WASLI provides this template as a guide for interpreters when drawing up their terms and
conditions for providing their services.
WASLI takes no responsibility for any contractual arrangement made with an individual
WASLI recommends that all business arrangements, terms, and conditions are discussed,
agreed and clearly set-out in writing before any work is offered, accepted, or
WASLI thanks ASLI UK for providing a template that could be amended for IS interpreter
Table of Content:
Terms and Conditions of Business - A suggested template ......................................... 2
1. Definitions ................................................................................................................. 2
2. Services Provided .................................................................................................... 2
3. Contracts .................................................................................................................. 2
4. Teams ...................................................................................................................... 3
5. Working Hours .......................................................................................................... 4
6. Quotations for Fees .................................................................................................. 4
7. Fees and Allowances ............................................................................................... 4
8. Travel and Accommodation ...................................................................................... 5
9. Cancellation .............................................................................................................. 6
10. Substitution of Interpreters ..................................................................................... 6
11. Unavoidable Circumstances ................................................................................... 7
12. Preparation Materials ............................................................................................. 7
13. Working Conditions ................................................................................................ 8
14. Recordings ............................................................................................................. 8
15. Complaints and Disputes ....................................................................................... 9
16. Responsibility and Liability ..................................................................................... 9
17. Competition ............................................................................................................ 9
18. Applicability and Integrity ........................................................................................ 9
Terms and Conditions of Business - A suggested template
1. Definitions
Interpreter shall mean the person who performs the act of interpreting spoken, written, or
signed communication into another language.
Speaker shall mean the person making the original spoken or signed communication.
Client shall mean the party or intermediary engaging the services of the Interpreter and
having responsibility for his/her remuneration.
Assignment shall mean any period or set of consecutive periods of interpreting for one
specific purpose or event.
Circumstances shall mean any circumstances deriving from any cause, which is beyond
the control of the Interpreter or the Client.
Code of Conduct shall mean the WFD-WASLI International Sign Interpreters’ Code of
Conduct and the professional conduct of the Interpreter(s) shall be expected to be in
accordance with this Code of Conduct.
2. Services Provided
2.1 The services provided by the Interpreter shall comprise the interpreting services agreed
in writing at the time when an assignment is accepted and/or those specified in these
Terms and Conditions of Business.
2.2 They shall not, without express agreement confirmed in writing at the time, include any
additional services.
3. Contracts
3.1 All assignments shall be confirmed by a written contract between the Client and the
Interpreter, which shall include these Terms and Conditions and any variants explicitly
3.2 If an interpreter is commissioned for an assignment and there is no time to enter into a
written contract, the assignment shall be entered into on the basis of an oral contract
only and these Terms of and Conditions shall be deemed to apply.
3.3 Where an Interpreter’s services have been contracted for in accordance with either of
the means specified above, the Client shall be wholly liable for:
remuneration of the Interpreter’s services, and
reimbursement of any expenses incurred by the Interpreter in connection with the
assignment whether the interpreting services are in fact provided or not.
3.4 The Interpreter should be given the name of the parties involved in the interpretation at
the time of booking (or as soon as possible afterwards) to avoid, or enable mitigation
against, any conflicts of interest.
3.5 The Interpreter should be given the details of the interpretation at the time of booking to
enable them to evaluate their ability to meet the requirements of the booking as per the
Code of Conduct article 3.a, ‘Interpreters shall not accept any assignment for which
they are not qualified and/or cannot maintain impartiality throughout the assignment’.
3.6 The Interpreter should be informed, and the Client confirm the language combination
required for the assignment, including whether live captioning/subtitling will be provided
and in which language(s). If accredited bilaterally (IS<>EN, IS<>FR, IS<>SP, etc.) there
is an expectation that the Interpreter(s) will work in both directions.
