Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Department
Orange County SD Policy Manual
Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2021/01/19, All Rights Reserved.
Published with permission by Orange County Sheriff-Coroner
Patrol Rifle - 1
Patrol Rifle
This policy establishes procedures for the acquisition, use, and documentation of training in the
use of a patrol rifle. The Sheriff or his/her designee shall approve all Department patrol rifles before
they are acquired and utilized by any Member of this Department.
California Penal Code Section 30630, subdivision (a) allows for the possession or use of an assault
weapon by a sworn peace officer for a law enforcement purpose, whether on or off duty. Section
30630, subdivision (b) allows for the delivery, transfer, and sale of an assault weapon to a sworn
peace officer provided that the peace officer is authorized by his or her employer to possess or
receive the assault weapon.
Required authorization is defined as verifiable written certification from the head of the agency,
identifying the recipient or possessor of the assault weapon as a peace officer and authorizing
him or her to receive or possess that specific assault weapon, CPC 30630 (b) (1). To request
this written certification from the Sheriff, sworn personnel may submit the request to the Firearms
Training Unit (FTU) Sergeant. The serial number and description of the weapon shall be recorded
and maintained by Range Armory.
Current California law does not allow for the conversion of an assault weapon to a California
compliant weapon (i.e., bullet button) nor does the current California law allow for a
California compliant weapon to be converted, registered, and utilized as an assault weapon by
on or off duty sworn personnel.
Purchase and retention of weapons under this program are subject to changes in California and/or
Federal law. It is the responsibility of the Member to ensure his/her compliance with any applicable
law, including registration requirements, and adherence to Department policy.
1. Caliber: 5.56 x 45mm or .223
2. Semiautomatic ONLY. No select fire (full auto or burst) weapons shall be authorized
for private purchase
3. Barrel Length: 16", 18", and 20"
(a) Barrel over-all length MUST be minimum of 16"
(b) No short barreled rifles (SBR's) shall be authorized (CPC 33210)
(c) A rifle is considered an SBR when its over-all barrel length is less than 16"
4. Barrel Twist: 1:7", 1:8", and 1:9"
5. Stock: Collapsible only to accommodate rifle racks
6. Sights: Fixed or folding back-up iron sights/Upper receiver: Flattop (A3 style)
Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Department
Orange County SD Policy Manual
Patrol Rifle
Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2021/01/19, All Rights Reserved.
Published with permission by Orange County Sheriff-Coroner
Patrol Rifle - 2
7. Upper/Lower Receiver MUST be from the same manufacturer
8. Color: Black, green, or tan
An addendum of Department-approved authorized manufacturers shall be maintained by the
Training Division Commander.
1. Weapon mounted lights (WML) from SureFire, Streamlight, or any manufacturer of
similar quality are authorized.
(a) Members shall receive WML training as part of their 40 hour Patrol Rifle Course.
(b) Members must qualify with the WML in low light conditions once per year, either
on the TTR or during their annual recertification training.
2. Sighting systems from Aimpoint, EOTech, Leupold, Trijicon, or any manufacturer of
similar quality are authorized.
(a) If an approved sighting system is installed on the weapon, back-up iron sights
must be installed as well.
3. Rifle slings must be of quality construction and SHALL NOT impair the user's ability
to manipulate the weapon.
4. Privately purchased magazines MUST be from a quality brand name manufacture.
5. No "Air Soft Weapon" type products or accessories will be authorized. These "look-
a- like" products or accessories are often made to look like "name brand" products
but are of poor quality.
6. The weapon and any accessories to include magazines, weapon mounted lights,
sighting devices, and slings must be inspected and approved by a certified Range
armorer. Members are encouraged to solicit the make and model numbers of approved
weapons and accessory items prior to the purchase of said items.
1. Participation in the Department's C.I.R.T. Program is based on the Member's
assignment. The approval of program participation is at the sole discretion of the
2. As part of the certification process, Members must attend and pass the P.O.S.T.
approved 40-hour Patrol Rifle Course and attend a P.O.S.T. approved 20-hour
recertification course annually. Patrol Rifle Courses shall be scheduled as needed
to meet the needs of the Department. Members should consider the availability of
the mandatory training and receive approval from their chain of command prior to
purchasing a rifle for use while on duty.
3. Subsequent annual inspections shall be consistent with the Department policy on
primary and secondary weapons.
Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Department
Orange County SD Policy Manual
Patrol Rifle
Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2021/01/19, All Rights Reserved.
Published with permission by Orange County Sheriff-Coroner
Patrol Rifle - 3
1. All mandated qualifications (yearly, monthly, etc.) apply and shall be consistent with
the requirements of the Patrol Rifle (C.I.R.T.) Program. Failure to qualify may result
in the on-duty use privilege being revoked.
2. CIRT Members and SWAT Team Members shall adhere to their specified qualification
3. Deputies assigned a C.I.R.T. rifle shall receive three hours overtime per qualification
if unable to qualify during normal scheduled hours.
For privately owned Patrol Rifles refer to Policy 380.10 STORAGE OF FIREARMS. Department
owned Patrol Rifles need to be stored in a Department Armory between shifts.
1. Upon the Member's separation from the Department, and if the Member has not
transferred to be a peace officer with an agency specified in Penal Code section 30625,
Members who have purchased an assault weapon under the above listed guidelines
shall surrender the stripped serialized lower receiver of the weapon to the Department
or transfer the weapon to a state where an assault weapon is legal to possess by a
private citizen.
2. With the exception of the stripped serialized lower receiver, ALL remaining parts of the
weapon are legal to possess and can be transferred to a California Compliant lower
receiver if the Member separates from the Department and does not transfer to be a
peace officer with an agency specified in Penal Code Section 30625.