New Jersey ACCESS for English Language Learners (ELLs)
and WIDA Alternate ACCESS
District Test Coordinator Training Manual
Division of Teaching and Learning Services
New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE)
Office of Assessments
November 2023
Presentation Purpose and Guidelines
This presentation’s purpose is to:
Assist districts, particularly test coordinators, in preparing for the ACCESS/Alternate
CCESS for ELLs spring assessment.
Communicate basic information on the ACCESS assessments and the roles, responsibilities
nd requirements of all staff involved in ACCESS assessments administration.
Please review this presentation and turnkey the information with all appropriate staff in
our district and ensure that all required tasks are completed.
For the purposes of this presentation, ACCESS refers to both ACCESS for ELLs and
lternate ACCESS for ELLs unless specifically noted.
Table of Contents
Topic: Found on Slide(s):
NJ ACCESS for ELLs Assessments Information Slides 4 to 8
ACCESS Roles and Responsibilities Slides 9 to 15
Student Data Responsibilities for ACCESS Slides 16 to 21
Test Coordinator Training Slides 22 to 24
ACCESS Materials Ordering Slides 25 to 29
Test Administrator Requirements and Training/Certification Slides 30 to 38
Additional Administration Considerations for ACCESS Slides 39 to 46
Test Security Slides 47 to 51
Materials Management Slides 52 to 57
Materials Return Slides 58 to 62
Security Breaches Slides 63 to 68
Document Retention Slides 69 to 70
Preparation Resources for ACCESS Slides 71 to 78
Additional Information Slides 79 to 82
New for the 2023-2024 ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Administration Slides 83 to 85
Contact Information Slides 86 to 88
NJ ACCESS for ELLs Assessments
Purpose of the ACCESS for ELLs Assessments
To comply with federal regulations implementing ESSA, all school
districts in New Jersey must administer the ACCESS for ELLs
language proficiency assessment to all ELLs in grades K12 or, as
required, the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs in grades K–12.
Students identified as ELLs must participate in the assessments
en if parents/guardians have refused services for the student.
Results from the ACCESS for ELLs test administration are used in
he calculation of schools’ and districts’ performance on the
Progress to English Language Proficiency (ELP) indicator for ESSA
school accountability.
Purpose and Use of ACCESS for ELLs Results
ACCESS for ELLs scores are used for:
Making decisions about whether students are ready to exit English
language support services;
Decision-making for student placement into appropriate classes or
groups for instruction, instructional planning;
Monitoring the progress that students have made in English language
roficiency; and
Public reporting of English language learner's (ELL's) progress toward
lish language proficiency and for Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
school accountability systems used to identify what schools need the
most comprehensive and targeted support.
Student Participation Guidelines
ACCESS for ELLs Alternate ACCESS for ELLs
All students in grades K12 currently
identified as ELLs in accordance with
Jersey’s ELL identification process
and who
have an ELL Identification Date in NJ SMART.
Students in grades K12 who are identified as
ELLs with significant intellectual disabilities
as reflected in their Individualized Education
Programs (IEPs) and meet or will be eligible to
New Jersey’s criteria for participation in
the Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM)
should participate in the Alternate
ACCESS for ELLs assessment.
Includes ELLs whose parents have refused
Includes ELLs whose parents have refused
Note: If a new student enters two weeks or less prior to the test window closing, they
do not need to be tested. If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact
the NJDOE Office of Assessments at
2023-2024 ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Key Dates*
*Dates are subject to change at
NJDOE discretion. Continue to
review dates on the NJ WIDA
webpage for the most updated
Task Start Date End Date
Test Materials Ordering Available in WIDA
11/14/23 12/20/23
WIDA AMS Test Setup Available for Test
1/5/24 3/29/24
Districts Receive Test Materials 1/29/24 1/29/24
Test Window 2/5/24 3/29/24
Additional Test Material Ordering Window
1/29/24 3/22/24
Deadline for Shipping Completed Test
Materials to DRC
4/2/24 4/2/24
Pre-Reporting Data Validation for Districts 4/26/24 5/8/24
Reports and Data Files Available - Online in
6/12/24 6/12/24
Data Posted in WIDA AMS 6/12/24 6/12/24
Reports Available in Districts - Printed 6/28/24 6/28/24
ACCESS Roles and Responsibilities
ACCESS District Test Coordinator (DTC) Role and
The ACCESS District Test Coordinator:
Is an administrator-
level staff member such as a supervisor, principal, etc.; this role cannot be assigned to teachers, support staff,
non-professional staff, etc.;
Oversees and assists school test coordinators and test administrators in their roles including conducting annual training, ans
questions, creating a district testing security plan, and monitoring all aspects of testing;
Is the main point of contact for the NJDOE for all matters related to ACCESS, including for security breaches and Monitoring Vi
Interacts with the District Technology Coordinator and School Test Coordinator to ensure all tasks are completed;
Completes all requirements and documentation for chain-
of-custody of secure materials;
Reviews ACCESS District and School Test Coordinator Manual and other required documents such as DRC emails; and
Creates test administrator and other accounts in the WIDA Secure Portal and WIDA AMS.
