Lab 3: Introduction to Acids Base Chemistry
Part A
Experimental Determination of Acid Dissociation Constant, Ka
The molar concentration (M) of a solution of any acid (weak OR strong) is based on the moles
per liter of acid before dissociation occurs. Hence, a 0.10 M solution of a strong acid, such as
HCl contains 0.10 M H
because 0.10 M HCl dissociates completely to 0.1 M H
and 0.10 M Cl
However, H
concentration ([H
]) of a weak acid is not equivalent to acid molarity, but instead is
a function of the acid equilibrium constant for the dissociation reaction:
HA(aq) H
(aq) + A
(aq) Ka =
In this experiment, you will take pH measurements to determine [H
] (pH = -log [H
]) of a weak acid
and use this information to experimentally determine the dissociation constant, Ka.
wash bottle
Vernier computer interface
distilled water
Logger Pro
100 mL volumetric flask
Vernier pH Sensor
100 mL beaker
pipet bulb
2.00 M CH
Buffers for pH meter calibration
Figure 1
1. Obtain and wear safety goggles.
2. Put approximately 50 mL of distilled water into a 100 mL volumetric flask.
3. Use a pipet pump to pipet the required volume of 2.00 M acetic acid (calculated in Pre-Lab) to
produce 100 mL of 0.200M acetic acid into the volumetric flask. Fill the flask with distilled water
to the 100 mL mark. To prevent overshooting the mark, use a wash bottle filled with distilled
water for the last few mL. Mix thoroughly.
4. Use a utility clamp to secure a pH Sensor to a ring stand as shown in Figure 1.
5. Connect the probe to the computer interface. Prepare the computer for data collection by opening
the file “27 Acid Dissociation Ka” from the Chemistry with Vernier folder of Logger Pro.
CALIBRATE pH meter according to instructions given to you by your instructor.
6. Determine the pH of your solution as follows:
Use about 40 mL of distilled water in a 100 mL beaker to rinse the pH Sensor.
Pour about 20 mL of your solution into a clean 100 mL beaker and use it to thoroughly rinse the
Repeat the previous step by rinsing with a second 20 mL portion of your solution.
Use the remaining 60 mL portion to determine pH. Swirl the solution vigorously. (Note:
Readings may drift without proper swirling!) Record the measured pH reading in your data
When done, place the pH Sensor in distilled water, and set aside your sample of 0.20M acetic
acid to use in part B of this lab (titration).
7. Repeat the procedure preparing a more dilute (0.020 M) solution of acetic acid for experimental
determination of Ka. You do not need to save the 0.020 M solution for titration.
Data Treatment
1. Complete a separate ICE tables for each initial acid concentration (blank tables provided on next
(aq) + CH
Initial [CH
COOH] = the known molarity of the prepared solution.
2. Use a scientific calculator to determine equilibrium [H
from the pH values for each solution:
pH = -log [H
]; thus [H
] = 10
at equilibrium
3. Use the obtained value for [H
at equilibrium to calculate all concentrations at equilibrium.
4. Substitute these calculated concentrations into the K
expression and report your calculated Ka
for acetic acid. Compare the values obtained with different initial concentrations of acid.
Data tables are provided, please show all calculations in your lab report.
Recorded Data:
Solution Prep
M of stock
V of
Volume of
Stock solution
(to obtain desired M)
100 mL
100 mL
pH data
I.C.E. tables
E (as function of x)
E ( inserting actual
Ka =
E (as function of x)
E ( inserting actual
Ka =
Post-lab questions
1.) What is the average experimental value for Ka of acetic acid based on your two
results? Do your two values agree with each other? Is this what you expected? Why
or why not?
2.) The literature value of Ka for acetic acid is 1.8 x 10
. Compare this to your
experimental value. What sources of error can you identify (be specific don’t just
say “measuring errors” only YOU can prevent measuring errors!)
3.) What is the total % dissociation of HA for the 0.20 M sample? ______________
What is the total % dissociation of HA for the 0.020 M sample? ______________
4.) Which sample had a significant (albeit small) amount of H
dissociated, so [HA] at
equilibrium was not identical to [HA] initial when expressed to the correct number of
significant figures?
Lab 3 Part B: Titration of an Acid Using pH meter to Detect Endpoint
Acid-Base Titration
A titration is a process where one can monitor the volume of a solution required for a complete
reaction with a specific amount of substance in another solution.
In this experiment, you will monitor the volume of 0.10M NaOH required to neutralize 10 mL of
either HCl or acetic acid solutions (One group on each bench will be assigned to HCl and one to
acetic acid, and you will share results). Given molarity and having established volume of NaOH
required for neutralization, you can determine the moles required, and thus moles of acid present in
the 10 mL sample of acid, allowing you to calculate the concentration of the acid.
HCl is a strong acid and NaOH is a strong base. The titration reaction that occurs may be represented
by the following complete ionic equation:
(aq) + Cl
(aq) + Na
(aq) +OH
O(l) + Na
(aq) + Cl
This equation can be simplified to a net-ionic equation as follows:
(aq) + OH
(aq) H
Since acetic acid (CH
COOH) is a weak acid, very little of it dissociates in solution. The net-ionic
equation that represents the titration of acetic acid with NaOH is:
COOH(aq) + OH
(aq) CH
(aq) + H
In both cases, moles of NaOH added = moles of acid present in the 10mL sample, thus determining
moles of NaOH required to complete neutralization will allow you to calculate the concentration of
acid in the original sample.
In this experiment, you will use a computer to monitor pH as you titrate. Your data will produce a
curve similar to the one shown in figure 1. Initially the acid sample will have a low pH, which
increases gradually upon addition of NaOH. The region of most rapid pH change will be used to
determine the equivalence point, where moles acid = moles NaOH added. The volume of NaOH used
at the equivalence point will be used to determine the moles of NaOH required for neutralization.
Please save your data curve, all pH readings, AND the data curve and readings you obtain from
your bench partners for further use later in this course!
Figure 1
magnetic stirrer
Vernier computer interface
stirring bar
Logger Pro
wash bottle
Vernier pH Sensor
distilled water
acid solution, unknown concentration
ring stand
~0.1 M NaOH solution
1 utility clamp
pipet bulb or pump
250 mL beaker
50 mL buret
2nd utility clamp
10 mL pipet 2nd 250 mL beaker
Measuring Volume Using a Buret
1. Obtain and wear goggles.
2. Add 50 mL of distilled water to a 250 mL beaker. Use a pipet pump to pipet 10.0 mL of the acid
solution into the distilled water in the 250 mL beaker. CAUTION: Handle the acid solutions with
care. They can cause burns if in contact with the skin.
3. Place the beaker on a magnetic stirrer and add a stirring bar.
4. Use a utility clamp to suspend a pH Sensor on a ring stand as
shown here. Position the pH Sensor in the acid solution and adjust
its position so it will not be struck by the stirring bar. Turn on the
magnetic stirrer, and adjust it to a medium stirring rate (with no
splashing of solution).
5. Obtain approximately 60 mL of 0.10 M NaOH solution in a
250 mL beaker. Obtain a 50 mL buret and rinse the buret with a
few mL of the 0.10 M NaOH solution. Use a utility clamp to
attach the buret to the ring stand as shown here. Fill the buret a
little above the 0.00 mL level of the buret with 0.10 M NaOH
solution. Drain a small amount of NaOH solution into the beaker
so it fills the buret tip and leaves the NaOH at the 0.00 mL level
of the buret. Record the concentration of the NaOH solution (0.10M) in your data table. Dispose
of the waste solution from this step as directed by your teacher. CAUTION: Sodium hydroxide
solution is caustic. Avoid spilling it on your skin or clothing.
6. Connect the pH Sensor to the computer interface. Prepare the computer for data collection by
opening the file “24a Acid-Base Titration” from the Chemistry with Vernier folder. Check to see
that the pH value is between 2 and 3.
7. Before adding NaOH titrant, click and monitor pH for 5-10 seconds. Once the
displayed pH reading has stabilized, click . In the edit box, type “0” (for 0 mL added).
Press the ENTER key or click to store the first data pair for this experiment.
8. You are now ready to begin the titration. This process goes faster if one person manipulates and
reads the buret while another person operates the computer and enters volumes.
a. Add the next increment of NaOH titrant (enough to raise the pH about 0.15 units). When the
pH stabilizes, again click . In the edit box, type the current buret reading, to the
nearest 0.01 mL. Press ENTER or click . You have now saved the second data pair for
the experiment.
b. Continue adding NaOH solution in increments that raise the pH by about 0.15 units and enter
the buret reading after each increment. Proceed in this manner until the pH is 3.5.
c. When a pH value of approximately 3.5 is reached, change to a one-drop increment. Enter a
new volume reading after each increment. Note: It is important that all increment volumes in
this part of the titration be equal; that is, one-drop increments. Do not worry if your drops are
not exactly the same volume each time, but don’t start adding larger increments until you reach
a pH value of 10.
d. After a pH value of approximately 10 is reached, again add larger increments that raise the pH
by about 0.15 pH units, and enter the buret level after each increment.
e. Continue adding NaOH solution until the pH value remains constant.
9. When you have finished collecting data, click . Dispose of the beaker contents as directed
by your teacher.
10. Print copies of the table and the graph, and collect a copy of the table and graph from your
bench partners. Include boths in your lab report.
11. If time permits, repeat the procedure.
Data Treatment
1.) MARK YOUR GRAPH! Label to indicate which acid was titrated (HCl or
COOH). Indicate the endpoint on the graph, and the volume and pH at the
endpoint. Do this for both your graph and the one you obtain from your “bench
partners.” Mark the values for volume and pH at the equivalence point in the data
chart as well as labeling the axis on the graph.
2.) Calculate moles of NaOH required to reach the equivalence point.
3.) Convert moles NaOH required to reach the equivalence point to moles of acid
4.) Convert moles acid in a 10 mL sample to concentration of acid in 10 mL sample.
5.) Enter calculations in chart provided to include in your lab report
Data tables provided, please show all calculations in your lab report.
Data tables
Volume of ____M NaOH at
equivalence point
Moles (mmoles) acid in
10 mL sample
Concentration of acid
(M) in 10 mL sample
HCl trial 1
HCl trial 2*
trial 1
trial 2
Pre-lab questions FOR PART A
1.) Determine the volume, in mL, of 2.00 M CH
COOH required to prepare 100 mL
0.200M CH
COOH, and a separate 100mL 0.02 M CH
COOH (show calculation):
Enter this information in the Solution Prep portion of your Data Tables.
2.) Complete the ICE tables you will use for data treatment (leaving the row for
actual Equilibrium values blank since youll need your data for that part), using
[HA] initial = 0.200 for one table and [HA] initial = 0.0200 M for the other table.
Make sure you complete the row calling for E as a function of x.
3.) Write the equilibrium constant expression, K
, for the dissociation of acetic acid,
a) in terms of [CH
], and [CH
b) as a function of x (using Equilibrium values f(x) in your ICE table (use the symbol M
to represent molarity of acid):
4.) The measured pH for a 0.0200M solution of a certain acid, believed to be either
Ascorbic OR Citric acid, is 2.46. Complete the ICE table below and calculate the
Ka for this acid, then use Appendix A in your text to determine the correct
identity of the acid:
E (as function of x)
E values
Ka =
Identity of the acid: ________________________________
Pre-lab questions FOR PART B
1.) What is the definition of a strong acid compared to that of a weak acid?
2.) Write the NET IONIC equation for each of the titration reactions that you will observe in
this experiment:
HCl titration:
COOH titration:
3.) A researcher takes a10 mL sample of HCl from a bottle and titrates it with NaOH. It was
found that 22.4 mL of 0.25 M NaOH were required to reach the equivalence point. What
is the concentration of the HCl in original bottle?
4.) Would the calculation in question # 3 be different if the original acid was CH
Why or why not?