ACCESS for ELLs 2.0
Test Coordinator Handbook
Last Updated: October 14th, 2015
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 4
Purpose of this Handbook .......................................................................................................... 4
Change in Vendor ........................................................................................................................ 4
Contact Information .................................................................................................................... 4
Online ACCESS for ELLs ................................................................................................................... 5
Why go online? ........................................................................................................................... 5
Changes to the Structure of ACCESS for ELLs ............................................................................. 5
Grade Clusters ......................................................................................................................... 5
Tiers ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Order of Domain Testing ........................................................................................................ 6
Length of the Assessment ....................................................................................................... 6
Test Session Size, Makeup ...................................................................................................... 7
Website Information ................................................................................................................... 7
WIDA website.......................................................................................................................... 7
WIDA Assessment Management System ................................................................................ 7
Software Information.................................................................................................................. 8
DRC Insight Secure Browser .................................................................................................... 8
DRC Testing Site Manager (TSM) ............................................................................................ 8
Changes to Administration Roles ................................................................................................ 8
Test Coordinators .................................................................................................................... 8
Technology Coordinators ........................................................................................................ 8
Test Administrators ................................................................................................................. 8
Using the WIDA AMS ...................................................................................................................... 9
Managing Testing Roles .............................................................................................................. 9
Adding a User .......................................................................................................................... 9
Adding Multiple Users at Once ............................................................................................. 12
Managing Users .................................................................................................................... 12
Ordering Tests ........................................................................................................................... 13
Writing Booklet Orders ......................................................................................................... 15
Adding Students ........................................................................................................................ 15
Test Session Creation ................................................................................................................ 17
Materials Returning .................................................................................................................. 18
Score Reporting ......................................................................................................................... 18
Training for Administering ACCESS For ELLs ................................................................................. 18
Accessing Training ..................................................................................................................... 18
Training Checklists .................................................................................................................... 20
Training Modules ...................................................................................................................... 20
Accommodations .......................................................................................................................... 21
Appendix A: Manuals and Resources............................................................................................ 22
Beginning in 20152016, ACCESS for ELLs for grades 1-12 is an online assessment. This new
assessment builds on earlier versions of ACCESS for ELLs and the WIDA English Language
Development Standards.
Purpose of this Handbook
This Handbook is designed as a quick reference guide to outline key information for
coordinating ACCESS for ELLs. This information is drawn from existing documents and training
materials available on the WIDA website and WIDA Assessment Management System (WIDA
AMS). Appendix A provides links to source materials where you can find more detailed
information on these topics.
Change in Vendor
As part of the move online, a new vendor selection process was held. The Data Recognition
Corporation (DRC) was selected as the vendor for the new test, and will take over the printing,
distribution, scoring, and reporting duties. MetriTech can still be contacted for 2014-2015 test
scores, but DRC will be the contact for the 2015-2016 school year and beyond.
Contact Information
For Questions about:
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Training
WIDA website logins and
WIDA Client Services Center
(866) 276-7735
For Questions about:
Scoring & Reporting
DRC Customer Service
(855) 787-9615
For Questions about:
ACCESS for ELLs Testing
EL Accommodations
Jesse Roberts
(608) 267-5153
For Questions about:
Title III
Identification of ELs
EL Programs
Audrey Lesondak
(608) 266-7292
Online ACCESS for ELLs
Why go online?
Moving ACCESS for ELLs online was a logical next step in the constant development and
improvement of this assessment. Leveraging technology, we can support our English learners in
many ways that we were unable to fully do on the paper assessment.
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 is designed to increase student engagement through a more dynamic
testing experience. It is highly student-centric, with voice acting from students of similar ages
modeling responses to the test and providing school-based situations for the testing students
to respond to.
With built-in accommodations and accessibility features, a wide range of student needs can be
met without the need for a test administrator or testing aide to provide one-on-one support. In
addition, a move from a pre-selected difficulty tier to a staged adaptive test allows ACCESS for
ELLs 2.0 to much more accurately target students’ individual range of language skills.
