Daengku: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation ISSN: 2775-6165 (online)
Vol. 2 No. 4 (2022)
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Symbols and Forms of Satanism Represented in Travis Scott Concert,
Astroworld Festival 2021
Tasya Rahmadina
& Muhammad Husni Ritonga
Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan, Jl. Lapangan Golf, Kec. Pancur Batu. Kab. Deli Serdang, 20353, Indonesia
The purpose of this research is to depict the symbols and forms of Satanism in the Travis Scott concert. Due to riots that occurred
during the concert a few months ago, 8 people were declared dead and hundreds of others were injured. However, many conspiracy
theories emerged from netizens, who thought the concert was a ritual of human sacrifice because many netizens saw elements of
satanism at the concert. As a result, the writer is intrigued by the images and shapes discovered by the researchers at this concert.
The researcher will describe denotatively, connotatively, and mythically using Roland Bathers semiotics. Researchers discovered
Satanic symbols and forms in Travis Scott's Astroworld Festival 2021 concert.
Keywords: satanism, concert, travis scott
1. Introduction
Consolation can be found in stage entertainment. Because of the density of human activities today, entertainment is one
of their needs. Movies, music shows/concerts, books, and even sports can provide entertainment in general. The
function of entertainment is very important because, in addition to relieving fatigue, it can also be a medium for
interacting. Listening to pop, jazz, or rap music is one of the most popular forms of entertainment for young people
(Pranata, 2020).
Music is the result of a creative process. Music can also represent something from various angles and perspectives.
Music contains strains of tones and rhythms that make it enjoyable.
Humans are inextricably linked to music in their daily lives. Music can also influence a person's activities. It is not
uncommon for someone who listens to music to be negligent with the strains of music he hears, causing him to forget
the activities he will do because he is lulled by the strains of music he hears. Music has been widely discussed by
scholars in Islam, and some scholars argue that listening to music is legally makruh because it is a futile activity.
Some scholars argue that music is haram based on the letter Luqman verse 6, which states:
And among mankind are those who use useless words to mislead people away from Allah's way without knowledge
and mock Allah's way. They will be subjected to a humiliating punishment.
Tafsir Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah / Markaz Ta'dzhim al-Qur'an under the supervision of Sheikh Prof. Dr. Imad
Zuhair Hafidz, al-Qur'an faculty member at the Islamic University of Medina: And some people prefer something that
takes their heart away from obedience to Allah and is forbidden by Allah and His Messenger in order to deviate from
the path of guidance to Allah. misguided path due to ignorance of sin, and make Allah's religion a mockery Those who
are deceived will face a humiliating punishment in Hell. Imam at-Tabari narrated from Jabir and others with several
mutually reinforcing sanad regarding Allah's word: ( ) which means singing and listening to songs. (Ibn Kathir, Ibn
Mas'ud, Ibn Abbas, Ikrimah, Sa'id, Mujahid, and Makhul all mention this.)
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: tasy[email protected]
Rahmadina, et.al | Daengku: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation, 2022, 2(4): 427439
Aside from that, there are still many young people in this era who are inextricably linked to music because music has
many elements, one of which is a social element. As a result, those who create music will do their best to communicate
to the public what is contained in the music.
It is only natural for a singer who is said to be proficient in music or singing, is well-known, and has a large following
to hold concerts on a regular basis. A concert is an event that is held directly to greet fans on stage with the goal of
entertaining the fans. The number of people attending these concerts can range from hundreds to thousands. Typically,
very large buildings, open fields, or stadiums are chosen.
Travis Scott is an American singer, songwriter, and record producer born Jacques Bermon Webster II. Travis Scott is
his stage name, derived from his uncle's name and the first name of one of his influences, Kid Cudi, whose real name
is Scott Mescudi. Travis was born on April 30, 1991 in Houston, Texas, USA. His name is well-known in almost every
country, and he also has a devoted following of fans who regularly attend his concerts. As a result, Travis should have
held a concert to entertain his fans, and it would be insufficient not to attend a concert organized by his favorite singer,
especially if the singer is one of the world's most famous.
