Status of
State of Nevada
Governors Oce of Energy
Governor’s Oce of Energy
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ............................... 2
About the Governor’s Oce of Energy ............................... 3
Energy in Nevada
Electric Energy Consumption ............................... 4
Electric Energy Generation Portfolio .................. 5
Nevadas Climate Action ............................... 6
Energy Usage by Sector ............................... 8
Renewable Portfolio Standard ............................... 9
Renewable Generation Portfolio ............................. 10
Utilities & Energy Service Providers ............................. 12
2019 Legislative Updates ............................. 15
2019 Energy Policy Updates ............................. 21
Governor’s Oce of Energy - Programs
Nevada Electric Highway ............................. 24
Renewable Energy Tax Abatement ............................. 26
Revolving Loans for RE/EE ............................. 27
Nevada Clean Energy Fund ............................. 28
Property Assessed Clean Energy ............................. 29
Direct Energy Assistance Loan ............................. 30
Performance Contract Audit Assistance Program .... 32
Home Energy Retrot Opportunities for Seniors .... 31
International Energy Conservation Code ................ 33
Green Building Tax Abatement ............................. 34
Lower Income Solar Energy Program ................ 35
Partnerships & Projects Funded ............................. 36
Steve Sisolak, Governor
David Bobzien, Director
755 N. Roop Street, Suite 202
Carson City, Nevada 89701
Tel: (775) 687-1850
Cover Photo: U.S. Department of Energy Regional Test Center for Solar Technologies, Henderson, NV (Source: GOE)
Background Photo: Spring Valley Wind (Source: GOE)
Program Fees
SEP - Award
VW Settlement
Governor’s Oce of Energy: Mission
• Renewable Energy Tax Abatements (RETA) - Income from renewable projects built before 2013; 55% taxes are abated,
other 45% are paid, and those are split 45%-55% between the Governor’s Oce of Energy and the County respectively.
• U.S. DOE State Energy Program (SEP) Formula Grant Award - Annual source of income from federal government.
• Program Fees - Fees generated from the Green Building Tax Abatement (GBTA) and RETA programs (application and
compliance fees).
• Revolving Loan - Interest earned from active loans (and money in the account).
• Personnel - Sta salaries, fringe benets and travel.
• Home Energy Retrot Opportunity for Seniors (HEROS) - Funds spent that went directly towards energy eciency
• Administration & Operating - Building utilities, rent, etc.
• U.S. DOE SEP Activities - Grants issued for renewable energy, energy eciency or transportation electrication projects;
or on sta time in support of projects.
• Program Fees - Fees that the HEROS and DEAL programs pay Nevada Housing Division (NHD) and the contractors to
implement the program.
• Project Funding Partnerships - Grants issued for renewable energy, energy eciency or transportation electrication
State Fiscal Year 2019 - Revenues State Fiscal Year 2019 - Expenditures
Figure 1 - Governor’s Oce of Energy
Revenue (SFY 2019)
Figure 2 - Governor’s Oce of Energy
Expenditures (SFY 2019)
e mission of the Governors Oce of Energy is to ensure the wise development of Nevadas energy
resources in harmony with local economic needs and to position Nevada to lead the nation in renewable
energy production, energy conservation, the exportation of energy and transportation electrication.
e Governor’s Oce of Energy implements the laws of the State as dened in the Nevada Revised
Statute, Chapters 701 and 701A; manages energy-related programs; facilitates cooperation between
key stakeholders; advises the Governor on energy policy; and collaborates with our local, regional, and
federal partners to ensure a reliable and sustainable energy system.
Project Funding
SEP - Activities
Admin. & Operating
Electric Hwy
Energy in
2018 Nevada Electric Energy Consumption
Electric energy consumption in Nevada consists of customers of the major
providers listed below. NV Energy (Sierra Pacic Power Co. and Nevada Power
Co.) provides 89 percent of the states electrical power; 6 percent by electric
cooperatives; and the remainder by businesses, general improvement districts,
municipal utilities, and others. While some of the service areas of several power
providers extend into neighboring states, the electric energy consumption
estimates presented in the table below are for Nevada only. e chart below represents bundled service
only service.
Figure 3 - Electric Energy Consumption by Provider
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) 2018 Form 861 (Utility Sales)
Source: EIA 2018 Form 861 (Short Form)
Energy Only Providers 9,583,242
Nevada Power Co. (Delivered) 2,549,191
Sierra Pacic Power Co. (Delivered) 1,604,481
Exelon Generation Company
Macquarie Energy LLC 41,832
Morgan Stanley Capital Grp. Inc. 481,592
Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. 1,505,774
Silver State Energy Association
Tenaska Power Services Co.
Colorado River Comm. of Nevada (Delivered)
EIA Energy Only Adjustment
Total 2018 Nevada Delivered 9,636,210
Investor Owned 29,380,243
Nevada Power Co. (Bundled)
Sierra Pacic Power Co.(Bundled)
Cooperatives 2,011,541
Harney Electric Coop, Inc.
Mt. Wheeler Power, Inc.
Plumas-Sierra Rural Elec. Coop
Ra Rural Elec. Coop Inc.
Surprise Valley Electrication
Valley Electric Assn., Inc.
Wells Rural Electric Co.
Political Subdivision 466,251
Aha Macav Power Service
Overton Power District No. 5
Lincoln County Power District No. 1
Alamo Power District No. 3
Municipal 259,123
Boulder City
City of Fallon
City of Caliente
City of Pioche
Colorado River Comm. of NV (Bundled)
Western Area Power Administration
Behind the Meter 199,302
Greenbacker Renewable Energy Corp.
Greenskies Renewable Energy, LLC.
SolarCity Corporation
Spruce Finance
SunEdison LLC
SunPower Capital, LLC
Sunrun Inc.
Vivint Solar, Inc.
EIA Net Bundled Adjustment 108,185
EIA Bundled Adjustment 275,498
Total of EIA 861 Short Form (167,313)
Total 2018 Nevada Bundled 32,962,158
Investor Owned
EIA Adjustment
Western Area Power Administration
Political Subdivision
Behind the Meter
Colorado River Commission of Nevada
As shown in Figure 4, Nevada uses several sources to generate
electricity including natural gas, renewables, coal, and a small
amount from petroleum. e combination of energy resources
a utility uses to create electricity is known as a resource mix,
or portfolio. Currently, more than two-thirds of the States
electricity is produced by natural gas red power plants;
renewables comprise most of the remaining amount; coal still
remains as Nevada phases out its coal power plants. Nevada has
seen a signicant increase in renewable energy production, and
continues to develop its abundant renewable energy resources
such as geothermal and solar for use both within the State and
for exportation. Nevada has nearly doubled its renewable energy
production since 2011.
Nevadas Electric Energy Generation Portfolio
Figure 4 - Net Electricity Generation by Source
(4,514 thousand MWh)
Source: EIA; Data, September 2019
e Governor’s Oce of Energy closely tracks the renewable energy generated in Nevada, whether
that energy is used in Nevada or exported to neighboring states. Renewable energy is dened in NRS
704.7811 as biomass, geothermal, solar, wind and waterpower. Waterpower is further dened as power
derived from standing, running or falling water which is used for any plant, facility, equipment or system
to generate electricity if the generating capacity is not more than 30 MWs.
e charts below depict Nevadas renewable nameplate capacity, expressed in megawatts (MW) and
renewable electricity generation, expressed in megawatt-hour (MWh) numbers. Awareness of the
dierence between nameplate capacity and electricity generation is critical to improving reliability,
lowering costs, and enhancing the integration of renewable resources. Nameplate capacity is the
maximum rated electric output a generator can produce under specic conditions. Generation is the
amount of electricity a generator produces over a specic period of time. e dierence is due to the fact
that many generators do not or cannot operate continuously at their full nameplate capacity.
Nevadas Renewable Portfolio Generation
Capacity vs. Generation
Natural Gas
Small Hydro
Waste He at
Landll Gas
Net Metering
Solar ermal
without Storage
Solar ermal
with Storage
Large Hydro
Figure 5 - 2018 Capacity (4,187.5 MW)
Source: EIA 2018 From 860
Figure 6 - 2018 Renewable Generation (10,458,483 MWh)
Source: EIA 2018 From 923; Note: net metering value represents the
amount of energy sold back to the grid.
Small Hydro
Waste He at
Landll Gas
Net Metering
Solar ermal
without Storage
Solar ermal
with Storage
Large Hydro
Climate change is the broader range of changes that are happening to our planet.
ese include rising sea levels; shrinking mountain glaciers; accelerative ice
melt; and shis in ower/plan blooming times. ese are all consequences of the
warming, which is caused mainly by people burning fossil fuels and putting out
heat-trapped gases into the air.
2019 marked robust action in Nevada to tackle climate change and its indisputable impacts to the
state. ese impacts are seen statewide. Las Vegas has been identied as the fastest-warming city in the
United States with an increase in temperature of 5.76 degrees since the 1970’s.
With this increase in
temperature comes an expected increase in heatwaves, and heat-related deaths stressing the productivity
of the Southern Nevada economy.
A report from the Union of Concerned Scientists warns that absent
global action to reduce carbon emissions, Las Vegas will likely experience 96 days of heat above 100F by
the end of the century, including 60 days of temperatures above 105F and seven “o the chart” days, i.e.
those that would break the current heat index.
e Reno-Tahoe region is also feeling the impacts of
climate change, with rising temperatures in Reno and ecological impacts to the fragile Lake Tahoe.
Nevadas action to reduce carbon emissions economy-wide included:
Nevadas Climate Action
Energy in
Source: NASA: https://climate.nasa.gov/faq/12/whats-the-dierence-between-climate-change-and-global-warming/
Source: Climate Central Research: https://assets.climatecentral.org/pdfs/April2019_Report_EarthDay.pdf?pdf=AmericanWarming-Report
Source: Union of Concerned Scientists: https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/killer-heat-united-states-0#ucs-report-downloads
Nevada Statewide Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Projections, 1990 to 2039
Executive Summary
Figure ES-1: Nevada Historical and Projected Net GHG Emissions and Sinks by Sector, 2005-2030, with Projections Beginning in
2017 and Comparison to SB 254’s 2025 and 2030 Goals
Net GHG Emissions (MMTCO2e)
Land Use, Land Use Change, and Forestry Transportation Electricity Generation Industry Residential and Commercial Waste Agriculture
2005 Net Emissions
2030 Goal, 45% Reduction
2025 Goal, 28% Reduction
2025 Projection
2030 Projection
(Above): is chart from the Nevada Division of Environmental Protections green-house gas inventory, depicts projected reductions in greenhouse gas emis-
sions under current policies and the size and status of the reported sectors. Absent innovative and robust policies, current predictions by Nevadas air regula-
tors conclude Nevada will not meet its carbon reduction goals. (source: NDEP http://ndep.nv.gov/uploads/air-pollutants-docs/ghg_report_2019.pdf)
Nevada Statewide Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Projections, 1990 to 2039
As additional policies sup-
porting renewable energy
development have been
put in place and more re-
newable energy resources
are bought on line be-
tween now and 2030, elec-
tricity generation sector
emissions are projected to
fall 22% from their 2005
levels. e transportation
sector remains the larg-
est percentage of emis-
sions and reducing these
emissions will require
innovative policies and
a variety of technologies
in low to no carbon fuels
across all mobile sources
of emissions: highway
vehicles, aircra, locomo-
tive, marine vessels, and
all manner of motorized
non-road equipment and
vehicles, including construction equipment, farm equipment, airport ground support equipment, and
recreational vehicles.
e 2019 “Nevada Statewide Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory and
Projections, 1990-2039” report (“GHG Report”), prepared in accordance with
SB 254, tallies current and projected emissions across multiple economic sectors,
including: Transportation, Electricity Generation, Industry, Residential and
Commercial Construction, Waste, Agriculture and Land Use, Land Use Change
and Forestry.
e overwhelming majority of emissions cited in the GHG Report come from the combustion of fossil
fuels in energy-related sectors. ese sectors, accounting for 86% of Nevadas gross emissions, include
transportation, electricity generation, energy-related industry, and the residential and commercial
sectors. Currently, transportation is the largest source of emissions at 35% of statewide totals and
emissions from electricity generation constitute 31% of statewide emissions. Work to develop smart and
innovative policies to tackle emissions from these sectors will require collaboration across state agencies
and branches, local governments, tribal governments, and business and industrial sectors over the
coming years.
e GHG Report is available online
Nevadas Climate Action
Energy in
Source: Nevada Division of Environmental Protection: http://ndep.nv.gov/uploads/air-pollutants-docs/ghg_report_2019.pdf
Nevada Statewide Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Projections, 1990 to 2039
Executive Summary
Table ES-1: Nevada Net GHG Emissions Comparison with SB 254 Goals
(MMTCO2e and Percent)
Net Emissions
Projected Emissions Reduction
Projected Percent Reduction
SB 254 Emissions Goals
SB 254 Emissions Reductions
SB 254 Percent Reduction
Estimated Additional Emissions
Reductions Required
2.119 9.396
Figure ES-2: Relative Contributions of Nevada’s Gross GHG Emissions by Sector,
2005, 2016, 2025, and 2030
Residential and
Residential and
Residential and
Residential and
Relative Contributions of Nevadas Gross GHG Emission by Sector.
2005, 2016, 2025 and 2030
Energy in
Energy Usage by Sector
A majority of fossil fuels are imported into Nevada. Transitioning to domestically
produced sources like renewables allows a majority of the savings to remain in
Nevada. In particular, the transportation sector accounts for approximately one-
third of energy consumption and one-half of energy expenditures. Transitioning
Nevadas transportation infrastructure to electric vehicles will lessen the States
dependency on out-of-state resources. e gures below show the energy
consumption and expenditures by sector in Nevada as opposed to the previous charts which show GHG
Energy Consumption
Energy consumption is the amount of energy used in a process, organization, or society. e chart below
on the le shows the breakdown of energy consumption in Nevada by percentage. About 88% of the fuel
for energy that Nevada consumes comes from outside the State (Source: EIA Quick Facts on Nevada).
Energy Expenditures
Energy expenditure is the amount of money used to purchase energy in order to power a process,
organization, or society. e chart below on the right shows the breakdown of energy expenditures in
Nevada by percentage. Almost half of all energy expenditures in Nevada is for transportation, which
falls into the fossil fuel category (jet fuel, gasoline, diesel fuel, aviation gas) and alternative fuel category
(natural gas, electricity, propane, methanol, ethanol, and certain blends).
Figure 7 - Energy Consumption
Source: EIA Nevada Energy Consumption &
Expenditures End-Use Sector 2017
Figure 8 - Energy Expenditures
Source: EIA Nevada Energy Consumption &
Expenditures End-Use Sector 2017
Renewable Portfolio Standard
Nevadas Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), NRS 704.7801, was rst adopted
by the Nevada Legislature in 1997. e RPS establishes the percentage of
electricity sold by an electric utility to retail customers that must come from
renewable sources. Specically, electric utilities are required to generate, acquire,
or save with portfolio energy systems or energy eciency measures, a certain
percentage of electricity annually. It should be noted that the renewable energy
generated in the State does not directly translate to RPS compliance. is dierence is due to the fact that
RPS carry-forward credits and credits from energy eciency and conservation (through Demand Side
Management [DSM]) are not accounted for in the generation data.
50% by 2030
SB 358 (2019) increased the RPS requirement to 50% by 2030.
e percentage of renewable energy required by the RPS will
increase every two years until it reaches 50% in 2030.
SB 358 tasked the Governors Oce of Energy with receiving
RPS compliance reports from electric service providers subject
to NRS 704.787. ese compliance reports shall be submitted
year and must contain information delineated in NRS 704.7825.
Submitted reports can be found at: http://energy.nv.gov/
Energy in
Figure 9 - NV Energy RPS Compliance
Source: NV Energy annual RPS compliance reports (2010-2018)
Notes: Carry-forward credits include both DSM and Generation; 2019 is forecasted based on NV Energy’s 2018 RPS compliance report.
Photo (Above): Sempras Copper Mountain solar plant
(source: Sempra)
Power Plant Name Capacity (MW)
20 Fleish (Truckee Meadows Water Authority) 2.3
21 Hoover Dam (NV Allocation) 1,039.4
22 Lahontan (Truckee-Carson Irrigation District) 1.8
23 New Lahonton (Truckee-Carson Irrigation District) 4.0
24 Verdi (Truckee Meadows Water Authority) 2.2
25 Washoe (Truckee Meadows Water Authority) 2.2
Subtotal (Hydroelectric) 1,051.9
Waste Heat
Power Plant Name Capacity (MW)
19 Goodsprings Waste Heat Recovery (Nevada Power Co.) 7.5
Subtotal (Waste Heat) 7.5
Biomass / Biogas / Landll
Power Plant Name Capacity (MW)
1 Clark County Landll Energy (DCO Energy LLC)* 12.0
2 Waste Management Lockwood LFGTE (WM Renewable Energy LLC) 3.2
Subtotal (Biomass) 15.2
Nevadas Renewable Energy Portfolio
Power Plant Name Capacity
3 Beowawe Power (Terra-Gen) 17.7
4 Blue Mountain (NGP/AltaRock) 63.9
5 Brady Complex (Ormat)* 58.9
6 Dixie Valley (Terra-Gen) 70.9
7 Don A. Campbell (I & II) (Ormat)* 47.5
8 JerseyValley(Ormat)* 23.5
9 McGinness Hills (I & II) (Ormat)* 100.0
10 Patua Phase 1A (Cyrq)* 48.0
11 Salt Wells (Enel)* 23.6
12 San Emidio (U.S. Geothermal) 11.8
13 Soda Lake No I II (Cyrq)* 26.1
14 Steamboat Complex (Ormat)* 142.5
15 Stillwater (Enel)* 47.2
16 Tungsten Mountain (Ormat)* 37.0
17 Tusarora (Ormat)* 24.0
18 Wabuska (Homestretch) 5.4
Subtotal (Geothermal) 748.0
Source: EIA 2017 Form 860. Schedule 3.
* Indicates participation in the RETA program.
Figure 10 - Renewable
Project Map
Power Plant Name Capacity (MW)
49 Spring Valley Wind Project (Pattern) 150.0
Subtotal (Wind) 150.0
Total 4,405.9
Nevadas Renewable Energy Portfolio
Source: EIA 2017 Form 860. Schedule 3.
Net Metered: EIA 2017 Form 861M (formerly 826).
Concentrated Solar Plant.
* Indicates participation in the RETA program.
Energy in
Net Metered
Subtotal (Net Metered, All Technologies, MW) 230
Power Plant Name Capacity (MW)
26 Apex Solar (Southern Power Co.)* 20.0
27 Boulder Solar (Southern Power Co.)* 100.0
27 Boulder Solar II (AEP Renewables)* 50.0
28 Copper Mountain 1-4 (Sempra)* 560.6
29 Crescent Dunes (SolarReserve)
30 Ft. Churchill (Apple) 19.9
31 IKEA Las Vegas (IKEA) 1.0
32 Las Vegas WPCF (City of Las Vegas) 3.3
33 Luning Energy (Algonquin Power Co.)* 50.0
34 Mandalay Bay (I & II) (MGM) 6.9
35 Moapa Southern Paiute (First Solar)* 250.0
36 Mountain View (NextEra)* 20.0
37 Nellis Air Force Base (Solar Star NAFB)* 14.0
38 Nellis PV II (Nevada Power Co.)* 15.0
39 Nevada Solar One (Acciona Solar Power)
40 Nevada Valley Solar Solutions II (VEA)* 15.0
10 Patua Geothermal (Cyrq)* 10.6
41 Playa Solar (Switch I & II) (EDF)* 179.0
42 River Mountains Solar (SNWA) 14.4
43 Searchlight Solar (Searchlight Solar)* 17.5
44 Silver State Solar North (Enbridge)* 52.0
45 Silver State Solar South (NextEra)* 250.0
46 Spectrum Solar (Southern Power Co.)* 30.0
15 Stillwater (Enel)* 22.0
47 Techren Solar (I & II) (Global Atlantic Fin. Co.)* 300.0
48 Western 102 (Barrick Goldstrike Mines) 1.0
Subtotal (Solar) 2,203.3
Over one-quarter of the nameplate
capacity of Nevadas renewable
projects have Power Purchase
Agreements (PPAs) out of the
Figure 11 - Where the energy goes
RETA: in-state
RETA: out-of-state
Non-RETA: out-of-state
Non-RETA: in-state
Figure 12 - Renewable projects and
participation in the Renewable Energy
Tax Abatement (RETA) Program
relating to in/out of state PPAs
Note: refer to page 26 for more
information on RETA.
Nevada Rural Utility Service Areas
Nevada Rural Electric Association (NREA) utilities are democratically organized
and controlled by their members, who actively participate in setting policies and
making decisions. Members of the Board of Directors are elected by and from
local citizens who take service from the utility. Each member is cooperatively
organized and owned by their members or a consumer-owned, not-for-prot
Energy in
NREA General Members
NREA Associate Members
• Alamo Power District No.
3, Alamo, NV
• Harney Electric
Cooperative, Hines, OR
• Lincoln County Power
District No. 1, Pioche, NV
• Mount Wheeler Power,
Ely, NV
• Overton Power District
#5, Overton, NV
• Plumas-Sierra Rural
Electric Co-op, Portola,
• Ra River Rural Electric
Company, Malta, ID
• Wells Rural Electric
Company, Wells, NV
• Boulder City Electric
Utility, Boulder City, NV
• Deseret Power, South
• Surprise Valley
Corporation, Alturas, CA
Energy in
Utilities & Energy Service Providers
Electric energy consumption in Nevada consists of customers of the States
largest investor-owned utility (NV Energy), rural electric cooperatives, municipal
utilities, and general improvement districts.
NV Energy has served citizens in
northern Nevada for more than
150 years, and southern Nevada
since 1906. Today, NV Energy
has a service area that covers
nearly 46,000 square miles
of one of the fastest growing
State in the U.S., including the
communities of Las Vegas,
Reno-Sparks, Henderson and
Elko. NV Energy provides a wide
range of energy services to 1.4
million customers throughout
the State and more than 50
million tourists annually. NV
Energy also provides natural gas
to more than 160,000 citizens in
the Reno-Sparks area.
Nevada Power, Sierra Pacic
Power and Sierra Pacic
In 2008, the subsidiaries began
doing business as NV Energy.
NV Energy, which is
headquartered in Las Vegas, was
acquired by Berkshire Hathaway
Energy in 2013.
Source: NV Energy
Valley Electric Association
Valley Electric Association, Inc. (VEA) is a member-owned electric cooperative
headquartered in Pahrump, which provides service to more than 45,000 people
within a 6,800-square-mile service area along the California-Nevada border.
VEAs residential members are the co-ops largest single consumer group.
Southwest Gas
Southwest Gas Corporation is an investor-owned
utility based in Las Vegas that provides natural gas
service to parts of Arizona, Nevada, and California.
e company is the largest distributor of natural gas in
Energy in
VEA was the rst non-California utility
to join the California Independent System
Operator (CAISO) in 2013.
2019 Legislative Session
Energy in
e 80th Legislative session (2019) delivered a number of energy and climate
bills to Governor Sisolak for signature. ese bills supported reducing Nevadas
greenhouse gas emissions, continuing to develop abundant clean energy
resources, growing a decarbonized transportation sector, recognizing the impact
of natural disasters to our energy infrastructure and modernizing the PUCN’s
approach to ratemaking.
“Renewable energy is a major cornerstone of my economic
development plan, and this (SB 358) will put Nevada back on the
path toward renewable energy leadership on a nationwide level
and continue to bring well-paying jobs to our communities,
Governor Sisolak said. “Today, Nevada sent a message to the
country and world that the Silver State is open for business as
a renewable leader, and our commitment to growing our clean
energy economy transcends party lines.
-Steve Sisolak, Nevada Governor (April 22, 2019)
e passage of AB 54 repealed NRS 701.215, which instructed
the Director of the Governors Oce of Energy to prepare a State
Energy Reduction Plan which will reduce grid-based purchases for state-owned buildings by twenty
percent by 2015. e timeframe for this statute has expired, making this requirement obsolete. e State
of Nevada has exceeded this goal by achieving more than thirty-ve percent, as of September 2019.
AB 54 also requires the Director to establish a minimum standard of energy eciency, which must meet
or exceed forty-ve lumens per watt, and to prohibit the sale of general service lamps (GSLs) that do not
meet or exceed these minimum standards, adopted through regulation. e standard previously set, in
NRS 701.260, expired on December 31, 2015, requiring the statute to be repealed or amended. Nevada
led the charge, in 2007, adopting minimum standards for lighting eciency, along with other early-acting
states which prompted Congress and President Bush to establish federal standards that same year.
Current Federal law calls for regulated bulbs (GSLs) to meet an eciency threshold of forty-ve lumens
per watt.
In 2019, the Department of Energy published a nal
ruling, withdrawing the revised denitions of GSLs
Regulations are being developed and the Governors
Oce of Energy will continue the process of adopting
the minimum standards and revised denitions in
AB 54
Photo (Right): Gov. Sisolak signs AB
54 on May 27, 2019. (Source: GOE).
2019 Legislative Session
Energy in
With the passage of SB 154, the PUCN will adopt regulations around a renewable portfolio standard for
public utilities which purchase natural gas for resale to engage in renewable natural gas (i.e. gas produced
by processing biogas derived from biomass, manure, plant material, sewage and landll waste or power-
to-gas processes) activities and to recover the reasonable and prudent costs of such activities. Recoverable
renewable natural gas activities must demonstrate that they provide environmental benets to this State,
including reductions in greenhouse gas emissions through the development of renewable natural gas
resources, creating jobs through the construction and operation of renewable natural gas facilities and
the diversication of the States energy supply.
e RPS for renewable natural gas production to be integrated into the total amount of gas sold to retail
customers is:
SB 154
AB 465 created the “Expanded Solar Access” program with the details to be
developed by the PUCN. Expanded Solar Access will support the development
of utility scale and community based solar resources. Half of this programs
capacity will serve low-income customers, non-prot organizations and
disadvantaged businesses with the other half reserved for fully bundled
customers who own, rent or lease their residence but cannot install solar resources on their premises.
Low income customers would be provided a lower rate, the cost of which would be allocated across all
rate classes.
ere will be between 3 and 10 community based solar resources planned in collaboration with
community participation and located, to the extent practicable, in communities with higher levels of
low-income eligible customers. e program will also create, in partnership with the Department of
Employment Training and Rehabilitation, a workforce training program for the construction of the
community based solar resources.
AB 465
SB 254 expands upon the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources’ (DCNR) existing
GHG inventory responsibilities by requiring the department to prepare, commencing in 2019, annual
reports including a statewide inventory of greenhouse gas emissions in Nevada and a projection of
annual greenhouse gas emissions in Nevada for the 20 years immediately following the date of the
report. Each year, the GHG inventory and projection will cover emissions from electricity production
and transportation. For the rst and fourth year, the GHG report will also cover emissions from the
following sectors: industry, commercial and residential, agriculture, and land use and forestry.
SB 254
2019 Legislative Session
Energy in
e GHG report must also include a statement of policies, including regulations,
that can achieve specic reductions in the projected GHG emissions, including
a qualitative assessment of whether those policies support long-term reductions
of GHG emissions to zero or near-zero by the year 2050. Intermediate GHG
reductions targets included
1. 28 percent by the year 2025, as compared to the level of GHG emissions in Nevada in 2005;
2. 45 percent by the year 2030, as compared to the level of GHG emissions in Nevada in 2005;
DCNRs presentation of policies is a collaborative work with other designated agencies, including the
Governor’s Oce of Energy, the Nevada Department of Transportation, Department of Motor Vehicles,
and the Public Utilities Commission.
SB 254 (con’t)
is bill claried components of Nevadas Renewable Energy Tax Abatement Program (RETA). Certied
payroll records must now be provided to both the Governors Oce of Energy and the board of county
commissioners of the county in which the facility is located. Wages are now dened to mean “the basic
hourly rate of pay” and do not include the amount of any health insurance, pension or other bona de
fringe benets to the employee. e Governor’s Oce of Energy will be able to develop a fee structure
for RETA project applications and compliance reports that better reect the oces work to support and
expand renewable energy development in Nevada.
SB 298
Current law and regulation established a $15 million incentive fund for the development of an Electric
Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstration Program (EVID). Payment for these programs comes from the
Renewable Energy Program Rate (REPR), a tari on all NV Energy ratepayers’ monthly bills. SB 299
directs the EVID program to include payment of an incentive to an NV Energy customer that is a public
school that installs electric vehicle infrastructure on the property of the public school or purchases
electric vehicles dedicated to the transportation of students. is incentive cannot exceed 75 percent of
the cost to install such infrastructure or purchase such vehicles.
SB 299
e enactment of this bill recognizes a need to reexamine traditional regulatory ratemaking to align the
business structure of NV Energy, Nevadas investor owned utility, with new renewable mandates and
technologies. It requires the PUCN to adopt regulations establishing procedures for an electric utility
to submit an alternative rate-making plan. e goal for alternative rate-making is to position Nevada to
create the type of exible and nimble regulatory environment necessary to develop a modern, reliable
and ecient, electric grid. Some of the demonstrable requirements for alternative rate-making include:
1. Enable delivery of electric services and options in services and pricing that customers value, including but
not limited to, the development and use of renewable resources by customers that prioritize such resources
above other factors, including price;
2. Foster improvement of economic and operational system-wide eciency on the electrical grid;
3. Further the public interest, including but not limited to, the promotion of safe, economic, ecient and
reliable electric service to all customers of the electric utility;
4. Enhance resilience and security of the electrical grid while addressing customer privacy concerns; and
5. Facilitate the research and development of innovative electric utility services and options for the benet of
SB 300
SB 358 increased Nevadas Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) from requiring that by 2025, 25% of the
electricity certain utilities sell comes from renewable resources to requiring that by 2030, 50% of the
electricity. It also set forth a 2050 goal of achieving an amount of energy production from zero carbon
dioxide emission resources that is equal to the total amount of electricity sold by providers of electric
service in the State.
SB 358 also included hydropower for purposes of compliance and expands the denition of “provider
of electric service” to providers of new electric resources for the purposes of compliance with the RPS.
Customers that have previously exited the system under NRS Chapter 704b will also need to comply with
the RPS standard as it increases. It also limited the authority for a provider of new electric resources
to use energy eciency measures to comply with the RPS. e PUCN is tasked with establishing
regulations to implement the new RPS requirements.
SB 358 tasked electric service providers that are subject to NRS 704.787 to provide RPS compliance
reports to the Governors Oce of Energy. ese annual reports must contain information detailing,
among other items required by NRS 704.7825, the amount of electricity generated, acquired or saved
from portfolio energy systems or eciency measures. e reports from these providers can be found at:
2019 Legislative Session
Energy in
Grid resiliency and electricity reliability have become critical issues given
increasing threats to supply, distribution and transmission systems from natural
disasters. Recognizing the need to plan energy resilience and reliability in the
face of these challenges, SB 329 requires NV Energy to le, every third year, a
natural disaster protection plan” (“Plan”) with the PUCN for its approval. If approved, the prudent and
reasonable expenditures made by NV Energy for its Plan may be recovered as a separate monthly rate to
all customers.
e Plan requires descriptions of processes and protocols including, but not limited to:
1. A proposed approach for mitigation of potential res or other natural disasters that is cost
eective, prudent and reasonable;
2. Preventative measures and programs that will minimize the risk of electric infrastructure causing a
3. Protocols for de-energizing distribution lines;
4. Procedures for vegetation management;
5. Procedures to restore distribution systems in the event of a natural disaster;
6. A description of additional funding needed for the implementation of the plan.
ese proposed procedures, protocols and measures must be compliant with all applicable requirements
of the most recent version of the International Wildland-Urban Interface Code, published by the
International Code Council. Rural electrical cooperatives, established under NRS Chapter 81, may also
submit a natural disaster plan to the PUCN for its review, advice and recommendation.
SB 329
SB 358
is bill revised the eligibility criteria for certain customers of an electric utility to apply to the PUCN
to purchase energy, capacity or ancillary services from a provider of new electric resources. Key among
these changes is that a customer may not exit unless the PUCN determines the application is in the public
interest. Previously, the PUCN’s determination was based on whether the application was found to be
contrary to the public interest. It also revised the requirements a provider of new electric service must
satisfy to be authorized to sell energy, capacity or ancillary services to eligible customers. is includes
holding a license pursuant to regulations adopted by the Commission.
If the PUCN approves such an application, the PUCN must order terms, conditions and payments (i.e.
exit fees”) deemed necessary and appropriate to ensure that the transaction will not be contrary to the
public interest. e eligible (“exited”) customer is now authorized to begin purchasing energy, capacity
and ancillary services. SB 547 also required the PUCN to adopt regulations to establish a procedure by
which an exited customer can return to purchasing bundled electric service from the utility.
Future Integrated Resource Plans (IRP) must now include a proposal for annual limits on the energy
and capacity that may be purchased
from providers of new electric
resources and limits the annual time
frame in which an eligible customer
may submit such an application.
e PUCN must now consider, in
determining whether to approve
or modify these proposed annual
limits, whether the proposed limits
promote safe, economic, ecient
and reliable electric service, align an
economically viable utility model
with state public policy goals and
encourage the development and use
of renewable energy resources.
2019 Legislative Session
Energy in
As Nevada looks to build out electric vehicle charging
infrastructure, ensuring that infrastructure is accessible
is an important part of growing the electric vehicle
market. SB 428 ensured that electric vehicles can access
charging infrastructure by making it unlawful to park a vehicle in a parking
space designated for electric or hybrid vehicle charging unless the vehicle is
being charged. It also established penalties, up to $750 for a third or subsequent
violation, for this oense.
SB 428
SB 547
Photo (Above): On Earth Day 2019, Gov. Sisolak signs
AB 358 into law. (Source: GOE).
2019 Legislative Session
Energy in
is resolution directed the Legislative Committee on Energy to conduct
a broad interim study in potential partnership with the Nevada System of
Higher Education (NSHE) for analysis, recommendations and potential future
legislation concerning the development of renewable energy and clean energy
resources in this State, and more specically, topics including:
1. Geothermal development and direct-use applications, as well as continued development at the
Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy (FORGE) site;
2. Lithium extraction and applications;
3. Energy eciency measures and on-site renewable generation in new residential and commercial
construction and public facilities;
4. Workforce and curriculum development, and academic infrastructure development related to
renewable and clean energy at the states community colleges and universities.
5. Renewable energy development on disturbed land and mapping potential renewable siting and
extractive resources
6. Methods for implementing micro-grids, distributed generation and o-grid developments for grid
Pursuant to this resolution, the Legislative Committee on Energy (“the
Committee”) shall conduct an interim study to consider alternative solutions for
transportation system funding in Nevada. Specically, the study will analyze:
1. e benets of the use of electric vehicles and the costs of transportation-
related pollution, including, but not limited to greenhouse gas emissions;
2. Funding needs to maintain Nevadas public roads and highways; and
3. Methods to ensure that owners of all vehicles in the State of Nevada
equitably contribute to the cost of maintaining public roads and highways,
while maximizing social benets and minimizing social costs.
2019 Nevada Energy Policy Updates
Energy in
In 2019, Governors from Nevada, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, New
Mexico, Montana and Arizona signed an updated REV West commitment and
released voluntary minimum standards of EV charging station development.
REV West began in 2017, when the Governors Oce of Energy led a multi-state eort to coordinate and
encourage EV infrastructure development along major interstates throughout the western region. Nevada
is a critical hub for the adoption of EV infrastructure across the West and is working directly with
neighboring states to coordinate priority corridors, siting considerations and technical standards.
Aer an initial partnership
was announced between
Nevada, Colorado, and
Utah, a Memorandum
of Understanding was
signed in October 2017
announcing the Regional
Electric Vehicle “REV”
West Plan that was
expanded to also include
Idaho, Wyoming, New
Mexico, and Arizona.
e updated MOU signed
in December 2019 in Las
Vegas, NV calls for the
goal to ensure drivers
can “seamlessly drive
an electric vehicle across the Signatory
States’ major transportation corridors.
e Voluntary Minimum Standards for Direct-Current Fast Charging (DCFC) Stations includes
standards for administration, interoperability, operations and management. e standards are the result
of collaboration between the signatory states, with the input from the private sector.
e REV West group continues to meet and is co-chaired by Nevada.
Photo (Above): REV West State representatives meet in Salt Lake City, Utah.
(Source: Utah Governor’s Oce of Energy Development).
Regional Electric Vehicle West Plan (REV West)
Energy in
2019 Nevada Energy Policy Updates
U.S. Climate Alliance
“By joining the
U.S. Climate
Alliance, we
are taking
bold steps to
ensure a better, healthier future for our
children. With these ambitious goals
and commitments to reduce Nevadas
carbon footprint, I am determined to
make Nevada part of the solution.
-Gov. Steve Sisolak, March 12, 2019.
Governor Steve Sisolaks commitment
to tackling climate change in Nevada
accelerated on March 12, 2019 when
he announced that Nevada would join
the U.S. Climate Alliance (USCA), a
bipartisan coalition of twenty-ve governors
committed to reducing greenhouse gas
emissions consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
As a member of the USCA, Nevada will support the climate goals established at the 2015 Paris
Conference, including:
gas emission by at least 26-28 percent below 2005 levels by 2025;
convenes to take stock of the Paris Agreement; and
deployment at the state and federal level.
USCA members recognize that smart, coordinated state action can ensure the United States continues
to contribute to the global eort to address climate change while growing their economies and creating
well-paying jobs that cant be exported. USCA states represent commitments from 25 Governors, 55
percent of the U.S. population and an $11.7 trillion economy. e signicant economic impact of the
USCA exceeds the economies of all countries but the United States and China. USCA states’ work in
innovative climate and clean energy policies has helped create in excess of 1.7 million clean energy jobs
and attracted billions of dollars of new investment.
As Nevada works to develop a comprehensive climate strategy as directed by Governor Sisolaks
Executive Order 2019-22, the states membership in the USCA provides access to innovation and
collaboration across climate policy “topic areas” including power sector modernization, advanced
transportation, energy eciency, clean energy nance and land use.
Photo (Above): Gov. Sisolak announcing Nevada joining the U.S.
Climate Alliance in March 2019 in Carson City. (Source: GOE).
Source: USCA: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5a4cfe18b27d4da21c9361/t/5ccb5aa56e9a7f542fe4233c/1556830885910/USCA+Factsheet_
these ambitious
reductions goals
will require
collaboration with local governments,
tribal governments, businesses, and
stakeholders from all across Nevada,
Governor’s Oce of Energy Director
David Bobzien said. “is Executive Order
provides the direction and framework
for both combating climate change and
realizing the economic opportunities of a
decarbonized economy.
To further Nevadas climate action under
the USCA goals and SB 254, Governor
Sisolak signed Executive Order 2019-
22 (EO) on November 22, 2019
. e
EO builds on SB 254 and its inventory of policies that may help reach economy-wide greenhouse gas
emission reduction goals, as well SB 254’s call for collaboration across the States agencies. e EO
calls for the policy options required under SB 254 to be developed under the leadership and direction
of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and the Governor’s Oce of Energy and in
coordination with applicable state agencies.
e EO directs these agencies to collaborate and develop a State Climate Strategy to be delivered to
Governor Sisolak by December 1, 2020. Nevadas Climate Strategy will include specic policy and budget
recommendations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the eects of climate change. ese
policies will include economy-wide or sector-specic programs that can reduce carbon dioxide and other
greenhouse gas pollution emissions across Nevada.
State agencies will also work to identify and evaluate the potential integration of climate change
mitigation and adaptation practices in their programs and operations, including building energy
eciency projects.
e current programs administered by the Governors Oce of Energy include eorts to reduce energy
use and decarbonize the economic sectors identied in Senate Bill 254 and the Executive Order. ese
programs include support for transportation decarbonization through the development of electric vehicle
infrastructure, advancing innovative building codes that can reduce energy costs for Nevadas businesses
and residents, and to continue to spur the development of Nevadas renewable energy resources.
Photo (Above): Gov. Sisolak signs Executive Order No. 2019-22 in front
of RTC Washoes Electric Bus in Reno. (Source: GOE).
Energy in
2019 Nevada Energy Policy Updates
Executive Order No. 2019-22 Advancing Nevadas Climate Goals
Source: http://gov.nv.gov/News/Executive_Orders/2019/Executive_Order_2019-22_Directing_Executive_Branch_to_Advance_Nevada_s_Climate_Goals/
Nevada Electric Highway
e Nevada Electric Highway (NEH) began
as a partnership between the Governors
Oce of Energy, NV Energy, and Valley
Electric Association to expand the states
electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure
by placing charging stations at cost-eective
and strategic locations, initially along U.S. 95 between I-80 and Las
Vegas. With the inux of the Volkswagen Mitigation Trust Settlement
funds allocated to Nevada in 2018, the program grew to include
I-80, I-15, US-50, US-93, and additional locations on US-95. e
program is a partnership with the energy service providers in the state
including, NV Energy, Valley Electric Association, Harney Electric
Cooperative, Ra Rural Electric Cooperative, Wells Rural Electric,
Mt. Wheeler Power Co., Lincoln County Power District No. 1 and
Overton Power District No. 5.
In 2019, the NEH program kicked into high gear with 16
active projects and a number of project completions. To date
8 projects have been completed under the NEH program with many more near completion, including
the necessary build out of I-15 to designate it as a
complete interstate electric vehicle corridor under
the Federal Highway Administrations (FHWA)
Alternative Fuel Corridors program.
Completed Projects
Oce of
Photo (Above): Overton Power Districts chargers
installed in Mesquite, NV. (source: OPD).
Photo (Le): Ribbon cutting
celebration at the Terrible Herbst
Photo (Above): Harney Electric
Cooperatives charging station at
the Quinn River in McDermitt,
NV. (source: HEC).
Amargosa Valley
Hawthorne Park Site
#31 Ely
#27 Austin
#18a Luning
#39 Orovada
#20 Goldfield
#26 Cold Springs
#16 West Wendover
#24 Silver Springs
#23 Indian Springs
#33 Baker
#17 Shurz
#15 Oasis
#14 Wells
#10 Valmy
#29 Eureka
#12 Carlin
#19 Coaldale
#07 Lovelock
#36 Sunnyside
#25 Middlegate
#30 US-50 NDOT ROW
#28 US-50 Rest Area
#06 I-80 / US-95 Jct
#08 Mill City / Imlay
#02 I-15 / US-93 Jct.
#32 US-50 / US-93 Jct.
#37 US-93 / US-93A Jct.
#21 US-95 / SR 267 Jct.
Wells Rural Electric Company
Valley Electric Association
Raft River Rural Electric Cooperative
Lincoln County Power District No. 1
Mt. Wheeler Power
NV Energy
NV Energy
NV Energy
Overton Power District No. 5
White Pine
Carson City
Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT P, NRCan, Esri Japan, METI, Esri
China (Hong Kong), Esri Korea, Esri (Thailand), NGCC, (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS
User Community
41°0'0"N 41°0'0"N41°0'0"N
40°0'0"N 40°0'0"N
39°0'0"N 39°0'0"N
37°0'0"N 37°0'0"N
0 100 20050 Miles
Nevada Governor's
Office of Energy
Updated 1/2020; v2.11
Nevada Electric Highway
NV Energy
Valley Electric Association
Mt. Wheeler Power
Lincoln County Power District
Overton Power District
Raft River Rural Electric Cooperative
#01 Jean (Built Sept. 2019)
#02 I-15 / U.S. 93 Jct.
#06 I-80 / U.S. 95 Jct.
#07 Lovelock
#08 Mill City / Imlay
#10 Valmy
#17 Schurz
#18a Luning (Est. Dec. 2020)
#19 Coaldale
#20 Goldfield (Est. Dec. 2020)
#23 Indian Springs (Est. May. 2020)
#24 Silver Springs (Est. May 2020)
#25 Middlegate
#26 Cold Springs (Est. May 2020)
#27 Austin (Est. May 2020)
#03 Moapa (Built Sept. 2019)
#04 Mesquite (Built Sept. 20
Wells Rural Electric Company
#12 Carlin
#14 Wells
#15 Oasis
#16 West Wendover (Est. Feb. 2020)
#21 U.S. 95 / SR 267 Jct. (Scotty’s Junction)
#22 Amargosa Valley (Est. Dec. 2019)
#28 U.S. 50 Rest Area (Bean Flat)
#29 Eureka
#30 U.S. 50 NDOT ROW
#31 Ely (Est. Jan. 2020)
#32 U.S. 50 / U.S. 93 Jct.
#33 Baker
#36 Sunnyside
#37 U.S. 93 / U.S. 93A Jct.
#35 Alamo (Built Dec. 2019)
Panaca (Built Sept. 2017)
#38 Jackpot (Est. June 2020)
Bean Flat Eureka
Button Point
Amargosa Valley
Crystal Springs
Pony Springs
Harney Electric Cooperative
#34 McDermitt (Built Dec. 2019)
#39 Orovada (Est. Feb 2020)
DC Fast Charging Station
DC Fast Charging Station In-Construction
GOE planned DC Fast Charging Station
NDOT Rest Area
Renewable Energy Tax Abatement Program
e Renewable Energy Tax Abatement (RETA) Program awards partial sales and
use tax and partial property tax abatements to renewable energy facilities. To be
eligible, projects must employ at least 50% Nevada workers, pay 175% of Nevadas
average wage during construction, and oer health care benets to workers and
their dependents. e Governors Oce of Energy reviews the applications,
conducts public hearings to determine
eligibility, and reviews annual compliance
reports aer abatements are granted.
e Renewable Energy Tax Abatement
Program is a crucial tool in attracting
developers to Nevada because it provides an
incentive for the construction of commercial
power plants. ese projects increase
Nevadas tax revenue and lead to job creation
in a growing industry.
Since the Programs inception, Nevadas
investment of $941 million in tax abatements
has attracted $8.3 billion in capital
investments, payroll, and taxes paid. e
projects that have received an abatement
from the Governors Oce of Energy
created 9,500 jobs that paid an average
wage of over $41 an hour. is represents a
total of 44 renewable power plants and one
transmission project in Nevada.
Projects granted a tax abatement in 2019:
Photo: Copper Mountain 5
(Source: Sempra Energy).
Oce of
{See NRS 701A.300-390 & NAC 701A.500-660}
Techren III Solar 25 NVE $4,248,304 / $17,011,578
Techren IV Solar 25 NVE $4,331,200 / $17,079,401
Techren V Solar 50 NVE $7,623,132 / $27,558,935
Harry Allen Solar 100 MGM $18,164,426 / $158,234,892
Copper Mountain 5 Solar 250 NVE $25,023,167 / $74,500,812
Ormat/Steamboat Geothermal 33 SCPPA $11,316,609 / $117,667,609
Turquoise Nevada Solar 50 NVE $8,794,950 / $74,500,812
Revolving Loans for Renewable Energy, Energy
Eciency, and Energy Conservation
e Governor’s Oce of Energy administers the Revolving Loan Fund for
projects that develop or expand renewable energy systems, energy eciency
projects, energy conservation, and manufacturing of components of renewable
energy systems in Nevada. Over $18 million has been funded, since inception, under the federal
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
Residence Washoe Valley (1) 7 kW Wind Washoe 2010
City of Las Vegas - East Yard 100 kW PV Clark 2014
City of Las Vegas - West Yard 200 kW PV Clark 2014
City of Las Vegas - Durango Hills 200 kW PV Clark 2014
Railroad Valley Farms 305 kW PV Nye 2017
Oce of
Photo (Above): Railroad Valley Farms (Source: Railroad Valley Farms, LLC).
{See NRS 701.545-595 & NAC 701.600-700}
Oce of
Nevada Clean Energy Fund (NCEF)
Established by Senate Bill 407 (2017), NCEF is an independent, nonprot
corporation to provide funding for, and increase signicantly, the pace and
amount of nancing available for qualied clean energy projects in the State;
improve the standard of living by promoting more ecient and lower cost clean
energy projects that create high-paying, long-term jobs; foster the development
of transparent underwriting standards, standard contractual terms, and
measurement and verication protocols for clean energy projects; promoting the creation of performance
data that enables eective underwriting, risk management and pro forma modeling of nancial
performance of qualied clean energy projects to stimulate the development of secondary investment
markets; and achieving a level of nancing support for clean energy projects in the State.
SB 407 also created the Board of Directors to administer NCEF and set forth the duties of the Board.
Nevada Clean Energy Fund Board of Directors (section 16 of SB 407)
(a) e Director of the Oce of Energy – David Bobzien
(b) e Executive Director of the Oce of Economic Development or his or her designee – Michael Brown
(c) e Real Estate Administrator of the Department of Business and Industry or his or her designee – Sharath Chandra
(d) e Commissioner of Financial Institutions or his or her designee – Sandy O’Laughlin
(e) One member appointed by the Governor from among a list of nominees submitted by the State Contractors’ Board –
(f) One member appointed by the Governor from among a list of nominees submitted by labor organizations in this State
(g) One member appointed by the Governor from among a list of nominees submitted by the board of county
commissioners of the county in this State with the largest population – VACANT
(h) One member appointed by the Governor from among a list of nominees submitted by the board of county
(i) One member appointed by the Governor from among a list of nominees submitted by the boards of county
e Coalition for Green Capital (CGC) is providing pro bono consulting services to the NCEF to assist
with the startup of the organization including business planning and stang, fundraising and operating
support. is activity is funded with philanthropic grants provided to the CGC.
In 2019 there were four new appointments to the board. Recommendations to ll the three vacant seats
have been submitted and are pending appointment. e board has scheduled a meeting for the rst
quarter of 2020.
Oce of
Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE)
During the 2017 Legislative Session the Governors Oce of Energy sponsored
Assembly Bill 5 which enabled local governments to implement commercial
PACE programs. PACE is a nancing mechanism that supplies upfront costs for
renewable energy and energy eciency projects. It is a loan that is paid back over
time through a voluntary special assessment and allows for the transfer of the
loan obligation to the next owner.
Benets of PACE
State of Nevada Updates
PACE funding covers 100% of a project’s hard and so costs and will oen have guaranteed low interest
rates for terms of up to 20 years. e long loan amortization enables positive cash ow resulting in annual
energy savings that are larger than the annual repayment. PACE increases the value of properties, creates
jobs, helps the state achieve its policy goals and boosts the local economy bringing private investment
dollars to local communities.
e Governor’s Oce of Energy along with the City of Las Vegas and City of Reno have been selected
to participate in the U.S. Department of Energy Commercial PACE Working Group. e goal of this
working group is to develop tools and solutions to barriers facing state and local government. In order
to create awareness and provide resources for local governments, the Governors Oce of Energy hosted
a PACE webinar. e webinar provided an overview of PACE, a discussion on benets to property
owners and local governments and an overview of the rst steps a local government must take when
implementing PACE.
e City of Las Vegas launched the rst Commercial PACE program in Nevada in late 2019. e program
is administered by Sustainable Real Estate Solutions, Inc. (SRS). e program administrator is responsible
for program management and quality assurance as well as property owner project application processing
and support services to stakeholders.
e City of Reno followed close behind and in October 2019 established a Commercial PACE program in
Reno. e City of Reno has hired a third-party administrator to develop and administer the program.
Direct Energy Assistance Loan (DEAL) Program
e Direct Energy Assistance Loan (DEAL) Program was a pilot program that
provided State of Nevada employees an interest-free loan for energy eciency
upgrades at their home. e loan is paid o via a monthly payroll deduction.
e Governor’s Oce of Energy funded the program and the Nevada Housing
Division administered it through its established delivery system of contractors.
e program aided 139 State of Nevada employees who received weatherization improvements at their
home through the DEAL program since its inception. e counties that saw the most State of Nevada
employees apply for DEAL were Carson City, Washoe, Clark, and Lyon. e resulting savings of these
energy eciency measures will reduce energy consumption an estimated 354,138 kilowatt hours and
48,624 therms annually. e average savings per home are 2,548 kWh and 350 therms annually.
Program Requirements
To be eligible for a loan, State of Nevada employees must meet the following criteria:
Once an employees application is accepted, a State-
approved energy auditor conducts an assessment of
the home and recommends energy savings measures.
Aer the employee selects from the recommended
measures, the contractor performs the upgrades and
receives payment from the Nevada Housing Division.
e maximum payback length is 60 months. A loan
of $1 – $3,000 has a monthly payment of $50; a loan
of $3,001 – $6,000 has a monthly payment of $100.
Employees who are U.S. military veterans are eligible
for loans of up to $8,000, with a longer term.
Photo: GOE sta and a Nevada
Housing Division contractor use a
thermal spectrometer to test heat loss
at a State employees home in Washoe
County (Source: GOE).
Oce of
Carson City
Figure 13 - DEAL Participation by County
Program Requirements
carbon monoxide levels
temperature distribution
energy costs for each household
Contract Recommended Measures Include:
Service Providers:
Home Energy Retrot Opportunities for Seniors
(HEROS) Program
e HEROS Program provides energy assessments of qualifying seniors’ homes
and installation of recommended weatherization measures. e Governor’s
Oce of Energy funds the program and the Nevada Housing Division
administers the program through its established delivery system of contractors.
e program reduces energy costs for savings by improving the energy eciency of their homes.
HEROS funding of up to $8,000 is oered at no cost to qualifying seniors who own their home. Since
the Programs inception in 2015, 1065 homeowners have received weatherization benets. Each senior
participant annually saved an average of 7,640 kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity and 277 therms of
natural gas in their home. is represents an annual savings of $1,247 on their utility bills which equates
to a 64% savings.
Photo (above): Governors Oce of Energy
David Bobzien inspecting a HEROS project in
Carson City (Source: GOE).
Oce of
Figure 14 - HEROS Participation by County
Carson City
Performance Contract Audit Assistance Program
Performance contracting is an alternative nancing mechanism to accelerate
investment in cost-eective energy conservation measures and accomplish
energy savings projects without up-front capital. It is a partnership between
a building owner and an Energy Service Company (ESCO) that conducts
an energy audit identifying improvements that will save energy. e ESCO
guarantees that the improvements will generate cost savings sucient to pay for
the project over the term of the contract.
e Performance Contract Audit Assistance Program (PCAAP) funds a nancial grade audit, which
is the rst step to determine if a project is worth pursuing. Since PCAAP’s inception in 2014, the
Governor’s Oce of Energy has awarded $1.7 million to accelerate performance contracting, resulting in
project investments totaling $100 million, while creating an estimated 730 jobs, saving over 51 million
kilowatt hours, and 463,000 therms annually.
Upgrade Government Buildings: Performance contracting oers an opportunity to upgrade and
modernize government facilities by replacing aging HVAC equipment and thermostats, installing
indoor and outdoor LED lighting, improving plug load management systems, and improving water
conservation. ese improvements decrease operations and maintenance costs and simplify the
management of municipal energy budgets. is is all accomplished with no up-front capital costs.
Financial Benets: A few nancial examples include but are not limited to: reduced taxpayer burden of
growing energy budgets, incorporation of renewable energy, and job creation right here in Nevada. Also,
the contractually guaranteed and measured savings reduce the risk of savings erosion over time. Finally,
the use of a third-party nancing mechanism ensures that energy eciency improvements are completed
and that the guaranteed reduced energy costs are achieved.
Quality Assurance: All contractors performing the Financial-Grade Operational Audit (FGOA) are
Nevada licensed ESCO pre-approved through the Public Works Division (PWD). e ESCOs are also
overseen by PWD pre-qualied third-party consultants for performance contracting projects. e
Governor’s Oce of Energy has also developed model contract documents to guide municipalities
through the process. Additionally, applicants must utilize e-Project Builder to store and track the
performance contract progress and document best practices.
Oce of
Oce of
International Energy Conservation Code
e International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) is a model for the
establishment of minimum design and construction requirements for energy
e Governor’s Oce of Energy recognizes the importance of advancing energy
eciency through the most recently published version of the IECC
every three years and has committed to adopting the newest version
upon publication pursuant to NRS 701.220 and NAC 701.185 as
amended under R153-17.
e Governor’s Oce of Energy is committed to reducing greenhouse
gas emissions within the built environment and the IECC is a crucial
part in achieving those goals. e Governors Oce of Energy
participated in the development process of the 2021 IECC as a
governmental voting member at the public comment hearings held in
Las Vegas in October of 2019 and the online voting that took place in
Internationally, code ocials recognize the need for a modern, up-to-
date energy conservation code addressing the design of energy-ecient
building envelopes and installation of energy-ecient mechanical,
lighting and power systems through requirements emphasizing
performance. e IECC is designed to meet these needs through model
code regulations that will result in the optimal utilization of fossil fuel
and nondepletable resources in all communities, large and small.
is code contains separate provisions for commercial buildings and
for low-rise residential buildings (three stories or less in height above
grade). Each set of provisions, IECC—Commercial Provisions and IECC—Residential Provisions, are
separately applied to buildings within their respective scopes.
is comprehensive energy conservation code establishes minimum regulations for energy-ecient
buildings using prescriptive and
performance-related provisions. It is
founded on broad-based principles that
make possible the use of new materials
and new energy ecient designs. e
IECC is fully compatible with the Family
of International Codes.
Photo (Le): Nevada GOE and NDEP sta
along with other state energy oces, building
ocials, and other stakeholders attending the
2021 IECC Public Comment Hearings in Las
Vegas, NV. (Source: GOE)
{See NRS 701.220 & NAC 701.010-245}
International Energy Conservation Code
and Policy Manager with the Center for
Energy and Environment and Robin
Yochum, GOE Program Manager dis-
cuss the importance of energy ecient
codes while attending the National
Energy Codes Conference in Denver,
CO. (Source: GOE)
Green Building Tax Abatement Program
e Governor’s Oce of Energy administers the Green Building Tax Abatement
(GBTA) program based on criteria set forth in the Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design (LEED) or Green Globes rating systems from the Green
Business Certication Inc. (GBCI) or the Green Building Initiative (GBI). e
LEED and Green Globes rating systems are based on a set of standards for the
environmentally sustainable design, construction, and operation of buildings.
e program began in 2007 as an incentive for business owners to improve the energy eciency of new
and existing buildings. In 2013, the State established new standards for how the program is administered
and partial abatements are awarded.
To qualify for the partial tax abatement, applicants must earn a minimum number of points for energy
conservation, which is determined by the Energy Star score or equivalent score, to meet the Silver Level
or higher through the LEED rating system or two globes or higher through the Green Globes rating
e partial tax abatements range from 25% to 35% for a period of 3 to 10 years (depending on the
certication level) on the portion of the taxes (other than taxes for public education) imposed pursuant
to Chapter 361 of the Nevada Revised Statutes. e percentage and term of the partial tax abatements
amended NAC 701A.010-701A.290, inclusive, updating the program requiring more accountability of the
applicants that receive the partial property tax abatement.
Projects Receiving Tax Abatements
In 2019, 16 buildings in Nevada received a Green Globes or LEED certication or equivalency,
representing more than 11 million square feet of space.
ere are currently 186 buildings participating in the GBTA program.
Photo (Le): Palacio Apartments, Las
Vegas, NV. Green Globes certied.
(Source: www.palacio-apartments.com).
Oce of
{See NRS 701A.100-110 & NAC 701A.010-370}
Photo (Right): Findlay Chevrolet, Las
Vegas, NV. LEED certied.
(Source: www.ndlaychevy.com).
Lower Income Solar Energy Program
e Lower Income Solar Energy Program (LISEP) is a joint eort of NV Energy
and the Nevada Governor’s Oce of Energy that oers incentives for solar
photovoltaic (PV) systems that serve lower-income populations. e program
was originally created in 2013 as a pilot program through Assembly Bill 428 and
was made permanent through Senate Bill 145 in 2017.
$1,200,000 program budget ($1 million from NV Energy and $200,000 from the Governors Oce of
Energy). e incentive levels are set at $2.20/watt for Lower-Income Housing and $2.50/watt for other
entities that serve the lower income sector.
As of December 2019, the program is fully subscribed.
To qualify for an incentive, the recipient had to be an NV Energy customer whose primary business
serves a signicant population of lower income customers. is included lower income housing,
homeless shelters, food banks and other lower income services.
LISEP supports projects in major population centers and rural towns throughout Nevada, providing
benet to Nevadans in most need of assistance. More than 1,000 lower income households throughout
the State are beneting. LISEP recipients also include groups like the Boy’s & Girls Club of Southern
Nevada (BGCSNV). Since installing solar at its Lied campus, the BGCSNV has realized signicant utility
bill savings that can be
directly reinvested into
the programs that help
Southern Nevada youths
reach their full potential.
e approximate annual
savings for the Boy’s and
Girls Club is $25,000.00
and the funds from
these savings support
opportunities to give
kids a place to feel safe.
Reinvestment of these
utility savings could cover
year round services of
before school (6.30 a.m.
- 9.00 a.m.), aer school
(2.30 p.m. - 7.00 p.m.)
and out of school hours
(7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.) for
ve (5) Club Kids or 700
individual BGCSNV memberships.
Oce of
Photo (Above): GOE Director David
Bobzien inspects the LISEP project at Plaza
at 4th Street, in Reno, NV. (Source: GOE).
Battery Storage Projects
In 2019, Viridity Energy received funds for
a battery storage pilot project. e project
is to analyze, acquire, install, and monitor a
battery energy storage system at the Grant
Sawyer State Oce Building. is system
will demonstrate the viability of using
battery storage to reduce electricity demand
charges for state-owned buildings.
Also in 2019, e Governor’s Oce of
Energy granted Viridity Energy funds to
conduct a study with RTC Washoe that will
measure energy consumption and demand
at electric vehicle (bus) charging station
facilities. e nal report will evaluate
opportunities to reduce utility costs through the
use of energy storage. RTC Washoe has deployed
21 electric buses in its eet to date.
Partnerships & Projects Funded
Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 701 and 701A regulate and dene the Governor’s
Oce of Energy priorities and programs. NRS 701A.450 specically creates
the Renewable Energy Account, which is administered by the Director of the
Governor’s Oce of Energy, and may be used to accomplish the initiatives and
goals of the State related to renewable energy, energy eciency and electric
In addition, the Governors Oce of Energy receives funding from the U.S. Department of Energy’s
(DOE) State Energy Program (SEP) Formula Grant. e SEP Formula Grant is used to fund and promote
clean energy programs and projects throughout Nevada.
Oce of
Photo (Above): 210 kW Battery Project at the Grant Sawyer
State oce building in Las Vegas, NV. (Source: Viridity Energy)
Photo (Le): About one-third of
RTC-Washoe bus eet is electric.
(Source: RTC-Washoe)
Opened Las Vegas Oce
Nevada. Based at Grant Sawyer, the Las Vegas oce allows Governors Oce of
Energy to expand its outreach and programs, and provide greater opportunities
for collaboration on clean energy and climate goals with local governments,
regional governmental agencies and industries based in southern Nevada.
In 2019, Governors Oce of Energy was proud to collaborate and partner on a number of signicant
Oce of
Partnerships & Projects Funded
Carbon Reduction Workshop with RTC of Southern Nevada
Governor’s Oce of Energy partnered with RTC of Southern Nevada to convene a carbon reduction
workshop with local, regional and state governments and agencies. e workshop followed RTC
Southern Nevadas August 22, 2019, Clean Energy and Transportation Summit.
e workshop brought together more than 80 attendees from 32 state agencies, local governments,
regional governmental organizations and educational institutions for a discussion of collaboration
opportunities around climate action. e panels included a discussion from state agencies (GOE, NDOT,
DCNR and the Department of Administration) on state eorts for decarbonization, a panel of local
government representatives discussing their success stories and a keynote on collective eorts from cities
and regions to decarbonize.
is aernoon of collaboration provided a unique opportunity for government stakeholders from across
the state to build connections for future climate action successes.
USCA Fall Convening and Stakeholder Reception
As one of its newest states, Nevada was honored to be selected
to host the U.S. Climate Alliances Fall Convening, in Incline
Village, September 8-10.
is event was attended by USCA sta and the sta of 20 of
the 25 member states. e discussion over the two day event
included robust discussions on policies and programs for deep
decarbonization along with providing a just transition for a clean
energy workforce. Nevada was represented by Governor’s Oce
of Energy, DCNR and its Division of Environmental Protection,
the Nevada Department of Transportation, the Department of
Administration and its Division of State Public Works, and the
Public Utilities Commission of Nevada. ese agencies were
provided an opportunity to collaborate with colleagues from
across the nation on programs, policies and strategies for deep
decarbonization across their scopes of responsibility.
Photo (Above): USCA members tour Teslas Gigfactory 1 in
Sparks, NV. (Source: USCA)
Partnerships & Projects Funded
Oce of
Community workshops with Southwest Energy Eciency Project
Housings Emerging Energy Technologies: August 1, 2019
e Governor’s Oce of Energy worked with the Southwest Energy Eciency
Project, NV Energy Southwest Gas and the City of Henderson to present a
community workshop on new technologies that can save homeowners money
while reducing carbon emissions in the built environment. e more than 50 attendees heard from
experts about zero-energy and zero-energy ready homes, heat pump technologies and innovative utility
programs, smart water heater thermostats, EV charging stations and battery energy storage systems
for homes, and potential innovations in the 2021 IECC. e partnership between Governors Oce of
Energy, SWEEP, the utilities and the City of Henderson showcased the collaboration Governor’s Oce of
Energy looks forward to coordinating as we move forward with stakeholder outreach to create Nevadas
Climate Strategy.
Zero Energy Ready Home Workshop: November 18, 2019
One key area of opportunity for collaboration in reducing Nevadas greenhouse gas emissions is in
residential construction and moving toward zero-energy ready homes. e Governor’s Oce of Energy
partnered with SWEEP to provide another community education event. Additional event partners
included NV Energy, Southwest Gas, Southern Nevada Water Authority, the cities of Henderson, Las
Vegas, Boulder City and Clark and Nye counties. More than 80 attendees heard from experts on
UNLV’s work developing zero energy building technologies, how to build a zero energy ready home,
utility incentive programs to reduce energy use and the resulting greenhouse gas emissions, and water
saving technologies to conserve one of Southern Nevadas most limited resources. Southern Nevada
Water Authority then welcomed attendees to visit the unique DesertSol home at Springs Preserve. e
DesertSol home,
created and built
for the 2013 U.S.
Department of Energy
Solar Decathalon by
a student team from
University of Nevada,
Las Vegas exemplies
sustainable living and
minimal energy use in
residential construction
to demonstrate
to attendees the
innovation that can
advance a carbon free
future for Nevada.
for carbon reduction in the built environment at SWEEP’s November
Zero Energy Ready Home Workshop. (Source: SWEEP)
Project ReCharge
e Governor’s Oce of Energy sponsored the Project ReCharge, STEM Energy
education program during the 2018-2019 state scal year. e project provides
professional development to teachers from multiple school districts in Nevada
and is expected to expand across the state. e teachers are provided with
curriculum and classroom resources along with ongoing support throughout
the school year. e students that participate in the program perform energy audits in their respective
schools and submit a proposal to the school
board at the end of the year on how the school
can become more energy ecient. In early
2019, Envirolution hosted their annual Year-
End Event recognizing the energy detective
students and teachers that graduated the
Project ReCharge program for the 2018-2019
school year. e Governors Oce of Energy is
honored to support this program that improves
STEM education across the state increasing
the opportunities for a robust workforce in the
Photo (Above): Project ReCharge Students attending
the Annual Year-End Event (Source: Envirolution)
Ride and Drive
In 2019, NV Energy hosted four Ride and Drive Events, two in Las Vegas and
two in Reno, to allow its customers to test drive some of the latest models of
Oce of Energy joined the Nevada Department of Transportation and the
Regional Transportation Commissions from Washoe County and Southern
Nevada to share information about
the benets of driving electric
vehicles, decarbonizing transportation
and Governors Oce of Energy’s
programs, like the Nevada Electric
Highway, that help build out the
charging infrastructure needed to
support a growing EV market. e
Ride and Drive events provided
consumers the opportunity to
experience EV’s and learn about their
benets while interacting with the state
and local agencies that shape policies
and programs in transportation.
Oce of
Partnerships & Projects Funded
Photo (Above): NV Energy’s Ride and Drive event in
Las Vegas, NV. (Source: GOE)
Find Us Online
Oce of Energy
755 North Roop Street, Suite 202
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 687-1850