One major benefit of moving online is a reduction in the amount of effort required to
administer the assessment. As the computer is now delivering much of the test content,
including practice items and directions, it is possible to simultaneously administer the test to
multiple grades and proficiency levels. The online test will also record all student answers,
scoring the reading and listening domains as they are taken, and sending the writing and
speaking responses to DRC for centralized scoring. This frees test administrators from having to
assess the speaking domain one-on-one, on the fly, and allows the Speaking domain to be
assessed in small groups.
Changes to the Structure of ACCESS for ELLs
Grade Clusters
The grade clusters have changed slightly, as shown in the following graphic:
During the 2016-2017 school year and beyond, the Paper grade clusters will be aligned with the
Online clusters.
Kindergarten and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs have not changed.
While Tiers still exist, they are substantially less critical than in the previous version of ACCESS
for ELLs. The three tiers of A,B,C have been combined into two tiers of A and B/C. Tier A is for
students who are just beginning to speak English, ELP 1-2. Tier B/C is for all other English
Test administrators will no longer need to select the appropriate tier for students taking the
online test. The adaptivity of the test will allow them to find the appropriate level of difficulty in
the assessment and ensure that they are challenged but not overly challenged.
After taking the Listening and Reading domains, the Writing and Speaking Tier will be
automatically determined for a student.
New Speaking Tier: Pre-A
Very new English speakers may not have the ability to access even the Tier A questions. For
these students, a limited Speaking Domain test is available called Pre-A. This is a shortened
version of the Tier A Speaking domain, and it can only produce an ELP 1 result. It should not be
used for students who could possibly be ELP 2 or higher.
Order of Domain Testing
The staged adaptivity of the test requires that the domains be given in the following order:
1. Listening
2. Reading
3. Speaking and Writing, in either order
Results from the Listening and Reading domains will determine whether a student is given Tier
A or Tier B/C on the Speaking and Writing. For grades 4-12, the test administrator will not need
to do any additional work with Tiers. For grades 1-3, and students in 4-12 who will handwrite
their answers, test administrators will have to run a Tier Report and ensure that students are
given the appropriate booklet for the Tier they are in. DRC will ship an appropriate number of
booklets of each Tier, based on an estimation of what percent of students will fall into each
Length of the Assessment
The length of the assessment remains about the same. It is untimed, but students are generally
able to finish well within the following expected assessment times:
40 minutes
35 minutes
30 minutes
Writing Tier A
65 minutes
Writing Tier B/C
65 minutes
Test Session Size, Makeup
Significantly more flexibility will be available for scheduling test sessions. In most cases, it will
be possible to test a mixture of grades and tiers within the same domain.
Writing for grades 1-3 is an exception to this, as students will need tiered booklets with an
appropriate administrative script read to them.
There is also a new tier for Speaking this year, called Pre-A. This is for students who are at or
below ELP 1, and for whom even the Tier A Speaking domain would be inappropriate. Students
taking this assessment must not be mixed with other grades/tiers.
Website Information
There will be two websites you and your staff will need access to in order to administer ACCESS
for ELLs:
WIDA website
W-APT screener and training materials
ACCESS for ELLs training materials
professional development materials
ELD standards
other WIDA products and services
WIDA Assessment Management System
hub for ACCESS for ELLs test organization and administration duties
user guides
software downloads
order tests and paper materials
add students to test sessions
designate accommodations
create test sessions
print test tickets
monitor student progress
view/print reports
District Assessment Coordinators (DACs) should have access to both websites, and should be
able to create and modify permissions for other staff in their district involved in ACCESS for ELLs
If you are a DAC and do not have access, ensure you are listed as a DAC on the DPI website (link
below) and contact [email protected] for access to the WIDA website, and
[email protected] for access to the WIDA AMS.
If you are not a DAC and do not have access, please contact your DAC. A list of DACs can be
found here: (download the DAC contact list)
Software Information
There are two pieces of software required to administer ACCESS for ELLs, both available in the
DRC Insight Secure Browser
students use this to take ACCESS for ELLs
can be mass-deployed on most systems
network install for Windows, Mac
pushed to Chromebooks, although extra config is required prior to the push
DRC Testing Site Manager (TSM)
manages and streamlines communication between the test computers and DRC’s
typically reduces bandwidth traffic by about 50%
if communication stalls between Insight Browsers and DRC, caches responses and tries
to resend them every 15 minutes
handles system readiness checks, load simulation, tech readiness checks, etc.
Changes to Administration Roles
The move online reduces the role of the Test Administrator, but it also requires that a
Technology Coordinator role be introduced to help facilitate the deployment of Insight and the
TSM. This has resulted in the following roles:
Test Coordinators
responsible for the overall coordination of test administration
set up user accounts within the new WIDA Assessment Management System (WIDA
ensure everyone has access to the WIDA website ( for training
complete the Training Course and verify that Test Administrators and Technology
Coordinators have also completed their trainings and checklists
Technology Coordinators
responsible for all technical and system setup for online testing
troubleshoot and provide tech support during testing
complete web-based trainings and checklists available through the WIDA website
Test Administrators
responsible for administering ACCESS for ELLs
complete the WIDA Training Course, including review of all applicable Test
Administration Manuals and web-based modules
complete checklists that will be available through the WIDA website ( prepare
for test administration activities.
Using the WIDA AMS
A new feature for both online and paper testing this year is the WIDA Assessment Management
System (AMS). This online portal houses accounts for test administration, is where tests are
ordered, test sessions organized, and where reports will be downloaded.
Managing Testing Roles
Adding a User
When you add a user, there are five roles available to pick from:
District (District Test Coordinator, generally a DAC)
School (School Test Coordinator)
Test Administrator (School)
District Technology Coordinator
School Technology Coordinator
School-level users are tied to a single school, and can only impact testing in that school. District-
level users are able to impact testing in all the schools in their district.
To add a user:
1. Log into the WIDA AMS
2. Open the Manage Users panel on the left
3. Click User Administration
4. Select ‘Add Single User’
5. Fill out the information. When you select User Role, it will enable a Permission-set box
below the District dropdown menu.
6. If you choose the Permission-set, it will pre-select the default permissions in the bottom
window. Click the right-pointing arrow to Assign those permissions.
7. If necessary, modify the user’s permissions
8. Click Save
Adding Multiple Users at Once
1. In the ‘User Administration’ section, click ‘Upload Multiple Users’
2. If you need the file layout, download and inspect one of the files linked
3. Format a .csv file as noted in the File Layout populated with your staffs information
4. Browse to the .csv, select it, and click ‘Upload’
a. Any errors in formatting will be shown in red under the blue user information
Managing Users
If you need to reset a user account, change permissions, or otherwise modify a user account,
follow these steps.
1. Open the Manage Users panel on the left
2. Click User Administration
3. Click on ‘Edit User’
4. Enter a first or last name, or a partial name, and click ‘Find User’
a. If you leave everything blank you will search for all users in your district, or all
users in a school if one is selected
5. Users will appear in the panel below
6. To the far left there is a column called ‘Action’
a. The first button allows you to edit their contact
information and permissions
b. The second resets the account, and re-sends the invite
c. The third inactivates the account and prevents the user from logging in
7. At the bottom there is also an option to export the users, in case you need their
information in a convenient (excel) format
Ordering Tests
All ACCESS for ELLs tests can be ordered through the WIDA AMS. To order tests:
1. Open the Materials Tab
2. Click ‘Materials Ordering’
3. Choose your District and/or School, if not already selected. You may only have one
4. Click ‘Show Materials’
5. You will see a list of the materials you can order
6. Choose the most accurate testing mode for the school
a. All online
b. Online with some paper (if you need one of the specialized tests listed below)
7. Enter the number of students testing in each grade level cluster
a. Include online
b. Also include specialized tests, such as Alternate ACCESS, braille, etc.
c. Indicate the number of pure paper tests needed, if any
8. Submit your order
Writing Booklet Orders
Grades 1-3 will still take the Writing domain in a paper booklet, as many of these students
aren’t fluent keyboarders. Booklets will be automatically sent when you order online tests.
Grades 4-12 will take all of the domains online, unless they fall into one of the categories that
need to test on paper. (Alternate ACCESS, Braille, large print, IEP/504 accommodation that
can’t be met on a computer.)
Paper writing booklets will be available for students in grades 4-12 who are not fluent
keyboarders. If a student in these grades needs to handwrite the Writing domain, they will read
the prompts off the screen and write in the booklet. DRC will ship a small number of paper
writing booklets for grades 4-12.