Travis Scott's Atroworld Festival concert was not his first, but it is unfortunate that his concert entitled Astroworld
Festival, which was held on November 5th in Houston, Texas, United States, ended in death.
Due to overcrowding, it is estimated that eight to ten people died while watching the concert. Crowds were pushed
closer to the stage, causing panic. Eleven people were taken to the hospital with heart attacks, and eight of them died.
Some of the victims were as young as ten years old. Approximately 300 people were treated for minor injuries such as
cuts and bruises (Burton, 2000).
During the concert, the audience's screams split in two, with some pleading for help and others cheering for Travis.
Some members of the audience attempted to inform Travis and his crew of the deadly incident that was taking place
and requested that the concert be halted immediately due to the increasing number of victims, but Travis and his crew
appeared to disregard this. Even an ambulance had to pass through the audience to assist the victims who had fallen,
and many claimed that Travis had seen the ambulance but did not stop the concert.
However, assumptions, speculations, and even conspiracy theories emerged behind the causation that occurred at the
Astroworld Concert, Travis was accused of carrying out the offering process due to the many Satanic symbols at the
Concert. Many suspected that the Atroworld Concert was a ritual, with the fallen people serving as sacrifices (Cassirer,
Satanism is frequently interpreted as worshiping Satan and elevating him to the status of God. In Satanism, many
symbols and forms in the form of demons and evil are used as guidance in carrying out rituals (Puspita, 2007) In
addition to rejecting God, Satanism rejects other religions and practices sinful behavior according to Islam and other
Following in Satan's footsteps is extremely dangerous for mankind. According to the Qur'an, Allah has stated that (the
devil) is a true enemy. [2]:168 Surah Al-Baqarah:
And do not follow in the devil's footsteps, because the devil is a real enemy to you. And the devil (Iblis) will always
tempt and lead humanity astray.
Sheikh Prof. Dr. Imad Zuhair Hafidz, professor of al-Qur'an faculty at the Islamic University of Medina, supervises
Tafsir Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah / Markaz Ta'dzhim al-Qur'an 168-169. Allah says to all of humanity: Eat from
Allah's provision, which is lawful, delicious, and pure; and do not follow the devil's ways, for he is your true adversary.
His command to commit disobedience and sin demonstrates his hatred for you. It is a major sin and a lie to Allah to
forbid what He has made lawful and to make lawful what He has forbidden.
Satanism can be found in a variety of media, including movies and music, and many songs performed at musical events
such as concerts contain various symbols and forms of Satan (Tasmara, 1999).
The author will describe and examine the symbols and forms of Satanism that exist at the Travis Scott Concert,
AstroWorld Festival 2021, based on the related explanation above. So, based on the above explanation, several
problems can be formulated, the focus of which is What is the meaning of the symbols and forms of Satanism in the
Concert? Travis Scott, Astroworld Festival 2021.
Rahmadina, et.al | Daengku: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation, 2022, 2(4): 427439
Thus, the goal of this research is to discover how symbols and shapes are represented in the Travis Scott Astroworld
Festival 2021 Concert.
2. Literature Review
2.1. Representation
Representation can be defined as the use of signs, pictures, and other visual aids. With the goal of describing,
reproducing, displaying, and photographing what we see, sense, and imagine or imagine with a specific physical
medium (Danesi, 2014). As a result, the representation's results will strengthen the ideas in our research.
According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), representation can be defined as an act that represents or a situation
that is representative. Representation can also be defined as a process that involves a situation that can represent
symbols, images, and other things that have meaning. This process's description can take the form of a description of
the existence of resistance that is attempting to be described through research and semiotic analysis.
Representation refers to the process by which reality is communicated in communication, whether through sound words,
images, or a combination of the two. In a nutshell, representation is the creation of meaning through the use of language.
Someone who can express thoughts, concepts, and ideas about something through language (written, spoken, or picture
symbols and signs). (Pranata, 2020)
Representation can also be defined as an action that presents or represents something outside of itself, typically in the
form of a sign or symbol. Humans will be unable to function without communication in their daily lives. Rather, it is
impossible if there is no representation in it, especially if communication activities involve the search for meaning and
reading signs.
Representation also leads to descriptions of people who interpret certain group characteristics. The term refers to the
meanings associated with a constructed thing. According to this definition, representation is commonly associated with
the process of categorizing what we see and existing activities.
Figure 1. Scheme I: Representations related to Meaning
Source: eprintsum.ac.id
Burton claims that the schematic above forms a meaning that is influenced by several other factors. The schema
demonstrates that the meaning is formed from the representation of the behavior or appearance that exists in the subject
we are researching, as well as the myths that exist and circulate.
There are three approaches to presenting meaning through language: reflective, intentional, and constructive (Burton,
The reflection approach explains how the meaning that is understood can be used to deceive objects, people, ideas, or
events in real life.
The intentional approach is the second approach. This method explains how language and its phenomena can be used
to convey meaning while also having its own meaning for what is implied in the person. Intentional does not reflect,
but instead stands on its own meaning; each word is interpreted for what it means.
The constructionist approach is the third approach. This method emphasizes the process of constructing meaning
through the use of language. Language and language use cannot give meaning to each other in this approach, but must
be confronted with other things in order for an interpretation to emerge. Social construction is created by social actors
who combine the language culture concept system with other representation systems.
Rahmadina, et.al | Daengku: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation, 2022, 2(4): 427439
In essence, representation is the process of connecting the object under study with signs such as symbols, images, and
sounds, among other things, in order to produce meaning.
2.2. Symbols and Forms
A symbol is typically a visible sign that is used to replace an object. Symbols are conventional signs that are created by
certain groups or individuals with specific intentions and then used by members of the group.
Symbols are frequently interpreted by general consensus, agreement, or custom. Words, signs, or cues that are used to
represent something else, such as meaning, quality, abstraction, ideas, or objects, are examples of symbols (Danesi,
Form is a picture created as one of the basic elements that allows us to convey meaning in general terms and provide
an understanding of an intention.
2.3. Satanism
With the community's belief in evil or unseen forces that describe demons or demons as a scary form that should be
avoided, some people believe and believe that the power of the devil, like a satanic group, can help them in life.
Satanism is a group of people who base their beliefs and philosophies on Satan. The practice of modern Satanism began
in 1966, with the establishment of the atheist satanic church in the United States. Satan worship emerged between the
12th and 17th centuries, when magicians and people who rejected religion began to worship the devil collectively
(Rijani, 2013).
Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) first introduced Satan worship when he was studying a mystical school, particularly the
ancient Jewish mystical tradition known as the Kabalah, which led him to become a member of the Order Of The
Golden Dawn, an organization that expands or develops mystical teachings and builds the Freemasons organization
as a male organization. The organization is a strict organization dedicated to developing strong, attractive, and
intelligent men (Tasmara, 1999). Crowley is regarded as the first to initiate the teachings of Satanism with the goal of
destroying all existing religions.
Satanism is a form of Satan worship that is still practiced today. Satanism is opposed to faith in worldly powers or other
religions. Satan, according to Satanists, is the most powerful being on the planet. According to satanism, humans must
enjoy life in this world to the fullest extent of their desire and lust, and nothing can stop them. The Satanists believe
there is no virtue or simplicity, only violence and evil.
Satan worship, in particular, can be defined as elevating Satan to the status of a god to be worshiped and glorified. They
are even willing to engage in various rituals in order to attract the devil's attention and follow the devil's instructions
(Seng, 2007).
The rituals they perform to bring the devil with them in the hopes of receiving the devil's love in return vary from group
to group. However, there are numerous parallels, such as free sex, drugs, human sacrifice, murder, mass suicide, animal
mutilation, and child sacrifice.
This is done solely to appease the devil, giving them the impression that the devil is present among them. Even they
believe that doing so is beneficial in relieving their guilt.
2.4. Satanism's symbols
Each group or individual who teaches or is a part of an organization must have certain symbols as a foundation. Satanists
must use symbols or symbols of greatness when performing rituals. Within their circle or members, these symbols each
have their own meaning and significance. In general, the great Satanic symbols that are frequently used are:
1) Satanic Cross: This symbol is used to both contradict the Christian cross and to clearly state that Satanists are
loyal to Satan. There is even a myth that using this symbol will grant you power from the devil. This symbol also
aids the Church of Satan in carrying out its rituals. (Rijani, 2013). Because of its name, this symbol also represents
death, darkness, and even misdirection (Rijani, 2013).
2) An inverted pentagram, which is a five-pointed star. The Inverted Pentagram, which is the angle of the star
depicting the horns, represents Lucifer, who they believe is as tall as God. The three corners below represent the
Devil's Trinity, followed by Lucifer in the middle, to the left of the antichrist, who is to the right as the meaning
of false prophets. (Kurniawan, 2001)
Rahmadina, et.al | Daengku: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation, 2022, 2(4): 427439
3) Sulfur is an ancient chemical symbol that was designed to represent sulfur. This sulfur is a sulfur element that is
compatible with or compatible with the human soul. In the Satanic Church, this symbol has long been associated
with Satan. This symbol is widely used by Satanists and can be interpreted in an infinite number of ways. (Cassirer,
4) Pyramid, this symbol represents the return of Solomon's glory (The Temple of Solomon) as well as human strength
as the bright stars above the earth. This pyramid shape has been known since the Pharaohs' time and later became
a grave mode for Freemason leaders (Rijani, 2013)
5) Satanists believe that the next century or millennium (new world order) will be a global world with one religion
and government (Puspita, 2007).
6) The All-Seeing Eye, Satanists believe that this is Lucifer's eye, which allows him to see in all directions (Pranata,
2.5. Travis Scott Concert at the 2021 Astroworld Festival
Travis Scott 2021 concert was held at the Astroworld Festival by Live Nation and Travis in Houston on Friday,
November 5, 2021 local time and was attended by 50,000 people. Condolences to his fans because something
unimaginable and disastrous happened at the concert, with 8 fans dying and others injured and rushed to the hospital.
The cause of the incident, according to an official statement from the authorities, was that thousands of spectators
barged in and jostled to get a better look at Traviss Scott. As a result of a number of people in the crowd becoming
unconscious and having difficulty breathing, there was a riot. Some of those who attempted to find air and save
themselves were overwhelmed and trampled on those who had fallen (Kompas, 9 November 2021).
At the time of the incident, it was known that Travis Scott did not pause his performance on stage, as if he did not notice
his fans who had fallen and appeared to ignore the chaos that had occurred in the audience. Travis was seen laughing
and singing as if nothing had happened, and many people said that at the time, it was clear that Travis was looking
down and at the unconscious audience. Travis was sued as a result of this incident for his indifference to the victim
during the concert.
Astroworld Festival has previously existed as a festival since 2018. This is the third year that the festival has been held.
Previously, this festival grew in terms of both visitors and the performances that were displayed from start to finish.
Aside from that, the conspiracy theories that emerged at Travis Scott's concert were quite diverse, resulting in a wide
range of reactions due to mystical things related to Satanism in Travis Scott's concert. As previously stated, the presence
of satanic symbols at the concert led those who witnessed it to believe that the rapper's concert was an offering of
himself to the devil as part of a ritual practiced by Satanists, namely human sacrifice. This is becoming more pronounced
as a result of the unusual thing on the album cover in its promotion during this concert.
Figure 2. Travis Scott's Album Cover
Source: genius.com
The poster depicts a strange creature that appears to be a devil, with the equally eccentric inscription Who Knows
what lies beneth the surface, which translates to Who knows what is on the surface. Then there's the inscription
When the end arrives, it's really just the beginning at the bottom, which means When the end arrives, it's really just
the beginning. This image is from his latest single album, Escape Plane. On the album cover, there is also a strange
Rahmadina, et.al | Daengku: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation, 2022, 2(4): 427439
inscription, The True Dystopia Is Here. Dystopia is an antonym of the word Utopia, which means a perfect fit with
good and beautiful things in it. Dystopia, on the other hand, is something that refers to a bad and frightening place or
situation. Furthermore, the Astrowrold Entrance Gate is a popular topic of conversation.
Figure 3. Entrance Gate
Source: pramborsfm.com
From the picture of the gate above, many compare the gate with his painting Christ In Lambo by Heironymus Bosh,
which is a picture of the gates of hell.
Figure 4. Painting of Christ In Lambo
Because of the similarity between the Travis concert Entrance Gate and the painting above, it appears to have a large
mouth open with people entering it. Many people believe that the gate represents the entrance to another world, and
that anyone who passes through it indicates that he is willing to sacrifice his life for the god, in this case Travis Scott.
In a short period of time, this concert had gone viral on social media. This incident is also widely discussed on social
media platforms such as Tik Tok, Instagram, and Twitter.
3. Methodology
The researcher used descriptive qualitative research with a seomatic theory approach in this study. The process and
meaning of research are emphasized in qualitative research. In-depth observations are the focus of qualitative research.
Qualitative research will yield a comprehensive study of a phenomenon.
Furthermore, the descriptive qualitative method is a research method used to investigate the condition of natural objects
in which a researcher becomes the key tool in data collection techniques that are also carried out by trigulation
(combined), data analysis is inductive, and the research results will weigh meaning over generalization.
By studying an individual, a group, or an existing event, qualitative descriptive research aims to provide an overview,
explanations, and more detailed answers to the issues to be studied.
The critical paradigm was used by the researchers in this study. This critical paradigm will impose on researchers the
fact that this analysis is not based on truth or falsity.
Rahmadina, et.al | Daengku: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation, 2022, 2(4): 427439
Furthermore, the researcher employs Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis method as an analytical method because it
interprets and defines the meaning of denotation and connotation, as well as myths.
Roland Bathers' semiotic analysis looks at how a sign can represent a meaning. In terms of meaning, it is not only said
to communicate something, but interpreting means that existing objects will provide information in the objects that
want to communicate (Kurniawan, 2001).
The researcher uses the representation of the meaning of the symbols and forms of Satanism that exist at a music concert
as the object of research under study in this study. Regarding the subject of this study, the researcher attended one of
the famous rappers' concerts, namely the Travis Scott Astroworld Festival 2021.
Furthermore, the data collection technique used in this study is to carefully observe, examine, view, and capture the
concert. The literature review was compiled from research journals, internet news, and other sources that will help and
support this research.
4. Result and Discussion
4.1. Result
The researcher will identify the sign in the Travis Scott Astroworld Festival 2021 concert by using the data that has
been selected for analysis and Roland Bathersv's semiotic analysis for the representation of the meaning contained by
using denotation, connotation, and myth to analyze symbols and forms related to Satanism (Kurniawan, 2001).
Following that, the researcher will carefully demonstrate these symbols and shapes one by one, as follows:
Figure 5. Travis Scott Astroworld Festival Concert Poster
Because there are several forms in the figure 5 that resemble the shape of a part of Satanism, the researcher will show
the forms of these parts one by one in the table 1.
Table 1. Resemble the shape of a part of Satanism
Rahmadina, et.al | Daengku: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation, 2022, 2(4): 427439
Next, the researcher will show the shape that the researcher found on the stage set, which is as follows:
Figure 6. Stage
The two stage figure 6 show a stage appearance after the concert has begun and a stage appearance before the concert
has begun. And the researcher will demonstrate some symbols and forms of Satanism in the table 2.
Table 2. Some symbols and forms of Satanism
Rahmadina, et.al | Daengku: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation, 2022, 2(4): 427439
After displaying the shape on the next stage, the researcher wishes to display the shape discovered on Travis Scott's
concert attire as follows:
Figure 7. Travis Shirt
The researchers finally identified several images and shapes found in the Travis Scott concert that are related to the
focus of this research by identifying signs by denotation, connotation, and myth. The researchers chose three symbols
and four shapes, and they discovered the meaning related to Satanism contained in the Travis Scoot Astroworld Festival
2021 concert, which was presented on the basis of denotation, connotation, and myth. To describe and explain the
problems discussed above, some existing images and shapes must be analyzed using Rolan Bather's model, which is as
follows in table 3.
Table 3. Satanism in the Travis Scoot Astroworld Festival 2021 concert
White writing
consisting of three
words namely Earth
Wind & Fire
At the top of the
Rahmadina, et.al | Daengku: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation, 2022, 2(4): 427439
Both sides of the palm
in which there are left
and right eyeballs.
In the middle of
the poster
Long wood that forms
a cross but in an
inverted position
In front of the
upper stage
A bird that spreads its
wings on fire
The stage image that is
shaped like a mountain
and there is a big
eyeball inside that
Inside the stage,
seen when
Travis appears at
the beginning of
the show
red striped circle
In front of the
stage, under the
burning birds
Rahmadina, et.al | Daengku: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation, 2022, 2(4): 427439
A line of people in red
and blue are entering a
white door
On the shirt that
Travis was
wearing it was
on the front
1) The elements of Earth, Wind, and Fire
Denotation Meaning : The writing is in white on a black background and reads Earth, Wind, and Fire,
which is a lineup for the next concert. Earth, Wind & Fire is a well-known
American rock band.
Connotation Meaning : Earth, Wind, and Fire have the meaning of Earth, Air, and Fire, which in Satanism
have three main meanings of the Satanic Trinity (Mongol, 2021), which is the
Fire side (fire) as the Satan side, the Wind side (air) as the Lucifer side, and the
Earth side (land) as the belial side.
Myth : Considered to be three gods (gods) who can bestow supernatural power and wealth
on Satanists.
2) Palm-sized eyes
Denotation Meaning : Displays a pair of open eyeballs in the middle of the left and right palms. Intended
to depict the audience cheering and watching the concert. However, one eye
appears to be jagged, while the other appears to be smooth.
Connotation Meaning : The eye that appears to be a Abadon/Apolion because it has eyes on the opposite
side. In Satanism, Abadon is known as the Abyss Angel and is one of The Prince
of The Darkness (Mongol, 2021). He is also one of the Fallen Angels, or angels
who fell and were expelled from heaven.
Myth : The angel Abaddon is thought to be the ruler of hell's first level.
3) Lengthy Wood
Denotation Meaning : Showing a pair of long wooden left and right like an inverted plus shape because
the upper part is longer intended as a support pole for stage lights.
Inverted cross
Connotation Meaning : The image is similar to one of Satanism's symbols, the Inverted Cross. The
inverted cross is used in Satanism as a symbol of loyalty to Satan and a defiance of
Jesus Christ.
Myth : Black metal bands frequently use this symbol as a stage attribute and as accessories
to gain the power and confidence that Satan brings.
4) On fire birds
Denotation Meaning : A bird flapping its wings repeatedly in a burning state appears for several minutes
at the start of the show.
The Phoenix Bird
Rahmadina, et.al | Daengku: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation, 2022, 2(4): 427439
Connotation Meaning : The bird is a Phoenix bird, which is interpreted as a bird of immortality and is
considered a never-die bird with the element of fire (Mongol, 2021). In this case,
whoever gives rise to the phoenix figure indicates that he is on his way to a new
Myth : In Satanism, ritual sigil performers frequently bring a Phoenix, which is thought to
bestow new powers on the perpetrator.
