© 2010 The Shifting Patterns of Agricultural Production and Productivity Worldwide. The Midwest
Agribusiness Trade Research and Information Center, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
The Changing Pattern and Sources of
The Changing Pattern and Sources of
Agricultural Growth in India
Agricultural Growth in India
Alka Singh and Suresh Pal
The Indian economy has moved decisively to a higher path of growth in re-
cent years, making it one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. The rate
of economic growth measured in real per capita gross domestic product (GDP)
(1999-2000 prices) averaged less than 5% per year during the 1980s and 1990s,
increasing to more than 7% per year during the period 2003-07 (Planning Com-
mission 2008). The economy is now poised to sustain these more rapid rates of
expansion, with the potential to bring signifi cant improvements to the lives of
millions of the country’s poor.
In contrast, the country’s agricultural economy has performed erratically
during the past several decades. Indian agricultural output, especially that of
rice and wheat in irrigated areas, recorded a quantum jump in growth during
the 1970s and 1980s in response to the widespread adoption of new seed- and
fertilizer-based technologies. This was accompanied by substantial growth in
rural infrastructure, mainly through public investments. The growth stimulus
spread into rain-fed agricultural production beginning in the 1980s with the
rapid adoption of high-yielding varieties of coarse cereals, oilseeds, pulses, and
cotton. Rising yield growth and cropping intensities greatly contributed to buoy-
ant agricultural growth, despite frequent instability due to weather events. The
livestock sector, the second-largest component of India’s agricultural GDP, also
Alka Singh is a principal scientist and Suresh Pal is head of the Division of Agricultural Economics,
Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.
has had exemplary growth since the 1980s. However, this impressive overall
growth performance obscures very different growth rates across different sectors,
states, and social groups.
In recent years, agricultural growth has slowed, with wide year-to-year fl uc-
tuations. Beginning in the early 1990s, agricultural growth was substantially
below that of the non-agricultural sector, and the gap is widening. The com-
paratively slow growth of agriculture would perhaps have been of less concern
if there had been a commensurate decline in the percentage of the population
dependent on agriculture. But this has not been the case; in fact, the offi cial sta-
tistics showed that the agricultural population has continued to increase. This
widening gap may seriously jeopardize the national goal of inclusive economic
growth, as two-thirds of India’s population still depends on agriculture and al-
lied sectors for gainful employment and a secure livelihood.
The diffi culty of improving agricultural productivity on a sustainable ba-
sis is further compounded by increasing pressure on natural resources and
the environment, the vulnerability of agriculture to external shocks like cli-
mate change, and the fragmentation and small scale of Indian farms. Given
these natural resource and structural constraints, agricultural growth must
increasingly rely on sustained and improving productivity growth through
continued technological and institutional innovations. There are some positive
developments on these fronts that have helped maintain agricultural growth
at a reasonable level and have thereby insulated the country from the recent
global food crisis. In this chapter we examine the broad pattern of agricultural
growth in the country, its sources and regional dimensions. We particularly
underscore the recent success stories, diversi cation patterns, and binding
In the next section we present the main characteristics of Indian agriculture
and its changing contribution to India’s national economy. This is followed by a
detailed discussion of the pattern of growth in agriculture, and the regional and
commodity dimensions of that growth. Trends in total factor productivity are
also reviewed at length in Section 3. An in-depth analysis of sources of growth
in Indian agriculture—particularly recent trends in public investment such as
irrigation, research, and infrastructure developmentis provided in Section 4.
In Section 5, we address challenges faced by Indian agriculture and the possible
strategies for dealing with them. We conclude the chapter with some observa-
tions about options for accelerating India’s agricultural growth.
The Indian economy has grown at an impressive rate in recent times. This
sharp uptrend in growth can be attributed in (perhaps signi cant) part to a se-
ries of economic reforms initiated by the government in the early 1990s. The
composition of growth has also changed substantially. In earlier times, agricul-
tural and manufacturing sectors fueled much of the country’s economic growth.
Since the 1990s, a newly emerging services sector has been the main driver of
growth, along with manufacturing, while the relative contribution of agricul-
ture to current economic growth has shrunk signi cantly. Agriculture’s share
of Indian GDP fell from 37.9% during the early 1980s to less than half of that
share (17%) during 2008-09. However, in real terms, Indian agriculture has con-
tinued to grow, albeit at varying rates, owing to several factors. Agriculture has
an impressive long-run record, from delivering the country from serious food
shortages, to becoming food self-reliant, to growing a food-surplus economy.
Agriculture still contributes signi cantly to export earnings and is an important
source of raw materials and demand for the booming non-agricultural sector.
The country is increasingly taking its place in the global production marketplace
as a leading producer of many agricultural commodities, including milk, wheat,
rice, and cotton.
The shifting contribution of agriculture and other sectors of the economy is
quite consistent with the evolution of economic growth witnessed in the devel-
oped countries. In contrast to the slowdown in the rate of growth of agricultural
output, non-agricultural GDP shows a robust and rising growth trend. And while
agriculture’s share of total employment has declined, it is still a dominant source
of employment, from employing 73.9% of the economically active population in
1973-74 down to 56.5% in 2004-05. A comparison of agriculture’s share of do-
mestic output and employment shows that the decline in agriculture’s share of
the labor force is slower than the decline in its share of output (Table 11.1). This
clearly indicates the increasing gap between average incomes of workers engaged
in agricultural and non-agricultural occupations and also highlights the inability
of the non-agricultural sector to provide gainful employment to the masses.
Agricultural GDP grew by 3.5% per year during the 1980s (characterized by
wider technology dissemination), which was substantially slower than the rate of
growth of either the non-agricultural sector or the overall economy (Table 11.1).
The 1980s pace of growth carried through to the middle of the 1990s, but there-
after agricultural growth slowed to 2.5% for the following decade against a target
growth of 4% per year
(Planning Commission 2008). The main challenge to In-
dia’s agricultural sector continues to be the failure to meet growth targets, along
with degraded natural resources, the predominance of rain-fed agriculture, and a
preponderance of small farmers.
2.1. Structural Changes in Agriculture
Though the relative contribution of agriculture to the national economy
has changed, the basic characteristics of Indian agriculture have not. Indian
agriculture continues to be dominated by smallholders; in fact, their number
has risen much faster in the recent period. As a result, there has been a sig-
nifi cant reduction in the average size of a farm holding—close to one hectare
at present (Table 11.2). Net cultivated area remains at around 140 million
hectares, and more than half of this area is rain-fed. Much of the agricultural
production is for domestic consumption, and only about one-tenth of the to-
tal value of production is exported. The output of food grains has registered
a two-fold increase since the early green revolution period (1970), and output
has jumped again in recent years. One signifi cant shift in the growth process
has been its source, with much of the more recent (post-1980) increase in
output attributable to yield growth, followed by changes in cropping patterns,
with a minimal contribution of area growth.
Table 11.1. Share of agriculture in India’s gross domestic product and
Source: MoF (Economic Survey, 2007-08).
Note: Nominal values defl ated to 1999-2000 prices.
The share was computed only for the terminal years.
Data pertain to 1993-94, 1999-00, and 2004-05, respectively.
The Government of India envisaged annual growth of 4% per year in the agriculture sector in its
National Agricultural Policy, 2000, and Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-2012).
Agriculture and Allied
Sectors Share
Real Average
Annual Growth Rate
GDP at
Share in
and Allied
GDP Non-
(percentage) (percent per year)
1981-82 to 1990-91 31.4 61.0 5.4 3.5 6.4
1991-92 to 1996-97 27.8 56.6 5.7 3.7 6.6
1997-98 to 2006-07 18.5 52.1 6.6 2.5 7.9
The crop sector continued to be a principal component of overall agricultural
output, accounting for more than two-thirds of the value of agricultural output
in 2008, with the livestock sector accounting for about one-quarter of total out-
put (Table 11.3). Since the early 1980s there has been a modest decline in the
crop sectors share of agricultural output while the livestock and fi sheries sectors
increased their respective market shares. The increasing share of output coming
from the livestock sector—17.5% in the triennium ending (TE) 1981 to 24.5% in
2006 (Table 11.3)refl ects both supply-side and demand-side factors. Livestock
production is considered to be remunerative and labor intensive, and thus it suits
the needs of smallholders. At the same time, Indian farmers are responding well
to opportunities in commercial agriculture and diversifying to meet the rising
demand for livestock products. Milk and milk products now make a major contri-
bution to livestock output, such that India is now the largest milk producer in the
world. The livestock sector has also diversi ed, with more production of poultry
meat and eggs over recent years. The fi shery sector still accounts for less than 5%
of agricultural GDP, albeit with a steadily increasing share over the past several
decades. However, the sector saw a considerable shift from marine to inland pro-
duction, with inland production becoming increasingly important of late.
The crop sector is dominated by food grains production, which accounted
for about 64.5% of the total cropped area during 2005-06. Food grains pro-
duction increased markedly, to total 230 million metric tons in 2008, through
Indicator 1971 1981 1991 2001 2006
Average size of holding (ha) 2.30 1.84 1.57 1.33 n.a.
Net cultivated area (mha) 139.72 141.93 141.63 141.45 141.89
Total cropped area (mha) 165.19 176.75 182.24 189.75 192.80
Total irrigated area (mha) 38.43 51.41 65.68 78.73 82.63
Share of rural population (%) 80.1 76.7 74.3 72.2 n.a.
Share of exports in AgGDP (%) 2.7 3.9 4.4 6.1 9.1
Share of agriculture in
national GDP (%)
40.6 34.4 29.6 23.2 18.2
Total food grain production
(million tons)
105.17 133.30 168.38 212.85 217.28
Food grain yield (metric tons/ha) 0.85 1.03 1.38 1.73 1.76
Table 11.2. Major trends in Indian agriculture
Sources: Compiled from MoA (various years) and CSO (various years).
tripling the average yield of principal crops since the early 1950s. The share of
cereals production decreased from 39% in TE 1981 to 30% in TE 2006, while
that of fruits and vegetables increased from 16% to 25% during the same period.
Oilseeds peaked in terms of their market share in TE 1991 and then lost ground
thereafter. These trends show that the crop sector is diversifying toward non-food
grains and high-value commodities such as fruits and vegetables. The share of
overall output coming from pulses and fi bers changed little over the years, while
sugar marginally increased its share of total crop output (Table 11.4). The chang-
ing composition of agricultural output is well refl ected in the growth of value of
agricultural output, which has shown a signi cant increase since the early 1990s
(Figure 11.1). On the input front, the share of purchased inputs in value of output
from agriculture including livestock hovered around 22% during the same period.
Gains in rice yields were higher than those of wheat during the period. More sig-
nifi cant is the marked increase in the yields of cotton and coarse cereals, indicat-
ing rapid diffusion of new technologies even in rain-fed areas. (Table 11.3).
Indicator TE 1981 TE 1991 2008
Share in the total value of production (%)
Crop 75.5 70.6 67.1
Livestock 17.5 22.0 24.5
Forestry 5.2 4.7 3.6
Fishery 1.7 2.7 4.8
Agricultural production
Food grains production (mt) 124.20 172.45 230.67
Milk production (mt) 31.60 51.23 100.87
Fish production (mt) 2.44 3.55 6.87
Egg production (billion, number) 10.06 20.10 50.66
Crop yields (t/ha)
Rice 1.25 1.72 2.20
Wheat 1.71 2.33 2.79
Coarse cereals 0.69 0.88 1.42
Pulses 0.46 0.58 0.64
Cotton 0.16 0.23 0.47
Groundnut 0.84 0.88 1.46
Table 11.3. Production shares and amounts by category, and selected
crop yields
Sources: Share of value of production from CSO (various years) and remaining data from MoA
(various years).
Note: TE indicates triennial ending.
2.2. Agricultural Trade
India’s agricultural trade is diverse, ranging from raw products to processed
and ready-to-eat items. The share of India’s agricultural exports in total exports
has varied between 11% and 15% since 2000. During 2007-08, the value of agri-
cultural exports totaled more than U.S.$7 billion, of which marine products and
oil meal were among the largest contributors. The composition of agricultural
trade has changed signi cantly in the recent period. The proportion of Indian
agricultural exports coming from fruits and vegetables, fl owers, cotton, sugar
Figure 11.1. Value of agricultural output and input (1999-2000 prices)
Source: Period from CSO (various years, www.mospi.gov.in).
Note: Nominal values defl ated to 1999-2000 prices.
Crop Group TE 1981 TE 1991 TE 2001 TE 2006
Cereals 38.7 35.9 33.8 30.1
Pulses 6.1 6.4 4.9 5.2
Oilseeds 8.6 12.0 7.9 8.5
Fruits and
16.3 17.2 24.1 25.0
Sugar 5.1 4.9 6.4 7.3
Fibers 4.4 4.3 3.3 4.0
Table 11.4. Compositional changes within crop sectors
Sources : CSO (various years), NAAS (2009).
Notes: TE indicates triennial ending. Data are percent shares of value of crop productions.
and molasses, and livestock products has increased considerably. Cereals (mostly
basmati and non-basmati rice), tea, coffee, cashews, and spices are other promi-
nent products, each accounting for between 5% and 10% of the countrys total
agriculture exports. India’s agricultural imports, on the other hand, have consti-
tuted only a small portion of the countrys total imports (less than 5%) during
the current decade. The country imports mainly vegetable oil and pulses, which
alone account for about 70% of total agricultural imports.
Agricultural growth was signi cant during the 1980s and early 1990s, as
evidenced by the performance of the crops, livestock, and fi sheries sectors (Table
11.5). The crop sector showed modest (but still substantial) growth during the
early 1990s, but it consistently slowed down thereafter. The rate of growth in
livestock production also began to slow in the mid-1990s but has remained
higher than the corresponding rate of growth in food grains and oilseeds. There
is a noticeable decline in growth rates after the mid-1990s across all agricultural
sectors, with growth in some sectors (including pulses and oilseeds, livestock,
and fi sheries) rebounding in recent years. A substantial cause for concern has
been the ratcheting down in the pace of growth of cereals output in recent de-
cades, given the fact that the substantial share of agricultural output still derives
from this sector and is the mainstay of India’s food security. Consequently, the
Period Cereals
Fruits and
Crops Livestock Fishery
(percent per year)
to 1990-91
3.52 5.41 2.84 1.71 2.97 4.78 5.74
to 1996-97
2.36 2.92 6.07 2.18 3.09 4.00 7.05
to 2001-02
1.49 -1.43 4.11 3.82 2.25 3.53 2.63
to 2006-07
1.28 4.29 2.97 2.25 2.46 3.69 3.23
Table 11.5. Period average growth of real agricultural output by sector
Source: Planning Commission (2008).
Note: Respective nominal totals defl ated to 1999-2000 prices.
overall rate of growth of agricultural GDP has been well below a target rate of 4%
per year. The annual data suggest that the rate of growth of crop output peaked
by the mid-1990s and has slowed afterward. In contrast, the horticulture sector
exhibited impressive output growth throughout the entire 1990s. Although it,
too, slowed thereafter, it has sustained a rate of output growth that is more than
twice as fast as the corresponding growth in cereals output. However, food grain
production spiked in 2008 as global commodity prices soared, while the high-
value livestock, fi sheries, and fruits and vegetables sectors sustained growth rates
of at least 3% per year.
One fact concealed in these period averages is the wide year-to-year fl uctua-
tions in growth performance. In some years, growth rates increased by as much
as 10% (between 2002-03 and 2003-04) compared with the average growth
of 4.5% between 2002-03 and 2006-07. Unfavorable weather conditions cor-
responded with low-growth years, and these lowered the overall growth rate.
However, excluding the abnormally poor years of 2002-03 and 2004-05, the av-
erage growth of GDP from agriculture and allied sectors (1999-2000 prices) dur-
ing the 1997-98 to 2008-09 period was estimated at 3.7% per year.
3.1. Agricultural Diversi cation
Indian agricultural production began to diversify gradually in the 1980s,
as refl ected by changes in sectoral and crop contributions to the total value of
agricultural output, and this trend began to accelerate during the 1990s. This
pattern is visible in the distinctly different growth patterns between food grains
and non-food grains. The share of area under food grains has declined since
the early 1980s, with a small decline in the share of area under rice and wheat,
compounded by a marked decline in the area under coarse cereals (Table 11.6).
Notwithstanding these shifting area shares, the yields of coarse cereals grew at
markedly higher rates than yields for other grains such as rice and wheat, espe-
cially during the 1990s (Table 11.6). The offi cial statistics show that about 60%
of the cropped area for coarse cereals in the late 1990s was planted to high-yield-
ing varieties, even though the coverage of irrigation was much lower for coarse
grains. Among the food grains, the growth scenario is completely different for
pulses, as shown by the crop’s declining growth in output, area, and yield, espe-
cially during the 1990s. However, during the last decade, there was appreciable
acceleration in the growth of pulse production, owing to growth in both area
and yield. The growth performance of oilseeds as a group surpassed that all of
Crop Group
1980-81 to 1990-91 1990-91 to 1999-2000 2000-01 to 2006-07
Area Production Yield Area Production Yield Area Production Yield
(percent per year)
Food grains -0.23 2.85 2.74 -0.07 2.02 1.52 0.48 2.09 2.82
Cereals -0.26 3.03 2.90 0.04 -0.02 1.59 0.16 1.95 3.10
Coarse cereals -1.34 0.40 1.62 -2.12 -0.02 1.82 -0.41 3.25 4.25
Pulses -0.09 1.52 1.61 -0.60 0.59 0.93 1.91 3.42 1.65
Non-food grains 1.12 3.77 2.31 1.18 2.69 1.09 2.46 5.09 3.87
Oilseeds 1.51 5.20 2.43 -0.86 1.63 1.15 2.71 6.69 4.91
Cotton -1.25 2.80 4.10 2.71 2.29 -0.41 1.45 17.48 15.79
All principal crops 0.10 3.19 2.56 0.27 2.29 1.33 1.06 3.17 3.80
Table 11.6. Area, production, and yield growth rates of principal crops in India
Source: MoA (2008).
Notes: Area represents planted area of each crop category. Area, production, and yield growth rates calculated as annual average growth of
respective area, output, and yield indexes (base: triennium ending 1981-82=100).
other crop groups during the 2001-07 period and was distinctly superior to its
past rates of growth. Both area and, particularly, yield components contributed
signi cantly to this dramatic expansion in output. More importantly, unlike
the slowdown in output growth of cereals and pulses during the 1990s, oilseed
output continued to expand. Of India’s major cash crops, cotton merits special
mention because of its strong growth performance, especially in recent years.
This was made possible mainly through signi cant advances in seed technology,
especially Bt cotton and the resulting high growth in yield per hectare (Qaim et
al. 2006; Gandhi et al. 2006).
The livestock sector is also noteworthy, as its overall growth performance
outpaced that of the crop sector by a wide margin, enabling the country to enjoy
higher per capita availability of milk and other livestock products. However, the
pace of growth dropped steadily, from 4.8% in the 1980s to 3.7% during 2002-06
(Table 11.5). Milk and milk products constitute around two-thirds of all livestock
output (by value) and thus heavily in uence the overall trend for the sector. How-
ever, considerable diversi cation toward production of poultry meat and eggs has
occurred, as evident from the spectacular growth of these commodities since the
1980s. The share of meat and meat products in total agricultural output has re-
mained fairly stable over the last three decades (Chand and Raju 2008).
What are the major drivers of agricultural diversi cation toward high-value
commodities? There are a number of factors responsible for this shift. The most
important among these is greater demand for high-value commodities such as
fruits, vegetables, and livestock products as per capita incomes increase. As in-
comes rise, people consume more higher-value commodities and less traditional
food items such as cereals. This effect has been more pronounced in the recent
past because of the spectacular growth in the Indian economy. Demographic
changes are also at play, including increased urbanization, increased female
literacy, and increased participation of women in the workforce, especially in
urban areas and small towns. These demand-side factors were matched by posi-
tive developments on the supply side. Farmers responded to the incentives of-
fered by high-value commodities, both for domestic and international markets.
This was particularly true for the fruits and vegetables, poultry, and fi sheries
sectors, in which new farming opportunities and technologies emerged. Imports
of improved seed varieties and planting materials were permitted under a new
seed policy introduced during the late 1980s. Because these commodities pro-
vided comparatively high and regular returns to smallholders in a short period,
farmers directed resources to these areas. Finally, the participation of the private
sector in retail marketing and input supply and other production-enhancing un-
dertakings, including new forms of contractual arrangements with growers, pro-
vided further impetus to the growth of high-value commodities (Joshi, Gulati,
and Cummings 2007).
3.2. Regional Patterns of Agricultural Growth
The structure and regional distribution of agricultural production varies mark-
edly among regions and states. At the national level, the rate of growth in net state
domestic product (NSDP)
from agriculture slowed signi cantly when comparing
the period 1984-85 to 1995-96 with the period 1995-96 to 2004-05 (Table 11.7).
Almost all the major states of India, except Bihar and Orissa, the two poorest
states, exhibited impressive rates of growth during the earlier period. This period
is in fact a turning point in Indian agriculture, as the sector witnessed not only im-
pressive growth rates but also better distribution of growth among different states
of the country. Notable was the growth performance of the rain-fed states of Mad-
hya Pradesh and Rajasthan, primarily because of large shifts from coarse cereals
to oilseed production. The shift toward oilseeds refl ected the commoditys relative
profi tability fueled by an appreciable increase in administered prices coupled with
a faster rate of yield growth compared with coarse cereals. Both these effects were
realized through concerted government efforts under the Oilseed Mission.
er important development was the impressive growth performance of West Bengal,
especially in rice production. The spread of modern seed varieties and an increase
in area cultivated under summer (boro) paddy with improved irrigation and input
management contributed to this performance. Gujarat also deserves special men-
tion, as it has attained 9.6% growth per year in agricultural state domestic product
since 1999-2000. The main sources of its growth are a massive boom in cotton
production, growth in high-value commodity groups like livestock, and fruits and
vegetables, and wheat production (Gulati, Shah, and Shreedhar 2009).
The national slowdown in agricultural output growth during the post-1995-
96 period was evident in all states except Bihar. The slowdown even affected
NSDP is one of the important indicators for measuring economic growth in states and union ter-
ritories of the country.
The Oilseed Mission was launched by the Indian government in 1986 to increase oilseed
production and achieve self-suf ciency in edible oils. Subsequently, pulses, oil palm, and corn
were also brought within the purview of the Mission in the early 1990s.
the comparatively well developed northwestern region of the country, including
states such as Punjab and Haryana. Many other states in rain-fed regions of the
country, which account for 60% of the total cultivated area, also saw signi -
cantly poorer growth performances during this period. These rain-fed areas are
characterized by relatively higher incidences of poverty, more limited (off-farm)
employment opportunities, higher production risks, and high rates of out-migra-
tion, and thus the slowdown in these areas is particularly problematic.
Although growth in agricultural output has slowed in recent years, there
are some signifi cant exceptions to this general trend. For example, corn pro-
duction has increased rapidly (5% per year from 1997 to 2007) as the intro-
Growth of Net State
Domestic Product in
Net State
Yield of
Below the
1984-85 to
1995-96 to
2004-05 2007-08 2006-07 2004-05
(percent per year) (Rs/ha, 1000s) (t/ha) (percent)
Punjab 4.00 2.16 53.4 4.02 9.10
Haryana 4.60 1.98 48.5 3.39 13.60
Uttar Pradesh 2.82 1.87 37.4 2.06 33.40
Tamil Nadu 4.95 -1.36 64.2 2.61 22.80
West Bengal 4.63 2.67 69.0 2.51 28.60
Bihar -1.71 3.51 35.2 1.66 42.10
3.18 2.69 56.4 2.23 11.20
Gujarat 5.09 0.48 34.1 1.42 19.10
Rajasthan 5.52 0.30 19.1 1.12 18.70
Orissa -1.18 0.11 27.7 1.36 46.80
3.63 -0.23 17.7 1.17 36.90
Maharashtra 6.66 0.10 34.1 0.94 29.60
Karnataka 3.92 0.03 28.4 1.29 20.80
Kerala 3.60 -3.54 74.6 n.a. 13.20
Assam 1.65 0.95 47.3 1.29 22.30
All India 3.62 1.85 40.6 1.76 28.30
Table 11.7. Measures of state agricultural and economy-wide activity
Sources: State domestic product from CSO (various years); yield from MoA (2008); poverty
indicator from Planning Commission.
duction of winter corn and use of modern hybrids has spread rapidly. The area
under corn also continues to expand, even in the states that typically have
grown little if any corn such as Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh in southern
India. Much of the crop was used as feed in the fl ourishing poultry sector in
these southern states. Beginning in the 1980s, the production of boro rice also
increased markedly, especially in the eastern part of the country. This was
further enhanced by the spread of hybrid rice, which offers signi cant yield
advantages (up to two metric tons per hectare) over conventionally bred variet-
ies. The northern states have had no signi cant spurt in productivity growth,
but they have maintained their comparatively high yields, with impressive
improvement in the grain quality of rice. Yields have not improved in the
pulses at the aggregate level but crop duration has been reduced, particularly
in pigeon peas and chick peas, which has extended their reach into several
non-traditional areas. The spread of Bt hybrids has improved yields in cot-
ton. Similarly, farmers’ access to improved varieties of vegetable seeds has led
to increased production in the eastern, southern, and hill states characterized
by predominantly small farms. All of these developments, among others, have
contributed to the growth of Indian agriculture.
3.3. Partial and Total Factor Productivity Trends
Crop growth performances clearly show that the relative roles of area expan-
sion and yield growth varied among crops. As a general rule, yield growth con-
tributed more than area expansion to the growth in output for most crops, with
the exception of cotton during the 1990s when yield growth was negative (Table
11.6). However, yield growth for all principal crops taken together slowed from
an average of 2.56% per year during the 1980s to 1.33% per year during the
1990s, and the same pattern held true for most of the crops. The growth in crop
yield, especially of coarse cereals and non-food grains, showed signs of recovery
in more recent years. Cotton yields continued to decline during the 1990s, but
development of hybrid cotton varieties, better pest management practices, and
the introduction and rapid adoption of Bt cotton led to a rapid turnaround, with
double-digit growth in yield and production after 2000.
Although yields have tended to increase over time in most of the states, and
for all of India, there remains large spatial (state) variation in crop yields. The
states with the highest productivity measured in terms of net state domestic
product (measured in rupees [Rs] per hectare of total cropped area in the state in
the year 2007-08) are Kerala (Rs 74,600/ha), West Bengal (Rs 69,000/ha), Tamil
Nadu (Rs 64,200/ha) and Andhra Pradesh (Rs 56,400/ha).
A number of studies on total factor productivity (TFP) growth in Indian ag-
riculture, and an assessment of the factors explaining those changes, have been
carried out (Table 11.8). They clearly show evidence of robust growth in partial
factor productivity and TFP as major drivers of output growth in the crop sec-
tor during the 1980s. Estimates of various studies show that the average rates of
growth in TFP in the agricultural sector, including livestock, ranged from 0.90%
to 2.29% per year during the 1980s and 1990s (Table 11.8). However, the report-
ed rates of growth in TFP vary considerably in terms of the methodologies, time
periods, and data series used. None of the studies reports TFP growth for India
after the latter half of the 1990s. In addition, little research explores whether the
source of growth is technical change or purely gains in ef ciency. However, the
study by Kalirajan and Shand (1997), following a frontier production function
approach, found that during the 1980s much of the slowdown in the TFP con-
Table 11.8. Summary of total factor productivity studies of Indian agriculture
Source: Compiled from NAAS (2009).
Indicates share of respective output growth attributable to growth in TFP.
Total Factor Productivity
Author(s) Commodity Period Annual Growth
Share of TFP
(percent per year) (percent)
Evenson, Pray, and
Rosegrant 1999
Crops 1966-76 1.40 50.2
1977-87 1.05 48.8
Fan, Hazell, and
Thorat 1999
Crops and
1980-89 2.52 66.5
1990-94 2.29 72.2
Coelli and Rao
Crops and
1980-2000 0.9 -
Kumar, Kumar,
and Shiji 2004
Aquaculture 1992-98 4.4 71.7
Marine 1987-98 2.0 48.8
Birthal et al. 1999
oshi et al. 2003 Rice (IGP) 1980-90
Wheat (IGP) 1980-90
tribution to output growth could be attributed to low rates of technological prog-
ress, together with gradual improvements in technical effi ciency, but the output
growth in the sector had become increasingly dependent on input growth.
As with crop yields, the measured rates of growth of TFP varied markedly
throughout the country. For example, the Indo-Gangetic Plains witnessed im-
pressive TFP growth in rice (3.5% per year) and wheat (2.4% per year) during
the 1980s, thus underscoring the key role of technology in making the country
food secure (Joshi et al. 2003). However, the study showed deceleration in TFP
growth, especially for rice, during the 1990s, thus raising concerns about the
sustainability of the rice-wheat cropping system. Kumar, Kumar, and Mittal
(2004) also found that TFP grew more rapidly in the agricultural sector during
the 1980s relative to the 1990s in the Indo-Gangetic Plains. By way of contrast,
TFP in the livestock sector grew little before the 1970s. The sector saw the pace
of productivity growth picking up during the 1980s when TFP growth reached
nearly 1.8% per year, contributing 45% to total output growth (Birthal et al.
1999). In the fi sheries sector, TFP growth was much higher in aquaculture as
compared to marine production during the 1990s. The TFP index for aquacul-
ture grew by 4.4% annually and accounted for more than 70% of the growth in
aquaculture production (Kumar, Kumar, and Shiji 2004).
In an effort to explain the rate of productivity growth, Kumar, Kumar, and
Mittal (2004) identifi ed research, extension, literacy, and infrastructure as the
most important sources of TFP growth in the Indo-Gangetic Plains. Extension
accounted for about 45% of the TFP growth, followed by public research (36%)
and literacy (10%). Investment in agricultural research and development (R&D)
also made a signi cant contribution to Indian productivity growth according to
Evenson, Pray, and Rosegrant (1999) and Fan, Hazell, and Thorat (1999).
4.1. Public Investment in Agriculture
Public investment in agriculture targeted to infrastructure and the provision
of farm services has been an important element of agricultural policy in India. The
experiences of the green revolution showed that a strategy of strong public support
for agriculture has paid rich dividends. Initially most public investment in India
was directed toward irrigation infrastructure, particularly surface irrigation. Invest-
ment eventually extended to such areas as R&D, public provision of critical inputs
like seed and fertilizer, rural electrifi cation, animal health, and agricultural prod-
uct markets. Empirical evidence supports a positive correlation between public
and private investment (Roy and Pal 2002). This positive correlation could be seen
in the development of groundwater irrigation in India, whereby public investment
in rural electrifi cation encouraged farmers to invest in tubewell installation. This
led to rapid growth in the adoption of groundwater irrigation, beginning especially
in northwest India and then spreading to other parts of the country.
The broad trends in public investment constitute three phases during the
post-independence period. First, although investment has increased signi -
cantly over the years since independence, it rose rapidly during the food crisis
of the 1960s and 1970s. Second, driven by the objective of food security, the
government invested heavily in agriculture during the early 1970s, and this
level was sustained during the subsequent period. Third, spurred by a slow-
down in agricultural growth beginning in the mid-1990s, the government once
again stepped up its investment in agriculture, leading to a spike in investments
during the fi rst decade of this millennium (Figure 11.2). An upward trend in
private investment commenced in the mid-1970s and a sharper rise was further
witnessed in the 1990s.
The pattern of public investment has changed signifi cantly over time. It be-
came more broad based (spatial coverage and items of investment), and the share
of centrally funded and state-operated schemes also rose over time. The rising
Figure 11.2. Gross capital formation in agriculture from the public sector,
1999-2000 prices
Source: CSO (various years).
burden of subsidies eroded the government’s ability to invest in agriculture, and
there is an emerging consensus that these subsidies should be rationalized and
the resulting savings diverted to public investments in the sector.
4.2. Irrigation
Most of the public investment in agriculture has been for development
of irrigation infrastructure, mainly surface irrigation. But investment in rural
electrifi cation has also expanded and in turn stimulated investments into tube-
well technologies, thereby affecting crop productivity. Studies indicate that the
increased use of irrigation and the spread of high-yielding crop varieties have
been major sources of growth in Indian agriculture. This trend has continued,
but a number of issues have emerged requiring immediate attention. Per capita
demand for water is projected to increase markedly, but without commensurate
increases in its availability. It is estimated that the latent demand for water for
various purposes will far exceed availability by 2050, and other sectors (urban
domestic, industries, etc.) will compete with agriculture for water (NAAS 2009).
The fi rst major issue for agriculture is the optimal use of surface irrigation
(canal and tank irrigation) and increased technical effi ciency in water use, which
is currently estimated at about 25% to 35% in most irrigation systems (Planning
Commission 2008). Substantial investment is needed for upgrades in irrigation
infrastructure to reduce water losses. In addition, better distribution of irrigation
water and recovery of irrigation charges are envisaged through participation of
farmers in water user associations. These associations, in partnership with ir-
rigation departments, can effectively maintain irrigation channels, manage water
distribution at the farm level, and recover costs from member farmers. Successful
joint management has yet to materialize, especially in terms of cost recovery.
The second major issue is improvement of water use effi ciency through
water-saving technologies like drip and sprinkler irrigation and conservation ag-
ricultural practices (zero tillage and aerobic rice). These technologies can reduce
pressure on groundwater irrigation. Technological advancements are also needed
to address poor quality water. A large part of India (northwest plains and coasts)
is facing the problem of salt-affected water, and any technological advancement
to reclaim and use this and other poor quality water will help sustain crop pro-
ductivity in these regions. Besides technological options, policy and institutional
options are needed to control groundwater depletion. The state of Punjab has en-
acted a ban on summer paddy, a crop that is transplanted in May, while Haryana
has withdrawn price supports for summer paddy. There is also a move to shift to
volumetric pricing of electricity for tubewell irrigation to control water extraction.
4.3. Agricultural R&D
The creation of a strong R&D system for agriculture has been an important
policy goal of the Government of India. As a result, India is one of the few devel-
oping countries to sustain a positive rate of growth in real public investment in
agricultural research. Research funding increased from 0.3% of agricultural GDP
in 1971 to more than 0.5% in 2004 for both agricultural research and education,
and all signs point to a continuation of this uptrend. India has seen two structural
changes in funding and the use of this investment. First, the central government’s
share of funding has risen over time and now accounts for nearly half of total
funding. Second, allocation to the dryland regions, for such things as natural re-
source management research and livestock development, has been increasing. The
only region that continues to receive low investment is the eastern region, where
funding by state governments is very low. Another noteworthy trend is that an
increasing amount of funding is being allocated competitively, thus opening up ac-
cess to funding to a broader set of public institutions (Pal and Byerlee 2003).
Besides raising the amount of public investment, the government, through
the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), has addressed organiza-
tional issues to enhance research effectiveness. The government has made a
number of policy reforms recently, and the focus is now on accelerating the pace
of implementation of these reforms. Highlights of these institutional reforms are
strengthening the monitoring and evaluation of institutes and their pro-
grams and the use of information communication technology in research
strengthening the research and development continuum through stronger
linkages between research, technology transfer, and end-users; and
managing intellectual property for rapid transfer of technology and foster-
ing partnership among actors in R&D, especially between the public and
private sectors.
Management of intellectual property rights (IPRs) represents a major shift
in R&D, and these measures warrant further elaboration. India has put in place
legislation to comply with the agreements related to IPRs under the World Trade
Organization. Among these, protection of plant varieties, farmers’ rights, and
other innovations are of great signi cance to agriculture. ICAR has established a
unit for IPRs management and has developed IPRs policy and guidelines for their
implementation. The main elements of the policy are as follows:
ICAR will seek and maintain ownership rights for all intellectual proper-
ties, such as plant varieties, process and product innovations, research
data, computer programs, designs, and publications, generated by its in-
ICAR will encourage its institutes to use IPR policy to accelerate tech-
nology ow to farmers, promote competitive markets for innovations/
technologies, especially in the private domain, and promote inclusive and
sustainable agricultural growth.
ICAR will offer incentives for innovation by sharing the benefi ts of re-
search with researchers, entrepreneurs, and farmers.
With the establishment of the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’
Rights Act, a large number of extant and new varieties have been registered for
protection. These varieties are being commercialized through partnership with
state and private seed agencies. In addition, efforts are being made to conserve
and protect genetic resources through in situ and ex situ measures. ICAR also en-
courages conservation of animal and fi sh genetic resources by registering species.
Networking and partnership for pooling of resources, expertise, and skills
are important for generating synergies in research. This concept is promoted
through a number of network projects involving ICAR institutes and other insti-
tutions. These projects are in high-priority research areas and complement the
network of coordinated research projects in India.
The private sector role in many facets of agriculture has expanded, from sup-
plying inputs (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, animal feed, etc.), to product marketing
and value chain development, to commercialization of technologies. For instance,
the private sector provides 58% of total commercial seeds (Planning Commission
2008). The non-profi t private sector, such as research foundations and civil society
organizations, is also active in agricultural development, including R&D. All of
these organizations will increasingly depend on public R&D organizations for a
variety of support. ICAR has instituted initiatives to foster partnerships with pri-
vate and civil society organizations. These efforts have been accelerated to promote
partnership with the private sector under externally funded projects of the World
Bank. An emphasis on commercialization of technologies is also encouraging part-
nership with the private sector, whereby public research institutions license their
technologies to the private sector on a non-exclusive basis.
4.4. Use of Inputs
Table 11.9 illustrates the rapid uptake of new seed and fertilizer technol-
ogy during the green revolution. Average per hectare use of fertilizer doubled in
every decade from 1971 to 1991. Subsequently the rate of increase was not as
high but was still impressive; in fact, in absolute terms the increase in the ap-
plication rate of fertilizer during the 1990s equaled that of the 1970s. Currently,
the average rate of fertilizer application is 113 kg/ha, which is still much below
the recommended level. Another notable feature of fertilizer use is that there is
considerable interregional variation, especially in irrigated areas. For example,
in the Punjab, average fertilizer use is as high as 209 kg/ha. Nitrogen fertilizer is
most commonly used by farmers, with a high imbalance in the use of other plant
nutrients (e.g., phosphorus and potassium). Recently, the government has pro-
vided price subsidies to encourage a more balanced use of plant nutrients. Simi-
lar trends are echoed in the use of other purchased inputs, and this is somewhat
refl ected by the growth in institutional credit to agriculture.
Private investment in farm mechanization and tubewell irrigation has been
another major driver of economic growth. There were only 148,000 tractors in
India in 1971 (Table 11.9). The number rose to more than two million tractors
by 2006. Similarly, the share of cropped area irrigated by tubewells increased
from 16.6% in 1971 to 26% in 1981, and rose further to 44% in 2006. This in-
vestment in farm mechanization and irrigation has not only contributed to an
increase in crop productivity but also has helped raise the intensity of cropping.
Another advantage of the expansion of tubewell irrigation has been a greater
1971 1981 1991 2001 2006
Fertilizer use (kg/ha) 16.5 34.24 69.84 91.13 113.26
Number of tractors
148.2 275.9 738.4 1,221.8 2,361.2
Share of tubewells in
irrigated area (%)
16.63 26.2 38.42 40.84 43.86
Quality seed
(000 tons)
n.a. 450 575 918 1,550
Institutional credit
53.58 232.42 631.39 3,261.40 10,544.45
Table 11.9. Inputs use in Indian agriculture, 1971-2006
Source: MoA (various issues).
Data pertain to 1972, 1977, 1987, 1992, and 2003, respectively.
stability in crop yields, thereby reducing the size of government interventions to
maintain buffer stock. However, as with fertilizer use, the most disquieting fea-
ture of farm mechanization and irrigation is that these developments have been
mostly concentrated in the northwestern region of the country (in states such as
Punjab and Haryana). This has led to charges of over-investment in mechaniza-
tion (which results in a higher cost of production and lower farm income), and
overuse of irrigation water in this region has led to questions about the long-
term sustainability of the rice-wheat production system in this part of India.
One recent development concerning input use and crop establishment
practices has been the adoption of resource conservation agriculture, mainly in
the rice-wheat system. The most widely adopted technology is direct sowing of
wheat after paddy in untilled fi elds, which is known as zero tillage. Estimates
place more than three million hectares under zero-till wheat in 2005. The main
advantages of this technology are (a) tractor fuel savings and a reduction in car-
bon emissions; (b) savings in the use of irrigation water, mainly groundwater;
(c) carbon sequestration and low or delayed carbon dioxide emissions; and (d) a
reduction in herbicide use (Laxmi, Erenstein, and Gupta 2007).
4.5. Price Support and Terms of Trade
Government interventions in providing price support to farmers and im-
proving the physical and economic access of poor consumers to food have been
important elements of agricultural price policy in India since 1965 when the
Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP, formerly the Agricultural
Price Commission) was established. The government procures food grains at a
predetermined price called the Minimum Support Price announced by the gov-
ernment on the recommendation of the CACP. Although the price is announced
for two dozen commodities, there is procurement of only a few select commodi-
ties (rice and wheat). The commodities are distributed to the public at a price
lower than market price through fair price shops managed by the state govern-
ments. Part of the stock is used as a buffer to reduce temporal variations in avail-
ability of food grains.
These government interventions have been successful in improving food ac-
cess and ensuring a fairly stable price environment. This in turn has encouraged
farmers to adopt new technology and use modern inputs and crop practices and
thereby helps improve crop productivity, which in turn strengthens national
food security, which is a signifi cant impact of agricultural price policy (Acharya
1997). This, coupled with other interventions, such as development of market
infrastructure and regulation of markets to control exploitative practices of trad-
ers, has helped in providing incentives to farmers and reducing margins in the
market. This effect has been so signi cant that some observers have charged that
the government has discouraged private corporate participation in food grain
markets (Chand 2003). However, because government operations are confi ned to
so few food grain surplus states, there is tremendous opportunity for the corpo-
rate sector to participate in food grain trade.
With the demand side of the Indian food economy developing rapidly, a
number of initiatives have been enacted recently to attract corporate investment
in agricultural marketing. An act prohibiting direct purchase of produce from
farmers by traders was relaxed, and model legislation was prepared in 2003 to
allow participation of the corporate sector. Since then, most states have adopted
this legislation, and some private fi rms are directly procuring produce from
farmers. Some fi rms have established terminal markets,
mainly for high-value
commodities like fruits and vegetables, while others are procuring produce from
farmers through dissemination of market information using informational tech-
nology (for example, the e-Choupal program of ITC Limited). Another related
development has been the practice of contract farming, in which a processing or
agricultural company enters into a contract with farmers to purchase produce
at a pre-agreed price. The company also provides crop information, inputs on
credit, and other support for better yields and produce quality. Although there
have been some instances of both companies and farmers failing to comply with
contracts, the arrangements have worked well, especially for high-value com-
modities (Joshi, Gulati, and Cummings 2007).
In addition to these major policy changes, several other market reforms initi-
ated by the government have improved the discovery and stability of agricultural
prices. These reforms relate to relaxation of control over movement and storage of
food grains and of futures markets, attracting investment in market infrastructure
and agro-processing, and liberalization of trade. Although the impact of these re-
forms will not be clear for some time, all signs point to improvement in incentives
for farmers. The domestic terms of trade (i.e., farm output to input prices) did not
favor agriculture during the 1980s but started to improve in the early 1990s. Also,
These are professionally managed enterprises that provide complete market services to farmers
at their door step and operate in hub-and-spoke format.
domestic agricultural commodity prices have remained much more stable than
international prices, which have shown a high degree of volatility. A stable price
environment and better incentives will encourage farmers to invest in productivity-
enhancing inputs and practices and thereby contribute to agricultural growth.
Notwithstanding the impressive performance of Indian agriculture in the
past, there are a number of challenges which, if not addressed, in time may hold
back not only the agricultural sector but also the entire Indian economy. We
have seen this in the recent past when impressive economic growth but moder-
ate agricultural growth puts upward pressure on food prices and exacerbates
rural-urban income disparities. The fi rst and foremost challenge is to attain and
sustain a target growth of 4% per year in agricultural output as envisaged by
the Planning Commission. This growth should be inclusive and geographically
widespread in terms of participation of smallholders and those in marginal pro-
duction environments. Most of this growth will be realized through higher pro-
ductivity through the application of modern technology. However, participation
of smallholders will also entail institutional innovations to enable aggregation of
their production and to link them with markets.
The second most important challenge is to address the vulnerability of Indian
agricultural production. Currently, two-thirds of agricultural lands are rain-fed
and subject to the vagaries of weather and other vulnerabilities. This vulnerabil-
ity is further accentuated by the degradation and depletion of natural resources,
which are also seen in irrigated production environments (NAAS 2009 ). A two-
pronged strategy is needed. First, the severity and long-term implications of these
challenges are not well understood by farmers. Therefore, a national program
should be created to educate farmers about long-term sustainability issues. Sec-
ond, farmers should be empowered with the appropriate technologies to address
sustainability and vulnerability concerns. This should be backed with policy in-
terventions to manage risk and strengthen social safety nets.
Climate change is a recent challenge, and its likely impacts are becoming
better understood and local responses are evolving. Responses include a contin-
ued partnership with the international community to assess the challenge as the
events unfold and further work on adaptation and mitigation strategies consis-
tent with local realities. A considerable amount of resources will be needed for
technological solutions and their adaptation by farmers and other stakeholders.
Finally, development of human capital is the key to innovation and accel-
eration of agricultural growth. The government should invest more in building
this capacity within various government departments, development agencies,
and with farmers. Efforts to accelerate the fl ow of technologies to farmers and
improve their skills and ability to innovate will go a long way toward strengthen-
ing the long-term productive capacity of Indian agriculture. But this requires the
mobilization of resources in the public and private sector, ensuring the participa-
tion of farmers, and encouraging technology-led solutions.
Despite the impressive performance of Indian agriculture during the period
of the green revolution supported by signi cant public investments and associ-
ated institutional developments, agriculture has failed to meet its growth target
over the last decade. However, if we exclude some years of abnormally adverse
weather (speci cally the years 2002-03 and 2004-05), an adjusted annual
growth rate of more than 3% per year was sustained over the period 1997-98 to
2008-09. This is a notable achievement, especially considering India’s severe re-
source and production environment constraints. The trend toward commercial-
ization and diversi cation of agriculture is increasing, and most of the growth
in output in recent years was realized through productivity growth. Given the
increasing demand for high-value commodities, as well as the need to produce
more food grains to feed a still growing population, the goals of food security
and diversifi cation for high-value agriculture should be pursued through tech-
nological interventions. An increase in the productivity of food grains would en-
able land to be used to grow high-value crops like fruits and vegetables without
compromising domestic food production. Continued government support for
agricultural R&D and higher public investment in infrastructure are welcome
steps in increasing productivity. Encouraging business interests in food and ag-
riculture and fostering institutional innovations to improve smallholders’ access
to technology are current policy thrusts. A supportive policy environment with
well-structured incentives can be a major driving force to promote innovation
in agriculture, and lessons from any localized successes in this regard also need
to be well understood and replicated. Enhanced efforts to sustain India’s natural
resources, provide productive infrastructure through better technological and in-
stitutional solutions, and develop human capital capacity will help accelerate the
countrys agricultural growth.
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