United States Court of Appeals
For the First Circuit
Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure
First Circuit Local Rules
First Circuit Internal Operating Procedures
Administrative Order Regarding
Case Management /Electronic Case Files System (CM/ECF)
Rules of Attorney Disciplinary Enforcement for the
Court of Appeals for the First Circuit
Rules For Judicial-Conduct and Judicial-Disability Proceedings
Effective with amendments through October 1, 2024
Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire
Rhode Island Puerto Rico
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................... i
Judges of the Court ....................................................................................................................... v
Officers of the Court ..................................................................................................................... v
Advisory Committee on Rules ..................................................................................................... v
Court of Appeals Miscellaneous Fee Schedule .......................................................................... vi
Notice to Litigants ...................................................................................................................... viii
Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure ........................................................................................ 9
TITLE I. APPLICABILITY OF RULES ............................................................................... 9
Rule 1. Scope of Rules; Definition; Title ......................................................................... 9
Rule 2. Suspension of Rules ............................................................................................. 9
Rule 3. Appeal as of Right How Taken ....................................................................... 10
Local Rule 3.0. Docketing Statement Required; Dismissals for Want of Diligent
Prosecution ..................................................................................................... 12
Rule 4. Appeal as of Right When Taken ................................................................... 13
Rule 5. Appeal by Permission ......................................................................................... 17
Rule 6. Appeal in a Bankruptcy Case ............................................................................. 19
Rule 7. Bond for Costs on Appeal in a Civil Case.......................................................... 22
Rule 8. Stay or Injunction Pending Appeal .................................................................... 22
Rule 9. Release in a Criminal Case ................................................................................. 23
Local Rule 9.0. Recalcitrant Witnesses .................................................................... 23
Rule 10. The Record on Appeal ...................................................................................... 24
Local Rule 10.0. Ordering Transcripts ..................................................................... 26
Rule 11. Forwarding the Record ..................................................................................... 27
Local Rule 11.0. Transmission of the Record, Sealed Documents ........................... 28
Rule 12. Docketing the Appeal; Filing a Representation Statement; Filing the
Record ......................................................................................................................... 30
Local Rule 12.0. Appearance, Withdrawal of Appearance ...................................... 30
Rule 12.1. Remand After an Indicative Ruling by the District Court on a Motion for
Relief That Is Barred by a Pending Appeal ................................................................ 30
TITLE III. APPEALS FROM THE UNITED STATES TAX COURT .............................. 31
Rule 13. Appeals From the Tax Court ............................................................................ 31
Rule 14. Applicability of Other Rules to Appeals from the Tax Court .......................... 32
AGENCY, BOARD, COMMISSION, OR OFFICER ..................................................... 32
Rule 15. Review or Enforcement of an Agency Order How Obtained;
Intervention ................................................................................................................. 32
Rule 15.1. Briefs and Oral Argument in a National Labor Relations Board
Proceeding................................................................................................................... 33
Rule 16. The Record on Review or Enforcement ........................................................... 33
Rule 17. Filing the Record .............................................................................................. 34
Rule 18. Stay Pending Review........................................................................................ 34
Local Rule 18.0 Stay in Immigration Cases; Notification of Removal Date ........... 35
Rule 19. Settlement of a Judgment Enforcing an Agency Order in Part ........................ 36
Rule 20. Applicability of Rules to the Review or Enforcement of an Agency Order .... 36
TITLE V. EXTRAORDINARY WRITS ............................................................................. 36
Rule 21. Writs of Mandamus and Prohibition, and Other Extraordinary Writs ............. 36
Local Rule 21.0. Petitions for Special Writs ............................................................. 38
Rule 22. Habeas Corpus and Section 2255 Proceedings ................................................ 38
Local Rule 22.0. Habeas Corpus; Certificate of Appealability ................................ 38
Local Rule 22.1. Habeas Corpus; Successive Petitions ........................................... 40
Rule 23. Custody or Release of a Prisoner in a Habeas Corpus Proceeding .................. 41
Rule 24. Proceeding in Forma Pauperis .......................................................................... 41
TITLE VII. GENERAL PROVISIONS ............................................................................... 43
Rule 25. Filing and Service ............................................................................................. 43
Local Rule 25.0. Electronic Case Filing System and Facsimile ............................... 45
Rule 26. Computing and Extending Time ...................................................................... 50
Rule 26.1. Disclosure Statement ....................................................................................... 52
Rule 27. Motions ............................................................................................................. 53
Local Rule 27.0. Motions .......................................................................................... 55
Rule 28. Briefs ................................................................................................................ 56
Local Rule 28.0. Addendum to Briefs Required ........................................................ 58
Local Rule 28.1. References in Briefs to Sealed Material ........................................ 59
Rule 28.1. Cross-Appeals ............................................................................................... 59
Rule 29. Brief of an Amicus Curiae................................................................................ 61
Rule 30. Appendix to the Briefs ..................................................................................... 63
Local Rule 30.0. Appendix to the Briefs ................................................................... 65
Rule 31. Serving and Filing Briefs ................................................................................. 66
Local Rule 31.0. Filing Briefs ................................................................................... 66
Rule 32. Form of Briefs, Appendices, and Other Papers ................................................ 67
Local Rule 32.0. Computer Generated Disk Requirement for Documents Filed in
Paper Form ..................................................................................................... 70
Local Rule 32.2. Citation of State Decisions and Law Review Articles ................... 70
Local Rule 32.4. Motions for Leave to File Oversized Briefs ................................... 70
Rule 32.1. Citing Judicial Dispositions........................................................................... 71
Local Rule 32.1.0. Citation of Unpublished Dispositions ........................................ 71
Rule 33. Appeal Conferences ......................................................................................... 71
Local Rule 33.0. Civil Appeals Management Plan ................................................... 72
Rule 34. Oral Argument.................................................................................................. 73
Local Rule 34.0. Oral Argument ............................................................................... 74
Local Rule 34.1. Terms and Sittings ......................................................................... 75
Rule 35. En Banc Determination .................................................................................... 76
Local Rule 35.0. En Banc Determination ................................................................. 77
Rule 36. Entry of Judgment; Notice ............................................................................... 78
Local Rule 36.0. Opinions ........................................................................................ 78
Rule 37. Interest on Judgment ........................................................................................ 79
Rule 38. Frivolous AppealDamages and Costs .......................................................... 79
Local Rule 38.0. Sanctions for Vexatious Litigation ................................................ 80
Rule 39. Costs ................................................................................................................. 80
Local Rule 39.0. Taxation of Reproduction Costs .................................................... 81
Local Rule 39.1. Fee Applications ............................................................................ 81
Rule 40. Petition for Panel Rehearing ............................................................................ 82
Local Rule 40.0. Petition for Panel Rehearing ......................................................... 83
Rule 41. Mandate: Contents; Issuance and Effective Date; Stay.................................... 84
Local Rule 41.0. Stay of Mandate ............................................................................. 85
Rule 42. Voluntary Dismissal ......................................................................................... 85
Rule 43. Substitution of Parties ...................................................................................... 85
Rule 44. Case Involving a Constitutional Question When the United States or the
Relevant State is Not a Party....................................................................................... 86
Rule 45. Clerk’s Duties ................................................................................................... 86
Local Rule 45.0. Defaults ......................................................................................... 87
Local Rule 45.1. The Clerk ....................................................................................... 88
Rule 46. Attorneys .......................................................................................................... 88
Local Rule 46.0. Attorneys ........................................................................................ 89
Local Rule 46.5. Appointment of Counsel in Criminal Cases .................................. 93
Local Rule 46.6. Procedure for Withdrawal in Criminal Cases .............................. 95
Rule 47. Local Rules by Courts of Appeals .................................................................... 97
Local Rule 47.0. Local Rules of the First Circuit ..................................................... 97
Local Rule 47.1. Judicial Conference of the First Circuit ........................................ 98
Rule 48. Masters ............................................................................................................. 98
Local Rule 48.0. Capital Cases ................................................................................ 99
Appendix of Forms ................................................................................................................... 102
Form 1A. Notice of Appeal to a Court of Appeals From a Judgment of a District Court .... 103
Form 1B. Notice of Appeal to a Court of Appeals From an Appealable Order of a District
Court ............................................................................................................................... 103
Form 2. Notice of Appeal to a Court of Appeals From a Decision of the United States Tax
Court ............................................................................................................................... 104
Form 3. Petition for Review of Order of an Agency, Board, Commission or Officer ....... 105
Form 4. Affidavit Accompanying Motion for Permission to Appeal in Forma Pauperis.. 107
Form 5. Notice of Appeal to a Court of Appeals from a Judgment or Order of a District
Court or a Bankruptcy Appellate Panel .......................................................................... 111
Form 6. Certificate of Compliance With Type-Volume Limit .......................................... 112
Form 7. Declaration of Inmate Filing ................................................................................... 113
Appendix: Length Limits Stated in the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure ............ 114
First Circuit Internal Operating Procedures ......................................................................... 117
Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 117
Internal Operating Procedure I. Court Organization .......................................................... 117
Internal Operating Procedure II. Attorneys ....................................................................... 117
Internal Operating Procedure III. Initial Procedures .......................................................... 118
Internal Operating Procedure IV. Docketing Procedures .................................................. 118
Internal Operating Procedure V. Motion Procedures......................................................... 119
Internal Operating Procedure VI. Briefs and Appendices ................................................. 120
Internal Operating Procedure VII. Screening and Calendaring ......................................... 120
Internal Operating Procedure VIII. Oral Argument .............................................................. 120
Internal Operating Procedure IX. Opinions & Judgments .................................................... 122
Internal Operating Procedure X. Petitions for Panel Rehearing and Petitions for Hearing or
Rehearing En Banc ......................................................................................................... 123
Internal Operating Procedure XI. Complaints Against Judges ............................................. 123
Internal Operating Procedure XII. Notification of Changes or Notifications of the Court's
Local Rules and Internal Operating Procedures ............................................................. 123
ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER REGARDING CM/ECF ...................................................... 125
Rules of Attorney Disciplinary Enforcement ......................................................................... 126
RULE I .................................................................................................................................. 126
Attorneys Convicted of Crimes
RULE II ................................................................................................................................ 127
Discipline Imposed by Other Courts
RULE III ............................................................................................................................... 128
Disbarment on Consent or Resignation in Other Courts
RULE IV ............................................................................................................................... 128
Standards for Professional Conduct
RULE V ................................................................................................................................ 129
Disciplinary Proceedings
RULE VI ............................................................................................................................... 130
Disbarment on Consent While Under Disciplinary Investigation or Prosecution.
RULE VII.............................................................................................................................. 130
RULE VIII ............................................................................................................................ 132
Attorneys Specially Admitted.
RULE IX ............................................................................................................................... 132
Appointment of Counsel.
RULE X ................................................................................................................................ 132
Duties and Powers of the Clerk.
RULE XI ............................................................................................................................... 132
RULE XII.............................................................................................................................. 133
Effective Date.
Judges of the Court
Hon. David J. Barron, Chief Judge
Hon. William J. Kayatta, Jr., Circuit Judge
Hon. Gustavo A. Gelpí, Jr., Circuit Judge
Hon. Lara E. Montecalvo, Circuit Judge
Hon. Julie Rikelman, Circuit Judge
Hon. Seth R. Aframe, Circuit Judge
Hon. Bruce M. Selya, Senior Circuit Judge
Hon. Sandra L. Lynch, Senior Circuit Judge
Hon. Kermit V. Lipez, Senior Circuit Judge
Hon. Jeffrey R. Howard, Senior Circuit Judge
Hon. O. Rogeriee Thompson, Senior Circuit Judge
Hon. Ketanji Brown Jackson, Circuit Justice
Officers of the Court
Anastasia Dubrovsky, Clerk of Court
Susan Goldberg, Circuit Executive
George P. Taoultsides, Circuit Librarian
Jane Willoughby, Senior Staff Attorney
Advisory Committee on Rules
Kelli Powell, Chair
Kaitlin Caruso
E. Niki Edmonds
Eamonn R.C. Hart
Nilda M. Navarro-Cabrer
Roberto Prats Palerm
Henry C. Quillen
David J. Zimmer
Lauren S. Zurier
Court of Appeals Miscellaneous Fee Schedule
(Issued in accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 1913)
Effective December 1, 2023
The fees included in the Court of Appeals Miscellaneous Fee Schedule are to be charged for
services provided by the courts of appeals, including relevant services provided by the bankruptcy
appellate panels established under 28 U.S. C. § 158(b)(1).
The United States should not be charged fees under this schedule, except as prescribed
in Items 2, 4, and 5 when the information requested is available through remote electronic
Federal agencies or programs that are funded from judiciary appropriations (agencies,
organizations, and individuals providing services authorized by the Criminal Justice Act,
18 U.S.C. § 3006A, and bankruptcy administrators) should not be charged any fees under
this schedule.
For docketing a case on appeal or review, or docketing any other proceeding, $600.
Each party filing a notice of appeal pays a separate fee to the district court, but parties
filing a joint notice of appeal pay only one fee.
There is no docketing fee for an application for an interlocutory appeal under 28 U.S.C.
§ 1292(b) or other petition for permission to appeal under Fed. R. App. P. 5, unless the
appeal is allowed.
There is no docketing fee for a direct bankruptcy appeal or a direct bankruptcy cross
appeal, when the fee has been collected by the bankruptcy court in accordance with item
14 of the Bankruptcy Court Miscellaneous Fee Schedule.
This fee is collected in addition to the statutory fee of $5 that is collected under 28 U.S.C.
§ 1917.
[Upon filing a notice of appeal in the district court, appellant shall pay the clerk of the
district court a fee of $605, which includes the $5 statutory filing fee for the notice of appeal,
and a $600 fee for docketing the appeal in this court. Upon filing a petition for review of an
agency order or a petition for writ of mandamus, petitioner shall pay the $600 docketing fee,
payable to the Clerk, U.S. Court of Appeals.]
For conducting a search of the court of appeals or bankruptcy appellate panel records, $34 per
name or item searched. This fee applies to services rendered on behalf of the United States if
the information requested is available through remote electronic access.
For certification of any document, $12. For the issuance of an apostille, $50.
(a) For reproducing any document and providing a copy in paper form, $.50 per page.
This fee applies to services rendered on behalf of the United States if the document
requested is available through remote electronic access.
(b) For reproducing and transmitting in any manner a copy of an electronic record
stored outside of the court's electronic case management system, including but not
limited to, document files, audio and video recordings (other than a recording of a
court proceeding), $33 per record provided.
For reproducing recordings of proceedings, regardless of the medium, $34, including the cost
of materials. This fee applies to services rendered on behalf of the United States if the
recording is available through remote electronic access.
For reproducing the record in any appeal in which the court of appeals does not require an
appendix pursuant to Fed. R. App. P.30(f), (or, in appeals before a bankruptcy appellate
panel, pursuant to Fed. R. Bankr. P. 8018(e)), $94.
For retrieval of one box of records from a Federal Records Center, National Archives, or
other storage location removed from the place of business of the court, $70. For retrievals
involving multiple boxes, $43 for each additional box. For electronic retrievals, $11 plus any
charges assessed by the Federal Records Center, National Archives, or other storage location
removed from the place of business of the courts.
For any payment returned or denied for insufficient funds, or reversed due to a chargeback, $53.
For copies of opinions, a fee commensurate with the cost of printing, as fixed by each court
of appeal.
[Opinions may be purchased from the clerk of the court of appeals at a cost of $5 per opinion.
Opinions in electronic form are available free of charge from the court's website,
For copies of the local rules of court, a fee commensurate with the cost of distributing the
copies. The court may also distribute copies of the local rules without charge.
For filing:
Any separate or joint notice of appeal or application for appeal from the bankruptcy
appellate panel, $5.
A notice of the allowance of an appeal from the bankruptcy appellate panel, $5.
For counsel’s requested use of the court’s videoconferencing equipment in connection with
each oral argument, the court may charge and collect a fee of $200 per remote location.
For original admission of an attorney to practice, including a certificate of admission, $199.
For a duplicate certificate of admission or certificate of good standing, $21.
[The First Circuit collects a local attorney admission fee of $50.00 in addition to the national
attorney admission fee of $199.00 imposed by this fee schedule pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1913.
See 1st Cir. R. 46.0(a)(1). Absent a waiver, the payment of the combined fee of $249.00 must
be paid electronically using the court's Case Management/Electronic Case Files
("CM/ECF") system.]
Notice to Litigants
To assist litigants in preparing documents that conform to the Federal Rules of Appellate
Procedure [Fed. R. App. P.] and the Local Rules of this Court [1st Cir. R.], the Clerk's Office has
compiled a list of common, but easily avoidable, errors that often delay the processing of cases
and may result in the striking or returning for correction of submitted documents.
Ordering Transcripts
Requests for transcripts must be made to the court reporter immediately and a copy filed in the
district court. The Transcript Order form specified in Local Rule 10.0(b) must be used. Counsel
must accurately complete the form and arrange for payment for the Order to be effective. See
1st Cir. R. 10.0.
Form of Briefs
The parties must carefully comply with the margin, print size and word limit requirements of
Fed. R. App. P. 32.
Contents of Briefs
The parties are directed to Fed. R. App. P. 28, which sets forth the contents of briefs. The
required sections must be under the appropriate headings and in the order indicated by the rule.
The appellant’s brief must also include an addendum. See 1st Cir. R. 28.0.
References in Briefs to the Record Required
To enable the Court to verify the documentary basis of the parties' arguments, factual assertions
must be supported by accurate references to the appendix or to the record. Counsel and parties
should ensure that transcripts cited in the briefs have been filed and made a part of the record on
appeal. The appellant is responsible for preparing an appendix in accordance with Fed. R. App.
P. 30 and 1st Cir. R. 30.0, with each page clearly numbered.
Motions to Enlarge Filing Dates or Length of Briefs
Motions to enlarge time to file briefs or to file briefs in excess of applicable length limitations
are discouraged. Any such request must be made by a motion filed well before the expiration of
the time limit for filing the brief. See 1st Cir. R. 32.4.
Disclosure Statement
Counsel representing a nongovernmental corporation must include a disclosure statement as
specified in Fed. R. App. P. 26.1 in the first document submitted for filing with the Court, and
again in front of the table of contents in the party's principal brief. A disclosure statement must
be filed even if the party has no information to disclose.
Certificate of Service
The Court will not consider any motion, brief, or document that has not been served on all
parties. The Notice of Docket Activity that is generated by the court's electronic filing system
constitutes service on all ECF filers. 1st Cir. R. 25.0(e). If a certificate of service is required by
Fed. R. App. P. 25(d), it should be attached to the document's last page and indicate: the date of
service; the manner of service; and the names and addresses of the persons served. See Fed. R.
App. P. 25(d).
Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure
and First Circuit Local Rules
Rule 1. Scope of Rules; Definition; Title
Scope of Rules.
These rules govern procedure in the United States courts of appeals.
When these rules provide for filing a motion or other document in the district court, the
procedure must comply with the practice of the district court.
Definition. In these rules,state includes the District of Columbia and any United States
commonwealth or territory.
Title. These rules are to be known as the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure.
Rule 2. Suspension of Rules
(a) In a Particular Case. On its own or a party’s motion, a court of appeals may to expedite
its decision or for other good cause suspend any provision of these rules in a particular
case and order proceedings as it directs, except as otherwise provided in Rule 26(b).
(b) In an Appellate Rules Emergency.
(1) Conditions for an Emergency. The Judicial Conference of the United States may
declare an Appellate Rules emergency if it determines that extraordinary
circumstances relating to public health or safety, or affecting physical or electronic
access to a court, substantially impair the court's ability to perform its functions in
compliance with these rules.
(2) Content. The declaration must:
(A) designate the circuit or circuits affected; and
(B) be limited to a stated period of no more than 90 days.
(3) Early Termination. The Judicial Conference may terminate a declaration for one
or more circuits before the termination date.
(4) Additional Declarations. The Judicial Conference may issue additional
declarations under this rule.
(5) Proceedings in a Rules Emergency. When a rules emergency is declared, the court
(A) Suspend in all or part of that circuit any provision of these rules, other than
time limits imposed by statute and described in Rule 26(b)(1)-(2); and
(B) order proceedings as it directs.
Rule 3. Appeal as of Right How Taken
(a) Filing the Notice of Appeal.
(1) An appeal permitted by law as of right from a district court to a court of appeals may be
taken only by filing a notice of appeal with the district clerk within the time allowed by
Rule 4. At the time of filing, the appellant must furnish the clerk with enough copies of
the notice to enable the clerk to comply with Rule 3(d).
(2) An appellant’s failure to take any step other than the timely filing of a notice of appeal
does not affect the validity of the appeal, but is ground only for the court of appeals to act
as it considers appropriate, including dismissing the appeal.
(3) An appeal from a judgment by a magistrate judge in a civil case is taken in the same way
as an appeal from any other district court judgment.
(4) An appeal by permission under 28 U.S.C. § 1292(b) or an appeal in a bankruptcy case
may be taken only in the manner prescribed by Rules 5 and 6, respectively.
(b) Joint or Consolidated Appeals.
(1) When two or more parties are entitled to appeal from a district-court judgment or order,
and their interests make joinder practicable, they may file a joint notice of appeal. They
may then proceed on appeal as a single appellant.
(2) When the parties have filed separate timely notices of appeal, the appeals may be joined
or consolidated by the court of appeals.
(c) Contents of the Notice of Appeal.
(1) The notice of appeal must:
specify the party or parties taking the appeal by naming each one in the caption or
body of the notice, but an attorney representing more than one party may describe
those parties with such terms as “all plaintiffs,” “the defendants,” “the plaintiffs A, B,
et al.,” or “all defendants except X”;
designate the judgment or the appealable order from which the appeal is taken; and
name the court to which the appeal is taken.
(2) A pro se notice of appeal is considered filed on behalf of the signer and the signer’s spouse
and minor children (if they are parties), unless the notice clearly indicates otherwise.
(3) In a class action, whether or not the class has been certified, the notice of appeal is
sufficient if it names one person qualified to bring the appeal as representative of the class.
(4) The notice of appeal encompasses all orders that, for purposes of appeal, merge into the
designated judgment or appealable order. It is not necessary to designate those orders in
the notice of appeal.
(5) In a civil case, a notice of appeal encompasses the final judgment, whether or not that
judgment is set out in a separate document under Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 58, if
the notice designates:
an order that adjudicates all remaining claims and the rights and liabilities of all
remaining parties; or
an order described in Rule 4(a)(4)(A).
(6) An appellant may designate only part of a judgment or appealable order by expressly
stating that the notice of appeal is so limited. Without such an express statement, specific
designations do not limit the scope of the notice of appeal.
(7) An appeal must not be dismissed for informality of form or title of the notice of appeal, for
failure to name a party whose intent to appeal is otherwise clear from the notice, or for
failure to properly designate the judgment if the notice of appeal was filed after entry of
the judgment and designates an order that merged into that judgment.
(8) Forms 1A and 1B in the Appendix of Forms are suggested forms of notices of appeal.
(d) Serving the Notice of Appeal.
(1) The district clerk must serve notice of the filing of a notice of appeal by sending a copy to
each party’s counsel of record excluding the appellant’s — or, if a party is proceeding
pro se, to the party’s last known address. When a defendant in a criminal case appeals, the
clerk must also serve a copy of the notice of appeal on the defendant. The clerk must
promptly send a copy of the notice of appeal and of the docket entries and any later
docket entries to the clerk the court of appeals named in the notice. The district clerk
must note, on each copy, the date when the notice of appeal was filed.
(2) If an inmate confined in an institution files a notice of appeal in the manner provided by
Rule 4(c), the district clerk must also note the date when the clerk docketed the notice.
(3) The district clerk’s failure to serve notice does not affect the validity of the appeal. The
clerk must note on the docket the names of the parties to whom the clerk sends copies,
with the date of sending. Service is sufficient despite the death of a party or the party’s
(e) Payment of Fees. Upon filing a notice of appeal, the appellant must pay the district clerk all
required fees. The district clerk receives the appellate docket fee on behalf of the court of
Local Rule 3.0. Docketing Statement Required; Dismissals for Want of Diligent Prosecution
(a) Docketing Statement Required. To provide the clerk of the Court of Appeals at the
commencement of an appeal with the information needed for effective case management,
within 14 days after the case is docketed in the court of appeals, the person or persons taking
the appeal must submit a separate statement listing all parties to the appeal, the last known
counsel, and last known addresses and e-mail addresses for counsel and unrepresented
parties. Errors or omissions in this separate statement alone shall not otherwise affect the
appeal if the notice of appeal itself complies with this rule.
(1) Form. Counsel filing an appeal must complete and file a docketing statement, using the
form provided by the clerk of the appeals court.
(2) Service. A copy of the docketing statement and any attachments must be served on the
opposing party or parties at the time the docketing statement is filed.
(3) Duty of Opposing Party. If an opposing party concludes that the docketing statement is
in any way inaccurate, incomplete, or misleading, the clerk’s office must be informed in
writing of any errors and any proposed additions or corrections within fourteen days of
service of the docketing statement, with copies to all other parties.
(b) If appellant does not pay the docket fee within 14 days of the filing of the notice of appeal, or
does not file the docketing statement or any other document within the time set by the court,
the appeal may be dismissed for want of diligent prosecution.
Rule 3.1. Appeal from a Judgment of a Magistrate Judge in a Civil Case
Rule 4. Appeal as of Right When Taken
(a) Appeal in a Civil Case.
(1) Time for Filing a Notice of Appeal.
(A) In a civil case, except as provided in Rules 4(a)(1)(B), 4(a)(4), and 4(c), the notice of
appeal required by Rule 3 must be filed with the district clerk within 30 days after
entry of the judgment or order appealed from.
(B) The notice of appeal may be filed by any party within 60 days after entry of the
judgment or order appealed from if one of the parties is:
(i) the United States;
(ii) a United States agency;
(iii) a United States officer or employee sued in an official capacity; or
(iv) a current or former United States officer or employee sued in an individual
capacity for an act or omission occurring in connection with duties performed on
the United States' behalfincluding all instances in which the United States
represents that person when the judgment or order is entered or files the appeal
for that person.
(C) An appeal from an order granting or denying an application for a writ of error coram
nobis is an appeal in a civil case for purposes of Rule 4(a).
(2) Filing Before Entry of Judgment. A notice of appeal filed after the court announces a
decision or orderbut before the entry of the judgment or orderis treated as filed on the
date of and after the entry.
(3) Multiple Appeals. If one party timely files a notice of appeal, any other party may file a
notice of appeal within 14 days after the date when the first notice was filed, or within the
time otherwise prescribed by this Rule 4(a), whichever period ends later.
(4) Effect of a Motion on a Notice of Appeal.
(A) If a party files in the district court any of the following motions under the Federal
Rules of Civil Procedureand does so within the time allowed by those rulesthe
time to file an appeal runs for all parties from the entry of the order disposing of the
last such remaining motion:
(i) for judgment under Rule 50(b);
(ii) to amend or make additional factual findings under Rule 52(b), whether or not
granting the motion would alter the judgment;
(iii) for attorney’s fees under Rule 54 if the district court extends the time to appeal
under Rule 58;
(iv) to alter or amend the judgment under Rule 59;
(v) for a new trial under Rule 59; or
(vi) for relief under Rule 60 if the motion is filed within the time allowed for filing a
motion under Rule 59.
(B) (i) If a party files a notice of appeal after the court announces or enters a judgment
but before it disposes of any motion listed in Rule 4(a)(4)(A)the notice becomes
effective to appeal a judgment or order, in whole or in part, when the order
disposing of the last such remaining motion is entered.
A party intending to challenge an order disposing of any motion listed in Rule
4(a)(4)(A), or a judgment’s alteration or amendment upon such a motion, must
file a notice of appeal, or an amended notice of appealin compliance with Rule
3(c)within the time prescribed by this Rule measured from the entry of the order
disposing of the last such remaining motion.
No additional fee is required to file an amended notice.
(5) Motion for Extension of Time.
(A) The district court may extend the time to file a notice of appeal if:
(i) a party so moves no later than 30 days after the time prescribed by this Rule 4(a)
expires; and
(ii) regardless of whether its motion is filed before or during the 30 days after the time
prescribed by this Rule 4(a) expires, that party shows excusable neglect or good
(B) A motion filed before the expiration of the time prescribed in Rule 4(a)(1) or (3) may
be ex parte unless the court requires otherwise. If the motion is filed after the
expiration of the prescribed time, notice must be given to the other parties in
accordance with local rules.
(C) No extension under this Rule 4(a)(5) may exceed 30 days after the prescribed time or
14 days after the date when the order granting the motion is entered, whichever is
(6) Reopening the Time to File an Appeal. The district court may reopen the time to file an
appeal for a period of 14 days after the date when its order to reopen is entered, but only
if all the following conditions are satisfied:
(A) the court finds that the moving party did not receive notice under Federal Rule of Civil
Procedure 77(d) of the entry of the judgment or order sought to be appealed within 21
days after entry;
(B) the motion is filed within 180 days after the judgment or order is entered or within 14
days after the moving party receives notice under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure
77(d) of the entry, whichever is earlier; and
(C) the court finds that no party would be prejudiced.
(7) Entry Defined.
(A) A judgment or order is entered for purposes of this Rule 4(a):
(i) if Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 58(a) does not require a separate document,
when the judgment or order is entered in the civil docket under Federal Rule of
Civil Procedure 79(a); or
(ii) if Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 58(a) requires a separate document, when the
judgment or order is entered in the civil docket under Federal Rule of Civil
Procedure 79(a) and when the earlier of these events occurs:
the judgment or order is set forth on a separate document, or
150 days have run from entry of the judgment or order in the civil docket under
Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 79(a).
(B) A failure to set forth a judgment or order on a separate document when required by
Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 58(a) does not affect the validity of an appeal from
that judgment or order.
(b) Appeal in a Criminal Case.
(1) Time for Filing a Notice of Appeal.
(A) In a criminal case, a defendant’s notice of appeal must be filed in the district court
within 14 days after the later of:
(i) the entry of either the judgment or the order being appealed; or
(ii) the filing of the government’s notice of appeal.
(B) When the government is entitled to appeal, its notice of appeal must be filed in the
district court within 30 days after the later of:
(i) the entry of the judgment or order being appealed; or
(ii) the filing of a notice of appeal by any defendant.
(2) Filing Before Entry of Judgment. A notice of appeal filed after the court announces a
decision, sentence, or order but before the entry of the judgment or order is treated
as filed on the date of and after the entry.
(3) Effect of a Motion on a Notice of Appeal.
(A) If a defendant timely makes any of the following motions under the Federal Rules of
Criminal Procedure, the notice of appeal from a judgment of conviction must be filed
within 14 days after the entry of the order disposing of the last such remaining motion,
or within 14 days after the entry of the judgment of conviction, whichever period ends
later. This provision applies to a timely motion:
(i) for judgment of acquittal under Rule 29;
(ii) for a new trial under Rule 33, but if based on newly discovered evidence, only if
the motion is made no later than 14 days after the entry of the judgment; or
(iii) for arrest of judgment under Rule 34.
(B) A notice of appeal filed after the court announces a decision, sentence, or order but
before it disposes of any of the motions referred to in Rule 4(b)(3)(A) becomes
effective upon the later of the following:
(i) the entry of the order disposing of the last such remaining motion; or
(ii) the entry of the judgment of conviction.
(C) A valid notice of appeal is effective without amendment to appeal from an order
disposing of any of the motions referred to in Rule 4(b)(3)(A).
(4) Motion for Extension of Time. Upon a finding of excusable neglect or good cause, the
district court may before or after the time has expired, with or without motion and
notice extend the time to file a notice of appeal for a period not to exceed 30 days from
the expiration of the time otherwise prescribed by this Rule 4(b).
(5) Jurisdiction. The filing of a notice of appeal under this Rule 4(b) does not divest a district
court of jurisdiction to correct a sentence under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 35(a),
nor does the filing of a motion under 35(a) affect the validity of a notice of appeal filed
before entry of the order disposing of the motion. The filing of a motion under Federal
Rule of Criminal Procedure 35(a) does not suspend the time for filing a notice of appeal
from a judgment of conviction.
(6) Entry Defined. A judgment or order is entered for purposes of this Rule 4(b) when it is
entered on the criminal docket.
(c) Appeal by an Inmate Confined in an Institution.
(1) If an institution has a system designed for legal mail, an inmate confined there must use
that system to receive the benefit of this Rule 4(c)(1). If an inmate files a notice of appeal in
either a civil or a criminal case, the notice is timely if it is deposited in the institution’s
internal mail system on or before the last day for filing and:
(A) it is accompanied by:
(i) a declaration in compliance with 28 U.S.C. § 1746or a notarized statement
setting out the date of deposit and stating that first-class postage is being prepaid;
(ii) evidence (such as a postmark or date stamp) showing that the notice was so
deposited and that postage was prepaid; or
(B) the court of appeals exercises its discretion to permit the later filing of a declaration
or notarized statement that satisfies Rule 4(c)(1)(A)(i).
(2) If an inmate files the first notice of appeal in a civil case under this Rule 4(c), the 14-day
period provided in Rule 4(a)(3) for another party to file a notice of appeal runs from the
date when the district court dockets the first notice.
(3) When a defendant in a criminal case files a notice of appeal under this Rule 4(c), the 30-
day period for the government to file its notice of appeal runs from the entry of the
judgment or order appealed from or from the district court’s docketing of the defendant’s
notice of appeal, whichever is later.
(d) Mistaken Filing in the Court of Appeals. If a notice of appeal in either a civil or a criminal
case is mistakenly filed in the court of appeals, the clerk of that court must note on the notice
the date when it was received and send it to the district clerk. The notice is then considered
filed in the district court on the date so noted.
Rule 5. Appeal by Permission
(a) Petition for Permission to Appeal.
(1) To request permission to appeal when an appeal is within the court of appeals’ discretion,
a party must file a petition with the circuit clerk and serve it on all other parties to the
district-court action.
(2) The petition must be filed within the time specified by the statute or rule authorizing the
appeal or, if no such time is specified, within the time provided by Rule 4(a) for filing a
notice of appeal.
(3) If a party cannot petition for appeal unless the district court first enters an order granting
permission to do so or stating that the necessary conditions are met, the district court may
amend its order, either on its own or in response to a party’s motion, to include the required
permission or statement. In that event, the time to petition runs from entry of the amended
(b) Contents of the Petition; Answer or Cross-Petition; Oral Argument.
(1) The petition must include the following:
(A) the facts necessary to understand the question presented;
(B) the question itself;
(C) the relief sought;
(D) the reasons why the appeal should be allowed and is authorized by a statute or rule;
(E) an attached copy of:
(i) the order, decree, or judgment complained of and any related opinion or
memorandum; and
(ii) any order stating the district court’s permission to appeal or finding that the
necessary conditions are met.
(2) A party may file an answer in opposition or a cross-petition within 10 days after the
petition is served.
(3) The petition and answer will be submitted without oral argument unless the court of
appeals orders otherwise.
(c) Form of Papers; Number of Copies; Length Limits. All papers must conform to Rule
32(c)(2). An original and 3 copies must be filed unless the court requires a different number
by local rule or by order in a particular case. Except by the court's permission, and excluding
the accompanying documents required by Rule 5(b)(1)(E):
(1) a paper produced using a computer must not exceed 5,200 words; and
(2) a handwritten or typewritten paper must not exceed 20 pages.
(d) Grant of Permission; Fees; Cost Bond; Filing the Record.
(1) Within 14 days after the entry of the order granting permission to appeal, the appellant
(A) pay the district clerk all required fees; and
(B) file a cost bond if required under Rule 7.
(2) A notice of appeal need not be filed. The date when the order granting permission to appeal
is entered serves as the date of the notice of appeal for calculating time under these rules.
(3) The district clerk must notify the circuit clerk once the petitioner has paid the fees. Upon
receiving this notice, the circuit clerk must enter the appeal on the docket. The record must
be forwarded and filed in accordance with Rules 11 and 12(c).
Rule 5.1 Appeal by Leave Under 28 U.S.C. § 636 (c)(5)
Rule 6. Appeal in a Bankruptcy Case
(a) Appeal From a Judgment, Order, or Decree of a District Court Exercising Original
Jurisdiction in a Bankruptcy Case. An appeal to a court of appeals from a final judgment,
order, or decree of a district court exercising jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1334 is taken as
any other civil appeal under these rules.
(b) Appeal From a Judgment, Order, or Decree of a District Court or Bankruptcy Appellate
Panel Exercising Appellate Jurisdiction in a Bankruptcy Case.
(1) Applicability of Other Rules. These rules apply to an appeal to a court of appeals under 28
U.S.C. § 158(d)(1) from a final judgment, order, or decree of a district court or bankruptcy
appellate panel exercising appellate jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 158(a) or (b), but with
these qualifications:
(A) Rules 4(a)(4), 4(b), 9, 10, 11, 12(c), 13-20, 22-23, and 24(b) do not apply;
(B) the reference in Rule 3(c) to “Forms 1A and 1B in the Appendix of Forms” must be
read as a reference to Form 5;
(C) when the appeal is from a bankruptcy appellate panel, “district court,” as used in
any applicable rule, means “appellate panel”; and
(D) in Rule 12.1, “district court” includes a bankruptcy court or bankruptcy appellate
(2) Additional Rules. In addition to the rules made applicable by Rule 6(b)(1), the following
rules apply:
(A) Motion for Rehearing.
(i) If a timely motion for rehearing under Bankruptcy Rule 8022 is filed, the time to
appeal for all parties runs from the entry of the order disposing of the motion. A
notice of appeal filed after the district court or bankruptcy appellate panel
announces or enters a judgment, order, or decree but before disposition of the
motion for rehearing becomes effective when the order disposing of the motion
for rehearing is entered.
(ii) If a party intends to challenge the order disposing of the motion or the alteration
or amendment of a judgment, order, or decree upon the motion then the party,
in compliance with Rules 3(c) and 6(b)(1)(B), must file a notice of appeal or
amended notice of appeal. The notice or amended notice must be filed within the
time prescribed by Rule 4 excluding Rules 4(a)(4) and 4(b) measured from the
entry of the order disposing of the motion.
(iii) No additional fee is required to file an amended notice.
(B) The Record on Appeal.
(i) Within 14 days after filing the notice of appeal, the appellant must file with the
clerk possessing the record assembled in accordance with Bankruptcy Rule 8009
and serve on the appellee a statement of the issues to be presented on appeal
and a designation of the record to be certified and made available to the circuit
(ii) An appellee who believes that other parts of the record are necessary must, within
14 days after being served with the appellant’s designation, file with the clerk and
serve on the appellant a designation of additional parts to be included.
(iii) The record on appeal consists of:
the redesignated record as provided above;
the proceedings in the district court or bankruptcy appellate panel; and
a certified copy of the docket entries prepared by the clerk under Rule 3(d).
(C) Making the Record Available.
(i) When the record is complete, the district clerk or bankruptcy-appellate-panel clerk
must number the documents constituting the record and promptly make it
available to the circuit clerk. If the clerk makes the record available in paper form,
the clerk will not send documents of unusual bulk or weight, physical exhibits
other than documents, or other parts of the record designated for omission by local
rule of the court of appeals, unless directed to do so by a party or the circuit clerk.
If unusually bulky or heavy exhibits are to be made available in
paper form, a party must arrange with the clerks in advance for their transportation
and receipt.
(ii) All parties must do whatever else is necessary to enable the clerk to assemble the
record and make it available. When the record is made available in paper form,
the court of appeals may provide by rule or order that a certified copy of the docket
entries be made available in place of the redesignated record. But any party may
request at any time during the pendency of the appeal that the redesignated record
be made available.
(D) Filing the Record. When the district clerk or bankruptcy-appellate-panel clerk has
made the record available, the circuit clerk must note that fact on the docket. The date
noted on the docket serves as the filing date of the record. The circuit clerk must
immediately notify all parties of the filing date.
(c) Direct Review by Permission Under 28 U.S.C. § 158(d)(2).
(1) Applicability of Other Rules. These rules apply to a direct appeal by permission under
28 U.S.C. § 158(d)(2), but with these qualifications:
(A) Rules 3-4, 5(a)(3), 6(a), 6(b), 8(a), 8(c), 9-12, 13-20, 22-23, and 24(b) do not apply;
(B) as used in any applicable rule, “district court” or “district clerk” includes to the
extent appropriate a bankruptcy court or bankruptcy appellate panel or its clerk; and
(C) the reference to “Rules 11 and 12(c)” in Rule 5(d)(3) must be read as a reference to
Rules 6(c)(2)(B) and (C).
(2) Additional Rules. In addition, the following rules apply:
(A) The Record on Appeal. Bankruptcy Rule 8009 governs the record on appeal.
(B) Making the Record Available. Bankruptcy Rule 8010 governs completing the record
and making it available.
(C) Stays Pending Appeal. Bankruptcy Rule 8007 applies to stays pending appeal.
(D) Duties of the Circuit Clerk. When the bankruptcy clerk has made the record
available, the circuit clerk must note that fact on the docket. The date noted on the
docket serves as the filing date of the record. The circuit clerk must immediately notify
all parties of the filing date.
(E) Filing a Representation Statement. Unless the court of appeals designates another
time, within 14 days after entry of the order granting permission to appeal, the attorney
who sought permission must file a statement with the circuit clerk naming the parties
that the attorney represents on appeal.
Rule 7. Bond for Costs on Appeal in a Civil Case
In a civil case, the district court may require an appellant to file a bond or provide other security
in any form and amount necessary to ensure payment of costs on appeal. Rule 8(b) applies to a
surety on a bond given under this rule.
Rule 8. Stay or Injunction Pending Appeal
(a) Motion for Stay.
(1) Initial Motion in the District Court. A party must ordinarily move first in the district
court for the following relief:
(A) a stay of the judgment or order of a district court pending appeal;
(B) approval of a bond or other security provided to obtain a stay of judgment; or
(C) an order suspending, modifying, restoring, or granting an injunction while an appeal
is pending.
(2) Motion in the Court of Appeals; Conditions on Relief. A motion for the relief
mentioned in Rule 8(a)(1) may be made to the court of appeals or to one of its judges.
(A) The motion must:
(i) show that moving first in the district court would be impracticable; or
(ii) state that, a motion having been made, the district court denied the motion or failed
to afford the relief requested and state any reasons given by the district court for
its action.
(B) The motion must also include:
(i) the reasons for granting the relief requested and the facts relied on;
(ii) originals or copies of affidavits or other sworn statements supporting facts subject
to dispute; and
(iii) relevant parts of the record.
(C) The moving party must give reasonable notice of the motion to all parties.
(D) A motion under this Rule 8(a)(2) must be filed with the circuit clerk and normally will
be considered by a panel of the court. But in an exceptional case in which time
requirements make that procedure impracticable, the motion may be made to and
considered by a single judge.
(E) The court may condition relief on a party’s filing a bond or other security in the district
(b) Proceeding Against a Security Provider. If a party gives security with one or more security
providers, each provider submits to the jurisdiction of the district court and irrevocably
appoints the district clerk as its agent on whom any papers affecting its liability on the security
may be served. On motion, a security provider's liability may be enforced in the district court
without the necessity of an independent action. The motion and any notice that the district
court prescribes may be served on the district clerk, who must promptly send a copy to each
security provider whose address is known.
(c) Stay in a Criminal Case. Rule 38 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure governs a stay
in a criminal case.
Rule 9. Release in a Criminal Case
(a) Release Before Judgment of Conviction.
(1) The district court must state in writing, or orally on the record, the reasons for an order
regarding the release or detention of a defendant in a criminal case. A party appealing
from the order must file with the court of appeals a copy of the district court’s order and
the court’s statement of reasons as soon as practicable after filing the notice of appeal. An
appellant who questions the factual basis for the district court’s order must file a transcript
of the release proceedings or an explanation of why a transcript was not obtained.
(2) After reasonable notice to the appellee, the court of appeals must promptly determine the
appeal on the basis of the papers, affidavits, and parts of the record that the parties present
or the court requires. Unless the court so orders, briefs need not be filed.
(3) The court of appeals or one of its judges may order the defendant’s release pending the
disposition of the appeal.
(b) Release After Judgment of Conviction. A party entitled to do so may obtain review of a
district-court order regarding release after a judgment of conviction by filing a notice of appeal
from that order in the district court, or by filing a motion in the court of appeals if the party
has already filed a notice of appeal from the judgment of conviction. Both the order and the
review are subject to Rule 9(a). The papers filed by the party seeking review must include a
copy of the judgment of conviction.
(c) Criteria for Release. The court must make its decision regarding release in accordance with
the applicable provisions of 18 U.S.C. §§ 3142, 3143, and 3145(c).
Local Rule 9.0. Recalcitrant Witnesses
(a) A recalcitrant witness who is held in contempt for refusal to testify is entitled to disposition of
the recalcitrant witness’s appeal within thirty days if the recalcitrant witness is denied bail,
and the government is entitled to equal promptness if bail is granted. The unsuccessful party
on the bail issue may waive the thirty day statutory requirement by filing a written waiver with
the clerk of this court.
(b) The district court shall allow bail, with or without surety, unless the appeal appears frivolous,
but a condition shall be the filing of a notice of appeal forthwith, and obedience to all
subsequent orders with respect to briefing and argument. Except for cause shown the district
court shall not, in any case, order a witness committed for the first forty-eight hours after the
date of the order.
(c) The appeal shall be docketed immediately, and the district court’s order on bail may be
reviewed by the court of appeals or a judge thereof.
Rule 10. The Record on Appeal
(a) Composition of the Record on Appeal. The following items constitute the record on appeal:
(1) the original papers and exhibits filed in the district court;
(2) the transcript of proceedings, if any; and
(3) a certified copy of the docket entries prepared by the district clerk.
(b) The Transcript of Proceedings.
(1) Appellant’s Duty to Order. Within 14 days after filing the notice of appeal or entry of an
order disposing of the last timely remaining motion of a type specified in Rule 4(a)(4)(A),
whichever is later, the appellant must do either of the following:
(A) order from the reporter a transcript of such parts of the proceedings not already on file
as the appellant considers necessary, subject to a local rule of the court of appeals and
with the following qualifications:
(i) the order must be in writing;
(ii) if the cost of the transcript is to be paid by the United States under the Criminal
Justice Act, the order must so state; and
(iii) the appellant must, within the same period, file a copy of the order with the district
clerk; or
(B) file a certificate stating that no transcript will be ordered.
