American International Journal of Business Management (AIJBM)
ISSN- 2379-106X, Volume 6, Issue 06 (June-2023), PP 07-24
*Corresponding Author: I Gusti Ngurah Bayu Saputra
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I Gusti Ngurah Bayu Saputra
, Achmad Fajar Hendarman
(School of Business Management, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia)
*Corresponding Author: I Gusti Ngurah Bayu Saputra
ABSTRACT: The background of this research is the innovation rate in the sub-directorate XY is low
compared to the other sub-directorate. To answer that issue, research is conducted to assess the knowledge
management maturity level in sub-directorate XY and propose Knowledge Management design and
implementation to increase digital talents and innovation in sub-directorate XY. The research used mixed
methods by conducting a survey of all employees under sub-directorate XY and semi-structured interviews
with senior leader's representatives and finally using data triangulation to combine the quantitative and
qualitative analysis. The analysis showed that the sub-directorate XY KM Maturity level is in the refinement
stage where Knowledge Management is continuously evaluated and improved. As a lesson learned from
previous knowledge management implementation to make it more effective, sub-directorate XY must focus
on nurturing a culture that focuses on continuous learning and sharing activities, resource allocation to
manage the knowledge management processes, i.e., specific teams and budget allocation. A presence from
senior leaders who continually promote the importance of knowledge management also should be
consistently conducted in sub-directorate XY. And finally, the KM tools and framework can be built to
support and accelerate the KM processes.
KEYWORDS: Asian Productivity Organization, Digital Talent, Innovation, Knowledge Management,
Knowledge Maturity Level
Telkomsel, a part of Telkom Group, has developed a corporate strategic plan to aimed at achieving
continuous and sustainable revenue growth until 2026. In order to reach this goal, Telkomsel is confronting
various challenges inherent in the telecommunications industry business landscape, both in Indonesia and
globally, where growth needs to be enhanced. To secure the future growth, Telkomsel has implemented
numerous strategies, with a strong emphasis on elevating its digital business services revenue as a new source of
income. Telkomsel’s put digital transformation as their corporate theme in 2021: “Strengthen business health
and accelerate digital transformation to smartly cope with changing customer behaviour”. One of the keywords
is “Digital Transformation” which supported also by Telkomsel’s main programs in 2021: Accelerate
transformation to lead in the digital space and more robust customer engagement and leverage and unlock group
potential to increase corporate value.
Based on a study, digital transformation is not only about advanced technology, it is more complex
beyond that, which needs to address strategic roles of new digital technologies and capabilities for successful
digital innovation in the digital world (Helmy Ismail Abdelaal et al., 2018). Therefore, Telkomsel must focus on
and prioritize digital talent and business issues than technology aspects to compete in the digital age (Kane,
Telkomsel’s digital transformation journey heavily relies on people (digital talents, digital skills, digital
capabilities, and digital readiness) and culture (digital environment) to achieve our goals in the following digital
era. These digital capabilities readiness will determine whether Telkomsel businesses will survive and adapt to
digital technology disruption or other digital companies will disrupt it. To anticipate the digital disruption,
Telkomsel is committed to better preparing its digital talents by enhancing their soft and hard skills that will
drive new ideas and innovative products. Based on a paper from Achmad Fajar Hendarman & Uwe Cantner, soft
skills and hard skills are significantly and positively associated with individual level of innovativeness
(Hendarman & Cantner, 2018).
One of the outputs from Telkomsel’s digital talents is innovation. Innovation is a key success factor for
Telkomsel and Telkom group to be sustainable in the future. Based on PwC research in 2013, innovation is a
driver for rapid and profitable revenue growth, but it can also deliver improved competitive positioning, higher
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*Corresponding Author: I Gusti Ngurah Bayu Saputra
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customer satisfaction, and decreased costs (Price Waterhouse Coopers, 2013). Innovation is the only way for
Telkomsel and Telkom group to be a competitive edge in digital business competition.
To keep innovative and stay relevant in this digital era, Telkomsel has organized an annual innovation
program called the Polaris program, which encourage employees to submit their ideas to the company. The
program has two categories: new business innovation and new internal process innovation. The new business
innovation category aims to capture new business opportunities by developing new products and businesses in
Telkomsel to remain relevant and competitive in the current digital and telco business landscape. Meanwhile,
the new internal process category aims to improve existing business processes to increase Telkomsel's revenue
or reduce its costs in the future.
II.1 Theoretical Foundation
II.1.1 Knowledge Management and Digital Business Transformation
Telkomsel and Telkom Group are embarking on an exciting journey to unlock their immense digital
potential through comprehensive digital business transformation. As mentioned previously, one area of
improvement for Telkomsel and the Telkom group is the development of digital talents to support digital
transformation. To support that, researcher found a literature review that has already been conducted previously
related to how knowledge management can accelerate digital transformation in the organization.
This research was published in 2022, by Vanja Erceg and Tihomir Zoranovic, from the University of
Novi Sad, Subotica, Serbia (Erceg & Zoranović, 2022). They start their research with the business problem of
increasing market share in the digital age and companies should react quickly when new business opportunities
arise. To take action as quickly as possible, the company’s employees must be qualified and able to use modern
technologies, which can drive process automation. And these factors lead to how a company’s knowledge
management can provide the necessary knowledge to make business decisions.
II.1.2 The relationship between knowledge management and innovation
Innovation is the key for Telkomsel and Telkom Group to explore the unlocked Telkom Group digital
businesses to elevate the digital businesses’ s revenue. Innovation is the application of knowledge to produce
new knowledge (Drucker, 1993). Hence, better use of existing knowledge and more effective acquisition and
assimilation or new knowledge becomes the business imperative (Thurow, 1996). “Increasingly, developing and
managing human intellect and skills, more than managing and deploying physical and capital assets, will be the
dominant concern of managers in successful companies” (Quinn, 1992).
Another research explains how knowledge management and innovation is have a positive correlation
with each other. In this research, researcher trying to analyse how to develop innovation based on organizational
vision and knowledge management i.e., facilitating the development integration and application of knowledge.
The paper elaborates on an organization vision and how it is connected to support organizational innovation
with below flow.
A clear corporate vision directs knowledge management which involves facilitating the development,
integration, and application of knowledge. This involves focusing on what kind of knowledge is critical for
innovation. Furthermore, this research emphasizes a dependence on building individual and team-networks
(internally and externally) to help ideas flow and develop, integrate, and use the new knowledge. Based on this
research, we can conclude that starting with a clear vision that support and appreciate knowledge management, a
well-developed, integrated, and continuously improved knowledge management implementation that can drive
and motivate employees to be more collaborative in doing knowledge development, knowledge integration,
knowledge application in their daily basis. The output from this behaviour is the implications for organizational
innovation which introduce a high degree of innovation.
II.1.3 House of Knowledge Driven Organization (Jann Model)
House of knowledge-driven organization Jann Model is one of the KM Framework that shows how
degrees of innovation in the organization are driven by the implementation of knowledge management, and this
knowledge management itself is driven by the degrees of learning organization of an organization. This
framework model is built with a two-floored house. The first-floor area shows the learning organization as a
foundation to support the second floor as a knowledge management area, and the roof, or we can call it an
outcome, is a knowledge for innovation.
On the first floor, the learning organization area explains that organizations where people are learning
together, continually expand their capacity to create the results they genuinely desire, where new and expansive
patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually
learning to see the whole together (Senge, 2004). This learning organization relied on several factors shown in
the framework, which consists of mutual trust and learning culture, knowledge worker, and learning facilities. In
this area, Jann also states all interaction inside the learning organization named learning enabler. In an extreme
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*Corresponding Author: I Gusti Ngurah Bayu Saputra
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way of thinking, as this first floor is the foundation of the house itself, once this learning organization does not
exist, the knowledge management and the innovation will also be falling apart.
After we make sure the first foundation, the foundation of our house (organization), is well-built and
robust enough, it’s time for us to build the second floor (knowledge management area). In this area, Jann
mentioned the output is a smart and agile organization that consists of and is supported by KM tools and KM
methods. All interactions in this area are called KM processes.
This implementation of the first floor (learning organization area) and second floor (knowledge
management area) will determine the learning habit (knowledge to innovation), which Jann called knowledge-
driven enterprises, the enterprise driven by knowledge to boost innovation, taking business decisions, and doing
all things related the organization or enterprise activity.
II.1.4 APO Knowledge Assessment Tool
APO knowledge assessment tool is a survey questionnaire designed to help organizations conduct a
rapid initial assessment of their readiness for KM. The assessment is carried out at the beginning of the KM
program. Before starting the KM journey, the organization needs to know its strengths and opportunities for
improvement. The organization can then focus on its KM programs to address the gaps identified through
assessment. The APO KM assessment tool is based on the APO KM framework. The questions in the tools are
based on seven framework elements.
The starting point for the APO KM Framework is understanding the organization’s vision, mission,
business goals, and strategic directions. This helps the organization identify and analyse its core competencies
and capabilities and which areas it needs to develop. The four accelerators can help understand to what extent
these drivers and enablers are prevalent in the organization so that a successful KM implementation can be
launched. The five core Knowledge Processes provide an initial assessment of existing practices related to KM,
which can be leveraged during implementation. Organizations may sometimes already be practicing KM
without realizing it. The outcomes of KM efforts measure the effectiveness of the knowledge processes
supported by critical success factors (accelerators, vision, and mission). The outcomes must demonstrate
enhancement of learning and innovation that build individual, team, organizational, and societal capabilities and
ultimately lead to improvements in quality of products and services, productivity, profitability, and growth.
The APO KM assessment tool has seven audit categories based on the critical elements of the
framework: KM leadership, process, people, technology, knowledge processes, learning and innovation, KM
outcomes. There are 42 questions covering the seven audit categories, with a maximum score of 210 points.
Each category has a maximum score of 30 points. Each of the questions can be rated from 1 (doing poorly or
nothing at all) to 5 (doing very well). Based on this assessment, the total score is then compared to the KM
Maturity Model and shows the KM maturity level of the organization.
II.1.5 APO KM Implementation Approach
APO KM Implementation approach using APO Framework divided into 4 steps which, also known as
“4DS” i.e.: Discover, Design, Develop and Deploy. Discover process is the first step to identify the needs and
knowledge gaps (Sensuse & Rohajawati, 2013). This step identified knowledge needed to build organizational
competencies by matching the needs with available knowledge in the organization and then identified gaps. In
discover step, researcher can use Organization Knowledge Management Readiness Assessment using APO
Framework to assess the current KM Maturity level.
Design process is the next step to design a pilot project was the result of the identification in the
discover step. Pilot KM projects are designed based on the output from discover step, which aim to increase the
organization’s current KM Maturity level. In the design process, set of improvement action with its timeline will
be decided.
Develop process is the process of implementing KM pilot project. In this stage, several initiatives in
several categories already designed in the design process will be executed based on the timeline. In this stage is
known as the implementation of pilot projects we conduct an evaluation process of the pilot projects and the
output will be used in the next step.
Deploy process in the APO KM Implementation approach is the last step. During this step, the KM
implementation will be continued to wider application and wider organization. Several stakeholders will decide
to which area the KM implementation will be applied and start again in the discovery step. This whole process
will be a loop process from discover step until the deploy step and continue to the next loop to improve the KM
effectiveness in the organization
II.2 Conceptual Framework
A conceptual framework is a synopsis of various findings from the literature sources that have been
reviewed about the research, setting out the research agenda for increased understanding of the research
intentions. The understanding is achieved by providing a structure that organizes the current thoughts that
provide focus and direction to an inquiry (Shikalepo, 2020). In this research, a conceptual framework is built by
study literature process in chapter 2.
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*Corresponding Author: I Gusti Ngurah Bayu Saputra
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Figure II.1 Conceptual Framework (Che Rusuli & Tasmin, 2012; Author, 2023)
Research methodology is a science of studying how research is done scientifically. A way to solve the
research problem by logically adopting various steps (Patel & Patel, 2019). In this chapter, research
methodology is divided into several sub-chapter like research design, data collection method, and data analysis
III.1 Research Design
The research design of this final project will use the explanatory sequential mixed method considering
the primary data is coming from a quantitative approach by evaluating KM maturity assessment via a
questionnaire to all sub-directorate XY employees. The following sequence after quantitative data has been
analyzed is to collect the data from a qualitative approach by interviewing several stakeholders like senior
leaders, knowledge workers, and subject matter experts to complete the further exploration from initial
quantitative data (Creswell, 2014).
III.2 Data Collection Method
This research utilizes a mixed method to gather qualitative and quantitative data. Mixed methods
research is an approach to an inquiry involving collecting both quantitative and qualitative data, integrating the
two forms of data, and using distinct designs that may include philosophical assumptions and theoretical
frameworks. The core assumption of this form of inquiry is that the combination of qualitative and quantitative
approaches provides a more complete understanding of a research problem than either approach alone
(Creswell, 2014).
III.2.1 Quantitative Approach: Questionnaire
The data collection quantitative approach will use a questionnaire survey to all sub-directorate XY
employees. The questionnaire uses online tools called Microsoft forms, linked to the respondent’s email, and
consist of 40 questions about knowledge management maturity assessment using APO framework. In
knowledge management maturity assessment using APO Framework, 7 categories need to be assessed and
evaluated consisting of leadership, process, people, technology, knowledge process, learning and innovation,
and KM outcomes, and for each category, there are six questions that need to be scored by respondents (sub-
directorate XY employees) between 1 to 5. Score 1 represents the lowest score indicating that organization is
doing very poorly or doing nothing at all, and score 5 represents the highest score indicating the organization is
doing very well for the category in question. The total score of all questions will be used to determine the
organization’s knowledge management maturity level with the below category:
Table III. 1 KM Maturity level
Total Score
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Table III. 2 APO Survey questionnaire question
The company has knowledge management (KM) strategy linked to
the company vision and mission.
The company is organized to accommodate knowledge management
initiatives/activities (i.e., central coordinating unit for
knowledge/information management, Chief knowledge/information
Officer, ICT team, quality improvement teams/communities of
practice, knowledge networks)
Financial resources are allocated for knowledge management
The company has a policy for safeguarding knowledge (i.e.
copyrights, patents, and knowledge security policy)
Managers become the role-model to the values of knowledge sharing
and collaborative working. They spend more time disseminating
information to their staff and facilitating the horizontal flow of
information between their staff and with staff of other
Management promotes, recognizes, and rewards: performance
improvement, organizational and employee learning, sharing of
knowledge and innovation.
The company determines its core competencies (strategically
important capabilities that provide a competitive advantage) and
aligns it to their mission and strategic goals.
The company designs its work systems and procedure to create value
to customers and achieve performance excellence.
New technology, knowledge shared in the company, flexibility,
efficiency, and effectiveness are factored into the design of processes
42 - 83
Organization not aware of
what KM is and its
importance in enhancing
productivity and
84 125
Organization beginning to
recognize the need to manage
126 146
KM practices in some areas
147 188
KM implementation is
continuously evaluated and
189 210
KM is mainstreamed in the
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The company has an organized system for managing crisis situations
or unforeseen events that ensures uninterrupted operations,
prevention, and recovery.
The company implements and manages its key work processes to
ensure that customer requirements are met and business results are
The company continually evaluates and improves its work processes
to achieve better performance, to reduce variations, to improve
products and services, and to be updated with the latest in business
trends, developments, and directions.
The company's education, training, and career development program
build employee knowledge, skills, and capabilities, support
achievement of overall objectives, and, contribute to high
The company has a systematic induction process for new staff that
includes familiarity with KM and its benefits, the KM system, and
The company has formal mentoring, coaching, and tutoring processes.
The company has a database of staff competencies.
Knowledge sharing and collaboration are actively encouraged and
rewarded / corrected.
Employees are organized into small teams/groups (i.e., quality circles,
work improvement teams, cross-functional teams, Communities of
Practices) to respond to workplace problems or concerns.
y (TEC)
Management has established an IT Infrastructure (i.e., internet,
intranet, and website) and has developed capabilities to facilitate
effective KM.
The IT infrastructure is aligned with the company's KM strategy.
Everyone has access to a computer.
Everyone has access to the internet/intranet and an email address.
Information delivered in the website/intranet is updated on a regular
Intranet (or similar network) is used as a major source of company-
wide communication to support knowledge transfer or information
The company has systematic processes for identifying, creating,
storing, sharing, and applying knowledge
The company maintains a knowledge inventory that identifies and
locate knowledge assets or resources throughout the organization.
Knowledge accrued from completed tasks or projects are documented
and shared.
Critical knowledge from employees leaving the company is retained.
The company shares best practices and lessons learned across the
organization so that there is no constant re-inventing of the wheel and
work duplications.
Benchmarking activities are conducted inside and outside the
company, the results of which are used to improve organizational
performance and create new knowledge.
The company articulates and continually reinforces the values of
learning and innovation.
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The company regards risk taking or committing mistakes as learning
opportunities, so long as they are not performed repeatedly.
Cross-functional teams are organized to tackle problems/concerns that
cut across the different units in the company.
People feel empowered and that their ideas and contributions are
generally valued by the company.
Management is willing to try new tools and methods.
Individuals are given incentives to work together and share
The company has a history (and maintains measures) of successfully
implementing knowledge management and other change initiatives.
Measures are in place for assessing the impact of knowledge
contributions and initiatives.
The company has achieved higher productivity through reduced cycle
time, bigger cost savings, enhanced effectiveness, more efficient use
of resources (including knowledge), improved decision-making, and
increased speed of innovation.
The company has increased its profitability as a result of productivity,
quality, and consumer satisfaction improvements.
The company has improved the quality of its products and/or services
as a result of applying knowledge to improve business processes or
customer relationships.
The company has sustained growth as a result of higher productivity,
increased profitability, and better-quality product and services.
III.2.2 Qualitative Approach: Semi-Structured Interview
After data from quantitative approach is successfully analysed and the outcome would be a maturity
level of knowledge management in sub-directorate XY, researcher will conduct a semi-structured interview with
Vice President in sub-directorate XY to share the result of quantitative data analysis and ask their opinion
openly to collect more information further and the strategy about the implementation. Beside interviewing the
senior leaders in sub-directorate XY, researcher will also conduct the semi-structured interview with the subject
matter expert (SME) in automation of internal process and interview him about the knowledge management
process in directorate IT. This qualitative research will enrich this research and provide more insight into how
the knowledge management implementation in sub-directorate XY and in directorate IT will be developed
further. The result of qualitative approach also will answer the reason or the why behind the respondent score
and the prioritization of the implementation that cannot be answered from closed-ended questions via
quantitative approach.
IV.1 Analysis
A comprehensive and structured analysis is needed to give the best solution that matches the sub-
directorate XY business issues. In this research, the researcher analyses the data based on quantitative data via
survey questionnaire and qualitative data from the interview process already conducted in the previous chapter.
The analysis process itself started with validity and reliability test result to ensure the collected data was valid
and reliable, after that, researcher continued the process into respondent analysis and KM maturity level
assessment analysis through each category in APO framework.
IV.1.1 Validity Test Result
A validity test is conducted to verify the data collection process through a quantitative approach via
questionnaire is valid. The below validity test uses using SPSS tool, two-tailed Pearson correlation coefficient
method for each question and compared to the r table with df = 56 (N-2) and 5% significance. The validity test
using SPSS tool and the result is all questions under each category are having value bigger than critical value
which indicating that the questionnaire is valid.
Assessment And Implementation Of Knowledge Management To Increase Digital Talents And…
*Corresponding Author: I Gusti Ngurah Bayu Saputra
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IV.1.2 Reliability Test Result
A reliability test is conducted to verify the data collection process through a quantitative approach via
questionnaire is reliable. Below reliability test is using SPSS tool to find out the Cronbach’s Alpha value for all
categories with the below result:
Table IV. 1 Questionnaire reliability test result
Reliability Test Using Cronbach Alpha
Cronbach Alpha Value
N of Items
Be Accepted
Be Accepted
Knowledge Process
Very Good
Learning &
KM Outcomes
Based on the above reliability test result, all category is had different ranges of Cronbach alpha values,
and most of them are above 0,7 indicating, that the reliability of this questionnaire is acceptable and good.
IV.1.3 Respondent Analysis
The survey was given to employees of Telkomsel under sub-directorate XY. Respondents filled the
survey through online forms using Microsoft Forms with participation level 96,67% with 58 respondents out of
60 respondents as total employees under sub-directorate XY. Based on Slovin’s formula, to obtain a 95%
confidence level with a 5% margin of error with a population size of 60 employees, the sample size required is
52 respondents hence this survey population can be categorized acceptable survey. The respondents are grouped
into several categories shown below figure:
Figure IV. 1 Age distribution of employees in sub-directorate XY
Figure IV. 2 Respondent’s work experience distribution in sub-directorate XY
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Figure IV. 3 Respondent’s current job position distribution in sub-directorate XY
Most of the respondents were employees aged 30 35 years old (41%) followed by employees aged >
40 years old (22%) and the next are employees with aged range 25 30 years old (17%) and the next are
employees with aged 35 40 years old (10%) and the last for employees with aged < 25 years old is on 9% of
the total population.
The working period of the respondents is dominated by 2 groups of age distribution, 5 10 years
working period with 24 employees from 58 respondents (41%) of the total population and followed dominated
by above ten years working period with 23 employees from 58 respondents (40%) of the total population. The
other population is divided into small populations distributed into less than one year working period and 1 3
years working period with four employees from 58 respondents (each 7%) of the total population. The last one
is with the working period of around 3 5 years with three employees from 58 respondents (5 %) of the total
The respondent current job position is dominated by officer position with 32 employees from 58
respondents (55%) of the total population, followed by manager position with 13 employees from 58
respondents (22%) of the total population, staff position with nine employees from 58 respondents (15%,) of the
total population, general manager position with two employees from 58 respondents (4%), senior officer and
vice president job position with each one employee from 58 respondents (2%) of the total population.
IV.1.4 Knowledge management maturity level in sub-directorate XY
From the survey result, sub-directorate XY has a score 157,03 out of the maximum 210, with a gap to
the maximum is around 52,97. This number represents that sub-directorate XY is still on the refinement level.
Refinement level means knowledge management in the sub-directorate XY is continuously evaluated and
improved. This is a good start for sub-directorate XY, but if we see clearly, the score is still far away to hit the
mature level, hence there are some improvements that sub-directorate XY should adjust.
Table IV. 2 KM Maturity score of sub-directorate XY
Max Score
Category Score
Score Gap
KM Leadership
Knowledge Processes
Learning & Innovation
KM Outcomes
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Figure IV.4 Radar chart of APO KM Maturity level in sub-directorate XY
Figure IV.5 Column chart of APO KM Maturity level by category in sub-directorate XY
Based on the above column chart, the average value from all categories is 22,43, with the highest
category in technology with a score 25,60. Another category above average is the process category with 23,88
score, the learning and innovation category, with a 22,71 score, and KM outcomes category with score 22,57.
Entering the below average score category, in leadership category, the score is 21,74, for people category the
score is 20,67 and the lowest score is on knowledge process category with score 19,86.
IV.1.5 KM Leadership category score and analysis
KM Leadership in sub-directorate XY is the third lowest score from all categories based on survey
results with a score 21,74 out of 30 as a max score. If we go through each question under KM leadership
category, we will see that questions LDR2 and LDR3 are under average among all questions. Starting with the
lowest average score in (LDR3), respondents or employees in sub-directorate XY feel the financial resources or
budget is allocated adequately for knowledge management initiatives with an average score of 3,02. The second
lowest average score is LDR2 question related sub-directorate XY is organized to accommodate knowledge
management activities. The result score is 3,25 indicating this process is already done inadequately.
Following up for the next question, LDR4 question related to how Telkomsel has a policy for
safeguarding knowledge have an average score of 3,41. LDR6 question about management promotes,
recognizes, and rewards sharing of knowledge and innovation process. LDR5 questions about managers
becoming the role-model in the values of knowledge sharing, and collaborative working have an average score
of 3,51. Question LDR1 with the highest average score in KM leadership category, the question about
Telkomsel has knowledge management (KM) strategy linked to the company vision and mission and respondent
give average score with 3,55. The average scores in all questions under KM leadership categories range from 3
up to 4 means that KM Leadership category in sub-directorate XY is between doing adequately and doing well
and to make it more mature, several improvements and adjustments are needed.
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Figure IV. 6 Survey result chart on KM Leadership category
IV.1.6 Process category score and analysis
Process category in sub-directorate XY is the second highest total score from all categories based on
survey results with a score of 23,88 out of 30 as a max total score with an average of 3,69 ranging from question
PRO1 until PRO6. If we go through each question under process category, we will see for question PRO1,
PRO3 and PRO4 are under average among all questions. Starting with the lowest below-average score in PRO3
question, new technology, knowledge shared in the company, flexibility, efficiency, and effectiveness are
factored into the design of processes with an average score of 3,55. The second lowest below-average score is
PRO4 question related to the company has organized system for managing crisis situations or unforeseen events
that ensures uninterrupted operations, prevention, and recovery and the result score is 3,25. The third lowest
below average score is PRO1 question related to the company determining its core competencies (strategically
important capabilities that provide competitive advantage) and aligning them to its mission and strategic goals,
and the result score is 3,64.
Following up for the next question, PRO5 question related to the company implementing and managing
its key work processes to ensure that customer requirements are met. Business results are sustained and the
average score is 3,69. PRO2 question about the company designs its work systems and procedure to create value
for customers, achieve performance excellence and have an average score of 3,74. Last but not least, Question
PRO6 with the highest average score in the process category, the question about whether the company
continually evaluates and improves its work processes to achieve better performance, to reduce variations, to
improve products and services, and to be updated with the latest in business trends, developments, and
directions and the result score is 3,90. These average scores in all questions under process category range from 3
up to 4 means that process category in sub-directorate XY is between doing adequately and doing well.
Figure IV. 7 Survey result chart on Process category
IV.1.6 People category score and analysis
The people category in sub-directorate XY is the second lowest total score from all categories based on
survey results with a score of 20,67 out of 30 as a max total score with an average of 3,45 ranging from question
PPL1 to PPL6. If we go through each question under the people category, we will see that questions PPL2,
PPL3, and PPL4 are under average among all questions. Starting with the lowest below-average score in the
PPL2 question, the company has a systematic induction process for new staff, including familiarity with KM
and its benefits, the KM system, and tools, with an average score of 2,92. The second lowest below-average
score is the PPL3 question. The company has formal mentoring, coaching, and tutoring processes, and the result
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score is 3,21. The third lowest below-average score is the PPL4 question related to the company having a
database of staff competencies, and the result score is 3,14.
Following up on the next question, the PPL1 question related to the company's education, training, and
career development program building employee knowledge, skills, and capabilities, supporting the achievement
of overall objectives, and contributing to high performance, and the average score is 3,32. PPL5 questions about
knowledge sharing and collaboration are actively encouraged and rewarded/corrected and have an average score
of 3,32. Last but not least, Question PPL6 with the highest average score in the people category, the question
about employees is organized into small teams/groups (i.e., quality circles, work improvement teams, cross-
functional teams, Communities of Practices) to respond to workplace problems or concerns and the result score
is 3,34. These average scores in all questions under the people category range from 3 up to 4. This means that
the process category in sub-directorate XY is between doing adequately and doing well, but several categories
need improvement.
Figure IV. 8 Survey result chart on People category
IV.1.7 Technology category score and analysis
The technology category in the sub-directorate XY is the highest total score from all categories based on survey
results, with a score of 25,60 out of 30 as a max total score with an average score of 4,27 ranging from question
TEC1 to TEC6. If we go through each question in the technology category, we can see that questions TEC1,
TEC2, TEC5, and TEC6 are under average among all questions. Started with the lowest below-average score for
the TEC2 question; the IT infrastructure is aligned with the company's KM strategy, and the result score is 3,56.
The second lowest below-average score is the TEC1 question; management has established an IT Infrastructure
(i.e., internet, intranet, and website) and has developed capabilities to facilitate effective KM, and the result
score is 3,62. The third lowest below-average score is TEC5 question-related. Information delivered on the
website/intranet is updated on a regular basis, and the result score is 3,14. The last below-average score is for
the TEC6 question, Intranet (or similar network) is used as a major source of company-wide communication to
support knowledge transfer or information sharing, and the result score is 3,97.
The next analysis is for questions that have scored above average among all questions in the Technology
category. TEC4 questions about everyone having access to the internet/intranet and an email address, and the
average score is 4,44. The TEC3 question about everyone having access to a computer has the biggest average
score among all questions under the technology category, with an average score of 4,5. All average scores in all
questions under the technology category range from 3,5 up to 4,5 means that the technology category in sub-
directorate XY is between doing adequately and doing well.
Figure IV. 9 Survey result chart on Technology category
IV.1.8 Knowledge Processes category score and analysis
The knowledge processes category in sub-directorate XY is the lowest total score from all categories
based on survey results with a score of 19,86 out of 30 as a max total score with an average score of 3,31
ranging from question KMP1 to KMP6. This category is the only category with an average score below 20
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compared to scores in all categories. If we go through each question in the knowledge processes category, we
can see 4 out of 6 questions that are below average. There are KMP1, KMP2, KMP3, and KMP4. Starting with
the lowest below-average score for the KMP4 question, Critical knowledge from employees leaving the
company is retained, and the result score is 2,97. So far, this is the lowest score from all questions in all
categories. The second lowest below-average score is the KMP2 question. The company maintains a knowledge
inventory that identifies and locates knowledge assets or resources throughout the organization, and the result
score is 3,06. The third lowest below-average score is the KMP5 question related to the company sharing best
practices and lessons learned across the organization so that there is no constant re-inventing of the wheel and
work duplications, and the result score is 3,07. The last below-average score is for the KMP3 question;
knowledge accrued from completed tasks or projects is documented and shared; the result score is 3,09.
The following analysis is for the questions that have scored above average among all questions in the
knowledge processes category. For example, the KMP1 question about the company has systematic processes
for identifying, creating, storing, sharing, and applying knowledge, and the average score is 3,2. The KMP6
question about Benchmarking activities are conducted inside and outside the company, the results of which are
used to improve organizational performance and create new knowledge, have an average score of 3,32. All
average scores in all questions under the knowledge processes category range from 2,97 up to 3,32 means that
the knowledge processes category in sub-directorate XY is between doing poorly and doing adequately.
Figure IV. 10 Survey result chart on Knowledge Processes category
IV.1.8 Learning & Innovation category score and analysis
The learning & innovation category in the sub-directorate XY is the third highest total score from all
categories based on survey results, with a score of 22,71 out of 30 as a max total score with an average score of
3,78 ranging from question LNI2 until LNI6. If we go through each question in the learning & innovation
category, there are 2 out of 6 questions below average among all questions; there are LNI2 and LNI6 questions.
Started with the lowest below-average score in the learning & innovation category; for the LNI6 question,
individuals are given incentives to work together and share information, and the result score is 3,13. The second
lowest below-average score is the LNI2 question; the company regards risk-taking or committing mistakes as
learning opportunities, so long as they are performed sparingly, and the result score is 3,5.
The following analysis is for questions that have scored above average among all questions in the
learning & innovation category. There are LNI1, LNI3, LNI4, and LNI5. For example, the LNI1 question about
the company articulates and continually reinforces the values of learning and innovation, and the average score
is 3,58. The LNI5 question has the same score as the LNI1 question; the question is about whether management
is willing to try new tools and methods, and the score is 3,58. LNI3 question is about cross-functional teams that
are organized to tackle problems/concerns that cut across the different units in the company and have an average
score of 3,65. Lastly, with the highest score in the learning & innovation category, question LNI4 asking about
people feeling empowered and that their ideas and contributions are generally valued by the company, has an
average score of 3,83. All average scores in all questions under the learning & innovation category range from
3,13 up to 3,83 means that the learning & innovation category in the sub-directorate XY is doing adequately.
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Figure IV. 11 Survey result chart on Learning & Innovation category
IV.1.9 KM Outcomes score and analysis
KM outcomes category in sub-directorate XY is the fourth highest total score from all categories based
on survey results with a score of 22,57 out of 30 as a max total score with an average score of 3,76 ranging from
question KMO1 to KMO6. If we go through each question in the KM outcomes category, there are 3 out of 6
questions below average among all questions; there are KMO1, KMO2, and KMO3 questions. Started with the
lowest below-average score in the KM outcomes category; for the KMO2 question, measures are in place for
assessing the impact of knowledge contributions and initiatives, and the result score is 3,28. The second lowest
below-average score is the KMO1 question; the company has a history (and maintains measures) of successfully
implementing knowledge management and other change initiatives, and the result score is 3,35. In the KMO3
question, as the third below-average score question, the question is how the company has achieved higher
productivity through reduced cycle time, more significant cost savings, enhanced effectiveness, more efficient
use of resources (including knowledge), improved decision-making, increased speed of innovation and the score
result is 3,37.
The subsequent analysis is for the questions that have scored above average among all questions in the
KM outcomes category. There are KMO4, KMO5, and KMO6 questions. KMO5 question is about whether the
company has improved the quality of its products and services due to applying knowledge to improve business
processes or customer relationships, and the average score is 3,67. The KMO4 question is about whether the
company has increased its profitability due to productivity, quality, and consumer satisfaction improvements,
and the score is 3,71. Lastly, with the highest score in the KM outcomes category, question KMO6 asks whether
the company has sustained growth due to higher productivity, increased profitability, and better-quality product
and services, having an average score of 3,74. All average scores in all questions under the KM outcomes
category range from 3,28 up to 3,74 means that the KM outcomes category in sub-directorate XY is doing
Figure IV. 12 Survey result chart on KM Outcomes category
IV.1.9 Knowledge Management Maturity Level in sub-directorate XY (Qualitative Analysis)
Semi-Structured Interview
The first interview with the Vice President of sub-directorate XY was conducted on 12 April 2023, 10
AM, in the meeting room at Telkomsel Smart office, 16th floor. The interview lasted around 45 minutes. In the
early interview activity, the researcher briefly explained the APO framework and the survey result and, along
the way, interviewed him per category.
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The second interview was conducted on the same day and in the same room, at 4 PM, and lasted
around 40 minutes, with General Manager in IT Directorate. The interview sequence is the same as the first
interview, like introducing the APO Framework in the beginning, sharing the survey result, and continuing to
the interview session.
The analysis of this interview activity shows that both interviewees had similar sentiment responses to
the KM Maturity level in sub-directorate XY. The negative sentiment that later can be as an opportunity to sub-
directorate XY and directorate IT is in the category KM Leadership, People, KM Processes, Learning and
Innovation, and KM outcomes.
IV.1.10 Data Triangulation
Quantitative and qualitative results will be analysed further using data triangulation analysis. Data
Triangulation analysis will determine the relationship between quantitative and qualitative analysis results
which are categorized as convergence (the result is identical), complementary (the result completes each other),
and divergent (the result is contradictive of each other). The triangulation result shows that quantitative and
qualitative data have a convergent and complementary relationship.
IV.2 Business Solution
Based on Quantitative, Qualitative, and data Triangulation analysis, researcher found several
opportunities that can be improved to overcome the weaknesses and increase the KM maturity level in sub-
directorate XY. The summary of the business solution is shown in the below table.
Table IV. 3 Business solution in sub-directorate XY
List of Solution
Create single knowledge
repositories in Sub-directorate
To make a centralized
knowledge asset easy to
access, search, and store.
Create IT Knowledge Hub
platform in sub-directorate
This is the ultimate
version of the single
knowledge repositories.
IT Knowledge hub would
have features to analyse
the sources of every
document located in the
knowledge repositories
and to make it easier to
search and have insight
for specific use cases or
Set a workflow of knowledge
management processes
starting from the induction
process, working in the unit,
and for resigned employees in
sub-directorate XY
KM Process
To retain the knowledge
from each employee and
make the knowledge a
company’s asset not an
employee’s asset.
To accelerate the
knowledge transfer
process and minimize the
business impact when key
employees are transferred
or resign.
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List of Solution
Add employees of the month
criteria with knowledge
management activities,
learning, and innovation
submission participation rate
1, LNI 6,
KM Process
Motivate employees who
contribute extra positively
to the company outside
their daily job
responsibilities in KM
activities, learning, and
Gamification of knowledge
activity (identify, create, store,
share, and apply), learning
hours, and innovation
1, LNI 6,
KM Process
To stimulate the KM
activities more exciting
and provide rewards and
incentives to the
employees who contribute
Kick-off for knowledge unit
team in sub-directorate XY
KM People
To prevent the same
mistake in developing the
KM system in the past,
the KM unit is needed to
make the KM activities
up-to-date and
continuously promoted
and executed.
Regular biweekly sharing
sessions on sub-directorate
KM Process
To increase the KM
activities culture in sub-
directorate XY.
Set budget allocation to
support KM activities like
inviting external speakers.
KM Process
To support KM activities
related to financial needs
in sub-directorate XY,
especially for
benchmarking and
knowledge sharing with
external parties.
Set informal coaching and
mentoring process to
collaborate with other sub-
directorate or outside the
KM People
To increase motivation,
feedback culture, self-
development, and career
vision support sub-
directorate XY's goals to
be a learning and
innovative organization.
Survey all sub-directorate XY
employees about their
technical skills, competencies,
and capabilities
KM Process
Sub-directorate will have
skills, competencies, and
capabilities that can be
utilized and combined to
build a community of
practice or organizational
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List of Solution
Set Biweekly Knowledge
creation program success
stories, lessons learned from
projects, and incident
KM Process
To make sub-directorate
XY a knowledge-driven
organization that will
keep learning and be the
learning organization that
will learn from past
activities to support any
decision-making or
solving any issue in the
Quarterly external speaker-
sharing sessions as benchmark
KM Process
To increase the KM
awareness, learning, and
innovation value from
Commitment from leaders to
promote KM processes and
stated in the Leader Action
Plan from the Managerial
level to VP Level
KM People
To increase the awareness
and engagement on
implementing KM
activities, learning, and
innovation on sub-
directorate XY
employees, which is
influenced by their leader
as a role model (change
Find a ready-to-use
Knowledge Management
System (framework/platform)
that meets sub-directorate XY
or IT Directorate needs
To choose the tools or
framework for
implementing the
knowledge management
system or IT knowledge
Internal Innovation
Competition in sub-directorate
XY per semester
KM Process
To increase the innovation
rate in sub-directorate XY
and allow high-
performance employees
who actively contribute to
sub-directorate XY
through learning,
research, and innovation.
Weekly Sharing about
everything related soft skills
or technical or technology or
anything that is related and
valuable for sub-directorate
KM Process
To create sharing
activities embedded in the
sub-directorate XY
weekly culture and to
increase the employee's
willingness to share with
Based on data collection analysis from quantitative and qualitative data, the current KM Maturity level
in sub-directorate XY Telkomsel is at the refinement level with a score of 157,03 points out of 210 points for its
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*Corresponding Author: I Gusti Ngurah Bayu Saputra
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KM practice. This refinement level shows that KM implementation in sub-directorate XY is continuously
evaluated and improved. Several KM categories need to be enhanced in the Knowledge Processes, People, and
KM Leadership categories.
The proper knowledge management design for supporting digital talents and innovation in sub-
directorate XY to support business transformation in Telkomsel is a combination of an influential culture that
promotes and appreciates learning, KM activities, and innovation processes, strong leadership from leaders that
commit to promoting the implementation of knowledge management in sub-directorate XY, resource
allocation to manage the knowledge management in sub-directorate XY, supported by KM technologies and
framework to accelerate the KM activities like KM creation, store, sharing and apply and last but not least, KM
implementation in sub-directorate XY should continuously be evaluated, adjusted and improved align with the
technology and business trends that embedded in Telkomsel strategic goals.
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*Corresponding Author: I Gusti Ngurah Bayu Saputra
(School of Business Management, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia)