This information is not intended to diagnose health problems or to take the place of medical advice
or care you receive from your physician or other health care professional.
© 2019, The Permanente Medical Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Regional Genetics Department. Rev June 2019
You recently had a blood test to screen for chromosome disorders in the fetus and were told:
NIPT is unable to provide a clear answer about
fetal sex or sex chromosome changes (or both)
Did you know?
There are two different sex chromosomes:
the X chromosome and the Y chromosome.
Most males have one X and one
Y chromosome (XY). Babies with a Y
chromosome develop as a male.
Most females have two X chromosomes (XX).
A difference in the number of X and Y
hromosomes is called sex chromosome
aneuploidy or “SCA”.
Most of the DNA in the NIPT sample comes
from the woman being tested. Only a small
amount of DNA is from the pregnancy.
The main purpose of NIPT is to screen for major chromosome
conditions (Down syndrome, trisomy 18, and trisomy 13). Your
test result shows that your pregnancy is at low risk for these
three conditions.
NIPT also includes a study of the sex chromosomes, but
result is not always possible. Babies can be born with a change
in the total number of sex chromosomes, such as only one X
(X), an extra X (XXX or XXY), or an extra Y (XYY). NIPT
checks for the presence or absence of the Y chromosome in
the fetus and
estimates how many are present. The test also
how many X chromosomes are present. Most often
an extra X or Y does not have a big impact on a baby’s
Why was the fetal sex not reported?
The Y chromosome is much smaller than any of the other
chromosomes being studied. The smaller size means there is less “Y” DNA to examine at the lab. This makes it
harder to confirm the presence or absence of the Y chromosome in some cases. The lab is careful to report fetal
sex only if the result is very clear. The lab reports the result as “inconclusive” when there is not enough information
the sample to provide a reliable result.
Why was a “sex chromosome aneuploidy” (SCA) result not reported?
Trying to estimate
number of sex chromosomes
from a fetus can be complicated. The Y chromosome is small and can be hard to
, but the X chromosome can sometimes be even harder to measure. Not only does the fetus have one or
two X chromosomes, but there are also X chromosomes from the mother.
To complicate things even more, the
mother or the placenta may have some cells with an atypical number of X‘s (either more or less than the usual
number). This is fairly common and not usually related to a medical condition or health problem. However, it c
make it hard to
measure how many X chromosomes a fetus has. When the sample does not have clear
information to give a reliable result for SCA, the lab reports the result as “inconclusive”. There may still be enough
information to predict the fetal sex f
or some pregnancies. Twin pregnancies do not include testing for SCA
Does this mean a problem in the baby
Usually n
ot. While there is still a small possibility for a chromosome condition in the baby, most women who get
this r
esult have healthy pregnancies.
Can I take the test again? When the fetal sex or the sex chromosome number cannot be reported,
re-testing is not offered. Repeat testing is unlikely to give a reliable result about the sex chromosomes in this
Should other tests be done if fetal sex or sex chromosomes cannot be reported?
You could consider having a procedure like
chorionic villus sampling (CVS) or amniocentesis to examine the fetal
chromosomes. It may also be possible to request a chromosome study after delivery. The decision to have
additional testing w
ill depend on the details of your pregnancy and the questions you want answered. You may
want to discuss this with your genetic counselor. All pregnancies have a routine ultrasound typically scheduled
between 18 to 22 weeks. Ultrasound is often able to pre
dict the fetal sex and checks for physical birth defects.
However, ultrasound cannot identify most babies with SCA conditions.
More about SCA conditions
About 1 in every 500 newborns has a sex chromosome aneuploidy (SCA) condition. These conditions happen
randomly and do not run in the family. The three most common SCA conditions are:
Turner syndrome (45,X or Monosomy X)
Turner syndrome is a genetic condition that only happens in females. It is caused by a
missing X chromosome in some or all of a person’s cells. The most common features
in Turner syndrome are shorter height, late puberty and infertility. Girls with this
condition have normal intelligence, but learning delays are possible. Turner syndrome
in a fetus may lead to an early miscarriage. Birth defects, such as heart defects and
malformed kidneys, also happen more often in babies with Turner syndrome.
Klinefelter syndrome (XXY)
Klinefelter syndrome is a genetic condition that only happens in males. It is caused by
an extra X chromosome. Boys with this condition are often tall for their age compared
to boys with typical chromosomes. Motor skills, like sitting and walking, may happen
slightly later than usual. Learning disabilities, like speech delays, are also more
common. The extra copy of the X chromosome also causes low testosterone (the
male sex hormone). This can lead to delays in puberty. In addition, most males with
this condition are infertile due to poor sperm production.
Trisomy X or Triple X syndrome (XXX)
Trisomy X (or triple X syndrome) is a genetic condition that only happens in females. It
is caused by having an extra X chromosome. Girls with this condition are more likely
to have learning and behavior issues than girls with typical chromosomes. These girls
also tend to be tall for their age. This condition does not usually affect puberty or
fertility. Most individuals with trisomy X never know they have this condition unless
special testing is done.
This information is not intended to diagnose health problems or to take the place of medical advice
or care you receive from your physician or other health care professional.
© 2019, The Permanente Medical Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Regional Genetics Department. Rev June 2019