Account creation questions should not be directed to the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE), but to WIDA and DRC
School Test Coordinator (STC) Role and
The ACCESS School Test Coordinator:
Is an administrator-level staff member such as a supervisor, principal, etc.; this role cannot be assigned to teachers, support staff,
non-professional staff, etc.;
Schedules training for teachers and is the direct point of contact for teacher questions;
Is the school point of contact for relevant test activities;
Oversees the administration of the assessment at the school level;
Interacts with District Test Coordinator and Technology Coordinator to ensure all tasks are completed and that the correct stud
ents are
Utilizes the NJ WIDA website, reviews materials, and disseminates information to staff;
Reviews the ACCESS District and School Test Coordinator Manual and other required documents;
Completes all requirements and documentation for chain-of-
custody of secure materials;
Contacts WIDA and/or DRC help desk for technical support; and
Relays all questions and information up to the DTC, who may reach out to the NJDOE for further information/clarification.
Technology Coordinator Role and
Technology Coordinators preparing districts/schools for ACCESS
administration should:
Oversee computer and other technology device components to ensure
istrict technology readiness and implementation (IT staff);
Read the COS
-SD Technology User Guide (found on the WIDA Secure Portal);
Complete the Technology Readiness Checklist (found on the WIDA Secure
ortal); and
Work with the DTC/STC to ensure completion of all tasks.
District Communication
District Test Coordinators must share information among staff and ensure that all ACCESS test
administrators are annually trained and prepared for testing.
District and School Test Coordinators must provide annual turnkey training to all staff involved in
For the clearest and most accurate communication, only the District Test Coordinators and District
echnology Coordinators should contact NJDOE Office of Assessments with questions in order to
ensure that issues are relayed through the main point of contact for the NJDOE.
DTCs should communicate any questions to the NJDOE with complete information regarding the
ssue, and only after reviewing New Jersey and WIDA/DRC documents.
Required Accounts for ACCESS: WIDA Secure
WIDA Secure Portal
Use the WIDA Secure Portal to access test training manuals and resources, as well as
Online Professional Learning modules.
New District Test Coordinators should contact WIDA Client Services to request an account:
Phone: (866) 276-7735
DTCs are responsible for creating test administrator and other accounts in the WIDA
Secure Portal; account creation questions should be directed to WIDA Client Services.
District and School coordinator roles in WIDA AMS and the WIDA Secure
Portal cannot be assigned to teachers, support staff, non-professional staff, etc. Please
review the staff listed with these credentials in both portals and make edits, as necessary.
Required Accounts for ACCESS: WIDA AMS
WIDA Assessment Management System (WIDA AMS)
WIDA AMS is managed by Data Recognition Corporation (DRC).
Use the WIDA AMS to order ACCESS materials, manage student and test information, access score
reports, and find technology resources and testing software via WIDA AMS.
New District Test Coordinators should contact DRC Customer Service to request an account.
Phone: (855) 787-9615
DTCs are responsible for creating test administrator and other accounts in the WIDA Secure Portal;
account creation questions should be directed to DRC Customer Service.
NOTE: District and School coordinator roles in WIDA AMS and the WIDA Secure Portal cannot be
assigned to teachers, support staff, non-professional staff, etc. Please review the staff listed with these
credentials in both portals and make edits, as necessary.
Student Data Responsibilities for
Data Responsibilities for ACCESS
Student data should be reviewed and verified for accuracy, starting with the NJ SMART SARS submission
information, which NJDOE uses to populate the WIDA AMS system with initial student Pre-ID information.
Districts must continuously update this information in the WIDA AMS if students move within and between
Districts must also maintain the accuracy of student data in the WIDA AMS before, during, and after
dministration of the ACCESS assessments.
he pre-reporting data validation period will be the only window in which districts can review
and clean up ACCESS data, which will be used for reporting and accountability purposes.
This is to ensure that reports from the administration are reflective of finalized data submitted by districts.
All data must be reviewed for accuracy during the pre-r
eporting data validation window; NJDOE will not make
corrections to student data after the window closes.
Student Data for ACCESS
To ensure accurate school accountability calculations, school districts must fill in all data fields in WIDA Assessment Management System
(WIDA AMS) if missed during the NJSMART SARS submission. Optional fields are mandatory in New Jersey. Errors will impact data
used for reporting and accountability purposes.
Important: These fields must be correctly reported for student records populated from the State Assessment Registration Submission
(SARS) in NJ SMART as well as student records entered directly into WIDA AMS.
State Assessment Accountable District:
This data field must be completed for all students in the District Defined Optional Data field in WIDA AMS in the following
format: 2 Digit County Code + 4 Digit District Code (Example: 01 + 0110 = 010110).
State Assessment Accountable School:
This data field must be completed for all students in the ‘State Defined Optional Data’ field in WIDA AMS in the following
format: 3 Digit School Code (Example: 010).
District Entry Date:
This data field must be completed for all students in the Additional field to be used by state field in AMS in the following format:
Removing Students from WIDA AMS
Please note that students cannot be removed from the WIDA AMS after the information has
been uploaded into the system.
Students are uploaded into the WIDA AMS from data provided by districts in the NJSMART data
submissions or entered manually by districts for new students.
For students listed in the WIDA AMS who no longer should be tested by the district, remove
the students from test sessions and ensure the student’s login information is not used.
These students will be removed from the system at the close of the testing window if Do Not Score
codes have not been added and students have not logged in. The test coordinator will be able to
verify that the student is not listed in the tested file for the district during the pre-reporting data
validation period.
Please DO NOT assign any Do Not Score Codes to these students in WIDA AMS or on paper-test
Pre-Reporting Data Validation Window
A pre-reporting data validation window is available to school districts from April 26, 2024, through May
8, 2024.
ACCESS Test Coordinators and other related staff must ensure that all required fields have been
corrected in WIDA AMS during this window.
Districts must ensure that all DRC procedures for data validation are followed in order to fix that would
result in missing student scores. issues such as split score reports
IMPORTANT: The pre-reporting data validation period will be the only window in which districts can
review and clean up ACCESS data, which will be used for reporting and accountability purposes.
This is to ensure that reports from the administration are reflective of finalized data submitted by districts.
All data must be reviewed for accuracy during the pre-r
eporting data validation window; NJDOE will not make
corrections to student data after the window closes.
Fixing Spilt Score Records During Data Validation
When matching test booklets back to students to create composite scores, DRC uses:
First Name
Last Name
If one of those data points are missing or incorrect by one character, DRC cannot sync the
booklet with the online testing records, and they will appear as two separate records.
All data must be reviewed for accuracy during the pre-r
eporting data validation window;
NJDOE will not make corrections to student data after the window closes.
Test Coordinator Training
Test Coordinator Training Information
All test coordinators (district and school) must review all manuals for ACCESS
The manuals are available on the WIDA Secure Portal, which requires a login.
Additionally, there are checklists for Online and Paper ACCESS that highlights all
tasks that need to be completed before, during, and after testing within a school or
These checklists are customized for NJ and are available on the NJ WIDA webpage.
The state-specific clarification column contains guidance that the NJDOE expects all
personnel to follow as districts prepare for and administer the test.
ACCESS for ELLs ONLINE Checklist
ACCESS for ELLs PAPER Checklist
Test Coordinator Specific Tutorials
Tutorial Videos for Test Coordinators (Online and Paper-based Mode Testing- review specific
Training Overview
Ordering Materials
Accessibility Overview
Assigning Accommodations
Test Scheduling
Test Practice and Test Tickets
Managing Test Materials
Additional Materials Orders
Administering the Test
Kindergarten Training Video Series
Alt. ACCESS Test Administration
Monitoring Test Progress
After Testing
Data Validation
Accessing Score Reports
There are Test Coordinator Tutorial
videos available for viewing in the
WIDA Secure Portal to guide DTC
and STCs through the various tasks
required for ACCESS
ACCESS Materials Ordering
ACCESS Materials Ordering Windows
District Test Coordinators can order materials for
ACCESS testing at two times:
Initial Materials Ordering Window
Additional Materials Ordering Window
Review window dates on the NJ WIDA webpage and in the
C emails sent to district-level staff listed in the WIDA
Initial Materials Orders (1 of 2)
Districts administering the ACCESS or Alternate ACCESS test must place a materials order in
the WIDA AMS regardless of testing mode (online or paper).
D labels are ordered separately and will be included in the initial materials shipment
regardless of materials ordered.
D labels are generated from the NJ State Assessment Registration Submission (SARS)
All ACCESS for ELLs test materials are ordered from DRC using WIDA AMS.
Test Coordinators will need to follow the test materials ordering procedures outlined in the
IDA Assessment Management (WIDA AMS) User Guide located in WIDA AMS.
WIDA AMS requires users to enter enrollments for each school rather than at the district level.
ikewise, District/School labels are generated at the school level.
Initial Materials Orders (2 of 2)
District users will enter student counts at each grade level as applicable. Districts need to enter
counts at grades for which they have students testing.
An overage will be provided based upon the materials that are ordered during the
rdering window. Please do not increase material numbers for the sake of having extras.
All students to be tested must be included in the student counts, even if they are only
sting online and do not need paper materials. Counts for online testers should be entered
into the Online Order Grid.
Counts for paper testers should be entered into the Paper Order Grid. Any paper tests
eeded MUST
have tier information provided or no materials will be provided.
There are also grids for Kindergarten, Alternate ACCESS for ELLs, and customized
materials (large print and Braille).
Additional Materials Orders
Additional materials should only be ordered for students not accounted for during the NJSMART SARS (i.e.; new
students, transfers, etc.).
Districts may request only on
e Additional Materials Order.
Before ordering additional testing materials, school districts should ensure all current inventories of overages
have been exhausted across the school district and consolidate overage materials before placing any additional
materials orders.
District Test Coordinators must use the
District-level Additional Orders Only site to place their Additional Material
evel orders placed will not approved for shipment.
Unusually high numbers of additional materials orders placed will be flagged for NJDOE staff for approval. and may
ot be approved for shipment. The District Test Coordinator may be required to provide additional information.
Orders needed for additional materials must be completed in a timely manner as orders cannot be expedited for
Test Administrator Requirements
and Training/Certification
Certification and Training through the
Redesigned WIDA Secure Portal
In order to get to the ACCESS for ELLs and WIDA Screener
training courses and quizzes for certification in the portal,
please use the following file path or link
From the WIDA Secure Portal home page, select Assessment Training.
From there you can filter to find applicable training courses for a specific
assessment or scroll to find the appropriate course. After clicking the
Course Details page, select Enroll Now to access the training course.
When attempting certification quizzes, users will see how
many points they must score correct in order to achieve a
passing score of 80%.
District Annual Training for Test
District Test Coordinators must share New Jersey-specific
information among staff and ensure that all ACCESS test
administrators are annually trained and prepared for testing.
District and School Test Coordinators must provide annual
rnkey training to all staff involved in testing.
These annual trainings must be documented with sign in sheets.
Individual test administrators must pass all relevant (paper
and/or online) ACCESS test administrator training quizzes
on the WIDA Secure Portal every school year.
2023-2024 Test Administrator Requirements
ACCESS Test Administrators Alternate ACCESS Test Administrators
Are certified New Jersey educators with a district contract (Per diem and
short-term substitute teachers are not eligible to be Test Administrators);
Are certified New Jersey educators with a district contract (Per diem and
short-term substitute teachers are not eligible to be Test Administrators);
Have received training and PD on WIDA User and Training Manuals, as
well as annual training from their DTC on NJ-specific policies; and
Work with the students taking the Alt. ACCESS on a daily basis; and
Have passed* relevant (paper or online) ACCESS test administrator
training quizzes every year.
Have received training and PD on WIDA User and Training Manuals, as
well as annual training from their DTC on NJ-specific policies; and
Have passed* the paper-based ACCESS test administrator training
quizzes every year.
*When attempting certification quizzes in the new portal, users will see how many points they
must score correct in order to achieve a passing score of 80%.
Test Administrator Recertification
New Jersey Test Administrator recertification is required every year on the WIDA Secure
This aligns with the test administrator certification requirements for all statewide
ssessment programs.
Test Administrators who are already certified to administer the Speaking test for the WIDA
creener are not required to certify separately.
Recertification every year is also required for the Speaking test.
Proof of certification can be printed out and submitted to District and School Test
oordinators, or your District Test Coordinator may view proof of certification with the
Certification Report tool.
DTC/STCs must maintain evidence of test administrator required training. Evidence
may be requested by the state during monitoring visits.
Assessment Coordinator Schedules Test
Administrator Training - Group
Assessment Coordinators may train all Test Administrators as one
group by viewing the required training as a group.
After the training, each Test Administrator must independently
omplete the required certification quizzes and pass each one.
When attempting certification quizzes on the new portal, users
ill see how many points they must score correct in order to
achieve a passing score of 80%.
Assessment Coordinator Schedules Test
Administrator Training Self-Directed
The Assessment Coordinator may also choose to assign a time
during school hours for Test Administrators to separately view the
required training and take the certification quizzes.
Each Test Administrator must independently complete the required
ertification quizzes and pass each one.
When attempting certification quizzes on the new portal, users
ill see how many points they must score correct in order to
achieve a passing score of 80%.
Test Administrator Certification Quizzes
If you are administering Then you must take the following course quiz…
(On the WIDA Secure Portal)
ACCESS for ELLs Online Online ACCESS for ELLs: Administration
ACCESS for ELLs Paper: Listening, Reading, and Writing Paper ACCESS for ELLs: Administration
ACCESS for ELLs Paper: Speaking
Paper Speaking Quiz for applicable grade cluster course:
Speaking for Grades 1-5: Scoring ACCESS Paper and
WIDA Screener
Speaking for Grades 6-12: Scoring ACCESS Paper and
WIDA Screener
Test Administrator Certification Quizzes Continued
If you are administering… Then you must take the following course quiz…
(On the WIDA Secure Portal)
Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs
Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs: Administration and
Alternate ACCESS: Administration and Scoring
Additional Administration
Considerations for ACCESS
ACCESS for ELLs Paper: Estimated Administration
While there are suggested guidelines for timing for each test, ACCESS for ELLs is not a timed
test. Test Administrators have professional discretion to allow necessary time for each student
to work productively.
Students work at their own pace using the following guidelines:
Listening: Approximately 2540 minutes.
Reading: Approximately 35
45 minutes.
Speaking: Approximately 15
35 minutes.
Writing: Approximately 35
65 minutes.
ACCESS for ELLs Online: Administration
Order of Administration: Students performance on
the Entry Tasks for the Listening and Reading tests
will determine their placement for Writing and
Listening then Reading: will be administered first. They may be
administered together or separately.
Writing and Speaking: c
an be administered in either order, after
the Listening and Reading tests.
ACCESS for ELLs Online: Estimated
Administration Times
While there are suggested guidelines for timing for each test, ACCESS for ELLs is not a timed
test. Test Administrators have professional discretion to allow necessary time for each student
to work productively.
Students work at their own pace using the following guidelines:
Listening: Approximately 40 minutes.
Reading: Approximately 35 minutes.
Speaking: Approximately 30 minutes.
Writing: Approximately 45
60 minutes (Tier A) and 6065 minutes (Tier B/C).
ACCESS for ELLs Online:
Additional Equipment
Can be used for the Listening,
Reading, and Writing domain
Used to hear test items on the
Listening and Writing domain
Used to hear test directions and
practice items.
Must have a microphone.
Can be used for all domains.
Necessary for the Speaking
domain test to record all
ACCESS for ELLs Online: Writing Domain
The different test delivery and response modes of the Writing test are designed
to meet the needs of all learners:
Grade Level Cluster Writing Test Format Writing Response Mode
3 Paper
Handwriting in paper
5 Online
Keyboarding is the default
mode per New Jersey policy
12 Online
Keyboarding is the default
mode, with the option to
change to Handwriting for
individual students
Test Assignment Considerations
Districts are responsible for ensuring the administration of the correct
grade-level and tier-level ACCESS assessment to eligible students.
All student data and testing materials should be checked prior to administration to
ensure the correct test is given based on student grade-level/tier-level.
DRC provides NJDOE with a list of students who were tested off grade-
level, and NJDOE will follow up with District Test Coordinators to
investigate why these students were not tested correctly.
NJDOE may determine corrective action is needed at the district level based
n the results of the investigation.
Tier Override Requests
The Online ACCESS for ELLs assessment is semi-adaptive, meaning the test platform tracks student
progress in the Listening and Reading tests and presents test items based on students’ previous
When students finish the Listening and Reading tests, the test platform evaluates their performance to assign
them to the appropriate tier of the Speaking and Writing tests.
Therefore, the tier change process is intended to be used only in the rarest of circumstances, such as when
a student with a documented disability is unable to complete a component of the assessment.
An example would be when a student with a hearing impairment is unable to complete the listening component
of the assessment and requires their tier placement be determined manually so they may continue with the other
components of the assessment in an appropriate tier.
If your student(s) fall under this circumstance, contact the NJDOE Office of Assessments.
The Office of Assessments will request additional information regarding the request for a tier override which will
be reviewed internally to determine if an override is justified.
Test Security
Test Security
Security is a district-wide responsibility.
Absolutely no reproduction or transmittal by any means of test
tems, passages, prompts, or other secure items or materials is
Security breaches may have financial consequences for the district.
Inform all district and school personnel of security procedures prior
test administration.
Districts should have a testing security plan in place.
Test Security Staff
Anyone that does not have an authorized role in the ACCESS
administration may not have access to any secure test
materials, may not observe testing, and may not substitute
for any test administrator.
Even those who have authorized roles have restrictions on
ecure material access, including primary and additional test
administrators Assessment Coordinator, Data Manager,
Technology Representative, and support staff needed for
safety, behavioral, or medical needs of students.
Test Security Continued
Test security, including submitting accurate and authentic student responses,
maintaining confidentiality of the test materials, following ACCESS procedures, and
properly implementing all NJDOE Office of Assessments policies, are the
responsibility of all school and district staff.
All staff must fulfill their roles and responsibilities, including participating in training
nd reviewing all applicable test materials, in order to correctly and accurately
conduct ACCESS testing.
Failure to review and or implement the training requirements does not alleviate one
he responsibility of maintaining all requirements.
Improper test administrations can result in professional and financial consequences
school and district staff.
Required Signatures on NJ ACCESS/Alt. ACCESS
Test Security Agreements
All staff members involved with ACCESS to any degree must
sign a NJ ACCESS/Alt. ACCESS Test Security Agreement
give it to the District/School Test Coordinator.
This includes primary and additional test administrators, test
administration assistants for student support, Assessment
Coordinators, Technology Representatives, Data Managers,
Failure to sign an agreement does not prevent the implementation of professional and/or
financial consequences in the event of a test breach.
NJDOE staff may request the signed NJ ACCESS/Alt. ACCESS Test Security Agreement from the
DTC/STC during monitoring visits.
Test security agreements are posted on the NJ WIDA webpage. Everyone must sign their
applicable agreement as soon as it is distributed in district, but no later than January 31, 2024.
Materials Management
Materials Receipt and Return Chain-of-
Custody Form
Each School Test Coordinator is required to complete applicable
information regarding the receipt of secure test materials from the
District Test Coordinator, maintaining materials security, and
packaging the return of materials back to the DTC on this form.
This form may be duplicated for use by individual school and
maintained as an electronic file, but the content of this form may NOT be
This form must be retained in district for 3 years.
Link to Form on NJ WIDA Webpage: Materials Receipt and Return
Chain-of-Custody Form
Daily Testing Chain-of-Custody Form
Each School Test Coordinator and Test Administrator must
complete this form each day in which testing takes place, and
materials are moved between the secure storage area and
This form may be duplicated for use by grade level and/or maintained as
an electronic file, but the content of this form may NOT be altered.
This form must be retained in district for 3 years.
Link to Form on NJ WIDA Webpage: Daily Testing Chain-of-
Custody Form
Storage of Secure Test Materials (1 of 2)
All testing materials must be stored in a secure locked area.
The School Test Coordinator (STC) will distribute test materials to Test Administrators (TAs) and collect the materials at the e
nd of each
test administration day.
STC will document the distribution and return of test materials to the TA each test administration day.
STC will keep track of a
ll secure testing materials though a Daily Chain-of-Custody Form, which includes:
Student Response Booklets by grade;
All Paper Test Administrator Scripts;
Online Grades 1 and 23
Test Administrator Scripts;
Speaking Test Booklets;
Listening and Speaking Tests CDs;
All used and unused large print and Braille test materials;
Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Listening/Reading/Speaking Test Booklets; and
Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs ancillary materials.
