New directions in pharmacovigilance
October 2008 - a major week in Uppsala
A fresh start in Italy
MedDRA in the WHO ADR database
Visitors at the new UMC ofce
For everyone concerned with the issues of pharmacovigilance
Ralph Edwards
the Uppsala Monitoring
Perhaps promoted by the controversy over Vioxx, and two reports on the future of pharmacovigilance,
one in the USA and the other in the EU, there is now a kind of ‘feeding frenzy’. Many new organisations
and people are chasing resources that have become suddenly available. After 40 years the WHO
Programme for International Drug Monitoring, and the UMC, have become fashionable again and people
are contacting us seeking information and partnerships for global and local initiatives. Sounds good?
Well possibly! For a group that has been fighting for resources for half a lifetime, whilst doing the best
it can, and with many successes, feelings can be mixed. Should it really take a major drug withdrawal
to bring the topic of drug-related morbidity and mortality to the fore? It seems as if nobody has
been interested in the morbidity and mortality statistics we and others in pharmacovigilance have
presented over years: they clearly show the importance of drug-related injury to individuals and
to public health, with the associated costs to society. This may well be our collective deficiency in
communication, but we have had the limitation of resources for that task as well. Many people
now want to talk to us about pharmacovigilance, without knowing any of those background
achievements and problems we have faced, and explanations can be very time consuming!
Groups outside the current pharmacovigilance community are seeking and getting money for ‘new’
ideas, but many of those ‘new ideas’ can often be found by searching the literature from the 1960s
and 70s. We have also been trying to develop those ideas over the years: there has been no shortage of
good ideas, only resources. This interest in new approaches is understandable in one way because our
continuing use of the cheapest globally useful method for safety monitoring ‘spontaneous reporting’
is regarded as a ‘failure’: we ‘missed’ the Vioxx problem. But I must remind sceptics yet again that the
signal on Vioxx and myocardial infarction was found using ICSR (individual case safety report) data,
and prominently reported by the Netherlands centre (Lareb) at a WHO National Centres Meeting (Tunis,
October, 2000) only 6 months after the launch of Vioxx. In my view, any reason for ‘failures’ over Vioxx,
or most other product withdrawals, has always been lack of resources in following up signals.
The current interest in finding signals in clinical trials is problematic both because of their often low
population coverage or the cost of large enough studies. Observational studies have their limitations
for finding signals also, as does cohort event monitoring. The main drawback of all these approaches
is that they are limited to a few drugs for limited periods of use. The only ‘catch-all’ alternative
approach to ‘spontaneous reporting’ to find drug-related event signals seems to be some knowledge-
finding tool used on large health care databases. We are investigating and using such an approach, but
much needs to be done to be sure that it is an alternative (rather than a supplement) to ‘spontaneous
reporting’. I believe we still have some way to go before we use our existing tools optimally and
in conjunction, rather than trying to find a single ‘best’ tool. After all, we use both hammers and
screwdrivers without trying to decide which is best overall!
We very much welcome new interest and ideas into pharmacovigilance, but I would also make a plea
for anyone newly interested in global pharmacovigilance to do their homework, and not to ignore
the successes, the systems, and the knowledge and wisdom, that exist in the WHO Programme and
elsewhere. Moreover, I would promote the concept of true co-operation: we will work with anyone
who reasonably shares their resources and ideas with us for the furtherance of patient health and
the reduction of the public health burden of iatrogenic disease. What is annoying is competition for
funds for re-inventing the wheel, rather than building on what already exists, and often works well.
Even where it does not work well enough is no reason to necessarily start from the beginning.
We too, are innovative and are continuously developing ways of doing things and partnerships for doing
them, but building on what is already there and not unnecessarily competing with others. In our work we
are always trying to ensure that best possible science and professionalism are benefiting poor as well as the
rich. We will continue to pursue the ideal of trying to equalise the standards of patient safety across the globe,
but always upwards to the best standards for everybody, not downwards: please help us reach this goal.
In summary, let’s not re-invent pharmacovigilance wheels, but add pneumatic tyres for a safer,
smoother ride into the future!
2 UR41 April 2008
2 Director’s Message
News from Around the World
4 WHO Programme news
23 Courses and conferences
24 the UMC team
2 Director’s Message
News from Around the World
4 WHO Programme news
5 Annual Meeting in Uppsala
6-7 USA, Andorra, Tanzania
8-9 Developments in drug safety
11 Vaccine safety news
12-13 Focus on Italy
14 MedDRA in Vigibase
15 Drug Dictionary update
16-17 Reports from Buenos Aires, Bangkok, Geneva
18-19 News from the UMC
20-21 Visitors to the UMC
21-22 Publications news
23 Courses and conferences
24 the UMC team
The Uppsala Monitoring Centre (the UMC) is the field-
name of the WHO Collaborating Centre for International
Drug Monitoring, responsible for the management of the
WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring.
An independent centre of scientific excellence, the UMC
offers products and services, derived from the WHO
database of Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) reported from
member countries of the WHO Programme.
With an independent and global perspective on drug
safety, the UMC provides resources for regulatory agencies,
health professionals, researchers and the pharmaceutical
The UMC’s important worldwide work is financed solely
by the organisation itself, without support from WHO,
the Swedish Government, member countries of the WHO
Programme or any grant-making body.
Communications information
Visiting address:
the Uppsala Monitoring Centre,
Bredgränd 7
Mail Address
the Uppsala Monitoring Centre,
Box 1051
SE-751 40 Uppsala
Telephone: +46 18 65 60 60
Fax: +46 18 65 60 80
General enquiries: [email protected]
Personal e-mail messages may be sent to any member
of the team by putting their name (e.g ralph.edwards)
in place of info
Sales & marketing enquiries: [email protected]
Uppsala Reports © the Uppsala Monitoring Centre 2008
Editors: Sten Olsson and Geoffrey Bowring
ISSN 1651-9779
From strength to strength
Bangkok hosts two highly successful ISoP
training courses.
8, 11, 17
Drug Safety at WHO HQ
Reports from several recent meetings
concerning drug safety held at the HQ of
WHO in Geneva.
Patient Safety
2nd meeting of international medication
error group in Dublin.
Annual Meeting and more...
A major ‘open’ research meeting and
other WHO meetings are grouped around
the 31st Annual Meeting of the WHO
Programme in Uppsala this October.
Uppsala Reports 41 3
Togo joins the Programme
Following a workshop on
pharmacovigilance in Togo in
December 2006, then
participation in the pharmaco-
vigilance training course for
African Francophone countries
in Rabat, Morocco in February
2007, Togo, along with several
other west African countries,
became an Associate member of
the WHO Programme in May
2007. Edinam Agbenu then
attended the WHO training of
consultants in pharmaco-
vigilance meeting in July 2007
in Accra, Ghana. Strengthened
by these capacity building courses and the involvement of the main
public health programmes HIV, malaria, TB, immunization Togo
has moved to become a full member of the WHO Programme in
January 2008.
The existence of a pharmacovigilance programme is gradually
becoming better known in the country. A room in one teaching
hospital has been allocated for pharmacovigilance activities, and a
plan for extension has been made, together with anti-retroviral
(ARV) dispensing so that it can help reduce discrimination for people
coming for their ARVs. They are hoping to provide general public
drug information, and ADR monitoring to a specific population in
ARV dispensation.
Over 500 ADR notifications are registered. Two surveys are being
conducted, one in hospitalized patients and the other in pharmacy
shops. All the public health programmes are joining the
pharmacovigilance system to ensure ADR monitoring to their targets.
In the next year or two, the plan is to implement activity in the districts,
conduct more surveys and train more professionals on notification and
causality assessment.
In late March the Ministry of Health of Togo signed the act to
formally recognize the pharmacovigilance system, giving it a legal
status to move forward. The
question of funding of
pharmacovigilance in the health
budget will also soon start in
In November a workshop to
design a programme to train
public health pharmacists took
place at the Regional Institute of
Public Health (IRSP in Ouidah,
Benin). “Pharmacovigilance has
found its place in the programme
and will join with medical
doctors whose programme exists
already” writes Edinam. The plan
for a network for African countries will be more developed at the
Forum of Pharmacists in Libreville. The intention is for countries to
help one the other in setting up a strong pharmacovigilance system in
Africa. Medical doctors would monitor ADRs systematically when
prescribing, and pharmacists in ‘officines’ (pharmacy shops) would be
more active, since all patients go there with or without a
The current contact details are:
Centre National de Pharmacovigilance
Direction des Pharmacies Laboratoires et Equipements Techniques
Ministry of Health
BP 336 Lomé Togo
Tel: +228 9462177
New Associate Member
Montenegro (Crna Gora) has applied to become a member of the
WHO Programme.
A letter has been sent by Dr Miodrag Radunović, Minister of Health
in Podgorica, to Dr Mary Couper at the WHO in Geneva, notifying her
of their wish to join the Programme, with Ms Maja Kovacevic as the
contact person. This follows re-structuring of drug and other medical
supplies organisation in Montenegro.
4 UR41 April 2008
Edinam Agbenu
The pharmacovigilance centre beside
the drug store of the hospital.
Pictured on the wall poster:
One man informing his neighbour that the one in the middle reacted to a
drug and they would stop the medicines. His neighbour (right) answering
that he should first contact his doctor or the pharmacist and not forget to
notify the centre for pharmacovigilance.
Uppsala Reports 41 5
There will be something for everyone this October when the 31
Annual Meeting of countries participating in the WHO Programme
for International Drug Monitoring takes place in Uppsala. Hosted by
the Uppsala Monitoring Centre and the Swedish Medical Products
Agency, it will take place on Monday to Thursday 20-23 October.
For new delegates and countries which have never attended the
annual meeting there is an afternoon seminar to give basic
background information on the way the Programme works.
We very much hope that delegates from national centres will stay on
in Uppsala after the Annual Meeting for an open research meeting
on 24 October with some distinguished speakers. This research
meeting will showcase the latest methodology and findings in ADR
signal detection, and point out important directions for future
research. It will be of great interest to all working in pharmacovigilance,
particularly in the area of signal detection. A top-level group of
chairpersons and panel members will provide a review of state-of-
the-art quantitative and qualitative signal detection in spontaneous
reports and other healthcare datasets. The registration form is now
accessible via the UMC website.
In addition, those interested in
learning how to apply ATC
classification of medicines and
Defined Daily Doses (DDDs) may
attend a specific training day on
24 October, organized by the
WHO Collaborating Centre for
Drug Statistics Methodology,
Oslo. A selected group of
representatives at immunization centres focusing on vaccine safety
will be invited separately for a meeting 17–18 October.
So we urge all national centres to plan to make full use of these
educational and networking opportunities in Uppsala!
the UMC has reserved rooms in hotels around the city and is putting
the finishing touches to an exciting social programme.
We look forward to seeing many of you in Uppsala in six months
The full schedule of meetings to coincide with the WHO Annual
Meeting is:
17-18 October WHO Vaccines Safety meeting
19 October WHO Programme ‘new delegates/countries’ seminar
20-23 October 31
WHO Annual Meeting
24 October Impacting patient safety: Adverse drug reaction
signal detection - Booking now open
24 October Training course on DDD/ATC methodology
25-26 October UMC Signal Reviewers
Come to Uppsala in October
Uppsala – A glorious scientific history
Olof Rudbeck (1630-1702)
made what has been called ‘the
first scientific discovery by a
Swede’, the lymphatic gland
and its diffusion in the human
body. He had a botanical garden
established, set up boat
connections with Stockholm,
built bridges and aqueducts
and constructed the Anatomical
Theatre in the Gustavianum
as well as being a composer
who sometimes performed in
the cathedral.
Carolus Linnæus (Carl von Linné) (1707-1778) wrote Systema
Naturæ, which laid the foundation of a new way of categorizing
plants, based on their reproductive systems, replacing earlier
impractical and complicated systems. In 1741 he had a chair at
the Faculty of Medicine at Uppsala, and undertook research
journeys within Sweden from which his travel notes are an
invaluable resource.
Anders Celsius (1701–1744) published observations regarding
“two constant degrees on a thermometer”. His system was based
on the zero point marking the boiling point of water, and 100
degrees when snow melts. These points were later reversed, but
Celsius’s thermometer prevailed and is now used for scientific
The chemist Torbern Bergman (1735–1784) did pioneering work
in analytical chemistry in a laboratory off Västra Ågatan, and
created the concept of ‘elective affinities’. In the 1770s Bergman
collaborated with Carl Wilhelm Scheele (1742–1786), who
worked as an apothecary and was behind the discovery of
The father of separation chemistry, The Svedberg, professor at
Uppsala University, was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry
in 1926. His ultracentrifuge made it possible to separate,
characterize, and determine the weight of proteins. One of
Svedberg’s students, Arne Tiselius (Nobel Prize in 1948) invented
a new method for the separation of molecules and particles,
electrophoresis, used today to read the text of genes.
In 1960 Leif Wide developed the first simple pregnancy test in
Uppsala scientists can also claim credit for advances in
ophthalmology, including Healon, a hyaluronic acid preparation
used in cataract operations. Eye research was established by
Allvar Gullstrand (1911 Nobel Prize for Medicine).
Gazing into the
future at the US FDA
‘Maximizing the public health
benefit of adverse event collection
throughout the product life cycle’
Ralph Edwards
A one-day public workshop on the future of pharmacovigilance was
organised by the US FDA in Washington on 29
January. More
specifically three FDA presenters skilfully led the debate into a
discussion about the future of the value of ICSRs (individual case
safety reports), given that analysis of longitudinal health care data
now had practical potential in detecting drug-related adverse events.
For some years, I have urged WHO Programme members to evaluate
what impact their work has on public and individual healthcare. Our
self and peer evaluations have been limited, sporadic and primitive.
For the most part we have been limited to pointing to the numbers
of drug withdrawals (without much assessment of justification) and
changes to SPCs. This meeting signalled the FDA’s determination to
change that.
Evaluation – the position so far
The FDA staff treated us to a historical overview of the developments
in drug safety in the FDA, and to the current practice. The
presentations were detailed critical evaluations. They also gave us a
tantalizing preview of what they had in mind for their evaluation of
spontaneous reporting by showing that, for new drugs registered
between 1991 and 2006, drug safety issues were identified in the
AERS (the FDA spontaneous report) database throughout the
product’s life in that period which required some regulatory action.
This simple result starts to answer some basic but important
questions such as, “How long do we need to monitor a product?”
Some other issues that were identified for investigation were the
need to talk to individuals involved in review and decision-making
on ICSR data, and the time sequence between signal discovery,
analysis and regulatory action. The latter would be very interesting if
it were to review what signals were discarded, and why.
Most important, the presentations jump-started the first scheduled
discussion of the day, and the task in hand was identified: ‘As we
begin to transform and modernise the science of drug safety, this is
the time to stop and scientifically evaluate the public health impact
of spontaneous AE reporting’. How right and how explicit!
ICSRs – the why and wherefore
The FDA had brought the first panel to Washington to debate what
questions should be asked and answered by the AERS database, what
was its current value, and what could be done in the future. The
panellists included prominent experts from other US federal agencies,
the pharmaceutical industry, medical and pharmacy professionals,
patient advocates, academia and international representatives.
As expected, the usual problems and drawbacks with ICSRs were
mentioned, but there was no disagreement with the need for
continued reporting by health professionals and consumers. The
reasons given included reporting as a two-way communication
between regulators and their public to have a way for them to
express concerns about medications and therapy, and to feel part of
a network; to obtain qualitative information on harms from
medicines; to take early advantage of original observations of health
professionals and consumers on possible ADRs; in general to have an
economical system which covers all medications including OTCs, and
to cover varying safety situations such as misuse of medicines and
counterfeit drugs. The paramount issue of considering patients’
safety rather than ‘drug safety’ was mentioned a few times. In
respect of this point it seemed clear that consumer reports had the
potential to identify therapeutic errors that might not be otherwise
Methods and objectives
The second panel had the same broad expertise as the first, with
some overlapping membership. The task was to identify the best
methodologies to use in researching the value of the AERS dataset.
Perhaps not surprisingly some of the same ground was covered as in
the first panel, and there were strong views expressed as to the value
of moving towards the analysis of longitudinal patient records. There
was no disagreement regarding the need to move in that direction,
but most believed that ICSR data would have continuing utility.
There was strong endorsement of the general way in which the FDA
was approaching the challenge, based on the introductory
presentations. There was general agreement that the main end points
should be identifiable public health benefits. Views were expressed
over groups and resources that may be brought to bear on aspects of
analysis, but no precise proposals were made. It was very clear that
much good will existed in supporting this endeavour by the panellists
and other participants.
All in all, this was a very useful meeting, setting the stage for key
work to be done in evaluating pharmacovigilance performance in the
USA, and with global significance. My brief overview I am sure
contains some of my biases, and there are many omissions of
important insights presented. For those interested in more information
go to
where you will find the background information to the meeting, and
where a transcript of the meeting is promised.
6 UR41 April 2008
Uppsala Reports 41 7
Official launch in Andorra
Cristina Vilanova Serrano from the Pharmacovigilance Unit at the
Ministry of Health, Welfare, Family and Housing in Andorra reports
that an inaugural session of the safety programme in her country
took place on 28
A presentation of the pharmacovigilance program to health care
workers (pharmacists, physicians and nurses) took place. The Ministry
of Health gave an introduction after which Cristina explained how
the program worked. Professor Joan-Ramon Laporte, director of the
Fundació Institut Català de Farmacologia in Spain gave an interesting
talk about adverse drug reactions and their impact on public health
which was much appreciated by the audience. The following day the
Andorran media gave the event wide coverage.
CEM of ACTs being
planned in Tanzania
Stimulated by an initiative from the RaPID consortium (see UR38,
p6) and supported by the Roll Back Malaria Partnership, the Tanzania
Food and Drug Agency (TFDA) is working together with the National
Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) in designing a Cohort Event
Monitoring (CEM) study of artemether lumefantrine. This medicine
combination was recently recommended as the first line treatment
of malaria in Tanzania.
Paul Lalvani of the RaPID initiative invited Dr David Coulter, a CEM
expert from New Zealand and Sten Olsson of the UMC, to a meeting
on 15-16 March 2008 in Dar es Salaam. With representatives of the
two agencies and other supporting organizations, the study protocol
was discussed in all its practical details. It is an adaptation of the
Manual for Pharmacovigilance of Anti-Malaria Medicines which is
currently being published by WHO. At the meeting it was concluded
that 10,000 patients treated with artemether – lumefantrine should
be followed up one week after initiation of treatment for recording
of possible adverse events. Having decided on the sentinel sites from
which patients would be recruited, it was estimated that data
collection would take around one year.
The Department of Medicines Policy and Standards of WHO is
supporting the study with start-up funding but further sources for
financial support to fully accomplish the study are now being sought
from various funding agencies.
Global pharmacovigilance
As mentioned in UR40, WHO has entered into a joint project with the
University of Washington, Seattle, USA, for the development of a
Global Pharmacovigilance Strategy. The first part of the project is to
document and describe present pharmacovigilance activities in the
world. the UMC was commissioned to carry out the investigation
that relates to pharmacovigilance activities carried out by official
institutions in the public sector with a focus on countries outside of
the ICH area (ie, excluding North America, European Union and
Japan). A detailed questionnaire designed by the UMC in close
collaboration with the project managers was made available in
English, French and Spanish, and distributed mid-March to contact
persons in over 100 countries. The English version was also made
available on-line on the UMC web site.
The project managers organized a meeting of key stakeholders in
Amsterdam on 8-9 April 2008, at which the interim results of the
country pharmacovigilance investigation were presented. Almost 50
of the country contact persons had provided answers in time for the
meeting. A good basis for identification of current needs in
pharmacovigilance development was available and discussions were
held on how best to meet them. The objective of the current project
is to submit a full proposal for funding of global pharmacovigilance
activities to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation later this year.
