Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
University Real Property (Building, Grounds, Infrastructure) Usage and Events - No. 5000 - Page 1
University Real Property (Building, Grounds, Infrastructure) Usage and Events
No. 5000
Policy Effective Date:
Last Revision Date:
Policy Owner:
Amy Sebring
Policy Author: (Contact
Brennan Shepard
Affected Parties:
1.0 Purpose
2.0 Policy
3.0 Procedures
4.0 Definitions
5.0 References
6.0 Approval and
This policy was developed to support the effective utilization of all Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University (“Virginia Tech”) Real Property. This policy applies to all
University Real Property including facilities, infrastructure, grounds and public spaces
owned or leased by the university, ensuring that all are used in a manner consistent with
their intended purpose. Included within this policy are the rules and regulations for the
approval and use of university Real Property, as well as the rules and regulations that govern
activities sponsored by officially listed student organizations, university departments,
university-affiliated organizations and non-university groups or organizations (see
University Policy 8010, Classification of Student Organizations
for more information).
By statute, the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors (BOV) is charged with the care,
preservation, and improvement of university Real Property. The BOV delegates the
responsibility for the management of Real Property to the president. The president
delegates the acquisition, allocation, disposal, and general administration of Real Property
to the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer.
The Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer is responsible for establishing
governance structures, procedures, and operations for the effective administration of Real
Priority of use must be given to those activities related to the mission of the university.
The Real Property must be used in a safe, professional manner so as not to endanger the
university community or the general public. The university may restrict access to
university Real Property to protect individuals, property and equipment. Events taking
place on or in university Real Property must be registered and comply with this policy.
The Real Property of the university is intended for the use of its students, faculty, staff,
and invited guests participating in university-approved events, programs, or activities,
sponsored by or under the direction of the university or one of its related agencies or
approved organizations. Use of university Real Property by the public is restricted to
those activities in which the public interest is readily and safely accommodated and that
do not conflict with university program needs and schedules.
Within the Principles of Community, Virginia Tech affirms the right of each person to
express thoughts and opinions freely, and encourages open expression within a climate of
civility, sensitivity, and mutual respect. Virginia Tech has established reasonable
Place, and Manner guidelines regarding the use of its university Real Property and
resources so that individuals and groups exercising their legitimate rights do not infringe
on the rights of others or disrupt the educational process or other business operations of
the university.
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Disrupting or obstructing the normal living and work environments of other members of the university
community or the functions or activities of the university, including activities conducted on the university’s
property with its permission, is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action or constitute trespassing under
Virginia state law.
Any person on or in university Real Property who engages in unlawful behavior or violates university policy,
standards or guidelines may be asked by a university official authorized to act as an agent of the university to
leave the property. Failure to comply with such requests may constitute trespassing under Virginia state law and
may lead to disciplinary action and/or arrest. The university is not obligated to tolerate events that interfere with
any lawful mission, process, or function of the institution. Request for approval of events may be denied if they
pose a clear and present danger to university students, employees and facility users.
The Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer has the responsibility to approve exceptions to this
Policy as well as associated standards, guidelines, and procedures.
General Rules for Events and Use of University Real Property
The following are rules for the use of university Real Property and any event held on campus. The university
reserves the right to deny the activity or event if the requirements of this section are not met within the specified
timeframe(s). Non-registered events taking place on or in university Real Property may be considered a
violation of the policy and may be subject to disciplinary action.
The university makes its classroom, housing, athletic fields, dining and other Real Property available, particularly
during the summer months, to internal and external groups interested in holding camps, conferences, and
workshops on the Virginia Tech campus. Camps, conferences and workshops held at Virginia Tech, other than the
Inn at Virginia Tech, should be for education, training, or other purposes consistent with the mission of the
In accordance with University Policy 6362, Policy on Continuing and Professional Education, academic colleges,
centers, and administrative units designing and delivering continuing and professional education activities, both on
and off campus, under the auspices of the Virginia Tech brand must work through Continuing and Professional
Residential camps, conferences or workshops are governed by the provisions of University Policy 5010,
Residential Camps, Conferences and Workshops.
It is the policy of Virginia Tech to make its programs and services accessible to every qualified person without
discrimination on the basis of disability. For more information on accessibility, refer to the university’s accessibility
2.1.1 Safety, Security and Health
Virginia Tech sponsors or hosts numerous programs, events, and activities, and allows its Real Property to
be used for programs, events, and activities. In accordance with
University Policy 5615, University Safety
and Security, the event planners (university scheduling office and university sponsor) are responsible for
coordinating with the appropriate university offices (e.g., Virginia Tech Police Department, Emergency
Management, Risk Management & Insurance) to ensure that appropriate arrangements are made for event
security, emergency planning, and liability. The university departments listed below may establish and
enforce deadlines by which the event planners must inform their offices and/or comply with certain
requirements in order for the event(s) to be approved.
The Virginia Tech Police Department (VTPD) is responsible for determining the appropriate
security for events.
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The department maintains a website (
that describes the types of events/activities that may require security and lists appropriate
timelines for planning security services. University sponsors are expected to be sensitive
to the need for security in unusual circumstances and should consult with the VTPD about
security needs if the nature of the event suggests a possible need for security.
Should it be determined that security is required for the event, the VTPD will provide or
arrange for appropriate security. Utilization of security agencies outside of the VTPD is
prohibited without the written authorization of the Chief of Police and Director of Security
or designee. The VTPD reserves the right to establish and manage competitively awarded
contract(s) for security services, and to require that event sponsors use an approved,
contracted company for security services.
Any additional costs for security must be paid by the organization sponsoring the event and
must be paid prior to the event.
Any exceptions to these standards must be approved by the Chief of Police and Director of
Security or designee.
A university scheduling office is responsible for notifying Emergency Management of events
occurring in Real Property under their management. Should it be determined that additional
emergency management preparedness is required, Emergency Management will notify the
university sponsor. Emergency Management will assist the event sponsor in developing event
preparedness plans as necessary. Event sponsors shall not proceed with an event prior to
complying fully with all Emergency Management requirements.
Trained Crowd Managers must be provided for any event where more than 1,000 persons
congregate. Additional information is available through Environmental Health and Safety
The Office of Risk Management & Insurance provides guidance related to university insurance
requirements, planning, and documentation, as well as assistance with certificates of insurance for
events. Additional information may be obtained at All university sponsors are required to
provide a Certificate of Insurance verifying appropriate coverage for their program or in the
absence of insurance a signed indemnification statement clearly stipulating the responsibility of
the sponsoring entity in the event of damage to Real Property or person as a result.
Individuals must comply with applicable laws and regulations regarding the wearing of masks.
When asked by a university official authorized to act as an agent of the university, individuals
must present a legally sufficient form of personal identification. (Virginia Code § 18.2-422
Special permitting requirements:
Temporary Facilities, Tents and Stages must be constructed and managed in accordance with
University Policy 5406, Requirements for Temporary Facilities/Tents/Stages/Amusement Devices).
An application (
must be submitted to the University Building Official.
Amusement devices, generators, and outdoor lighting equipment may require special permitting
and/or inspection from the University Building Official.
An open burn permit is required for outdoor fires on Virginia Tech property, including campfires,
bonfires, fire bowls, other recreational type fires, and Prescribed Burns. An application must be
submitted to Environmental Health and Safety
A permit is required for Flame Effects (e.g., Fireworks) inside state-owned buildings and outdoors
on state-owned property before a proximate audience. An application must be submitted to the
State Fire Marshal’s Office and a copy must be provided to EHS. See
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A Special Effects Permit must be filed in advance of any event where smoke, haze or fog machines
will be used, or gunpowder is to be used (as with stage firearms). See
If a fire
watch is required by EHS or if portions of the building fire alarm system must be impaired, any
associated costs are the responsibility of the event sponsor.
Any department listed above may deny approval of an event or of a specific activity during an event if the
university sponsor cannot meet the requirements set forth in the department’s procedures.
Users of the Real Property must comply with all applicable health and safety regulations.
Special policies apply to any event on campus involving non-student participants under the age of 18
(“minors”). See University Policy 4815, Minors on Campus or Participating in University-Related
Programs for further information.
The possession and use of alcoholic beverages is regulated by University Policy 1015, Alcohol Policy.
Smoking at events is governed by University Policy 1010, Policy on Smoking.
It is not the university’s practice to make a centralized decision about cancelation of events on weekends or
holidays when there are no classes and administrative offices are closed. If inclement weather, a natural
disaster, or safety/security concerns occur on weekends or holidays, each event sponsor has the
responsibility for canceling or delaying the event and communicating same to the respective constituency.
Additionally, under these circumstances, university scheduling offices reserve the right to cancel or delay
events in Real Property under their management.
No person may obstruct, disrupt, or attempt by physical force, or otherwise, to cancel or discontinue
speech by any speaker, or the observation of speech by any person intending to see or hear a speaker.
2.1.2 Amplification
Amplification is not allowed in and around academic buildings and campus public spaces between 8 a.m. and 5
p.m. Monday through Friday. Amplification in and around academic buildings and in campus public spaces
may only be used between 5 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m.
Saturday, and between noon and 10:00 p.m. Sunday.
Amplification in or around residence halls is not permitted during the weekdays or Sunday. Events utilizing
amplification in and around residence halls shall normally be restricted to 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Saturdays and
from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Fridays.
Additional permissions or restrictions for amplification may be determined by the approving office for
specified locations based on other activities occurring at the same time in or near the event for which
amplification has been requested.
2.1.3 Sales, Solicitation, Fund-Raising and Advertising Activities
All sales (i.e., food, T-shirts, posters, etc.) must be sponsored by a university organization and are regulated by
University Policy 5215, Sales, Solicitation and Advertising on Campus.
Notice of university events may be posted in accordance with University Policy 5215, Sales, Solicitation, and
Advertising on Campus.
2.1.4 Vehicles and Aviation
Vehicles must remain on roadways and park only where legally permitted. Emergency vehicles and some
service vehicles are exempt from this provision as necessary for the performance of the driver’s job/volunteer
Special activities involving vehicles (such as vehicular shows/displays) on plazas, sidewalks, and walkways
must be situated such as not to impede or block the normal flow of traffic.
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Refer to the annually revised Parking and Traffic Regulations, as well as University Policies 5005, Bicycle and
Personal Transportation Devices and 5501, Electric/Gas Utility-type Vehicles, for additional requirements
related to transportation equipment.
All aircraft, including helicopters and hot air balloons, must use the Virginia Tech Montgomery Executive
Airport for landing and take-off; no campus sites are approved for this purpose. In the event of an emergency,
VTPD, Virginia State Police, and other first response/rescue aircraft are exempt from this provision.
Any operation or use of unmanned aircraft systems (drones) must be in compliance with university policy
5820. (
2.1.5 Animals
Animals are not permitted in university buildings except for:
medical evaluation/treatment at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital;
service animals in public locations and previously approved non-public areas;
assistance/support animals in previously approved instances;
Corps of Cadets live animal mascot program (“Growley”), subject to appropriate approvals from the
Commandant and Housing and Residence Life; and
animals residing with Residential Learning Coordinators and/or Faculty Principals in their private
residences in campus residence halls, subject to appropriate approvals and guidelines published by
Housing and Residence Life.
Service and assistance/support animals must be attended by and under the control of the owner in public spaces.
The Services for Students with Disabilities Office can assist students with a determination on the presence of
service animals in non-public areas and the presence of assistance/support animals in on-campus housing (see
Virginia Tech Guidelines on Service Animals and Assistance/Support Animals.
University ADA Services can assist university employees with disabilities with a determination on the
presence of service animals and assistance/support animals on campus in non-public areas.
Any exceptions to the restrictions on non-service and non-assistance/support animals in campus buildings must
be approved by the Dean(s) or Vice President(s) responsible for the department(s) housed in the proposed event
2.1.6 General Provisions
Scheduling offices may enact specific procedures and timeframes for arranging support services necessary to
accommodate specific activities. University sponsors should check with the scheduling offices as far in
advance as possible to ensure they follow appropriate procedures and allow enough time to complete necessary
Events on or in university Real Property must not be continuous or repetitive in nature. Any event taking place
in a public or common space is limited to three consecutive days to allow other organizations to have at least
two consecutive days in the same week and no event is permitted to extend overnight. An event registration
may be denied by a university scheduling office if the duration of the event is deemed excessive in nature or
exceeds a reasonable duration.
All waste materials (trash, recycling, debris, etc.), personal effects, and equipment associated with an event
must be removed at the conclusion of an event. Sponsoring organizations will be charged actual costs of repair
and restoration caused by events or activities. Events must not create unsanitary conditions.
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In accordance with the Code of Virginia, the release of more than 50 balloons within a one-hour period is
prohibited. The provisions do not apply to balloons released for scientific or meteorological purposes.
Camping on university Real Property is prohibited.
Overnight utilization of university Real Property by groups or individuals for an event will not be
permitted. This does not include the use of university Real Property that has been wholly or partially
designated as a sleeping area such as a residence hall.
The use of canopy tents (those without walls) is allowed for all scheduled events as long as they comply
with Policy 5406. The use of all tents with walls, regardless of size, must be registered and approved in
advance by the appropriate university scheduling office and comply with Policy 5406, if applicable.
Canopy tents must comply with requirements to avoid disrupting or obstructing university functions,
including impeding traffic, blocking ingress/egress, creating unsanitary conditions, amplified sound, or
other specified disruptive activity. The event organizer(s) must comply with directions from a university
Use of specific site locations, such as the Drillfield, dining halls, residence halls, academic buildings,
Library Plaza, War Memorial Chapel, Moss Arts Center, Recreational Sports facilities, and Athletic
Department facilities will be in accordance with guidelines for those areas. University sponsors are
expected to check with each university scheduling office for any additional specific guidelines that may be
in place for the reserved facility/facilities.
Event Sponsorship
All events must have a university sponsor. The sponsor must be an officially listed student organization (as defined
by University Policy 8010, Classification of Student Organizations
), a university department, a university
governance entity (as defined by the University Council By-laws), a state employee association, or a university-
affiliated organization. Non-university groups or organizations must have a university sponsor to hold an event. A
contractual agreement for hosting an event (between a university entity and an external individual, group or
organization) is considered a form of sponsorship for the purpose of this Policy.
The university sponsor must reserve space to hold the event (see Section 2.2).
2.2.1 Student Organizations as Sponsors
The Vice President for Student Affairs is charged with implementing procedures to verify the eligibility of
individuals to sponsor events on behalf of student organizations on campus. The responsibility for management of
this process has been delegated to the Director of Student Engagement and Campus Life. The staff of the Student
Engagement and Campus Life Event Planning Office will provide verification of student organization eligibility
(and confirm the contacts authorized to do business with the university on behalf of each student organization) to
those offices that have been delegated responsibility for scheduling specific Real Property.
Approval of student events must be obtained from the Student Engagement and Campus Life Event Planning Office
when the event is considered major entertainment (as defined by University Policy 8215, Major Entertainment
Sponsorship by a Registered Student Organization). If additional information or approvals are needed, the
scheduling office may refer the sponsoring student organization to the Student Engagement and Campus Life Event
Planning Office for assistance.
2.2.2 Employee Associations as Sponsors
State employee associations and university faculty and staff associations may use university meeting rooms where
the time, place, and manner do not interfere with university business, do not violate any laws, leases, or other
contracts, and are compatible with the safety and security of the particular Real Property and mission of the
university. The use of university-owned or leased meeting rooms must be related to the university and state
employee association's role in providing programs and services of general benefit to employees within the context
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of their employment. All applicable fees for use will apply.
2.2.3 Responsibilities of the University Sponsor
The university sponsor will:
serve as liaison with all university agencies supporting the event;
coordinate arrangements for use of university Real Property in accordance with the provisions of this Policy;
assist with registration/arrival/check-in and/or departure/check-out of attendees;
maintain responsibility for all record keeping associated with the event, in compliance with the state
records retention schedules; and,
have a representative onsite or immediately available via telephone/internet conferencing throughout the
In accordance with University Policy 4815, Minors on Campus or Participating in University-Related Programs,
university sponsor for all events that involve minors must also:
make university students, faculty, staff, and volunteers aware of the need to complete appropriate training;
ensure criminal conviction checks are conducted on certain individuals who will be working with minors;
maintain a certification of compliance with the conviction check rules for non-university organizations and
entities that operate programs or activities on campus.
Request to Use and Responsibility for Usage of Real Property
Use of university Real Property must be sponsored and scheduled (see Section 2.2, Sponsorship and Request for
Event Approval) prior to the event.
The Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer may delegate the general responsibility for scheduling of
university Real Property to specific departments (“university scheduling office”), and the university maintains a list
of some of the more commonly requested event spaces (venues)
). Parties interested in usage of a university
Real Property should contact the appropriate university scheduling office for any specific information concerning
usage of that Real Property. University scheduling offices may establish and enforce a minimum number of days that
a request for space/approval must be submitted prior to the requested event. If the space is not listed in the linked
document, contact the Student Engagement and Campus Life Event Planning Office or the department/unit assigned
to the desired area.
2.3.1 Responsibilities of University Scheduling Offices
University scheduling offices will:
register any qualifying event that will occur in space(s) under their delegated authority (see Section 2.4,
Event Registration); and
execute a contract with or provide an event confirmation to the entity and university sponsor (if not the
same) conducting the event.
Shared Responsibilities
The university sponsor and the university scheduling office(s) will share responsibility for:
briefing the event director/organizer regarding university policies, emergency procedures, and location
layout; and
ensuring accessibility in emergency situations.
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The university sponsor and the university scheduling office(s), if different, should communicate with one another
the actions taken to fulfill the above responsibilities.
Event Registration
All university scheduling offices are required to register in the database any qualifying events scheduled to occur in
or on Real Property for which they have delegated scheduling authority. Events commonly referred to as camps,
conferences and workshops are considered qualifying events and include but are not limited to: special programs or
series of programs or activities on a particular subject, areas of interest, or projects, typically involving larger
numbers of attendees, and/or external (non-Virginia Tech students or faculty/staff) participants. Examples of
events which do not typically require registration include: departmental meetings, cross-departmental workgroup
meetings, regularly-scheduled university classes, one-on-one or small group liaison meetings with external
stakeholders, or Board of Visitors and Foundation/Alumni Board meetings. Note: If an event would not typically
meet the registration requirement but may have security, safety, or other special concerns, please contact the
Student Engagement and Campus Life Event Planning Office for guidance.
All university scheduling offices responsible for the scheduling of reservable space shall ensure that reservation
data is available in a centralized database. The database will include the dates, times, locations, schedule and
emergency contact numbers for all such events.
Failure to comply with the registration requirement or reporting of false information related to the registration
requirements may result in loss of event scheduling privileges for Real Property by the scheduling office and/or
loss of future use privileges by the external group or university sponsor. Failure to comply with such requests may
constitute trespassing under Virginia state law and may lead to disciplinary action and/or arrest.
Major Venues and Major Entertainment Events
2.6.1 Major Venues
Major Venues include:
Burruss Hall Auditorium
Cassell Coliseum
Graduate Life Center (GLC) Auditorium and Multi-Purpose Room
Johnston Student Center
Lane Stadium
Outdoor Public Spaces
Rector Field House
Squires Student Center
War Memorial Gymnasium
2.6.2 Major Entertainment Events
Major Entertainment sponsored by officially listed student groups and/or held in a Major Venue is regulated by
University Policy 8215, Major Entertainment Sponsorship by a Registered Student Organization. Major
Entertainment is defined as any event for which there are contracted performers AND which takes place in a Major
Venue. University Policy 8215 does not apply to any event sponsored by a university department at locations other
than Major Venues, or to any events held at the Moss Arts Center or the Inn at Virginia Tech.
Charges for Use of University Real Property
Actual rate schedules are developed by the Controller's Office and reviewed by the Office of Budget and Financial
Planning in consultation with the unit responsible for the Real Property used. Please contact the scheduling office
for each location to obtain the most current rate information.
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For camps, conferences, and workshops sponsored by Conference and Guest Services or the Student Engagement
and Campus Life Event Planning Office, an appropriate per-person administrative fee may be charged.
Specific Rules for Use of University Real Property by Faculty and Staff
Faculty and staff are not allowed to use university resources for private gain. However, under the following
conditions, the compensated use of specialized Real Property or equipment will be allowed in support of
approved consulting activities. Please refer to the Faculty Handbook,
University Policies 5420, Policy on
Facility Use Agreements), and 13010, Individual Conflicts of Interest for further clarification.
The Real Property or equipment must have a charge rate, established by the Controller’s Office, which
reflects all direct and indirect costs associated with the use of the Real Property or equipment and applies
to use by parties outside the university. The charge rate will be applied to the actual use.
A Request to Engage in External Activity and Disclosure of Conflict of Interest/Commitment Form (13010, must be filed, specifying the Real Property or equipment to
be used and estimating, in time or charges, the extent of the proposed use.
The director or head or chair of the department responsible for the Real Property or equipment will verify, on
the 13010 form, that the proposed use will not interfere with, or have priority over, anticipated university use of
the Real Property or equipment.
The faculty or staff member's department head or chair and dean or vice president (and the Provost, when
appropriate) in the approval of the 13010 form will determine that the consultation is of substantial
professional merit and presents no conflict of interest in the use of the Real Property or equipment. Particular
care will be given to the relationship of the consultation with current or potential grants or contracts and to
the possibility of unfair competition with local firms and businesses.
If an employee uses equipment of a specialized service center, the employee will be charged the "commercial"
or "consulting" rate for the center as determined by the Controller's Office. The charges will be billed to the
employee at the rate established for the service based on actual use. The deposit for the charges will be
credited to the service center account that has been established by the Controller's Office.
If the employee uses Real Property such as those of the Virginia Tech Athletic Department, Moss Arts
Center, or Student Engagement and Campus Life venues (including Squires Student Center, G. Burke
Johnston Student Center, Burruss Hall Auditorium, the Graduate Life Center, and War Memorial Chapel), the
employee will be charged at the rate established by the Controller's Office for such use. The deposit will be
made to the appropriate department's account based on actual use charges.For Real Property other than
specialized service centers or other Real Property for which a charge rate has been determined, the use of the
Real Property must be authorized and reimbursed at a rate determined by the joint collaboration of the
employee’s department head and Controller's Office.
The use of library facilities in connection with consulting is exempt from the above regulations, since those
facilities are available to the public.
2.9 Non-Blacksburg Site-specific Operational Guidelines Development
Virginia Tech locations beyond the Blacksburg campus may choose to develop site-specific operational
guidelines consistent with the spirit and intent of this Policy that are tailored to the unique safety, security, and
health considerations of their Real Property. All location-specific facility-use guidelines must be reviewed and
approved by the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at initial implementation and when
changes are proposed.
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Residential Camps, Conferences and Workshops
Please reference the procedures in University Policy 5010, Residential Camps, Conferences and Workshops.
Non-Residential Events
Non-university affiliated groups desiring to host a day-only event at any university or university-affiliated Real
Property, other than the Inn at Virginia Tech, must be sponsored by an officially listed student organization,
university department, or university-affiliated organization. The event sponsor is responsible for assisting the
group with the responsibilities outlined in section 2.2. Housing and Residence Life Conference and Guest Services
and the Student Engagement and Campus Life Event Planning Office sponsor certain external groups through
contractual arrangements. There is no obligation for a university department or student organization to provide
sponsorship of any event.
Events at the Inn at Virginia Tech
Groups or departments desiring to host an event at the Inn at Virginia Tech should contact the reservation desk or
the Groups and Meetings staff at the Inn directly. More information is available on the hotel and conference
center’s website:
4.0 Definitions
Advertising/Advertisement: includes posting of signs or banners, the distribution of literature, or any other form
of public notice designed to sell goods or services or publicize an event.
Amplification: includes the use of electronic or mechanical means of amplifying sounds (i.e. microphones,
speakers, bullhorns).
Assistance/Support Animal: Any animal necessary to afford a person with a disability an equal opportunity to use
and enjoy university housing. The animal may provide physical assistance, emotional support, calming, stability
and other kinds of assistance, but does not perform work or tasks that would qualify them as Service Animals
under the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) regulations.
Camp/Conference/Workshop: includes, but is not limited to, special programs or series of programs or activities
on a particular subject, area of interest, or project, involving larger numbers of attendees, and/or external (non-
Virginia Tech students or faculty/staff) participants. Does not typically include: departmental meetings, cross-
departmental workgroup meetings, regularly-scheduled university classes, one-on-one or small group liaison
meetings with external stakeholders, or Board of Visitors and Foundation/Alumni Board meetings. Note: If an event
sponsored by a department or university organization may have security, safety, or other special concerns, but does
not meet the criteria described above, please contact the Student Engagement and Campus Life Event Planning
Office for guidance.
Camping: the act of using any part of the campus for living accommodation purposes, such as establishment of
temporary or permanent living quarters, sleeping outdoors overnight, making preparations for overnight sleeping
(including the laying down of bedding), storing personal belongings, using any tent, shelter, or similar structure
regardless of size for sleeping, sleeping in, on or under parked vehicles, or setting up temporary or permanent
sleeping areas outdoors or in structures not designated for human occupancy. Camping does not include the use of
university Real Property that has been wholly or partially designated as sleeping areas, a tailgating activity in
conjunction with a university event, or the use of temporary hammocks used in recreation or studying activities
outside during non-overnight hours.
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Faculty and Staff Associations: any university organization whose membership is limited to the employees of the
university (such as faculty associations, staff associations, senates, etc.) with voluntary membership that provides
programs and services of general benefit to employees within the context of their employment.
Major Entertainment: any event for which there are contracted performers AND which takes place in a Major
Venue (listed in Section 2.6.1).
Members of the University Community: currently enrolled students and university departments’ faculty and staff
Minor: a child under the age of eighteen (18) who is not enrolled or accepted for enrollment at the university.
Public or Common Space: lobbies, foyers, and atriums in student centers and university-owned or leased
academic facilities; the Drillfield; and all other university-owned or leased outdoor campus space, except those
specifically managed by Athletics, Recreational Sports, the Graduate Life Center, and the Moss Arts Center.
Officially listed student organizations (as defined by University Policy 8010) include: University Student Life
Programs (USLP), University Chartered Student Organizations (UCSO), Registered Student Organizations (RSO),
and Extended Campus Student Organizations (ECSO).
Overnight: the hours of 12:00 a.m. (midnight) through 6:00 a.m.
Residential Camp/Conference/Workshop: a camp, conference or workshop where attendees will stay overnight
in university or university-affiliated Real Property other than The Inn at Virginia Tech.
Sale: the activity of offering or exchanging products or services in return for monies, goods, or other services. This
includes raffles or auctions.
Service Animal: Any dog (or under particular circumstances a miniature horse) that meets the definition of
“Service Animal” under the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) regulations, and that is individually trained
to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory,
psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. The work or tasks performed must be directly related to the
individual’s disability.
Solicitation: the act of requesting money or funds for any reason, seeking agreement to pay, taking subscriptions,
selling merchandise or services, seeking contributions of goods or services, offering materials or privileges to
others via promotion or advertisement, or soliciting signatures for petitions.
State Employee Association: any non-profit organization with voluntary membership that provides programs and
services of general benefit to state employees within the context of their employment. An association that is
statewide and open to all employees who elect to voluntarily participate shall be limited to those associations on the
State Comptroller's State Employees' association list.
Student: any individual who has accepted an offer of admission as an undergraduate, graduate, or professional
student and who has not yet graduated or officially transferred to another institution.
Trained Crowd Managers: persons who have been trained in crowd management procedures and other duties
appropriate to the event (including pre-event safety inspections and use of portable fire extinguishers as
appropriate); may include contracted event security staff and/or VTPD officers. Training and more information can
be obtained through Environmental Health and Safety.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
University Real Property (Building, Grounds, Infrastructure) Usage and Events - No. 5000 - Page 12
University-Affiliated Organizations: are comprised of faculty and/or staff and are administered through a
department to complement the departmental mission.
University Business Operations: the routine educational, research, co-curricular, and administrative
operations of the university.
University Real Property: any location, either permanent or temporary, owned or leased by Virginia Tech, and
includes satellite campuses and offices. This includes, but is not limited to, the buildings, grounds, infrastructure,
outdoor spaces and the surrounding perimeters including the parking lots, field locations, classrooms, alternate
work or class locations.
University Scheduling Office: a Virginia Tech office/department that has been delegated by the Executive Vice
President and Chief Operating Officer the general responsibility for scheduling specific university Real Property.
University Sponsor: an officially listed student organization, a university department, or a university-affiliated
organization who accepts responsibility for complying with the requirements of section 2.2.2 for a specific event.
5.0 References
Events on Main Campus (Blacksburg) Resource Website
University Policy 1005, Health & Safety Policy
University Policy 1010, Policy on Smoking
University Policy 1015, Policy on Serving Alcohol
University Policy 3006, Catering Policy
University Policy 4815, Minors on Campus or Participating in University-Related Programs
University Policy 5005, Bicycle and Personal Transportation Devices
University Policy 5010, Residential Camps, Conferences and Workshops
University Policy 5215, Sales, Solicitation, and Advertising on Campus
University Policy 5420, Policy on Facility Use Agreements
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
University Real Property (Building, Grounds, Infrastructure) Usage and Events - No. 5000 - Page 13
University Policy 5501, Electric/Gas Utility-type Vehicles
University Policy 5600, Authorized Closings
University Policy 5615, University Safety and Security
University Policy 5616, Campus and Workplace Violence Prevention
University Policy 5820, Operation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems
University Policy 8010, Classification of Student Organizations
[Official list of student organizations:]
University Policy 8215, Major Entertainment Sponsorship by a Registered Student Organization
University Policy 13010, Individual Conflicts of Interest
Faculty Handbook
Student Code of Conduct
Parking and Traffic Regulations, Virginia Tech Parking Services
State Records Retention Schedule
Virginia Tech Guidelines on Service Animals and Assistance/Support Animals
Virginia Tech Guidelines on Time, Manner, Place
6.0 Approval and Revisions
Update February 2, 2006 to title in Sections 2.4 and 2.9.11 from “Donaldson Brown” to “The Inn at Virginia Tech
and Skelton Conference Center.”
Revision 8
Section 2.5.1: Added entire section to address responsibility for event security.
Approved February 28, 2007 by Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, James A. Hyatt.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
University Real Property (Building, Grounds, Infrastructure) Usage and Events - No. 5000 - Page 14
Revision 9
May 12, 2008: Updates to position titles and/or responsibilities due to university reorganization.
Revision 10
Revised Section 2.9.12 for consistency with the new Policy 5005, Bicycle and Personal Transportation Devices.
Approved June 5, 2009 by Vice President for Administration, Sherwood G. Wilson.
Revision 11
Significant revision to combine multiple sections, update to match other existing Policies, update
scheduling authorities, add appropriate references and definitions, and streamline information.
Renamed “Student Centers and Activities” to “Student Engagement and Campus Life” throughout
Updates to Section 2.6.1 - Safety, Security and Health consolidated security information from Policy 8220 -
Security Requirements for Events Sponsored by Student Organizations, and with concurrence from the Vice
President for Student Affairs, eliminated Policy 8220.
Approved July 30, 2015 by Vice President for Administration, Sherwood G. Wilson.
Revision 12
Revised Sections 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 to clearly define the responsibilities of university sponsors and scheduling
Added Section 2.5, Event Registration, to define responsibilities associated with, and require use of, the
central event registration system.
Added Section 3, Procedures, to provide basic instructions for non-university entities.
Replaced sections/language with reference documents/links for lists of:
university scheduling offices and timelines for commonly used venues;
venue specific guidelines for commonly used spaces; and
procedures, guidelines, and timelines for safety and security approvals.
Technical corrections to form names and website links.
Approved January 31, 2017 by Vice President for Administration, Sherwood G. Wilson.
Revision 13
Technical corrections to titles, office names, form names, and website links.
Approved September 21, 2022 by Vice President for Policy and Governance, Kim O’Rourke.
Revision 14
Revisions include changing the title from Facilities Usage and Events to University Real Property Usage and
Events; changing policy owner to EVPCOO and author to chief of staff; changed “facilities” to “Real Property
throughout the document; clarifying disruption of university business; clarifying that university sponsor is
responsible for damages; prohibiting and defining camping; prohibiting overnight utilization; clarifying that non-
compliance may constitute trespassing and lead to disciplinary action or arrest; requiring mask-wearers to
produce ID upon request; prohibiting obstruction or disruption of event speaker; adding reference to Time, Place,
and Manner Guidelines; creating new section on non-Blacksburg site operational guidelines; adding or
modifying definitions and references; adding language regarding use of tents; and other technical updates.
Approved August 14, 2024, by Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Amy S. Sebring.