© Football Federation Australia Ltd 2019
Dear [First Name],
NRR Prescribed Form 05 Professional Player Contract
This letter sets out the terms (including any incorporated terms) on which the entity as specified in Item
1.1 of the Specification (Club) will casually employ you to play football and the obligations imposed on
you and the Club (Contract). Please read this Contract carefully and seek legal or professional advice
on it.
1.1 In this Contract:
Competition means the competition as specified in Item 1.2 of the Specification (including any
pre-season or finals series) or any other competition, tournament or cup in which the Club
participates during the Term.
Competition Administrator means the entity responsible for the conduct of the Competition, as
specified in Item 1.3 of the Specification.
Competition Rules means the rules of the Competition promulgated by the Competition
Administrator from time to time that are consistent with the National Registration Regulations.
FFA means Football Federation Australia Limited ABN 28 106 478 068, which is the Australian
member of FIFA and responsible for the administration and promotion of football throughout
FFA Statutes means FFA’s constitution and by-laws and the rules and regulations promulgated
by FFA from time to time, including the National Registration Regulations, Code of Conduct,
National Disciplinary Regulations and Grievance Procedure By-Law (current versions of which
can be obtained on www.ffa.com.au or on request).
Football Administrators mean FFA, the Member Federation, Competition Administrator and the
Grievance means a dispute arising out of or in relation to your casual employment or this
Contract, including a dispute about the breach, termination, enforcement or subject matter of the
FFA Statutes and the Competition Rules.
Intermediary means any natural or legal person who, for a fee or free of charge, is engaged by
the Club and/or Player in respect of negotiating, varying, extending or renewing this Contract.
© Football Federation Australia Ltd 2019
Match means any match participated in by the Club which has been staged, sanctioned by or
played under the auspices of a Member Federation or a Competition Administrator.
Member Federation means the member of FFA to which the Club falls under the jurisdiction of,
as specified in Item 1.4of the Specification.
Member Federation Rules and Regulations means the Member Federation’s constitution and
by-laws and the rules and regulations promulgated by the Member Federation from time to time.
National Anti-Doping Policy means the national anti-doping policy of FFA relating to anti-doping
rule violations and related matters as issued and varied by FFA from time to time.
Partners mean any entity that has a partnership agreement with a Football Administrator that
relates to the Competition, including the Club’s sponsors as specified in Item 1.7 of the
Payments means any amount payable to you by the Club in the amount and manner as specified
in Item 1.5 of the Specification.
Regulations on Working With Intermediaries means the Regulations on Working With
Intermediaries as promulgated by FFA from time to time (current version of which can be
obtained on www.ffa.com.au or on request).
Term means the term of this Contract being the period specified in Item 1.6 of the Specification.
1.2 In this Contract:
(a) terms that are used but not defined have the meaning given to them in the National
Registration Regulations;
(b) any use of the verb ‘includes’, or of words such as ‘for example’ or ‘such as’, do not limit
anything else that is included in general speech; and
(c) all notices must be in English, in writing and addressed to the parties at the address
specified in the Specification or as otherwise notified.
1.3 If there is any inconsistency between a term of this Contract and a term of the Competition Rules,
the term of this Contract prevails to the extent of the inconsistency.
The Club and you agree:
(a) to comply with FFA Statutes, including:
(i) National Registration Regulations;
(ii) National Code of Conduct; and
(iii) National Disciplinary Regulations;
(b) to comply with the Competition Rules and Member Federation Rules and Regulations;
(c) that you are employed under this Contract as a skilled football player on a casual
employment basis (and that accordingly no annual, sick or other leave entitlements apply);
(d) that you will have main employment other than under this Contract or be undertaking
education or training;
(e) to submit exclusively to the jurisdiction of the Grievance Procedure By-Law and to not
attempt to resolve any Grievance in a court of law; and
(f) to comply with any special conditions specified in Item below of the Specification.
The Club must:
(a) pay you the Payments in accordance with the Specification;
(b) comply with all federal/state income tax legislation in respect of PAYG tax deductions;
© Football Federation Australia Ltd 2019
(c) if applicable under Australian legislation, pay superannuation contributions to a fund
designated by you;
(d) supply all playing apparel (excluding footwear and goalkeeping gloves); and
(e) make deductions from your Payments only if authorised by you in writing or by operation of
4.1 You must:
(a) play football exclusively for the Club (subject to the National Registration Regulations);
(b) play football in the Matches in which you are selected at the dates, times and venues
nominated by the Club;
(c) play all Matches to the best of your ability and skill and in accordance with the Laws of the
(d) wear playing apparel as provided by the Club when performing your obligations under this
(e) punctually attend all Matches and official training sessions and functions; and
(f) comply with all reasonable directions of the Club in relation to transport and behaviour and
dress when making any public appearance for the Club.
4.2 You must not enter into any contract during the Term that would affect your ability to perform your
obligations under this Contract.
4.3 You agree not to bring any claim or proceeding against any Football Administrator for any
damage, loss, injury or liability you may suffer while participating in football, including playing in a
Match or with a Representative Team. Except for liability that by law cannot be excluded, the
Football Administrators exclude all liability to you in tort (including negligence), contract or
bailment for acts or omissions of the Football Administrators and their employees, agents and
5.1 The Club must:
(a) provide a playing, training and travelling environment that is free of any unreasonable risk
to your health and safety;
(b) ensure reasonable medical facilities are available at each home Match; and
(c) continue to pay your Payments while you are injured if your injury was sustained out of or in
the course of your casual employment with the Club.
5.2 The Member Federation must provide you with insurance to cover any injury sustained while
participating in football activities for that Club in the scope and coverage as prescribed by that
Member Federation. A copy of the insurance policy must be provided by the Member Federation
on request, including applicable benefits (such as death and capital benefits, loss of income and
non-medicare medical expenses), exclusions, maximum benefits and deductibles.
5.3 You must:
(a) make full, complete and ongoing disclosure to the Club of any physical condition you are
aware of, or any injury or illness you may suffer, that might impair the performance of your
obligations under this Contract;
(b) promptly submit to any fitness testing, medical examination or other testing in relation to
your health and fitness as a professional footballer that the Club may reasonably require;
(c) provide samples for drug testing whenever you are required to do so by FFA’s National
Anti-Doping Policy.
5.4 Subject to FFA’s Anti-Doping Policy, your medical details and the results of any drug tests must
be kept confidential by the recipient of that information.
© Football Federation Australia Ltd 2019
5.5 Football Administrators strongly recommend you maintain private hospital and medical benefits to
cover those items not covered by that sports injury insurance.
6.1 You:
(a) grant Football Administrators the non-exclusive right to use your name or image in any
medium for football marketing and promotional activities;
(b) must respond to any request by the Club to participate in a promotional or game
development activity, including personal appearances for sponsors or coaching clinics
(provided you are able to attend and your expenses of participation are met); and
(c) must co-operate with the Club, the media (in particular the holders of any broadcast rights),
sponsors or any other person reasonably required in relation to any promotional activity.
6.2 You must not:
(a) participate in any personal promotional activities if the products or business of that personal
sponsor are in competition with the products or business of a Partner;
(b) use any FFA or Club intellectual property rights, in particular any names, logos or playing
apparel (other than in accordance with this Contract); and
(c) engage in any marketing or promotional activities that may bring a Football Administrator or
the game of football into disrepute.
6.3 You are not obliged to participate in promotional activities if you (acting reasonably and in a bona
fide manner) have:
(a) a moral or religious objection to any use that may be made of your image and have
declared that objection; or
(b) work, education or personal commitments.
7.1 This Contract starts on the date it is signed by you and continues for the Term, unless it is
terminated earlier in accordance with this clause 7.
7.2 If a party thinks the other party may be in breach of this Contract, that party may initiate a
Grievance in accordance with the Grievance Procedure By-Law.
7.3 You may terminate this Contract by giving written notice to the Club if the Club:
(a) is in breach of any term of this Contract and fails to remedy that breach within fourteen (14)
days after receiving written notice requiring it to do so; or
(b) suffers an insolvency event, including ceases to be able to pay its debts as they become
due or enters into any arrangement with its creditors.
7.4 The Club may terminate this Contract by giving written notice to you only if you:
(a) are in breach of a material term of this Contract and fail to remedy that breach within
fourteen (14) days after receiving written notice requiring you to do so;
(b) are found to be guilty of proven serious misconduct or otherwise in accordance with the
FFA Statutes (including the Code of Conduct) and/or the Member Federation Rules and
Regulations; or
(c) consent in writing to that termination.
7.5 The Club must promptly provide FFA and the Competition Administrator with a copy of any notice
sent or received under this clause 7.
© Football Federation Australia Ltd 2019
7.6 If a party disputes a notice of termination received in accordance with clause 7.3 or 7.4, that party
may within seven (7) business days of receipt of that notice refer the purported termination to the
Member Federation and this Contract will not be terminated until the Grievance Procedure By-
Law have been exhausted or terminated.
7.7 Clause 2(e), 4.3 and 6.2(b) and each other clause required to make these clauses effective
continue to bind the parties after termination or expiration of this Contract for any reason.
8.1 This Contract:
(a) is governed by the law applicable in the territory in which the Club is located;
(b) is the entire agreement between the parties as to its subject matter;
(c) in relation to that subject matter, supersedes any prior understanding, representation or
agreement between the parties, including any offers or letters of intent from the Club;
(d) or any right under this Contract, may not be assigned by the Club or you; and
(e) may be varied only by a document signed by both parties.
8.2 The failure by any party at any time to enforce any of its powers, remedies or rights under this
Contract will not constitute a waiver of, or affect that party's rights to enforce, those powers,
remedies or rights at any time.
If you agree to the terms specified in this Contract, please sign and date this letter and return the
original to the Club. A copy will be sent to you for record keeping purposes.
Yours sincerely,
[Name of Relevant Officer]
[Name of Club]
I agree to the terms as specified in this Contract on the following date …………………. .
Signature of Player
…………………………………………. ………………………………………….
Name of Witness Signature of Witness
If you are under the age of 18 years, your parent or legal guardian must also sign below.
I, as the Player’s parent or legal guardian, agree to the terms as specified in this letter and will use my
best efforts to ensure compliance with this Contract on the following date ……………………..
…………………………………………. ………………………………………….
Name of Parent Signature of Parent
…………………………………………. ………………………………………….
Name of Witness Signature of Witness
© Football Federation Australia Ltd 2019
Each item of this Specification must be completed in full and each page initialled by the
Club and Player.
1.1 Club
[insert name, ABN and address for notices]
1.2 Competition
[insert name of competition the Club participates in]
1.3 Competition Administrator
[insert name of entity running the Competition, its ABN and address for notices]
1.4 Member Federation
[insert name, ABN and address for notices. If it is the same as Competition Administrator,
write ‘As above’.]
1.5 Payments
[Note in this section insert agreed payments (such as weekly payments, match
payments, bonuses or allowances) for each year of the Term and specify the timing and
manner of payment.]
A. Salary
[Note: Insert agreed salary (exclusive of superannuation and Match Payments (if
applicable)) for the Term.]
$ (excl of superannuation)
The above Salary is calculated on the basis of the Player fulfilling the full Term of a XXX
month contract period.
Salary will be paid on a ………………. [insert weekly/fortnightly/monthly] basis by direct
deposit into the player’s nominated bank account.
If superannuation is payable, it will be paid in accordance with clause 3(c) on or before the
relevant legislative due date for such payment.
B. Match Payments (only if applicable)
$ (incl of superannuation)
$ (incl of superannuation)
$ (incl of superannuation)
These Match Payments are listed inclusive of superannuation.
These Match Payments (if any) are payable for Matches if the Player’s name appears on
the starting list as a starting player or substitute and will be paid on a ………………. [insert
weekly/ fortnightly/ monthly] basis by direct deposit into the player’s nominated bank
[Note: Insert any other Match Payments for each year of the Term.]
© Football Federation Australia Ltd 2019
1.6 Term
Start Date: ...............................
End Date: ……………………… days after the Player’s final Match of the year ……….
[Maximum: 30 days].
1.7 Partners
[If applicable, Club to insert names of sponsors. If not applicable, write ‘not applicable’.]
A Club must advise Player of changes to Partners from time to time.
1.8 Intermediary
[If applicable, insert Intermediary’s full name and business name.]
An Intermediary has been engaged by:
The Player
complete item 1.8(a)
complete item 1.8(d)
The Club
complete item 1.8(b)
complete item 1.8(c)
I warrant that I have been engaged by the Player to act as an Intermediary in respect of
the negotiation of this Contract. I agree to comply with the FFA Statutes.
……………………………………… ………………………………………
Name of Intermediary Name of Intermediary’s Business
engaged by the Player
Signature of Intermediary engaged by the Player
I warrant that I have been engaged by the Club to act as an Intermediary in respect of the
negotiation of this Contract. I agree to comply with the FFA Statutes.
……………………………………… ………………………………………
Name of Intermediary Name of Intermediary’s Business
engaged by the Club
Signature of Intermediary engaged by the Club
© Football Federation Australia Ltd 2019
I warrant that the Club has not engaged an Intermediary in respect of the negotiation of
this Contract. I understand that the Club may be sanctioned pursuant to the FFA’s
Regulations on Working With Intermediaries in the case of a breach of this warranty.
Signature of Club
I warrant that I have not engaged an Intermediary in respect of the negotiation of this
Contract. I understand that I may be sanctioned pursuant to the FFA’s Regulations on
Working With Intermediaries in the case of a breach of this warranty.
Signature of Player
1.9 Special conditions
[Club must insert any and all additional terms or payments agreed, including sign on fee or
retention fee, season or performance related bonuses, accommodation, motor vehicle,
relocation costs or revenue share arrangements. Note: these conditions cannot be
inconsistent with any term of this Contract or the FFA Statutes or Member Federation
Rules and Regulations.]