Financial Crisis, US Unconventional Monetary Policy and
International Spillovers
by Qianying Chen, Andrew Filardo, Dong He, and Feng Zhu
© 2015 International Monetary Fund WP/15/85
IMF Working Paper
European Department
Financial Crisis, US Unconventional Monetary Policy and International Spillovers
Prepared by Qianying Chen, Andrew Filardo, Dong He, and Feng Zhu
Authorized for distribution by Bas Bakker
April 2015
We study the impact of the US quantitative easing (QE) on both the emerging and advanced
economies, estimating a global vector error-correction model (GVECM) and conducting
counterfactual analyses. We focus on the effects of reductions in the US term and corporate
spreads. First, US QE measures reducing the US corporate spread appear to be more
important than lowering the US term spread. Second, US QE measures might have prevented
episodes of prolonged recession and deflation in the advanced economies. Third, the
estimated effects on the emerging economies have been diverse but often larger than those
recorded in the US and other advanced economies. The heterogeneous effects from US QE
measures indicate unevenly distributed benefits and costs.
The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Bank for International
Settlements or the International Monetary Fund. We very much appreciate the comments by the journal referee, and the
comments on the drafts of this and earlier versions from Jonathan Batten, Menzie Chinn, Dietrich Domanski, Alex Heath,
Roong Mallikamas, Richhild Moessner, Shinobu Nakagawa, Patrizio Pagano, Eswar Prasad, John Taylor, Bernhard Winkler
and the participants at the 9th Annual Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research Summer Workshop, the 2011 Joint
Workshop on Emerging Markets of the European Central Bank and the Deutsche Bundesbank, the 2012 EEA-ESEM
meeting, the Bank of Canada 2013 conference on “International macroeconomic policy cooperation: challenges and
prospects”, the Bank of Korea Seminar on “Macro-financial linkages and macro-prudential policies” and the ECB-IMF
conference on “International dimensions of conventional and unconventional monetary policy”.
Qianying Chen, International Monetary Fund (IMF), [email protected]; Andrew Filardo, Bank for International Settlements
(BIS), [email protected]; Dong He, IMF, [email protected]; Feng Zhu, BIS, [email protected]. Dong He was a staff
member of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) when he worked on this paper.
IMF Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published to
elicit comments and to encourage debate. The views expressed in IMF Working Papers are
those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the IMF, its Executive Board,
or IMF management.
JEL Classification Numbers: E44, E52, E65, F42, F47
Keywords: emerging economies; financial crisis; global VAR; international monetary policy
spillovers; quantitative easing; unconventional monetary policy
Author’s E-Mail Address: [email protected] (Q. Chen), [email protected] (A. Filardo),
I. Introduction ______________________________________________________________4
II. Estimating the Effects of US Unconventional Policies ____________________________6
A. GVECM Analysis: Model and Variables ____________________________________6
B. GVECM Analysis: Impulse Responses ______________________________________9
C. Cross-Border Monetary Policy Spillovers ___________________________________11
III. GVECM-based counterfactual analysis ______________________________________16
A. Spillovers From Reductions in the US Corporate Spread _______________________19
IV. Conclusion ____________________________________________________________22
I: Structure of the GVECM Model _____________________________________________24
II: Foreign Exchange Pressure Index ___________________________________________26
III: Time-Varying Weights for Foreign Variables _________________________________27
IV: Data __________________________________________________________________28
References ________________________________________________________________29
1. Impulse Responses to US Term and Corporate Spread Shocks: United States _________11
2. Maximum Impulse Responses to a US Corporate Spread Shock ____________________14
3. Distribution of Maximum Impulse Responses to US Term and Corporate
Spread Shocks __________________________________________________________15
4. Counterfactual Analysis of Domestic US QE Impact: US Corporate Spread __________18
5. Counterfactual Analysis of Euro Area Impact: US Corporate Spread ________________20
6. Counterfactual Analysis of Impact in Brazil: US Corporate Spread _________________21
7. Counterfactual Analysis of Impact in China: US Corporate Spread _________________22
1. The Federal Reserve’s Large-Scale Asset Purchase (LSAP) Programs ________________5
1. The 20072009 US subprime mortgage crisis and the Great Recession have had a
major impact on the design and implementation of monetary policy. Following the crisis, the
Federal Reserve lowered the federal funds rate target rapidly to near zero, and has taken
additional measures considered “unconventional” (Table 1).
2. The unconventional policy actions taken by central banks in a number of major
economies have led to a burgeoning literature on their effectiveness. Most work has focused
on their domestic effects and relied on event studies analysing the announcement effects of
quantitative easing (QE) on asset prices: some studies have also employed regression
analysis. Among others, D’Amico and King (2010), Doh (2010), Gagnon, Raskin, Remache
and Sack (2010, 2011), Joyce, Lasaosa, Stevens and Tong (2011), Krishnamurthy and
Vissing-Jorgensen (2011) and Meaning and Zhu (2011, 2012) provide estimates for the
Federal Reserve’s and the Bank of England’s large-scale asset purchase programs.
3. A better understanding of the monetary policy spillovers associated with QE
measures may help policymakers to cope with the challenges posed by such policies and to
assess the need for international policy coordination. Yet we know very little about the
impact of the unconventional policies on real activity, and so far there has been little research
on their cross-border spillovers, especially on emerging economies.
4. Several studies examine the cross-border financial market impact of QE policies.
Relying on event studies of US asset purchases, Neely (2010) finds that US QE lowered bond
rates in the other advanced economies by 20-80 basis points and depreciated the US dollar by
4-11 percent. Glick and Leduc (2012) show that commodity prices on average fell upon the
announcements of US asset purchases, despite a decline in long-term interest rates and US
dollar depreciation. Chen, Filardo, He and Zhu (2012, 2014a) and Rogers, Scotti and Wright
(2014) provide evidence on the international spillovers of the unconventional measures
implemented by the Bank of England, the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve and
the Bank of Japan. Fratzscher, Lo Duca and Straub (2013) find that earlier US QE measures
were highly effective in lowering sovereign yields and raising equity prices. But since 2010
such measures have had a muted impact on yields across countries. Chen, Filardo, He and
Zhu (2014b) introduce estimated shadow federal funds rates in a global VAR to assess the
domestic and global impact of US unconventional monetary policy. They find that US QE
might not have only prevented US recessions but also had substantial global spillovers. IMF
(2013a, b) finds that unconventional monetary policies have successfully restored market
functioning and intermediation in the early phase of the global financial crisis, but their
continuation carries risks.
5. There are two major views on the spillovers of the unconventional monetary policies
implemented in the major advanced economies. The first view considers that such policies
To assess the macroeconomic effects of QE measures, Chen, Filardo, He and Zhu (2012, 2014a, b) estimate a global VAR
model and Gambacorta, Hofmann and Peersman (2012) employ a panel VAR model. Hofmann and Zhu (2013) study the
effects on inflation expectations of Federal Reserve asset purchases and find these were well-anchored and such purchases
had little impact.
are designed for domestic contingencies; any spillovers are unintended and primarily an issue
for other policymakers to address. This echoes the Obstfeld-Rogoff (2002) proposition that
there are only small gains from policy coordination once individual central banks implement
policies optimised to achieve domestic macro stability. Moreover, Ostry and Ghosh (2013)
consider uncertainties and disagreement about the cross-border effects of QE policies a major
obstacle to policy coordination.
Table 1. The Federal Reserve’s Large-Scale Asset Purchase (LSAP) Programs
Assets purchased
Nov. 2008
Agency mortgage-backed
securities (MBS) and agency
Mar. 2009
Agency securities
Mar. 2010
Longer-term US Treasury
Nov. 2010
Jun. 2011
Longer-term US Treasury
Sep. 2011
US Treasury securities with
remaining maturities of six to
30 years
Jun. 2012
Dec. 2012
US Treasury securities with
remaining maturities of six to
30 years
Sep. 2012
Oct. 2014
Agency MBS
Dec. 2012
Oct. 2014
Longer-term US Treasury
Initially announced amount of asset purchases for each program or program expansion.
The purchases were open-ended when they were announced. The Federal Reserve started to taper the asset
purchases in January 2014, and eventually halted the purchases altogether in October 2014.
Source: US Federal Reserve.
6. The second view argues that QE policies are less benign. Amongst other things, they
depreciate domestic currencies and inflate risk-adjusted interest rate differentials vis-à-vis
other economies, leading to potentially large capital inflows and consumer and asset price
inflation pressures abroad. Besides concerns with competitive devaluation, Rajan (2013)
highlights the potential danger of “competitive asset price inflation”. Taylor (2013) points
out that, while the Obstfeld-Rogoff (2002) proposition may be true in normal times, sizeable
cross-border spillovers seen in recent years have changed the cost-benefit analysis. This
would particularly be the case if QE measures represent “deviations from rules-based policy”
which create incentives for other central banks to deviate from rules-based policies. The
cross-border effects of QE may also be perceived as beneficial or harmful by those affected,
depending in large part on the cyclical position they find themselves in at the time when QE
is adopted. There is a general consensus that that during the global financial crisis and the
ensuing recession, QE policies helped to stabilize global financial markets and prevented an
even further collapse in the global economic activity. As recovery languished in the advanced
economies but gathered pace in the emerging economies, QE arguably contributed to
economic overheating and asset market excesses in some jurisdictions owing to the large
currency appreciation and capital inflow pressures.
7. In this paper, we study the macroeconomic effects of QE, both domestic and
international, estimating a global vector error correction model (GVECM) covering
17 advanced and emerging economies, using monthly data spanning 20072013. Given the
size of the GVECM and the limited data span, the elevated estimation uncertainty is reflected
in the relatively large confidence bands. Our estimates suggest that the cross-border
spillovers varied across economies and over time. We find that reducing the US corporate
spread, and, to a lesser extent, the US term spread, had sizeable effects on financial
conditions and economic activity both domestically and globally. Taken at face value, our
counterfactual analysis indicates that US QE programs, especially LSAP1, were important
counter-cyclical measures, apparently preventing the US and other advanced economies from
prolonged recession and deflation.
8. The effects of US QE measures on the emerging economies are estimated to be
generally larger and more diverse than those in the advanced economies. In our view, the
strength of the effects depends partly on how each economy reacts to the US policy shocks,
and partly on the distinct economic and financial structures, policy frameworks and exchange
rate arrangements. Our estimates also suggest that US QE measures contributed to
overheating in Brazil, China and some other emerging economies in 2010 and 2011, but
supported recovery in these economies in 2009 and 2012. The diverse cross-border QE
effects imply that the costs and benefits of US QE policies have been unevenly distributed
between the advanced and emerging economies and have varied over time.
9. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the GVECM and provides
empirical results on the cross-border impact of US QE measures with impulse responses to a
US term or corporate spread shock estimated from a GVECM. Section 3 examines the
domestic and spillover effects of US QE measures on financial and real activities, assessed
with a counterfactual analysis based on the impulse response estimates. Section 4 concludes.
10. To assess the domestic and foreign effects of US unconventional policies on real and
financial activities, we employ a global vector error correction model (GVECM), developed
by Pesaran, Schuermann and Weiner (2004), which is suited for capturing cross-border
macro-financial linkages. We first estimate impulse responses for each economy using the
GVECM. Based on these, we design counterfactual scenarios in which US QE measures are
assumed to be absent, and evaluate their effects by comparing the “no-QE” projections to
actual data.
A. GVECM Analysis: Model and Variables
11. The model is structured as follows.
For economy i, the model VECM
can be
written as:
See BIS (2012) and De Nicolò, Dell’Ariccia, Laeven and Valencia (2010).
t εdxΓzΨzΠccx
z xx
, and
z dxx
is the observed global factor, e.g. the CBOE Volatility Index (VIX). For every
non-US economy i, we have
12. Each country VECM consists of six domestic endogenous variables: real GDP
growth ( y), the CPI inflation rate (π), a monetary policy indicator (mp), credit growth (
bc), equity price (sp) and foreign exchange pressure index (emp). The model is then
augmented with a set of foreign variables which include, e.g. foreign real GDP growth and
the VIX.
Except for the VIX, the foreign variables are constructed as the weighted averages
of the corresponding variables in all other economies, and they are assumed to be weakly
13. For the US bloc, we include the same set of domestic variables as in the other
economies, but only the non-US real GDP growth as a foreign variable. Given the
importance of the United States in the global economy, we do not treat the other foreign
variables, especially the financial variables, as weakly exogenous in the US bloc. Therefore
the VIX is treated as endogenous in the US bloc:
14. Blinder (2010) suggests that central banks use unconventional tools to reduce
interest rate spreads such as “term premiums and/or risk premiums”, buying long-term
Treasuries or using QE to target “risk or liquidity spreads”. The rationale is that “since
private borrowing, lending, and spending decisions presumably depend on (risky) non-
Treasury rates, reducing their spreads over (riskless) Treasuries reduces the interest rates that
matter for actual transactions even if riskless rates are unchanged.” We therefore describe the
Federal Reserve’s unconventional measures, especially the large-scale purchases of
We provide further details on the structure of the GVECM and on variables and data in Appendices A-D.
The VIX, a key measure of market expectations of near-term volatility conveyed by S&P 500 stock index option prices,
provides a good measure of financial market developments.
sovereign (e.g. Treasuries) and private (e.g. agency MBS) assets, with two monetary policy
“indicators”: the US term spread between the 10-year and three-month Treasury yields; and
the US corporate spread between the BofA Merrill Lynch US corporate AAA bond yield and
the effective federal funds rate.
15. Admittedly, the term and corporate spreads may reflect information beyond that
captured by US monetary policy, given that these spreads are important barometers of US
financial sector health. But even in normal times, the term spread is considered a useful
indicator, as central banks act to shape expectations of a specific interest rate path well into
the future. At the zero lower bound (ZLB), the funds rate loses its information content;
however, the two spreads continue to reflect the immediate objectives (and impact) of US QE
measures, namely, to reduce longer-term Treasury yields, lower borrowing costs for
corporates and households and restore credit flows. Purchasing Treasuries and agency MBS
are expected to reduce long-term Treasury yields directly and corporate bond yields via
portfolio rebalancing.
16. For the other advanced economies, which have faced the ZLB and implemented
unconventional measures, we use the spread between 10-year and three-month government
bond yields for the United Kingdom and Japan as the monetary policy indicator, and the
spread between the 10-year government bond yield and the main refinancing rate for the euro
area. For the emerging economies, we describe monetary policy with the growth rates in a
broad monetary aggregate, as their central banks tend to use a wide range of policy tools and
a broad monetary aggregate may be the more robust indicator for monetary policy.
17. We measure stress on an economy’s currency by computing an exchange rate
pressure index as a weighted average of changes in the nominal effective exchange rates and
in foreign exchange reserves. The index is a variant of the index proposed by Eichengreen,
Rose and Wyplosz (1995), taking into account different exchange rate regimes as well as
policy interventions by the respective governments.
18. One notable feature is our modelling of cross-country linkages using both the
financial and trade linkages, similar to Chen, Gray, N’Diaye, Oura and Tamirisa (2010) and
Eickmeier and Ng (2011). We gauge the strength of the time-varying financial
interdependence across economies based on the flow data from the Bank for International
Settlements’ (BIS) consolidated bank lending statistics. In the construction of the foreign
variables for an economy, the weights on trade and financial linkages are determined by the
relative importance of trade and financial flows in that economy (see Appendix C). Our
robustness analysis indicates that varying their relative weights does not significantly change
the results.
Chen, Filardo, He and Zhu (2012) use corporate and term spread reductions to study the impact of US QE measures, and
Kapetanios, Mumtaz, Stevens and Theodoridis (2012) and Pesaran and Smith (2012) evaluate the effects of UK QE
approximating it with a 100-basis-point reduction in UK term spreads or in the medium- to long-term government bond
19. In addition, we use a new series of BIS total credit to the non-financial private
The BIS series on average has a span of 45 years and is available for 40 advanced
and emerging economies.
The database accounts for credit from all sources, not only that
extended by domestic banks.
B. GVECM Analysis: Impulse Responses
20. To estimate the impulse responses, we identify the monetary policy shocks using a
recursive Cholesky scheme, with the following ordering of the endogenous variables in the
US VECM: real GDP growth, CPI inflation, monetary policy indicator, VIX index, equity
price inflation, credit growth, and foreign exchange pressure. The ordering is consistent with
the existing VAR literature. Having explored a number of alternative orderings, we find our
results largely robust. In addition, we follow Dees, di Mauro, Smith and Pesaran (2007) by
assuming that the US economy affects but does not respond to developments in other
economies contemporaneously. This is equivalent to placing the US model as the first
country bloc in the GVECM.
21. We estimate two different GVECMs, one with the term spread as the monetary
policy indicator for the advanced economies, the other with the corporate spread.
Correspondingly, we have two sets of results, one for the US monetary policy shock in terms
of the term spread and the other in terms of the corporate spread.
22. The GVECMs are estimated for the crisis period starting from the outbreak of the
US subprime mortgage crisis in July 2007 to February 2013,
for four advanced economies:
the United States, the euro area, Japan and the United Kingdom; nine emerging Asian
economies: China, Hong Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, South Korea, Malaysia, the
Philippines, Singapore and Thailand; and four Latin American economies: Argentina, Brazil,
Chile and Mexico.
Domestic effects of US term and corporate spread shocks
23. Figure 1 presents two sets of impulse responses for the US economy. One set refers
to responses to a one-standard-deviation cut in the US term spread of 14.2 basis points, the
other to a one-standard-deviation (20.7 basis points) reduction in the US corporate spread.
The “private non-financial sector” includes non-financial corporations (both private- and public-owned), households and
non-profit institutions serving households as defined in the System of National Accounts 2008. In terms of financial
instruments, credit covers loans and debt securities.
Details of the new BIS credit series can be found at: www.bis.org/statistics/credtopriv.htm. Also see Dembiermont,
Drehmann and Muksakunratana (2013).
We focus on the period following the crisis, when the Federal Reserve implemented unconventional monetary policy
measures. This sample period better captures the more recent domestic and international transmissions, which might have
changed after the crisis. Chen, Filardo, He and Zhu (2012, 2014a) provide estimates for the pre-crisis period from February
1995 to June 2007.
24. Notably, as in many studies based on the global VAR models, the confidence bands
tend to be wide.
This is largely due to the limited degrees of freedom in the estimation with
many variables having relatively short time spans. Our confidence bands are subject to the
same limitation, since we focus on the crisis period where the data sample is very short and
the economic and policy uncertainties are particularly elevated.
To improve accuracy, we
exclude from the estimation of each country model those foreign variables considered less
likely to affect or be affected by the economy.
25. Several interesting results emerge. First, US credit growth begins to have a
statistically significant and persistent positive response to a term spread shock in six months’
time: a credit channel might be present as a 14.2-basis-point cut has sustained credit growth
of over 0.3 percentage points higher thereafter. However, the term spread reduction typically
has small and not statistically significant effects on US output growth, and it lowers CPI
inflation and equity prices initially. It also raises the VIX by over 6 percent initially, with
statistically significant effects in the first three months after the shock. This suggests that a
decline in the US term spread may be perceived negatively by markets, for example as a
harbinger of less encouraging prospects.
26. Second, estimates based on the corporate spread model suggest that different
channels might be at play. Lowering the term spread has less impact on output, and over time
it depreciates the US dollar. In contrast, a 20.7-basis-point reduction in the US corporate
spread has a strong, positive and statistically significant impact on US growth, elevating real
GDP growth by 0.2 percentage points throughout the three-year horizon. A cut in the US
corporate spread consistently boosts equity price and CPI inflation, but it raises credit growth
by less than 0.1 percentage points, and it has little impact on the exchange rate.
27. Consistent with the findings in Blinder (2012),
it apparently pays off to take
actions that target corporate borrowing costs rather than indirectly driving down such costs
by purchasing Treasury securities to lower long-term sovereign yields. This corroborates the
earlier findings in the literature that LSAP1 had a larger impact than later asset purchases,
since the LSAP1 program included an important component of private asset purchases (i.e.
agency debt and agency MBS)
Examples include Pesaran and Smith (2006) and Dees, di Mauro, Smith and Pesaran (2007), where the 90 percent
bootstrapped error bands around the mean estimates of impulse responses are generally large and include zero. Chudik and
Fratzscher (2012) instead use the 25th and 75th percentiles as the range of their error bands.
We compute bootstrap confidence intervals with 5000 iterations and provide 90 percent bootstrapped error bands for the
median impulse response estimates.
The persistent response of real GDP growth (and other variables) to a term- or corporate-spread shock may reflect our
choice of not imposing money neutrality while identifying the monetary policy shock in our GVECM, where the real GDP
growth is an I(1) process in most economies.
Blinder (2012) argues that “this particular brand of unconventional monetary policy (purchases of private-sector securities
to reduce risk premiums) appeared to work very well in the cases of CP and MBS. But, of course, the risk spreads were then
at crisis levels. One cannot expect such strong effects under more normal market conditions. That said, every private debt
market is less deep and less liquid than the Treasury markets. So it is reasonable to expect more interest rate ‘bang’ for each
‘buck’ of asset purchases.”
See, for example, Meaning and Zhu (2011) and Goodhart and Ashworth (2013).
Figure 1. Impulse Responses to US Term and Corporate Spread Shocks: United States
Real GDP growth
CPI inflation
Growth of credit to private
Percentage points
Percentage points
Percentage points
Equity price
Foreign exchange pressure
Per cent
Per cent
Per cent
The estimates correspond to the crisis sample ranging from July 2007 to February 2013.
The US term spread shock is a one-standard-deviation
(i.e. 14.2 basis points) negative innovation to US term spread, and the US corporate spread shock is a one-standard-deviation (i.e. 20.7 basis points)
negative innovation to US corporate spread.
A rise in the foreign exchange pressure index represents stronger appreciation pressure.
Source: Authors’ calculations based on an estimated GVECM.
C. Cross-Border Monetary Policy Spillovers
28. We study the cross-border impact of US QE measures using the weighted regional
average impulse responses to a one-standard-deviation shock to US term (14.2 basis points)
and corporate (20.7 basis points) spreads for the other major advanced economies, emerging
Asia and Latin America.
Figure 2 presents, for each individual economy, the corresponding
The impulse responses in each region are presented as the weighted averages of the median impulse response estimates of
the regional economies, the weights being their real GDP shares in the region, based on each economy’s average real GDP
between 1995 and 2013. The weights are similar to those calculated for 2007-2013. The averaging masks sizeable cross-
economy differences, and the “averaged” confidence bands are no longer valid for the average estimates.
maximum impulse responses to a reduction in the US corporate spread; and Tukey boxplots
in Figure 3 provide information on their dispersion in each region.
29. Depending on whether it is a term or corporate spread shock, the non-US economies’
responses vary in terms of the size and direction. The responses to a US corporate spread
shock are typically much larger. In particular, a cut in the US corporate spread tends to
promote persistently higher real GDP growth and inflation in all three regions, with greater
impact in a number of Latin American and emerging Asian economies. This might have
resulted from stronger responses in equity prices, i.e. the cross-border confidence channels
may work better when monetary policy measures focus on driving down the US corporate
rather than the term spread. In addition, lowering the US corporate spread also leads to
typically larger exchange rate appreciation pressure in Latin America and emerging Asia,
implying a stronger exchange rate channel in the QE spillovers to the emerging economies.
30. The effects of US QE measures have differed across economies and variables, with
substantial cross-region differences in the impulse responses to the US spread shocks,
notably in terms of monetary and exchange rate policies. This may indicate different
transmission and adjustment mechanisms in different economies. While monetary policy
loosens in the advanced economies in response to a US term or corporate spread shock, the
emerging economies respond to different types of US easing in different ways. Notably,
besides Argentina, Malaysia and Singapore, monetary policy in most emerging economies
tend to loosen in response to a cut in the US corporate or term spread. More emerging
economies tend to loosen in response to a cut in the US corporate spread. Currencies in the
advanced economies on average depreciate in response to a US term spread shock. But
appreciation pressures tend to rise in Latin America following a cut in the US term or
corporate spread, which turn out to be larger. But some emerging Asian currencies tend to
depreciate while others tend to appreciate.
31. The estimated impulse responses for each economy generally confirm the results
based on the regional averages, but there are sizeable cross-economy differences. To
illustrate this, we first provide some measures of dispersion, e.g. the range and inter-quartile
range, in the estimated maximum impulse responses over a two-year horizon for the 17
economies; we then describe and differentiate the results for the euro area, Brazil and China,
the largest economies from each of the three groupings.
32. Figure 3 presents Tukey boxplots, which summarise the within-region cross-
economy dispersion in each variable’s estimated impulse responses; the responses are to a
one-standard-deviation reduction in the US term (14.2 basis points) and corporate spread
(20.7 basis points). The bottom and top of the boxes indicate the 25th and 75th percentiles of
the maximum impulse response estimates in each region, the bottom and top whiskers
represent the range of the estimates, and the cross indicates the median.
33. The maximum impulse response estimates deliver generally similar messages. In both
cases, the within-region dispersion is sizeable and the estimates differ both in size and sign;
in most cases, the range of impulse response estimates for the emerging economies includes
zero. Moreover, the median estimates, e.g. for the output growth, credit growth, equity price
and foreign exchange pressure, tend to have the expected sign, especially in the case of a
reduction in the US corporate spread. For equity prices, while the median estimates are all
positive in the case of a cut in the US corporate spread, the median responses to a reduction
in the US term spread are negative. This is due to an initial drop in the equity prices which
turned out to be larger than their later persistent rise.
34. Comparing the three regions, the estimates in the non-US advanced economies
typically have a much smaller dispersion, possibly reflecting more similar economic
structures and a higher degree of economic and financial integration, as well as a smaller
number of economies in the group (Figure 2). In contrast, impulse response estimates for the
emerging economies tend to have larger dispersions. Second, the dispersion is generally
greater for the estimated impulse responses to a shock to the US corporate rather than term
spread, except for equity price and foreign exchange pressure. We focus our discussions on
the impulse response estimates for three economies: the euro area, Brazil and China.
35. A US easing raises euro area inflation. Following a 14.2-basis-point cut in the US
term spread, the euro area term spread falls significantly and stays lower by over 10 basis
points during most of the three-year horizon. The almost one-to-one response shows a tight
relationship between the two economies. A 20.7-basis-point cut in the US corporate spread
also lowers the euro area term spread. It drives up euro area credit and output growth by
about 0.1 and 0.2 percentage points, respectively. Euro area equity price inflation rises by
over 1 percentage point in four months. Reducing the US corporate spread depreciates the
euro by about 0.5 percentage points, but lowering the US term spread has little effects on the
euro exchange rate.
36. In Brazil, while money growth rises in response to a US term spread shock, it falls in
response to a US corporate spread shock. The Brazilian equity price rises slightly and then
stays almost unchanged after an initial decline of up to 2.4 percent upon a US term spread
shock, but it rises consistently at 1.2 percent or more four months after a cut in the US
corporate spread. Credit and output growth generally accelerate and currency appreciation
pressure rises following a US easing, with a stronger eventual impact from the US corporate
spread shock.
The impulse response estimates for all 17 economies, with the respective confidence bands, are available upon request.
They tend to be large in many cases, but often not significantly different from zero due to the estimation difficulties with
large-scale GVECMs and the small crisis sample.
Figure 2. Maximum Impulse Responses to a US Corporate Spread Shock
Real GDP growth
CPI inflation
Percentage points
Percentage points
Credit growth to the private sector
Monetary policy indicator
Percentage points
Percentage points
Equity price
Foreign exchange pressure
Per cent
Per cent
AR = Argentina; BR = Brazil; CL = Chile; CN = China; GB = United Kingdom; HK = Hong Kong SAR; ID = Indonesia; IN = India; JP = Japan; KR =
Korea; MX = Mexico; MY = Malaysia; PH = Philippines; SG = Singapore; TH = Thailand; US = United States; XM = Euro area.
The US corporate spread shock is a one-standard-deviation (i.e. 20.7 basis points) negative innovation to the corporate spread.
For monetary policy
indicators, we use corporate or term spreads for the advanced economies, and growth rates of a broad monetary aggregate for emerging economies.
rise in the foreign exchange pressure index represents stronger appreciation pressure.
Source: Authors’ calculations based on an estimated GVECM.
Figure 3. Distribution of Maximum Impulse Responses to US Term
and Corporate Spread Shocks
Real GDP growth
CPI inflation
Credit to the private sector
Percentage points
Percentage points
Percentage points
Monetary policy indicator
Equity price
Foreign exchange pressure
Percentage points
Per cent
Per cent
The US term spread shock is a one-standard-deviation (i.e. 14.2 basis points) negative innovation to the US term spread, and the US corporate spread
shock is a one-standard-deviation (i.e. 20.7 basis points) negative innovation to the US corporate spread.
In the Tukey boxplots the bottom and top of
the boxes are the first and third quartiles of the cumulative impulse responses of the region; the cross indicates the median; and the bottom and top
whiskers represent the range of the responses.
Euro area, Japan and the United Kingdom.
China, Hong Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia,
the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.
Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico.
For monetary policy indicators, we use term and corporate spreads for
the advanced economies, and the growth rates of a broad monetary aggregate for the emerging economies.
A rise in the foreign exchange pressure index
represents stronger appreciation pressure.
Source: Authors’ calculations based on an estimated GVECM.
37. China’s estimated policy responses to US stimulus differ depending on the nature of
the US shock. Following a cut in the US term spread, China’s money and credit growth rates
drop by 0.2 and 0.3 percentage points in the second month after the shock, they then turn
slightly positive in a few months before a persistent decline. In response to a drop in the US
corporate spread, however, the money and credit growth rates rise modestly for about six
months before falling persistently thereafter. For both shocks, the Chinese yuan faces
persistent depreciation pressures due to its close association with the US dollar, but the
pressure is greater during the first 20 months following a cut in the US corporate spread,
being significant and reaching 0.23 percentage points in one month.
38. The evidence suggests that reducing the US corporate spread is more
accommodative overall for the Chinese economy, even though China tends to lean against it
with monetary and credit policies. Real GDP growth increases significantly and rapidly by
0.13 percentage points following a 20.7-basis-point cut in the US corporate spread, despite an
initial drop, and eventually, inflation rises persistently by about 0.16 percentage points. The
output response to a US term spread shock is smaller, and the inflation response is mostly
negative. Equity price rises following a US corporate spread shock, and it generally falls after
a US term spread shock.
39. One interesting finding is that US QE measures turn out to have a greater impact on
economic and financial variables in many emerging economies than on the US economy.
This is consistent with previous work. For example, Mackowiak (2007) finds that US
monetary policy shocks in the pre-crisis period quickly and strongly affect interest and
exchange rates in a typical emerging economy, and price and real output there respond more
than the US counterparts. This evidence supports the view that cross-border monetary policy
spillovers cannot be dismissed as insignificant by-products of little consequence for the
global economy. As Rajan (2013) puts it, “even if the unconventional monetary policies that
focus on lowering interest rates across the term structure have limited effects on interest rates
in the large, liquid, sending country Treasury markets, the volume of flows they generate
could swamp the more illiquid receiving country markets, thus creating large price and
volume effects”.
Robustness check
40. The results of impulse response analyses are robust to different model specifications
and variable definitions, including the use of base money growth instead of broad money
growth, the use of the federal funds rate instead of the three-month US Treasury bill rate to
calculate the US term spread, and the use of the three-month US Treasury bill rate instead of
the federal funds rate to calculate the US corporate spread. The results are also robust to
alternative orderings of the variables in the identification scheme for the shocks to the US
term and corporate spreads.
41. We conduct counterfactual analyses to evaluate the domestic and global impact of
US QE measures. We construct two counterfactual scenarios based on US corporate spread
We then make conditional forecasts for model variables based on the
assumption that the US corporate spread follows a predetermined counterfactual path. By
comparing these projections to the actual data, we can assess the overall impact on the global
We present the results for the counterfactual analysis based on US corporate spread developments, given that their
economic effects are larger. Details on the counterfactual analysis based on US term spread developments can be provided
upon request.
economy of the US QE measures, and the separate impacts of the LSAP1, LSAP2, MEP and
LSAP3 programs.
42. The counterfactual analysis is based on the estimated GVECM model and one-step-
ahead projections. Specifically, equation (8) in Appendix A illustrates how an endogenous
can be expressed as the sum of the lagged explanatory variables (both domestic
and foreign) multiplied by the corresponding parameter estimates, plus the estimated
residuals. Given the values of all model variables up to time t, and conditional on the time-t
counterfactual value of the corporate spread, we obtain the one-step-ahead forecasts for the
endogenous variables (
). In the next step, we use the forecasts
and the time t+1
counterfactual value of the corporate spread to obtain the time t+2 forecasts (
), and so
on. The forecasts of each endogenous variable therefore depend on the past forecasts of the
other variables and the specified US monetary policy path.
43. We design two different counterfactual scenarios:
1. Constant scenario: we assume that the US corporate spread remains constant within
each period of the QE program, at the level seen immediately before the
implementation of each US asset purchase program, namely LSAP1, LSAP2, MEP
and LSAP3;
2. Jump scenario: we assume the US corporate spread jumps by 200 basis points at the
start of each QE program, thereafter it stays above the actual values during the entire
44. Figure 4 shows both the actual and the two counterfactual paths for the US corporate
45. Our counterfactual analyses suggest that US QE measures had sizeable domestic
effects, and such effects varied substantially depending on whether the measures led to a
substantial fall in the US corporate spread. In cases where the Federal Reserve asset
purchases kept the US corporate spread at a low level relative to the baseline, such actions
appeared to have contributed to stronger US economic recovery.
In doing this exercise, we need to bear in mind that the actual data could also reflect many other factors affecting the
global economy; these may include supply-side shocks such as euro area sovereign debt crisis, large fiscal stimulus in China,
and commodity price fluctuations.
We also examine an “increasing scenario”, in which the US corporate spread is assumed to rise by 10 basis points, in each
and every month during each QE program. As the results are similar, we only present the results associated with the
“constant” and “jump” scenarios.
Figure 4. Counterfactual Analysis of Domestic US QE Impact:
US Corporate Spread
Real GDP growth
CPI inflation
Credit growth to the private
Percentage points
Percentage points
Percentage points
Corporate spread
Equity price
Foreign exchange pressure
Percentage points
Natural logarithm
Per cent
The grey areas indicate the periods of implementation of LSAP1, LSAP2 and MEP. The black lines are actual values. The red lines are the values
associated with the jump scenario where the US corporate spread jumps by 200 basis points and stays 200 basis points above the actual levels
throughout the respective QE program, and the blue lines depict the scenario where the US corporate spread stays equal to the actual level observed just
before the QE program.
A rise in the foreign exchange pressure index represents stronger appreciation pressure.
Source: Authors’ calculations based on an estimated GVECM.
46. Figure 4 presents the dynamics of US economic and financial variables under the
“constant” and “jump” scenarios for the US corporate spread.
The counterfactual exercise,
at face value, indicate that without QE, especially the purchases of agency MBS and agency
debt which helped to lower the US corporate spread, the US economy would have remained
mired in a recession with deflation. The “jump” scenario suggests that asset purchases may
have supported higher real GDP growth by about 8 percentage points, and inflation by over
Notice that during LSAP1, the US corporate spread actually drifted back up midway through the program to levels higher
than when LSAP1 began, and then kept climbing during LSAP2 (Figure 4). This can be interpreted to suggest that the
LSAP1 and LSAP2 programs had a transitory impact on the US corporate spread, and would raise questions about whether
the “constant” scenarios are truly “stress” scenarios. Another possible explanation is that other factors such as adverse
supply shocks or further financial sector strains could have diluted the effects of the asset purchases and pushed the US
corporate spread higher than otherwise.
5 percentage points. Equity prices would have been much lower without the QE measures.
The “constant” scenario indicates even greater effects. In addition, while the “jump” scenario
points to appreciation pressures on the US dollar during much of the implementation of each
program, cumulatively the programs exerted sizeable depreciation pressures. Moreover, the
counterfactual exercise indicates that the programs actually slowed credit growth.
47. In sum, the counterfactual exercises suggest that the domestic effects of different US
QE measures were diverse. In the model, QE programs which reduced the US corporate
spread delivered a sizeable stimulus to US output growth and equity markets and led to
substantial currency depreciation. If the counterfactual exercise is seen as a reasonable
approximation to what would have happened, the findings suggest that QE programs helped
to prevent the US economy from sliding into a prolonged recession with severe deflation.
The results suggest that if policymakers aim to lower private-sector borrowing costs and
stimulate growth, it pays to design programms to influence the corporate spread.
A. Spillovers from Reductions in the US Corporate Spread
48. The results in this section show that the cross-border spillover effects from US QE
policies that reduce the US corporate spread are sizeable. We present the results on the euro
area, Brazil and China.
49. In the counterfactual analysis, US unconventional policies are estimated to have had
an important impact on the euro area (Graph 3.2.1): the lower US corporate spread is
estimated to have supported euro area credit and output growth, with the impact ranging from
3 and 8 percentage points (jump scenario) to 7 and 16 percentage points (constant scenario),
respectively, significantly boosting equity prices.
50. The analysis also suggests that US QE measures had even greater spillover effects
on the emerging economies, again much through the reduction in the US corporate spread.
The estimated impact tended to be diverse across economies and across variables, which may
reflect diverse policy responses, exchange rate regimes and economic structures.
51. The evidence from the counterfactual exercise also suggests that lowering the US
corporate spread stimulated Brazil’s output growth while having little impact on inflation.
Arguably, this evidence suggests that LSAP1 helped the Brazilian economy recover rapidly
from the 2009 recession, and that MEP and LSAP3 might have helped Brazil avoid a
possible recession in 2012. But LSAP2 began when Brazil’s output growth reached a peak of
almost 8 percent, and therefore might be interpreted as having contributed to Brazil’s
overheating at the time. These Brazilian episodes highlight that the perception of monetary
policy spillovers may be influenced by the receiving country’s cyclical position.
Figure 5. Counterfactual Analysis of Euro Area Impact: US Corporate Spread
Real GDP growth
CPI inflation
Credit growth to the private
Percentage points
Percentage points
Percentage points
Term spread
Equity price
Foreign exchange pressure
Percentage points
Natural logarithm
Per cent
The grey areas indicate the periods of implementation of LSAP1, LSAP2 and MEP. The black lines are actual values. The red lines are the values
associated with the jump scenario where the US corporate spread jumps by 200 basis points and stays 200 basis points above the actual levels throughout
the respective QE program, and the blue lines depict the scenario where the US corporate spread stays equal to the actual level observed just before the
QE program.
A rise in the foreign exchange pressure index represents stronger appreciation pressure.
Source: Authors’ calculations based on an estimated GVECM.
Figure 6. Counterfactual Analysis of Impact in Brazil: US Corporate Spread
Real GDP growth
CPI inflation
Credit growth to the private
Percentage points
Percentage points
Percentage points
Money growth
Equity price
Foreign exchange pressure
Percentage points
Natural logarithm
Per cent
The grey areas indicate the periods of implementation of LSAP1, LSAP2 and MEP. The black lines are actual values. The red lines are the values
associated with the jump scenario where the US corporate spread jumps by 200 basis points and stays 200 basis points above the actual levels throughout
the respective QE program, and the blue lines depict the scenario where the US corporate spread stays equal to the actual level observed just before the
QE program.
A rise in the foreign exchange pressure index represents stronger appreciation pressure.
Source: Authors’ calculations based on an estimated GVECM.
52. The counterfactual exercise provides evidence that US QE programs had an
expansionary spillover to the Chinese economy, but lower US corporate spreads were less
expansionary than in the case of Brazil, with China’s real GDP growth being boosted by 2.5
(jump) to 5.5 (constant) percentage points by the end of 2012 (Figure 7). One possible reason
for the weaker impact is the apparently tighter Chinese monetary and credit conditions that
accompanied the lowering of the US corporate spread: cumulatively, money and credit
growth were estimated to be lower by up to 8 and 15 percentage points, respectively,
compared to the jump and constant counterfactuals. As well, currency appreciation pressures
rose moderately relative to the counterfactuals since mid-2010. Taken together, the evidence
suggests that the responses in money growth, credit growth and exchange rate pressure
tended to offset the accommodative spillover effects from the US monetary stimulus.
However, as in the case of Brazil, the timing of the estimated spillover from US monetary
policy suggests that it contributed to China’s overheating, i.e. when China’s output growth
exceeded 9 percent in 201011, and inflation was over 5 percent in 2011.
Figure 7. Counterfactual Analysis of Impact in China: US Corporate Spread
Real GDP growth
CPI inflation
Credit growth to the private
Percentage points
Percentage points
Percentage points
Money growth
Equity price
Foreign exchange pressure
Percentage points
Natural logarithm
Per cent
The grey areas indicate the periods of implementation of LSAP1, LSAP2 and MEP. The black lines are actual values. The red lines are the values
associated with the jump scenario where the US corporate spread jumps by 200 basis points and stays 200 basis points above the actual levels throughout
the respective QE program, and the blue lines depict the scenario where the US corporate spread stays equal to the actual level observed just before the
QE program.
A rise in the foreign exchange pressure index represents stronger appreciation pressure.
Source: Authors’ calculations based on an estimated GVECM.
53. We examine the domestic and cross-border effects, both real and financial, of the
Federal Reserve’s unconventional monetary policies using an estimated GVECM. First, we
find that QE measures which lower the US corporate spread have had sizeable effects, which
There are at least two key reasons for the Chinese economy being less affected by US QE than Brazil. First, the Chinese
economy was far bigger and more diversified, capable of absorbing large external shocks. Second, our results suggest that
China responded to the US stimulus with tighter monetary and credit policies and cushioned the impact of the stimulus on
the yuan exchange rate.
vary significantly across regions and individual economies. This is consistent with Blinder
(2012) that purchasing US Treasuries to lower the term spread may be a weak tool, and
reducing risk premia by acquiring private-sector assets is much more potent. Second,
monetary policy and exchange rate responses have been diverse in the emerging economies,
which may partly explain the important cross-economy differences in the responses of
output, inflation and credit. Third, US QE measures have had sizeable and widespread effects
on global equity prices, and the confidence channel may be important. Fourth, such measures
tend to have a greater impact on many emerging economies than on the US economy.
54. Our counterfactual analyses suggest that, first, US QE measures have supported the
advanced economies, countering forces which might have led to a prolonged recession and
deflation. Second, the cross-border impact of such measures appear to have helped support
the recovery in the emerging economies in 2009 and 2012, as well as contributing to their
overheating in 2010 and 2011. Third, some of the differential cross-border impacts might
depend on policy responses to the US policy actions. For example, there is evidence that
China tightened the monetary and credit conditions in response to lower US corporate
spreads, which tended to partially offset their expansionary impact on its output growth. In
Brazil, the evidence suggests that a sizeable credit expansion led to more expansionary
overall economic and financial conditions.
55. There is evidence that cross-border monetary policy spillovers can be important
sources of macroeconomic and financial instability. This raises important questions about
whether central banks should do more to take into account the unintended consequences of
their actions on others and how to best promote stability. While having made some progress
in quantifying monetary policy spillovers, we are still some distance from being able to
assess the nature, as well as the costs and benefits, of international policy coordination.
As Cœuré (2014) points out, “the case for formal central bank cooperation remains limited, and practical consideration
makes its implementation difficult,” yet “central banks need to be engaged in a constant dialogue so as to remain ready for
rapid coordinated action in exceptional circumstances.
Consider N+1 economies, indexed by i = 0, 1, 2, ..., N, and for the i-th economy, a vector
domestic variables. By stacking the vectors of country-specific variables, we have
xxxx ...,,,
A VAR model in
would contain too many parameters to be estimated if the data’s time
dimension T is large enough relative to N+1, the number of economies.
Instead of regressing
, where
tNtitittti ,,1,110,
,...,,,,...,,, xxxxxx
the GVECM links
to a
  vector
, where
The weight
captures the spillover effect of variable l of foreign economy j on variable l
of domestic economy i. Since
measures the relative importance of economy j to
economy i, the spillover effect of variable l is in proportion to the weight chosen to measure
the relative strength. Hence each economy’s component model of the GVECM is given as a
t εdxΓzΨzΠccx
is the observed common factor (
) and
The economy i, the vector
reflects its interdependence with other economies, and it
serves as a proxy for the unobserved common effects across the economies. The foreign
variables and common factors are assumed to be weakly exogenous, i.e., they are “long-run
forcing” the domestic variables, in the sense that the coefficients on the error-correction
terms are set to zero in the equations for foreign variables. The dynamics of foreign variables
are unaffected by any deviations from the long-run equilibrium path, in contrast to the
dynamics of domestic variables.
The VECMX* can be estimated for each economy with the ordinary least squares (OLS) or
rank-reduced approach if the cross-dependence of the idiosyncratic shock is sufficiently
for all , l and s.
From equation (3), it can be seen that
Ni ,,2,1
is a properly defined weight matrix. Stacking (4) across
, the
endogenous variables can be solved for a global system:
1 0
1 0
where max
, 
Equation (8) is a VAR for the complete set of domestic variables for all economies. The
GVECM model makes it feasible to estimate (8) by explicitly taking into account the cross-
economy interdependence while estimating each economy separately, allowing the inclusion
of a large number of economies. The impulse responses are then estimated based on (8).
We conduct the augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and the weighted-symmetric Dickey-Fuller
(WSDF) unit root tests for all model variables. The two tests produce broadly similar results.
At the 5 percent significance level, we find that in most economies, the domestic variables
are tested to be integrated of order 1, i.e. I(1), with the exception of some variables being
tested to be I(0) or near I(1). These include: based on the WSDF test results, real GDP
growth in Hong Kong, Thailand and the United Kingdom, and CPI inflation in Chile, China
and the Philippines, foreign exchange pressure indices of Argentina and the euro area, equity
price inflation in Hong Kong, Indonesia and South Korea, and monetary aggregates in India;
and based on the ADF test results, the foreign exchange pressure index of India and monetary
aggregates in Singapore. Most foreign variables are tested to be I(1), so is the global factor
VIX. The form in which the model variables are included in the GVECM ensures a stable
global solution with an eigenvalue less than or equal to 1.
, / 0,
it sjt
Cov N
,0 0 0,
,1 1 1,
, , .
s N N N t
B W u
B W u
G H u
B W u
The foreign exchange pressure index
measures the pressure of capital inflows. In
economies with flexible exchange rate regimes, strong net capital inflows push up the
demand for domestic currency, which in turn leads to its appreciation. If the authorities
intervene in the foreign exchange market to moderate the currency appreciation, we may not
observe significant changes in the exchange rates, but rather a rise in the foreign reserves. In
a fixed-exchange-rate regime, strong capital inflows are reflected in an increase of foreign
reserves only. We therefore construct the foreign exchange pressure index as follows, similar
to Eichengreen, Rose and Wyplosz (1995):
,, trevttett
, for
reveX ,
is the standard deviation of the corresponding variable in the previous five years,
for . For , we use the standard deviation based on the data for the first five years.
, where
is the nominal
effective exchange rate and
denotes the foreign reserves.
The weight that an economy-i foreign variable assigns to economy j at year t is
for all
are the bilateral trade and financial weight (based on capital flows in the
previous year), respectively.
are the relative importance of trade and capital
flows in an economy, respectively. They are computed according to the values of the
respective aggregate trade flow (export and import) and capital flow (both inflow and
outflow) relative to the total value of these two types of flows in the previous year. The
financial weight of economies with no capital flow data in the 1990s is set to zero.
Data sources include the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the International
Monetary Fund’s International Financial Statistics, CEIC, Bloomberg and Datastream:
Real GDP (y)
national data
Real GDP of China is at 1990 prices,
those of other countries at 2005 prices
(billions of domestic currency units). The
monthly time series are interpolated using
the method of Chow and Lin (1971) with
industrial production series as a
reference. Series for HK is interpolated
using compound growth rate due to
unavailability of monthly industrial
CPI inflation
change in consumer
price index
IFS, national
Credit (bc)
Total credit to the
non-financial private
Term spread
Difference between
10-year US
Treasury bond yield
and 3-month US
Treasury bill rate
IFS, national
For euro area, due to data limitations, the
main refinancing rate is used instead of
3-month government bond yield.
US corporate
spread (mp)
BofA Merrill Lynch
US Corporate AAA
minus the federal
funds rate.
IFS, national
volatility (VIX)
CBOE Volatility
Index; in natural
VIX is a key measure of market
expectations of near-term volatility
conveyed by S&P 500 stock index option
Money growth
Year-on-year M2
growth rate
Equity price
Stock price index; in
natural logarithm
Index of stock prices in each economy.
Nominal effective
exchange rate
Period average; 2005 = 100.
Foreign reserves
Total reserves minus gold, in billions of
USD. Euro area data starting from
Jan 1999 are official reserves as
published by ECB; data before 1999 are
either an estimate or the aggregate
reserves of 11 EU Member States
participating in the euro area in 1999.
Oil price
Spot oil price
Brent crude oil, US dollars per barrel;
period end data.
bank lending
BIS consolidated
bank lending
Capital inflow
and outflow
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