At the UMC we will continue our efforts in documenting the
pharmacovigilance situation in non-ICH countries. We will follow-
up with countries that have not responded to our inquiry. The more
comprehensive information we have, the better we will be able to
address needs specific to certain regions or types of countries. We
wish to extend our sincere thanks to all those who quickly responded
to our call and spent time to complete the rather extensive
Left to right: Joan-Ramon Laporte, Montserrat Gil (Minister of Health,
Welfare, Family and Housing), and Cristina Vilanova Serrano
8 UR41 April 2008
ARV drugs adverse events definitions
The WHO Departments of HIV and Medicines Policy and Standards
together with the Forum for Collaborative HIV Research, and with
the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, organized a
meeting in Geneva on 28-29 February 2008. The meeting was
attended by 65 experts in pharmacovigilance, clinical HIV medicine
and laboratory science, with representatives from governments,
academia, international pharmacovigilance networks, pharmaceutical
companies, and non-governmental organizations. Marie Lindquist
attended on behalf of the UMC.
Common language needed
The objective in bringing together the pharmacovigilance and HIV
treatment communities was to establish a common language to
harmonize adverse event case definitions, and hence the detection,
recording, reporting and analysis of adverse event data related to the
use of antiretroviral drugs (ARVs). The ultimate goal is to develop a
thesaurus of definitions of these adverse events of ARVs and
contribute to improving global pharmacovigilance for antiretroviral
drugs, with particular focus on resource-limited settings, children
and special populations.
The meeting resulted in the generation of a list of major adverse
events for surveillance related to the use of antiretroviral drugs.
Consensus on terms
Consensus was reached on the need to make available terms and
definitions for adverse events that are applicable at all levels of
health care. Meeting participants endorsed a process for the
development of a priority list of specific case definitions by expert
panels that can be used in treatment settings. In addition, it was
recommended that expert panels develop severity grading of adverse
events based on clinical and laboratory findings, as needed.
Participants agreed on the principle of establishing sentinel
surveillance sites for active reporting of adverse events in all
countries including countries where pharmacovigilance systems for
antiretroviral drugs still need to be developed. These sentinel sites
will be linked to both national and international networks and need
to be representative of the different levels of the health care
In addition, spontaneous reporting should be further strengthened in
countries where pharmacovigilance systems have already been
established, and where training and feedback is sustained. Known
and unexpected adverse events will continue to be captured through
existing passive pharmacovigilance reporting.
Remaining issues
On severity grading there were more questions than answers:
which grades to be used? (mild, moderate, severe, life-
should only serious events be reported?
should a severity threshold be defined to enable comparability?
Expert panels will be convened to decide which qualified adverse
events linked to antiretroviral therapy apply to specific population
subgroups and to make toxicity grading recommendations.
Next steps
The review of the listing of terms and definitions (priority and
extended lists) will be carried out in small working groups based
around the System Organ Class (SOC) classification of WHO-ART.
These expert teams identified by WHO HIV and Procurement and
Supply Management (PSM) Departments will include clinicians and
pharmacovigilance experts.
Once this work is completed, the PSM and HIV Departments will
convene a meeting of experts to establish a consensus on
the final thesaurus document
reporting forms, protocols and systems to report recorded adverse
events linked to antiretroviral therapy
coding, data compilation, analysis and management
compliance with current international standards, and
operational linkages with existing systems (MedDRA, WHO-ART),
the cohort implementers and existing national PV programmes.
Uppsala Reports 41 9
An IMPACT (International Medical Products Anti-Counterfeiting
Taskforce) General Meeting took place in Lisbon, Portugal on 12-13
December 2007, with 40 governments represented along with
representatives of INTERPOL, the World Trade Organization,
European Commission, Council of Europe, FIP (International
Pharmaceutical Federation), Pharmaciens Sans Frontières, ReMeD,
and associations representing pharmaceutical manufacturers and
wholesalers. Presentations are available on IMPACT’s web site
Legislative Infrastructure
A draft document ‘Principles and Elements for National Legislation
against Counterfeit Medical Products’ was discussed at a separate
meeting on 10 and 11 December, then endorsed in a plenary on 12
December 2007. The nal version is available on IMPACT’s
During 2008 IMPACT will encourage national/regional parliaments
to debate legislation on counterfeit medical products on the basis of
IMPACT’s principles. This has been made possible by funding from
the European Commission. One approach to be explored is for WHO
to send a hard copy of the document to all Member States with an
official request to provide feedback to improve the legal framework
at national level. A comparative study of implementation of anti-
counterfeiting legislation is being conducted by the Max Planck
Institute, to report in 2008.
Regulatory Implementation
A draft text proposing revisions to WHO’s Good Distribution Practices
was endorsed. IMPACT Secretariat has submitted it to the WHO’s
Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations,
and feedback is expected by June 2008.
The meeting endorsed a ‘Guide to Investigating Counterfeiting of
Medical Products and other Pharmaceutical Crimes’ developed by
the Permanent Forum on International Pharmaceutical Crime. It is
envisaged to finalize the text and print enough hard copies to
conduct training of regulatory and enforcement officers.
A revised Rapid Alert System allowing member states to report cases
and receive alerts when new cases are reported will be developed for
a global audience, based on the RAS developed by WHO’s Western
Pacific Regional Office.
Internet Sales
EBay and the Portuguese Regulatory Agency (Infarmed) presented
their experiences on the internet trade of medicines. Infarmed
strategy encompasses both regulatory and communication aspects.
A law of August 2007 allows medicines to be bought from internet
pharmacies, but delivery takes place at the pharmacy and the patient
shows the prescription at that point. No on-line (or any other)
advertising of prescription medicines is allowed in Portugal. In
addition, the Portuguese government has launched a campaign to
raise awareness of the dangers of counterfeits purchased over the
internet. EBay’s representative explained the efforts the company
makes to prevent the illegal sale of pharmaceuticals on their
platform. There are clear policies on what type of products can and
cannot be sold, and medicines are not allowed.
Noting that e-trade requires a multi-pronged approach it was
decided that a single IMPACT document/guide addressing the
advertisement/sale of medical products through the internet will be
prepared with input sought from different working groups.
The date and place of the third General Meeting of the IMPACT has
not yet been decided but is likely to take place outside Europe.
In March last year the first version of the WHO-ART MedDRA
mapping was produced. The mapping has now been updated with
changes in the two terminologies since then and is up to date with
terms in WHO-ART first release 2008 (081) and MedDRA 11.0.
The mapping contains all WHO-ART preferred terms with a link to
closest MedDRA terms which may be on either Low level or Preferred
level, and also giving codes for both WHO-ART and MedDRA terms.
This mapping is ‘one-sided’ in that it links WHO-ART terms to
MedDRA terms, but should not be used the other way around. The
mapping is intended for WHO-ART users who may want to be able to
present or send data in MedDRA terminology to others and is provided
as a txt-file free of charge to all WHO-ART and MedDRA customers.
The implementation of MedDRA in Vigibase is different in that a
mapping of all WHO-ART terms, both Included and Preferred terms,
has been made to MedDRA terms and vice versa from all MedDRA
terms that have been reported to Vigibase.
See also article on page 14.
IMPACT meet in Lisbon
Second version of WHO-ART – MedDRA
mapping released
10 UR41 April 2008
International medication error
group formed
At the 30th annual meeting of representatives of national centres
participating in the WHO Programme for International Drug
Monitoring (10-13 October 2007) a working group highlighted the
importance of identifying medication errors related to improper use
of medical products
. In this regard, it was noted that existing roles
of pharmacovigilance centres are expanding in monitoring medication
errors. However, it was also recognized that a limitation of existing
systems is that they are mostly not ready for root cause analysis and
appropriate clinical response to corrective actions, especially in
terms of speed.
IMSN formed
Assistance with global regulatory efforts may be available to
pharmacovigilance centres or may be forthcoming. In 2006, in
Salamanca, Spain, a group of international physicians, pharmacists
and nurses who work as patient safety experts and specialize in
medication error prevention in their countries, met to form an
organization to support international efforts in this regard. The group
is known as the International Medication Safety Network (IMSN), an
international network of safe medication practice centres. Their
website contains the group’s charter.
Purpose of IMSN
IMSN recognizes that harm from medication errors occurs in all
countries and that much can be learned from the analysis of
medication errors with the support of confidential, non-punitive and
independent reporting and learning systems. Countries and
organisations with these systems are better placed to protect
patients, educate healthcare professionals and support institutions
to prevent medication errors and implement safer medication
practices. The group’s charter calls for supporting safe medication
practice centres and establishing medication error reporting systems
to communicate safety issues to healthcare professionals and
patients, and to advocate safe practices at all levels in the healthcare
The centres act as independent focal points (centres) for safe
medication practice in a collaborative, complementary, yet distinct
way from pharmacovigilance systems. The IMSN would welcome
programmes for interaction with these centres in order to share
information and expertise, offer assistance in evaluating medication
errors and support for dissemination and implementation of
medication-related patient safety solutions, especially those
developed by the WHO World Alliance for Patient Safety.
International collaboration
Informal interaction and collaboration has occurred in North America
between the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and
the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) and between
Health Canada and the Institute for Safe Medication Practices
Canada and in the UK between the National Patient Safety Agency
(NPSA) and the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory
Agency (MHRA). Safe medication practice centres also exist in Spain
(ISMP Spain), Denmark and the Netherlands. Efforts are now
underway to create similar operations in Australia, Brazil, Saudi
Arabia and Singapore. Hong Kong has a government-supported
effort through the Hong Kong Hospital Authority.
Busy meeting in Dublin
A second international IMSN meeting took place in Dublin, Ireland in
November 2007. Delegates attending represented Brazil, Canada,
Denmark, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, the Netherlands, Saudi
Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, the UK and the USA, while
delegates from Australia and New Zealand participated via
teleconference. Representatives from the WHO World Alliance for
Patient Safety and Joint Commission International, which is leading
WHO Patient Safety Solution efforts, also attended. The group
identified and discussed a number of medication error related issues
common across nations including drug name confusion between
morphine and hydromorphone, insulin labelling, inadequate labelling
and packaging of certain products, errors with transdermal fentanyl,
accidental intrathecal injection of vincristine, and many others.
IMSN has prepared a global report, that will include qualitative and
quantitative data about medication errors in member countries, and
will be posted shortly on the group’s website.
The timing seems right for improved global understanding about
product-related user error. Support and co-operative improvement
efforts must be applied proactively when approving products but
also retroactively everywhere products are used. The IMSN is
committed to working with global authorities to facilitate these
efforts with the pharmaceutical industry and regulatory agencies in
their respective countries. Despite language differences, the
information contained in a product’s name, package, and label is
universal and must be clear for all pharmacists, physicians, nurses
and patients worldwide who must make decisions based on the
information presented.
Chairperson Michael Cohen (left) and ISMP Brazil representative
Mário Borges Rosa at the Dublin IMSN meeting
Uppsala Reports 41 11
Those interested in learning more about IMSN efforts or even participating
in the group as a country delegate should contact the chair:
Dr Michael R Cohen
International Medication Safety Network
c/o Institute for Safe Medication Practices
200 Lakeside Drive
Suite 200
Horsham PA 19044 USA
1. Reference: WHO. Patient safety: extending the scope of pharmacovigilance centres.
WHO Pharmaceuticals Newsletter No. 5, 2007
Vaccine Safety News
17th Meeting of the Global Advisory
Committee on Vaccine Safety.
The Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS), an expert
clinical and scientific advisory body established in 1999 to respond,
independently from WHO, promptly, efficiently, and with scientific
rigour to vaccine safety issues of potential global importance, held
its seventeenth meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, on 12-13 December
2007. Issues discussed were: Guillain-Barré syndrome and
vaccination; the safety of immunization for immunocompromised
individuals; yellow fever vaccine safety; hepatitis B vaccination and
rheumatoid arthritis; the safety of the live 14-14-2 Japanese
encephalitis vaccine; the safety of meningococcal B vaccines; and
rotavirus vaccines and Kawasaki disease.
Information on several of the topics discussed follows.
Hepatitis B vaccination and rheumatoid arthritis
The Committee considered the potential association between
hepatitis B vaccination and rheumatoid arthritis. Prior to previous
discussions on this topic held in June 2006, the Committee had
commissioned a comprehensive literature review. At this meeting,
the Committee reviewed more recent information, particularly on
genetic issues.
The Committee concluded, based on review of the limited data
available, that there was no convincing evidence to support an
association between hepatitis B vaccination and rheumatoid arthritis.
The topic will be considered further if new findings become
Safety of meningococcal B vaccines
The Committee was presented with safety data relating to use of
outer membrane vesicle-based meningococcal B vaccines in Cuba,
France, New Zealand and Norway.
The Committee noted that several new meningococcal vaccines were
being developed, at least one of which is closely related to the
vaccine used in New Zealand. While affirming the importance of
putting in place carefully-considered safety studies of these new
vaccines, the Committee was reassured by the absence of evidence
of an excess of serious adverse events following vaccination with
existing meningococcal B vaccines.
Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) and vaccination
GBS has occasionally been observed in temporal association with
vaccination. This association has been considered as causal in GBS
cases following administration of the vaccine against Swine influenza
and vaccines against rabies which have been derived from rabbit
brains and other nervous tissues. Cases of GBS have also been
reported in temporal association with other vaccines, including
seasonal influenza, tetanus, meningococcal conjugate and
diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccines. Thus far a causal relationship
has not been established, other than for Swine influenza vaccine and
the aforementioned rabies vaccines.
GACVS recommended large-scale studies of the incidence of GBS
before and after immunization. All cases would need to be carefully
ascertained and documented. Improved understanding of the
pathogenesis of all forms of GBS will help in the determination of
possible associations between GBS and immunization. Such studies
would be particularly helpful for the investigation of such neurological
adverse events following immunization with pandemic or pre-
pandemic influenza vaccines.
The report of the meeting was published in the WHO Weekly
Epidemiological Record on 25 January and has been posted on the
GACVS web site at
Helena Sjöström and Lovisa Sällstedt from the Safety Reporting
team at the UMC recently attended one of the regular DIA London
training courses for reporting via the EMEA (European Medicines
Agency) reporting interface, EVWEB. Agencies in the member
countries of the European Union (EU) are required to submit ADR
reports (in E2B-format) to the central EMEA database,
Questions of compatibility of systems are currently of concern in
terms of availability of some EU ADR reports to the WHO database.
The course allowed Helena and Lovisa to understand better the
functionality of the EMEA reporting procedures, and hopefully to
provide better support to these countries.
the UMC is also endeavouring to obtain permission to receive ADR
cases reports directly from the Eudravigilance system and this is
currently under negotiation.
12 UR41 April 2008
The Italian system of Pharmacovigilance
Characteristics and perspectives
In 2001 the Italian national
pharmacovigilance system was
restructured following the
cerivastatine crisis which had
shown some difficulties in the
management of a pharmaco-
vigilance problem. As a result, a
National Pharmacovigilance
Network (Rete Nazionale di
Farmacovigilanza RNF) was
set up to collect, analyse,
elaborate and share data on
adverse drug and vaccine
reports. Dr Mauro Venegoni,
formerly a hospital physician in
Milan, with experience of
working with his local
pharmacovigilance centre in
that region, took charge of the
RNF two years ago, and has
recently given us a report on
the latest situation with
pharmacovigilance in Italy.
National office in Rome
The RNF offices in Rome are beautifully located on the outskirts of
the Italian capital. RNF links the national unit with more than 350
peripheral structures (in teaching hospitals and local health service
units), regions and pharmaceutical companies.
Health care professionals have to report observed suspected adverse
reactions to the local person responsible for pharmacovigilance (LRP)
of the health peripheral structure to which they belong. ADR reports
are coded (according to the MedDRA dictionary) and then entered in
the national database by the LRP. Each night, reports included daily
in the RNF database are electronically transferred into the
Eudravigilance database according to the standard ICH E2B.
The RNF includes a dedicated, closed e-mail system, only accessible
by authorised users, by which every input or update of reports
generates an automatic message to inform the marketing
authorization holders and regions about new information. This mail
system is also used to send urgent information to all local health
units or to hospitals and to share important information concerning
drugs and vaccines safety.
Reporting trends
In 2006 the Centre received around 6,000 case reports of suspect
adverse drug reactions, mainly from health care practitioners, and a
large number of them through one of the regional pharmacovigilance
centres or health agencies.
Over the last two years, the Regional Centres have begun to work
closely with the National Unit, with the aim of managing the MedDRA
coding and performing causality assessment. This co-operation
between local and regional centres and the national unit has helped to
strongly reinforce the Italian system of pharmacovigilance.
The large number of local pharmacovigilance settings, while a valuable
means of disseminating information and contacting physicians and
pharmacists, may at the same time cause difficulties in reproducing
standard coding and in the training and updating of so many users.
According to Italian law reporting is mandatory for physicians.
Reaching out to health professionals
The pharmacovigilance bulletin Reazioni was first published in 2007
with six editions in the paper version and 22 on-line versions.
Reazioni was successful: the paper version went up from 15,000 to
25,000 copies, and each on-line version was consulted by more than
10,000 readers including physicians, pharmacists and nurses. (The
agency’s website is then go to Registrazione
e Farmacovigilanza.)
Activities over the last two years have obtained good results: during
2007 spontaneous reports increased by 50% (from 6,600 to 9,400),
and the overall reporting rate increased from 108 to 165 reports per
million inhabitants (although in two regions with 14.5 million
inhabitants the reporting rate is more than 350/million).
Local and regional activity
The aims of the local centres are to collect the spontaneous reports
and to put them into the RNF, to give answers and information to
reporters, and to disseminate pharmacovigilance information (‘Dear
Doctor’ letters and other safety information). For this reason, the
regional centres aim to control coding quality, perform the causality
assessment for serious reactions, plan continuous medical education
in pharmacovigilance, and, together with the national centre, to
perform data-mining and contribute to the newsletter Reazioni.
The activities of the National Centre consist of the regulatory activity of
safety monitoring of the nationally- authorized drugs, and to co-operate
with the other national agencies and the European Agency (EMEA) for
centralized authorized drugs with PSUR analysis, data-mining, etc.
Italian drug safety journals
Mauro Venegoni
Uppsala Reports 41 13
Intensive monitoring
In Italy some new drugs, such as new antiblastic or innovative drugs,
are submitted to intensive monitoring, to collect early the adverse
reactions and to evaluate the appropriateness of prescribing them.
These drugs are prescribed within a national register, which is
monitored by the Agency. At present there are active registers for
new antiblastic drugs, dotrecogin, natalizumab, psoriasis drugs (with
a programme called ‘Psocare’), ivabradine and new antidiabetic
drugs (incretines).
For data-mining, data from National network are examined twice a
year at a meeting with regional centres: for vaccines also, meetings
are planned twice a year, with those responsible for immunisation.
Collaboration with WHO is very important, in particular with the
UMC; since 2006 the submission of Italian spontaneous reports,
which was interrupted for some time has been restarted from the
UMC visitor in Rome
Ronald Meyboom from the UMC visited the Italian national centre
on 29 September last year and met the eleven staff members, mainly
young, dedicated and well-trained doctors and pharmacists. With a
very positive impression of activities in Rome, he is keen for Dr
Venegoni to make a visit to Uppsala in the near future to exchange
ideas and discuss future plans.
A bright future
For the future the RNF is implementing patient reporting, which
until now has not been developed, and reports from nurses.
Furthermore, a 2007 financial regulation which gives 25 million per
year to the regions, will help to fund the regions for pharmacovigilance
activities, based on achieving active pharmacovigilance projects
approved by Agencia Italiana del Farmaco (AIFI), and other relevant
areas in pharmacovigilance. These projects will start during 2008.
Our thanks to Dr Maura Venegoni for providing much information for
this article.
ISoP news
Mexico has recently been accepted as a National Chapter within
ISoP. Dr Alejandra Rosete of the Pharmacovigilance Institutional
Centre at Medica Sur Hospital was the promoter in the country,
and is hoping that membership will help to reinforce continuous
education to healthcare professionals and also to motivate the
health authorities to support and increase their interest in the
Dr Rosete is preparing a national pharmacovigilance meeting in
November at Acapulco Beach, details of which will be announced
14 UR41 April 2008
MedDRA implementation in Vigibase
Launch of MedDRA implementation
in Vigibase and VigiSearch
The Uppsala Monitoring Centre and the ICH MedDRA Management
Board have announced the implementation of MedDRA in the WHO
global ICSR (Individual Case Safety Report) database (Vigibase). This
completes a one-year project between the UMC and the MedDRA
Management Board to make Vigibase processes as compatible with
MedDRA as they are currently with WHO-ART.
Vigibase is a unique pool of international drug safety data collected
from countries participating in the WHO Programme for International
Drug Monitoring going back as far as 1968, and currently comprises
almost 4 million ICSRs. Member countries have access to the collected
data and analyse it in order to investigate potential Adverse Drug
Reaction (ADR) signals. Single reports, statistical reports and line listings
can also be requested by pharmaceutical companies and academia.
MedDRA use expands
Prior to this project, all reported ADRs were coded and entered into
Vigibase using WHO-ART. MedDRA terms received by the UMC
were converted to WHO-ART before entry into Vigibase.
With MedDRA fast becoming the standard coding
terminology in the ICH regions and
beyond for coding ADRs,
indications and disease
information, MedDRA-
coded data is now
being received from an
increasing number of
countries. Implementation
of MedDRA in Vigibase is
seen as an important step in
increasing Vigibase’s use for
signal detection, whilst ensuring
the integrity of MedDRA-coded
safety data.
With the implementation of
MedDRA, data can now be entered
directly into Vigibase in either
MedDRA or WHO-ART, while all
Vigibase outputs can be made to display data in either MedDRA or
WHO-ART, or in both terminologies. In addition, Standardized
MedDRA Queries (SMQs), used to aid in the identification and
retrieval of potentially relevant reports from MedDRA-coded
databases are also in the process of being implemented.
The launch of the MedDRA implementation in Vigibase includes also
general improvements to the search tool as an enhanced query tool,
supporting tree browsing and multiple selections of terminologies
and drugs, and the possibility to shift terminology in the output;
along with statistical presentations, line listings and improved print-
outs of the case reports in pdf format.
The enhanced query tool in VigiSearch
It is possible for a user to choose which terminology to use in a query
and in statistical presentations. The query tool supports tree-browsing,
and multiple selections of terms in the MedDRA terminology as well as
in WHO-ART. The query tool also has a drug/substance browser,
allowing the user to browse information on drugs/substances. It is also
possible to browse for drugs using the ATC classification.
Advanced view
The query tool also allows for multiple selections of report details
such as causality, outcome, dechallenge and rechallenge. It will also
be possible to include co-reported reaction terms.
Statistical presentations and line listings
The result is presented in MedDRA or WHO-ART but also in parallel
when appropriate, depending on the terminology used in the query.
The individual case reports will always have information of both the
terminologies and the original reported term, when available.
Assignment of codes
All ICSRs in the database have been assigned MedDRA and WHO-ART
codes. A requirement for the implementation has been to use the
original reported term when assigning MedDRA and WHO-ART codes
for reports from countries within the ICH regions. This rule is
applicable for reports entered in the database from 2003
onwards. For reports entered before 2003,
current WHO-ART codes
have been used for the
assignment for reports from
both ICH countries and non-
ICH countries.
Mapping the data
from WHO-ART to
MedDRA and vice
The mapping of terms from
WHO-ART to MedDRA and vice
versa is based on text matching
of terms; terms with the same
text have been matched to each
other. Terms which are not
identical have also been matched to each other by the same lexical
meaning. The official WHO-ART to MedDRA bridge table, has been
used in this mapping process combined with auto-coding rules from
the database built up from previously mapped MedDRA to WHO-
ART terms.
When searching the database by terms that are equal in MedDRA
and WHO-ART the result set may still differ as the terminologies are
different, both in structure as well as in number of terms.
The full press release from the UMC and the ICH MedDRA Management
Board may be downloaded from the UMC website (under ‘What’s
Uppsala Reports 41 15
Latest developments in the Drug Dictionary
DD Browser
The WHO Drug Dictionary Browser was introduced in 2006. This tool
made it possible to access the latest version of the WHO Drug
Dictionaries over the internet with a number of useful search
features. The search features in the browser were designed to
facilitate both simple searches and more advanced analysis. The
advanced features are sometimes necessary when a trade name
appears more than once in the dictionary, with different active
No local software installation is needed and all system updates are
made automatically. With the WHO Drug Dictionary Browser users
always get access to the latest version of the Dictionary.
In the latest version of the Browser some new features have been
added to the search module, and it is now possible to access both the
latest version of the Dictionary as well as old versions which is
sometimes necessary in clinical trials.
Investigation of non-unique names
An important issue in the development of the WHO Drug Dictionaries
is to find tools to simplify the coding of non-unique names, drug
names that for different reasons appear with different active
ingredients in the Dictionaries.
A revision of all non-unique names in the WHO Drug Dictionary has
recently been made. Sometimes drug names appear several times in
the dictionaries because they exist with different active ingredients
in different countries and pharmaceutical forms. Many of these have
been reviewed in order to identify unnecessary non-unique names,
eg non-uniqueness caused by inconsistent coding of salt variations
or excipients. This review will continue during 2008. In the 2008
versions of the Dictionaries a number of previously non-unique
names have been simplified for coding.
Keeping in contact
The WHO Drug Dictionaries continue to grow as new features and
services are developed. The user group community is suggesting new
developments and participates in prioritization of new projects. To
participate in the discussions and influence the future features and
services please sign up at the WHO Drug Dictionary User Group
User Group Meeting
The WHO Drug Dictionary User Group has face-to-face meetings
twice a year. This year’s European meeting is to be held at Zürich
Airport, Switzerland, on 30 May. For more information about this
meeting, please log in at the User group page at http://usergroup. WHO Drug Dictionary subscribers can also easily
register as a User group member there.
UR survey - thanks for the responses
Thank you to all those who sent in a response to our short feedback
questionnaire. The results show a pleasing level of satisfaction
with Uppsala Reports, although there were requests for different
areas of coverage, including :
pharmacovigilance activities performed by
the pharmaceutical industry
patient Safety
medical Error statistics
herbal drugs and
statistics about ADRs received
by UMC
activities for promotion of
awareness regarding reporting of
adverse drug reactions.
We would remind our readers that the WHO Pharmaceuticals
Newsletter, prepared in collaboration with the UMC, is an essential
guide to latest drug issues arising within the WHO Programme,
and that Uppsala Reports does not cover the same ground as this
Newsletter. Go to
to download copies.
We will be keeping the survey live on the web (
> Publications > Uppsala Reports), and be accepting paper
responses until the end of May 2008, and would very much
welcome any further comments.
16 UR41 April 2008
A month of learning in Buenos Aires
Encountering pharmacovigilance at
the sharp end
Anna Celén
Through my desire to learn more about the daily work at a National
Centre, as well as improve my knowledge of the Spanish language, I
set off for Argentina on the 1
of February. The plan was to attend a
language course at the University of Buenos Aires in the mornings
and spend the afternoons at ANMAT, the National Centre in
Argentina. I must admit it was an added bonus to leave the cold and
dark Swedish winter behind and step off the plane into summer.
The Spanish course was tough, especially since I was not used to the
Argentinean way of speaking, but I learnt a lot during the course. It
was also a privilege to be able to practise the language everyday at
ANMAT and also get the chance to learn the vocabulary used in
pharmacovigilance, something which will definitely be useful in
future working relations.
Pharmacovigilance in Argentina
At ANMAT I undertook a rotation around different departments to
learn about their work, achievements and challenges, but I spent the
majority of the time in the ‘Departamento de Farmacovigilancia’
(Pharmacovigilance department) which consists of two services.
Viviana Bologna, Head of ‘Servicio de Información de Medicamentos’
(Medical Information Service), made an interesting presentation
about the organisation and the National System of Pharmacovigilance,
created in 1993. It currently involves 65 regional centres as well as
drug companies which contribute to a great extent. I also read a
number of bulletins, published for professionals and consumers, to
learn more about this subject.
Reporting trends
Within this service the staff handle the incoming ADR reports, and
Maximiliano Bergman showed me the routines of data input and
causality assessment. There is a common ADR reporting form
available but some reporters use their own forms. ANMAT received
3,804 reports during 2007 and the annual report number has been
increasing ever since the start of the programme. The reports received
include lack of effect, quality defects, medical errors, vaccine
reactions and complaints about the information in package inserts.
ANMAT has separate databases for the different kinds of reports.
Unfortunately only reports with serious and unexpected reactions
are currently sent to the UMC due to lack of resources. ADR reporting
in general is not mandatory for health professionals in Argentina,
but there is a programme of intensive pharmacovigilance of drugs
for which reporting is mandatory. At the moment, thalidomide and
clozapine are included in this programme, and the drug isotretinoin
will probably be included in the near future.
