wood, 2021).
B13. Choice-Supportive Bias (Kafaee, Marhamati, & Gharibzadeh, 2021). To remember one’s own choices as better than they
actually were. This bias might occur when an assessor is asked to perform a task more than one time, or when s/he is asked
to revise their judgment; it might prevent assessors from revising their initially submitted score (Lind, Visentini, Mäntylä, &
Del Missier, 2017).
B14. Compassion Fade (Leighton & Sternberg, 2004). To act more compassionately towards a small group of victims. This bias
can occur for example when the information item to be evaluated is related to minorities, or tragic events (Thomas, Cary,
Smith, Spears, & McGarty, 2018).
B15. Confirmation Bias (Nickerson, 1998). To focus on or to search for the information item which confirms prior beliefs. This
bias can in principle always occur in fact-checking, for example if the assessor receives a true information that contradicts
their prior beliefs, or if the assessor is asked to provide supporting evidence for their evaluation of such an information item.
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B16. Conjunction Fallacy (also called Linda Problem) (Tversky & Kahneman, 1983). To assume that a conjunct event is more
probable than a constituent event. Tversky and Kahneman (1983) presented this effect with a well-known example. They
propose the following description: ‘‘Linda is 31 years old, single, outspoken, and very bright. She majored in philosophy.
As a student, she was deeply concerned with issues of discrimination and social justice, and also participated in antinuclear
demonstrations.’’ and ask which of the following alternative is more probable: that (a) Linda is a bank teller (constituent
event), or (b) Linda is a bank teller and is active in the feminist movement (conjunct event). Participants’ intuitive methods
for assessing probability often resulted in them concluding that the latter option was more likely than the former. Thus, this
bias can potentially arise when an information item attributes simultaneous occurrences to a specific causal event, a pattern
often found in conspiracy theories related to COVID-19 (Wabnegger, Gremsl, & Schienle, 2021).
B17. Conservatism Bias (Luo, 2014). To revise one’s belief insufficiently when presented with new evidence. Note that this bias
is different from B15. Confirmation Bias: the former deals with the revision of a belief, while the latter deals with new
information. This bias, like B15. Confirmation Bias, can occur when the assessor is asked to provide supporting evidence for
their evaluation of such an information item.
B18. Consistency Bias (Clark & Kashima, 2007). To attribute past events as resembling present behavior. This bias might occur
when the assessor has evaluated an information item in the past and is asked to assess another information item coming from
the same speaker and/or party.
B19. Courtesy Bias (Jones, 1963). To give a socially accepted answer to avoid offending anyone. This bias is often influenced by
the assessor’s personal experience and background, as well as the specific context in which they is providing their answer.
B20. Declinism (Etchells, 2015). To see the past with a positive connotation and the future with a negative one. This bias is related
to the temporal part of the information items that the assessor is evaluating (Ralston, 2022).
B21. Dunning-Kruger Effect (Dunning, 2011). To overestimate oneself competence due to a lack of knowledge and skill in a certain
area. This bias can occur typically to non-expert individuals, e.g., when an assessor is not trained and is overconfident about
a given subject or certain topics. It is more likely to manifest with non-expert assessors in general, such as crowd workers,
than expert fact-checkers like journalists.
B22. Framing Effect (Malenka, Baron, Johansen, Wahrenberger, & Ross, 1993). To draw different conclusions from logically
equivalent information items based on the context, the alternatives, and the presentation method. This bias is likely to
manifest, for example, when negative and positive equivalents of information items to assess refer to two counterparts of a
property that have respectively negative and positive connotations, and its presentation is in terms of the share that belongs
to either one or the other of these counterparts (Lindgren et al., 2022). For example, let us hypothesize that a natural disaster
kills 400 out of 1000 people, thus leaving 600 alive. An information item could describe its outcome by stating that ‘‘60%
of people survived the disaster’’ or ‘‘40% of people did not survive the disaster’’; that is, by framing the fact either positively
or negatively.
B23. Fundamental Attribution Error (Harvey, Town, & Yarkin, 1981). To under-emphasize situational and environmental factors
for the behavior of an actor while over-emphasizing dispositional or personality factors. This bias is likely to manifest while
fact-checking information items made by politically aligned speakers or news outlets, as in the case of a politician who says
that people are poor because they are lazy. Furthermore, it is more likely to affect younger or older human assessors, since
age differences influence its manifestation (Follett & Hess, 2002).
B24. Google Effect (Brabazon, 2006). To forget information that can be found readily online by using search engines. This bias
can manifest when a worker is required to use a search engine to find evidence, and/or when they are asked to assess an
information item at different time spans. For example, an assessor forgetting part of the information item right after reading
it, because they know that it is easily retrievable again if needed by querying a search engine (Lurie & Mustafaraj, 2018).
B25. Hindsight Bias (also called ‘‘I-knew-it-all-along’’ Effect) (Roese & Vohs, 2012). To see past events as being predictable at the
time those events happened. Since it may cause distortions of memories of what was known before an event, this bias may
manifest when an assessor is required to evaluate an event after some time or when is asked to evaluate the same information
item multiple times at different time spans (Hom, 2022).
B26. Hostile Attribution Bias (Pornari & Wood, 2010). To interpret someone’s behavior as hostile even if it is not. This bias
can occur for assessors who have experienced discrimination from authority figures or the dominant social group. For
example, a speaker from an under-represented ethnicity remarks oneself that they perceive something as offensive, thus
fueling hostility (Bushman, 2016).
B27. Illusion of Validity (Einhorn & Hogarth, 1978). To overestimate someone’s judgment when the available information is
consistent. This bias can occur for example when an assessor works with a set of previously true information items from a
specific person and predicts that the subsequent set of information items will have the same outcome from the same person.
B28. Illusory Correlation (Hamilton & Gifford, 1976). To perceive the correlation between non-correlated events. This bias can
manifest when an assessor works on multiple information items in a single task and may perceive nonexistent patterns
between the items.
B29. Illusory Truth Effect (Newman, Schwarz, & Ly, 2020). To perceive an information item as true if it is easier to process or it
has been stated multiple times. This bias can manifest for example when using straightforward or naive gold questions in a
task to check for malicious assessors (Brashier, Eliseev, & Marsh, 2020).
B30. Ingroup Bias (Mullen, Brown, & Smith, 1992). To favor people belonging to one’s own group. This bias can manifest for
example when the assessors are required to work on information items related to their own political party, city, etc (Shin &
Thorson, 2017).
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B31. Just-World Hypothesis (Lerner & Miller, 1978). To believe that the world is just. This bias can happen for example when
the assessor is working with information items related to major political institutions, as people tend to assign to them higher
scores in belief (Rubin & Peplau, 1975).
B32. Optimism Bias (also called Optimistic Bias) (Sharot, 2011). To be over-optimistic, underestimating the probability of
undesirable outcomes and overestimating favorable and pleasing outcomes. This bias can occur for example when the
information item provides some kind of assessment of the risk of an event manifesting, such as the likelihood of getting
infected by COVID-19 (Druică, Musso, & Ianole-Călin, 2020).
B33. Ostrich Effect (also called Ostrich Problem) (Karlsson, Loewenstein, & Seppi, 2009). To avoid potentially negative but useful
information, such as feedback on progress, to avoid psychological discomfort. This bias can occur when an assessor avoids
evaluating, explicitly or not, an information item which has a negative connotation according to their own beliefs.
B34. Outcome Bias (Baron & Hershey, 1988). To judge a decision by its eventual outcome instead on the basis of the quality of
the decision at the time it was made. This bias can manifest when the information item under consideration is related to a
past event (Robson, 2019).
B35. Overconfidence Effect (Dunning, Griffin, Milojkovic, & Ross, 1990). To be too confident in one’s own answers. This effect
can manifest when the assessor is an expert in the field, as for example an expert journalist who performs fact-checking
related to their writing or a medical specialist who assesses health-related information items.
B36. Proportionality Bias (also called Major Event/Major Cause Heuristic) (Leman & Cinnirella, 2007). To assume that big events
have big causes. This innate human tendency can also explain why some individuals accept conspiracy theories. This bias can
occur when the factual information being assessed deals with the causes and effects of a particular event (Stall & Petrocelli,
B37. Salience Bias (Mullen et al., 1992). To focus on items that are more prominent or emotionally striking and ignore those
that are unremarkable, even though this difference is irrelevant by objective standards. For example, an information item
detailing the numerous deaths of infants will receive more attention than an information item detailing a less emotionally
striking fact. If those two facts are presented in the same information item, the score assessed for the prominent fact might
drive the overall assessment of the whole information item.
B38. Stereotypical Bias (Heilman, 2012). To discriminate against a personal trait (e.g., gender). Like B30. Ingroup Bias, this bias
can happen when the assessor, especially a crowd worker, identifies themselves with the group related to the information
item they is assessing.
B39. Telescoping Effect (Thompson, Skowronski, & Lee, 1988). To displace recent events backward in time and remote events
forward in time, so that recent events appear more remote, and remote events, more recent. This bias might occur when the
information item presented contains temporal references.
6. Categorization of cognitive biases
Considering at the same time all the 39 biases that might manifest while performing fact-checking can be challenging for
researchers and practitioners that aim studying their manifestation and/or impact in fact-checking settings. Thus, providing a second
level of aggregation might support laying out the problem and facilitate further analysis, for instance by considering the type of
fact-checking related task. To this end, we further categorize the 39 biases from a task-based perspective, utilizing the classification
scheme proposed by Dimara et al. (2020) and employed to address cognitive biases specifically affecting information visualization
tasks. This scheme allows for aggregating our initial list based on the psychological explanations of why biases might occur in a
fact-checking related context, as reported in Section 5.
Dimara et al. scheme for classifying cognitive biases works as follows. They first identify user tasks that might involve cognitive
biases, thus generating a set of 7 task categories (Dimara et al., 2020, Section 3.4) using open card-sorting analysis (Wood &
Wood, 2008). The user task categories found are summarized in Table 3. Then, they focus on the relevance of cognitive biases
with information visualization aspects. The initial classification of cognitive biases according to the user task included a fairly large
number of biases for each category. Thus, they further refined the overall scheme by proposing a set of 5 sub-categories called
flavors (Dimara et al., 2020, Section 3.4) that focus on other types of similarities across cognitive biases, related with how each
bias affects human cognition. Such flavors are summarized in Table 4.
We categorize our set of 39 biases that might manifest in the fact-checking activity by assessing which type of task they might
affect and how they influence human cognition, that is, by assigning them with a given task/flavor combination according to the
scheme by Dimara et al. (2020, Table 2). The categorization process involved evaluating each bias identified in our initial list
against the seven task categories and five flavors. This was done by first determining the most likely fact-checking task each bias
could influence (Table 3). Subsequently, we analyzed how each bias affects human cognition by aligning them with one of the
flavors (Table 4). This dual-level categorization allowed for a detailed understanding of how each bias could potentially manifest in
various aspects of fact-checking. Among our list of 39 cognitive biases, there are 35 biases that both we and Dimara et al. consider
(although in two different contexts); for them the two classifications agree. Furthermore, there are four biases that Dimara et al.
did not consider in their classification. Such biases are: B18. Consistency Bias, B19. Courtesy Bias, B36. Proportionality Bias, and
B37. Salience Bias. We conducted an in-depth analysis to appropriately assign these biases to both a task category and a flavor.
This involved assessing the nature and implications of each bias and determining the most relevant task and flavor based on their
characteristics and impact on cognitive processes during fact-checking.
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Table 3
Types of user tasks that may involve cognitive biases, as proposed by Dimara et al. (2020).
Task Description
Causal Attribution Tasks involving an assessment of causality.
Decision Tasks involving the selection of one over several
alternative options.
Estimation Tasks where people are asked to assess the value
of a quantity.
Hypothesis Assessment Tasks involving an investigation of whether one or
more hypotheses are true or false.
Opinion Reporting Tasks where people are asked to answer questions
regarding their beliefs or opinions on political,
moral, or social issues.
Recall Tasks where people are asked to recall or
recognize previous material.
Other Tasks which are not included in one of the
previous categories.
Table 4
Phenomena that affect human cognition, as proposed by Dimara et al. (2020).
Flavor Description
Association Cognition is biased by associative connections
between information items.
Baseline Cognition is biased by comparison with (what is
perceived as) a baseline.
Inertia Cognition is biased by the prospect of changing
the current state.
Outcome Cognition is biased by how well something fits an
expected or desired outcome.
Self-Perspective Cognition is biased by a self-oriented viewpoint.
The task/flavor classification described in Table 5 provides a structured and detailed approach to understanding the multifaceted
ways in which cognitive biases can influence the fact-checking process. We acknowledge that differently from the selection of the 39
biases, where a structured PRISMA-based approach was possible, this classification is necessarily more subjective, as it is achieved
by agreement between evaluators. By mapping each bias to specific fact-checking tasks and cognitive influences, we aim to offer a
comprehensive framework that aids researchers and practitioners in identifying and addressing potential biases in their work.
To provide an interpretation of the categorization scheme based on tasks and flavors in a fact-checking context, let us make
an example of a Decision task as defined by Dimara et al. (2020) (see Table 3). As these types of tasks involve selecting one
option from several alternatives, let us consider a scenario where an assessor is asked to determine which information item is more
truthful among two different alternatives. Let us further hypothesize that the two information items are made by politicians, with
one belonging to the governing party. In such a case, one may argue that since the trustworthiness of the speaker might be linked to
B4. Authority Bias, the assessor might believe that being part of the governing party implies higher trustworthiness for the speaker.
Moreover, since reasoning (or, as Dimara et al. call it, cognition) is biased by an associative connection between the two pieces of
information, we conclude that the underlying flavor is Association.
7. List of countermeasures
The literature allows us to specify 11 countermeasures that can be employed in a fact-checking context to help prevent
manifesting the cognitive biases outlined in Table 5. We detail each countermeasure in the following (C1C11).
To select the countermeasures, we proceed as follows. First, we inspect the literature to identify works aiming at addressing
specific biases, and second, we select the proposed countermeasures from those works that can be applied when performing the
fact-checking activity. Note that this approach only details how to remove individual biases, but it must be noted that the removal
of one bias as a result of the application of a countermeasure might result in a manifestation of another one. For instance, Park et al.
(2021) show that often there are unexpected biases that arise in a fact-checking scenario, thus there might not exist a systematic
way to safely remove all the possible sources of bias altogether. Hence, researchers and practitioners should aim at finding a good
compromise between the possibility of bias manifestation and the specific experimental setting. The 11 identified countermeasures
are listed in the following, in alphabetical order; for each countermeasure we cite the relevant literature examined.
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Table 5
Categorization of cognitive biases, adapted from Dimara et al. (2020).
Association Baseline Inertia Outcome Self-Perspective
B26. Hostile
Attribution Bias
B31. Just-World
B23. Fundamental
B30. Ingroup
Decision B4. Authority Bias
B5. Automation
B22. Framing Effect
Estimation B7. Availability
B16. Conjunction
B2. Anchoring
B11. Base Rate
B14. Compassion
B21. Dunning-
Kruger Effect
B35. Overconfidence
B17. Conservatism
B27. Illusion of
B34. Outcome
B32. Optimism
B37. Salience
B6. Availability
B29. Illusory Truth
B10. Barnum
B12. Belief Bias
B15. Confirmation
B28. Illusory
B36. Proportionality
B8. Backfire
B9. Bandwagon
B38. Stereotypical
B19. Courtesy
Recall B24. Google Effect
B39. Telescoping
B18. Consistency
B13. Choice-
Supportive Bias
B20. Declinism
B25. Hindsight
Other B3. Attentional Bias B33. Ostrich
C1. Custom search engine. Researchers and practitioners should be extremely careful with the system supplied to the assessors
to help them retrieving some kind of supporting evidence, since such a system can be biased (Diaz, 2008; Mowshowitz &
Kawaguchi, 2005; Otterbacher, Checco, Demartini, & Clough, 2018; Wilkie & Azzopardi, 2014). Researchers should employ
a custom and controllable search engine when asking the assessors to evaluate an information item. The assessors might be
influenced by the score assigned to the news by a news agency or an online website for the very same information item. Thus,
the researcher may tune the search engine parameters to limit the bias that each assessor encounters during a fact-checking
activity due to the result source.
C2. Inform assessors. Researchers should always inform assessors about the presence of any kind of automatic (e.g., AI-based)
system designed to provide support during the assessment activity, for example by asking them for confirmation or rejection
while using such systems, thus limiting B5. Automation Bias (Goddard, Roudsari, & Wyatt, 2011; Kupfer et al., 2023). This
includes, for example, the presence of a search engine helping them finding some kind of evidence (Draws et al., 2022;
Roitero, Soprano, Fan, et al., 2020; Roitero, Soprano, Portelli, et al., 2020; Soprano et al., 2021).
C3. Discussion. Researchers should allow a synchronous discussion among assessors when possible. In fact, when evaluating the
truthfulness of an information item each individual is more prone to accept information items that are consistent with their
set of beliefs (La Barbera et al., 2020; Lewandowsky et al., 2012; Roitero, Soprano, Fan, et al., 2020). Reimer, Reimer, and
Czienskowski (2010) and Szpara and Wylie (2005), indeed, proved the effectiveness of conducting a synchronous discussion
between different assessors to reduce their own bias. Pitts, Coles, Thomas, and Smith (2002) and Zheng, Cui, Li, and Huang
(2018) show how discussion among assessors improves the overall assessment quality.
C4. Engagement. It is important to put the assessors in a good mood when performing a fact-checking task. Cheng and Wu
(2010) show that engaged assessors are less likely to experience both:
B22. Framing Effect.
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B28. Illusory Correlation.
Moreover, Furnham and Boo (2011) show that if assessors are engaged they are less likely to experience:
B2. Anchoring Effect.
B33. Ostrich Effect.
C5. Instructions. Another important aspect to consider consists of formulating an adequate set of instructions. Gillier, Chaffois,
Belkhouja, Roth, and Bayus (2018) have shown that a set of instructions helps assessors in coming up with new ideas when
performing a crowdsourcing task. Even though Gadiraju, Yang, and Bozzon (2017) explain that assessors can perform a
task even if they have a sub-optimal understanding of the work requested, task instructions clarity should be taken into
account. Furthermore, the assessors should be encouraged explicitly to be skeptical about the information that they are
evaluating (Lewandowsky et al., 2012). Indeed, Ecker, Lewandowsky, and Tang (2010) and Schul (1993) prove that pre-
exposure warning (i.e., telling explicitly a person that they could be exposed to something) reduces the overall impact on
the person itself. Thus, showing a set of assessment instructions can be seen as a pre-exposure warning against the impact of
misinformation on the assessor.
C6. Require evidence. Requiring the assessors to provide supporting evidence for their judgments is another effective counter-
measure with several advantages. It encourages the assessor to focus on verifiable facts. Lewandowsky et al. (2012) explain
that such a countermeasure increases the perceived familiarity with the information item, reinforcing the assessor perceived
trustworthiness of the information item itself. They also show that reporting a small set of facts as evidence has the effect
of discouraging possible criticisms by other assessors, thus reinforcing the assessment provided. Jerit (2008) observes such
a phenomenon in public debates. Furthermore, asking the assessors to come up with arguments to support their assessment
has proven to reduce:
B2. Anchoring Effect, as shown by Mussweiler, Strack, and Pfeiffer (2000).
B11. Base Rate Fallacy, as shown by Kahneman and Tversky (1973).
B22. Framing Effect, as shown by Cheng and Wu (2010), Kim, Goldstein, Hasher, and Zacks (2005).
B27. Illusion of Validity, as shown by Kahneman and Tversky (1973).
B28. Illusory Correlation, as shown by Matute, Yarritu, and Vadillo (2011).
However, requesting for evidence may be a source of bias itself. Luo (2014) and Wood and Porter (2019) show, indeed, that
such a request can lead to the manifestation of, respectively:
B8. Backfire Effect.
B17. Conservatism Bias.
Thus, the requester of the fact-checking activity should address this matter carefully.
C7. Randomized or constrained experimental design. Using a randomized or constrained experimental design is helpful in
reducing biases. Indeed, different assessors should evaluate different information items. Moreover, each set of items should
be evaluated according to a different order, and the assignment of an information item to a given assessor should be such
that the item overlap between every two assessors is minimum. If such a constraint cannot be satisfied, a randomization
process should minimize the chances of overlap between items and assessors (Ceschia et al., 2022; Hettiachchi, Kostakos, &
Goncalves, 2022).
C8. Redundancy and diversity. Redundancy should be employed when asking more than one assessor to fact-check a set of
information items. Indeed, the same information item should be evaluated by different assessors. Each item can thus be
characterized by a final score, that should be computed by aggregating the individual scores provided by each assessor.
In this way, the individual bias of each assessor is mitigated by the remaining assessors. If the population of assessors is
diverse enough, one can ideally expect less bias from the fact-checking activity. The population of assessors should thus be
as variegated as possible, in terms of both background and experience (Difallah, Filatova, & Ipeirotis, 2018).
C9. Revision. Asking the assessors to revise and/or double-check their answers or even provide them with alternative labels is
a useful countermeasure to reduce many biases. In more detail, Cheng and Wu (2010), Kahneman (2011), Kahneman and
Tversky (1973), Kim et al. (2005), Mussweiler et al. (2000), and Shatz (2020b) show that assessment revision helps reducing:
B2. Anchoring Effect.
B7. Availability Heuristic.
B9. Bandwagon Effect.
B11. Base Rate Fallacy.
B22. Framing Effect.
Furthermore, Bollinger, Leslie, and Sorensen (2011), Cooper et al. (2014), Hettiachchi, Schaekermann, McKinney, and Lease
(2021), and Mussweiler et al. (2000) show that providing feedback to assessors while performing a given task is useful to
reduce biases such as:
B2. Anchoring Effect.
B3. Attentional Bias.
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B37. Salience Bias.
C10. Time. Researchers should be careful when setting the time available for each assessor to fact-check a given information item.
An adequate amount of time should be left to the assessor. There are advantages and disadvantages of granting the assessor
with a small or large amount of time. For instance, one may assume that providing the assessor with more time will encourage
careful consideration of the decision, thus helping to avoid the B2. Anchoring Effect. However, Furnham and Boo (2011)
show that overthinking might actually increase such a bias. On the other hand, Shatz (2020b) shows that assessors left with
an adequate amount of time experienced a reduction of the B9. Bandwagon Effect.
C11. Training. Dugan (1988), Kazdin (1977), Lievens (2001), Pell, Homer, and Roberts (2008), and Szpara and Wylie (2005) show
that training an assessor increases accuracy and reduces the chances for bias to manifest. Thus, assessors training is a useful
countermeasure against biases within any context.
8. Towards a bias-aware assessment pipeline for fact-checking
In Section 7 we presented 11 countermeasures to reduce the risk of manifestation of the 39 cognitive biases listed in Section 5
and further categorized in Section 6. We can thus leverage them to propose the constituting elements of a fact-checking pipeline that
minimizes such a risk, outlined in Table 6. The table shows, for each part of the overall fact-checking activity, the corresponding
countermeasures along with a brief recap and the biases involved.
More specifically, the first column of the table details the task phase where the specific countermeasure can be applied: before
the task (i.e., pre-task), when the assessor is performing the task (i.e., during the task), or after the task, when the assessment has
been made (i.e., post-task); furthermore, we list a set of countermeasures that are not bounded to a specific task purpose (i.e., general
purpose). The remaining columns detail the countermeasures that can be adopted within the corresponding phase and, for each of
them, a brief description together with the set of biases that they reduce.
Let us make it more clear by providing an example; the first row of the table deals with the adoption of the countermeasure
C7. Randomized or constrained experimental design, i.e., to randomize the process that assigns assessors and information items
to enforce diversity and randomness in the pairing. This is a general purpose countermeasure since it can be applied in different
task phases (e.g., when designing the task offline or dynamically when a new assessor is assigned to a new information item). It
allows for the mitigation or removal of the B2. Anchoring Effect, as the assessor is less likely to rely on a specific information item,
given that they inspect more than one with different characteristics. Additionally, it helps address the B9. Bandwagon Effect, as the
assessor is less likely to be presented with a set of items all related to their personal beliefs or to debated topics with high coverage.
In light of the detailed review of current fact-checking practices by prominent organizations like PolitiFact, RMIT ABC Fact
Check, and presented in Section 2.1, we can now discuss how our proposal of a bias-aware pipeline can be considered
as an enhancement to these existing practices. The key distinction lies in our approach’s systematic integration of cognitive bias
countermeasures at various stages of the fact-checking process, which is not explicitly addressed in the conventional practices
followed by organizations.
Our proposed pipeline, as outlined in Table 6, includes specific countermeasures targeting known cognitive biases. For instance,
PolitiFact’s process involves consensus among editors and reporters for the final rating, which can be influenced by biases
like B2. Anchoring Effect or B9. Bandwagon Effect. Our pipeline suggests measures like randomized pairing of assessors and
information items, and synchronous discussion between assessors, to mitigate these biases. Similarly, RMIT ABC Fact Check’s process,
involving a collaborative review where a team decides the final verdict, could benefit from our proposed countermeasures like
requiring evidence to support assessments and revising the assessments to encourage a systematic evaluation of the evidences that
support the assessments, to counter biases such as B22. Framing Effect or B28.Illusory Correlation.’s approach,
emphasizing evidence retrieval and a review team, aligns with our recommendation of using a custom search engine and informing
assessors about AI-based support systems to reduce the impact of biases like B5. Automation Bias.
In summary, while the existing practices of these organizations adhere to high standards of transparency, accuracy, and
thoroughness, the integration of our bias-aware pipeline could further enhance the objectivity and reliability of the fact-checking
process by explicitly addressing and mitigating the influence of cognitive biases. This not only would strengthen the trustworthiness
of the fact-checking results, but would also align with the evolving needs of a complex information landscape where biases can
significantly impact the interpretation and verification of information. In the future, we plan to engage directly with organizations
like PolitiFact, RMIT ABC Fact Check, and to discuss the practical testing and implementation of such a bias-aware
pipeline in their fact-checking processes.
9. Limitations
While our research provides valuable insights into the set of cognitive biases affecting human assessors during the fact-checking
process, there are some limitations of our work that should be acknowledged.
First, there is subjectivity involved both in the processes of identification and classification of the 221 cognitive biases, which are
based on the authors’ interpretation and understanding of the individual biases, and in the creation of the fact-checking scenarios
that involve each of these cognitive biases. Despite our efforts to provide reasonable and grounded examples, for 23 out of 39
biases we have been able to support our scenario formulation by relying on the literature, but for the remaining 16 biases we have
not been able to find a fact-checking related reference. Thus, in these cases, the inherent subjectivity of our formulation must be
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Table 6
Constituting elements of a bias-aware assessment pipeline.
Task Phase Countermeasure Brief Description Biases Involved
General Purpose
C7. Randomized or
constrained experimental
Employ a randomization
process when pairing
assessors and information
Bias in General
C8. Redundancy and
Use more than one assessor
for each information item,
and a variegated pool of
Bias in General
C10. Time Allocate an adequate
amount of time for the
assessors to perform the
B2. Anchoring Effect
B9. Bandwagon Effect
C4. Engagement Put the assessors in a good
mood and keep them
B2. Anchoring Effect
B22. Framing Effect
B28. Illusory Correlation
B33. Ostrich Effect
C5. Instructions Prepare a clear set of
instructions to the
assessors before the task
B21. Dunning-Kruger
B35. Overconfidence
C11. Training Train the Assessors before
the task
Bias in General
During the Task
C1. Custom search engine Deploy a custom search
Bias in General
C2. Inform assessors Inform the assessors about
AI-based support systems
B5. Automation Bias
C3. Discussion Synchronous discussion
between assessors
Bias in General
C6. Require evidence Ask the assessors to
provide supporting
B2. Anchoring Effect
B8. Backfire Effect
B11. Base Rate Fallacy
B17. Conservatism Bias
B22. Framing Effect
B27. Illusion of Validity
B28. Illusory Correlation
C9. Revision Ask the assessors to revise
the assessments
B2. Anchoring Effect
B3. Attentional Bias
B7. Availability Heuristic
B9. Bandwagon Effect
B11. Base Rate Fallacy
B22. Framing Effect
B37. Salience Bias
Post-Task C8. Redundancy and
Aggregate the final scores Bias in General
Given that these processes are to some extent subjective, different researchers and practitioners might identify and classify these
biases differently. Although our PRISMA-based methodology aimed to provide a comprehensive list of cognitive biases affecting
fact-checking, it is possible that some biases were overlooked or not considered due to the vast amount of literature on cognitive
biases. Thus, our proposed list may not be exhaustive or complete.
Then, it is important to note that our findings may not be generalizable to all possible fact-checking contexts or human
populations, as cognitive biases may manifest differently depending on the specific context and individual differences.
Regarding the set of countermeasures presented, it should be noted that it is difficult to ascertain the extent to which the
countermeasures are effective and general. Their effectiveness could be influenced by various factors, such as the specific context,
individual differences, and the nature of the misinformation.
We also remark that in our research we have considered each cognitive bias as independent. However, biases may interact with
each other in complex ways, potentially magnifying or attenuating their effects on the fact-checking process. Future research should
investigate the possible interactions between cognitive biases and their cumulative impact on the ability of human assessors to
accurately evaluate information.
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It should be also noted that this study is primarily based on an analysis of the literature; as such, we did not conduct any empirical
tests to validate the potential impact of the identified cognitive biases on the fact-checking process involving human assessors. Future
research should consider experimental activities to investigate the actual effects of these biases on assessors’ performance and the
effectiveness of the proposed countermeasures.
Finally, it should be noted that the cognitive biases we identified and discussed in this paper are based on the current state of
knowledge. As the field of cognitive psychology continues to evolve, new biases may be discovered or existing ones may be refined
or redefined. Thus, our findings and analyses should be periodically updated to reflect the most current understanding of cognitive
biases and their potential impact on the fact-checking process.
10. Conclusion and future work
In this review, we discuss the problem of cognitive biases that may manifest while performing fact-checking tasks. Our study
summarizes the literature and leverages the ‘‘PRISMA 2020 Statement’’ to systematically identify and categorize these biases,
ensuring a rigorous and comprehensive approach to the problem. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to comprehensively
study and handle the cognitive biases that may be present at the different stages of the fact-checking workflow.
We have identified and detailed a subset of 39 out of 221 cognitive biases that are relevant to fact-checking, discussing each
of them in detail, and formulating examples of their manifestation in real-world scenarios (Section 5). Furthermore, we propose
a classification of such biases (Section 6) and we provide a list of countermeasures to limit their impact (Section 7). Finally,
we outline the constituting elements of a bias-aware fact-checking pipeline and we assign our countermeasures to each block
(Section 8).
This paper, and in particular the proposed bias-aware assessment pipeline for fact-checking, has many implications. Researchers
and practitioners are allowed to fully understand which cognitive biases can manifest in a fact-checking task. In particular, the
findings presented in this work may help human expert fact-checkers in revising their processes (Ceci & Williams, 2020) as well as
help artificial intelligence developers in building models that are robust against biased data and result in fair decisions. A step in this
direction is Table 6, which presents possible actions towards the mitigation of the identified risks in producing biased fact-checking
decisions. For example, filtering the information available to human assessors to avoid them being biased by evidence they should
not consider during their judgment process (see C1. Custom search engine), or allow for an open discussion to highlight possible
extreme individual views (see C3. Discussion). Instructions given to assessors are another possible source of bias and thus making
sure they are presented as intended (see C5. Instructions) is a way to avoid wrong priming and bias.
This systematic characterization of cognitive biases during the fact-checking process sets the basis for future work. Researchers
and practitioners can use the set of identified cognitive biases and design ad hoc experiments to further investigate how to manage
and mitigate the effects of these biases. In future studies, we propose to integrate quantitative methods with our current qualitative
approach. These could involve a bibliometric analysis to identify the most influential papers within our body of cited literature.
Such an analysis can offer insights into the prevalence and impact of specific cognitive biases in shaping human judgments in
the field of fact-checking. In addition, statistical tools and techniques could be employed to evaluate the extent of these biases’
influence. By doing so, we aim to create a more comprehensive understanding of the interplay between cognitive biases and fact-
checking processes. For instance, we have seen in both Section 5 and Table 6 that asking the assessors to revise their judgment
(i.e., adopting C9. Revision) might help in mitigating B2. Anchoring Effect. Thus, researchers and practitioners can set up a
between-subject experiment for truthfulness classification where assessors are divided into two disjoint sets; while both set of
assessors are presented with an initial information item before each assessment (i.e., the anchor point), the former set of assessors
is asked to revise their truthfulness judgment before submitting it, while the latter is not. Researchers can then measure the data
gathered for the two sets of annotators and empirically verify the amount of B2. Anchoring Effect in the annotations; depending
on the outcome of the analysis, practitioners might decide to use the less biased experimental setting to collect the final set of
Summarizing, our review investigates the role of cognitive biases in the fact-checking process, offering valuable insights and
practical guidance for researchers and practitioners in the field. By identifying and addressing these biases, we can contribute to
more accurate and reliable information assessment and ultimately combat the spread of misinformation and disinformation in today’s
world, and use this work which serves as a reference to build methodologies to perform a more sound, robust, aware, and less biased
fact-checking at scale.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Michael Soprano: Conceptualization, Data curation, Investigation, Methodology, Resources, Writing original draft, Writing
review & editing. Kevin Roitero: Conceptualization, Data curation, Investigation, Methodology, Resources, Writing original
draft, Writing – review & editing. David La Barbera: Data curation, Investigation, Methodology, Writing – original draft, Writing
review & editing. Davide Ceolin: Methodology, Writing review & editing. Damiano Spina: Conceptualization, Writing review
& editing. Gianluca Demartini: Conceptualization, Writing – review & editing. Stefano Mizzaro: Conceptualization, Methodology,
Supervision, Writing review & editing.
Data availability
All the data involved have been provided in the appendices.
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Disclosure and Acknowledgments
This research is partially supported by the Australian Research Council (DE200100064, CE200100005, IC200100022). Damiano
Spina is the recipient of an Australian Research Council (ARC) DECRA Research Fellowship (DE200100064), and Associate
Investigator of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society (Australia) (CE200100005), and a research
collaborator of RMIT FactLab. Gianluca Demartini is a Chief Investigator of the ARC Training Centre for Information Resilience
(Australia) (IC200100022).
This research is also supported by the Next Generation EU PRIN 2022 project ‘‘20227F2ZN3 MoT—The Measure of Truth: An
Evaluation-Centered Machine–Human Hybrid Framework for Assessing Information Truthfulness’’ and by the Strategic Plan of the
University of Udine-Interdepartment Project on Artificial Intelligence (2020–25) (Italy). Furthermore, this publication has also been
partly supported by the Netherlands eScience Center project ‘‘The Eye of the Beholder’’ (project nr. 027.020.G15) (Netherlands)
and it is part of the AI, Media & Democracy Lab (Dutch Research Council project number: NWA.1332.20.009) (Netherlands). For
more information about the lab and its further activities, visit Any opinions, findings, and conclusions
expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the sponsors.
Appendix A. Prisma checklists
This appendix reports the whole checklists of the ‘‘PRISMA 2020 Statement’’ used to conduct the review about cognitive biases
that might manifest in a fact-checking context described in Section 4. Table 2 summarizes the ‘‘Item #’’ and ‘‘Section and Topic’’
columns of the main checklist.
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Appendix B. List of 221 cognitive biases
This appendix reports the full list 221 of cognitive biases found in the literature using the methodology described in Section 4.
The 39 cognitive biases that might manifest in a fact-checking context, described in Section 5, have been derived from this list.
1. Action Bias
2. Actor-observer Bias
3. Additive Bias
4. Agent Detection Bias
5. Affect Heuristic
6. Ambiguity Effect
7. Anchoring Effect
8. Anthropocentric Thinking
9. Anthropomorphism
10. Apophenia
11. Association Fallacy
12. Assumed Similarity Bias
13. Attentional Bias
14. Attribute Substitution
15. Attribution Bias
16. Authority Bias
17. Automation Bias
18. Availability Bias
19. Availability Cascade
20. Availability Heuristic
21. Backfire Effect
22. Bandwagon Effect
23. Barnum Effect (or Forer Effect)
24. Base Rate Fallacy
25. Belief Bias
26. Ben Franklin Effect
27. Berkson’s Paradox
28. Bias blind Spot
29. Bizarreness Effect
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30. Boundary Extension
31. Cheerleader Effect
32. Childhood Amnesia
33. Choice-supportive Bias
34. Cognitive Dissonance
35. Commission Bias
36. Compassion Fade
37. Confirmation Bias
38. Conformity
39. Congruence Bias
40. Conjunction Fallacy (or Linda Problem)
41. Conservatism Bias (or Regressive Bias)
42. Consistency Bias
43. Context Effect
44. Continued Influence Effect
45. Contrast Effect
46. Courtesy Bias
47. Cross-race Effect
48. Cryptomnesia
49. Curse of Knowledge
50. Declinism
51. Decoy Effect
52. Default Effect
53. Defensive Attribution Hypothesis
54. Denomination Effect
55. Disposition Effect
56. Distinction Bias
57. Dread Aversion
58. Dunning-Kruger Effect
59. Duration Neglect
60. Effort Justification
61. Egocentric Bias
62. End-of-history Illusion
63. Endowment Effect
64. Escalation of Commitment (or Irrational Escalation, or Sunk Cost Fallacy)
65. Euphoric Recall
66. Exaggerated Expectation
67. Experimenter’s Bias (or Expectation Bias)
68. Extension Neglect
69. Extrinsic Incentives Bias
70. Fading Affect Bias
71. Fallacy of Composition
72. Fallacy of Division
73. False Consensus Effect
74. False Memory
75. False Uniqueness Bias
76. Form Function Attribution Bias
77. Framing Effect (or Frequency Illusion, or Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon)
78. Fundamental Attribution Error
79. Gambler’s Fallacy
80. Gender Bias
81. Generation Effect (or Self-generation Effect)
82. Google Effect
83. Group Attribution Error
84. Groupshift
85. Groupthink
86. Halo Effect
87. Hard-easy Effect
88. Hindsight Bias
89. Hostile Attribution Bias
90. Hot-cold Empathy Gap
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91. Hot-hand Fallacy
92. Humor Effect
93. Hyperbolic Discounting
94. IKEA Effect
95. Illicit Transference
96. Illusion of Asymmetric Insight
97. Illusion of Control
98. Illusion of Explanatory Depth
99. Illusion of Transparency
100. Illusion of Validity
101. Illusory Correlation
102. Illusory Superiority
103. Illusory Truth Effect
104. Impact Bias
105. Implicit Bias
106. Information Bias
107. Ingroup Bias
108. Insensitivity To Sample Size
109. Intentionality Bias
110. Interoceptive Bias (or Hungry Judge Effect)
111. Just-world Hypothesis
112. Lag Effect
113. Less-is-better Effect
114. Leveling And Sharpening
115. Levels-of-processing Effect
116. List-length Effect
117. Logical Fallacy
118. Loss Aversion
119. Memory Inhibition
120. Mere exposure Effect (or Familiarity Principle)
121. Misattribution
122. Modality Effect
123. Money Illusion
124. Mood-congruent Memory Bias
125. Moral Credential Effect
126. Moral Luck
127. Naïve Cynicism
128. Naïve Realism
129. Negativity Bias
130. Neglect of Probability
131. Next-in-line Effect
132. Non-adaptive Choice Switching
133. Normalcy Bias
134. Not Invented Here Syndrome
135. Objectivity Illusion
136. Observer-expectancy Effect
137. Omission Bias
138. Optimism Bias
139. Ostrich Effect (or Ostrich Problem)
140. Outcome Bias
141. Outgroup Homogeneity Bias
142. Overconfidence Effect
143. Parkinson’s Law of Triviality
144. Part-list Cueing Effect
145. Peak-end Rule
146. Perky Effect
147. Pessimism Bias
148. Picture Superiority Effect
149. Placement Bias
150. Plan Continuation Bias
151. Planning Fallacy
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152. Plant Blindness
153. Positivity Effect (or Socioemotional Electivity Theory)
154. Present Bias
155. Prevention Bias
156. Primacy Effect
157. Probability Matching
158. Processing Difficulty Effect
159. Pro-innovation Bias
160. Projection Bias
161. Proportionality Bias
162. Prospect Theory
163. Pseudocertainty Effect
164. Puritanical Bias
165. Pygmalion Effect
166. Reactance Theory
167. Reactive Devaluation
168. Recency Effect
169. Recency Illusion
170. Reminiscence Bump
171. Repetition Blindness
172. Restraint Bias
173. Rhyme As Reason Effect
174. Risk Compensation (or Peltzman Effect)
175. Rosy Retrospection
176. Salience Bias
177. Saying Is Believing Effect
178. Scope Neglect
179. Selection Bias
180. Self-relevance Effect
181. Self-serving Bias
182. Semmelweis Reflex
183. Serial Position Effect
184. Sexual Overperception Bias
185. Shared Information Bias
186. Social Comparison Bias
187. Social Cryptomnesia
188. Social Desirability Bias
189. Source Confusion
190. Spacing Effect
191. Spotlight Effect
192. Status Quo Bias
193. Stereotypical Bias (or Stereotype Bias)
194. Stereotyping Subadditivity Effect
195. Spacing Effect
196. Subjective Validation
197. Suffix Effect
198. Surrogation
199. Survivorship Bias
200. System Justification
201. Systematic Bias
202. Tachypsychia
203. Telescoping Effect
204. Testing Effect
205. Third-person Effect
206. Time-saving Bias
207. Tip-of-the-Tongue Phenomenon
208. Trait Ascription Bias
209. Travis Syndrome
210. Truth Bias
211. Ultimate Attribution Error
212. Unconscious Bias (or Implicit Bias)
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213. Unit Bias
214. Verbatim Effect
215. Von Restorff Effect
216. Weber-Fechner Law
217. Well Traveled Road Effect
218. Women Are Wonderful Effect
219. Worse-than-average Effect
220. Zero-risk Bias
221. Zero-sum Bias
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