If you find (or know) you need additional Writing booklets, you’ll be able to order them after
December 3
when the Additional Materials window opens, with three day shipping.
Adding Students
On November 12
DPI will pull the EL student rosters for public schools from ISES. These
rosters should be available for test session creation in the WIDA AMS around November 23
Districts will need to upload students that are new to their district after November 12
. In
addition, districts will need to work with non-public schools to upload student rosters.
If you are required to upload a student roster initially, or if you need to add students who are
new in your school, do the following:
1. Click on ‘Test Setup’ and ‘Manage Students’
2. If you need to add a single student, at the bottom of the ‘Mange Students’ tab is an ‘Add
Student’ button
a. Click this button
b. On the following screen, fill in the required information and click ‘Save’
3. If you need to add multiple students, you may batch upload them.
4. Click the tab titled ‘Upload Multiple Students’
5. Download the file layout, and configure your student roster to match.
6. Browse to the location of this file, ensure that the correct district and school are chosen,
and click ‘Upload’
Test Session Creation
The WIDA AMS will also be used to organize test sessions. When students are uploaded, they
will be organized into default test sessions based on grade level cluster and domain. You may
need to organize them into more functional test sessions if this default does not work for you.
1. Click on ‘Test Setup’ and then ‘Test Sessions’
2. If you have already added students, they may be listed in test sessions already based on
grade level cluster and domain
3. Below any existing test sessions you will find an ‘Add Session’ button. You may wish to
create a naming convention for your sessions based on grade cluster and domain,
online/paper, etc.
4. When you add a test session, you will need to fill out the test session information and
add students.
5. You may also bulk upload sessions, and export existing sessions for reference.
Materials Returning
Not yet available. To be added in a future handbook release.
Score Reporting
Not yet available. To be added in a future handbook release.
Training for Administering ACCESS For ELLs
Training is hosted on the WIDA website.
Accessing Training
1. Log onto the WIDA website,
a. Your username was sent to you when you created your account. If you’ve
forgotten your username or password, choose the ‘Forgot Password?’ link and it
will be emailed to you.
2. Once logged in, click the ‘My Account & Secure Portal’ link at the top
3. The top row of icons should show ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Training.
a. If you do not see this row of icons, you do not have permission to access these
trainings. Contact the appropriate person to request that they change your
4. Click on the training you need to complete. You will see a checklist of activities, broken
down by when they need to be done.
5. Go through the checklist, and check off items you have completed.
a. You do not need to complete all of the training at once. However, everything
must be completed prior to undertaking the tasks listed in the section titled,
“Within one month of scheduled Test Administration”.
Training Checklists
Test Coordinator Checklist - Online
Test Administrator Checklist - Online
Technology Coordinator Checklist
Training Modules
WIDA Assessment Management System - Account Setup
WIDA Assessment Management System -Test Materials Ordering
WIDA Assessment Management System Pre-ID upload
WIDA Assessment Management System Documents Download
WIDA Assessment Management System Test Session Creation
WIDA Assessment Management System Manage Students
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 has new accommodations and guidance. The following two documents
explain the available accommodations for both the paper and online ACCESS For ELLs, and
provide guidance for selecting the appropriate ones.
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Accessibility and Accommodations Descriptions
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Accessibility and Accommodations Guidelines
In addition, the following two documents will help provide IEP teams the necessary information
to allow them to select appropriate accommodations for ACCESS for ELLs.
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Accommodations, Accessibility, and Test Administration FAQs
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 IEP/Multidisciplinary Team Checklist
Appendix A: Manuals and Resources
The following references were used in the creation of this handbook. For more specifics, please
ensure that you are familiar with these documents and websites.
You will need a login to the WIDA website to gain access to some of these materials.
The Online Test Administration Manual:
Online ACCESS for ELLs training checklist:
The ACCESS for ELLs Overview Page:
Technology Requirements:
Preparation Resources:
(Webinars, manuals, Q&A sessions, etc.)
WIDA AMS User Guide Part 1:
WIDA AMS User Guide Part 2:
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 FAQs:
DPI’s ACCESS for ELLs information:
Wisconsin’s ACCESS Calendar: