URnano Nanofabrication Cleanroom
The University of Rochester
May 2021 (update names and pathogens note)
Table of Contents
General Procedures
Lab Access
Swipe Cards
Gowning Procedure
Calendaring Tool Portal
Material Handling and Use
Incidents and Accidents
General Chemical Usage
Disposal/Clean Up
Specific Chemical Safety Procedures
Unusual Circumstances
Personal Protective Equipment
Eye Protection
Body Protection
Hearing Protection
Materials Handling Form
Primary Tool Engineers
Cleanroom Floor Plan
URnano Director: Dr. Nick Bigelow (nbig@lle.rochester.edu x54766)
Operations Manager: Brian McIntyre (brian.mcintyre@rochester.edu x53058)
Lab Engineers: Jim Mitchel (jmitch30@ur.rochester.edu) x5-2471
URnano Safety Coordinator: Brian McIntyre (brian.mcintyre@rochester.edu)
Administrative Support: Rachel Eberle (reberle@UR.Rochester.edu) x5-4814
In Case of Emergency: Brian McIntyre Cell 585-301-3145/ Home 585-394-0572
or Security at x13
Tool Primary Engineers: See attached list and poster in anteroom
The use of this document is for the University of Rochester Nanofabrication
Cleanroom; any other uses are strictly prohibited. All Rights Reserved
URnano faculty and staff enforce all means necessary to keep the laboratory clean
and safe for all users. Common sense is a good policy, but rules cannot cover all
types of situations. Consult with a staff member if regulations do not seem to apply
to a situation. It is the responsibility of all URnano users to act professionally,
courteously, and safely in the facility. Violations of safety regulations and policies
will result in remedial action and/or a loss of privileges.
OSHA and UR-EH&S require The University of Rochester to properly train and
educate laboratory users. This manual, along with the parallel lab safety
training session, is designed to act as the URnano Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP)
and Orientation guide. For more details contact the Safety Coordinator.
General Procedures
These safety-oriented procedures seek to create a safe working environment at the
University of Rochester Nanofabrication Facility. In this environment, all laboratory
users are aware of proper safety practices and follow them consistently. This will
reduce the frequency and severity of incidents. Incidents will occur despite all of our
best efforts; when they do, following proper procedures can contain the incidents,
preventing it from escalating to an accident where people are injured and/or property is
damaged. The machines and materials in this laboratory can be very hazardous. As
such, in the event of a major accident the entire building is at risk.
Safety procedures emphasize individual responsibility for each piece of equipment and
type of material. They also allow the Safety Coordinator to document user practices and
any changes in laboratory procedures that have an impact on overall safety.
a. Rule # 1: All users working in the cleanroom must have another
trained user (their "buddy") inside or in the vicinity of the cleanroom
at all times.
Undergraduates MUST have a buddy, who is not another
undergraduate, with them IN the cleanroom at all times. In
addition, undergraduate status at UR or any other institution will be
the defining designation of a URnano user independent of any other
classification (i.e. corporate employee, summer employee/intern,
etc). Any additional cost in meeting this buddy requirement
will be borne by the undergraduate’s PI or applicable department
b. Rule # 2: Anyone working in the wet chemical bench or other
“designated dangerous area (e.g. ALD, CVD, RIE, RTP) the buddy must
be inside the clean room, aware of your situation, and close enough
to be of assistance if you have an accident.
c. Rule #2 does not apply to the use of the Lithography Benches. You
may spin resist, develop patterns, and strip resist using the standard
solvents and developers in the Litho area without a buddy present
inside the clean room. You must still follow rule # 1.
d. Never work alone in the cleanroom, always ensure that your buddy
knows where you are working inside the laboratory, and check on
work partners regularly.
Materials Safety Data Sheets are available for all cleanroom materials.
These sheets provide all necessary information for proper material
handling, usage, and disposal. These sheets are available in the Gowning
Before using any cleanroom bays or equipment you must be trained for
that specific area or tool. NEVER use a tool or area if you have not
received the proper URnano training session.
All users of the URnano are expected to adhere to the utmost standards
of professional conduct. This includes reporting of unsafe equipment,
areas, situations or activities to the Safety Coordinator.
Lab Access
Cleanroom access is through the main gowning entrance (anteroom) only. These
doors are locked from the outside at all times; you must have a valid user ID to gain
entry with the card access system. Users must complete the Safety/Orientation
training prior to receiving access. University of Rochester users can present a
current ID number (using the account setup forms which are in the Appendix) to the
Admin Staff to have their card activated. Non-UR users will be issued an URnano ID
card by the Admin Staff.
SWIPE IN / SWIPE OUT: All users are required to swipe the card reader to the left of
the anteroom to unlock the door. When you’re done and want to exit the cleanroom,
swipe the inside card reader to unlock the door. If you do not to swipe your card
when you exit you will trigger an alarm. Swiping your card also stops the user-
session clock. The emergency button is to be used only for emergency situation exiting.
GOWNING PROCEDURE: People tend to be the dirtiest item in any cleanroom,
hence all entrance into the cleanroom requires gowning up to prevent
contamination of the area. Failure to gown up will not only compromise the area
but will also void any credentials you have for entering the cleanroom. The correct
procedure is as follows:
1. Leave overcoats on hooks in the hallway
2. Boots and dirty shoes should be exchanged for other footwear as
3. Remove any jewelry or other accessories that would prevent further
4. Enter anteroom using swipe-card. Walk on tacky mat to remove as much
shoe dust as possible.
5. Locate your reusable cleanroom attire or find disposables in your size
6. Don hairnet and cover all hair
7. Sit on bench facing door to hallway and place booties on, swinging each
bootied foot over the bench to the clean side of the room
8. Don cleanroom suit
9. Don beard-bag if you have more than one day’s growth of facial hair
10. Don gloves
11. Verify all garments are properly situated and covering all clothing and skin
12. Enter cleanroom
TAILGATING: No user is allowed to follow someone into (or out of) the Cleanroom
without swiping his or her ID card. If a user is caught tailgating, he or she will lose
access to the Cleanroom. If the user has not completed the requirements
necessary to gain access to the cleanroom or if the user bypassed the URnano safety
training, the user shall also lose access to the cleanroom.
USING ANOTHER USERS CARD: Anyone who uses someone else’s ID card to
gain access to the cleanroom will lose forfeit their own access as well as the lender’s.
NOTIFICATION: If you should ever lose your ID please notify one of the Admin
staff assistants immediately.
One final note: By registering your ID with the URnano to gain access to the Cleanroom,
you are stating you will comply with the above rules.
Calendaring Tool
The URnano calendar portal PPMS is used for access and control of the facility. This
system will be taught to users at the orientation/safety training session.
Materials Handling and Use
ORDERING: Staff members order all materials purchased for use at URnano only.
Students or users must have a staff member order any needed materials. The
URnano regularly stocks materials that are commonly used in the lab. The Safety
Coordinator must approve special requests and materials before orders are placed.
Prior to approval an MSDS and Materials Handling Form must be provided before
the material can be used in the facility. Failure to comply will result in a loss of
privileges. (Materials Handing Form available from safety coordinator, copy located
at the end of this manual.)
STORAGE: Materials may be stored in or out of the lab at the URnano depending on
availability and location of the appropriate storage housing. The Safety Coordinator
must approve individual or special materials, and then storage space will be assigned.
Personal storage containers must also be approved prior to use in the lab.
USAGE: Users are responsible for safe use of materials in the lab. When using
materials, know it’s hazards and properties; consult a MSDS if you do not. Use proper
quantities, do not try to hurry. Always use appropriate equipment, fume hoods,
protective clothing and proper tools. (See Chapter 6-H for more information on
Personal Protective Equipment.)
DISPOSAL: The Safety Coordinator has established areas for storage of waste
material. Users must label any container and ensure it is compatible and clean before
using for waste. Waste containers must be labeled as such and the contents
indicated with the full name, no abbreviations or symbols. Labels are provided for
chemical waste containers. If you have compatibility questions please contact the
Safety Coordinator for assistance. Also check to ensure there is not already a
container started for your material. Place containers in the designated Secondary
Containment area and Staff will remove full containers for disposal. Biological or
Radioactive materials must be approved prior to use in the lab as waste concerns are
different for these materials. All users must take the Chemical Waste Training session
provided during the annual Lab Safety Training by UR EH&S.
MSDS (Materials Safety Data Sheets): A MSDS provides all specifications, hazards,
precautions and safety concerns for a given material. All materials used in the lab
must have MSDS in the binder located in the gowning room. On-line copies are kept
on file as well. If you have questions on a material consult these sources prior to
use. Materials handling requires common sense and knowledge of any specific
dangers associated with a given material.
TRAINING and USAGE: Prior to using any lab equipment, all users must attend an
equipment training session with a URnano Engineer. The training sessions vary in length
and in the materials covered. They are specific sessions designed by the engineer to
ensure you can use the equipment safely and productively. After successful completion,
you may use the equipment freely, noting that equipment must be reserved using the
Calendaring Tool.
Using a tool in the Nanofab, you have a responsibility to know what you are doing. If
you have any questions on sample/substrate types, recipes, or special processing
conditions, please ask the tool’s Primary Engineer for help.
Incidents and Accidents
Introduction: Following standard operating procedures may keep incidents from
becoming accidents. Incidents and accidents must be reported to assess the causes and
to provide opportunity to make needed changes to prevent reoccurrence.
Reporting: Users will avoid incidents and accidents by following proper procedures.
In the event of an incident or accident you must immediately report it to the Safety
Coordinator or a member of URnano staff. You are required to report any and all
incidents or accidents in the cleanroom. The Safety Coordinator will investigate all
incidents, with the purpose of finding a way to prevent the same incident from
happening again. Even small incidents must be reported. Even if you witness an incident
or accident, report it. Failure to report an incident or accident will result in a loss of lab
privileges. If you have any question on how to respond to an incident, contact the Safety
Emergencies: When bodily injuries are part of an incident, students are to take
appropriate immediate action and then go to either the Emergency Department at
Strong Memorial Hospital or to University Health Service (UHS) either on River
Campus or at the Hospital
After Hours/Emergency Numbers: Each phone in the URnano lists emergency
Security x13
Chemical Exposures x51164
After 5pm x13
Brian McIntyre 275-3058 office; 394-0572 home; 301-3145 cell
Violations of Safety Procedures:
1st Violation Warning
2nd Violation - Additional Safety Training. PI or supervisor will be notified
3rd Violation - Suspension from Lab. PI or supervisor will be notified.
Safety Coordinator will review all violations and recommend further action as needed.
General Chemical Usage
Rules: Most chemicals for use in the cleanroom are provided. If you need a new
chemical that is not provided, you must have approval from the Safety Coordinator
before bringing the chemical to the facility. The Appendix of this manual contains the
Materials Handling Form; you must provide a complete MSDS and a Materials Handling
Form prior to bringing, or using the new chemical in the Nanofab. Unknown chemicals
will be disposed of.
Standard chemical etching, cleaning, and processing are to be done only in the Wet
Bench area only!
The lithography area is only for photosensitive materials processing.
Safety Glasses are required at all times! (Prescription glasses are not safety glasses)
When using any chemicals, they must be used in fume hoods for proper ventilation,
except for spray bottles containing water or solvents for general cleaning.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): When using chemicals make sure you are
properly protected. What you should wear is as follows:
Level l:General lab use, spray bottles and/or Lithography. Lab gloves and Safety
Glasses (Chemical Gloves recommended for lithography solvents)
Level 2:Use of Chemicals in Wet Bench Area Chemical gloves, Face Shield, Apron
PPE should be inspected for damage before and after use. Do not wear, or put back
PPE that is damaged; throw it away! Contact the Safety Coordinator for new PPE if
Chemical Containers: When moving chemicals to the bench top, ensure that
containers have secure lids. Glass bottles should be transported in the polypropylene
bottle carriers. Be sure to check that there are no bottles of your needed chemical
before opening new ones. When pouring out chemicals, never pour a chemical back
into the original container, this will contaminate the chemical and make it unusable.
Glassware and plasticware in the wet bench area are to be rinsed and dried after each
use and prior to returning it to the storage shelf. Gloves and other protective
equipment also must be rinsed and dried.
Broken lab glass is to be cleaned up by the person who broke it. It is to be
placed in a white container marked LAB GLASS.
Any container or chemical in use must be labeled with the supplied labels, regardless
of whether you are monitoring the material or not! Label with your full name, date,
time, and type of material.
If you must leave a container out of sight or unattended, the container must have a lid.
Leaving chemicals unattended without the proper label or lid is a direct lab violation.
Chemicals that need to be left for more than 24 hours or overnight must have a note
stating the date and time the material will be left unattended.
Special mixtures must be approved prior to mixing or use by the Safety Coordinator.
Special labels are used to ensure that proper approval has been given.
Hot plates must be monitored at all times during use.
Disposal/Clean-up: All chemical waste in the cleanroom must be disposed of in
containers. No chemicals will be dumped down the drain. Rinse-Water is the only
liquid allowed in the drain other than normal DI-Water. Supply bottles are reused as
similar-type waste bottles, but only PLASTIC BOTTLES! Hazardous waste labels are
provided on the storage shelf, and must be filled out in full with the complete
chemical name, no brand names or formulas. Place the waste label over the
original bottle label. Check to see that a chemical does not have a waste container
before creating a new one. Since airtight lids can lead to container explosion (if the
material releases vapor, as with most oxidizers) leave the lid or cap loose. Use the
provided funnels (they must be rinsed and dried after use). The wet benches must also
be wiped with wet wipers and dried after each use. Do not leave any glass, lab ware,
chemicals, or waste on the wet bench surface. You are expected to clean up after
Chemical residue is hard to see, it is required that you wash your hands after exiting
the lab.
Spills: For any spill in the cleanroom please contacts a member of staff, phone
numbers are on the provided phone sheets, for assistance. In emergencies, evacuate
the area, and then contact the Safety Coordinator or Dial x13 for Security.
If you are exposed or burned, remove exposed material and use the safety showers
or eye wash stations. Rinse for at least 15 minutes then seek medical attention, have
someone else call Security at x13 the Safety Coordinator and EH&S to contain the
Specific Safety Procedures
Introduction: The safety rules for the cleanroom must be read, understood, and
practiced at all times. Use common sense, think about how your actions could affect
others, and never work alone. Report any safety problems you encounter to the Safety
Live Pathogens: Never allowed in any URnano facilities
Chemicals: A large variety of chemicals exist in the cleanroom; you are responsible for
familiarizing yourself with them. MSDS (Materials Safety Data Sheets) are available in the
gowning room. Other sources of information are: Chemical labels, manufacturer, Internet,
Safety Coordinator, and University of Rochester Environmental Health and Safety. PPE or
Personal Protective Equipment must be used at all times. PPE forms a protective barrier
between you and the hazard.
Acids: When mixing acids, remember the common alphabetical rule A-W. Always add
acid to water, not water to acid. Be sure to leave acid waste container caps loose to
avoid pressure buildup as reactions continue and/or gases are evolved.
Acids are stored separately from Bases and Solvents in the metal cabinet marked ACIDS.
Hydrofluoric Acid (HF) is particularly hazardous. HF attacks glass, so it must be
used and stored in plastic containers. Plastic handling equipment must be used in the place
of metal or glass. It also can cause major body damage; HF will break down into free
Hydrogen and Fluorine ions in the body. The Hydrogen with cause corrosive tissue burns,
and the Fluorine will bond with Calcium in the body to kill nerve endings and displace the
Calcium content by forming insoluble salts. If left alone, HF exposure can be fatal. If
exposed, flush the area with large quantities of water. Eye wash and shower stations are
located throughout the lab. Be sure to clean under fingernails as HF will wick there and is
hard to remove. Calcium gluconate gel is available in the wet bench area, and should be
applied to areas directly exposed to HF continually until you receive medical treatment.
Any exposure at the URnano requires a trip to the Medical Center. HF does not produce an
instant burning sensation, burning and or throbbing pain will not occur until many hours
after the actual exposure. This will depend on concentration. Seek medical attention if any
exposure occurs.
Piranha Etch is prohibited. It is a common name for a mixture of Hydrogen
Peroxide and Sulfuric Acid. This mixture reacts with photo resist, metals, and flesh. It is
very useful for cleaning wafers, but is highly reactive. The material continues to react and
decompose for long periods of time after use. This causes a vapor release that can cause
containers to explode. This material is highly unstable and use is not permitted. The
URnano supplies a chemically stabilized version of the mixture called Nanostrip. This is
just as effective as Piranha and is safer to use. Mixing or use of Piranha etch is a direct lab
Bases: There are many types of bases at the cleanroom. Basic solutions also can harm
tissue. If you become exposed, flush the area with large quantities of water. Eye wash and
shower stations are located throughout the lab. Acids and Bases can be mixed in controlled
amounts for known solutions, NEVER mix ACID and BASE waste together.
Peroxides are oxidizing materials; energy is released in reactions with common
materials. Peroxide mixtures can be unstable and can explode. Extreme care should be
used with peroxides, as they are incompatible with all forms of organic solvents and
flammable materials.
Solvents: Solvents should be handled with care, as most are highly flammable. Most also
can cause skin irritation and eye damage. Some have other threats, read the
corresponding MSDS to ensure you know all hazards and risks.
Acetone is used commonly throughout the lab, it is very flammable and has a low flash
point; it will combust very easily at low temperatures. Acetone spills can present a huge
fire or explosion hazard. Handle carefully in fume hoods and keep away from direct heat
Chlorinated solvents such as Chlorobenzene and Methylene Chloride are also used
throughout the lab, mostly for lithography processing. These are known carcinogens,
handle with care in hoods only, use separate waste containers and avoid skin contact or
breathing of vapors.
Glycol Ethers are also used widely in lithography processes. These chemicals are known to
cause birth defects, kidney, eye, lung, and brain damage. Avoid skin contact and breathing
of vapors. Wear proper equipment and work in ventilated areas. When using chemicals
you must follow the PPE guidelines.
Mutual consideration of your fellow users is essential to the efficient operation of the
cleanroom. Remember the following:
General lab rules:
1. Sign in each time you enter URnano facilities.
2. Use the buddy system.
3. Gown from the top down.
4. Always use gloves and safety glasses.
5. Know where phones and exits are.
6. Know where PPE, eyewash, safety shower, and fire extinguishers are.
7. Stay out of unauthorized areas.
8. Report all problems or incidents.
9. Wear appropriate safety gear for chemicals.
10. Return tools to where they belong.
Do not:
1. Wear make-up or perfume.
2. Wear sandals or open shoes.
3. Bring in visitors without permission.
4. Work on or modify equipment.
5. Bring in unapproved chemicals.
6. Make electrical connections.
7. Change gas bottles.
8. Work alone.
9. Use equipment for which you haven't been trained.
10. Bring in paper products. Use ONLY cleanroom paper or cleanroom notebooks.
11. Use pencils.
12. Leave materials or belongings in the gowning room.
13. Wear dirty clothes or shoes.
14. Enter the cleanroom ungowned.
15. Bring in backpacks, purses, laptops. or other personal storage items.
16. Bring in food or drink.
17. Listen to music.
Leave your work area the way you would like to see it when you come in.
1. No chemicals or waste on bench tops.
2. No unlabeled solutions.
3. No unauthorized solutions or chemicals.
4. No waste down the drain.
5. No wet labware on storage racks.
6. No unreported equipment problems.
7. No uncleaned empty bottles.
8. Be considerate of your fellow users.
9. Share bench space cleanly and safely.
10. Show up for reserved times or cancel the reservation.
Consider the general welfare of the lab.
1. If you know how to fix a problem do so. If you’re unsure don’t even try.
2. Assist staff and learn from them.
3. Know what alarms mean. Don't just turn them off.
4. If you have a doubt, ask someone about it.
5. Work to reduce particle and chemical contaminants
Unusual Circumstances
Electrical: Do not make electrical connections, this will be done by staff or other
approved persons. Do not overload circuits. Report all problems to the Safety Coordinator.
In case of electrical shock, do not touch the person, call EH&S and get assistance to shut off
the power source. RF, microwave, and other high-voltage sources are used on various
equipment, be careful with liquids, and watch out for high-voltage lines and cables.
Fire: Fires can result from ignition of flammable gases, liquids or other materials and
may be associated with electrical malfunctions (shorts or overheating). A major cause of
lab fires is due to ignition of chemical solutions on a hot plate. Use water baths where
possible. Be cautious of water use around electrical equipment. In case of a large fire,
evacuate the building, pull a fire alarm, and call 911. Remain calm, if you are in the lab you
will hear the fire alarm, do not ungown, find the nearest exit and quickly leave the building.
DO NOT RUN. If it is a small fire you feel you can handle, fire extinguishers are located
throughout the lab and building. If your clothes are ignited use eye washes or safety
showers to drench you.
Gases: Gases used at the cleanroom are mostly in high pressure steel compressed
cylinders. When in use gas cylinders are kept in special gas cabinets designed with exhaust
ventilation and the proper valves, and regulators. When being stored gas cylinders must
be securely fastened to a bracket of some kind. Cylinders often weigh up to a few hundred
pounds, and can cause personal or property damage if they happen to fall. Gas cylinders
must be transported on approved carts and used cautiously as compressed cylinders also
can become rockets if the cylinder valves are broken or damaged.
Nitrogen, Argon, Oxygen and Compressed air is house supplied by the building. Nitrogen
blowguns and compressed air are highly pressurized. At high pressures nitrogen or air can
cause damage to equipment, clothing, or actually tear skin. Use common sense. Many gases
in the cleanroom are corrosive, toxic, or pyrophoric. A gas that is pyrophoric will
spontaneously ignite in air. An example of pyrophoric material used is TMA (Tri-Methyl-
Aluminum). A toxic or corrosive gas is Chlorine.
*Note- In the event of a strange smell / odor, evacuate the lab, and then call Brian
McIntyre at 301-3145 or EH&S.
Injuries/First Aid Injuries such as minor burns and cuts can be treated using the
supplied first aid kits. Trained medical personnel at the Medical Center or UHS must treat
anything of a more severe nature.
Personal Protective Equipment
Eye Protection: Safety glasses must be worn in the lab at all times. Approved safety
glasses are supplied, see the Safety Coordinator if you need a pair. Over the glasses
pairs are also available. Note: impact resistant prescription glasses are not safety
Body Protection: Lab gowns will protect against most solvents and light abrasions.
Aprons and chemical resistant gloves are supplied for wet bench use. Heavy-duty
aprons and specialized gloves or other body protection is available upon request for
special approved projects or for dewar use with liquid nitrogen.
Hearing Protection: Earplugs are available for use when working near noisy
Equipment/Facilities: Throughout the lab safety equipment is provided. These
include but are not limited to:
1. Calcium gluconate gel
2. First Aid kits
3. Fire extinguishers
4. Safety showers
5. Eye wash stations
6. Telephones
URnano Material Handling Report
Material Name: _______________________________________________
(Note: Put each material on a separate Material Handling Report.)
Material Classification: __________________________________________
Equipment that will use material: _________________________________
Coordinating Researcher: ________________________________________
Primary Engineer: ______________________ Approval: Yes No
Date material use will begin: / /
Specific hazards of material:
Detail usage procedure for material:
How much material will be used on an average basis?
Who will order the material? -URnano -You
How much needs to be in stock?
Safety Coordinator Approval: Yes No
Lab Manager Approval: Yes No
Before using any material in the cleanroom you must complete this form,
provide an MSDS, and receive approval of the above individuals.
Primary Tool Engineer
Tool Responsible Person Email Phone
Mask Aligner Jim jmitch30@ur.rochester.edu x5-2471
Wire Bonder Jim [email protected] x5-2471
YES CVD oven Jim [email protected] x5-2471
Kurt Lesker PVD Jim jmitch30@ur.rochester.edu x5-2471
AJA Sputtering Jim jmitch30@ur.rochester.edu x5-2471
RTP Jim jmitch30@ur.rochester.edu x5-2471
ALD Jim jmitch30@ur.rochester.edu x5-2471
RIE Jim jmitch30@ur.rochester.edu x5-2471
SBT Jim jmitch30@ur.rochester.edu x5-2471
Benches Jim jmitch3[email protected] x5-2471
Microtech laserwriter Jim jmitch30@ur.rochester.edu x5-2471
SEM Brian brian.mcintyre@rochester.edu x5-3058
TEM Brian brian.mcintyre@rochester.edu x5-3058
AFM Brian brian.mcintyre@rochester.edu x5-3058
URnano Floor Plan
UR Integrated Nanosystems Center User Facility
PI/Account Authorization Form
PI Name_____________________________________ Phone# ________________
Last First
Email Address _______________________________________________
Department _________________________________________________
Department PO Box ________________________________
Phone Number where you can be contacted _________________________
Billing Authorization Information
Department Administrative Contact ________________________________________
UR email address Bills are to be sent to: ________________________________________
Account Numbers that can be utilized by Group during the Fiscal Year:
Account Number(s) _______________ Exp Date: _________
Account Number(s) _______________ Exp Date: _________
(Please denote if 100% to one account or percentage to be split between multiple accounts)
Alternate Account number if one of the accounts above is Frozen or Rejected (must be a 2, 3, 4 or 6)
Approval of Chair of the Department for the non-ledger 5 account number
Chair Signature ________________________________________________________
I agree to the terms and conditions shown below:
PI Name ____________________________ PI Signature ____________________________
Billings will be processed monthly for hourly uses of personnel, equipment and facilities. Billing will be based
on either scheduled time or actual elapsed time (when available). Copies of monthly invoices will be sent to PI
and Billing Contact. Invoiced amounts will automatically be charged against the account listed above at the end
of each month. Rejected account numbers will result in access denial to all individuals within the PI’s group.
URinc rates, policies and forms can be found on the URNano website: https://www.rochester.edu/urnano/
UR Integrated Nanosystems Center User Facility
Individual Authorization Form
User’s Name_____________________________________ Phone Ext or Cell ___________
Last First
UR ID __________________________
Email Address __________________________________________
Advisor/Principal Investigator Last Name ___________________________
Status (circle one) Graduate Student Undergrad Class of _______ REU Postdoc
Tool Access to be Granted (circle all that apply) Metrology-Wilmot Clean Room - Goergen
I agree to the terms and conditions below:
All time I schedule will be billed to the research group I am currently a member of. If I am not going to
use a tool, I will cancel my reservation at least 24 hours before the reservation begins, otherwise the costs will
be billed to the professor. Billing will be based on either scheduled time or actual elapsed time (when
available). I will not do work that is of a personal nature without setting up a personal account. I will only use
my ID card to swipe into the facilities. I will not use my ID card to swipe other individuals into the facility. All
issues, corrections or concerns with the scheduling tool PPMS will be email documented to the administrator
[email protected]ster.edu. Any requests for a change in charge because of tool malfunction will need to have
been documented by an incident report in PPMS during the session along with email documentation to the
administrator [email protected]
Signature ___________________________________ Date _______________________
Billing Authorization Information
Account Number _____________Percentage _________% Acct Exp Date: _________
Account Number _____________Percentage _________% Acct Exp Date: _________
(Please denote if 100% to one account or percentage to be split between multiple accounts)
PI Signature or Administrator _________________________________ Date _______________
Charges will be processed monthly for hourly users of equipment and facilities. Invoiced amounts will
automatically be charged against the account listed above. Rejected account numbers will result in access denial
to Labs, to all individuals within the PI’s group.
Scheduler can be found at: http://ppms.us/urmc
URNano site : https://www.rochester.edu/urnano/
Sample Prep
Plasma Clean
Wet Processing
Wire Bonder
Plasma trim
Cleanroom Access Quiz 1
Do you need a buddy to work in the cleanroom?
Does you buddy need to be IN the cleanroom if you’re operating tools?
Does you buddy need to be in the cleanroom if you’re using reactive chemicals?
What are three numbers to call if there is an emergency (in the order of severity of the incident)?
Say you’ve spilled HF on your skin…list three things that you do:
Do you use tools without being specifically trained on them?
Are you required to wear gloves in the cleanroom?
Are you required to wear safety glasses in the cleanroom?
Are you required to wear hoods over your hair-covering in the cleanroom?
What are the emergency egress paths from the basement area?
Calcium gluconate is used for what problem?
Are the chemical safety guidelines different for the cleanroom than any other lab?
Should you use the calendaring tool for all equipment reservations? Why?
Can you show the cleanroom to your girlfriend/boyfriend/mom/dad//neighbor, etc? If so, how?
What happens after you’ve violated a cleanroom policy or procedure three times?