4. Interpreting Teams
4.1 Where an assignment requires continuous interpreting for any period of more than one
hour, a team of a minimum of two Interpreters shall be engaged to provide the
interpreting service (as per Code of Conduct article 6.b). This includes when working
4.2 All interpreters should know in advance of the assignment who their co-workers will be.
They should also be made aware if the co-worker is with WFD-WASLI an Accredited or
Pre-Accredited interpreter.
4.3 Co-workers should be Accredited in the first instance (as per Code of Conduct 3.f), with
Pre-accredited interpreters working in teams with Accredited interpreters.
4.4 Where three or more Interpreters are engaged for an assignment, one Interpreter shall
be designated Team Leader, and will be an Accredited interpreter.
4.5 The Team Leader shall be responsible for organising the work of the Interpreting Team
and all liaisons with the Client:
Additional fees may be agreed in advance for this work
The Team Leader may organise the team and not be an Interpreter for the
4.6 Teams may be arranged in language pairs (IS<>EN, IS<>SP, etc.) or in booth teams
4.7 No persons who are not members of the Interpreting Team may be used as
Interpreters to complement the Interpreting Team.
5. Working Hours
5.1 A working day shall comprise no more than six hours during which interpreting will be
required. This will comprise of no more than two slots of three hours continuous work.
5.2 Interpreters shall be given a midday rest period of at least one hour.
5.3 If an Interpreter has agreed to work alone, they shall be given adequate opportunity for
breaks, ideally 10 minutes every 25 to 30 minutes. This includes working remotely.
5.4 No demands shall be of the Interpreter during rest periods or breaks.
If interpreting is required for networking, etc. during formal breaks this is an additional
requirement that should be scheduled into the workload and may mean additional
interpreters are required.
5.5 If, in the course of an assignment, it is found that interpreting services will be required
for an additional period after the period of work for which the Interpreter was initially
contracted, the Interpreter may be invited, but not compelled, to:
continue for a further agreed period on that same day,
continue for a further agreed period on subsequent days.
5.6 If the Interpreter consents to the above, additional fees shall be paid in accordance with
Clause 7.4.
5.7 If interpreting services are required for a continuous period of more than six hours, a
second Team shall be organised, and the work shall be shared equally between the
two teams.
6. Quotations for Fees
6.1 Fees quoted by an Interpreter, or on behalf of a team of Interpreters, in full knowledge
of the contents and conditions of an assignment, shall be considered contractually
binding and valid for acceptance for three months only.
6.2 Quotations shall be confirmed in writing and any VAT applicable, in addition to the fees,
shall be stipulated.
7. Fees and Allowances
7.1 All fees and allowances shall be freely negotiated and confirmed in writing, including
subsistence, travel and accommodation allowances (see 8 Travel and
7.2 All fees and allowances will be paid in full no later than 30 days following receipt of the
7.3 Late payments may incur an administration fee $X
, plus interest at Y%
over base rate
(Z% at the time of contract) from the first date on which they become due until they are
paid in full. A new invoice will be sent with the accumulated charges included.
7.4 Fees shall be charged on the basis of a full day, or half day in the case of a period of
three hours or less. Where the Interpreter has been invited to continue for a further
period in extension of the initial contract, (see Clause 5.5), a supplementary fee shall
be paid at an agreed hourly rate $X
7.5 A supplementary fee for working unsociable hours, for assignments between the hours
of 19:00 and 08:00 or at weekends or public holidays, shall be agreed between the
Interpreter and the Client in advance.
7.6 Where an Interpreter is required, from the outset, to work longer than the working day a
supplementary fee shall be negotiated at an agreed hourly rate.
7.7 Where travel to and from the Interpreter’s normal place of residence and an
assignment involves a total of more than four hours, travel time will be remunerated at
50% of the agreed hourly rate.
7.7 Where travel to and from the Interpreter’s normal place of residence and an
assignment cannot reasonably be completed within the same day as the assignment,
travel time will be remunerated at the same rate as working time.
7.9 Where travel to and from the Interpreter’s normal place of residence is longer than six
hours a rest day will be required and will be remunerated at the same rate as working
7.10 Charges for remote working will remain the same as face-to-face work.
8. Travel and Accommodation
8.1 Arrangements for travel and accommodation shall be the responsibility of either the
Client or the Interpreter, as agreed before acceptance.
8.2 Travel arrangements shall ensure that the Interpreter arrives an agreed time before the
start of the assignment and does not have to leave prematurely.
The administration fee may be legally stipulated (as in the UK see here) even so this should be stated here
in place of X
The percentage should be stated here in place of Y and the base rate in place of Z
The hourly rate should be stipulated here in place of X
8.3 Where travel arrangements are made by the Client, these shall be such as to ensure
that the Interpreter arrives sufficiently rested to fulfil the assignment to the expected
8.4 Where the travel arrangements are made by the Interpreter, they shall seek to obtain
travel and accommodation at a reasonable cost compatible with satisfactory
performance of the assignment.
Any expenditure incurred shall be reimbursed to the Interpreter within 30 days
following receipt of invoice.
If any such arrangements made by the Interpreter have to be varied or cancelled, any
reimbursed sums recovered by the Interpreter shall be immediately repaid to the
9. Cancellation
9.1 If an accepted assignment is curtailed or cancelled either wholly or in part, or
performance of the assignment is frustrated for reasons, which the Client or the
Client’s principal are responsible, the Client shall be liable for payment of a
cancellation fee according to Clause 9.5.
9.2 If a client does not attend within 30 mins of the booking time and no contact is made
then the interpreter will regard the booking as cancelled and a fee imposed as in 9.5
9.3 Any expenditure incurred as agreed in the contract and any additional expenditure
incurred as a result of the cancellation shall also be reimbursed.
9.4 If, however, at the time of cancellation the Client is able to offer an alternative
assignment of a similar type under comparable conditions and circumstances for all or
part of the period of the original assignment, the Client’s liability to the Interpreter in
respect of cancellation fees shall be reduced by the amount of the fees payable for the
alternative assignment.
9.5 Any cancellation fee shall be agreed between the parties prior to acceptance of the
assignment and shall be determined in relation to the time between notification of
cancellation and the start date, as follows:
5 working days’ or less notice Full Fee
6 to 10 working days’ notice Half Fee
11 or more working days’ notice No Fee
10. Substitution of Interpreters
10.1 Substitution shall only be permitted in agreement with the Client. In such
circumstances the original Interpreter must find a suitable Interpreter substitute.
10.2 The Client shall accept a suitable Interpreter substitute, who will be engaged on the
same terms as the original Interpreter had previously agreed.
10.3 The Client will notify any other parties as appropriate.
10.4 Acceptance of the substitute Interpreter by the Client shall discharge the original
Interpreter from any further liability.
11. Unavoidable Circumstances
11.1 The Interpreter undertakes to notify the Client at the earliest possible opportunity if
they are prevented from undertaking an assignment, or if performance is frustrated by
unavoidable circumstances.
11.2 In giving such notice the Interpreter shall relinquish any right to:
remuneration for the uncompleted part of the assignment,
the reimbursement of any expenses, except those already irrecoverably incurred,
or necessarily incurred in returning the Interpreter to his/her normal place of
residence by suitable means.
12. Preparation Materials
12.1 The Client shall provide the Interpreter with relevant information and preparatory
materials in the form of background documentation, (See Clause 12.4), in good time;
preferably two weeks in advance of an assignment in order to ensure provision of a
quality service (as per Code of Conduct article 6.e).
12.2 If it is not possible to provide preparatory materials, and the Interpreter will request
such, the Client shall arrange for a briefing meeting.
12.3 Attendance by the Interpreter at such a meeting shall be paid as working time.
12.4 Preparatory materials shall include such items as:
programmes, agendas, Minutes, reports,
briefing papers, speakers’ notes, motions,
names of participants,
maps, photographs, diagrams, and other visual materials,
slides and/or other materials which will be read out or referred to by participants
in the course of an assignment,
lyrics, scripts, copies of any videos or scripts of films to be shown or any other
performance materials shall be supplied to the Interpreter by the Client not less
than 48 hours in advance.
12.5 The Interpreter outside the context of the assignment shall not disclose information
contained within preparatory materials. The Interpreter shall be responsible for their
safekeeping and immediate return to the Client at the end of the assignment.
12.6 Should preparation materials not be provided, the interpreter reserves the right to
13. Working Conditions
(As per Code of Conduct article 6, see also ISO standards: 18841, 20108, 20109, 23155).
13.1 For IS to spoken language interpretation, the Client is to ensure that speakers are well
lit and in clear sight of the Interpreter or made visible by means of an image providing a
clear and detailed view of the speaker’s face and body movements sufficient for the
Interpreter’s requirements. This may require the provision of audio/visual equipment,
which shall include a microphone(s) and television monitor(s), for the sole use of the
13.2 For spoken/scrolling written language to IS interpretation the Client is to ensure that
the Interpreter is positioned so that they are sufficiently near to the speaker to be able
to hear and see the speaker, and can be clearly seen by consumers of the service.
This may require the provision of additional lighting and audio equipment in the form of
a ‘fold-back’ speaker, and/or a television monitor for live subtitling for the sole use of
the Interpreter.
If this is not possible, the Client shall ensure that the speaker’s voice or film/video
soundtrack and live subtitling is in any case clearly conveyed directly to the Interpreter
without interfering sound or visual noise.
13.3 The interpreter will be given safety information as soon as possible and appropriate
PPE provided if necessary. If standards do not meet the appropriate standards (see
relevant ISO standard, e.g. ISO/PAS 45005), the interpreter reserves the right to
withdraw from the booking and the client will be charged.
14. Recordings
14.1 No record of an Interpreter’s work shall be made without the Interpreter’s prior
consent, except where such recording is inherent within legal proceedings.
14.2 In accordance with international law, the live performance of conference interpreters is
protected. Recordings, which are intended for broadcast or publication, may incur an
additional fee. This may be a one-off fee, or might be a percentage of sales, or both, as
agreed in a written contract between the Client and the Interpreter.
15. Complaints and Disputes
15.1 Any feedback or dispute in connection with interpreting work carried out shall be
notified to the Interpreter by the Client (or vice-versa) not later than one month from the
final day of an assignment. This excludes any claims for damages or liability.
16. Responsibility and Liability
16.1 The interpreting task shall be carried out by the Interpreter using reasonable skill and
16.2 The Interpreter shall interpret to the best of his or her ability, knowledge and belief.
16.3 No guarantee can be given as to the absolute accuracy of any interpretation.
16.4 In the event of a dispute or complaint about the standards of the interpreter, their
liability shall be limited to the value invoiced by the Interpreter.
16.5 Consequential damages and liability are expressly excluded from 16.4.
16.6 Any confidential or sensitive information held by the interpreter will be stored securely
and GDPR followed. It will then be destroyed as soon as possible.
17. Competition
17.1 Where the Client acts as an intermediary and introduces the Interpreter to a third party
by way of business, the Interpreter shall not, for a period of 6 months, approach the
said third party for the purpose of soliciting work, nor work for the third party in any
interpreting capacity, without the Client’s written consent.
However, this shall not apply where:
the third party has had previous dealings with the Interpreter,
the Interpreter acts on the basis of information in the public domain,
the Client has failed to pay the Interpreter,
the approach from the third party is independent of the relationship with the
the approach to the third party arises as the result of broad-band advertising, or
the third party is seeking interpreters on the open market.
18. Applicability and Integrity
18.1 These Terms and Conditions of Business shall also be subject to any detailed
arrangements or any variants expressly specified in the order relating to a particular
interpreting task. No waiver of any breach of conditions in this document shall be
considered as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision.