| Poets House | 10 River Terrace | New York NY 10282 | poetshouse.org |
The Poets House Showcase is made possible through the generosity of hundreds of publishers
and authors who have graciously contributed their books. We are also deeply grateful to Deborah
Saltonstall Pease for her ongoing support. Thanks to the National Endowment for the Arts, the New
York State Council on the Arts, the NYC Department of Cultural Aairs, The Rockefeller Brothers Fund,
The JM Kaplan Fund, Bloomberg Philanthropies, The Concordia Foundation, the Leon Levy Foundation,
The Lila Acheson Wallace Theatre Fund of the New York Community Trust, and our many Poets House
Members for their support of this project.
Celebrating the 19
annual Poets House Showcase,
with 2,459 poetry titles on display.
Welcome to the Showcase, Poets House’s annual, all-inclusive exhibition of more than
2,000 poetry books, chapbooks, broadsides, and multimedia works published in the United
States. We welcome you to this comprehensive celebration of U.S. poetry and poetry
Collection Development Approach
Poets House invite publishers to participate in the annual Showcase by donating copies of
their new poetry titles, which are displayed for a monthlong exhibition. The books are then
integrated into our 50,000-volume poetry library, one of the largest collections of poetry
open to the public.
The Poets House mission has always been to be all-inclusive, to offer a democratic home
for the range of poetry books published nationally. Our Showcase reflects this inclusivity.
We search for it all: big presses, micropublishers, and artists’ collectives participate
annually. Our research is informed by the entire poetry community, by poets and
publishers, who continually send us their newest titles; and library visitors looking for a
recent poet or publication. From January to June Showcase research intensifies as we
contact each publisher and invite them to participate in the exhibition.
In addition to researching publishers, we also search for artists’ books by micropublishers
and artists’ collectives on Etsy (a place to buy and sell handmade objects), and we make
great use of social media year to invite poets and publishers to send us new titles.
Scope of the Showcase
Our focus in developing the collection is on U.S. publishers, but word is out about the
Showcase in an international community of poets; we include international titles, which are
displayed in the exhibition in a separate international section and indexed as International
Publishers in this catalog (following the U.S. Publishers and Author indices).
Types of Publications Included
The exhibition includes scholarly work by major publishers and fresh voices introduced by
chapbook publishers. As in past years the Showcase includes poetry presented in atypical
formats: as scrolls in cigarette cases; booklets inserted in matchboxes; poetry “baseball
cards; accordion books; collaborations with visual artists; and chapbooks made from
recycled materials such as business cards and telephone directory pages.
Showcase Exhibition Dates
The 2011 Showcase is on display in Kray Hall from June 28 to July 30. After July 30, the
2011 titles move from our program hall upstairs to our library of 50,000+ titles. Here they
will be alphabetized by author instead of by publisher and available to library visitors who
want quick access to the most recent poetry titles published in the United States.
The Numbers
Publishing research firm Bowker, publishers of Books in Print, indicated in their annual
Industry Report a 15% decline in poetry publishing in 2010. (DOI:
www.bowker.com/index.php/book-industry-statistics) Our numbers, instead, are up. This is
likely because a greater number of publishers participated in this year's Showcase (a 20%
increase from last year); but also, significantly, because the Showcase includes typically
uncataloged and off-the-grid publications that Bowker's report excludes—titles we actively
archive: limited-edition chapbooks, artists' collaborations, titles without ISBNs, and
Here is the quantitative breakdown of the 2011 Showcase:
There are 2,458 titles (229 titles are still pending and will be added to the exhibition within
the month) published by 767 U.S. presses; 557 chapbooks; 71 bilingual or multilingual
titles (representing 27 languages); 123 anthologies; and 47 multimedia titles. In this display
there are 1,417 titles published in 2010 and 1,042 published between January and June
2011. In a supplementary exhibit, there are 179 books by 62 international publishers.
How to Participate in the Showcase
As you work on your own poetry books, chapbooks, and multimedia titles, I encourage you
to contribute two copies to Poets House for inclusion in the 2012 Showcase. You can send
titles to my attention throughout the year. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy the monthlong
Thank you to Lee Briccetti, Executive Director and Jane Preston, Managing Director, and
all the staff: Reggie Harris, Robert Holczer, Alice Kaasik, Christina Lem, Alex Mann,
Krista Manrique, Claude McCalla, Stephen Motika, Katie Naoum, Mike Romanos,
Bleuberthal Scott, and Suzanne Wise. Thank you to the Poets House board of directors for
their unflagging support of our mission—and for their own poetry titles included in this
year's Showcase! Thank you to Molly Dempsey for her special support. Thank you to
Small Press Distribution (SPD), for contributing some key missing titles. And our deepest
gratitude to Deborah Saltonstall Pease, whose love of this program and of Poets House
supports all of our efforts.
Our dedicated volunteers and interns enthusiastically researched, cataloged, and displayed
the titles in this exhibition and are an essential part of daily life at Poets House. Thank you
to 2011 Showcase assistants PJ Horoszko, Victoria Romero, and Byron Bartlett, and to
Poets House interns Andy Axel, Anne Brink, Brian Carpenter, Sharmi Cohen, Hannah
Farmery, Matthew Foley, Brianna Franklin, Joseph Fritsch, Anna Hezel, Julie Kantor,
Keyan Kaplan, Mika Kligler, Derek Kroessler, Amanda Lorencz, Olivia Mardwig, Lily
Philpott, Jon Picco, Nicole Rivieccio, Gina Scalise, Margaret Sweeney, Lanna Tokuhiro,
and Claire Van Winkle.
—Maggie Balistreri, Librarian
1913 Press
Dwibedy, Biswamit, *Ozalid, 2010
Greenberg, Arielle; Zucker, Rachel, Home/Birth: A Poemic, Spring 2011
Wald, Diane, Wonderbender, Spring 2011
226 Press
Purdom, Christopher William, Sailcloth Child , 2011, Chapbook
Purdom, Christopher William, *Six Years Inside My Brain, Winter 2010
A Midsummer Night’s Press
Enszer, Julie R, Handmade Love, Winter 2010
Lia Block, Francesca, *Fairy Tales in Electri-City, 2010
Luczak, Raymond, Mute, Winter 2010
Able Muse Press
Chandler, Catherine, Lines of Flight, 2011
Pepple, Alexander, ed., Able Muse Anthology, Winter 2010, Anthology
Videlock, Wendy, Nevertheless, 2011
ABZ Press
Shipers, Carrie, Ordinary Mourning, Spring 2010
Accents Publishing
Lampton, Nana, *Bloom on a Split Board, 2011, Chapbook
Nowak, Dan, Of a Bed Frame, 2011, Chapbook
Achiote Press
Choffel, Julie, *Figures in a Surplus, 2010
Johnson, Eleanor, *Her Many Feathered Bones, 2010
Lujan Bevacqua, Michael; Leon Guerrero, Victoria-Lola M.; Santos Perez, Craig, eds., *Chamoru Childhood, 2010
Acme Poem Company/Willow Springs Books
Hammer, Adam, No Time for Dancing, 2010, Chapbook
Action Books
Richards, Peter, Helsinki, 2011
Smith, Abraham, Hank, 2010
Tiffany, Daniel, Privado, 2011
Zurita, Raul, *Song for His Disappeared Love / Canto a su amor desaparecido. Translated by Daniel Borzutzky, 2010,
Bilingual, Spanish/English
Africa World Press
Otto, Melanie, A Creole Experiment: Utopian Space in Kamau Brathwaite’s “Video-Style” Works, Spring 2010
Agnes Fox Press
Higdon, Hailey, *How to Grow Almost Anything, 2011, Chapbook
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
AHA Books
Reichhold, Jane, and Hans-Peter Goettsche, Circus Forever, Spring 2010
Steiner, B., Immersion: A Haiku Journey Through the Grand Canyon, Spring 2010
Ahadada Books
Baugher, Janee J., Coordinates of Yes, 2010
Chaves, Johnathan, *West Cliff Poems: The Poetry of Weng Chuan, 2010, Foreign
Jaffin, David; Fulton, Warren, Poemed on a Beach: A Skeptic’s Guide to Modern Poetry, 2010, Prose, Foreign
Pitkin, Anne, Winter Arguments , Spring 2011, Foreign
Ahsahta Press
Briante, Susan, Utopia Minus, 2011
Carr, Julie, 100 Notes On Violence, Winter 2010
Fishman, Lisa, Flower Cart, Spring 2011
Fishman, Lisa, Flower Cart, May 1, 2011
Glück, Louise, Utopia Minus , 2011
Henry, Brian, Lessness, 2011
Kaschock, Kirsten, A Beautiful Name for a Girl, 2011
Kelsey, Karla, Iteration Nets, Fall 2010
Meetze, James, Dayglo, 2011
Phillips, Lance, These Indicium Tales, Spring 2010
Teare, Brian, Pleasure, Fall 2010
Tichy, Susan, Gallowglass, Spring 2010
Airlie Press
McKenzie, Carter, Out Of Refusal, 2010
Sullivan, Anita, Garden Of Beasts, 2010
Akashic Books
Dawes, Kwame, ed. Colin Channer, ed., So Much Things to Say: 100 Poets from the First Ten Years of the Calabash
International Literary Festival, Summer 2010
Akashic Books / Black Goat
Garcia, Cristina, The Lesser Tragedy of Death, Spring 2010
Albert Bonniers Forlag
Colosseum, Kolosseum, 2010, Foreign
Albert Flynn DeSilver
DeSilver, Albert Flynn, A Field Guide to the Emotions , 2010
Albion Books
Fishman, Lisa, At the Same Time As Scattering, 2010, Chapbook
Skinner, Jonathan, Warblers, 2010, Chapbook
Stephens, Nathalie, Vigilous, Reel: De-sire (a)s accusation, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Walker, Laura, Bird Book, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Walker, Laura, pine warbler, Spring 2010, Broadside
Alice James Books
Betts, Reginald Dwayne, Shahid Reads His Own Palm, Spring 2010
Cooley, Nicole, Milk Dress, Winter 2010
Gnall, Stacy, Heart First into the Forest, 2011
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Johnson, Daniel, How to Catch a Falling Knife, Spring 2010
Lewis, Lesle, Lie Down Too, 2011
McCallum, Shara, This Strange Land, 2011
McCullough, Laura, Panic, Spring 2011
Sweeney, Chad, Parable of Hide and Seek, 2010
Turner, Brian, Phantom Noise, Winter 2010
Allbook Books
Ghosthorse, Tiokasin, Redshift: Spoken Word on Paper, Winter 2010, Chapbook
Mankh (Walter E. Harris III), 2011 Haiku Calendar: with brush calligraphy and art, Winter 2010, Calendar
Wheat, Jr., Maxwell Corydon, The Three Wise Animals, Winter 2010, Chapbook
Williams, Ginger, Watching a Sleeping Pig: Poems New and Selected, Spring 2011
Alpha Press
Pritchard, Vyvyan, *Open to Epiphanies an Anthology of Commentary, Verse and Aphorism, Summer 2011, Foreign;
Ampersand Press/Bloody Fine Chapbooks
Elliott, Eric, The Graves We Dig
Amsterdam Press
Laura McCullough, *Women and Other Hostages, 2010, Chapbook
Anabiosis Press
Brewer, Gaylord, Ghost, 2011, Chapbook
Brinson, Meghan, Fragrant Inferno , 2010, Chapbook
Smyth, Richard, ed., Albatross: 21, Spring 2010, Anthology
Andre Deutsch
Cohen, Leonard, *Death of a Lady’s Man: A Collection of Poetry and Prose, 2011
Anhinga Press
Erika Meitner, Makeshift Instructions for Vigilant Girls, 2011
Gerry LaFemina, Vanishing Horizon, 2011
Gretchen Steele Pratt, One Island, 2011
Hettich, Michael, Like Happiness, 2010
Robert Dana, *New & Selected Poems: 1955-2010, 2010
Sarah Wetzel, Bathsheba Transatlantic, 2010
Sexton, Sean, Blood Writing, 2010
Antony Rowe Publishing
Dux, Frank, Phenomena, Spring 2011, Foreign
Antrim House
Bedingfield, Sherri, Transitions & Transformations, 2010
Carle, Katharine, Divided Eye, 2011
Harris, Nick, Learning to Love , 2010, Chapbook
Kantor, Joan, Shadow Sounds , 2010
Katz, Phyllis, All Roads Go Where They Will, Fall 2010
Leff, David K., Depth of Field , 2010
Leonard, Mary, The Sweet & Low Down, 2010, Chapbook
Pilling, Mollie, Journeys , 2010
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Scollan, Paul, Liberty Street Hill, 2010
Skelley, Gretchen Schafer, A Wheel in a Wheel, 2011, Chapbook
Anvil Press Poetry Ltd.
Baudelaire, Charles, *The Complete Verse. Translated by Francis Scarfe, 2011, Bilingual, French/English, Anthology,
Cameron, Norman, *Collected Poems: and Selected Translations, June 1, 2011, Foreign
Evans, Martina, *Facing the Public, Spring 2010, Foreign
Follain, Jean, *Jean Follain: 130 Poems, Spring 2010, Foreign
Guest, Harry, *Some Times, 2011, Foreign
Kissam, Edward, *Flower and Song: Poems of the Aztec People. Translated by Michael Schmidt, 2010, Anthology,
McCarthy, Thomas, *The Last Geraldine Officer, 2010, Foreign
Popa, Vasko, *Collected Poems of Vasko Popa, June 1, 2011, Foreign
Popa, Vasko; Pennington, Anne; Harvey, Andrew, eds., *The Golden Apple: A Round of Stories, Songs, Spells,
Proverbs and Riddles, 2010, Foreign
Thompson, Rachel, *Galaxy, 2011, Foreign
Vayenas, Nasos, *The Perfect Order: Selected Poems 1974-2010, May 1, 2011, Foreign
Wharton, Calvin, *The Song Collides, 2011, Foreign
Apalachee Press
Knight, Carol Lynne, *Quantum Entanglement, 2010
Apostrophe Books
Baran, Jessica, Remains to be Used, 2010
Aquarius Press/Willow Books
Ames, Daniel, Feasting at the Table of the Damned, Spring 2011
Ellis, Thomas Sayers, The Helicopter/Gone Pop, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Griffiths, Rachel Eliza, Miracle Arrhythmia, 2010
Harriell, Derrick, Cotton, Fall 2010
Horton, Randall, ed., Reverie: Midwest African American Literature 2010 Annual Volume 4, Summer 2010, Anthology
Medina, Tony, Broke On Ice, Spring 2011
Michael, Myron, Scatter Plot, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Arc Publications
Barrett, Elizabeth, *A Dart of Green and Blue, 2010, Foreign
Kusar, Meta, *Ljubljana, 2010, Foreign; Translation
Lane, Joel, *The Autumn Myth, 2010, Foreign
Steinherr, Ludwig, *Before the Invention of Paradise. Translated by Richard Dove, 2010, Foreign; Bilingual,
archipelago books
Appleman, Philip, *Poems. Borchardt, Dana, Summer 2011
Cortázar, Julio, From the Observatory. Translated by Anne McLean, Summer 2011
Darwish, Mahmoud, *In the Presence of Absence. Translated by Sinan Antoon, 2011
Arctos Press
Terris, Susan, The Homelessness of Self, 2011
Argos Books
Ackerson-Kiely, Paige, This Landscape, 2010, Chapbook
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Belli, E.C., ed., *Why I Am Not A Painter: A Gathering of Poems by MFA Students in NYC, Spring 2011
Belli, E.C. ed., Why I Am Not a Painter: A Gathering Of Poems By MFA Students In NYC, 2010
Blitshteyn, Marina, Russian for Lovers, 2011, Chapbook
Crill, Hildred, The Upstairs Hammer, 2010, Chapbook
Gottshall, Karin, Flood Letters, 2011, Chapbook
Hahn, S. C., *A Sky That Is Never the Same, 2010
Stone, Bianca, Someone Else’s Wedding Vows, 2010, Chapbook
Aria Boutet
Boutet, Aria, Notes On. , Spring 2010, Chapbook
Aristotle & Alexander Press
Sheppard, Harrison, Idle Moments, Summer 2010
Armenian Poetry Project
Koundakjian, R.H. Lola, The Accidental Observer, 2011, Foreign
Arrow As Aarow
Ballard, Micah; Carrino, Michael, *Poems from the New Winter Palace, 2010, Chapbook
Arrowhead Press
Griffiths, M. A., Grasshopper: The Poetry of M. A. Griffiths, 2011, Foreign
Arseya Publishing
Lawley, Susan Marc, Hieroglyphics of the Heart , 2011
Art Cannot Be Damaged
Tyler, Mike, Dog is Cat, 2011
Arte Público Press
Delgado, Abelardo, *Here Lies Lalo: The Collected Poems of Abelardo Delgado. Watts, Jarica Linn, 2011
Pinero, Miguel, Outlaw: The Collected Works of Miguel Pinero, Winter 2010
Artelligent Publishing
Humann, Richard, Towards a Naked Horizon, Winter 2010
Artistically Declined Press
Hunter, Rose, To the River, 2011
Ashland Poetry Press
Gelineau, Christine, Appetite for the Divine, 2010
Schneiderman, Jason, Striking Surface, 2010
Vogelsang, Arthur, Expedition: New and Selected Poems, 2011
Astounding Beauty Ruffian Press
Kiefer, Molly Sutton, The Recent History of Middle Sand Lake, 2010, Chapbook
Athabasca University Press
Kerr, Don, *The Dust of Just Beginning, 2010, Foreign
Athanata Arts, Ltd.
Hammond, Raymond P., Poetic Amusement, Winter 2010
Australian Poetry Centre
de Hugard, Ann, A Question of Translation, 2010, Chapbook, Foreign
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Leber, Michelle, The Weeping Grass, 2010, Chapbook, Foreign
Petridus, Rachael, Sundecked, 2010, Chapbook, Foreign
Wilson, Chloe, The Mermaid Problem, 2010, Chapbook, Foreign
Clanton, Robert A, Conversations Overheard in a Restaurant, 2010
Hight-Sullins, Paula, *Seeds of Poetry from the Tree of Life, 2010
Martin, Rodger, Future Poets: Help for Aspiring Writers , March 2011
Montez, Alex, *Poetry of Love and Hope, 2010
Farris, John, The Ass’s Tale, 2010, Prose
Autumn House Press
Clegg Hales, Corrinne, To Make it Right, 2011
Donnelly, Marilyn, *Coda, 2011
King, Maxwell, *Crossing Laurel Run, 2011, Chapbook
Simmons, Michael, ed., The Autumn House Anthology of Contemporary American Poetry, Second Edition , 2011,
Wesley, Patricia Jabbeh, Where the Road Turns, Fall 2010
Bahai Publishing
Hatcher, John S. and Amrollah Hemmat, eds., *The Quickening: Unknown Poetry of Tahirih, Spring 2011
Pepper, Patric, Zoned Industrial, 2010, Chapbook
Barbara Henry
Henry, Barbara, Lynne Shapiro, Meg Hartman, et al., Questionnaire for Jen Bervin’s Visual Poetry Class at Poet’s
House, Winter 2010, Chapbook; Anthology; Ephemera
Barrow Street Press
Frank, Matthew Gavin, Warranty In Zulu, 2010
Walker, Nicole, This Noisy Egg, Spring 2010
Wheeler, Lesley, Heterotopia, 2010
BatCat Press
Emerson, Renee, *Where Nothing Can Grow, 2011, Chapbook
Ridge, Ryan, *Ox, 2011
Bateau Press
Young, Jessica, *Only As a Body, 2010, Chapbook
Beacon Press
Sanchez, Sonia, *Morning Haiku, 2011
Bear Star Press
Clark, Jeanne E., Gorrill’s Orchard, 2010
Long, Robert Hill, The Kilim Dreaming, 2010
Beard of Bees
Berridge, David, Game, Global, Green, Grown, Guys, September 2010, Chapbook
Harrington, Joseph, Earth Day Suite, December 2010, Chapbook
Newman, Lance, *3by3by3, 2010, Chapbook
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Nimes, Cheyenne, Certain Zones, March 2011, Chapbook
Beatitude Press
Jensen, Dale, Auto Bio , 2010, Chapbook
Wells, Judy, I Dream of Circus Characters: A Berkeley Chronicle, Spring 2010
Beginner’s Mind Press
Kay, John, Phantom of the Apple. Edited by Sue Ann Simar, 2010
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Ellis, Thomas Sayers, Yusef Komunyakaa, Natasha Trethewey, and Kevin Young, Four Broadsides: 2011, Spring
2011, Broadside
Belknap Press of Harvard University Press
Tagore, Rabindranath, The Essential Tagore. Edited by Fakrul Alam and Radha Chakravarty, 2011
Vendler, Helen, Dickinson: Selected Poems and Commentaries , 2010
Belladonna Books
Barbara Henning, Looking Up Harryette Mullen, 2011
Beller, Alexandra, Lauren Nixon, Rosamond S. King, and Sally Silvers, Body of Words: Performance Texts, 2011,
Anthology; Chapbook
Biagini, Elisa, La sorpresa nell’ouvo (The Surprise in the Egg). Translated by Eugene Ostashevsky, 2011, Chapbook;
Biagini, Elisa, La sorpresa nell’uovo (The Surprise in the Egg). Translated by Eugene Ostashevsky, 2011 , Chapbook;
Browne, Laynie, The Desires of Letters, 2010, Chapbook
Cain, Amina, Hunger, 2011, Chapbook; Prose
Dhompa, Tsering Wangmo, Selvage: for country, 2011, Chapbook
Dutton, Danielle, from A World Called the Blazing World, 2011, Chapbook; Prose
Gladman, Renee, Morelia, 2011, Chapbook; Prose
Harryman, Carla, The Wide Road, 2010
Kapil, Bhanu, (a poem-essay, or precursor: NOTES: for a novel: Ban en Banlieues), 2011, Chapbook
Myles, Eileen, Dear Lia,, 2011, Chapbook
Place, Vanessa, Untitled # 5, 2011, Chapbook
Smith, Carmen Gimenez, Can We Talk Here, 2011, Chapbook
Vicuña, Cecilia, beforehand, 2011, Chapbook; Bilingual, Spanish/English
Bellday Books
Williams, Leslie, *Success of the Seed Plants, 2010
Beneath the Underground
Frazer, Vernon, Asterisk [*], January 2011
Frazer, Vernon, Styling Sanpaku, Winter 2010
Benevolent Bird Press
Wilcox, Dan, Boundless Abodes of Albany, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Williams, James, Math Kind of Guy, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Benu Press
Roma-Deeley, Lois, High Notes, Spring 2010
Pomerantz, Marsha, The Illustrated Edge, 2011
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Simic, Goran, Sunrise in the Eyes of the Snowman. Edited by Zachariah Wells, Fall 2010
Trotter, Joshua, All This Could Be Yours. Edited by Zachariah Wells, Winter 2011
Big Table Publishing Company
Fanelli, Brian, *Front Man, 2010, Chapbook
Sherbondy, Maureen A., Weary Blues, 2010, Chapbook
Slais, R Jay, Mice Verses Man, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Wilk, James S., The Seven-Year Night: Poems of the Medical Training Experience, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Birch Brook Press
Rome, Marcus, And This Is What Happens Next, Spring 2010
Boehl, Dan, The Kings of the F**king Sea, 2011
Browning, Sommer, Either Way I’m Celebrating, 2011
Pettit, Emily, *Goat in the Snow, 2011
Tonelli, Chris, The Trees Around, Spring 2010
Birds of Lace
Pollari, Niina, Fabulous Essential, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Vi-Van Nguyen, Christine, Blood and Jasmine When I Dreamed Her, Spring 2010, Chapbook
BkMk Press
Harlan, Megan, Mapmaking, 2010
Black Buzzard Press
Harrod, Lois Marie, Brief Term, 2011
Stambuk, Drago, And the Sea is No More, 2011
Black Hole School of Poethnics
Cardenal, Ernesto, Esta Tierra Viviente/This Living Earth . Translated by Jonathan Cohen , April 2011 , Broadside
Black Lawrence Press
Biddinger, Mary, *Saint Monica, 2011
Cohen, Julia, Triggermoon Triggermoon, 2010
Matsuda, Lawrence, A Cold Wind from Idaho, Summer 2010
McCullough, Laura, Speech Acts, 2010
McKee, Mark, *Fuse, 2011
Pilkington, Kevin, The Unemployed Man Who Became a Tree, 2011
Puhak, Shelley, Stalin in Aruba, Spring 2010
Ricca, Brad, *American Mastodon, Summer 2011
Rigsbee, David, The Pilot House, Spring 2011
Wilkins, Joe, *Killing the Murnion Dogs, Summer 2011
Black Ocean
Henriksen, Matthew, Ordinary Sun, 2011
Mallary, Dominic Owen, Destroyer of Man: Selected Poems, Spring 2011
Shimoda, Brandon, The Girl Without Arms, 2011
Black Radish Books
Hunter, Carrie, The Incompossible , 2011
Lamoureux, Mark, Spectre, Winter 2010
Reed, Marthe, Gaze, Winter 2010
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Schaeppi, Kathrin, Grace in a Cow’s Eye: A Memoir, Winter 2010
Wolach, David, Occulations , 2010
Black Sparrow Press
Spahr, Juliana, Well Then There Now, 2011
Black Square Editions / The Brooklyn Rail
Sigler, Jeremy, Crackpot Poet, Summer 2010
Black Widow Press (Massachusetts)
Dao, Bei, *Endure. Eshleman, Clayton; Klein, Lucas, 2011
Polizzotti, Mark, Revolution of the Mind: The Life of André Breton, Spring 2010, Biography
Black Widow Press (Massachussetts)
Olson, John, *Larynx Gallery: Prose Poems, 2011
Blackard, John A., Pulling Apart, 2010
Blackwaters Press
Johnson, Linnea, Augury, Fall 2010
BlazeVOX [books]
Agrani, Liam, ed., Volume One: Selected Anonymous Marginalia, 2010, Anthology
Cebula, Travis, Under the Sky They Lit Cities, Winter 2010
Clark, Tom, At the Fair, Winter 2010
Clark, Tom, Feeling for the Ground, Winter 2010
Gatza, Geoffrey, Secrets of My Prison House, Winter 2010
Hadbawnik, David, Field Work: Notes, Songs, Poems 1997-2010, Spring 2011
Hart, Matt, Light-Headed, Fall 2010
Herd, Colin, Too OK, 2010
Lavender-Smith, Evan, From Old Notebooks, Winter 2010
Martrich, Andy, eaQ Oor, Winter 2010
Meadows, Deborah, Saccade Patterns, 2011
Morgan, Jeffrey, Crying Shame, 2011
Noel, Urayoan, Hi-Density Politics, Winter 2010
Roberts, Tim, Drizzle Pocket, 2011
Ruby, Michael, Compulsive Words, Spring 2010
Ruby, Michael, The Edge of the Underworld, Spring 2010
Sarai, Sarah, The Future Is Happy, Spring 2010
Schrader, Jeffrey, Art Fraud, Fall 2010
Shears, Matthew, Where a Road Had Been, 2010
Sills, Sophie, Elemental Perceptions: A Panorama, Winter 2010
Stevenson, Wade, A Testament to Love & Other Losses, 2011
Tabios, Eileen R., Footnotes To Algebra: UNcollected Poems 1995-2009, Spring 2010
Trigilio, Tony, Historic Diary, 2011
White, Sarah, Alice Ages and Ages, 2010
Wolfe, Jennifer C., Somewhere Over the Pachyderm Rainbow, Winter 2010
Blood Pudding Press
Juliet Cook, Letizia Merello, Angel Face Trailer, 2010, Chapbook; Translation
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Bloodaxe Books
Kaplinski, Jaan, *Selected Poems, 2011, Foreign
Lian, Yang, *Lee Valley Poems, 2010, Foreign
Williamson, Heidi, *Electric Shadow, 2011, Foreign
Bloof Books
Knox, Jennifer L., The Mystery of the Hidden Driveway, Fall 2010
Grimes, Nikki, Planet Middle School, Fall, 2011
Bloomsbury USA
Young, Kevin, The Art of Losing: Poems of Grief and Healing, Spring 2010
Blue Room Publishing
Sernotti, Craig, Forked Tongue, Spring 2010
Blue Wall Poetry
Foley, Adele, The Dark Butterfly, 2011, Chapbook
Blue & Yellow Dog Press
Fieled, Adam, Equations , 2011
Goodman, John C., Naked Beauty, 2010
Johnstone, Matthew, Let’s be close Rope to mast, you Old light, 2010
Kostelanetz, Richard, Fictions , 2010
BOA Editions
Beaumont, Jeanne Marie, Burning of the Three Fires, 2010
Brown, Deborah, Walking the Dog’s Shadow, 2011
Dougherty, Sean Thomas, Sasha Sings the Laundry on the Line, 2010
Germanacos, Anne, In the Time of the Girls, 2010
Kennedy, Christopher, Ennui Prophet, 2011
Madzirov, Nikola, Remnants of Another Age. Translated by Peggy Reid, Peggy, Graham W. Reid, Magdalena Horvat,
and Adam Reed, 2011, Bilingual, Russian/English
Reyes, Barbara Jane, Diwata, 2010
Steger, Ales, The Book of Things. Translated by Brian Henry, 2010
Teicher, Craig Morgan, Cradle Book, Summer 2010
Temelkuran, Ece, Book of the Edge. Translated By Deniz Perin, Spring 2010
Waldrep, G. C.; Gallaher, John, Your Father on the Train of Ghosts, 2011
Bob Dombrowski
Dombrowski, Bob, Pages, Fall 2010, Chapbook
Dombrowski, Bob, The Death People, Fall 2010, Chapbook
BoneWorld Publishing/MuscleHead Press
Hiteshew, Stephanie, Finding Solace in the Wind, Summer 2010, Chapbook
McCormick, Gene, Livin’ the Blues at Cranky Jack’s Bar and Grill, 2010, Chapbook
McCormick, Gene, Livin’ the Blues at Cranky Jack’s Bar & Grill, Fall 2010, Chapbook
Merrill, Robin, *Dead Reckoning: The Sailor Poems, Chapbook
McKinney, Bruce Evan, The American Experience: 1630-1890, December 2010, Auction Catalogue
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Bookland Press
Paul, Marianne, *Above and Below the Water Line, 2011
Sutherland, Fraser, The Philosophy of As If, Summer 2010
*Picture World, Spring 2011, Foreign
Azarov, Vladimir, *The Kiss from Mary Pickford, 2011, Foreign
Eichhorn, Kate, Fieldnotes, a Forensic, 2010, Foreign
Quartermain, Meredith, Recipes from the Red Planet, 2010, Foreign
Stettheimer, Florine, Crystal Flowers: Poems and a Libretto, 2010, Foreign
Zultanski, Steven, Cop Kisser, 2010, Foreign
Bordighera Press
Fagiani, Gill, Chianti in Connecticut, 2010
Gioseffi, Daniela, Poems by Daniela Gioseffi: Daniela Reads from Blood Autumn, Spring 2011, CD
Panciera, Carla, No Day, No Dusk, No Love. Translated by Luigi Bonaffini, 2010
Brepols Publishers
Whaley, Diana, ed., *Poetry from the Kings’ Sagas 1: From Mythical Times to c. 1035 (Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian
Middle Ages), Summer 2011, Anthology; Foreign
Brick Books
Enns, Karen, That Other Beauty, 2010, Foreign
Goyette, Sue, Outskirts, 2011, Foreign
Henderson, Brian, Sharawadji, 2011, Foreign
McCarthy, Julia, Return from Erebus, 2010, Foreign
McOrmond, Steve, The Good News About Armageddon, Spring 2010, Foreign
Rogers, Nico, The Fetch, Fall 2010, Prose; Foreign
Scowcroft, Ann, *The Truth of Houses, 2011, Foreign
Still, Jennifer, Girlwood, 2011, Foreign
BrickHouse Books
Fein, Richard J., B’klyn, Spring 2011
Rivera, W.M., Buried in the Mind’s Backyard, Winter 2011, Foreign
Bright Hill Press
Red Hawk, Raven’s Paradise, Spring 2010
Brittany Kleinschnitz
Kleinschnitz, Brittany, Penny Remembrance , May 2011
Broadsided Press
Barker, Brian, Snow Over Shavers Fork, Spring 2011, Broadside
Bradfield, Elizabeth, ed., Broadsided Press: Putting Literature and Art on the Streets , 2011, Anthology
Kuipers, Keetje, The undeniable desire for physical contact among boys of a certain age, Spring 2011, Broadside
Pelegrin, Alison, In Livingston Parish, Dreaming of Li Po, Spring 2011, Broadside
Rosenberg, Dan, Dear Body, Spring 2011, Broadside
Broadstone Books
Ammons, A.R., The North Carolina Poems. Edited by Alex Albright, Summer 2010
Greene, Jonathan, Distillations and Siphonings, Summer 2010
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Broken Jaw Press
Blades, Joe and Biff Mitchell, eds., Re:Myth: Stories and Poems by the Blacktop Motorcycle Gang, 2010
Hazelton, Hugh, Antimatter, 2010
Rio, Nela, En las noches que desvisten otras noches/Durant les nuits qui déshabillent d’autres nuits. Valery, Jill, 2010,
Rio, Nela, The Moon, Tango, Always the Moon/La Luna, Tango,Siempre La Luna. Translated by Edith
Jonsson-Devillers, 2010, Bilingual, Spanish/English
Brown Trout Publishers
Klein, Arnold, Squibb, Fall 2010
Brownstone Poets
Carragon, Patricia K., The Brownstone Poets 2010 Anthology: Poetry from Readings Held in Brooklyn, Spring 2010,
Carragon, Patricia K., ed., The Brownstone Poets 2011 Anthology, Spring 2011, Anthology
Burning Deck
Anne Portugal, Absolute Bob. Translated by Jennifer Moxley, Fall 2010
Christina Mengert, As We Are Sung, Fall 2011
David Lespiau, Four Cut-Ups, or, the Case of the Restored Volume. Translated by Keith Waldrop, Spring 2010
Gale Nelson, This is What Happens When Talk Ends, Spring 2011
Utler, Anja, Engulf--Enkindle, 2011
Dunn, Mark D., Ghost Music, 2010, Foreign
C & R Press
Burge, Sara, *Apocalypse Ranch, Spring 2011
Dominguez, David, The Ghost of Cesar Chavez, Spring 2010
Caitlin Press
Pottle, Adam, *Beautiful Mutants, Spring 2011, Foreign
Vaira, Ursula, *And See What Happens: The Journey Poems, Spring 2011, Foreign
Calef Brown
Brown, Calef, Personnel, 2010, Chapbook
Cambridge University Press
The Cambridge Companion to English Poets. Rawson, Claude, ed., 2011, Prose; Foreign
Dowson, Jane, The Cambridge Companion to Twentieth-Century British and Irish Women’s Poetry, 2011, Prose; Foreign
Dowson, Jane, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Twentieth-Century British and Irish Women’s Poetry, 2011, Prose
Horace; Richard F. Thomas, ed., *Horace: Odes IV and Carmen Saeculare, June 2011
Mackay, Peter, Edna Longley, and Fran Brearton, eds., Modern Irish and Scottish Poetry, 2011, Prose
O'Neill, Michael, ed., The Cambridge History of English Poetry, 2011, Prose; Foreign
Rosenfeld, Jessica, Ethics and Enjoyment in Late Medieval Poetry: Love After Aristotle, 2011, Prose
Camille Riner
Reiner, Camille, Forest Queen, Spring 2011 , flexagon w/ case
Canarium Books
Buffam, Suzanne, The Irrationalist, Spring 2010
Fernandez, Robert, We Are Pharaoh, 2011
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Killebrew, Paul, Flowers, Spring 2010
Klein, Ish, Moving Day, 2011
Shulpyakov, Gleb, A Fireproof Box. Translated by Christopher Mattison, 2011, Translation
Canio’s Editions
Castan, Fran, Venice: City that Paints Itself . Art by Lewis Zacks , 2010
Carnegie Mellon University Press
Daniels, Jim, Having a Little Talk With Capital P Poetry, 2011
Djanikian, Gregory, Falling Deeply Into America, 2011
Eimers, Nancy, Oz, 2011
Friedman, Jeff, Working In Flour, 2011
Katrovas, Richard, Scorpio Rising, 2011
Klappert, Peter, The Idiot Princess of the Last Dynasty, Summer 2010
Kuzma, Greg, Greg Kuzma: Selected Early Poems, 1958-1983. Edited by Gerald Costanzo and Kevin A. González,
Summer 2010
Lynch, Thomas, Skating with Heather Grace, 2011
Paloff, Benjamin, The Politics, 2011
Richardson, Rachel, Copperhead, 2011
Scott, Herbert, The Other Life: Selected Poems of Herbert Scott. Edited by David Dodd Lee, Spring 2010
Williams, Jerry, Admission, Spring 2010
Carolina Wren Press
Murphy, Yvonne C., Aviaries, 2011
Pratt, Minnie Bruce, Inside the Money Machine, 2011
Simpson, Nancy, Living Above the Frost Line, 2010
Casa Fernando Pessoa
Pizarro, Jeronimo, Patricio Ferrari and Antonio Cardiello, eds., A Biblioteca Particular de Fernando Pessoa, Volume 1 ,
Winter 2010, Bilingual, Portuguese/English
Reis, Ricardo (Fernando Pessoa), Deixar de Ver / Ready to Quit Seeing, Summer 2010, Foreign; Bilingual,
Cascadia Publishing
Schabarum, Tom, Swimming with Michaelangelo, 2011, Chapbook
CavanKerry Press
Cho, David S., Night Sessions , 2011
Cording, Robert, Walking with Ruskin, 2010
Jacobik, Gray, Little Boy Blue: A Memoir in Verse, 2011
Wiler, Jack, Divina Is Divina, 2010
Wormser, Baron, Impenitent Notes, 2011
Center for Book Arts
Long, Alexander, Still Life , 2010
Center for Literary Publishing
Savich, Zach, Annulments, 2010
Center for Western and Cowboy Poetry, Inc.
Nelson, Andy, ed., The Bar-D Roundup Volume 6: A Compilation of Classic and Contemporary Poetry from
CowboyPoetry.com, 2011, CD
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Cervaná Barva Press
Calvo, Luis Raul, Profane Uncertainties. Translated by Flavia Cosma, Spring 2010
Neville, Tam Lin, Triage, Summer 2010
Cervena Barva Press
Annas, Pamela, Mud Season, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Arroyo, Rane, White As Silver, 2011
Balata, Gulnar Ali, My Soul Still a Virgin, Fall 2010, Chapbook
Bonina, Mary, Clear Eye Tea, 2010
Fox, Hugh, Where Sanity Begins, 2010, Chapbook
Harris, Daniel Y.; Shechter, Adam, Paul Celan and the Messiah’s Broken Levered Tongue: An Exponential Dyad, Fall
2010, Chapbook
Pawlak, Mark, Jefferson’s New Image Salon: Matchups and Mashups, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Reiter, Jendi, Barbie At 50, 2010, Chapbook
Roberta Swann, *Everything Happens Suddenly, 2010
Sesling, Zvi A., Across Stones of Bad Dreams, 2010, Chapbook
Terranova, Elaine, Elegiac: Footnotes to Rilke’s Duino Elegies, 2010, Chapbook
Champion Records
Johnson, Dave, Dead Heat, 2011, CD
Chapbook Publisher.com
Rosenberg, Marilyn R, This Is Visual Poetry, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Waber, Dan, Sestinas , Spring 2011, Broadside
Chapiteau Press
Hooker, Eva, Notes for Survival in the Wilderness, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Chax Press
Mittenthal, Robert, Wax World, 2011
Olson, Charles, The Principle of Measure in Composition by Field. Hoeynck, Joshua, 2010, Prose
Scalapino, Leslie, Flow--Winged Crocodile / A Pair / Actions Are Erased / Appear, Spring 2010
Cherry Grove Collections
Frith, Laverne, Imagining the Self, 2011
Sindall, Susan, What’s Left, Spring 2010
Chiron Review Press
Moore, Todd, The Gunfighter Elegies , 2010
Christoph Merian Verlag
Perret, Roger and Ingo Starz, Wenn Ich Schweiz Sage / When I Say Swiss, Fall 2010, 2 CDs; Multilingual
Cider Press
Godfrey, Landon, Second-Skin Rhinestone-Spangled Nude Souffle Chiffon Gown, 2011
City Lights Publishers
Alexander, Will, Compression & Purity, 2011
Ginsberg, Allen, Kaddish and Other Poems, 1958-1960 (Expanded 50th Anniversary Edition) , 2010
Sigo, Cedar, Stranger in Town, Spring 2010
Cleveland State University Poetry Center
Brown, Lily, Rust or Go Missing, Winter 2011
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Frey, Emily, The Grief Performance, Winter 2011
Malech, Dora, Say So, Winter 2011
McCrae, Shane, Mule, Winter 2011
Savich, Zach, The Firestorm, Winter 2011
Svalina, Mathias, Destruction Myth, Fall 2010
Titus, Allison, Sum Of Every Lost Ship, Summer 2010
Coach House Books
Ball, Jonathan, Clockfire, 2010, Foreign
Barwin, Gary, The Porcupinity of the Stars, 2010, Foreign
Bök, Christian, Eunoia, Winter 2011, Foreign
Fiorentino, Jon Paul, Indexical Elegies, 2010, Foreign
Foreman, Gabe, A Complete Encyclopedia of Different Types of People, Spring 2011, Foreign
Guri, Helen, Match, 2011, Foreign
Jones, Daniel, The Brave Never Write Poetry, 2011, Foreign
Robertson, Lisa, Occasional Work and Seven Walks from the Office for Soft Architecture, Spring 2011, Foreign
Coal Hill Review/Autumn House Press
Marks, Gigi, Shelter, 2011, Chapbook
Codhill Press
Appelbaum, David, The Hairpin Tax , 2010, Chapbook
Bauman, Frederick, Feral Idylls, 2010
Bufalino, Brenda, Circular Migrations , 2010
Mitchell, Ben, Only the Sound Itself , 2010, Chapbook
Nienow, Matthew, The End of the Folded Map, 2011, Chapbook
Coffee House Press
Berrigan, Sandy; Padgett, Ron eds., Dear Sandy, Hello: Letters from Ted to Sandy Berrigan, 2010, Prose Anthology
Carr, Julie, Sarah: Of Fragments and Lines, Spring 2010
Equi, Elaine, Click and Clone, 2011
Healey, Steve, 10 Mississippi, 2010
Lease, Joseph, Testify, 2011
Liebler, M. L., ed., Working Words: Punching the Clock and Kicking Out the Jams, 2010, Anthology
Martin, Chris, Becoming Weather, 2011
Moschovakis, Anna, You And Three Others Are Approaching a Lake, 2011
Oeur, U Sam and Ken McCullough, *Across Three Wildernesses. Produced by Mary Ellen Will, Spring 2011, DVD;
Bilingual, Khmer/English
Padgett, Ron, How Long, 2011
Padgett, Ron, Scotch Tape Body , April 2011, Broadside
Cold Hub Press
Aizenberg, Mikhail, Level With Us, 2011, Chapbook; Bilingual, Russian/English
Cameron, Juan, Last Night the War Ended/Anoche termino la guerra. Franzen, Cola, 2011, Chapbook; Bilingual,
Rosnay, Jean-Pierre, Secret Wars: Prose Poems. Kates, J., 2010, Chapbook
Columbia University Press
Will, Barbara, Unlikely Collaboration, 2011, Prose
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Combat Paper Press
Delanty, Greg, The New Citizen Army, 2010
Conflu:X Press
Bellows, Keven, The Blue Darter, 2010
Black, Rose, Margaret Kaufman, Melanie Maier, Susan Terris, and Sim Warkov, Chapter & Verse: Poems of Jewish
Identity, 2011
Jennings, Janet, Traces in Water, 2010
Continuum Books
Nietzsche, Friedrich, *Peacock and the Buffalo. Luchte, James, 2010, Bilingual, German/English
Roberts, Jonathan, *Blake. Wordsworth. Religion., Winter 2010, Prose
Cooper Dillon Books
Cherry, Laura, Haunts, 2010
Matthews, Clay, Pretty, Rooster, 2011
Copper Canyon Press
Dickman, Michael, Flies, 2010
Kasischke, Laura, Space, in Chains, 2010
Landau, Deborah, The Last Usable Hour, 2011
Lerner, Ben, Mean Free Path, Spring 2010
Levin, Dana, Sky Burial, 2010
Richardson, James, By the Numbers, 2010
Sáenz, Benjamin Alire, The Book of What Remains, Spring 2010
Taggart, John, Is Music: Selected Poems, 2010
Trakl, Georg, *Song of the Departed: Selected Poems of Georg Trakl . Firmage, Robert, tr., July 1, 2011
Twichell, Chase, Horses Where the Answers Should Have Been: New and Selected Poems, Summer 2010
Tzu, Lao, Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching. Translated by Red Pine, Spring 2010, Bilingual, Chinese/English
Valentine, Jean, Break the Glass, 2010
Wang, Qingping, ed., *Push Open the Window: Contemporary Poetry from China, Summer 2011, Anthology; Bilingual,
Wright, C. D., One with Others, Winter 2010
Wright, C. D., One with Others, 2010
Young, Dean, Fall Higher, 2010
Zapruder, Matthew, Come on All You Ghosts, 2010
Council Oak Books
Greer, Jane, Limitation, 2010
Counterpath Press
Doppelt, Suzanne, The Field is Lethal, 2010
Freeman, Barbara Claire, Incivilities, 2010
Trai, Nguyen, Beyond the Court Gate: Selected Poems of Nguyen Trai. Edited and translated by Nguyen Do and Paul
Hoover, Spring 2010, Poetry/Asian Studies
Berry, Wendell, *Leavings: Poems, 2011
Cracked Slab Books
Earley, Tim, *The Spooking of Mavens, 2010
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Larkin, Gina, When the Gods Play Hide and Seek, 2011
Pathak, Jaee Sathe, Reflections, Spring 2010
Cross-Cultural Communications
Bennett, Maria, Because You Love (hb), 2011
Bennett, Maria, Because You Love (pb), 2011
Chan, Jeong, Pilates Jesus (hb). Translated by Yoo-Jung Kong, 2011, Prose
Chan, Jeong, Pilates Jesus (pb). Translated by Yoo-Jung Kong, 2011, Prose
Jones, Peter Thabit, Poems from a Cabin on Big Sur (hb), 2011, Bilingual
Jones, Peter Thabit, Poems from a Cabin on Big Sur (pb), 2011
Squier, Charles L., Under the White Wing (hb), 2011
Squier, Charles L., Under the White Wing (pb), 2011
Tashevsky, Sergey, Post-Beat Diary. Translated by Aleksey Dayen, Spring 2010, Bilingual, Russian/English
Winans, A. D., Love-Zero , Spring 2010, Chapbook
Wolak, Bill, Archeology of Light (hb), 2011
Wolak, Bill, Archeology of Light (pb), 2011
Wolak, Bill; Karimi-Hakak, Mahmood, Love Emergencies: Parallel Texts in English and Persian , 2010, Bilingual
Cross-Cultural Communications / The Seventh Quarry Press
Barkin, Stanley H.; Kleefeld, Carolyn Mary, Poet to Poet #4: East Coast/West Coast , 2010, Chapbook
Wolak, Bill; Karimi-Hakak, Mahmood, Love Emergencies , 2010, Bilingual
Cultural Society
Barocas, Zach, Looking Up, 2010, Chapbook
O'Leary, Peter, Luminous Epinoia, 2010
Piccinnini, Douglas, Soft, 2010, Chapbook
Cuneiform Press
Robinson, Kit, *Determination, 2010
CUNY Poetics Document Initiative
Alcalay, Ammiel, ed., Lost & Found: The CUNY Poetics Document Initiative Series II, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Randall, Margaret, ed., Selections from El Corno Emplumado/The Plumed Horn, 1962-1964. Randall, Margaret, 2010,
van de kamp, Alexandra, The Park of Upside-Down Chairs, Spring 2010
Cy Gist Press
Chace, Joel, Sharpsburg, 2010, Chapbook
Hastain, J/J, Cock-Burn, 2010, Chapbook
Javier, Paolo, Megton Gasgan Krakooom, 2010, Chapbook
Mazer, Ben, A City of Angels: A Verse Play in Three Acts , 2011, Chapbook
Provance, Phill, The Day the Sun Rolled Out of the Sky, 2011, Chapbook
Cycle Press
Congdon, Kirby, Dialogue with God , 2010, Chapbook
Cypher Books
Bonair-Agard, Roger, Gully, 2011
Murillo, John, Up Jump the Boogie, Spring 2010
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Dalkey Archive Press
Arif, Iftikhar, Modern Poetry of Pakistan. Khwaja, Waqas, trans. , 2010, Anthology
Rosenthal, Sarah, A Community Writing Itself: Conversations with Vanguard Writers of the Bay Area , 2010, Anthology
Dancing Girl Press
Emilie Lindemann, *Dear Minimum Wage Employee: You Are Priceless
Julia Cohen, Brandon Shimoda, *Ship-On-Land
Robyn Art, Robin Barcus, *Dear American Lovechild, Yours, The Beautiful Undead
Daniel & Daniel Publishers
Furse Jackson, Vanessa; Jackson, Robb, Crane Creek, Two Voices: Poems, May 1, 2011
Dark Sky Books
Sturgeon, Stephen, Trees of the Twentieth Century, 2011
David R. Godine, Publisher
Rilke, Rainer Maria, The Inner Sky: Poems, Notes, Dreams. Translated by Damion Searls, Spring 2010, Bilingual,
David Robert Books/WordTech Communications
Hayden, Dolores, Nymph, Dun, and Spinner, Winter 2010
O'Toole, Kathleen, Meanwhile , February 2011
DC Moore Gallery
Yau, John, ed., Mary Frank: Transformations, Wood Sculpture, 1957-1967 and Recent Photographs, 2011, Gallery Book
De Harmonie
Kees Van Kooten, Billy Collins, Zo Wordt U Gelukkig / This Will Make You Happy, Fall 2010, Foreign; Bilingual,
Dutch/English, Prose
Dea Detritus
Detritus, Dea, *Derivations 2, 2010, Chapbook
Dedalus Press
Daly, Padraig J., Afterlife, Summer 2010, Foreign
Givans, Ray, Tolstoy in Love, Summer 2010, Foreign
McGovern, Iggy, Safe House, 2010, Foreign
Deerbrook Editions
Marbrook, Djelloul, Brushstrokes And Glances, 2010
Ranan, Wendy, The Quiet Room, 2011
Deleted Press
Greenstreet, Kate, Called , 2011, Chapbook
Dirty Swan Projects
Dirty Swan, The Swan’s Rag: In Memoriam Wilfred Owen , March 2011 , Chapbook
Jarnot, Lisa, Joie de Vivre, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Displaced Snail Publications
Carlough, Joseph, Dark Nature , Spring 2011, Chapbook
Dog Ear Publishing
Hofstadter, Marc Elihu, Healing the Split: The Collected Essays of Marc Elihu Hofstadter , 2011
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Dos Madres
Henson, Michael, *The Tao of Longing & the Body Geographic, 2011
Tiger, Madeline, The Atheist’s Prayer, Winter 2010
Wellman, Donald, A North Atlantic Wall. Edited by Robert Murphy, 2010
Dover Publications
Blaisdell, Bob, *Great Short Poems from Around the World, Summer 2011
Blaisdell, Bob, ed., *Imagist Poetry, 2011, Anthology
Drag City
Callahan, Bill, Letters to Emma Bowlcut, Fall 2010, Prose Poetry
Drunken Boat
Vazirani, Reetika, Radha Says, Winter 2010
Service, Robert W., *Robert W. Service: Selected Poetry and Prose, Summer 2011, Prose & Poetry
Dusie Kollektiv
Allegrezza, William, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Marquee, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Behrendt, Lynn, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Acquiescence, Sring 2011, Accordion
Behrendt, Lynn, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: This Is the Story of Things That Happened, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Biasini, Nadia Guth, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Mileage Plu United, Spring 2011, credit & business card book
Brading, Tilla and Frances Presley, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Throw Bolivian Parakeets Away..., Spring 2011, Folded
Breheny, Jessica, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Ephemerides, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Brighton, Ross, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Temporal Maze Denture, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Cook, Juliet, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Post-Stroke, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Cox, Sarah Anne, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Medea 10-18, Summer 2011, Chapbook
Crumpacker, Caroline, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: The Institution at Her Twilight, Summer 2011, Chapbook
Damon, Maria, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Meshwards, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Deutch, Amanda, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Hey You, Summer 2011, Broadside
Fortin, Jennifer H., Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Nicole C. Apartment 4, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Gardner, Susana, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: from Idylls & Rushes, Summer 2011, Chapbook
Givehand, Kiala, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Faulty Fortunes, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Godwin, Harry J., Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Toad-Whoops, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Goodland, Giles, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: from ‘Gloss’, Summer 2011, Chapbook
Guy, Arielle, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Confidential, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Hayes, Jared, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Into the Furrows, Summer 2011, Chapbook
Hofer, Jen, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Lead & Tether, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Holden, Ming and Bronwen Tate, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: The Loss Letters, Winter 2011, Chapbook
Kidd, Monica, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Incidental Kill (Above/Ground Broadside #294), Spring 2011, Broadside
Klinger, Paul, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Jumblefate, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Knotts, Rebecca M., Dusie Kollektiv 2011: We Speak of Sacred Things, Summer 2011, Chapbook
Lamoureux, Mark, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Barcelona Poems, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Languell, Krystal, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: could form a very sad list, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Manson, Peter, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Packet Botox, Summer 2011, Chapbook
Maughn, James, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Playing the Form, Spring 2011, Chapbook
McLennan, Rob, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: First you know, and then so ordinary, , Spring 2011, Chapbook
Meng, Catherine, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: I’m Not Writing Pure War; This is a Grocery List, Spring 2011, Chapbook
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Palagi, Naomi Buck, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Darkness in the Tent, Spring 2011, Broadside
Pendergast, Dawn, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Leaves Fall Leaves, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Pierce, Michelle Naka, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Symptom of Color, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Pluecker, John, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Undone, Summer 2011, Chapbook
Poe, Deborah, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: the last will be stone, too, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Pusateri, Chris, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Molecularity, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Reed, Marthe and J/J Hastain, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Post Cards :: Lafayette á Lafayette, Spring 2011
Rosenthal, Sarah, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: The Animal, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Ruby, Michael, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: The Star-Spangled Banner, Spring 2011
Schultz, Susan M., Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Memory Cards: John Ashbery Series, Spring 2011, loose pack of long cards
Smith, Ash, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Come Such Frequency, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Smith, Carmen Giménez, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Glitch, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Thurston, Scott, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Songs of Desire & Longing, Summer 2011, Chapbook
Treadwell, Elizabeth, Charm Atlas One, Spring 2010, Chapbook- handmade
Wagner, Catherine, Bracelet, Spring 2010, Chapbook, handmade
Warriner, Rachel, Detritus, Spring 2010, Chapbook, handmade
Workman, Elisabeth, Dusie Kollektiv 2011: Maybe Malibu Maybe Beowulf, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Zompa, Vincent, The Recife Plectrum, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Dzanc Books
Beitelman, T. J., *Pilgrims: A Love Story, 2010
Pantano, Daniele, *The Oldest Hands in the World, 2010
Eastern Washington University Press
Zwartjes, Arianne, *The Surfacing of Excess, Winter 2010
ECKO Publishing
Josephine Mercorella, *Flickering Candles: A Woman Deals With Death and Loss Through Poetry, 2010
Ecstatic Exchange
Abdal-Hayy Moore, Daniel, Chants for the Beauty Feast, 2011
Moore, Daniel Abdal-Hayy, Holiday from the Perfect Crime, 2011
Moore, Daniel Abdal-Hayy, In Constant Incandescence , 2011
ECW Press
Adamson, Gil, *Ashland, 2011
Bennett, Johnathan, *Civil and Civic, 2011
Sze, Gillian, *The Anatomy of Clay, 2011
Edinburgh University Press
Hogg, James, *Scottish Pastorals: Together with Other Early Poems and 'Letters on Poetry' (The Collected Works of James
Hogg), June 1, 2011, Foreign
Editiions Passage St.-Hubert Galerie Des Princes
Milazzo, Richard, Keats Dying in Your Arms , May 2010, Foreign
Editions Bibliotekos
Tague, Gregory, ed., Common Boundary: Stories of Immigration, 2010
Effing Press
Anonyme, ed., *Works and Days of the Fenéon Collective , 2010, Anthology
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
EJAri Publishing
Antonio, E.J., Rituals in the Marrow: Recipe for a Jam Session, Winter 2010, CD
Ekstasis Editions/Cherubim Books
Blades, Joe, Prison Songs and Storefront Poetry, 2010, Foreign
Elixir Press
Kelly, Kristin, Cargo, 2010
Lee, Esther, Spit, Spring 2011
Elkhound Publications
Ryan, G. B., Daytime Roar, Spring 2010
Ryan, G.B., Some Poems , 2010, Chapbook
Emergency Press
Chrusciel, Ewa, Strata, 2011
Emrys Press
Steele, Celisa, How Language is Lost, 2011
Entasis Press
Egan, Moira; Harriss, Clarinda, eds., *Hot Sonnets: An Anthology, Spring 2011
Levy, Andrew, Nothing Is In Here, Summer 2010
EPHereNowMusic 104
Packer, Eve, First and Last (CD). Music by Noah Howard, Fall 2010, CD
Epic Rites Press
Plath, Rob, *There’s a Fist Dunked in Blood Beating in My Chest, 2010
James Servin, Lovestruck, 2010
Erudite Fangs
Parrish, Jr., Gary, Drive-In Picture Show , 2010
Etruscan Press
Bateman, Claire, *Coronology and Other Poems, 2010
Hix, H L., *First Fire, Then Birds, 2010
Moeckel, Thorpe, Venison: A Poem, Spring 2010
Moldaw, Carol, So Late, So Soon: New and Selected Poems, Summer 2010
Eureka Productions
Edwards, Sam P., In the Last Days of the Empire: Watching the ‘60s Go By On Greenwich Village Time, A
Bartender’s Tale , 2010
Everyman’s Library
Cohen, Leonard, Poems and Songs, 2011
Dickinson, Emily, *Letters: Emily Dickinson, 2011, Prose
Everyman’s Library Pocket Poems
Brown, Kurt; Schechter, Harold, *Killer Verse: Poems of Murder and Mayhem. Brown, Kurt; Schechter, Harold, Sept. 6,
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Cohen, Leonard, Leonard Cohen: Poems and Songs. Edited by Robert Faggen, 2011, Anthology
Dickinson, Emily, Emily Dickinson: Letters. Selected and Edited by Emily Fragos, 2011, Prose
Hughes, Henry, ed., The Art of Angling: Poems About Fishing, 2011, Anthology
Excelsior Editions/State University of New York Press
Slade, Jr, Leonard A., Sweet Solitude, Summer 2010
EXOT Books
Scopino, Adriana, Let Me Be Like Glass , 2010, Chapbook
Videlock, Wendy, What’s That Supposed to Mean , 2011, Chapbook
Exot Press
Marcus Powell, John, Loony Lovers, 2011
Explorer Editions
Volková, Bronislava, And Drink We will From Delectable Wells..., 2011, Prose
Fact-Simile Editions
Bernstein, Charles, Charles Bernstein Trading Card: “And Aenigma Was His Name, O!”, Spring 2011, Trading Card
CAConrad, CAConrad Trading Card: “from Advanced Elvis Course”, Spring 2011, Trading Card
Dinh, Linh, Linh Dinh Trading Card: “Disappearing Poem 4”, Spring 2011, Trading Card
Du Plessis, Rachel Blau, Rachel Blau DuPlessis Trading Card: “Draft, unnumbered: Precis”, Spring 2011, Trading Card
Gizzi, Peter, Peter Gizzi Trading Card: “Song of Interior Begin”, Spring 2011, Trading Card
Kyger, Joanne, Joanne Kyger Trading Card: “Mocking Yourself”, Spring 2011, Trading Card
Mohammad, K. Silem, K. Silem Mohammad Trading Card: “Sonnagram 32”, Spring 2011, Trading Card
Mullen, Harryette, Harryette Mullen Trading Card: “Remove Offensive Language”, Spring 2011, Trading Card
Prevallet, Kristin, Kristin Prevallet Trading Card: “Picking the Bones of the Dead”, Spring 2011, Trading Card
Robinson, Elizabeth, Elizabeth Robinson Trading Card: “On Anticipation”, Spring 2011, Trading Card
Rothenberg, Jerome, Jerome Rothenberg Trading Card: “A Reconsideration”, Spring 2011, Trading Card
Silliman, Ron, Ron Silliman Trading Card: “From Revelator”, Spring 2011, Trading Card
Tarn, Nathaniel, Nathaniel Tarn Trading Card: “Untitled”, Spring 2011, Trading Card
Williams, C. Mcallister, Neon Augury, 2011, Chapbook
Factory Hollow Press
Bloomfield, Luke, The Duffel Bag, 2011, Chapbook
Ireland, Lauren, Sorry It’s So Small, 2011, Chapbook
Phillips, Alex, *Crash Dome, 2010
Factory School
CAConrad, Frank Sherlock, The City Real & Imagined, 2010
Lee, Sueyeun Juliette, Underground National, 2010
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Bernstein, Charles, All the Whiskey in Heaven: Selected Poems, Spring 2010
Bishop, Elizabeth, Elizabeth Bishop and The New Yorker: The Complete Correspondence. Biele, Joelle, ed., 2011
Bishop, Elizabeth, Poems, 2011
Bishop, Elizabeth, Prose. Schwartz, Lloyd, ed., 2011, Prose Anthology
Heaney, Seamus, Human Chain, Summer 2010
Holman, Bob; Muse-Dukes, Carol, eds., Crossing State Lines: An American Renga, 2011, Anthology
Komunyakaa, Yusef, The Chameleon Couch: Poems, Spring 2011
Leopardi, Giacomo, Canti: Poems. Galassi, Jonathan, tr., Spring 2011, Bilingual, Italian/English
Magrelli, Valerio, Vanishing Points: Poems. McKendrick, Jamie, Summer 2011, Bilingual, Italian/English
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Maxwell, Glyn, One Thousand Nights and Counting: Selected Poems, Fall 2011
McLane, Maureen N., World Enough, Summer 2010
McLane, Maureen N., World Enough (pb), Winter 2010
Muldoon, Paul, Maggot, 2010
Murray, Les, Taller When Prone, Spring 2011
Phillips, Carl, Double Shadow, 2011
Schnackenberg, Gjertrud, Heavenly Questions, Fall 2010
Schuyler, James, Other Flowers: Uncollected Poems. Edited By James Meetze and Simon Pettet, Spring 2010
Stavans, Ilan, ed., The FSG Book of 20th Century Latin American Poetry, 2011, Anthology; Bilingual,
Swift, Daniel, *Bomber County: The Poetry of a Lost Pilot’s War, 2010
Walcott, Derek, White Egrets: Poems, Spring 2010
Williams, C. K., Wait, Spring 2010
Wiman, Christian, Every Riven Thing, Spring 2011
Wright, Charles, Bye-and-Bye: Selected Late Poems, 2011
Zagajewski, Adam, *Unseen Hand: Poems, May 24, 2011
Farrar, Straus & Giroux/Faber and Faber
Pinsky, Robert, Selected Poems, 2011
Faux Press
Kimball, Jack, Post-Twyla , 2010
Timmons, Susie, The New Old Paint, 2010
Faux Press/Other
Gottlieb, Michael, Memoir and Essay, 2010
Feminist Press at CUNY
Hosted by: Daniela Gioseffi, Women on War: International Writings , Summer 2010, CD
Fence Books
Brenner, Daniel, June, 2011
Corless-Smith, Martin, English Fragments: A Brief History of the Soul, 2010
Demske, Nick, Nick Demske, 2010
Holiday, Harmony, *Negro League Baseball, 2011
Kunin, Aaron, The Sore Throat & Other Poems, 2010
Osman, Jena, The Network, 2010
Fence Records
Kearney, Douglas, There Are Sharks in This Poem, 2011, CD
Feral Press
Puckett, Caleb, Combatants, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Puckett, Caleb, Homecoming, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Puckett, Caleb, Runoff, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Fifth Planet Press/3rdness Press
Daly, Rachel, Plasmos, Winter 2010
Filter Press
Spagnuolo, Peter, Egg And Dart, Spring 2010, Chapbook
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Finishing Line Press
Amenta, Madalon O’Rawe, kandinsky and the stars , 2010, Chapbook
Amyx, Lou, The Bracelet, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Aronson, Virginia, Tropical Diagnoses, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Banerjee, Rita, Cracklers at Night, 2010, Chapbook
Beach, E. Louise, Sine Nomine, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Bennett, Bruce, The Holding Stone, 2010, Chapbook
Bernstein, Les, Borderland, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Blair, Jenn, All Things Are Ordered , 2010, Chapbook
Bodien, Elizabeth, Endpapers, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Bourne, Adele, A Grocery List & Other Poems , 2010, Chapbook
Brancato, Paula, For My Father, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Brown, J. Lorraine, Skating n Bones, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Brown, Kevin, Abecedarium, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Brown-Baez, Wendy, Transparencies of Light, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Butterworth-McDermott, Christine, Tales on Taless: Sestinas , 2010, Chapbook
Carmen, Tai, Pollen, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Casey, Deb, AS-IS, Several-Sisters , 2010, Chapbook
Colburn, Don, because you might not remember , 2010, Chapbook
Colburn, Don, Because You Might Not Remember, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Cole, Ellen Aronofsky, Prognosis, Spring 2011, Chapbook
de Vries, Sonia, Planting a Garden in Baghdad, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Dickson, Patricia A, Pastels, 2010, Chapbook
Dondiego, Lisa Fleck, A Sea Change, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Donnelly, Laura, Nocturne - Schumann’s Letters, 2010, Chapbook
Doyle, Phyllis, Portraits and Landscapes , 2010, Chapbook
Dunkle, Iris J., Inheritance, 2010, Chapbook
Feldman, Laura, Heading for a Change of Light, 2010, Chapbook
Ferdowsmakan, Roza, Strangers in the Skies of the Dead , 2010, Chapbook
Freeland, Charles, Deviled Ham and a Picture of Jesus: Twenty Grubb Tales, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Frith, Carol, Keepsake Houses: Crooked Streets, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Gentry, Angela S., Stirrings of Movement, 2010, Chapbook
Giambra, Angelo, Oranges and Eggs, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Gould, Lee, Weeds. Maines, Leah, 2010, Chapbook
Green, Connie Jordan, Regret Comes to Tea, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Gubernat, Susan, Analog House, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Guli, Laura, A Fiery Grace, 2010, Chapbook
Guruianu, Andrei, Anamnesis, 2010, Chapbook
Hahn, Cynthia T., Outside-In-Sideout, 2010, Chapbook
Hall, Miriam, Dreams of Movement, 2010, Chapbook
Higgs, Lisa, Lodestar, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Hitchner, John T., Seasons and Shadows, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Holder, Alan, Aging Head in the Clouds, 2010, Chapbook
Jacobs, Kathryn, Signs and Portents, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Johnson, Brad, Gasoline Rainbow, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Kale, Tessa, The Hudson Line , 2010, Chapbook
Kaplan, Sara, Touring West of the Mississippi, Spring 2011, Chapbook
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Kaufmann, Britt, Belonging, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Kerr, Kathryn, Turtles All the Way Down, 2010, Chapbook
Keyworth, Reeves, My Daphne Phase, 2010, Chapbook
Kindbom, Jen, A Note on the Door, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Kirk, Kathleen, Living on the Earth , 2010, Chapbook
Klein, Francis, Podebrady, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Laughlin, Joyanna, The Body, and Its Mansions , 2010, Chapbook
Levine, Richard, That Country’s Soul, 2010, Chapbook
Lins, Lorraine Henrie, I Called It Swimming, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Lloyd, Christina, Territories, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Lorts, Jack e, Dear Gilbert Sorrentino & Other Poems, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Luce, Gregory, Drinking Weather, Spring 2011, Chapbook
MacKellar, Alan, Chasing Schroedinger’s Cat, 2010, Chapbook
Margolis, Jordan, XQ Goes Galactic: Excuseman’s Graphic, Poetic Adventures , 2010, Chapbook
Mathews, Marsha, Northbound Single-Lane, 2010, Chapbook
McCord, Sandy, Dragon Well, 2010, Chapbook
McMakin, Barb, Digging Bones, Winter 2010, Chapbook
Merlot, Susan, Resonant Rooms, 2010, Chapbook
Meyers, Joyce, Shapes of Love, 2010, Chapbook
Miller, P. Andrew, The Legacy of the Turquoise Knight, 2010, Chapbook
Millman, Georganna, Set Theory, 2010, Chapbook
Mohabir, Rajiv, Na Mash Me Bone, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Moro, Nicole, Almost , 2010, Chapbook
Morton, Karla, Stirring Goldfish, 2010, Chapbook
Nawrocki, Amy, Nomad’s End , 2010, Chapbook
Newman, Michele O., Soulscapes, 2010, Chapbook
Nicoletti, Joey, Borrowed Dust, Spring 2011, Chapbook
O’Brien, Maureen, The Other Cradling, Spring 2011, Chapbook
O'Dell, Mary, What I Can Count On, 2011, Chapbook
Ogg, Brendan, Summer Becomes Absurd , 2010, Chapbook
Olander, Renee, A Few Spells, 2010, Chapbook
Oleferuk, Susan, Circling for Home, Spring 2011, Children's
Oleson, Hilde, Dreams Reward , 2010, Chapbook
Pagan, Darlene, Blue Ghosts, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Pandey, Christa, Southern Seasons, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Peterson, Nancy Kay, Belated Remembrance , 2010, Chapbook
Pierre, Charles, Brief Intervals of Harmony, 2010, Chapbook
Polizzi, Frank, All Around Town, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Post, Connie, Trip Wires, 2010, Chapbook
Rader, R.G., Kicking the Rain, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Raff, Marilyn, In the Palm of the Land, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Randall, Gregory W., Blue Water Views, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Rasnake, Sam, Inside a Broken Clock, 2010, Chapbook
Reese, Mary Anne, Raised By Water, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Reeser, Cynthia, Light and Trials of Light, Spring 2010
Reilly, JC, La Petite Mort , 2010, Chapbook
Ressmeyer, Georgia, Today I Threw My Watch Away, 2010, Chapbook
Rice, Paul R., From Shallow Waters , 2010, Chapbook
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Richardson, Joyce, Delia’s Gone, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Rosenbloom, Robert, Reunion, 2011, Chapbook
Rosenthal, Ruth Sabath, Facing Home, 2010, Chapbook
Rossi, Renee, Third Worlds, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Ruggiero, Cheryl Wood, Old Woman at the Warm Spring, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Rypma, Judi A., Forget-Me-Not, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Sadler, Lynn Veach, Winding-Water Banquets, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Samraney, Joanne Matone, Remaking Driftwood , 2010, Chapbook
Scheler, David, Casting for Meteors, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Shankar, Ravi, Voluptuous Bristle, 2010, Chapbook
Shankar, Ravi, Voluptuous Bristle , 2010, Chapbook
Sharpe, Patricia Lee, Coming and Going Love, 2010, Chapbook
Sher, Steven, The Skipping Stone, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Sherrard, Cherene, Mistress, Reclining, 2010, Chapbook
Shiori, The Girl Who Loved Mothra , 2010, Chapbook
Shoemaker, Laura, For Want , 2010, Chapbook
Shook, Melissa, The Real Story, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Singleton, Sharon, A Thin Thread of Water , 2010, Chapbook
Sloboda, Noel, Of Things Passed, 2010, Chapbook
St. John, Richard, Shrine, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Staley, Geo., Ready for Any Nuance, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Stevens, Jeanine, Caught in Clouds , 2010, Chapbook
Swafford, Polly W., Early Freeze , 2010, Chapbook
Terzi, Judith, Sharing Tabouli, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Thomas, Toni, Walking on Water, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Tsiopos, Katerina, Our Slow Migration North, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Uchmanowicz, Pauline, Inchworm Season, 2010, Chapbook
VanErt, Richard E., Seasons from Within the Abyss, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Veladota, Christina, The Girl and Her Lions, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Viner, Chloe, Naked Under an Umbrella, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Vorreyer, Donna, Womb Seed Fruit , 2010, Chapbook
Wade, Julie Marie, Without, Winter 2010, Chapbook
Wagner, Mark, Home Building, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Wallace, Georgia M., The Coming Fall, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Walters, Melora, Sonnets and Failures , 2010, Chapbook
Welch, Don, Travels, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Westler, Max, Civil Defense, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Whitehouse, Anne, Bear in Mind, Fall 2010
Wiedemann, Barbara, Sometime in October , 2010, Chapbook
Wilson, Joyce, The Springhouse , 2010, Chapbook
Wiseman, Laura Madeline, Branding Girls, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Wolf-Palacio, Donna, What I Don’t Know, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Wright, Amy, Farm, 2010, Chapbook
Wright, Sheri L., The Slow Talk of Stones, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Youngblood, Julia, To Bend a Willow, 2010, Chapbook
First World Publishing
Fonseca, Freddy Niagara, ed., The Enduring Gift: A Flowering of Fairfield Poetry, Winter 2010, Anthology
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Fish-Eye Press
Kessler, Sharon, 3 New Mexico Poems , 2010, Chapbook
Fishing Line Press
Hechinger, Nancy, Letter to Leonard Cohen, 2011, Chapbook
Moore, Laura, Yahoodips, 2010, Chapbook
Fithian Press
Binkley, Phyllis, Up from the Marsh: Stories and Poems , 2011
Jackson, Marjorie, The Dust Catcher and Other Poems, 2010
Safir, Natalie, Love Like Snow: Two Decades of Snow Poems, 2010
Fitzhenry & Whiteside
Hine, Daryl, &, 2010
Neely, Joshua; Karr, Mary, eds., *Flatmancrooked’s Slim Volume of Contemporary Poetics, 2010, Anthology
Flim Forum Poetry Press
Karmin, Jennifer, aaaaaaalice, 2010
Flood Editions
Fuller, William, Hallucination, 2011
Gilfillan, Merrill, *The Bark of the Dog, 2010
Flutter Press
Mesler, Corey, The Tense Past, 2010, Chapbook
Fly By Night Press
Packer, Eve, New Nails, Spring 2011
Pflanzer, Howard, Dead Birds or Avian Blues, Spring 2011
Flying Guillotine Press
Chopra, Serena, *Penumbra, 2011, Chapbook
Horosky, Mark, *More Frisk Than Risk, 2010, Chapbook
Metres, Philip, *The Abu Ghraib Arias, 2011, Chapbook
Sadler, Matthew, *Tiny Tsunami, 2010, Chapbook
Sotto, Theresa, *Hinge, 2011, Chapbook
Steensen, Sasha, *A History of the Human Family, 2011, Chapbook
Folded Word
Boisard-Beudin, Nathalie, On Cloud 285, 2011
Corbett, Julie L., Colours of Honey, 2011, Broadside
Graustein, J.S. and Rose Auslander, eds., On a Narrow Windowsill: Fiction & Poetry Folded onto Twitter , 2010,
Foot Hills Publishing
Burke, Martin, *A=O=A, 2011, Chapbook
Michael, Ann E., The Capable Heart, 2011, Chapbook
Zegers, Kip, Reading Whitman in Manhattan: Teaching, Poetry and Hunter College High School, 2010
FootHills Publishing
Mathewson, Jon, While Strangers Insult the Decor, Spring 2011, Chapbook
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Rittenhouse Treichler, Martha, Black Mountain to Crooked Lake: Poems 1948-2010, with a memoir of Black Mountain
College, 2010
Rolling, Vicie A., Ancestral Supplications , 2010
Ford, Falcon & McNeil
Zimmerman, Ray; Majors, Bruce; Lindberg, Ed, Southern Light: Twelve Contemporary Southern Poets, Spring 2011,
Four Way Books
Allbery, Debra, Fimbul-Winter, 2010
Becker, Priscilla, Stories That Listen, 2010
Denrow, Jennifer, California, 2011
Lea, Sydney, Young of the Year, 2011
Nogues, Collier, On the Other Side, Blue, 2011
Prufer, Kevin, n a Beautiful Country, 2011
Ross, Jamie, Vinland, Spring 2010
Tobin, Daniel, Belated Heavens, 2010
Wallace, Joni, Blinking Ephemeral Valentine, 2011
Youn, Monica, Ignatz, Spring 2010
Young, C. Dale, Torn, 2011
Fourteen Hills Press
Summerfield, Zulema Renee, Everything Faces All Ways at Once, Winter 2010
Fractious Press
Poole, Buzz, I Like to Keep My Troubles On the Windy Side of Things, Spring 2010, Prose
Walthausen, K. Abigail, The Internet, Winter 2010, Chapbook
Webb, Thera, On the Shoulders of the Bear, Fall 2010, Chapbook
Frances Lincoln
Elliott, Charles ed., *This is the Garden: An Anthology, 2011, Anthology
Freehand Books
Roberts, Clea, *Here Is Where We Disembark, 2010
Friendly Street Poets
Pfitzner, John; Korsten, Tracey, Sorcerers and Soothsayers , 2011, Anthology
Friends Of Poetry
Dietz, Tom, ed., Artifactory 2011, 2011, Chapbook; Anthology
Front Porch History
Wasserman, Paul, Say Again All, 2011, Chapbook
Frontenac House Ltd.
Charach, Ron, Forgetting the Holocaust, 2011, Foreign
Griebel, Rosemary, Yes., 2011, Foreign
Marty, Sid, Sky Humor, Winter 2010, Foreign
Marty, Sid, The Rider with Good Hands, 2011, Foreign
Nason, Jim, Narcissus Unfolding, 2011, Foreign
Ramdath, Kirk, Love in a Handful of Dust, 2011, Foreign
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Furniture Press
Magnus, Magus, *Heraclitean Pride, 2010
Robinson, Elizabeth, Exequey, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Waber, Dan, Double Acrostics, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Further Adventures
Brown, Erika Jo; Ware, Joshua, What a Lark/Excavations, Winter 2011, Chapbook
Future Tense Books
Iredell, Jamie, *The Book of Freaks, 2011
Lor, Prathna, *Ventriloquism, 2010, Chapbook
FutureCycle Press
Coray, Anne, Violet Transparent, Fall 2010
King, Robert S., ed., *FutureCycle Poetry Poems for the Ages Annual Anthology 2010, 2010, Anthology
Lowery, Joanne, Scything, Fall 2010, Chapbook
Martin, Timothy, Stealing Hymnals from the Choir, Fall 2010, Anthology
Riegel, Katherine, Castaway, Fall 2010
Runyan, Tania, Simple Weight, Fall 2010
Swist, Wally, Luminous Dream, Fall 2010
Futurepoem books
Eli Gordon, Noah, The Source, 2011
Gilbert, Alan, Late in the Antenna Fields, 2010
g.e. collective
Lentine, Genine, Poses, 2010, Chapbook
Gary Beck
Beck, Gary, Dispossessed, 2010, Chapbook
GenPop Books
Judith Baumel, The Kangaroo Girl, 2011
Klein, Michael, Then We Were Still Living, Fall 2010
Get Born Press
Horoszko, P.J., 2011 Showcase Title Poem #2. Art by Allison Steinfeld, 2011, Broadside
Horoszko, P.J., 2011 Showcase Title Poem #3. Art by Allison Steinfeld , 2011, Broadside
Horoszko, P.J., 2011 Showcase Titles Poem #1 . Art by Allison Steinfeld , 2011, Broadside
Gival Press
Levchev, Vladimir, The Refugee, 2011
Martinez-Gil, Cecilia, Psaltery and Serpentines, 2010
Glimpse Press
Evason, Alene, ed., Glimpse #29, July 2010, Chapbook
Global Scholarly Publications
Quasar, Q.R., I, Universe: The Greatest Time-Heart Speaks, Winter 2010
Quasar, Q.R., The Archangel of Radiance, Winter 2010
Glover Publishing
Glover, Albert; Clarke, John, eds., A Curriculum of the Soul, 2010, Anthology
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Gold Wake Press
Beeny, Eric, *Of Creatures, 2011
Darling, Kristina Marie, *Night Songs, 2010
Noonan, T. A., Petticoat Government, 2011
Ripatrazone, Nick, *Oblations, 2011
Goldengrove Press
Frank, Bernhard, Phosphorescent After Dark: Selected Poems 1960-2010, 2011
Gorsky Press
Jay, James, The Journeymen, 2010
Grand Central Publishing
Johnson, Celia, ed., 100 Great Poems for Girls, Spring 2011, Anthology
Pockell, Leslie, ed., 100 Great Poems for Boys, Spring 2011, Anthology
Grayson Books
Harrington, Elizabeth, The Quick and the Dead, 2010, Chapbook
Lepore, Michael F., Forgotten Heroes: Poems For and About Veterans of the Vietnam War, 2010
Graywolf Press
Ahmed, Dilruba, Dhaka Dust: Poems, June 21, 2011
Alexander, Elizabeth, Crave Radiance: New and Selected Poems 1990-2010, Fall 2010
Doty, Mark, *The Art of Description: World into Word (Art of...), 2010
Flynn, Nick, The Captain asks for a Show of Hands, 2011
Goldbarth, Albert, *The Kitchen Sink: New and Selected Poems, 1972-2007, Spring 2010
Grennan, Eamon, Out of Sight: New and Selected Poems, Summer 2010
Howe, Fanny, Come and See: Poems, May 24, 2011
Jackson, Gary, Missing You, Metropolis, Fall 2010
Moore, Jim, Invisible Strings, 2011
Noel, Bernard; Rivera, Elena, *The Rest of the Voyage: Poems by Bernard Noël and Eléna Rivera, Fall 2010
Rivard, David, Otherwise Elsewhere, 2011
Rosemurgy, Catherine Jeanne, The Stranger Manual: Poems, Spring 2010
Simic, Charles, ed. and trans., The Horse Has Six Legs: An Anthology of Serbian Poetry, Spring 2010, Anthology
Sleigh, Tom, Army Cats, Spring 2011
Smith, Tracy K., Life on Mars: Poems, May 10, 2011
Young, Dean, *The Art of Recklessness: Poetry as Assertive Force and Contradiction, 2010, Prose
Green Lantern Press
Hanafi, Amira, Forgery, 2011
Slowacki, Juliusz, Kordian. Translated by Gerald T. Kapolka, 2010
Green Zone
Ferrari, Mary, *To Friends of Cicadas, 2010
Greenapple Editions
Davis, Beatrice G., Mindsight, 2010
Greenhouse Review Press
Crenshaw, Brad, My Gargantuan Desire, 2010
Lem, Carol, Gathering the Pieces, 2010
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Grey, Katherine, *A Fox Tale, 2010
Greying Ghost
Bernstein, Michael, *Nanostars, 2011, Chapbook
Harmon, Joshua, *The Poughkeepsiad, 2010, Chapbook
Groundwater Press
Henry, Gerrit, The Time of the Night. Cohen, Marc, Fall 2011
Grove Press
Ryan, Kay, The Best of It: New and Selected Poems, Spring 2010
Hackett Publishing Co.
Ovid, Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Translated by Stanley Lombardo, Winter 2010, Translation
Haiku Society of America
Mason, Scott, ed., Sharing the Sun, 2010, Anthology
Half Shell Press
Tesser, Marjorie, ed., Lessons: The Mom Egg Vol. 8, Spring 2010, Journal
Hanging Loose Press
Alexie, Sherman, Face, Spring 2010
Benka, Jen, Pinko, Spring 2011
Corbett, William, The Whalen Poem, Spring 2011
Fabri, Erica Miriam, Dialect of a Skirt, Winter 2010
Fleming, Gerald, Night of Pure Breathing, 2011
Medina, Pablo, The Man Who Wrote on Water, 2011
Pawlak, Mark, Dick Lourie, and Robert Hershon, When We Were Countries: Poems and Stories by Outstanding High
School Writers, Winter 2010
Roy, Camille, Sherwood Forest, Spring 2011
Statman, Mark, Tourist At a Miracle, 2010
Swados, Elizabeth, Waiting: Selected Nonfiction, 2011
Winch, Terence, Falling Out of Bed in a Room with No Floor , May 1, 2011
Harcourt Mifflin Harcourt
Szymborska, Wislawa, Here. Translated by Clare Cavanagh, Fall 2010
Harcourt/Mariner Books
Robertson, Robin, *The Wrecking Light, Summer 2011
HarperCollins Publishers
Bloom, Harold, *Till I End My Song: A Gathering of Last Poems , Fall 2011
Orr, David, *Beautiful & Pointless: A Guide to Modern Poetry, Spring 2011
HarperCollins Publishers / HarperOne
Rumi, Rumi: The Big Red Book: The Great Masterpiece Celebrating Mystical Love & Friendship. Translated by Coleman
Barks, Fall 2010
HarperCollins Publishers / Perennial
Kleon, Austin, Newspaper Blackout, Spring 2010
Meitner, Erika, Ideal Cities, 2010
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Millay, Edna St. Vincent, Collected Poems, 2011
Millay, Edna St. Vincent, Collected Poems, 2011
Vizsolyi, M. A., *The Lamp With Wings: Love Sonnets, 2011
Harvard University Press
Ovid, *Love Poems, Letters, and Remedies of Ovid . Translated by David Slavitt and Michael Dirda, May 1, 2011
Ovid, *Love Poems, Letters and Remedies of Ovid. Slavitt, David R., 2011, Translation
Slavitt, David R, ed., Love Poems, Letters, and Remedies of Ovid, 2011
Harvard University Press / Belknap
Tagore, Rabindranath, *The Essential Tagore, 2011, Translation
Haybarn Press
Anania, Michael, Mary Ann Caws, René Char, et al., Gathering: Fifteen Poets/Poems, Fall 2010, artists’ book
Char, René, Paul Celan, and Pablo Neruda, Voices to Share with color lithographs by Ed Colker, Spring 2011, with art
Haymarket Books
Coval, Kevin, L-Vis Lives!, Fall 2011
Hedgerow Books
Lewis, Patricia Lee, High Lonesome, 2011
Hedgerow Books/Levellers Press
Gordon, D.M., Nightly, at the Institute of the Possible , 2011
Hex Presse
Ackerman, Amanda, *The Seasons Cemented, 2010, Chapbook
High Plains Press
Frolander, Patricia, Married Into It, 2011
High Street Press
Shunney, Kate, *Parade of Our Everyday, Spring 2010
Highway 101 Press
Allara, Amy, Variation, Fall 2010, Chapbook
Hill-Stead Museum
Connors, Ginny Lowe, Under the Porch, 2010, Chapbook
Hobblebush Books
Hennedy, Hugh, 314 Franklin: A memoir in verse, Winter 2010, Chapbook
Pratt, Charles W., From the Box Marked Some Are Missing, Winter 2010
Sakellariou, Becky Dennison, Earth Listening, 2010, With CD
Hooke Press
Joron, Andrew, *Force Fields, 2010, Chapbook
Host Publications
Brandt, Per Aage, These Hands, Winter 2011, Bilingual, Danish/English
Brandt, Per Aage, These Hands, Winter 2011, Bilingual, Danish/English
Enrique Fierro, *Natural Selection. Translated by Miguel Gonzalez-Gerth, Bilingual, Spanish/English
Eugenijus Ališanka, From Unwritten Histories, 2011, Bilingual, Lithuanian/English
Huttin, Genevieve, The Story of My Voice, 2010, Bilingual, French/English
Krechel, Ursula, Voices from the Bitter Core. Amy Kepple Strawser, Spring 2010, Bilingual, German/English
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Nicanor Parra, After-Dinner Declarations. Dave Oliphant, Bilingual, Spanish/English
Nkulu-N’Sengha, Mutombo, ed., Bela-Wenda: Voices from the Heart of Africa, 2011
Renata Pallottini, Renata & Other Poems. Translated by K. David Jackson, Bilingual, Portuguese/English
Szoka, Elzbieta, ed., Fourteen Female Voices from Brazil, Bilingual, Portuguese/English
Zi, Hai, Over Autumn Rooftops. Murphy, Dan, 2010, Bilingual, Chinese/English
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Grotz, Jennifer, The Needle, 2011
Salamun, Tomaz; Michael Biggins, *The Blue Tower, Oct. 20, 2011
Schultz, Philip, The God of Loneliness: Selected and New Poems, Spring 2010
Simic, Charles, Master of Disguises, 2010
Wilbur, Richard, Anterooms, 2010
House of Anansi
Radar, Matt, A Doctor Pedalled Her Bicycle Over the River Arno , 2011
House of Anansi Press
Babstock, Ken, Methodist Hatchet, 2011, Foreign
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, *What is Poetry?, 2011, Foreign
House of Anansi Press, ed., *The 2011 Griffin Poetry Prize Anthology: A Selection of the Shortlist, June 1, 2011,
Anthology, Foreign
Thesen, Sharon, Oyama Pink Shale, 2011, Foreign
Humanity Books
Appleman, Philip, *Perfidious Proverbs and Other Poems: A Satirical Look at the Bible, July 26, 2011
Ibbetson Street Press
Baden, Ruth K., *East Of The Moon, 2010
Baden, Ruth Kramer, East of the Moon, 2010
Sesling, Zve, King of the Jungle, 2010
Ibiskos Ulivieri
Beconcini, Giancarlo, Ritorno Alla Natura: Poesi e dipinti, 2010, Foreign
Ice Cube Press
Mirriam-Goldberg, Caryn, ed., An Endles Skyway: Poetry from the State Poets Laureate. Edited by Caryn
Mirriam-Goldberg, Marilyn L. Taylor, Denise Low, & Walter Bargen, 2011, Anthology
Mirriam-Goldberg, Caryn; Taylor, Marilyn L.; Low, Denise; Bargen, Walter, eds., An Endless Skyway: Poetry from
the State Poets Laureate, 2011, Anthology
Imaginary Friend Press
Frame, Anthony, Paper Guillotines, 2010, Chapbook
Leach, Harriet O., Bad Mood on Earth Day, 2010, Chapbook
Indigo Dreams Publishing
Goodyear, Ronnie and Daw Bauling, eds., Crab Lines Off the Pier: An Anthology of Summer, 2010, Foreign
Infinity Publishing
Brown, Ray, I Have His Letters Still: Poetry of Everyday Life, 2010
Hua, Uyen, *a/s/l, Summer 201
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Inner Traditions
Rumi, Jalaluddin, Rumi’s Four Essential Practices: Ecstatic Body, Awakened Soul. Translated by Will Johnson, Spring
Institut Ramon Llull
Monzo, Quim; Coover, Robert; Farres, Ernest; Hirsch, Edward, Hopper’s Nighthawks in My Dreams. Newman,
Mary Ann; Venuti, Lawrence, 2010, Foreign/Bilingual, Catalan/English
Interactive Publications
Ruin, Fall 2010, Foreign
Fielden, Amelia and Kathy Kituai, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, 2011, Foreign
Kaminsky, Leah, Stitching Things Together, 2010, Foreign
Laidler, James, The Taste of Apple , 2010, Foreign
Reeves, Lyn, designs on the body, Fall 2010, Foreign
Williams, Jane, City of Possibilities, 2011, Foreign
ISCS Press
Kessenich, Lawrence, Bagels with the Bards #6, 2011, Anthology
Larson, Linda, Mississippi Poems, 2011
Ithuriel’s Spear
Brown, Lewis DeForest, Debris, Winter 2010
Norton, John, Air Transmigra, Fall 2010
J. Chester Johnson
Johnson, J. Chester, For Conduct and Innocents: A Drama in Verse, Winter 2010
J. Kates
Kates, J., The Old Testament, 2010, Chapbook
Jahbone Press
Nakell, Martin, Found , Broadside
James Babbs
Babbs, James, Another Beautiful Night, Spring 2010, Chapbook
James Madison University
Clifton, Lucille, 73 Poems for 73 Years: Celebrating the Life of Lucille Clifton, 2010, Event Program
Jane Rades
Rades, Jane, Two Years in the Tarot: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Fortuneteller, 2010
Janz, Robert, EXI(s)T series #6, Spring 2011, Chapbook, with art
Janz, Robert, EXI(s)T series #8, Spring 2011, Chapbook, with art
Jen Bervin
Bervin, Jen, ed., A Reanimation Library Portfolio: Visual Poetry With Jen Bervin, Summer 2010, loose pages in folder
John Hopkins University Press
Martin, Charles, Signs & Wonders, 2011, Translation
Joseph Carlough
Carlough, Joseph, It Lies in states , Spring 2011, Sweater Book
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Junction Press
Ferdowsi, Alboqasem, The Teller of Tales: Stories from Ferdowsi's Shahnameh. Newman, Richard Jeffrey, 2011,
Owens, Rochelle, Solitary Workwoman , 2011
Polkinhorn, Harry, Demos Oneiron, 2011
Rothenberg, Jerome, Retrievals: Uncollected & New Poems, 1955-2010, 2010
Karen Ethelsdattar
Ethelsdattar, Karen, Poems of Peace and Protest, Winter 2010, Chapbook
Kattywompus Press
Metres, Philip, Ode to Oil, 2011, Chapbook
Miltner, Robert, Queen Mab and the Moon Boy, 2011, Chapbook
Schubert, Karen, Bringing Down the Sky, 2011, Chapbook
Weems, Mary E., Closure, 2011, Chapbook
Kaya Press
Woon, Koon, *Water Chasing Water, 2011
Kenning Editions
Killian, Kevin and David Brazil, eds., The Kenning Anthology of Poets Theater: 1945-1985, Winter 2010, Anthology
Lin, Tan, Insomniaandtheaunt, 2011
Seldess, Jesse, Left Having, 2011
Kent State University Press
Breese, Elizabeth, The Lonely-Wilds, 2011, Chapbook
Rambo, Jody, *Tethering World, 2011, Chapbook
Rosenthal, Mira, *The Local World, 2011
Solfrian, Joanna, Visible Heavens, Winter 2010
Kerosene Bomb Publishing
Tottenham, John, The Inertia Variations , January 2010
Kimberly Grabowski
Grabowski, Kimberly, Red Velvet, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Kings Estate Press
Kempher, Ruth Moon, ed., At the Gate: Departures and Arrivals , 2011, Anthology
Kitsune Books
Russo, Gianna, Moonflower, 2011
Knopf, Alfred A.
Armitage, Simon, Seeing Stars: Poems, Aug. 2, 2011, Proof
Hecht, Anthony, Selected Poems. Edited by J. D. McClatchy, 2011
Hirsch, Edward, The Living Fire: New and Selected Poems, 2010
Hirshfield, Jane, Come, Thief: Poems, Summer 2011, Proof
Levine, Philip, News of the World, Winter 2010
Merwin, W.S., The Folding Cliffs: A Narrative, 2010
Piercy, Marge, The Hunger Moon: New and Selected Poems, 1980-2010, 2011
Wright, Franz, Kindertotenwald, 2011, Proof
Young, Kevin, Ardency: A Chronicle of the Amistad Rebels, 2011
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Zarin, Cynthia, The Ada Poems, 2010
Kore Press
Newbern, Laura, *Love and The Eye, 2010
Murphy, Ryan, *The Red Coats, 2010
Kudo Naoko
Naoko, Kudo, A Field Sing-a-Long, 2010, Bilingual, Japanese/English
Kulupi Press
Palacio, Melinda, Folsom Lockdown, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Kwik Print
Young, Geoffrey, The Teak Obsessions, 2011, Chapbook
La Alameda Press
Brandi, John, *Seeding the Cosmos, 2010
Schaefer, Norman, *The Sunny Top of California: Sierra Nevada Poems & a Story, 2010
Stablein, Marilyn, Splitting Hard Ground, Fall 2010
Lake Ivan Performance Group
Shelley, Percy, From Prometheus Unbound: Earth and Moon in Love and the Two Fauns . Composed, directed, and edited
by David Finkelstein, 2010, DVD
Lame House Press
Levin, Lauren, *Keenan, 2011, Chapbook
Last Automat Press
Orfanella, Lou, The Sun Cannot Decide, Summer 2010, Chapbook
Thomas, Lawrence W., The Bird in the Stone, Summer 2010, Chapbook
Last Automat Press,The
Hartmann, Van, Between What Is and What Is Not, Summer 2010, Chapbook
Paris-Purtle, Lynne, The Hole in the Sky, 2011, Chapbook
Peterson, Laurel S., Talking to the Mirror , 2010, Chapbook
Williams, John Sibley, A Pure River , 2010, Chapbook
Laterthanever Press
Moramarco, Fred, The City of Eden, Fall 2010
Panzardi, Anthony, Poems of Themes and Unity. Tully, J.A., Fall 2010
Les Editions Khus Khus
Tavernier, Janine, Sphinx du Laurier Rose, 2010, Foreign
Les Figues Press
Moscona, Miriam, Negro Marfil / Ivory Black. Translated by Jen Hofer, 2011
Nufer, Doug, By Kelman Out of Pessoa , 2011
Richard, Frances, Doug Nufer, Miriam Moscona, et. al., Trenchart: Recon, Aesthetics, Winter 2010, Anthology
Timmons, Matthew, The New Poetics, 2010
Wertheim, Christine, ed., Feminaissance, Spring 2010, Mixed-genre
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Leslie-Anne Brill
Brill, Leslie-Anne, New York Dreaming, 2011
Lethe Press
Cloke, Elka, *Bitter Language, 2010
Letter Machine Editions
Leslie, Juliana, More Radiant Signal, 2010
Matuk, Farid, This Isa Nice Neighborhood, 2010
Nakayasu, Sawako, Texture Notes, Spring 2010
Yau, John, Exhibits, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Levellers Press
Aalfs, Janet E., Bird of a Thousand Eyes , 2010
Library of America
Crane, Stephen, Stephen Crane: Complete Poems, 2011
Whitman, Walt, Leaves of Grass: The Complete 1855 and 1891-92 Editions, 2011
Life Roar Press
Zaikowski, Carolyn, Ouch, Humans, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Lightful Press
Chernyi, Sasha, Poems from Children’s Island. Translated by Kevin Kinsella, 2011
Litmus Press
Colby, Kate, Beauport, 2010
Kawata, Ayane, Time of Sky & Castles in the Air. Translated by Sawako Nakayasu, 2010, Translation
Scalapino, Leslie, How Phenomena Appear to Unfold, Spring 2011, Prose
Litteraria Pragensia Books
Armand, Louis, ed., Hidden Agendas: Unreported Poetics, 2010, Prose; Anthology
little books press
Hogan, Wayne, You Are What You Eat and You Are Where You Are When You Eat It, 2010, Chapbook
Little Pear Press
Rifkah, Eve, Outcasts: The Penikese Island Leper Hospital 1905-1921, Spring 2010
Little Red Tree Publishing, LLC
Harteis, Richard, The Revenant, Winter 2010
Little Scratch Pad Press
Atkin, Miriam, Don’t Have One, Summer 2010, Chapbook
Little Star
Kjellberg, Ann, ed., Little Star: 1, Winter 2010, Anthology
Kjellberg, Ann, ed., Little Star: 2, 2011, Anthology
Littlefox Press
Jammes, Francis, *Under the Azure. Translated by Janine Canan, 2010
Local Gems Poetry Press
Wagner, James P. and Nick Hale, eds., Voice of the Bards: Contemporary Verse of Myths, Fairy Tales and Legends, 2011,
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Local Knowledge
King, Basil, Learning to Draw/A History: Across and Back. Agnihotri, Sanjay, 2010, Journal
Long News
Henning, Barbara, The Dinner, 2011, Chapbook
Henning, Barbara, Twelve Green Rooms, 2011, Chapbook
Teo, Ling, Four Seasons with Little Cat at Old Farm, 2011, Chapbook
LookReadListen Publishing Inc.
Jarvis, Cleo, The Littlest Poets and Me, 2011, Anthology
Lorimer Press
Grant, Alex, The Circus Poems, Summer 2010
Pinckney, Diana, Green Daughters, 2011
Lost Horse Press
Bird, Henry Real, Horse Tracks, Winter 2010
Freeman, Valentine; Peake, Robert; Storie, Jensea, Lost Horse Press New Poets Series: New Poets, Short Books,
Volume V. Edited by Marvin Bell, 2011
Lagrone, Austin, Oyster Perpetual, 2010
Peterson, Paulann, The Voluptuary, Winter 2010
Robbins, Doren, Amnesty Muse, 2011
Lotus Press
Gillespie, Carmen, Jonestown: A Vexation, 2011
Louisiana Literature Press
Shipley, Vivian, All of Your Messages Have Been Erased, 2010
Louisiana State University Press
Adamshick, Carl, Curses and Wishes: Poems, 2011
Cushman, Stephen, Riffraff, 2011
Daniels, Kate, A Walk in Victoria’s Secret, Spring 2010
Friman, Alice, Vinculum, 2011
Gibson, Margaret, Second Nature, 2010
Kirby, David, Talking About Movies with Jesus, 2011
Krugovoy Silver, Anya, The Ninety-Third Name of God, Summer 2010
Martinez, J. Michael, Heredities, 2010
Osherow, Jacqueline, Whitethorn: Poems, 2011
Ryan, R.M., Vaudeville in the Dark, Spring 2010
Sandy, Stephen M., Overlook, 2010
Lowbrow Press
Hyland, M C, *Neveragainland, 2010
Mauch, Matt, Prayer Book, 2010
Luath Press Ltd.
Findlay, Alistair, ed., *Never Mind the Ball: 100 Favourite Football Poems, Fall 2011, Anthology
Frankel, Freddy, *Wrestling Angels, Fall 2010
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Kabeto, Rita Traut, *When the Blackbird Called, Winter 2010
Kabeto, Rita Traut, When the Blackbird Called, Fall 2010
Keith, Steven Ross, Floating to the Surface, Fall 2010
Keith, Steven Ross, Who Knew?: Collected Poetry 1968 to 2008, Summer 2010
Klein, Jim, The Rutherford Red Wheelbarrow, No. 3 2010, 2010, Anthology
Norcross, Cristina M.R., Unsung Love Songs, Winter 2010
Tietjen, Richard, Collected Poems, Spring 2010
Lummox Press
Adams, Michael, Steel Valley, Fall 2010
Armstrong, RD "Raindog", E/Or: Living Amongst the Mangled, Summer 2010
Crown, Jane, A Love Letter to Darwin, Summer 2010
Locklin, Gerald; Wilson, Beth, Modest Aspirations, Summer 2010
Michael Adams, Steel Valley, 2010
Nudelman, Edward D., What Looks Like an Elephant, 2011
Paul, Michael, Dog Whistle Politics, 2011
Smith, Rick, Hard Landing, Winter 2010
Thomas, H. Lamar, Ginger, Lily & Sweet Fire: A Romance with Food, Summer 2010, Prose
Luna Bisonte Prods
Rosenberg, Marilyn R, etceteras, Spring 2010, with art
Luna, Mariana
The Hellium Choir, Lewis Carroll’s “Jabberwocky”. Edited by Mariana Luna; Conducted by Jim Tolan, Spring 2010,
Lunar Chandelier
Bakaitis, Vyt, Deliberate Proof, 2010
Behrendt, Lynn, Petals, Emblems, 2010
Elliot, Joe, Homework, 2010
Lyric& Press
Lookingbill, Colleen, A Forgetting Of, 2011
MaCaHu Press
Jackson, Stacy Nathaniel, Camouflage, Summer 2010, Chapbook
Maynard, James, *(Re:)Working the Ground: Essays on the Late Writings of Robert Duncan (Modern and Contemporary
Poetry and Poetics), Summer 2011, Prose
Magic Helicopter Press
Bredle, Jason, Smiles of the Unstoppable, 2011
Main Street Rag
Abbate, Robert, Courage of Straw, Spring 2010
Albrecht, Malaika King, Lessons in Forgetting, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Autrey, Ken, Pilgrims, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Baggett, Rebecca, God Puts on the Body of a Deer, 2010
Bardos, Carolyn M., Yesterday’s Daybreak, 2010
Campbell, Pris; Owens, Scott, The Nature of Attraction, 2010, Chapbook
Cessac, Christopher, Eros Among the Americans, Spring 2010, Chapbook
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Ferleger, Doris, Big Silences in a Year of Rain, 2010
Frischkorn, Suzanne, Girl on a Bridge, Spring 2010
Frost, Kenneth, Night Flight, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Herd, Niki, The Language of Shedding Skin, 2010
Jaeger, Lowell, We, 2010
Khalsa, Hari Bhajan, Life In Two Parts, Spring 2010
Loggins, V.P., The Fourth Paradise, Spring 2010
Malkin, Myra, No Lifeguard on Duty, Spring 2010, Chapbook
McNall, Sally Allen, Where Once, 2010
Menamin, Margaret, Wayfarer. Edited by Judith R. Robinson, Spring 2010
Moose, Ruth, Tea and Other Assorted Poems, 2010
Osborn, Alice, Unfinished Projects, 2010
Owens, Scott, Paternity, Spring 2010
Pence, Amy, The Decadent Lovely, 2010
Pietrzykowski, Marc, Following Ghosts Upriver, 2011
Reynolds, Lauren, The Painted I, 2011
Roberts, Steve, Another Word for Home, 2010
Seter, Dave, Night Duty, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Smith, Stephen E., A Short Report on the Fire at Woolworths: Selected New and Old Poems, 1980-2010, 2010
Sofer, Andrew, Wave, 2010
Sorensen, Barbara Ellen, Song from the Deep Middle Brain , 2010
Swanson, Mark, Where It Begins, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Taylor, Richard Allen, Punching Through the Egg of Space, Spring 2010
Tennant, Colette, Common Of Wings, Spring 2010
Tennant, Colette, Commotion of Wings , 2010
Tremmel, Robert, There Is a Naked Man, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Wilson, Dede, Eliza: The New Orleans Years, 2010
Yehoshua, November, God’s Optimism, 2010
Maker Press
Pau-Llosa, Ricardo, The Miami of the Poet, Winter 2010
Malthus Press
Wells, Judy, Little Lulu Talks with Vincent Van Gogh, 2007, Chapbook
Levin, Harriet, Girl in the Cap and Gown: Poems by Harriet Levin, Summer 2010
Mandy Beaumont
Beaumont, Mandy, Blood Haiku, 2011, Chapbook
Beaumont, Mandy, Breaking Open the Night With Fire , 2010, Chapbook
Beaumont, Mandy, Drinking Makes Your Heart Ache More Than It Should , 2011, Chapbook
Beaumont, Mandy, Many a Broken Hearted Woman , 2010, Chapbook
Manic D Press
Gottleib, Daphne, 15 Ways to Stay Alive, 2011
Many Mountains Moving Press
Foust, Rebecca, *All That Gorgeous Pitiless Song, 2010
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Many Voices Press
Whitney, J. D., All My Relations, Winter 2010
March Street Press
Nostrand, Susie, Variations, 2010
Sadler, Matthew, The Much Love Sad Dawg Trio, 2010
Spiel, Barely Breathing, Spring 2010
Marick Press
Daniels, Jim; McCafferty, Jane, From Milltown to Malltown, 2010
Derieva, Regina, Corinthian Copper. Translated by J. Kates, 2010
Espmark, Kjell, Lend Me Your Voice, 2010
Etcheverry, Jorge, ed., *Chilean Poets: A New Anthology, 2010, Anthology
Farris, Katie, Boysgirls, 2011
Levato, Francesco, Elegy For Dead Languages, 2010
McManus, Ray, Red Dirt Jesus , 2010
Wright, Franz, *Entries of the Cell, 2010, Chapbook
Markischer Verlag
Meckel, Christoph, *Christoph Meckel, 2010, Chapbook; Foreign
Marsh Hawk Press
Fink, Thomas, Peace Conference, 2011
Finkelstein, Norman, Inside the Ghost Factory, 2010
Lopate, Phillip, At the End of the Day: Selected Poems and an Introductory Essay, Winter 2010
Morris, Daniel, If Not for the Courage, 2010
Petropoulos, Justin, Eminent Domain, 2011
Marymark Press
Congdon, Kirby; Sonnenfeld, Mark, Non-Profit Founder 2, 2010, Chapbook
Fox, Hugh and Mark Sonnenfeld, For Jeanne, Karl, Tom, Ross and Andrew , 2010, Broadside
Hamilton, Zach, 24th Letter of the English Alphabet: San Diego Photographs, Spring 2010, Broadside
Hochman, Cindy; Sonnenfeld, Mark, Ars Poetica, 2010, Broadside
Sonnenfeld, Mark, 5. Frankie Loves Joann, 2011, Broadside
Sonnenfeld, Mark, 5 Preludes , Winter 2010, Broadside
Sonnenfeld, Mark, Brain?, Winter 2010, Broadside
Sonnenfeld, Mark, e f g , 2010, Broadside
Sonnenfeld, Mark, Picture Book - San Diego, 2010, Chapbook
Sonnenfeld, Mark, Preludes, 2010, Broadside
Sonnenfeld, Mark, Single Life, 2010, Chapbook
Sonnenfeld, Mark, Thunk it, 2011, Chapbook
Sonnenfeld, Mark, and Mitch Corber, So; This Fender Head, Winter 2010, Broadside
Sonnenfeld, Mark; Hibshman, Kevin M, Yellow Pages, 2010, Chapbook
Sonnenfeld, Mark; Hibshman, Kevin M., Yellow Pages, 2010
Sonnenfeld, Mark; Hochman, Cindy, Marymark Press Broadside 2010: Experimental Theater, 2010, Broadside
Sonnenfeld, Mark; Neuberg, Karen, Markmark Press Broadside 2010: Size A4, 2010, Broadside
Topel, Andrew, Marymark Broadside 2009 “I had to force out each word”, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Maverick Duck Press
Cadenhead, Heather, Inventory of Sleeping Things, 2010, Chapbook
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Copeland, Taylor, Caffeine Kisses and Long Sleeves , 2011, Chapbook
Dixon, Kat, Don’t Go Fish, 2010, Chapbook
Emerson, Renee, The Whitest Sheets, 2010, Chapbook
Max Blagg
Blagg, Max, Slow Dazzle, Winter 2010, Chapbook
Mayapple Press
Cellini, Don, Translate Into English, Winter 2010
Dickey, Paul, They Say This is How Death Came Into the World, 2011
Hewitt, Geof, The Perfect Heart: Selected and New Poems, 2010
Kindred, Sally Rosen, No Eden, 2011
Larsen, Jeanne, Why We Make Gardens, 2010
Leatherman, Stacie, Stranger Air, Spring 2011
Pupek, Jayne, The Livelihood of Crows, 2010
Rivkin, Sophia, Naked Woman Listening at the Keyhole, Spring 2011
Schwartz, Howard, Breathing In the Dark, Spring 2011
Slaviero, Susan, Cyborgia, Spring 2011
Wayne, Jane O., The Other Place You Live, 2010
Winegarden, Mary, The Translator’s Sister, 2011
McClelland & Stewart Inc.
Barskova, Polina, *The Zoo In Winter. Dralyuk, Boris; Stromberg, David tr., 2011, Foreign
Cohen, Leonard, *Book of Mercy, Spring 2010, Foreign
Musgrave, Susan, *Origami Dove, 2011, Foreign
Simpson, Anne, *Is, 2011, Foreign
McGill-Queen’s University Press
Mikhail Asfour, John, Blindfold, 2011, Foreign
Penny, Michael, Particles, 2011, Foreign
Medulla Publishing
Good, Howie, *Disaster Mode, 2010, Chapbook
Isacson, Alexandra, *Poetic Anthropologies, 2011
Kodra, Austin, *There is This, 2011, Chapbook
Pointer, David S., *Ballistic Ninja Drive, 2011
Russell, Ki, *How To Become Baba Yaga, 2011
Mercer University Press
Lane, John, Abandoned Quarry , Winter 2010
Milton, John, Paradise Lost: The Biblically Annotated Edition. Edited by Matthew Stallard, Spring 2011
Williams, Philip Lee, The Flower Seeker: An Epic Poem of William Bartram, Winter 2010
Youmans, Marly, The Throne of Psyche, 2011
Meridien PressWorks
Cozart, Nicole, Heartstrings, 2010
Khattab, Debra Grace, When the Phoenix Died, 2010, Chapbook
Park, Mitch, Dead Cities, Dead Streets, 2010
Meritage Press
Beyer, Tamiko, Bough Breaks, 2011
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Miami University Press
Gaynor, Fergal, *VIII Stepping Poems & Other Pieces, 2011
Michigan State University Press
Jarrette, Richard, Beso the Donkey, 2010
Lajimodiere, Denise, Dragonfly Dance, 2010
Skeen, Anita, Never the Whole Story, 2011
Mid-List Press
Reichard, William, Sin Eater: Poems, Spring 2010
Suarez, Lou, Traveler, Spring 2010
Milkweed Editions
Ball, Jesse, *The Village on Horseback: Prose and Verse, 2003-2008, 2011
Deming, Alison Hawthorne and Lauret E., eds., *The Colors of Nature: Culture, Identity, and the Natural World,
2011, Prose
Kim, Arlene, *What have you done to our ears to make us hear echoes?, 2011
Kwasny, Melissa, The Nine Senses, 2011
Limón, Ada, Sharks in the Rivers , 2010
Miller, Wayne, *The City, Our City, 2011
Ross, Arra Lynn, Seedlip and Sweet Apple, Spring 2010
Slager, Daniel and Simon Dinnerstein, eds., *The Suspension of Time: Reflections on Simon Dinnerstein and The
Fulbright Triptych, 2011, Prose
Minato No Hito
Elliott, William I., A Suite of Angels, 2010
Mindmade Books
Jandl, Ernst, *The Big E. Translated by Guy Bennett, 2010, Translation
Meadows, Deborah, How, the means, 2010, Chapbook
Minus A Press
Foust, Graham, To Anacreon in Heaven, 2010
Minute Books
Pettit, Guy, Love Me or Love Me No1, March 2011, Chapbook
Piccinnini, Douglas, Crystal Hard-On, 2010, Chapbook
Yalen, Lesley, The Beginning In , 2011, Chapbook
Minutes of the Charles Olsen Society
Maud, Ralph, ed., Catalogue of the Ralph Maud Collection of Charles Olson’s Books, June 2010, Bibliographical
Mischievous Muse/World Nouveau Company
Accardi, Millicent Borges, Injuring Eternity, 2010
Mode A
Pearson, Ted, Kit Robinson, Bob Perelman, et al., The Grand Piano Part X: An experiment in Collective
Autobiography, San Francisco, 1975-1980, Fall 2011, Anthology
Pearson, Ted, Kit Robinson, Bob Perelman, et al., The Grand Piano Part X: An experiment in Collective
Autobiography, San Francisco, 1975-1980, Fall 2011, Anthology
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Modern English Tanka Press
Garrison, Dennis M., First Winter Rain: Selected Tanka from 2006-2010, Winter 2010
Rotella, Alexis, Black Jack Judy and the Crisco Kids: Bronx Memories, Spring 2010
Yuko, Kawano, The Time of this World: 100 Tanka from 13 Collections by Kawano Yuko. Edited by Oshima Shiyo.
Translated by Amelia Fielden and Saeko Ogi, Spring 2010
Modern Greek Studies Program
Cavafy, C. P., *C.P. Cavafy: Poems: The Canon. Translated by John Chioles, 2011, Translation
Mondadori (Oscar Mondadori)
Ballerini, Luigi, Se il tempo è matto, Spring 2010, Foreign; Bilingual, Italian/English
Monk Books
Mayer, Bernadette, The Formal Field of Kissing , 2011
Pease, Ben, Wichman Cometh , 2011
Strand, Mark, Mystery and Solitude in Topeka , 2011
Moon Mist Valley
Becker, Sandra, The Well of Flowers, 2011
Moon Path Press
Boyle, Anita, What the Alder Told Me, Winter 2011
Magee, Michael, Cinders of My Better Angels, Spring 2011
Moon Pie Press
Coursen, Herb R., Blues In The Night, 2010
Henry, Nancy A., Sarx, 2010
MacLaughlin, Bob, Faulty Wiring: The Alzheimer’s Poems and Other Memories , 2011
McCarthy, Jack, Almost a Remembrance , 2011
Oppenheim, Eva M., Through the Loop of Time, Winter 2010
Oppenheim, Eva Miodownik, Through the Loop of Time , 2010
Persons, Alice N., Thank You Lucky Stars , 2011
Reilly, Edward J., To Sadie at 18 Months , 2011
Morris Publishing
Caudron, Cordell, Tributes: Poems in Praise of People, Spring 2011
Mountain Gate Press / Brad Wolthers
Rosenow, Ce, Pacific, Spring 2010
Mountains and Rivers Press
Miller, Sabine, Circumference of Mercy, Spring 2010
Mountaintree Press
Klippel, Nina Mermey, Tricks of the Light and Other Poems, 2010
MSR Classics/Richard Price
Scrimgeour, J.D.; Swanson, Philip, Ogunquit & Other Works: Confluence , 2010, CD
Mud Luscious Press
Fletcher, Sasha, When All Our Days Are Numbered..., Summer 2010
Stewart, Michael, The Hieroglyphics, 2011
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Murfeus Books
Su Zi, Sister Woman, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Muse Media
Ziman, Larry, Madeline Sharples, Madeline, and Nicky Selditz, eds., The Great American Poetry Show, Volume 2,
2010, Anthology
Muumuu House
Boyle, Megan, *Selected Unpublished Blog Posts of a Mexican Panda Express Employee, 2011
Dubie, Norman, The Volcano, 2010
Natural Dam Publishing
Roger Mitchell, The One Good Bite in the Saw-Grass Plant, 2010
Naxos Audiobooks
Carus, Titus Lucretius, On the Nature of Things . Johnston, Ian, trans. , 2010, CD
Hardyment, Christina, ed., The Christmas Collection, 2010, CD
Housman, A. E., A Shropshire Lad . Read by Samuel West , 2011, CD
Lesser, Anton, Roy McMillan and Rachel Bavidge, prod., Favourite Poems for Children , 2010, CD
Petrarch, Francesco, Great Poets: Francesco Petrarch. Translated by Joseph Auslander, Spring 2010, CD
Tennyson, Alfred, The Great Poets: Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Spring 2010, CD
Whitfield, Peter ed., The History of English Poetry, Spring 2010, CD
Nelson Pearl Publishers
Bradsher, David Nelson, The Vampire Sonnets: A Verse Drama, Winter 2010
New Directions
Bolano, Roberto, Between Parantheses: Essays, Articles, and Speeches, 1998-2003. Edited by Ignacio Echevarria;
Translated by Natasha WImmer, 2011, Prose
Christensen, Inger, *Light, Grass, and Letter in April. Nied, Susanna, June 27, 2011, Foreign
Gander, Forrest, Core Samples from the World, 2011
Howe, Susan, That This, 2010
Palmer, Michael, Thread, Spring 2011
Pound, Ezra, New Selected Poems and Translations. Edited by RIchard Sieburth, 2010
Thomas, Dylan, The Collected Poems of Dylan Thomas: The Original Edition. Edited by Paul Muldoon, Spring 2010
Waldrop, Rosmarie, Driven to Abstraction, 2010
Walser, Robert, Microscripts. Translated by Susan Bernofsky, Spring 2010, Bilingual, German/English
Yang, Jeffrey, ed., Birds, Beasts and Seas: Nature Poems from New Directions, Spring 2011, Anthology
Zukofsky, Louis, “A”, 2011
Zukofsky, Louis, Anew: Complete Shorter Poetry, 2011
New Internationalist
Caine Prize for African Writing, eds., *The Caine Prize for African Writing 2011, Summer 2011
New Issues Press
Abramson, Seth, Northerners , 2011
Ekiss, Keith, Pima Road Notebook , 2010
Goldberg, Beckian Fritz, Reliquary Fever, 2010
Hoffman, Jeffrey, Journal of American Foreign Policy, 2011
Lewis, Lisa, Vivisect, 2010
Myers, Jack, The Memory of Water , 2011
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Scates, Maxine, Undone , 2011
New Michigan Press
Harris, Zachary, There is Another Poem, in Which the News is Erased and Rewritten, 2010
Moody, Trey, Climate Reply, 2010
Weinstein, Eric, Vivisection, 2010, Chapbook
New Native Press
Cherkovski, Neeli, From the Middle Woods, 2011
New Rivers Press
Best, B.J., *Birds of Wisconsin, 2010
Gill, Lisa, *The Relenting: A Play of Sorts, 2010
Johnson, Stephanie, *Kinesthesia, 2010
New Star Books Ltd.
Mancini, Donato, *Buffet World, 2011, Foreign
Seelig, Adam, *Every day in the morning (slow), 2010, Foreign
NHR Books
Douthat, Charles, Blue for Oceans, 2010
Nick Bernard
Bernard, Nick, The Wait and Other Poems , Summer 2010 , Chapbook
Nightboat Books
Bergvall, Caroline, Meddle English, 2010
Borzutzky, Daniel, The Book of Interfering Bodies, 2011, Chapbook
Burkard, Michael, Lucky Coat Anywhere, 2011
Cisewski, Paula, Ghost Fargo, Spring 2010
Dlugos, Tim, A Fast Life: The Collected Poems of Tim Dlugos. Edited by David Trinidad, 2011
Foo, Josey; Stein, Leah, A Lily Lilies , 2011
Martin, Dawn Lundy, Discipline, 2011
Porter, Bern, Found Poems , 2011
Stephens, Nathalie, We Press Ourselves Plainly, 2010
Torres, Edwin, In the Function of External Circumstances, Spring 2010
Nightwood Editions
Thran, Nick, *Earworm, 2011, Foreign
nine muses books
Feldman, Laura, hearing Hanford, 2011, Chapbook
Ninety-Six Press
Johnson, Thomas L., The Costume: New and Selected Titles, 2010
Nirala Publications
Austell, David B., Little Creek & Other Poems , 2011, Foreign
No Tell Books
Covey, Bruce, *Glass is Really a Liquid, 2010
Graham, Lea, Hough & Helix & Where & Here & You, You, You, 2011
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Noemi Press
Anderson, Stephanie, The Nightyard, 2011
Edwards, Joshua; Edwards, Van, Campeche, 2011
Pafunda, Danielle, Iatrogenic: Their Testimonies, 2010
Queen, Khadijah, *Black Peculiar, 2011
Schapira, Kate, *The Bounty: Four Addresses, 2011
North Atlantic Books
Hough, Lindy, Wild Horses, Wild Dreams: New and Selected Poems 1971-2010, 2011
North Star Publishing
Danylak, Joan Kikel, The Travels of Sister Angela, 2010, Chapbook
Northcote House Publishers
Murphy, Andrew, *Seamus Heaney, 2010, Prose
Northwestern University Press
Dworkin, Craig and Kenneth Goldsmith, eds., *Against Expression: An Anthology of Conceptual Writing, Winter
2010, Anthology
Northwestern University Press / TriQuarterly Books
Brownderville, Greg A., *Gust: Poems, Fall 2011
Finney, Nikky, Head Off and Split, 2011
Foster, Brett, The Garbage Eater: Poems, 2011
Frost, Carol, Honeycomb, Winter 2010
McBride, Timothy, The Manageable Cold, Winter 2010
Olsen, William, Sand Theory, 2011
Olsen, Williams, *Sand Theory: Poems, 2011
Norton, W. W., and Company
Armitage, Simon, tr., *The Death of King Arthur, 2011
Aslan, Reza, ed., Tablet & Pen: Literary Landscapes from the Modern Middle East, Spring 2011, Anthology
Bly, Robert, Talking into the Ear of a Donkey , 2011
Boland, Eavan, A Journey with Two Maps: Becoming a Woman Poet , 2011
Delanty, Greg and Michael Matto, The Word Exchange: Anglo-Saxon Poems in Translation, Spring 2011, Bilingual,
Old English/English
Dunn, Stephen, Here and Now, Spring 2011
Espada, Martín, The Trouble Ball: Poems, 2011
Gilbert, Sandra M., *Aftermath: Poems, Summer 2011
Gilbert, Sandra M., Rereading Women: Thirty Years of Exploring Our Literary Traditions , 2011
Hacker, Marilyn, Names, Winter 2010
Jackson, Major, Holding Company, 2010
Lynch, Thomas, Walking Papers, 2010
Milton, John, Milton's Selected Poetry and Prose . Edited by Jason Rosenblatt, 2011
Pastan, Linda, Traveling Light: Poems, Winter 2011
Rich, Adrienne, Tonight No Poetry Will Serve: Poems 2007-2010, 2011
Rimbaud, Arthur, *Illuminations. Translated by John Ashbery, Spring 2011, Bilingual, French/English
Rózewicz, Tadeusz, Sobbing Superpower: Selected Poems of Tadeusz Rózewicz. Translated by Joanna Trzeciak, 2010,
Santos, Sherod, The Intricated Soul: New And Selected Poems, Spring 2010
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Sheehan, Julie A., Bar Book: Poems And Otherwise, Spring 2010
Stern, Gerald, Gerald Stern: Early Collected Poems 1965-1992, Spring 2010
Warren, Rosanna, Ghost in a Red Hat, 2011
NYQ Books (New York Quarterly)
Blatner, Barbara, The Still Position: A Verse Memoir of My Mother’s Death, 2010
Coleman, R. D., Beach Tracks, Fall 2010
Douskey, Franz, West of Midnight: New and Selected Poems, Spring 2011
Fraser, Sanford, Among Strangers I’ve Known All My Life / Parmi Les Etrangers Que J’ai Connus Toute Ma Vie, Fall
2010, Bilingual, French/English
Gloeggler, Tony, The Last Lie, 2010
Henn, Steve, Unacknowledged Legislations, 2011
Hughes, Adam, Petrichor, Winter 2010
Johnson, Luke, After the Ark, 2011
Medina, Tony, My Old Man Was Always on the Lam, 2010
Montlack, Michael, Cool Limbo, Spring 2011
Reeve, F. D., The Puzzle Master and Other Poems, 2010
Sheeler, Jackie, Earthquake Came to Harlem, Fall 2010
Stahl, Jayne Lyn, Riding with Destiny, Spring 2010
Stenhouse, Shelley, Impunity, 2011
Stock, Norman, Pickled Dreams Naked, 2010
Suermondt, Tim, Just Beautiful, 2010
Treem, Douglas, Everything So Seriously, Fall 2010
Wallenstein, Barry, ed., For Enid with Love: A Festschrift. Wallenstein, Barry, Fall 2010, Prose & Poetry
Wong, Pui Ying, Yellow Plum Season, 2010
Zabriskie, Grace, Poems, Fall 2010
O Books
Devi, Swamini Sri Lalitambika, Mantra and the Goddess: A Poetic Interpretation of the Sri Lalita Sahasranama , 2010,
Oberlin College Press
O’Keefe, Timothy, The Goodbye Town, 2011
Schroeder, Amy Newlove, The Sleep Hotel, Spring 2010
Ocean Poetry
Mayers, Claude, Vault of Poems: A mini-Retrospective of Claude Mayers, 2011
Ocean Vuong
Vuong, Ocean, The Tasters of Light, 2010, Chapbook
Octopus Books
Arrieu-King, Cynthia, People Are Tiny in Paintings of China, 2010
Becker, Claire, Where We Think It Should Go, 2010
Odd Factory
Burkett, Kathryn, Fortune Cookie Secrets, 2010, Chapbook
Off the Grid Press
West, Allen C, Beirut Again, Winter 2010
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Off the Park Press
Lebo, Ronna, Prolapse, Spring 2010
Yau, John, ed., Viva la Difference: Poetry Inspired by the Painting of Peter Saul, Spring 2010, Anthology
Ohan Press
Pilibosian, Helene, My Literary Profile: A Memoir, Spring 2010, Prose
Ohio State University Press
Wayson, Katy, American Husband, Summer 2010
Ohio University Press
Kampa, Stephen, *Cracks In the Invisible, 2011
Sedarat, Roger, *Ghazal Games: Poems, Summer 2011
Ohio University Press / Swallow Press
Haven, Cynthia L., ed., An Invisible Rope: Portraits of Czeslaw Milosz, 2011, Prose
Ohm Editions
Shankar, Ravi, Seamless Matter, 2010, Chapbook
Oil Can Press
Francis, David, *Always/Far, 2010, Chapbook
Old Johnstown Productions
Will, Mary Ellen, Across the Wildernesses: The Journey of Two Poets, 2011, CD
Old Reliable Press
Gilbert, Ilsa, The Bundle Man, Summer 2010, Verse Play
Olive View Press
Spellman, Brian, Aloner, Spring 2010
Cole, Norma, To Be at Music: Essays and Talks, 2010, Prose
Legault, Paul, The Madeleine Poems, 2010
Perez, Craig Santos, [saina], 2010
Rabinowitz, Anna, Present Tense, 2010
Savich, Zach, The Man Who Lost His Head , 2011, Chapbook
Sepehri, Sohrab, Water’s Footfall. Translated by Kazim Ali, 2011, Bilingual, Arabic/English
One Spirit Press
Deakins, Suzanne, Double Chocolate: a book of exotic love, Winter 2010
Lowe, Phil, Fishing for Snakes and Baking Apple Pies. Edited by Cathy Kodra, 2011
Lowe, Phil, Say It a Different Way. Edited by Cathy A Kodra, 2011
Newberry, Emily Pittman, Butterfly a Rose, Winter 2010
Spears, Corey, P-Town Diaries, 2011
onewater press
Smith Ranzoni, Patricia, Hibernaculum & Other North-Natured Poems, Summer 2010, Chapbook
Oneworld Books
Renard, Jules, *Histoires Naturelles, Summer 2011
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Open Letter
Sosnowski, Andrzej, Lodgings: Selected Poems. Benjamin Paloff, trans, 2011
Open Window Press
Stern, Jamie; Woodard, Catherine, Still Against the War: Poems for Marie Ponsot, Spring 2011, Anthology
Stern, Jamie; Woodard, Catherine, Still Against the War: Poems for Marie Ponsot (artists edition), Spring 2011,
OR Books
Myles, Eileen, Inferno (a poet’s novel), 2010, Prose
Orpheophrenia Productions
Gellis, Willard, Solenoid Click!, 2010, Chapbook
Otis Books/Seismicity Editions & Agincourt Press
Spatola, Adriano, The Porthole . Cavatorta, Beppe; Geller, Polly, Spring 2010
Arrieta, Marcia, Triskelion, Tiger Moth, Tangram, Thyme, Spring 2011, Foreign
Outskirts Press, Inc.
Kakos, Kakos, Kakos: Prose and Poetry, 2010
Overlook Press
Pushkin, Alexander, *Pushkin Threefold: Narrative, Lyric, Polemic and Ribald Verse, the Originals with Linear and
MetricTranslations, Summer 2011
Oxford University Press
Bloom, Harold, ed., *Romantic Poetry and Prose, 2010, Anthology
Garner, Robert Scott, ed., *Traditional Elegy, 2011, Anthology
Haughton, Hugh, The Poetry of Derek Mahon, Fall 2010, Prose
Horace, Davie, John; Cowan, Robert, *Satires and Epistles, Spring 2011, Translation
Kezar, Dennis, Guilty Creatures: Renaissance Poetry and the Ethics of Authorship, Spring 2011, Prose
Ovid, *Ovid: Times and Reasons: A New Translation of Fasti. Wiseman, Peter; Wiseman, Anne tr., 2011, Translation
Rilke, Rainer Maria; Vilain, Robert; Ranson, Susan; Sutherland, Marielle, *Selected Poems: With Parallel German Text,
Spring 2011, Bilingual, German/English
Schuchard, Ronald, The Last Minstrels: Yeats and the Revival of the Bardic Arts, Fall 2010, Prose
Stafford, Fiona, Local Attachments: The Province of Poetry, Prose
Wood, Michael, Yeats and Violence, Fall 2010, Prose
P.R.A Publishing
Clark, Lucinda J., Poetry Matters and Poets are Important: An Anthology of Poems by 2009-2010 Contest Winners , May
2011, Anthology
Palm Press
Sprague, Jane, Imaginary Syllabi, 2010
Pangaea Press
Keating, Nancy, Always Looking Back, 2010
Paper Kite Press
Haskins, Lola, Still, the Mountain , 2010
Hill, Sean Patrick, The Imagined Field , 2010
Holman, Bob, Picasso in Barcelona , 2011
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Scutti, Susan, The Commute, 2011
Paragon Poetry Press
Rosenthal, Ruth Sabath, Facing Home and Beyond, Spring 2011
Parallel Press
Agner, Mary Alexandra, *The Scientific Method, 2011
Brisco, Fabu Carter, Journey to Wisconsin: African American Life in Haiku, 2011, Chapbook
Broderick, Richard, Rain Dance, 2011, Chapbook
Fein, Richard, *The Required Accompanying Cover Letter, 2011
Potos, Andrea, Love and Lust: An Anthology, 2011, Chapbook
Sanders, Kay, That Red Dirt Road, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Shoemaker, Lynn, A Catch in the Throat of Allah. Art by Ed Colker, 2010, Chapbook
Stolis, Alex, Li Po Comes to America, 2010, Chapbook
Talbot, Katrin, St. Cecilia’s Daze, 2010, Chapbook
Terranova, Paul, This Small Breathing Coincidence, 2011, Chapbook
Tomasko, Jeanie, *Tricks of Light, 2011
West, Jacqueline, Cherma, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Youngblom, Tracy S., Driving to Heaven, 2010, Chapbook
Parkway Publishers
Fuchs Knill, Margo; Atkins, Sally, And When We Speak, Spring 2010
Patricia Michael Morimando
Morimando, Patricia Michael, Brushstrokes, 2010, Chapbook
Morimando, Patricia Michael, My Oneida, 2010, Chapbook
Morimando, Patricia Michael, The Cancer Suite, 2010, Chapbook
Morimando, Patricia Michael, Where Dreams May Lead, 2010, Chapbook
Paul Barman
Barman, Paul, Language Innovation, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Pavement Saw Press
Vicari, Justin, The Professional Weepers, 2011
Huth, Geof, karrakokkoe, 2010, Broadside
Pearl Editions
Roberts, Kim, Animal Magnetism, Spring 2011
Pecan Grove Press
Ayers, Lana Hechtman, A New Red: A Fairy Tale for Grown-Ups, Fall 2010
Byrne, Edward ed., *Poetry from Paradise Valley, 2010, Anthology
Case, Susana H., *The Cost of Heat, 2010
Greene, Jeffrey, *Beautiful Monsters, 2010
Pettit, Holly, The One Who Lives On The Mainland, Spring 2010
Saidi, Mo H, The Color Of Faith, Spring 2010
Peepal Tree Press
Abani, Chris, Feed Me the Sun, Fall 2010, Foreign
Adisa, Opal Palmer; Weir-Soley, Donna Aza, Ed., Caribbean Erotic: Poetry, Prose & Essays, 2010, Foreign
Campbell, Christian, Running the Dusk, Winter 2010, Foreign
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Campbell, George, *First Poems, 2011, Foreign
Craig, Christine, Christine Craig: Poems/All Things Bright & Quadrille for Tigers, Fall 2010, Foreign
Das, Mahadai, A Leaf in His Ear, Fall 2010, Foreign
Gonzalez, Anson, Artefacts of Presence, Fall 2010, Foreign
Hutchinson, Ishion, Far District, Spring 2010, Foreign
Marson, Una, *Una Marson: Selected Poems. Donnell, Alison, 2011, Foreign
Parkes, Nii Ayikwei, The Makings of You, Fall 2010, Foreign
Philip, Geoffrey, Dub Wise, Fall 2010, Foreign
Pelican Pond
Moores, D.J., ed., Wild Poets of Ecstacy: An Anthology of Ecstatic Verse , May 2011, Anthology
PEN American Center
Aiello, Antonio, Handbook for Writers in Prison, Summer 2010, Prose
Morgan, Robert, Terroir, 2011
Zaleski, Philip, ed., The Best Spiritual Writing 2011, Winter 2010, Anthology
Penguin Books
Berry, Lauren, Brilliant Water, 2011
Penguin Books / Viking
Gordan, Lyndall, Lives Like Loaded Guns: Emily Dickinson and Her Family’s Feuds, Spring 2010, Prose
Keillor, Garrison, *Good Poems: American Poems, 2011, Anthology
Penguin Classics
Anonymous; Orchard, Andy, ed., *The Elder Edda: A Book of Viking Lore , Summer 2011
Caro Llewellyn, ed., Know the Past, Find the Future: The New York Public Library at 100, 2011, Anthology
de Gongora, Luis, The Solitudes: A Dual-Language Edition with Parallel Text . Grossman, Edith, June 28. 2011,
Bilingual, Spanish/English
Gracian, Balthasar, *The Pocket Oracle and Art of Prudence, 2011
Masefield, John, Spunyarn: Sea Poetry and Prose. Errington, Philip W., May 31, 2011
Roe, Dinah, ed., The Pre-Raphaelites From Rossetti to Ruskin, Fall 2010, Anthology
Sappho, Sappho: Stung with Love. Poochigian, Aaron, Spring 2010, Translation
Sheers, Owen, ed., *A Poet’s Guide to Britain, 2010
Wilde, Oscar, *The Ballad of Reading Gaol and Other Poems, Spring 2010
Penguin Global
Gulzar, *100 Lyrics. Translated by Sunjoy Shekhar, Spring 2010, Bilingual, Hindi/English
Holmstrom, Lakshmi; Subashree, Krishnaswamy; Srilata, K., eds., *The Rapids of a Great River: The Penguin Book of
Tamil Poetry, Spring 2010, Anthology; Bilingual, Tamil/English
Penguin Poet
Ras, Barbara, The Last Skin, Spring 2010
Penguin Poets
Dennis, Carl, Callings, Summer 2010
Foulds, Adam, The Broken Word: An Epic Poem of the British Empire in Kenya, and the Mau Mau Uprising Against It,
Muske-Dukes, Carol, Twin Cities, 2011
Notley, Alice, Culture of One, 2011
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Stobb, William, Absentia, 2011
Wrigley, Robert, Beautiful Country, Summer 2010
Penmanship Books c/o Mahogany Browne
Browne, Mahogany L., #Dear Twitter: Love Letters Hashed Out Online in 140 Characters , September 2010
Cirelli, Michael, Everyone Loves the Situation, Fall 2011
Pennywyse Press
Taylor, Fred K., Ask No Questions, Spring 2010
Perch Press
Tanikawa, Shuntaro, A Picture Book. Translated by William I. Elliott and Kazuo Kawamura, 2010, Foreign,
Bilingual, Japanese/English
Persea Books
Debeljak, Ales, Without Anesthesia, Summer 2010
Hardy, Thomas, Unexpected Elegies: “Poems of 1912-13” and Other Poems About Emma , 2010
Hoffman, Cythia Marie, Sightseer, 2011
Wetzsteon, Rachel, Silver Roses, Spring 2011
Perugia Press
Gee, Melody S., Each Crumbling House, 2010
Pessoa Press
Sarnat, Gerard, Homeless Chronicles: From Abraham To Burning Man, Spring 2010
Peter Lang Publishing
Bernard-Carreno, Regina, Nuyorganics: Organic Intellectualism, The Search for Racial Identity, and Nuyorican Thought ,
Winter 2010, Prose
Philbrick Poetry Project
Lafleche, Ellen, Workers’ Rites, 2011, Chapbook
Phrygian Press
Grumman, Bob, Poem, Demerging , 2010, Chapbook
Phyllis D. Williams
Williams, Phyllis D., M 2 My Feeling...Remix, Fall 2010
Plain View Press
Ablon, Steven Luria, *Night Call, 2010
Banks-Martin, Georgia Ann, Rhapsody for Lessons Learned or Remembered, 2010
Berry, Eileen, Bye Bye Blackbird, 2010
Douglass, Karen, The Great Hunger, Summer 2010
Growney, JoAnne, Red Has No Reason, 2010
Hall, Martha Deborah, *Inside Out: Poems From the Lives of Five Accomplished Women, 2011
Hamm, Christine, *Saints & Cannibals, Spring 2010
Najm, Soheil ed., *Ishtar’s Songs: Iraqi Poetry Since the 1970s. Translated by Sadek R. Mohammed, 2010, Anthology
Nazario y Colon, Ricardo, *Of Jibaros and Hillbillies, 2011
Pfeiffer, Robert, *Bend, Break, 2011
Piryaei, Shabnam, *Ode to Fragile, 2010
Radavich, David A., Middle-East Mezze, 2011
Redoute, Karolyn, Prayers of the Shaman, 2011
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Rossi, Lee, *Wheelchair Samauri, 2011
Taub, Yermiyahu Ahron, Uncle Feygele, 2011
Thompson-Slaughter, Denise, *Elemental, 2010
Weaver, Julene Tripp, No Father Can Save Her, 2011
Zale, Sarah, The Art of Folding, Spring 2010
Plan B Press
Beete, Paulette, Voice Lessons, Spring, 2011, Chapbook
Borja, Lek, Android, Spring, 2011, Chapbook
Evans, Finley, Third Girl, 2010, Chapbook
McCann, Janet, House, 2010, Chapbook
Roberts, Kim, ed., Full Moon On K Street: Poems About Washington, D.C., Spring 2010, Anthology
Taylor, Jo Barbara, one or two feathers, Fall, 2010, Chapbook
Pleasure Boat Studio
Kantor, Peter, Unknown Places: Poems By Peter Kantor. Translated by Michael Blumenthal, Spring 2010
Pleiades Press
Clark, Kevin, *Self-Portrait With Expletives, 2010
Flaherty, Ryan, What’s This, Bombardier?, 2011
Powell, D. A. and Kevin Prufer, eds., Dunstan Thompson: On the Life and Work of a Lost American Master, Spring
PM Books
Ahmed, Akbar, *Suspended Somewhere Between: A Book of Verse, Spring 2011
Poet’s Press
Bailis, Moira G., *It Has To Do With Seeing: The Collected Poems of Moira Bailis V. 2, 2011
Bailis, Moira G., *The Antidote to Prejudice: The Collected Poems of Moira Bailis V. 1, 2011
Sorley, Charles, *Death and the Downs. Translated by Brett Rutherford, 2010
The Rhode Island Writers’ Circle, ed., The Rhode Island Writers’ Circle Anthology 2010: Fiction & Memoirs &
Essays Poetry & Drama, Spring 2010, Anthology
Poetic Matrix Press
Campbell, Arthur W., Trial & Error: The Education of a Freedom Lawyer, Volume Two: For the Prosecution, 2010
Dok-su, Mun, The Postman, 2010
Entrekin, Charles, Listening: New & Selected Work, 2010
Funk, Adam, Mindscape Unlocked?, 2010
Hashmi, Shadab Zeest, Baker of Tarifa, 2010
Rosenthal, Ruth, Like Fallen Snow, 2010
Underwood, Lee, Timewinds, 2010
Poetica Publishing
Mahgerefteh, Michal, ed., Mizmor L’David Anthology Volume 1: The Shoah, 2010, Anthology
Poetry Center Press
Danylak, Joan Kikel, Good Morning, Prof. Rudy Kikel , 2011, Chapbook
Poetry Society of America
Asuncion, Hossannah, Fragments of Loss, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Day, Adam, Badger, Apocrypha, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Poon, Heidi Johannesen, The Good News of the Ground, Spring 2010, Chapbook
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Rankine, Camille, Slow Dance with Trip Wire, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Seguin, Andrew, Black Anecdote, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Poets House
Poets House Staff, eds., 2010 Summer Poets House Staff and Intern Poetry Anthology. Poets House Staff, 2010,
Poets Wear Prada
Tantra-zawadi, Gathered at Her Sky, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Wierzbicki, Carol, Top Teen Greatest Hits, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Poinciana Press
Smith, Obediah Michael, In a China Shop & Other Poems, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Poporo Press
Poole, Francis C., and Blaster Al Ackerman, Break Up My Water, 2011
Porcupine's Quill
Dobbs, Kildare, Casanova in Venice: A Raunchy Rhyme, Winter 2010, Foreign
Leslie, Kenneth, The Essential Kenneth Leslie. Edited by Zachariah Wells, Winter 2010, Foreign
Neilson, Shane, Complete Physical, Winter 2010, Foreign
Outram, Richard, The Essential Richard Outram. Edited by Amanda Jernigan, Spring 2011, Foreign
Page, P. K., Kaleidoscope: Selected Poems of P. K. Page. Edited by Zailig Pollock, Winter 2010, Foreign
Reaney, James, A Suit of Nettles, Winter 2010, Foreign
Slater, John, *Surpassing Pleasure, Summer 2011
Post Traumatic Press
Guffa, Amanda Nicole, A Banner Year for Apples, 2010, Chapbook
Post-Apollo Press
Dunagan, Patrick James, There Are People Who Think That Painters Shouldn’t Talk: A GUSTONBOOK, 2011
Newman, Denise, The New Make Believe, Spring 2010
Scalapino, Leslie, The Dihedrons Gazelle-Dihedrals Zoom, Spring 2011
Presa Press
Congdon, Kirby, Athletes, 2011
Greinke, Eric, The Potential of Poetry, 2011, Prose
Greinke, Eric, Traveling Music, 2011
Keys, Kerry Shawn, Transporting, A Cloak of Rhapsodies, 2010
Knight, Arthur Winfield, High Country, 2010, Chapbook
Warden, Marine Robert, Beyond the Straits, 2011
Press 53
Shehabi, Deema, Thirteen Departures from the Moon, Spring 2011
Press of the Third Mind
Lastname, Bradley, Insane in the Quatrain, 2011
Pressed Wafer
Barrett, Edward, Down New Utrecht Avenue, 2011
Norton, Linda, The Public Gardens: Poems and History, 2011
Primary Remiges
Rosinska, Joanna, Absurdities: Poems of Obsessions and Oddity, Spring 2010, With CD
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Princeton University Press
Acosta-Hughes, Benjamin, Arion’s Lyre: Archaic Lyrics into Hellenistic Poetry, 2010, Prose
Auden, W. H., The Age of Anxiety: A Baroque Eclogue. Jacobs, Alan, 2011
Carelli, Anthony, Carnations, 2011
Cramer, Jeffrey S., ed., The Quotable Thoreau , 2011
Djordjevic, Milan, Oranges and Snow: Selected Poems of Milan Djordjevic. Simic, Charles, 2010
Eich, Günter, Angina Days: Selected Poems. Translated by Michael Hofmann, Summer 2010, Bilingual,
Graber, Kathleen, The Eternal City: Poems, Summer 2010
Izenberg, Oren, Being Numerous: Poetry and the Ground of Social Life , 2011, Prose
Jollimore, Troy, At Lake Scugog, 2011
Lewis, Bernard, trans., Music of a Distant Drum: Classical Arabic, Persian, Turkish, and Hebrew Poems, Spring 2011,
Roussel, Raymond, New Impressions of Africa. Ford, Mark, 2011, Bilingual, French/English
Vendler, Helen, Last Looks, Last Books: Stevens, Plath, Lowell, Bishop, Merrill, Spring 2010, Prose
Verlaine, Paul, Poems Under Saturn: Poemes saturniens. Kirchwey, Karl, 2011, Bilingual, French/English
Wasley, Aidan, The Age of Auden: Postwar Poetry and the American Scene, 2011, Prose
Williams, C. K., On Whitman, Spring 2010, Prose
Projective Industries
Zawacki, Andrew, Glassscape , 2010
Propaganda Press
Angstman, Leah, *Single Ply and Soak Through, 2010, Chapbook
Cee, *The Cannon-Fixers’ Picnic, 2010, Chapbook
Dalachinsky, Steven, Insomnia Poems, 2010, Chapbook
Hiteshew, Stephanie, *Under a Bridge, 2010, Chapbook
Hodson, David, *Mystical Paths and the Sacred Way, 2010, Chapbook
Rainwater-Lites, Misti, *Amethyst Miraculous, 2010, Chapbook
Roberts, Owen, *Basal Ganglia, 2010, Chapbook
Propolis Press/Least Weasel Chapbooks
Fuhrman, Joanna, Emotive Function, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Funkhouser, Christopher, Electro þerdix, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Iijima, Brenda, Glossematics, Thus, Spring 2011, Chapbook
kaufman, erica, INSTANT CLASSIC, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Rice, Jane, The Truth about the World, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Strong, Christina, Fifth Plateau: From Pink Adrenaline Star, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Provincetown Arts Press
Saunders, Peter, My Father’s Shoes, 2010
Publishing Genius Press
Gould, A. Minetta, *Arousing Notoriety, 2011
Lovelace, Sean Aden, *Fog Gorgeous Stag, 2011
Topp, Mike, Sasquatch Stories, 2010
Young, Mike, We Are All Good if They Try Hard Enough, 2010
Puddin' Head Press
Helgeson, Jeff, Fall From Grace, Winter 2010, Chapbook
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Helgeson, Jeff, Sign of the Times, Winter 2010, Chapbook
Marino, Elizabeth, Debris: Poems & Memoir, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Pudding House Publications
Keyishian, Marjorie Deiter, Demeter’s Daughters, 2010, Chapbook
Stolis, Alex, On the Run with Dick and Jane, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Terris, Susan, Bar None, 2010, Chapbook
Terzi, Judith, The Road to Oxnard, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Willitts, Jr., Martin, The Girl Who Sang Forth Horses: And Other Poems, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Puritan Press
Littell, Walter D., Burning Elephant, Winter 2010
Putnam Poets
Kirchwey, Karl, *Mount Lebanon, 2011
Pygmalion Press
Derksen, Lizzie, *Poetry for the Confused, Amused and Unenthused: A Book of Short Instructions, 2010, Prose
Q Ave Press
Lipshin, Irene, Treatise Triptych, 2010, Broadside
Prevosi, Chad, *White-Feathered Bodies, 2011, Chapbook
Q Avenue Press, ed., 5 Poems, February 2011, Chapbook; Anthology
Radulescu, Stella Vinitchi, I Was Afraid of Vowels... Their Paleness. Translated by Luke Hankins, 2011, Chapbook;
Soldier, Layli Long, *Chromosomory, 2010, Chapbook
Quale Press
Clements, Brian, Jargon, 2010
Stumpf, Jason, A Cloud of Witnesses, 2010
Rabbit Hole Publications
Gittins, Chrissie, The Humpback’s Wail, 2010
Ragged Sky Press
Malone, Eileen, i should give them water, Fall 2010
Rain Mountain Press
Cook, Robert, Last Window in the Punk Hotel, 2010
Dacey, Philip, Mosquito Operas, September 2010
Wardall, Ronald, Lightning’s Dance Floor, 2010
Merrin, Lorraine, Holding tight to Gravity’s Tail, 2010
Random House
Collins, Billy, *Horoscopes for the Dead, 2011
Random House, eds., 2010 Selected Poems, Stories & Memoirs: The Random House, Inc. Creative Writing Competition for
NYC Public High School Seniors, 2010, Anthology
Rattapallax Press
Devineni, Ram, Rattapallax: Literary Films on DVD, Spring 2011, DVD
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Ravenna Press
Vitkauskas, Lina Ramona, The Range of Your Amazing Nothing, Spring 2010
Reason On the Run Press
Spencer, George, The Obscene Richness of Our Times, Spring 2010, Chapbook; Foreign
Rector Press Limited
Sckolnick, Lewis B., Autumn’s Glow, 2010
Sckolnick, Lewis B., Nightlove, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Sckolnick, Lewis B., Tucson Dreams, 2011, Chapbook
Red Comma Editions
Chapline, Claudia, Sea Glass: Stinson Beach Poems, Fall 2010
Red Dragonfly Press
Lenfestey, James P., ed., Low Down and Coming On, 2010, Anthology
Red Dust
De Feo, Ronald, At the Margions , 2011
Gunderson, Joanna, Or the Unknown Person, 2011
Red Hen Press
Acker, Ally, Some Help from the Dead, 2010
Barnstone, Willis, Stickball on 88th Street, 2011
Barr, John, The Hundred Fathom Curve, 2011
Brewer, Gaylord, Give Over, Graymalkin, 2011
Dower, Kim, Air Kissing on Mars, Fall 2010
Everett, Percival, Swimming Swimmers Swimming, 2011
Finch, Annie, Among the Goddesses: An Epic Libretto in Seven Dreams, Spring 2011
Golos, Veronica, Vocabulary of Silence, 2011
Kistunlentz, Steve, The Luckless Age, 2011
Matthews, Sebastian; Plumley, Stanley, eds., New Hope For the Dead: Uncollected William Matthews, 2010
Savard, Jeannine, *Accounted, 2011
Savard, Jeannine, Accounted For, Spring 2011
Shumaker, Peggy, Gnawed Bones, Spring 2010
Straus, Austin, Intensifications, Spring 2010
Tilley, Jim, In Confidence, 2011
Trowbridge, William, Ship of Fool, 2011
Red Hen Press / Arktoi Books
Reese, Rita Mae, The Alphabet Conspiracy, 2011
Red Hen Press / Boreal Books
Coray, Anne, A Measure’s Hush, 2011
Red Mare
Lifshin, Lyn, Chiffon, 2010, Chapbook
Red Moon Press
Addiss, Stephen, cloud calligraphy, 2010
Anakiev, Dimitar, Rustic, 2010
Burns, Allan, ed., Montage the Book, 2010, Anthology
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Devide, Vladimir, Shadow Crossing: Postscripts Series Volume 16, 2010, Chapbook
Feingold, Bruce H, Sunrise on the Lodge, 2010
Gallagher, D. Claire, The Closer We Get: Postscripts Series Volume 15, 2010, Chapbook
Hall, Carolyn, How to Paint the Finch’s Song, 2010
Herold, Christopher, Inside Out, 2010
Kaciam, Jim, Fingerprints, 2010, Chapbook
Kacian, Jim, Bruce Ross, and Ken Jones, eds., Contemporary Haiburn Volume II, 2010, Anthology
Kacian, Jim, ed., Where the Wind Turns: The Red Moon Anthology of English-Language Haiku, 2010
Ramsey, William M., More Wine, 2010
Tauchner, Dietmar, as far as i can, 2010
Westenhaver, Jim, Long Enough, 2010, Chapbook
Wyles, Peggy Lillis, Phosphorescence: Postscripts Series Volume 17, 2010, Chapbook
Yovu, Peter, Sunrise, 2010
Red Puppets and Noise
Torres, Elisabeth, anatomia de la arcilla incoherente , 2010
Torres, Elisabeth, Distortions in Red , January 2011
Torres, Elisabeth, Poemario Repentino , July 2010, Written in Spanish
Red Wall Records
Millay, Edna St. Vincent; Queler, Liz; Farber, Seth, The Edna Project: The Poetry of Edna St. Vincent Millay Set to
Music by Liz Queler & Seth Farber, 2010, CD
Redcliffe Press
Baker, Martin Val, ed., *The Cornish Review: Anthology 1949-52, Summer 2011, Anthology
Rescue Press
McCrae, Shane, *In Canaan, 2010, Chapbook
Robert A. Krakowski
Krakowski, Nels Andre, Images in Passing: Acrylic Paintings by Nels Andres Krakowski . Edited by Robert A.
Krakowski, 2010
Krakowski, Robert A., Velo Reflections, 2010
Robert Trabold
Trabold, Robert, On Pilgrimage: Contemplative Poetry, 2011, Chapbook
Trabold, Robert, Sounds of Silence: Contemplative Poems, 2010, Chapbook
Roberts, Jim
Roberts, Jim, With A Subtle Touch Of Understanding Volume 10, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Roberts, Jim, With A Subtle Touch of Understanding: Volume 9, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Rock Village Publishing
Wilson, Joyce, The Etymology of Spruce, Spring 2010
RockSaw Press
Carlin, E. R., Union Down, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Clisbee, David, Botched Heroics, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Hamm, Justin, Illinois, My Apologies, 2011, Chapbook With CD
Rocksaw Press, Rocksaw Press: Broadsides, Spring 2011, Broadside
Sheldon, Glenn, Biography of the Boy Who Prays to the God of Foreheads, 2011, Chapbook
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Rondeau Records/Move Or Die
Michael, Myron, and James Cagney, Hang Man, Summer 2010
Roof Books
Gordon, Nada, Scented Rushes, Winter 2010
Kuszai, Joel Steven, Accidency, Spring 2011
Retallack, Joan, Procedural Elegies / Western Civ Cont’d /, Spring 2010
Retallack, Joan, *Procedural Elegies/Western Civ Cont'd/, Summer 2010
Torres, Edwin, Yes Thing No Thing, Winter 2010
Torres, Edwin, YesThing NoThing , 2010
Vallejo, César, Against Professional Secrets. Mulligan, Joseph, 2011, Bilingual, Spanish/English
Rose Metal Press
Hamilton, Mary, *We Know What We Are, 2010, Chapbook
McDowell, Gary L., The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Prose Poetry, Summer 2010
Rough Winds
Jehane Markham Trio, The London Series, 2010, CD
Jehane Markham Trio, Vladivostok to Moscow, Winter 2010, CD
al-Musawi, Muhsin J., Arabic Poetry: Trajectories Of Modernity and Tradition, 2010, Prose
S4N Books
Miller, Tim, Hymns & Lamentations , 2011
Salmon Poetry
Blanchard, Drew, Winter Dogs, Spring 2011, Foreign
Brown, Barbara, ed., Honouring the Word: Poetry and Prose: Celebrating Maurice Harmon on His 80th Birthday, Fall
2010, Anthology; Foreign
Buntin, Simmons B., Bloom, Winter 2010, Foreign
Callaghan, Louise C., *In the Ninth House, 2010, Foreign
Cohen, Andrea, Kentucky Derby, Spring 2011, Foreign
Dzenga, Primrose, Destiny In My Hands, Fall 2010, Foreign
Feeney, Elaine, Where’s Katie?, Fall 2010, Foreign
Fitzmaurice, Gabriel, Poems of Faith and Doubt, Spring 2011, Foreign
Fried, Philip, Early/Late: New & Selected Poems, 2011
Halperin, Richard W., Anniversary, Fall 2010, Foreign
Harmon, Maurice, When Love Is Not Enough, Fall 2010, Foreign
Higgins, Rita Ann, Hurting God, Fall 2010, Foreign
Jaffe, Larry, One Child Sold: Human Trafficking and Rights, Winter 2010, Foreign
Kingsnorth, Paul, Kidland and other poems, Spring 2011, Foreign
Lendennie, Jessie, ed., Dogs Singing: A Tribute Anthology, Fall 2010, Anthology; Foreign
Lennon, Joseph, Fell Hunger, Spring 2011, Foreign
Locke, Christopher, End of American Magic, Fall 2010, Foreign
Lordan, Dave, Invitation to a Sacrifice, Fall 2010, Foreign
McKeown, John, Night Walk, Spring 2011, Foreign
Moore, Alan Jude, *Strasbourg, 2010, Foreign
Murray, Stephen, House of Bees, Spring 2011, Foreign
O’Morain, Padraig, Blue Guitar, spring 2011, Foreign
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Peterson, Allan, As Much As, Spring 2011, Foreign
Shea, Glenn, Find a Place That Could Pass for Home, Fall 2010, Foreign
Stannard, Julian, parrots of Villa Gruber Discover Lapis Lazuli, Spring 2011, Foreign
Wall, Drucilla, The Geese at the Gates, Spring 2011, Foreign
Wall, William, Ghost Estate, Spring 2011, Foreign
Wyeth, Adam, Silent Music, Spring 2011, Foreign
Salt Publishing
Kinsella, John, ed., *Dreamhoard: Pipe Dreams, Daydreams, Reveries and Nightmares, Oct. 1, 2011, Anthology; Foreign
O'Brien, Geoffrey, Early Autumn, 2010, Foreign
San Francisco Bay Press
Vermillion, Patricia Flower, Rinsewater River, Spring 2010
Sand Paper Press
Mathews, Harry, The New Tourism, 2010
Sarabande Books
Bursky, Rick, Death Obscura, 2010
Davis, Lydia, *The Cows, 2011, Chapbook
Gerstler, Amy, *Hoodwinked, Summer 2011
Jarman, Mark, Bone Fires: New and Selected Poems, Winter 2011
McQuade, Molly, ed., One Word: Contemporary Writers on the Words they Love or Loathe, 2010, Prose Anthology
Monson, Ander, The Available World, Summer 2010
Ossip, Kathleen, The Cold War, 2011
Story, Julia, Post Moxie, Spring 2010
Wright, Charles, Outtakes: sestets, 2010
Sarah Green
Green, Sarah, Temporary Housing, 2011
Saturnalia Books
Black, Star, Velleity’s Shade, Fall 2010
Mong, Derek, Other Romes, 2011
Ronda, Margaret, Personification, Spring 2010
Silano, Martha, The Little Office of the Immaculate Conception, 2011
Vap, Sarah, Faulkner’s Rosary, 2010
Scapegoat Press
Aragón, Francisco, Glow of Our Sweat, Spring 2010
Scott Rummler
Rummler, Scott, Shredded Sonnets, 2010
Scrambler Books
Jones, Shane, *A Cake Appeared, 2010
Malone, Kendra Grant, Everything is Quiet, 2010
Mezynski, Neila, Glimpses, Summer 2010
Savoca, Matthew, Long Love Poem with Descriptive Title, 2010
Kevin Young, ed., *The Best American Poetry 2011, 2011, Anthology
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Scurfpea Publishing
Luden, Charles, World of if, 2010
Weixel, Richard, ed., Siesta: An Anthology of Poems, 2010, Anthology
Seraph Press
Plumb, Vivienne, Crumple, 2010
Serving House Books
Kowit, Steve, Lurid Confessions , 2010
Murawski, Elisabeth, Out-patients , 2010
Rasmussen, Lars, What Can Buddha Teach the Rain , 2010
Zander, William, Gone Haywire , 2010
Young, Geoffrey; Valdes, Justin, Where Have You Been All My Life, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Seven Circle Press
Sweeney, Christopher, Robert Snyderman, and Lonely Christopher, Into, Spring 2010, Anthology
Seven Kitchens Press
Burns, Heather, Between Careen and Caution, 2011, Chapbook
Davis, Todd, Household of Water, Moon, & Snow, 2010, Chapbook
Gibson, RJ, Scavenge, 2010, Chapbook
Gray, Austin, The Mystery of Horses, 2011, Chapbook
Hutchins, Christina, Radiantly We Inhabit the Air, 2011, Chapbook
Kirts, Terry, To the Refrigerator Gods, 2010, Chapbook
Lauren, Rebecca, The Schwenkfelders, 2010, Chapbook
Lauren, Rebecca, The Schwenkfelders, Fall 2010, Chapbook
McLellan, Kevin, Round Trip, 2010, Chapbook
Repp, John, Big Conneautee: American Haibun, 2010, Chapbook
Turtell, Steve, Letter to Frank O’Hara, 2011, Chapbook
Walt, Jeff, Soot, 2010, Chapbook
Shearsman Books
Dentz, Shira, Black Seeds on a White Dish, Summer 2010, Foreign
Hjelmgaard, Lynn, *The Ring, 2011, Foreign
Jaffin, David, Light Paths , May 2011, Foreign
Rivera, Elena, The Perforated Map, Spring 2011, Foreign
Taylor, Mervyn, No Back Door, Winter 2010, Foreign
Williams, JL, *Condition of Fire, 2011, Foreign
Sheep Meadow Press
Barnstone, Willis, *Cafe de l'Aube a Paris, Spring 2011
Celan, Paul and Ilana Shmueli, The Correspondence of Paul Celan & Ilana Shmueli, Fall 2010, Prose
Crowell, Joan, *Poems of Possibilities, Spring 2010
Der-Hovanessian, Diana, Dancing At the Monastery, 2011
Firan, Carmen, *Rock and Dew: Selected Poems. Adam J. Sorkin, Julian Semilian, Isaiah Sheffer, and Andrei Codrescu,
Spring 2010
Fragos, Emily, Hostage: New & Selected Poems, Summer 2011
Gardinier, Suzanne, Iridium & Selected Poems: 1986-2009, 2011
Griffiths, Rachel Eliza, The Requited Distance, 2011
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Harris, Duriel E., Amnesiac , 2010
Ladin, Joy, Coming To Life, 2011
Lesser, Rika, Etruscan Things, 2010
Middleton, Christopher, A Company of Ghosts, 2011
Rosen, Aaron, Prowling Sequiturs, 2011
Schmidt, Michael, New and Collected Poems, 2010
Slavitt, David R., ed., tr., Poems from the Greek Anthology, 2010, Anthology
Sheffield Land Trust
Local Authors, A Poetic View of the Housatonic River From Sheffield , May 7, 2011, Anthology
Keren, Ira, Time . Translated by Efrat Yardeni and Ira Keren, Summer 2011, Broadside; Bilingual,
Hebrew/English; Foreign
Sibling Rivalry Press, LLC
Borland, Bryan, My Life as Adam, 2010
Edwards, Theresa Senato, Voices Through Skin, 2011
Luczak, Raymond, Road Work Ahead, 2011
Vuong, Ocean, Burnings, 2010, Chapbook
Siglio Press
Pearson, Lisa, ed., It Is Almost That: A Collection of Image+Text Work by Women Artists & Writers, 2011,
Seydel, Robert, Book of Ruth, 2011, Art/Poetry
Seydel, Robert; Kraft, Richard; Knowles, Alison, Siglio Ephemera #4, 2011
Wood, Denis, Everything Sings, 2010, Prose/Art
Silenced Press
McRae, Bruce, The So-Called Sonnets, 2010
Raven, Francis, Architectonic Conjectures, 2010
Silverfish Publishing
Porta, Dustin Martin, Pennsylvania Music, 2011
Silverfish Review Press
Diaz, Joanne, The Lessons, 2011, Prose
Diaz, Joanne, The Lessons, 2010
Goodrich, Charles, Going to Seed: Dispatches from the Garden, Spring 2010
Simon & Schuster/Free Press
Morgan, Bill, *The Typewriter Is Holy: The Complete, Uncensored History of the Beat Generation, Spring 2010
Singing Horse Press
Foss, Philip, The Valley of Cranes, 2010
Hill, Lindsay, The Empty Quarter, 2010
Single Island Press
Van Den Heuvel, Cor, A Boy’s Seasons: haibun memoirs, Winter 2010
Sisyphus Press
Klein, Ivan, Some Paintings by Koho & A Flower of My Own, 2010, Chapbook/Prose
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Sixteen Rivers Press
Hutchins, Christina, The Stranger Dissolves, 2011
Sixteen Rivers Press, ed., The Place That Inhabits Us: Poems from the San Francisco Bay Watershed, Spring 2010,
Wagner, Jeanne, In the Body of Our Lives, 2011
Skysill Press
Bean, Jeffrey, Gospel Earth, Spring 2010
Griffin, Whit, *Pentateuch: The First Five Books, Summer 2010
Skywater Publishing Company/Sol Books
Davis, John, Gigs, Winter 2010
Silver-Lillywhite, Eileen, Mama Joy, Winter 2010
Spiering, David, My Father’s Gloves, Spring 2010
Slapering Hol Press
Duhamel, Denise; Lemmon, Amy, Enjoy Hot or Iced: Poems in Conversation and a Conversation, 2011, Chapbook
Phillips, Katie, Driving Montana, Alone, 2010, Spiral Notebook
Slate Roof
Sayword, Paula, *What Sleeps Inside, 2010, Chapbook
Slipstream Publications
Carroll-Hackett, Mary, The Real Politics of Lipstick , 2010, Chapbook
Slope Editions
Curry, Crystal, Our Chrome Arms of Gymnasium, 2010
Peary, Alexandria, Lid to the Shadow , 2011
Small Fires Press
Frey, Emily Kendal and Zachary Schomburg, Feelings Using Wolves, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Moschovakis, Anna and Jen Hofer, Matchbook Volume Three, Spring 2011, Matchbook
Smallminded Books
Kostelanetz, Richard, Doublefulcra, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Somondoco Press
Holman, Amy, Wrens Fly Through This Opened Window, Summer 2010
Sona Books
Motika, Stephen, In the Madrones, Spring 2011, loose pages
Song Cave
Card, Macgregor, The Archers, 2010, Chapbook
Foust, Graham, To Graham Foust on the Morning of His Fortieth Birthday, 2010, Chapbook
Lerner, Ben, Topekan Ethos, 2010, Chapbook
Moxley, Jennifer, Coastal, Spring 2011, Chapbook
North, Charles, Ode to Asparagus, Peonies and Manet, 2010, Chapbook
Smith, Rod, What’s the Deal?, 2010, Chapbook
Stanley, Jared, How The Desert Did Me In, 2010, Chapbook
Wright, C. D., A Farm Boy, 2010, Chapbook
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Southern Illinois University Press
Dungy, Camille T., Smith Blue, Summer 2010
Richter, Jennifer, Threshold, Spring 2010
Sow's Ear Press
Spivack, Kathleen, A History of Yearning, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Spire Press
Lewis, Chandler, Illuminated Aluminum, 2011, Chapbook
Olson, Christina, Before I Came Home Naked, 2010
Olson, Christina, Before I Came Home Naked, 2010
Romero, Lori, The Emptiness that Makes Other Things Possible, Spring 2010, Chapbook
White, Anthony Russell, The Faith of Leaping, 2011
Spirit Song Text Publications
Van Cleef, Jabez L., Poena, Omnipotenta, or The Triumph of Punishment: A Poetic Commentary on the Cautio
Criminalis of Friedrich Spee von Langefeld, 2010
Split Oak Press
Smelcer, John E., Tracks, 2011, Chapbook
Splitleaves Press
Bernstein, Michael, Well, Winter 2010, Chapbook
Casamassima, Christopher, Of, Winter 2010, Chapbook
Heady, Sarah, Eight-track Underwater, Winter 2010, Chapbook
Pagoda, Jonathan, Cruelty, Winter 2010, Chapbook
Sherlock, Frank, Don’t Forget Me in the Dimension You Choose to Live, Winter 2010, Chapbook
Snyderman, Robert, River Tried to Not Be River, Winter 2010, Chapbook
Townsend, J., Specimen, Reflow, Winter 2010, Chapbook
Spooky Girlfriend Press
Gould, A. Minetta, *Dutch Baby Combo/The Boys Are Talking about Restlessness at Five-Points, 2011, Chapbook
SpringGun Press
Belflower, James, *Bird Leaves the Cornice, 2011, Chapbook
Spuyten Duyvil
Behn, Robin, The Yellow House, Spring 2011
Bellen, Martine, Ghosts!, 2011
Bellen, Martine, Ghosts!, 2011
Graubard, Allan, Roma Amor, 2010
Hastain, J/J, Prurient Anarchic Omnibus, 2011
Mirosevich, Toni, *The Takeaway Bin, 2010
Oppenheimer, Paul, In Times of Danger, 2010
Osing, Gordon, Slaughtering the Buddha, 2010
Spuyten Duyvil/Meeting Eyes Bindery
Thilleman, Todd, *Egghead to Underhoof (Our Concluding the Poem), 2010
Spy Hop Press
Larsen, Wendy Wilder, The Gray Whales of Baja. Art by Josie Merck, Winter 2010, with art
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
St. Augustine's Press
Novak, Michael, *All Nature Is a Sacramental Fire: Light Verse: Moments of Beauty, Sorrow, and Joy, Summer 2011
St. Martin's Press
Todd, Susan; Purington, Carol eds., Morning Song: Poetry for New Parents, 2011, Anthology
Standing Stones Press
Twiddy, Elizabeth, *Love-Noise, 2010
Weltner, Peter, *News From the World At My Birth: A History, 2010
Stanford University Press
Celan, Paul, The Meridian. Boschenstein, Bernhard; Schmull, Heino, 2011
Fredman, Stephen, Contextual Practice: Assemblage and the Erotic in Postwar Poetry and Art, Winter 2010, Prose
Goh, Meow Hui, Sound and Sight: Poetry and Courtier Culture in the Yongming Era (483-493), Summer 2010
Star Cloud Press
Teeter, Alice, When It Happens to You..., Spring 2010
Station Hill Press
Wilson, Peter Lamborn, Ec(o)logues, 2011
Station Hill Press, Inc.
Mayer, Bernadette, Studying Hunger Journals, 2011
Patton, Laurie L., Angel's Task: Poems in Biblical Time, 2010
Robinson, Jeffrey C, Untam’d Wing, 2010
Truitt, Samuel, Vertical Elegies 6: Street Mete, 2011
Wolsak, Lissasta, Squeezed Light, 2010
Steel Toe Books
Colen, Elizabeth J., Money for Sunsets, 2010
Stockport Flats
Muratori, Fred, The Spectra, Spring 2011
Poe, Deborah, Elements, Spring 2010
Venkateswaran, Pramila, Draw Me Inmost: High Watermark Salo[o]n, Volume 3, Number 3, Spring 2010, Art/Poetry
Waller, Lillien, ed., American Ghost: Poets on Life After Industry , 2011, Anthology
Yates, Katie, Morning Stories: High Watermark Salo[o]n, Volume 3, Number 2, Spring 2010, Art/Poetry
Stockport Flats / Lute & Cleat
Moseman, Lori Anderson, Lintel / Gunwale: My Dragon Boat Immram, Winter 2010, Chapbook
Subito Press
Doller, Sandra, Man Years, Spring 2011
Krech, Richard, At the End of Time: The Incomplete Works of Richard Krech, Volume II, 2010
Ling, Micah, Sweetgrass. Edited by David McNamara, 2010
McGettrick, Brian, Everything Else We Must Endure, 2011
Rihn, Andrew, America Plops and Fizzes, 2010
Swamp Press
Ketchek, Michael, *Over Our Heads, 2010
Lombardo, Gian, *Who Lets Go First, 2010
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Swan Isle Press
Margarit, Joan, New Letters To a Young Poet. Translated by Christopher Maurer, 2010, Prose
Volpi, Jorge, In Spite of the Dark Silence. Translated by Olivia Maciel, Winter 2010, Prose
Switchback Books
Tamayo, Jennifer, *[Red Missed Aches], 2011
Syracuse University Press
Mills, Geraldine, *An Urgency Of Stars, 2011
't Schrijverke
Kacian, Jim, Where I Leave Off, 2010, Chapbook; Foreign
Ta’wil Productions
Joris, Pierre, Routes, Not Roots, 2011, CD
Talisman House
de la Perriere, Donna, Saint Erasure, 2010
Erözçelik, Seyhan, Rosestrikes and Coffee Grinds. Translated by Murat Nemet-Nejat, 2010
Sobin, Gustaf, Collected Poems, Spring 2010
Vangelisti, Paul, Two, 2010
Collis, Stephen, On the Material, Winter 2010, Foreign
McLennan, Rob, *Glengarry, 2011, Foreign
Morse, Garry Thomas, Discovery Passages, 2011, Foreign
Nicholson, Cecily, *Triage, 2011, Foreign
Norris, Ken, Floating Up To Zero, 2011, Foreign
Olson, Charles, Muthologos: Lectures and Interviews, 2010, Prose; Foreign
Taproot Editions
Halpern, Rob, Imaginary Politics, Spring 2011, Chapbook
Tarpaulin Sky Press
Haug, James, *Scratch, 2010, Chapbook
Short, Kim Gek Lin, the bugging watch & other exhibits, Spring 2010
Taylor, Shelly, Black-Eyed Heifer, Spring 2010
Toder, Emily, *Brushes With, 2010, Chapbook
Tavern Books
Ameel, Britta, finding a jellyfish in june, Summer 2011, Broadside
Juhasz, Ferenc, from The Boy Changed into a Stag Clamors at the gate of Secrets, Summer 2011, Broadside
Juhasz, Ferenc, The Boy Changed into a Stag: Clamors at the Gate of Secrets. Translated by David Wevill, Winter 2010,
Bilingual, Hungarian/English
Lewis, Gwyneth, tr., Arthur’s Talk with the Eagle, Winter 2010, Chapbook
Lewis, Gwyneth, tr., Arthur’s Talk with the Eagle, Summer 2011, Broadside
McDougall, Jo, Niceties, Summer 2011, Broadside
McDougall, Jo, Under an Arkansas Sky, Winter 2010, Chapbook
Millar, Joseph, Ocean, Winter 2010, Chapbook
Ritsos, Yannis, Putting Out the Lamp, Summer 2011, Broadside
Simic, Charles, from Prodigy, Summer 2011
Simic, Charles, Prodigy, Winter 2010, Chapbook
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Sinisgalli, Leonardo, I’ll Protect Myself, Summer 2011, Broadside
Sinisgalli, Leonardo, Night of Shooting Stars. Translated by W. S. Di Piero, Winter 2010, Bilingual, Italian/English
Tranströmer, Tomas, April and Silence. Translated by Michael McGriff, Summer 2011, Broadside
Wevill, David, Casual Ties, Winter 2010
Wevill, David, The Big List, Spring 2011, Broadside
Wrolstad, Greta, from Notes on Sea Shore, Summer 2011, Broadside
Teachers & Writers Cooperative
Popoff, Georgia A.; Lansana, Quraysh Ali, Our Difficult Sunlight: A Guide to Poetry, Literacy, & Social Justice in
Classroom & Community, Winter 2010, Prose
Tebot Bach
Becker, Marjorie, Piano Glass/Glass Piano, 2010
Bingham, Sallie, If In Darkness, Spring 2010
Call, Avalon Greenberg, The Time Before Mint Peppers, 2010
Call, Lily Greenberg, The Edge, 2010
Davis, Glover, Spring Drive, 2010
Follett, CB, Houses, Spring 2011
Harris, Johnathan, The Wave That Did Not Break, 2010
Healy, Lorraine, The Habit of Buenos Aires, Spring 2010
Imlay, Elijah, Monsoon Blues, Spring 2011
Kaupang, Aby, Absence is Such a Transparent House, Spring 2011
Kearley, Carroll C., The Armenian Watchmaker, Spring 2010
Lieber, Paul, Chemical Tendencies, Spring 2011
Mali, Marie-Elizabeth, Steady, My Gaze, 2010
Pacht, Judith, Summer Hunger, 2010
Ramirez, Steve and Ben Trigg, eds., don’t blame the ugly mug, 2011, Anthology
Thomas, G. Murray, My Kidney Just Arrived, 2011
Vistonitis, Anastassis, Mara’s Shade: Selected Poems 1971-1995, Spring 2011
Weinberger, Florence, *Sacred Graffiti, 2010
Williams, Bruce, The Mojave Road and Other Journeys, Spring 2010
Wynne, Robert, Self-Portrait as Odysseus, Spring 2011
Teo Yamamoto
Yamamoto, Teo, Code, 2011, Chapbook/Broadside
Texas Tech University Press
Cardenal, Ernesto, The Origin of Species and Other Poems. Lyons, John, 2011
McKinley, Jane, Vanitas, Summer 2010
Range, Melissa, Horse and Rider, Spring 2010
The Backwaters Press
Buckley, Christopher and Cristopher Howell, eds., Aspects of Robinson: Homage to Weldon Kees, January, 2011
Gillispie, Charles, The Way We Go On, Winter 2010
Saiser, Marjorie, Beside You at the Stoplight, Winter 2010
Scheele, Roy, A Far Allegiance, Spring 2010
Theenk Books
Ellis, Stephen, *Opulence, 2010
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Thin Air
Spencer, George, host, Poetry Thin Air Cable Interview Series, 12: Steve Dalachinsky , DVD
Spencer, George, host, Poetry Thin Air Cable Interview Series, 24: Larissa Shmailo, DVD
Spencer, George, host, Poetry Thin Air Cable Interview Series, 30: Jeff Wright , DVD
Spencer, George, host, Poetry Thin Air Cable Interview Series, 31: Ron Kolm, DVD
Spencer, George, host, Poetry Thin Air Cable Interview Series, 33: Steve Cannon, DVD
Spencer, George, host, Poetry Thin Air Cable Interview Series, 36: Karin Randolph, DVD
Spencer, George, host, Poetry Thin Air Cable Interview Series, 37: Susan Scutti, DVD
Spencer, George, host, Poetry Thin Air Cable Interview Series, 42: Mitch Corber, DVD
Spencer, George, host, Poetry Thin Air Cable Interview Series, 49: Eve Packer, DVD
Three Conditions Press
Lloyd, David T., The Everday Apocalypse , 2010
Three Pines Publishing
Avery, Linda, ColetteVolkema DeNooyer, Mary Haab, et al., Waterlines, 2010, Anthology
Three Sad Tigers Press
Edmiston, Will, effie, 2011, Chapbook
Threshingfloor Press
Pleiades, Sapphire, *Michael the Lion from Venus, 2010
Thunderclap Press
Pointer, David S., Warhammer Piano Bar, 2010, Chapbook
Tia Chucha Press
Jones, Patricia Spears, Painkiller, 2010
Rodriguez, Jose Antonio, *The Shallow End of Sleep, 2011
Tibor de Nagy Editions
Crase, Douglas; Quilter, Jenni, ed., Painters & Poets: Tibor De Nagy Gallery, Spring 2011, Prose
Rivers, Larry and Frank O’Hara, Stones (Tibor de Nagy Gallery Catalog)
Tiger Bark Press
Hewitt, Tom, The Parlor Room, 2011, Chapbook
Tightrope Books
Crozier, Lorna, ed., The Best Canadian Poetry in English 2010, 2010, Anthology; Foreign
Tilt Press
Rosenberg, Dan, A Thread of Hands, Spring 2010, Chapbook
Time Being Books
Brodsky, Louis Daniel, At Dock’s End: Poems of Lake Nebagamon, Volume Two, 2011
Brodsky, Louis Daniel, At Water’s Edge: Poems of Lake Nebagamon, Volume One, Spring 2010
Brodsky, Louis Daniel, Seizing the Sun and Moon: Volume Three of The Seasons of Youth, 2010
Fincke, Gary, Reviving the Dead , 2011
Hamblin, Robert, Crossroads: Poems of a Mississippi Childhood, 2010
Herrle, David, Abyssinia, Jill Rush, 2010
Milder, Ben, From Adolescence to Senescence, 2010
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Tinfish Press
Aitken, Adam, Tonto’s Revenge , 2011, Chapbook
Gajelonia, Gizelle, Thirteen Ways of Looking at The Bus , 2010
Revilla, No’u, Say Throne , 2011, Chapbook
Sand, Kaia, Remember to Wave, Spring 2010
Soto, Elizabeth, Eulogies, Spring 2010
Tiffany, Daniel, The Dandelion Clock, Spring 2010
Toad Press
Huidobro, Vincente, Arctic Poems, 2010, Chapbook
Toadlily Press
Austen, Elizabeth; Bates, Andrea; Kner, Carol Stevens; Suzor, Sarah, Sightline , 2010
Tony Petrossian
Petrossian, Tony, Soulful Poems, 2010
Trembling Pillow Press/Garrett County Press
Grue, Lee Meitzen, Downtown, 2011
Mayer, Bernadette, Ethics of Sleep, 2011
Trillium Press
Sell, Jill, Mayapple, 2010
Truck Books
Holmquest, Brandon, The Sorrows of Young Worthless, 2010
Truman State University Press
Smelcer, John Elvis, Beautiful Words: Kasuundze’ Kenaege’: The Complete Ahtna Poems, Spring 2011, Bilingual,
Tupelo Press
Ali, Kazim, Fasting for Ramadan, Spring 2010
Beachy-Quick, Dan, Circle's Apprentice, Spring 2011
Chitwood, Michael, Poor-Mouth Jubilee, 2010
Chitwood, Michael, Poor-Mouth Jubilee (CD), Winter 2010, CD
Corey, Joshua, Severance Songs, Spring 2010
Doran, Geri, Sanderlings, Spring 2011
Dunham, Rebecca, The Flight Cage, Summer 2010
Finch, Annie, Calendars, Winter 2010, CD
Khalastchi, Daniel, Manoleria, 2011
Nezhukumatathil, Aimee, Lucky Fish, Winter 2011
Snyder-Camp, Megan, The Forest of Sure Things, 2010
Snyder-Camp, Megan, The Forest of Sure Things, 2011, CD
Soto, Gary, Human Nature, Spring 2010
Waite, Stacey, The Lake Has No Saint, 2010, Chapbook
Waite, Stacey, The Lake Has No Saint (CD), Fall 2010, CD
Watson, Ellen Dore, Dogged Hearts, Fall 2010
Watson, Ellen Doré, Dogged Hearts, 2010, CD
Zweig, Martha, Monkey Lightning, Spring 2010
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Two-Handed Engine Press
Waterfield, Cesca Janece, Bartab: An Afterhours Ballad, Spring 2010
Ugly Duckling Presse
Agrafiotis, Demosthenes, Chinese Notebook, 2010, Bilingual, Greek/English
Alcalay, Ammiel, “Neither Wit Nor Gold” (from them), 2011
Baum, Erica, Dog Ear , 2011
Bervin, Jen, *The Silver Book, 2010
Brolaski, Julian T., Gowanus Atropolis, 2011
Brown, Lily; Hosea, Chris; McCollough, Aaron; Nelson, Jennifer; Eklund, George; Murphy, Ryan, You Have a
Bone, December 2010
Carr, Julie, Marosa Di Giorgio, Farid Matuk, Amanda Nadelberg, Sara Wintz, and Michael Barron, A Man Walks
into a Bar, Fall 2010
Colby, Kate, The Return of the Native, 2011
Coolidge, Clark, This Time We Are Both, 2010
Di Giorgio, Marosa, The History of Violets. Pitas, Jeannine Marie, 2010
Fama, Ben, Aquarius Rising , 2010, Chapbook
Guillevic, Eugene, Geometries, Winter 2010
Hawkey, Christian, Ventrakl, Winter 2010
Hubbard, Will, *Curvism, 2011
Kalamaras, George, Your Own Ox-Head Mask as Proof , 2010, Chapbook
Kosovel, Srecko, Look Back, Look Ahead. Translated by Barbara Siegel Carlson and Ana Jelnikar, Spring 2010,
Bilingual, Slovenian/English
Lyalin, Natalie, Try a Little Time Travel, Winter 2010, Chapbook
Marinovich, Filip, And If You Don’t Go Crazy I’ll Mee You Here Tomorrow, 2011
Nezval, Vitezslav, *Parrot on a Motorcycle. Rogers, Jennifer, 2010, Chapbook
Poirier, Julien, El Golpe Chileno, 2010
Poirier, Julien, El Golpe Chileno , 2010
Riggs, Sarah, 60 textos, 2010
Rohrer, Matthew, A Plate of Chicken, Spring 2010
Rubenstein, Lev, *Thirty-Five New Pages. Metres, Philip; Tulchinsky, Tatiana tr., 2011, Chapbook
Skrjanec, Tone, *I’ll Calm the Horses. Pepelnik, Ana, 2010, Chapbook
Solomon, Laura, *The Hermit, 2011
Swenson, Cole, Greensward, 2010
Thorson, Maureen, Applies to Oranges, 2011
Varrone, Kevin, g-point almanac: passyunk lost, Spring 2010
Yauri, Yvan, Fire Wind. Rattner, Nicholas; del Pozo, Marta tr., 2011, Translation
Unbound Content
Hunt, Julie Ellinger, In New Jersey , 2011
Lockhart, Annmarie, ed., Inspirations: Images & Words, Collection 2, Fall 2010 , Anthology
Mesler, Corey, Before the Great Troubling , 2010
Spears, Nate, Inspiration 2 Smile , 2010
Steele, Cassie Premo, This is How Honey Runs , 2010
Shiffrin, Nancy, Game with Variations, 2010
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
United Artists Books
Tysh, Chris, Night Scales: A Fable For Klara K, 2010
Tysh, George, Imperfect, Spring 2010
University of Akron Press
Harmon, Joshua, Le Spleen De Poughkeepsie, 2011
Lee, David Dodd, Orphan, Indiana, 2010
Perrier, Sarah, Nothing Fatal, Winter 2010
University of Arizona Press
Candelaria, Xochiquetzal, Empire, 2011
Clark, LaVerne Harrell, A Memoir the Poetry Center Looking Back from 1984, 2010, Prose
Gould, Janice, Doubters and Dreamers, Winter 2011
Martínez, Valerie, Each and Her, 2010
Paegle, Julie Sophia, torch song tango choir, Fall 2010
University of Arkansas Press
Cadena Deulen, Danielle, Lovely Asunder, Winter 2011
Gibson, Stephen, Paradise, Winter 2011
Walsh, Michael, The Dirt Riddles, Spring 2010
University of California Press
Berrigan, Ted, The Selected Poems of Ted Berrigan. Notley, Alice; Berrigan, Anselm; Berrigan, Edmund, 2011
Chimako, Tada, Forest of Eyes: Selected Poems of Tada Chimako. Translated by Jeffrey Angles, Summer 2010
Duncan, Robert, The H. D. Book. Boughn, Michael; Coleman, Victor, 2011
McClure, Michael, Of Indigo and Saffron: New and Selected Poems. Edited by Leslie Scalapino, Spring 2010
Mullen, Laura, Dark Archive, 2011
Neruda, Pablo, Canto General. Translated by Jack Schmitt, May 2011
Neruda, Pablo; Peyden, Margaret S., Selected Odes of Pablo Neruda, Spring 2011
O’Brien, Geoffrey G., Metropole, 2011
Reddy, Srikanth, Voyager, 2011
Tedlock, Dennis, ed. and tr., 2000 Years Of Mayan Literature, Spring 2010
University of Chicago Press
Mazur, Gail, Figures in a Landscape, 2011
Perloff, Marjorie, Unoriginal Genius: Poetry by Other Means in the New Century, Winter 2010, Prose
Riley, Atsuro, Romey’s Order, Spring 2010
Smith, Bruce, Devotions, 2011
Yuill, Tom, Medicine Show, Spring 2010
University of Georgia Press
Billiter, William, Stutter, 2011
Casteen, John, For the Mountain Laurel, Winter 2011
Dargan, Kyle G., Logorrhea Dementia, 2010
Grove, Daniel, The Lost Boys, 2010
Lucas, Dave, Weather, 2011
Pollock, Iain Haley, Spit Back a Boy, 2011
Pollok, Iain Haley, Sit Back a Boy. Selected by Elizabeth Alexander, 2011
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
University of Iowa Press
Coghill, Sheila and Thom Tammaro, eds., Visiting Dr. Williams: Poems Inspired by the Life and Work of William
Carlos Williams, June 2011, Anthology
Damon, Maria, Posliterary America: From Bagel Shop Jazz to Micropoetries, 2011, Prose
Finkelstein, Norman, *On Mount Vision: Forms of the Sacred in Contemporary American Poetry, Spring 2010
Fisher, Benjamin F., ed., *Poe in His Own Time: A Biographical Chronicle of His Life, Drawn from Recollections,
Interviews, and Memoirs by Family Friends, and Associates, Summer 2010
Fredman, Stephen; McCaffery, Steve, eds., Form, Power, and Person in Robert Creeley's Life and Work, Spring 2010,
Glazer, Michele, On Tact, & the Made Up World , 2010
Gray, Timothy, Urban Pastoral: Natural Currents in the New York School, Winter 2010, Prose
Hanson, Julie, Unbeknownst, Spring 2011
Harp, Jerry, For Us, What Music?: The Life and Poetry of Donald Justice, Winter 2010, Prose
Klatt, L. S., Cloud of Ink, 2011
Wilkinson, Joshua Marie, ed., Poets on Teaching: A Sourcebook, Winter 2010, Prose Anthology
Zucker, Rachel and Ariell Greenberg, eds., Starting Today: 100 Poems for Obama’s First 100 Days, Spring 2010,
University of Louisiana at Lafayette Press
Bourque, Darrell, In Ordinary Light: New and Selected Poems, Winter 2010
University of Massachusetts Press
Farrell, Lucas, The Many Woods of Grief, 2011
Fulton, Thomas, *Historical Milton: Manuscript, Print, and Political Culture in Revolutionary England , 2010, Prose
Seuss, Diane, Wolf Lake, White Gown Blown Open , Spring 2010
Smith, Gregory Blake, The Law of Miracles, 2011, Prose
University of Michigan Press
Ali, Kazim, Orange Alert: Essays on Poetry, Art, and the Architecture of Silence, Fall 2010, Prose
Espada, Martín, The Lover of a Subversive Is Also a Subversive: Essays and Commentaries, Fall 2010, Prose
Hacker, Marilyn, Unauthorized Voices: Essays on Poets and Poetry, 1987-2009, Fall 2010, Prose
Shepherd, Reginald, A Martian Muse: Further Essays on Identity, Politics, and the Freedom of Poetry. Edited by Robert
Philen, Spring 2010, Prose
University of Minnesota Press
Amerika, Mark, remixthebook, September 2011
Botto, Antonio; Translated by Fernando Pessoa, The Songs of Antonio Botto, 2010
University of Nebraska Press
Suntree, Susan, *Sacred Sites: The Secret History of Southern California, 2010
University of New Mexico Press
Glenn, Barbara, *Poems Before Easter, 2011
Mares, E. A. Tony, astonishing light: Coversations I Never had with Patrocino Barela, Fall 2010, Bilingual;
Momaday, N. Scott, *Again the Far Morning: New and Selected Poems, 2011, Translation
University of New Orleans Press
Hogue, Cynthia, When the Water Came: Evacuees of Hurricane Katrina , Fall 2010
Rilke, Rainer Maria, Dream-Crowned (Traumgekront). Mook, Lorne, tr. , Winter 2010, Bilingual, German/English
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
University of New Orleans Publishing
Luna, Leticia, Wounded Days and other poems (Los Dias Heridos). Translated by Toshiya Kamei, Winter 2010,
Bilingual, Spanish/English
University of North Texas Press
Wilkinson, Caki, *Circles Where the Head Should Be, 2011
University of Notre Dame Press
Hart, Kevin, Morning Knowledge , 2011
Kaplan, Janet, Dreamlife of a Philanthropist , 2011
Menes, Orlando Ricardo, ed., The Open Light: Poets from Notre Dame, 1991-2008, 2011, Anthology
Russell, Richard, ed., *Poetry and Peace, 2010, Anthology
Spengemann, William C., Three American Poets: Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, and Herman Melville , Spring 2010,
Trelles, Emma, Tropicalia , 2011
University of Pennsylvania Press
Parker, Robert Dale, ed., *Changing Is Not Vanishing: American Indian Poetry, 2010, Anthology
University of Pittsburgh Press
Barresi, Dorothy, American Fanatics, Winter 2010
deNiord, Chard, The Double Truth, Winter 2011
Gay, Ross, Bringing the Shovel Down, 2011
Handal, Natalie, Love and Strange Horses, 2010
Hodgen, John, Heaven & Earth Holding Company, 2010
Paul, Bradley, The Animals All Are Gathering, 2011
Rogers, Bobby C., Paper Anniversary, Winter 2010
Shepherd, Reginald, Red Clay Weather, Spring 2011
Wojahn, David, World Tree, 2011
Wood, Susan, The Book of Ten, Spring 2011
Wood, Susan, The Book of Ten , 2011
University of South Carolina Press
Merwin, W. S., Witness: W. S. Merwin, Spring 2011, CD
Pournelle, Jennifer, *Excavations: A City Cycle, 2011
University of Texas Press
Goldberg, Leah, *With This Night. Translated by Annie Kantor, Summer 2011
Waits, Tom, *Hard Ground, Spring 2011
University of Utah Press
Perrine, Jennifer, In the Human Zoo, 2011
Wilkins, Jon, Transistor Rodeo, 2010
University of Wisconsin Press
Clewell, David, Taken Somehow by Surprise, 2011
LaMon, Jacqueline J, Last Seen, 2011
University Press of Kentucky
Crunk, T., New Covenant Bound, Summer 2010
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
UNO Press
Medeiros, Sergio, Vegetal Sex: The Engaged Writers Series, 2011
Richards, Brian, Enridged, 2011
Uphill House
Cobbs, Marnie, In the Company of Travelers, Fall 2010
Uphook Press
Ice, Jane Ormerod, eds., Hell Strung and Crooked, 2010, Anthology
UpSet Press/Dissent Press
Hammad, Suheir, Born Palestinian, Born Black & The Gaza Suite, 2010
Utah State University Press
Murawski, Elizabeth, *Zorba’s Daughter, 2011
Uttered Chaos
Mitchell, Joy L., Diesel Horse , 2010, Chapbook
Vagabond Press
Tanikawa, Shuntaro, Watashi. Translated by William I. Elliott and Kazuo Kawamura, 2010, Foreign
Vampire Pigeons Production
Mindock, Gloria, *Nothing Divine Here, 2010
Vantage Press
Bates, Latrice, An Unknown Queen, 2010
Bomar, Vincent Ray, Dramatic Changes: The Writings of Vincent Bomar, 2010
Green, Lara, What It Feels Like to Be Naked: A Collection of Poems, 2010
Harrison, Kenneth Hugh, Voices from the Hemispheres, 2010
J Will Da Invincible, From Poverty 2 Publicity, 2011
McNider, Cate, Separation and Return, 2010
Waddell, John Wesley, A Few Moments with John, 2010
Vaso Roto
Janes, Clara, Poesia Erotica y amorosa, 2010, Written in Spanish; Foreign
Vehicule Press
Briscoe, Susan, *The Crow’s Vow, 2011, Foreign
Viking Penguin
Keillor, Garrison, Good Poems: American Places , 2011, Anthology
Virgogray Press
Casares, Michael Aaron, America Remembered , 2010, Chapbook; Anthology
Virtual Artists Collective
Becker, Sandra, At the Well of Flowers, 2011
Craven, Sherry, Standing At The Window, 2010
Friedrich, Paul, A Goldfinch Instant: Concord to India Haikus, Winter 2010
Goodrich, Patricia, Verda’s House, Winter 2010
Kelen, Christopher, Poem on a Plane Tree’s Leaf: Women Poets of the Tang Dynasty. Translated by Hilda Tam, 2011,
Pucciani, Donna, To Sip Darjeeling At Dawn, 2011
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Raby, Elizabeth, Ink on Snow, Spring 2010
Xiaohong, Zhang, ed., Birthplace: Ten Poets from Guangdong. Translated by Zhang Xiaohong and Lin Zhenyun,
Spring 2010, Anthology; Bilingual, Cantonese/English
Zagrakalyte, Agne, Artistic Cloning. Zdanys, Jonas, 2010
Visual Arts Press
Phillips, Louis, ed., Words: 72, Winter 2010, Anthology
Kennedy, Caroline ed., *She Walks in Beauty: A Woman’s Journey Through Poems, 2011, Anthology
Voices from the American Land/American Land Publishing Project
Mares, Tony, Rio Del Corazon, 2011, Chapbook
Mares, Tony, Rio Del Corazon, 2011, Chapbook
Monaghan, Patricia, Grace of Ancient Land, 2010, Chapbook
Voix Editions
Spears, André and Anne Rosen, Arcadia (Para Walter Benjamin), Spring 2011, Matchbook; Foreign
Spears, André, and Anne Rosen, Translation. Translated by André Spears and Anne Rosen, Spring 2010, Bilingual,
French/English, Foreign
Vox Audio
Kalamaras, George, Alvaro Cardona-Hine, George Kalamaras and Alvaro Cardona-Hine Read at Acequia Booksellers,
Winter 2010, CD
Moldaw, Carol, Carol Moldaw Reads at Acequia Booksellers, Winter 2010, CD
Vox Poetica
Lockhart, Annmarie, ed., Love Be White, 2010, Anthology
Vox Poetica/Unbound Content
Lockheart, Annmarie, ed., From 9/11 to a New Year: Vox Poetic Contributor Series 2009, 2010, Anthology
Wake Forest University Press
Carson, Ciaran, On the Night Watch, Spring 2010
Carson, Ciaran, Until Before After, Spring 2010
Chuilleanáin, Eiléan Ní, The Sun-Fish, Fall 2010
Groarke, Vona, Spindrift, Winter 2010
Kinsella, Thomas, Thomas Kinsella: Selected Poems, Spring 2010
Lysaght, Sean, Moya Cannon, Thomas McCarthy, John F. Deane and Maire Mhac an tSaoi, The Wake Forest
Series of Irish Poetry, Volume Two. Edited by Jefferson Holdridge, 2010, Anthology
McGuckian, Medbh, My Love Has Fared Inland, Spring 2010
Washington Writers' Publishing House
Karapetkova, Holly, Words We Might One Day Say, 2010
Wasteland Press
Mosson, Greg, ed., Poems Against War: Bending Toward Justice, 2010, Anthology
Wave Books
Conrad, C. A., The Book of Frank, 2010
Craig, Michael Earl, Thin Kimono, Fall 2010
Donnelly, Timothy, The Cloud Corporation, 2010
Knox, Caroline, Nine Worthies, Winter 2010, Chapbook
Kocot, Noelle, The Bigger World, 2011
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Lasky, Dorothea, Black Life, Spring 2010
McCann, Anthony, I Heart Your Fate, 2011
Rohrer, Matthew, Destroyer And Preserver, 2011
Ruefle, Mary, Selected Poems, Fall 2010
Wayne State University Press
Heffernan, Michael, At the Bureau of Divine Music , 2011
Nunley, Vorris L., *Keepin It Hushed: The Barbershop and African American Hush Harbor Rhetoric, Summer 2010
Randall, Dudley, Roses And Revolutions: The Selected Writings Of Dudley Randall. Edited By Melba Joyce Boyd, Spring
Spector, Sheila A., *Byron and the Jews, Summer 2010
Waywiser Press
Bradley, George, A Few of Her Secrets, 2011
Wesleyan University Press
Armantrout, Rae, Money Shot, 2011
Brathwaite, Kamau, Elegguas, Fall 2010
Césaire, Aimé, Solar Throat Slashed: The Unexpurgated 1948 Edition, Bilingual, French/English
Dickinson, Emily, A Spicing of Birds. Edited by Jo Miles Schuman and Joanna Bailey Hodgman, 2010
Harrington, Joseph, Things Come On (an amneoir), Spring 2011
Lin, Tan, Seven Controlled Vocabularies and Obituary 2004. The Joy of Cooking. [Airport Novel Musical Poem Painting
Theory Film Photo Hallucination Landscape], Spring 2010
Roberson, Ed, To See the Earth Before the End of the World, Fall 2010
Shockley, Evie, The New Black, 2011
Syed, Afzal Ahmed, Rococo and Other Worlds, Spring 2010
Tejada, Roberto, Exposition Park, Spring 2010
Vincent, John Emil, ed., After Spicer, 2011, Anthology; Prose
Willis, Elizabeth, Address, 2011
West End Press
Bohn, Robert, Closing the Hotel Kitchen, 2011
Lim, Shirley Geok-lin, Walking Backwards, 2010
Oishi, Mary, Spirit Birds They Told Me, 2011
What Books
Garcia, Ramon, Other Countries, 2010
Wronsky, Gail, So Quick Bright Things. Translated by Alicia Partnoy, 2010, Bilingual, English/Spanish
White Creek Press
Sandy, Stephen M., State Farm Insurance, Spring 2010, Broadside
White Pine Press
Barnstone, Aliki, *Bright Body, 2011
Conners, Peter, The Crows Were Laughing in the Trees, 2011
Frost, Elisabeth, All of Us, 2011
Juarroz, Roberto, Vertical Poetry: Last Poems (Reissue). Translated by Mary Crow, 2011, Bilingual, Spanish/English
Juarroz, Roberto, Vertical Poetry: Recent Poems. Edited and Translated by Mary Crow, 2011, Bilingual,
Maloney, Dennis, ed., Finding the Way Home: Poems of Awakening and Transformation, Winter 2010, Anthology
Marcus, Morton, The Dark Figure in the Doorway: Last Poems, 2010
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Minnick, Norman, ed., Between Water & Song, Spring 2010
Pai, Shin Yu, Adamantine, Winter 2010
Popa, Vasko, The Star Wizard’s Legacy: Six Poetic Sequences. Translated by Morton Marcus, Spring 2010
Rich, Susan, The Alchemist’s Kitchen, Spring 2010
Wild Ocean Press
Adams, Frank, Mother Speaks Her Name, 2010
Baker, Devreaux, Red Willow People, 2010
Wildwood River Press
Packa, Sheila, Echo & Lightning, Fall 2010
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
Jellema, Rod, Incarnality: The Collected Poems, 2010, With CD
Wind Publications
Cope, Steven R., The Mad Reverend, 2010
Crowe, Thomas Rain, Crack Light, 2011
Hughes, Charlie, Body and Blood, 2010
Lockward, Diane, Temptation by Water, Summer 2010
Lockward, Diane, Temptation By Water, 2010
Lyon, George Ella, Back, 2010
Napora, Joe, The Daniel Boone Poems: Travels into the Interior, 2010
Ray, Janisse, A House Of Branches, 2010
Smith, Jared, Grassroots, 2010
Spriggs, Bianca, Kaffir Lily, 2010
Wings Press
Cervantes, Lorna Dee, *Ciento: 100 100-Word Love Poems, 2011
Christensen, Paul, The Human Condition, 2011
Platt, Kamala, On the Line, Winter 2010
Randall, Margaret, As If The Empty Chair: Poems for the Disappeared / Como Si La Silla Vacia: Poemas para los
desaparecidos, 2011, Bilingual, Spanish/English; Chapbook
Randall, Margaret, My Town: A Memoir of Albuquerque, New Mexico in Poems, Prose and Photographs, Winter 2010
Schneider, Steven P., Borderlines: Drawing Border Lives , 2010
Starnes, Sofia M., Fully Into Ashes, Spring 2011
WinteRed Press
Moritz, Rachel, Because Icarus-children , 2010, Chaplet
Wolsak and Wynn Publishers
Downie, Glen, Local News, Spring 2011, Foreign
Garcia, Griselda, Alucinaciones en la alfalfa y otros poemas / Hallucinations in the Alfalfa and Other Poems, Spring 2010,
Foreign, Bilingual, Spanish/English
Hoogland, Cornella, Woods Wolf Girl, Spring 2011, Foreign
Owen, Catherine, Seeing Lessons, Spring 2010, Foreign
Simmers, Bren, Night Gears, Spring 2010, Foreign
Word Press
Hadaway, Meredith Davies, The River is a Reason, March 2011
Rhodenbaugh, Suzanne, The Whole Shebang, 2010
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Word Tech / Cherry Grove Collections
Teller, Gayl, Inside the Embrace, Spring 2010
Word Works
Browning, Sarah, Whiskey in the Garden of Eden, 2011
Richard, Brad, Motion Studies, 2011
Ungar, Barbara Louise, Charlotte Bronte, You Ruined My Life, 2011
Wolf, Michele, Immersion, Spring 2011
Morais, Yasmin, From Cane Field to the Sea, Spring 2011
Wordcraft of Oregon
Husted, Bette Lynch, At this Distance, 2010
Kuo, Alex, A Chinaman’s Chance, 2011
Raphael, Dan, Impulse & Warp: The Selected 20th Century Poems, Fall 2010
Schumacher, Matt, The Fire Diaries, Spring 2010
Wixon, Vincent, Blue Moon: Poems from Chinese Lines, 2010, Chapbook
Keane, Erin, Death-Defying Acts, 2010
WordTech Editions
Cronin, Linda, Dream Bones. Edited by Kevin Walzer, 2010
Horne, Jennifer, Bottle Tree, 2010
Write Bloody Publishing
Avery, C. R., 38 Bar Blues, 2011
Ellis, Brian S., *Yesterday Won’t Goodbye, 2011
Ellis, Elaina M., Write About an Empty Birdcage, May 1, 2011
Mojgani, Anis, The Feather Room, 2011
O’Keefe Aptowicz, Cristin, Dear Future Boyfriend, May 15, 2011
O'Keefe Aptowicz, Cristin, *Hot Teen Slut, 2011
O'Keefe Aptowicz, Cristin, *Oh, Terrible Youth, 2011
Perez, David, *Love in a Time of Robot Apocalypse, 2011
Sands, John, The New Clean, May 1, 2011
Wakefield, Buddy, *Gentleman Practice, 2011
Yes Yes, Laura, *How to Seduce a White Boy In Ten Easy Steps, 2011
Writers Ink Press
Teller, Gayl, ed., Toward Forgiveness. Teller, Gayl, Winter 2011, Anthology
X-ing Press
Schmall, Jeremy and Justin Taylor, eds., Agriculture Reader No. 4, Spring 2010
Xlibris Corporation
Cunningham, Thelma, Say It With Poetry: Trumpet Poetry , 2010
Cunningham, Thelma, Wow, Now That’s Poetry! , 2010
Hayes, Brian, *A Soldier’s Story...Through The Eyes of Poetry, 2010
Rubin, Diana Kwiatkowski, Renewal, Spring 2010
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Yale University Press
Adonis, Adonis: Selected Poems. Translated by Khaled Mattawa, 2010
Bloom, Harold, The Anatomy of Influence: Literature as a Way of Life, 2011, Prose
Gautier, Theophile, Selected Lyrics. Translated by Norman R. Shapiro, 2011, Translation
Larson, Katherine, *Radial Symmetry, 2011
Ricks, Christopher, True Friendship: Geoffrey Hill, Anthony Hecht, and Robert Lowell Under the Sign of Eliot and
Pound, Spring 2010, Prose
Sonnevi, Göran, Mozart’s Third Brain. Translated by Rika Lesser, Spring 2010
Yankee Oracle Press
Macer-Story, Eugenia, Mining the Sky: 23 Poems , 2011, Chapbook
YellowJacket Press
Bellamy, Cole, The Mermaid Postcard , 2010, Chapbook
Carroll, Melissa, The Karma Machine, 2011, Chapbook
Epps, Pamela Hill, A Last Glance , 2010, Chapbook
Meinke, Peter, Lassing Park and Other Poems, 2011, Chapbook
Milner, Jesse, My Grandfather Singing, Winter 2010, Chapbook
Nightingale, Barbra, Two Voices, One Past , 2010, Chapbook
Ross, Laura Sobbott, A Tiny Hunger, 2011, Chapbook
Yolanda Koumidou-Vlesmas
Koumidou-Vlesmas, Yolanda, Veiled Soul , 2011, CD
Zephyr Press
Biedrzycki, Milosz, 69/MLB. Translated by Frank L. Vigoda, Winter 2010, Bilingual, Polish/English
Jian, Yu, Flash Cards. Ping, Wang; Padgett, Ron, trs., 2010, Bilingual, Chinese/English
zero press
Coggin, Linda, *Dog Days, 2011, Foreign
Zerx Press
Baatz, Ronald; Weber, Mark, The Moon is a Friend From the Old Country / Nothing and Everything, 2010, Chapbook
Zoland Books
Pease, Roland F., ed., Zoland Poetry: An Annual of Poems, Translations and Interviews, No. 4, Spring 2010, Anthology
Zone 3 Press
Auchter, Amanda, *Glass Crib, Fall 2011
Pursley, III, John, If You Have Ghosts, Spring 2010
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Index By Author
Aalfs, Janet E. — Levellers Press
Abbate, Robert — Main Street Rag
Abdal-Hayy Moore, Daniel — Ecstatic Exchange
Ablon, Steven Luria — Plain View Press
Abramson, Seth — New Issues Press
Accardi, Millicent Borges — Mischievous Muse/World Nouveau
Acker, Ally — Red Hen Press
Ackerman, Amanda — Hex Presse
Ackerson-Kiely, Paige — Argos Books
Acosta-Hughes, Benjamin — Princeton University Press
Adams, Frank — Wild Ocean Press
Adams, Michael — Lummox Press
Adamshick, Carl — Louisiana State University Press
Adamson, Gil — ECW Press
Addiss, Stephen — Red Moon Press
Adonis — Yale University Press
Agner, Mary Alexandra — Parallel Press
Agrafiotis, Demosthenes — Ugly Duckling Presse
Agrani, Liam, ed. — BlazeVOX [books]
Ahmed, Akbar — PM Books
Ahmed, Dilruba — Graywolf Press
Aiello, Antonio — PEN American Center
Aitken, Adam — Tinfish Press
Aizenberg, Mikhail — Cold Hub Press
al-Musawi, Muhsin J. — Routledge
Albrecht, Malaika King — Main Street Rag
Alcalay, Ammiel — Ugly Duckling Presse
Alcalay, Ammiel, ed. — CUNY Poetics Document Initiative
Alexander, Elizabeth — Graywolf Press
Alexander, Will — City Lights Publishers
Alexie, Sherman — Hanging Loose Press
Ali, Kazim — Tupelo Press
Ali, Kazim — University of Michigan Press
Allara, Amy — Highway 101 Press
Allbery, Debra — Four Way Books
Allegrezza, William — Dusie Kollektiv
Ameel, Britta — Tavern Books
Amenta, Madalon O’Rawe — Finishing Line Press
Amerika, Mark — University of Minnesota Press
Ames, Daniel — Aquarius Press/Willow Books
Ammons, A.R. — Broadstone Books
Amyx, Lou — Finishing Line Press
Anakiev, Dimitar — Red Moon Press
Anania, Michael, Mary Ann Caws, René Char, et al. — Haybarn Press
Anderson, Stephanie — Noemi Press
Angstman, Leah — Propaganda Press
Annas, Pamela — Cervena Barva Press
Anne Portugal — Burning Deck
Anonyme, ed. — Effing Press
Anonymous; Orchard, Andy, ed. — Penguin Classics
Antonio, E.J. — EJAri Publishing
Appelbaum, David — Codhill Press
Appleman, Philip — archipelago books
Appleman, Philip — Humanity Books
Aragón, Francisco — Scapegoat Press
Arif, Iftikhar — Dalkey Archive Press
Armand, Louis, ed. — Litteraria Pragensia Books
Armantrout, Rae — Wesleyan University Press
Armitage, Simon — Knopf, Alfred A.
Armitage, Simon, tr. — Norton, W. W., and Company
Armstrong, RD "Raindog" — Lummox Press
Aronson, Virginia — Finishing Line Press
Arrieu-King, Cynthia — Octopus Books
Arroyo, Rane — Cervena Barva Press
Aslan, Reza, ed. — Norton, W. W., and Company
Asuncion, Hossannah — Poetry Society of America
Atkin, Miriam — Little Scratch Pad Press
Auchter, Amanda — Zone 3 Press
Auden, W. H. — Princeton University Press
Austen, Elizabeth; Bates, Andrea; Kner, Carol Stevens; Suzor, Sarah —
Toadlily Press
Autrey, Ken — Main Street Rag
Avery, C. R. — Write Bloody Publishing
Avery, Linda, ColetteVolkema DeNooyer, Mary Haab, et al. — Three
Pines Publishing
Ayers, Lana Hechtman — Pecan Grove Press
Baatz, Ronald; Weber, Mark — Zerx Press
Babbs, James — James Babbs
Baden, Ruth K. — Ibbetson Street Press
Baden, Ruth Kramer — Ibbetson Street Press
Baggett, Rebecca — Main Street Rag
Bailis, Moira G. — Poet’s Press
Bakaitis, Vyt — Lunar Chandelier
Baker, Devreaux — Wild Ocean Press
Baker, Martin Val, ed. — Redcliffe Press
Balata, Gulnar Ali — Cervena Barva Press
Ball, Jesse — Milkweed Editions
Ballard, Micah; Carrino, Michael — Arrow As Aarow
Banerjee, Rita — Finishing Line Press
Banks-Martin, Georgia Ann — Plain View Press
Baran, Jessica — Apostrophe Books
Barbara Henning — Belladonna Books
Bardos, Carolyn M. — Main Street Rag
Barker, Brian — Broadsided Press
Barkin, Stanley H.; Kleefeld, Carolyn Mary — Cross-Cultural
Communications / The Seventh Quarry Press
Barman, Paul — Paul Barman
Barnstone, Aliki — White Pine Press
Barnstone, Willis — Red Hen Press
Barnstone, Willis — Sheep Meadow Press
Barocas, Zach — Cultural Society
Barr, John — Red Hen Press
Barresi, Dorothy — University of Pittsburgh Press
Barrett, Edward — Pressed Wafer
Bateman, Claire — Etruscan Press
Bates, Latrice — Vantage Press
Baugher, Janee J. — Ahadada Books
Baum, Erica — Ugly Duckling Presse
Bauman, Frederick — Codhill Press
Beach, E. Louise — Finishing Line Press
Beachy-Quick, Dan — Tupelo Press
Bean, Jeffrey — Skysill Press
Beaumont, Jeanne Marie — BOA Editions
Beaumont, Mandy — Mandy Beaumont
Beck, Gary — Gary Beck
Becker, Claire — Octopus Books
Becker, Marjorie — Tebot Bach
Becker, Priscilla — Four Way Books
Becker, Sandra — Moon Mist Valley
Becker, Sandra — Virtual Artists Collective
Bedingfield, Sherri — Antrim House
Beeny, Eric — Gold Wake Press
Beete, Paulette — Plan B Press
Behn, Robin — Spuyten Duyvil
Behrendt, Lynn — Dusie Kollektiv
Behrendt, Lynn — Lunar Chandelier
Beitelman, T. J. — Dzanc Books
Belflower, James — SpringGun Press
Bellamy, Cole — YellowJacket Press
Bellen, Martine — Spuyten Duyvil
Beller, Alexandra, Lauren Nixon, Rosamond S. King, and Sally Silvers —
Belladonna Books
Belli, E.C., ed. — Argos Books
Bellows, Keven — Conflu:X Press
Benka, Jen — Hanging Loose Press
Bennett, Bruce — Finishing Line Press
Bennett, Johnathan — ECW Press
Bennett, Maria — Cross-Cultural Communications
Bergvall, Caroline — Nightboat Books
Bernard, Nick — Nick Bernard
Bernard-Carreno, Regina — Peter Lang Publishing
Bernstein, Charles — Fact-Simile Editions
Bernstein, Charles — Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Bernstein, Les — Finishing Line Press
Bernstein, Michael — Greying Ghost
Bernstein, Michael — Splitleaves Press
Berridge, David — Beard of Bees
Berrigan, Sandy; Padgett, Ron eds. — Coffee House Press
Berrigan, Ted — University of California Press
Berry, Eileen — Plain View Press
Berry, Lauren — Penguin Books
Berry, Wendell — Counterpoint
Bervin, Jen — Ugly Duckling Presse
Bervin, Jen, ed. — Jen Bervin
Best, B.J. — New Rivers Press
Betts, Reginald Dwayne — Alice James Books
Beyer, Tamiko — Meritage Press
Biagini, Elisa — Belladonna Books
Biasini, Nadia Guth — Dusie Kollektiv
Biddinger, Mary — Black Lawrence Press
Biedrzycki, Milosz — Zephyr Press
Billiter, William — University of Georgia Press
Bingham, Sallie — Tebot Bach
Binkley, Phyllis — Fithian Press
Bird, Henry Real — Lost Horse Press
Bishop, Elizabeth — Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Black, Rose, Margaret Kaufman, Melanie Maier, Susan Terris, and Sim
Warkov — Conflu:X Press
Black, Star — Saturnalia Books
Blackard, John A. — Blackard
Blades, Joe and Biff Mitchell, eds. — Broken Jaw Press
Blagg, Max — Max Blagg
Blair, Jenn — Finishing Line Press
Blaisdell, Bob — Dover Publications
Blaisdell, Bob, ed. — Dover Publications
Blatner, Barbara — NYQ Books (New York Quarterly)
Blitshteyn, Marina — Argos Books
Bloom, Harold — HarperCollins Publishers
Bloom, Harold — Yale University Press
Bloom, Harold, ed. — Oxford University Press
Bloomfield, Luke — Factory Hollow Press
Bly, Robert — Norton, W. W., and Company
Bodien, Elizabeth — Finishing Line Press
Boehl, Dan — Birds
Bohn, Robert — West End Press
Boisard-Beudin, Nathalie — Folded Word
Boland, Eavan — Norton, W. W., and Company
Bolano, Roberto — New Directions
Bomar, Vincent Ray — Vantage Press
Bonair-Agard, Roger — Cypher Books
Bonina, Mary — Cervena Barva Press
Borja, Lek — Plan B Press
Borland, Bryan — Sibling Rivalry Press, LLC
Borzutzky, Daniel — Nightboat Books
Botto, Antonio; Translated by Fernando Pessoa — University of
Minnesota Press
Bourne, Adele — Finishing Line Press
Bourque, Darrell — University of Louisiana at Lafayette Press
Boutet, Aria — Aria Boutet
Boyle, Anita — Moon Path Press
Boyle, Megan — Muumuu House
Bradfield, Elizabeth, ed. — Broadsided Press
Brading, Tilla and Frances Presley — Dusie Kollektiv
Bradley, George — Waywiser Press
Bradsher, David Nelson — Nelson Pearl Publishers
Brancato, Paula — Finishing Line Press
Brandi, John — La Alameda Press
Brandt, Per Aage — Host Publications
Brathwaite, Kamau — Wesleyan University Press
Bredle, Jason — Magic Helicopter Press
Breese, Elizabeth — Kent State University Press
Breheny, Jessica — Dusie Kollektiv
Brenner, Daniel — Fence Books
Brewer, Gaylord — Anabiosis Press
Brewer, Gaylord — Red Hen Press
Briante, Susan — Ahsahta Press
Brighton, Ross — Dusie Kollektiv
Brill, Leslie-Anne — Leslie-Anne Brill
Brinson, Meghan — Anabiosis Press
Brisco, Fabu Carter — Parallel Press
Broderick, Richard — Parallel Press
Brodsky, Louis Daniel — Time Being Books
Brolaski, Julian T. — Ugly Duckling Presse
Brown, Calef — Calef Brown
Brown, Deborah — BOA Editions
Brown, Erika Jo; Ware, Joshua — Further Adventures
Brown, J. Lorraine — Finishing Line Press
Brown, Kevin — Finishing Line Press
Brown, Kurt; Schechter, Harold — Everyman’s Library Pocket Poems
Brown, Lewis DeForest — Ithuriel’s Spear
Brown, Lily — Cleveland State University Poetry Center
Brown, Lily; Hosea, Chris; McCollough, Aaron; Nelson, Jennifer;
Eklund, George; Murphy, Ryan — Ugly Duckling Presse
Brown, Ray — Infinity Publishing
Brown-Baez, Wendy — Finishing Line Press
Brownderville, Greg A. — Northwestern University Press /
TriQuarterly Books
Browne, Laynie — Belladonna Books
Browne, Mahogany L. — Penmanship Books c/o Mahogany Browne
Browning, Sarah — Word Works
Browning, Sommer — Birds
Buckley, Christopher and Cristopher Howell, eds. — The Backwaters
Bufalino, Brenda — Codhill Press
Buffam, Suzanne — Canarium Books
Burge, Sara — C & R Press
Burkard, Michael — Nightboat Books
Burke, Martin — Foot Hills Publishing
Burkett, Kathryn — Odd Factory
Burns, Allan, ed. — Red Moon Press
Burns, Heather — Seven Kitchens Press
Bursky, Rick — Sarabande Books
Butterworth-McDermott, Christine — Finishing Line Press
Byrne, Edward ed. — Pecan Grove Press
CAConrad — Fact-Simile Editions
CAConrad, Frank Sherlock — Factory School
Cadena Deulen, Danielle — University of Arkansas Press
Cadenhead, Heather — Maverick Duck Press
Cain, Amina — Belladonna Books
Caine Prize for African Writing, eds. — New Internationalist
Call, Avalon Greenberg — Tebot Bach
Call, Lily Greenberg — Tebot Bach
Callahan, Bill — Drag City
Calvo, Luis Raul — Cervaná Barva Press
Cameron, Juan — Cold Hub Press
Campbell, Arthur W. — Poetic Matrix Press
Campbell, Pris; Owens, Scott — Main Street Rag
Candelaria, Xochiquetzal — University of Arizona Press
Card, Macgregor — Song Cave
Cardenal, Ernesto — Black Hole School of Poethnics
Cardenal, Ernesto — Texas Tech University Press
Carelli, Anthony — Princeton University Press
Carle, Katharine — Antrim House
Carlin, E. R. — RockSaw Press
Carlough, Joseph — Displaced Snail Publications
Carlough, Joseph — Joseph Carlough
Carmen, Tai — Finishing Line Press
Caro Llewellyn, ed. — Penguin Classics
Carr, Julie — Ahsahta Press
Carr, Julie — Coffee House Press
Carr, Julie, Marosa Di Giorgio, Farid Matuk, Amanda Nadelberg, Sara
Wintz, and Michael Barron — Ugly Duckling Presse
Carragon, Patricia K. — Brownstone Poets
Carragon, Patricia K., ed. — Brownstone Poets
Carroll, Melissa — YellowJacket Press
Carroll-Hackett, Mary — Slipstream Publications
Carson, Ciaran — Wake Forest University Press
Carus, Titus Lucretius — Naxos Audiobooks
Casamassima, Christopher — Splitleaves Press
Casares, Michael Aaron — Virgogray Press
Case, Susana H. — Pecan Grove Press
Casey, Deb — Finishing Line Press
Castan, Fran — Canio’s Editions
Casteen, John — University of Georgia Press
Caudron, Cordell — Morris Publishing
Cavafy, C. P. — Modern Greek Studies Program
Cebula, Travis — BlazeVOX [books]
Cee — Propaganda Press
Celan, Paul — Stanford University Press
Celan, Paul and Ilana Shmueli — Sheep Meadow Press
Cellini, Don — Mayapple Press
Cervantes, Lorna Dee — Wings Press
Césaire, Aimé — Wesleyan University Press
Cessac, Christopher — Main Street Rag
Chace, Joel — Cy Gist Press
Chan, Jeong — Cross-Cultural Communications
Chandler, Catherine — Able Muse Press
Chapline, Claudia — Red Comma Editions
Char, René, Paul Celan, and Pablo Neruda — Haybarn Press
Cherkovski, Neeli — New Native Press
Chernyi, Sasha — Lightful Press
Cherry, Laura — Cooper Dillon Books
Chimako, Tada — University of California Press
Chitwood, Michael — Tupelo Press
Cho, David S. — CavanKerry Press
Choffel, Julie — Achiote Press
Chopra, Serena — Flying Guillotine Press
Christensen, Paul — Wings Press
Christina Mengert — Burning Deck
Chrusciel, Ewa — Emergency Press
Chuilleanáin, Eiléan Ní — Wake Forest University Press
Cirelli, Michael — Penmanship Books c/o Mahogany Browne
Cisewski, Paula — Nightboat Books
Clanton, Robert A — AuthorHouse
Clark, Jeanne E. — Bear Star Press
Clark, Kevin — Pleiades Press
Clark, LaVerne Harrell — University of Arizona Press
Clark, Lucinda J. — P.R.A Publishing
Clark, Tom — BlazeVOX [books]
Clegg Hales, Corrinne — Autumn House Press
Clements, Brian — Quale Press
Clewell, David — University of Wisconsin Press
Clifton, Lucille — James Madison University
Clisbee, David — RockSaw Press
Cloke, Elka — Lethe Press
Cobbs, Marnie — Uphill House
Coghill, Sheila and Thom Tammaro, eds. — University of Iowa Press
Cohen, Julia — Black Lawrence Press
Cohen, Leonard — Andre Deutsch
Cohen, Leonard — Everyman’s Library
Cohen, Leonard — Everyman’s Library Pocket Poems
Colburn, Don — Finishing Line Press
Colby, Kate — Litmus Press
Colby, Kate — Ugly Duckling Presse
Cole, Ellen Aronofsky — Finishing Line Press
Cole, Norma — Omnidawn
Coleman, R. D. — NYQ Books (New York Quarterly)
Colen, Elizabeth J. — Steel Toe Books
Collins, Billy — Random House
Congdon, Kirby — Cycle Press
Congdon, Kirby — Presa Press
Congdon, Kirby; Sonnenfeld, Mark — Marymark Press
Conners, Peter — White Pine Press
Connors, Ginny Lowe — Hill-Stead Museum
Conrad, C. A. — Wave Books
Cook, Juliet — Dusie Kollektiv
Cook, Robert — Rain Mountain Press
Cooley, Nicole — Alice James Books
Coolidge, Clark — Ugly Duckling Presse
Cope, Steven R. — Wind Publications
Copeland, Taylor — Maverick Duck Press
Coray, Anne — FutureCycle Press
Coray, Anne — Red Hen Press / Boreal Books
Corbett, Julie L. — Folded Word
Corbett, William — Hanging Loose Press
Cording, Robert — CavanKerry Press
Corey, Joshua — Tupelo Press
Corless-Smith, Martin — Fence Books
Cortázar, Julio — archipelago books
Coursen, Herb R. — Moon Pie Press
Coval, Kevin — Haymarket Books
Covey, Bruce — No Tell Books
Cox, Sarah Anne — Dusie Kollektiv
Cozart, Nicole — Meridien PressWorks
Craig, Michael Earl — Wave Books
Cramer, Jeffrey S., ed. — Princeton University Press
Crane, Stephen — Library of America
Crase, Douglas; Quilter, Jenni, ed. — Tibor de Nagy Editions
Craven, Sherry — Virtual Artists Collective
Crenshaw, Brad — Greenhouse Review Press
Crill, Hildred — Argos Books
Cronin, Linda — WordTech Editions
Crowe, Thomas Rain — Wind Publications
Crowell, Joan — Sheep Meadow Press
Crown, Jane — Lummox Press
Crumpacker, Caroline — Dusie Kollektiv
Crunk, T. — University Press of Kentucky
Cunningham, Thelma — Xlibris Corporation
Curry, Crystal — Slope Editions
Cushman, Stephen — Louisiana State University Press
Dacey, Philip — Rain Mountain Press
Dalachinsky, Steven — Propaganda Press
Daly, Rachel — Fifth Planet Press/3rdness Press
Damon, Maria — Dusie Kollektiv
Damon, Maria — University of Iowa Press
Daniels, Jim — Carnegie Mellon University Press
Daniels, Jim; McCafferty, Jane — Marick Press
Daniels, Kate — Louisiana State University Press
Danylak, Joan Kikel — North Star Publishing
Danylak, Joan Kikel — Poetry Center Press
Dao, Bei — Black Widow Press (Massachusetts)
Dargan, Kyle G. — University of Georgia Press
Darling, Kristina Marie — Gold Wake Press
Darwish, Mahmoud — archipelago books
David Lespiau — Burning Deck
Davis, Beatrice G. — Greenapple Editions
Davis, Glover — Tebot Bach
Davis, John — Skywater Publishing Company/Sol Books
Davis, Lydia — Sarabande Books
Davis, Todd — Seven Kitchens Press
Dawes, Kwame, ed. Colin Channer, ed. — Akashic Books
Day, Adam — Poetry Society of America
De Feo, Ronald — Red Dust
de Gongora, Luis — Penguin Classics
de la Perriere, Donna — Talisman House
de Vries, Sonia — Finishing Line Press
Deakins, Suzanne — One Spirit Press
Debeljak, Ales — Persea Books
Delanty, Greg — Combat Paper Press
Delanty, Greg and Michael Matto — Norton, W. W., and Company
Delgado, Abelardo — Arte Público Press
Deming, Alison Hawthorne and Lauret E., eds. — Milkweed Editions
Demske, Nick — Fence Books
deNiord, Chard — University of Pittsburgh Press
Dennis, Carl — Penguin Poets
Denrow, Jennifer — Four Way Books
Der-Hovanessian, Diana — Sheep Meadow Press
Derieva, Regina — Marick Press
Derksen, Lizzie — Pygmalion Press
DeSilver, Albert Flynn — Albert Flynn DeSilver
Detritus, Dea — Dea Detritus
Deutch, Amanda — Dusie Kollektiv
Devi, Swamini Sri Lalitambika — O Books
Devide, Vladimir — Red Moon Press
Devineni, Ram — Rattapallax Press
Dhompa, Tsering Wangmo — Belladonna Books
Di Giorgio, Marosa — Ugly Duckling Presse
Diaz, Joanne — Silverfish Review Press
Dickey, Paul — Mayapple Press
Dickinson, Emily — Everyman’s Library
Dickinson, Emily — Everyman’s Library Pocket Poems
Dickinson, Emily — Wesleyan University Press
Dickman, Michael — Copper Canyon Press
Dickson, Patricia A — Finishing Line Press
Dietz, Tom, ed. — Friends Of Poetry
Dinh, Linh — Fact-Simile Editions
Dirty Swan — Dirty Swan Projects
Dixon, Kat — Maverick Duck Press
Djanikian, Gregory — Carnegie Mellon University Press
Djordjevic, Milan — Princeton University Press
Dlugos, Tim — Nightboat Books
Dok-su, Mun — Poetic Matrix Press
Doller, Sandra — Subito Press
Dombrowski, Bob — Bob Dombrowski
Dominguez, David — C & R Press
Dondiego, Lisa Fleck — Finishing Line Press
Donnelly, Laura — Finishing Line Press
Donnelly, Marilyn — Autumn House Press
Donnelly, Timothy — Wave Books
Doppelt, Suzanne — Counterpath Press
Doran, Geri — Tupelo Press
Doty, Mark — Graywolf Press
Dougherty, Sean Thomas — BOA Editions
Douglass, Karen — Plain View Press
Douskey, Franz — NYQ Books (New York Quarterly)
Douthat, Charles — NHR Books
Dower, Kim — Red Hen Press
Dowson, Jane, ed. — Cambridge University Press
Doyle, Phyllis — Finishing Line Press
Du Plessis, Rachel Blau — Fact-Simile Editions
Dubie, Norman — Muumuu House
Duhamel, Denise; Lemmon, Amy — Slapering Hol Press
Dunagan, Patrick James — Post-Apollo Press
Duncan, Robert — University of California Press
Dungy, Camille T. — Southern Illinois University Press
Dunham, Rebecca — Tupelo Press
Dunkle, Iris J. — Finishing Line Press
Dunn, Stephen — Norton, W. W., and Company
Dutton, Danielle — Belladonna Books
Dwibedy, Biswamit — 1913 Press
Dworkin, Craig and Kenneth Goldsmith, eds. — Northwestern
University Press
Earley, Tim — Cracked Slab Books
Edmiston, Will — Three Sad Tigers Press
Edwards, Joshua; Edwards, Van — Noemi Press
Edwards, Sam P. — Eureka Productions
Edwards, Theresa Senato — Sibling Rivalry Press, LLC
Egan, Moira; Harriss, Clarinda, eds. — Entasis Press
Eich, Günter — Princeton University Press
Eimers, Nancy — Carnegie Mellon University Press
Ekiss, Keith — New Issues Press
Eli Gordon, Noah — Futurepoem books
Elliot, Joe — Lunar Chandelier
Elliott, Charles ed. — Frances Lincoln
Elliott, Eric — Ampersand Press/Bloody Fine Chapbooks
Elliott, William I. — Minato No Hito
Ellis, Brian S. — Write Bloody Publishing
Ellis, Elaina M. — Write Bloody Publishing
Ellis, Stephen — Theenk Books
Ellis, Thomas Sayers — Aquarius Press/Willow Books
Ellis, Thomas Sayers, Yusef Komunyakaa, Natasha Trethewey, and Kevin
Young — Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Emerson, Renee — BatCat Press
Emerson, Renee — Maverick Duck Press
Emilie Lindemann — Dancing Girl Press
Enrique Fierro — Host Publications
Enszer, Julie R — A Midsummer Night’s Press
Entrekin, Charles — Poetic Matrix Press
Epps, Pamela Hill — YellowJacket Press
Equi, Elaine — Coffee House Press
Erika Meitner — Anhinga Press
Erözçelik, Seyhan — Talisman House
Espada, Martín — Norton, W. W., and Company
Espada, Martín — University of Michigan Press
Espmark, Kjell — Marick Press
Etcheverry, Jorge, ed. — Marick Press
Ethelsdattar, Karen — Karen Ethelsdattar
Eugenijus Ališanka — Host Publications
Evans, Finley — Plan B Press
Evason, Alene, ed. — Glimpse Press
Everett, Percival — Red Hen Press
Fabri, Erica Miriam — Hanging Loose Press
Fagiani, Gill — Bordighera Press
Fama, Ben — Ugly Duckling Presse
Fanelli, Brian — Big Table Publishing Company
Farrell, Lucas — University of Massachusetts Press
Farris, John — Autonomedia
Farris, Katie — Marick Press
Fein, Richard — Parallel Press
Fein, Richard J. — BrickHouse Books
Feingold, Bruce H — Red Moon Press
Feldman, Laura — Finishing Line Press
Feldman, Laura — nine muses books
Ferdowsi, Alboqasem — Junction Press
Ferdowsmakan, Roza — Finishing Line Press
Ferleger, Doris — Main Street Rag
Fernandez, Robert — Canarium Books
Ferrari, Mary — Green Zone
Fieled, Adam — Blue & Yellow Dog Press
Finch, Annie — Red Hen Press
Finch, Annie — Tupelo Press
Fincke, Gary — Time Being Books
Findlay, Alistair, ed. — Luath Press Ltd.
Fink, Thomas — Marsh Hawk Press
Finkelstein, Norman — Marsh Hawk Press
Finkelstein, Norman — University of Iowa Press
Finney, Nikky — Northwestern University Press / TriQuarterly Books
Firan, Carmen — Sheep Meadow Press
Fisher, Benjamin F., ed. — University of Iowa Press
Fishman, Lisa — Ahsahta Press
Fishman, Lisa — Albion Books
Flaherty, Ryan — Pleiades Press
Fleming, Gerald — Hanging Loose Press
Fletcher, Sasha — Mud Luscious Press
Flynn, Nick — Graywolf Press
Foley, Adele — Blue Wall Poetry
Follett, CB — Tebot Bach
Fonseca, Freddy Niagara, ed. — First World Publishing
Foo, Josey; Stein, Leah — Nightboat Books
Fortin, Jennifer H. — Dusie Kollektiv
Foss, Philip — Singing Horse Press
Foster, Brett — Northwestern University Press / TriQuarterly Books
Foulds, Adam — Penguin Poets
Foust, Graham — Minus A Press
Foust, Graham — Song Cave
Foust, Rebecca — Many Mountains Moving Press
Fox, Hugh — Cervena Barva Press
Fox, Hugh and Mark Sonnenfeld — Marymark Press
Fragos, Emily — Sheep Meadow Press
Frame, Anthony — Imaginary Friend Press
Francis, David — Oil Can Press
Frank, Bernhard — Goldengrove Press
Frank, Matthew Gavin — Barrow Street Press
Frankel, Freddy — Lulu
Fraser, Sanford — NYQ Books (New York Quarterly)
Frazer, Vernon — Beneath the Underground
Fredman, Stephen — Stanford University Press
Fredman, Stephen; McCaffery, Steve, eds. — University of Iowa Press
Freeland, Charles — Finishing Line Press
Freeman, Barbara Claire — Counterpath Press
Freeman, Valentine; Peake, Robert; Storie, Jensea — Lost Horse Press
Frey, Emily — Cleveland State University Poetry Center
Frey, Emily Kendal and Zachary Schomburg — Small Fires Press
Fried, Philip — Salmon Poetry
Friedman, Jeff — Carnegie Mellon University Press
Friedrich, Paul — Virtual Artists Collective
Friman, Alice — Louisiana State University Press
Frischkorn, Suzanne — Main Street Rag
Frith, Carol — Finishing Line Press
Frith, Laverne — Cherry Grove Collections
Frolander, Patricia — High Plains Press
Frost, Carol — Northwestern University Press / TriQuarterly Books
Frost, Elisabeth — White Pine Press
Frost, Kenneth — Main Street Rag
Fuchs Knill, Margo; Atkins, Sally — Parkway Publishers
Fuhrman, Joanna — Propolis Press/Least Weasel Chapbooks
Fuller, William — Flood Editions
Fulton, Thomas — University of Massachusetts Press
Funk, Adam — Poetic Matrix Press
Funkhouser, Christopher — Propolis Press/Least Weasel Chapbooks
Furse Jackson, Vanessa; Jackson, Robb — Daniel & Daniel Publishers
Gajelonia, Gizelle — Tinfish Press
Gale Nelson — Burning Deck
Gallagher, D. Claire — Red Moon Press
Gander, Forrest — New Directions
Garcia, Cristina — Akashic Books / Black Goat
Garcia, Ramon — What Books
Gardinier, Suzanne — Sheep Meadow Press
Gardner, Susana — Dusie Kollektiv
Garner, Robert Scott, ed. — Oxford University Press
Garrison, Dennis M. — Modern English Tanka Press
Gatza, Geoffrey — BlazeVOX [books]
Gautier, Theophile — Yale University Press
Gay, Ross — University of Pittsburgh Press
Gaynor, Fergal — Miami University Press
Gee, Melody S. — Perugia Press
Gelineau, Christine — Ashland Poetry Press
Gellis, Willard — Orpheophrenia Productions
Gentry, Angela S. — Finishing Line Press
Germanacos, Anne — BOA Editions
Gerry LaFemina — Anhinga Press
Gerstler, Amy — Sarabande Books
Ghosthorse, Tiokasin — Allbook Books
Giambra, Angelo — Finishing Line Press
Gibson, Margaret — Louisiana State University Press
Gibson, RJ — Seven Kitchens Press
Gibson, Stephen — University of Arkansas Press
Gilbert, Alan — Futurepoem books
Gilbert, Ilsa — Old Reliable Press
Gilbert, Sandra M. — Norton, W. W., and Company
Gilfillan, Merrill — Flood Editions
Gill, Lisa — New Rivers Press
Gillespie, Carmen — Lotus Press
Gillispie, Charles — The Backwaters Press
Ginsberg, Allen — City Lights Publishers
Gioseffi, Daniela — Bordighera Press
Gittins, Chrissie — Rabbit Hole Publications
Givehand, Kiala — Dusie Kollektiv
Gizzi, Peter — Fact-Simile Editions
Gladman, Renee — Belladonna Books
Glazer, Michele — University of Iowa Press
Glenn, Barbara — University of New Mexico Press
Gloeggler, Tony — NYQ Books (New York Quarterly)
Glover, Albert; Clarke, John, eds. — Glover Publishing
Glück, Louise — Ahsahta Press
Gnall, Stacy — Alice James Books
Godfrey, Landon — Cider Press
Godwin, Harry J. — Dusie Kollektiv
Goh, Meow Hui — Stanford University Press
Goldbarth, Albert — Graywolf Press
Goldberg, Beckian Fritz — New Issues Press
Goldberg, Leah — University of Texas Press
Golos, Veronica — Red Hen Press
Good, Howie — Medulla Publishing
Goodland, Giles — Dusie Kollektiv
Goodman, John C. — Blue & Yellow Dog Press
Goodrich, Charles — Silverfish Review Press
Goodrich, Patricia — Virtual Artists Collective
Gordan, Lyndall — Penguin Books / Viking
Gordon, D.M. — Hedgerow Books/Levellers Press
Gordon, Nada — Roof Books
Gottleib, Daphne — Manic D Press
Gottlieb, Michael — Faux Press/Other
Gottshall, Karin — Argos Books
Gould, A. Minetta — Publishing Genius Press
Gould, A. Minetta — Spooky Girlfriend Press
Gould, Janice — University of Arizona Press
Gould, Lee — Finishing Line Press
Graber, Kathleen — Princeton University Press
Grabowski, Kimberly — Kimberly Grabowski
Gracian, Balthasar — Penguin Classics
Graham, Lea — No Tell Books
Grant, Alex — Lorimer Press
Graubard, Allan — Spuyten Duyvil
Graustein, J.S. and Rose Auslander, eds. — Folded Word
Gray, Austin — Seven Kitchens Press
Gray, Timothy — University of Iowa Press
Green, Connie Jordan — Finishing Line Press
Green, Lara — Vantage Press
Green, Sarah — Sarah Green
Greenberg, Arielle; Zucker, Rachel — 1913 Press
Greene, Jeffrey — Pecan Grove Press
Greene, Jonathan — Broadstone Books
Greenstreet, Kate — Deleted Press
Greer, Jane — Council Oak Books
Greinke, Eric — Presa Press
Grennan, Eamon — Graywolf Press
Gretchen Steele Pratt — Anhinga Press
Grey, Katherine — GreyFoxStudio
Griffin, Whit — Skysill Press
Griffiths, Rachel Eliza — Aquarius Press/Willow Books
Griffiths, Rachel Eliza — Sheep Meadow Press
Grimes, Nikki — Bloomsbury
Groarke, Vona — Wake Forest University Press
Grotz, Jennifer — Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Grove, Daniel — University of Georgia Press
Growney, JoAnne — Plain View Press
Grue, Lee Meitzen — Trembling Pillow Press/Garrett County Press
Grumman, Bob — Phrygian Press
Gubernat, Susan — Finishing Line Press
Guffa, Amanda Nicole — Post Traumatic Press
Guillevic, Eugene — Ugly Duckling Presse
Guli, Laura — Finishing Line Press
Gulzar — Penguin Global
Gunderson, Joanna — Red Dust
Guruianu, Andrei — Finishing Line Press
Guy, Arielle — Dusie Kollektiv
Hacker, Marilyn — Norton, W. W., and Company
Hacker, Marilyn — University of Michigan Press
Hadaway, Meredith Davies — Word Press
Hadbawnik, David — BlazeVOX [books]
Hahn, Cynthia T. — Finishing Line Press
Hahn, S. C. — Argos Books
Hall, Carolyn — Red Moon Press
Hall, Martha Deborah — Plain View Press
Hall, Miriam — Finishing Line Press
Halpern, Rob — Taproot Editions
Hamblin, Robert — Time Being Books
Hamilton, Mary — Rose Metal Press
Hamilton, Zach — MaryMark Press
Hamm, Christine — Plain View Press
Hamm, Justin — RockSaw Press
Hammad, Suheir — UpSet Press/Dissent Press
Hammer, Adam — Acme Poem Company/Willow Springs Books
Hammond, Raymond P. — Athanata Arts, Ltd.
Hanafi, Amira — Green Lantern Press
Handal, Natalie — University of Pittsburgh Press
Hanson, Julie — University of Iowa Press
Hardy, Thomas — Persea Books
Hardyment, Christina, ed. — NAXOS Audiobooks
Harlan, Megan — BkMk Press
Harmon, Joshua — Greying Ghost
Harmon, Joshua — University of Akron Press
Harp, Jerry — University of Iowa Press
Harriell, Derrick — Aquarius Press/Willow Books
Harrington, Elizabeth — Grayson Books
Harrington, Joseph — Beard of Bees
Harrington, Joseph — Wesleyan University Press
Harris, Daniel Y.; Shechter, Adam — Cervena Barva Press
Harris, Duriel E. — Sheep Meadow Press
Harris, Johnathan — Tebot Bach
Harris, Nick — Antrim House
Harris, Zachary — New Michigan Press
Harrison, Kenneth Hugh — Vantage Press
Harrod, Lois Marie — Black Buzzard Press
Harryman, Carla — Belladonna Books
Hart, Kevin — University of Notre Dame Press
Hart, Matt — BlazeVOX [books]
Harteis, Richard — Little Red Tree Publishing, LLC
Hartmann, Van — Last Automat Press,The
Hashmi, Shadab Zeest — Poetic Matrix Press
Haskins, Lola — Paper Kite Press
Hastain, J/J — Cy Gist Press
Hastain, J/J — Spuyten Duyvil
Hatcher, John S. and Amrollah Hemmat, eds. — Bahai Publishing
Haug, James — Tarpaulin Sky Press
Haughton, Hugh — Oxford University Press
Haven, Cynthia L., ed. — Ohio University Press / Swallow Press
Hawkey, Christian — Ugly Duckling Presse
Hayden, Dolores — David Robert Books/WordTech Communications
Hayes, Brian — Xlibris Corporation
Hayes, Jared — Dusie Kollektiv
Hazelton, Hugh — Broken Jaw Press
Heady, Sarah — Splitleaves Press
Healey, Steve — Coffee House Press
Healy, Lorraine — Tebot Bach
Heaney, Seamus — Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Hechinger, Nancy — Fishing Line Press
Hecht, Anthony — Knopf, Alfred A.
Heffernan, Michael — Wayne State University Press
Helgeson, Jeff — Puddin' Head Press
Henn, Steve — NYQ Books (New York Quarterly)
Hennedy, Hugh — Hobblebush Books
Henning, Barbara — Long News
Henriksen, Matthew — Black Ocean
Henry, Barbara, Lynne Shapiro, Meg Hartman, et al. — Barbara Henry
Henry, Brian — Ahsahta Press
Henry, Gerrit — Groundwater Press
Henry, Nancy A. — Moon Pie Press
Henson, Michael — Dos Madres
Herd, Colin — BlazeVOX [books]
Herd, Niki — Main Street Rag
Herold, Christopher — Red Moon Press
Herrle, David — Time Being Books
Hettich, Michael — Anhinga Press
Hewitt, Geof — Mayapple Press
Hewitt, Tom — Tiger Bark Press
Higdon, Hailey — Agnes Fox Press
Higgs, Lisa — Finishing Line Press
Hight-Sullins, Paula — AuthorHouse
Hill, Lindsay — Singing Horse Press
Hill, Sean Patrick — Paper Kite Press
Hine, Daryl — Fitzhenry & Whiteside
Hirsch, Edward — Knopf, Alfred A.
Hirshfield, Jane — Knopf, Alfred A.
Hitchner, John T. — Finishing Line Press
Hiteshew, Stephanie — BoneWorld Publishing/MuscleHead Press
Hiteshew, Stephanie — Propaganda Press
Hix, H L. — Etruscan Press
Hochman, Cindy; Sonnenfeld, Mark — Marymark Press
Hodgen, John — University of Pittsburgh Press
Hodson, David — Propaganda Press
Hofer, Jen — Dusie Kollektiv
Hoffman, Cythia Marie — Persea Books
Hoffman, Jeffrey — New Issues Press
Hofstadter, Marc Elihu — Dog Ear Publishing
Hogan, Wayne — little books press
Hogue, Cynthia — University of New Orleans Press
Holden, Ming and Bronwen Tate — Dusie Kollektiv
Holder, Alan — Finishing Line Press
Holiday, Harmony — Fence Books
Holman, Amy — Somondoco Press
Holman, Bob — Paper Kite Press
Holman, Bob; Muse-Dukes, Carol, eds. — Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Holmquest, Brandon — Truck Books
Holmstrom, Lakshmi; Subashree, Krishnaswamy; Srilata, K., eds. —
Penguin Global
Hooker, Eva — Chapiteau Press
Horace, Davie, John; Cowan, Robert — Oxford University Press
Horace; Richard F. Thomas, ed. — Cambridge University Press
Horne, Jennifer — WordTech Editions
Horosky, Mark — Flying Guillotine Press
Horoszko, P.J. — Get Born Press
Horton, Randall, ed. — Aquarius Press/Willow Books
Hosted by: Daniela Gioseffi — Feminist Press at CUNY
Hough, Lindy — North Atlantic Books
Housman, A. E. — Naxos Audiobooks
Howe, Fanny — Graywolf Press
Howe, Susan — New Directions
Hua, Uyen — Ingirumimusnocteetcomsumimurigni
Hubbard, Will — Ugly Duckling Presse
Hughes, Adam — NYQ Books (New York Quarterly)
Hughes, Charlie — Wind Publications
Hughes, Henry, ed. — Everyman’s Library Pocket Poems
Huidobro, Vincente — Toad Press
Humann, Richard — Artelligent Publishing
Hunt, Julie Ellinger — Unbound Content
Hunter, Carrie — Black Radish Books
Hunter, Rose — Artistically Declined Press
Husted, Bette Lynch — Wordcraft of Oregon
Hutchins, Christina — Seven Kitchens Press
Hutchins, Christina — Sixteen Rivers Press
Huth, Geof — pdqb
Huttin, Genevieve — Host Publications
Hyland, M C — Lowbrow Press
Ice, Jane Ormerod, eds. — Uphook Press
Iijima, Brenda — Propolis Press/Least Weasel Chapbooks
Imlay, Elijah — Tebot Bach
Iredell, Jamie — Future Tense Books
Ireland, Lauren — Factory Hollow Press
Isacson, Alexandra — Medulla Publishing
Izenberg, Oren — Princeton University Press
J Will Da Invincible — Vantage Press
Jackson, Gary — Graywolf Press
Jackson, Major — Norton, W. W., and Company
Jackson, Marjorie — Fithian Press
Jackson, Stacy Nathaniel — MaCaHu Press
Jacobik, Gray — CavanKerry Press
Jacobs, Kathryn — Finishing Line Press
Jaeger, Lowell — Main Street Rag
James Servin — Epigraph
Jammes, Francis — Littlefox Press
Jandl, Ernst — Mindmade Books
Janz, Robert — Janz
Jarman, Mark — Sarabande Books
Jarnot, Lisa — Dirty Swan Projects
Jarrette, Richard — Michigan State University Press
Jarvis, Cleo — LookReadListen Publishing Inc.
Javier, Paolo — Cy Gist Press
Jay, James — Gorsky Press
Jehane Markham Trio — Rough Winds
Jellema, Rod — William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
Jennings, Janet — Conflu:X Press
Jensen, Dale — Beatitude Press
Jian, Yu — Zephyr Press
Johnson, Brad — Finishing Line Press
Johnson, Celia, ed. — Grand Central Publishing
Johnson, Daniel — Alice James Books
Johnson, Dave — Champion Records
Johnson, Eleanor — Achiote Press
Johnson, J. Chester — J. Chester Johnson
Johnson, Linnea — Blackwaters Press
Johnson, Luke — NYQ Books (New York Quarterly)
Johnson, Stephanie — New Rivers Press
Johnson, Thomas L. — Ninety-Six Press
Johnstone, Matthew — Blue & Yellow Dog Press
Jollimore, Troy — Princeton University Press
Jones, Patricia Spears — Tia Chucha Press
Jones, Peter Thabit — Cross-Cultural Communications
Jones, Shane — Scrambler Books
Joris, Pierre — Ta’wil Productions
Joron, Andrew — Hooke Press
Josephine Mercorella — ECKO Publishing
Juarroz, Roberto — White Pine Press
Judith Baumel — GenPop Books
Juhasz, Ferenc — Tavern Books
Julia Cohen, Brandon Shimoda — Dancing Girl Press
Juliet Cook, Letizia Merello — Blood Pudding Press
Kabeto, Rita Traut — Lulu
Kaciam, Jim — Red Moon Press
Kacian, Jim, Bruce Ross, and Ken Jones, eds. — Red Moon Press
Kacian, Jim, ed. — Red Moon Press
Kakos, Kakos — Outskirts Press, Inc.
Kalamaras, George — Ugly Duckling Presse
Kalamaras, George, Alvaro Cardona-Hine — Vox Audio
Kale, Tessa — Finishing Line Press
Kampa, Stephen — Ohio University Press
Kantor, Joan — Antrim House
Kantor, Peter — Pleasure Boat Studio
Kapil, Bhanu — Belladonna Books
Kaplan, Janet — University of Notre Dame Press
Kaplan, Sara — Finishing Line Press
Karapetkova, Holly — Washington Writers' Publishing House
Karmin, Jennifer — Flim Forum Poetry Press
Kaschock, Kirsten — Ahsahta Press
Kasischke, Laura — Copper Canyon Press
Kates, J. — J. Kates
Katrovas, Richard — Carnegie Mellon University Press
Katz, Phyllis — Antrim House
kaufman, erica — Propolis Press/Least Weasel Chapbooks
Kaufmann, Britt — Finishing Line Press
Kaupang, Aby — Tebot Bach
Kawata, Ayane — Litmus Press
Kay, John — Beginner’s Mind Press
Keane, Erin — WordFarm
Kearley, Carroll C. — Tebot Bach
Kearney, Douglas — Fence Records
Keating, Nancy — Pangaea Press
Keillor, Garrison — Penguin Books / Viking
Keillor, Garrison — Viking Penguin
Keith, Steven Ross — Lulu
Kelen, Christopher — Virtual Artists Collective
Kelly, Kristin — Elixir Press
Kelsey, Karla — Ahsahta Press
Kempher, Ruth Moon, ed. — Kings Estate Press
Kennedy, Caroline ed. — Voice
Kennedy, Christopher — BOA Editions
Kerr, Kathryn — Finishing Line Press
Kessenich, Lawrence — ISCS Press
Kessler, Sharon — Fish-Eye Press
Ketchek, Michael — Swamp Press
Kevin Young, ed. — Scribner
Keyishian, Marjorie Deiter — Pudding House Publications
Keys, Kerry Shawn — Presa Press
Keyworth, Reeves — Finishing Line Press
Kezar, Dennis — Oxford University Press
Khalastchi, Daniel — Tupelo Press
Khalsa, Hari Bhajan — Main Street Rag
Khattab, Debra Grace — Meridien PressWorks
Kidd, Monica — Dusie Kollektiv
Kiefer, Molly Sutton — Astounding Beauty Ruffian Press
Killebrew, Paul — Canarium Books
Killian, Kevin and David Brazil, eds. — Kenning Editions
Kim, Arlene — Milkweed Editions
Kimball, Jack — Faux Press
Kindbom, Jen — Finishing Line Press
Kindred, Sally Rosen — Mayapple Press
King, Basil — Local Knowledge
King, Maxwell — Autumn House Press
King, Robert S., ed. — FutureCycle Press
Kinsella, Thomas — Wake Forest University Press
Kirby, David — Louisiana State University Press
Kirchwey, Karl — Putnam Poets
Kirk, Kathleen — Finishing Line Press
Kirts, Terry — Seven Kitchens Press
Kistunlentz, Steve — Red Hen Press
Kjellberg, Ann, ed. — Little Star
Klappert, Peter — Carnegie Mellon University Press
Klatt, L. S. — University of Iowa Press
Klein, Arnold — Brown Trout Publishers
Klein, Francis — Finishing Line Press
Klein, Ish — Canarium Books
Klein, Ivan — Sisyphus Press
Klein, Jim — Lulu
Klein, Michael — GenPop Books
Kleinschnitz, Brittany — Brittany Kleinschnitz
Kleon, Austin — HarperCollins Publishers / Perennial
Klinger, Paul — Dusie Kollektiv
Klippel, Nina Mermey — Mountaintree Press
Knight, Arthur Winfield — Presa Press
Knight, Carol Lynne — Apalachee Press
Knotts, Rebecca M. — Dusie Kollektiv
Knox, Caroline — Wave Books
Knox, Jennifer L. — Bloof Books
Kocot, Noelle — Wave Books
Kodra, Austin — Medulla Publishing
Komunyakaa, Yusef — Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Kosovel, Srecko — Ugly Duckling Presse
Kostelanetz, Richard — Blue & Yellow Dog Press
Kostelanetz, Richard — Smallminded Books
Koumidou-Vlesmas, Yolanda — Yolanda Koumidou-Vlesmas
Kowit, Steve — Serving House Books
Krakowski, Nels Andre — Robert A. Krakowski
Krakowski, Robert A. — Robert A. Krakowski
Krech, Richard — sunnyoutside
Krechel, Ursula — Host Publications
Krugovoy Silver, Anya — Louisiana State University Press
Kuipers, Keetje — Broadsided Press
Kunin, Aaron — Fence Books
Kuo, Alex — Wordcraft of Oregon
Kuszai, Joel Steven — Roof Books
Kuzma, Greg — Carnegie Mellon University Press
Kwasny, Melissa — Milkweed Editions
Kyger, Joanne — Fact-Simile Editions
Ladin, Joy — Sheep Meadow Press
Lafleche, Ellen — Philbrick Poetry Project
Lagrone, Austin — Lost Horse Press
Lajimodiere, Denise — Michigan State University Press
LaMon, Jacqueline J — University of Wisconsin Press
Lamoureux, Mark — Black Radish Books
Lamoureux, Mark — Dusie Kollektiv
Lampton, Nana — Accents Publishing
Landau, Deborah — Copper Canyon Press
Lane, John — Mercer University Press
Languell, Krystal — Dusie Kollektiv
Larkin, Gina — CreateSpace
Larsen, Jeanne — Mayapple Press
Larsen, Wendy Wilder — Spy Hop Press
Larson, Katherine — Yale University Press
Larson, Linda — ISCS Press
Lasky, Dorothea — Wave Books
Lastname, Bradley — Press of the Third Mind
Laughlin, Joyanna — Finishing Line Press
Laura McCullough — Amsterdam Press
Lauren, Rebecca — Seven Kitchens Press
Lavender-Smith, Evan — BlazeVOX [books]
Lawley, Susan Marc — Arseya Publishing
Lea, Sydney — Four Way Books
Leach, Harriet O. — Imaginary Friend Press
Lease, Joseph — Coffee House Press
Leatherman, Stacie — Mayapple Press
Lebo, Ronna — Off the Park Press
Lee, David Dodd — University of Akron Press
Lee, Esther — Elixir Press
Lee, Sueyeun Juliette — Factory School
Leff, David K. — Antrim House
Legault, Paul — Omnidawn
Lem, Carol — Greenhouse Review Press
Lenfestey, James P., ed. — Red Dragonfly Press
Lentine, Genine — g.e. collective
Leonard, Mary — Antrim House
Leopardi, Giacomo — Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Lepore, Michael F. — Grayson Books
Lerner, Ben — Copper Canyon Press
Lerner, Ben — Song Cave
Leslie, Juliana — Letter Machine Editions
Lesser, Anton, Roy McMillan and Rachel Bavidge, prod. — Naxos
Lesser, Rika — Sheep Meadow Press
Levato, Francesco — Marick Press
Levchev, Vladimir — Gival Press
Levin, Dana — Copper Canyon Press
Levin, Harriet — MAMMOTH books
Levin, Lauren — Lame House Press
Levine, Philip — Knopf, Alfred A.
Levine, Richard — Finishing Line Press
Levy, Andrew — Eoagh
Lewis, Bernard, trans. — Princeton University Press
Lewis, Chandler — Spire Press
Lewis, Gwyneth, tr. — Tavern Books
Lewis, Lesle — Alice James Books
Lewis, Lisa — New Issues Press
Lewis, Patricia Lee — Hedgerow Books
Lia Block, Francesca — A Midsummer Night’s Press
Lieber, Paul — Tebot Bach
Liebler, M. L., ed. — Coffee House Press
Lifshin, Lyn — Red Mare
Lim, Shirley Geok-lin — West End Press
Limón, Ada — Milkweed Editions
Lin, Tan — Kenning Editions
Lin, Tan — Wesleyan University Press
Ling, Micah — sunnyoutside
Lins, Lorraine Henrie — Finishing Line Press
Lipshin, Irene — Q Ave Press
Littell, Walter D. — Puritan Press
Lloyd, Christina — Finishing Line Press
Lloyd, David T. — Three Conditions Press
Local Authors — Sheffield Land Trust
Lockhart, Annmarie, ed. — Unbound Content
Lockhart, Annmarie, ed. — Vox Poetica
Lockheart, Annmarie, ed. — Vox Poetica/Unbound Content
Locklin, Gerald; Wilson, Beth — Lummox Press
Lockward, Diane — Wind Publications
Loggins, V.P. — Main Street Rag
Lombardo, Gian — Swamp Press
Long, Alexander — Center for Book Arts
Long, Robert Hill — Bear Star Press
Lookingbill, Colleen — Lyric& Press
Lopate, Phillip — Marsh Hawk Press
Lor, Prathna — Future Tense Books
Lorts, Jack e — Finishing Line Press
Lovelace, Sean Aden — Publishing Genius Press
Lowe, Phil — One Spirit Press
Lowery, Joanne — FutureCycle Press
Lucas, Dave — University of Georgia Press
Luce, Gregory — Finishing Line Press
Luczak, Raymond — A Midsummer Night’s Press
Luczak, Raymond — Sibling Rivalry Press, LLC
Luden, Charles — Scurfpea Publishing
Lujan Bevacqua, Michael; Leon Guerrero, Victoria-Lola M.; Santos Perez,
Craig, eds. — Achiote Press
Luna, Leticia — University of New Orleans Publishing
Lyalin, Natalie — Ugly Duckling Presse
Lynch, Thomas — Carnegie Mellon University Press
Lynch, Thomas — Norton, W. W., and Company
Lyon, George Ella — Wind Publications
Lysaght, Sean, Moya Cannon, Thomas McCarthy, John F. Deane and
Maire Mhac an tSaoi — Wake Forest University Press
Macer-Story, Eugenia — Yankee Oracle Press
Mackay, Peter, Edna Longley, and Fran Brearton, eds. — Cambridge
University Press
MacKellar, Alan — Finishing Line Press
MacLaughlin, Bob — Moon Pie Press
Madzirov, Nikola — BOA Editions
Magee, Michael — Moon Path Press
Magnus, Magus — Furniture Press
Magrelli, Valerio — Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Mahgerefteh, Michal, ed. — Poetica Publishing
Malech, Dora — Cleveland State University Poetry Center
Mali, Marie-Elizabeth — Tebot Bach
Malkin, Myra — Main Street Rag
Mallary, Dominic Owen — Black Ocean
Malone, Eileen — Ragged Sky Press
Malone, Kendra Grant — Scrambler Books
Maloney, Dennis, ed. — White Pine Press
Mankh (Walter E. Harris III) — Allbook Books
Manson, Peter — Dusie Kollektiv
Marbrook, Djelloul — Deerbrook Editions
Marcus, Morton — White Pine Press
Marcus Powell, John — Exot Press
Mares, E. A. Tony — University of New Mexico Press
Mares, Tony — Voices from the American Land/American Land
Publishing Project
Margarit, Joan — Swan Isle Press
Margolis, Jordan — Finishing Line Press
Marino, Elizabeth — Puddin' Head Press
Marinovich, Filip — Ugly Duckling Presse
Marks, Gigi — Coal Hill Review/Autumn House Press
Martin, Charles — John Hopkins University Press
Martin, Chris — Coffee House Press
Martin, Dawn Lundy — Nightboat Books
Martin, Rodger — AuthorHouse
Martin, Timothy — FutureCycle Press
Martinez, J. Michael — Louisiana State University Press
Martínez, Valerie — University of Arizona Press
Martinez-Gil, Cecilia — Gival Press
Martrich, Andy — BlazeVOX [books]
Masefield, John — Penguin Classics
Mason, Scott, ed. — Haiku Society of America
Mathews, Harry — Sand Paper Press
Mathews, Marsha — Finishing Line Press
Mathewson, Jon — FootHills Publishing
Matsuda, Lawrence — Black Lawrence Press
Matthews, Clay — Cooper Dillon Books
Matthews, Sebastian; Plumley, Stanley, eds. — Red Hen Press
Matuk, Farid — Letter Machine Editions
Mauch, Matt — Lowbrow Press
Maud, Ralph, ed. — Minutes of the Charles Olsen Society
Maughn, James — Dusie Kollektiv
Maxwell, Glyn — Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Mayer, Bernadette — Monk Books
Mayer, Bernadette — Station Hill Press, Inc.
Mayer, Bernadette — Trembling Pillow Press/Garrett County Press
Mayers, Claude — Ocean Poetry
Maynard, James — Macmillan/Palgrave
Mazer, Ben — Cy Gist Press
Mazur, Gail — University of Chicago Press
McBride, Timothy — Northwestern University Press / TriQuarterly
McCallum, Shara — Alice James Books
McCann, Anthony — Wave Books
McCann, Janet — Plan B Press
McCarthy, Jack — Moon Pie Press
McClure, Michael — University of California Press
McCord, Sandy — Finishing Line Press
McCormick, Gene — BoneWorld Publishing/MuscleHead Press
McCrae, Shane — Cleveland State University Poetry Center
McCrae, Shane — Rescue Press
McCullough, Laura — Alice James Books
McCullough, Laura — Black Lawrence Press
McDougall, Jo — Tavern Books
McDowell, Gary L. — Rose Metal Press
McGettrick, Brian — sunnyoutside
McGuckian, Medbh — Wake Forest University Press
McKee, Mark — Black Lawrence Press
McKenzie, Carter — Airlie Press
McKinley, Jane — Texas Tech University Press
McKinney, Bruce Evan — Bonhams
McLane, Maureen N. — Farrar, Straus and Giroux
McLellan, Kevin — Seven Kitchens Press
McLennan, Rob — Dusie Kollektiv
McMakin, Barb — Finishing Line Press
McManus, Ray — Marick Press
McNall, Sally Allen — Main Street Rag
McNider, Cate — Vantage Press
McQuade, Molly, ed. — Sarabande Books
McRae, Bruce — Silenced Press
Meadows, Deborah — BlazeVOX [books]
Meadows, Deborah — Mindmade Books
Medeiros, Sergio — UNO Press
Medina, Pablo — Hanging Loose Press
Medina, Tony — Aquarius Press/Willow Books
Medina, Tony — NYQ Books (New York Quarterly)
Meetze, James — Ahsahta Press
Meinke, Peter — YellowJacket Press
Meitner, Erika — HarperCollins Publishers / Perennial
Menamin, Margaret — Main Street Rag
Menes, Orlando Ricardo, ed. — University of Notre Dame Press
Meng, Catherine — Dusie Kollektiv
Merlot, Susan — Finishing Line Press
Merrill, Robin — BoneWorld Publishing/MuscleHead Press
Merrin, Lorraine — RainMtnArts
Merwin, W.S. — Knopf, Alfred A.
Merwin, W. S. — University of South Carolina Press
Mesler, Corey — Flutter Press
Mesler, Corey — Unbound Content
Metres, Philip — Flying Guillotine Press
Metres, Philip — Kattywompus Press
Meyers, Joyce — Finishing Line Press
Mezynski, Neila — Scrambler Books
Michael Adams — Lummox Press
Michael, Ann E. — Foot Hills Publishing
Michael, Myron — Aquarius Press/Willow Books
Michael, Myron, and James Cagney — Rondeau Records/Move Or Die
Middleton, Christopher — Sheep Meadow Press
Milder, Ben — Time Being Books
Millar, Joseph — Tavern Books
Millay, Edna St. Vincent — HarperCollins Publishers / Perennial
Millay, Edna St. Vincent; Queler, Liz; Farber, Seth — Red Wall Records
Miller, P. Andrew — Finishing Line Press
Miller, Sabine — Mountains and Rivers Press
Miller, Tim — S4N Books
Miller, Wayne — Milkweed Editions
Millman, Georganna — Finishing Line Press
Mills, Geraldine — Syracuse University Press
Milner, Jesse — YellowJacket Press
Miltner, Robert — Kattywompus Press
Milton, John — Mercer University Press
Milton, John — Norton, W.W., and Company
Mindock, Gloria — Vampire Pigeons Production
Minnick, Norman, ed. — White Pine Press
Mirosevich, Toni — Spuyten Duyvil
Mirriam-Goldberg, Caryn, ed. — Ice Cube Press
Mirriam-Goldberg, Caryn; Taylor, Marilyn L.; Low, Denise; Bargen,
Walter, eds. — Ice Cube Press
Mitchell, Ben — Codhill Press
Mitchell, Joy L. — Uttered Chaos
Mittenthal, Robert — Chax Press
Moeckel, Thorpe — Etruscan Press
Mohabir, Rajiv — Finishing Line Press
Mohammad, K. Silem — Fact-Simile Editions
Mojgani, Anis — Write Bloody Publishing
Moldaw, Carol — Etruscan Press
Moldaw, Carol — Vox Audio
Momaday, N. Scott — University of New Mexico Press
Monaghan, Patricia — Voices from the American Land/American Land
Publishing Project
Mong, Derek — Saturnalia Books
Monson, Ander — Sarabande Books
Montez, Alex — AuthorHouse
Montlack, Michael — NYQ Books (New York Quarterly)
Moody, Trey — New Michigan Press
Moore, Daniel Abdal-Hayy — Ecstatic Exchange
Moore, Jim — Graywolf Press
Moore, Laura — Fishing Line Press
Moore, Todd — Chiron Review Press
Moores, D.J., ed. — Pelican Pond
Moose, Ruth — Main Street Rag
Morais, Yasmin — WordClay
Moramarco, Fred — Laterthanever Press
Morgan, Bill — Simon & Schuster/Free Press
Morgan, Jeffrey — BlazeVOX [books]
Morgan, Robert — Penguin
Morimando, Patricia Michael — Patricia Michael Morimando
Moritz, Rachel — WinteRed Press
Moro, Nicole — Finishing Line Press
Morris, Daniel — Marsh Hawk Press
Morton, Karla — Finishing Line Press
Moschovakis, Anna — Coffee House Press
Moschovakis, Anna and Jen Hofer — Small Fires Press
Moscona, Miriam — Les Figues Press
Moseman, Lori Anderson — Stockport Flats / Lute & Cleat
Mosson, Greg, ed. — Wasteland Press
Motika, Stephen — Sona Books
Moxley, Jennifer — Song Cave
Muldoon, Paul — Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Mullen, Harryette — Fact-Simile Editions
Mullen, Laura — University of California Press
Muratori, Fred — Stockport Flats
Murawski, Elisabeth — Serving House Books
Murawski, Elizabeth — Utah State University Press
Murillo, John — Cypher Books
Murphy, Andrew — Northcote House Publishers
Murphy, Ryan — Krupskaya
Murphy, Yvonne C. — Carolina Wren Press
Murray, Les — Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Muske-Dukes, Carol — Penguin Poets
Myers, Jack — New Issues Press
Myles, Eileen — Belladonna Books
Myles, Eileen — OR Books
Najm, Soheil ed. — Plain View Press
Nakayasu, Sawako — Letter Machine Editions
Nakell, Martin — Jahbone Press
Naoko, Kudo — Kudo Naoko
Napora, Joe — Wind Publications
Nawrocki, Amy — Finishing Line Press
Nazario y Colon, Ricardo — Plain View Press
Neely, Joshua; Karr, Mary, eds. — Flatmancrooked
Nelson, Andy, ed. — Center for Western and Cowboy Poetry, Inc.
Neruda, Pablo — University of California Press
Neruda, Pablo; Peyden, Margaret S. — University of California Press
Neville, Tam Lin — Cervaná Barva Press
Newbern, Laura — Kore Press
Newberry, Emily Pittman — One Spirit Press
Newman, Denise — Post-Apollo Press
Newman, Lance — Beard of Bees
Newman, Michele O. — Finishing Line Press
Nezhukumatathil, Aimee — Tupelo Press
Nezval, Vitezslav — Ugly Duckling Presse
Nicanor Parra — Host Publications
Nicoletti, Joey — Finishing Line Press
Nienow, Matthew — Codhill Press
Nietzsche, Friedrich — Continuum Books
Nightingale, Barbra — YellowJacket Press
Nimes, Cheyenne — Beard of Bees
Nkulu-N’Sengha, Mutombo, ed. — Host Publications
Noel, Bernard; Rivera, Elena — Graywolf Press
Noel, Urayoan — BlazeVOX [books]
Nogues, Collier — Four Way Books
Noonan, T. A. — Gold Wake Press
Norcross, Cristina M.R. — Lulu
North, Charles — Song Cave
Norton, John — Ithuriel’s Spear
Norton, Linda — Pressed Wafer
Nostrand, Susie — March Street Press
Notley, Alice — Penguin Poets
Novak, Michael — St. Augustine's Press
Nowak, Dan — Accents Publishing
Nudelman, Edward D. — Lummox Press
Nufer, Doug — Les Figues Press
Nunley, Vorris L. — Wayne State University Press
O’Brien, Geoffrey G. — University of California Press
O’Brien, Maureen — Finishing Line Press
O'Dell, Mary — Finishing Line Press
O’Keefe Aptowicz, Cristin — Write Bloody Publishing
O’Keefe, Timothy — Oberlin College Press
O'Leary, Peter — Cultural Society
O'Toole, Kathleen — David Robert Books/WordTech
Oeur, U Sam and Ken McCullough — Coffee House Press
Ogg, Brendan — Finishing Line Press
Oishi, Mary — West End Press
Olander, Renee — Finishing Line Press
Oleferuk, Susan — Finishing Line Press
Oleson, Hilde — Finishing Line Press
Olsen, William — Northwestern University Press / TriQuarterly Books
Olsen, Williams — Northwestern University Press / TriQuarterly
Olson, Charles — Chax Press
Olson, Christina — Spire Press
Olson, John — Black Widow Press (Massachussetts)
Oppenheim, Eva M. — Moon Pie Press
Oppenheim, Eva Miodownik — Moon Pie Press
Oppenheimer, Paul — Spuyten Duyvil
Orfanella, Lou — Last Automat Press
Orr, David — HarperCollins Publishers
Osborn, Alice — Main Street Rag
Osherow, Jacqueline — Louisiana State University Press
Osing, Gordon — Spuyten Duyvil
Osman, Jena — Fence Books
Ossip, Kathleen — Sarabande Books
Otto, Melanie — Africa World Press
Ovid — Hackett Publishing Co.
Ovid — Harvard University Press
Ovid — Oxford University Press
Owens, Rochelle — Junction Press
Owens, Scott — Main Street Rag
Pacht, Judith — Tebot Bach
Packa, Sheila — Wildwood River Press
Packer, Eve — EPHereNowMusic 104
Packer, Eve — Fly By Night Press
Padgett, Ron — Coffee House Press
Paegle, Julie Sophia — University of Arizona Press
Pafunda, Danielle — Noemi Press
Pagan, Darlene — Finishing Line Press
Pagoda, Jonathan — Splitleaves Press
Pai, Shin Yu — White Pine Press
Palacio, Melinda — Kulupi Press
Palagi, Naomi Buck — Dusie Kollektiv
Palmer, Michael — New Directions
Paloff, Benjamin — Carnegie Mellon University Press
Panciera, Carla — Bordighera Press
Pandey, Christa — Finishing Line Press
Pantano, Daniele — Dzanc Books
Panzardi, Anthony — Legas
Paris-Purtle, Lynne — Last Automat Press,The
Park, Mitch — Meridien PressWorks
Parker, Robert Dale, ed. — University of Pennsylvania Press
Parrish, Jr., Gary — Erudite Fangs
Pastan, Linda — Norton, W. W., and Company
Pathak, Jaee Sathe — CreateSpace
Patton, Laurie L. — Station Hill Press, Inc.
Pau-Llosa, Ricardo — Maker Press
Paul, Bradley — University of Pittsburgh Press
Paul, Marianne — Bookland Press
Paul, Michael — Lummox Press
Pawlak, Mark — Cervena Barva Press
Pawlak, Mark, Dick Lourie, and Robert Hershon — Hanging Loose Press
Pearson, Lisa, ed. — Siglio Press
Pearson, Ted, Kit Robinson, Bob Perelman, et al. — Mode A
Peary, Alexandria — Slope Editions
Pease, Ben — Monk Books
Pease, Roland F., ed. — Zoland Books
Pelegrin, Alison — Broadsided Press
Pence, Amy — Main Street Rag
Pendergast, Dawn — Dusie Kollektiv
Pepper, Patric — Banty
Pepple, Alexander, ed. — Able Muse Press
Perez, Craig Santos — Omnidawn
Perez, David — Write Bloody Publishing
Perloff, Marjorie — University of Chicago Press
Perret, Roger and Ingo Starz — Christoph Merian Verlag
Perrier, Sarah — University of Akron Press
Perrine, Jennifer — University of Utah Press
Persons, Alice N. — Moon Pie Press
Peterson, Laurel S. — Last Automat Press,The
Peterson, Nancy Kay — Finishing Line Press
Peterson, Paulann — Lost Horse Press
Petrarch, Francesco — Naxos Audiobooks
Petropoulos, Justin — Marsh Hawk Press
Petrossian, Tony — Tony Petrossian
Pettit, Emily — Birds
Pettit, Guy — Minute Books
Pettit, Holly — Pecan Grove Press
Pfeiffer, Robert — Plain View Press
Pfitzner, John; Korsten, Tracey — Friendly Street Poets
Pflanzer, Howard — Fly By Night Press
Phillips, Alex — Factory Hollow Press
Phillips, Carl — Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Phillips, Katie — Slapering Hol Press
Phillips, Lance — Ahsahta Press
Phillips, Louis, ed. — Visual Arts Press
Piccinnini, Douglas — Cultural Society
Piccinnini, Douglas — Minute Books
Pierce, Michelle Naka — Dusie Kollektiv
Piercy, Marge — Knopf, Alfred A.
Pierre, Charles — Finishing Line Press
Pietrzykowski, Marc — Main Street Rag
Pilibosian, Helene — Ohan Press
Pilkington, Kevin — Black Lawrence Press
Pilling, Mollie — Antrim House
Pinckney, Diana — Lorimer Press
Pinero, Miguel — Arte Público Press
Pinsky, Robert — Farrar, Straus & Giroux/Faber and Faber
Piryaei, Shabnam — Plain View Press
Pizarro, Jeronimo, Patricio Ferrari and Antonio Cardiello, eds. — Casa
Fernando Pessoa
Place, Vanessa — Belladonna Books
Plath, Rob — Epic Rites Press
Platt, Kamala — Wings Press
Pleiades, Sapphire — Threshingfloor Press
Pluecker, John — Dusie Kollektiv
Plumb, Vivienne — Seraph Press
Pockell, Leslie, ed. — Grand Central Publishing
Poe, Deborah — Dusie Kollektiv
Poe, Deborah — Stockport Flats
Poets House Staff, eds. — Poets House
Pointer, David S. — Medulla Publishing
Pointer, David S. — Thunderclap Press
Poirier, Julien — Ugly Duckling Presse
Polizzi, Frank — Finishing Line Press
Polizzotti, Mark — Black Widow Press (Massachusetts)
Polkinhorn, Harry — Junction Press
Pollari, Niina — Birds of Lace
Pollock, Iain Haley — University of Georgia Press
Pollok, Iain Haley — University of Georgia Press
Pomerantz, Marsha — Biblioasis
Poole, Buzz — Fractious Press
Poole, Francis C., and Blaster Al Ackerman — Poporo Press
Poon, Heidi Johannesen — Poetry Society of America
Popa, Vasko — White Pine Press
Popoff, Georgia A.; Lansana, Quraysh Ali — Teachers & Writers
Porta, Dustin Martin — Silverfish Publishing
Porter, Bern — Nightboat Books
Post, Connie — Finishing Line Press
Potos, Andrea — Parallel Press
Pound, Ezra — New Directions
Pournelle, Jennifer — University of South Carolina Press
Powell, D. A. and Kevin Prufer, eds. — Pleiades Press
Pratt, Charles W. — Hobblebush Books
Pratt, Minnie Bruce — Carolina Wren Press
Prevallet, Kristin — Fact-Simile Editions
Prevosi, Chad — Q Ave Press
Provance, Phill — Cy Gist Press
Prufer, Kevin — Four Way Books
Pucciani, Donna — Virtual Artists Collective
Puckett, Caleb — Feral Press
Puhak, Shelley — Black Lawrence Press
Pupek, Jayne — Mayapple Press
Purdom, Christopher William — 226 Press
Pursley, III, John — Zone 3 Press
Pusateri, Chris — Dusie Kollektiv
Pushkin, Alexander — Overlook Press
Q Avenue Press, ed. — Q Ave Press
Quasar, Q.R. — Global Scholarly Publications
Queen, Khadijah — Noemi Press
Rabinowitz, Anna — Omnidawn
Raby, Elizabeth — Virtual Artists Collective
Radar, Matt — House of Anansi
Radavich, David A. — Plain View Press
Rader, R.G. — Finishing Line Press
Rades, Jane — Jane Rades
Radulescu, Stella Vinitchi — Q Ave Press
Raff, Marilyn — Finishing Line Press
Rainwater-Lites, Misti — Propaganda Press
Rambo, Jody — Kent State University Press
Ramirez, Steve and Ben Trigg, eds. — Tebot Bach
Ramsey, William M. — Red Moon Press
Ranan, Wendy — Deerbrook Editions
Randall, Dudley — Wayne State University Press
Randall, Gregory W. — Finishing Line Press
Randall, Margaret — Wings Press
Randall, Margaret, ed. — CUNY Poetics Document Initiative
Random House, eds. — Random House
Range, Melissa — Texas Tech University Press
Rankine, Camille — Poetry Society of America
Raphael, Dan — Wordcraft of Oregon
Ras, Barbara — Penguin Poet
Rasmussen, Lars — Serving House Books
Rasnake, Sam — Finishing Line Press
Raven, Francis — Silenced Press
Ray, Janisse — Wind Publications
Red Hawk — Bright Hill Press
Reddy, Srikanth — University of California Press
Redoute, Karolyn — Plain View Press
Reed, Marthe — Black Radish Books
Reed, Marthe and J/J Hastain — Dusie Kollektiv
Reese, Mary Anne — Finishing Line Press
Reese, Rita Mae — Red Hen Press / Arktoi Books
Reeser, Cynthia — Finishing Line Press
Reeve, F. D. — NYQ Books (New York Quarterly)
Reichard, William — Mid-List Press
Reichhold, Jane, and Hans-Peter Goettsche — AHA Books
Reilly, Edward J. — Moon Pie Press
Reilly, JC — Finishing Line Press
Reiner, Camille — Camille Riner
Reiter, Jendi — Cervena Barva Press
Renard, Jules — Oneworld Books
Renata Pallottini — Host Publications
Repp, John — Seven Kitchens Press
Ressmeyer, Georgia — Finishing Line Press
Retallack, Joan — Roof Books
Revilla, No’u — Tinfish Press
Reyes, Barbara Jane — BOA Editions
Reynolds, Lauren — Main Street Rag
Rhodenbaugh, Suzanne — Word Press
Ricca, Brad — Black Lawrence Press
Rice, Jane — Propolis Press/Least Weasel Chapbooks
Rice, Paul R. — Finishing Line Press
Rich, Adrienne — Norton, W. W., and Company
Rich, Susan — White Pine Press
Richard, Brad — Word Works
Richard, Frances, Doug Nufer, Miriam Moscona, et. al. — Les Figues
Richards, Brian — UNO Press
Richards, Peter — Action Books
Richardson, James — Copper Canyon Press
Richardson, Joyce — Finishing Line Press
Richardson, Rachel — Carnegie Mellon University Press
Richter, Jennifer — Southern Illinois University Press
Ricks, Christopher — Yale University Press
Ridge, Ryan — BatCat Press
Riegel, Katherine — FutureCycle Press
Rifkah, Eve — Little Pear Press
Riggs, Sarah — Ugly Duckling Presse
Rigsbee, David — Black Lawrence Press
Rihn, Andrew — sunnyoutside
Riley, Atsuro — University of Chicago Press
Rilke, Rainer Maria — David R. Godine, Publisher
Rilke, Rainer Maria — University of New Orleans Press
Rilke, Rainer Maria; Vilain, Robert; Ranson, Susan; Sutherland, Marielle
— Oxford University Press
Rimbaud, Arthur — Norton, W. W., and Company
Rio, Nela — Broken Jaw Press
Ripatrazone, Nick — Gold Wake Press
Ritsos, Yannis — Tavern Books
Rittenhouse Treichler, Martha — FootHills Publishing
Rivard, David — Graywolf Press
Rivers, Larry and Frank O’Hara — Tibor de Nagy Editions
Rivkin, Sophia — Mayapple Press
Robbins, Doren — Lost Horse Press
Roberson, Ed — Wesleyan University Press
Robert Dana — Anhinga Press
Roberta Swann — Cervena Barva Press
Roberts, Clea — Freehand Books
Roberts, Jim — Roberts, Jim
Roberts, Jonathan — Continuum Books
Roberts, Kim — Pearl Editions
Roberts, Kim, ed. — Plan B Press
Roberts, Owen — Propaganda Press
Roberts, Steve — Main Street Rag
Roberts, Tim — BlazeVOX [books]
Robertson, Robin — Harcourt/Mariner Books
Robinson, Elizabeth — Fact-Simile Editions
Robinson, Elizabeth — Furniture Press
Robinson, Jeffrey C — Station Hill Press, Inc.
Robinson, Kit — Cuneiform Press
Robyn Art, Robin Barcus — Dancing Girl Press
Rocksaw Press — RockSaw Press
Rodriguez, Jose Antonio — Tia Chucha Press
Roe, Dinah, ed. — Penguin Classics
Roger Mitchell — Natural Dam Publishing
Rogers, Bobby C. — University of Pittsburgh Press
Rohrer, Matthew — Ugly Duckling Presse
Rohrer, Matthew — Wave Books
Rolling, Vicie A. — FootHills Publishing
Roma-Deeley, Lois — Benu Press
Rome, Marcus — Birch Brook Press
Romero, Lori — Spire Press
Ronda, Margaret — Saturnalia Books
Rosemurgy, Catherine Jeanne — Graywolf Press
Rosen, Aaron — Sheep Meadow Press
Rosenberg, Dan — Broadsided Press
Rosenberg, Dan — Tilt Press
Rosenberg, Marilyn R — Chapbook Publisher.com
Rosenberg, Marilyn R — Luna Bisonte Prods
Rosenbloom, Robert — Finishing Line Press
Rosenfeld, Jessica — Cambridge University Press
Rosenow, Ce — Mountain Gate Press / Brad Wolthers
Rosenthal, Mira — Kent State University Press
Rosenthal, Ruth — Poetic Matrix Press
Rosenthal, Ruth Sabath — Finishing Line Press
Rosenthal, Ruth Sabath — Paragon Poetry Press
Rosenthal, Sarah — Dalkey Archive Press
Rosenthal, Sarah — Dusie Kollektiv
Rosinska, Joanna — Primary Remiges
Rosnay, Jean-Pierre — Cold Hub Press
Ross, Arra Lynn — Milkweed Editions
Ross, Jamie — Four Way Books
Ross, Laura Sobbott — YellowJacket Press
Rossi, Lee — Plain View Press
Rossi, Renee — Finishing Line Press
Rotella, Alexis — Modern English Tanka Press
Rothenberg, Jerome — Fact-Simile Editions
Rothenberg, Jerome — Junction Press
Roussel, Raymond — Princeton University Press
Roy, Camille — Hanging Loose Press
Rózewicz, Tadeusz — Norton, W. W., and Company
Rubenstein, Lev — Ugly Duckling Presse
Rubin, Diana Kwiatkowski — Xlibris Corporation
Ruby, Michael — BlazeVOX [books]
Ruby, Michael — Dusie Kollektiv
Ruefle, Mary — Wave Books
Ruggiero, Cheryl Wood — Finishing Line Press
Rumi — HarperCollins Publishers / HarperOne
Rumi, Jalaluddin — Inner Traditions
Rummler, Scott — Scott Rummler
Runyan, Tania — FutureCycle Press
Russell, Ki — Medulla Publishing
Russell, Richard, ed. — University of Notre Dame Press
Russo, Gianna — Kitsune Books
Ryan, G. B. — Elkhound Publications
Ryan, Kay — Grove Press
Ryan, R.M. — Louisiana State University Press
Rypma, Judi A. — Finishing Line Press
Sadler, Lynn Veach — Finishing Line Press
Sadler, Matthew — Flying Guillotine Press
Sadler, Matthew — March Street Press
Sáenz, Benjamin Alire — Copper Canyon Press
Safir, Natalie — Fithian Press
Saidi, Mo H — Pecan Grove Press
Saiser, Marjorie — The Backwaters Press
Sakellariou, Becky Dennison — Hobblebush Books
Salamun, Tomaz; Michael Biggins — Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Samraney, Joanne Matone — Finishing Line Press
Sanchez, Sonia — Beacon Press
Sand, Kaia — Tinfish Press
Sanders, Kay — Parallel Press
Sands, John — Write Bloody Publishing
Sandy, Stephen M. — Louisiana State University Press
Sandy, Stephen M. — White Creek Press
Santos, Sherod — Norton, W. W., and Company
Sappho — Penguin Classics
Sarah Wetzel — Anhinga Press
Sarai, Sarah — BlazeVOX [books]
Sarnat, Gerard — Pessoa Press
Saunders, Peter — Provincetown Arts Press
Savard, Jeannine — Red Hen Press
Savich, Zach — Center for Literary Publishing
Savich, Zach — Cleveland State University Poetry Center
Savich, Zach — Omnidawn
Savoca, Matthew — Scrambler Books
Sayword, Paula — Slate Roof
Scalapino, Leslie — Chax Press
Scalapino, Leslie — Litmus Press
Scalapino, Leslie — Post-Apollo Press
Scates, Maxine — New Issues Press
Schabarum, Tom — Cascadia Publishing
Schaefer, Norman — La Alameda Press
Schaeppi, Kathrin — Black Radish Books
Schapira, Kate — Noemi Press
Scheele, Roy — The Backwaters Press
Scheler, David — Finishing Line Press
Schmall, Jeremy and Justin Taylor, eds. — X-ing Press
Schmidt, Michael — Sheep Meadow Press
Schnackenberg, Gjertrud — Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Schneider, Steven P. — Wings Press
Schneiderman, Jason — Ashland Poetry Press
Schrader, Jeffrey — BlazeVOX [books]
Schroeder, Amy Newlove — Oberlin College Press
Schubert, Karen — Kattywompus Press
Schuchard, Ronald — Oxford University Press
Schultz, Philip — Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Schultz, Susan M. — Dusie Kollektiv
Schumacher, Matt — Wordcraft of Oregon
Schuyler, James — Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Schwartz, Howard — Mayapple Press
Sckolnick, Lewis B. — Rector Press Limited
Scollan, Paul — Antrim House
Scopino, Adriana — EXOT Books
Scott, Herbert — Carnegie Mellon University Press
Scrimgeour, J.D.; Swanson, Philip — MSR Classics/Richard Price
Scutti, Susan — Paper Kite Press
Sedarat, Roger — Ohio University Press
Seguin, Andrew — Poetry Society of America
Seldess, Jesse — Kenning Editions
Sell, Jill — Trillium Press
Sepehri, Sohrab — Omnidawn
Sernotti, Craig — Blue Room Publishing
Service, Robert W. — Dundurn
Sesling, Zve — Ibbetson Street Press
Sesling, Zvi A. — Cervena Barva Press
Seter, Dave — Main Street Rag
Seuss, Diane — University of Massachusetts Press
Sexton, Sean — Anhinga Press
Seydel, Robert — Siglio Press
Seydel, Robert; Kraft, Richard; Knowles, Alison — Siglio Press
Shankar, Ravi — Finishing Line Press
Shankar, Ravi — Ohm Editions
Sharpe, Patricia Lee — Finishing Line Press
Shears, Matthew — BlazeVOX [books]
Sheehan, Julie A. — Norton, W. W., and Company
Sheeler, Jackie — NYQ Books (New York Quarterly)
Sheers, Owen, ed. — Penguin Classics
Shehabi, Deema — Press 53
Sheldon, Glenn — RockSaw Press
Shelley, Percy — Lake Ivan Performance Group
Shepherd, Reginald — University of Michigan Press
Shepherd, Reginald — University of Pittsburgh Press
Sheppard, Harrison — Aristotle & Alexander Press
Sher, Steven — Finishing Line Press
Sherbondy, Maureen A. — Big Table Publishing Company
Sherlock, Frank — Splitleaves Press
Sherrard, Cherene — Finishing Line Press
Shiffrin, Nancy — UniBooks
Shimoda, Brandon — Black Ocean
Shiori — Finishing Line Press
Shipers, Carrie — ABZ Press
Shipley, Vivian — Louisiana Literature Press
Shockley, Evie — Wesleyan University Press
Shoemaker, Laura — Finishing Line Press
Shoemaker, Lynn — Parallel Press
Shook, Melissa — Finishing Line Press
Short, Kim Gek Lin — Tarpaulin Sky Press
Shulpyakov, Gleb — Canarium Books
Shumaker, Peggy — Red Hen Press
Shunney, Kate — High Street Press
Sigler, Jeremy — Black Square Editions / The Brooklyn Rail
Sigo, Cedar — City Lights Publishers
Silano, Martha — Saturnalia Books
Silliman, Ron — Fact-Simile Editions
Sills, Sophie — BlazeVOX [books]
Silver-Lillywhite, Eileen — Skywater Publishing Company/Sol Books
Simic, Charles — Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Simic, Charles — Tavern Books
Simic, Charles, ed. and trans. — Graywolf Press
Simic, Goran — Biblioasis
Simmons, Michael, ed. — Autumn House Press
Simpson, Nancy — Carolina Wren Press
Sindall, Susan — Cherry Grove Collections
Singleton, Sharon — Finishing Line Press
Sinisgalli, Leonardo — Tavern Books
Sixteen Rivers Press, ed. — Sixteen Rivers Press
Skeen, Anita — Michigan State University Press
Skelley, Gretchen Schafer — Antrim House
Skinner, Jonathan — Albion Books
Skrjanec, Tone — Ugly Duckling Presse
Slade, Jr, Leonard A. — Excelsior Editions/State University of New
York Press
Slager, Daniel and Simon Dinnerstein, eds. — Milkweed Editions
Slais, R Jay — Big Table Publishing Company
Slater, John — Porcupine's Quill
Slaviero, Susan — Mayapple Press
Slavitt, David R, ed. — Harvard University Press
Slavitt, David R., ed., tr. — Sheep Meadow Press
Sleigh, Tom — Graywolf Press
Sloboda, Noel — Finishing Line Press
Slowacki, Juliusz — Green Lantern Press
Smelcer, John E. — Split Oak Press
Smelcer, John Elvis — Truman State University Press
Smith, Abraham — Action Books
Smith, Ash — Dusie Kollektiv
Smith, Bruce — University of Chicago Press
Smith, Carmen Gimenez — Belladonna Books
Smith, Carmen Giménez — Dusie Kollektiv
Smith, Gregory Blake — University of Massachusetts Press
Smith, Jared — Wind Publications
Smith, Obediah Michael — Poinciana Press
Smith Ranzoni, Patricia — onewater press
Smith, Rick — Lummox Press
Smith, Rod — Song Cave
Smith, Stephen E. — Main Street Rag
Smith, Tracy K. — Graywolf Press
Smyth, Richard, ed. — Anabiosis Press
Snyder-Camp, Megan — Tupelo Press
Snyderman, Robert — Splitleaves Press
Sobin, Gustaf — Talisman House
Sofer, Andrew — Main Street Rag
Soldier, Layli Long — Q Ave Press
Solfrian, Joanna — Kent State University Press
Solomon, Laura — Ugly Duckling Presse
Sonnenfeld, Mark — MaryMark Press
Sonnenfeld, Mark, and Mitch Corber — Marymark Press
Sonnenfeld, Mark; Hibshman, Kevin M — Marymark Press
Sonnenfeld, Mark; Hochman, Cindy — Marymark Press
Sonnenfeld, Mark; Neuberg, Karen — Marymark Press
Sonnevi, Göran — Yale University Press
Sorensen, Barbara Ellen — Main Street Rag
Sorley, Charles — Poet’s Press
Sosnowski, Andrzej — Open Letter
Soto, Elizabeth — Tinfish Press
Soto, Gary — Tupelo Press
Sotto, Theresa — Flying Guillotine Press
Spagnuolo, Peter — Filter Press
Spahr, Juliana — Black Sparrow Press
Spatola, Adriano — Otis Books/Seismicity Editions & Agincourt Press
Spears, Corey — One Spirit Press
Spears, Nate — Unbound Content
Spector, Sheila A. — Wayne State University Press
Spellman, Brian — Olive View Press
Spencer, George, host — Thin Air
Spengemann, William C. — University of Notre Dame Press
Spiel — March Street Press
Spiering, David — Skywater Publishing Company/Sol Books
Spivack, Kathleen — Sow's Ear Press
Sprague, Jane — Palm Press
Spriggs, Bianca — Wind Publications
Squier, Charles L. — Cross-Cultural Communications
St. John, Richard — Finishing Line Press
Stablein, Marilyn — La Alameda Press
Stafford, Fiona — Oxford University Press
Stahl, Jayne Lyn — NYQ Books (New York Quarterly)
Staley, Geo. — Finishing Line Press
Stambuk, Drago — Black Buzzard Press
Stanley, Jared — Song Cave
Starnes, Sofia M. — Wings Press
Statman, Mark — Hanging Loose Press
Stavans, Ilan, ed. — Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Steele, Cassie Premo — Unbound Content
Steele, Celisa — Emrys Press
Steensen, Sasha — Flying Guillotine Press
Steger, Ales — BOA Editions
Steiner, B. — AHA Books
Stenhouse, Shelley — NYQ Books (New York Quarterly)
Stephens, Nathalie — Albion Books
Stephens, Nathalie — Nightboat Books
Stern, Gerald — Norton, W. W., and Company
Stern, Jamie; Woodard, Catherine — Open Window Press
Stevens, Jeanine — Finishing Line Press
Stevenson, Wade — BlazeVOX [books]
Stewart, Michael — Mud Luscious Press
Stobb, William — Penguin Poets
Stock, Norman — NYQ Books (New York Quarterly)
Stolis, Alex — Parallel Press
Stolis, Alex — Pudding House Publications
Stone, Bianca — Argos Books
Story, Julia — Sarabande Books
Strand, Mark — Monk Books
Straus, Austin — Red Hen Press
Strong, Christina — Propolis Press/Least Weasel Chapbooks
Stumpf, Jason — Quale Press
Sturgeon, Stephen — Dark Sky Books
Su Zi — Murfeus Books
Suarez, Lou — Mid-List Press
Suermondt, Tim — NYQ Books (New York Quarterly)
Sullivan, Anita — Airlie Press
Summerfield, Zulema Renee — Fourteen Hills Press
Suntree, Susan — University of Nebraska Press
Sutherland, Fraser — Bookland Press
Svalina, Mathias — Cleveland State University Poetry Center
Swados, Elizabeth — Hanging Loose Press
Swafford, Polly W. — Finishing Line Press
Swanson, Mark — Main Street Rag
Sweeney, Chad — Alice James Books
Sweeney, Christopher, Robert Snyderman, and Lonely Christopher —
Seven Circle Press
Swenson, Cole — Ugly Duckling Presse
Swift, Daniel — Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Swist, Wally — FutureCycle Press
Syed, Afzal Ahmed — Wesleyan University Press
Sze, Gillian — ECW Press
Szoka, Elzbieta, ed. — Host Publications
Szymborska, Wislawa — Harcourt Mifflin Harcourt
Tabios, Eileen R. — BlazeVOX [books]
Taggart, John — Copper Canyon Press
Tagore, Rabindranath — Belknap Press of Harvard University Press
Tagore, Rabindranath — Harvard University Press / Belknap
Tague, Gregory, ed. — Editions Bibliotekos
Talbot, Katrin — Parallel Press
Tamayo, Jennifer — Switchback Books
Tantra-zawadi — Poets Wear Prada
Tarn, Nathaniel — Fact-Simile Editions
Tashevsky, Sergey — Cross-Cultural Communications
Taub, Yermiyahu Ahron — Plain View Press
Tauchner, Dietmar — Red Moon Press
Taylor, Fred K. — Pennywyse Press
Taylor, Jo Barbara — Plan B Press
Taylor, Richard Allen — Main Street Rag
Taylor, Shelly — Tarpaulin Sky Press
Teare, Brian — Ahsahta Press
Tedlock, Dennis, ed. and tr. — University of California Press
Teeter, Alice — Star Cloud Press
Teicher, Craig Morgan — BOA Editions
Tejada, Roberto — Wesleyan University Press
Teller, Gayl — Word Tech / Cherry Grove Collections
Teller, Gayl, ed. — Writers Ink Press
Temelkuran, Ece — BOA Editions
Tennant, Colette — Main Street Rag
Tennyson, Alfred — Naxos Audiobooks
Teo, Ling — Longtailedcomets
Terranova, Elaine — Cervena Barva Press
Terranova, Paul — Parallel Press
Terris, Susan — Arctos Press
Terris, Susan — Pudding House Publications
Terzi, Judith — Finishing Line Press
Terzi, Judith — Pudding House Publications
Tesser, Marjorie, ed. — Half Shell Press
The Hellium Choir — Luna, Mariana
The Rhode Island Writers’ Circle, ed. — Poet’s Press
Thilleman, Todd — Spuyten Duyvil/Meeting Eyes Bindery
Thomas, Dylan — New Directions
Thomas, G. Murray — Tebot Bach
Thomas, H. Lamar — Lummox Press
Thomas, Lawrence W. — Last Automat Press
Thomas, Toni — Finishing Line Press
Thompson-Slaughter, Denise — Plain View Press
Thorson, Maureen — Ugly Duckling Presse
Thurston, Scott — Dusie Kollektiv
Tichy, Susan — Ahsahta Press
Tietjen, Richard — Lulu
Tiffany, Daniel — Action Books
Tiffany, Daniel — Tinfish Press
Tiger, Madeline — Dos Madres
Tilley, Jim — Red Hen Press
Timmons, Matthew — Les Figues Press
Timmons, Susie — Faux Press
Titus, Allison — Cleveland State University Poetry Center
Tobin, Daniel — Four Way Books
Todd, Susan; Purington, Carol eds. — St. Martin's Press
Toder, Emily — Tarpaulin Sky Press
Tomasko, Jeanie — Parallel Press
Tonelli, Chris — Birds
Topel, Andrew — MaryMark Press
Topp, Mike — Publishing Genius Press
Torres, Edwin — Nightboat Books
Torres, Edwin — Roof Books
Torres, Elisabeth — Red Puppets and Noise
Tottenham, John — Kerosene Bomb Publishing
Townsend, J. — Splitleaves Press
Trabold, Robert — Robert Trabold
Trai, Nguyen — Counterpath Press
Trakl, Georg — Copper Canyon Press
Tranströmer, Tomas — Tavern Books
Treadwell, Elizabeth — Dusie Kollektiv
Treem, Douglas — NYQ Books (New York Quarterly)
Trelles, Emma — University of Notre Dame Press
Tremmel, Robert — Main Street Rag
Trigilio, Tony — BlazeVOX [books]
Trotter, Joshua — Biblioasis
Trowbridge, William — Red Hen Press
Truitt, Samuel — Station Hill Press, Inc.
Tsiopos, Katerina — Finishing Line Press
Turner, Brian — Alice James Books
Turtell, Steve — Seven Kitchens Press
Twichell, Chase — Copper Canyon Press
Twiddy, Elizabeth — Standing Stones Press
Tyler, Mike — Art Cannot Be Damaged
Tysh, Chris — United Artists Books
Tysh, George — United Artists Books
Tzu, Lao — Copper Canyon Press
Uchmanowicz, Pauline — Finishing Line Press
Underwood, Lee — Poetic Matrix Press
Ungar, Barbara Louise — Word Works
Utler, Anja — Burning Deck
Valentine, Jean — Copper Canyon Press
Vallejo, César — Roof Books
Van Cleef, Jabez L. — Spirit Song Text Publications
van de kamp, Alexandra — CustomWords
Van Den Heuvel, Cor — Single Island Press
VanErt, Richard E. — Finishing Line Press
Vangelisti, Paul — Talisman House
Vap, Sarah — Saturnalia Books
Varrone, Kevin — Ugly Duckling Presse
Vazirani, Reetika — Drunken Boat
Veladota, Christina — Finishing Line Press
Vendler, Helen — Belknap Press of Harvard University Press
Vendler, Helen — Princeton University Press
Venkateswaran, Pramila — Stockport Flats
Verlaine, Paul — Princeton University Press
Vermillion, Patricia Flower — San Francisco Bay Press
Vi-Van Nguyen, Christine — Birds of Lace
Vicari, Justin — Pavement Saw Press
Vicuña, Cecilia — Belladonna Books
Videlock, Wendy — Able Muse Press
Videlock, Wendy — EXOT Books
Vincent, John Emil, ed. — Wesleyan University Press
Viner, Chloe — Finishing Line Press
Vistonitis, Anastassis — Tebot Bach
Vitkauskas, Lina Ramona — Ravenna Press
Vizsolyi, M. A. — HarperCollins Publishers / Perennial
Vogelsang, Arthur — Ashland Poetry Press
Volková, Bronislava — Explorer Editions
Volpi, Jorge — Swan Isle Press
Vorreyer, Donna — Finishing Line Press
Vuong, Ocean — Ocean Vuong
Vuong, Ocean — Sibling Rivalry Press, LLC
Waber, Dan — Chapbook Publisher.com
Waber, Dan — Furniture Press
Waddell, John Wesley — Vantage Press
Wade, Julie Marie — Finishing Line Press
Wagner, Catherine — Dusie Kollektiv
Wagner, James P. and Nick Hale, eds. — Local Gems Poetry Press
Wagner, Jeanne — Sixteen Rivers Press
Wagner, Mark — Finishing Line Press
Waite, Stacey — Tupelo Press
Waits, Tom — University of Texas Press
Wakefield, Buddy — Write Bloody Publishing
Walcott, Derek — Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Wald, Diane — 1913 Press
Waldrep, G. C.; Gallaher, John — BOA Editions
Waldrop, Rosmarie — New Directions
Walker, Laura — Albion Books
Walker, Nicole — Barrow Street Press
Wallace, Georgia M. — Finishing Line Press
Wallace, Joni — Four Way Books
Wallenstein, Barry, ed. — NYQ Books (New York Quarterly)
Waller, Lillien, ed. — Stockport Flats
Walser, Robert — New Directions
Walsh, Michael — University of Arkansas Press
Walt, Jeff — Seven Kitchens Press
Walters, Melora — Finishing Line Press
Walthausen, K. Abigail — Fractious Press
Wang, Qingping, ed. — Copper Canyon Press
Wardall, Ronald — Rain Mountain Press
Warden, Marine Robert — Presa Press
Warren, Rosanna — Norton, W. W., and Company
Warriner, Rachel — Dusie Kollektiv
Wasley, Aidan — Princeton University Press
Wasserman, Paul — Front Porch History
Waterfield, Cesca Janece — Two-Handed Engine Press
Watson, Ellen Dore — Tupelo Press
Wayne, Jane O. — Mayapple Press
Wayson, Katy — Ohio State University Press
Weaver, Julene Tripp — Plain View Press
Webb, Thera — Fractious Press
Weems, Mary E. — Kattywompus Press
Weinberger, Florence — Tebot Bach
Weinstein, Eric — New Michigan Press
Weixel, Richard, ed. — Scurfpea Publishing
Welch, Don — Finishing Line Press
Wellman, Donald — Dos Madres
Wells, Judy — Beatitude Press
Wells, Judy — Malthus Press
Weltner, Peter — Standing Stones Press
Wertheim, Christine, ed. — Les Figues Press
Wesley, Patricia Jabbeh — Autumn House Press
West, Allen C — Off the Grid Press
West, Jacqueline — Parallel Press
Westenhaver, Jim — Red Moon Press
Westler, Max — Finishing Line Press
Wetzsteon, Rachel — Persea Books
Wevill, David — Tavern Books
Wheat, Jr., Maxwell Corydon — Allbook Books
Wheeler, Lesley — Barrow Street Press
White, Anthony Russell — Spire Press
White, Sarah — BlazeVOX [books]
Whitehouse, Anne — Finishing Line Press
Whitfield, Peter ed. — Naxos Audiobooks
Whitman, Walt — Library of America
Whitney, J. D. — Many Voices Press
Wiedemann, Barbara — Finishing Line Press
Wierzbicki, Carol — Poets Wear Prada
Wilbur, Richard — Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Wilcox, Dan — Benevolent Bird Press
Wilde, Oscar — Penguin Classics
Wiler, Jack — CavanKerry Press
Wilk, James S. — Big Table Publishing Company
Wilkins, Joe — Black Lawrence Press
Wilkins, Jon — University of Utah Press
Wilkinson, Caki — University of North Texas Press
Wilkinson, Joshua Marie, ed. — University of Iowa Press
Will, Barbara — Columbia University Press
Will, Mary Ellen — Old Johnstown Productions
Williams, Bruce — Tebot Bach
Williams, C. K. — Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Williams, C. K. — Princeton University Press
Williams, C. Mcallister — Fact-Simile Editions
Williams, Ginger — Allbook Books
Williams, James — Benevolent Bird Press
Williams, Jerry — Carnegie Mellon University Press
Williams, John Sibley — Last Automat Press,The
Williams, Leslie — Bellday Books
Williams, Philip Lee — Mercer University Press
Williams, Phyllis D. — Phyllis D. Williams
Willis, Elizabeth — Wesleyan University Press
Willitts, Jr., Martin — Pudding House Publications
Wilson, Dede — Main Street Rag
Wilson, Joyce — Finishing Line Press
Wilson, Joyce — Rock Village Publishing
Wilson, Peter Lamborn — Station Hill Press
Wiman, Christian — Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Winans, A. D. — Cross-Cultural Communications
Winch, Terence — Hanging Loose Press
Winegarden, Mary — Mayapple Press
Wiseman, Laura Madeline — Finishing Line Press
Wixon, Vincent — Wordcraft of Oregon
Wojahn, David — University of Pittsburgh Press
Wolach, David — Black Radish Books
Wolak, Bill — Cross-Cultural Communications
Wolak, Bill; Karimi-Hakak, Mahmood — Cross-Cultural
Wolak, Bill; Karimi-Hakak, Mahmood — Cross-Cultural
Communications / The Seventh Quarry Press
Wolf, Michele — Word Works
Wolf-Palacio, Donna — Finishing Line Press
Wolfe, Jennifer C. — BlazeVOX [books]
Wolsak, Lissasta — Station Hill Press, Inc.
Wong, Pui Ying — NYQ Books (New York Quarterly)
Wood, Denis — Siglio Press
Wood, Michael — Oxford University Press
Wood, Susan — University of Pittsburgh Press
Woon, Koon — Kaya Press
Workman, Elisabeth — Dusie Kollektiv
Wormser, Baron — CavanKerry Press
Wright, Amy — Finishing Line Press
Wright, C. D. — Copper Canyon Press
Wright, C. D. — Song Cave
Wright, Charles — Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Wright, Charles — Sarabande Books
Wright, Franz — Knopf, Alfred A.
Wright, Franz — Marick Press
Wright, Sheri L. — Finishing Line Press
Wrigley, Robert — Penguin Poets
Wrolstad, Greta — Tavern Books
Wronsky, Gail — What Books
Wyles, Peggy Lillis — Red Moon Press
Wynne, Robert — Tebot Bach
Xiaohong, Zhang, ed. — Virtual Artists Collective
Yalen, Lesley — Minute Books
Yamamoto, Teo — Teo Yamamoto
Yang, Jeffrey, ed. — New Directions
Yates, Katie — Stockport Flats
Yau, John — Letter Machine Editions
Yau, John, ed. — DC Moore Gallery
Yau, John, ed. — Off the Park Press
Yauri, Yvan — Ugly Duckling Presse
Yehoshua, November — Main Street Rag
Yes Yes, Laura — Write Bloody Publishing
Youmans, Marly — Mercer University Press
Youn, Monica — Four Way Books
Young, C. Dale — Four Way Books
Young, Dean — Copper Canyon Press
Young, Dean — Graywolf Press
Young, Geoffrey — Kwik Print
Young, Geoffrey; Valdes, Justin — Sessions
Young, Jessica — Bateau Press
Young, Kevin — Bloomsbury USA
Young, Kevin — Knopf, Alfred A.
Young, Mike — Publishing Genius Press
Youngblom, Tracy S. — Parallel Press
Youngblood, Julia — Finishing Line Press
Yovu, Peter — Red Moon Press
Yuill, Tom — University of Chicago Press
Yuko, Kawano — Modern English Tanka Press
Zabriskie, Grace — NYQ Books (New York Quarterly)
Zagajewski, Adam — Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Zagrakalyte, Agne — Virtual Artists Collective
Zaikowski, Carolyn — Life Roar Press
Zale, Sarah — Plain View Press
Zaleski, Philip, ed. — Penguin
Zander, William — Serving House Books
Zapruder, Matthew — Copper Canyon Press
Zarin, Cynthia — Knopf, Alfred A.
Zawacki, Andrew — Projective Industries
Zegers, Kip — Foot Hills Publishing
Zi, Hai — Host Publications
Ziman, Larry, Madeline Sharples, Madeline, and Nicky Selditz, eds. —
Muse Media
Zimmerman, Ray; Majors, Bruce; Lindberg, Ed — Ford, Falcon &
Zompa, Vincent — Dusie Kollektiv
Zucker, Rachel and Ariell Greenberg, eds. — University of Iowa Press
Zukofsky, Louis — New Directions
Zurita, Raul — Action Books
Zwartjes, Arianne — Eastern Washington University Press
Zweig, Martha — Tupelo Press
Ahadada Books
Chaves, Johnathan, *West Cliff Poems: The Poetry of Weng Chuan, 2010, Foreign
Jaffin, David; Fulton, Warren, Poemed on a Beach: A Skeptic’s Guide to Modern Poetry, 2010, Prose, Foreign
Pitkin, Anne, Winter Arguments , Spring 2011, Foreign
Albert Bonniers Forlag
Colosseum, Kolosseum, 2010, Foreign
Alpha Press
Pritchard, Vyvyan, *Open to Epiphanies an Anthology of Commentary, Verse and Aphorism, Summer 2011, Foreign;
Antony Rowe Publishing
Dux, Frank, Phenomena, Spring 2011, Foreign
Anvil Press Poetry Ltd.
Baudelaire, Charles, *The Complete Verse. Translated by Francis Scarfe, 2011, Bilingual, French/English, Anthology,
Cameron, Norman, *Collected Poems: and Selected Translations, June 1, 2011, Foreign
Evans, Martina, *Facing the Public, Spring 2010, Foreign
Follain, Jean, *Jean Follain: 130 Poems, Spring 2010, Foreign
Guest, Harry, *Some Times, 2011, Foreign
Kissam, Edward, *Flower and Song: Poems of the Aztec People. Translated by Michael Schmidt, 2010, Anthology,
McCarthy, Thomas, *The Last Geraldine Officer, 2010, Foreign
Popa, Vasko, *Collected Poems of Vasko Popa, June 1, 2011, Foreign
Popa, Vasko; Pennington, Anne; Harvey, Andrew, eds., *The Golden Apple: A Round of Stories, Songs, Spells,
Proverbs and Riddles, 2010, Foreign
Thompson, Rachel, *Galaxy, 2011, Foreign
Vayenas, Nasos, *The Perfect Order: Selected Poems 1974-2010, May 1, 2011, Foreign
Wharton, Calvin, *The Song Collides, 2011, Foreign
Arc Publications
Barrett, Elizabeth, *A Dart of Green and Blue, 2010, Foreign
Kusar, Meta, *Ljubljana, 2010, Foreign; Translation
Lane, Joel, *The Autumn Myth, 2010, Foreign
Steinherr, Ludwig, *Before the Invention of Paradise. Translated by Richard Dove, 2010, Foreign; Bilingual,
Armenian Poetry Project
Koundakjian, R.H. Lola, The Accidental Observer, 2011, Foreign
Arrowhead Press
Griffiths, M. A., Grasshopper: The Poetry of M. A. Griffiths, 2011, Foreign
Athabasca University Press
Kerr, Don, *The Dust of Just Beginning, 2010, Foreign
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Australian Poetry Centre
de Hugard, Ann, A Question of Translation, 2010, Chapbook, Foreign
Leber, Michelle, The Weeping Grass, 2010, Chapbook, Foreign
Petridus, Rachael, Sundecked, 2010, Chapbook, Foreign
Wilson, Chloe, The Mermaid Problem, 2010, Chapbook, Foreign
Bloodaxe Books
Kaplinski, Jaan, *Selected Poems, 2011, Foreign
Lian, Yang, *Lee Valley Poems, 2010, Foreign
Williamson, Heidi, *Electric Shadow, 2011, Foreign
*Picture World, Spring 2011, Foreign
Azarov, Vladimir, *The Kiss from Mary Pickford, 2011, Foreign
Eichhorn, Kate, Fieldnotes, a Forensic, 2010, Foreign
Quartermain, Meredith, Recipes from the Red Planet, 2010, Foreign
Stettheimer, Florine, Crystal Flowers: Poems and a Libretto, 2010, Foreign
Zultanski, Steven, Cop Kisser, 2010, Foreign
Brepols Publishers
Whaley, Diana, ed., *Poetry from the Kings’ Sagas 1: From Mythical Times to c. 1035 (Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian
Middle Ages), Summer 2011, Anthology; Foreign
Brick Books
Enns, Karen, That Other Beauty, 2010, Foreign
Goyette, Sue, Outskirts, 2011, Foreign
Henderson, Brian, Sharawadji, 2011, Foreign
McCarthy, Julia, Return from Erebus, 2010, Foreign
McOrmond, Steve, The Good News About Armageddon, Spring 2010, Foreign
Rogers, Nico, The Fetch, Fall 2010, Prose; Foreign
Scowcroft, Ann, *The Truth of Houses, 2011, Foreign
Still, Jennifer, Girlwood, 2011, Foreign
BrickHouse Books
Rivera, W.M., Buried in the Mind’s Backyard, Winter 2011, Foreign
Broken Jaw Press
Rio, Nela, En las noches que desvisten otras noches/Durant les nuits qui déshabillent d’autres nuits. Valery, Jill, 2010,
Dunn, Mark D., Ghost Music, 2010, Foreign
Caitlin Press
Pottle, Adam, *Beautiful Mutants, Spring 2011, Foreign
Vaira, Ursula, *And See What Happens: The Journey Poems, Spring 2011, Foreign
Cambridge University Press
The Cambridge Companion to English Poets. Rawson, Claude, ed., 2011, Prose; Foreign
Dowson, Jane, The Cambridge Companion to Twentieth-Century British and Irish Women’s Poetry, 2011, Prose; Foreign
O'Neill, Michael, ed., The Cambridge History of English Poetry, 2011, Prose; Foreign
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Casa Fernando Pessoa
Reis, Ricardo (Fernando Pessoa), Deixar de Ver / Ready to Quit Seeing, Summer 2010, Foreign; Bilingual,
Coach House Books
Ball, Jonathan, Clockfire, 2010, Foreign
Barwin, Gary, The Porcupinity of the Stars, 2010, Foreign
Bök, Christian, Eunoia, Winter 2011, Foreign
Fiorentino, Jon Paul, Indexical Elegies, 2010, Foreign
Foreman, Gabe, A Complete Encyclopedia of Different Types of People, Spring 2011, Foreign
Guri, Helen, Match, 2011, Foreign
Jones, Daniel, The Brave Never Write Poetry, 2011, Foreign
Robertson, Lisa, Occasional Work and Seven Walks from the Office for Soft Architecture, Spring 2011, Foreign
De Harmonie
Kees Van Kooten, Billy Collins, Zo Wordt U Gelukkig / This Will Make You Happy, Fall 2010, Foreign; Bilingual,
Dutch/English, Prose
Dedalus Press
Daly, Padraig J., Afterlife, Summer 2010, Foreign
Givans, Ray, Tolstoy in Love, Summer 2010, Foreign
McGovern, Iggy, Safe House, 2010, Foreign
Edinburgh University Press
Hogg, James, *Scottish Pastorals: Together with Other Early Poems and 'Letters on Poetry' (The Collected Works of James
Hogg), June 1, 2011, Foreign
Editiions Passage St.-Hubert Galerie Des Princes
Milazzo, Richard, Keats Dying in Your Arms , May 2010, Foreign
Ekstasis Editions/Cherubim Books
Blades, Joe, Prison Songs and Storefront Poetry, 2010, Foreign
Frontenac House Ltd.
Charach, Ron, Forgetting the Holocaust, 2011, Foreign
Griebel, Rosemary, Yes., 2011, Foreign
Marty, Sid, The Rider with Good Hands, 2011, Foreign
Marty, Sid, Sky Humor, Winter 2010, Foreign
Nason, Jim, Narcissus Unfolding, 2011, Foreign
Ramdath, Kirk, Love in a Handful of Dust, 2011, Foreign
House of Anansi Press
Babstock, Ken, Methodist Hatchet, 2011, Foreign
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, *What is Poetry?, 2011, Foreign
House of Anansi Press, ed., *The 2011 Griffin Poetry Prize Anthology: A Selection of the Shortlist, June 1, 2011,
Anthology, Foreign
Thesen, Sharon, Oyama Pink Shale, 2011, Foreign
Ibiskos Ulivieri
Beconcini, Giancarlo, Ritorno Alla Natura: Poesi e dipinti, 2010, Foreign
Indigo Dreams Publishing
Goodyear, Ronnie and Daw Bauling, eds., Crab Lines Off the Pier: An Anthology of Summer, 2010, Foreign
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Institut Ramon Llull
Monzo, Quim; Coover, Robert; Farres, Ernest; Hirsch, Edward, Hopper’s Nighthawks in My Dreams. Newman,
Mary Ann; Venuti, Lawrence, 2010, Foreign/Bilingual, Catalan/English
Interactive Publications
Ruin, Fall 2010, Foreign
Fielden, Amelia and Kathy Kituai, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, 2011, Foreign
Kaminsky, Leah, Stitching Things Together, 2010, Foreign
Laidler, James, The Taste of Apple , 2010, Foreign
Reeves, Lyn, designs on the body, Fall 2010, Foreign
Williams, Jane, City of Possibilities, 2011, Foreign
Les Editions Khus Khus
Tavernier, Janine, Sphinx du Laurier Rose, 2010, Foreign
Markischer Verlag
Meckel, Christoph, *Christoph Meckel, 2010, Chapbook; Foreign
McClelland & Stewart Inc.
Barskova, Polina, *The Zoo In Winter. Dralyuk, Boris; Stromberg, David tr., 2011, Foreign
Cohen, Leonard, *Book of Mercy, Spring 2010, Foreign
Musgrave, Susan, *Origami Dove, 2011, Foreign
Simpson, Anne, *Is, 2011, Foreign
McGill-Queen’s University Press
Mikhail Asfour, John, Blindfold, 2011, Foreign
Penny, Michael, Particles, 2011, Foreign
Mondadori (Oscar Mondadori)
Ballerini, Luigi, Se il tempo è matto, Spring 2010, Foreign; Bilingual, Italian/English
New Directions
Christensen, Inger, *Light, Grass, and Letter in April. Nied, Susanna, June 27, 2011, Foreign
New Star Books Ltd.
Mancini, Donato, *Buffet World, 2011, Foreign
Seelig, Adam, *Every day in the morning (slow), 2010, Foreign
Nightwood Editions
Thran, Nick, *Earworm, 2011, Foreign
Nirala Publications
Austell, David B., Little Creek & Other Poems , 2011, Foreign
Arrieta, Marcia, Triskelion, Tiger Moth, Tangram, Thyme, Spring 2011, Foreign
Peepal Tree Press
Abani, Chris, Feed Me the Sun, Fall 2010, Foreign
Adisa, Opal Palmer; Weir-Soley, Donna Aza, Ed., Caribbean Erotic: Poetry, Prose & Essays, 2010, Foreign
Campbell, Christian, Running the Dusk, Winter 2010, Foreign
Campbell, George, *First Poems, 2011, Foreign
Craig, Christine, Christine Craig: Poems/All Things Bright & Quadrille for Tigers, Fall 2010, Foreign
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Das, Mahadai, A Leaf in His Ear, Fall 2010, Foreign
Gonzalez, Anson, Artefacts of Presence, Fall 2010, Foreign
Hutchinson, Ishion, Far District, Spring 2010, Foreign
Marson, Una, *Una Marson: Selected Poems. Donnell, Alison, 2011, Foreign
Parkes, Nii Ayikwei, The Makings of You, Fall 2010, Foreign
Philip, Geoffrey, Dub Wise, Fall 2010, Foreign
Perch Press
Tanikawa, Shuntaro, A Picture Book. Translated by William I. Elliott and Kazuo Kawamura, 2010, Foreign,
Bilingual, Japanese/English
Porcupine's Quill
Dobbs, Kildare, Casanova in Venice: A Raunchy Rhyme, Winter 2010, Foreign
Leslie, Kenneth, The Essential Kenneth Leslie. Edited by Zachariah Wells, Winter 2010, Foreign
Neilson, Shane, Complete Physical, Winter 2010, Foreign
Outram, Richard, The Essential Richard Outram. Edited by Amanda Jernigan, Spring 2011, Foreign
Page, P. K., Kaleidoscope: Selected Poems of P. K. Page. Edited by Zailig Pollock, Winter 2010, Foreign
Reaney, James, A Suit of Nettles, Winter 2010, Foreign
Reason On the Run Press
Spencer, George, The Obscene Richness of Our Times, Spring 2010, Chapbook; Foreign
Salmon Poetry
Blanchard, Drew, Winter Dogs, Spring 2011, Foreign
Brown, Barbara, ed., Honouring the Word: Poetry and Prose: Celebrating Maurice Harmon on His 80th Birthday, Fall
2010, Anthology; Foreign
Buntin, Simmons B., Bloom, Winter 2010, Foreign
Callaghan, Louise C., *In the Ninth House, 2010, Foreign
Cohen, Andrea, Kentucky Derby, Spring 2011, Foreign
Dzenga, Primrose, Destiny In My Hands, Fall 2010, Foreign
Feeney, Elaine, Where’s Katie?, Fall 2010, Foreign
Fitzmaurice, Gabriel, Poems of Faith and Doubt, Spring 2011, Foreign
Halperin, Richard W., Anniversary, Fall 2010, Foreign
Harmon, Maurice, When Love Is Not Enough, Fall 2010, Foreign
Higgins, Rita Ann, Hurting God, Fall 2010, Foreign
Jaffe, Larry, One Child Sold: Human Trafficking and Rights, Winter 2010, Foreign
Kingsnorth, Paul, Kidland and other poems, Spring 2011, Foreign
Lendennie, Jessie, ed., Dogs Singing: A Tribute Anthology, Fall 2010, Anthology; Foreign
Lennon, Joseph, Fell Hunger, Spring 2011, Foreign
Locke, Christopher, End of American Magic, Fall 2010, Foreign
Lordan, Dave, Invitation to a Sacrifice, Fall 2010, Foreign
McKeown, John, Night Walk, Spring 2011, Foreign
Moore, Alan Jude, *Strasbourg, 2010, Foreign
Murray, Stephen, House of Bees, Spring 2011, Foreign
O’Morain, Padraig, Blue Guitar, spring 2011, Foreign
Peterson, Allan, As Much As, Spring 2011, Foreign
Shea, Glenn, Find a Place That Could Pass for Home, Fall 2010, Foreign
Stannard, Julian, parrots of Villa Gruber Discover Lapis Lazuli, Spring 2011, Foreign
Wall, Drucilla, The Geese at the Gates, Spring 2011, Foreign
Wall, William, Ghost Estate, Spring 2011, Foreign
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
Wyeth, Adam, Silent Music, Spring 2011, Foreign
Salt Publishing
Kinsella, John, ed., *Dreamhoard: Pipe Dreams, Daydreams, Reveries and Nightmares, Oct. 1, 2011, Anthology; Foreign
O'Brien, Geoffrey, Early Autumn, 2010, Foreign
Shearsman Books
Dentz, Shira, Black Seeds on a White Dish, Summer 2010, Foreign
Hjelmgaard, Lynn, *The Ring, 2011, Foreign
Jaffin, David, Light Paths , May 2011, Foreign
Rivera, Elena, The Perforated Map, Spring 2011, Foreign
Taylor, Mervyn, No Back Door, Winter 2010, Foreign
Williams, JL, *Condition of Fire, 2011, Foreign
Keren, Ira, Time . Translated by Efrat Yardeni and Ira Keren, Summer 2011, Broadside; Bilingual,
Hebrew/English; Foreign
't Schrijverke
Kacian, Jim, Where I Leave Off, 2010, Chapbook; Foreign
Collis, Stephen, On the Material, Winter 2010, Foreign
McLennan, Rob, *Glengarry, 2011, Foreign
Morse, Garry Thomas, Discovery Passages, 2011, Foreign
Nicholson, Cecily, *Triage, 2011, Foreign
Norris, Ken, Floating Up To Zero, 2011, Foreign
Olson, Charles, Muthologos: Lectures and Interviews, 2010, Prose; Foreign
Tightrope Books
Crozier, Lorna, ed., The Best Canadian Poetry in English 2010, 2010, Anthology; Foreign
Vagabond Press
Tanikawa, Shuntaro, Watashi. Translated by William I. Elliott and Kazuo Kawamura, 2010, Foreign
Vaso Roto
Janes, Clara, Poesia Erotica y amorosa, 2010, Written in Spanish; Foreign
Vehicule Press
Briscoe, Susan, *The Crow’s Vow, 2011, Foreign
Voix Editions
Spears, André, and Anne Rosen, Translation. Translated by André Spears and Anne Rosen, Spring 2010, Bilingual,
French/English, Foreign
Spears, André and Anne Rosen, Arcadia (Para Walter Benjamin), Spring 2011, Matchbook; Foreign
Wolsak and Wynn Publishers
Downie, Glen, Local News, Spring 2011, Foreign
Garcia, Griselda, Alucinaciones en la alfalfa y otros poemas / Hallucinations in the Alfalfa and Other Poems, Spring 2010,
Foreign, Bilingual, Spanish/English
Hoogland, Cornella, Woods Wolf Girl, Spring 2011, Foreign
Owen, Catherine, Seeing Lessons, Spring 2010, Foreign
Simmers, Bren, Night Gears, Spring 2010, Foreign
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher
zero press
Coggin, Linda, *Dog Days, 2011, Foreign
* Indicates that title has not yet been received from publisher