(2) Unsupported Finding or Conclusion. If the appellant intends to urge on appeal that a
finding or conclusion is unsupported by the evidence or is contrary to the evidence, the
appellant must include in the record a transcript of all evidence relevant to that finding or
(3) Partial Transcript. Unless the entire transcript is ordered:
(A) the appellant must within the 14 days provided in Rule 10(b)(1) file a statement
of the issues that the appellant intends to present on the appeal and must serve on the
appellee a copy of both the order or certificate and the statement;
(B) if the appellee considers it necessary to have a transcript of other parts of the
proceedings, the appellee must, within 14 days after the service of the order or
certificate and the statement of the issues, file and serve on the appellant a designation
of additional parts to be ordered; and
(C) unless within 14 days after service of that designation the appellant has ordered all
such parts, and has so notified the appellee, the appellee may within the following 14
days either order the parts or move in the district court for an order requiring the
appellant to do so.
(4) Payment. At the time of ordering, a party must make satisfactory arrangements with the
reporter for paying the cost of the transcript.
(c) Statement of the Evidence When the Proceedings Were Not Recorded or When a
Transcript Is Unavailable. If the transcript of a hearing or trial is unavailable, the appellant
may prepare a statement of the evidence or proceedings from the best available means,
including the appellant’s recollection. The statement must be served on the appellee, who may
serve objections or proposed amendments within 14 days after being served. The statement
and any objections or proposed amendments must then be submitted to the district court for
settlement and approval. As settled and approved, the statement must be included by the
district clerk in the record on appeal.
(d) Agreed Statement as the Record on Appeal. In place of the record on appeal as defined in
Rule 10(a), the parties may prepare, sign, and submit to the district court a statement of the
case showing how the issues presented by the appeal arose and were decided in the district
court. The statement must set forth only those facts averred and proved or sought to be proved
that are essential to the court’s resolution of the issues. If the statement is truthful, it
together with any additions that the district court may consider necessary to a full presentation
of the issues on appeal must be approved by the district court and must then be certified to
the court of appeals as the record on appeal. The district clerk must then send it to the circuit
clerk within the time provided by Rule 11. A copy of the agreed statement may be filed in
place of the appendix required by Rule 30.
(e) Correction or Modification of the Record.
(1) If any difference arises about whether the record truly discloses what occurred in the
district court, the difference must be submitted to and settled by that court and the record
conformed accordingly.
(2) If anything material to either party is omitted from or misstated in the record by error or
accident, the omission or misstatement may be corrected and a supplemental record may
be certified and forwarded:
(A) on stipulation of the parties;
(B) by the district court before or after the record has been forwarded; or
(C) by the court of appeals.
(3) All other questions as to the form and content of the record must be presented to the court
of appeals.
Local Rule 10.0. Ordering Transcripts
(a) Timely Filing. Fed. R. App. P. 10(b) requires that the transcript be ordered within 14 days
of the filing of the notice of appeal. Parties are nevertheless urged to order any necessary
transcript immediately after the filing of the notice. If the appellant fails to timely order a
transcript in writing from the court reporter, the appeal may be dismissed for want of diligent
(b) Transcript Order/Report. A Transcript Order/Report, in the form prescribed by this court,
shall be used to satisfy the requirements of Fed. R. App. P. 10(b).
(c) Transcripts under the Criminal Justice Act. If the cost of the transcript is to be paid by the
United States under the Criminal Justice Act, counsel must complete and attach CJA form 24
to the Transcript Order/Report so as to satisfy the requirement of Fed. R. App. P. 10(b)(4).
(d) Caveat. The court is of the opinion that in many cases a transcript is not really needed, and
makes for delay and expense, as well as unnecessarily large records. The court urges counsel
to endeavor, in appropriate cases, to enter into stipulations that will avoid or reduce
transcripts. See Fed. R. App. P. 30(b). However, if an agreed statement of the evidence is
contemplated, counsel are reminded of Fed. R. App. P. 10(c) requiring submission to the
district court for approval. The fourteen-day ordering rule will not be suspended because of
such activity, however, except by order of the court for good cause shown.
Rule 11. Forwarding the Record
(a) Appellant’s Duty. An appellant filing a notice of appeal must comply with Rule 10(b) and
must do whatever else is necessary to enable the clerk to assemble and forward the record. If
there are multiple appeals from a judgment or order, the clerk must forward a single record.
(b) Duties of Reporter and District Clerk.
(1) Reporter’s Duty to Prepare and File a Transcript. The reporter must prepare and file
a transcript as follows:
(A) Upon receiving an order for a transcript, the reporter must enter at the foot of the order
the date of its receipt and the expected completion date and send a copy, so endorsed,
to the circuit clerk.
(B) If the transcript cannot be completed within 30 days of the reporter’s receipt of the
order, the reporter may request the circuit clerk to grant additional time to complete
it. The clerk must note on the docket the action taken and notify the parties.
(C) When a transcript is complete, the reporter must file it with the district clerk and notify
the circuit clerk of the filing.
(D) If the reporter fails to file the transcript on time, the circuit clerk must notify the district
judge and do whatever else the court of appeals directs.
(2) District Clerk’s Duty to Forward. When the record is complete, the district clerk must
number the documents constituting the record and send them promptly to the circuit clerk
together with a list of the documents correspondingly numbered and reasonably identified.
Unless directed to do so by a party or the circuit clerk, the district clerk will not send to
the court of appeals documents of unusual bulk or weight, physical exhibits other than
documents, or other parts of the record designated for omission by local rule of the court
of appeals. If the exhibits are unusually bulky or heavy, a party must arrange with the
clerks in advance for their transportation and receipt.
(c) Retaining the Record Temporarily in the District Court for Use in Preparing the Appeal.
The parties may stipulate, or the district court on motion may order, that the district clerk
retain the record temporarily for the parties to use in preparing the papers on appeal. In that
event the district clerk must certify to the circuit clerk that the record on appeal is complete.
Upon receipt of the appellee’s brief, or earlier if the court orders or the parties agree, the
appellant must request the district clerk to forward the record.
(d) [Abrogated]
(e) Retaining the Record by Court Order.
(1) The court of appeals may, by order or local rule, provide that a certified copy of the docket
entries be forwarded instead of the entire record. But a party may at any time during the
appeal request that designated parts of the record be forwarded.
(2) The district court may order the record or some part of it retained if the court needs it while
the appeal is pending, subject, however, to call by the court of appeals.
(3) If part or all of the record is ordered retained, the district clerk must send to the court of
appeals a copy of the order and the docket entries together with the parts of the original
record allowed by the district court and copies of any parts of the record designated by the
(f) Retaining Parts of the Record in the District Court by Stipulation of the Parties. The
parties may agree by written stipulation filed in the district court that designated parts of the
record be retained in the district court subject to call by the court of appeals or request by a
party. The parts of the record so designated remain a part of the record on appeal.
(g) Record for a Preliminary Motion in the Court of Appeals. If, before the record is
forwarded, a party makes any of the following motions in the court of appeals:
for dismissal;
for release;
for a stay pending appeal;
for additional security on the bond on appeal or on a bond or other security provided to
obtain a stay of judgment; or
for any other intermediate order
the district clerk must send the court of appeals any parts of the record designated by any party.
Local Rule 11.0. Transmission of the Record, Sealed Documents
(a) Duty of Appellant. In addition to an appellant’s duties under Fed. R. App. P. 11(a), it is an
appellant’s responsibility to see that the record, as certified, is complete.
(b) Transmission of the Record. The district court will not transmit the full record except upon
request of the circuit clerk. Rather, the district court will transmit to the circuit clerk
electronically a copy of the notice of appeal, the order(s) being appealed, and a certified copy
of the district court docket report in lieu of transmitting the entire record. Sealed documents
will not be included in this abbreviated electronic record. Rather, any sealed documents or
sealed docket reports/entries will be transmitted to the circuit clerk in hard copy whether or
not electronically available. In addition, any papers and exhibits which are not electronically
available will also be transmitted to the circuit clerk. The entire electronic district court
record is available to the court of appeals whether or not individual documents are
transmitted as part of the abbreviated electronic record or later supplemented.
(c) Sealed Materials.
(1) Materials Sealed by District Court or Agency Order. The court of appeals expects that
ordinarily motions to seal all or part of a district court or agency record will be presented
to, and resolved by, the lower court or agency. Motions, briefs, transcripts, and other
materials which were filed with the district court or agency under seal and which
constitute part of the record transmitted to the court of appeals shall be clearly labeled as
sealed when transmitted to the court of appeals and will remain under seal until further
order of court.
(2) Motions to Seal in the Court of Appeals. In order to seal in the court of appeals materials
not already sealed in the district court or agency (e.g., a brief or unsealed portion of the
record), a motion to seal must be filed in paper form in the court of appeals; parties cannot
seal otherwise public documents merely by agreement or by labeling them “sealed.” A
motion to seal, which should not itself be filed under seal, must explain the basis for
sealing and specify the desired duration of the sealing order. If discussion of confidential
material is necessary to support the motion to seal, that discussion shall be confined to an
affidavit or declaration, which may be filed provisionally under seal. A motion to seal may
be filed before the sealed material is submitted or, alternatively the item to be sealed (e.g.,
the brief) may be tendered with the motion and, upon request, will be accepted
provisionally under seal, subject to the court’s subsequent ruling on the motion. Material
submitted by a party under seal, provisionally or otherwise must be stamped or labeled by
the party on the cover “FILED UNDER SEAL.” If the court of appeals denies the movant’s
motion to seal, any materials tendered under provisional seal will be returned to the
movant. Motions to seal or sealed documents should never be filed electronically. See 1st
Cir. R. 25.0.
(3) Limiting Sealed Filings. Rather than automatically requesting the sealing of an entire
brief, motion, or other filing, litigants should consider whether argument relating to
sealed materials may be contained in separate supplemental brief, motion, or filing, which
may then be sealed in accordance with the procedures in subsection (2).
(d) References to Sealed Materials.
(1) Records or materials sealed by district court, court of appeals, or agency order shall not
be included in the regular appendix, but may be submitted in a separate, sealed
supplemental volume of appendix. The sealed supplemental volume must be clearly and
prominently labeled by the party on the cover “FILED UNDER SEAL.”
(2) In addressing material under seal in an unsealed brief or motion or oral argument counsel
are expected not to disclose the substance of the sealed material and to apprise the court
that the material in question is sealed. If the record contains sealed materials of a
sensitive character, counsel would be well advised to alert the court to the existence of
such materials and their location by a footnote appended to the “Statement of the Case
caption in the opening or answering brief.
Rule 12. Docketing the Appeal; Filing a Representation Statement; Filing the Record
(a) Docketing the Appeal. Upon receiving the copy of the notice of appeal and the docket entries
from the district clerk under Rule 3(d), the circuit clerk must docket the appeal under the title
of the district-court action and must identify the appellant, adding the appellant’s name if
(b) Filing a Representation Statement. Unless the court of appeals designates another time, the
attorney who filed the notice of appeal must, within 14 days after filing the notice, file a
statement with the circuit clerk naming the parties that the attorney represents on appeal.
(c) Filing the Record, Partial Record, or Certificate. Upon receiving the record, partial record,
or district clerk’s certificate as provided in Rule 11, the circuit clerk must file it and
immediately notify all parties of the filing date.
Local Rule 12.0. Appearance, Withdrawal of Appearance
(a) Representation Statement, Appearance. A representation statement must take the form of an
appearance, in a form prescribed by this court. Attorneys for both appellant and appellee
must file appearance forms within 14 days after the case is docketed in the court of appeals.
See also 1st Cir. R. 46.0(a). Additional or new attorneys for the parties may enter an
appearance outside the 14 day period. However, in no event may any attorney file a notice of
appearance without leave of court after the appellee brief has been filed.
(b) Withdrawal of Appearance. No attorney who has entered an appearance in this court may
withdraw without the consent of the court. An attorney who has represented a defendant in a
criminal case in the district court will be responsible for representing the defendant on appeal,
whether or not the attorney has entered an appearance in the Court of Appeals, until the
attorney is relieved of such duty by the court. Procedures for withdrawal in criminal cases
are found in 1st Cir. R. 46.6. For requirements applying to court-appointed counsel, reference
is made to 1st Cir. R. 46.5(c), the Criminal Justice Plan of this Circuit.
Rule 12.1. Remand After an Indicative Ruling by the District Court on a Motion for Relief
That Is Barred by a Pending Appeal
(a) Notice to the Court of Appeals. If a timely motion is made in the district court for relief that
it lacks authority to grant because of an appeal that has been docketed and is pending, the
movant must promptly notify the circuit clerk if the district court states either that it would
grant the motion or that the motion raises a substantial issue.
(b) Remand After an Indicative Ruling. If the district court states that it would grant the motion
or that the motion raises a substantial issue, the court of appeals may remand for further
proceedings but retains jurisdiction unless it expressly dismisses the appeal. If the court of
appeals remands but retains jurisdiction, the parties must promptly notify the circuit clerk
when the district court has decided the motion on remand.
Rule 13. Appeals From the Tax Court
(a) Appeal as of Right.
(1) How Obtained; Time for Filing a Notice of Appeal.
(A) An appeal as of right from the United States Tax Court is commenced by filing a
notice of appeal with the Tax Court clerk within 90 days after the entry of the Tax
Court’s decision. At the time of filing, the appellant must furnish the clerk with
enough copies of the notice to enable the clerk to comply with Rule 3(d). If one party
files a timely notice of appeal, any other party may file a notice of appeal within 120
days after the Tax Court’s decision is entered.
(B) If, under Tax Court rules, a party makes a timely motion to vacate or revise the Tax
Court’s decision, the time to file a notice of appeal runs from the entry of the order
disposing of the motion or from the entry of a new decision, whichever is later.
(2) Notice of Appeal; How Filed. The notice of appeal may be filed either at the Tax Court
clerk’s office in the District of Columbia or by sending it to the clerk. If sent by mail the
notice is considered filed on the postmark date, subject to § 7502 of the Internal Revenue
Code, as amended, and the applicable regulations.
(3) Contents of the Notice of Appeal; Service; Effect of Filing and Service. Rule 3
prescribes the contents of a notice of appeal, the manner of service, and the effect of its
filing and service. Form 2 in the Appendix of Forms is a suggested form of a notice of
(4) The Record on Appeal; Forwarding; Filing.
(A) Except as otherwise provided under Tax Court rules for the transcript of proceedings,
the appeal is governed by the parts of Rules 10, 11, and 12 regarding the record on
appeal from a district court, the time and manner of forwarding and filing, and the
docketing in the court of appeals.
(B) If an appeal is taken to more than one court of appeals, the original record must be
sent to the court named in the first notice of appeal filed. In an appeal to any other
court of appeals, the appellant must apply to that other court to make provision for the
(b) Appeal by Permission. An appeal by permission is governed by Rule 5.
Rule 14. Applicability of Other Rules to Appeals from the Tax Court
All provisions of these rules, except Rules 4, 6-9, 15-20, and 22-23, apply to appeals from the
Tax Court. References in any applicable rule (other than Rule 24(a)) to the district court and district
clerk are to be read as referring to the Tax Court and its clerk.
Rule 15. Review or Enforcement of an Agency Order How Obtained; Intervention
(a) Petition for Review; Joint Petition.
(1) Review of an agency order is commenced by filing, within the time prescribed by law, a
petition for review with the clerk of a court of appeals authorized to review the agency
order. If their interests make joinder practicable, two or more persons may join in a petition
to the same court to review the same order.
(2) The petition must:
(A) name each party seeking review either in the caption or the body of the petition
using such terms as “et al.,” petitioners”, or “respondents” does not effectively name
the parties;
(B) name the agency as a respondent (even though not named in the petition, the United
States is a respondent if required by statute); and
(C) specify the order or part thereof to be reviewed.
(3) Form 3 in the Appendix of Forms is a suggested form of a petition for review.
(4) In this rule “agency” includes an agency, board, commission, or officer; “petition for
review” includes a petition to enjoin, suspend, modify, or otherwise review, or a notice of
appeal, whichever form is indicated by the applicable statute.
(b) Application or Cross-Application to Enforce an Order; Answer; Default.
(1) An application to enforce an agency order must be filed with the clerk of a court of appeals
authorized to enforce the order. If a petition is filed to review an agency order that the
court may enforce, a party opposing the petition may file a cross-application for
(2) Within 21 days after the application for enforcement is filed, the respondent must serve
on the applicant an answer to the application and file it with the clerk. If the respondent
fails to answer in time, the court will enter judgment for the relief requested.
(3) The application must contain a concise statement of the proceedings in which the order
was entered, the facts upon which venue is based, and the relief requested.
(c) Service of the Petition or Application. The circuit clerk must serve a copy of the petition for
review, or an application or cross-application to enforce an agency order, on each respondent
as prescribed by Rule 3(d), unless a different manner of service is prescribed by statute. At
the time of filing, the petitioner must:
(1) serve, or have served, a copy on each party admitted to participate in the agency
proceedings, except for the respondents;
(2) file with the clerk a list of those so served; and
(3) give the clerk enough copies of the petition or application to serve each respondent.
(d) Intervention. Unless a statute provides another method, a person who wants to intervene in
a proceeding under this rule must file a motion for leave to intervene with the circuit clerk and
serve a copy on all parties. The motion or other notice of intervention authorized by statute
must be filed within 30 days after the petition for review is filed and must contain a concise
statement of the interest of the moving party and the grounds for intervention.
(e) Payment of Fees. When filing any separate or joint petition for review in a court of appeals,
the petitioner must pay the circuit clerk all required fees.
Rule 15.1. Briefs and Oral Argument in a National Labor Relations Board Proceeding
In either an enforcement or a review proceeding, a party adverse to the National Labor
Relations Board proceeds first on briefing and at oral argument, unless the court orders otherwise.
Rule 16. The Record on Review or Enforcement
(a) Composition of the Record. The record on review or enforcement of an agency order consists
(1) the order involved;
(2) any findings or report on which it is based; and
(3) the pleadings, evidence, and other parts of the proceedings before the agency.
(b) Omissions From or Misstatements in the Record. The parties may at any time, by
stipulation, supply any omission from the record or correct a misstatement, or the court may
so direct. If necessary, the court may direct that a supplemental record be prepared and filed.
Rule 17. Filing the Record
(a) Agency to File; Time for Filing; Notice of Filing. The agency must file the record with the
circuit clerk within 40 days after being served with a petition for review, unless the statute
authorizing review provides otherwise, or within 40 days after it files an application for
enforcement unless the respondent fails to answer or the court orders otherwise. The court
may shorten or extend the time to file the record. The clerk must notify all parties of the date
when the record is filed.
(b) Filing What Constitutes.
(1) The agency must file:
(A) the original or a certified copy of the entire record or parts designated by the parties;
(B) a certified list adequately describing all documents, transcripts of testimony, exhibits,
and other material constituting the record, or describing those parts designated by the
(2) The parties may stipulate in writing that no record or certified list be filed. The date when
the stipulation is filed with the circuit clerk is treated as the date when the record is filed.
(3) The agency must retain any portion of the record not filed with the clerk. All parts of the
record retained by the agency are a part of the record on review for all purposes and, if the
court or a party so requests, must be sent to the court regardless of any prior stipulation.
Rule 18. Stay Pending Review
(a) Motion for a Stay.
(1) Initial Motion Before the Agency. A petitioner must ordinarily move first before the
agency for a stay pending review of its decision or order.
(2) Motion in the Court of Appeals. A motion for a stay may be made to the court of appeals
or one of its judges.
(A) The motion must:
(i) show that moving first before the agency would be impracticable; or
(ii) state that, a motion having been made, the agency denied the motion or failed to
afford the relief requested and state any reasons given by the agency for its action.
(B) The motion must also include:
(i) the reasons for granting the relief requested and the facts relied on;
(ii) originals or copies of affidavits or other sworn statements supporting facts subject
to dispute; and
(iii) relevant parts of the record.
(C) The moving party must give reasonable notice of the motion to all parties.
(D) The motion must be filed with the circuit clerk and normally will be considered by a
panel of the court. But in an exceptional case in which time requirements make that
procedure impracticable, the motion may be made to and considered by a single judge.
(b) Bond. The court may condition relief on the filing of a bond or other appropriate security.
Local Rule 18.0 Stay in Immigration Cases; Notification of Removal Date
In order to ensure the orderly presentation of issues placed before this Court in immigration
cases and to preserve the Court's ability to make considered decisions in such cases, the Court
adopts the following policy, which applies to petitions for review and to appeals from district court
habeas proceedings (collectively, for purposes of this rule, "petitions").
If the government has scheduled the removal of a petitioner, then the government will file with
the Court a notice identifying the earliest date upon which removal may be made. The notice
must be filed by the later of: one day after a petition is docketed in the court of appeals and
notification is transmitted to the government via the court's CM/ECF system or immediately
once removal is scheduled. The absence of any such notice will be deemed a representation by
counsel for the government that the government has not yet scheduled the removal of the
When a first motion for stay of removal is timely filed in this court and notification is
transmitted to the government via the court's CM/ECF system, the clerk will enter an
administrative order staying removal for ten business days. The government shall file its
response to the motion for stay of removal by the later of: two business days after the filing of
the first motion for stay of removal; or, ten business days prior to the earliest possible date of
removal; provided, however, that any response must be filed within the time period specified
by Fed. R. App. P. 27(a)(3)(A). Upon motion and good cause, any of these deadlines, as well
as the duration of the stay, may be revised in a particular case. This paragraph applies only
to the first timely motion to stay removal filed in an individual case in this court. For purposes
of this paragraph only, a first motion to stay removal will be deemed timely if filed by the later
of: the docketing of the petition; or two business days after the filing of a notice by the
government as provided in paragraph 1, above. If petitioner is pro se, this deadline shall not
apply, but any stay motion should be filed as expeditiously as possible.
Rule 19. Settlement of a Judgment Enforcing an Agency Order in Part
When the court files an opinion directing entry of judgment enforcing the agency’s order in
part, the agency must within 14 days file with the clerk and serve on each other party a proposed
judgment conforming to the opinion. A party who disagrees with the agency’s proposed judgment
must within 10 days file with the clerk and serve the agency with a proposed judgment that the
party believes conforms to the opinion. The court will settle the judgment and direct entry without
further hearing or argument.
Rule 20. Applicability of Rules to the Review or Enforcement of an Agency Order
All provisions of these rules, except Rules 3-14 and 22-23, apply to the review or enforcement
of an agency order. In these rules, “appellant” includes a petitioner or applicant, and appellee”
includes a respondent.
Rule 21. Writs of Mandamus and Prohibition, and Other Extraordinary Writs
(a) Mandamus or Prohibition to a Court: Petition, Filing, Service, and Docketing.
(1) A party petitioning for a writ of mandamus or prohibition directed to a court must file the
petition with the circuit clerk and serve it on all parties to the proceeding in the trial court.
The party must also provide a copy to the trial-court judge. All parties to the proceeding
in the trial court other than the petitioner are respondents for all purposes.
(2) (A) The petition must be titled “In re [name of petitioner].”
The petition must state:
the relief sought;
the issues presented;
the facts necessary to understand the issue presented by the petition; and
the reasons why the writ should issue.
The petition must include a copy of any order or opinion or parts of the record that
may be essential to understand the matters set forth in the petition.
(3) Upon receiving the prescribed docket fee, the clerk must docket the petition and submit it
to the court.
(b) Denial; Order Directing Answer; Briefs; Precedence.
(1) The court may deny the petition without an answer. Otherwise, it must order the
respondent, if any, to answer within a fixed time.
(2) The clerk must serve the order to respond on all persons directed to respond.
(3) Two or more respondents may answer jointly.
(4) The court of appeals may invite or order the trial-court judge to address the petition or
may invite an amicus curiae to do so. The trial-court judge may request permission to
address the petition but may not do so unless invited or ordered to do so by the court of
(5) If briefing or oral argument is required, the clerk must advise the parties, and when
appropriate, the trial-court judge or amicus curiae.
(6) The proceeding must be given preference over ordinary civil cases.
(7) The circuit clerk must send a copy of the final disposition to the trial-court judge.
(c) Other Extraordinary Writs. An application for an extraordinary writ other than one
provided for in Rule 21(a) must be made by filing a petition with the circuit clerk and serving
it on the respondents. Proceedings on the application must conform, so far as is practicable,
to the procedures prescribed in Rule 21(a) and (b).
(d) Form of Papers; Number of Copies; Length Limits. All papers must conform to Rule
32(c)(2). An original and 3 copies must be filed unless the court requires the filing of a
different number by local rule or by order in a particular case. Except by the court's
permission, and excluding the accompanying documents required by Rule 21(a)(2)(C);
(1) a paper produced using a computer must not exceed 7,800 words; and
(2) a handwritten or typewritten paper must not exceed 30 pages.
Local Rule 21.0. Petitions for Special Writs
A petition for a writ of mandamus or writ of prohibition shall be entitled simply "In re
, Petitioner." To the extent that relief is requested of a particular judge, unless
otherwise ordered, the judge shall be represented pro forma by counsel for the party opposing the
relief, who shall appear in the name of the party and not that of the judge.
Rule 22. Habeas Corpus and Section 2255 Proceedings
(a) Application for the Original Writ. An application for a writ of habeas corpus must be made
to the appropriate district court. If made to a circuit judge, the application must be transferred
to the appropriate district court. If a district court denies an application made or transferred to
it, renewal of the application before a circuit judge is not permitted. The applicant may, under
28 U.S.C. § 2253, appeal to the court of appeals from the district court’s order denying the
(b) Certificate of Appealability.
(1) In a habeas corpus proceeding in which the detention complained of arises from process
issued by a state court, or in a 28 U.S.C. § 2255 proceeding, the applicant cannot take an
appeal unless a circuit justice or a circuit or district judge issues a certificate of
appealability under 28 U.S.C. § 2253(c). If an applicant files a notice of appeal, the district
clerk must send to the court of appeals the certificate (if any) and the statement described
in Rule 11(a) of the Rules Governing Proceedings Under 28 U.S.C. § 2254 or § 2255 (if
any), along with the notice of appeal and the file of the district-court proceedings. If the
district judge has denied the certificate, the applicant may request a circuit judge to issue
(2) A request addressed to the court of appeals may be considered by a circuit judge or judges,
as the court prescribes. If no express request for a certificate is filed, the notice of appeal
constitutes a request addressed to the judges of the court of appeals.
(3) A certificate of appealability is not required when a state or its representative or the United
States or its representative appeals.
Local Rule 22.0. Habeas Corpus; Certificate of Appealability
(a) General Procedures. In this circuit, ordinarily neither the court nor a judge thereof will act
on a request for a certificate of appealability if the district judge who refused the writ is
available and has not ruled first. The general procedures regarding certificates of
appealability are set forth in Fed. R. App. P. 22 and Rule 11 of the Rules Governing
Proceedings Under 28 U.S.C. § 2254 or § 2255. These latter rules require the district judge
to rule on the issuance of a certificate of appealability when a final order issues. If the district
court denies a certificate, the petitioner may not appeal the denial but may file a motion for a
certificate of appealability before this court. A petitioner wishing to challenge the denial of a
§ 2254 or § 2255 petition must file a timely notice of appeal whether or not the district court
issues a certificate of appealability.
(b) Denial in Full by District Court. If the district court denies a certificate of appealability, the
petitioner should promptly apply within the time set by the clerk to the court of appeals for
issuance of a certificate of appealability. The motion should be accompanied by a copy of the
district court’s order and a memorandum giving specific and substantial reasons, and not
mere generalizations, why a certificate should be granted. If no sufficient memorandum has
been filed by the time set by the clerk, the certificate may be denied without further
consideration. The effect of a denial is to terminate the appeal.
(c) Partial Denial by District Court.
(1) If the district court grants a certificate of appealability as to one or more issues, the
petitioner’s appeal shall go forward only as to the issue or issues for which the district
court granted the certificate. See Grant-Chase v. Commissioner, 145 F.3d 431 (1st Cir.
(2) If the petitioner wants appellate review of an issue or issues as to which the district court
has denied a certificate of appealability, petitioner must apply promptly, within the time
set by the clerk of the court of appeals, to the court of appeals for an expanded certificate
of appealability. The request for an expanded certificate of appealability:
(A) must be explicit as to the additional issues the petitioner wishes the court to consider
(B) should be accompanied by a copy of the district court order and a memorandum
giving specific and substantial reasons, and not mere generalizations, why an
expanded certificate of appealability should be granted.
If the petitioner fails to apply for an expanded certificate of appealability within the time
designated by the clerk, the appeal will proceed only with respect to the issues on which
the district court has granted a certificate; this court will not treat an inexplicit notice of
appeal, without more, as a request for a certificate of appealability with respect to issues
on which the district court has denied a certificate.
(d) Grant in Full by District Court. If the district court grants a certificate of appealability on
all issues, the petitioner's appeal shall go forward. See Grant-Chase v. Commissioner, 145
F.3d 431 (1st Cir. 1998).
Local Rule 22.1. Habeas Corpus; Successive Petitions
(a) Motion for Authorization. Any petitioner seeking to file a second or successive petition for
relief pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 2254 or 2255 must first file a motion with this court for
authorization. A motion for authorization to file a second or successive § 2254 or § 2255
petition must be sufficiently complete on filing to allow the court to assess whether the
standard set forth in 28 U.S.C. §§ 2244(b) or 2255, as applicable, has been satisfied. The
motion must be accompanied by both:
(1) a completed application form, available from this court, stating the new claims(s)
presented and addressing how Section 2244(b) or Section 2255's standard is satisfied;
(2) copies of all relevant portions of earlier court proceedings, which must ordinarily include:
(A) copies of all §2254 or §2255 petitions earlier filed;
(B) the respondent’s answer to the earlier petitions (including any portion of the state
record the respondent submitted to the district court);
(C) any magistrate-judge’s report and recommendation in the earlier §2254 or §2255
(D) the district court’s decision in the earlier proceedings; and
(E) the portions of the state court record needed to evaluate the claims presented and to
show that movant has exhausted state court remedies.
(b) Incomplete Motion. Failure to provide the requisite application and attachments may result
in the denial of the motion for authorization with or without prejudice to refiling. At its
discretion, the court may instead treat the motion as lodged, the filing being deemed complete
when the deficiency is remedied.
(c) Service. The movant shall serve a copy of the motion to file a second or successive petition
and all accompanying attachments on the state attorney general 2254 cases) or United
States Attorney for the federal judicial district in which movant was convicted (§ 2255 cases)
and shall comply with Fed. R. App. P. 25.
(d) Response. The state attorney general (§ 2254 cases) or United States Attorney 2255 cases)
is requested to file a response within 14 days of the filing of the motion.
(e) Transfer. If a second or successive § 2254 or § 2255 petition is filed in a district court without
the requisite authorization by the court of appeals pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2244(b)(3), the
district court will transfer the petition to the court of appeals pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1631 or
dismiss the petition. If the petition is transferred, the petitioner must file a motion meeting the
substantive requirements of 1st Cir. R. 22.1(a) within 45 days of the date of notice from the
clerk of the court of appeals that said motion is required. If the motion is not timely filed,
the court will enter an order denying authorization for the § 2254 or § 2255 petition.
Rule 23. Custody or Release of a Prisoner in a Habeas Corpus Proceeding
(a) Transfer of Custody Pending Review. Pending review of a decision in a habeas corpus
proceeding commenced before a court, justice, or judge of the United States for the release of
a prisoner, the person having custody of the prisoner must not transfer custody to another
unless a transfer is directed in accordance with this rule. When, upon application, a custodian
shows the need for a transfer, the court, justice, or judge rendering the decision under review
may authorize the transfer and substitute the successor custodian as a party.
(b) Detention or Release Pending Review of Decision Not to Release. While a decision not to
release a prisoner is under review, the court or judge rendering the decision, or the court of
appeals, or the Supreme Court, or a judge or justice of either court, may order that the prisoner
(1) detained in the custody from which release is sought;
(2) detained in other appropriate custody; or
(3) released on personal recognizance, with or without surety.
(c) Release Pending Review of Decision Ordering Release. While a decision ordering the
release of a prisoner is under review, the prisoner must unless the court or judge rendering
the decision, or the court of appeals, or the Supreme Court, or a judge or justice of either court
orders otherwise be released on personal recognizance, with or without surety.
(d) Modification of the Initial Order on Custody. An initial order governing the prisoner’s
custody or release, including any recognizance or surety, continues in effect pending review
unless for special reasons shown to the court of appeals or the Supreme Court, or to a judge
or justice of either court, the order is modified or an independent order regarding custody,
release, or surety is issued.
Rule 24. Proceeding in Forma Pauperis
(a) Leave to Proceed in Forma Pauperis.
(1) Motion in the District Court. Except as stated in Rule 24(a)(3), a party to a district- court
action who desires to appeal in forma pauperis must file a motion in the district court. The
party must attach an affidavit that:
(A) shows in the detail prescribed by Form 4 of the Appendix of Forms the party’s
inability to pay or to give security for fees and costs;
(B) claims an entitlement to redress; and
(C) states the issues that the party intends to present on appeal.
(2) Action on the Motion. If the district court grants the motion, the party may proceed on
appeal without prepaying or giving security for fees and costs, unless a statute provides
otherwise. If the district court denies the motion, it must state its reasons in writing.
(3) Prior Approval. A party who was permitted to proceed in forma pauperis in the district-
court action, or who was determined to be financially unable to obtain an adequate defense
in a criminal case, may proceed on appeal in forma pauperis without further authorization,
(A) the district court before or after the notice of appeal is filed certifies that the
appeal is not taken in good faith or finds that the party is not otherwise entitled to
proceed in forma pauperis and states in writing its reasons for the certification or
finding; or
(B) a statute provides otherwise.
(4) Notice of District Court’s Denial. The district clerk must immediately notify the parties
and the court of appeals when the district court does any of the following:
(A) denies a motion to proceed on appeal in forma pauperis;
(B) certifies that the appeal is not taken in good faith; or
(C) finds that the party is not otherwise entitled to proceed in forma pauperis.
(5) Motion in the Court of Appeals. A party may file a motion to proceed on appeal in forma
pauperis in the court of appeals within 30 days after service of the notice prescribed in Rule
24(a)(4). The motion must include a copy of the affidavit filed in the district court and the
district court’s statement of reasons for its action. If no affidavit was filed in the district
court, the party must include the affidavit prescribed by Rule 24(a)(1).
(b) Leave to Proceed in Forma Pauperis on Appeal from the United States Tax Court or on
Appeal or Review of an Administrative-Agency Proceeding. A party may file in the court
of appeals a motion for leave to proceed on appeal in forma pauperis with an affidavit
prescribed by Rule 24(a)(1):
(1) in an appeal from the United States Tax Court; and
(2) when an appeal or review of a proceeding before an administrative agency, board,
commission, or officer proceeds directly in the court of appeals.
(c) Leave to Use Original Record. A party allowed to proceed on appeal in forma pauperis may
request that the appeal be heard on the original record without reproducing any part.
Rule 25. Filing and Service
(a) Filing.
(1) Filing with the Clerk. A paper required or permitted to be filed in a court of appeals
must be filed with the clerk.
(2) Filing: Method and Timeliness.
(A) Nonelectronic Filing.
(i) In General. For a paper not filed electronically, filing may be accomplished by
mail addressed to the clerk, but filing is not timely unless the clerk receives the
papers within the time fixed for filing.
(ii) A Brief or Appendix. A brief or appendix not filed electronically is timely filed,
however, if on or before the last day for filing, it is:
mailed to the clerk by first-class mail, or other class of mail that is at least as
expeditious, postage prepaid; or
dispatched to a third-party commercial carrier for delivery to the clerk within 3
(iii) Inmate Filing. If an institution has a system designed for legal mail, an inmate
confined there must use that system to receive the benefit of this Rule
25(a)(2)(A)(iii). A paper not filed electronically by an inmate is timely if it is
deposited in the institution’s internal mail system on or before the last day for
filing and:
it is accompanied by: a declaration in compliance with 28 U.S.C. § 1746or a
notarized statementsetting out the date of deposit and stating that first-class
postage is being prepaid; or evidence (such as a postmark or date stamp) showing
that the paper was so deposited and that postage was prepaid; or
the court of appeals exercises its discretion to permit the later filing of a
declaration or notarized statement that satisfies Rule 25(a)(2)(A)(iii).
(B) Electronic Filing and Signing.
(i) By a Represented PersonGenerally Required; Exceptions. A person
represented by an attorney must file electronically, unless nonelectronic filing is
allowed by the court for good cause or is allowed or required by local rule.
(ii) By an Unrepresented PersonWhen Allowed or Required. A person not
represented by an attorney:
may file electronically only if allowed by court order or by local rule; and
may be required to file electronically only by court order, or by a local rule that
includes reasonable exceptions.
(iii) Signing. A filing made through a person's electronic-filing account and authorized
by that person, together with that person's name on a signature block, constitutes
the person's signature.
(iv) Same as a Written Paper. A paper filed electronically is a written paper for
purposes of these rules.
(3) Filing a Motion with a Judge. If a motion requests relief that may be granted by a single
judge, the judge may permit the motion to be filed with the judge; the judge must note the
filing date on the motion and give it to the clerk.
(4) Clerk’s Refusal of Documents. The clerk must not refuse to accept for filing any paper
presented for that purpose solely because it is not presented in proper form as required by
these rules or by any local rule or practice.
(5) Privacy Protection. An appeal in a case whose privacy protection was governed by
Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 9037, Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 5.2, or
Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 49.1 is governed by the same rule on appeal. In all
other proceedings, privacy protection is governed by Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 5.2,
except that Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 49.1 governs when an extraordinary writ
is sought in a criminal case. The provisions on remote electronic access in Federal Rule of
Civil Procedure 5.2(c)(1) and (2) apply in a petition for review of a benefits decision of
the Railroad Retirement Board under the Railroad Retirement Act.
(b) Service of All Papers Required. Unless a rule requires service by the clerk, a party must, at
or before the time of filing a paper, serve a copy on the other parties to the appeal or review.
Service on a party represented by counsel must be made on the party’s counsel.
(c) Manner of Service.
(1) Nonelectronic service may be any of the following:
(A) personal, including delivery to a responsible person at the office of counsel;
(B) by mail; or
(C) by third-party commercial carrier for delivery within 3 days.
(2) Electronic service of a paper may be made (A) by sending it to a registered user by filing
it with the court's electronic-filing system or (B) by sending it by other electronic means
that the person to be served consented to in writing.
(3) When reasonable considering such factors as the immediacy of the relief sought, distance,
and cost, service on a party must be by a manner at least as expeditious as the manner used
to file the paper with the court.
(4) Service by mail or by commercial carrier is complete on mailing or delivery to the carrier.
Service by electronic means is complete on filing or sending, unless the party making
service is notified that the paper was not received by the party served.
(d) Proof of Service.
(1) A paper presented for filing must contain either of the following if it was served other than
through the court's electronic-filing system:
(A) an acknowledgment of service by the person served; or
(B) proof of service consisting of a statement by the person who made service certifying:
(i) the date and manner of service;
(ii) the names of the persons served; and
(iii) their mail or electronic addresses, facsimile numbers, or the addresses of the
places of delivery, as appropriate for the manner of service.
(2) When a brief or appendix is filed by mailing or dispatch in accordance with Rule
25(a)(2)(A)(ii), the proof of service must also state the date and manner by which the
document was mailed or dispatched to the clerk.
(3) Proof of service may appear on or be affixed to the papers filed.
(e) Number of Copies. When these rules require the filing or furnishing of a number of copies,
a court may require a different number by local rule or by order in a particular case.
Local Rule 25.0. Electronic Case Filing System and Facsimile
(a) Electronic Case Filing. Use of the electronic filing system is mandatory for all attorneys
filing in this court, unless they are granted an exemption, and is voluntary for all non-
incarcerated pro se litigants proceeding without counsel.
(1) The clerk may make changes to the procedures for electronic filing to adapt to changes
in technology or to facilitate electronic filing.
(2) The court may deviate from these procedures in specific cases if deemed appropriate in
the exercise of its discretion.
(3) Documents must be formatted for electronic filing by converting the original word
processing document into Portable Document Format (“PDF”). PDF images created
by scanning paper documents do not comply with this rule. However, exhibits that are
submitted as attachments to an electronically filed pleading may be scanned and
attached if the filer does not possess a word-processing file version of the document.
(4) Completed PDF fillable forms must be scanned or "printed to PDF" in order to lock or
"flatten" the form prior to filing the document in CM/ECF.
(b) Scope of Electronic Filing. Unless this court by rule or order prescribes otherwise, all cases
will be assigned to the court's electronic filing system. Upon motion and a showing of good
cause, the court may exempt an attorney from the provisions of this rule and authorize filing
by means other than use of the electronic filing system. Absent an exemption, all documents
filed by counsel must be filed electronically using the electronic filing system with the
exceptions below, which also apply to pro se litigants who have elected to use the electronic
filing system.
(1) Paper Only Filings. The following documents must be filed only in paper form:
(A) motions to seal; and
(B) sealed, ex parte, or otherwise non-public documents, including, for example, pre-
sentence reports and statements of reasons in a judgment of criminal conviction.
(2) Documents Initiating a Case. Documents that initiate a case in the court of appeals
may be filed electronically or in paper, including for example, petitions for review,
petitions for permission to appeal, applications to enforce an agency order, petitions
for a writ of mandamus or prohibition, and applications for leave to file a second or
successive petition for relief pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §2254 or §2255. While a Notice of
Appeal initiates an appeal, it must be filed in the district court and, thus, is subject to
the relevant district court's procedures governing electronic filing.
(3) Briefs and Appendices. Although briefs (including the addendum, required by 1st Cir.
R. 28.0) and appendices must be filed electronically, paper copies are still required to
be filed. When a brief or appendix is filed electronically, it is deemed tendered. The
clerk's office will then review the electronically tendered filing and, if it is compliant
with federal and local rules, send a notification accepting the brief and/or appendix as
filed and requiring the attorney or party filing electronically ("ECF Filer") to file the
appropriate number of identical paper copies so that they are received by the court
within seven days of the notification. The clerk may shorten the period for filing paper
copies of a brief if it becomes necessary in a particular case. At the time a brief or
appendix is tendered electronically, it must be served on all other parties, as required
by Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure 25(b) and 31(b). See 1st Cir. R. 25.0(e).
Parties do not need to serve the brief or appendix again on the other parties to the case
when identical paper copies are filed with the court.
(4) Criminal Justice Act Vouchers. CJA 24 vouchers filed in accordance with the Criminal
Justice Act, 18 U.S.C. §3006A, must be filed electronically using the court’s electronic
filing system. All other Criminal Justice Act vouchers must be submitted electronically
using the court's CJA eVoucher system.
(5) Copies of Filings. Paper copies of electronically filed documents other than briefs (such
as petitions for rehearing or rehearing en banc) are not required and should not be filed
unless specifically requested by the clerk. The clerk may direct the ECF Filer to provide
the court with paper copies of electronically filed documents, or with an identical
electronic version of any paper document previously filed in the same case by that filer,
in a format designated by the court.
(c) Eligibility and Registration. Attorneys who practice in this court must register as ECF
Filers. Registration is required to obtain a login and password for use of the electronic case
filing system. Attorneys and non-incarcerated pro se litigants may register at
www.pacer.uscourts.gov. A non-incarcerated party to a pending case who is not
represented by an attorney may, but is not required to, register as an ECF Filer for purposes
of that case. If a pro se party retains an attorney, the attorney must register as an ECF Filer
if he or she has not already done so and file an appearance form.
(1) Consent to Service. Registration as an ECF Filer constitutes consent to electronic
service of all documents as provided in these rules and in the Federal Rules of Appellate
(2) CM/ECF User’s Guide. Before filing an electronic document using the court’s
electronic filing system, ECF Filers should familiarize themselves with the CM/ECF
User’s Guide available on the court’s website at www.ca1.uscourts.gov.
(3) Duty to Update Registration Information. An ECF Filer has an affirmative duty to keep
the filer's primary email address and any additional email addresses associated with
the filer's account updated at all times. Any changes to an ECF Filer’s contact
information, including name, physical address, telephone, fax number or e-mail
addresses, should be made through the PACER Service Center, which can be accessed
at www.pacer.uscourts.gov.
(4) Password and Login Protection. ECF Filers agree to protect the security of their logins
and passwords. An ECF Filer shall immediately notify the PACER Service Center and
the clerk if the filer learns, or has reason to suspect, that the filer's login or password
has been compromised. ECF Filers may be sanctioned for failure to comply with this
provision. In addition to other sanctions imposed by the court, the clerk may terminate
without notice the electronic filing privileges of any ECF Filer who uses the electronic
filing system inappropriately.
(d) Consequences of Electronic Filing. Electronic transmission of a document via the
electronic filing system in compliance with these rules, together with the transmission of
a Notice of Docket Activity from the court, constitutes filing of the document under the
Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure and the local rules of this court, and constitutes entry
of the document on the docket kept by the clerk under Fed. R. App. P. 36 and 45(b).
(1) Leave to File. If leave of court is required to file a document and the document may be
filed electronically under 1st Cir. R. 25.0(b), both the motion and the subject document
should be submitted electronically. If leave is granted, an order will issue accepting
the filing for docketing.
(2) Legibility. Before filing a document with the court, an ECF Filer must ensure its
legibility and completeness.
(3) Time Filed. When a document has been filed electronically, the official record is the
electronic document stored by the court. Except in the case of documents first filed in
paper form and subsequently submitted electronically, an electronically filed document
is deemed filed at the date and time stated on the Notice of Docket Activity from the
court. Unless otherwise required by statute, rule, or court order, filing must be
completed by midnight in the time zone of the circuit clerk’s office in Boston to be
considered timely filed that day.
(4) Failure to Electronically File a Document. ECF Filers are advised that they should
contact the clerk's office if they transmit a document via the electronic filing system but
do not receive a Notice of Docket Activity. If a Notice of Docket Activity was not
transmitted by the court, the ECF Filer's filing attempt failed and the document was not
filed. If the filer was attempting to file a document initiating a case and does not receive
electronic confirmation that the submission was received by the court, then the ECF
Filer's filing attempt failed and the document was not filed.
(e) Service of Documents by Electronic Means. The Notice of Docket Activity that is generated
by the court's electronic filing system constitutes service of the filed document on all ECF
(1) Service on Paper Recipients. The court's electronic filing system identifies which parties
in a particular case are ECF filers. Parties who are not registered as ECF Filers must
be served with a copy of any electronically filed document in some other way authorized
by Fed. R. App. P. 25(c)(1). Similarly, a document filed in paper form pursuant to 1st
Cir. R. 25.0(b)(1) must be served using an alternate method of service prescribed by Fed.
R. App. P. 25(c)(1). However, paper copies of briefs filed and served electronically do
not need to be served again on the parties to the case when paper copies of the briefs
are filed with the court.
(2) Certificate of Service. The Notice of Docket Activity does not replace the certificate of
service, if required by Fed. R. App. P. 25(d).
(f) Entry of Court-Issued Documents. Except as otherwise provided by local rule or court
order, all public orders, opinions, judgments, and proceedings of the court in cases assigned
to the electronic filing system will be filed in accordance with these rules, which will
constitute entry on the docket kept by the clerk under Fed. R. App. P. 36 and 45(b). Any
order or document electronically issued by the court without the original signature of a judge
or authorized court personnel has the same force and effect as if the judge or clerk had signed
a paper copy of the order. Orders also may be issued as “text-only” entries on the docket,
without an attached document. Such orders are official and binding.
(g) Attachments and Exhibits to Electronically Filed Documents. All documents referenced
as exhibits or attachments to an electronically filed document must also be filed
electronically, unless the court permits or requires paper filing. An ECF Filer must submit
as exhibits or attachments only those excerpts of the referenced documents that are directly
germane to the matter under consideration by the court. Excerpted material must be clearly
and prominently identified as such. The court may require parties to file additional excerpts
or the complete document.
(h) Sealed Documents. As required by 1st Cir. R. 25.0(b)(1), sealed documents and motions
for permission to file a document under seal should be filed only in paper form. Sealed
documents must be filed in compliance with 1st Cir. R. 11.0(c) and 1st Cir. R. 30.0(g). If an
entire case is sealed, all documents in the case are considered sealed unless the court orders
otherwise or, in the case of a court order, opinion, or judgment, the court releases the order,
opinion or judgment for public dissemination.
(i) Retention Requirements. Electronically filed documents that require original signatures
other than that of the ECF Filer must be maintained in paper form by the ECF Filer until
final disposition of the case. For purposes of this rule, a disposition is not final until the time
for filing a petition for a writ of certiorari has expired, or, if a petition for a writ of certiorari
is filed, until the Supreme Court disposes of the matter, and, if a remand is ordered, the case
is finally resolved. Upon request by the court, ECF Filers must provide original documents
for review.
(j) Signatures. The user login and password required to submit documents via the electronic
filing system serve as the ECF Filer’s signature on all electronic documents filed with the
court. They also serve as a signature for purposes of the Federal Rules of Appellate
Procedure, the local rules of court, and any other purpose for which a signature is required
in connection with proceedings before the court.
(1) Submission by Signatory. No ECF Filer or other person may knowingly permit or cause
to permit an ECF Filer’s login and password to be used by anyone other than an
authorized agent of the ECF Filer. ECF Filers are reminded that pursuant to 1st Cir.
R. 25.0(c)(4), a filer must immediately notify the PACER Service Center and the clerk
if the filer learns, or has reason to know, that the filer's login or password has been
(2) Multiple Signatures. The filer of any electronically filed document requiring multiple
signatures (for example, stipulations) must list thereon all the names of other
signatories by means of a signature block for each. By submitting such a document, the
ECF Filer certifies that each of the other signatories has expressly agreed to the form
and substance of the document, and that the ECF Filer has the authority to submit the
document electronically. If any person objects to the representation of his or her
signature on an electronic document as described above, he or she must, within 14 days
of the electronic filing, file a notice setting forth the basis of the objection.
(k) Notice of Court Orders and Judgments. Immediately upon the entry of a public order,
opinion or judgment in a case assigned to the electronic filing system, a Notice of Docket
Activity will be electronically transmitted to the ECF Filers in the case. Electronic
transmission of the Notice of Docket Activity constitutes the notice and service of the order,
opinion, or judgment required by Fed. R. App. P. 36(b) and 45(c). The clerk will give notice
of any order, opinion, or judgment required by Fed. R. App. P. 36(b) and 45(c) in paper to
any person who has not consented to electronic service.
(l) Technical Failures. An ECF Filer whose filing is made untimely as the result of a technical
failure may seek appropriate relief from the court.
(m) Privacy Protections and Public Access. Filers, whether filing electronically or in paper
form, shall refrain from including or shall redact certain personal data identifiers from all
documents filed with the court whenever such redaction is required by Fed. R. App. P.
25(a)(5). The responsibility for redacting these personal identifiers rests solely with counsel
and the parties. The clerk will not review any document for compliance with this rule. Filers
are advised that it is the experience of this court that failure to comply with redaction
requirements is most apt to occur in attachments, addenda, or appendices, and, thus,
special attention should be given to such documents.
(n) Hyperlinks. Electronically filed documents may contain hyperlinks except as stated herein.
Hyperlinks may not be used to link to sealed or restricted documents. Hyperlinks to cited
authority may not replace standard citation format. Complete citations must be included in
the text of the document. A hyperlink, or any site to which it refers, will not be considered
part of the record. Hyperlinks are simply convenient mechanisms for accessing material in
a document. The court accepts no responsibility for the availability or functionality of any
hyperlink, and does not endorse any product, organization, or content at any hyperlinked
site, or at any site to which that site might be linked.
(o) Facsimile. The Clerk of Court is authorized to accept for filing papers transmitted by
facsimile equipment in situations determined by the Clerk to be of an emergency nature or
other compelling circumstances, subject to such procedures for follow-up filing of
electronic or paper copies, as the Clerk may from time to time specify.
Rule 26. Computing and Extending Time
(a) Computing Time. The following rules apply in computing any time period specified in these
rules, in any local rule or court order, or in any statute that does not specify a method of
computing time.
(1) Period Stated in Days or a Longer Unit. When the period is stated in days or a longer
unit of time:
(A) exclude the day of the event that triggers the period;
(B) count every day, including intermediate Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays; and
(C) include the last day of the period, but if the last day is a Saturday, Sunday, or legal
holiday, the period continues to run until the end of the next day that is not a Saturday,
Sunday, or legal holiday.
(2) Period Stated in Hours. When the period is stated in hours:
(A) begin counting immediately on the occurrence of the event that triggers the period;
(B) count every hour, including hours during intermediate Saturdays, Sundays, and legal
holidays; and
(C) if the period would end on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the period continues
to run until the same time on the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal
(3) Inaccessibility of the Clerk’s Office. Unless the court orders otherwise, if the clerk’s
office is inaccessible:
(A) on the last day for filing under Rule 26(a)(1), then the time for filing is extended to
the first accessible day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday; or
(B) during the last hour for filing under Rule 26(a)(2), then the time for filing is extended
to the same time on the first accessible day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal
(4) “Last Day” Defined. Unless a different time is set by a statute, local rule, or court order,
the last day ends:
(A) for electronic filing in the district court, at midnight in the court’s time zone;
(B) for electronic filing in the court of appeals, at midnight in the time zone of the circuit
clerk’s principal office;
(C) for filing under Rules 4(c)(1), 25(a)(2)(A)(ii), and 25(a)(2)(A)(iii)and filing by mail
under Rule 13(a)(2)at the latest time for the method chosen for delivery to the post
office, third-party commercial carrier, or prison mailing system; and
(D) for filing by other means, when the clerk’s office is scheduled to close.
(5) “Next Day” Defined. The “next day” is determined by continuing to count forward when
the period is measured after an event and backward when measured before an event.
(6) “Legal Holiday” Defined. “Legal holiday” means:
(A) the day set aside by statute for observing New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr.’s
Birthday, Washington’s Birthday, Memorial Day, Juneteenth National Independence
Day; Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans’ Day, Thanksgiving
Day, or Christmas Day;
(B) any day declared a holiday by the President or Congress; and
(C) for periods that are measured after an event, any other day declared a holiday by the
state where either of the following is located: the district court that rendered the
challenged judgment or order, or the circuit clerk’s principal office.
(b) Extending Time. For good cause, the court may extend the time prescribed by these rules or
by its order to perform any act, or may permit an act to be done after that time expires. But
the court may not extend the time to file:
(1) a notice of appeal (except as authorized in Rule 4) or a petition for permission to appeal;
(2) a notice of appeal from or a petition to enjoin, set aside, suspend, modify, enforce, or
otherwise review an order of an administrative agency, board, commission, or officer of
the United States, unless specifically authorized by law.
(c) Additional Time After Certain Kinds of Service. When a party may or must act within a
specified time after being served, and the paper is not served electronically on the party or
delivered to the party on the date stated in the proof of service, 3 days are added after the
period would otherwise expire under Rule 26(a).
Rule 26.1. Disclosure Statement
(a) Nongovernmental Corporations. Any nongovernmental corporation that is a party to a
proceeding in a court of appeals must file a statement that identifies any parent corporation
and any publicly held corporation that owns 10% or more of its stock or states that there is no
such corporation. The same requirement applies to a nongovernmental corporation that seeks
to intervene.
(b) Organizational Victims in Criminal Cases. In a criminal case, unless the government shows
good cause, it must file a statement that identifies any organizational victim of the alleged
criminal activity. If the organizational victim is a corporation, the statement must also disclose
the information required by Rule 26.1(a) to the extent it can be obtained through due diligence.
(c) Bankruptcy Cases. In a bankruptcy case, the debtor, the trustee, or, if neither is a party, the
appellant must file a statement that:
(1) identifies each debtor not named in the caption; and
(2) for each debtor that is a corporation, discloses the information required by Rule 26.1(a).
(d) Time for Filing; Supplemental Filing. The Rule 26.1 statement must:
(1) be filed with the principal brief or upon filing a motion, response, petition, or answer in the court of
appeals, whichever occurs first, unless a local rule requires earlier filing;
(2) be included before the table of contents in the principal brief; and
(3) be supplemented whenever the information required under Rule 26.1 changes.
(e) Number of Copies. If the Rule 26.1 statement is filed before the principal brief, or if a
supplemental statement is filed, an original and 3 copies must be filed unless the court requires
a different number by local rule or by order in a particular case.
Rule 27. Motions
(a) In General.
(1) Application for Relief. An application for an order or other relief is made by motion
unless these rules prescribe another form. A motion must be in writing unless the court
permits otherwise.
(2) Contents of a Motion.
(A) Grounds and relief sought. A motion must state with particularity the grounds for
the motion, the relief sought, and the legal argument necessary to support it.
(B) Accompanying documents.
(i) Any affidavit or other paper necessary to support a motion must be served and
filed with the motion.
(ii) An affidavit must contain only factual information, not legal argument.
(iii) A motion seeking substantive relief must include a copy of the trial court’s
opinion or agency’s decision as a separate exhibit.
(C) Documents barred or not required.
(i) A separate brief supporting or responding to a motion must not be filed.
(ii) A notice of motion is not required.
(iii) A proposed order is not required.
(3) Response.
(A) Time to file. Any party may file a response to a motion; Rule 27(a)(2) governs its
contents. The response must be filed within 10 days after service of the motion unless
the court shortens or extends the time. A motion authorized by Rules 8, 9, 18, or 41
may be granted before the 10-day period runs only if the court gives reasonable notice
to the parties that it intends to act sooner.
(B) Request for affirmative relief. A response may include a motion for affirmative
relief. The time to respond to the new motion, and to reply to that response, are
governed by Rule 27(a)(3)(A) and (a)(4). The title of the response must alert the court
to the request for relief.
(4) Reply to Response. Any reply to a response must be filed within 7 days after service of
the response. A reply must not present matters that do not relate to the response.
(b) Disposition of a Motion for a Procedural Order. The court may act on a motion for a
procedural orderincluding a motion under Rule 26(b)at any time without awaiting a
response, and may, by rule or by order in a particular case, authorize its clerk to act on
specified types of procedural motions. A party adversely affected by the court’s, or the clerk’s,
action may file a motion to reconsider, vacate, or modify that action. Timely opposition filed
after the motion is granted in whole or in part does not constitute a request to reconsider,
vacate, or modify the disposition; a motion requesting that relief must be filed.
(c) Power of a Single Judge to Entertain a Motion. A circuit judge may act alone on any
motion, but may not dismiss or otherwise determine an appeal or other proceeding. A court of
appeals may provide by rule or by order in a particular case that only the court may act on any
motion or class of motions. The court may review the action of a single judge.
(d) Form of Papers; Length Limits; Number of Copies.
(1) Format.
(A) Reproduction. A motion, response, or reply may be reproduced by any process that
yields a clear black image on light paper. The paper must be opaque and unglazed.
Only one side of the paper may be used.
(B) Cover. A cover is not required, but there must be a caption that includes the case
number, the name of the court, the title of the case, and a brief descriptive title
indicating the purpose of the motion and identifying the party or parties for whom it
is filed. If a cover is used, it must be white.
(C) Binding. The document must be bound in any manner that is secure, does not obscure
the text, and permits the document to lie reasonably flat when open.
(D) Paper size, line spacing, and margins. The document must be on by 11 inch
paper. The text must be double-spaced, but quotations more than two lines long may
be indented and single-spaced. Headings and footnotes may be single-spaced. Margins
must be at least one inch on all four sides. Page numbers may be placed in the margins,
but no text may appear there.
(E) Typeface and type styles. The document must comply with the typeface
requirements of Rule 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Rule 32(a)(6).
(2) Length Limits. Except by the court's permission, and excluding the accompanying
documents authorized by Rule 27(a)(2)(B);
(A) a motion or response to a motion produced using a computer must not exceed 5,200
(B) a handwritten or typewritten motion or response to a motion must not exceed 20 pages;
(C) a reply produced using a computer must not exceed 2,600 words; and
(D) a handwritten or typewritten reply to a response must not exceed 10 pages.
(3) Number of Copies. An original and 3 copies must be filed unless the court requires a
different number by local rule or by order in a particular case.
(e) Oral Argument. A motion will be decided without oral argument unless the court orders
Local Rule 27.0. Motions
(a) Assent. Motions will not necessarily be allowed even though assented to.
(b) Emergency Relief. Motions for stay, or other emergency relief, may be denied for failure to
present promptly. Counsel who envisages a possible need for an emergency filing, or
emergency action by the court, or both, during a period when the Clerk's Office is ordinarily
closed should consult with the Clerk's Office at the earliest opportunity. Failure to consult
with the Clerk's Office well in advance of the occasion may preclude such special
arrangements. Although documents may be filed electronically at any time through CM/ECF,
the filer should not expect that the filing will be addressed outside regular business hours
unless the filer contacts the clerk’s office in advance to make special arrangements. The
business hours for the clerk’s office are Mondays through Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(c) Summary Disposition. At any time, on such notice as the court may order, on motion of
appellee or sua sponte, the court may dismiss the appeal or other request for relief or affirm
and enforce the judgment or order below if the court lacks jurisdiction, or if it shall clearly
appear that no substantial question is presented. In case of obvious error the court may,
similarly, reverse. Motions for such relief should be promptly filed when the occasion
(d) Motions Decided by the Clerk. The clerk is authorized to dispose of certain routine,
procedural motions in accordance with the Court’s standing instructions. Any party adversely
affected by the action of the clerk on a motion may promptly move for reconsideration. Unless
the clerk grants reconsideration, the motion for reconsideration will be submitted to a single
judge or panel. See Internal Operating Procedure V(C).
Rule 28. Briefs
(a) Appellant’s Brief. The appellant’s brief must contain, under appropriate headings and in
the order indicated:
(1) a disclosure statement if required by Rule 26.1;
(2) a table of contents, with page references;
(3) a table of authorities cases (alphabetically arranged), statutes, and other authorities
with references to the pages of the brief where they are cited;
(4) a jurisdictional statement, including:
the basis for the district court’s or agency’s subject-matter jurisdiction, with citations
to applicable statutory provisions and stating relevant facts establishing jurisdiction;
the basis for the court of appeals’ jurisdiction, with citations to applicable statutory
provisions and stating relevant facts establishing jurisdiction;
the filing dates establishing the timeliness of the appeal or petition for review; and
an assertion that the appeal is from a final order or judgment that disposes of all
parties’ claims, or information establishing the court of appeals’ jurisdiction on some
other basis;
(5) a statement of the issues presented for review;
(6) a concise statement of the case setting out the facts relevant to the issues submitted for
review, describing the relevant procedural history, and identifying the rulings presented
for review, with appropriate references to the record (see Rule 28(e));
(7) a summary of the argument, which must contain a succinct, clear, and accurate statement
of the arguments made in the body of the brief, and which must not merely repeat the
argument headings;
(8) the argument, which must contain:
appellant’s contentions and the reasons for them, with citations to the authorities and
parts of the record on which the appellant relies; and
for each issue, a concise statement of the applicable standard of review (which may
appear in the discussion of the issue or under a separate heading placed before the
discussion of the issues);
(9) a short conclusion stating the precise relief sought; and
(10) the certificate of compliance, if required by Rule 32(g)(1).
(b) Appellee’s Brief. The appellees brief must conform to the requirements of Rule 28(a)(1)-(8) and
(10), except that none of the following need appear unless the appellee is dissatisfied with the
appellant’s statement:
(1) the jurisdictional statement;
(2) the statement of the issues;
(3) the statement of the case; and
(4) the statement of the standard of review.
(c) Reply Brief. The appellant may file a brief in reply to the appellee’s brief. Unless the court
permits, no further briefs may be filed. A reply brief must contain a table of contents, with
page references, and a table of authorities cases (alphabetically arranged), statutes, and
other authorities with references to the pages of the reply brief where they are cited.
(d) References to Parties. In briefs and at oral argument, counsel should minimize use of the
terms “appellant” and “appellee.” To make briefs clear, counsel should use the parties’ actual
names or the designations used in the lower court or agency proceeding, or such descriptive
terms as “the employee,” “the injured person,” “the taxpayer,” “the ship,” “the stevedore.”
(e) References to the Record. References to the parts of the record contained in the appendix
filed with the appellant’s brief must be to the pages of the appendix. If the appendix is prepared
after the briefs are filed, a party referring to the record must follow one of the methods detailed
in Rule 30(c). If the original record is used under Rule 30(f) and is not consecutively
paginated, or if the brief refers to an unreproduced part of the record, any reference must be
to the page of the original document. For example:
Answer p. 7;
Motion for Judgment p. 2;
Transcript p. 231.
Only clear abbreviations may be used. A party referring to evidence whose admissibility is in
controversy must cite the pages of the appendix or of the transcript at which the evidence was
identified, offered, and received or rejected.
(f) Reproduction of Statutes, Rules, Regulations, etc. If the court’s determination of the issues
presented requires the study of statutes, rules, regulations, etc., the relevant parts must be set
out in the brief or in an addendum at the end, or may be supplied to the court in pamphlet form.
(g) [Reserved]
(h) [Reserved]
(i) Briefs in a Case Involving Multiple Appellants or Appellees. In a case involving more than
one appellant or appellee, including consolidated cases, any number of appellants or appellees
may join in a brief, and any party may adopt by reference a part of another’s brief. Parties may
also join in reply briefs.
(j) Citation of Supplemental Authorities. If pertinent and significant authorities come to a
party’s attention after the party’s brief has been filed or after oral argument but before
decision a party may promptly advise the circuit clerk by letter, with a copy to all other
parties, setting forth the citations. The letter must state the reasons for the supplemental
citations, referring either to the page of the brief or to a point argued orally. The body of the
letter must not exceed 350 words. Any response must be made promptly and must be similarly
Local Rule 28.0. Addendum to Briefs Required
(a) Contents. In addition to the requirements of Fed. R. App. P. 28, for the court’s convenience,
the brief of the appellant must include an addendum containing the following items:
(1) Required. The judgments, decisions, rulings, or orders appealed from, including any
supporting explanation (e.g., a written or transcript opinion), and in addition, where the
district court or agency whose decision is under review was itself reviewing or acting upon
the decision of a lower-level decision-maker, that lower-level decision as well (e.g., a
recommended decision by a magistrate judge or an initial decision by an administrative
law judge).
Note: If the decision appealed from is a text-only entry upon a docket report, a copy of
the relevant entry or page of the docket report should be provided.
(2) Optional, but encouraged. The addendum may also include other items or short excerpts
from the record that are either the subject of an issue on appeal (e.g., disputed jury
instructions or disputed contractual provisions) or necessary for understanding the
specific issues on appeal, up to 25 pages in total. Statutes, rules, regulations, etc. included
as part of the addendum pursuant to Fed. R. App. P. 28(f) do not count towards this page
(b) Form. The addendum shall be bound at the rear of the appellant’s brief. The addendum must
begin with a table of contents identifying the page at which each part begins.
(1) The appellee’s brief may include such an addendum to incorporate materials omitted from
the appellant’s addendum, subject to the same limitations on length and content.
(2) Material included in the addendum need not be reproduced in the appendix also.
(c) Sealed Items. Notwithstanding the above, sealed or non-public items including a
presentence investigation report or statement of reasons in a judgment of criminal conviction
should not be included in a public addendum. Rather, where sealed items are to be included,
they should be filed in a separate, sealed addendum.
Local Rule 28.1. References in Briefs to Sealed Material
Briefs filed with the court of appeals are a matter of public record. In order to have a brief
sealed, counsel must file a specific and timely motion in compliance with Local Rule 11.0(c)(2)
and (3) asking the court to seal a brief or supplemental brief. Counsel must also comply with Local
Rule 11.0(d), when applicable.
Rule 28.1. Cross-Appeals
(a) Applicability. This rule applies to a case in which a cross-appeal is filed. Rules 28(a)-(c),
31(a)(1), 32(a)(2), and 32(a)(7)(A)-(B) do not apply to such a case, except as otherwise
provided in this rule.
(b) Designation of Appellant. The party who files a notice of appeal first is the appellant for the
purposes of this rule and Rules 30 and 34. If notices are filed on the same day, the plaintiff in
the proceeding below is the appellant. These designations may be modified by the parties'
agreement or by court order.
(c) Briefs. In a case involving a cross-appeal:
(1) Appellant's Principal Brief. The appellant must file a principal brief in the appeal. That
brief must comply with Rule 28(a).
(2) Appellee's Principal and Response Brief. The appellee must file a principal brief in the
cross-appeal and must, in the same brief, respond to the principal brief in the appeal. That
appellee's brief must comply with Rule 28(a), except that the brief need not include a
statement of the case unless the appellee is dissatisfied with the appellant's statement.
(3) Appellant's Response and Reply Brief. The appellant must file a brief that responds to
the principal brief in the cross-appeal and may, in the same brief, reply to the response in
the appeal. That brief must comply with Rule 28(a)(2)-(8) and (10), except that none of
the following need appear unless the appellant is dissatisfied with the appellee's statement
in the cross-appeal:
(A) the jurisdictional statement;
(B) the statement of the issues;
(C) the statement of the case; and
(D) the statement of the standard of review.
(4) Appellee's Reply Brief. The appellee may file a brief in reply to the response in the cross-
appeal. That brief must comply with Rule 28(a)(2)-(3) and (10) and must be limited to the
issues presented by the cross-appeal.
(5) No Further Briefs. Unless the court permits, no further briefs may be filed in a case
involving a cross-appeal.
(d) Cover. Except for filings by unrepresented parties, the cover of the appellant's principal brief
must be blue; the appellee's principal and response brief, red; the appellant's response and
reply brief, yellow; the appellee's reply brief, gray; an intervenor's or amicus curiae's brief,
green; and any supplemental brief, tan. The front cover of a brief must contain the information
required by Rule 32(a)(2).
(e) Length.
(1) Page Limitation. Unless it complies with Rule 28.1(e)(2), the appellant's principal brief
must not exceed 30 pages; the appellee's principal and response brief, 35 pages; the
appellant's response and reply brief, 30 pages; and the appellee's reply brief, 15 pages.
(2) Type-Volume Limitation.
(A) The appellant's principal brief or the appellant's response and reply brief is acceptable
if it:
(i) contains no more than 13,000 words; or
(ii) uses a monospaced face and contains no more than 1,300 lines of text.
(B) The appellee's principal and response brief is acceptable if it:
(i) contains no more than 15,300 words; or
(ii) uses a monospaced face and contains no more than 1,500 lines of text.
(C) The appellee's reply brief is acceptable if it contains no more than half of the type
volume specified in Rule 28.1(e)(2)(A).
(f) Time to Serve and File a Brief. Briefs must be served and filed as follows:
(1) the appellant's principal brief, within 40 days after the record is filed;
(2) the appellee's principal and response brief, within 30 days after the appellant's principal
brief is served;
(3) the appellant's response and reply brief, within 30 days after the appellee's principal and
response brief is served; and
(4) the appellee's reply brief, within 21 days after the appellant's response and reply brief is
served, but at least 7 days before argument unless the court, for good cause, allows a later
Rule 29. Brief of an Amicus Curiae
(a) During Initial Consideration of a Case on the Merits.
(1) Applicability. This Rule 29(a) governs amicus filings during a court's initial consideration
of a case on the merits.
(2) When Permitted. The United States or its officer or agency or a state may file an amicus
brief without the consent of the parties or leave of court. Any other amicus curiae may file
a brief only by leave of court or if the brief states that all parties have consented to its
filing, but a court of appeals may prohibit the filing of or may strike an amicus brief that
would result in a judge's disqualification.
(3) Motion for Leave to File. The motion must be accompanied by the proposed brief and
(A) the movant's interest; and
(B) the reason why an amicus brief is desirable and why the matters asserted are relevant
to the disposition of the case.
(4) Contents and Form. An amicus brief must comply with Rule 32. In addition to the
requirements of Rule 32, the cover must identify the party or parties supported and indicate
whether the brief supports affirmance or reversal. An amicus brief need not comply with
Rule 28, but must include the following:
(A) if the amicus curiae is a corporation, a disclosure statement like that required of parties
by Rule 26.1;
(B) a table of contents, with page references;
(C) a table of authoritiescases (alphabetically arranged), statutes, and other
authoritieswith references to the pages of the brief where they are cited;
(D) a concise statement of the identity of the amicus curiae, its interest in the case, and the
source of its authority to file;
(E) unless the amicus curiae is one listed in the first sentence of Rule 29(a)(2), a statement
that indicates whether:
a party's counsel authored the brief in whole or in part;
a party or a party's counsel contributed money that was intended to fund preparing
or submitting the brief; and
a personother than the amicus curiae, its members, or its counselcontributed
money that was intended to fund preparing or submitting the brief and, if so,
identifies each such person;
(F) an argument, which may be preceded by a summary and which need not include a
statement of the applicable standard of review; and
(G) a certificate of compliance under Rule 32(g)(1), if length is computed using a word or
line limit.
(5) Length. Except by the court's permission, an amicus brief may be no more than one- half
the maximum length authorized by these rules for a party's principal brief. If the court
grants a party permission to file a longer brief, that extension does not affect the length of
an amicus brief.
(6) Time for Filing. An amicus curiae must file its brief, accompanied by a motion for filing
when necessary, no later than 7 days after the principal brief of the party being supported
is filed. An amicus curiae that does not support either party must file its brief no later than
7 days after the appellant's or petitioner's principal brief is filed. A court may grant leave
for later filing, specifying the time within which an opposing party may answer.
(7) Reply Brief. Except by the court's permission, an amicus curiae may not file a reply brief.
(8) Oral Argument. An amicus curiae may participate in oral argument only with the court’s
(b) During Consideration of Whether to Grant Rehearing.
(1) Applicability. This Rule 29(b) governs amicus filings during a court's consideration of
whether to grant panel rehearing or rehearing en banc, unless a local rule or order in a case
provides otherwise.
(2) When Permitted. The United States or its officer or agency or a state may file an amicus
brief without the consent of the parties or leave of court. Any other amicus curiae may file
a brief only by leave of court.
(3) Motion for Leave to File. Rule 29(a)(3) applies to a motion for leave.
(4) Contents, Form, and Length. Rule 29(a)(4) applies to the amicus brief. The brief must
not exceed 2,600 words.
(5) Time for Filing. An amicus curiae supporting the petition for rehearing or supporting
neither party must file its brief, accompanied by a motion for filing when necessary, no
later than 7 days after the petition is filed. An amicus curiae opposing the petition must
file its brief, accompanied by a motion for filing when necessary, no later than the date set
by the court for the response.
Rule 30. Appendix to the Briefs
(a) Appellant’s Responsibility.
(1) Contents of the Appendix. The appellant must prepare and file an appendix to the briefs
(A) the relevant docket entries in the proceeding below;
(B) the relevant portions of the pleadings, charge, findings, or opinion;
(C) the judgment, order, or decision in question; and
(D) other parts of the record to which the parties wish to direct the court’s attention.
(2) Excluded Material. Memoranda of law in the district court should not be included in the
appendix unless they have independent relevance. Parts of the record may be relied on by
the court or the parties even though not included in the appendix.
(3) Time to File; Number of Copies. Unless filing is deferred under Rule 30(c), the appellant
must file 10 copies of the appendix with the brief and must serve one copy on counsel for
each party separately represented. An unrepresented party proceeding in forma pauperis
must file 4 legible copies with the clerk, and one copy must be served on counsel for each
separately represented party. The court may by local rule or by order in a particular case
require the filing or service of a different number.
(b) All Parties’ Responsibilities.
(1) Determining the Contents of the Appendix. The parties are encouraged to agree on the
contents of the appendix. In the absence of an agreement, the appellant must, within 14
days after the record is filed, serve on the appellee a designation of the parts of the record
the appellant intends to include in the appendix and a statement of the issues the appellant
intends to present for review. The appellee may, within 14 days after receiving the
designation, serve on the appellant a designation of additional parts to which it wishes to
direct the court’s attention. The appellant must include the designated parts in the
appendix. The parties must not engage in unnecessary designation of parts of the record,
because the entire record is available to the court. This paragraph applies also to a cross-
appellant and a cross-appellee.
(2) Costs of Appendix. Unless the parties agree otherwise, the appellant must pay the cost of
the appendix. If the appellant considers parts of the record designated by the appellee to
be unnecessary, the appellant may advise the appellee, who must then advance the cost of
including those parts. The cost of the appendix is a taxable cost. But if any party causes
unnecessary parts of the record to be included in the appendix, the court may impose the
cost of those parts on that party. Each circuit must, by local rule, provide for sanctions
against attorneys who unreasonably and vexatiously increase litigation costs by including
unnecessary material in the appendix.
(c) Deferred Appendix.
(1) Deferral Until After Briefs Are Filed. The court may provide by rule for classes of cases
or by order in a particular case that preparation of the appendix may be deferred until after
the briefs have been filed and that the appendix may be filed 21 days after the appellee’s
brief is served. Even though the filing of the appendix may be deferred, Rule 30(b) applies;
except that a party must designate the parts of the record it wants included in the appendix
when it serves its brief, and need not include a statement of the issues presented.
(2) References to the Record.
(A) If the deferred appendix is used, the parties may cite in their briefs the pertinent pages
of the record. When the appendix is prepared, the record pages cited in the briefs must
be indicated by inserting record page numbers, in brackets, at places in the appendix
where those pages of the record appear.
(B) A party who wants to refer directly to pages of the appendix may serve and file copies
of the brief within the time required by Rule 31(a), containing appropriate references
to pertinent pages of the record. In that event, within 14 days after the appendix is
filed, the party must serve and file copies of the brief, containing references to the
pages of the appendix in place of or in addition to the references to the pertinent pages
of the record. Except for the correction of typographical errors, no other changes may
be made to the brief.
(d) Format of the Appendix. The appendix must begin with a table of contents identifying the
page at which each part begins. The relevant docket entries must follow the table of contents.
Other parts of the record must follow chronologically. When pages from the transcript of
proceedings are placed in the appendix, the transcript page numbers must be shown in brackets
immediately before the included pages. Omissions in the text of papers or of the transcript
must be indicated by asterisks. Immaterial formal matters (captions, subscriptions,
acknowledgments, etc.) should be omitted.
(e) Reproduction of Exhibits. Exhibits designated for inclusion in the appendix may be
reproduced in a separate volume, or volumes, suitably indexed. Four copies must be filed with
the appendix, and one copy must be served on counsel for each separately represented party.
If a transcript of a proceeding before an administrative agency, board, commission, or officer
was used in a district court action and has been designated for inclusion in the appendix, the
transcript must be placed in the appendix as an exhibit.
(f) Appeal on the Original Record Without an Appendix. The court may, either by rule for all
cases or classes of cases or by order in a particular case, dispense with the appendix and permit
an appeal to proceed on the original record with any copies of the record, or relevant parts,
that the court may order the parties to file.
Local Rule 30.0. Appendix to the Briefs
(a) Number of Copies. Pursuant to Fed. R. App. P. 30(a)(3), when a paper copy deadline is set, only
five (5) copies of the appendix need be filed with the clerk and on motion, for cause shown,
parties may be allowed to file even fewer copies.
(b) Reproduction. The appendix should be printed on both sides of each page.
(c) Contents. The appendix must include any relevant portions of the pleadings, transcripts,
exhibits, or other parts of the record referred to in the briefs as may be necessary to
understand the issues on appeal and to preserve context. Material included in the addendum
bound with appellant's brief need not be reproduced in the appendix. Guidance to counsel as
to the contents of the appendix is set forth in a Notice to Counsel Regarding Contents of the
Appendix, which accompanies the briefing schedule and is available on the court's website at
www.ca1.uscourts.gov. The required and optional contents of the addendum are set forth in
Local Rule 28.0(a).
(d) Proceeding Pro Se or Under the Criminal Justice Act.
(1) Pro Se Appendices Not Required. All pro se appeals shall be considered on the record
on appeal as certified by the clerk of the district court without the necessity of filing an
appendix unless otherwise ordered by this court in a specific case. An appendix is
required in all other appeals unless the court rules otherwise pursuant to Fed. R. App.
P. 30(f).
(2) CJA Appendices. Although an appellant may be reimbursed for the cost of preparing an
appendix where appellant's counsel is appointed under the Criminal Justice Act, counsel
in consolidated multi-defendant appeals should coordinate, to the extent possible, to file
a consolidated appendix.
(e) Translations. The court will not receive documents or cited opinions not in the English
language unless translations are furnished. Whenever an opinion of the Supreme Court of
Puerto Rico (or other Commonwealth of Puerto Rico court) is cited in a brief or oral argument
which does not appear in the bound volumes in English, an official, certified or stipulated
translation thereof shall be filed. Unless the translation is filed electronically in compliance
with the court’s electronic filing system, three conformed copies should also be filed. Partial
translations will be accepted if stipulated by the parties or if submitted by one party not less
than 30 days before the oral argument. Where partial translations are submitted by one party,
opposing parties may, prior to oral argument, submit translations of such additional parts as
they may deem necessary for a proper understanding of the holding.
(f) Sanctions. This court may impose sanctions against attorneys who unreasonably and
vexatiously increase litigation costs by including unnecessary material in the appendix as
provided for in Local Rule 38.0.
(g) Inclusion of Sealed Material in Appendices. Appendices filed with the court of appeals are
a matter of public record. If counsel conclude that it is necessary to include sealed material
in appendix form, then, in order to maintain the confidentiality of materials filed in the district
court or agency under seal, counsel must designate the sealed material for inclusion in a
supplemental appendix to be filed separately from the regular appendix and must file a
specific and timely motion in compliance with Local Rules 11.0(c)(2), 11.0(c)(3), and 11.0(d)
asking the court to seal the supplemental appendix.
Rule 31. Serving and Filing Briefs
(a) Time to Serve and File a Brief.
(1) The appellant must serve and file a brief within 40 days after the record is filed. The
appellee must serve and file a brief within 30 days after the appellant’s brief is served. The
appellant may serve and file a reply brief within 21 days after service of the appellee’s brief
but a reply brief must be filed at least 7 days before argument, unless the court, for good
cause, allows a later filing.
(2) A court of appeals that routinely considers cases on the merits promptly after the briefs
are filed may shorten the time to serve and file briefs, either by local rule or by order in a
particular case.
(b) Number of Copies. Twenty-five copies of each brief must be filed with the clerk and 2 copies
must be served on each unrepresented party and on counsel for each separately represented
party. An unrepresented party proceeding in forma pauperis must file 4 legible copies with the
clerk, and one copy must be served on each unrepresented party and on counsel for each
separately represented party. The court may by local rule or by order in a particular case
require the filing or service of a different number.
(c) Consequence of Failure to File. If an appellant fails to file a brief within the time provided
by this rule, or within an extended time, an appellee may move to dismiss the appeal. An
appellee who fails to file a brief will not be heard at oral argument unless the court grants
Local Rule 31.0. Filing Briefs
(a) Time to File a Brief.
(1) Briefing schedules will be set in accordance with Fed. R. App. P. 31(a) once the record is
complete, including any necessary transcripts. When a brief (and addendum required by
Local Rule 28.0) is filed electronically in compliance with the court’s electronic filing
system, the court will review the electronic filing and notify the filer of the due date for the
paper copies of the brief. A reply brief may be rejected by the court if it contains matter
repetitive of the main brief, or which, in the opinion of the court, should have been in the
main brief.
(2) Unavailability of the transcript shall constitute cause for granting extensions, subject,
however, to the provisions of Local Rule 10.0, ante.
(b) Number of copies. Only 10 copies of briefs need be filed with the clerk and on motion for
cause shown, parties may be allowed to file even fewer copies. The disk required by Local
Rule 32.0 for briefs filed in paper form constitutes one copy for purposes of this rule. If a brief
is filed electronically in compliance with the court’s electronic filing system, the electronically
filed brief counts as one copy and nine paper copies must be filed.
Rule 32. Form of Briefs, Appendices, and Other Papers
(a) Form of a Brief.
(1) Reproduction.
(A) A brief may be reproduced by any process that yields a clear black image on light
paper. The paper must be opaque and unglazed. Only one side of the paper may be
(B) Text must be reproduced with a clarity that equals or exceeds the output of a laser
(C) Photographs, illustrations, and tables may be reproduced by any method that results
in a good copy of the original; a glossy finish is acceptable if the original is glossy.
(2) Cover. Except for filings by unrepresented parties, the cover of the appellant’s brief must
be blue; the appellee’s, red; an intervenor’s or amicus curiae’s, green; any reply brief, gray;
and any supplemental brief, tan. The front cover of a brief must contain:
(A) the number of the case centered at the top;
(B) the name of the court;
(C) the title of the case (see Rule 12(a));
(D) the nature of the proceeding (e.g., Appeal, Petition for Review) and the name of the
court, agency, or board below;
(E) the title of the brief, identifying the party or parties for whom the brief is filed; and
(F) the name, office address, and telephone number of counsel representing the party for
whom the brief is filed.
(3) Binding. The brief must be bound in any manner that is secure, does not obscure the
text, and permits the brief to lie reasonably flat when open.
(4) Paper Size, Line Spacing, and Margins. The brief must be on 8 ½ by 11 inch paper. The
text must be double-spaced, but quotations more than two lines long may be indented and
single-spaced. Headings and footnotes may be single-spaced. Margins must be at least one
inch on all four sides. Page numbers may be placed in the margins, but no text may appear
(5) Typeface. Either a proportionally spaced or a monospaced face may be used.
(A) A proportionally spaced face must include serifs, but sans-serif type may be used in
headings and captions. A proportionally spaced face must be 14-point or larger.
(B) A monospaced face may not contain more than 10½ characters per inch.
(6) Type Styles. A brief must be set in a plain, roman style, although italics or boldface may
be used for emphasis. Case names must be italicized or underlined.
(7) Length.
(A) Page limitation. A principal brief may not exceed 30 pages, or a reply brief 15
pages, unless it complies with Rule 32(a)(7)(B).
(B) Type-Volume Limitation.
(i) A principal brief is acceptable if it:
contains no more than 13,000 words; or
uses a monospaced face and contains no more than 1,300 lines of text.
(ii) A reply brief is acceptable if it contains no more than half of the type volume
specified in Rule 32(a)(7)(B)(i).
(b) Form of an Appendix. An appendix must comply with Rule 32(a)(1), (2), (3), and (4), with
the following exceptions:
(1) The cover of a separately bound appendix must be white.
(2) An appendix may include a legible photocopy of any document found in the record or of
a printed judicial or agency decision.
(3) When necessary to facilitate inclusion of odd-sized documents such as technical drawings,
an appendix may be a size other than 8 ½ by 11 inches, and need not lie reasonably flat
when opened.
(c) Form of Other Papers.
(1) Motion. The form of a motion is governed by Rule 27(d).
(2) Other Papers. Any other paper, including a petition for panel rehearing and a petition for
hearing or rehearing en banc, and any response to such a petition, must be reproduced in
the manner prescribed by Rule 32(a), with the following exceptions:
(A) A cover is not necessary if the caption and signature page of the paper together contain
the information required by Rule 32(a)(2). If a cover is used, it must be white.
(B) Rule 32(a)(7) does not apply.
(d) Signature. Every brief, motion, or other paper filed with the court must be signed by the party
filing the paper or, if the party is represented, by one of the party's attorneys.
(e) Local Variation. Every court of appeals must accept documents that comply with the form
requirements of this rule and the length limits set by these rules. By local rule or order in a
particular case, a court of appeals may accept documents that do not meet all the form
requirements of this rule or the length limits set by these rules.
(f) Items Excluded from Length. In computing any length limit, headings, footnotes, and
quotations count toward the limit but the following items do not:
cover page;
disclosure statement;
table of contents;
table of citations;
statement regarding oral argument;
addendum containing statutes, rules, or regulations;
certificate of counsel;
signature block;
proof of service; and
any item specifically excluded by these rules or by local rule.
(g) Certificate of Compliance.
(1) Briefs and Papers That Require a Certificate. A brief submitted under Rules 28.1(e)(2),
29(b)(4), or 32(a)(7)(B)and a paper submitted under Rules 5(c)(1), 21(d)(1),
27(d)(2)(A), 27(d)(2)(C), 35(b)(2)(A), or 40(b)(1)must include a certificate by the
attorney, or an unrepresented party, that the document complies with the type-volume
limitation. The person preparing the certificate may rely on the word or line count of the
word-processing system used to prepare the document. The certificate must state the
number of wordsor the number of lines of monospaced typein the document.
(2) Acceptable Form. Form 6 in the Appendix of Forms meets the requirements for a
certificate of compliance.
Local Rule 32.0. Computer Generated Disk Requirement for Documents Filed in Paper Form
(a) When a party who is represented by counsel files a brief, petition for rehearing or other paper
exceeding 10 pages in length in paper form and not electronically, one copy must be submitted
on a computer readable disk. The disk shall be filed at the time the party’s paper filing is
made. The brief on disk must be accompanied by nine paper copies of the brief. The disk shall
contain the entire brief in a single electronic file. The label of the disk shall include the case
name and docket number and identify the brief being filed (i.e. appellant's brief, appellee's
brief, appellant's reply brief, etc.) and the file format utilized.
(b) The brief, petition for rehearing, and, in addition, all other papers exceeding 10 pages in
length must be in Portable Document Format (PDF). The electronic version must contain any
supplemental material that is bound with the paper version, such as an addendum. Although
the main document must be generated by saving in PDF from the original word processing
file, supplemental material may be scanned if an original word processing file of that material
is unavailable.
(c) One copy of the disk may be served on each party separately represented by counsel. If a party
chooses to serve a copy of the disk, the certificate of service must indicate service of the brief,
petition for rehearing, and, in addition, all other papers exceeding 10 pages in length in both
paper and electronic format.
A party may be relieved from filing and service under this rule by submitting a motion, within
fourteen days after the date of the notice establishing the party’s initial briefing schedule,
certifying that undue hardship or other unusual circumstances preclude compliance. The
requirements of this rule shall not apply to parties appearing pro se.
(d) The disk requirement does not apply to electronically filed documents.
Local Rule 32.2. Citation of State Decisions and Law Review Articles
All citations to State or Commonwealth Courts must include both the official state court
citation and the National Reporter System citation when such decisions have been published in
both reports; e.g., Coney v. Commonwealth, 364 Mass. 137, 301 N.E.2d 450 (1973). Law review
or other articles unpublished at the time a brief or memorandum is filed may not be cited therein,
except with permission of the court.
Local Rule 32.4. Motions for Leave to File Oversized Briefs
The First Circuit encourages short, concise briefs. A motion for leave to file an oversized
opening brief must be filed at least ten days in advance of the brief’s due date, must specify the
additional length sought, and must be supported by a detailed statement of grounds. A motion for
leave to file an oversized reply brief must be filed at least seven days in advance. Such motions
will be granted only for compelling reasons.
Rule 32.1. Citing Judicial Dispositions
(a) Citation Permitted. A court may not prohibit or restrict the citation of federal judicial
opinions, orders, judgments, or other written dispositions that have been:
designated as "unpublished," "not for publication," "non-precedential," "not
precedent," or the like; and
issued on or after January 1, 2007.
(b) Copies Required. If a party cites a federal judicial opinion, order, judgment, or other written
disposition that is not available in a publicly accessible electronic database, the party must file
and serve a copy of that opinion, order, judgment or disposition with the brief or other paper
in which it is cited.
Local Rule 32.1.0. Citation of Unpublished Dispositions
(a) Disposition of this court. An unpublished judicial opinion, order, judgment or other written
disposition of this court may be cited regardless of the date of issuance. The court will
consider such dispositions for their persuasive value but not as binding precedent. A party
must note in its brief or other filing that the disposition is unpublished. The term
"unpublished" as used in this subsection and Local Rule 36.0(c) refers to a disposition that
has not been selected for publication in the West Federal Reporter series, e.g., F., F.2d, and
(b) Dispositions of other courts. The citation of dispositions of other courts is governed by Fed.
R. App. P. 32.1 and the local rules of the issuing court. Notwithstanding the above,
unpublished or non-precedential dispositions of other courts may always be cited to establish
a fact about the case before the court (for example, its procedural history) or when the binding
or preclusive effect of the opinion, rather than its quality as precedent, is relevant to support
a claim of res judicata, collateral estoppel, law of the case, double jeopardy, abuse of the writ,
or other similar doctrine.
Rule 33. Appeal Conferences
The court may direct the attorneysand, when appropriate, the partiesto participate in one
or more conferences to address any matter that may aid in disposing of the proceedings, including
simplifying the issues and discussing settlement. A judge or other person designated by the court
may preside over the conference, which may be conducted in person or by telephone. Before a
settlement conference, the attorneys must consult with their clients and obtain as much authority
as feasible to settle the case. The court may, as a result of the conference, enter an order controlling
the course of the proceedings or implementing any settlement agreement.
Local Rule 33.0. Civil Appeals Management Plan
Pursuant to Rule 47 of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, the United States Court of
Appeals for the First Circuit adopts the following plan to establish a Civil Appeals Management
Program, said Program to have the force and effect of a local rule.
(a) Pre-Argument Filing; Ordering Transcript. Upon receipt of the Notice of Appeal in the Court
of Appeals, the Clerk of the Court of Appeals shall notify Settlement Counsel of the appeal.
Within 14 days after the case is docketed in the Court of Appeals, appellant shall file with the
Clerk of the Court of Appeals, and serve on all other parties a statement, in the form of the
Docketing Statement required by Local Rule 3.0(a), detailing information needed for the
prompt disposition of an appeal. The Parties shall provide Settlement Counsel with such
additional information about the appeal as Settlement Counsel may reasonably request.
(b) Pre-Argument Conference; Pre-Argument Conference Order.
(1) In cases where he may deem this desirable, the Settlement Counsel, who shall be appointed
by the Court of Appeals, may direct the attorneys, and in certain cases the clients, to attend
a pre-argument conference to be held as soon as practicable before him or a judge
designated by the Chief Judge to consider the possibility of settlement, the simplification
of the issues, and any other matters which the Settlement Counsel determines may aid in
the handling or the disposition of the proceeding.
(2) At the conclusion of the conference, the Settlement Counsel shall consult with the Clerk
concerning the Clerk’s entry of a Conference Order which shall control the subsequent
course of the proceeding.
(c) Confidentiality. The Settlement Counsel shall not disclose the substance of the Pre- argument
Conference, nor report on the same, to any person or persons whomsoever (including, but not
limited to, any judge). The attorneys are likewise prohibited from disclosing any substantive
information emanating from the conference to anyone other than their clients or co-counsel;
and then only upon receiving due assurance that the recipients will honor the confidentiality
of the information. See In re Lake Utopia Paper Ltd., 608 F.2d 928 (2nd Cir. 1979). The fact
of the conference having taken place, and the bare result thereof (e.g., “settled,” “not settled,”
“continued”), including any resulting Conference Order, shall not be considered to be
(d) Non-Compliance Sanctions.
(1) If the appellant has not taken each of the actions set forth in section (a) of this Program,
or in the Conference Order, within the time therein specified, the appeal may be dismissed
by the Clerk without further notice.
(2) Upon the failure of a party or attorney to comply with the provisions of this rule or the
provisions of the court's notice of settlement conference, the court may assess reasonable
expenses caused by the failure, including attorney's fees; assess all or a portion of the
appellate costs; dismiss the appeal; or take such other appropriate action as the
circumstances may warrant.
(e) Grievances. Any grievances as to the handling of any case under the Program will be
addressed by the Court of Appeals, and should be sent to the Circuit Executive, One
Courthouse Way, Suite 3700, Boston, MA 02210, who will hold them confidential on behalf
of the Court of Appeals unless release is authorized by the complainant.
(f) Scope of Program. The Program will include all civil appeals and review of administrative
orders, except the following: It will not include original proceedings (such as petitions for
mandamus), prisoner petitions, habeas corpus petitions, summary enforcement actions of the
National Labor Relations Board, social security appeals, petitions for review from orders of
the Board of Immigration Appeals, or any pro se cases. Nothing herein shall prevent any judge
or panel, upon motion or sua sponte, from referring any matter to the Settlement Counsel at
any time.
The foregoing Civil Appeals Management Program shall be applicable to all such cases as set
forth above, arising from the District Courts in the Districts of Maine, New Hampshire,
Massachusetts, and Rhode Island, in which the Notice of Appeal is received in the Court of Appeals
on or after January 1, 1992; and all such cases arising from the District Court in the District of
Puerto Rico, in which the Notice of Appeal is received in the Court of Appeals on or after January
1, 1993.
Rule 34. Oral Argument
(a) In General.
(1) Party’s Statement. Any party may file, or a court may require by local rule, a statement
explaining why oral argument should, or need not, be permitted.
(2) Standards. Oral argument must be allowed in every case unless a panel of three judges
who have examined the briefs and record unanimously agrees that oral argument is
unnecessary for any of the following reasons:
(A) the appeal is frivolous;
(B) the dispositive issue or issues have been authoritatively decided; or
(C) the facts and legal arguments are adequately presented in the briefs and record, and
the decisional process would not be significantly aided by oral argument.
(b) Notice of Argument; Postponement. The clerk must advise all parties whether oral argument
will be scheduled, and, if so, the date, time, and place for it, and the time allowed for each
side. A motion to postpone the argument or to allow longer argument must be filed reasonably
in advance of the hearing date.
(c) Order and Contents of Argument. The appellant opens and concludes the argument.
Counsel must not read at length from briefs, records, or authorities.
(d) Cross-Appeals and Separate Appeals. If there is a cross-appeal, Rule 28.1(b) determines
which party is the appellant and which is the appellee for purposes of oral argument. Unless
the court directs otherwise, a cross-appeal or separate appeal must be argued when the initial
appeal is argued. Separate parties should avoid duplicative argument.
(e) Nonappearance of a Party. If the appellee fails to appear for argument, the court must hear
appellant’s argument. If the appellant fails to appear for argument, the court may hear the
appellee’s argument. If neither party appears, the case will be decided on the briefs, unless the
court orders otherwise.
(f) Submission on Briefs. The parties may agree to submit a case for decision on the briefs, but
the court may direct that the case be argued.
(g) Use of Physical Exhibits at Argument; Removal. Counsel intending to use physical exhibits
other than documents at the argument must arrange to place them in the courtroom on the day
of the argument before the court convenes. After the argument, counsel must remove the
exhibits from the courtroom, unless the court directs otherwise. The clerk may destroy or
dispose of the exhibits if counsel does not reclaim them within a reasonable time after the
clerk gives notice to remove them.
Local Rule 34.0. Oral Argument
(a) Party's Statement. Any party who desires to do so may include, either in the opening or
answering brief as the case may be, a statement limited to one-half page setting forth the
reasons why oral argument should, or need not, be heard. If such a statement is included, it
must be inserted in the brief immediately after the Table of Contents and Table of Authorities
and immediately before the first page of the brief and must be captioned “REASONS WHY
ORAL ARGUMENT SHOULD [NEED NOT] BE HEARD” as appropriate. The inclusion of
this statement will not be counted in computing the maximum permitted length of the brief.
(b) Notice of Argument. If the court concludes that oral argument is unnecessary based on the
standards set forth in Fed. R. App. P. 34(a)(2), counsel shall be so advised. The court's
decision to dispense with oral argument may be announced at the time that a decision on the
merits is rendered.
(c) Argument.
(1) Presentation. Parties may expect the court to have some familiarity with the briefs.
Normally the court will permit no more than 15 minutes per side for oral argument. It is
counsel’s responsibility to keep track of time. Where more than one counsel argues on one
side of a case, it is counsel’s further responsibility to assure a fair division of the total
time allotted. One or more cases posing the same issues, arising from the same factual
context, will be treated as a single case for the purposes of this rule.
(2) Rebuttal. Allowance of time for rebuttal is within the discretion of the presiding judge, but
often appellant will be allowed to reserve a few minutes on request made at the outset of
opening argument. However, counsel is expected to cover all anticipated issues in opening
argument. Reserved rebuttal time is for the purpose of answering contentions made in the
other side’s oral argument. Any time allowed to be reserved by the presiding judge will be
deducted from that party’s allotted time for opening argument.
Local Rule 34.1. Terms and Sittings
(a) Terms. The court shall not hold formal terms but shall be deemed always open for the purpose
of docketing appeals and petitions, making motions, filing records, briefs and appendices,
filing opinions and entering orders and judgments. Where a federal holiday falls on a Monday,
the general order is that the court shall commence its sitting on Tuesday.
(b) Sittings.
(1) Locations. Sittings will be in Boston except that there will also be sittings in Puerto Rico
in November and March and at such other times and places as the court orders. Cases
arising in Puerto Rico which are assigned to other sessions may be reassigned to sessions
scheduled to be conducted in Puerto Rico. All other cases will be assigned for hearing or
submission to the next available session after the briefs have been filed or the time therefor
has run.
(2) Request for Assignment. Requests for assignment to a specific session, including the
March and November sessions, must state reasons justifying special treatment.
Assignment to the November and March Puerto Rico session list, so long as space permits,
will be made on the basis of statutory priority requirements, hardship that would result
from travel to Boston, or other good cause shown.
(c) Calendaring. Approximately six weeks prior to hearing, the clerk will contact counsel
concerning assignment of the case to a specific day, and request the name of the person who
will present the oral argument. Two weeks before the monthly sitting commences the clerk
will prepare and distribute an order assigning the cases for that session for hearing. The court
reserves the privilege of reducing the allotted time for argument when the case is presented.
(d) Continuances. Once a case is scheduled for argument, continuances may be allowed only for
grave cause.
Rule 35. En Banc Determination
(a) When Hearing or Rehearing En Banc May Be Ordered. A majority of the circuit judges
who are in regular active service and who are not disqualified may order that an appeal or
other proceeding be heard or reheard by the court of appeals en banc. An en banc hearing or
rehearing is not favored and ordinarily will not be ordered unless:
(1) en banc consideration is necessary to secure or maintain uniformity of the court’s
decisions; or
(2) the proceeding involves a question of exceptional importance.
(b) Petition for Hearing or Rehearing En Banc. A party may petition for a hearing or rehearing
en banc.
(1) The petition must begin with a statement that either:
(A) the panel decision conflicts with a decision of the United States Supreme Court or of
the court to which the petition is addressed (with citation to the conflicting case or
cases) and consideration by the full court is therefore necessary to secure and maintain
uniformity of the court’s decisions; or
(B) the proceeding involves one or more questions of exceptional importance, each of
which must be concisely stated; for example, a petition may assert that a proceeding
presents a question of exceptional importance if it involves an issue on which the panel
decision conflicts with the authoritative decisions of other United States Courts of
Appeals that have addressed the issue.
(2) Except by the court’s permission:
(A) a petition for an en banc hearing or rehearing produced using a computer must not
exceed 3,900 words; and
(B) a handwritten or typewritten petition for an en banc hearing or rehearing must not
exceed 15 pages.
(3) For purposes of the limits in Rule 35(b)(2), if a party files both a petition for panel
rehearing and a petition for rehearing en banc, they are considered a single document even
if they are filed separately, unless separate filing is required by local rule.
(c) Time for Petition for Hearing or Rehearing En Banc. A petition that an appeal be heard
initially en banc must be filed by the date when the appellee’s brief is due. A petition for a
rehearing en banc must be filed within the time prescribed by Rule 40 for filing a petition for
(d) Number of Copies. The number of copies to be filed must be prescribed by local rule and
may be altered by order in a particular case.
(e) Response. No response may be filed to a petition for an en banc consideration unless the
court orders a response. The length limits in Rule 35(b)(2) apply to a response.
(f) Call for a Vote. A vote need not be taken to determine whether the case will be heard or
reheard en banc unless a judge calls for a vote.
Local Rule 35.0. En Banc Determination
(a) Who May Vote; Composition of En Banc Court.
(1) Vote. The decision whether a case should be heard or reheard en banc is made solely by
the circuit judges of this circuit who are in regular active service. Rehearing en banc shall
be ordered only upon the affirmative votes of a majority of the judges of this court in
regular active service who are not disqualified, provided that the judges who are not
disqualified constitute a majority of the judges who are in regular active service.
(2) Composition of En Banc Court.
(A) A court en banc consists solely of the circuit judges of this circuit in regular active
service except that any senior circuit judge of this circuit shall be eligible to
participate (i) at that judge’s election, as a member of an en banc court reviewing a
decision of a panel of which that judge was a member, or (ii) to continue to participate
in the decision of a case or controversy that was heard or reheard by the court en
banc at a time when such judge was in regular active service.
(B) For the purpose of determining those who may be a member of the en banc court
under subsection (A)(ii), a case is heard or reheard by the court en banc when oral
argument is held, or if no oral hearing is held, as of the date the case is ordered to be
submitted to the en banc court.
(b) Petitions for Panel Hearing or Rehearing En Banc. If a petitioner files a petition for panel
rehearing and a petition for rehearing en banc addressed to the same decision or order of the
court, the two petitions must be combined into a single document and the document is subject
to the length limitation contained in Fed. R. App. P. 35 (b)(2), (3).
(c) Number of Copies. When a petition for hearing or rehearing en banc or combined Fed. R.
App. P. 35(b)(3) document is filed electronically in compliance with the court’s electronic
filing system, paper copies are not required and a disk copy is not required. When a petition
for hearing or rehearing en banc or combined Fed. R. App. P. 35(b)(3) document is filed in
paper form, ten copies must be filed with the clerk, including one copy on a computer
generated disk. The disk must be filed regardless of page length but otherwise in accordance
with Local Rule 32.0.
(d) Motions for Leave to File Oversized Petitions. A motion for leave to file a petition in excess
of the page length limitations of Fed. R. App. P. 35(b)(2) and Local Rule 35.0(b) must be filed
at least five days in advance of the petition’s due date, must specify the additional length
sought, and must contain a detailed statement of grounds. Such motions will be granted only
for compelling reasons.
Rule 36. Entry of Judgment; Notice
(a) Entry. A judgment is entered when it is noted on the docket. The clerk must prepare, sign,
and enter the judgment:
(1) after receiving the court’s opinion—but if settlement of the judgment’s form is required,
after final settlement; or
(2) if a judgment is rendered without an opinion, as the court instructs.
(b) Notice. On the date when judgment is entered, the clerk must serve on all parties a copy of
the opinionor the judgment, if no opinion was writtenand a notice of the date when the
judgment was entered.
Local Rule 36.0. Opinions
(a) Opinions Generally. The volume of filings is such that the court cannot dispose of each case
by opinion. Rather it makes a choice, reasonably accommodated to the particular case,
whether to use an order, memorandum and order, or opinion. An opinion is used when the
decision calls for more than summary explanation. However, in the interests both of
expedition in the particular case, and of saving time and effort in research on the part of future
litigants, some opinions are rendered in unpublished form; that is, the opinions are directed
to the parties but are not published in West's Federal Reporter. As indicated in Local Rule
36.0(b), the court’s policy, when opinions are used, is to prefer that they be published; but in
limited situations, described in Local Rule 36.0(b), where opinions are likely not to break new
legal ground or contribute otherwise to legal development, they are issued in unpublished
(b) Publication of Opinions. The United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit has adopted
the following plan for the publication of its opinions.
(1) Statement of Policy. In general, the court thinks it desirable that opinions be published
and thus be available for citation. The policy may be overcome in some situations where
an opinion does not articulate a new rule of law, modify an established rule, apply an
established rule to novel facts or serve otherwise as a significant guide to future litigants.
(Most opinions dealing with claims for benefits under the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C.
§ 205(g), will clearly fall within the exception.)
(2) Manner of Implementation.
(A) As members of a panel prepare for argument, they shall give thought to the
appropriate mode of disposition (order, memorandum and order, unpublished
opinion, published opinion). At conference the mode of disposition shall be discussed
and, if feasible, agreed upon. Any agreement reached may be altered in the light of
further research and reflection.
(B) With respect to cases decided by a unanimous panel with a single opinion, if the writer
recommends that the opinion not be published, the writer shall so state in the cover
letter or memorandum accompanying the draft. After an exchange of views, should
any judge remain of the view that the opinion should be published, it must be.
(C) When a panel decides a case with a dissent, or with more than one opinion, the opinion
or opinions shall be published unless all the participating judges decide against
publication. In any case decided by the court en banc the opinion or opinions shall be
(D) Any party or other interested person may apply for good cause shown to the court for
publication of an unpublished opinion.
(E) Periodically the court shall conduct a review in an effort to improve its publication
policy and implementation.
(c) Precedential Value of Unpublished Opinions. While an unpublished opinion of this court
may be cited to this court in accordance with Fed. R. App. P. 32.1 and Local Rule 32.1.0, a
panel’s decision to issue an unpublished opinion means that the panel sees no precedential
value in that opinion.
(d) Copies of Opinions. Unless subject to a standing order which might apply to classes of
subscribers, such as law schools, the charge for a copy of each opinion, after one free copy
to counsel for each party, is $5.00. Free copies of opinions are available on the court’s website
at www.ca1.uscourts.gov.
Rule 37. Interest on Judgment
(a) When the Court Affirms. Unless the law provides otherwise, if a money judgment in a civil
case is affirmed, whatever interest is allowed by law is payable from the date when the district
court’s judgment was entered.
(b) When the Court Reverses. If the court modifies or reverses a judgment with a direction that
a money judgment be entered in the district court, the mandate must contain instructions about
the allowance of interest.
Rule 38. Frivolous AppealDamages and Costs
If a court of appeals determines that an appeal is frivolous, it may, after a separately filed
motion or notice from the court and reasonable opportunity to respond, award just damages and
single or double costs to the appellee.
Local Rule 38.0. Sanctions for Vexatious Litigation
When any party to a proceeding before this court or any attorney practicing before the court
files a motion, brief, or other document that is frivolous or interposed for an improper purpose,
such as to harass or to cause unnecessary delay, or unreasonably or vexatiously increases
litigation costs, the court may, on its own motion, or on motion of a party, impose appropriate
sanctions on the offending party, the attorney, or both. Any party or attorney on whom sanctions
may be imposed under this rule shall be afforded an opportunity to respond within fourteen days
of service of a motion or an order to show cause before sanctions are imposed by the court.
Rule 39. Costs
(a) Against Whom Assessed. The following rules apply unless the law provides or the court
orders otherwise:
(1) if an appeal is dismissed, costs are taxed against the appellant, unless the parties agree
(2) if a judgment is affirmed, costs are taxed against the appellant;
(3) if a judgment is reversed, costs are taxed against the appellee;
(4) if a judgment is affirmed in part, reversed in part, modified, or vacated, costs are taxed
only as the court orders.
(b) Costs For and Against the United States. Costs for or against the United States, its agency,
or officer will be assessed under Rule 39(a) only if authorized by law.
(c) Costs of Copies. Each court of appeals must, by local rule, fix the maximum rate for taxing
the cost of producing necessary copies of a brief or appendix, or copies of records authorized
by Rule 30(f). The rate must not exceed that generally charged for such work in the area where
the clerk’s office is located and should encourage economical methods of copying.
(d) Bill of Costs: Objections; Insertion in Mandate.
(1) A party who wants costs taxed mustwithin 14 days after entry of judgmentfile with
the circuit clerk and serve an itemized and verified bill of costs.
(2) Objections must be filed within 14 days after service of the bill of costs, unless the court
extends the time.
(3) The clerk must prepare and certify an itemized statement of costs for insertion in the
mandate, but issuance of the mandate must not be delayed for taxing costs. If the mandate
issues before costs are finally determined, the district clerk mustupon the circuit clerk’s
requestadd the statement of costs, or any amendment of it, to the mandate.
(e) Costs on Appeal Taxable in the District Court. The following costs on appeal are taxable
in the district court for the benefit of the party entitled to costs under this rule:
(1) the preparation and transmission of the record;
(2) the reporter’s transcript, if needed to determine the appeal;
(3) premiums paid for a bond or other security to preserve rights pending appeal; and
(4) the fee for filing the notice of appeal.
Local Rule 39.0. Taxation of Reproduction Costs
(a) The maximum rate at which costs may be taxed shall be fixed from time to time by the clerk
of the court of appeals. See Fed. R. App. P. 39(c). A schedule of Maximum Rates for Taxation
of Costs is posted on the court’s website at www.ca1.uscourts.gov and is available by request
to the clerk’s office. Costs are taxed at the maximum rates set by the clerk or at the actual
cost, whichever is lower.
(b) Costs may be recovered for reproducing the following number of copies, unless the court
directs filing of a different number:
(1) Briefs. Nine copies of each brief plus two for the filer and two for each party required to
be served with paper copies of the brief. See 1st Cir. R. 31.0(b).
(2) Appendices. Five copies of each appendix plus one for the filer and one for each
unrepresented party and each separately represented party. See 1st Cir. R. 30.0(a).
(c) Requests for taxation of costs must be made on the Bill of Costs form available on the court’s
website at www.ca1.uscourts.gov and by request to the clerk's office, and must be
accompanied by a vendor's itemized statement of charges, if applicable, or a statement by
counsel if reproduction was performed in-house. Bills of costs must be filed in the clerk's office
within fourteen days after entry of judgment, even if a petition for rehearing or other post-
judgment motion is filed. See Fed. R. App. P. 39(d)(1). Payment of costs should be made
directly to the prevailing party or counsel, not to the clerk's office.
Local Rule 39.1. Fee Applications
(a) Fee Applications under the Equal Access to Justice Act.
(1) Time for Filing. An application to a court of appeals for an award of fees and other
expenses pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2412, in connection with an appeal, must be filed with
the clerk of the court of appeals, with proof of service on the United States, within 30 days
of final judgment in the action. For purposes of the 30-day limit, a judgment must not be
considered final until the time for filing an appeal or a petition for a writ of certiorari has
expired, or the government has given written notice to the parties and to the court of
appeals that it will not seek further review, or judgment is entered by the court of last
(2) Content. The application shall:
(A) identify the applicant and the proceeding for which the award is sought;
(B) show that the party seeking the award is a prevailing party and is eligible to receive
an award;
(C) show the nature and extent of services rendered and the amount sought, including an
itemized statement from an attorney representing the party or any agent or expert
witness appearing on behalf of the party, stating the actual time expended and the rate
at which fees are computed, together with a statement of expenses for which
reimbursement is sought; and
(D) identify the specific position of the United States that the party alleges was not
substantially justified. The court of appeals may, in its discretion, remit any such
application to the district court for a determination.
(3) Objection. If the United States has any objection to the application for fees and other
expenses, such objection must be filed within 30 days of service of the application.
(b) Fee Applications other than under 28 U.S.C. § 2412. An application, under any statute, rule
or custom other than 28 U.S.C. § 2412, for an award of fees and other expenses, in connection
with an appeal, must be filed with the clerk of the court of appeals within 30 days of the date
of entry of the final circuit judgment, whether or not attorney fees had been requested in the
trial court, except in those circumstances where the court of appeals has ordered that the
award of fees and other expenses be remanded to the district court for a determination. For
purposes of the 30-day limit, a judgment must not be considered final until the time for filing
an appeal or a petition for a writ of certiorari has expired, or judgment is entered by the court
of last resort. If any party against whom an award of fees and other expenses is sought has
any objection to the application, such objection must be filed within 30 days of service of the
application. The court of appeals may, in its discretion, remit any such application to the
district court for a determination.
Rule 40. Petition for Panel Rehearing
(a) Time to File; Contents; Answer; Action by the Court if Granted.
(1) Time. Unless the time is shortened or extended by order or local rule, a petition for panel
rehearing may be filed within 14 days after entry of judgment. But in a civil case, unless
an order shortens or extends the time, the petition may be filed by any party within 45
days after entry of judgment if one of the parties is:
(A) the United States;
(B) a United States agency;
(C) a United States officer or employee sued in an official capacity; or
(D) a current or former United States officer or employee sued in an individual capacity
for an act or omission occurring in connection with duties performed on the United
States' behalfincluding all instances in which the United States represents that
person when the court of appeals' judgment is entered or files the petition for that
(2) Contents. The petition must state with particularity each point of law or fact that the
petitioner believes the court has overlooked or misapprehended and must argue in support
of the petition. Oral argument is not permitted.
(3) Response. Unless the court requests, no response to a petition for panel rehearing is
permitted. Ordinarily, rehearing will not be granted in the absence of such a request. If a
response is requested, the requirements of Rule 40(b) apply to the response.
(4) Action by the Court. If a petition for panel rehearing is granted, the court may do any of
the following:
(A) make a final disposition of the case without reargument;
(B) restore the case to the calendar for reargument or resubmission; or
(C) issue any other appropriate order.
(b) Form of Petition; Length. The petition must comply in form with Rule 32. Copies must be
served and filed as Rule 31 prescribes. Except by the court's permission:
(1) a petition for panel rehearing produced using a computer must not exceed 3,900 words;
(2) a handwritten or typewritten petition for panel rehearing must not exceed 15 pages.
Local Rule 40.0. Petition for Panel Rehearing
(a) Number of Copies. When a petition for panel rehearing is filed electronically in compliance
with the court’s electronic filing system, paper copies are not required and a disk copy is not
required. When a petition for panel rehearing is filed in paper form, ten copies must be filed
with the clerk, including one copy on computer generated disk. The disk must be filed
regardless of page length but otherwise in accordance with Local Rule 32.0.
(b) Motions for Leave to File Oversized Petitions. A motion for leave to file a petition for panel
rehearing in excess of the page length limitations of Fed. R. App. P. 40(b) must be filed at
least five days in advance of the petition’s due date, must specify the additional length sought,
and must contain a detailed statement of grounds. Such motions will be granted only for
compelling reasons.
Rule 41. Mandate: Contents; Issuance and Effective Date; Stay
(a) Contents. Unless the court directs that a formal mandate issue, the mandate consists of a
certified copy of the judgment, a copy of the court’s opinion, if any, and any direction about
(b) When Issued. The court’s mandate must issue 7 days after the time to file a petition for
rehearing expires, or 7 days after entry of an order denying a timely petition for panel
rehearing, petition for rehearing en banc, or motion for stay of mandate, whichever is later.
The court may shorten or extend the time by order.
(c) Effective Date. The mandate is effective when issued.
(d) Staying the Mandate Pending a Petition for Certiorari.
(1) Motion to Stay. A party may move to stay the mandate pending the filing of a petition for
a writ of certiorari in the Supreme Court. The motion must be served on all parties and
must show that the petition would present a substantial question and that there is good cause
for a stay.
(2) Duration of Stay; Extensions. The stay must not exceed 90 days, unless:
(A) the period is extended for good cause; or
(B) the party who obtained the stay notifies the circuit clerk in writing within the period
of the stay:
(i) that the time for filing a petition has been extended, in which case the stay
continues for the extended period; or
(ii) that the petition has been filed, in which case the stay continues until the Supreme
Court’s final disposition.
(3) Security. The court may require a bond or other security as a condition to granting or
continuing a stay of the mandate.
(4) Issuance of Mandate. The court of appeals must issue the mandate immediately on
receiving a copy of a Supreme Court order denying the petition, unless extraordinary
circumstances exist.
Local Rule 41.0. Stay of Mandate
Whereas an increasingly large percentage of unsuccessful petitions for certiorari have been
filed in this circuit in criminal cases in recent years, in the interests of minimizing unnecessary
delay in the administration of justice mandate will not be stayed hereafter in criminal cases
following the affirmance of a conviction simply upon request. On the contrary, mandate will issue
and bail will be revoked at such time as the court shall order except upon a showing, or an
independent finding by the court, of probable cause to believe that a petition would not be
frivolous, or filed merely for delay. See 18 U.S.C. § 3148. The court will revoke bail even before
mandate is due. A comparable principle will be applied in connection with affirmed orders of the
NLRB, see NLRB v. Athbro Precision Engineering, 423 F.2d 573 (1st Cir. 1970), and in other cases
where the court believes that the only effect of a petition for certiorari would be pointless delay.
Rule 42. Voluntary Dismissal
(a) Dismissal in the District Court. Before an appeal has been docketed by the circuit clerk, the
district court may dismiss the appeal on the filing of a stipulation signed by all parties or on
the appellants motion with notice to all parties.
(b) Dismissal in the Court of Appeals.
(1) Stipulated Dismissal. The circuit clerk must dismiss a docketed appeal if the parties
file a signed dismissal agreement specifying how costs are to be paid and pay any court fees
that are due.
(2) Appellants Motion to Dismiss. An appeal may be dismissed on the appellant's motion
on terms agreed to by the parties or fixed by the court.
(3) Other Relief. A court order is required for any relief under Rule 42(b)(1) or (2) beyond
the dismissal of an appealincluding approving a settlement, vacating an action of the
district court or an administrative agency, or remanding the case to either of them.
(c) Court Approval. This Rule 42 does not alter the legal requirements governing court approval
of a settlement, payment, or other consideration.
(d) Criminal Cases. A court may, by local rule, impose requirements to confirm that a defendant
has consented to the dismissal of an appeal in a criminal case.
Rule 43. Substitution of Parties
(a) Death of a Party.
(1) After Notice of Appeal Is Filed. If a party dies after a notice of appeal has been filed or
while a proceeding is pending in the court of appeals, the decedent’s personal
representative may be substituted as a party on motion filed with the circuit clerk by the
representative or by any party. A party’s motion must be served on the representative in
accordance with Rule 25. If the decedent has no representative, any party may suggest the
death on the record, and the court of appeals may then direct appropriate proceedings.
(2) Before Notice of Appeal Is FiledPotential Appellant. If a party entitled to appeal dies
before filing a notice of appeal, the decedent’s personal representativeor, if there is no
personal representative, the decedent’s attorney of recordmay file a notice of appeal
within the time prescribed by these rules. After the notice of appeal is filed, substitution
must be in accordance with Rule 43(a)(1).
(3) Before Notice of Appeal Is FiledPotential Appellee. If a party against whom an appeal
may be taken dies after entry of a judgment or order in the district court, but before a notice
of appeal is filed, an appellant may proceed as if the death had not occurred. After the
notice of appeal is filed, substitution must be in accordance with Rule 43(a)(1).
(b) Substitution for a Reason Other Than Death. If a party needs to be substituted for any
reason other than death, the procedure prescribed in Rule 43(a) applies.
(c) Public Officer: Identification; Substitution.
(1) Identification of Party. A public officer who is a party to an appeal or other proceeding
in an official capacity may be described as a party by the public officer’s official title
rather than by name. But the court may require the public officer’s name to be added.
(2) Automatic Substitution of Officeholder. When a public officer who is a party to an
appeal or other proceeding in an official capacity dies, resigns, or otherwise ceases to hold
office, the action does not abate. The public officer’s successor is automatically substituted
as a party. Proceedings following the substitution are to be in the name of the substituted
party, but any misnomer that does not affect the substantial rights of the parties may be
disregarded. An order of substitution may be entered at any time, but failure to enter an
order does not affect the substitution.
Rule 44. Case Involving a Constitutional Question When the United States or the
Relevant State is Not a Party
(a) Constitutional Challenge to Federal Statute. If a party questions the constitutionality of an
Act of Congress in a proceeding in which the United States or its agency, officer, or employee
is not a party in an official capacity, the questioning party must give written notice to the
circuit clerk immediately upon the filing of the record or as soon as the question is raised in the
court of appeals. The clerk must then certify that fact to the Attorney General.
(b) Constitutional Challenge to State Statute. If a party questions the constitutionality of a
statute of a State in a proceeding in which that State or its agency, officer, or employee is not
a party in an official capacity, the questioning party must give written notice to the circuit
clerk immediately upon the filing of the record or as soon as the question is raised in the court
of appeals. The clerk must then certify that fact to the attorney general of the State.
Rule 45. Clerk’s Duties
(a) General Provisions.
(1) Qualifications. The circuit clerk must take the oath and post any bond required by law.
Neither the clerk nor any deputy clerk may practice as an attorney or counselor in any
court while in office.
(2) When Court Is Open. The court of appeals is always open for filing any paper, issuing
and returning process, making a motion, and entering an order. The clerk’s office with the
clerk or a deputy in attendance must be open during business hours on all days except
Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. A court may provide by local rule or by order that
the clerk’s office be open for specified hours on Saturdays or on legal holidays other than
New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday, Washington's Birthday, Memorial
Day, Juneteenth National Independence Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus
Day, Veterans’ Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
(b) Records.
(1) The Docket. The circuit clerk must maintain a docket and an index of all docketed cases
in the manner prescribed by the Director of the Administrative Office of the United States
Courts. The clerk must record all papers filed with the clerk and all process, orders, and
(2) Calendar. Under the court’s direction, the clerk must prepare a calendar of cases awaiting
argument. In placing cases on the calendar for argument, the clerk must give preference
to appeals in criminal cases and to other proceedings and appeals entitled to preference by
(3) Other Records. The clerk must keep other books and records required by the Director of
the Administrative Office of the United States Courts, with the approval of the Judicial
Conference of the United States, or by the court.
(c) Notice of an Order or Judgment. Upon the entry of an order or judgment, the circuit clerk
must immediately serve a notice of entry on each party, with a copy of any opinion, and must
note the date of service on the docket. Service on a party represented by counsel must be made
on counsel.
(d) Custody of Records and Papers. The circuit clerk has custody of the court’s records and
papers. Unless the court orders or instructs otherwise, the clerk must not permit an original
record or paper to be taken from the clerk’s office. Upon disposition of the case, original
papers constituting the record on appeal or review must be returned to the court or agency
from which they were received. The clerk must preserve a copy of any brief, appendix, or
other paper that has been filed.
Local Rule 45.0. Defaults
(a) Appellant. When a cause is in default as to the filing of the brief for appellant or petitioner,
and the appendix, if one is required, the clerk must enter an order dismissing the appeal for
want of diligent prosecution. The party in default may have the appeal reinstated upon
showing special circumstances justifying the failure to comply with the time limit. The motion
to set aside the dismissal must be filed within fourteen days.
(b) Appellee. When a cause is in default as to the filing of the brief for appellee or respondent,
the cause must be assigned to the next list and the appellee will not be heard at oral argument
except by leave of the Court.
(c) Local Rule 3.0. Counsel are reminded of Local Rule 3.0 providing for the dismissal of the
appeal for want of diligent prosecution if the docket fee is not paid within 14 days of the filing
of the notice of appeal.
Local Rule 45.1. The Clerk
(a) Business Hours. The office of the clerk shall be open for business from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00
p.m. except Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays.
(b) Fees and Costs. The clerk must charge the fees and costs which are fixed from time to time
by the Judicial Conference of the United States, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1913.
(c) Copies of Opinions. Unless subject to a standing order which might apply to classes of
subscribers, such as law schools, the charge for a copy of each opinion, after one free copy
to counsel for each party, is $5.00. Free copies of opinions are available on the court’s website
at www.ca1.uscourts.gov.
Rule 46. Attorneys
(a) Admission to the Bar.
(1) Eligibility. An attorney is eligible for admission to the bar of a court of appeals if that
attorney is of good moral and professional character and is admitted to practice before the
Supreme Court of the United States, the highest court of a state, another United States
court of appeals, or a United States district court (including the district courts for Guam,
the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Virgin Islands).
(2) Application. An applicant must file an application for admission, on a form approved by
the court that contains the applicant’s personal statement showing eligibility for
membership. The applicant must subscribe to the following oath or affirmation:
“I, , do solemnly swear [or affirm] that I will conduct myself as an attorney and
counselor of this court, uprightly and according to law; and that I will support the
Constitution of the United States.”
(3) Admission Procedures. On written or oral motion of a member of the court’s bar, the
court will act on the application. An applicant may be admitted by oral motion in open
court. But, unless the court orders otherwise, an applicant need not appear before the court
to be admitted. Upon admission, an applicant must pay the clerk the fee prescribed by
local rule or court order.
(b) Suspension or Disbarment.
(1) Standard. A member of the court’s bar is subject to suspension or disbarment by the court
if the member:
(A) has been suspended or disbarred from practice in any other court; or
(B) is guilty of conduct unbecoming a member of the court’s bar.
(2) Procedure. The member must be given an opportunity to show good cause, within the
time prescribed by the court, why the member should not be suspended or disbarred.
(3) Order. The court must enter an appropriate order after the member responds and a hearing
is held, if requested, or after the time prescribed for a response expires, if no response is
(c) Discipline. A court of appeals may discipline an attorney who practices before it for conduct
unbecoming a member of the bar or for failure to comply with any court rule. First, however,
the court must afford the attorney reasonable notice, an opportunity to show cause to the
contrary, and, if requested, a hearing.
Local Rule 46.0. Attorneys
(a) Admission.
(1) Admission Fee. Upon being admitted to practice, an attorney other than government
counsel, and court-appointed counsel, must pay a local admission fee of $50.00 to the
clerk. The clerk must maintain the proceeds as a court’s discretionary fund for the
reimbursement of expenses of noncompensable court-appointed counsel and such other
purposes as the court may order. This fee is in addition to the national admission fee
imposed by the Court of Appeals Miscellaneous Fee Schedule, promulgated under 28 U. S.
C. § 1913. Absent a waiver, the admission fee must be paid electronically using the court's
Case Management/Electronic Case Files ("CM/ECF") system. Attorneys may be admitted
in open court on motion or otherwise as the court shall determine.
(2) Admission as a Prerequisite to Practice. In order to file motions, pleadings or briefs on
behalf of a party or participate in oral argument, attorneys must be admitted to the bar of
this court and file an appearance form. The appearance of a member of the bar of any
court designated in Fed. R. App. P. 46(a) will be entered subject to filing an application
and subsequent admission to practice in this court. Forms for admission and entry of
appearance will be provided by the clerk.
(3) Parties. A party desiring to appear without counsel shall notify the clerk in writing by
completing and filing an entry of appearance on a form approved by the court.
(b) Temporary Suspension of Attorneys. When it is shown to the Court of Appeals that any
member of its bar has been suspended or disbarred from practice by a final decision issued
by any other court of record, or has been found guilty of conduct unbecoming of a member of
the bar of this court, the member may be temporarily suspended from representing parties
before this court pending the completion of proceedings initiated under Fed. R. App. P. 46
and the Rules of Attorney Disciplinary Enforcement for the Court of Appeals for the First
(c) Disciplinary Rules. The Rules of Attorney Disciplinary Enforcement for the Court of Appeals
for the First Circuit are on file in the clerk’s office. A copy may be obtained upon request
addressed to the clerk of this court.
(d) Library Access. The law library of this court shall be open to members of the Bar, to the
United States Attorney of the Circuit and their assistants, to other law officers of the
government, and persons having a case in this court, but books may be removed only by
government employees, who shall sign therefor.
(e) Staff Attorneys and Law Clerks. No one serving as a staff attorney to the court or as a law
clerk to a member of this court or employed in any such capacity by this court shall engage
in the practice of law while continuing in such position. Nor shall a staff attorney or law clerk
after separating from that position practice as an attorney in connection with any case
pending in this court during the term of service, or appear at the counsel table or on brief in
connection with any case heard during a period of one year following separation from service
with the court.
(f) Standing Rule Governing Appearance and Argument by Eligible Law Students
(1) Scope of Legal Assistance.
(A) An eligible law student with the written consent of an indigent and the indigent’s
attorney of record may appear in this court on behalf of that indigent in any case. The
attorney of record, for purposes of this paragraph, must be a member of the bar of
this court and either appointed as counsel on appeal for the indigent or represent the
indigent on a pro bono basis. The written consent must be filed with the clerk.
An eligible law student may also appear in this court on behalf of the United States or
a State, or agency thereof, provided that the governmental entity on whose behalf the
student appears has consented thereto in writing, and that the attorney of record has
also indicated in writing approval of that appearance. The attorney of record must be
a member of the bar of this court, and the written consent must be filed with the clerk.
(B) An eligible law student may assist in the preparation of briefs and other documents to
be filed in this court, but such briefs or documents must be signed by the attorney of
record. Names of students participating in the preparation of briefs may, however, be
added to the briefs. The law student may also participate in oral argument with leave
of the court, but only in the presence of the attorney of record. The attorney of record
must assume personal professional responsibility for the law student’s work and for
supervising the quality of the law student’s work. The attorney of record should be
familiar with the case and prepared to supplement or correct any written or oral
statements made by the student.
(2) Student Eligibility Requirements. In order to appear, the student must:
(A) Be enrolled in a law school approved by the American Bar Association, or be a recent
graduate of such a school, awaiting the first bar examination after the student’s
graduation or the result of that examination;
(B) Have completed legal studies amounting to at least four (4) semesters, or the
equivalent if the school is on some basis other than a semester basis;
(C) Be taking, or have taken, a course in appellate advocacy or a course in a supervised
clinical program for academic credit;
(D) Be certified by the dean of the student's law school as qualified to provide the legal
representation permitted by this rule. This certification, which shall be filed with the
clerk, may be withdrawn by the dean at any time by mailing a notice to the clerk or
by termination by this court without notice or hearing and without any showing of
(E) Neither ask for nor receive any compensation or remuneration of any kind for the
student’s services from the person on whose behalf the student renders services, but
this shall not prevent an attorney, legal aid bureau, law school, public defender
agency, a State, or the United States from paying compensation to the eligible law
(F) Certify in writing that the student has read and is familiar with the Code of
Professional Responsibility of the American Bar Association, the Federal Rules of
Appellate Procedure, and the rules of this court.
(3) Standards of Supervision. The supervising attorney of record must:
(A) File with this court the attorney’s written consent to supervise the student;
(B) Assume personal professional responsibility for the student’s work;
(C) Assist the student to the extent necessary;
(D) Appear with the student in all proceedings before this court and be prepared to
supplement any written or oral statement made by the student to this court or opposing
(4) Forms Required by Rule.
(A) Form to be completed by the party for whom the law student is rendering services:
I authorize , a [law student] or [recent law school graduate
awaiting the first bar examination after the student’s graduation or the results of
that examination], to appear in court or at other proceedings on my behalf, and to
prepare documents on my behalf.
(Date) (Signature of Client)
(If more than one client is involved, approvals from each shall be attached. If
services are rendered for the United States or agency thereof, the form should be
completed by the United States Attorney or authorized representative. If services
are rendered for a State or agency thereof, the form should be completed by the
State Attorney General or authorized representative.)
(B) Form to be completed by the law student’s supervising attorney:
I certify that this student [has completed at least 4 semesters of law school work] or
[is a recent law school graduate awaiting the first bar examination or the results of
that examination], and is, to the best of my knowledge, of good character and
competent legal ability. I will carefully supervise all of this student’s work. I
authorize this student to appear in court or at other proceedings, and to prepare
documents. I will accompany the student at such appearances, sign all documents
prepared by the student, assume personal responsibility for the student’s work, and
be prepared to supplement, if necessary, any statements made by the student to the
court or to opposing counsel.
(Name of Student) (Signature of Supervising Attorney)
(Address & Phone of Above) (Address & Phone of Above)
Name of Law School
(C) Form to be completed by law student:
I certify that I [have completed at least 4 semesters of law school work] or [am a
recent law school graduate awaiting the first bar examination or the results of that
examination]; that I am taking, or have taken, a course in appellate advocacy or a
course in a supervised clinical program for academic credit; that I am familiar and
will comply with the Code of Professional Responsibility of the American Bar
Association, the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, and the Rules of this Court;
and that I am receiving no compensation from the party on whose behalf I am
rendering services (not including any compensation from an attorney, legal aid
bureau, law school, public defender agency, a State, or the United States).
(Date) (Signature of Student)
(D) Form to be completed by Dean:
I certify that this student [has completed at least 4 semesters of law school work] or
[is a recent law school graduate awaiting the first bar examination or the results of
that examination]; is taking, or has taken, a course in appellate advocacy or a
course in a supervised clinical program for academic credit; and is qualified to
fulfill the responsibilities required by First Circuit Rule 46.0(f).
(Name of Student) (Signature of Dean)
(Address & Phone of Above)
Name of Law School
(5) Exceptions. The court retains authority to establish exceptions to these requirements
in any individual case.
Local Rule 46.5. Appointment of Counsel in Criminal Cases
The United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit adopts the following Plan to implement
the Criminal Justice Act of 1964, 18 U.S.C. § 3006A, P.L. 88-455, as amended October 12, 1984,
P.L. 98-473, and November 14, 1986, P.L. 99-651 to which references must be made. The purpose
of this Plan is to provide adequate representation and defense of all persons to the extent provided
therein including cases where a person faces loss of liberty or is in custody as a material witness.
The court notes at the outset that the Act does not diminish the traditional responsibility of
members of the Bar to accept appointments. It recognizes that compensation will, in most
instances, be something less than full, and appreciates that service by counsel will represent a
substantial measure of public dedication. The court notes, and incorporates herein, the entirety of
the current United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit CJA Reference Manual, which is
periodically updated and amended, and includes policies, procedures, and regulations in
accordance with the Guidelines for the Administration of the Criminal Justice Act and Related
Statutes, Volume VII, Guide to Judiciary Policies and Procedures.
(a) Request for Counsel. Every person or eligible witness desiring counsel and that the
government pay for the expense of appeal, whether or not the person had court-appointed
counsel in the district court, shall address to this court a request in writing and a statement
of the person’s inability to pay. The court may make such further inquiry of the person’s need
as it may see fit. This inquiry may also be addressed to previously retained counsel, with the
objective of ascertaining that present inability to pay is not a result of past excessive
compensation. Such inquiry is not aimed at depriving an indigent of counsel but at the
relatively few counsel who might reasonably be considered to have used up all of the available
funds for doing only part of the work.
(b) Appointment of Counsel. The court may appoint counsel who represented the person in the
district court, or counsel from a panel maintained by the court, or otherwise. The addition or
deletion of names from the panel and the selection of counsel shall be the sole and exclusive
responsibility of the court but the actual administration thereof may be conducted by the clerk
of this court. The person may ask for appointment of counsel who represented the defendant
in the district court or for the non-appointment of such counsel, but shall not otherwise request
any specific individual. The court shall give consideration to such request, but shall not be
bound by it. A request for relief by trial counsel, upon a showing of cause, shall be given due
consideration. It is recognized that counsel on appeal may require different qualifications
than for trial. The substitution of counsel on appeal shall not in any way reflect upon the ability
or upon the conduct of prior counsel. The Administration Office shall be notified promptly of
each appointment, and of each order releasing counsel.
(c) Duration and Substitution of Counsel. The court notes, and incorporates herein, the
provisions of section (c) of the Act, except the references therein to magistrates. Except when
relieved by the court, counsel’s appointment shall not terminate until, if the person loses the
appeal, counsel informs the person of that fact and of the person’s right to petition for
certiorari and the time period, and has prepared and filed the petition if the person requests
it and there are reasonable grounds for counsel properly to do so (see Rule 10 of the Rules of
the Supreme Court of the United States). If counsel determines that there are no reasonable
grounds and declines to file a petition for certiorari requested by the person, counsel shall so
inform the Court and request leave to withdraw from the representation by written motion
stating that counsel has reviewed the matter and determined that the petition would be
frivolous, accompanied by counsel’s certification of the date when a copy of the motion was
furnished to the person. If the person does not wish to apply for certiorari or does not respond
to the notification, counsel shall so inform the court by letter, which action shall terminate the
representation. The clerk will inform the person in writing of the fact and effective date of the
termination of counsel’s appointment.
(d) Payment for Representation and Services other than Counsel. The court notes sections (d)
and (e) of the Act and incorporates the pertinent portions herein. Expenses described in the
Act do not include overhead and such matters as secretarial expenses not ordinarily billed to
clients, but a reasonable charge for copying briefs may be allowed. For additional guidance,
see the Guidelines for the Administration of the Criminal Justice Act and Related Statutes,
Volume VII, Guide to Judiciary Policies and Procedures.
All claims, whether for compensation, or for expenditures, shall be submitted promptly after
the completion of all duties, at the risk of disallowance. If counsel files a petition for a writ of
certiorari, counsel's time and expenses involved in the preparation of the petition should be
included on the voucher for services performed in this court. After court approval all orders
for payment shall be processed through the Administrative Office.
(e) Receipt of Other Payments. The provisions of section (f) of the Act are incorporated herein.
Appointed counsel shall be under a continuing duty to report to the court any circumstances
indicating financial ability on behalf of the person to pay part or all of the person’s counsel
fees or expenses. The court shall in no instance permit counsel who receives payments under
the Act to frustrate the intent of the limitations contained in sections (d) and (e) by the receipt
of other payment, either during, before, or after such representation.
(f) Forms. For the appointment of counsel, the making of claims, and all other matters for which
forms shall have been approved by the Administrative Office, such forms shall be used as a
matter of course.
(g) Effective Date and Amendments. This amended Plan shall take effect on November 14, 1986.
It may be amended at any time with the approval of the Judicial Council. [The present plan
incorporates amendments made on December 16, 2002 and January 23, 2015.]
Local Rule 46.6. Procedure for Withdrawal in Criminal Cases
(a) Trial counsel's duty to continue to represent defendant on appeal until relieved by the
court of appeals.
An attorney who has represented a defendant in a criminal case in the district court will be
responsible for representing the defendant on appeal, whether or not the attorney has entered an
appearance in the court of appeals, until the attorney is relieved of such duty by the court of
appeals. See 1st Cir. R. 12.0(b).
(b) Withdrawal by counsel appointed in the district court.
When a defendant has been represented in the district court by counsel appointed under the
Criminal Justice Act, the clerk will usually send a "Form for Selection of Counsel on Appeal" to
defendant, which asks defendant to select among the following:
(1) representing him or herself on appeal and proceeding pro se;
(2) requesting trial counsel to be appointed on appeal to represent defendant on appeal;
(3) requesting the appointment of new counsel on appeal; and
(4) retaining private counsel for appeal.
If the defendant returns the form and elects to proceed with new counsel to be appointed on appeal,
then the court will ordinarily appoint new counsel and allow trial counsel to withdraw.
If counsel wishes to withdraw and either the defendant fails to complete the form or counsel wishes
to terminate representation even though the defendant has selected (2) above, counsel may file an
affidavit explaining the difficulty and move to withdraw.
An unsworn declaration under the penalty of perjury in the format set forth in 28 U.S.C. § 1746
will suffice in place of an affidavit.
(c) Procedure for withdrawal in situations not governed by Local Rule 46.6(b).
Motions to withdraw as counsel on appeal in criminal cases must be accompanied by a notice of
appearance of replacement counsel or, in the absence of replacement counsel, such motions must
state the reasons for withdrawal and must be accompanied by one of the following:
(1) The defendant's completed application for appointment of replacement counsel under the
Criminal Justice Act or a showing that such application has already been filed with the
court and, if defendant has not already been determined to be financially eligible,
certification of compliance with Fed. R. App. P. 24; or
(2) An affidavit from the defendant showing that the defendant has been advised that the
defendant may retain replacement counsel or apply for appointment of replacement
counsel and expressly stating that the defendant does not wish to be represented by
counsel but elects to appear pro se; or
(3) An affidavit from the defendant showing that the defendant has been advised of the
defendant's rights with regard to the appeal and expressly stating that the defendant elects
to withdraw the appeal; or
(4) If the reason for the motion is the frivolousness of the appeal, a brief following the
procedure described in Anders v. California, 386 U.S. 738 (1967), must be filed with the
court. [Counsel's attention is also directed to McCoy v. Court of Appeals, 486 U.S. 429
(1988); Penson v. Ohio, 488 U.S. 75 (1988)]. Any such brief shall be filed only after
counsel has ordered and read all relevant transcripts, including trial, change of plea, and
sentencing transcripts, as well as the presentence investigation report. Counsel shall serve
a copy of the brief and motion on the defendant and advise the defendant that the defendant
has thirty (30) days from the date of service in which to file a brief in support of reversal
or modification of the judgment. The motion must be accompanied by proof of service on
the defendant and certification that counsel has advised the defendant of the defendant's
right to file a separate brief.
If counsel is unable to comply with (1), (2), or (3) and does not think it appropriate to proceed
in accordance with (4), counsel may file an affidavit explaining the difficulty and move to
An unsworn declaration under the penalty of perjury in the format set forth in 28 U.S.C.
§ 1746 will suffice in place of an affidavit.
(d) Service.
All motions must be accompanied by proof of service on the defendant and, if required by
Fed. R. App. P. 25(d), the Government. Motions are customarily determined, without oral
argument, by one or more judges.
Rule 47. Local Rules by Courts of Appeals
(a) Local Rules.
(1) Each court of appeals acting by a majority of its judges in regular active service may, after
giving appropriate public notice and opportunity for comment, make and amend rules
governing its practice. A generally applicable direction to parties or lawyers regarding
practice before a court must be in a local rule rather than an internal operating procedure
or standing order. A local rule must be consistent with but not duplicative of Acts
of Congress and rules adopted under 28 U.S.C. § 2072 and must conform to any uniform
numbering system prescribed by the Judicial Conference of the United States. Each circuit
clerk must send the Administrative Office of the United States Courts a copy of each local
rule and internal operating procedure when it is promulgated or amended.
(2) A local rule imposing a requirement of form must not be enforced in a manner that causes
a party to lose rights because of a nonwillful failure to comply with the requirement.
(b) Procedure When There Is No Controlling Law. A court of appeals may regulate practice
in a particular case in any manner consistent with federal law, these rules, and local rules of
the circuit. No sanction or other disadvantage may be imposed for noncompliance with any
requirement not in federal law, federal rules, or the local circuit rules unless the alleged
violator has been furnished in the particular case with actual notice of the requirement.
Local Rule 47.0. Local Rules of the First Circuit
(a) Advisory Committee
(1) Membership. In accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 2077(b) an advisory committee on the rules
of practice and internal operating procedures is hereby created for the court. This
committee shall consist of members of the Bar of the court as follows: Three members
from the District of Massachusetts, two members from the District of Puerto Rico and one
each from the Districts of Maine, New Hampshire and Rhode Island. In addition, a ninth
member shall be appointed, which position shall rotate among the five districts.
(2) Duties. The advisory committee shall have an advisory role concerning the rules of
practice and internal operating procedures of the court. The advisory committee shall,
among other things,
(A) provide a forum for continuous study of the rules of practice and internal operating
procedures of the court;
(B) serve as a conduit between the bar and the public and the court regarding procedural
matters and suggestions for changes;
(C) consider and recommend rules and amendments for adoption; and
(D) render reports from time to time, on its own initiative and on request, to the court.
(3) Terms of Members. The members of the advisory committee shall serve three-year terms,
which will be staggered, so that three new members will be appointed every year in such
order as the court decides. The court shall appoint one of the members of the committee
to serve as chairman.
(b) Comments from Members of the Bar. Prior to the adoption of a proposed amendment to
these Rules, if time permits, the court will seek the comments and recommendations of
interested members of the bar through the office of the clerk and with the aid of the advisory
committee created pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2077.
Local Rule 47.1. Judicial Conference of the First Circuit
(a) A judicial conference of the First Circuit will be held periodically in accordance with 28
U.S.C. § 333. The chief judge shall preside at the Conference.
(b) The chief judge of the circuit shall appoint a Planning Committee consisting of a circuit judge
and/or district judge and such members of the Bar as they may designate to plan and conduct
the Conference.
(c) Members of the Conference shall include the following:
(1) Presidents of the state bar associations of states and commonwealths within the circuit;
(2) The dean or member of the faculty designated by the dean of each accredited law school
within the circuit;
(3) All United States Attorneys of the circuit;
(4) Lawyers to be appointed from each state in numbers to be determined by the Planning
Committee, such appointment to be made by the district committee of each district; if such
a committee does not exist, such appointments to be made by the district judges as
determined by each district court. Such additional members of the Bar may also be invited
as the chief circuit judge, in consultation with the other circuit judges, and the Planning
Committee shall decide; and
(5) All federal defenders designated by the chief judge of the circuit.
(d) The Circuit Executive of this court shall be the Secretary of the Conference.
Rule 48. Masters
(a) Appointment; Powers. A court of appeals may appoint a special master to hold hearings, if
necessary, and to recommend factual findings and disposition in matters ancillary to
proceedings in the court. Unless the order referring a matter to a master specifies or limits the
master’s powers, those powers include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) regulating all aspects of a hearing;
(2) taking all appropriate action for the efficient performance of the master’s duties under the
(3) requiring the production of evidence on all matters embraced in the reference; and
(4) administering oaths and examining witnesses and parties.
(b) Compensation. If the master is not a judge or court employee, the court must determine the
master’s compensation and whether the cost is to be charged to any party.
Local Rule 48.0. Capital Cases
(a) Applicability of Rule. This rule shall govern all matters in which this Court is requested to
rule in any case where the death penalty has been imposed, including, but not limited to, the
(1) direct criminal appeals;
(2) appeals from District Court rulings, such as on motions to vacate a sentence, petitions for
a writ of habeas corpus, and requests for a stay or other injunction;
(3) original petitions for a writ of habeas corpus;
(4) motions for second or successive habeas corpus applications;
(5) any related civil proceedings challenging the conviction or sentence of death, or the time,
place or manner of execution, as being in violation of federal law, whether filed by the
prisoner or by someone else on his or her behalf.
Such cases shall be referred to herein as "capital cases" and shall be governed by this rule, except
where otherwise specified in a written order by the Court. To the extent that any local rule of this
Court is inconsistent with this rule, this rule shall govern. All local rules of this Court, including
interim local rules, are otherwise as applicable to capital cases as they would have been absent this
(b) Certificate of Death Penalty Case. A special docket shall be maintained by the Clerk of this
Court for all cases filed pursuant to this rule.
(1) Filing. Upon the filing of any proceeding in any District Court in this Circuit challenging
a sentence of death imposed pursuant to a federal or a state court judgment, each party to
such proceeding shall file a Certificate of Death Penalty Case with the Clerk of this Court.
The U.S. Attorney shall file a Certificate of Death Penalty Case with the Clerk of this
Court immediately upon notifying the District Court of intent to seek the death penalty in
a federal criminal case. The U.S. Attorney shall also update the Certificate immediately
upon return of a verdict imposing a sentence of death.
(2) Content of the Certificate. The Certificate shall set forth the names, telephone numbers
and addresses of the parties and counsel, the proposed date and place of implementation
of the sentence of death, if set, and the emergency nature of the proceedings, if
appropriate. It shall be the responsibility of counsel for all parties to apprise the Clerk of
this Court of any changes in the information provided on the Certificate as expeditiously as
(c) Certificates of Appealability and Stays.
(1) Certificates of Appealability and Motions for Stays. Certificates of appealability for all
habeas matters are addressed in Fed. R. App. P. 22 and Rule 11 of the Rules Governing
Proceedings Under 28 U.S.C. § 2254 or § 2255.
(2) Stays of Execution.
(A) Except where otherwise prohibited by 28 U.S.C. § 2262, a sentence of death shall
automatically be stayed upon the filing of a notice of appeal. In cases where the
petitioner is seeking leave to file a second or successive application under 28 U.S.C.
§ 2254 or § 2255, a stay of execution shall automatically be issued upon approval by
the Court of Appeals of the filing of a second or successive application under 28
U.S.C. § 2244(b). The Clerk shall immediately notify all parties and the state or
federal authorities responsible for implementing the defendant's sentence of death of
the stay of execution. If notification is oral, it shall be followed as expeditiously as
possible by written notice.
(B) Except where otherwise required by law or specified in a written order by the Court,
an automatic stay of execution shall remain in effect until the Court issues its mandate,
at which time the automatic stay shall expire. In the event that a motion requesting a
stay of mandate is filed, the motion should also be accompanied by a motion
requesting a case-specific stay of execution.
(C) The assigned panel may grant or modify or vacate any stay of execution at any time
and will consider upon request motions for a case-specific stay of execution. All
motions for a case specific stay of execution must be accompanied by a memorandum
of law, which must include at a minimum the prevailing standards of review and any
relevant facts to advise the Court's decision.
(D) Upon making the necessary findings, the Court may enter a case-specific stay of
execution which shall clearly specify the duration of the stay.
(E) The Clerk shall send notice to all the parties and state or federal authorities
responsible for implementing the defendant's sentence of death when a stay imposed
by this provision, be it automatic or case-specific, is no longer in effect.
Appendix of Forms
Form 1A.
Notice of Appeal to a Court of Appeals From a
Judgment of a District Court
United States District Court for the
District of
Docket Number
A.B., Plaintiff )
v. ) Notice of Appeal
C.D., Defendant )
(name all parties taking the appeal)*
appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for the Circuit
from the final judgment entered on (state the date the
judgment was entered).
Attorney for
[Note to inmate filers: If you are an inmate confined in an institution and you seek the timing
benefit of Fed. R. App. P. 4(c)(1), complete Form 7 (Declaration of Inmate Filing) and file that
declaration along with this Notice of Appeal.]
See Rule 3(c) for permissible ways of identifying appellants.
Form 1B.
Notice of Appeal to a Court of Appeals From an
Appealable Order of a District Court
United States District Court for the
District of
Docket Number
A.B., Plaintiff )
v. ) Notice of Appeal
C.D., Defendant )
(name all parties taking the appeal)*
appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for the Circuit
from the order (describe the order) entered on
____________(state the date the order was entered).
Attorney for
[Note to inmate filers: If you are an inmate confined in an institution and you seek the timing
benefit of Fed. R. App. P. 4(c)(1), complete Form 7 (Declaration of Inmate Filing) and file that
declaration along with this Notice of Appeal.]
See Rule 3(c) for permissible ways of identifying appellants.
Form 2. Notice of Appeal to a Court of Appeals From a Decision of the
United States Tax Court
Washington, D.C.
Docket No. ____________________
A.B., Petitioner )
v. ) Notice of Appeal
Commissioner of )
Internal Revenue, )
Respondent )
(here name all parties taking the appeal)* appeal
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Circuit from the decision
entered on (state the date the decision was entered).
(s) _____________________________________
Counsel for:_______________________________
Address: _________________________________
See Rule 3(c) for permissible ways of identifying appellants.
Form 3. Petition for Review of Order of an Agency, Board, Commission or
United States Court of Appeals for the Circuit
A.B., Petitioner )
v. ) Petition for Review
XYZ Commission, Respondent )
(here name all parties bringing the petition)* hereby petitions the court for review
of the Order of the XYZ Commission (describe the order) entered on , 20 .
Attorney for Petitioners
See Rule 15.
Form 4. Affidavit Accompanying Motion for Permission to Appeal in Forma
United States District
Court for the
District of
<Name(s) of plaintiff(s)>,
Case No.
<Name(s) of defendant(s)>,
Affidavit in Support of Motion
I swear or affirm under penalty of perjury that,
because of my poverty, I cannot prepay the docket
fees of my appeal or post a bond for them. I believe
I am entitled to redress. I swear or affirm under
penalty of perjury under United States laws that my
answers on this form are true and correct. (28
U.S.C. § 1746; 18 U.S.C. § 1621.)
Complete all questions in this application and then
sign it. Do not leave any blanks: if the answer to a
question is “0,” “none,” or “not applicable (N/A),”
write in that response. If you need more space to
answer a question or to explain your answer, attach
a separate sheet of paper
identified with your name, your case’s docket
number, and the question number.
My issues on appeal are:
1. For both you and your spouse estimate the average amount of money received from each of the
following sources during the past 12 months. Adjust any amount that was received weekly,
biweekly, quarterly, semiannually, or annually to show the monthly rate. Use gross amounts,
that is, amounts before any deductions for taxes or otherwise.
Income source
Average monthly
amount during the past
12 months
Amount expected next
Income from real property
(such as rental income)
Interest and dividends
Child support
Retirement (such as social
security, pensions, annuities,
Disability (such as social
security, insurance payments)
Unemployment payments
Public-assistance (such as
Other (specify):
Total monthly income:
2. List your employment history for the past two years, most recent employer first. (Gross
monthly pay is before taxes or other deductions.)
Dates of
Gross monthly
3. List your spouse’s employment history for the past two years, most recent employer
first. (Gross monthly pay is before taxes or other deductions.)
Dates of
Gross monthly
4. How much cash do you and your spouse have? $
Below, state any money you or your spouse have in bank accounts or in any other financial
Financial institution
Type of account
Amount you
Amount your spouse
If you are a prisoner seeking to appeal a judgment in a civil action or proceeding, you must
attach a statement certified by the appropriate institutional officer showing all receipts,
expenditures, and balances during the last six months in your institutional accounts. If you
have multiple accounts, perhaps because you have been in multiple institutions, attach one
certified statement of each account.
5. List the assets, and their values, which you own or your spouse owns. Do not list
clothing and ordinary household furnishings.
Other real estate
Motor vehicle #1
Make and year:
Registration #:
Motor vehicle #2
Other assets
Other assets
Make and year:
Registration #:
6. State every person, business, or organization owing you or your spouse money, and the amount owed.
Person owing you or your spouse
Amount owed to you
Amount owed to your
7. State the persons who rely on you or your spouse for support.
Name [or, if under 18, initials only]
8. Estimate the average monthly expenses of you and your family. Show separately the amounts
paid by your spouse. Adjust any payments that are made weekly, biweekly, quarterly,
semiannually, or annually to show the monthly rate.
Your Spouse
Rent or home-mortgage payment (include lot rented for mobile
home) Are real estate taxes included? [ ] Yes [
] No
Is property insurance included? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Utilities (electricity, heating fuel, water, sewer, and telephone)
Home maintenance (repairs and upkeep)
Laundry and dry-cleaning
Medical and dental expenses
Transportation (not including motor vehicle payments)
Recreation, entertainment, newspapers, magazines, etc.
Insurance (not deducted from wages or included in
mortgage payments)
Homeowner’s or renter’s:
Motor vehicle:
Taxes (not deducted from wages or included in mortgage
payments) (specify):
Installment payments
Motor vehicle:
Credit card (name):
Department store (name):
Alimony, maintenance, and support paid to others
Regular expenses for operation of business, profession, or farm
(attach detailed statement)
Other (specify):
Total monthly expenses:
9. Do you expect any major changes to your monthly income or expenses or in your assets or
liabilities during the next 12 months?
[ ] Yes [ ] No If yes, describe on an attached sheet.
10. Have you spent or will you be spending any money for expenses or attorney fees in
connection with this lawsuit?
[ ] Yes [ ] No If yes, how much?
11. Provide any other information that will help explain why you cannot pay the docket fees
for your appeal.
12. State the city and state of your legal residence:
Your daytime phone number: ( )
Your age: Your years of schooling:
Form 5. Notice of Appeal to a Court of Appeals from a Judgment or Order
of a District Court or a Bankruptcy Appellate Panel
United States District Court for the _ District of
In re )
, )
Debtor )
) File No
, )
Plaintiff )
v. )
, )
Defendant )
Notice of Appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for the Circuit
, the plaintiff [or defendant or other party] appeals to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Circuit from the final judgment [or order or decree] of the
district court for the district of [or bankruptcy appellate panel of the
circuit], entered in this case on , [here describe the
judgment, order, or decree] .
The parties to the judgment [or order or decree] appealed from and the names and addresses of
their respective attorneys are as follows:
Attorney for Appellant
[Note to inmate filers: If you are an inmate confined in an institution and you seek the timing
benefit of Fed. R. App. P. 4(c)(1), complete Form 7 (Declaration of Inmate Filing) and file that
declaration along with this Notice of Appeal.]
Form 6. Certificate of Compliance With Type-Volume Limit
Certificate of Compliance With Type-Volume Limit,
Typeface Requirements, and Type-Style Requirements
This document complies with [the type-volume limit of Fed. R. App. P. [insert Rule citation;
e.g., 32(a)(7)(B)]] [the word limit of Fed. R. App. P. [insert Rule citation; e.g., 5(c)(1)]] because,
excluding the parts of the document exempted by the Fed. R. App. P. 32(f) [and [insert
applicable Rule citation, if any]]:
this document contains [state the number of] words, or
this brief uses a monospaced typeface and contains [state the number of] lines of text.
This document complies with the typeface requirements of Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(5) and the
type-style requirements of Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(6) because:
this document has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface using [state name
and version of word-processing program] in [state font size and name of type style], or
this document has been prepared in a monospaced typeface using [state name and
version of word-processing program] with [state number of characters per inch and name
of type style].
Attorney for
Form 7. Declaration of Inmate Filing
[insert name of court; for example,
United States District Court for the District of Minnesota]
., Plaintiff )
v. ) Case No.
C.D., Defendant )
I am an inmate confined in an institution. Today, [insert date], I am depositing
the [insert title of document; for example, "notice of appeal"] in this case in the
institution's internal mail system. First-class postage is being prepaid either by me or by the
institution on my behalf.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct (see 28 U.S.C. §
1746; 18 U.S.C. § 1621).
Sign your name here
Signed on [insert date]
[Note to inmate filers: If your institution has a system designed for legal mail, you must use that
system in order to receive the timing benefit of Fed. R. App. P. 4(c)(1) or Fed. R. App. P.
Length Limits Stated in the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure
This chart summarizes the length limits stated in the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure. Please
refer to the rules for precise requirements, and bear in mind the following:
In computing these limits, you can exclude the items listed in Rule 32(f).
If you use a word limit or a line limit (other than the word limit in Rule 28(j)), you must
file the certificate required by Rule 32(g).
For the limits in Rules 5, 21, 27, 35, and 40:
- You must use the word limit if you produce your document on a computer; and
- You must use the page limit if you handwrite your document or type it on a
For the limits in Rule 28.1, 29(a)(5), and 32:
- You may use the word limit or page limit, regardless of how you produce the
document; or
- You may use the line limit if you type or print your document with a monospaced
typeface. A typeface is monospaced when each character occupies the same amount
of horizontal space.
Document type
Word limit
Line limit
Permission to
Petition for permission
to appeal
Answer in opposition
Petition for writ of
mandamus or
prohibition or other
extraordinary writ
Response to a motion
Reply to a response to a
Parties' briefs
(where no
Principal brief
Reply brief
Parties' brief
(where cross-
Appellant's principal
Appellant's response
and reply brief
Appellee's principle
and response brief
Appellee's reply brief
Letter citing
Amicus briefs
Amicus brief during
initial consideration of
case on merits
Amicus brief during
consideration of
whether to grant
the length
set by the
Rules for a
the length
set by the
Rules for
a party's
the length
set by the
Rules for
a party's
and en banc
& 40(b)
Petition for hearing en
Petition for panel
rehearing; petition for
rehearing en banc
First Circuit Internal Operating Procedures
This publication outlines the procedures followed in this Court, and its Clerk's Office, for the
processing of appeals, petitions for review and other appellate matters in this Circuit. New
techniques and procedures are continually tried and, when improvements are found, such
procedures are adopted so that at any given time the procedures set forth herein may be in a state
of change.
Internal Operating Procedure I. Court Organization
Facilities. The Clerk's Office and the appellate courtrooms are located in the John Joseph
Moakley United States Courthouse at 1 Courthouse Way in Boston. The staff attorneys, the
Court of Appeals library, the Circuit Executive and some of the appellate judges are located
in the courthouse.
Clerk's Office. The office hours for the Clerk's Office are from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.,
Monday through Friday. In case of an emergency, the Clerk or the Chief Deputy Clerk may
be contacted after hours; however, appropriate arrangements should be made with the Clerk's
Office in advance. Although documents may be filed electronically at any time through the
court's Case Management/Electronic Case Files (“CM/ECF”) system, the filer should not
expect that the filing will be addressed outside regular business hours unless the filer contacts
the Clerk's Office in advance to make special arrangements.
Library. The Court of Appeals library is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and attorneys
practicing in the federal courts may use the library, but books and materials may not be
Staff Attorneys. The office of the staff attorneys assists the Court in many ways including
research, drafting memoranda and other forms of legal assistance to the Court.
Internal Operating Procedure II. Attorneys
Admission. Attorneys seeking admission to the bar of the First Circuit Court of Appeals
should obtain an application from the court’s website at www.ca1.uscourts.gov or write to the
Clerk's Office. The admission fee imposed by Local Rule 46.0(a) (1) is $50.00. There is an
additional admission fee prescribed by the Court of Appeals Miscellaneous Fee Schedule,
promulgated under 28 U.S.C. § 1913. Absent a waiver from the Clerk’s Office, attorneys must
file their application form electronically and pay the combined fee electronically using the
Court's Case Management/Electronic Case Files ("CM/ECF") system. Once verification of the
application is complete, which may take up to 7 days, a Certificate of
Admission will be returned by mail. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Requests
to be admitted in person must be made on the application form and will be allowed at the
Court's discretion. Successful applicants to be admitted in court will be electronically notified
of the time and place of admission. Such applicants will receive their Certificate of Admission
by mail at a later date. Where an application raises questions about the applicant's qualification
for admission, the Clerk will refer the matter to the Chief Judge. If the Chief Judge concludes
that denial may be warranted, the matter will be referred to a panel for determination.
Discipline. Procedures to be followed in this Court are covered by Fed. R. App. P. 46(b) and
the Rules of Attorney Disciplinary Enforcement for the Court of Appeals for the First Circuit.
Copies of the latter rules may be obtained at the Clerk's Office.
Internal Operating Procedure III. Initial Procedures
Appeals, Petitions for Review and Fees. In cases appealed from the district court, the notice
of appeal is filed in the district court in accordance with the Fed. R. App. P. and the combined
docketing and filing fees are paid to the district court clerk. In administrative agency cases
and petitions for mandamus, the docketing fee is paid to the Clerk of the Court of Appeals at
the time the petition is filed in the Court of Appeals. The relevant fees can be found in the
Schedule of Fees posted on this court's website at www.ca1.uscourts.gov.
Ordering Transcripts. The transcripts must be ordered from the court reporter(s) on
Transcript Order/Report Form which is available from the district court clerks and from the
Clerk of the Court of Appeals. The order for the transcript must be given within 14 days after
the filing of the notice of appeal and satisfactory financial arrangements must be made with
the court reporter. See Fed. R. App. P. 10, 11; 1st Cir. R. 10.0. Counsel are required to
complete these arrangements before the copy of the Transcript Order/Report is filed with the
Court of Appeals. If counsel are being paid under the Criminal Justice Act (“CJA”), the CJA
form must first be approved and then attached to the Transcript Order/Report Form.
Reporter's Duties. If the reporter cannot complete the transcript by the date set by the court,
then pursuant to Fed. R. App. P. 11(b) the reporter must file a motion in the Court of Appeals
for an enlargement of time for filing the transcript. Counsel for appellants, however, would
be well advised to check with the court reporter to see that the transcript will be timely filed
and that the reporter is making such a request, if it will not be so completed.
Internal Operating Procedure IV. Docketing Procedures
Docketing. Pursuant to Fed. R. App. P. 12, appeals are docketed in the Court of Appeals upon
receipt from the Clerk of the district court of copies of the notice of appeal and the district
court docket report. If the docketing fee has not been paid in the district court, the failure to
pay is grounds for dismissal of the appeal pursuant to Local Rule 3.0. Local Rule
3.0 also requires the filing of a Docketing Statement within 14 days after the case is docketed
in the court of appeals.
Screening. In the First Circuit a preliminary screening takes place upon the docketing of the
appeal and procedural defects are often called to the Court's attention for sua sponte action by
the Court including dismissal of the appeal.
Briefing. Once the record on appeal is complete, including the filing of all necessary
transcripts, the Clerk's Office sends to counsel a notice advising appellant of the filing dates
for the brief and the appendix. After the brief for appellant is filed, the Clerk's Office likewise
gives notice to the appellee.
Internal Operating Procedure V. Motion Procedures
General. In accordance with Fed. R. App. P. 27(d) (3), all motions must be accompanied by
3 copies unless the motion is filed electronically in compliance with the court’s electronic
filing system, and a proof of service showing the type of service that was made, i.e., by mail
or by hand delivery or electronically. The date of service establishes the due date for filing the
response per Fed. R. App. P. 27(a)(3).
Processing. All motions must be filed with the clerk. The single judge matters are transmitted
to a single judge and the matters calling for three judge action are transmitted to a three judge
panel. The motion judge and the motion panel duties are rotated among the judges of this Court.
All motions are decided without oral argument, unless the Court orders otherwise. The
motions are submitted to the Court after the response time provided in Fed. R. App. P.
27(a)(3)(A) has run except for (1) routine procedural motions which are usually processed
forthwith, and (2) emergency motions which may be handled on an expedited basis. The court
will not ordinarily await the filing of a reply to a response before acting on a motion and
response. If a movant intends to file a reply to a response, the movant shall promptly notify
the clerk of the intended filing.
Disposition By the Clerk. Pursuant to Fed. R. App. P. 27(b) and 1st Cir. R. 27.0(d), the clerk
is authorized to dispose of certain routine, procedural motions in accordance with the Court’s
standing instructions. Typical examples include motions for an enlargement of time, to
consolidate, to correct filings, to correct captions, and to withdraw as counsel. Effective March
16, 2006, clerk’s orders are identifiable by their form: a clerk’s order states on its face that it
is entered pursuant to 1st Cir. R. 27.0(d).
Emergencies. If counsel anticipates that a matter may arise requiring emergency action by
the court outside of ordinary business hours, the court's local rules advise counsel to contact
the Clerk’s Office at the earliest opportunity to discuss the matter. Depending on the
circumstances, the Clerk’s Office, in consultation with the duty judge and the Staff Attorney’s
Office, may make special arrangements for after hours filings and responses, issuance of
orders after hours, and similar matters. Counsel are further advised that in all emergency
matters, whether or not action outside of ordinary business hours is required, the process is
facilitated if counsel contacts the Clerk’s Office in advance and the motion seeking expedited
relief clearly indicates the date by which a ruling is requested and the reasons supporting
expedition. Although documents may be filed electronically at any time through CM/ECF,
the filer should not expect that the filing will be addressed outside regular business hours
unless the filer contacts the Clerk's Office in advance to make special arrangements. The
business hours for the Clerk’s Office are Mondays through Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00
Internal Operating Procedure VI. Briefs and Appendices
General. The court's website, www.ca1.uscourts.gov, contains guidelines and a checklist to
assist counsel in preparing briefs. Counsel are advised that any brief that does not conform to
the requirements of the rules may be rejected. For information regarding electronic document
filing pursuant to the court’s electronic filing system, see 1st Cir. R. 25.0, a copy of which is
available on the court’s website. Electronic filing is permitted after October 13, 2009 and is
required for all attorney filings after January 1, 2010.
Modifications. The following modifications of the Fed. R. App. P. apply in the First Circuit:
One copy of the brief or petition must be filed electronically or on a computer generated
disk. See 1st Cir. R. 32.0.
Only 10 copies, including the disk or electronic filing, need be filed.
Deferred Appendix. Note the Local Rules of this Court do not provide for the proceeding on
a deferred appendix pursuant to Fed. R. App. P. 30(c). If special leave to proceed under this
method is sought, and the Court grants such leave, the leave will be conditioned upon a shorter
time schedule than the Fed. R. App. P. generally allow so that the processing of the appeal
will not take any longer time than it would under the regular procedure.
Defaults. If the appellant fails to file the brief and appendix on time, the Clerk is authorized
to enter an order dismissing the appeal, and when an appellee is in default as to filing a brief,
the appellee will not be heard at oral argument. The party in default may remove the default
by showing special circumstance justifying the failure to comply. Any motion to set aside a
dismissal should be filed within fourteen days. See 1st Cir. R. 45.0.
Internal Operating Procedure VII. Screening and Calendaring
General. Initially, the staff attorney reviews the briefs in the cases the Clerk has assigned for
a particular session. If a panel of 3 judges, in accordance with Fed. R. App. P. 34 and after
consultation with the staff attorney, is of the opinion that a case does not warrant oral
argument, the Clerk so advises counsel. Shortly after the decision as to hearing is made, the
amount of time to be allotted for oral argument is also set by the Court. Before the hearing list
is finally established, the Clerk notifies the parties by letter of the proposed date for hearing the
case so that counsel may contact the Clerk if it appears that a scheduling conflict exists.
Expedited Schedule. Expedited scheduling is provided automatically in those cases where it
is required by statute, such as recalcitrant witness cases. In other cases a request for expedited
processing may be filed, but the motion should be made shortly after the case is docketed in
the Court of Appeals.
Dates of Sessions. In January through June, and October through December, the Court usually
sits for one week starting on the first Monday of the month. In either July or August, the court
sits for one week. In September the Court starts on the Wednesday after Labor Day and sits
for the 3 days in that week and the 5 days in the following week. In November and March the
Court sits two weeks, with one week in Boston and one week in Puerto Rico.
Judges and Case Assignment. In accordance with long-standing practice, cases are assigned
to panels on a random basis provided, however, that a case may be assigned to a particular
panel or to a panel including a particular judge in the following circumstances:
where the case is a sequel to, or offshoot of, a case previously decided by the court (e.g.,
following a remand);
where the case was presented to the duty panel in the regular course of duties, see, e.g.,
Bui v. DiPaolo, 170 F.3d 232, 238 (1st
Cir. 1999) ("[a]s an administrative measure, we
advise litigants that, to the extent practicable, the panel that determines whether to issue a
complementary COA also will be the panel that adjudicates the appeal on the merits"),
cert. denied, 529 U.S. 1086 (2000);
where a case has been assigned to a panel, but scheduling changes (e.g., postponement of
oral argument) or changes in the procedural handling of the case (e.g., a case intended for
summary disposition is thereafter set for oral argument) require rescheduling;
where a case has been assigned to a panel, but the subsequent recusal of a judge (or other
unavailability of a judge, e.g., due to illness) makes it appropriate to transfer the case to a
different panel or to find a replacement judge.
No other non-random assignments of cases shall be made except for special cause and with the
concurrence of the duty judge.
Judges and Case Assignment in Capital Cases.
Capital Case Panel. Capital cases, as defined in Local Rule 48.0, shall be randomly
assigned to a panel of three judges, of whom at least one is an active judge of this Court,
from the capital case pool. The capital case pool of judges shall consist of all active judges
of this Court and those senior judges who have filed with the Clerk a statement of
willingness to serve on capital case panels.
Duties of Capital Case Panel. Notwithstanding the practices identified in Internal
Operating Procedure V, the assigned capital case panel handles all matters relating to the
case, including but not limited to, the merits of a direct appeal, all case management, all
petitions for collateral review, motions for stay of execution, motions to vacate a stay of
execution, applications for a certificate of appealability, motions for an order authorizing
the district court to consider a second or successive application for habeas corpus, appeals
from subsequent petitions, and remands from the United States Supreme Court.
Timing. The Court will hear up to six cases per day. Generally, it is the practice of this Court
to schedule cases in which the brief for appellee is filed by the fifteenth day of one month, so
as to have the case screened and assigned to the list for hearing or submission on the second
month thereafter.
Internal Operating Procedure VIII. Oral Argument
General. The Court establishes the times allotted for oral argument and the Clerk so notifies
the parties at least one week before argument starts. Though the calendar is not called at the
beginning of the court day, counsel should be present at the opening or make arrangements to
ascertain whether there is any change in the order of the cases at the opening of Court. It is
counsel's responsibility to be present and be prepared should earlier cases take less time for
oral argument than was anticipated. See 1st Cir. R. 34.1.
Disclosure of Panel in Advance of Oral Argument. The names of the judges on each panel
may be disclosed for a particular session seven (7) days in advance of the session. Once the
panel is made public, the Court will not normally grant motions for continuances or for a
change in argument date during the same session.
Lights. The signal lights are located on the Clerk's desk and they are set so that an amber light
turns on when there are five minutes left and it remains on until the red light turns on indicating
that the time for oral argument has ended.
Recording. Oral arguments in all cases are digitally recorded for the use of the Court and are
not part of the permanent record of the case. A disk copy of the recording of an oral argument
may be obtained by submitting a request in writing to the Clerk with a check in the amount
prescribed by the Judicial Conference of the United States. The Schedule of Fees is posted on
this court's website at www.ca1.uscourts.gov. Audio recordings of the court's oral arguments
are also available on the court's website.
Internal Operating Procedure IX. Opinions & Judgments
Processing. When the opinion of the Court (and concurring and dissenting opinions, if any)
are completed, they are turned over to the Clerk for reproducing and release. Copies of the
opinion and copies of the judgment are sent to one counsel for each side. They are also released
in electronic format on the same day.
Publication. The manner of deciding whether an opinion is to be published and the Court's
policy with respect to publication are set forth in Local Rule 36.0.
Electronic Access. The Court’s dockets and opinions are available electronically through the
PACER network supported by the Administrative Office for the United States Courts. Details
are available in the Clerk’s Office. Opinions are also available on the court’s website at
Internal Operating Procedure X. Petitions for Panel Rehearing and Petitions
for Hearing or Rehearing En Banc
General. Fed. R. App. P. 40 and 35 should be consulted with respect to the procedures.
Petitions for rehearing are intended to bring to the attention of the panel claimed errors in the
opinion and they are not to be used for reargument of an issue previously presented.
No Response. Unless the court requests, no response to a petition is permitted.
En Banc Processing. A petition for a hearing or rehearing en banc is submitted by the Clerk to
the panel that heard the case and to the other active First Circuit judges. A petition for
rehearing en banc will also be treated as a petition for rehearing before the original panel.
Vacation of Previous Opinion and Judgment. Usually when an en banc rehearing is
granted, the previous opinion and judgment will be vacated.
Internal Operating Procedure XI. Complaints Against Judges
The procedure for filing complaints against judges is set forth in the Rules for Judicial-Conduct
and Judicial-Disability Proceedings. A copy of these Rules may be obtained from the Clerk of this
Court and are also on the Court's website.
Office of the Clerk
U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit
John Joseph Moakley Courthouse
1 Courthouse Way, Suite 2500
Boston, Massachusetts 02210
Internal Operating Procedure XII. Notification of Changes or Notifications of
the Court's Local Rules and Internal Operating Procedures
Changes in the Local Rules of this Court or its Internal Operating Procedures will be publicized
by circulating for comment the entire text of the proposed change to the following state legal
a. Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly, 10 Milk Street, Suite 1000, Boston, Massachusetts
b. Rhode Island Lawyers Weekly, c/o Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly, 10 Milk Street, Suite
1000, Boston, MA 02108.
c. New Hampshire Bar News, 112 Pleasant Street, Concord, New Hampshire 03301.
d. Maine Bar Journal, P.O. Box 788, Augusta, Maine 04332.
e. Puerto Rico Bar Association, P.O. Box 1900, San Juan, PR 00903.
Notice of the changes will also be placed in all federal court bulletin boards and to all state bar
associations within the Circuit. Comments should be forwarded to the Clerk's Office within thirty
days from the date of the notice.
SEPTEMBER 14, 2009
As of August 21, 2017, amended Local Rule 25.0 superseded the court's September
14, 2009 Administrative Order Regarding Case Management/Electronic Case Files System.
Consequently, the court's September 14, 2009 Administrative Order is no longer in effect.
Rules of Attorney Disciplinary Enforcement
for the Court of Appeals
for the First Circuit
Effective: August 1, 2002
Amended: April 13, 2011
The Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, in furtherance of its inherent power and
responsibility to supervise the conduct of attorneys who are admitted to practice before it, or
admitted for the purpose of a particular proceeding (pro hac vice), promulgates the following Rules
of Attorney Disciplinary Enforcement superseding all of its other Rules pertaining to disciplinary
enforcement heretofore promulgated.
Attorneys Convicted of Crimes.
Upon filing with this Court of a certified copy of a judgment of conviction demonstrating that
any attorney admitted to practice before the Court has been convicted in any Court of the United
States, or the District of Columbia, or of any state, territory, commonwealth or possession of the
United States of a serious crime as hereinafter defined, the Chief Judge shall refer the matter to a
disciplinary panel. The disciplinary panel shall enter an order immediately suspending that
attorney, whether the conviction resulted from a plea of guilty or nolo contendere or from a verdict
after trial or otherwise, and regardless of the pendency of any appeal, until final disposition of a
disciplinary proceeding to be commenced upon such conviction. A copy of such order shall
immediately be served by the Clerk of this Court upon the attorney personally or by certified or
registered mail. Upon motion and good cause shown, the disciplinary panel may set aside such
order when it appears in the interest of justice to do so.
The term "serious crime" shall include any felony and any lesser crime, a necessary element
of which, as determined by the statutory or common law definition of such crime in the jurisdiction
where the judgment was entered, involves false swearing, misrepresentation, fraud, willful failure
to file income tax returns, deceit, bribery, extortion, misappropriation, theft, or an attempt or a
conspiracy or solicitation of another to commit a "serious crime."
Upon the filing of a certified copy of a judgment of conviction of an attorney for a serious
crime, the disciplinary panel shall, in addition to suspending that attorney in accordance with the
provisions of this Rule, also initiate disciplinary proceedings in which the sole issue to be
determined shall be the extent of the final discipline to be imposed as a result of the conduct
resulting in the conviction, provided that no final disposition will be rendered until all direct
appeals from the conviction are concluded. The certified copy of the judgment of conviction shall
be conclusive evidence of the commission of that crime by the attorney in question.
Upon the filing of a certified copy of a judgment of conviction of an attorney for any crime not
constituting a "serious crime," the Chief Judge may refer the matter to a disciplinary panel for
disciplinary proceedings or may exercise discretion to make no reference with respect to
convictions for minor offenses for which discipline would not be appropriate.
Any attorney suspended under the first paragraph of this Rule will be reinstated immediately
upon the filing of a certificate demonstrating that the underlying conviction has been vacated or
reversed on direct appeal, but the reinstatement shall not terminate any disciplinary proceeding
then pending against the attorney, the disposition of which shall be determined by the disciplinary
panel on the basis of all available evidence pertaining to both guilt and the extent of discipline to
be imposed.
Discipline Imposed by Other Courts.
Any attorney admitted to practice before this Court shall, upon being subject to public
discipline by any other Court of the United States, or the District of Columbia, or of any state,
territory, commonwealth or possession of the United States, promptly inform the Clerk of this
Court of such action.
Upon filing of a certified copy of a judgment, order, or other official document demonstrating
that an attorney admitted to practice before this Court has been publicly disciplined by another
court, the Chief Judge shall refer the matter to a disciplinary panel and the Clerk of this Court shall
serve on the attorney, personally or by certified or registered mail, a notice containing:
1. a copy of the judgment or order from the other court; and
2. an order to show cause directing that the attorney inform this Court within 30 days after
service of the order of any claim predicated upon the grounds set forth in paragraph (C) of
this Rule that the imposition of substantially similar discipline on the attorney would be
unwarranted and the reasons therefor. The order shall also state that a hearing on such a
claim must be requested within 30 days after service of the order.
Upon the expiration of the time to show cause, if no response has been filed, then the
disciplinary panel shall enter an order imposing substantially similar discipline. If a timely
response is filed, the disciplinary panel shall, after any applicable hearing or other proceedings,
impose substantially the same discipline imposed by the other court unless the attorney
demonstrates, and the disciplinary panel is persuaded:
1. that the procedure used by the other court was so lacking in notice or opportunity to be
heard as to constitute a deprivation of due process; or
2. that there was such an infirmity of proof establishing the misconduct as to give rise to the
clear conviction that this Court could not, consistent with its duty, accept as final the
conclusion on that subject; or
3. that the imposition of substantially similar discipline by this Court would result in grave
injustice; or
4. that the misconduct established is deemed by this Court to warrant different discipline.
Where the disciplinary panel determines that any of these elements exist, it shall enter such other
order as it deems appropriate.
In all other respects, a final adjudication in another court that an attorney has been guilty of
misconduct shall establish conclusively the misconduct for purposes of any disciplinary
proceeding in this Court.
Disbarment on Consent or Resignation in Other Courts.
Any attorney admitted to practice before this Court who shall be disbarred on consent or resign
from the bar of any other court of the United States or the District of Columbia, or from the Bar of
any state, territory, commonwealth or possession of the United States while an investigation into
allegations of misconduct is pending, shall, upon the filing with this Court of a certified or
exemplified copy of the judgment or order accepting such disbarment on consent or resignation,
cease to be permitted to practice before this Court and be stricken from the roll of attorneys
admitted to practice before this Court.
Any attorney admitted to practice before this Court shall, upon being disbarred on consent or
resigning from the bar of any other court of the United States or the District of Columbia, or from
the Bar of any state, territory, commonwealth or possession of the United States while an
investigation into allegations of misconduct is pending, promptly inform the Clerk of this Court of
such disbarment on consent or resignation.
Standards for Professional Conduct.
For misconduct defined in these Rules, and for good cause shown, and after notice and
opportunity to be heard, any attorney admitted to practice before this Court may be disbarred,
suspended from practice before this Court, reprimanded or subjected to such other disciplinary
action as the circumstances may warrant.
Acts or omissions by an attorney admitted to practice before this Court, individually or in
concert with any other person or persons, which violate the Code of Professional Responsibility,
either of the state, territory, commonwealth or possession of the United States in which the attorney
maintains his principal office; or of the state, territory, commonwealth or possession of the United
States in which the attorney is acting at the time of the misconduct; or of the state in which the
circuit maintains its Clerk's Office, shall constitute misconduct and shall be grounds for discipline,
whether or not the act or omission occurred in the course of the attorney-client relationship. The
Code of Professional Responsibility means that code adopted by the highest court of the state,
territory, commonwealth or possession of the United States, as amended from time to time by that
court, except as otherwise provided by specific Rule of this Court after consideration of comments
by representatives of bar associations within the state, territory, commonwealth or possession of
the United States. Failure to comply with the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, the Local
Rules of this Court, or the orders of this Court may also constitute misconduct and be grounds for
Disciplinary Proceedings.
When misconduct or allegations of misconduct on the part of an attorney admitted to practice
before this Court shall come to the attention of a Judge or officer of this Court, whether by
complaint or otherwise, and the applicable procedure is not otherwise mandated by these rules, the
Judge or officer shall refer the matter to the Chief Judge for initial review. If the Chief Judge
determines that misconduct is alleged which, if substantiated, would warrant discipline by this
Court, the Chief Judge shall refer the matter to a disciplinary panel; if not, the Chief Judge may
dismiss the matter. A disciplinary panel shall consist of three judges of this Court, whether active
or senior, appointed by the Chief Judge. The Chief Judge may serve as a member of the disciplinary
panel. In the absence of the Chief Judge, the active judge most senior in service on the Court serves
as chair. If no active judge is on the disciplinary panel, the Chief Judge shall appoint the chair. The
disciplinary panel may at any time appoint counsel to investigate or to prosecute any disciplinary
matter. In a matter in which the Chief Judge is recused, references to "Chief Judge" shall mean the
senior active judge who is not recused.
If the disciplinary panel determines that cause may exist for disciplinary action, the disciplinary
panel will direct the Clerk of the Court to issue an order to the attorney in question to show cause
why (1) specified discipline should not be imposed or (2) discipline to be determined later should
not be imposed. The order shall be served on the attorney personally or by certified or registered
mail, shall notify the attorney of the alleged conduct and the reason the conduct may justify
disciplinary action, and shall direct that 5 copies of a response, including any supporting evidence
or request for a hearing, be filed within 30 days of service of the order or such other time as the
order may specify. The Clerk shall also append a copy of these rules to the order. In any response
to the order, the attorney must also (a) include an affidavit listing the other bars to which the
attorney is admitted, (b) note which if any of the facts alleged are controverted, and (c) specify the
basis on which any controverted facts are disputed. If the disciplinary panel determines on initial
investigation and review that cause does not exist for disciplinary action, the disciplinary panel
may dismiss the matter.
If the attorney fails to timely respond to an order to show cause, or if the attorney's timely
response to the order to show cause does not specifically request to be heard in person, the
disciplinary panel may direct entry of an order imposing discipline or take any other appropriate
action. If the attorney specifically requests to be heard in person, either in defense or in mitigation,
the disciplinary panel shall set the matter for such hearing as is appropriate under the
circumstances. The disciplinary panel may itself order a hearing whether or not one is requested.
Following such a hearing and the receipt of any findings or recommendation that may be required
and any further submissions that the disciplinary panel may invite, the disciplinary panel may
direct entry of an order imposing discipline or take any other appropriate action.
If a hearing is ordered, the disciplinary panel may conduct the hearing itself or designate a
special master (including but not limited to a district judge or magistrate judge serving within the
circuit) for purposes of conducting any hearing. The disciplinary panel (or the special master,
subject to the instruction of the disciplinary panel) may in its discretion adopt appropriate
procedural and evidentiary rules for any such hearing. At the conclusion of a hearing held before
a special master, the special master shall promptly make a report of findings and--if directed by
the disciplinary panel--recommendations to the disciplinary panel. A copy of the report and any
recommendations shall be made available to the attorney under investigation. The disciplinary
panel may reject or adopt the findings and/or recommendations of the special master in whole or
Any attorney may file a petition for rehearing by the disciplinary panel or a combined petition
for rehearing by the disciplinary panel and suggestion for rehearing en banc by the active judges
of the Court. Similarly, the attorney may seek a stay of any disciplinary order entered by the
disciplinary panel, the stay to be sought from the disciplinary panel in the first instance and
thereafter if desired by the attorney from the Court en banc. The procedures for any such petition
will be in accordance with the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure and the Local Rules of this
Court. If en banc review is granted, any senior judge shall be eligible to be a member of the en
banc Court, at that judge's election, in the circumstances specified in 28 U.S.C. § 46(c).
At any time, the disciplinary panel may in its discretion refer a disciplinary matter pending
before it to an appropriate state bar association or state disciplinary board. In such a case, the
disciplinary panel is free to dismiss the matter or hold its own proceedings in abeyance pending
the completion of the state disciplinary proceedings. Nothing in these rules prevents any
disciplinary panel, Judge, or officer of this Court from bringing disciplinary matters to the attention
of the appropriate state disciplinary authorities.
The provisions of this Rule shall govern disciplinary proceedings addressed to misconduct as
defined in Rule IV, and shall also apply to any proceedings under Rule I (Attorneys Convicted of
Crimes), Rule II (Discipline Imposed by Other Courts), and Rule VII (Reinstatement) to the extent
not inconsistent with the express provisions of those rules.
Disbarment on Consent While Under Disciplinary Investigation or Prosecution.
Any attorney admitted to practice before this Court who is the subject of an investigation into,
or a pending proceeding involving, allegations or misconduct may consent to disbarment, but only
by delivering to this Court an affidavit stating that the attorney desires to consent to disbarment
and that:
the attorney’s consent is freely and voluntarily rendered; the attorney is not being subjected
to coercion or duress; the attorney is fully aware of the implications of so consenting;
the attorney is aware that there is a presently pending investigation or proceeding involving
allegation that there exist grounds for the attorney’s discipline the nature of which the
attorney shall specifically set forth;
the attorney acknowledges that the material facts so alleged are true; and
the attorney so consents because the attorney knows that if charges were predicted upon
the matters under investigation, or if the proceeding were prosecuted, the attorney could
not successfully defend himself.
Upon receipt of the required affidavit, this Court shall enter an order disbarring the attorney.
The order disbarring the attorney on consent shall be a matter of public record. However, the
affidavit required under the provisions of this Rule shall not be publicly disclosed or made
available for use in any other proceeding except upon order of this Court.
Unless this Court’s suspension order provides otherwise, an attorney who seeks to resume
practice before this Court after being disbarred or suspended under these rules must petition for
reinstatement. Petitions for reinstatement shall be filed with the Clerk of this Court and contain a
concise statement of the circumstances of the disciplinary proceeding, the discipline imposed by
this Court, and the grounds that justify reinstatement of the attorney in question. In accordance
with Rule V, the Chief Judge shall conduct an initial review, and, as warranted, dismiss the petition
or refer it to a disciplinary panel. After whatever investigation it sees fit, the disciplinary panel
may set the matter for whatever hearing it deems appropriate under the circumstances.
The petitioner shall have the burden of demonstrating by clear and convincing evidence that
he or she has the moral qualifications, competency, and learning in the law required for admission
to practice law before this Court and that the resumption of the practice of law will not be
detrimental to the integrity and standing of the bar or to the administration of justice, or subversive
to the public interest.
If the disciplinary panel finds that the petitioner is unfit to resume the practice of law, the
petition shall be dismissed. If the petitioner is found fit to resume the practice of law, the
disciplinary panel shall enter an order of reinstatement, provided that the disciplinary panel may
make reinstatement conditional upon the payment of all or part of the costs of the proceedings, and
upon the making of partial or complete restitution to parties harmed by the petitioner whose
conduct led to the suspension or disbarment, and the disciplinary panel may impose such other
reasonable conditions as it deems meet. Further, if the petitioner has been suspended or disbarred
for five or more years, the disciplinary panel may in its discretion condition reinstatement upon
the furnishing of proof of competency and learning in the law, which proof may include successful
completion of an examination for admission to practice subsequent to the date of suspension or
No petition for reinstatement under this Rule shall be filed within one year following an
adverse final judgment upon a petition for reinstatement filed by or on behalf of the same attorney.
Attorneys Specially Admitted.
Whenever an attorney applies to be admitted or is admitted to this Court for purposes of a
particular proceeding (pro hac vice), the attorney shall be deemed thereby to have conferred
disciplinary jurisdiction upon this Court for any alleged misconduct of that attorney arising in the
course of or in the preparation for such proceeding.
Appointment of Counsel.
Whenever counsel is appointed pursuant to these rules to investigate allegations of misconduct
or prosecute disciplinary proceedings or in conjunction with a reinstatement petition filed by a
disciplined attorney, a member of the Bar of this Court shall be appointed. Counsel, once
appointed, shall not resign without the consent of the disciplinary panel.
Duties and Powers of the Clerk.
The Clerk of this Court shall promptly notify the National Discipline Data Bank operated by
the American Bar Association of any order imposing public discipline upon any attorney admitted
to practice before this Court.
The Clerk of this Court is empowered, upon being informed that any attorney admitted to
practice before this Court has been convicted of any crime or has been subjected to discipline by
another court, to obtain and file with this Court a certified or exemplified copy of such conviction
or disciplinary judgment or order.
Whenever it appears that any person who is disbarred or suspended or censured or disbarred
on consent by this Court is admitted to practice law in any other jurisdiction or before any other
court, the Clerk of this Court is empowered, to the extent he deems it desirable and necessary to
supplement the action taken under clause A, above, to so advise the disciplinary authority in such
other jurisdiction or such other court.
Nothing contained in these Rules shall be construed to deny to this Court such powers as are
necessary for the Court to maintain control over proceedings conducted before it, such as
proceedings for contempt under Title 18 of the United States Code or under Rule 42 of the Federal
Rules of Criminal Procedure.
Effective Date.
These Rules shall become effective on August 1, 2002, provided that any formal disciplinary
proceedings then pending before the Court shall (unless the Court otherwise directs) be concluded
under the Rules existing prior to that date.
Adopted March 11, 2008
Amended September 17, 2015
Amended March 12, 2019
Effective June 1, 2009
1. Scope and Covered Judges...................................................................................................1
2. Construction and Effect .......................................................................................................2
3. General Definitions ..............................................................................................................3
(a) Chief Judge ..............................................................................................................3
(b) Circuit Clerk.............................................................................................................3
(c) Complaint .................................................................................................................3
(d) Court of Appeals, District Court, and District Judge ...............................................3
(e) Judicial Council and Circuit.....................................................................................4
(f) Judicial Employee ....................................................................................................4
(g) Magistrate Judge ......................................................................................................4
(h) Subject Judge ...........................................................................................................4
4. Misconduct and Disability Definitions ................................................................................6
(a) Misconduct Generally ..............................................................................................7
(b) Conduct Not Constituting Cognizable Misconduct .................................................7
(c) Disability ..................................................................................................................7
5. Identification of Complaint ................................................................................................12
(a) Identification ..........................................................................................................12
(b) Submission Not Fully Complying with Rule 6 ......................................................12
6. Filing of Complaint ............................................................................................................13
(a) Form .......................................................................................................................13
(b) Brief Statement of Facts.........................................................................................13
(c) Legibility ................................................................................................................14
(d) Complainant's Address and Signature; Verification ..............................................14
(e) Number of Copies; Envelope Marking ..................................................................14
7. Where to Initiate Complaint...............................................................................................14
(a) Where to File..........................................................................................................14
(b) Misconduct in Another Circuit; Transfer ...............................................................14
8. Action by Circuit Clerk ......................................................................................................15
(a) Receipt of Complaint .............................................................................................15
(b) Distribution of Copies ............................................................................................15
(c) Complaint Against Noncovered Person .................................................................15
(d) Complaint Against Judge and Another Noncovered Person..................................15
Local Rule 8. Action by Circuit Executive upon Receipt of a Complaint ...................................16
9. Time for Filing or Identifying Complaint ..........................................................................17
10. Abuse of Complaint Procedure ..........................................................................................17
(a) Abusive Complaints ...............................................................................................17
(b) Orchestrated Complaints ........................................................................................17
11. Chief Judge's Review .........................................................................................................19
(a) Purpose of Chief Judge's Review ...........................................................................19
(b) Chief Judge's Inquiry .............................................................................................19
(c) Dismissal ................................................................................................................19
(d) Corrective Action ...................................................................................................20
(e) Intervening Events .................................................................................................20
(f) Appointment of Special Committee .......................................................................20
(g) Notice of Chief Judge's Action; Petition for Review .............................................20
(h) Public Availability of Chief Judge's Decision .......................................................21
12. Special Committee's Composition .....................................................................................26
(a) Membership ...........................................................................................................26
(b) Presiding Officer ....................................................................................................26
(c) Bankruptcy Judge or Magistrate Judge as Adviser ................................................26
(d) Provision of Documents .........................................................................................26
(e) Continuing Qualification of Special-Committee Member .....................................26
(f) Inability of Special-Committee Member to Complete Service ..............................26
(g) Voting ....................................................................................................................26
13. Conduct of Special-Committee Investigation ....................................................................28
(a) Extent and Methods of Special-Committee Investigation .....................................28
(b) Criminal Conduct ...................................................................................................28
(c) Staff ........................................................................................................................28
(d) Delegation of Subpoena Power; Contempt ............................................................28
14. Conduct of Special-Committee Hearings ..........................................................................29
(a) Purpose of Hearings ...............................................................................................29
(b) Special-Committee Evidence .................................................................................29
(c) Counsel for Witnesses............................................................................................30
(d) Witness Fees ..........................................................................................................30
(e) Oath ....................................................................................................................... 30
(f) Rules of Evidence ..................................................................................................30
(g) Record and Transcript ............................................................................................30
15. Subject Judge's Rights .......................................................................................................30
(a) Notice .....................................................................................................................30
(b) Special-Committee Report .....................................................................................31
(c) Presentation of Evidence........................................................................................31
(d) Presentation of Argument ......................................................................................31
(e) Attendance at Hearings ..........................................................................................31
(f) Representation by Counsel ....................................................................................31
16. Complainant's Rights in Investigation ...............................................................................32
(a) Notice .....................................................................................................................32
(b) Opportunity to Provide Evidence...........................................................................32
(c) Presentation of Argument ......................................................................................32
(d) Representation by Counsel ....................................................................................32
17. Special-Committee Report .................................................................................................33
18. Petition for Review of Chief-Judge Disposition Under Rule 11(c), (d), or (e) .................34
(a) Petition for Review ................................................................................................34
(b) When to File; Form; Where to File ........................................................................34
(c) Receipt and Distribution of Petition ......................................................................34
(d) Untimely Petition ...................................................................................................34
(e) Timely Petition Not in Proper Form ......................................................................35
Local Rule 18. Petitions for Review of Chief Judge Dispositions under
Rule 11(c), (d) or (e) ..........................................................................................................35
19. Judicial-Council Disposition of Petition for Review .........................................................36
(a) Rights of Subject Judge .........................................................................................36
(b) Judicial-Council Action .........................................................................................36
(c) Notice of Judicial-Council Decision ......................................................................36
(d) Memorandum of Judicial-Council Decision ..........................................................36
(e) Review of Judicial-Council Decision ....................................................................37
(f) Public Availability of Judicial-Council Decision ..................................................37
Local Rule 19. Judicial Council Disposition of Petitions for Review...........................................37
20. Judicial-Council Action Following Appointment of Special Committee ..........................38
(a) Subject Judge's Rights ...........................................................................................38
(b) Judicial-Council Action .........................................................................................38
(c) Inadequate Basis for Decision ...............................................................................39
(d) Judicial-Council Vote ............................................................................................40
(e) Recommendation for Fee Reimbursement .............................................................40
(f) Judicial-Council Order ...........................................................................................40
21. Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability .................................................................43
(a) Committee Review.................................................................................................43
(b) Reviewable Matters ...............................................................................................43
(c) Committee Vote .....................................................................................................43
(d) Additional Investigation.........................................................................................43
(e) Oral Argument; Personal Appearance ...................................................................44
(f) Committee Decision...............................................................................................44
(g) Finality ...................................................................................................................44
22. Procedures for Review .......................................................................................................45
(a) Filing Petition for Review ......................................................................................45
(b) Form and Contents of Petition ...............................................................................45
(c) Time .......................................................................................................................45
(d) Action on Receipt of Petition .................................................................................45
23. Confidentiality ...................................................................................................................46
(a) Confidentiality Generally.......................................................................................46
(b) Confidentiality in the Complaint Process ..............................................................46
(c) Disclosure of Misconduct and Disability ...............................................................47
24. Public Availability of Decisions ........................................................................................50
(a) General Rule; Specific Cases .................................................................................50
(b) Manner of Making Public ......................................................................................50
(c) Orders of Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability .....................................50
(d) Complaints Referred to Judicial Conference .........................................................51
25. Disqualification ..................................................................................................................52
(a) General Rule ..........................................................................................................52
(b) Subject Judge .........................................................................................................52
(c) Chief Judge Disqualified from Considering Petition for
Review of Chief Judge's Order ..............................................................................53
(d) Member of Special Committee Not Disqualified ..................................................53
(e) Subject Judge's Disqualification After Appointment of Special Committee .........53
(f) Substitute for Disqualified Chief Judge .................................................................53
(g) Judicial-Council Action When Multiple Judges Disqualified ...............................53
(h) Disqualification of Members of Committee on Judicial Conduct
and Disability .........................................................................................................53
26. Transfer to Another Judicial Council .................................................................................56
27. Withdrawal of Complaint or Petition for Review ..............................................................56
(a) Complaint Pending Before Chief Judge ................................................................56
(b) Complaint Pending Before Special Committee or Judicial Council ......................56
(c) Petition for Review ................................................................................................56
28. Availability of Rules and Forms ........................................................................................57
29. Effective Date ....................................................................................................................57
These Rules were promulgated by the Judicial Conference of the United States, after public
comment, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 331 and 358, to establish standards and procedures for
addressing complaints filed by complainants or identified by chief judges under the Judicial
Conduct and Disability Act, 28 U.S.C. §§ 351364.
1. Scope and Covered Judges
(a) Scope. These Rules govern proceedings under the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act
(Act), 28 U.S.C. §§ 351364, to determine whether a covered judge has engaged in
conduct prejudicial to the effective and expeditious administration of the business of
the courts or is unable to discharge the duties of office because of mental or physical
(b) Covered Judge. A covered judge is defined under the Act and is limited to judges of
United States courts of appeals, judges of United States district courts, judges of
United States bankruptcy courts, United States magistrate judges, and judges of the
courts specified in 28 U.S.C. § 363.
Commentary on Rule 1
In September 2006, the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act Study Committee (“Breyer
Committee”), appointed in 2004 by Chief Justice Rehnquist, presented a report (“Breyer
Committee Report”), 239 F.R.D. 116 (Sept. 2006), to Chief Justice Roberts that evaluated
implementation of the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980, 28 U.S.C. §§ 351364. The
Breyer Committee had been formed in response to criticism from the public and Congress
regarding the effectiveness of the Act’s implementation. The Executive Committee of the
Judicial Conference directed its Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability to consider the
Breyer Committee’s recommendations and to report on their implementation to the Conference.
The Breyer Committee found that it could not evaluate implementation of the Act
without establishing interpretive standards, Breyer Committee Report, 239 F.R.D. at 132, and
that a major problem faced by chief judges in implementing the Act was the lack of authoritative
interpretive standards. Id. at 21215. The Breyer Committee then established standards to guide
its evaluation, some of which were new formulations and some of which were taken from the
“Illustrative Rules Governing Complaints of Judicial Misconduct and Disability,” discussed
below. The principal standards used by the Breyer Committee are in Appendix E of its Report.
Id. at 238.
Based on the Breyer Committee’s findings, the Committee on Judicial Conduct and
Disability concluded that there was a need for the Judicial Conference to exercise its power
under Section 358 of the Act to fashion standards guiding the various officers and bodies that
must exercise responsibility under the Act. To that end, the Committee on Judicial Conduct and
Disability proposed rules based largely on Appendix E of the Breyer Committee Report and the
Illustrative Rules.
The Illustrative Rules were originally prepared in 1986 by the Special Committee of the
Conference of Chief Judges of the United States Courts of Appeals, and were subsequently
revised and amended, most recently in 2000, by the predecessor to the Committee on Judicial
Conduct and Disability. The Illustrative Rules were adopted, with minor variations, by circuit
judicial councils, to govern complaints under the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act.
After being submitted for public comment pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 358(c), the Judicial
Conference promulgated the present Rules on March 11, 2008. They were amended on
September 17, 2015, and again on March 12, 2019.
The definition of a covered judge tracks the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act. See 28
U.S.C. § 351(d)(1) (defining the term “judge” as “a circuit judge, district judge, bankruptcy
judge, or magistrate judge”). As long as the subject of a complaint retains the judicial office and
remains a covered judge as defined in Rule 1(b), a complaint must be addressed. Id.; 28 U.S.C.
§§ 371(b); 372(a).
Rules 8(c) and (d) address the procedures for processing a complaint involving
allegations against a person not covered by the Act, such as other court personnel, or against both
a covered judge and a noncovered person. Court employees seeking to report, or file a claim
related to, misconduct or the denial of rights granted under their Employment Dispute Resolution
(EDR) plan by other court personnel may wish to consult the Model EDR Plan and the EDR plan
for the relevant court, among other resources. See Guide to Judiciary Policy, vol. 12, appx. 2B.
2. Construction and Effect
(a) Generally. These Rules are mandatory; they supersede any conflicting judicial-
council rules. Judicial councils may promulgate additional rules to implement the Act
as long as those rules do not conflict with these Rules.
(b) Exception. A Rule will not apply if, when performing duties authorized by the Act, a
chief judge, a special committee, a judicial council, the Committee on Judicial
Conduct and Disability, or the Judicial Conference expressly finds that exceptional
circumstances render application of that Rule in a particular proceeding manifestly
unjust or contrary to the purposes of the Act or these Rules.
Commentary on Rule 2
Unlike the Illustrative Rules, these Rules provide mandatory and nationally uniform
provisions governing the substantive and procedural aspects of misconduct and disability
proceedings under the Act. The mandatory nature of these Rules is authorized by 28 U.S.C. §
358(a) and (c). Judicial councils retain the power to promulgate rules consistent with these Rules.
For example, a local rule may authorize the electronic distribution of materials pursuant to Rule
Rule 2(b) recognizes that unforeseen and exceptional circumstances may call for a
different approach in particular cases.
3. General Definitions
The following general definitions apply to these Rules. Cognizable misconduct and disability
are defined in Rule 4.
(a) Chief Judge. “Chief judge” means the chief judge of a United States court of appeals,
of the United States Court of International Trade, or of the United States Court of
Federal Claims.
(b) Circuit Clerk. “Circuit clerk” means a clerk of a United States court of appeals, the
clerk of the United States Court of International Trade, the clerk of the United States
Court of Federal Claims, or the circuit executive of the United States Court of Appeals
for the Federal Circuit.
(c) Complaint. A "complaint" is:
(1) a document that, in accordance with Rule 6, is filed by, or on behalf of, any
person, including a document filed by an organization; or
(2) information from any source, other than a document described in (c)(1), that
gives a chief judge probable cause to believe that a covered judge, as defined
in Rule 1(b), has engaged in misconduct or may have a disability, whether or
not the information is framed as or is intended to be an allegation of
misconduct or disability.
(d) Court of Appeals, District Court, and District Judge. "Court of appeals," "district
court," and "district judge," where appropriate, include the United States Court of
Federal Claims, the United States Court of International Trade, and the judges
(e) Judicial Council and Circuit. “Judicial council” and “circuit,” where appropriate,
include any courts designated in 28 U.S.C. § 363.
(f) Judicial Employee. “Judicial Employee” includes judicial assistants, law clerks, and
other court employees, including unpaid staff, such as interns, externs, and other
volunteer employees.
(g) Magistrate Judge. “Magistrate judge,” where appropriate, includes a special master
appointed by the Court of Federal Claims under 42 U.S.C. § 300aa-12(c).
(h) Subject Judge. “Subject judge” means a covered judge, as described in Rule 1(b), who
is the subject of a complaint.
Commentary on Rule 3
Rule 3 is derived and adapted from the Breyer Committee Report and the Illustrative
Unless otherwise specified or the context otherwise indicates, the term "complaint" is
used in these Rules to refer both to complaints identified by a chief judge under Rule 5 and to
complaints filed by a complainant under Rule 6.
Under the Act, a “complaint” may be filed by “any person” or “identified” by a chief
judge. See 28 U.S.C. § 351(a), (b). Under Rule 3(c)(1), a complaint may be submitted by, or on
behalf of, any person, including a document filed by an organization. Traditional standing
requirements do not apply. Individuals or organizations may file a complaint even if they have
not been directly injured or aggrieved.
Generally, the word “complaint” brings to mind the commencement of an adversary
proceeding in which the contending parties are left to present the evidence and legal arguments,
and judges play the role of an essentially passive arbiter. The Act, however, establishes an
administrative, inquisitorial process. For example, even absent a complaint filed by a
complainant under Rule 6, chief judges are expected in some circumstances to trigger the process
“identify a complaint,” see 28 U.S.C. § 351(b) and Rule 5 and conduct an investigation
without becoming a party. See 28 U.S.C. § 352(a); Breyer Committee Report, 239 F.R.D. at 214;
Illustrative Rule 2(j). Where the complainant reveals information of misconduct or disability but
does not claim it as such, the chief judge is not limited to the “four corners of the complaint” and
should proceed under Rule 5 to determine whether identification of a complaint is appropriate.
See Breyer Committee Report, 239 F.R.D. at 18384.
An allegation of misconduct or disability filed under Rule 6 is a “complaint,” and the
Rule so provides in subsection (c)(1). However, both the nature of the process and the use of the
term “identify” suggest that the word “complaint” covers more than a document formally
triggering the process. The process relies on chief judges considering known information and
triggering the process when appropriate. “Identifying” a “complaint,” therefore, is best
understood as the chief judge’s concluding that information known to the judge constitutes
probable cause to believe that misconduct occurred or a disability exists, whether or not the
information is framed as, or intended to be, an accusation. This definition is codified in
subsection (c)(2).
The remaining subsections of Rule 3 provide technical definitions clarifying the
application of the Rules.
4. Misconduct and Disability Definitions
(a) Misconduct Generally. Cognizable Misconduct is conduct prejudicial to the effective and expeditious
administration of the business of the courts. Cognizable misconduct includes, but is not limited to,
the following:
(1) Violation of Specific Standards of Judicial Conduct. Cognizable misconduct includes:
(A) using the judge’s office to obtain special treatment for friends or relatives;
(B) accepting bribes, gifts, or other personal favors related to the judicial office;
(C) engaging in improper ex parte communications with parties or counsel for one side in
a case;
(D) engaging in partisan political activity or making inappropriately partisan statements;
(E) soliciting funds for organizations; or
(F) violating rules or standards pertaining to restrictions on outside income or knowingly
violating requirements for financial disclosure.
(2) Abusive or Harassing Behavior. Cognizable misconduct includes:
(A) engaging in unwanted, offensive, or abusive sexual conduct, including sexual
harassment or assault;
(B) treating litigants, attorneys, judicial employees, or others in a demonstrably egregious
and hostile manner; or
(C) creating a hostile work environment for judicial employees.
(3) Discrimination. Cognizable misconduct includes intentional discrimination on the basis of
race, color, sex, gender, gender identity, pregnancy, sexual orientation, religion, national
origin, age, or disability;
(4) Retaliation. Cognizable misconduct includes retaliating against complainants, witnesses,
judicial employees, or others for participating in this complaint process, or for reporting or
disclosing judicial misconduct or disability;
(5) Interference or Failure to Comply with the Complaint Process. Cognizable misconduct
includes refusing, without good cause shown, to cooperate in the investigation of a complaint
or enforcement of a decision rendered under these Rules; or
(6) Failure to Report or Disclose. Cognizable misconduct includes failing to call to the attention
of the relevant chief district judge or chief circuit judge any reliable information reasonably
likely to constitute judicial misconduct or disability.
A judge who receives such reliable information shall respect a request for confidentiality but
shall nonetheless disclose the information to the relevant chief district judge or chief circuit
judge, who shall also treat the information as confidential. Certain reliable information may
be protected from disclosure by statute or rule. A judge’s assurance of confidentiality must
yield when there is reliable information of misconduct or disability that threatens the safety
or security of any person or that is serious or egregious such that it threatens the integrity and
proper functioning of the judiciary.
A person reporting information of misconduct or disability must be informed at the outset of
a judge’s responsibility to disclose such information to the relevant chief district judge or chief
circuit judge.
Reliable information reasonably likely to constitute judicial misconduct or disability related
to a chief circuit judge should be called to the attention of the next most-senior active circuit
judge. Such information related to a chief district judge should be called to the attention of
the chief circuit judge.
(7) Conduct Outside the Performance of Official Duties. Cognizable misconduct includes conduct
occurring outside the performance of official duties if the conduct is reasonably likely to have
a prejudicial effect on the administration of the business of the courts, including a substantial
and widespread lowering of public confidence in the courts among reasonable people.
(b) Conduct Not Constituting Cognizable Misconduct.
(1) Allegations Related to the Merits of a Decision or Procedural Ruling. Cognizable misconduct
does not include an allegation that calls into question the correctness of a judge’s ruling,
including a failure to recuse.
If the decision or ruling is alleged to be the result of an improper motive, e.g., a bribe, ex
parte contact, racial or ethnic bias, or improper conduct in rendering a decision or ruling,
such as personally derogatory remarks irrelevant to the issues, the complaint is not
cognizable to the extent that it calls into question the merits of the decision.
(2) Allegations About Delay. Cognizable misconduct does not include an allegation about delay
in rendering a decision or ruling, unless the allegation concerns an improper motive in
delaying a particular decision or habitual delay in a significant number of unrelated cases.
(c) Disability. Disability is a temporary or permanent impairment, physical or mental, rendering a judge
unable to discharge the duties of the particular judicial office. Examples of disability include
substance abuse, the inability to stay awake during court proceedings, or impairment of cognitive
abilities that renders the judge unable to function effectively.
Commentary on Rule 4
The phrase “prejudicial to the effective and expeditious administration of the business of the courts” is not
subject to precise definition, and subsection (a) therefore provides some specific examples. 28 U.S.C. § 351(a).
The Code of Conduct for United States Judges sets forth behavioral guidelines for judges. While the Code’s
Canons are instructive, ultimately the responsibility for determining what constitutes cognizable misconduct is
determined by the Act and these Rules, as interpreted and applied by judicial councils, subject to review and
limitations prescribed by the Act and these Rules. See also Rule 24 (Public Availability of Decisions).
Even where specific, mandatory rules exist for example, governing the receipt of gifts by judges,
outside earned income, and financial disclosure obligations the distinction between the misconduct statute and
these specific, mandatory rules must be borne in mind. For example, an inadvertent, minor violation of any one
of these rules, promptly remedied when called to the attention of the judge, might still be a violation but might
not rise to the level of misconduct under the Act. By contrast, a pattern of such violations of the Code might well
rise to the level of misconduct.
Rule 4(a)(2)(A) provides expressly that unwanted, offensive, or abusive sexual conduct by a judge,
including sexual harassment or assault, constitutes cognizable misconduct. The Rule recognizes that anyone can
be a victim of unwanted, offensive, or abusive sexual conduct, regardless of their sex and of the sex of the judge
engaging in the misconduct.
Under Rule 4(a)(4), a judge’s efforts to retaliate against any person for reporting or disclosing
misconduct, or otherwise participating in the complaint process constitute cognizable misconduct. The Rule
makes the prohibition against retaliation explicit in the interest of promoting public confidence in the complaint
Rules 4(a)(2), (3), and (4) reflect the judiciary’s commitment to maintaining a work environment in which
all judicial employees are treated with dignity, fairness, and respect, and are free from harassment,
discrimination, and retaliation. See Code of Conduct for United States Judges, Canon 3A(3) cmt. (“The duty to
be respectful includes the responsibility to avoid comment or behavior that could reasonably be interpreted as
harassment, prejudice or bias.”).
Rule 4(a)(5) provides that a judge’s refusal, without good cause shown, to cooperate in the investigation
of a complaint or enforcement of a decision rendered under these Rules constitutes cognizable misconduct.
While the exercise of rights under the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution would constitute good cause under
Rule 4(a)(5), given the fact-specific nature of the inquiry, it is not possible to otherwise anticipate all
circumstances that might also constitute good cause. The Commentary on Rule 13 provides additional discussion
regarding Rule 4(a)(5). The Rules contemplate that judicial councils will not consider commencing proceedings
under Rule 4(a)(5) except as necessary after other means to acquire the information or enforce a decision have
been tried or have proven futile.
All judges have a duty to bring to the attention of the relevant chief district judge or chief circuit judge
reliable information reasonably likely to constitute judicial misconduct or disability. See Rule 4(a)(6). This duty
is included within every judge’s obligation to assist in addressing allegations of misconduct or disability and to
take appropriate action as necessary. Public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary is
promoted when judges take appropriate action based on reliable information of likely misconduct. Appropriate
action depends on the circumstances, but the overarching goal of such action should be to prevent harm to those
affected by the misconduct and to prevent recurrence. See Code of Conduct for United States Judges, Canon
3B(6) & cmt. These Rules incorporate those principles while allowing for appropriate, expeditious, fair, and
effective resolutions of all such complaints.
The formal procedures outlined in these Rules are intended to address serious issues of judicial
misconduct and disability. By statute and rule, the chief circuit judge administers the misconduct and disability
complaint process, including the authority to investigate an allegation and, if warranted, to identify a formal
complaint. See Rule 5. Disclosures made to or otherwise brought to the attention of the appropriate chief district
judge of reliable information of misconduct or disability that threatens the safety or security of any person or that
is serious or egregious such that it threatens the integrity and proper functioning of the judiciary warrant
communication to and consultation with the chief circuit judge in light of the chief circuit judge’s statutory
responsibility for overseeing any required final action.
In practice, however, not all allegations of misconduct or disability will warrant resort to the formal
procedures outlined in these Rules because they appear likely to yield to effective, prompt resolution through
informal corrective action. In such cases, allegations may initially be addressed to the chief district judge or the
chief circuit judge to determine whether informal corrective action will suffice and to initiate such steps as
promptly as is reasonable under the circumstances.
A person who seeks to report information of misconduct or disability on a confidential or anonymous
basis may proceed through various alternative avenues within the judiciary, including the Office of Judicial
Integrity and/or comparable offices within the circuits.
Rule 4(a)(7) reflects that an allegation can meet the statutory standard for misconduct even though the
judge’s alleged conduct did not occur in the course of the performance of official duties. Furthermore, some
conduct specified in Rule 4(a)(1) through 4(a)(6), or not specified within these Rules, might constitute
misconduct occurring outside the performance of official duties. The Code of Conduct for United States Judges
expressly covers a wide range of extraofficial activities, and some of these activities may constitute misconduct
under the Act and these Rules. For example, allegations that a judge solicited funds for a charity or other
organization or participated in a partisan political event are cognizable under the Act even though they did not
occur in the course of the performance of the judge’s official duties.
Rule 4(b)(1) tracks the Act, 28 U.S.C. § 352(b)(1)(A)(ii), in excluding from the definition of misconduct
allegations “[d]irectly related to the merits of a decision or procedural ruling.” This exclusion preserves the
independence of judges in the exercise of judicial authority by ensuring that the complaint procedure is not used
to collaterally call into question the substance of a judge’s decision or procedural ruling. Any allegation that calls
into question the correctness of an official decision or procedural ruling of a judge without more is merits-
related. The phrase “decision or procedural ruling” is not limited to rulings issued in deciding Article III cases or
controversies. Thus, a complaint challenging the correctness of a chief judge’s determination to dismiss a prior
misconduct complaint would be properly dismissed as merits-related in other words, as challenging the
substance of the judge’s administrative determination to dismiss the complaint — even though it does not
concern the judge’s rulings in Article III litigation. Similarly, an allegation that a judge incorrectly declined to
approve a Criminal Justice Act voucher is merits-related under this standard.
Conversely, an allegation that a judge conspired with a prosecutor to make a particular ruling is not
merits-related, even though it “relates” to a ruling in a colloquial sense. Such an allegation attacks the propriety
of conspiring with the prosecutor and goes beyond a challenge to the correctness “the merits” — of the ruling
itself. An allegation that a judge ruled against the complainant because the complainant is a member of a
particular racial or ethnic group, or because the judge dislikes the complainant personally, is also not merits-
related. Such an allegation attacks the propriety of arriving at rulings with an illicit or improper motive.
Similarly, an allegation that a judge used an inappropriate term to refer to a class of people is not merits-related
even if the judge used it on the bench or in an opinion; the correctness of the judge’s rulings is not at stake. An
allegation that a judge treated litigants, attorneys, judicial employees, or others in a demonstrably egregious and
hostile manner is also not merits-related.
The existence of an appellate remedy is usually irrelevant to whether an allegation is merits-related. The
merits-related ground for dismissal exists to protect judges’ independence in making rulings, not to protect or
promote the appellate process. A complaint alleging an incorrect ruling is merits-related even though the
complainant has no recourse from that ruling. By the same token, an allegation that is otherwise cognizable
under the Act should not be dismissed merely because an appellate remedy appears to exist (for example,
vacating a ruling that resulted from an improper ex parte communication). However, there may be occasions
when appellate and misconduct proceedings overlap, and consideration and disposition of a complaint under
these Rules may be properly deferred by the chief judge until the appellate proceedings are concluded to avoid
inconsistent decisions.
Because of the special need to protect judges’ independence in deciding what to say in an opinion or
ruling, a somewhat different standard applies to determine the merits-relatedness of a non-frivolous allegation
that a judge’s language in a ruling reflected an improper motive. If the judge’s language was relevant to the case
at hand for example, a statement that a claim is legally or factually “frivolous” — then the judge’s choice of
language is presumptively merits-related and excluded, absent evidence apart from the ruling itself suggesting an
improper motive. If, on the other hand, the challenged language does not seem relevant on its face, then an
additional inquiry under Rule 11(b) is necessary.
With regard to Rule 4(b)(2), a complaint of delay in a single case is excluded as merits-related. Such an
allegation may be said to challenge the correctness of an official action of the judge, i.e., assigning a low priority
to deciding the particular case. But, an allegation of a habitual pattern of delay in a significant number of
unrelated cases, or an allegation of deliberate delay in a single case arising out of an improper motive, is not
Rule 4(c) relates to disability and provides only the most general definition, recognizing that a fact-
specific approach is the only one available. A mental disability could involve cognitive impairment or any
psychiatric or psychological condition that renders the judge unable to discharge the duties of office. Such duties
may include those that are administrative. If, for example, the judge is a chief judge, the judicial council,
fulfilling its obligation under 28 U.S.C. § 332(d)(1) to make “necessary and appropriate orders for the effective
and expeditious administration of justice,” may find, under 28 U.S.C. § 45(d) or § 136(e), that the judge is
“temporarily unable to perform” his or her chief-judge duties. In that event, an appropriate remedy could
involve, under Rule 20(b)(1)(D)(vii), temporary reassignment of chief-judge duties to the next judge statutorily
eligible to perform them.
Confidentiality as referenced elsewhere in these Rules is directed toward protecting the fairness and
thoroughness of the process by which a complaint is filed or initiated, investigated (in specific circumstances),
and ultimately resolved, as specified under these Rules. Nothing in these Rules concerning the confidentiality of
the complaint process or the Code of Conduct for Judicial Employees concerning use or disclosure of
confidential information received in the course of official duties prevents judicial employees from reporting or
disclosing misconduct or disability. See Rule 23(c).
5. Identification of Complaint
(a) Identification. When a chief judge has information constituting reasonable grounds for inquiry into
whether a covered judge has engaged in misconduct or has a disability, the chief judge may conduct
an inquiry, as he or she deems appropriate, into the accuracy of the information even if no related
complaint has been filed. A chief judge who finds probable cause to believe that misconduct has
occurred or that a disability exists may seek an informal resolution that he or she finds satisfactory.
If no informal resolution is achieved or is feasible, the chief judge may identify a complaint and, by
written order stating the reasons, begin the review provided in Rule 11. If the evidence of misconduct
is clear and convincing and no informal resolution is achieved or is feasible, the chief judge must
identify a complaint. A chief judge must not decline to identify a complaint merely because the person
making the allegation has not filed a complaint under Rule 6. This Rule is subject to Rule 7.
(b) Submission Not Fully Complying with Rule 6. A legible submission in substantial but not full
compliance with Rule 6 must be considered as possible grounds for the identification of a complaint
under Rule 5(a).
Commentary on Rule 5
This Rule is adapted from the Breyer Committee Report, 239 F.R.D. at 24546.
The Act authorizes a chief judge, by written order stating reasons, to identify a complaint and thereby
dispense with the filing of a written complaint. See 28 U.S.C. § 351(b). Under Rule 5, when a chief judge
becomes aware of information constituting reasonable grounds to inquire into possible misconduct or disability
on the part of a covered judge, and no formal complaint has been filed, the chief judge has the power in his or her
discretion to begin an appropriate inquiry. A chief judge's decision whether to informally seek a resolution and/or
to identify a complaint is guided by the results of that inquiry. If the chief judge concludes that there is probable
cause to believe that misconduct has occurred or a disability exists, the chief judge may seek an informal
resolution, if feasible, and if failing in that, may identify a complaint. Discretion is accorded largely for the
reasons police officers and prosecutors have discretion in making arrests or bringing charges. The matter may be
trivial and isolated, based on marginal evidence, or otherwise highly unlikely to lead to a misconduct or disability
finding. On the other hand, if the inquiry leads the chief judge to conclude that there is clear and convincing
evidence of misconduct or a disability, and no satisfactory informal resolution has been achieved or is feasible,
the chief judge is required to identify a complaint.
An informal resolution is one agreed to by the subject judge and found satisfactory by the chief judge.
Because an informal resolution under Rule 5 reached before a complaint is filed under Rule 6 will generally
cause a subsequent Rule 6 complaint alleging the identical matter to be concluded, See Rule 11(d), the chief
judge must be sure that the resolution is fully appropriate before endorsing it. In doing so, the chief judge must
balance the seriousness of the matter against the particular judge's alacrity in addressing the issue. The
availability of this procedure should encourage attempts at swift remedial action before a formal complaint is
When a chief judge identifies a complaint, a written order stating the reasons for the identification must
be provided; this begins the process articulated in Rule 11. Rule 11 provides that once a chief judge has identified
a complaint, the chief judge, subject to the disqualification provisions of Rule 25, will perform, with respect to
that complaint, all functions assigned to the chief judge for the determination of complaints filed by a
In high-visibility situations, it may be desirable for a chief judge to identify a complaint without first
seeking an informal resolution (and then, if the circumstances warrant, dismiss or conclude the identified
complaint without appointment of a special committee) in order to assure the public that the allegations have not
been ignored.
A chief judge's decision not to identify a complaint under Rule 5 is not appealable and is subject to Rule
4(b)(1), which excludes merits-related complaints from the definition of misconduct.
A chief judge may not decline to identify a complaint solely on the basis that the unfiled allegations could
be raised by one or more persons in a filed complaint, but none of these persons has opted to do so.
Subsection (a) concludes by stating that this Rule is "subject to Rule 7." This is intended to establish that
only (i) the chief judge of the home circuit of a potential subject judge, or (ii) the chief judge of a circuit in which
misconduct is alleged to have occurred in the course of official business while the potential subject judge was
sitting by designation, shall have the power or a duty under this Rule to identify a complaint.
Subsection (b) provides that submissions that do not comply with the requirements of Rule 6(d) must be
considered under Rule 5(a). For instance, if a complaint has been filed but the form submitted is unsigned, or the
truth of the statements therein are not verified in writing under penalty of perjury, then a chief judge must
nevertheless consider the allegations as known information and as a possible basis for the identification of a
complaint under the process described in Rule 5(a).
6. Filing of Complaint
(a) Form. A complainant may use the form reproduced in the Appendix to these Rules or a form
designated by the rules of the judicial council in the circuit in which the complaint is filed. A
complaint form is also available on each court of appeals' website or may be obtained from the circuit
clerk or any district court or bankruptcy court within the circuit. A form is not necessary to file a
complaint, but the complaint must be written and must include the information described in (b).
(b) Brief Statement of Facts. A complaint must contain a concise statement that details the specific facts
on which the claim of misconduct or disability is based. The statement of facts should include a
description of:
(1) what happened;
(2) when and where the relevant events happened;
(3) any information that would help an investigator check the facts; and
(4) for an allegation of disability, any additional facts that form the basis of that allegation.
(c) Legibility. A complaint should be typewritten if possible. If not typewritten, it must be legible. An
illegible complaint will be returned to the complainant with a request to resubmit it in legible form.
If a resubmitted complaint is still illegible, it will not be accepted for filing.
(d) Complainant's Address and Signature; Verification. The complainant must provide a contact
address and sign the complaint. The truth of the statements made in the complaint must be verified
in writing under penalty of perjury. If any of these requirements are not met, the submission will be
accepted, but it will be reviewed under only Rule 5(b).
(e) Number of Copies; Envelope Marking. The complainant shall provide the number of copies of the
complaint required by local rule. Each copy should be in an envelope marked “Complaint of
Misconduct” or “Complaint of Disability.” The envelope must not show the name of any subject
Commentary on Rule 6
The Rule is adapted from the Illustrative Rules and is largely self-explanatory. As discussed in the
Commentary on Rule 4 and in Rule 23(c), confidentiality as referenced elsewhere in these Rules does not prevent
judicial employees from reporting or disclosing misconduct or disability.
7. Where to Initiate Complaint
(a) Where to File. Except as provided in (b),
(1) a complaint against a judge of a United States court of appeals, a United States district court,
a United States bankruptcy court, or a United States magistrate judge must be filed with the
circuit clerk in the jurisdiction in which the subject judge holds office.
(2) a complaint against a judge of the United States Court of International Trade or the United
States Court of Federal Claims must be filed with the respective clerk of that court.
(3) a complaint against a judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit must
be filed with the circuit executive of that court.
(b) Misconduct in Another Circuit; Transfer. If a complaint alleges misconduct in the course of official
business while the subject judge was sitting on a court by designation under 28 U.S.C. §§ 291293
and 294(d), the complaint may be filed or identified with the circuit clerk of that circuit or of the
subject judge's home circuit. The proceeding will continue in the circuit of the first-filed or first-
identified complaint. The judicial council of the circuit where the complaint was first filed or first
identified may transfer the complaint to the subject judge's home circuit or to the circuit where the
alleged misconduct occurred, as the case may be.
Commentary on Rule 7
Title 28 U.S.C. § 351 states that complaints are to be filed with "the clerk of the court of appeals for the
circuit." However, in many circuits, this role is filled by circuit executives. Accordingly, the term "circuit clerk,"
as defined in Rule 3(b) and used throughout these Rules, applies to circuit executives.
Section 351 uses the term "the circuit" in a way that suggests that either the home circuit of the subject
judge or the circuit in which misconduct is alleged to have occurred is the proper venue for complaints. With an
exception for judges sitting by designation, the Rule requires the filing or identification of a misconduct or
disability complaint in the circuit in which the judge holds office, largely based on the administrative perspective
of the Act. Given the Act's emphasis on the future conduct of the business of the courts, the circuit in which the
judge holds office is the appropriate forum because that circuit is likely best able to influence a judge's future
behavior in constructive ways.
However, when judges sit by designation, the non-home circuit has a strong interest in redressing
misconduct in the course of official business, and where allegations also involve a member of the bar ex parte
contact between an attorney and a judge, for example it may often be desirable to have the judicial and bar
misconduct proceedings take place in the same venue. Rule 7(b), therefore, allows transfer to, or filing or
identification of a complaint in, the non-home circuit. The proceeding may be transferred by the judicial council
of the filing or identified circuit to the other circuit.
8. Action by Circuit Clerk
(a) Receipt of Complaint. Upon receiving a complaint against a judge filed under Rule 6 or identified
under Rule 5, the circuit clerk must open a file, assign a docket number according to a uniform
numbering scheme promulgated by the Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability, and
acknowledge the complaint’s receipt.
(b) Distribution of Copies. The circuit clerk must promptly send copies of a complaint filed under Rule
6 to the chief judge or, where the chief judge is disqualified from considering a complaint, to the
judge authorized to act as chief judge under Rule 25(f), and copies of complaints filed under Rule 6
or identified under Rule 5 to each subject judge. The circuit clerk must retain the original complaint.
Any further distribution should be as provided by local rule.
(c) Complaint Against Noncovered Person. If the circuit clerk receives a complaint about a person not
holding an office described in Rule 1(b), the clerk must not accept the complaint under these Rules.
(d) Complaint Against Judge and Another Noncovered Person. If the circuit clerk receives a complaint
about a judge described in Rule 1(b) and a person not holding an office described in Rule 1(b), the
clerk must accept the complaint under these Rules only with regard to the judge and must so inform
the complainant.
Commentary on Rule 8
This Rule is adapted from the Illustrative Rules and is largely self-explanatory.
The uniform docketing scheme described in subsection (a) should take into account potential problems
associated with a complaint that names multiple judges. One solution may be to provide separate docket numbers
for each subject judge. Separate docket numbers would help avoid difficulties in tracking cases, particularly if a
complaint is dismissed with respect to some, but not all of the named judges.
Complaints against noncovered persons are not to be accepted for processing under these Rules but may,
of course, be accepted under other circuit rules or procedures for grievances.
Local Rule 8. Action by Circuit Executive upon Receipt of a Complaint
(a) Receipt of Complaint in Proper Form. Upon receipt of a complaint against a judge filed in
proper form under these rules, the clerk of court of appeals will promptly transmit it to the circuit executive.
The circuit executive will have custody of the complaint and all related papers and see that the complaint is
expeditiously processed. The circuit executive will docket the complaint according to a uniform numbering
scheme promulgated by the Judicial Conference Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability, and
acknowledge the complaint’s receipt. The circuit executive will promptly distribute copies of the complaint in
accordance with Rule 8(b). When the chief judge issues an order identifying a complaint under rule 5(a), the
circuit executive will process such complaint as otherwise provided by these rules.
(b) Distribution of Copies. If a district judge or magistrate judge is complained about, the circuit executive
will also send a copy of the complaint to the chief judge of the district court in which the judge or magistrate
judge holds his or her appointment. If a bankruptcy judge is complained about, the circuit executive will send
copies to the chief judges of the district court and the bankruptcy court. However, if the chief judge of the
district court or bankruptcy court is a subject of a complaint, the chief judge’s copy will be sent to the judge of
such court in regular active service who is most senior in date of commission among those who are not subjects
of the complaint.
(c) Complaints Against Noncovered Persons. If the circuit executive receives a complaint about a person
not holding an office described in Rule 4, the circuit executive will not accept the complaint for filing and will
advise the complainant in writing of the procedure for processing such complaints.
(d) Receipt of Complaint about a Judge and Another Noncovered Person. If a complaint is received about
a judge described in Rule 4 and a person not holding an office described in Rule 4, the circuit executive will
accept the complaint for filing only with regard to the judge, and will advise the complainant accordingly.
(e) Receipt of a Complaint Not in Proper Form. If the circuit executive receives a complaint against a judge
described in Rule 4 that does not comply with the requirements of Rule 6, the circuit executive will ensure that
the complaint is reviewed under Rule 5(b), will advise the complainant of the appropriate procedures for refiling
the complaint under Rule 6, and will enclose a copy of these rules and the accompanying forms.
9. Time for Filing or Identifying Complaint
A complaint may be filed or identified at any time. If the passage of time has made an accurate and fair
investigation of a complaint impracticable, the complaint must be dismissed under Rule 11(c)(1)(E).
Commentary on Rule 9
This Rule is adapted from the Act, 28 U.S.C. §§ 351, 352(b)(1)(A)(iii), and the Illustrative Rules.
10. Abuse of Complaint Procedure
(a) Abusive Complaints. A complainant who has filed repetitive, harassing, or frivolous complaints, or
has otherwise abused the complaint procedure, may be restricted from filing further complaints.
After giving the complainant an opportunity to show cause in writing why his or her right to file
further complaints should not be limited, the judicial council may prohibit, restrict, or impose
conditions on the complainant's use of the complaint procedure. Upon written request of the
complainant, the judicial council may revise or withdraw any prohibition, restriction, or condition
previously imposed.
(b) Orchestrated Complaints. When many essentially identical complaints from different complainants
are received and appear to be part of an orchestrated campaign, the chief judge may recommend
that the judicial council issue a written order instructing the circuit clerk to accept only a certain
number of such complaints for filing and to refuse to accept additional complaints. The circuit clerk
must send a copy of any such order to anyone whose complaint was not accepted.
Commentary on Rule 10
This Rule is adapted from the Illustrative Rules.
Rule 10(a) provides a mechanism for a judicial council to restrict the filing of further complaints by a
single complainant who has abused the complaint procedure. In some instances, however, the complaint
procedure may be abused in a manner for which the remedy provided in Rule 10(a) may not be appropriate. For
example, some circuits have been inundated with submissions of dozens or hundreds of essentially identical
complaints against the same judge or judges, all submitted by different complainants. In many of these instances,
persons with grievances against a particular judge or judges used the Internet or other technology to orchestrate
mass complaint filing campaigns against them. If each complaint submitted as part of such a campaign were
accepted for filing and processed according to these Rules, there would be a serious drain on court resources
without any benefit to the adjudication of the underlying merits.
A judicial council may, therefore, respond to such mass filings under Rule 10(b) by declining to accept
repetitive complaints for filing, regardless of the fact that the complaints are nominally submitted by different
complainants. When the first complaint or complaints have been dismissed on the merits, and when further,
essentially identical submissions follow, the judicial council may issue a second order noting that these are
identical or repetitive complaints, directing the circuit clerk not to accept these complaints or any further such
complaints for filing, and directing the clerk to send each putative complainant copies of both orders.
11. Chief Judge's Review
(a) Purpose of Chief Judge’s Review. When a complaint is identified by the chief judge or is filed, the
chief judge must review it unless the chief judge is disqualified under Rule 25, in which case the most-
senior active circuit judge not disqualified will review the complaint. If a complaint contains
information constituting evidence of misconduct or disability, but the complainant does not claim it
as such, the chief judge must treat the complaint as if it did allege misconduct or disability and give
notice to the subject judge. After reviewing a complaint, the chief judge must determine whether it
should be:
(1) dismissed;
(2) concluded on the ground that voluntary corrective action has been taken;
(3) concluded because intervening events have made action on the complaint no longer necessary;
(4) referred to a special committee.
(b) Chief Judge's Inquiry. In determining what action to take under Rule 11(a), the chief judge may
conduct a limited inquiry. The chief judge, or a designee, may communicate orally or in writing with
the complainant, the subject judge, and any others who may have knowledge of the matter, and may
obtain and review transcripts and other relevant documents. In conducting the inquiry, the chief
judge must not determine any reasonably disputed issue. Any such determination must be left to a
special committee appointed under Rule 11(f) and to the judicial council that considers the
committee’s report.
(c) Dismissal.
(1) Permissible grounds. A complaint may be dismissed in whole or in part to the extent that the
chief judge concludes that the complaint:
(A) alleges conduct that, even if true, is not prejudicial to the effective and expeditious
administration of the business of the courts and does not indicate a mental or physical
disability resulting in the inability to discharge the duties of judicial office;
(B) is directly related to the merits of a decision or procedural ruling;
(C) is frivolous;
(D) is based on allegations lacking sufficient evidence to raise an inference that misconduct
has occurred or that a disability exists;
(E) is based on allegations that are incapable of being established through investigation;
(F) has been filed in the wrong circuit under Rule 7; or
(G) is otherwise not appropriate for consideration under the Act.
(2) Impermissible grounds. A complaint must not be dismissed solely because it repeats
allegations of a previously dismissed complaint if it also contains material information not
previously considered and does not constitute harassment of the subject judge.
(d) Corrective Action. The chief judge may conclude a complaint proceeding in whole or in part if:
(1) an informal resolution under Rule 5 satisfactory to the chief judge was reached before the
complaint was filed under Rule 6; or
(2) the chief judge determines that the subject judge has taken appropriate voluntary corrective
action that acknowledges and remedies the problems raised by the complaint.
(e) Intervening Events. The chief judge may conclude a complaint proceeding in whole or in part upon
determining that intervening events render some or all of the allegations moot or make remedial
action impossible as to the subject judge.
(f) Appointment of Special Committee. If some or all of a complaint is not dismissed or concluded, the
chief judge must promptly appoint a special committee to investigate the complaint or any relevant
portion of it and to make recommendations to the judicial council. Before appointing a special
committee, the chief judge must invite the subject judge to respond to the complaint either orally or
in writing if the judge was not given an opportunity during the limited inquiry. In the chief judge's
discretion, separate complaints may be joined and assigned to a single special committee. Similarly,
a single complaint about more than one judge may be severed and more than one special committee
(g) Notice of Chief Judge's Action; Petition for Review.
(1) When chief judge appoints special committee. If the chief judge appoints a special committee,
the chief judge must notify the complainant and the subject judge that the matter has been
referred to a committee, notify the complainant of a complainant’s rights under Rule 16, and
identify the members of the committee. A copy of the order appointing the special committee
must be sent to the Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability.
(2) When chief judge disposes of complaint without appointing special committee. If the chief
judge disposes of a complaint under Rule 11(c), (d), or (e), the chief judge must prepare a
supporting memorandum that sets forth the reasons for the disposition. If the complaint was
initiated by identification under Rule 5, the memorandum must so indicate. Except as
authorized by 28 U.S.C. § 360, the memorandum must not include the name of the
complainant or of the subject judge. The order and memoranda incorporated by reference in
the order must be promptly sent to the complainant, the subject judge, and the Committee on
Judicial Conduct and Disability.
(3) Right to petition for review. If the chief judge disposes of a complaint under Rule 11(c), (d),
or (e), the complainant and the subject judge must be notified of the right to petition the
judicial council for review of the disposition, as provided in Rule 18. If the chief judge so
disposes of a complaint that was identified under Rule 5 or filed by its subject judge, the chief
judge must transmit the order and memoranda incorporated by reference in the order to the
judicial council for review in accordance with Rule 19. In the event of such a transmission, the
subject judge may make a written submission to the judicial council but will have no further
right of review except as allowed under Rule 21(b)(1)(B). When a disposition is to be reviewed
by the judicial council, the chief judge must promptly transmit all materials obtained in
connection with the inquiry under Rule 11(b) to the circuit clerk for transmittal to the council.
(h) Public Availability of Chief Judge's Decision. The chief judge's decision must be made public to the
extent, at the time, and in the manner provided in Rule 24.
Commentary on Rule 11
This Rule describes complaint-review actions available either to the chief judge or, where that judge is the
subject judge or is otherwise disqualified under Rule 25, such as where the complaint is filed against the chief
judge, to the judge designated under Rule 25(f) to perform the chief judge’s duties under these Rules. Subsection
(a) of this Rule provides that where a complaint has been filed under Rule 6, the ordinary doctrines of waiver do
not apply. The chief judge must identify as a complaint any misconduct or disability issues raised by the factual
allegations of the complaint even if the complainant makes no such claim with regard to those issues. For
example, an allegation limited to misconduct in fact-finding that mentions periods during a trial when the judge
was asleep must be treated as a complaint regarding disability. A formal order giving notice of the expanded
scope of the proceeding must be given to the subject judge.
Subsection (b) describes the nature of the chief judge's inquiry. It is based largely on the Breyer
Committee Report, 239 F.R.D. at 24345. The Act states that dismissal is appropriate "when a limited inquiry . . .
demonstrates that the allegations in the complaint lack any factual foundation or are conclusively refuted by
objective evidence." 28 U.S.C. § 352(b)(1)(B). At the same time, however, Section 352(a) states that "[t]he chief
judge shall not undertake to make findings of fact about any matter that is reasonably in dispute." These two
statutory standards should be read together so that a matter is not "reasonably" in dispute if a limited inquiry
shows that the allegations do not constitute misconduct or disability, that they lack any reliable factual
foundation, or that they are conclusively refuted by objective evidence.
In conducting a limited inquiry under subsection (b), the chief judge must avoid determinations of
reasonably disputed issues, including reasonably disputed issues as to whether the facts alleged constitute
misconduct or disability, which are ordinarily left to the judicial council and its special committee. An allegation
of fact is ordinarily not "refuted" simply because the subject judge denies it. The limited inquiry must reveal
something more in the way of refutation before it is appropriate to dismiss a complaint that is otherwise
cognizable. If it is the complainant's word against the subject judge's in other words, there is simply no other
significant evidence of what happened or of the complainant's unreliability then there must be a special-
committee investigation. Such a credibility issue is a matter "reasonably in dispute" within the meaning of the
However, dismissal following a limited inquiry may occur when a complaint refers to transcripts or to
witnesses and the chief judge determines that the transcripts and witnesses all support the subject judge. Breyer
Committee Report, 239 F.R.D. at 243. For example, consider a complaint alleging that the subject judge said X,
and the complaint mentions, or it is independently clear, that five people may have heard what the judge said. Id.
The chief judge is told by the subject judge and one witness that the judge did not say X, and the chief judge
dismisses the complaint without questioning the other four possible witnesses. Id. In this example, the matter
remains reasonably in dispute. If all five witnesses say the subject judge did not say X, dismissal is appropriate,
but if potential witnesses who are reasonably accessible have not been questioned, then the matter remains
reasonably in dispute. Id.
Similarly, under subsection (c)(1)(A), if it is clear that the conduct or disability alleged, even if true, is not
cognizable under these Rules, the complaint should be dismissed. If that issue is reasonably in dispute, however,
dismissal under subsection (c)(1)(A) is inappropriate.
Essentially, the standard articulated in subsection (b) is that used to decide motions for summary
judgment pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 56. Genuine issues of material fact are not resolved at the summary
judgment stage. A material fact is one that "might affect the outcome of the suit under the governing law," and a
dispute is "genuine" if "the evidence is such that a reasonable jury could return a verdict for the nonmoving
party." Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, 477 U.S. 242, 248 (1986). Similarly, the chief judge may not resolve a
genuine issue concerning a material fact or the existence of misconduct or a disability when conducting a limited
inquiry pursuant to subsection (b).
Subsection (c) describes the grounds on which a complaint may be dismissed. These are adapted from the
Act, 28 U.S.C. § 352(b), and the Breyer Committee Report, 239 F.R.D. at 23945. Subsection (c)(1)(A) permits
dismissal of an allegation that, even if true, does not constitute misconduct or disability under the statutory
standard. The proper standards are set out in Rule 4 and discussed in the Commentary on that Rule. Subsection
(c)(1)(B) permits dismissal of complaints related to the merits of a decision by a subject judge; this standard is
also governed by Rule 4 and its accompanying Commentary.
Subsections (c)(1)(C)-(E) implement the statute by allowing dismissal of complaints that are "frivolous,
lacking sufficient evidence to raise an inference that misconduct has occurred, or containing allegations which
are incapable of being established through investigation." 28 U.S.C. § 352(b)(1)(A)(iii).
Dismissal of a complaint as "frivolous" under Rule 11(c)(1)(C) will generally occur without any inquiry
beyond the face of the complaint. For instance, when the allegations are facially incredible or so lacking in
indicia of reliability that no further inquiry is warranted, dismissal under this subsection is appropriate.
A complaint warranting dismissal under Rule 11(c)(1)(D) is illustrated by the following example.
Consider a complainant who alleges an impropriety and asserts that he knows of it because it was observed and
reported to him by a person who is identified. The subject judge denies that the event occurred. When contacted,
the source also denies it. In such a case, the chief judge's proper course of action may turn on whether the source
had any role in the allegedly improper conduct. If the complaint was based on a lawyer's statement that he or she
had an improper ex parte contact with a judge, the lawyer's denial of the impropriety might not be taken as
wholly persuasive, and it would be appropriate to conclude that a real factual issue is raised. On the other hand, if
the complaint quoted a disinterested third party and that disinterested party denied that the statement had been
made, there would be no value in opening a formal investigation. In such a case, it would be appropriate to
dismiss the complaint under Rule 11(c)(1)(D).
Rule 11(c)(1)(E) is intended, among other things, to cover situations when no evidence is offered or
identified, or when the only identified source is unavailable. Breyer Committee Report, 239 F.R.D. at 243. For
example, a complaint alleges that an unnamed attorney told the complainant that the subject judge did X. Id. The
subject judge denies it. The chief judge requests that the complainant (who does not purport to have observed the
subject judge do X) identify the unnamed witness, or that the unnamed witness come forward so that the chief
judge can learn the unnamed witness's account. Id. The complainant responds that he has spoken with the
unnamed witness, that the unnamed witness is an attorney who practices in federal court, and that the unnamed
witness is unwilling to be identified or to come forward. Id. at 24344. The allegation is then properly dismissed
as containing allegations that are incapable of being established through investigation. Id.
If, however, the situation involves a reasonable dispute over credibility, the matter should proceed. For
example, the complainant alleges an impropriety and alleges that he or she observed it and that there were no
other witnesses; the subject judge denies that the event occurred. Unless the complainant's allegations are facially
incredible or so lacking indicia of reliability as to warrant dismissal under Rule 11(c)(1)(C), a special committee
must be appointed because there is a material factual question that is reasonably in dispute.
Dismissal is also appropriate when a complaint is filed so long after an alleged event that memory loss,
death, or changes to unknown residences prevent a proper investigation.
Subsection (c)(2) indicates that the investigative nature of the process prevents the application of claim
preclusion principles where new and material evidence becomes available. However, it also recognizes that at
some point a renewed investigation may constitute harassment of the subject judge and should not be undertaken,
depending of course on the seriousness of the issues and the weight of the new evidence.
Rule 11(d) implements the Act's provision for dismissal if voluntary appropriate corrective action has
been taken. It is largely adapted from the Breyer Committee Report, 239 F.R.D. at 24445. The Act authorizes
the chief judge to conclude the complaint proceedings if "appropriate corrective action has been taken." 28
U.S.C. § 352(b)(2). Under the Rule, action taken after a complaint is filed is "appropriate" when it acknowledges
and remedies the problem raised by the complaint. Breyer Committee Report, 239 F.R.D. at 244. Because the Act
deals with the conduct of judges, the emphasis is on correction of the judicial conduct that was the subject of the
complaint. Id. Terminating a complaint based on corrective action is premised on the implicit understanding that
voluntary self-correction or redress of misconduct or a disability may be preferable to sanctions. Id. The chief
judge may facilitate this process by giving the subject judge an objective view of the appearance of the judicial
conduct in question and by suggesting appropriate corrective measures. Id. Moreover, when corrective action is
taken under Rule 5 satisfactory to the chief judge before a complaint is filed, that informal resolution will be
sufficient to conclude a subsequent complaint based on identical conduct.
"Corrective action" must be voluntary action taken by the subject judge. Breyer Committee Report, 239
F.R.D. at 244. A remedial action directed by the chief judge or by an appellate court without the participation of
the subject judge in formulating the directive or without the subject judge's subsequent agreement to such action
does not constitute the requisite voluntary corrective action. Id. Neither the chief judge nor an appellate court has
authority under the Act to impose a formal remedy or sanction; only the judicial council can impose a formal
remedy or sanction under 28 U.S.C. § 354(a)(2). Id. Compliance with a previous judicial-council order may serve
as corrective action allowing conclusion of a later complaint about the same behavior. Id.
Where a subject judge's conduct has resulted in identifiable, particularized harm to the complainant or
another individual, appropriate corrective action should include steps taken by that judge to acknowledge and
redress the harm, if possible, such as by an apology, recusal from a case, or a pledge to refrain from similar
conduct in the future. Id. While the Act is generally forward-looking, any corrective action should, to the extent
possible, serve to correct a specific harm to an individual, if such harm can reasonably be remedied. Id. In some
cases, corrective action may not be "appropriate" to justify conclusion of a complaint unless the complainant or
other individual harmed is meaningfully apprised of the nature of the corrective action in the chief judge's order,
in a direct communication from the subject judge, or otherwise. Id.
Voluntary corrective action should be proportionate to any plausible allegations of misconduct in a
complaint. The form of corrective action should also be proportionate to any sanctions that the judicial council
might impose under Rule 20(b), such as a private or public reprimand or a change in case assignments. Breyer
Committee Report, 239 F.R.D at 24445. In other words, minor corrective action will not suffice to dispose of a
serious matter. Id.
Rule 11(e) implements Section 352(b)(2) of the Act, which permits the chief judge to “conclude the
proceeding,” if “action on the complaint is no longer necessary because of intervening events,” such as a
resignation from judicial office. Ordinarily, stepping down from an administrative post such as chief judge,
judicial-council member, or court-committee chair does not constitute an event rendering unnecessary any further
action on a complaint alleging judicial misconduct. Breyer Committee Report, 239 F.R.D. at 245. As long as the
subject of a complaint retains the judicial office and remains a covered judge as defined in Rule 1(b), a complaint
must be addressed. Id.; 28 U.S.C. §§ 371(b); 372(a).
Concluding a complaint proceeding, by either the judicial council of the subject judge or the judicial
council to which a complaint proceeding has been transferred, precludes remedial action under the Act and these
Rules as to the subject judge. But the Judicial Conference and the judicial council of the subject judge have
ample authority to assess potential institutional issues related to the complaint as part of their respective
responsibilities to promote “the expeditious conduct of court business,” 28 U.S.C. § 331, and to “make all
necessary and appropriate orders for the effective administration of justice within [each] circuit.” Id. at §
332(d)(1). Such an assessment might include an analysis of what conditions may have enabled misconduct or
prevented its discovery, and what precautionary or curative steps could be undertaken to prevent its recurrence.
The judicial council may request that the Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability transmit its order to
relevant Congressional entities.
If a complaint is not disposed of pursuant to Rule 11(c), (d), or (e), a special committee must be
appointed. Rule 11(f) states that a subject judge must be invited to respond to the complaint before a special
committee is appointed, if no earlier response was invited.
Subject judges receive copies of complaints at the same time that they are referred to the chief judge, and
they are free to volunteer responses to them. Under Rule 11(b), the chief judge may request a response if it is
thought necessary. However, many complaints are clear candidates for dismissal even if their allegations are
accepted as true, and there is no need for the subject judge to devote time to a defense.
The Act requires that the order dismissing a complaint or concluding a proceeding contain a statement of
reasons and that a copy of the order be sent to the complainant. 28 U.S.C. § 352(b). Rule 24, dealing with
availability of information to the public, contemplates that the order will be made public, usually without
disclosing the names of the complainant or the subject judge. If desired for administrative purposes, more
identifying information can be included in a non-public version of the order.
When a complaint is disposed of by the chief judge, the statutory purposes are best served by providing
the complainant with a full, particularized, but concise explanation, giving reasons for the conclusions reached.
See also Commentary on Rule 24 (dealing with public availability).
Rule 11(g) provides that the complainant and the subject judge must be notified, in the case of a
disposition by the chief judge, of the right to petition the judicial council for review. Because an identified
complaint has no “complainant” to petition for review, the chief judge’s dispositive order on such a complaint
will be transmitted to the judicial council for review. The same will apply where a complaint was filed by its
subject judge. A copy of the chief judge’s order, and memoranda incorporated by reference in the order,
disposing of a complaint must be sent by the circuit clerk to the Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability.
12. Special Committee's Composition
(a) Membership. Except as provided in (e), a special committee appointed under Rule 11(f) must consist
of the chief judge and equal numbers of circuit and district judges. These judges may include senior
judges. If a complaint is about a district judge, bankruptcy judge, or magistrate judge, then, when
possible, the district-judge members of the special committee must be from districts other than the
district of the subject judge. For the courts named in 28 U.S.C. § 363, the special committee must be
selected from the judges serving on the subject judge's court.
(b) Presiding Officer. When appointing the special committee, the chief judge may serve as the presiding
officer or else must designate a committee member as the presiding officer.
(c) Bankruptcy Judge or Magistrate Judge as Adviser. If the subject judge is a bankruptcy judge or
magistrate judge, he or she may, within 14 days after being notified of the special committee’s
appointment, ask the chief judge to designate as a committee adviser another bankruptcy judge or
magistrate judge, as the case may be. The chief judge must grant such a request but may otherwise
use discretion in naming the adviser. Unless the adviser is a Court of Federal Claims special master
appointed under 42 U.S.C. § 300aa 12(c), the adviser must be from a district other than the district
of the subject bankruptcy judge or subject magistrate judge. The adviser cannot vote but has the
other privileges of a special-committee member.
(d) Provision of Documents. The chief judge must certify to each other member of the special committee
and to any adviser copies of the complaint and statement of facts, in whole or relevant part, and any
other relevant documents on file.
(e) Continuing Qualification of Special-Committee Member. A member of a special committee may
continue to serve on the committee even though the member relinquishes the position of chief judge,
active circuit judge, or active district judge, as the case may be, but only if the member continues to
hold office under Article III, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States, or under 28 U.S.C. §
(f) Inability of Special-Committee Member to Complete Service. If a member of a special committee can
no longer serve because of death, disability, disqualification, resignation, retirement from office, or
other reason, the chief judge must decide whether to appoint a replacement member, either a circuit
or district judge as needed under (a). No special committee appointed under these Rules may function
with only a single member, and the votes of a two-member committee must be unanimous.
(g) Voting. All actions by a special committee must be by vote of a majority of all members of the
Commentary on Rule 12
This Rule is adapted from the Act and the Illustrative Rules.
Rule 12 leaves the size of a special committee flexible, to be determined on a case-by-case basis. The
question the size of a special committee is one that should be weighed with care in view of the potential for
consuming the members’ time; a large committee should be appointed only if there is a special reason to do so.
Rule 12(a) acknowledges the common practice of including senior judges in the membership of a special
Although the Act requires that the chief judge be a member of each special committee, 28 U.S.C. §
353(a)(1), it does not require that the chief judge preside. Accordingly, Rule 12(b) provides that if the chief judge
does not preside, he or she must designate another member of the special committee as the presiding officer.
Rule 12(c) provides that the chief judge must appoint a bankruptcy judge or magistrate judge as an
adviser to a special committee at the request of a bankruptcy or magistrate subject judge. Subsection (c) also
provides that the adviser will have all the privileges of a member of the special committee except a vote. The
adviser, therefore, may participate in all deliberations of the special committee, question witnesses at hearings,
and write a separate statement to accompany the committee’s report to the judicial council.
Rule 12(e) provides that a member of a special committee who remains an Article III judge may continue
to serve on the committee even though the member's status otherwise changes. Thus, a special committee that
originally consisted of the chief judge and an equal number of circuit and district judges, as required by the law,
may continue to function even though changes of status alter that composition. This provision reflects the belief
that stability of membership will contribute to the quality of the work of such committees.
Stability of membership is also the principal concern animating Rule 12(f), which deals with the case in
which a special committee loses a member before its work is complete. The Rule permits the chief judge to
determine whether a replacement member should be appointed. Generally, appointment of a replacement
member is desirable in these situations unless the special committee has conducted evidentiary hearings before
the vacancy occurs. However, cases may arise in which a special committee is in the late stages of its work, and
in which it would be difficult for a new member to play a meaningful role. The Rule also preserves the collegial
character of the special-committee process by prohibiting a single surviving member from serving as a committee
and by providing that a committee of two surviving members will, in essence, operate under a unanimity rule.
Rule 12(g) provides that actions of a special committee must be by vote of a majority of all the members.
All the members of a special committee should participate in committee decisions. In that circumstance, it seems
reasonable to require that special-committee decisions be made by a majority of the membership, rather than a
majority of some smaller quorum.
13. Conduct of Special-Committee Investigation
(a) Extent and Methods of Special-Committee Investigation. A special committee should determine the
appropriate extent and methods of its investigation in light of the allegations in the complaint and the
committee’s preliminary inquiry. In investigating the alleged misconduct or disability, the special
committee should take steps to determine the full scope of the potential misconduct or disability,
including whether a pattern of misconduct or a broader disability exists. The investigation may
include use of appropriate experts or other professionals. If, in the course of the investigation, the
special committee has cause to believe that the subject judge may have engaged in misconduct or has
a disability that is beyond the specific pending complaint, the committee must refer the new matter
to the chief judge for a determination of whether action under Rule 5 or Rule 11 is necessary before
the committee’s investigation is expanded to include the new matter. (b) Criminal Conduct. If
the special committee's investigation concerns conduct that may be a crime, the committee must
consult with the appropriate prosecutorial authorities to the extent permitted by the Act to avoid
compromising any criminal investigation. The special committee has final authority over the timing
and extent of its investigation and the formulation of its recommendations.
(c) Staff. The special committee may arrange for staff assistance to conduct the investigation. It may use
existing staff of the judiciary or may hire special staff through the Director of the Administrative
Office of the United States Courts.
(d) Delegation of Subpoena Power; Contempt. The chief judge may delegate the authority to exercise the
subpoena powers of the special committee. The judicial council or special committee may institute a
contempt proceeding under 28 U.S.C. § 332(d) against anyone who fails to comply with a subpoena.
Commentary on Rule 13
This Rule is adapted from the Illustrative Rules.
Rule 13, as well as Rules 14, 15, and 16, are concerned with the way in which the special committee
carries out its mission. They reflect the view that the special committee has two roles that are separated in
ordinary litigation. First, the special committee has an investigative role of the kind that is characteristically left
to executive branch agencies or discovery by civil litigants. 28 U.S.C. § 353(c). Second, it has a formalized fact-
finding and recommendation-of-disposition role that is characteristically left to juries, judges, or arbitrators. Id.
Rule 13 generally governs the investigative stage. Even though the same body has responsibility for both roles
under the Act, it is important to distinguish between them in order to ensure that appropriate rights are afforded at
appropriate times to the subject judge.
Rule 13(a) includes a provision making clear that the special committee may choose to consult
appropriate experts or other professionals if it determines that such a consultation is warranted. If, for example,
the special committee has cause to believe that the subject judge may be unable to discharge all of the duties of
office by reason of mental or physical disability, the committee could ask the subject judge to respond to
inquiries and, if necessary, request the judge to undergo a medical or psychological examination. In advance of
any such examination, the special committee may enter into an agreement with the subject judge as to the scope
and use that may be made of the examination results. In addition or in the alternative, the special committee may
ask to review existing records, including medical records.
The extent of the subject judge’s cooperation in the investigation may be taken into account in the
consideration of the underlying complaint. If, for example, the subject judge impedes reasonable efforts to
confirm or disconfirm the presence of a disability, the special committee may still consider whether the conduct
alleged in the complaint and confirmed in the investigation constitutes disability. The same would be true of a
complaint alleging misconduct.
The special committee may also consider whether such a judge might be in violation of his or her duty to
cooperate in an investigation under these Rules, a duty rooted not only in the Act’s definition of misconduct but
also in the Code of Conduct for United States Judges, which emphasizes the need to maintain public confidence
in the judiciary, See Canon 2(A) and Canon 1 cmt., and requires judges to “facilitate the performance of the
administrative responsibilities of other judges and court personnel,” Canon 3(B)(1). If the special committee
finds a breach of the duty to cooperate and believes that the breach may amount to misconduct under Rule
4(a)(5), it should determine, under the final sentence of Rule 13(a), whether that possibility should be referred to
the chief judge for consideration of action under Rule 5 or Rule 11. See also Commentary on Rule 4.
One of the difficult questions that can arise is the relationship between proceedings under the Act and
criminal investigations. Rule 13(b) assigns responsibility for coordination to the special committee in cases in
which criminal conduct is suspected, but gives the committee the authority to determine the appropriate pace of
its activity in light of any criminal investigation.
Title 28 U.S.C. § 356(a) provides that a special committee will have full subpoena powers as provided in
28 U.S.C. § 332(d). Section 332(d)(1) provides that subpoenas will be issued on behalf of a judicial council by
the circuit clerk "at the direction of the chief judge of the circuit or his designee." Rule 13(d) contemplates that,
where the chief judge designates someone else as presiding officer of the special committee, the presiding officer
also be delegated the authority to direct the circuit clerk to issue subpoenas related to committee proceedings.
That is not intended to imply, however, that the decision to use the subpoena power is exercisable by the
presiding officer alone. See Rule 12(g).
14. Conduct of Special-Committee Hearings
(a) Purpose of Hearings. The special committee may hold hearings to take testimony and receive other
evidence, to hear argument, or both. If the special committee is investigating allegations against more
than one judge, it may hold joint or separate hearings.
(b) Special-Committee Evidence. Subject to Rule 15, the special committee must obtain material,
nonredundant evidence in the form it considers appropriate. In the special committee's discretion,
evidence may be obtained by committee members, staff, or both. Witnesses offering testimonial
evidence may include the complainant and the subject judge.
(c) Counsel for Witnesses. The subject judge has the right to counsel. The special committee has
discretion to decide whether other witnesses may have counsel present when they testify.
(d) Witness Fees. Witness fees must be paid as provided in 28 U.S.C. § 1821.
(e) Oath. All testimony taken at a hearing must be given under oath or affirmation.
(f) Rules of Evidence. The Federal Rules of Evidence do not apply to special-committee hearings.
(g) Record and Transcript. A record and transcript must be made of all hearings.
Commentary on Rule 14
This Rule is adapted from the Act, 28 U.S.C. § 353, and the Illustrative Rules.
Rule 14 is concerned with the conduct of fact-finding hearings. Special committee hearings will normally
be held only after the investigative work has been completed and the committee has concluded that there is
sufficient evidence to warrant a formal fact-finding proceeding. Special-committee proceedings are primarily
inquisitorial rather than adversarial. Accordingly, the Federal Rules of Evidence do not apply to such hearings.
Inevitably, a hearing will have something of an adversary character. Nevertheless, that tendency should be
moderated to the extent possible. Even though a proceeding will commonly have investigative and hearing
stages, special-committee members should not regard themselves as prosecutors one day and judges the next.
Their duty and that of their staff is at all times to be impartial seekers of the truth.
Rule 14(b) contemplates that material evidence will be obtained by the special committee and presented
in the form of affidavits, live testimony, etc. Staff or others who are organizing the hearings should regard it as
their role to present evidence representing the entire picture. With respect to testimonial evidence, the subject
judge should normally be called as a special-committee witness. Cases may arise in which the subject judge will
not testify voluntarily. In such cases, subpoena powers are available, subject to the normal testimonial privileges.
Although Rule 15(c) recognizes the subject judge's statutory right to call witnesses on his or her own behalf,
exercise of this right should not usually be necessary.
15. Subject Judge's Rights
(a) Notice.
(1) Generally. The subject judge must receive written notice of:
(A) the appointment of a special committee under Rule 11(f);
(B) the expansion of the scope of an investigation under Rule 13(a);
(C) any hearing under Rule 14, including its purposes, the names of any witnesses the
special committee intends to call, and the text of any statements that have been taken
from those witnesses.
(2) Suggestion of additional witnesses. The subject judge may suggest additional witnesses to the
special committee.
(b) Special-Committee Report. The subject judge must be sent a copy of the special committee's report
when it is filed with the judicial council.
(c) Presentation of Evidence. At any hearing held under Rule 14, the subject judge has the right to
present evidence, to compel the attendance of witnesses, and to compel the production of documents.
At the request of the subject judge, the chief judge or the judge's designee must direct the circuit
clerk to issue a subpoena to a witness under 28 U.S.C. § 332(d)(1). The subject judge must be given
the opportunity to cross-examine special committee witnesses, in person or by counsel.
(d) Presentation of Argument. The subject judge may submit written argument to the special committee
and must be given a reasonable opportunity to present oral argument at an appropriate stage of the
(e) Attendance at Hearings. The subject judge has the right to attend any hearing held under Rule 14
and to receive copies of the transcript, of any documents introduced, and of any written arguments
submitted by the complainant to the special committee.
(f) Representation by Counsel. The subject judge may choose to be represented by counsel in the exercise
of any right enumerated in this Rule. As provided in Rule 20(e), the United States may bear the costs
of the representation.
Commentary on Rule 15
This Rule is adapted from the Act and the Illustrative Rules.
The Act states that these Rules must contain provisions requiring that "the judge whose conduct is the
subject of a complaint . . . be afforded an opportunity to appear (in person or by counsel) at proceedings
conducted by the investigating panel, to present oral and documentary evidence, to compel the attendance of
witnesses or the production of documents, to cross-examine witnesses, and to present argument orally or in
writing." 28 U.S.C. § 358(b)(2). To implement this provision, Rule 15(e) gives the subject judge the right to
attend any hearing held for the purpose of receiving evidence of record or hearing argument under Rule 14.
The Act does not require that the subject judge be permitted to attend all proceedings of the special
committee. Accordingly, the Rules do not give a right to attend other proceedings for example, meetings at
which the special committee is engaged in investigative activity, such as interviewing persons to learn whether
they ought to be called as witnesses or examining for relevance purposes documents delivered pursuant to a
subpoena duces tecum, or meetings in which the committee is deliberating on the evidence or its
16. Complainant's Rights in Investigation
(a) Notice. The complainant must receive written notice of the investigation as provided in Rule 11(g)(1).
When the special committee's report to the judicial council is filed, the complainant must be notified
of the filing. The judicial council may, in its discretion, provide a copy of the report of a special
committee to the complainant.
(b) Opportunity to Provide Evidence. If the complainant knows of relevant evidence not already before
the special committee, the complainant may briefly explain in writing the basis of that knowledge and
the nature of that evidence. If the special committee determines that the complainant has information
not already known to the committee that would assist in the committee’s investigation, a
representative of the committee must interview the complainant.
(c) Presentation of Argument. The complainant may submit written argument to the special committee.
In its discretion, the special committee may permit the complainant to offer oral argument.
(d) Representation by Counsel. A complainant may submit written argument through counsel and, if
permitted to offer oral argument, may do so through counsel.
Commentary on Rule 16
This Rule is adapted from the Act and the Illustrative Rules.
In accordance with the view of the process as fundamentally administrative and inquisitorial, these Rules
do not give the complainant the rights of a party to litigation and leave the complainant’s role largely to the
discretion of the special committee. However, Rule 16(b) gives the complainant the prerogative to make a brief
written submission showing that he or she is aware of relevant evidence not already known to the special
committee. (Such a submission may precede any written or oral argument the complainant provides under Rule
16(c), or it may accompany that argument.) If the special committee determines, independently or from the
complainant’s submission, that the complainant has information that would assist the committee in its
investigation, the complainant must be interviewed by a representative of the committee. Such an interview may
be in person or by telephone, and the representative of the special committee may be either a member or staff.
Rule 16 does not contemplate that the complainant will ordinarily be permitted to attend proceedings of
the special committee except when testifying or presenting oral argument. A special committee may exercise its
discretion to permit the complainant to be present at its proceedings, or to permit the complainant, individually or
through counsel, to participate in the examination or cross-examination of witnesses.
The Act authorizes an exception to the normal confidentiality provisions where the judicial council in its
discretion provides a copy of the report of the special committee to the complainant and to the subject judge. 28
U.S.C. § 360(a)(1). However, the Rules do not entitle the complainant to a copy of the special committee's report.
17. Special-Committee Report
The special committee must file with the judicial council a comprehensive report of its investigation,
including findings and recommendations for council action. The report must be accompanied by a statement
of the vote by which it was adopted, any separate or dissenting statements of special-committee members,
and the record of any hearings held under Rule 14. In addition to being sent to the subject judge under Rule
15(b), a copy of the report and any accompanying statements and documents must be sent to the Committee
on Judicial Conduct and Disability.
Commentary on Rule 17
This Rule is adapted from the Illustrative Rules and is self-explanatory. The provision for sending a copy
of the special-committee report and accompanying statements and documents to the Committee on Judicial
Conduct and Disability was new at the time the Judicial Conference promulgated the Rules for Judicial-Conduct
and Judicial-Disability Proceedings in 2008.
18. Petition for Review of Chief-Judge Disposition Under Rule 11(c), (d), or (e)
(a) Petition for Review. After the chief judge issues an order under Rule 11(c), (d), or (e), the complainant
or the subject judge may petition the judicial council of the circuit to review the order. By rules
promulgated under 28 U.S.C. § 358, the judicial council may refer a petition for review filed under
this Rule to a panel of no fewer than five members of the council, at least two of whom must be district
(b) When to File; Form; Where to File. A petition for review must be filed in the office of the circuit clerk
within 42 days after the date of the chief judge's order. The petition for review should be in letter
form, addressed to the circuit clerk, and in an envelope marked “Misconduct Petition” or “Disability
Petition.” The name of the subject judge must not be shown on the envelope. The petition for review
should be typewritten or otherwise legible. It should begin with “I hereby petition the judicial council
for review of . . . ” and state the reasons why the petition should be granted. It must be signed.
(c) Receipt and Distribution of Petition. A circuit clerk who receives a petition for review filed in
accordance with this Rule must:
(1) acknowledge its receipt and send a copy to the complainant or subject judge, as the case may
(2) promptly distribute to each member of the judicial council, or its relevant panel, except for
any member disqualified under Rule 25, or make available in the manner provided by local
rule, the following materials:
(A) copies of the complaint;
(B) all materials obtained by the chief judge in connection with the inquiry;
(C) the chief judge's order disposing of the complaint;
(D) any memorandum in support of the chief judge's order;
(E) the petition for review; and
(F) an appropriate ballot; and
(3) send the petition for review to the Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability. Unless the
Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability requests them, the circuit clerk will not send
copies of the materials obtained by the chief judge.
(d) Untimely Petition. The circuit clerk must refuse to accept a petition that is received after the time
allowed in (b).
(e) Timely Petition Not in Proper Form. When the circuit clerk receives a petition for review filed within
the time allowed but in a form that is improper to a degree that would substantially impair its
consideration by the judicial council such as a document that is ambiguous about whether it is
intended to be a petition for review the circuit clerk must acknowledge its receipt, call the filer’s
attention to the deficiencies, and give the filer the opportunity to correct the deficiencies within the
original time allowed for filing the petition or within 21 days after the date on which a notice of the
deficiencies was sent to the complainant, whichever is later. If the deficiencies are corrected within
the time allowed, the circuit clerk will proceed according to paragraphs (a) and (c) of this Rule. If the
deficiencies are not corrected, the circuit clerk must reject the petition.
Commentary on Rule 18
Rule 18 is adapted largely from the Illustrative Rules.
Subsection (a) permits the subject judge, as well as the complainant, to petition for review of the chief
judge's order dismissing a complaint under Rule 11(c), or concluding that appropriate corrective action or
intervening events have remedied or mooted the problems raised by the complaint pursuant to Rule 11(d) or (e).
Although the subject judge may ostensibly be vindicated by the dismissal or conclusion of a complaint, the chief
judge's order may include language disagreeable to the subject judge. For example, an order may dismiss a
complaint, but state that the subject judge did in fact engage in misconduct. Accordingly, a subject judge may
wish to object to the content of the order and is given the opportunity to petition the judicial council of the circuit
for review.
Subsection (b) contains a time limit of 42 days to file a petition for review. It is important to establish a
time limit on petitions for review of chief judges' dispositions in order to provide finality to the process. If the
complaint requires an investigation, the investigation should proceed; if it does not, the subject judge should
know that the matter is closed.
The standards for timely filing under the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure should be applied to
petitions for review. See Fed. R. App. P. 25(a)(2)(A), (C).
Rule 18(e) provides for an automatic extension of the time limit imposed under subsection (b) if a person
files a petition that is rejected for failure to comply with formal requirements.
Local Rule 18. Petitions for Review of Chief Judge Dispositions Under Rule 11(c), (d), or (e).
(a) Receipt and Distribution of Petitions for Review. Upon receipt of a petition for review filed within the
time allowed and in proper form under these rules, the clerk of the court of appeals will promptly transmit such
petition to the circuit executive, who will acknowledge receipt of the petition. The circuit executive will
promptly make available to each member of the Judicial Council review panel, as set forth in Local Rule 19(a),
except for any member disqualified under Rule 25, copies of the materials identified in Rule 18(c)(2). The
circuit executive will also send the same materials, except for the ballot, to the chief judge of the circuit and
each judge whose conduct is at issue, except the materials previously sent to a person may be omitted.
(b) Receipt of Untimely Petition. The circuit executive will not accept a petition that is received after
the deadline set forth in Rule 18(b).
(c) Receipt of Timely Petition Not in Proper Form. Upon receipt of a petition filed within the time
allowed but not in proper form under these rules (including a document that is ambiguous about whether a
petition for review is intended), the circuit executive will acknowledge receipt of the petition, call the petitioner’s
attention to the deficiencies, and give the petitioner the opportunity to correct the deficiencies within 21 days of
the date of the circuit executive’s letter or within the original deadline for filing the petition, whichever is later.
If the deficiencies are corrected within the time allowed, the circuit executive will proceed in accordance with
paragraph (a) of this rule. If the deficiencies are not corrected, the circuit executive will reject the petition.
19. Judicial-Council Disposition of Petition for Review
(a) Rights of Subject Judge. At any time after a complainant files a petition for review, the subject judge
may file a written response with the circuit clerk. The circuit clerk must promptly distribute copies
of the response to each member of the judicial council or of the relevant panel, unless that member
is disqualified under Rule 25. Copies must also be distributed to the chief judge, to the complainant,
and to the Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability. The subject judge must not otherwise
communicate with individual judicial-council members about the matter. The subject judge must be
given copies of any communications to the judicial council from the complainant.
(b) Judicial-Council Action. After considering a petition for review and the materials before it, the
judicial council may:
(1) affirm the chief judge's disposition by denying the petition;
(2) return the matter to the chief judge with directions to conduct a further inquiry under Rule
11(b) or to identify a complaint under Rule 5;
(3) return the matter to the chief judge with directions to appoint a special committee under Rule
11(f); or
(4) in exceptional circumstances, take other appropriate action.
(c) Notice of Judicial-Council Decision. Copies of the judicial council’s order, together with memoranda
incorporated by reference in the order and separate concurring or dissenting statements, must be
given to the complainant, the subject judge, and the Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability.
(d) Memorandum of Judicial-Council Decision. If the judicial council's order affirms the chief judge's
disposition, a supporting memorandum must be prepared only if the council concludes that there is
a need to supplement the chief judge's explanation. A memorandum supporting a judicial-council
order must not include the name of the complainant or the subject judge.
(e) Review of Judicial-Council Decision. If the judicial council's decision is adverse to the petitioner, and
if no member of the council dissented, the complainant must be notified that he or she has no right to
seek review of the decision. If there was a dissent, the petitioner must be informed that he or she can
file a petition for review under Rule 21(b).
(f) Public Availability of Judicial-Council Decision. Materials related to the judicial council's decision
must be made public to the extent, at the time, and in the manner set forth in Rule 24.
Commentary on Rule 19
This Rule is adapted largely from the Act and is self-explanatory.
The judicial council should ordinarily review the decision of the chief judge on the merits, treating the
petition for review for all practical purposes as an appeal. The judicial council may respond to a petition for
review by affirming the chief judge’s order, remanding the matter, or, in exceptional cases, taking other
appropriate action.
Under Rule 19(b), after considering a petition for review and the materials before it, a judicial council
may return a matter to the chief judge to take various actions, including conducting further inquiry under Rule
11(b), identifying a complaint under Rule 5, or appointing a special committee under Rule 11(f).
A petition for review of a judicial council’s decision under this Rule may be filed in any matter in which
one or more members of the council dissented from the order. See Rule 21(b).
Local Rule 19. Judicial-Council Disposition of Petitions for Review.
(a) Review Panel. Pursuant to Rule 18(a), the chief judge shall annually designate two review panels to act
for the Judicial Council on all petitions for review of the chief judge's dismissal order, except for those petitions
referred to the full membership of the Judicial Council pursuant to Local Rule 19(b). Each review panel will
serve alternating six-month terms and shall be comprised of five members of the Judicial Council, excluding
the chief judge. In order of seniority, each circuit judge council member shall be alternately assigned to each of
the two review panels. The district judge council members shall also be alternately assigned in order of seniority
to each of the two panels so as to ensure that at least two of the members of each review panel shall be district
In the event of the absence of a panel member, or the recusal or disqualification of a panel member
under Rule 25 from ruling on a particular petition for review, the circuit executive will select a judge in
order of seniority from the other review panel to replace the unavailable panel member. An unavailable
circuit judge will be replaced by the next available circuit judge in rotation. An unavailable district judge
will be replaced by the next available district judge in rotation. If necessary, an unavailable circuit judge
may be replaced by a district judge and an unavailable district judge may be replaced by a circuit judge
but in no event will the panel be composed of fewer than two district judges. In the event of a change in
Judicial Council membership, the new council member shall take the place of his or her predecessor
pending the review panels' annual reorganization.
(b) Mail Ballot. Each member of the review panel to whom a ballot was sent will return a signed ballot, or
otherwise communicate the member’s vote, to the circuit executive. The ballot form will provide opportunities
to vote to: (1) affirm the chief judge’s disposition, or (2) refer the petition to the full membership of the Judicial
Council for disposition in accordance with Rule 19(b). The form will also provide an opportunity for
members to indicate that they have disqualified themselves from participating in consideration of the petition.
Upon the vote of any member of the review panel, the petition for review shall be referred to the full
membership of the Judicial Council. Any member of the review panel who votes to refer the petition to
the full council shall include a brief statement of the reasons for the referral with the ballot. The review
panel may act only by vote of all five members. If, because of absence, recusal or disqualification, all
five members of the panel cannot participate, the petition shall be referred to the full membership of the
Judicial Council for disposition in accordance with Rule 19(b).
Upon referral of a petition to the full membership of the Judicial Council, the circuit executive shall
send the referring judge's ballot and brief statement to each member of the Judicial Council. The circuit
executive will also make available the documents specified in Rule 18(c) to council members not then
serving on the reviewing panel, unless disqualified under Rule 25. Every voting member of the Judicial
Council will return a signed ballot, or otherwise communicate the member's vote, to the circuit executive.
20. Judicial-Council Action Following Appointment of Special Committee
(a) Subject Judge’s Rights. Within 21 days after the filing of the report of a special committee, the subject
judge may send a written response to the members of the judicial council. The subject judge must
also be given an opportunity to present argument, personally or through counsel, written or oral, as
determined by the judicial council. The subject judge must not otherwise communicate with judicial
council members about the matter.
(b) Judicial-Council Action.
(1) Discretionary actions. Subject to the subject judge's rights set forth in subsection (a), the
judicial council may:
(A) dismiss the complaint because:
(i) even if the claim is true, the claimed conduct is not conduct prejudicial to the
effective and expeditious administration of the business of the courts and does
not indicate a mental or physical disability resulting in inability to discharge the
duties of office;
(ii) the complaint is directly related to the merits of a decision or procedural ruling;
(iii) the facts on which the complaint is based have not been established; or
(iv) the complaint is otherwise not appropriate for consideration under 28 U.S.C. §§
(B) conclude the proceeding because appropriate corrective action has been taken or
intervening events have made the proceeding unnecessary.
(C) refer the complaint to the Judicial Conference with the judicial council's
recommendations for action.
(D) take remedial action to ensure the effective and expeditious administration of the
business of the courts, including:
(i) censuring or reprimanding the subject judge, either by private communication
or by public announcement;
(ii) ordering that no new cases be assigned to the subject judge for a limited, fixed
(iii) in the case of a magistrate judge, ordering the chief judge of the district court
to take action specified by the council, including the initiation of removal
proceedings under 28 U.S.C. § 631(i) or 42 U.S.C. § 300aa12(c)(2);
(iv) in the case of a bankruptcy judge, removing the judge from office under 28
U.S.C. § 152(e);
(v) in the case of a circuit or district judge, requesting the judge to retire voluntarily
with the provision (if necessary) that ordinary length of service requirements be
(vi) in the case of a circuit or district judge who is eligible to retire but does not do
so, certifying the disability of the judge under 28 U.S.C. § 372(b) so that an
additional judge may be appointed; and
(vii) in the case of a circuit chief judge or district chief judge, finding that the judge
is temporarily unable to perform chief-judge duties, with the result that those
duties devolve to the next eligible judge in accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 45(d) or
§ 136(e).
(E) take any combination of actions described in (b)(1)(A)(D) of this Rule that is within
its power.
(2) Mandatory actions. A judicial council must refer a complaint to the Judicial Conference if the
council determines that a circuit judge or district judge may have engaged in conduct that:
(A) might constitute ground for impeachment; or
(B) in the interest of justice, is not amenable to resolution by the judicial council.
(c) Inadequate Basis for Decision. If the judicial council finds that a special committee's report,
recommendations, and record provide an inadequate basis for decision, it may return the matter to
the committee for further investigation and a new report, or it may conduct further investigation. If
the judicial council decides to conduct further investigation, the subject judge must be given adequate
prior notice in writing of that decision and of the general scope and purpose of the additional
investigation. The judicial council's conduct of the additional investigation must generally accord
with the procedures and powers set forth in Rules 13 through 16 for the conduct of an investigation
by a special committee.
(d) Judicial-Council Vote. Judicial-council action must be taken by a majority of those members of the
council who are not disqualified. A decision to remove a bankruptcy judge from office requires a
majority vote of all the members of the judicial council.
(e) Recommendation for Fee Reimbursement. If the complaint has been finally dismissed or concluded
under (b)(1)(A) or (B) of this Rule, and if the subject judge so requests, the judicial council may
recommend that the Director of the Administrative Office use funds appropriated to the judiciary to
reimburse the judge for reasonable expenses incurred during the investigation, when those expenses
would not have been incurred but for the requirements of the Act and these Rules. Reasonable
expenses include attorneys' fees and expenses related to a successful defense or prosecution of a
proceeding under Rule 21(a) or (b).
(f) Judicial-Council Order. Judicial-council action must be by written order. Unless the judicial council
finds that extraordinary reasons would make it contrary to the interests of justice, the order must be
accompanied by a memorandum setting forth the factual determinations on which it is based and the
reasons for the council action. Such a memorandum may incorporate all or part of any underlying
special-committee report. If the complaint was initiated by identification under Rule 5, the
memorandum must so indicate. The order and memoranda incorporated by reference in the order
must be provided to the complainant, the subject judge, and the Committee on Judicial Conduct and
Disability. The complainant and the subject judge must be notified of any right to review of the
judicial council's decision as provided in Rule 21(b). If the complaint was identified under Rule 5 or
filed by its subject judge, the judicial council must transmit the order and memoranda incorporated
by reference in the order to the Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability for review in
accordance with Rule 21. In the event of such a transmission, the subject judge may make a written
submission to the Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability but will have no further right of
Commentary on Rule 20
This Rule is largely adapted from the Illustrative Rules.
Rule 20(a) provides that within 21 days after the filing of the report of a special committee, the subject
judge may address a written response to all of the members of the judicial council. The subject judge must also be
given an opportunity to present argument to the judicial council, personally or through counsel, or both, at the
direction of the council. Whether that argument is written or oral would be for the judicial council to determine.
The subject judge may not otherwise communicate with judicial-council members about the matter.
Rule 20(b)(1)(B) allows a judicial council to conclude a proceeding where appropriate corrective action
has been taken or intervening events have made the proceeding unnecessary. This provision tracks Rules 11(d)
and (e), which provide for similar action by the chief judge. As with Rule 11(d), appropriate corrective action
must acknowledge and remedy the problem raised by the complaint. See Breyer Committee Report, 239 F.R.D. at
244. And similar to Rule 11(e), although “action on the complaint is no longer necessary because of intervening
events,” the Judicial Conference and the judicial council of the subject judge may nonetheless be able to take
action on potential institutional issues related to the complaint (such as an analysis of what conditions may have
enabled misconduct or prevented its discovery, and what precautionary or curative steps could be undertaken to
prevent its recurrence). 28 U.S.C. § 352(b)(2).
Rule 20(b)(1)(D) recites the remedial actions enumerated in 28 U.S.C. § 354(a)(2) while making clear
that this list is not exhaustive. A judicial council may consider lesser remedies. Some remedies may be unique to
senior judges, whose caseloads can be modified by agreement or through statutory designation and certification
Under 28 U.S.C. §§ 45(d) and 136(e), which provide for succession where “a chief judge is temporarily
unable to perform his duties as such,” the determination whether such an inability exists is not expressly reserved
to the chief judge. Nor, indeed, is it assigned to any particular judge or court-governance body. Clearly, however,
a chief judge’s inability to function as chief could implicate “the effective and expeditious administration of
justice,” which the judicial council of the circuit must, under 28 U.S.C. § 332(d)(1), “make all necessary and
appropriate orders” to secure. For this reason, such reassignment is among a judicial council’s remedial options,
as subsection (b)(1)(D)(vii) makes clear. Consistent with 28 U.S.C. §§ 45(d) and 136(e), however, any
reassignment of chief-judge duties must not outlast the subject judge’s inability to perform them. Nor can such
reassignment result in any extension of the subject judge’s term as chief judge.
Rule 20(c) provides that a judicial council may return a matter to a special committee to augment its
findings and report of its investigation to include additional areas of inquiry and investigation to allow the
judicial council to reach a complete and fully informed judgment. Rule 20(c) also provides that if the judicial
council decides to conduct an additional investigation, the subject judge must be given adequate prior notice in
writing of that decision and of the general scope and purpose of the additional investigation. The conduct of the
investigation will be generally in accordance with the procedures set forth in Rules 13 through 16 for the conduct
of an investigation by a special committee. However, if hearings are held, the judicial council may limit
testimony or the presentation of evidence to avoid unnecessary repetition of testimony and evidence before the
special committee.
Rule 20(d) provides that judicial-council action must be taken by a majority of those members of the
council who are not disqualified, except that a decision to remove a bankruptcy judge from office requires a
majority of all the members of the council as required by 28 U.S.C. § 152(e). However, it is inappropriate to
apply a similar rule to the less severe actions that a judicial council may take under the Act. If some members of
the judicial council are disqualified in the matter, their disqualification should not be given the effect of a vote
against council action.
With regard to Rule 20(e), the judicial council, on the request of the subject judge, may recommend to the
Director of the Administrative Office that the subject judge be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred,
including attorneys' fees. The judicial council has the authority to recommend such reimbursement where, after
investigation by a special committee, the complaint has been finally dismissed or concluded under subsection
(b)(1)(A) or (B) of this Rule. It is contemplated that such reimbursement may be provided for the successful
prosecution or defense of a proceeding under Rule 21(a) or (b), in other words, one that results in a Rule
20(b)(1)(A) or (B) dismissal or conclusion.
Rule 20(f) requires that judicial-council action be by order and, normally, that it be supported with a
memorandum of factual determinations and reasons. Notice of the action must be given to the complainant and
the subject judge, and must include notice of any right to petition for review of the judicial council’s decision
under Rule 21(b). Because an identified complaint has no “complainant” to petition for review, a judicial
council’s dispositive order on an identified complaint on which a special committee has been appointed must be
transmitted to the Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability for review. The same will apply where a
complaint was filed by its subject judge.
21. Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability
(a) Committee Review. The Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability, consisting of seven members,
considers and disposes of all petitions for review under (b) of this Rule, in conformity with the
Committee’s jurisdictional statement. Its review of judicial-council orders is for errors of law, clear
errors of fact, or abuse of discretion. Its disposition of petitions for review is ordinarily final. The
Judicial Conference may, in its sole discretion, review any such Committee decision, but a
complainant or subject judge does not have a right to this review.
(b) Reviewable Matters.
(1) Upon petition. A complainant or subject judge may petition the Committee for review of a
judicial-council order entered in accordance with:
(A) Rule 20(b)(1)(A), (B), (D), or (E); or
(B) Rule 19(b)(1) or (4) if one or more members of the judicial council dissented from the
(2) Upon Committee's initiative. At its initiative and in its sole discretion, the Committee may
review any judicial-council order entered under Rule 19(b)(1) or (4), but only to determine
whether a special committee should be appointed. Before undertaking the review, the
Committee must invite that judicial council to explain why it believes the appointment of a
special committee is unnecessary, unless the reasons are clearly stated in the council's order
denying the petition for review. If the Committee believes that it would benefit from a
submission by the subject judge, it may issue an appropriate request. If the Committee
determines that a special committee should be appointed, the Committee must issue a written
decision giving its reasons.
(c) Committee Vote. Any member of the Committee from the same circuit as the subject judge is
disqualified from considering or voting on a petition for review related to that subject judge.
Committee decisions under (b) of this Rule must be by majority vote of the qualified Committee
members. Those members hearing the petition for review should serve in that capacity until final
disposition of the petition, whether or not their term of committee membership has ended. If only six
members are qualified to consider a petition for review, the Chief Justice shall select an additional
judge to join the qualified members to consider the petition. If four or fewer members are qualified
to consider a petition for review, the Chief Justice shall select a panel of five judges, including the
qualified Committee members, to consider it.
(d) Additional Investigation. Except in extraordinary circumstances, the Committee will not conduct an
additional investigation. The Committee may return the matter to the judicial council with directions
to undertake an additional investigation. If the Committee conducts an additional investigation, it
will exercise the powers of the Judicial Conference under 28 U.S.C. § 331.
(e) Oral Argument; Personal Appearance. There is ordinarily no oral argument or personal appearance
before the Committee. In its discretion, the Committee may permit written submissions.
(f) Committee Decision. A Committee decision under this Rule must be transmitted promptly to the
Judicial Conference. Other distribution will be by the Administrative Office at the direction of the
Committee chair.
(g) Finality. All orders of the Judicial Conference or of the Committee (when the Conference does not
exercise its power of review) are final.
Commentary on Rule 21
This Rule is largely self-explanatory.
Rule 21(a) is intended to clarify that the delegation of power to the Committee on Judicial Conduct and
Disability to dispose of petitions for review does not preclude review of such dispositions by the Judicial
Conference. However, there is no right to such review in any party.
Rules 21(b)(1)(B) and (b)(2) are intended to fill a jurisdictional gap as to review of a dismissal or a
conclusion of a complaint under Rule 19(b)(1) or (4). Where one or more members of a judicial council
reviewing a petition have dissented, the complainant or the subject judge has the right to petition for review by
the Committee. Under Rule 21(b)(2), the Committee may review such a dismissal or conclusion in its sole
discretion, whether or not a dissent occurred, and only as to the appointment of a special committee. Any review
under Rule 21(b)(2) will be conducted as soon as practicable after the dismissal or conclusion at issue. No party
has a right to such review, and such review will be rare.
Rule 21(c) provides for review only by Committee members from circuits other than that of the subject
judge. The Rule provides that every petition for review must be considered and voted on by at least five, and if
possible by seven, qualified Committee members to avoid the possibility of tie votes. If six, or four or fewer,
members are qualified, the Chief Justice shall appoint other judges to join the qualified members to consider the
petition for review. To the extent possible, the judges whom the Chief Justice selects to join the qualified
members should be drawn from among former members of the Committee.
Under this Rule, all Committee decisions are final in that they are unreviewable unless the Judicial
Conference, in its discretion, decides to review a decision. Committee decisions, however, do not necessarily
constitute final action on a complaint for purposes of Rule 24.
22. Procedures for Review
(a) Filing Petition for Review. A petition for review of a judicial-council decision on a reviewable matter,
as defined in Rule 21(b)(1), may be filed by sending a brief written statement to the Committee on
Judicial Conduct and Disability at JCD_PetitionforReview@ao.uscourts.gov or to:
Judicial Conference Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability
Attn: Office of the General Counsel
Administrative Office of the United States Courts
One Columbus Circle, NE
Washington, D.C. 20544
The Administrative Office will send a copy of the petition for review to the complainant or the subject
judge, as the case may be.
(b) Form and Contents of Petition. No particular form is required. The petition for review must contain
a short statement of the basic facts underlying the complaint, the history of its consideration before
the appropriate judicial council, a copy of the council's decision, and the grounds on which the
petitioner seeks review. The petition for review must specify the date and docket number of the
judicial council order for which review is sought. The petitioner may attach any documents or
correspondence arising in the course of the proceeding before the judicial council or its special
committee. A petition for review should not normally exceed 20 pages plus necessary attachments. A
petition for review must be signed by the petitioner or his or her attorney.
(c) Time. A petition for review must be submitted within 42 days after the date of the order for which
review is sought.
(d) Action on Receipt of Petition. When a petition for review of a judicial-council decision on a reviewable
matter, as defined in Rule 21(b)(1), is submitted in accordance with this Rule, the Administrative
Office shall acknowledge its receipt, notify the chair of the Committee on Judicial Conduct and
Disability, and distribute the petition to the members of the Committee for their deliberation.
Commentary on Rule 22
Rule 22 is self-explanatory.
23. Confidentiality
(a) Confidentiality Generally. Confidentiality under these Rules is intended to protect the fairness and
thoroughness of the process by which a complaint is filed or initiated, investigated (in specific
circumstances), and ultimately resolved, as specified under these Rules.
(b) Confidentiality in the Complaint Process.
(1) General Rule. The consideration of a complaint by a chief judge, a special committee, a
judicial council, or the Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability is confidential.
Information about this consideration must not be publicly disclosed by any judge or judicial
employee, or by any person who records or transcribes testimony except as allowed by these
Rules. A chief judge, a judicial council, or the Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability
may disclose the existence of a proceeding under these Rules when necessary or appropriate
to maintain public confidence in the judiciary’s ability to redress misconduct or disability.
(2) Files. All files related to a complaint must be separately maintained with appropriate security
precautions to ensure confidentiality.
(3) Disclosure in Decisions. Except as otherwise provided in Rule 24, written decisions of a chief
judge, a judicial council, or the Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability, and dissenting
opinions or separate statements of members of a council or the Committee may contain
information and exhibits that the authors consider appropriate for inclusion, and the
information and exhibits may be made public.
(4) Availability to Judicial Conference. On request of the Judicial Conference or its Committee
on Judicial Conduct and Disability, the circuit clerk must furnish any requested records
related to a complaint. For auditing purposes, the circuit clerk must provide access to the
Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability to records of proceedings under the Act at the
site where the records are kept.
(5) Availability to District Court. If the judicial council directs the initiation of proceedings for
removal of a magistrate judge under Rule 20(b)(1)(D)(iii), the circuit clerk must provide to
the chief judge of the district court copies of the report of the special committee and any other
documents and records that were before the council at the time of its decision. On request of
the chief judge of the district court, the judicial council may authorize release to that chief
judge of any other records relating to the investigation.
(6) Impeachment Proceedings. If the Judicial Conference determines that consideration of
impeachment may be warranted, it must transmit the record of all relevant proceedings to the
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
(7) Subject Judge's Consent. If both the subject judge and the chief judge consent in writing, any
materials from the files may be disclosed to any person. In any such disclosure, the chief judge
may require that the identity of the complainant, or of witnesses in an investigation conducted
under these Rules, not be revealed.
(8) Disclosure in Special Circumstances. The Judicial Conference, its Committee on Judicial
Conduct and Disability, a judicial council, or a chief judge may authorize disclosure of
information about the consideration of a complaint, including the papers, documents, and
transcripts relating to the investigation, to the extent that disclosure is justified by special
circumstances and is not prohibited by the Act. For example, disclosure may be made to
judicial researchers engaged in the study or evaluation of experience under the Act and related
modes of judicial discipline, but only where the study or evaluation has been specifically
approved by the Judicial Conference or by the Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability.
Appropriate steps must be taken to protect the identities of the subject judge, the complainant,
and witnesses from public disclosure. Other appropriate safeguards to protect against the
dissemination of confidential information may be imposed.
(9) Disclosure of Identity by Subject Judge. Nothing in this Rule precludes the subject judge from
acknowledging that he or she is the judge referred to in documents made public under Rule
(10) Assistance and Consultation. Nothing in this Rule prohibits a chief judge, a special committee,
a judicial council, or the Judicial Conference or its Committee on Judicial Conduct and
Disability, in the performance of any function authorized under the Act or these Rules, from
seeking the help of qualified staff or experts or from consulting other judges who may be
helpful regarding the performance of that function.
(c) Disclosure of Misconduct and Disability. Nothing in these Rules and Commentary concerning the
confidentiality of the complaint process, or in the Code of Conduct for Judicial Employees concerning
the use or disclosure of confidential information received in the course of official duties, prevents a
judicial employee from reporting or disclosing misconduct or disability.
Commentary on Rule 23
Rule 23 was adapted from the Illustrative Rules.
The Act applies a rule of confidentiality to “papers, documents, and records of proceedings related to
investigations conducted under this chapter” and states that they may not be disclosed “by any person in any
proceeding,” with enumerated exceptions. 28 U.S.C. § 360(a). Three questions arise: Who is bound by the
confidentiality rule, what proceedings are subject to the rule, and who is within the circle of people who may
have access to information without breaching the rule?
With regard to the first question, Rule 23(b)(1) provides that judges, employees of the judiciary, and those
persons involved in recording proceedings and preparing transcripts are obliged to respect the confidentiality
requirement. This of course includes subject judges who do not consent to identification under Rule 23(b)(9).
With regard to the second question, Rule 23(b)(1) applies the rule of confidentiality broadly to
consideration of a complaint at any stage.
With regard to the third question, there is no barrier of confidentiality among a chief judge, a judicial
council, the Judicial Conference, and the Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability. Each may have access
to any of the confidential records for use in their consideration of a referred matter, a petition for review, or
monitoring the administration of the Act. A district court may have similar access if the judicial council orders
the district court to initiate proceedings to remove a magistrate judge from office, and Rule 23(b)(5) so provides.
In extraordinary circumstances, a chief judge, a judicial council, or the Committee on Judicial Conduct
and Disability may disclose the existence of a proceeding under these Rules. The disclosure of such information
in high-visibility or controversial cases is to reassure the public that the judiciary is capable of redressing judicial
misconduct or disability. Moreover, the confidentiality requirement does not prevent a chief judge from
“communicat[ing] orally or in writing with . . . [persons] who may have knowledge of the matter,” as part of a
limited inquiry conducted by the chief judge under Rule 11(b).
Rule 23 recognizes that there must be some exceptions to the Act’s confidentiality requirement. For
example, the Act requires that certain orders and the reasons for them must be made public. 28 U.S.C. § 360(b).
Rule 23(b)(3) makes it explicit that written decisions, as well as dissenting opinions and separate statements, may
contain references to information that would otherwise be confidential and that such information may be made
public. However, subsection (b)(3) is subject to Rule 24(a), which provides the general rule regarding the public
availability of decisions. For example, the name of a subject judge cannot be made public in a decision if
disclosure of the name is prohibited by that Rule.
The Act makes clear that there is a barrier of confidentiality between the judicial branch and the
legislative branch. It provides that material may be disclosed to Congress only if it is believed necessary to an
impeachment investigation or trial of a judge. 28 U.S.C. § 360(a)(2). Accordingly, Section 355(b) of the Act
requires the Judicial Conference to transmit the record of a proceeding to the House of Representatives if the
Conference believes that impeachment of a subject judge may be appropriate. Rule 23(b)(6) implements this
The Act provides that confidential materials may be disclosed if authorized in writing by the subject judge
and by the chief judge. 28 U.S.C. § 360(a)(3). Rule 23(b)(7) implements this requirement. Once the subject
judge has consented to the disclosure of confidential materials related to a complaint, the chief judge ordinarily
will refuse consent only to the extent necessary to protect the confidentiality interests of the complainant or of
witnesses who have testified in investigatory proceedings or who have provided information in response to a
limited inquiry undertaken pursuant to Rule 11. It will generally be necessary, therefore, for the chief judge to
require that the identities of the complainant or of such witnesses, as well as any identifying information, be
shielded in any materials disclosed, except insofar as the chief judge has secured the consent of the complainant
or of a particular witness to disclosure, or there is a demonstrated need for disclosure of the information that, in
the judgment of the chief judge, outweighs the confidentiality interest of the complainant or of a particular
witness (as may be the case where the complainant is delusional or where the complainant or a particular witness
has already demonstrated a lack of concern about maintaining the confidentiality of the proceedings).
Rule 23(b)(8) permits disclosure of additional information in circumstances not enumerated. For
example, disclosure may be appropriate to permit prosecution for perjury based on testimony given before a
special committee, where a special committee discovers evidence of a judge’s criminal conduct, to permit
disciplinary action by a bar association or other licensing body, or in other appropriate circumstances.
Under subsection (b)(8), where a complainant or other person has publicly released information regarding
the existence of a complaint proceeding, the Judicial Conference, the Committee on Judicial Conduct and
Disability, a judicial council, or a chief judge may authorize the disclosure of information about the consideration
of the complaint, including orders and other materials related to the complaint proceeding, in the interest of
assuring the public that the judiciary is acting effectively and expeditiously in addressing the relevant complaint
Subsection (b)(8) also permits the authorization of disclosure of information about the consideration of a
complaint, including the papers, documents, and transcripts relating to the investigation, to judicial researchers
engaged in the study or evaluation of experience under the Act and related modes of judicial discipline. The Rule
envisions disclosure of information from the official record of a complaint proceeding to a limited category of
persons for appropriately authorized research purposes only, and with appropriate safeguards to protect
individual identities in any published research results. In authorizing disclosure, a judicial council may refuse to
release particular materials when such release would be contrary to the interests of justice, or when those
materials constitute purely internal communications. The Rule does not envision disclosure of purely internal
communications between judges and their colleagues and staff.
Under Rule 23(b)(10), any of the specified judges or entities performing a function authorized under these
Rules may seek expert or staff assistance or may consult with other judges who may be helpful regarding
performance of that function; the confidentiality requirement does not preclude this. A chief judge, for example,
may properly seek the advice and assistance of another judge who the chief judge deems to be in the best position
to communicate with the subject judge in an attempt to bring about corrective action. As another example, a new
chief judge may wish to confer with a predecessor to learn how similar complaints have been handled. In
consulting with other judges, of course, a chief judge should disclose information regarding the complaint only to
the extent the chief judge deems necessary under the circumstances.
Rule 23(c) provides that confidentiality as referenced in these Rules and Commentary is directed toward
protecting the fairness and thoroughness of the process by which a complaint is filed or initiated, investigated (in
specific circumstances), and ultimately resolved, as specified under these Rules. Nothing in these Rules
concerning the confidentiality of the complaint process or the Code of Conduct for Judicial Employees
concerning use or disclosure of confidential information received in the course of official duties prevents judicial
employees from reporting or disclosing misconduct or disability.
Judges should bring such matters to the attention of the relevant chief district judge or chief circuit judge
in accordance with Rule 4(a)(6). Judges should be mindful of Canon 3(B)(6) of the Code of Conduct for United
States Judges, which provides in part that a judge “should take appropriate action upon receipt of reliable
information indicating the likelihood that a judge’s conduct contravened their Code."
24. Public Availability of Decisions
(a) General Rule; Specific Cases. When final action has been taken on a complaint and it is no longer
subject to review as of right, all orders entered by the chief judge and judicial council, including
memoranda incorporated by reference in those orders and any dissenting opinions or separate
statements by members of the judicial council, must be made public, with the following exceptions:
(1) if the complaint is finally dismissed under Rule 11(c) without the appointment of a special
committee, or if it is concluded under Rule 11(d) because of voluntary corrective action, the
publicly available materials generally should not disclose the name of the subject judge
without his or her consent.
(2) if the complaint is concluded because of intervening events, or dismissed at any time after a
special committee is appointed, the judicial council must determine whether the name of the
subject judge should be disclosed.
(3) if the complaint is finally disposed of by a privately communicated censure or reprimand, the
publicly available materials must not disclose either the name of the subject judge or the text
of the reprimand.
(4) if the complaint is finally disposed of under Rule 20(b)(1)(D) by any remedial action other
than private censure or reprimand, the text of the dispositive order must be included in the
materials made public, and the name of the subject judge must be disclosed.
(5) the name of the complainant must not be disclosed in materials made public under this Rule
unless the chief judge or the judicial council orders disclosure.
(b) Manner of Making Public. The orders described in (a) must be made public by placing the orders on
the court’s public website and by placing them in a publicly accessible file in the office of the circuit
clerk. If the orders appear to have precedential value, the chief judge may cause them to be published.
In addition, the Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability will make available on the judiciary’s
website, www.uscourts.gov, selected illustrative orders described in paragraph (a), appropriately
redacted, to provide additional information to the public on how complaints are addressed under the
(c) Orders of Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability. Orders of the Committee on Judicial
Conduct and Disability constituting final action in a complaint proceeding arising from a particular
circuit will be made available to the public in the office of the circuit clerk of the relevant court of
appeals. The Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability will also make such orders available on
the judiciary’s website, www.uscourts.gov. When authorized by the Committee on Judicial Conduct
and Disability, other orders related to complaint proceedings will similarly be made available.
(d) Complaints Referred to Judicial Conference. If a complaint is referred to the Judicial Conference
under Rule 20(b)(1)(C) or 20(b)(2), materials relating to the complaint will be made public only if
ordered by the Judicial Conference.
Commentary on Rule 24
Rule 24 is adapted from the Illustrative Rules and the recommendations of the Breyer Committee.
The Act requires the circuits to make available only written orders of a judicial council or the Judicial
Conference imposing some form of sanction. 28 U.S.C. § 360(b). The Judicial Conference, however, has long
recognized the desirability of public availability of a broader range of orders and other materials. In 1994, the
Judicial Conference "urge[d] all circuits and courts covered by the Act to submit to the West Publishing
Company, for publication in Federal Reporter 3d, and to Lexis all orders issued pursuant to [the Act] that are
deemed by the issuing circuit or court to have significant precedential value to other circuits and courts covered
by the Act." Report of the Proceedings of the Judicial Conference of the United States, Mar. 1994, at 28.
Following this recommendation, the 2000 revision of the Illustrative Rules contained a public availability
provision very similar to Rule 24. In 2002, the Judicial Conference again voted to encourage the circuits "to
submit non-routine public orders disposing of complaints of judicial misconduct or disability for publication by
on-line and print services." Report of the Proceedings of the Judicial Conference of the United States, Sept. 2002,
at 58. The Breyer Committee Report further emphasized that "[p]osting such orders on the judicial branch's
public website would not only benefit judges directly, it would also encourage scholarly commentary and
analysis of the orders." Breyer Committee Report, 239 F.R.D. at 216. With these considerations in mind, Rule 24
provides for public availability of a wide range of materials.
Rule 24 provides for public availability of orders of a chief judge, a judicial council, and the Committee
on Judicial Conduct and Disability, as well as the texts of memoranda incorporated by reference in those orders,
together with any dissenting opinions or separate statements by members of the judicial council. No memoranda
other than those incorporated by reference in those orders shall be disclosed. However, these orders and
memoranda are to be made public only when final action on the complaint has been taken and any right of review
has been exhausted. The provision that decisions will be made public only after final action has been taken is
designed in part to avoid public disclosure of the existence of pending proceedings. Whether the name of the
subject judge is disclosed will then depend on the nature of the final action. If the final action is an order
predicated on a finding of misconduct or disability (other than a privately communicated censure or reprimand)
the name of the subject judge must be made public. If the final action is dismissal of the complaint, the name of
the subject judge must not be disclosed. Rule 24(a)(1) provides that where a proceeding is concluded under Rule
11(d) by the chief judge on the basis of voluntary corrective action, the name of the subject judge generally
should not be disclosed, except where the complainant or another person has disclosed the existence of a
complaint proceeding to the public. Shielding the name of the subject judge in this circumstance should
encourage informal disposition.
If a complaint is dismissed as moot, or because intervening events have made action on the complaint
unnecessary, after appointment of a special committee, Rule 24(a)(2) allows the judicial council to determine
whether the subject judge will be identified. In such a case, no final decision has been rendered on the merits, but
it may be in the public interest particularly if a judicial officer resigns in the course of an investigation to
make the identity of the subject judge known.
Once a special committee has been appointed, and a proceeding is concluded by the full judicial council
on the basis of a remedial order of the council, Rule 24(a)(4) provides for disclosure of the name of the subject
Rule 24(a)(5) provides that the identity of the complainant will be disclosed only if the chief judge so
orders. Identifying the complainant when the subject judge is not identified would increase the likelihood that the
identity of the subject judge would become publicly known, thus circumventing the policy of nondisclosure. It
may not always be practicable to shield the complainant's identity while making public disclosure of the judicial
council's order and supporting memoranda; in some circumstances, moreover, the complainant may consent to
public identification.
Rule 24(b) makes clear that circuits must post on their external websites all orders required to be made
public under Rule 24(a). The judiciary will seek ways to make decisions on complaints filed in their courts more
readily accessible to the public through searchable electronic indices.
Matters involving orders issued following a special-committee investigation often involve highly sensitive
situations, and it is important that judicial councils have every opportunity to reach a correct and just outcome.
This would include the ability to reach informal resolution before a subject judge’s identity must be released. But
there must also come a point of procedural finality. The date of finality and thus the time at which other
safeguards and rules such as the publication requirement are triggered is the date on which the judicial council
issues a Final Order. See In re Complaint of Judicial Misconduct, 751 F.3d 611, 617 (2014) (requiring
publication of a judicial council order “[e]ven though the period for review had not yet elapsed” and concluding
that “the order was a final decision because the Council had adjudicated the matter on the merits after having
received a report from a special investigating committee”). As determined in the cited case, modifications of this
kind to a final order are subject to review by the Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability.
25. Disqualification
(a) General Rule. Any judge is disqualified from participating in any proceeding under these Rules if the
judge concludes that circumstances warrant disqualification. If a complaint is filed by a judge, that
judge is disqualified from participating in any consideration of the complaint except to the extent
that these Rules provide for a complainant’s participation. A chief judge who has identified a
complaint under Rule 5 is not automatically disqualified from considering the complaint.
(b) Subject Judge. A subject judge, including a chief judge, is disqualified from considering a complaint
except to the extent that these Rules provide for participation by a subject judge.
(c) Chief Judge Disqualified from Considering Petition for Review of Chief Judge's Order. If a petition
for review of the chief judge's order entered under Rule 11(c), (d), or (e) is filed with the judicial
council in accordance with Rule 18, the chief judge is disqualified from participating in the council's
consideration of the petition.
(d) Member of Special Committee Not Disqualified. A member of the judicial council who serves on a
special committee, including the chief judge, is not disqualified from participating in council
consideration of the committee's report.
(e) Subject Judge’s Disqualification After Appointment of Special Committee. Upon appointment of a
special committee, the subject judge is disqualified from participating in the identification or
consideration of any complaint, related or unrelated to the pending matter, under the Act or these
Rules. The disqualification continues until all proceedings on the complaint against the subject judge
are finally terminated with no further right of review.
(f) Substitute for Disqualified Chief Judge. If the chief judge is disqualified from performing duties that
the Act and these Rules assign to a chief judge (including where a complaint is filed against a chief
judge), those duties must be assigned to the most senior active circuit judge not disqualified. If all
circuit judges in regular active service are disqualified, the judicial council may determine whether
to request a transfer under Rule 26, or, in the interest of sound judicial administration, to permit the
chief judge to dispose of the complaint on the merits. Members of the judicial council who are named
in the complaint may participate in this determination if necessary to obtain a quorum of the council.
(g) Judicial-Council Action When Multiple Judges Disqualified. Notwithstanding any other provision in
these Rules to the contrary,
(1) a member of the judicial council who is a subject judge may participate in its disposition if:
(A) participation by one or more subject judges is necessary to obtain a quorum of the
judicial council;
(B) the judicial council finds that the lack of a quorum is due to the naming of one or more
judges in the complaint for the purpose of disqualifying that judge or those judges, or
to the naming of one or more judges based on their participation in a decision excluded
from the definition of misconduct under Rule 4(b); and
(C) the judicial council votes that it is necessary, appropriate, and in the interest of sound
judicial administration that one or more subject judges be eligible to act.
(2) otherwise disqualified members may participate in votes taken under (g)(1)(B) and (g)(1)(C).
(h) Disqualification of Members of Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability. No member of the
Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability is disqualified from participating in any proceeding
under the Act or these Rules because of consultations with a chief judge, a member of a special
committee, or a member of a judicial council about the interpretation or application of the Act or
these Rules, unless the member believes that the consultation would prevent fair minded
Commentary on Rule 25
Rule 25 is adapted from the Illustrative Rules.
Subsection (a) provides the general rule for disqualification. Of course, a judge is not disqualified simply
because the subject judge is on the same court. However, this subsection recognizes that there may be cases in
which an appearance of bias or prejudice is created by circumstances other than an association with the subject
judge as a colleague. For example, a judge may have a familial relationship with a complainant or subject judge.
When such circumstances exist, a judge may, in his or her discretion, conclude that disqualification is warranted.
Subsection (e) makes it clear that the disqualification of the subject judge relates only to the subject
judge’s participation in any proceeding arising under the Act or these Rules. For example, the subject judge
cannot initiate complaints by identification, conduct limited inquiries, or choose between dismissal and special-
committee investigation as the threshold disposition of a complaint. Likewise, the subject judge cannot
participate in any proceeding arising under the Act or these Rules as a member of any special committee, the
judicial council of the circuit, the Judicial Conference, or the Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability. The
Illustrative Rule, based on Section 359(a) of the Act, is ambiguous and could be read to disqualify a subject judge
from service of any kind on each of the bodies mentioned. This is undoubtedly not the intent of the Act; such a
disqualification would be anomalous in light of the Act’s allowing a subject judge to continue to decide cases and
to continue to exercise the powers of chief circuit or district judge. It would also create a substantial deterrence to
the appointment of special committees, particularly where a special committee is needed solely because the chief
judge may not decide matters of credibility in his or her review under Rule 11.
While a subject judge is barred by Rule 25(b) from participating in the disposition of the complaint in
which he or she is named, Rule 25(e) recognizes that participation in proceedings arising under the Act or these
Rules by a judge who is the subject of a special committee investigation may lead to an appearance of self-
interest in creating substantive and procedural precedents governing such proceedings. Rule 25(e) bars such
Under the Act, a complaint against the chief judge is to be handled by “that circuit judge in regular active
service next senior in date of commission.” 28 U.S.C. § 351(c). Rule 25(f) provides that seniority among judges
other than the chief judge is to be determined by date of commission, with the result that complaints against the
chief judge may be routed to a former chief judge or other judge who was appointed earlier than the chief judge.
The Rules do not purport to prescribe who is to preside over meetings of the judicial council. Consequently,
where the presiding member of the judicial council is disqualified from participating under these Rules, the order
of precedence prescribed by Rule 25(f) for performing “duties that the Act and these Rules assign to a chief
judge” does not apply to determine the acting presiding member of the council. That is a matter left to the internal
rules or operating practices of each judicial council. In most cases the most senior active circuit judge who is a
member of the judicial council and who is not disqualified will preside.
Sometimes a single complaint is filed against a large group of judges. If the normal disqualification rules
are observed in such a case, no court of appeals judge can serve as acting chief judge of the circuit, and the
judicial council will be without appellate members. Where the complaint is against all circuit and district judges,
under normal rules no member of the judicial council can perform the duties assigned to the council under the
A similar problem is created by successive complaints arising out of the same underlying grievance. For
example, a complainant files a complaint against a district judge based on alleged misconduct, and the complaint
is dismissed by the chief judge under the statute. The complainant may then file a complaint against the chief
judge for dismissing the first complaint, and when that complaint is dismissed by the next senior judge, still a
third complaint may be filed. The threat is that the complainant will bump down the seniority ladder until, once
again, there is no member of the court of appeals who can serve as acting chief judge for the purpose of the next
complaint. Similarly, complaints involving the merits of litigation may involve a series of decisions in which
many judges participated or in which a rehearing en banc was denied by the court of appeals, and the complaint
may name a majority of the judicial council as subject judges.
In recognition that these multiple-judge complaints are virtually always meritless, the judicial council is
given discretion to determine: (1) whether it is necessary, appropriate, and in the interest of sound judicial
administration to permit the chief judge to dispose of a complaint where it would otherwise be impossible for any
active circuit judge in the circuit to act, and (2) whether it is necessary, appropriate, and in the interest of sound
judicial administration, after appropriate findings as to need and justification are made, to permit subject judges
of the judicial council to participate in the disposition of a petition for review where it would otherwise be
impossible to obtain a quorum.
Applying a rule of necessity in these situations is consistent with the appearance of justice. See, e.g., In re
Complaint of Doe, 2 F.3d 308 (8th Cir. Jud. Council 1993) (invoking the rule of necessity); In re Complaint of
Judicial Misconduct, No. 91-80464 (9th Cir. Jud. Council 1992) (same). There is no unfairness in permitting the
chief judge to dispose of a patently insubstantial complaint that names all active circuit judges in the circuit.
Similarly, there is no unfairness in permitting subject judges, in these circumstances, to participate in the
review of the chief judge's dismissal of an insubstantial complaint. The remaining option is to assign the matter to
another body. Among other alternatives, the judicial council may request a transfer of the petition under Rule 26.
Given the administrative inconvenience and delay involved in these alternatives, it is desirable to request a
transfer only if the judicial council determines that the petition for review is substantial enough to warrant such
In the unlikely event that a quorum of the judicial council cannot be obtained to consider the report of a
special committee, it would normally be necessary to request a transfer under Rule 26.
Rule 25(h) recognizes that the jurisdictional statement of the Committee on Judicial Conduct and
Disability contemplates consultation between members of the Committee and judicial participants in proceedings
under the Act and these Rules. Such consultation should not automatically preclude participation by a member in
that proceeding.
26. Transfer to Another Judicial Council
In exceptional circumstances, a chief judge or a judicial council may ask the Chief Justice to transfer
a proceeding based on a complaint identified under Rule 5 or filed under Rule 6 to the judicial council of
another circuit. The request for a transfer may be made at any stage of the proceeding before a reference to
the Judicial Conference under Rule 20(b)(1)(C) or 20(b)(2) or a petition for review is filed under Rule 22.
Upon receiving such a request, the Chief Justice may refuse the request or select the transferee judicial
council, which may then exercise the powers of a judicial council under these Rules.
Commentary on Rule 26
Rule 26 implements the Breyer Committee's recommended use of transfers. Breyer Committee Report,
239 F.R.D. at 214-15.
Rule 26 authorizes the transfer of a complaint proceeding to another judicial council selected by the Chief
Justice. Such transfers may be appropriate, for example, in the case of a serious complaint where there are
multiple disqualifications among the original judicial council, where the issues are highly visible and a local
disposition may weaken public confidence in the process, where internal tensions arising in the council as a result
of the complaint render disposition by a less involved council appropriate, or where a complaint calls into
question policies or governance of the home court of appeals. The power to effect a transfer is lodged in the Chief
Justice to avoid disputes in a judicial council over where to transfer a sensitive matter and to ensure that the
transferee council accepts the matter.
Upon receipt of a transferred proceeding, the transferee judicial council shall determine the proper stage
at which to begin consideration of the complaint for example, reference to the transferee chief judge,
appointment of a special committee, etc.
27. Withdrawal of Complaint or Petition for Review
(a) Complaint Pending Before Chief Judge. With the chief judge's consent, the complainant may
withdraw a complaint that is before the chief judge for a decision under Rule 11. The withdrawal of
a complaint will not prevent the chief judge from identifying or having to identify a complaint under
Rule 5 based on the withdrawn complaint.
(b) Complaint Pending Before Special Committee or Judicial Council. After a complaint has been
referred to the special committee for investigation and before the committee files its report, the
complainant may withdraw the complaint only with the consent of both the subject judge and either
the special committee or the judicial council.
(c) Petition for Review. A petition for review addressed to the judicial council under Rule 18, or the
Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability under Rule 22, may be withdrawn if no action on the
petition has been taken.
Commentary on Rule 27
Rule 27 is adapted from the Illustrative Rules and treats the complaint proceeding, once begun, as a
matter of public business rather than as the property of the complainant. Accordingly, the chief judge or the
judicial council remains responsible for addressing any complaint under the Act, even a complaint that has been
formally withdrawn by the complainant.
Under subsection (a), a complaint pending before the chief judge may be withdrawn if the chief judge
consents. Where the complaint clearly lacked merit, the chief judge may accordingly be saved the burden of
preparing a formal order and supporting memorandum. However, the chief judge may, or be obligated under Rule
5, to identify a complaint based on allegations in a withdrawn complaint.
If the chief judge appoints a special committee, Rule 27(b) provides that the complaint may be withdrawn
only with the consent of both the body before which it is pending (the special committee or the judicial council)
and the subject judge. Once a complaint has reached the stage of appointment of a special committee, a resolution
of the issues may be necessary to preserve public confidence. Moreover, the subject judge is given the right to
insist that the matter be resolved on the merits, thereby eliminating any ambiguity that might remain if the
proceeding were terminated by withdrawal of the complaint.
With regard to all petitions for review, Rule 27(c) grants the petitioner unrestricted authority to withdraw
the petition. It is thought that the public's interest in the proceeding is adequately protected, because there will
necessarily have been a decision by the chief judge and often by the judicial council as well in such a case.
28. Availability of Rules and Forms
These Rules and copies of the complaint form as provided in Rule 6(a) must be available without charge in
the office of the circuit clerk of each court of appeals, district court, bankruptcy court, or other federal court
whose judges are subject to the Act. Each court must also make these Rules, the complaint form, and
complaint-filing instructions available on the court’s website, or provide an Internet link to these items on
the appropriate court of appeals website or on www.uscourts.gov.
29. Effective Date
These Rules will become effective after promulgation by the Judicial Conference of the United States.