5) Eyeball and Mountain
Denotation Meaning : The image is intended to show a one-of-a-kind stage impression that is shaped like
a mountain, with a large eyeball that can move around the audience.
The All Seeing Eye
Connotation Meaning : The mountain has a triangular shape that is similar to Satanism's symbol, namely
The All Seeing Eye or the one eye symbol, because it has a large eyeball in it
that is similar to the one eye symbol in a triangle. This symbol is frequently used
to represent Satan. Those eyes are also referred to as Lucifer eyes.
Myth : It is said that this symbol represents Lucifer's eyes, which can see the movements
of his followers wherever they are, and that Lucifer can even know all human
movements with these eyes.
6) Circle
Denotation Meaning : The circle in the concert is intended as an attribute that complements the bird above
and indicates the location where Travis first appeared to begin his concert.
Connotation Meaning : The circle is one of Satanism's symbols, and it is thought to represent the world's
perfection and unity.
Myth : Satanists believe that the circle represents the future world, with one government
and one religion.
7) People in Shirts Form a Line
Denotation Meaning : Showing a line of human-shaped blue and orange through a white door, this is
meant to represent a line of concertgoers entering through the door.
Connotation Meaning : The image of people lining up appears to depict a shift from good to bad. That's
because, before passing through the door, the shape appears normal and lacks
horns, but after passing through the door, the person has horns as the general form
of Satan, in addition to changing the color of the line.
Myth : Many netizens believe that the line of people represents victims who were made
offerings at the concert and whose spirits have been transformed into demons.
4.2. Discussion
The researchers discovered a form of representation of Satanism symbols that appeared in the Travis Scoot concert,
Astroworld Festival 2021, based on the results of 7 images analyzed in the concert. The purpose of this discussion is to
examine the representation of Satanist symbols and forms at the Travis Scoot concert, Astroworld Festival 2021.
Representation is defined as a process that involves a situation that can represent symbols, images, and other things that
have meaning.
The form in the poster image of the Travis Scott Astroworld Festival 2021 concert, namely the image of the words
earth, wind, and fire and also the eyes on the palms, have several meanings, such as the existence of a satanic trinity
and also the eyes of Abadon, it can be concluded that the elements contained can be seen that it represents as a side of
darkness that is attempting to appear at the concert and who comes to this concert is greeted by the arrival of the first
Then, on the stage, an image of a burning bird, long wood, eyeballs, and circles appears. The meaning is that the
presence of the Phoenix bird represents a new awakening for those who present it, as if the singer will live a new life
Rahmadina, et.al | Daengku: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation, 2022, 2(4): 427439
after this concert. The meaning on the long wood, namely the inverted cross, is something that Satan enjoys because
the symbol represents the opposition to Jesus Christ in an inverted position, with Jesus Christ's head below. When there
is an inverted cross symbol, the devil is present everywhere. Furthermore, the eyeball in the shape of a mountain on the
stage represents Lucifer's eye, which looks at the direction of the concert as if choosing and seeing who is suitable to
be sacrificed as an offering. The presence of a circle represents a portal to another world for the victims present at the
concert, namely a world with a single government, religion, and god (Puspita, 2007).
The people lining up in the shirt's image represent changes from good to bad, as evidenced by the change in color and
horns after passing through a white door. The door represents the entrance to a bad world for those who enter it.
5. Conclusion
Researchers used the findings of the above study to show images of Satanist symbols and forms in Travis Scott's
Astroworld Festival 2021 concert. Large symbols such as long wood or inverted crosses, circles, and The All Seeing
Eyes reinforce the representation of symbols and shapes at this concert. According to the researchers, there was a
correlation and indication of the existence of symbols and forms of Satanism based on the conspiracy theory that
emerged among netizens that there was a ritual offering of human life at this concert. However, because researchers
have limited research, they cannot confirm this.
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