Safety and efficacy
My next task was to learn more about the work in the other service:
‘Servicio de Seguridad y Eficacia’ (Safety and Efficacy) where Beatriz
Cardoso is the Head. She and another member of the team, Claudia
Santucci, ably demonstrated their work illustrated with different
cases. 15-20% of the reports received by ANMAT are related to
quality problems, and the majority relate to lack of effect. The
process of investigation to find the reason behind a certain defect is
very exciting since it’s similar to being a detective. Sometimes it’s
difficult to conclude if the defect occurred during manufacture or as
a result of improper storage or use. If a patient suffered from an
unwanted reaction, it’s also important to read the SPC of the drug to
find out whether the reaction was due to the drug itself or to a
quality defect. Drug samples received by ANMAT are sent to ‘Instituto
Nacional de Medicamentos’ (INAME; National Institute of Medicines)
which is the laboratory of quality control where tests are performed
to see if a drug complies with the specifications. If it does not comply,
regulatory actions are taken. I had the opportunity to visit INAME as
well as to ‘Instituto Nacional de Alimentos’ (INAL; National Institute
of Food Products) where food products are analyzed. Regarding drug
quality, ANMAT is also running a programme concerning illegal and
counterfeit drugs. The amount of illegal drugs has decreased
remarkably since the launch of the programme in 1997.
Maximiliano Bergman, Anna Celén, Beatriz Cardoso and Viviana Bologna
at the ANMAT office
Anna by the stunning Perito Moreno glacier in southern Patagonia
Uppsala Reports 41 17
Daily work with staff
During my stay at ANMAT I also learned about the process of
registration and approval of new drugs. I attended the weekly staff
meetings where issues of current interest were discussed as well as
a meeting with drug companies to discuss the nimesulide issue. I
made a presentation about ‘Communications in Pharmacovigilance’
and I worked with Maximiliano Bergman on the translation of
VigiFlow into Spanish. I also had an interesting conversation with
Inés Bignone, Head of the Pharmacovigilance Department, about
controversial drugs, challenges and future aims. One important goal
is to increase the awareness of the national pharmacovigilance
system and thereby increase the reporting rate. Another goal is to
enhance its function as an independent source of drug information
which serves health professionals as well as the public.
In any free time I had I experienced life in Argentina, among other
things visiting a gaucho ranch, spent a weekend in the Misiones
province to meet my SOS sponsored child, and seeing the amazing
glaciers in southern Patagonia, as well as the end of the world, Tierra
del Fuego.
I want to express my gratitude towards all staff at ANMAT, particularly
the staff at the Pharmacovigilance Department, and especially Inés
Bignone for inviting me, Maximiliano Bergman for being my number
one guide and generous friend and Claudia Santucci for also spending
time with me on the weekends. The experiences I have gained at
ANMAT will be very valuable for me in the future. I won’t forget the
wonderful time spent in Buenos Aires, the warm atmosphere in the
office, the delicious empanadas for lunch and the improvised tango
in the streets. I will most certainly go back, sooner or later.
Double ISoP in Thailand
The International Society of Pharmacovigilance organised two
parallel courses on 17-18 March in Bangkok. Both were hugely
successful with a large and keen attendance.
The 25 participants on the ‘Pharmacogenetics and Drug Safety’ course
came from Australia, China, France, India, Indonesia, Philippines and
United Arab Emirates as well as Thailand. The ‘Basic Concepts’ course
was attended by 63 participants (half of them from outside Thailand)
from 13 countries. Local experts were complemented on the teaching
faculty by members of the ISoP Executive Committee.
ISoP is now looking forward to its annual meeting on 5-8 October
2008 in Buenos Aires, Argentina (
WHO Advisory Committee
The WHO Advisory Committee on Safety of Medicinal Products
(ACSoMP) held its fifth annual meeting at WHO headquarters,
Geneva, 25-27 February 2008.
The extensive agenda had many topics of a principal nature but some
problems specific to individual medicines were also discussed. Since
medicine safety is relevant to many of the disease-oriented WHO
programmes there were presentations from and discussions with
representatives of several of WHO’s public health programmes.
Discussions were also held regarding the principles for reporting to
Vigibase and the conditions for a widening access to, and an
optimized use of the database.
Some of those responsible for organising the very successful ISoP meetings in
Bangkok, including Wimon Suwankesawong (centre), Kenneth Hartigan-Go,
Sophie Spence, Nicholas Moore and Pravich Tanyasittsuntorn
All the members of the WHO Advisory Committee at their February
meeting in Geneva
18 UR41 April 2008
the UMC back under one roof
Anette Sahlin reports
After over 10 years at Stora Torget the main square in central
Uppsala, increased staff meant that the UMC had to find a new
home. With colleagues split over two sites time, energy, and internal
cohesion were being lost. So after much viewing of possible new
premises around Uppsala, planning started during the autumn on
merging the two offices at one location on Bredgränd in the
pedestrian area of central Uppsala.
A couple of weeks before Christmas we had 500 boxes delivered to
Stora Torget and another 200 boxes to the other office and so the
great packing adventure began. During this time staff found lots of
interesting stuff that had been stored (or just forgotten) over the
years. Among other things, our signal reviewer Ruth Savage’s shoes
turned up again. The same shoes she had forgotten when she
visited some years before, and which she was able to use when she
visited again in November 2007.
After lots of discussions on how to place the departments and
individual staff in the new premises we closed the computer network
on Friday 25
January and over the weekend moved everything out
of the old offices to Bredgränd.
The efficiency of the removals firm NFB was amazing; it took them
less than 12 hours to empty Stora Torget on the Saturday, and all the
equipment at the other office was moved even faster during the
Sunday. While the NFB people did all the carrying some members of
UMC staff unpacked as soon as the boxes started to arrive, so that
when Monday came most of us could just start work as normal.
In mid February we found one last missing box (one person was on
vacation so she didn’t realize that she got one extra box that in fact
belonged to someone else), and NFB picked up 688 empty flattened
boxes, so now we are officially ‘Moved In’ at our new home!
The weekend unpacking operation
The building which includes the new UMC office, with neighbours
Swedish Radio.
Other staff news
Congratulations are due to Malin Jakobsson who recently
presented her Master’s thesis ‘Vaccine pharmacovigilance in the
WHO database’, at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of
Uppsala, her supervisor being Niklas Norén of the Uppsala
Monitoring Centre.
The purpose of this thesis was examine different aspects and
challenges of vaccine safety surveillance in the WHO database,
in particular, general differences in characteristics between
individual case safety reports related to synthetic drugs and
vaccines, respectively; the usefulness in vaccine surveillance of
automated knowledge discovery methods developed for ADR
surveillance; and the coverage of terminologies for medical
products and adverse reactions with respect to recent
publications on emerging vaccine safety issues.
Helena Sjöström, who has been a key member of the Safety
Reporting Team since 2000 has recently got married and as a
consequence changed her surname to Wilmar - so Mrs Helena
Wilmar is the same person, although many people will also
know her as Tova!
Uppsala Reports 41 19
Introducing new staff
We are please to introduce several new staff members working across
the UMC.
Jessica Avasol
Jessica is from a small west-coast island just north of Gothenburg,
with a population of 300 inhabitants swelling to 3,000 in summer,
when visitors come to their holiday homes.
Jessica joined the UMC as a Sales Assistant, helping customers of the
WHO Drug Dictionary, WHO-DD Browser and training courses, with
special focus on the validation reports and limited study licenses
applications. “As Katarina Hansson is on maternity leave, I am now
responsible for the day-to-day work in the sales group.”
Jessica has two children Karl, six and Ludvig three and a half. “I am
in love with my house and garden and am currently doing my best to
get a feeling for gardening. Although not too successful, I am a pro
at mowing the lawn!”.
Carl Huddénius
Carl Huddénius began working for the Centre in 2007 with production
of the WHO Drug Dictionary and other database products. He recently
changed to Assistant Product Manager where his work is co-
ordination and development of projects relating to new products and
Graduating with a Master’s in Pharmacy from Uppsala University he
worked for two years as a hospital pharmacist on the island of
Gotland, where he was also on the local pharmaceutical committee,
before joining the UMC.
“I grew up in Strängnäs, a small town by Lake Mälaren in Sweden. I
live in Stockholm but my girlfriend and I will soon move to Uppsala,
so outside work I mostly pack moving boxes these days. As a result
of a bet made on New Years Eve I will swim two outdoor distance
swimming competitions this summer. To be able to pull through the
competitions, I play floor ball (almost weekly) for the UMC team.”
Malin Jakobsson
Malin, who has recently joined the WHO Drug Dictionary team at the
UMC is originally from the Baltic island of Åland, Finland.
“In January 2008 I finished my pharmacy studies and started working
full-time at the UMC, having undertaken my Master’s thesis here. I
have been working occasional hours for three years at the UMC
while studying to become a pharmacist.”
Her main hobby outside of work is horse-riding which she does
several times a week.
Anette Sahlin
“I was born and raised in the countryside outside Uppsala, and even
though I have done some travelling this is where my heart is.”
Anette’s background includes a variety of employers from her first
job as a gymnastics teacher for small children via part-time work at
a petrol station to an assignment at GE Healthcare in 2006.
She came to the UMC initially to help out with the office move. “My
administration skills are various, but I enjoy computerized information
storage (databases) and the library at the UMC will probably take
some time to update now that we have moved everything.”
“In my spare time I am building my own house together with my son
(aged 12), and when I get tired of hitting my own thumbs instead of
the nails, I read, or work in the garden. This winter I also developed
a minor addiction to the online game ‘Runescape’, where I am
farming my way towards a skill cape.”
Lovisa Sällstedt
Lovisa grew up outside Katrineholm, a town southwest of Stockholm.
She came to Uppsala for university studies, and now calls it ‘home’.
“On completing my MSc I worked in pharmacies, after which I
returned to university for studies in clinical trials. Since I had a
special interest in pharmacovigilance (from working at the Swedish
Medical Products Agency during my studies) I did not hesitate
applying to the UMC when I got the chance!” Lovisa works in the
Reporting Team in the Safety Support and Services department
supporting national centres in their ICSR reporting to the WHO
database. She is also currently involved in the development and
validation of next version of VigiFlow.
“In winter I like cross-country skiing while in summer I try to make
time to play golf. I love spending time in my family’s cottage in the
northern part of Sweden, fishing and looking for old books in flea
markets. What impressed me when starting at the UMC was the
warm atmosphere among colleagues. I enjoy the mix of different
people working here which contributes to the good working spirit.”
Carl, Lovisa, Malin, Anette and Jessica
20 UR41 April 2008
Visitors flock to the UMC
A delegation from the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
(MHLW) spent a few hours at the UMC on 25 February 2008. UMC staff
gave short presentations on the WHO Programme, UMC activities, Data
Mining in Vigibase and VigiFlow. Dr Tetsuya Kusakabe, deputy director of
the Safety Division (Pharma-ceutical and Food Safety Bureau) gave a
brief introduction to the Japanese post-marketing safety scheme and
also informed us about on-going projects and future plans. Discussions
on how to handle and insert data with Japanese characters into the
WHO global ICSR database, E2B-related issues, as well as Medical and
Drug Dictionaries were other topics discussed throughout the morning.
Dr Patrick Zuber, representing the
Quality Safety and Standards (QSS)
team of the WHO Department of
Immunization, Vaccines and
Biologicals visited the UMC on 25
January 2008. Dr Zuber was
recently appointed QSS team
leader and wanted to become
more familiar with the operations
of the WHO pharmacovigilance
programme. We reported in UR40
(p17) that WHO has decided to
support a position at the UMC to
focus on vaccine vigilance. The
details of an agreement between
WHO and UMC were discussed
during this visit.
Executive director of the RaPID
pharmacovigilance initiative (see
UR39, p6) Mr Paul Lalvani visited
the UMC from 4-6 February
2008. He interacted with various
relevant UMC resource persons
and got hands-on training on the
essentials of the VigiFlow case
management tool (see picture).
Dr Andy Stergachis, Professor of
Epidemiology and Global Health,
University of Washington, Seattle,
USA visited Uppsala and the UMC
on 18 February. Professor
Stergachis was provided with a
general overview of activities
within the WHO Programme for
International Drug Monitoring.
This formed a background to
discussions regarding the joint WHO/University of Washington project
for development of a global strategy for pharmacovigilance, supported
by a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (see UR40 p17).
Dr John Knight, senior medical
advisor of Benefit Risk
Management of Johnson &
Johnson Company visited the
UMC on 14 March 2008. Dr
Knight is assigned by his
company to support pharmaco-
vigilance capacity-building in
countries, especially in Asia.
Discussions were held regarding
possible collaboration in
pharmacovigilance training,
particularly in India and China.
UMC signal reviewer and former senior medical officer at the Swedish
Medical Products Agency Dr Ingrid Trolin, visited us on 4 March. She
provided relevant UMC staff with an update regarding modern vaccines
and safety issues that might emerge as a result of their properties and
the manufacturing processes.
Dr Daniela Stanciu, chief
pharmacovigilance officer at the
Romanian National Medicines
Agency in Bucharest, visited the
UMC on 4 April 2008. Romania
has not submitted ICSR reports
to Vigibase for many years and
the main part of her visit was
devoted to discussions on how
that might change.
On the bonus day of 2008, 29th
February, the UMC was honoured
by a visit by Dr Martin Kulldorff
from Harvard Medical School in
the USA. He gave a well-received
presentation on statistical
methods for surveillance of
vaccines, which was followed by
an interesting discussion.
Daniela and Anna Celén
Dr Knight
Paul Lalvani with Lovisa Sällstedt
Magnus Wallberg (UMC), Takuya Noro (Safety Division), Dr Hideto Yokoi
(PMDA), Dr Tetsuya Kusakabe (Deputy Director, Safety Division),
Helena Wilmar (UMC)
Martin Kulldorff with Andrew Bate
Helena Sköld and Professor Stergachis
Sten Olsson and Patrick Zuber
Uppsala Reports 41 21
Dr Rick Fraunfelder, Director and Associate Professor, Oregon Health
and Science University, Portland, USA and UMC signal reviewer visited
the UMC on 3 March 2008. As part of a European trip he came briefly
to Uppsala where he had meetings with several UMC staff as well as
giving an excellent presentation to staff on ‘Ophthalmic drug toxicities
and Pharmacovigilance in
ophthalmology’, including the
reporting system for
ophthalmological adverse drug
reactions managed by the Casey
Eye Institute, and some
interesting recent signals. He
also gave the UMC a copy of the
new book Current Ocular
Therapy’ by FH Roy, FW
Fraunfelder and FT Fraunfelder.
A group of staff from the WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug
Statistics Methodology in Oslo, Norway visited the UMC on 12-13
February to discuss their ATC classification and how it may be best
used in the Vigibase database and in the WHO Drug Dictionaries.
Ralph Edwards with Rick Fraunfelder
WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology in Oslo,
Norway visitors with UMC staff in Uppsala
New Papers from
the UMC
Lindquist M.
The Need for Definitions in Pharmacovigilance.
Drug Safety, 2007, 30 (10): 825-830.
This article is a review of current definitions and terms commonly used
in pharmacovigilance. It argues that such terms should be considered
critically with a view to reaching agreement on a preferred term that
everyone will use. The author concludes that if international agreement
is achieved, the resulting greater clarity of communication should
benefit all who are engaged in pharmacovigilance.
Strandell J, Bate A, Lindquist M, Edwards IR.
The Swedish, Finnish, INteraction X-referencing
drug–drug interaction database (the SFINX group).
Drug–drug interactions – a preventable patient safety issue?
Br J Clin Pharmacol, 2007, 65:1, 144–146.
Bate A, Lindquist M, Edwards IR.
The application of knowledge discovery in
databases to post-marketing drug safety: example
of the WHO database.
Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology, 2008, 22: 127–140.
This article looks at the increasing size of spontaneous reports data
sets, on which computational capability has increased, and quantitative
methods have been increasingly applied. The process of knowledge
discovery in databases (KDD) as it applies to the analysis of spontaneous
reports can be exemplified by routine use on the WHO ADR database.
New adverse effects first highlighted by the KDD process on WHO data
include topiramate glaucoma, infliximab vasculitis and the association
of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and neonatal
convulsions. The KDD process has improved the ability to highlight
previously unsuspected ADRs for clinical review, and such techniques
will be increasingly used in the successful screening of other healthcare
data sets in the future.
Alj L, Touzani MDW, Benkirane R, Edwards IR, Soulaymani R.
Detecting medication errors in pharmacovigilance
database: Capacities and limits.
The International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine, 2007,
Norén G Niklas, Sundberg R, Bate A and Edwards IR.
A statistical methodology for drug–drug
interaction surveillance.
Statistics in Medicine, 2008, Wiley InterScience
( DOI: 10.1002/sim.3247.
This paper examines a shrinkage observed-to-expected ratio for
exploratory analysis of suspected drug–drug interaction in ICSR
data, based on comparison with an additive risk model. It argues that
the limited success of previously proposed methods for drug–drug
interaction detection based on ICSR data may be due to an underlying
assumption that the absence of interaction is equivalent to having
22 UR41 April 2008
multiplicative risk factors, and provides empirical examples of
established drug–drug interactions highlighted with a proposed
approach that go undetected with logistic regression. A database
wide screen for suspected drug–drug interaction in the entire WHO
database is carried out to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed
Edwards IR.
The future of pharmacovigilance: a personal view.
Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 2008, 64(2): p173-81.
A wide-ranging review of the history, current challenges and
proposals to changes to ways of working in pharmacovigilance.
Edwards IR.
The Author’s Reply.
Drug Safety, 2008. 31(2): p. 182-3.
This letter comments on the response (or lack of) to the problem of
whether there is any causative relationship between statins and
central or peripheral neurodegenerative diseases and the incidence
of any such association. Ralph Edwards argues that this is an
unresolved matter which would benefit from a formal study –
potentially with a pilot protocol published in Drug Safety for
comment so that this challenge can be dealt with expeditiously with
the best global pharmacoepidemiological expertise.
Bate A.
Bayesian confidence propagation neural network.
Drug Safety, 2007. 30(7): p. 623-5.
Describes the current state of data mining of the WHO ADR database
at the UMC.
Bate A, Edwards IR.
Data Mining Techniques in Pharmacovigilance.
In: Hartzema AG, Tilson HH, Chan KA, eds. Pharmacoepidemiology
and Therapeutic Risk Management. Cincinnati, Harvey Whitney
Books Company, 2008: 239-272.
(Chapter in a major new textbook)
Derijks HJ, Meyboom RHB, Heerdink ER, De Koning FHP, Janknegt R,
Lindquist M, Egberts ACG.
The association between antidepressant use and
disturbances of glucose homeostasis: evidence
from spontaneous reports.
Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 2008;64:531-8.
Do antidepressants cause hypo- or hyperglycaemia?
In the literature a handful of case histories have described the
development of either hypo- or paradoxically hyperglycaemia in
patients using an antidepressant. A recent review by Jeroen Derijks
and colleagues in Utrecht and Uppsala of about 2,500 case reports in
Vigibase of derangements in glucose homeostasis reported in
suspected connection with one or another antidepressant drug,
confirms that hypoglycaemia and also hyperglycaemia in suspected
connection with antidepressants are reported to pharmacovigilance
centres around the world. Compared to benzodiazepines, both
hypoglycaemia (ROR 1.5; 95%CI: 1.20-1.93) and hyperglycaemia
(ROR 1.8; 95%CI: 1.40-2.42) were more frequently reported.
Classifying antidepressants in four clusters, based on different
patterns of receptors affinities, the association with hyperglycaemia
was most pronounced for antidepressants with corresponding
affinity for the 5-HT2c receptor, histamine-1 receptor and
norepinephrine reuptake transporter (clusters 2 and 3). The
association with hypoglycaemia was stronger for antidepressants
with corresponding affinity for the serotonin reuptake transporter
(clusters 1 and 2), while cluster 4 was not associated with disturbances
in glucose homeostasis.
To coincide with the publication of:
Lundgren J and D:AD.
Transcriptase inhibitors and patients enrolled in
Published S0140-6736(08)60423-7. the UMC has made accessible
on its website the original text from Signal May 2005 which is
referenced in the Lundgren paper.
Por una estrategia nacional que
garantice medicamentos seguros y su
uso apropiado.
The WHO has produced a short ‘Aide Memoire’ for
Pharmacovigilance. Previously available in English, French, and
Russian versions, a Spanish language translation has now also
been made and can be downloaded in Adobe pdf format from
UMC website (under Publications). Mariano Madurga, Head of
Co-ordination Service of Spanish Pharmacovigilance System
supervised the translation of this document.
26-29 April 2008
21-22 May 2008
29-30 May 2008
4-5 June 2008
9-11 June 2008
18-19 June 2008
22-26 June 2008
24-27 June 2008
2-3 July 2008
9-11 July 2008
4-8 August 2008
17-20 August 2008
10-11 September 2008
24-25 September 2008
6-8 October 2008
15-16 October 2008
24 October 2008
The International Society for
Pharmacoepidemiology (ISPE)
2008 Mid-Year Meeting
Compliance in Pharmacovigilance and the
role of the EU QPPV
VIII Jornadas de Farmacovigilancia
Periodic Safety Update Reports (PSURs)
Basic Pharmacovigilance
How to operate Volume 9A
DIA’s 44th Annual Meeting
IV National Workshop of Drug Surveillance
Introduction to Pharmacoepidemiology
Medical Aspects of Adverse Drug Reactions
Curso de Farmacovigilancia: análisis y gestión
de riesgos (Pharmacovigilance training
course: Analysis and Risk Management)
24th International Conference on
Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk
Back to Basics in Pharmacovigilance
Critical Appraisal of Medical and Scientic
Papers: How to read between the lines
8th Annual Meeting of ISoP
Risk Benefit Assessment in
Impacting patient safety: Adverse drug reaction
signal detection - Quantitative and qualitative
approaches in screening healthcare data
International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology
Tel: +1 (301) 718 6500 Fax: +1 (301) 656 0989
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +44 (0)23 8040 8621 Fax: +44 (0)23 8040 8605
Consejería de Sanidad de Murcia, and Spanish Medicines Agency
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Management Forum Ltd
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Tel: +44 (0)23 8040 8621 Fax: +44 (0)23 8040 8605
Tel: +1 (215) 442 6100 Fax: +1 (215) 442 6199
National Co-ordinating Unit:
Tel: +53 537 206 5603 Fax +53 537 202 3513
Tel: +44 (0)23 8040 8621 Fax: +44 (0)23 8040 8605
Tel: +44 (0)23 8040 8621 Fax: +44 (0)23 8040 8605
Spanish Medicines Agency in collaboration with the Spanish Agency for
International Cooperation for Development
E-mail: [email protected] Web:
International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology
Tel: +1 (301) 718 6500 Fax: +1 (301) 656 0989
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International Society of Pharmacovigilance
Tel/fax: +44 (0)20 3256 0027
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The Uppsala Monitoring Centre
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Boston, USA
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Boston, USA
Havana, Cuba
Fareham, UK
La Antigua,
Buenos Aires,
Uppsala Reports 41 23
the Uppsala Team
Ralph Edwards, MB, ChB, FRCP (Lond), FRACP Professor in Medicine, Director
Deputy Director
Marie Lindquist, Dr Med Sc Chief Scientific Officer
Finance and Core Services
Birgitta Toreheim, CA Manager, Chief Financial Officer
Ali Bahceci Network Technician
Cecilia Biriell, MSc Pharm Senior Specialist
Anneli Lennartsson Accounting Assistant
Maja Östling Administration Assistant (on study leave)
Anette Sahlin Team Support
Safety Support and Services
Monica Plöen, BSc Pharm Manager
Jenny Bate, BSc Pharm Signal Detection (on maternity leave)
Mohamed Farah, Pharm D Senior Specialist, Traditional Medicines
Jeanette Johansson, BA, BSc Pharm Signal Detection
Malin Jakobsson, MSc Pharm Drug Safety Analyst
Helena Sköld, MSc Pharm Signal Detection
Elki Sollenbring, MSc Pharm WHO Drug Dictionaries (on maternity leave)
Lovisa Sällstedt, MSc Pharm Safety Reporting
Anders Viklund, MSc Pharm Information Retrieval
Erica Walette, BSc Pharm Information Retrieval (on study leave)
Helena Wilmar, Pharmacist Team Leader, Safety Reporting
Malin Zaar, Pharmacist Team Leader, WHO Drug Dictionaries
Annika Wallström, MSc Pharm Chief Marketing Officer
Jessica Avasol Sales and Marketing Assistant
Hannah Björn Sales and Marketing Assistant (on maternity leave)
Katarina Hansson Senior Sales and Marketing Assistant (on maternity leave)
Carl Huddénius, MSc Pharm Assistant Product Manager
Anna Mattsson, BSc Pharm Support Executive
Mats Persson, BA Head of Sales and Marketing
Henrik Sahl, Sales Support Manager
Daniel von Sydow, MSc Pharm Product Manager
External Affairs
Sten Olsson, MSc Pharm Manager, Chief WHO Programme Officer
Geoffrey Bowring, BA External Affairs Co-ordinator
Anna Celén, MSc Pharm External Affairs Pharmacist
Andrew Bate, MA (Oxon), PhD Manager
Ola Caster, MSc Drug Safety Analyst
Johan Hopstadius, MSc Research Engineer
Niklas Norén, MSc Eng Phys, PhD Research Engineer
Kristina Star, RN, BMedSc Drug Safety Analyst
Johanna Strandell, MSc Pharm Drug Safety Analyst
Production, Development & Quality
Johanna Eriksson Manager
Bill Dagérus Senior Systems Developer
Shalini George Tharakan Systems Developer
Stefan Lewenfalk Systems Developer
Annica Lundström, BSc Pharm Data Management (on maternity leave)
Nike Meder, Pharmacist Production Leader
Björn Moberg Systems Developer
Jessica Nilsson, BSc Pharm Data Management
Bo Östling Senior Systems Developer
Sven Purbe, BA Senior Specialist
Ulrika Rydberg, BSc Biol, PhLic Quality Co-ordinator
Thomas Vidinghoff, MSc Systems Developer
Magnus Wallberg, MSc Eng Phys Senior Systems Architect
the Uppsala Monitoring Centre
Bredgränd 7
the Uppsala Monitoring Centre
Mail address:
Box 1051
SE-751 40 Uppsala
Telephone: +46 18 65 60 60
Fax: +46 18 65 60 80
(general enquiries) [email protected]
(sales & marketing enquiries) [email protected]
(Drug Dictionary enquires) [email protected]
Uppsala Reports ISSN 1651-9779
the Uppsala Team
Ralph Edwards, MB, ChB, FRCP (Lond), FRACP Professor in Medicine, Director
Deputy Director
Marie Lindquist, Dr Med Sc Chief Scientific Officer
Finance and Core Services
Birgitta Toreheim, CA Manager, Chief Financial Officer
Ali Bahceci Network Technician
Cecilia Biriell, MSc Pharm Senior Specialist
Anneli Lennartsson Accounting Assistant
Maja Östling Administration Assistant (on study leave)
Anette Sahlin Team Support
Safety Support and Services
Monica Plöen, BSc Pharm Manager
Jenny Bate, BSc Pharm Signal Detection (on maternity leave)
Mohamed Farah, Pharm D Senior Specialist, Traditional Medicines
Jeanette Johansson, BA, BSc Pharm Signal Detection
Malin Jakobsson, MSc Pharm Drug Safety Analyst
Helena Sköld, MSc Pharm Signal Detection
Elki Sollenbring, MSc Pharm WHO Drug Dictionaries (on maternity leave)
Lovisa Sällstedt, MSc Pharm Safety Reporting
Anders Viklund, MSc Pharm Information Retrieval
Erica Walette, BSc Pharm Information Retrieval (on study leave)
Helena Wilmar, Pharmacist Team Leader, Safety Reporting
Malin Zaar, Pharmacist Team Leader, WHO Drug Dictionaries
Annika Wallström, MSc Pharm Chief Marketing Officer
Jessica Avasol Sales and Marketing Assistant
Hannah Björn Sales and Marketing Assistant (on maternity leave)
Katarina Hansson Senior Sales and Marketing Assistant (on maternity leave)
Carl Huddénius, MSc Pharm Assistant Product Manager
Anna Mattsson, BSc Pharm Support Executive
Mats Persson, BA Head of Sales and Marketing
Henrik Sahl, Sales Support Manager
Daniel von Sydow, MSc Pharm Product Manager
External Affairs
Sten Olsson, MSc Pharm Manager, Chief WHO Programme Officer
Geoffrey Bowring, BA External Affairs Co-ordinator
Anna Celén, MSc Pharm External Affairs Pharmacist
Andrew Bate, MA (Oxon), PhD Manager
Ola Caster, MSc Drug Safety Analyst
Johan Hopstadius, MSc Research Engineer
Niklas Norén, MSc Eng Phys, PhD Research Engineer
Kristina Star, RN, BMedSc Drug Safety Analyst
Johanna Strandell, MSc Pharm Drug Safety Analyst
Production, Development & Quality
Johanna Eriksson Manager
Bill Dagérus Senior Systems Developer
Shalini George Tharakan Systems Developer
Stefan Lewenfalk Systems Developer
Annica Lundström, BSc Pharm Data Management (on maternity leave)
Nike Meder, Pharmacist Production Leader
Björn Moberg Systems Developer
Jessica Nilsson, BSc Pharm Data Management
Bo Östling Senior Systems Developer
Sven Purbe, BA Senior Specialist
Ulrika Rydberg, BSc Biol, PhLic Quality Co-ordinator
Thomas Vidinghoff, MSc Systems Developer
Magnus Wallberg, MSc Eng Phys Senior Systems Architect
the Uppsala Monitoring Centre
Bredgränd 7
Mail address:
the Uppsala Monitoring Centre
Box 1051
SE-751 40 Uppsala
Telephone: +46 18 65 60 60
Fax: +46 18 65 60 80
(general enquiries) [email protected]
(sales & marketing enquiries) [email protected]
(Drug Dictionary enquires) [email protected]
Uppsala Reports ISSN 1651-9779