Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Customer Satisfaction Survey
Final Report
January 2013
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Final Report
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USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Table of Contents
Executive Summary 3
Overall Findings and Recommendations 5
Detailed Report 7
Introduction and Methodology 9
Respondent Background 11
Customer Satisfaction Index 14
Customer Satisfaction Model 15
Drivers of Satisfaction 19
System Integrity 27
Outreach and Communications 27
Outcomes 30
Priority Matrix 31
Appendix A: Survey Questionnaire 33
Appendix B: Non-Modeled Responses 49
Appendix C: Results Tables 57
Appendix D: Verbatim Comments 75
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
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USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
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USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Overall Findings and Recommendations
This report focuses on the customer satisfaction of companies currently enrolled in the E-Verify
program. Satisfaction with E-Verify remains high and follows up a three-point gain in 2011 with a one-
point improvement in 2012 for a satisfaction index of 86. This is 19 points above the current federal
government average.
Two segments of E-Verify Users were also measured. Recent users, those who had run a case since
January 1, 2012, had satisfaction of 87, also a one-point improvement for this group. Those who used
E-Verify because of the FAR requirement had satisfaction with E-Verify of 88, which was up four points
from last year.
The customer satisfaction model that was developed identified five areas which potentially drive
satisfaction with E-Verify. The five drivers of satisfaction remain very highly rated with two of them rated
in the 90s. There were no significant changes in the scores of these drivers with scores either holding at
last year’s level or improving one point. The Photo Matching Process is again rated the highest at 95.
The process was easy and users felt that Photo Matching was very helpful in preventing fraud. Using E-
Verify is the other driver rated in the 90s. Additionally, it has a very strong impact on satisfaction. In
Using E-Verify, submitting I-9 information was easy as was navigating the E-Verify site. The initial
response was received in a very timely manner and the next steps were clearly described in the
After posting gains in 2011, Awareness/Registration and Tutorial, hold their scores to remain at 85 in
2012. Both areas have considerable impacts on satisfaction so keeping the performance scores at a
high level remains critical to keeping satisfaction high. With respect to Awareness/Registration,
enrollment instructions are clear, the memorandum of understanding clearly states responsibilities and
next steps. Users rate the registration submittal as easy. They also find that user name, password and
E-Verify web address are quickly received.
In the area of the Tutorial, it continues to meet users’ needs. Scores improved significantly between
2010 and 2011, and those gains held in 2012. The online training is easy access, easy to understand
and the amount of time to take it is not burdensome. Both the User Manual and online training provide
useful information.
Tentative Nonconfirmations were received by 23% of respondents and in 55% of those cases the user
had received just one TNC in the past six months. With a score of 81 and a modest impact on
satisfaction, the Resolution Process appears to be meeting users’ needs. Ease and speed of resolving
the case were sufficient to users. Communication about the steps involved in the resolution process
were clearly communicated.
Just 13% of respondents contacted Customer Service by phone in the past six months and only 4%
contacted Customer Service by e-mail. However, Customer Service delivery both by phone and e-mail
had scores improve significantly from last year. Professionalism, communication skills and guidance on
questions each had significant improvements as did the accessibility of representatives. In conjunction
with higher Customer Service scores issue resolution is up from last year as well. In 2012, 93% of
callers had their issue resolved during their most recent call to E-Verify customer service. This is up
from 87% in 2011.
While findings for satisfaction and its drivers have been mostly positive users’ perceptions of System
Integrity may have slipped slightly from last year. In 2011, 71% of respondents believed that E-Verify
was doing enough to ensure companies using it adhere to policies. However, in 2012 only 63% thought
this was still true. Likewise, in 2012, 70% of users thought there were adequate safeguards to ensure
employers are using the E-Verify system properly. This was down from 77% in 2011.
Despite being less positive about System Integrity, users remain very likely to continue participation in
E-Verify in the future with a likelihood rating holding at 94. Confidence in the accuracy of the program
(87) remains high as does their likelihood to recommend (86) E-Verify to others.
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
In order to improve customer satisfaction, it is recommended to target the areas that have a high impact
and are lower performing as priorities. However, with a satisfaction score of 86, ensuring current
practices are maintained to keep satisfaction at this high level is a more realistic goal. The following are
recommendations based on the findings from the survey.
Using E-Verify is one of the high-impact areas. Scores for this driver remain very high, and
indicate there are not issues that users are experiencing with E-Verify. The site is easy to
navigate. Submitting information is also easy for users. The initial response is received very
quickly and the steps described in the response are clear. Maintain the process and tool as is.
The Tutorial is another high-impact area and is also high scoring. The User Manual provides
helpful information. Online Resources are rated as being both useful and accessible. Online
Training is easy to understand and not too burdensome in terms of time required. While there
had been slightly lower scores in the past with respect to time required for training, this no
longer appears to be an issue. Whatever improvements occurred in this area seem to be
meeting users’ training needs for E-Verify.
The Registration Process is the third higher-impact area (Drivers with an impact of at least 1.0).
There is likely not much of an opportunity to make improvements to this process. Enrollment
instructions are clear and the process is easy to follow. The Memorandum of Understanding
clearly states responsibilities and next steps. The User Name, Password and E-Verify Web
Address are received in a very timely manner. Maintain the Registration Process as is.
There is commentary in the Appendix from those few who rated ease of registration process, ease of
training or ease of resolving case low. There are very few comments overall, but a review of the
comments may provide some insight on those few instances where users have an issue.
Photo Matching remains very highly rated and has a modest impact. The process is easy and users
believe it is very helpful in preventing fraud. Maintain the current process.
Only about one-quarter of users encountered a Tentative Nonconfirmation during the past six months. It
has a lower impact as well. The Resolution Process, relative to scores for other E-Verify drivers, is
somewhat lower scoring. However, overall it appears to be meeting users’ needs. Cases are resolved
with sufficient speed and communications about steps in the process are clear.
Customer Service and Technical Assistance, which were only used by a small percentage of
respondents remain high-performing. Scores for Customers Service by Phone and E-mail improved
significantly in 2012. Maintaining those improvements in professionalism, communication and guidance
should be goals going forward.
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
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USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Introduction and Methodology
The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) is the national indicator of customer evaluations of
the quality of goods and services available to U.S. residents. It is the only uniform, cross-
industry/government measure of customer satisfaction. Since 1994, the ACSI has measured
satisfaction, its causes, and its effects, for seven economic sectors, 41 industries, more than 200
private sector companies, two types of local government services, the U.S. Postal Service, and the
Internal Revenue Service. ACSI has measured more than 100 programs of federal government
agencies since 1999. This allows benchmarking between the public and private sectors and provides
information unique to each agency on how its activities that interface with the public affect the
satisfaction of customers. The effects of satisfaction are estimated, in turn, on specific objectives (such
as public trust).
Segment Choice
This study is about employers who have enrolled in E-Verifyan Internet-based system operated by the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in partnership with the Social Security Administration (SSA)
that allows participating employers to electronically verify the employment eligibility of their newly hired
Customer Samples and Data Collection
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
provided CFI Group with three random
samples of employers that have enrolled in E-Verify.
ALL Users a cross-section of employers that have used E-Verify since Jan. 1, 2011
RECENT Users an oversample {*} of employers that used E-Verify since Jan. 1, 2012
FAR Users an oversample of employers that are enrolled in E-Verify as federal
contractors and have used E-Verify since Jan. 1, 2012
{*} NOTE: The purpose for the two oversamples was to supplement the numbers of responses from
Recent and FAR Users that were expected in the All User cross-section.
Data were collected from October 18 November 28, 2012. The sample sizes and response rates for
the cross-section sample and oversamples are reported below:
Size of
{1} Number of
Type of Sample Surveys Response Usable
{2} Usable
USER Provided Returned Rate Surveys Responses
All 10,000 1,407 14% 1,351 1,351
Recent 2,500 437 18% 421 2,083
FAR 2,500 461 18% 448 634
{1} Initial sample sizes were based on the desired number of responses and expected completion rates.
{2} Due to ineligible respondents or missing data, not all surveys that were returned were usable.
{3} Includes respondents from the oversamples and the All Users cross-section. In many instances,
respondents from the All Users cross-section fell into more than one of the oversample categories.
Questionnaire and Reporting
The questionnaire used is shown in Appendix A. It was designed to be agency-specific in terms of
activities, outcomes, and introductions to the questionnaire and specific question areas. However, it
follows a format common to all the federal agency questionnaires that allow cause-and-effect modeling
using the ACSI model. CFI Group collaborated with USCIS to develop the questionnaire for the
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Most of the questions in the survey asked the respondent to rate items on a 1-to-10 scale, where “1” is
“poor” and “10” is “excellent.” Scores are converted to a 0 to 100 scale for reporting purposes. Appendix
B contains tables of responses to non-modeled questions. These are categorical and “Yes/No” type
questions where a response is not on a 1-to-10 scale. Appendix C contains score tables for questions
that were rated on a 1-to-10 scale at an aggregate level and segmented by groups. Appendix D
contains verbatim comments to the responses for open-ended questions.
Most of the results presented in this report are based on responses received from the random cross-
section sample of “All Users” . (See Customer Samples above.) Results for two other sample groups
(Recent Users and Far Users) are periodically shown in this report and additional tables for these
groups can be found in Appendix C.
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Respondent Background
The table below shows respondents by state. For the most part, frequencies by state were similar to
last year’s. Arizona (9%), California (7%), Georgia (7%), Texas (6%) and Missouri (5%) remain among
the states that comprise the highest percentage of respondents. Additionally, in 2012 a much larger
percentage of respondents are from Alabama (7%) and South Carolina (8%).
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
AL 1% 34 7% 95
AK 0% 6 0% 1
AR 1% 24 1% 7
AZ 10% 276 9% 118
CA 8% 216 7% 88
CO 3% 80 3% 34
CT 0% 13 1% 12
DC 0% 11 0% 4
DE 0% 5 0% 1
FL 5% 130 4% 58
GA 6% 156 7% 90
GU 0% 2 0% 0
HI 1% 15 0% 1
ID 1% 14 1% 7
IA 1% 22 1% 14
IL 2% 59 2% 28
IN 2% 41 3% 36
KS 2% 43 1% 15
KY 1% 20 1% 7
LA 1% 21 2% 21
MA 2% 48 1% 16
MD 2% 43 2% 21
ME 0% 8 0% 3
MI 2% 49 2% 21
MN 2% 53 1% 19
MO 6% 158 5% 74
MS 2% 46 2% 21
MT 0% 7 0% 0
NC 3% 79 3% 38
ND 0% 6 0% 2
NE 2% 55 2% 22
NH 0% 13 0% 2
NJ 2% 46 2% 24
NM 0% 12 0% 2
NV 1% 23 1% 8
NY 2% 63 2% 29
OH 2% 45 2% 23
OK 1% 38 1% 16
OR 1% 21 1% 7
PA 2% 42 2% 25
PR 0% 2 0% 3
RI 0% 13 0% 4
SC 4% 104 8% 113
SD 0% 9 0% 5
TN 2% 43 2% 22
TX 5% 145 6% 82
UT 3% 83 2% 29
VA 4% 119 4% 48
VT 0% 2 0% 2
WA 2% 63 1% 19
WI 1% 28 1% 13
WV 0% 3 0% 0
WY 0% 4 0% 1
Number of Respondents
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Organizations that employ between 5 and 29 employees account for 29% of responses, while 26% are
with organizations that have 30 to 99 employees and 23% are with organizations that have between
100 and 299 employees.
Slightly more respondents consider their organization a small business (69%) compared to last year
when 65% did. Conversely, 27% did not consider their organization to be a small business.
The composition of respondents’ industries was similar to last year’s. Again in 2012,
Construction/General Contracting (14%), manufacturing (12%) and healthcare/public health (9%) were
the industries most mentioned.
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
How many people do you employ
1-4 5% 142 5% 70
5-29 25% 664 29% 388
30-99 27% 720 26% 347
100-299 25% 659 23% 304
300-999 11% 295 12% 165
1,000-9,999 6% 157 5% 62
10,000+ 1% 24 1% 15
Number of Respondents
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
Do you consider yourself a small business
Small business 65% 1,740 69% 936
Not a small business 30% 800 27% 360
Don´t know 5% 121 4% 55
Number of Respondents
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
Primary industry in which your company or
organization conducts business
Agriculture/Food 2% 44 2% 30
Defense/Defense Industry 2% 42 1% 18
Communications/Media 0% 11 1% 8
Construction/General Contracting 16% 419 14% 184
Education 3% 92 3% 40
Engineering 3% 83 3% 39
Financial Services 2% 64 3% 34
Healthcare/Public Health 8% 214 9% 122
Hospitality 5% 121 6% 80
Information Technology 5% 124 5% 61
Manufacturing 14% 370 12% 165
Non-Profit/Not-for-Profit 5% 135 5% 61
Sales - Retail or Wholesale 6% 150 7% 93
Staffing/Personnel 4% 96 4% 52
Transportation 3% 70 3% 47
Utilities/Energy/Natural Resources 1% 24 1% 15
Professional Services/Consulting 3% 93 4% 60
Government Services 5% 145 4% 57
Other 14% 364 14% 185
Number of Respondents
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Most respondents consider themselves as General Users (89%). A slightly larger percentage of
respondents are E-Verify Employer Agents (6%) compared to last year and 5% are Temporary Agency
or Employment Agencies.
With respect to frequency of using E-Verify, one-fifth (20%) or respondents are at least weekly users
and another 36% are at least monthly users.
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
Which best describes your organization as a user of E-Verify
General User 91% 2,415 89% 1,209
Temporary Agency or Employment Agency 6% 153 5% 67
E-Verify Employer Agent 3% 84 6% 75
Number of Respondents
Which best describes how frequently you use E-Verify
Once a week or more 17% 450 20% 272
Two or three times a month 22% 572 21% 289
About once a month 14% 380 15% 201
Once every few months 28% 731 25% 337
Once or twice a year 14% 383 14% 193
Less than once a year 5% 136 4% 59
Number of Respondents
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Customer Satisfaction Index
The Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) is a weighted average of three questions. The questions are
answered on 1-to-10 scale and converted to a 0 to 100 scale for reporting purposes. The model assigns
the weights to each question in a way that maximizes the ability of the index to predict changes in
agency satisfaction.
The 2012 Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) for USCIS E-Verify is 86 on a scale of 0 to 100. This
represents a significant 1-point gain from last year and is 4 points above the 2010 measure. The
Customer Satisfaction Index scores for each of the index questions are provided in the chart below:
overall satisfaction (87), satisfaction compared to expectations (87) and satisfaction with E-Verify
compared to the ideal online verification service (85). The CSI for E-Verify is 19 points above the
current overall federal government ACSI of 67.
Meets expectations
Overall satisfaction
Compared to ideal
Customer Satisfaction Index
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Customer Satisfaction Models
The Customer Satisfaction Model is comprised of drivers of satisfaction, which are shown on the left-
hand side of the model picture below, the customer satisfaction index (shown in the middle) and
outcomes of satisfaction (shown on the right-hand side).
USCIS E-Verify Customer Satisfaction Model
Each of the satisfaction drivers shown on the left-hand side of the model are comprised of an “index” of
individual questions that ask about unique attributes of that satisfaction driver. Attribute scores are the
mean (average) respondent scores to each individual question that was asked in the survey.
Respondents are asked to rate each item on a 1-to-10 scale with 1 being “poor” and 10 being
“excellent.” CFI Group converts the mean responses to these items to a 0-to-100 scale for reporting
purposes. It is important to note that these scores are averages, not percentages. The score is best
thought of as an index, with 0 meaning “poor” and 100 meaning “excellent.”
The satisfaction driver (also called “component”) is the weighted average of the individual attribute
ratings given by each respondent to the questions presented in the survey. A score is a relative
measure of performance for a component, as given for a particular set of respondents. In the model
above, the component area “Registration” is an index of the ratings of five questions: Clarity of
Using E-Verify
TNC Resolution
Photo Matching
Customer Service
Internet Use
Non-modeled components
The 90% confidence interval around the E-Verify customer satisfaction index is +/-1.0 point.
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
instructions on how to enroll, Memorandum of understanding making the employer’s responsibilities
and next steps clear, Ease of submitting registration information, Speed of receiving User Name,
Password and E-Verify Web Address, and Ease of registration process overall (including the required
testing). Specific results for these questions with scores for individual attribute questions are shown in
the Drivers of Satisfaction section of this report.
Impacts should be read as the effect on the subsequent component if the initial driver (component)
were to be improved or decreased by five points. For example, if the score for Registration increased by
five points (85 to 90), Customer Satisfaction would increase by the amount of its impact, 1.0 point (86 to
87). If the driver increases by less than or more than five points, the resulting change in satisfaction
would be the corresponding fraction of the original impact. Impacts are additive. Thus, if multiple areas
were to each improve by five points, the related improvement in satisfaction would be the sum of the
impacts. Satisfaction, in turn, drives outcome behaviors shown on the right-hand side of the model.
These outcomes include recommending E-Verify, confidence in accuracy and likelihood to participate in
the future.
The impact that Satisfaction has on each of the outcomes is shown in the rectangle in the lower right
hand side of the box. For example, Recommend has an impact of 5.2. This means that a 5-point
improvement in Satisfaction will drive the likelihood to recommend by 5.2 points. Scores for outcomes,
Recommend, Confidence in agency and Future Participation, are averages reported on a 0 to 100 scale
and not percentages. Thus, the score of 86 for Recommend means that the average respondent is very
likely to recommend E-Verify and not that 86% of respondents would recommend E-Verify.
As the model on the previous page shows, Registration, Tutorial and Using E-Verify have impacts of
one point or more on satisfaction and can be considered key drivers of satisfaction. It is recommended
to focus improvement on those key drivers with the lowest performance.
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Customer Satisfaction Model Recent Users
Additional data were collected to look specifically at Recent Users. These respondents have started
using E-Verify since January 1, 2012. The Customer Satisfaction Model for Recent Users is shown
below. The model structure used for Recent Users is the same as the overall USCIS model.
USCIS E-Verify Recent Users Customer Satisfaction Model
For Recent Users, Using E-Verify has the most impact on satisfaction with an impact of 2.0. The
Tutorial has an impact of 1.0 and Registration has nearly the same impact at 0.9. Photo Matching and
TNC Resolution have somewhat lower impacts (0.5). It is recommended to focus improvement on those
key drivers with the lowest performance.
Using E-Verify
TNC Resolution
Photo Matching
Customer Service
Internet Use
Non-modeled components
The 90% confidence interval around the E-Verify customer satisfaction index is +/- 0.7points.
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Customer Satisfaction Model – FAR Users
Additional data were also collected create a model Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Users. These
are users from any U.S. company, corporation or business entity that has a contract with the federal
government containing the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) E-Verify clause. The Customer
Satisfaction Model for FAR Users is shown below and the model structure used for FAR Users is the
same as the overall USCIS model.
USCIS E-Verify FAR Users Customer Satisfaction Model
For FAR users, Registration and Using E-Verify have very high impacts on satisfaction, but the other
drivers (Tutorial, TNC Resolution and Photo Matching) have very little impact. It is recommended to
focus improvement on those key drivers with the lowest performance.
Using E-Verify
TNC Resolution
Photo Matching
Customer Service
Internet Use
Non-modeled components
The 90% confidence interval around the E-Verify customer satisfaction index is +/-1.3points.
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
The main findings section of this report will focus on the Cross-Section or All group of USCIS
results, which were sampled in a way to be representative of all E-Verify users.
Drivers of Satisfaction
Impact on Satisfaction 1.0
Most respondents (86%) from organizations who had enrolled in the last year had personally registered
their organization with E-Verify. Registration has an impact of 1.0 on satisfaction, which makes it one of
the higher-impact areas. The score holds at 85 with no significant changes in score among its
attributes. User Name, Password and E-Verify Web Address are all received quickly (89). Submitting
registration information remains easy (86). The instructions on how to enroll (84) and memorandum of
understanding (84) are both clear. While the lowest rating among Registration attributes is the ease of
the registration process overall, with a score of 81 it is clearly not that problematic for users.
Awareness / Registration
Speed of receiving User Name, Password and E-Verify
Web Address
Ease of submitting registration information
Memorandum of understanding makes responsibilities
and next steps clear
Clarity of instructions on how to enroll
Ease of registration process overall
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Impact on Satisfaction 1.3
Ninety-six percent (96%) of respondents who enrolled in E-Verify in the past 12 months completed the
training and online tutorial. Of these 92% thought the training was useful in helping employers pass the
mastery test and nearly the same percentage (93%) thought the tutorial and master test adequately
prepare employers to use E-Verify. While these percentages are high they are down slightly from last
year when 96% thought training was useful in passing the mastery test and 95% thought the tutorial
and master test prepared employers to use E-Verify.
Tutorial remains one of higher-impact areas (1.3) and its score is unchanged from last year (85). There
were no significant changes its six attribute scores from last year either. Information in the User Manual
remains helpful (87). Online training continues to provide users with understandable content (86) and
accessible (86) and useful (85) resources. Overall, the training process is easy (85) and rates well for
the amount of time required (83).
Those who rated the ease of the training process overall lower than “6” (on a 1-10 scale) had the
opportunity to provide comment on the reason for their low rating. The complete list of verbatims is
included in the Appendix D of this report.
Helpfulness of information in User Manual
Ease of taking online training in terms of understanding
Ease of accessing online resources
Usefulness of online resources
Ease of training process overall
Ease of completing online training in terms of time
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Using E-Verify
Impact on Satisfaction 1.4
Again in 2012, 92% of respondents had used E-Verify in the past six months. As might be expected,
Using E-Verify had the most impact on satisfaction with E-Verify with an impact of 1.4. This component
also is among the highest rated areas with a score of 91, which is up from last year’s score of 90.
The initial response from E-Verify is very quick (94) and submitting I-9 information is easy (91). The
next steps described in the response are clear (89) and the site itself is easy to navigate (89).
Using E-Verify
Speed of receiving an initial response from E-Verify
Ease of submitting I-9 information on E-Verify
Clarity of next steps as described in the response
Ease of navigating the E-Verify site
Using E-Verify
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Tentative Non-confirmation Resolution
Impact on Satisfaction 0.7
Just under one-quarter (23%) of respondents received a Tentative Nonconfirmation (TNC) to any of
their queries of the past six months. Of those with a TNC, just over half (55%) had received only one
and 36% received between two and five.
The TNC Resolution Process remains the lowest rated area (81) with a one-point improvement from
last year. Its impact on satisfaction is a relatively modest 0.7. Speed of resolving the case improved 2
points to 82. Ease of resolving the case and clarity of communications about steps involved in the
resolution process remained unchanged from last year (80).
Those who rated the ease of resolving the case lower than 6” (on a 1-10 scale) had the opportunity to
provide comment on the reason for their low rating. The complete list of verbatims is included in the
Appendix D of this report.
Tentative Nonconfirmation Resolution
Speed of resolving the case
Ease of resolving the case
Clarity of communications about the steps involved in the
resolution process
Resolution Process
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Photo Matching
Impact on Satisfaction 0.6
Nearly half (48%) of respondents had been prompted to match a photo while using E-Verify in the past
6 months. Most (93%) who were prompted to match a photo had the required technology to complete
the photo matching process. Photo Matching has a more modest impact on satisfaction this year with
an impact of 0.6. However, it remains the highest rated area with a score unchanged at 95. The
process of matching photos was found to be easy (95) and users believe the process is helpful in
preventing fraud (94).
Photo Matching
Ease of photo matching process
Helpfulness in preventing fraud
Photo Matching
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Non-Modeled Components
Customer Service
Just 13% of respondents contacted E-Verify Customer Service in the past six months. Given the small
proportion of all respondents this represents, Customer Service was not included in the customer
satisfaction model. Scores improved significantly from last year with a four-point increase to 92. This
indicates a very high level of service. Professionalism (94) was the highest rated attribute.
Communication skills (92) are strong as is the ability to understand customers’ questions (91).
Representatives were easy to access (91) and reps did a very good job in providing guidance on
Ninety-four percent (94%) of respondents were either very or somewhat satisfied with Customer
Of those who contacted Customer Service, only 19% were transferred during their call. This is down
from 32% last year. Just under three-fourths (73%) of those transferred were transferred once and 24%
were transferred twice. Among those who were transferred, Customer Service prior to transfer was
rated 79 and after transfer it was 84. Eighty-eighty percent (88%) thought the wait before transfer was
Again this year, 4% of respondents contacted customer service by e-mail. Ratings improved
significantly to 82 for Customer Service by e-mail. Last year this score was just 66.
Most who contacted customer service had their issue resolved (93%). This was up from last year’s
87%. In both 2011 and 2012, 87% had their issue resolved in their first call.
Customer Service
Communication skills
Ability to understand your questions/issue
Ease of accessing representative
Providing guidance on policy/questions
Customer Service
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Technical Assistance
Just 4% of respondents had contacted Technical Assistance in the past six months. This is too low of a
percentage of responses to calculate impacts for this component in the customer satisfaction model.
Despite a slight slip in score, down 2 points to 89, Technical Assistance remains a highly rated area.
Technical Assistance staff remain highly professional with strong communication skills as both scored
90. Their technical guidance (90) resolves usersissues and they have excellent knowledge of technical
issues (89) and are able to understand users’ questions (89). Only ease of accessing representative
scored as low as 85.
Technical Assistance continues to resolve most usersissues as 94% of respondents who contacted
them had their issue resolved.
Technical Assistance
Communication skills
Technical guidance resolving your issue
Ability to understand your questions/issue
Knowledge of technical issues
Ease of accessing representative
Technical Assistance
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Internet Use
Respondents rated their interest in using the Internet to get answers to questions or help with problems
instead of contacting E-Verify. For this question a score of “0” means “not interested” and a score of
“100” meansextremely interested.
Interest in using the Internet rather than contacting E-Verify by phone or e-mail seems to be lower this
year compared to last year with a score of 72, which is down 6 points from 2011.
Internet Use
Interested to use the Internet rather than having to call or
email E-Verify
Internet Use Interest in using Internet Help
This question was not part of the customer satisfaction model but rather was to gauge the interest in using the Internet
instead of calling or e-mailing E-Verify.
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
System Integrity
While 63% of users believe that E-Verify is doing enough to ensure companies using E-Verify adhere to
policies, this is a drop from last year when this figure was 71%.
There was a similar drop in the belief that adequate safeguards are in place to ensure that employers
use the E-Verify system properly. In 2011, 77% of users thought there were adequate safeguards but in
2012, only 70% thought safeguards were adequate.
Outreach and Communications
The employee’s company/HR/Corporate Office (26%) was again mentioned by approximately one-
quarter of respondents as to how they first learned about E-Verify. Far fewer mentioned Local, State or
Federal Government this year (16%). Last year over one-quarter of respondents mentioned
government as how they learned about E-Verify. E-Verify materials and the E-Verify website collectively
accounted for 16% of mentions.
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
How did you first learn about E-Verify
E-Verify materials or presentation 5% 131 8% 110
E-Verify website 6% 171 8% 102
USCIS or SSA materials or presentation 4% 106 5% 68
USCIS or SSA website 2% 55 2% 25
My Company/HR/Corporate Office 25% 660 26% 349
Colleague/Employee 4% 119 4% 56
Local, State or Federal Government 27% 711 16% 217
Print advertisement 0% 12 1% 19
Online advertisement 1% 30 1% 14
Radio advertisement 1% 14 0% 4
Billboard advertisement 0% 0 0% 0
Media coverage 3% 91 5% 61
Information from a client 4% 107 4% 57
Information from a professional organization 9% 228 9% 125
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement audit or visit 1% 21 1% 15
Other 8% 205 10% 129
Number of Respondents
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Local, State and Federal Government and Company/HR/Corporate Office were also most mentioned
when users were asked how they learned about the requirement.
Improving ability to verify work authorization was again the most cited reason for company’s signing up
for E-Verify with the same percentage (41%) mentioning it in 2012 as in 2011. Requirements from State
or Local Government (38%) and Federal Government requirements (29%) were also frequently
mentioned as reasons for signing up.
~Multiple answers allowed
Three-fifths (60%) of those who were required to use E-Verify would be very likely to continue to do so
even if not required and another quarter (25%) would be somewhat likely to continue to use it without a
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
How did you learn about requirement to participate in E-Verify
E-Verify materials or presentation 6% 46 7% 64
E-Verify website 9% 61 8% 72
USCIS or SSA materials or presentation 4% 29 3% 31
USCIS or SSA website 1% 8 1% 9
My Company/HR/Corporate Office 15% 106 26% 230
Colleague/Employee 2% 17 3% 23
Local, State or Federal Government 0% 0 30% 263
Print advertisement 2% 12 1% 8
Online advertisement 1% 5 0% 1
Radio advertisement 0% 2 0% 2
Media coverage 9% 62 3% 30
Information from a client 18% 129 4% 37
Information from a professional organization 17% 120 8% 74
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement audit or visit 0% 2 0% 2
Other 16% 112 5% 45
Number of Respondents
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
Why did your company sign up for E-Verify~
Parent company required participation 11% 293 11% 151
State or local government required participation 33% 871 38% 509
Federal government required participation 31% 822 29% 386
To satisfy a client request 9% 250 9% 117
Believed using E-Verify would help avoid an ICE audit 14% 378 14% 195
To improve ability to verify work authorization 41% 1,101 41% 549
Believed it would make us more competitive with others in our industry 6% 150 6% 79
Other 4% 96 4% 52
Number of Respondents
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
Likelihood to continue using E-Verify if
no longer required to do so
Very likely 61% 897 60% 531
Somewhat likely 26% 380 25% 220
Not Too Likely 7% 109 8% 73
Not At All Likely 6% 87 8% 67
Number of Respondents
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
E-mail remains the most preferred method of receiving information about changes or updates to E-
Verify with 85% preferring it. E-mail (46%) and phone (34%) remain the most preferred methods of
contacting E-Verify for help.
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
How would you prefer to get information about
changes or updates to E-Verify
E-mail 86% 2,271 85% 1,148
Fax 0% 6 0% 3
Mailer 2% 50 3% 44
E-Verify system broadcast message 3% 71 2% 32
Phone call 0% 6 0% 2
Through the E-Verify website 9% 235 9% 115
Live presentation 0% 5 0% 2
Other 0% 8 0% 5
Number of Respondents
How would prefer to contact E-Verify for help
E-mail 46% 1,213 46% 615
Fax 0% 1 0% 0
Mail 0% 4 0% 1
Text or web chat 5% 140 6% 80
Phone call 40% 1,072 34% 464
Through the E-Verify website 8% 214 14% 184
Other 0% 8 1% 7
Number of Respondents
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Three outcome behaviors were measured in the survey: likelihood to recommend, confidence in the
accuracy of the program and likelihood to participate in the program in the future. Scores shown in the
graphic below reflect average scores for each outcome on a 0 to 100 scale and not percentages. E.g.,
the average respondent rates their likelihood to participate in E-Verify in the future at 94; not 94% of
respondents would be likely to participate in E-Verify in the future. Respondents remain highly likely to
participate in the future (94). They also remain very confident in the accuracy of the program (87) and
are likely to recommend (86) E-Verify.
Satisfaction continues to have a high impact on recommendation behavior with an impact of 5.2.
Satisfaction also has a high impact on the confidence in accuracy with an impact of 3.8. Likelihood to
participate in the future was less impacted by satisfaction with an impact of 2.1. Given that
requirements or other reasons besides satisfaction may be driving the participation in the E-Verify
program, satisfaction’s lower impact on this behavior should be expected.
Future Participation
Confident in Accuracy
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Priority Matrix
By plotting performance (along the vertical axis) against impact on satisfaction (along the horizontal
axis) the matrix below illustrates the performance of each satisfaction driver compared to the impact it
has on satisfaction. Those drivers in the lower right-hand corner are the lower-performing, higher-
impact areas and should be a priority. Given the high scores for all of E-Verify’s drivers no area falls
into this region of the matrix.
The areas of Using E-Verify, Tutorial and Registration have higher impacts (1.0 or greater) and high
performance scores. Improvements to these areas may be difficult, given the high level of performance
but if they were to be achieved satisfaction would be impacted. The area of Photo Matching is a very
high-performing areas and has a modest impact. Rather than seeking to improve this area, maintain the
current processes surrounding Photo Matching. TNC Resolution scores lower relative to the other
drivers but with a score of 81 and somewhat lower impact, there is no need to make improvements to
the process at this time.
Monitor Key Action Area
Higher Impact
Lower Performing
Maintain/Improve Maintain
Lower Impact
Higher Performing
Higher Impact
Higher Performing
Lower Impact
Lower Performing
Registration Tutorial
TNC Resolution
Impact on Satisfaction
Photo Matching
1.5 2.0
Using E-Verify
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
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USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
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USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
E-Verify Customer Survey 2012
Final Version
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) would like to have feedback from employers
who have enrolled in E-Verifythe Internet-based system that allows employers to electronically verify
the employment eligibility of newly-hired employees, and in certain instances, existing employees.
Please take a few moments to respond to our survey.
In order to assure confidentiality, the survey is being administered by a third-party customer satisfaction
research organization, CFI Group. They will treat all information you provide as confidential. Moreover,
all information you provide will be combined with that of others for research and reporting purposes
only. Individual responses will not be released.
This survey has been approved by the Office of Management and Budget Control and is authorized
under number 1090-0007.
Awareness / Registration
QA. USCIS records indicate that your company is currently enrolled in E-Verify. Is that correct?
2. No Thank You. We will re-check our records. (TERMINATE)
QB. We would like the person who responds to this survey to be someone who is knowledgeable about
why your company signed up for E-Verify and your company’s use of E-Verify. Your name was
provided as someone who would be appropriate to respond. Is that correct?
1. Yes (SKIP TO Q1.)
QC. We would appreciate it if you would either:
(1) Forward the e-mail link for the survey to the person at your company who could best answer
our questions about your company’s use of E-Verify. [Please forward to just one person.]
(2) Provide us the name and e-mail address for that person.
NAME: ____________________________________________________
E-MAIL ADDRESS: ________________________________________
Thank you very much, we appreciate your assistance. (TERMINATE)
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q1a. How did you first learn about E-Verify? (Select only one.)
1. E-Verify materials or presentation
2. E-Verify web site
3. US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) or Social Security Administration (SSA)
materials or presentation
4. USCIS or SSA website
5. My Company / Human Resources (HR) / Corporate Office
6. Colleague / Employee
7. Local, State or Federal Government
8. Print advertisement
9. Online advertisement
10. Radio advertisement
11. Billboard advertisement
12. Media coverage (other than advertisements)
13. Information from a client
14. Information from a professional organization
15. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) audit or visit
16. Other (Please Specify: _______________ )
Q1b. When did you learn about E-Verify?
1. Within the last six months
2. Within the last six to 12 months
3. One or two years ago
4. More than two years ago
5. Don’t remember
Q2. Why did your company sign up for E-Verify? (Select all that apply.)
1. Parent company required participation
2. Required to by state or local government / state or local contractor [ASK Q3a.]
3. Required to by federal government / federal contractor [ASK Q3a.]
4. To satisfy a client’s request
5. Believed using E-Verify would help us to avoid a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
(ICE) audit, raid, or fine
6. To improve ability to verify work authorization
7. Believed it would make us more competitive with others in our industry
8. Other (Please Specify: _______________ )
[IF “1”,“2” OR “3” IS CHECKED IN Q2. ASK Q3a.]
Q3a. If your company was no longer required to use E-Verify, how likely is it that you would continue to
use it anyway?
1. Very likely (SKIP TO Q4.)
2. Somewhat likely (SKIP TO Q4.)
3. Not Too Likely (CONTINUE)
4. Not At All Likely (CONTINUE)
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q3b. Why do you say that? {OPEN-END}
[IF “1”,“2” OR “3” IS CHECKED IN Q2. ASK Q3c.]
Q3c. If your company participates in E-Verify because it is required to do so, how did you learn about
that requirement? (Select only one.)
1. E-Verify materials or presentation
2. E-Verify web site
3. US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) or Social Security Administration (SSA)
materials or presentation
4. USCIS or SSA website
5. My Company / Human Resources (HR) / Corporate Office
6. Colleague / Employee
7. Local, State or Federal Government
8. Print advertisement
9. Online advertisement
10. Radio advertisement
11. Billboard advertisement
12. Media coverage (other than advertisements)
13. Information from a client
14. Information from a professional organization
15. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) audit or visit
16. Other (Please Specify: _______________ )
Q4. When did your organization enroll with E-Verify?
6. Within the last six months
7. Within the last six to 12 months
8. One or two years ago (SKIP TO USE Q11a.)
9. More than two years ago (SKIP TO USE Q11a.)
Q5. Did you enroll your organization with E-Verify?
1. Yes, I personally enrolled our organization (CONTINUE)
2. No, someone else in our organization enrolled us with E-Verify (SKIP TO TUTORIAL Q7.)
3. Don’t Know (SKIP TO TUTORIAL Q7.)
Q6. Next, think about the process when you enrolled your organization for E-Verify.
Please rate the following using a 10-point scale where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent.”
a. Clarity of instructions on how to enroll
b. Memorandum of understanding making the employer’s responsibilities and next steps clear
c. Ease of submitting registration information
d. Speed of receiving User Name, Password and E-Verify Web Address
e. Ease of registration process overall (including the required testing)
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q6f. What is your reason for rating ease of registration process overall lower than “6”? (OPEN
Q7. Did you complete the training and online tutorial that is part of the E-Verify sign up process?
2. No (SKIP TO USE Q11a.)
Q8. Now, think about the training and online tutorial that is part of the sign up process.
Please rate the following using a 10-point scale where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent.”
[ROTATE “a” THRU “d”; “e” MUST BE LAST.]
a. Ease of taking online training in terms of understanding content
b. Ease of completing online training in terms of time required
c. Ease of accessing online resources
d. Usefulness of online resources
e. Ease of training process overall
Q8f. What is your reason for rating ease of training lower than “6”? (OPEN END)
Q8g. Have you used the User Manual?
1. Yes (CONTINUE TO 8h)
2. No (SKIP TO Q9)
Please rate the following using a 10-point scale where “1” is “poor” and “10 is “excellent.”
8h. Helpfulness of information in User Manual
Q9. Is the training provided useful in helping employers pass the required test?
1. Yes
2. No
3. Don’t Know
Q10. Do the tutorial and required test adequately prepare employers to use E-Verify effectively?
1. Yes
2. No
3. Don’t Know
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q11a. Have you used E-Verify in the past six (6) months?
1. Yes (SKIP TO Q12.)
3. Don’t Know (CONTINUE)
Q11b. Have you ever used E-Verify?
2. No (SKIP TO Q11e.)
3. DK (SKIP TO Q11e.)
Q11c. About how long has it been since you last used E-Verify?
1. Seven to 12 months
2. One to two years
3. More than two years
Q11d. Why haven’t you used E-Verify within the past six months?
a. Have not hired any new employees in past six months
b. No longer want to participate in E-Verify
c. It was too hard / difficult to use the E-Verify system
d. No longer see any value to using E-Verify
e. Using E-Verify required us to let go of some existing employees
f. Using E-Verify made us less competitive in the market-place
g. No one on our current staff has completed the E-Verify tutorial
h. Other (Please Specify: _______________ )
[ALL IN Q11d. SKIP TO Q12.]
Q11e. Why have you never used E-Verify?
1. Have not hired any new employees since enrolling in E-Verify
2. Do not want to participate in E-Verify
3. It seems too hard / difficult to use the E-Verify system
4. Do not see any value to using E-Verify
5. Using E-Verify may require us to let go of some existing employees
6. Using E-Verify will make us less competitive in the market-place
7. No one ever completed the E-Verify tutorial
8. Other (Please Specify: _______________ )
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q12. Which best describes your organization as a user of E-Verify?
1. General User -- users of E-Verify that are NOT employment services providers, E-Verify
Employer Agents (formerly Designated Agents), or the user of an E-Verify Employer Agent.
2. Temporary Agency or Employment Agency -- users of E-Verify that provide employment
services to other employers, that is, provide them with permanent or temporary workers.
3. E-Verify Employer Agent (formerly Designated Agent) -- users of E-Verify that enrolled for E-
Verify as an E-Verify Employer (or Designated) Agent, that is, as a company that provides E-
Verify services to other employers for a fee.
Q13. Which best describes how frequently you use E-Verify?
1. Once a week or more
2. Two or three times a month
3. About once a month
4. Once every few months
5. Once or twice a year
6. Less than once a year
Using E-Verify
Q14. Now, think about using E-Verify system.
Please rate the following using a 10-point scale where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent.”
[ROTATE “a” THRU “d”.]
a. Ease of navigating the E-Verify site
b. Ease of submitting I-9 information on E-Verify
c. Speed of receiving an initial response from E-Verify
d. Clarity of next steps as described in the response
Q15a. Have you received a Tentative Nonconfirmation (TNC) in any of the cases you have submitted
to E-Verify in the past 6 months?
3. Don’t know (SKIP TO PHOTO MATCHING Q17.)
Q15b. Approximately how many Tentative Nonconfirmations (TNCs) have you received in the past 6
1. 1
2. 2 - 5
3. 6 - 9
4. 10 - 24
5. 25 or more
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q16. Now think about the Tentative Nonconfirmation resolution process. Please rate the following
using a 10-point scale where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent.”
[ROTATE “a” AND “b”; “c” MUST BE LAST.]
a. Speed of resolving the case
b. Clarity of communications about the steps involved in the resolution process
c. Ease of resolving the case
Q16d. What is your reason for rating ease of resolving case lower than “6”? (OPEN END)
Photo Matching
Q17. In the past 6 months while using E-Verify have you been prompted to match a photo?
Q18. Please rate the photo matching process in E-Verify on the following using a 10-point scale where
“1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent.” [ROTATE “a” AND “b”.]
a. Ease of photo matching process
b. Helpfulness in preventing fraud
Q19. Do you typically have convenient access to the required technology (e.g. fax, digital camera,
copier, scanner, etc.) that is necessary to complete the photo matching process?
1. Yes
2. No
3. Don’t Know
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Customer Service
Q20a. Have you contacted E-Verify customer service by phone (1-888-464-4218) in the past six
2. No (SKIP TO Q24a.)
3. Don’t Know (SKIP TO Q24a.)
1. Yes
2. No
3. Don’t know
Q20c. Overall, how satisfied were you with your experience when you contacted E-Verify customer
1. Very satisfied (SKIP TO Q21a.)
2. Somewhat satisfied (SKIP TO Q21a.)
3. Somewhat dissatisfied (CONTINUE)
4. Very dissatisfied (CONTINUE)
Q20d. What caused you to be dissatisfied with your experience when you called E-Verify customer
service? (OPEN END) ____________________
Q21a. Think about your most recent call to E-Verify customer service, were you transferred during that
2. No (SKIP TO Q22.1.)
3. Don’t Know (SKIP TO Q22.1.)
Q21b. Was the amount of time you had to wait before the transferred call was answered acceptable to
you or did you feel it was too long?
1. Acceptable
2. Too long
Q21c. During that call how many times were you transferred?
1. Once
2. Twice
3. Three times
4. More than three times
[ALL IN Q21c. SKIP TO Q22.2.]
Q22.1 Think about the customer service that you received regarding E-Verify. Please rate the
customer service representative who assisted you on the following using a 10-point scale
where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent.” [ROTATE “a” THRU “e”.]
a. Ease of accessing representative
b. Professionalism
c. Communication skills
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
d. Ability to understand your questions/issue
e. Providing guidance on policy/questions
[ALL IN Q22.1. SKIP TO Q23a.]
Q22.2. Think about the customer service that you received regarding E-Verify BEFORE your call was
transferred. Please rate the customer service representative(s) who assisted you on the
following using a 10-point scale where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent.” [ROTATE “a”
THRU “e”.]
a. Ease of accessing representative
b. Professionalism
c. Communication skills
d. Ability to understand your questions/issue
e. Providing guidance on policy/questions
Q22.3. Think about the customer service that you received regarding E-Verify AFTER your call was
transferred. Please rate the customer service representative(s) who assisted you then on the
following using a 10-point scale where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent.” [ROTATE “a”
THRU “e”.]
a. Ease of accessing representative
b. Professionalism
c. Communication skills
d. Ability to understand your questions/issue
e. Providing guidance on policy/questions
Q23a. Thinking about your most recent call to E-Verify customer service, was your question answered
or issue resolved?
2. No (GO TO Q24a.)
3. Don’t Know (GO TO Q24a.)
Q23b. How many calls were needed to resolve your issue?
1. Resolved during first call
2. Needed to call back one additional time to resolve issue
3. Needed to call back two additional times to resolve issue
4. Needed to call back three or more additional times to resolve issue
Q24a. Have you contacted E-Verify customer service by email (E-Verif[email protected]) in the past six
b. No (SKIP TO Q27.)
c. Don’t Know (SKIP TO Q27.)
Q24b. Overall, how satisfied were you with your experience when you emailed E-Verify customer
1. Very satisfied (SKIP TO Q25.)
2. Somewhat satisfied (SKIP TO Q25.)
3. Somewhat dissatisfied (CONTINUE)
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
4. Very dissatisfied (CONTINUE)
Q24c. What caused you to be dissatisfied with your experience when you emailed E-Verify customer
service? (OPEN END)
Q25 Please rate the customer service you received when you emailed E-Verify on the following using a
10-point scale where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent.” [ROTATE “a” THRU “d”.]
a. Ability to understand your questions/issue
b. The timeliness with which you received a response
c. Communication skills in the response you received
d. Providing guidance on policy/questions
Q26. Thinking about your most recent email to E-Verify customer service, was your question answered
or issue resolved?
1. Yes
2. No
3. Don’t Know
Q27. How interested would you be in using the Internet to get answers to questions or help with
problems on your own, anytime, rather than having to call or email E-Verify? Please use a 10-
point scale on which “1” means “not interested” and “10” means “extremely interested.
Technical Assistance
Q28a. Have you contacted E-Verify technical assistance (1-800-741-5023) in the past 6 months?
(This is a toll-free customer service line available to employers for assistance in resolving
technical questions about the E-Verify operating system.)
Q28b. Was the amount of time you had to wait before the transferred call was answered
acceptable to you or did you feel it was too long?
1. Acceptable
2. Too long
Q.29. Think about the technical assistance that you received when you contacted E-Verify. Please rate
the representative(s) who assisted you on the following using a 10-point scale where “1” is
“poor” and “10” is “excellent.” [ROTATE “a” THRU “f”.]
a. Ease of accessing representative
b. Professionalism
c. Communication skills
d. Ability to understand your questions/issue
e. Knowledge of technical issues
f. Technical guidance resolving your issue
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q30a. Was your reason or issue you called technical assistance resolved?
Q30b. How many calls were needed to resolve your issue?
1. Resolved during first call
2. Needed to call back one additional time to resolve issue
3. Needed to call back two additional times to resolve issue
4. Needed to call back three or more additional times to resolve issue
System Integrity
Q31. In your opinion, do you think E-Verify is doing enough to ensure that companies using E-Verify
adhere to the program’s policies and regulations?
1. Yes
2. Not Sure / Do not know
3. No
Q32. In your opinion, does E-Verify have adequate safeguards in place to ensure that employers use
the E-Verify system properly?
1. Yes
2. Not Sure / Do not know
3. No
[IF Q31. OR Q32. IS “NO”, ASK Q33.]
Q33. Please describe, briefly, what you think E-Verify should be doing to make sure that companies
adhere to the program’s policies and regulations and/or use the system properly. [OPEN END]
Q34. How would you prefer to get information about changes or updates to E-Verify? (Select only
1. E-mail
2. Fax
3. Mailer
4. E-Verify system broadcast message
5. Phone call
6. Through the E-Verify website
7. Live presentation
8. Other (Please specify: _______________ )
Q35. How would prefer to contact E-Verify for help? (Select only one.)
1. E-mail
2. Fax
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
3. Mail
4. Text or web chat
5. Phone call
6. Through the E-Verify website
7. Other (Please specify: _______________ )
Q36. How interested would you be in communicating with peers to get help and share ideas about E-
Verify or using the system? Please use a 10-point scale on which “1” meansnot interested and
“10” means “extremely interested.
ACSI Benchmark Questions
As part of the lead-in to this series of questions, include something like:
“This includes things like the enrollment and tutorial process and,
if applicable, running cases in E-Verify and calling customer or technical service.”
ACSI-1. First, please consider your overall experiences during the past year with E-Verify.
Using a 10-point scale on which “1” means “very dissatisfied” and “10” means “very satisfied,”
how satisfied are you with E-Verify?
ACSI-2. To what extent has E-Verify met your expectations?
Please use a 10-point scale on which "1" means "not met your expectations" and "10" means,
"exceeds your expectations."
ACSI-3. Now, imagine the ideal online verification service. How well does E-Verify compare with that
Please use a 10-point scale on which "1" means "Not very close to the ideal" and "10" means
"Very close to the ideal."
ACSI-4. If asked how likely would you be to recommend the E-Verify program to others?
Please use a 10-point scale where “1” means “Not Very Likely” and “10” means “Very likely.”
ACSI-5. How confident are you in the accuracy of the E-Verify program? Please use a 10-point scale
where “1” means “Not Very Confident” and “10” means “Very Confident.”
ACSI-6. How likely are you to continue to participate in the E-Verify program in the future?
Please use a 10-point scale where “1’ means “Not Very Likely” and “10” means “Very Likely.”
ACSI-7. Please provide any final comments on how we can improve E-Verify to better serve you.
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
D1. In which state are you located?
D2. How many people do you employ?
1. 1 4
2. 5 - 29
3. 30 - 99
4. 100 - 299
5. 300 999
6. 1,000 - 9,999
7. 10,000+
D3. Do you consider yourself a small business?
1. Yes
2. No
3. Don’t Know
D4. Which category among the list below best describes the primary industry in which your company
or organization conducts business? (Select one)
1. Agriculture / Food Processing
2. Defense / Defense Industry
3. Communications / Media
4. Construction / General Contracting
5. Education (all levels)
6. Engineering (of any kind)
7. Financial Services (Banking, Insurance, Finance, etc.)
8. Healthcare / Public Health
9. Hospitality (Hotel / Motel / Restaurant, etc.)
10. Information Technology
11. Manufacturing
12. Non-Profit / Not-for-Profit
13. Sales Retail or Wholesale
14. Staffing / Personnel
15. Transportation
16. Utilities / Energy / Natural Resources
17. Professional Services / Consulting (Medicine, Law, Architecture, Research etc.)
18. Government Services
19. Other (Please Specify: _______________)
Thank you for participating in this survey.
We greatly appreciate your time and effort and value the information you have provided.
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
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USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
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USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
How did you first learn about E-Verify
E-Verify materials or presentation 5% 131 8% 110
E-Verify website 6% 171 8% 102
USCIS or SSA materials or presentation 4% 106 5% 68
USCIS or SSA website 2% 55 2% 25
My Company/HR/Corporate Office 25% 660 26% 349
Colleague/Employee 4% 119 4% 56
Local, State or Federal Government 27% 711 16% 217
Print advertisement 0% 12 1% 19
Online advertisement 1% 30 1% 14
Radio advertisement 1% 14 0% 4
Billboard advertisement 0% 0 0% 0
Media coverage 3% 91 5% 61
Information from a client 4% 107 4% 57
Information from a professional organization 9% 228 9% 125
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement audit or visit 1% 21 1% 15
Other 8% 205 10% 129
Number of Respondents
How did you learn about requirement to participate in E-Verify
E-Verify materials or presentation 6% 46 7% 64
E-Verify website 9% 61 8% 72
USCIS or SSA materials or presentation 4% 29 3% 31
USCIS or SSA website 1% 8 1% 9
My Company/HR/Corporate Office 15% 106 26% 230
Colleague/Employee 2% 17 3% 23
Local, State or Federal Government 0% 0 30% 263
Print advertisement 2% 12 1% 8
Online advertisement 1% 5 0% 1
Radio advertisement 0% 2 0% 2
Media coverage 9% 62 3% 30
Information from a client 18% 129 4% 37
Information from a professional organization 17% 120 8% 74
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement audit or visit 0% 2 0% 2
Other 16% 112 5% 45
Number of Respondents
Why did your company sign up for E-Verify~
Parent company required participation 11% 293 11% 151
State or local government required participation 33% 871 38% 509
Federal government required participation 31% 822 29% 386
To satisfy a client request 9% 250 9% 117
Believed using E-Verify would help avoid an ICE audit 14% 378 14% 195
To improve ability to verify work authorization 41% 1,101 41% 549
Believed it would make us more competitive with others in our industry 6% 150 6% 79
Other 4% 96 4% 52
Number of Respondents
Likelihood to continue using E-Verify if no longer required to do so
Very likely 61% 897 60% 531
Somewhat likely 26% 380 25% 220
Not Too Likely 7% 109 8% 73
Not At All Likely 6% 87 8% 67
Number of Respondents
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
When did your organization enroll with E-Verify
Within the last six months 10% 258 5% 73
Within the last six to twelve months 17% 444 19% 263
One or two years ago 43% 1,139 34% 455
More than two years ago 31% 820 41% 560
Number of Respondents
Did you enroll your organization with E-Verify
I personally enrolled our organization 81% 570 86% 288
Someone else in our organization enrolled us with E-Verify 18% 124 13% 45
Don´t know 1% 8 1% 3
Number of Respondents
Completed training and online tutorial during E-Verify sign up process
Completed the training 98% 689 96% 323
Did not complete the training 2% 13 4% 13
Number of Respondents
Is the training provided useful in helping employers pass the required test
Training provided is useful 96% 662 92% 298
Training provided is not useful 1% 8 1% 4
Don´t know 3% 19 7% 21
Number of Respondents
Tutorial and required test adequately prepare employers to use E-Verify
Test prepares employers 95% 656 93% 300
Test does not prepare employers 1% 5 2% 6
Don´t know 4% 28 5% 17
Number of Respondents
Have you used E-Verify in the past six months
Used E-Verify past 6 months 92% 2,441 92% 1,249
Have not used E-Verify in past 6 months 8% 204 6% 85
Don´t know 1% 16 1% 17
Number of Respondents
Have you ever used E-Verify
Used E-Verify 96% 211 100% 102
Have not used E-Verify 3% 7 0% 0
Don´t know 1% 2 0% 0
Number of Respondents
About how long has it been since you last used E-Verify
Seven to twelve months 76% 160 69% 70
One to two years 24% 50 28% 29
More than two years 0% 1 3% 3
Number of Respondents
Which best describes your organization as a user of E-Verify
General User 91% 2,415 89% 1,209
Temporary Agency or Employment Agency 6% 153 5% 67
E-Verify Employer Agent 3% 84 6% 75
Number of Respondents
Which best describes how frequently you use E-Verify
Once a week or more 17% 450 20% 272
Two or three times a month 22% 572 21% 289
About once a month 14% 380 15% 201
Once every few months 28% 731 25% 337
Once or twice a year 14% 383 14% 193
Less than once a year 5% 136 4% 59
Number of Respondents
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
Received a TNC in the past 6 months
Received TNC 24% 644 23% 314
Did not receive TNC 73% 1,924 73% 987
Don´t know 3% 84 4% 50
Number of Respondents
How many TNCs received in the past 6 months
One 55% 354 55% 173
2-5 37% 241 36% 114
6-9 5% 31 4% 14
10-24 2% 14 2% 5
25 or more 1% 4 3% 8
Number of Respondents
Past 6 months while using E-Verify have you been prompted to match a photo
Prompted to match a photo 44% 1,179 48% 643
Not prompted to match a photo 51% 1,355 48% 652
Don´t know 4% 118 4% 56
Number of Respondents
Have access to the required technology to complete the photo matching process
Have convenient access 94% 1,109 93% 601
Do not have convenient access 4% 45 4% 27
Don´t know 2% 25 2% 15
Number of Respondents
Contacted E-Verify customer service by phone in the past 6 months
Contacted customer service 15% 387 13% 174
Did not contact customer service 84% 2,217 84% 1,139
Don´t know 2% 48 3% 38
Number of Respondents
Satisfaction with your experience when you contacted E-Verify customer service
Very satisfied 67% 260 78% 136
Somewhat satisfied 23% 90 16% 28
Somewhat dissatisfied 5% 21 5% 9
Very dissatisfied 4% 16 1% 1
Number of Respondents
Transferred during most recent call to E-Verify customer service
Transferred during the call 32% 125 19% 33
Not transferred during the call 53% 206 68% 118
Don´t know 14% 56 13% 23
Number of Respondents
Amount of time you had to wait before the transfer was acceptable or too long
Acceptable 84% 105 88% 29
Too long 16% 20 12% 4
Number of Respondents
During that call how many times were you transferred
Once 74% 92 73% 24
Twice 20% 25 24% 8
Three times 2% 2 3% 1
More than three times 5% 6 0% 0
Number of Respondents
Issue resolved during most recent call to E-Verify customer service
Issue resolved 87% 335 93% 161
Issue not resolved 11% 41 6% 10
Don´t know 3% 11 2% 3
Number of Respondents
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
How many calls were needed to resolve your issue
Resolved during first call 87% 292 87% 140
Needed to call back one additional time to resolve issue 11% 36 11% 17
Needed to call back two additional times to resolve issue 1% 5 2% 4
Needed to call back three or more additional times to resolve issue 1% 2 0% 0
Number of Respondents
Contacted E-Verify customer service by email in the past 6 months
Emailed customer service 4% 118 4% 56
Have not emailed customer service 94% 2,487 93% 1,262
Don´t know 2% 47 2% 33
Number of Respondents
Satisfaction with your experience when you emailed E-Verify customer service
Very satisfied 39% 46 61% 34
Somewhat satisfied 27% 32 29% 16
Somewhat dissatisfied 15% 18 5% 3
Very dissatisfied 19% 22 5% 3
Number of Respondents
Question answered or issue resolved after emailing E-Verify customer service
Issue resolved after emailing 67% 79 80% 45
Issue not resolved after emailing 31% 37 11% 6
Don´t know 2% 2 9% 5
Number of Respondents
Have you contacted E-Verify technical assistance in the past 6 months
Contacted technical assistance 5% 122 4% 50
Have not contacted technical assistance 93% 2,475 94% 1,266
Don´t know 2% 55 3% 35
Number of Respondents
Amount of time before the call was transfer was acceptable or too long - TA
Acceptable 84% 103 94% 47
Too long 16% 19 6% 3
Number of Respondents
Was your reason or issue you called technical assistance resolved
Issue resolved 93% 113 94% 47
Issue not resolved 5% 6 6% 3
Don´t know 2% 3 0% 0
Number of Respondents
E-Verify is doing enough to ensure companies using E-Verify adhere to policies
Yes 71% 1,871 63% 848
Not Sure / Do not know 28% 755 36% 492
No 1% 26 1% 11
Number of Respondents
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
Adequate safeguards to ensure employers use E-Verify system properly
Yes 77% 2,031 70% 952
Not Sure / Do not know 23% 600 29% 390
No 1% 21 1% 9
Number of Respondents
How would you prefer to get information about changes or updates to E-Verify
E-mail 86% 2,271 85% 1,148
Fax 0% 6 0% 3
Mailer 2% 50 3% 44
E-Verify system broadcast message 3% 71 2% 32
Phone call 0% 6 0% 2
Through the E-Verify website 9% 235 9% 115
Live presentation 0% 5 0% 2
Other 0% 8 0% 5
Number of Respondents
How would prefer to contact E-Verify for help
E-mail 46% 1,213 46% 615
Fax 0% 1 0% 0
Mail 0% 4 0% 1
Text or web chat 5% 140 6% 80
Phone call 40% 1,072 34% 464
Through the E-Verify website 8% 214 14% 184
Other 0% 8 1% 7
Number of Respondents
AL 1% 34 7% 95
AK 0% 6 0% 1
AR 1% 24 1% 7
AZ 10% 276 9% 118
CA 8% 216 7% 88
CO 3% 80 3% 34
CT 0% 13 1% 12
DC 0% 11 0% 4
DE 0% 5 0% 1
FL 5% 130 4% 58
GA 6% 156 7% 90
GU 0% 2 0% 0
HI 1% 15 0% 1
ID 1% 14 1% 7
IA 1% 22 1% 14
IL 2% 59 2% 28
IN 2% 41 3% 36
KS 2% 43 1% 15
KY 1% 20 1% 7
LA 1% 21 2% 21
MA 2% 48 1% 16
MD 2% 43 2% 21
ME 0% 8 0% 3
MI 2% 49 2% 21
MN 2% 53 1% 19
MO 6% 158 5% 74
MS 2% 46 2% 21
MT 0% 7 0% 0
NC 3% 79 3% 38
ND 0% 6 0% 2
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
NE 2% 55 2% 22
NH 0% 13 0% 2
NJ 2% 46 2% 24
NM 0% 12 0% 2
NV 1% 23 1% 8
NY 2% 63 2% 29
OH 2% 45 2% 23
OK 1% 38 1% 16
OR 1% 21 1% 7
PA 2% 42 2% 25
PR 0% 2 0% 3
RI 0% 13 0% 4
SC 4% 104 8% 113
SD 0% 9 0% 5
TN 2% 43 2% 22
TX 5% 145 6% 82
UT 3% 83 2% 29
VA 4% 119 4% 48
VT 0% 2 0% 2
WA 2% 63 1% 19
WI 1% 28 1% 13
WV 0% 3 0% 0
WY 0% 4 0% 1
Number of Respondents
How many people do you employ
1-4 5% 142 5% 70
5-29 25% 664 29% 388
30-99 27% 720 26% 347
100-299 25% 659 23% 304
300-999 11% 295 12% 165
1,000-9,999 6% 157 5% 62
10,000+ 1% 24 1% 15
Number of Respondents
Do you consider yourself a small business
Small business 65% 1,740 69% 936
Not a small business 30% 800 27% 360
Don´t know 5% 121 4% 55
Number of Respondents
Primary industry in which your company or organization conducts business
Agriculture/Food 2% 44 2% 30
Defense/Defense Industry 2% 42 1% 18
Communications/Media 0% 11 1% 8
Construction/General Contracting 16% 419 14% 184
Education 3% 92 3% 40
Engineering 3% 83 3% 39
Financial Services 2% 64 3% 34
Healthcare/Public Health 8% 214 9% 122
Hospitality 5% 121 6% 80
Information Technology 5% 124 5% 61
Manufacturing 14% 370 12% 165
Non-Profit/Not-for-Profit 5% 135 5% 61
Sales - Retail or Wholesale 6% 150 7% 93
Staffing/Personnel 4% 96 4% 52
Transportation 3% 70 3% 47
Utilities/Energy/Natural Resources 1% 24 1% 15
Professional Services/Consulting 3% 93 4% 60
Government Services 5% 145 4% 57
Other 14% 364 14% 185
Number of Respondents
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
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USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Sample Size 2,661
Awareness / Registration 85 85
Clarity of instructions on how to enroll 85 84
Memorandum of understanding makes responsibilities and next steps clear 84 84
Ease of submitting registration information 87 86
Speed of receiving User Name, Password and E-Verify Web Address 88 89
Ease of registration process overall 82 81
Tutorial 85 85
Helpfulness of information in User Manual 85 87
Ease of taking online training in terms of understanding content 87 86
Ease of completing online training in terms of time required 82 83
Ease of accessing online resources 87 86
Usefulness of online resources 85 85
Ease of training process overall 85 85
Using E-Verify 90 91
Ease of navigating the E-Verify site 88 89 *
Ease of submitting I-9 information on E-Verify 90 91
Speed of receiving an initial response from E-Verify 94 94
Clarity of next steps as described in the response 89 89
Tentative Nonconfirmation Resolution 80 81
Speed of resolving the case 80 82
Clarity of communications about the steps involved in the resolution process 80 80
Ease of resolving the case 80 80
Photo Matching 95 95
Ease of photo matching process 95 95
Helpfulness in preventing fraud 95 94
Customer Service 88 92 *
Ease of accessing representative 87 91 *
Professionalism 90 94 *
Communication skills 89 92 *
Ability to understand your questions/issue 88 91
Providing guidance on policy/questions 86 91 *
Customer Service Prior transfer 80 79
Ease of accessing representative 79 80
Professionalism 87 85
Communication skills 82 81
Ability to understand your questions/issue 76 72
Providing guidance on policy/questions 73 74
All (Cross-Section)
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Sample Size 2,661
Customer Service after Transfer 84 84
Ease of accessing representative 84 82
Professionalism 88 88
Communication skills 85 88
Ability to understand your questions/issue 82 82
Providing guidance on policy/questions 81 80
Customer Service by Email 66 82 *
Ability to understand your questions/issue 73 85 *
The timeliness with which you received a response 56 81 *
Communication skills in the response you received 73 84 *
Providing guidance on policy/questions 69 82 *
Internet Use 78 72 *
Interested to use the Internet rather than having to call or email E-Verify 78 72 *
Technical Assistance 91 89
Ease of accessing representative 88 85
Professionalism 92 90
Communication skills 92 90
Ability to understand your questions/issue 90 89
Knowledge of technical issues 90 89
Technical guidance resolving your issue 90 90
Interested in Communicating with Peers 34 38 *
Interested in communicating with peers about E-Verify or using the system 34 38 *
Satisfaction 85 86 *
Overall satisfaction 86 87 *
Meets expectations 86 87
Compared to ideal 84 85
Recommend 85 86
How likely would you be to recommend the E-Verify program to others 85 86
Confident in Accuracy 88 87
How confident are you in the accuracy of the E-Verify program 88 87
Future Participation 94 94
Likelihood to continue to participate in the E-Verify program in the future 94 94
All (Cross-section) (cont.)
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Sample Size
Awareness / Registration 86 86
Clarity of instructions on how to enroll 86 85
Memorandum of understanding makes responsibilities and next steps clear 84 86
Ease of submitting registration information 87 87
Speed of receiving User Name, Password and E-Verify Web Address 88 90
Ease of registration process overall 83 83
Tutorial 85 85
Helpfulness of information in User Manual 85 86
Ease of taking online training in terms of understanding content 87 87
Ease of completing online training in terms of time required 83 83
Ease of accessing online resources 87 87
Usefulness of online resources 85 85
Ease of training process overall 85 85
Using E-Verify 91 91
Ease of navigating the E-Verify site 89 89
Ease of submitting I-9 information on E-Verify 91 91
Speed of receiving an initial response from E-Verify 94 94
Clarity of next steps as described in the response 90 90
Tentative Nonconfirmation Resolution 79 80
Speed of resolving the case 79 81
Clarity of communications about the steps involved in the resolution process 80 80
Ease of resolving the case 80 80
Photo Matching 95 94
Ease of photo matching process 95 95
Helpfulness in preventing fraud 94 94
Customer Service 89 91
Ease of accessing representative 88 90
Professionalism 91 93 *
Communication skills 90 91
Ability to understand your questions/issue 89 91
Providing guidance on policy/questions 86 89
Customer Service Prior transfer 80 82
Ease of accessing representative 79 82
Professionalism 86 86
Communication skills 82 85
Ability to understand your questions/issue 76 78
Providing guidance on policy/questions 72 77
Recent Users
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Sample Size
Customer Service after Transfer 84 87
Ease of accessing representative 83 85
Professionalism 87 89
Communication skills 85 88
Ability to understand your questions/issue 83 85
Providing guidance on policy/questions 82 83
Customer Service by Email 68 85 *
Ability to understand your questions/issue 75 85 *
The timeliness with which you received a response 56 85 *
Communication skills in the response you received 74 87 *
Providing guidance on policy/questions 71 83 *
Internet Use 79 72 *
Interested to use the Internet rather than having to call or email E-Verify 79 72 *
Technical Assistance 91 88
Ease of accessing representative 89 84
Professionalism 92 90
Communication skills 92 90
Ability to understand your questions/issue 91 89
Knowledge of technical issues 91 88
Technical guidance resolving your issue 91 89
Interested in Communicating with Peers 35 38 *
Interested in communicating with peers about E-Verify or using the system 35 38 *
Satisfaction 86 87 *
Overall satisfaction 86 88 *
Meets expectations 87 88 *
Compared to ideal 85 85
Recommend 86 86
How likely would you be to recommend the E-Verify program to others 86 86
Confident in Accuracy 88 88
How confident are you in the accuracy of the E-Verify program 88 88
Future Participation 94 94
Likelihood to continue to participate in the E-Verify program in the future 94 94
Recent Users (cont.)
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Sample Size
Awareness / Registration 86 86
Clarity of instructions on how to enroll 85 86
Memorandum of understanding makes responsibilities and next steps clear 84 86
Ease of submitting registration information 88 86
Speed of receiving User Name, Password and E-Verify Web Address 90 87
Ease of registration process overall 82 83
Tutorial 87 84
Helpfulness of information in User Manual 86 83
Ease of taking online training in terms of understanding content 89 85
Ease of completing online training in terms of time required 83 82
Ease of accessing online resources 89 87
Usefulness of online resources 86 85
Ease of training process overall 86 85
Using E-Verify 89 92 *
Ease of navigating the E-Verify site 87 90 *
Ease of submitting I-9 information on E-Verify 90 92 *
Speed of receiving an initial response from E-Verify 93 95 *
Clarity of next steps as described in the response 88 90 *
Tentative Nonconfirmation Resolution 81 78
Speed of resolving the case 80 78
Clarity of communications about the steps involved in the resolution process 81 79
Ease of resolving the case 82 79
Photo Matching 93 94
Ease of photo matching process 94 95
Helpfulness in preventing fraud 93 93
Customer Service 87 88
Ease of accessing representative 85 84
Professionalism 89 93 *
Communication skills 88 89
Ability to understand your questions/issue 86 88
Providing guidance on policy/questions 86 84
Customer Service Prior transfer 77 82
Ease of accessing representative 79 79
Professionalism 84 87
Communication skills 79 87
Ability to understand your questions/issue 72 76
Providing guidance on policy/questions 66 75
FAR Users
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Sample Size
Customer Service after Transfer 82 88
Ease of accessing representative 81 86
Professionalism 88 91
Communication skills 84 91 *
Ability to understand your questions/issue 79 87 *
Providing guidance on policy/questions 77 83
Customer Service by Email 72 86 *
Ability to understand your questions/issue 76 85
The timeliness with which you received a response 59 88 *
Communication skills in the response you received 77 87 *
Providing guidance on policy/questions 74 84
Internet Use 82 73 *
Interested to use the Internet rather than having to call or email E-Verify 82 73 *
Technical Assistance 85 85
Ease of accessing representative 83 76
Professionalism 87 87
Communication skills 86 87
Ability to understand your questions/issue 84 87
Knowledge of technical issues 85 85
Technical guidance resolving your issue 84 85
Interested in Communicating with Peers 34 40 *
Interested in communicating with peers about E-Verify or using the system 34 40 *
Satisfaction 84 88 *
Overall satisfaction 85 89 *
Meets expectations 85 89 *
Compared to ideal 82 85 *
Recommend 82 87 *
How likely would you be to recommend the E-Verify program to others 82 87 *
Confident in Accuracy 87 89 *
How confident are you in the accuracy of the E-Verify program 87 89 *
Future Participation 94 94
Likelihood to continue to participate in the E-Verify program in the future 94 94
FAR Users (cont.)
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012
Sample Size 936 360 55
Awareness / Registration 85 85 87 85 90 88
Clarity of instructions on how to enroll 85 84 87 84 91 90
Memorandum of understanding makes responsibilities and next steps clear 84 84 85 82 90 89
Ease of submitting registration information 87 86 88 85 90 93
Speed of receiving User Name, Password and E-Verify Web Address 88 89 90 90 90 89
Ease of registration process overall 82 82 86 81 88 79
Tutorial 84 84 90 86 91 90
Helpfulness of information in User Manual 84 87 89 83 91 93
Ease of taking online training in terms of understanding content 86 86 91 87 92 91
Ease of completing online training in terms of time required 80 83 88 84 88 86
Ease of accessing online resources 85 86 91 87 91 91
Usefulness of online resources 84 84 88 87 88 90
Ease of training process overall 84 84 90 88 91 89
Using E-Verify 89 90 92 91 93 94
Ease of navigating the E-Verify site 87 88 90 90 90 93
Ease of submitting I-9 information on E-Verify 90 91 92 91 93 94
Speed of receiving an initial response from E-Verify 93 94 94 94 97 96
Clarity of next steps as described in the response 88 89 90 90 91 92
Tentative Nonconfirmation Resolution 79 81 80 80 85 88
Speed of resolving the case 79 82 80 82 82 90
Clarity of communications about the steps involved in the resolution process 79 81 80 78 85 87
Ease of resolving the case 79 80 81 79 88 87
Photo Matching 95 95 94 94 97 98
Ease of photo matching process 95 95 95 95 97 99
Helpfulness in preventing fraud 95 94 94 94 96 98
Customer Service 89 91 86 93 96 95
Ease of accessing representative 87 91 86 91 96 94
Professionalism 91 93 88 95 97 95
Communication skills 90 90 86 94 96 95
Ability to understand your questions/issue 89 90 87 93 93 95
Providing guidance on policy/questions 85 90 84 91 97 94
Customer Service Prior transfer 84 82 78 75 78 87
Ease of accessing representative 82 81 75 78 83 100
Professionalism 89 86 84 81 88 100
Communication skills 84 84 81 75 79 100
Ability to understand your questions/issue 82 77 72 69 69 61
Providing guidance on policy/questions 79 79 69 70 63 61
Not a
(Cross Section) Do you consider yourself a small business?
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012
Sample Size 936 360 55
Customer Service after Transfer 87 83 82 84 85 100
Ease of accessing representative 87 81 80 82 87 100
Professionalism 89 87 86 87 89 100
Communication skills 88 87 83 87 87 100
Ability to understand your questions/issue 85 80 80 82 80 100
Providing guidance on policy/questions 84 79 79 78 80 100
Customer Service by Email 67 83 62 79 77 93
Ability to understand your questions/issue 71 87 76 80 84 93
The timeliness with which you received a response 58 82 50 79 50 93
Communication skills in the response you received 71 87 75 79 87 93
Providing guidance on policy/questions 67 84 72 77 72 93
Internet Use 77 73 80 72 75 64
Interested to use the Internet rather than having to call or email E-Verify 77 73 80 72 75 64
Technical Assistance 92 84 90 100 85 94
Ease of accessing representative 89 80 88 99 84 91
Professionalism 94 86 91 100 87 93
Communication skills 93 86 90 100 87 96
Ability to understand your questions/issue 91 84 90 100 83 96
Knowledge of technical issues 91 84 90 100 85 96
Technical guidance resolving your issue 91 85 89 100 83 93
Interested in Communicating with Peers 32 36 38 43 39 35
Interested in communicating with peers about E-Verify or using the system 32 36 38 43 39 35
Satisfaction 84 86 87 87 89 91
Overall satisfaction 85 87 88 88 90 92
Meets expectations 85 87 88 88 90 91
Compared to ideal 83 84 86 85 88 90
Recommend 84 85 88 86 90 89
How likely would you be to recommend the E-Verify program to others 84 85 88 86 90 89
Confident in Accuracy 87 87 89 88 89 91
How confident are you in the accuracy of the E-Verify program 87 87 89 88 89 91
Future Participation 93 93 95 96 96 97
Likelihood to continue to participate in the E-Verify program in the future 93 93 95 96 96 97
Not a
(Cross Section) Do you consider yourself a small business? (cont.)
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012
Sample Size 70 388 347 304 165 62 15
Awareness / Registration 78 80 84 85 87 88 90 85 89 84 82 82 -- 73
Clarity of instructions on how to enroll 77 79 84 86 87 85 90 84 89 82 76 79 -- 67
Memorandum of understanding makes responsibilities and next steps clear 75 78 83 86 86 88 87 82 86 79 86 79 -- 56
Ease of submitting registration information 79 81 86 85 87 89 92 86 89 90 86 79 -- 78
Speed of receiving User Name, Password and E-Verify Web Address 84 85 86 89 90 90 91 90 91 90 83 94 -- 89
Ease of registration process overall 75 77 81 79 82 87 89 84 86 81 77 76 -- 78
Tutorial 78 79 83 84 85 87 90 87 91 87 88 86 -- 89
Helpfulness of information in User Manual 77 79 83 89 85 89 89 87 91 81 84 81 -- 89
Ease of taking online training in terms of understanding content 78 82 86 85 87 88 91 87 93 87 89 89 -- 89
Ease of completing online training in terms of time required 75 76 80 81 81 86 88 86 87 86 87 84 -- 89
Ease of accessing online resources 80 81 84 85 87 87 91 89 91 89 89 86 -- 89
Usefulness of online resources 79 76 83 83 84 86 89 89 90 86 89 88 -- 89
Ease of training process overall 77 79 84 82 84 87 90 87 91 89 87 86 -- 89
Using E-Verify 83 83 88 90 91 92 93 92 92 93 90 86 84 91
Ease of navigating the E-Verify site 76 83 85 87 89 90 91 91 91 92 89 82 84 90
Ease of submitting I-9 information on E-Verify 82 82 89 90 91 93 93 92 92 93 90 86 85 93
Speed of receiving an initial response from E-Verify 89 86 92 94 95 95 96 95 95 95 94 91 87 94
Clarity of next steps as described in the response 82 84 86 88 90 90 92 90 90 91 87 83 80 89
Tentative Nonconfirmation Resolution 87 77 78 76 78 82 82 81 82 85 76 77 71 79
Speed of resolving the case 85 76 79 79 78 84 82 82 82 87 75 80 74 79
Clarity of communications about the steps involved in the resolution process 86 87 78 75 79 81 83 81 81 84 77 75 68 79
Ease of resolving the case 89 69 77 75 79 82 82 82 84 84 76 75 73 81
Photo Matching 95 91 95 95 95 95 96 95 95 94 92 95 87 91
Ease of photo matching process 94 92 94 95 95 96 96 95 96 94 92 94 87 95
Helpfulness in preventing fraud 96 91 95 94 95 95 96 95 94 93 92 95 87 87
Customer Service 87 93 88 86 89 92 87 93 93 94 80 92 -- 99
Ease of accessing representative 83
91 87 86 89 92 85 92 92 92 81 90 -- 100
rofessionalism 88 94 91 87 92 94 89 95 94 96 84 94 -- 100
Communication skills 88 91 90 86 89 90 88 94 94 95 80 93 -- 100
Ability to understand your questions/issue 89 93 91 84 89 91 86 93 94 94 81 90 -- 97
Providing guidance on policy/questions 88 94 89 84 84 91 85 93 91 93 74 88 -- 97
Customer Service Prior transfer 83 75 89 64 81 93 83 82 84 66 76 71 47 89
Ease of accessing representative 73 89 92 56 78 93 81 84 87 61 72 78 48 89
Professionalism 93 89 88 69 85 93 88 87 91 89 84 78 69 89
Communication skills 93 89 83 64 81 93 85 87 87 61 80 72 44 89
Ability to understand your questions/issue 73 50 93 64 81 92 79 75 76 56 71 61 35 89
Providing guidance on policy/questions 71 50 91 64 76 93 78 75 76 56 65 65 28 89
(Cross Section) How many do you employ?
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012
Sample Size 70 388 347 304 165 62 15
Customer Service after Transfer 82 76 94 65 80 92 87 92 90 74 81 84 55 89
Ease of accessing representative 73 89 95 58 81 92 86 89 92 61 79 82 54 89
Professionalism 93 89 94 69 81 92 90 92 92 89 84 89 76 89
Communication skills 93 89 95 67 79 93 89 92 92 89 83 89 50 89
Ability to understand your questions/issue 71 50 95 64 80 93 84 94 89 61 80 82 46 89
Providing guidance on policy/questions 73 50 89 64 80 92 85 92 86 61 78 75 46 89
Customer Service by Email 83 93 74 71 65 89 70 82 61 83 52 79 48 90
Ability to understand your questions/issue 76 95 77 77 67 89 77 82 74 84 78 81 44 94
The timeliness with which you received a response 85 87 64 69 59 92 54 85 43 81 41 81 50 78
Communication skills in the response you received 94 95 77 76 67 88 78 84 69 83 75 78 47 94
Providing guidance on policy/questions 76 95 75 70 61 89 74 77 69 84 64 78 50 100
Internet Use 89 67 77 71 72 72 81 73 83 73 65 76 94 82
Interested to use the Internet rather than having to call or email E-Verify 89 67 77 71 72 72 81 73 83 73 65 76 94 82
Technical Assistance 87 94 91 74 96 86 89 99 96 97 93 96 59 100
Ease of accessing representative 80 94 90 70 96 81 88 96 96 94 88 96 50 100
Professionalism 95 94 90 79 96 87 92 100 96 97 94 96 65 100
Communication skills 95 94 92 77 96 88 90 100 96 98 93 96 67 100
Ability to understand your questions/issue 81 94 95 72 96 87 88 100 96 98 94 96 56 100
Knowledge of technical issues 83 94 92 72 96 87 89 100 96 98 94 96 57 100
Technical guidance resolving your issue 83 94 90 77 96 87 89 100 96 97 94 96 59 100
Interested in Communicating with Peers 29 34 30 33 30 37 37 40 41 41 43 47 48 58
Interested in communicating with peers about E-Verify or using the system 29 34 30 33 30 37 37 40 41 41 43 47 48 58
Satisfaction 74 76 83 86 86 87 89 90 88 88 84 81 76 83
Overall satisfaction 75 78 83 86 87 88 90 90 89 89 86 83 74 86
Meets expectations 75 76 84 86 87 88 90 90 89 90 86 84 80 84
Compared to ideal 73 76 82 84 84 85 88 88 86 86 81 78 75 78
Recommend 74
72 82 83 85 86 90 89 89 87 87 83 79 92
ow likely would you be to recommend the E-Verify program to others 74 72 82 83 85 86 90 89 89 87 87 83 79 92
Confident in Accuracy 83 78 87 87 88 87 90 90 90 88 86 83 83 90
How confident are you in the accuracy of the E-Verify program 83 78 87 87 88 87 90 90 90 88 86 83 83 90
Future Participation 85 86 91 93 94 94 96 96 96 97 96 95 95 97
Likelihood to continue to participate in the E-Verify program in the future 85 86 91 93 94 94 96 96 96 97 96 95 95 97
(Cross Section) How many do you employ? (cont.)
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012
Sample Size 73 263 455 560
Awareness / Registration 87 86 85 85 -- -- -- --
Clarity of instructions on how to enroll 86 85 85 84 -- -- -- --
Memorandum of understanding makes responsibilities and next steps clear 84 84 84 84 -- -- -- --
Ease of submitting registration information 88 85 86 86 -- -- -- --
Speed of receiving User Name, Password and E-Verify Web Address 91 89 86 89 -- -- -- --
Ease of registration process overall 83 84 82 81 -- -- -- --
Tutorial 87 88 84 84 -- -- -- --
Helpfulness of information in User Manual 87 86 84 87 -- -- -- --
Ease of taking online training in terms of understanding content 89 90 86 85 -- -- -- --
Ease of completing online training in terms of time required 84 85 81 83 -- -- -- --
Ease of accessing online resources 88 89 86 85 -- -- -- --
Usefulness of online resources 86 86 84 84 -- -- -- --
Ease of training process overall 86 88 85 84 -- -- -- --
Using E-Verify 92 91 90 91 89 90 91 91
Ease of navigating the E-Verify site 90 91 88 90 86 88 89 88
Ease of submitting I-9 information on E-Verify 93 91 90 92 90 91 91 91
Speed of receiving an initial response from E-Verify 94 92 92 93 94 94 95 95
Clarity of next steps as described in the response 91 90 89 90 87 88 90 89
Tentative Nonconfirmation Resolution 80 83 81 83 81 80 78 80
Speed of resolving the case 81 84 82 84 81 83 77 81
Clarity of communications about the steps involved in the resolution process 80 82 80 84 82 78 78 79
Ease of resolving the case 81 83 82 82 82 78 78 80
Photo Matching 95 92 96 94 94 96 95 94
Ease of photo matching process 95 94 96 94 94 96 95 95
Helpfulness in preventing fraud 95 89 96 94 94 95 95 94
Customer Service 91 94 89 90 89 94 85 91
Ease of accessing representative 88 95 89 90 89 93 84 88
Professionalism 92 95 90 92 90 94 90 94
Communication skills 90 94 89 90 90 93 87 91
Ability to understand your questions/issue 92 93 89 91 88 93 86 89
Providing guidance on policy/questions 91 93 89 88 86 94 80 89
Customer Service Prior transfer 80 -- 84 80 80 76 81 80
Ease of accessing representative 82 -- 84 78 78 79 79 82
Professionalism 87 -- 86 93 86 79 87 86
Communication skills 82 -- 82 93 81 78 83 81
Ability to understand your questions/issue 74 -- 84 63 75 72 76 74
Providing guidance on policy/questions 68 -- 84 63 72 71 73 77
More than
two years
One or
two years
Within the
last six to
Within the
last six
(Cross Section) When did your organization enroll?
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012
Sample Size 73 263 455 560
Customer Service after Transfer 80 -- 86 80 84 78 85 88
Ease of accessing representative 82 -- 88 85 83 79 84 84
Professionalism 82 -- 86 93 88 81 88 91
Communication skills 80 -- 85 89 87 81 86 91
Ability to understand your questions/issue 76 -- 87 63 81 77 83 88
Providing guidance on policy/questions 77 -- 85 63 80 72 82 86
Customer Service by Email 68 90 70 84 66 84 64 77
Ability to understand your questions/issue 79 93 71 89 74 85 70 80
The timeliness with which you received a response 66 93 64 86 54 84 49 74
Communication skills in the response you received 79 93 71 90 77 85 69 78
Providing guidance on policy/questions 74 81 70 83 66 86 69 78
Internet Use 87 77 85 70 75 70 74 74
Interested to use the Internet rather than having to call or email E-Verify 87 77 85 70 75 70 74 74
Technical Assistance 94 89 95 88 88 89 90 90
Ease of accessing representative 93 89 96 87 85 88 87 83
Professionalism 95 89 94 89 91 89 92 92
Communication skills 94 89 94 88 90 90 91 92
Ability to understand your questions/issue 94 89 97 89 87 88 89 89
Knowledge of technical issues 95 89 96 88 86 88 90 90
Technical guidance resolving your issue 94 89 94 89 86 88 90 91
Interested in Communicating with Peers 37 48 34 34 33 37 35 39
Interested in communicating with peers about E-Verify or using the system 37 48 34 34 33 37 35 39
Satisfaction 87 86 84 85 84 87 87 87
Overall satisfaction 87 87 84 86 85 87 89 88
Meets expectations 89 87 84 85 86 88 88 88
Compared to ideal 86 85 83 84 83 85 86 85
Recommend 87 85 85 83 83 85 89 87
How likely would you be to recommend the E-Verify program to others 87 85 85 83 83 85 89 87
Confident in Accuracy 89 87 88 87 87 88 89 88
How confident are you in the accuracy of the E-Verify program 89 87 88 87 87 88 89 88
Future Participation 93 90 91 93 93 94 96 96
Likelihood to continue to participate in the E-Verify program in the future 93 90 91 93 93 94 96 96
More than
two years
One or
two years
Within the
last six to
Within the
last six
(Cross Section) When did your organization enroll? (cont.)
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012
Sample Size 272 289 201 337 193 59
Awareness / Registration 86 88 89 86 86 85 87 86 83 83 72 67
Clarity of instructions on how to enroll 86 85 89 86 87 83 86 86 84 82 71 65
Memorandum of understanding makes responsibilities and next steps clear 86 86 87 86 85 84 86 85 83 82 68 67
Ease of submitting registration information 88 90 91 86 88 86 88 88 84 83 74 65
Speed of receiving User Name, Password and E-Verify Web Address 85 93 93 89 88 89 90 90 85 88 77 72
Ease of registration process overall 87 84 86 83 83 84 82 81 79 78 69 65
Tutorial 91 90 87 86 86 86 85 85 84 82 71 68
Helpfulness of information in User Manual 91 87 86 82 86 86 85 92 83 87 69 67
Ease of taking online training in terms of understanding content 92 92 89 86 87 87 87 86 86 86 72 68
Ease of completing online training in terms of time required 89 89 85 84 83 86 80 82 81 78 67 68
Ease of accessing online resources 91 93 88 87 87 87 87 85 86 83 73 68
Usefulness of online resources 90 90 87 86 85 86 84 85 84 79 74 68
Ease of training process overall 91 90 87 87 86 86 84 85 85 81 72 68
Using E-Verify 92 91 93 93 92 93 90 92 87 88 81 79
Ease of navigating the E-Verify site 91 90 91 92 89 90 88 89 83 85 74 75
Ease of submitting I-9 information on E-Verify 91 91 93 93 92 93 91 92 88 88 80 78
Speed of receiving an initial response from E-Verify 94 94 95 95 96 96 94 95 91 92 89 83
Clarity of next steps as described in the response 90 90 91 91 90 90 89 90 86 86 79 77
Tentative Nonconfirmation Resolution 79 81 81 81 80 81 80 79 77 71 100 96
Speed of resolving the case 78 83 82 82 80 86 80 79 77 72 100 89
Clarity of communications about the steps involved in the resolution process 79 80 81 81 80 81 80 77 78 70 100 100
Ease of resolving the case 80 82 82 80 81 78 80 79 75 70 100 100
Photo Matching 94 94 95 95 94 95 96 94 92 96 98 97
Ease of photo matching process 94 94 96 96 94 95 96 95 91 96 98 94
Helpfulness in preventing fraud 94 93 95 95 93 95 96 94 93 96 98 100
Customer Service 87 95 88 89 91 92 89 94 86 84 88 92
Ease of accessing representative 85 93 87 86 91 91 89 96 83 86 84 89
Professionalism 89 96 91 91 92 94 91 96 88 84 89 93
Communication skills 87 96 89 90 91 92 91 92 85 82 93 89
Ability to understand your questions/issue 87 94 89 88 90 91 89 93 87 83 96 93
Providing guidance on policy/questions 84 93
83 89 90 91 88 91 86 85 72 96
ustomer Service Prior transfer 79 79 82 73 73 79 90 78 75 84 83 100
Ease of accessing representative 78 79 82 81 68 82 90 78 80 89 67 100
Professionalism 87 85 87 81 81 91 90 78 74 89 100 100
Communication skills 81 78 82 81 79 91 89 78 69 78 100 100
Ability to understand your questions/issue 73 75 81 58 63 60 89 78 80 89 67 100
Providing guidance on policy/questions 70 77 75 61 68 62 90 78 76 78 67 100
once a
Two or
times a
Once a
week or
Less than
once a
Once or
twice a
every few
(Cross Section) Which best describes how frequently you use E-Verify?
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012
Sample Size 272 289 201 337 193 59
Customer Service after Transfer 83 86 86 81 81 89 91 79 85 72 82 100
Ease of accessing representative 83 81 87 83 78 91 92 78 83 67 67 100
Professionalism 87 90 88 89 85 93 90 79 85 78 100 100
Communication skills 84 90 86 89 82 93 91 79 85 78 100 100
Ability to understand your questions/issue 80 85 84 69 79 87 91 79 85 67 67 100
Providing guidance on policy/questions 79 84 83 67 79 76 89 79 87 67 67 100
Customer Service by Email 58 83 63 83 66 83 79 85 71 72 71 100
Ability to understand your questions/issue 75 86 65 82 70 83 83 84 74 83 50 100
The timeliness with which you received a response 46 79 51 85 54 85 71 87 59 72 89 100
Communication skills in the response you received 72 85 69 83 69 81 80 84 73 83 100 100
Providing guidance on policy/questions 71 83 61 82 66 81 79 87 73 72 50 100
Internet Use 73 77 85 73 81 71 77 71 67 70 100 70
Interested to use the Internet rather than having to call or email E-Verify 73 77 85 73 81 71 77 71 67 70 100 70
Technical Assistance 91 96 93 80 84 98 93 94 85 65 77 58
Ease of accessing representative 88 93 92 81 81 98 93 85 84 61 67 44
Professionalism 94 97 94 81 84 98 93 96 84 72 94 67
Communication skills 93 97 92 81 85 98 93 95 84 72 94 67
Ability to understand your questions/issue 90 97 92 80 84 98 94 96 91 61 67 39
Knowledge of technical issues 91 97 93 80 82 98 94 94 84 61 69 56
Technical guidance resolving your issue 91 97 93 80 85 98 93 95 84 61 67 72
Interested in Communicating with Peers 43 44 35 40 38 39 31 35 26 30 23 27
Interested in communicating with peers about E-Verify or using the system 43 44 35 40 38 39 31 35 26 30 23 27
Satisfaction 88 88 88 88 86 88 85 87 82 83 74 76
Overall satisfaction 89 89 89 89 87 88 86 88 82 84 74 78
Meets expectations 90 89 89 89 86 89 86 88 83 84 76 76
Compared to ideal 86 85 87 86 85 86 84 85 81 82 73 75
Recommend 90 88 89 88 87 88 86 85 80 80 70 72
How likely would you be to recommend the E-Verify program to others 90 88 89 88 87 88 86 85 80 80 70 72
Confident in Accuracy 89 89 89 89 89 87 89 88 85 85 81 75
How confident are you in the accuracy of the E-Verify program 89 89 89 89 89 87 89 88 85 85 81 75
Future Participation 97 97
96 96 94 94 94 95 90 90 83 82
kelihood to continue to participate in the E-Verify program in the future 97 97 96 96 94 94 94 95 90 90 83 82
once a
Two or
times a
Once a
week or
Less than
once a
Once or
twice a
every few
(Cross Section) Which best describes how frequently you use E-Verify? (cont.)
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012
Sample Size 1,209 67 75
Awareness / Registration 85 84 86 94 86 91
Clarity of instructions on how to enroll 85 83 85 96 86 90
Memorandum of understanding makes responsibilities and next steps clear 84 84 83 89 81 90
Ease of submitting registration information 87 85 87 100 82 94
Speed of receiving User Name, Password and E-Verify Web Address 88 89 88 96 92 93
Ease of registration process overall 82 81 88 89 88 84
Tutorial 85 84 86 96 88 90
Helpfulness of information in User Manual 85 87 87 78 89 90
Ease of taking online training in terms of understanding content 87 86 88 94 89 88
Ease of completing online training in terms of time required 82 82 82 97 87 89
Ease of accessing online resources 87 86 87 98 89 90
Usefulness of online resources 85 84 87 98 89 91
Ease of training process overall 85 85 86 97 87 88
Using E-Verify 90 91 90 90 88 89
Ease of navigating the E-Verify site 88 89 89 88 86 87
Ease of submitting I-9 information on E-Verify 91 91 90 92 88 89
Speed of receiving an initial response from E-Verify 94 94 93 93 89 92
Clarity of next steps as described in the response 89 89 89 88 88 88
Tentative Nonconfirmation Resolution 80 81 81 78 74 80
Speed of resolving the case 80 83 80 77 74 82
Clarity of communications about the steps involved in the resolution process 80 80 82 78 74 82
Ease of resolving the case 81 81 82 81 73 76
Photo Matching 95 95 94 93 95 95
Ease of photo matching process 95 95 94 94 96 95
Helpfulness in preventing fraud 95 94 95 92 95 95
Customer Service 88 92 88 92 78 88
Ease of accessing representative 88 91 86 91 74 87
Professionalism 91 94 88 94 76 90
Communication skills 89 92 89 93 78 87
Ability to understand your questions/issue 89 91 87 92 83 87
Providing guidance on policy/questions 86 91 86 88 80 89
Customer Service Prior transfer 81 77 81 85 66 81
Ease of accessing representative 81 80 79 83 51 80
Professionalism 87 81 88 93 87 91
Communication skills 82 79 84 83 80 87
Ability to understand your questions/issue 77 70 82 81 44 71
Providing guidance on policy/questions 75 72 68 83 50 71
General User
Agency or
(Cross Section) Which best describes your organization?
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012
Sample Size 1,209 67 75
Customer Service after Transfer 85 85 81 87 85 80
Ease of accessing representative 84 83 78 81 87 80
Professionalism 88 87 84 91 91 89
Communication skills 85 87 83 93 91 87
Ability to understand your questions/issue 82 85 81 83 78 69
Providing guidance on policy/questions 82 82 78 81 69 69
Customer Service by Email 67 82 53 71 79 90
Ability to understand your questions/issue 73 85 62 74 83 92
The timeliness with which you received a response 56 82 42 67 83 88
Communication skills in the response you received 75 85 56 72 78 90
Providing guidance on policy/questions 69 82 60 69 72 92
Internet Use 78 72 85 80 62 74
Interested to use the Internet rather than having to call or email E-Verify 78 72 85 80 62 74
Technical Assistance 91 90 90 96 84 71
Ease of accessing representative 89 87 89 93 82 69
Professionalism 93 92 92 96 80 72
Communication skills 92 92 91 96 82 72
Ability to understand your questions/issue 90 90 90 96 91 72
Knowledge of technical issues 91 90 90 96 84 69
Technical guidance resolving your issue 91 91 88 96 84 72
Interested in Communicating with Peers 33 37 43 50 46 43
Interested in communicating with peers about E-Verify or using the system 33 37 43 50 46 43
Satisfaction 85 87 88 87 86 82
Overall satisfaction 86 88 89 87 87 83
Meets expectations 86 88 89 88 86 83
Compared to ideal 84 85 85 85 84 79
Recommend 85 85 89 91 85 81
How likely would you be to recommend the E-Verify program to others 85 85 89 91 85 81
Confident in Accuracy 88 87 90 91 90 83
How confident are you in the accuracy of the E-Verify program 88 87 90 91 90 83
Future Participation 94 94 95 96 93 94
Likelihood to continue to participate in the E-Verify program in the future 94 94 95 96 93 94
General User
Agency or
(Cross Section) Which best describes your organization? (cont.)
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
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USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q1a. How did you first learn about E-Verify?
A job that I done
account seminar
Affiliated HR office
Affirmative Action Rep
another contractor told us about it
another employer
Arizona State Requirement
articles and emails from HR website subscriptions
at a class I took at TCC
At a conference for the school district bookkeepers
Bankers Association
Baskin Robbins corporate told us to do it
Bid process with potential client
cannot remember
Can’t Remember
Charter Member
City Attorney
Client company uses E-Verify and requested we do the same in order to service their company.
Client requirements -> Client = Govt Agency or Govt Contractor
client that we subcontract work from required we use the site
College courses
Combined Federal Campaign
Company attorney
company I contract with made it mandatory
Company was already using E-verify when I started working there.
Construction Contract w/Fort Belvoir, Virginia, Requirement to enroll in program
contract requirements
contract requirement
Contract with Fed-Ex Ground advised us to use e-verify
Contractor required that we be signed up on this site.
contractor required we use
Contractors Association as well as fellow industry employers
Contractual requirement with FedEx Ground
Corporate Immigration Attorney
Corporate Legal
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Customer Requirement
do not remember
DOD contract requirement
DoD Contractor Company Requirement
Don't recall
Don't recall
Don't remember.
During a payroll seminar hosted by Fred Pryor
FAR Clause in SBIR contract
Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR)
Federal Contract
Federal contractor for compliance
Federal Express Contract
Forced by the Alabama Legislature to use
Former Employer
former employer
Former employer participated in the Pilot Program
Franchisee conference
From FedEx Ground, my business is under contract with them
Full Employment Council of Missouri
Government Contract requirement
Government Contract Requirement
Government contractor
Government Contractor - in our contracts
Government contractor - instruments sold to government entities
GSA contract
GSA requirement
had to enroll company in order to get paid for services from a govt agency
HR Communications
HR training class (put on by a group of lawyers)
Human Resource Training Workshop
Human Resources Corp Office of company I previously worked for
Human Resources Industry Group
I don't recall how I heard about e-verify
I don't remember
I don't remember
I think we were a sub to a contractor on a federal project and had to enroll and use this program.
I used E-Verify at previous companies
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
In the contract requirements for a job at the VA
in the news
included in a contract
Information from a Benefit Services Company
Information from a customer
Information from a friend from another company & Media
Information from a local law firm
Information from Franchisor
Information from non-profit org serving as contract administrator
information provided by labor attorney
It became a requirement as part of a contract
It was a requirement for Grant funding we received.
It's the law in Alabama
Job Contractor
Kirst Construction
known about it for years
Law in AZ passed
Learned early it was coming; Fed/Mun contractor; Wanted to be ahead of the curve
Learned from another business when this was a pilot project
legal firm
lobbying organization
Local College Certification Course
Local Employers Association
Local HR Group
local university
Missouri Food Program (CACFP)
My accountant
my accountant
My last company was part of the pilot program
my national professional HR association - SHRM
My wife
Needed to work on gov't installations
Oklahoma State Dept of Health
One of our clients required it
Our ATS provider
Our company was advised by the federal government of mandatory participation as a federal contractor
Our Immigration Attorney
Our local industry liaison group.
Paperwork was mailed to us from local gov. agency, from Arizona
Part of s government construction contract
Part of the Pilot Program
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
participation is a requirement for a number of government contracts
Paychex Inc. payroll service
Payroll Company
Payroll Service informed me
pilgrims pride and tyson foods corporate
Previous Employer
Previous employer
Previous Employer
Prior company used E-Verify
Prior employer used it
Private Investigation firm
Professional Organization - American Payroll Association
Radio story
received notice from SC Dept of labor
Recycling District
required by a modification to our GSA contracts
Required by Parent company we contract with
Required by the State of AZ
required due to federal contracts
required for federal/state contracts
Required for FedEx Ground Contractors to use for their employees
Required for work for the us military
Required to use by Contractor/Owner of a project that we are contracted on
requirement for government contract
Requirement for issuance of contract for work on Fed. Funded projects.
Requirement for Sub Contractor job qualification.
Requirement in our SBIR contract
Requirement of Gov't related contracts
requirements in bid documents
Richard Pryor Seminar
searching online for information on how to verify citizenship
Sister Company staff
Society for Human Resource Management
Society for Human Resource Professionals
Society of Human Resources Management
Started with the Basic Pilot Program/Basic Employer Verification Pilot machine-readable document pilot
back in 2003
State law requirement
State of Arizona
State regulations
State requirements for employment
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Stumbled upon it somewhere
subcontract requirement
The company we use for background checks facilitates the E-Verify process so we learned about it
through them.
The former HR Manager trained me on E-Verify.
Third party employer services group
through a contract we obtained for a federal job site repair
Through an HR Training program
thru Justifacts
too long ago to remember
Use required by state govt
used at previous employer
Used this site when I was with previous employer
Used with former employer
Was part of the initial E Verify trial testing
WE are contracted with Fed Ex ground they require us to do E-verify
We are required because we have federal contracts
We bid on a federal job that required that we E-Verify our employees
We did the pilot program
We have been using since 2004 when it was the pilot program
We receive federal and state grants and E-verify is required by some of those grants
We were contacted by Everify.
We were on initial PILOT Program when INS brought E-Verify on.
we were part of the pilot program
web research
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q2. Why did your company sign up for E-Verify?
Accountant said it was required
after an I9 audit from ICE
anticipated requirement to use E-Verify upon winning a government contract
Best practice
Charter Member
City of Lancaster requires use of everify for all businesses in city of Lancaster
Combined Federal UW Campaign
Contract requirement
Customer Requirements
DHS Employer E-Verify
Felt it was the right thing to do
felt it was the right thing to do
for a OPT visa employee
Good way to help control ID theft
Help to maintain a legal workforce
I agree with the Ned behind verification
I don’t know
I prefer more electronic processes in my business
I was a new hire and it wasn't being completed. I knew that it was a requirement.
Identity verification for security purposes (we need complete verification before allowing employees to
enter server area)
In addition, we signed up sister company also, even though not required
in anticipation of it being a requirement at some point and also in anticipation of at some point getting a
state contract
In order to participate in the Pilot program to ensure future compliance with Federal/State requirements.
Interested in seeing what the program could do for us.
It is the law. Did not want a fine.
It's easy to do and I know 100% of my employees are eligible to work in the US.
It's required.
Love the latest technology - Like to be first to implement
More secure method with no room for error
My new job was already using it
No reason, just wanted to check it out.
Part of our new hire process. We verify this person is who they say they are.
Paychex recommendation
personal opinion/ employees should be authorized to work
recommended by insurance company
Recommended by USCIS as a reliable method for verifying work eligibility
required as a sheltered workshop
REQUIRED by a Contractor that we are under contract with-only use for this Contractor
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Required by contractor
required by employee under OPT (Optional Practical Training)
Required by Franchisor
Required by Full Employment Council of Missouri for participation
Required by government/not a contractor
required for candidate with OPT extension
required to be a fedex contractor
Required to because of contract with a federal contractor
Required to.
requirement for the STEM extensions
Right thing to do
save $$ having someone else do it
Saved time and was simpler than mailing in materials.
see the previous questions answer
Simple and accurate way to ensure compliance
Some benefit related to employees with work visas. Don't remember the details.
STEM OPT 17 month extensions
Thought it was good business practice
Thought we were required to as an employer of Local Government Employees
To assist in the hiring of F1 visa holders
To assist in verifying employee eligibility
To be able to get STEM extensions for our foreign students on OPT
To be compliant and keep up with the knowledge
To be eligible for grant money
to document that each new employee hired is authorized to work in the United States
To help eliminate the illegal workers in my industry.
To satisfy a customer's request
Took the initiative to start participating early because it was going to eventually be made mandatory.
Tyson contract requirement foster farms contract requirement
understood it was required to use when hiring
Understood that it would be required at some point
Unsure of reason
want to make sure that we only hire employees authorized to work in the US
wanted to make sure hirees are eligible to work
Was going to be required by local government; ultimately that requirement was rescinded
We had an employee from another country and we were required to use it to get him a visa
We have offices in Arizona which at the time required E-verify. Being the parent company, we signed
We were part of a Pilot.
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q3b. Why did you say that? (Not at all likely to continue to use E-Verify if not required)
Adds extra complexity to the hiring process.
Administratively, it is a burden.
Already required to obtain documents that indicate that the person is authorized to work in the US
As a state workforce agency and as a result of legislation, we authorize employment for job seekers
who are interested in Alien Certification orders.
Because do not need this system outside of my work
Because it is redundant with the I9 process. Replace the I9 with this or let the I9 be sufficient as it was
in the past. Plus, with the exception of our few overhead positions, all of our positions are on govt.
contracts that require both.
Because it takes time in human resources to verify this info and would only use it if we did not know for
sure to use E-Verify or not.
Because it wouldn't be a requirement for me to perform my job. I don't have the authority to use a
system, program or site without my company's approval or the without the necessity of it to complete a
Because of the background checks, bonding checks and credit reports we get before hiring
Because the 3 day time frame is not reasonable when you are dealing with people and trying to get
their information. Being a public school we could hire in the summer but they would not be on our
payroll until a month or so later. This year we had hired people from out of state which made it very
difficult to get the information. I also feel as if I am doing double duty using the I-9 form. I have talked
to others in my position and I am hearing the same type of problem or dissatisfaction.
Because the response window is too narrow. When we have technical problems, we are late.
Because the staff I employ are all American citizens
Because we already do the I-9 and see the documents. I know there are forgeries but we don't have
too many illegals etc. applying for work.
Because, what good is it doing. There are 1000s of illegal immigrants in the United States working still.
The time it takes to sign clients and new case is ridiculous and who checks it out anyways.
Can be cumbersome and time consuming accessing site everytime password expires..
City says we have to use E-verify to make hiring decision, your rules don't allow us to used E-verify to
make that decision.
Client's not happy about the paperwork or requirement to check every new hire
Compliance is expensive- manpower, technology and storage costs add costs to the operating budget.
Cut out extra, non-essential work
do not have many applicants other than US born
Don't hire very many new employees, and have personally known all hired in the past 15 years. (small
don't use it to verify for own employees. Own application process handles that
Duplication of effort; unnecessary regulation.
E-Verify can be time consuming with the multiple screens. As HR, I am already entering New Hires into
multiple databases, and this is yet another system. I am comfortable verifying with just pen and paper.
extra work
Extra work burden that is only performed because it is required. We already have to do an I-9 so why
do both. It seems like if a company does e-verify for all employees then no I-9 responsibility should be
Follow corporate guidelines
Historically, all of our employees have been US born citizens and there has never been a question of
thier ability to work in the US, so it seems unnecessary to our company. However, I would like to
maintain the ability to use the service but not have it required.
I am comfortable using only the I-9 to verify employment eligibility.
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
I do not see the need. However, I would rather do everify than fill out I-9's.
I don't hire illegals, so I don't need additional government bureaucracy to verify my hiring practice that
was already in place.
I don't see the point of it. I already have to collect I-9 information/documentation.
I don't understand the purpose of e-verify if the I-9 is being filled out and verified.
I have done the payroll for my company for 23 years and we have never hired someone not eligible to
work in the US. All employees submit their I9 and the documents required. SSA has never returned
one. Our state is also required to submit all new hires.
I have employees in various states. Some states require e-Verify, some states do not. Participation
should be all or nothing. I do not like the e-Verify system.
I have never received anything other than a state driver's license and Social security card for US
citizens for documentation.
I haven't had anyone working here that is not easily verifiable.
I lost my login information and have submitted several inquiries to get it resolved and have yet to hear
back. If I don’t have to use it and they won’t respond, I won’t use it.
I require my employees to fill one form, the other 6 are from various organization or government entity. I
believe it is too much on the employer side and I also believe a more simplified/universal system should
be adopted. One forms to all sites.
I would only use it if I thought the I-9 documents were suspect.
If you are not constantly hiring you have to do a tutorial every time you log in & also pick another
password. Takes too much time
Increased work load
Information is provided upon client request
Is just another step/regulation that actually duplicates the I-9 Form
It adds another step to the new hire process.
It doesn't verify names correctly.
It is a lot of extra work. The system doesn't prevent entry of duplications. We hire and lay off employees
daily and many of the same employees are later rehired. Creates alot of extra paperwork and
redundant I-9 forms.
It is a lot of work and takes time to fill it out.
It is a poor system inefficiently run.
It is a very time consuming process.
It is an unnecessary administrative burden.
It is difficult to use. With it being a requirement there have been many times where I cannot get on the
site or that it is "down" and then it worries me to be in non-compliance
It is extra work for my department.
It is just an added step in the hiring process.
It is not necessary.
It is time consuming and we do not see results that show us we are hiring people not eligible to work in
the US.
It is time consuming and we have never had a new hire be anything other than "approved." Our
company mostly hires teens & young adults for hourly work and this has just never been a problem.
It is time consuming.
It is VERY confusing!!!!
It makes extra work for me. The constant changing of passwords is a big pain.
it serves absolutely no useful purpose for us, is a hodge podge of obtuse rules and regulations, and has
unreasonable time limits
it takes to long
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
It would be one less thing to do in an already over government controlled work environment. The I-9
system should suffice and provide employers with the required documentation to prove citizenship and
the right to work in the United States.
It would be one step of our in-processing that we could do away with.
It would not be mandatory.
It would seem that the I-9 Form is sufficient, with the documentation that is required
It's a hassle.
it's an extra step to eliminate
It's just another hoop to jump through for us. We hire people that are known to us and have provided
the proper documentation already.
It's just another step in the I-9 process. We have never had anybody come back as unauthorized or
even questioned, so it seems pretty useless. Besides, not a fan of current immigration policy.
It's just another step that we have to do once someone is hired in addition to the state reporting.
It's one more government mandated thing to remember to do on top of taxes and all the other
requirements of running a business.
It's one more thing to remember to do.
It's really not necessary for our company and industry.
It's sometimes difficult to get info from managers within 3 day time period.
Just a small company, with only 4 employee's
Just another hassle
just not to take the time to do it
Just one more requirement in all that is required to have an employee. So much paperwork is a
nuisance as it is and this adds to it. To be fair, we are rural and about 98% Euro-American = low risk of
illegal immigrants, IF that's what it's set up for.
Just one more step to eliminate
Just the time involved and the paperwork. We have a large turnover and some of the employees quit
before we get around to the verification process.
Just to streamline the business operation, one less administrative thing to do.
Kind of a pain
lessen the large amount of paperwork and processes involved in hiring employees.
Line of business, no problem with illegal aliens
More government bureaucracy and low risk company for hiring illegals.
More paperwork and time
More time to spend, paperwork to keep
More work for us.
Most all of our employees come through unions and are screened at that level
Most of my employees are US Citizens
My corporation is a contractor for FedEx Ground. There are other background checks in place through
FedEx Ground for drivers to become qualified to by hired.
New hire people have social security cards and drivers licenses - adequate. I'm not the police.
No computer at restaurant. Difficult to verify while at work. I have to take home all information and then
verify after hours from home.
no need to
No Need to waste the time
Not sure if it is effective
Not sure the point as redoing what the I-9 form already does.
Obtaining driver license records and criminal background checks have been sufficient to prevent
disqualified applicants from being hired
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
One more step in the hiring process
Other required documentation-I-9.
Our company and other companies that I represent don't have alot of employee turnover.
Our company is small enough and our market small enough that we know who we hire. They tend to
make the rounds.
Our employees are all police officers.
Our employees are required to have security clearances and as part of that have to be US citizens.
Our employees are union electricians that are part of an extensive 5 year training program with on job
work. They are kept on the books at the union hall and come and go out of area business as the work
load changes.
Personally, I don't see any value in using E-verify. 100% of our employees (for this location) have been
eligible to work.
Pointless step if documentation by new employee is provided
Program is not user friendly.
Really just timing. I believe we will eventually use it for our entire organization, but we just opened a
branch in Arizona, so had to participate immediately.
Really not a question that our employees are US citizens.
running E-Verify puts additional work load on our hires and new employees, there is a lot of errors in
the DHS and SSA databases, and it increases our risk for accidental disclosure of personal information.
Seems unnecessary for our business - the I-9 form is sufficient
Small business - no concern re: immigration status of employees
System can be cumbersome at times
Takes additional time to verify documents
Taking too much time to do on a computer where we do not already use computers at work Time
The 3 day period to enter the info. should be 7 days.
the paperwork required when hiring a new employee too much. any elimination of additional paperwork
is helpful to a business that has high turnover.
The process in order to enroll was to lengthy and too much red tape attached with the process
The process is long and requires special training.
The system is very cumbersome and the illegals have so many ways to get around it.
There should be a federal law, not state by state
this was a requirement from the state of Alabama
time consuming
Time consuming and inaccurate tentative nonconfirmations
Time consuming.
Time frame for completing is too stringent. It is almost next to impossible to perform an E-Verify within
3 days of the person signing the I-9.
Unnecessary use of time and regulation of our business
unnecessary government involvement
Very time consuming and repetition of data
Very, very, time consuming and since we are looking at identification anyway and following the proper
steps when completing an I-9, it is just another step in the HR process that drains resources.
We already do extensive background inquiries including Patriot Act. Just one more step to complete
hiring processes that feels duplicating..
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
We already require the same documents required by e-verify. I don't see why we need to verify a
person's status online. If a person's documents appear to be fraudulent, then we would not hire them.
We are a very small business, so we have more time than a large company would have to spend on
looking at a prospective employee.
We are a church. New employees are very rare.
We are a construction company with many temporary employees. The E-Verify is quite time consuming
with the volume of people we have in and out of employment each week.
We are a rural area with little to no foreigners and our job requires people to get dirty, something few
like to do anyway.
We are a small business and have less than 5 employees. They have to have background checks so
we would know if they were illegal aliens.
we are a small business with few employees.
We are a small company in a specialized industry. Credentials are known or closely verified of the
experienced industry specific new hires which we bring on board.
We are a small company with a low employee turnover rate
We are a small company with very few employees and not a lot of turn-over. In addition, non-citizen
hires have not been an issue for us.
We are a small company. We only have 5 - 10 employees. They are required to complete the Form I-
9, Employment Eligibility Verification.
we are a small law firm. Most of the people we employ are referrals from other agencies or law firms.
We are a small town school district where everyone knows everyone. Until such time as that changes,
we typically know everyone applying for every job.
We are a state agency
We are a very small company - we don't really need to check on employees in this way.
we are a very small company and have a very low turnover rate and do not use it that often
We are a very small company and hire based on referral so we know the individuals background
We are a very small company with a staff of highly educated staff with specialized skills. We have
always been sure to keep our I-9's in order and have lawyers that help with any visa needs we
encounter. For us, e-verify is really just another administrative step.
We are in a small community and know most of the individuals who apply for work here
We are in a very rural area so don't have very many people who are not from this area
We are just using it to satisfy customers. We can verify employment eligibility using the traditional I9
We are only using E-Verify because we have federal grants and it is required.
We are such a small company that we seldom hire new employees & have a very low chance of hiring
illegal immigrants
We conduct background checks on all new hires.
We contract with the Federal Government, as a part of our contracts we need to ensure work status
prior to presenting employees to the federal government
We do as we are told by our Corporate HR Department at our Plant locations.
We do Everify for our clients and must charge them for the service. They would not want to pay for
something that wasn't required.
We do not have many applicants that are from a different country.
We do not see any benefit to the program.
We don't have workers that could possibly be illegal aliens.
We don't hire that many employees and as a small nonprofit, we work to cut extra administrative work.
Since we do the I-9, I don't see a need for E-Verify also
We have a lot of college kids that work as temps at our youth programs. Many do not have the proper
forms of ID here at college to e-verify. We have to get the proper documents from their parents in
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
whatever state they are from. Can't always do that in 3 days so we can't let them start working until the
documents are here which penalizes the children we are trying to serve.
We have a small company, we do background checks, we know our employees
We have a small employee base and most are armed forces veterans - I-9 verification seems sufficient.
We have background check procedures in place for all of our new hires.
We have been using this system for over a year without an unauthorized occurrence.
We have fewer than ten employees. Bookkeeping/Payroll/HR person is part time, completing in a timely
manner is sometimes difficult.
We have had no problem verifying identity under the manual I-9 requirement and don't see much value
added for our small firm under eVerify. In fact it duplicates some of our efforts.
we have never had an issue with an employee or potential employee not to be eligible to work or live in
the United States
We have never had an issue with illegals
We have not experienced a high percentage of turnover, thus we do not hire a lot of new employees. I
felt our current review process of new hires was adequate without government intervention.
We have only 10 employees, including the corporate officers, and it is too time consuming to use. Our
employees have been with us for years and non of them immigrants.
We never used it before we were required to with a specific contract.
We only have one part time seasonal employee
We only hire individuals who are US citizens and eligible for a personnel security clearance. All of our
contracts with the government require this. Therefore, we are confident that our employees are US
citizens because they each receive an investigation every 5-10 years in order to maintain a security
We perform very detailed background screens and citizenship checks during the hiring process, we
already know our employees are all legally authorized to work in the US.
We run advanced background screenings on our potential and current employees.
We support the DoD and our employees already go through an intense clearance process.
we would continue to use the electronic i-9
website is not easy to work with
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q3c. If your company participates in E-Verify because it is required to do so, how did you learn
about that requirement?
a contract we obtained for a federal job site repair
accountant office
Affiliated HR office
AZ state law-read about it
Background Vendor
Bid requirements by contractor, and then internet
City Attorney
Company not required
Contract requirements for a federal job.
Contractual Clause
Contractual requirement with FedEx Ground
contractual requirement
corporate attorney
Corporate Legal
Customer Requirement
DOD requirement
Don't recall exactly - My previous employer was a pilot participant
Don't remember
don't remember
don't remember; Media or printed material most likely
FAR Clause in SBIR contract
Federal Contract requiring EVerify
Federal Contractor
Federal Government Contract Requirements
Federal Payroll Job Contractors
From a friend from another company & media
From FedEx Ground, my company is under contract with them
from legal counsel
From my CPA
from the company we acquired which had government contracts
government contract
GSA contract
HR Courses
HR Training Session (we started using before required)
I don't remember
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Immigration legal counsel
information from a local law firm
informed by labor attorney
It was written in the Federal Contract
Kirst Construction
livehaul managers at chicken companies
Local Employers Association
Local industry liaison group.
Mountain States Employers Council
My accountant
My previous company required all i9 form are to be correctly.
Newspaper article
Non profit agency administering federal program
Not required
not required to do so
not sure
Not sure, It was in use when I joined company
other employer
part of the pilot program
Part of the requirement as a Federal Contractor
payroll vendor
required by contract
Richard Pryor Seminar
Safe Hiring Solutions, the Co. who conducts our criminal background checks
see previous answer
Society for Human Resource Management
Society for Human Resource management
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Online Article
Staff questioning how to get set up to comply with customer request
started a long time ago when it was still voluntary to do so
State Contract
state contractor
State Labor Law poster
subcontract documents
Subcontract requirement
subcontract with federal contractor
through legal updates from our attorney
Was paying attention to the law. Enrolled prior to requirement.
We are a Federal Contracted Agency and through research of the contract we became aware of E-
Verify requirements
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
We bid on a federal job that required us to E-Verify our employees. I researched info on the internet
after that.
We were contacted by Everify!
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q6f. What is your reason for rating ease of registration process overall lower than “6”?
a lot of red tape
Additional time required
Because "ease" had nothing to do with it.
Because it toke 2 times to enlist correctly and it was a total of 40 minutes test.
Because it took time and the system to be slow between steps.
Because it was...
because when calling to get clarity on type of organization (We are not a hospital)the person who I
spoke to stated to pick the closest thing they could not tell us. If it didn't go through we would have to
chose another option
because, the test was redundant.
Compared to other website registrations, the language used on E-Verify was unclear. I also had trouble
with the user name & password.
I found the registration process exhausting because I had to take the same test 23 times for every one
of our companies.
I had to enroll 7 companies in e-verify, meaning I had to go through the tutorial and test 7 times. That is
a total waste of time. I determined after taking the test that I knew the answer to all but two of the
questions without even taking the tutorial. Also the password rules and password changes are
ridiculous. Too many different symbols and the like to keep up with every time you have to change your
I spent almost a full day completing all these forms and tests...TOO LONG
It did not include information stating that the for had to be attached or faxed in.
It was a very lengthy process.
it was far too time consuming! we are a small business and i do not have that much time to enroll and
set the process up
It's a bit complicated I feel, it could be easier, like Social Security Administration verify SS#
More government BS.
Somewhat complicated
The required testing was too long and I had to print out the material and refer back to it.
The training and testing was redundant, unnecessary, and inappropriate. I could have passed the exam
at the end without having to scroll through the entire training.
The tutorial is a waste of time. I could have learned the same information in 20 minutes.
The tutorials were extremely long.
Time consuming
time consuming--
Too much of a process to do something so simple...
Too long a process.
We operate a group of 18 Wendy's restaurants. It was very difficult to understand various options of
setting up an administrative account over each of these. I had to set myself up as the administrator for
each restaurant, and USICS had to override the requirement that I complete the webinar and tutorial for
each and every location.
We registered for the incorrect system as we did not understand the process
When we first attempted to enroll in e-verify, there was quite a bit of confusion surrounding how to
classify ourselves and our administrator and there was difficulty contacting a consumer service reps to
explain. When we finally came back to E-verify several months later, it seemsed that consumer service
was much improved and we were then able to proceed through the correct enrollment process, training
and utilization. We have encountered no further problems.
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q8f. What is your reason for rating ease of training lower than “6”?
Additional time required
Having to take a test was a waste of time and of no use to me to be able to utilize the program.
I felt it was a lot of unnecessary information, redundant, etc. Did not like the feeling of "having to pass a
test." Most information was written in a confusing format rather than stating the simple facts.
It takes too long.
It was very time consuming.
Lack of computer in the workspace
Not my particular area of expertise so it was fine, not exceptional for me personally.
on-line training could have been more straight-forward and efficient in delivering the information.
program ok just took a long time
See last response
The online tutorial was very long.
The total amount of time for the entire process.
The tutorial is not easy to understand. Accessing the online resources is not easy.
to lengthy
Too much time. Again it should be 1 stop, 1 form and processed to all the entity involved.
Too complicated to understand
Too long & too difficult
Too time consuming. It took well over an hour to get the training and testing done.
too time consuming---this process should not be that difficult the training was boring and needless
Was not particularly user friendly.
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q11d. Why haven’t you used E-Verify in the past six months?
A person who works for me does it.
Another management person does it now
Can’t afford new hires. Democrats ruined the economy.
City says we have to use E-verify to make hiring decision, your rules don't allow us to used E-verify to
make decision.
closing company
Did not have to use it for the state I am in
Duties have changed
have another staff member who completes verifications, I am backup
Have not hired any new employees in past six months who are required to complete verification
haven't hired anybody and it's irritating taking the stupid tests that are required everytime
Joined a PEO and now they verify employment eligibility
Most of our vacancies require a Dod Security Clearance and we do not use E-Verify for those hires.
my assistants are responsible for processing the new employees.
My logon no longer works & DHRM SSC does work for our Agency
No employee contracts requiring us to use it.
No new hires and login problems
Not needed recently
Not sure
Someone else inputs data now
State Administrator
Was able to use the SSA website to find the same information.
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q11e. Why have you never used E-Verify?
Another employee in HR is responsible
Haven't get the notice from cooperated office
HR Company uses it
HR Coordinator is responsible for this process
I'm too busy to enter them online. It's just easier to take the info, attach their IDs, complete the
Employer section and file them.
managed by TriNet Corp on Nimbula's behalf
my staff handles this task
no business with client who requires e-verify
Our HR Administrator processes all E-Verify cases, not me
someone also does it
the hiring managers do that, I don't
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q16c. What is your reason for rating ease of resolving case lower than “6”?
An employee brought in a statement from SSA stating she had ordered a social security card, in the
timeframe required but there was still a problem with tentative Nonconfirmation
Because, one case was due to typo (emp transposed ss# on I-9 & emp who verified did not notice
either) When I entered I copied from I-9. Emp was a citizen, so when I received the TNC I looked for a
reason, discovered the error, not able to correct simply by going back to data.
Case was not resolved and employee was terminated
Closing cases is time consuming
Communicating of issues to employees is vague-needs to be quite specific as to employee
Communication between the candidate, hiring manager and e-Verify portal is labor intensive.
Customer service agents are very knowledgeable at times.
Employees are often not given clear direction on the issue and what is needed. Almost always the
employee is eligible for work. It takes longer than it should to clear employees.
Feedback from telephone communications associated with E Verify unclear. Was transferred from
person to person as no one knew the answer.
I didn't know some of the time when the case was resolved. I had to figure it out for myself. No one
notified me.
I didn't think it was correct and when I started to go through the process, I realized I had an incorrect
SS# (we had birth certificate). Once I corrected the SS#, it went through. Your system really didn't give
me an opportunity to go back and make changes.
I have not received final determination.
I have to call a service center, speak with someone who will only speak to the employee in question, try
to fax more information in, wait for a response, have straightened out, only for SSA or Homeland
Security to deny again, then no one will give any info as to why the person is not confirmed.
I think the applicants get confused about what they are supposed to do. They also sometimes are
hesitant to follow up for some reason. Most of our tentative nonconformances are due to people getting
married and not getting everything changed properly
I was confused on what to click on and process. I have sent email to our contact.
It can be difficult to get the employees to resolve
It is a hassle to process the cases. Most of the Nonconfirmations are for employees we as a company
sponsor. So in most cases we know they are legitimate so it should be easier for us to enter the data
and not have to send the employee out to confirm the information.
it is incumbent on the employee to act or the employer must take certain steps
It is very unclear as to what the Tentative Nonconfirmation results are and the Employer should receive
a notification when the case is completed instead of having to periodically having to check on it.
it looks bad on us when we can’t get the workers to follow the appropriate steps, and the instructions
are not very clear as to what our steps are as the employer.
It puts an unreasonable burden on the employer
It took more than 2 months to get a response.
It would be much easier to get an email notification when the case has been resolved rather than
having to constantly check on the status of the case by logging in to Everify.
It's very inconvenient for new hires to have to go to an SSA office to resolve their SSA TNC
Just required next steps-unnecessarily worried an employee about their work status
lack of follow through by the employee.
Most of the time you never see the individual again after giving them the TNC. You are required to give
them 3 days, well you are stuck for 3 days waiting to see if they return with corrected TNC.
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Options! name doesn't possible nicknames or other spellings. tell us exactly what does
not match! Send an email notice when resolved on SSA end.
Paperwork back and forth
Process was not clear for how to resolve these issues. We had to get a lot of clarification.
Slow response time from Social Security
Steps not clear
The ease of resolving was more of an issue with the Social Security Administration. The individual had
to spend hours just to talk to someone at the Social Security Office.
There were no clear cut instructions on what to do and who to contact with questions.
Time involved -
Timing of updating cases isn't always consistent.
to confusing
too confusing
U should have chance to edit.
Very time-consuming process. Individuals are often nervous about receiving TNC, and do not
understand the necessary steps to resolve it.
When you are dealing with someone who is authorized to work in the US, they have so much
paperwork to complete and for us to keep hounding them for different forms of identification makes
them feel like they are not welcome. Just not a very smooth process.
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q20d. What caused you to be dissatisfied with your experience when you called E-Verify
customer service?
A couple of times when I've called I feel like I've been given guidance that was wrong. I try to get the
customer service rep to point me to documentation online but sometimes they are not able to.
because we were not helped with our answer as to the type of employer
Difficulty getting to a customer service. Repeatedly stuck in the auto tele prompt system.
I called twice to attempt to get one of my clients approved. It took about 6 weeks!
I felt the representative was rude and talked down to me because I was having issues.
I got different answers on the same question form a couple of different people.
I left a message for a return call and still have not received one!
Individual did not understand what I was asking for. I was trying to make a recommendation for an
improvement and the individual did not understand this.
No one knew the answer to what I was asking.
Not very responsive or friendly.
Person on the phone was not very knowledgeable or willing to assist outside the standard parameters.
slow on hold
Slow response time. Long wait on hold. Person who answered did not have the needed information.
they did not have the information I needed
Took a while to connect with a representative
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q24c. What caused you to be dissatisfied with your experience when you emailed E-Verify
customer service?
I have to reset my password and have submitted several inquires and received no response.
I wanted to clarify if I had to require that one of my one-person subcontractor register in e-verify, so that
I would fully comply with a FAR clause. I was expecting a clear yes or no answer but got a lengthy
response that left me to the same interpretation as what the FAR clause was saying...
I was told to contact E-Verify by phone, so the issue was not resolved via email.
Never received a email or call back.
Sometimes I do not receive a response, and other times the response does not answer my question.
However, this service (especially the phone service) has gotten better recently.
Takes too long to get a response, I wish there was a way to i.m. with a customer service rep
Took too long to respond.
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q33. Please describe, briefly, what you think E-Verify should be doing to make sure that
companies adhere to the program’s policies and regulations and/or use the system properly.
9 times out of 10 I have difficulty logging into the E-verify site. I have repeatedly contacted technical
assistance only to be told that they were experiencing problems with the site. E-Verify needs to have
the site up and running properly before it can adhere to policies and regulations regarding employers
proper use of the system.
add multiple layers of password logins
Employers are not suppose to verify ID for someone who already works for them. With that said, why
does it give you an option of choosing a year hired other than just the current year?
E-Verify should be discontinued until all states either require it or do not require it. It should be
Have internal audits
I believe there should be more continued 'testing' of its users. The last time I needed to refresh my
knowledge on the legality of E-Verify was July 2011. I feel a refresher should be at least once per year
and then if there are any changes through law it could be made known and implemented.
I believe that many companies required to use E-Verify do not use it in compliance with federal
regulations. Even those who are federal contractors sign agreements saying they use it, but they don't.
You need to follow up with employers required to use it. There is very little in your process that verifies
an employer who is required to use E-Verify uses it.
In certain industries it is not clear on how to set up.
More accessible training pertaining to regulations.
More contact with companies that meet requirements and that signed up to use it. The department that
E verify is under, could hire workers to make contact with companies that are signed up; to verify they
are complying, check in to see if they are having any problems or questions. Or send out email
correspondence to companies.
My question is how do you know companies are using it in the first place. If they hire someone and
don't use it how would you know- unless you would go to an onsite audit and see they have the paper
version but did not do anything on line to match it.
No verification of authenticity when employee provides a State Identification card. A Driver License and
State Identification Card should both prompt a photo match.
Provide more information on E-Verify for Federal Contractors. Most subcontractors do not enroll
correctly when working on a Federal contract.
Since E-verify is not mandated, it would be easy to omit this step for new hires. How do you ensure
registered employers are using E-Verify for EVERY new hire? It could be mandated by IRS.
The system is broken. Illegals have way too much access to fraudulent identifications so what is being
verified is false as well.
We had a kid that e-verified, had a local drivers license and SSN, but found out from workman’s comp
attorney that he was in the country illegally and was using the SSN of a wanted felon.
We have a company in our town that supposedly used E-Verify, however they employ approx. 2000
people of which at least 40% are illegals. They are hiring daily. Apparently there are some latitudes
applied to certain companies. These companies should be visited by ICE to enforce rules. Fines
should be publicly announced to deter other companies from doing the same. It makes it extremely
hard for small employers who try to adhere to the laws. The playing field should be the same for all.
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q34. How would you prefer to get information about changes or updates to E-Verify?
am not interested
both email and the E-verify website
combination of email and on E-verify site
Designated agent
phone and email
We use a HR company-PEO
You make more out of this than necessary..I'm not a fan of E-Verify
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q35. How would you prefer to contact E-Verify for help?
all of above wd be good
Depends on how complicated the issue is. Easy things I will go to the website and e-mail. More
complicated I will call for the most clarity
Depends on the issue, web chat or phone and maybe e-mail
doesn't matter as long as I get a timely response
Email and phone
email or phone
live chat
Not sure what the questions here is being asked?
online chat
PEO is our agent
phone if answered immediately
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
ACSI-7. Please provide any final comments on how we can improve E-Verify to better serve
1)Employers need more photo matching for State Drivers License and State ID's. 2) Employers need
more than three days to enter date (our facility works different schedules than M-F. In some cases one
or two more days would help.
1. give us the results of this survey. 2. too long a survey
1. The requirement of posting statements in both Spanish and English is inappropriate for our area. We
would be better served having the poster in English, Japanese, and Vietnamese. 2. Applicants for
employment should be able to enter their information ahead of time and then present us documents for
matching rather than having us enter all of the information.
3 business days to file after employment is unreasonable. Why is the interval so short? If the program
administrator is sick or on vacation, then deadline is missed. A 2 week or 1 month interval would be
A great program that gets my requests answered quickly
a longer timeframe to process new employees. We have 3 days from date of hire to gather I-9
documentation and 3 days from date of hire to enter information in E-Verify. It would be nice to have a
few extra days to process E-Verify.
A mobile version on my droid would be cool!
A very good overall experience
Alert us when tutorials are out there. When we only use it once a year we have 10 tutorials to do before
we can use the system.
All businesses need to do this to avoid hiring illegals. Illegals don’t pay their taxes like true Americans
have to and don’t have to follow the guidelines of working in the US which is unfair to those of us who
work extremely hard to keep our business afloat. I do not take or am I able to take anything for free like
the aliens who come and work illegally. I pay over $1000 per month in health care and they get it for
FREE!!! How does that make sense? The government is failing in keeping aliens out of our country and
our work force. Everyone, all businesses large and small need to be forced/required to use E-Verify to
help our country keep us hard working citizens of the US in a job and the money used, that’s given
away to help illegals should NOT exist.
all companies should be required to use the e-verify system
Allow passwords to last longer than 6 months or be less stringent on password rules!!!! Tests should be
optional tutorials!!
along with the handbook, everything is very simple and self explaining
Although I have not used the Customer Assistance line much in the past four years, I want to comment
how knowledgeable your CSRs have been. As the Corporate Administrator for the Jo-Ann Stores, I do
not get stumped much and when I have needed assistance your Team Members have been able to
lead me through the process.
Although I haven't had to contact customer service recently, when I have in the past, I felt that the reps
were not that knowledgeable about E-Verify and would end up referring me to someone more
knowledgeable and then I would have to explain my issue again.
An e-mail or contact phone number for time sensitive user questions.
An email reminder about using e-verify would be helpful.
Any task that takes times is just "one more thing to do". I thought the I-9 requirement was meeting our
needs just fine. Out local government was going to require E-verify according to an initiative petition
that passed. However, it was challenged in court (as it was written due to some technicalities) and the
requirement to use E-Verify was rescinded. I'm not sure I would have signed up had I known that was
going to happen. We employ about 10 people in-season and only 5 year-round. However our turnover
goes through spells of being high--like hiring several and netting only 3 employees in the end. Using E-
verify through this process is just another thing to do as we are struggling to get people to show up for
an interview and then to show up for the first day of work. They weed themselves out rather quickly
and so the E-verify (as well as all other required forms)result in a lot of "stuff" that we end up not
needing after all when they quit.
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
As a construction contractor it is working well for us, as is.
As a small business owner who always had the threat of legal action against me if I hired someone who
turned out to not have the right paperwork, this is exactly what I've been hoping for from the
government. We do not have the time and resources to do this work ourselves and this program gives
me the peace of mind I need when hiring employees. To paraphrase President Reagan: Trust but E-
As long as I enter the information correctly, I have never had problem. I like the system.
As with this survey... TOO MUCH TIME for the initial training process.
Assign investigators to ensure companies required to use E-Verify are using it.
At this time I have no additional comments or concerns.
At this time I really can't think of any improvements that are needed.
be more clear on the drivers license # and year area. I have almost input the date incorrectly several
times for there birthdate
Being in office/management position and spent a day filling out these forms and taking a test made me
feel like I had wasted a whole day and I am fully aware that you must verify possible employees and
type of documentation needed. In short, we should be able to enroll and go on about our normal work
day, it’s just too much red tape.
Best thing since sliced bread.
Calling E-Verify is not easy. When the issue is on the Social Security side, E-Verify customer service
associates don't have all of the information. I even had CSAs apologize for not having more information
for SS issues.
Can't remember exactly, but felt on the last tutorial it should have had a more definitive end. Felt I went
through all the steps and then was lost on whether I was done, it didn't take, etc.
Can't think of anything at the moment
change password less frequently
Change password too frequently. Requires a response within 3 business days sometimes that is hard if
you have multiple facilities in the states.
Change the timeline for verification from 3 days to 7 days.
Change the timetable on the passwords. It seems like everytime I use E-Verify I have to change the
password which is ridiculous. I don't use it enough to change the password every two years. I also
would like to type in dates in mm/dd/yyyy mode it is quicker.
Changing the passwords all the time is a pain in the xxx.
Couple it with the TWIC program and expand it to allow airport security passage without all of the lines
and searching procedures
Creating a new password is difficult with the restrictions needed. While understanding the need for
safeguards I sometimes have to go through 3 or 4 new password variations before one is accepted.
This is very frustrating.
Currently the program is really not useful for personnel functions. We are not allowed to take an
adverse action on an employee based on the outcome of the e-verify. We are not allowed to enter the
system prior to employment to verify eligibility for employment and cannot terminate based on the
outcome if not eligible. It is illegal to use the information to take adverse action for dismissal. We need
to use the program prior to employment to verify eligibility. Then it would be most useful.
DHS and individual States need to work together & E-Verify should provide photo matching with ALL
state issues licenses or ID's. Not just work auth photos. That would be the final step in ensuring 100%
difficult to verify that you entered data properly
Do not require verification in 3 days. Often I do not get the I-9 information from others until it is after the
3 days. Then I have to lie about the hire date and not have them fill out the I-9 date. Who cares?
Don’t change a thing!!!
Don't make it a must, make it an option
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
E Verify is the law in AZ when hiring a new employee. Would like to see that other employers follow
this law - how can that be achieved?
E Verify is very user friendly and I like ensuring we employ the proper people. Thank you for putting
this in place.
Easy to use, fast, and accurate. A great tool to use with the I-9 process.
easy to use, quick results
Easy-to-use, excellent response...very satisfied!
Eliminate surveys.
Email me ahead of time when a new tutorial and test is required. I don't like to find out when I'm in the
process of inputting a new hire.
E-Verify assures me that I won't have errors on my W-2's which avoids $50 fines.
E-Verify doesn't stop employers from using illegal workers, it's too easy to have identification created
with your photo and someone else's information - all the DMV wants is a birth certificate and SS Card
and you are issued a new id. E-Verify is just a way for employers to show they did their due diligence
but it doesn't actually catch those that are stealing identities and somewhat defeats the purpose. As an
employer I could have an illegal immigrant working for me, with someone else's identification and never
know it.
E-Verify has been a good system for our company and being in the staffing industry. The one thing I
question is identity theft.
E-Verify has been a quick and efficient means to verify identifications.
E-Verify has made great strides in improving the system. We are now integrated with a 3rd party ATS
to E-Verify - that gets tricky sometimes. Please continue to work on the 3rd party integration. It saves
our Company SO much time since we have been able to integrate our Applicant Tracking System
(ATS) with E-Verify.
E-Verify has made our processes easier
E-verify is great. I sure would like an updated I-9 form though.
E-Verify is not optional, so why the questions about future use?
Everify is outstanding.....
E-Verify should be mandatory across the nation.
E-Verify should be used by all employers
E-Verify should make it more clear that a hit on someone’s record may be in error and who can be
contacted to fix. We had an employee whose Social Security record was recorded incorrectly with the
SSA. Once the employee contacted them it was immediately fixed but E-Verify made it sound like us as
the employer could have denied hiring this person because of this hit on their record.
E-Verify system is designed for employers and is not conducive for State Workforce Agencies. As a
SWA, we refer individuals to employers. The language for E-Verify is strictly designed for hiring
authorities, employers.
E-Verify to take full responsibility if an employee "verified" turns out to be illegal.
E-Verify was easy to learn and very simple to use. Our company will continue to use this tool, actually
had begun using months before our deadline date. Company owners are very much in favor or E-
Everything is good.
Excellent program ...
Excellent service
Expedite the training/tutorial for new users/administrators. Enable the user to hit the "backspace" button
without kicking them out of the page he/she is working in. Particularly the social security number
Extended time on changing passwords running out of password ideas
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
For being chosen randomly, I should be entered into a drawing or receive a giftcard for taking my time
to fill out this survey.
For our uses, as a local government, some of our appointed members who get stipends are not here
every day, and we need more than three days to get the info inputted. We may not even see the board
member for a month.
For the response to the State questions: We have employees in most of the states.
Format the Case Verification page to fit all information on one page.
FYI...I am the Office Manager and have used E-Verify, but my employee uses it more often than I do.
Give a longer window than 3 days to E-Verify!
Glad to have the service available.
Good product with ease of use. UI could be better
Good service
Good System for Employers to E-Verify the I-9 Processes.
Great program and I would welcome any chance to help this program grow and continue to improve.
great program! Training was time consuming! while the software is really easy
Great service.
Great system, easy to use. Was unsure about using it at first, but exceeded expectations.
Great tool for employers!
great tutorial to help us learn about the Must's and Must-Not's before hiring an employee. Excellent tool
to verify employment eligibility.
Hate having to change password every three months, I USE E-VERIFY ON 4 DIFFERENT
Have had no issues and is very easy to complete
Have had numerous problems over the past 3 years of being kicked out of the system and back to the
initial login screen after already logging in, submitting data and attempting to move onto the next screen
in the process. Once logged in and beginning a case file, a user shouldn't be automatically bounced off
the system and have to log-in and begin all over.
Have knowledgeable representatives to answer scenario based questions.
Having a general user name/password for a company instead of user specific would be the only thing
that would have improved the program for me. I took the tutorial under the sign in for the owner of the
company that I work for not realizing that in order for me to take over that responsibility from him that I
would have to (and did) take it again under my user name and password.
Having to change your password every 3 months is annoying!
Having to re-take the 2 hour tutorial for simple updates should be eliminated. It's too time consuming for
info that's already been learned and tested on. Having more than one account set up should eliminate
having to take the tutorial again. I do payroll/HR for more than one company and had to set them up
individually. Just a test or simple "I’ve already completed the tutorial recently" should be available.
Helps to identify fake identification, however doesn't combat identify theft issues (i.e.; an employee
using someone else's valid ID).
I am an infrequent user of E-Verify (several times per year) and find it very cumbersome to have to
change my password if I have not used it in several months. The password requirements as so
restrictive that sometimes it takes me 5-10 tries to change my password. I used E-Verify once in August
and again in September and noticed that it was more user friendly.
I am glad this service is available. My concerns are 1) ensuring the accuracy of the data and 2)
ensuring the data collected is only used for the purposes specified, and not for any other purposes that
would infringe upon privacy.
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
I am glad we have this system
I am happy with the service.
I am pleased with the service. Thank you!
I am satisfied with their work overall.
I am very satisfied in e-verify and how it protects my company.
I am very satisfied with the service, training and results with e-verify. I feel more confident in my hiring
because of using e-verify. thank you
I deal directly with Justifacts and get most of my knowledge through them.
I do not see how E-Verify could improve. It is very easy, fast and convenient to use this system for
employee verification
I don't see that there is anything that needs to be improved.
I don't think using my company in this survey is good for E-Verify. The reason being we are a very
small company with 2 employees. These employees have been with this company for over 15 years.
We must have an E-Verify number for any and all government contracts.
I feel Everify is just an additional step not needed for employment. Waste of serious money and time for
new employers
I feel E-Verify is very important and the website is easy to find updated information when needed.
I feel much safer knowing that our employees have been verified through this service and find no
reason to make any changes at this time.
I feel that the test that one must take prior to using E-Verify should not be a pass fail test.
I feel their services are good currently.
I find E-Verify very easy to use but I found the initial tutorial very tedious. For future new users it would
be nice if you could somehow streamline that phase
I find it somewhat strange that you have new users do an actual test, instead of just give an education
or support to use the service. Imagine that the government is looking to create more jobs and your
organizations keeps an employer from hiring somebody, if the do not pass the test. Not good!
I find the system user friendly and responsive.
I found that e-verify was a friendly process, both tutorial and verification steps which I have used
several times. I feel that one needs to plan ahead and take their time with the tutorial process so that it
is absorbed more easily. In setting aside the time and doing the tutorial without being in a rush, I have
not had to revisit how to do the procedure.
I hate changing the password every 30 days; how about every 180 days?
I hate having to change passwords so often and dislike the tutorials although I understand the necessity
of both.
I HATE the mandatory tests.. I want in and out QUICK. I DON'T have all day to play games with E-
Verify... Did I mention I ABSOLUTELY HATE E-Verify???
I have been doing HR in the meat industry for 36 years. I have used e-Verify since about 1994 or 95.
Your phone help desks respond faster and are more knowledgeable that any other government agency
there is. I get a real person immediately and they can always help me. I have called probably 25 times
since 1994.
I have been using E-Verify since 2007 & only issue I do have is very complexity about password & it
becomes difficult for us to keep remembering all " ODD " Requirements. If you can make it easy then it
makes more sense.
I have been very pleased with using E-Verify. Fortunately we have not hired a lot of people so it has
been fairly easy to manage the small numbers that we have here. I was worried at first about how time
consuming it would be but after getting started the system made it really simple to understand and use.
I have found E-Verify very easy to use, but so far I have not had a complicated case.
I have had no problems using E-Verify. It is an easy process: easy to navigate, easy to use, with rapid
responses. Thank you for making this mandatory step for local governments an easy one.
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
I have had no problems with E-Verify every time I use it in the past 4 years. I am very satisfied with it
the way it is.
I have had no problems, but note that we always hire people that are almost entirely US citizen, born
and bred. That's due to the our industry.
I have had no real problems using E-Verify. I think it is an awesome way of checking verification of
I have no comments on how to improve E-Verify. It is easy to use.
I have not had any problems. It is quick and easy. We hired a naturalized citizen and we received
instant verification. Well done.
I have not hired anyone this year, so I cannot answer the questions regarding E-Verify this past 12
I have recommended E-Verify to a number of people. I think it is an excellent system. We will continue
to use it as long as it is available.
I haven't had any instances where accessing the system or obtaining information was difficult or
unavailable. Therefore, I cannot offer any suggestions to improve E-Verify.
I haven't used E-Verify enough to know how it can be improved. So for, it has worked well for me.
I like the program because I can take the documents given to me and put them into your system and
have the information verified. I feel the responsibility is now you E Verify for the accuracy. I have never
like the fact that because I am in charge of taking the documents and filling out the form that I am
personally responsible for it accuracy. I feel if any of the document given to me were fraudulent
documents, by using this program this proves I did everything I could to make sure I was hiring legally.
I was required by a Federal Construction Contract to enroll but if I had know the program existed I
would of enrolled long before that. Thank You.
I like the system and think it works great.
I like the way it is right now. It is a quick and safe way to verify documentation presented.
I liked the way it use to be. I believe it is a hard program to get around in, especially when our company
only may hire 1 or two people in 3 to 4 years.
I love E-Verify. It makes it easier to verify which employees can be hired.
I love it and I think everyone should be using it. I don't know why law enforcement people don't have
access to e-verify they could check for illegals and get answers back real quick.
I love that we have this system in place! It's easy to use & gives me peace of mind! Thank you!
I love the system. It gives employers peace of mind that we are hiring officially authorized people.
I once entered the wrong birthday and my applicant was verified, so I am doubtful about the accuracy of
that point. Otherwise, EV is great.
I only use e-verify because I am required to by government agencies. Other than that, I would not need
the program.
I only use the E-Verify system because I am REQUIRED to do so by ONE contractor that we work with
- if they did not require it then we would NOT use the system at this time.
I simply don't see the value in E-verify. it's simply an extra step that I'm required to make when hiring an
I think a cross referencing of the social security numbers would be useful. Because if someone is using
another person’s Social Security number; it'll still be returned as eligible for use. But if that same
number is being used; say in Puerto Rico or somewhere, it would raise a red flag.
I think E verify is doing a good job and I feel confident that information is secure.
I think E-Verify does an outstanding job and keep up the good work!
i think E-Verify doing good job to what i use it for.... thank you
I think e-verify has become easier to use then when it first started. It makes the I9 process so much
easier my only concern is the non-tentative issues which can linger indefinitely even after they have
been resolved. I am not the person who does the day to day entry I over see and sometimes I am not
aware that a non-tentative is in existence or still outstanding. Maybe a tickler generate an e-mail to the
primary and then repeat the e-mail in increments 30 days etc... Stuff like adoption, identity theft where a
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
social security number was change seem to cause the most confusion. Follow up non-tentative
resolutions with a confirmation e-mail to the employer and remove the non-tentative status
I think e-verify is easy to use and when you do make a mistake or enter something incorrectly it walks
you through the steps to correct it. I feel more confident about our I-9's using the system. I originally
signed on to make it easier for one of our employees to renew his VISA. He has moved on, but I will
continue to stay with E-Verify.
I think E-Verify is probably a great tool and resource for some employers, but as an employer who was
forced to register for E-Verify because of one construction contract's requirements, I'm not happy about
having to use it for all of my new hires. Since I don't use it often, I have to change my password every
time I log in and the password requirements are ridiculous. The tutorial was certainly easy to
understand, but it could have been shortened from a 2 hour webinar to a 1 page pdf instruction sheet.
It is all very self-explanatory and easy to use, I just don't find it necessary for me and my company. For
me, it was a waste of time and I wish I weren't obligated to use it.
I think it is a great program. Thanks
I think it should be enforce in any workplace. I often go to other fast food places and they have illegals
working and I think that should be monitored
I think it works fine. I don't have any suggestions for improvement.
I think it works fine. I haven't had any issues so far.
I think it would be beneficial to enter the complete drivers license number on all employees- not just
state, expiration date and dob. Licenses can be fake too-this might help to further prevent fraud.
I think it would be best to photo match on all employees. We have had more than one instance when an
American citizen has had their identity stolen and their identity has been used by someone else,
sometimes over and over again by different people (all coming in to our staffing agency).
I think it's easy to beat the system, not fraud proof at all.
I think people can rely totally on E-Verify and not actually visually inspecting the documents for fraud.
I think that e-Verify is a good first step in enforcing IRCA. The system is well thought out and easy to
I think that we should have 5 business days for our staff to provide documents. I think that 3 is pretty
short time frame for getting these documents, however that is because most of my temporary
employees are high school and college age and they are dependent on getting some of these
documents from their parents.
I think the constant changing of passwords is not efficient. Changing so often is a real pain to keep up
with and quite frankly not needed. Slows the process down considerably.
I think the E-Verify is a great program. As of today, I would not change anything.
I think there should always be a photo match.
I think we need to do a photo match everytime! This will help prevent identity theft.
I thought that the US Federal Government is requiring E-Verify. Do we have an option to complete an
I9 check or not?
I understand having a secure system but the password requirements and how often you have to
change passwords is excessive.
I use many government systems and this is definitely one of the best.
I want to E-Verify during the pre-hire process NOT within 3 days after the fact. If I do it after and they
don’t pass I have wasted valuable time and resources.
I was extremely disappointed to learn that nothing was done regarding someone we uncovered that is
not verified to work in the US. Shouldn't it then be turned over to immigration? Why do we have these
safeguards in place if nothing is going to be done about them?
I will only use e-Verify when required. I do not think it should be required for some states and not for
others. If the federal government would do their job, secure our borders and prevent illegal aliens from
entering this country, issuing illegal aliens social security numbers and drivers licenses, then this E-
Verify system would not be necessary.
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
I wish an employer had longer than 3 days to provide input or at least be given other options for the
reasons for the delay.
I wish e-verify was federally mandated, I wish I could use it for all of my verifications. It is easy to use, I
feel it is better than the Social Security verification system
I wish other companies were required to E-Verify and that there were ramifications for not E-Verifying.
I would like better explanation/updates of the documents that are not normally used, ex: foreign
passport, alien registration receipt card, employment authorize document.
I would like to be able to input I-9 info for a new employee into the system prior to the employee's first
day of employment.
I would like to see photo matching with Identification Cards and Driver Licenses as it is currently with
Permanent Resident Cards and Passports.
I'd like to see a report that can be run of all employees that have been e-verified that will be expiring.
Currently I cannot find anything like that on the e-Verify website. I would think that would be a pretty
simple report to run but one isn't provided through e-Verify. I think that would be very helpful to many
companies with multiple employees who present an 'employee authorized to work' card.
I'd love an email notice when an in-process verification that is waiting for more info (appearance by
employee, additional documents from agency, etc) is finished.
If a client isn't approved quickly, need to stay on top of it. The 6 week issue I had with one of my clients
was ridiculous. I didn't have to do anything. It was an issue with e-verify.
If I have an employee where the documentation is expiring I would like to receive an email rather than
going on the website all the time.
If this system works so great, why do we have so many undocumented workers in the US? Are all
employers required by law to use the E-Verify system?
If we have online reporting and a reminder emails for any documents expiring for employees.
Illegals find a way to get fake cards. E-verify is one more reason for them to find fake cards. Not sure
this program does any good. Employers get punished for the government’s inability to protect/close the
border. Something is wrong with that!! Programs are not going to resolve the issue.
I'm pleased with my experience. I'm an in-home agency who is mandated to check all of my
employee's. No problems at this time.
I'm satisfied with the systems verification processes.
I'm with a DoD contractor company, so using the tool is not optional. I'm also the Facility Security
Officer. I'd like to be able to use the same PKI certificate to log into both E-Verify and JPAS (as an
example) to avoid multiple user id's and passwords.
In our industry that employ Jones Act vessel and tug crew and are holders of Transportation Workers
Identification Cards (TWIC), it would help our industry tremendously if they are exempt from e-
In the past I had to test on new information when I logged in. I would like to have emails sent to me
stating the with my next log in I will need to test on new material that way I can do it early and not have
to do it when I just need to verify and employee.
In the training session, stress what steps to take to rectify a mistake in entering information.
Increase the 3 day window.
increase the time for passwords. i was in the air force 20 years and your requirements to get a
password were tougher
Instructions and help are written in 'government speak' and not all that helpful to the end user.
integrate it with payroll services. For instance, we have to E-verify someone and enter new employees
into payroll, which also verifies their SS #. If companies only had to input employee information once
and the payroll system sent the information in. If there was a problem with id then company HR would
get an email or call.
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Is it really necessary to constantly change the password?
It amazes me how significant typos in names, social security numbers and hire dates can go through
without question, and how poor the information in the SSA database is.
It appears to be government program that consistently works well.
It has served me well.
It is a little confusing sometimes but in the long run it works great
It is an amazing system -- a testament of some good our government can do! People who resist the
thought of the system or claim it is difficult to use are flat out wrong.
It is confusing and it takes a lot of time.
It is complicated to change a password. Sometimes it takes two or three tries to get the system
satisfied with my choice. I could never memorize the complicated password I have to set up. I guess
that is the point, though, so others can't go on-line and figure out my password.
It is easy and fast!
It is excellent tool.
It is good website to track the Visa status. We are very happy. Thanks for USCIS.
It is ok the way it is
It is rare for me to give the highest scores, but E-Verify earned them.
It is working great for me.
It takes too long to get a new company set up in the system, if you have several clients to do E-verify
It will be a great help, if you have a box for comments when entering information on a new hire. there
are certain situations that required further explanation, or side notes to clarify delays or inconveniences.
It also will be great if the user can get e-mails with reminders on due dates when receiving a non-
confirmation letter for a new employee. thanks for allow us to give feedback.
It works good like it is.
It would be beneficial if E-Verify could provide the user with access to the pictures of all drivers
licenses, identification cards, and other forms of ID.
It would be better if e-verify worked on all browsers, especially Mac based browsers (Safari)
It would be great if a photo from a federal database would pop up to confirm identification we have.
Documents could be fraudulent and we would not know as small time business users.
It would be great if I did not have to change my password so often.
It would be helpful if users could see their closed cases without being required to run a report.
It would be helpful to have photo matching for all ID documents. Also feel it would be good if more
information was matched per Social Security number such as date of birth that could be matched with
the other ID presented.
it would be helpful to identify exactly what is wrong with a match in Everify (i.e. name, or social or
birthdate) and allow more than one try before it goes to next status, sometimes the information is hard
to read and penmanship is a problem on the i9 so if we don't get it right we have to start over.
It would be much more beneficial if there were more photo matching tools for state ID's and DL's. This
would assist with preventing identity theft.
It would be nice if the system allowed me to enter all of our employees, many of whom were hired way
before E-Verify existed.
It would be nice to be able to combine an electronic I-9 to the E-Verify System - all in one.
It would be nice to be able to do the I-9s and everything on line, maybe scan in the driver's license and
SS card or other documentation? Don't know if anything like that is possible or not.
It would be nice to be able to fully explain a situation once by e-mail and have an e-mail back to refer to
for an answer when you have a difficult question. It seems sometimes you will get differing answers
when you are trying to just do it right.
It would be nice to have opportunity to enter the document number twice to avoid mistyping.
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
It would be nice to have some type of message board where users could post questions and answers
for others to search.
It’s a very good tool to check if employees are qualified to work in United States. Saves lot of time too.
It's difficult to administer the program being that our workforce is remote at locations where we do not
have the capability to make copies of ID's. Our site management changes depending on the job, so we
can’t always have someone with the capability to do the E-Verify. When it becomes law in the states
we work in, we will find a way and the funds to get it done, but for now, we don't have the funds to
manage this properly.
It's easy to use, pretty much self explanatory. The only thing I don't like is having to use the user id
provided instead of making my own that's easier to use and the password requirements are too hard to
keep changing.
Its great just the way it is.
It's had trusting in the information you get when calling after getting different answers to the same
It's perfect
It's required - therefore I use it.
It's so easy to use. The only problem I've ever had with E-Verify since I've been using it is me forgetting
my login or password information and that's not a problem on E-Verify's end, it's mine. :)
J 1 Visa Students are the hardest to get E/V to go thru, there should be a category for just students
here on a work program, That is where I get the most confused. Otherwise I have no issues
Keep improving the process. Maybe coordinate with states to add Photo Verification to Driver Licenses.
Require all employers to use e-verify.
keep me informed on how can I use e-verify in the best possible form
Keep telephone support. Sometimes a set of pre-defined Q&A's on the website is not enough in unique
Keep up the good work
Keep up the good work
Keep up the good work.
Keep up the great system!
Less screens! Must toggle through at least 5 different screens. Consolidate as much as possible,
less time in pending status
Let us keep our pass word longer.
Long survey
Looks very good for me..
Make it mandatory for all employers-
make it mandatory for all employers to verify all employees.
Make one stop for everything the employer needs to fill up for any new employee
Make the login simpler
make the password easier to navigate
Make this a requirement for all employers
More pictures/examples of possible documents that people might try to present as identification and
whether or not they can be used and what category they fall under.
More trouble shooting tips such as "what if" scenarios should available on your site.
"More user-friendly interface, more consistency in how data fields are set up.
Ex: when entering dates, cursor does not automatically move to next field, but when entering SSN, it
does!! Consistency throughout the process will allow user to be more efficient in filling out data. Did
you ask actual users to test the interface or was it done mainly by programmers?"
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Most of my TNCs result from the employment of F-1 students at our University. Once they go through
the process they do receive an "Employment Authorized" result, but I wish there was a way to get this
result initially rather than going through the whole TNC process.
My experiences with e-verify have been entirely positive. I think it's a great system that every employer
should use.
My one -and only complaint- is the frequency of the forced change of password. Nearly every time I
login I have to create a new password.
My only complaint is how often you must change your password.
my only concern is with the length of time it consumes to take update "test" to work on line, especially
when you are not aware of needed test and need to get in and out of the web site.
My only problem is when logging onto the sight I have difficulty finding the correct one. However, once
on it is so easy to use!
My state compelled me to use E-Verify initially. I now make it part of my hiring procedures.
Need more help/clarification when there is a nonconformance. What should be done?
need more than 3 days to complete the verification after employee starts employment
Need tutorial on multiple worksites with same FEIN or multiple locations under a management
no comment
no comment
No comment.
no comments
No comments
No Comments
No comments
No Comments
No comments
No comments at this time.
No comments at this time. Thank you.
no comments, I am satisfied with your service.
No comments; it is pretty efficient. I cannot speak to the security of the information though, which is a
main concern of our company, but I will leave the security experts to ensure the information is kept
No ideas at this time. The process is super-easy and fast.
No improvements needed.
no major issues with system. Would like to receive an email when pending cases are resolved or to get
a status update.
No problems what so ever. thank you.
No suggestion
No suggestions at this time.
None at this time
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
none at this time
None at this time. Thank you.
none, very happy with program
Not all new employees can put their hands on the proper paperwork due to different situations such as
moving. In certain cases the three day rule can be very for some new employees to respond with the
correct paperwork.
Not happy that I have to do within 72 hours of hiring. The fact that I do document in order to hire legally
eligible employees should count for something. Sometimes difficult to get employees in to office to
complete I-9 within time frame since they work out in the field. Also, need to be able make corrections
to submission of I-9 if discovered rather than following up the TNC.
Not having to change passwords so often
Not to serve my company - I think E-verify needs to crack down on companies NOT using the E-Verify
now youre getting on my nerves WAY TOO MANY QUESTIONS that ask the same thing. Works good
Often there is no photo in the system when a photo match is required.
Once E-Verify informs me that they are unauthorized to work, it would serve me better if they were
somehow removed from the workforce. I've actually had them go 4 addresses down the street and go
to work for a contractor that uses ONLY illegals. This is what I've got to compete with. This puts me at
a distinct disadvantage using E-Verify in the construction industry.
Once E-Verify is able to display drivers licenses from each state it won't be 100% effective. Since
illegals are using others identity their marking on the I-9 they’re a citizen and going right through the
process. You can't always tell that documents are fraudulent. It would be nice if E-Verify could send
representatives to companies using E-Verify to train them on specific documents and what to look for
without having to sign up with ICE.
Once the tutorial is complete, there are very few questions regarding the process. My only concern is
with name matching, especially foreign names. Sometimes we have had to submit with different
spellings (such as "v" vs. "b" in Spanish).
Only issue I have is how often I have to change my password.
Our company has been presented with stolen identifications and it's difficult to confirm using E-Verify
alone that the identification presented is authentic. I'm not sure of the solution other than questioning
the documents in question. It would be a benefit to be able to report a potential stolen social security to
someone who can confirm yes or no and to reach out to the person. It's frustrating having limited
resources with identification issues, but the more companies that use E-Verify, those issues should
happened less frequently.
Our company has many branches, all using E-Verify. I haven't heard of anyone having difficulty with
the program.
Our company rarely has the need to use the E-Verify due to lack of hiring, but it is a fast and easy
Our initial confusion was gaining an understanding of the role of the state vs. the Federal Govt. Once
we began dealing directly with the Fed office, all questions were resolved.
Overall I believe it's a well orchestrated, easy to use, beneficial program. I have no suggestions for
improvement ... as long as the internet is functioning. Thank you.
Overall the program is rather easy to use. It would be a little easier to be able to simply type dates into
field versus using the dropdown windows, but overall rather easy. Thankfully I have not run into any
problems with its use.
password changes are required too frequently, and there are way too many rules in setting one. In
training groups, this is the most difficult part of the program!
Password creation is somewhat cumbersome. Do we REALLY need to have all those password
restrictions in place?
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Password requirements and frequency of how often you must change your password can be a pain. I
suggest you lower your requirements for how often you have to change your password.
Password requirements are too strenuous and need to be updated too often.
password system can be difficult to maintain
Password update/change could be easier
people can use someone else’s ID, Name and DOB and still pass the E-Verify program. Wish the
identity theft could be detected
Please change the email address bayoum[email protected]om to our secure email address which is
"Please extend the password change duration. at present it is set to change at every 90 days and it is
hard to find a new password to meet the password specifications every time.
Also, extend the e-Verify submittal time from 3 day submittal to 7 day submittal on a new hire."
please make the month entry for birthdates as numbers and not spelled out. it makes it a pain to do
massive data entry when you can't just hit a number to represent the month.
Provide more time to process E-Verify for new employees. It is not easy to process new hires in three
Providing Pictures on the E-Verify for all Employees
quit making us change our passwords if we haven't used the e-verify system often enough.
Reduce the amount of paperwork needed to handle a tentative non-confirmation
Remove the time restraints on submitting.
reporting within 3 days can be a hassle at times.
Requirement to change passwords often is annoying.
Responses to E-verify are immediate; responses to email inquiries are received in a timely manner -
cannot offer improvements to a system that seems to work.
Right now it is good I am ok with it
Satisfied the way it is, but will welcome any changes that make it easier in any way
satisfied at this point
See comments on State Identification Card and Driver License.
Seems perfectly fine with me.
Seems pretty straight forward now - enter I-9 information and the computer will tell you if the person is
eligible or not.
Seems to be outages frequently - need to make sure there is no downtime.
Seems to satisfy our needs as a Federal Contractor.
Serves its purpose. Happy with speed of response.
Short time required to verify employee is hard for small companies with limited staff.
Shorten the tutorials following an update of the site and make the telephone prompt system easier to
get to a representative when we call for assistance.
Should be required for all employers and particularly state agencies like California who pay benefits to
non-legal immigrants for Unemployment and Welfare.
Should have more than 3 days from hire date to enter information in E-Verify system.
Simplify the website for employers that only use it to verify legal employment status. Get rid of all the
other clutter. Have just a webpage where Everify is done only.
Since starting with the program in 2009, there have been no problems.
smart phone friendly surveys
Some parts is a little hard to understand and know just what they want.
Sometimes frustrating when the website changes. It would help to make the e-verify login more
prominent on your website.
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Sometimes the work load is so great that the "3 day after start date" deadline is hard to comply to.
Recently (in August, 2012) we experience a very high volume of new was impossible to get all
these entered in E-Verify within the 3 day start date deadline that is required. Maybe coming up with a
new procedure to report a mass amount of new hires would be helpful, instead of doing one by one.
Also, having to report new hires @ the state level seems redundant to me. There should be a way of
only having to report new hires one time and having any government official having access to that info
would be helpful to employers.
Sorry, but I'm not sure how accurate this system is. I don't like it. I don't think it's very useful. I am being
coerced by my client to use it. I really did not read the manual. I just guessed on the test and passed.
Speed up the time it takes to get password.
Stop requiring the password to change as frequently as it is set up now. Just a little more time would
be beneficial.
Stop sending surveys!
Stop the requirement to get info in the system within three days of hire. It is already a burdensome
issue and time constraints make it worse. Ideally, a ten day period would help us from an administrative
point of view.
Survey too long
survey, emails and implement of it
System has worked well for our company, but it is an additional burden.
take off the little blurb about participating in a survey.
Terminated Employee List / Report
Thank you for being thorough with information and training and for making the system user friendly.
Thank you so much to [name deleted] for helping me out!
The 3 day timeline is somewhat of an aggravation. I am not in complete control of company new hire
documents and sometimes I have to constantly ask for the I-9 form to meet that deadline.
the 3 day verify from hire date is sometimes difficult to meet. we process payroll every 2 weeks and
they are processed at that time.
The 3-day rule s often a problem for me. I get the verification here, but sometimes forget to go to the e-
verify site.
The 3-day time limit is not always easy to adhere to as a small company
The biggest problem we have is with the matching of names and social security numbers with our
Hispanic workforce. We are having a difficult time with entering the names properly to receive a valid
response the 1st time.
The current system is simple and easy to use. We are satisfied that the verifications we receive are
accurate - if potential employees can fool E-verify, they're miles ahead of us. The only problem we
have is with very old Green Cards, that don't have all the numbers that the current cards do. Since E-
verify won't recognize these older numbers, we just use SSN and driver’s license # for these. We
would prefer that the older Green Card numbers would be recognized by E-Verify.
The disappointing thing is that my personal judgment on someone’s eligibility to work in the usa is no
longer worth anything. At all. And more of a burden to small employers when they go through the long
process of finding a qualified, licensed employee. (you can't get licensed for our field if you are not
eligible to work in the usa.) just more paperwork because some people aren't responsible.
The enrollment and online testing as a User of multiple locations is very cumbersome. Each location
requires a separate login and password. It also requires taking the "test" for each location. With 22
locations, we were required to take the test 22 times. Need to improve this process.
The E-Verify system and documentation is very good. I wish more government websites were this
The E-Verify web site is easy to use, customer service representatives are knowledgeable and the
tutorial training very helpful
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
The home page is the most poorly designed portion, though updates a little over a year ago improved it
greatly. I would like to see all states go to a REAL ID, having the photo appear on the screen is helpful
to know the ID is legitimate. It definitely seems to complete the I-9. Clean up the home page, release
the new I-9 (due 3 months ago) and all should be good.
the I-9 program and E-Verify should become one system. employers should be able to enter in the
information into E-Verify and print out the results and that should be the only documentation required to
keep in house that shows eligibility of employment due to citizenship.
The information provided need to be always correct. Updating the system should be a priority.
The initial login is slow and would like not to have to change my password every so many months.
Also, most of the time, on the home screen, if you have any alerts on the bottom, the link does not
work. To get to any info below, you have to select case search on the left and filter that way. I would
also like an easier summary to each client on a per month basis. And month fields to be numerical like
it was initially. It is great for fast verification though.
the log in and requiring constant changes in passwords is cumbersome
The main issues I've had have been around the system being down. Not being able to verify passports
because of system issues; which required me to have to log in another day.
The main problem with E-Verify is that as an administrator it is not easy to find cases in the system. I
have to have multiple logons for each of our locations. Searching for a person in the system is difficult
without a case number.
The new changes to E-Verify with the addition of more information needed on each new hire make it
cumbersome to use and very time consuming. When we are registering/verifying between 25 and 75
each week, it becomes a chore. There has to be a better way. It's okay for companies big enough to
outsource the function, but those of us that are midsized find all the additional information needed
tedious to enter.
The online tutorials are frustrating when you want to enter a new employee but you have to go through
the tutorial first. Also, when you print case results it is two pages, and the second page has only a
small amount of information on it, i would like to see the case results be able to fit on one page.
The only complaint I have is in regards to the password changes. I realize the passwords must be very
strong since it is dealing with so much personal information, but some of the requirements make it
difficult to remember the password with as infrequently as it is used.
The only complaint I would have is the changing of the passwords. It seems to frequent and too difficult
to come up with one it will accept. Other than that I have been very happy with the system.
The only concern I have is when there is some kind of verification that does not match, not always sure
of the next step to take, however, a phone call pretty much solves is certainly a case by case
The system is used for new hires so I am very surprised when changes have been made that I am
unaware of and I find myself in need of the program immediately.
Email would be effective when I have ID that needs to be verified or reverified rather than just having a
message in the system under my login, I only go into E-Verify when I have new hires.
Thank you for selecting me for the survey."
The only criticism is that sometimes the e-verify's system is down and then that can cause a delay in
reporting a new hire. Thank you
The only I issue I have is that the password is hard, but, I realize that this makes it so much more
The only issue I have is that I wish there was more time to enter new employees. We have problems
getting paperwork to the person directed to enter the employee information on E-Verify within the three
day window. The location where paperwork is filled and out and collected is not the same location that
information is entered into E-Verify.
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
The only issue I've ever had with E-Verify is that I transferred from using it at one company to my next
company and had to take the full tutorial and pass the exam again. It would be nice if there was a way
to transfer my user status between companies.
The only issue that has irritated me, was after not having used the e verify system for maybe a few
months, I get onto the site and we have just hired say 4 new employees. Before I can e verify those
employees, your system requires that I take a knowledge test. I think that should be changed so that
an employer is allowed to e verify employees that are just hired and that you can come back at another
time and take the knowledge test. That is really my only issue with your system.
The only negatives I experienced were that I had to take a timely test for each of our companies with a
different EIN. The only other negative was the amount of acronyms used when initially registering.
Other than that it's been great so far. Keep up the good work.
The only problem - passwords, you make them so difficult, that there is no way to remember them. You
have to write them down somewhere. This could be a problem later.
The only problem I ever have is if I accidentally hit a wrong button while entering in information, it jumps
be back to the previous screen, and I then have to re-enter all the information. If this could be avoided
somehow, that would be excellent because human error does occur. Overall I feel E-verify is very user
friendly after you watch the training tutorial. I haven't not had problems and am able to do a verification
in just a couple of minutes.
The only thing I have found to be a real pain is the password requirements and how often you have to
change them. Seems like this could be improved for sure.
The only thing I would like to see is 24 hours customer service...We are in Alaska and sometimes
issues don't come up until late afternoon and by then the customer service is already closed...Thanks
The only thing that I would like to see changed on your website would be able to view old cases. It
would be nice to be able to go back and print them off again if for some reason we need another copy.
For example I was running a large group of I-9s about a month ago. I ran about 32 or more at one time.
When I went through the pile I thought that one had not printed. I tried to go to your website and print
another copy and was not able to. Or at least it is not very clear as to where you go to do this. Other
than that issue I feel that the website is very easy to use and accurate.
The original sign up is too long of a process for small business. They do not use the system very often
and many do not use computers at all still in the small business world. I do like the quickness of the
verify of the workers eligibility .
The overall website is to busy. I think if E-Verify would simply their home page it would make use a
great deal easier.
The password requirements are way too complicated.
The password requirements make it impossible to change a password without keeping a history of
previous passwords. I find myself keeping a list of the previous 10 passwords, which defeats the
purpose of a password. But if I don't, it takes me 10+ minutes to change my password each time.
The password resetting and tutorial are a complete waste of time and hassle. The strict password
requirements are enough to safeguard it. The tutorial doesn't even help. The system would be ideal
without those 2 issues.
The password security system is way too complicated. I feel like the federal government is putting the
responsibility of border security on the shoulders of small business. Those of us that don't have HR
departments or even HR employees.
the password set up is very particular and you have to change it too often.
The password that you have to make up is WAY too complicated. Because it is IMPOSSIBLE to
remember I have to write it down. If I have to write it down than someone can find it making the
password process useless.
The passwords are a pain. The restrictions on reusing letters or past passwords are excessive.
The process for resolving incomplete cases and TNCs is not easy to understand on the site.
The process is very simple and fast, I hope we have more systems like this one.
"The system is a poor way to try and perform these checks. SSA and DHS never seem to have
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Matching information, even after an individual gets a letter from SSA saying they are good then, you run
the info again and DHS denies. Also if an individual has two last names, which is very common in
Mexico, it will always come back as a TNC. Then when I as the employer try to help an individual get
the paperwork straight, the agents won't talk to me and won't tell me what the problem is so the
individual being checked can get it fixed. This is just another layer of bureaucracy costing tax payers
money without doing any good. The system is worried about discriminating against potential employees
by employers but I and all the other employers are looking for people willing to work and it is frustrating
to find good employees only to have an e-verify system that has inaccurate information shared between
SSA and DHS not help fix the problem."
The system is required for our county government offices and is simple to use. It's effectiveness would
be determined by how easy it is to obtain a drivers license and social security card.
The system seems to work as it is intended to. No problems so far.
The system should look at the social security number at entry and compare to previous entries for the
company account and automatically inform that the record is entered.
The system works quite well. The only downside for us is that sometimes (as a school who hires a lot
of people for a September start) it's difficult to get all the new staff in within 3 days of the date of hire.
Other than that it's been working very well.
The three day requirement after hire date for verifying employees is too restrictive. We go through
spurts of hiring and training when our programs are beginning during specific times of the year. At those
times, we may have several new hires come on board, and we do not have a dedicated HR person on
staff. Getting all of the documentation in and verifying people through the system often takes longer
than three days for us. Changing the requirement to one to two weeks would be more helpful. That way,
we could ensure everyone has been checked through the system while they are going through their
training process, but before they have begun to work.
The training process takes way too long and if you don't log into an account, it makes you re-take the
training. I would get more users for our company account if it wasn't so hard to get someone enrolled to
do it. The password rules seem a little over the top as well. I don't think we should have to change it as
often as we do and the rules for setting the password are too strict.
The two issues that I have are: 1) There can be a long wait time to speak with someone, when I call E-
Verify. 2) When I enter a case and am waiting for the response, I do not like the delay caused by error
messages stating that there are technical issues with E-Verify. Other than these issues, I am generally
pleased with E-Verify.
the two questions regarding if the employee is still working are redundant
The uploading of MOU to E-Verify website, is a lot complicated. Two formats are only acceptable, need
to have other ways to get the MOU uploaded better.
The Verify process is not difficult, but we do not have a lot of hiring in a twelve month period of time
therefore, we are having to retrain when we do hire someone.
The web site is very informative and user friendly. I love the photo matching, since it gives us a better
sense of accuracy/security. Don't see any need for improvement at this time.
The wording after you receive a confirmation is vague and a bit confusing. It seems odd that the system
asks you if you are continuing to employ an individual (who you just hired and who had a confirmation
... why wouldn't you?). That could be more clear, but it's just a very minor point. Overall, I've been
extremely pleased with how easy the process is, especially after all of the dire warnings in 2007-2008
about e-Verify. I've been very happy with it.
There are some gray areas in the requirements that in my opinion need further clarification. For
example: Employee transfers between facilities under the same company. Do they require E-
Verification if there is no interruption of service???
There is one glitch that I think E-Verify needs to consider to avoid fraud. ID card fraud is so
sophisticated, so there should be photo matching with DMV ID and driver licenses. Currently there isn't.
Who is to say someone saying they are a Citizen and show ID and SS with an actual citizen name with
their fraudulent ID with active number. The picture in E-Verify would show if it wasn't them. Just like
Perm Resident cards do.
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
There is way too much training required to use the program. Just give me the information as I need it! I
will continue to use the program because it's required and for no other reason.
This has been an excellent program!
This is a great idea, however made ridiculous by the fact that the companies that would mostly NEED to
use the system, are not required to do so. This will only be respectable when ALL companies are
required to use it.
This is great service. Thank you
This is not really relative to E-Verify, but more with the I-9 process. Reporting within 3 business days of
hire is sometimes difficult with the busy schedules many of us have, especially when we are wearing
multiple hats in an organization.
This web site is wonderful and very helpful. And I have already recommended it to other employers to
use. I use it in all states we do business
This website has issues with the pages loading since day 1. When you try to navigate to the next page,
the screen takes you back to the " I agree " page in the beginning. It is a circle you can't get out of. You
have to log off and try again later. Takes too much time just trying to get a single case done.
To better serve me is just too sure that all business's are using e-verify
To save paper, toner, could the verification print on only ONE page?
"Tutorial is not done well. Can be confusing and makes no sense.
You have to hire someone first before e-verity can be used. That is backwards. E-Verify should be
used during the hiring process to eliminate wasted time if an employee does not come back authorized
to work. E-verify should be used before a job offer is on the table."
Tutorials are too long.
Typing in the actual month (ex: January) instead of being able to use the digit version (ex: 01) can be a
little irritating when all other related fields are digits.
updates e-mailed
Use E-verify because it is mandatory that we do so.
User Audit Reporting is slow and cumbersome. It is not possible to get a full up report of all E-
Verifications by company. Customer reps are not able to generate these reports either. User Audit
Reports must be pieced together. This creates risk for employers having to manually manipulate data.
Also, masking SSNs is problematic for employers who then have to update a user audit report with SSN
data to track employees. Again burdensome and risky when having to manually handle data.
Using e-verify is a lot easier than some of the other agency I report new hirers to.
Using the Everify system is fairly simple once everything is set up. Accessing the MOU required by
agencies was a struggle.
Very easy to navigate and verify new employees.
Very easy to use.
Very easy, quick and accurate system.
very easy.
Very satisfied with the program.
Very Technical and hard to understand.
Very user friendly
Very user friendly system. Confident in security of website and accuracy of information.
We are a small organization with a very low turnover level, and are comfortable with verification through
the I-9 application process. This program does not add value. We participate because it is a condition
of some of our grantors.
We are no longer required to use E-Verify but I still do. I find it easy to use and very helpful in insuring
our employees are eligible to work in the US
We are satisfied with the service and have no complaints or suggestions to offer.
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
We feel that this online electronic system that connects, now, Immigration, SSA and other data to give
real time responses to our efforts to confirm folks say they are who they are and that they are in fact
authorized for employment in the US is excellent. It is a significant improvement from the past where
paper / manual processes were at greater risk of error or breach of security, expiration of critical
documents, and we had to wait until calendar year end reconciliations to find out from the SSA that
someone didn't match their systems. It's a bit cumbersome to get through all the initial set up and
training but after that it was so much easier now. And the security password, that they change often and
are so highly encrypted, seem very secure. Of course, what's happening with the info in cyber space or
on the other end is unknown to us and could be at risk we suppose.
We have an extremely small business with only one full-time (30 hrs/wk)employee and will most likely
stay small. Seems unnecessary for me.
We have clients that say they need E-Verify to bid a job but if we do this and they don’t get the job we
could be subject to fines and penalties with DHS because we don’t have a FAR exemption since they
did not get the job.
We have found E-Verify to be very satisfactory.
We have had no problems and seem to be Happy and have no issues.
We have used E-Verify for almost 4 years. I highly recommend it and it has been come much better
and user friendly. EVERY USA employer should use this in-lieu of paper I9s. In today's electronic
world (PC, smartphones, laptops, IPhones, etc..) every employer should be able to use and be required
to use this system. Maybe an exception of small business under 5 personnel could be exempted be
encouraged to use this system. Again, they are STILL required to do the checks and E-Verify gives us
upfront confident and very quick response on compliance.
We only use this for contract jobs that require it. All our employees when hired, their employment
verification forms were fax to the state of TN.
We really do not have a reason to recommend e verify. We only participate because it is mandatory by
the US Gov't
We should be able to E-Verify all employees. Especially the employees that were here before e-verify.
We started using E-verify because it was required by the State of Utah. The benefit to us is not having
to do both an I-9 and register with the State. Thanks, E-verify for saving us a step.
We use E-Verify because our clients require it.
We use E-VERIFY because we are mandated by law!!! So we are very likely to continue to use the
We utilize the e-verify system via our background checking agency so my interactions with e-verify are
not direct.
We would like to have more than 3 days to process our hundreds of employees' I-9 forms through E-
Verify. 5 to 7 days would be much more reasonable during our busy hiring season, when we hire 700
people in 2 months. We are a ski resort, and it's very difficult to process each of our 700 I-9's within 3
days. Thank you for considering this.
What I do not like is that as a local government, we are also required to ensure that every contractor
uses it as well. That should not be something we should have to enforce and require in order to do
business with a vendor.
What is a Maiden name? Does an unmarried female have a Maiden name? Is it possible that a male
ever have a Maiden name? This is an example of simple issues made difficult due to lack of clear
responses from the help desk. The issue is not addressed in the M274 but the help desk refers to the
M274 for assistance in answering the questions above.
When an employee makes contact with Soc Sec office to correct information, should be able to update
online so we know they have attempted to correct & not wait 10 days or so to find out if Approved.
When calling for assistance, representatives don't give names just a number. We also need a
confirmation number when calling for questions or any other assistance.
When entering information about an alien authorized to work, sometimes they have so many
documents and it is confusing which ones and which numbers to enter into Everify.
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
When entering numerical data such as birthdays and certain other fields that are ALWAYS the same
length, it would be faster if the cursor just moved to the next field. Also it was better when birth months
were keyed as all numeric and we did not have to type the month as alpha. Lastly, it is a waste of time
to make copies of the photos on the certain ID's if we have already stated they matched. It is like you
do not believe the statement we just made that the photo's matched and you want to have the photo on
hand if you ever come to do an audit. For us, well, we do not have a copier close at hand so it is more
time consuming to have to go to another area and make photocopies.
When entering the expiration date for the drivers license or id (LIST B) document - it may be easier to
move that field to the right (like it appears for the passport) because at times - it's easy to accidentally
enter the hire date there - then to go realize that and correct is sometimes time consuming.
When following up with employees in remote locations after receiving Tentative Non-Conformations, it
would be nice to be able to print the "Notice to Employee of Tentative Nonconfirmation" and the
"Referral Letter to the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security" at the same time. That way if an employee
wishes to 'contest' the findings, the employer can respond more quickly with the "Referral letter".
When inputting CPT/I-20, some parts of screen were not obvious which doc went where, or which
expiration date went where. In these cases there are multiple docs with different expiration dates.
when you make a typo on the data entry, it is hard to correct without either getting kicked out of the
system OR having to retype everything... wish it was easier to correct.
When you make a typographical error that results in a TNC, you can close the file, but it remains in the
system. This is confusing because you have 2 verification numbers for one individual, although one
record is incorrect.
Wish all systems and government entities worked as smoothly as this one. Thanks. The next question
asks about state, we are a national employer but there is no option for that. PA is our corporate HQ.
Would be helpful if associated with a component for running criminal record searches.
Would like 5 day window to verify instead of 3
Would like compatibility with web browsers other than Internet Explorer, such as Chrome.
would like more than ,just 3 days to do the e=verify, I am the only one that does this for our work, and
sometimes I get busy and may take me a week to get to and I find myself stressing did I do it within 3
Would like to have more than 3 days to enter a new hire.
Would like to see more picture prompts.
Would like to see pictures from Driver's license and state ID's.
Would prefer not to have to take the I-9 steps and only use E-Verify to determine eligibility and work
You may already do this, but keep a list of all people in you database that are victims of stolen identity.
This will alert anyone so that it can be determined if this person is the victim or criminal
You really should extend the time frame between the hire date and E-Verify date.
Your password requirements are very difficult! Can you ease up a bit on the requirements or make
them last longer?
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
D4. Which category among the list below best describes the primary industry in which your
company or organization conducts business?
a/v installation design & sales
accounting & tax services
Advertising Agency
Advertising Agency
airport aircraft fueling
Ambulance service
architecture / engineering
At-Risk Youth Residential Program
Audio Visual
Auto Bodyshop
auto service
automated software
Automotive dealership/Retail
automotive services
AV integrator
Aviation repair
Biofuel / Biotech
biomedical research
Blood Center
Bookkeeping Firm
building services
Bulk Petroleum
business service (interior maintenance)
Cabinet Manufacturing company
Call Center
Car Wash
chemical company
church/religious organization
Cleaning Service
Cold storage warehousing
Commercial Janitorial
Commercial Janitorial
Commercial Specialty Trade
Communication, Technology, Construction
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Computer Services
Concrete, asphalt, soils & aggregate testing laboratory
Consulting (Administrative, Management and IT)
Consulting Firm for the financial industry
Consulting, Engineering & Surveying
Consumer Goods
Consumer Products
Contract Food Service
Cooling and Heating
Corrections State and Federal
courier services
Custodial Service
Day Spa/Health Club
Daycare Provider
Decontamination and Remediation
defense contractor
Dental Offices
department of motor vehicle and drivers license
Dump truck hauling
Electrical Contractors
Engineering and Electrical Construction and Repair
Engineering and Information Technology Services (Consulting, Staffing and Services)
Entertainment - Bowling Center
Entertainment Media
environmental consulting & contracting
environmental remediation
Erosion & Sediment Control
Event Management Services
fabrication & installation of museum exhibits
Fast food restaurant
Federal Contractor Services
Federal contractor with companies across the nation
Federal Government
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Federal Government Contractor
FedEx Delivery
Financial Information Services
Fire Protection
fitness center
flooring installation
Food service
Forestry Related Activities
Forestry, Tree Care
Funeral Home and Cemetery
General labor
Government Contractor
government contractor
Hazardous/non hazardous waste facility
health/fitness/sports training
heavy duty truck dealership
highway construction
Home Care - Non-medical
home health aid
Home Health Services
homeowner association
Homeowners Association/ Property Mgr.
Human Resources Outsourcing
Human Services
HVAC / Repairs and Installation
In Home Care/Consumer Directed Services
In Home Health Agency
Indoor Air Quality & Life Safety Services in Hospitals
Industrial Cutting Tools - Grinding
Industrial Launderers SICC 7218
industrial maintenance
IT/ Software consulting and technical solutions providers
Janitorial (It’s never on these lists and it should be)
janitorial service
janitorial services
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Land Surveying
Landscape and Maintenance
Landscape Contractor
Landscape Design
Landscape industry
landscaping installation & maintenance
Landscaping Irrigation Lawn care
Law firm
Lawn Maintenance Services
Licensed Home Care Services
Long-term care, closed door pharmacy
low voltage systems sales and installation
Magazine Publishers
Manufacturing support services
Marketing and Public Information
Massage Therapy
Medical Device Repair
Medical Management
Medical Supply Distribution
Medical, Dental, and Hospital Equipment and Supplies
Mental Health Facility
Metal recycling
Methodist Church
NCAIS Code 541511
Network Security / IT
non-profit foster care/adoption/developmental disab. organization
Office Furniture Dealership
oilfield services
Operations & maintenance
Organic Produce Delivery Service
Other business services
Package delivery
Package handling and delivery
Parcel delivery and pick-up
Payroll/HR Provider
Personal Care and In Home Services
Pharmaceutical Research, Manufacture & Sale
plumbing, HVAC & Industrial Clean Up
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Private Protection
Processing Peanut Plant
property management
Property Management
Property Management
Property Management
Property Management
Provide services to cities and counties.
Public Library
Public transportation
Quasi-government, inter-governmental planning agency
Railroad Maintenance
Real Estate
Real Estate
Real Estate
Real Estate development and management
Real Estate Development, Construction and Management
Real Estate Valuation
Religious Institution
Rental Car
Rental Property
Research and Development
Residential/Country Club
Residential Maid Service
Retail farming supply
sanitation contractor for food processing
School Corporation
Scientific Research
Security and Investigation
Senior Rental Community
USCIS – E-Verify 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey
service company, door repairs
Service Contractor
service industry
service industry
service industry
Service Industry
Service Worker (Janitorial)
Services / Landscape
Services: Lawn Care and Landscaping
Shipbuilding Repair
Social Service
Social Services
Software development
software development
specialty construction
Specialty Construction
State agency in higher education/community college
Steel Fabricator
Systems Integration
Tattooing and Body Piercing
Technology development and licensing
Telecommunications Cabling Contractor
Trading Company
Traffic Control for highway construction
underground utility lines-water & sewer
Used clothing recycler
Warehouse Truck Unloading
Wastewater Treatment
Water transport oilfield work
we are in most states & have Info Technology/ Construction/ general Contracting/ Mining
We do a variety of temporary staffing
web development
White Water Rafting
wholesale distribution
window cleaning