What is Code Enforcement?
Code Enforcement ocers provide for the safety, health and welfare of cizens living and working in
neighborhoods throughout the city of Las Vegas through enforcement of building, zoning, housing,
environmental, nuisance and other codes and ordinances. These top 20 quesons and answers are provided
to you to assist in becoming a responsible property owner or tenant and prevent unsafe or oensive uses of
property, while promong and maintaining the quality of life in our communies.
Can I park a vehicle in the front or side yard of my property?
Front yard- Only on an approved driveway of concrete, asphalt or two-inch pavers that extends the full
length and width of the vehicle. If
your property is zoned R-A or R-E a surface of decomposed granite no
less than two inches thick with dened b
oarders is also an opon.
Side yard-
Obscured by a six-foot high fence to permanently screen the vehicles from view or on an approved
driveway of concrete, asphalt or two-inch pavers that extends the full length and width of the vehicle.
Note: Approved driveway has curb cuts that meet specicaons established by the city.
Can I keep a vehicle that is inoperable?
No more than one, up to 60 days. All vehicles must start/run or be stored in a garage and out of public view.
Note: It is a safety hazard and violaon to leave a vehicle unaended on a ramp or on jacks.
Can I keep a vehicle that is missing parts?
No, a vehicle that is wrecked, parally wrecked, dismantled or parally dismantled unless it is stored in a
garage and out of public view, cannot be stored on property.
Can I repair vehicles at my house?
Only a vehicle owned by the property owner. The vehicle must be registered to a permanent resident at that
locaon. Repairing vehicles belonging to family members, co-workers,
friends, etc. for money or barter in a residenal district is prohibited.
Can I park a commercial vehicle in a residential district?
No, the primary funcon of all vehicles in a residenal district must be for the transportaon of passengers
and must be under a weight limit of one (1) ton.
Can I sell a vehicle from my house?
Yes, a property owner can have one (1) vehicle for sale at a me and is allowed to sell two (2) vehicles in one
calendar year in a residenal district.
Can I display my vehicle for sale in an empty lot?
No, Parking Enforcement can issue you a cket.
To report a violaon, call Parking Enforcement at 229-6432.
Can I park or store a vehicle in the street?
It is unlawful to abandon or park a vehicle in the street for more than 72 consecuve hours. Moving a
vehicle every three (3) days a few feet will not avert a violaon. To report vehicles parked on the street, call
Parking Enforcement at 229-6432.
Can I store a recreational vehicle or trailer on my lot?
Unless vehicles are stored or parked within an enclosed building they must meet the following requirements:
Rear Yard - Allowed to be parked or stored on surface of pavers blocks of uniform appearance that are at
least two inches thick or surface of decomposed granite no less than two inches thick with dened borders,
or use concrete or asphalt, gravel or chat that extends the full length and width of the RV or trailer.
Side Yard - Obscured by a six-foot high fence to permanently screen the vehicles from view or on an
approved driveway of concrete, asphalt or two-inch pavers that extends the full length and width of the RV
or trailer.
Front Yard - If rear or side yard access is not available the front yard may be ulized but must meet these
If your property is zoned R-A, R-E, R-D or R-1 you are allowed to parked or store RVs or trailers on surface of
pavers blocks of uniform appearance that are at least 2 inches thick or use concrete or asphalt, gravel or chat
that extends the full length and width of the RV or trailer.
For R-A and R-E zoned properes a surface of decomposed granite no less than two inches thick with dened
borders is also allowed.
Residenal properes under .2 acres may not have recreaonal vehicles or trailers or combinaon over
24 feet in length measured from end to end including hitches and bumpers.
City of Las Vegas • Department of Planning
Can a person live in a motor home or trailer parked on my property or on the street?
No, motor homes or trailers cannot be connected to residenal ulies or lived in unless they are in a RV park
regardless if parked in front or rear yard. Mobile homes are only allowed in permied and approved mobile home
What can I keep in my front or side yard?
Items must be concealed from public view, or neighboring properes, unless they are designed to be outside.
Barbecue grills, children’s play toys and lawn furniture are allowed. Items that are not allowed include, couches,
recliners, appliances, res, wood, maresses, box springs, tree limbs, temporary shade structures and other items
that are not intended for outdoor use.
Can I build an addition or wall on my property?
A building permit is required to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert or demolish a
building or structure. Contact Building and Safety at 229-6251 for informaon on permits.
Can a business be conducted from a residence?
Only if the owner receives a home occupaon permit from the Planning Department 229-6301. A home occupaon
is an incidental or secondary use. The average neighbor under normal circumstances should not be aware of its
existence. No storage of materials, equipment or supplies is allowed.
Can I drain my pool into the street?
No, it is unlawful to pour, throw, drain, pump or place any water, uid, liquid maer or objects onto a street, ditch,
lane, court, square, alley or vacant lot within the city of Las Vegas. The sewer clean-out should be used for drainage.
How many garage/yard sales can I have in a year? Do I need a permit?
No more than two (2) garage/yard sales shall be conducted on the premises in one calendar year. No sale shall last
more than three (3) consecuve days in length. One outdoor sign may be used to adverse the sale. Such sign must
not exceed 16 square feet in size and must be located within the boundaries of the lot on which the sale is to take
place. A permit is not required.
Can I post signs on utility poles and/or other devices in public rights of way?
No, signs shall not be placed on public property, rights of way, ulity pole or device. All signs are required to have a
sign permit issued from the Planning Department 229-6301.
When and where can I place my trash can?
It is unlawful to place, keep, store or locate recyclables, or solid waste receptacles within the rights of way of a
street, sidewalk, alley, or within a front yard. Receptacles may be placed within such areas for the purpose of the
collecon of solid waste and recyclables from midnight to midnight on the day designated for the pickup thereof,
and for a period not to exceed ten (10) hours prior to midnight of the day of pickup.
Note: Green dumpsters are also deemed receptacles.
What is the code on high/overgrown weeds and dead vegetation?
All weeds, turf grass, and unculvated plant growth can not exceed eight inches in height when visible from public
property. Dead trees, plants and other vegetaon that present a re hazard or are otherwise a threat to property or
to the health and safety of the public, must be removed.
Who do I call to report grati, open/vacant buildings or other neighborhood
There is a hotline provided by the city of Las Vegas to report violaons. The number is 229-6615. Please provide the
exact locaon of the violaon or problem to help us expedite our response. If Code Enforcement does not handle it,
we will refer the problem to the correct jurisdicon or department.
For more information, please call
Code Enforcement at 229-6615.
The city of Las Vegas believes that the informaon contained in this brochure is accurate and current as of February 28, 2011.
However, all warranes and guarantees of accuracy are hereby expressly disclaimed. Neither the city of Las Vegas nor any of
its agents, contractors or employees shall be liable for any loss, cost, expense or liability of any kind arising from this material.
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