Storage of Secure Test Materials (2 of 2)
All testing materials must be stored in a secure locked area.
STC will distribute test materials to the TA approximately 15 minutes prior to testing.
TA must return test materials to the STC within 15 minutes after testing ends.
The STC must securely destroy the following test materials immediately after all testing is complete:
Any unused labels;
District and Test Coordinator Manuals;
Test Administrator Manual;
School box range sheet; and
Online Grades 4-1
2 Test Administrator Scripts.
If any secure test materials have been shredded, the STC must notify the DTC, who should document the action on
IDA AMS on the Materials Accountability Form.
Missing Test Materials
If at any time it is discovered that test materials are missing, the following procedures MUST
be followed:
STCs should notify the DTC immediately, and testing should be halted.
STCs should also notify the building principal.
Schools must investigate any report of missing materials. If, after a thorough investigation, a secure document is not
ound, the school assessment coordinator must inform the district test coordinator.
DTCs should notify the NJDOE Office of Assessments immediately and complete a Security Breach
report with all pertinent information.
DTCs should also notify their County Education Specialist and district personnel (i.e.; Chief School Administrator,
Assistant Superintendent, etc.).
The DTC should complete the Materials Accountability Form in WIDA AMS (My Applications > Materials >
ccountability Form).
Information regarding Security Breaches and required forms are in another section of this presentation.
Materials Return
Preparing Test Materials for Return to DRC (1 of 2)
Remember, any booklet that contains student response information must have either a Pre-ID Label or a
District/School Label with bubbled student information using a number 2 pencil.
Failure to affix a label to a booklet with student test information will result in booklets being processed as
nused and no score will be assigned.
Remove staples, paper clips, and sticky notes from test booklets and securely destroy scratch paper. Any
tudent responses written on scratch paper must be transcribed into an appropriately labeled student response
Detailed information regarding preparing test materials for return can be found in the
District and School Test
Coordinator Manual
and the Test Administrator Manual.
See the Returning Materials
guide in the WIDA Secure Portal Download library for a quick reference regarding
how to prepare boxes for return and where to affix DRC return shipping labels and UPS labels. A concise table
listing which materials to return, keep, or securely destroy can be found in the
District and School Test
Coordinator Manual
Preparing Test Materials for Return to DRC (2 of 2)
Large print and Braille test booklets
Verify that student responses have been transcribed into a standard test booklet. Affix a student
Pre-ID Label or District/School Label to the standard test booklet and verify that student
demographic information has been bubbled with a number 2 pencil if a District/School Label
was used. Large print test booklets may be folded and shipped with other materials in a
standard sized box. Review guidance in the District and School Test Coordinator Manual
the Test Administrator Manual
Alternate ACCESS for ELLs materials that were physically modified to fit the needs of
the student
Place all pieces of the test materials together in a large envelope labeled with the student's
name. Cut out the bar code from the back cover of the student response booklet and securely
affix it to the outside of the envelope. The bar code is critical in ensuring the booklet is
accounted for. Review guidance in the District and School Test Coordinator Manual
Common Errors and Unique Situations when
Preparing Materials for Return (1 of 2)
Issue Solution
No student label on booklet Booklets without labels will not be processed. If the booklet contains student responses, place a District/School Label on
the front of the student test booklet and bubble in student demographic information using a number 2 pencil. Blank,
unused booklets should be returned without a label affixed.
Modified or misplaced labels Only booklets with DRC labels appropriately affixed will be processed. Do not write on or edit labels. If a booklet
containing student responses has a label that has been modified or edited, place a District/School Label over it and
complete the student demographic information on the booklet using a number 2 pencil. If a booklet that should not be
scored has a Pre-ID or District/School label on it, place a Do Not Process label over the incorrect label.
Demographic information not bubbled Booklets with a Pre-ID Label affixed do not need to be bubbled. If the Pre-ID Label is incorrect, changes to student
demographic information should be made in WIDA AMS
. If the booklet has a District/School Label affixed, the
demographic information should be bubbled on the front and back of the test booklet using a number 2 pencil. You must
fill in this information accurately; errors may result in incorrect, late, or missing scores for the affected students.
Damaged booklet Transcribe the student’s responses into a new test booklet. Transcription guidelines can be found in the
Accessibility and
Accommodations Supplement
. Apply a District/School Label to the new test booklet and complete student demographic
information using a number 2 pencil. Place a Do Not Process Label on the damaged booklet and return both the damaged
booklet and the transcribed booklet.
If in doubt about the extent of the damage and whether a new booklet is needed, contact DRC Customer Service at 855-
787-9615 or
Booklet soiled by bodily fluids (e.g.,
blood, vomit)
Transcribe student responses to a new test booklet. Transcription guidelines can be found in the
Accessibility and
Accommodations Supplement
. Soiled booklets should not be returned to DRC. Apply a District/School Label to the new
test booklet and complete student demographic information on the new test booklet using a number 2 pencil. Document
the security barcode of the soiled booklet in the Materials Accountability Form in WIDA AMS, and securely destroy the
soiled booklet.
Common Errors and Unique Situations when
Preparing Materials for Return (2 of 2)
Issue Solution
Student mistakenly completes
domains in multiple booklets
Transcribe responses as necessary to create a single test booklet for the student. (See the Accessibility and
Accommodations Supplement
for guidelines on transcription.) This booklet should be labeled with a Pre-ID
Label or District/ School Label. If a District/School Label is affixed, complete all student demographic information
using a number 2 pencil. The incorrect or damaged booklet(s) should have a Do Not Process Label applied prior
to returning to DRC. Document the issue and resolution and keep a copy for your records.
Multiple students mistakenly respond
in a single test booklet
Contact DRC Customer Service at 855-787-9615 or
for direction.
Student mistakenly completes
domains using another students test
ticket (online administration only)
Contact DRC Customer Service at 855-787-9615 or
and complete an Irregularity
Report to submit to NJDOE Office of Assessments.
Materials that cannot be returned (for
example, soiled)
Paper materials that could not be returned must be accounted for using the Accountability Form in WIDA AMS.
This functionality allows you to document the quantity of materials returned or not returned, as well as any
reasons for materials not being returned. If secure materials containing a security barcode cannot be returned,
complete the Accountability Form in WIDA AMS. See page 53 of the WIDA AMS User Guide
for more
Student mistakenly completes
domains in multiple booklets
Transcribe responses as necessary to create a single test booklet for the student. (See the
Accessibility and
Accommodations Supplement
for guidelines on transcription.) This booklet should be labeled with a Pre-ID
Label or District/ School Label. If a District/School Label is affixed, complete all student demographic information
using a number 2 pencil. The incorrect or damaged booklet(s) should have a Do Not Process Label applied prior
to returning to DRC. Document the issue and resolution and keep a copy for your records.
Security Breaches
Prevention of Security Breaches
All security breaches are preventable when all staff are
annually trained and implement all required procedures.
Test Coordinators and other school administrators should
nsure that all staff understand the need and requirement
for proper test procedures.
The following slides indicate some but not all issues
esulting in a security breach.
Types of ACCESS Security Breaches (1 of 3)
Testing outside the NJDOE scheduled window.
Students using or having cell phones, or other non-testing related technology, during testing.
Prompting the student.
Helping the student answer the questions.
Removing/reducing answer choices.
Submitting answers that the student did not provide.
Changing a students answer.
Signaling the student through words, inflection of voice, through use of manipulatives, etc..
Asking the test question again after the student already responded.
Types of ACCESS Security Breaches (2 of 3)
Completing tests for the student, with or without their presence (not the same as scribing a student’s
Viewing the test, teaching to the contents, then testing the students.
Leaving computer/tablet unattended with test open.
Plagiarized student responses.
Allowing staff members who are not the test administrator to see the test questions, directions, etc..
Allowing a staff member to be a test administrator when they do not meet the NJDOE requirements.
Retaining, in any form, secure test materials including test items.
Types of ACCESS Security Breaches (3 of 3)
Any loss of secure test materials.
Any action that provides inauthentic student work/test responses.
Any other action that violates the test security agreements,
egardless of whether it was signed.
Security Breach Reporting
Contact immediately if a security breach is suspected or has occurred.
Provide your CDS code, district, school, and contact name, and include the suspected/known nature of
the test breach.
Do not provide any student personally identifiable information (PII) in this email, including the
students full State Identification Number (SID). Provide only the last 4 digits of the SID if necessary.
Include the words Test Security Breach” in your email subject line.
Follow up with a completed NJ ACCESS/Alt. ACCESS Security Breach and Irregularity Report Form that
includes complete information in regard to the incident.
The NJ ACCESS/Alt. ACCESS Security Breach and Irregularity Report Form can be found on the NJ
WIDA webpage under “2023-2024 NJ State Specific Resources.
Document Retention
Document Retention/Storage
Retain the following documents for three years:
Materials Packing Lists;
Security Checklists;
Test Security Agreements;
ACCESS Test Administrator Certification Certificates;
Training Sign In Sheets;
Materials Receipt and Return Chain of Custody Form (s);
Daily Testing Chain of Custody Form (s);
Copies of Security Breach and Irregularity Reports; and
In a secure file, all documentation related to non-p
articipation of students for ACCESS.
This includes records of student absenteeism for the entire test window, students not receiving instruction due to illness,
parent refusal, etc..
Preparation Resources for ACCESS
ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs
For more in-depth guidance and information related to the
contents of this presentation, the following resources are
available for review.
Preparation Resources: Manuals
District and School
Test Coordinator
Explains all
responsibilities and
tasks related to the
implementation of all
the assessments in the
Test Administrator
One document that
includes K, Paper, Online,
and Alt. ACCESS.
Focuses on all tasks and
esponsibilities Test
Administrators oversee
immediately before,
during, and immediately
after testing for all
assessments in the ACCESS
for ELLs suite of
Note: These manuals require a WIDA Secure Portal login to view.
Preparation Resources:
Accessibility and Accommodations Supplement
The WIDA Accessibility and Accommodations Supplement supports Test
Administrators’ awareness and selection of test administrative considerations,
universal tools, and accommodations for individual ELLs, in order to produce valid
assessment results.
The supplement is intended for district and school-
level personnel as well as
decision-making teams, including Individualized Education Program (IEP) teams
and 504 Plan teams, as they prepare for and implement ACCESS for ELLs.
The information provided in the supplement applies to all ELLs who take ACCESS
or ELLs (Paper or Online), Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs, and Alternate ACCESS
for ELLs.
If an English learner with a disability requires an accommodation that is not listed
n the WIDA Accessibility and Accommodations Supplement, the school may request
approval from the Department for the use of a unique accommodation.
Districts may request approval for use of a unique accommodation through a
nique Accommodations Request Form
to be submitted to NJDOE Office of
Assessments at least two weeks prior to the administration.
ACCESS Accommodations Checklists
ACCESS Online Accommodations Checklist:
ACCESS Paper Accommodations Checklist:
Alternate ACCESS Accommodations Checklist:
Kindergarten ACCESS Accommodations Checklist:
Preparation Resource: Test Administrator
This resource contains tips to
help students and test
administrators prepare for
ACCESS testing and provides
critical information to have at
your fingertips on test day.
It condenses information from
he Test Administrator Manual
but does not replace it
Preparation Resources: WIDA AMS User
provides step-by-
step instructions for
completing different
functions within WIDA
This resource is
housed in the WIDA
Additional New Jersey Specific Resources
New Jersey Department of Education English Language Learner Entry and Exit ESSA Guidance
New Jersey English Language Learner Identification and Placement Guidance Document for 2023-2024
ACCESS New Jersey State Specific Directions for 2023-2024
ACCESS for ELLs Online Checklist
ACCESS for ELLs Paper Checklist
NJ ACCESS/Alt. ACCESS Test Security Agreement
NJ ACCESS/Alt. ACCESS Security Breach and Irregularity Report Form
NJDOE Sample District Testing Security Plan
NJ ACCESS Materials Receipt and Return Chain-of-Custody Form
NJ ACCESS Daily Chain-of-Custody Form
NJ ACCESS Unique Accommodations Request Form
NJDOE Office of Title III & Bilingual/ESL Education Webpage
NJDOE Office of Assessments Webpage
Additional Information
Do Not Score Codes (Online and Paper)
If a student was not tested in one or more domains, indicate one of the following reasons by selecting the
appropriate box under Student Management>Manage Students or on the paper booklet.
Do Not Score Code When To Apply
Absent (ABS) Student was absent for one or more sections of the test (including illness, other medical
condition, or for any other reason) and did not participate in make-up testing prior to the end of
the testing window.
Invalidate (INV) Student’s results should not be reported because of a testing irregularity. Do not fill in an INV
box if a student’s booklet should be marked as void because it was assigned to a different student
by mistake; instead, affix a Do Not Process label. If an INV code is needed, fill out a NJ
for ELLs Irregularity Report
to request use of an INV code from the Office of Assessments.
Declined (DEC) Student refused to participate in one or more domains.
Deferred Special
Education/504 (SPD)
The student’s IEP or 504 team has determined that the student should not participate in a
particular domain test due to the student’s special education needs.
Third-Party Providers and Clinics
Third party providers and clinics will not receive individual
organization designations within the WIDA/DRC vendor portals.
The districts with whom third-
party providers/clinics contract
services are responsible for testing their students, and these
providers must work with the respective ACCESS District Test
Coordinators to determine how testing should move forward for
the students served by the third-party providers/clinics.
Non-Public ELL Students and Testing
Information for these students can be found on the Nonpublic
Office’s guidance website for English Language Proficiency testing
and screening:
Any private/nonpublic schools who are looking for further
information about ordering English Language Proficiency tests
should directly contact:
NJDOE Nonpublic Office:
NJDOE Bilingual Office: [email protected]
New for the 2023-2024
ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs
WIDA AMS - Improvements
WIDA has made improvements to WIDA AMS, including refreshed student and test management applications, new locations
for score reports, and a new way to import student information. Users should allow extra time to time to become familiar with
new menu designs and new student and test management processes.
For more information, visit:
WIDA Assessment Management System (WIDA AMS) User Guide
Get ready for 2023-24 updates to WIDA AMS and DRC INSIGHT
The DRC INSIGHT Secure Student Browser has also been refreshed, for a more accessible student experience. This includes
changes to navigation buttons, magnification and color contrast tools, and a simplified microphone check process.
Refreshed ACCESS training courses launched in September 2023, to cover improvements to WIDA AMS and DRC INSIGHT.
Please refer to the WI
DA Test Coordinator Manual for additional updates/information (beginning on page 2).
Alternate ACCESS for ELLs, now renamed to WIDA
Alternate ACCESS, has also been updated for the 2023-
2024 testing year.
Test administrators will need to get recertified to administer
the new WIDA Alternate ACCESS via the brand-new
training course. The new training course went live on
September 1, 2023.
For more information on Alternate ACCESS updates, please
isit WIDAs Alternate ACCESS webpage
, which has been
designed to provide updated information and resources.
Contact Information
Contact Information
Contact Contact Information Contact for Questions Regarding
NJDOE Office of Title III &
Bilingual/ESL Education
NJ technical/policy and program
Student Participation Guidance
NJDOE Office of Assessments
NJ ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS
assessment administration policy and
WIDA Client Services Center
WIDA Secure Portal user accounts
Training and certification
Test administration preparation and
Content of score reports
DRC Customer Service
Materials receipt, inventory, and return
Labeling of test booklets
Processing paper test materials
Data validation and edits
Thank You!
New Jersey Department of Education:
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