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Infinity Gauntlet Table Guide
By ShoryukenToTheChin
Key to Table Image Above
1. Lower Thanos Target
2. Upper Left Thanos Target
3. Left Orbit
4. Gauntlet Ramp
5. Left Spinner
6. Monument Ramp
7. Right Spinner
8. Right Orbit
9. Giveback Orbit
10. Thanos Ramp
11. Kiss of Death Sink Hole
12. Upper Right Thanos Target
13. Upper Gauntlet Ramp
In this Guide when I mention a Ramp etc. I will put a number in brackets which will correspond to the Key
above, so that you know where on the Table that particular feature is located.
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This Table was one of the 4 Tables included in the Avengers Chronicles Pack, based on the Marvel Comic
Event called The Infinity Gauntlet. This Table tells the Story of the Event by means on a Pinball; blending
Artwork with Audio Cues to truly make you feel like you are living through said Event. It features great
gameplay; it really delves into the virtual aspect of these Tables as it contains crazy Modes such as flipping
the Table upside down or slowing down time. It is truly the most unique Table in terms of Modes etc. and is
tied as my Personal Favourite along with Moon Knight & Fear Itself Tables.
I will try to explain the ins and outs of this Table, as with every Table it becomes more fun if you know what
it is you are actually doing
Make sure to try out the other classic Tables from Pinball FX 1, as well as the Tables from Pinball FX2, Zen
Pinball 2 & Marvel Pinball.
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Skill Shot*Note - The items change must faster on Ball 2 & 3 of your Game!*
The Skill Shot process for this Table is quite different from the other Tables in Zen’s Library. It’s basically a
Wheel of Fortune type of deal; the Dot – Matrix displays several different items which can be attained by
launching the Ball at the right time when that particular item is shown.
The awards available are as follows
Soul Pop Bumpers (Best choice from the awards available!)
If you launch the Ball when Soul Pop Bumpers is displayed; you will notice that the Bumpers
located at the Upper Right hand side of the Table will begin to flash. When you launch the Ball it
will land in between them and begin to hit them, notice that the Dot Matrix will display some Points
in the Hundreds of Millions but this isn’t Points as you know it. You need to make that Counter
reach 1000 Million Souls to make the Half of The Universe Mode (Explained later in the Guide)
available at the Kiss of Death Sink Hole (11).
I usually go for Soul Pop Bumpers with a full charged Launch (Using the ‘Launch’ Button on my
Controller) I then proceed to keep the Ball up there for as long as I can with the Top Right Flipper, if
the Ball drains down the Silver Surfer Board (Explained later in the Guide under Surf The Board) or
I knock the ball up the Upper Gauntlet Ramp (13) I then allow the Ball to drain. The Ball will then
be saved and it will be shot up to the Bumpers again, now I will try to keep the Ball there as long as I
can. This usually nets me 200 Million Souls out of the 1000 Million Souls needed, so it’s a good
tactic in my opinion.
Points related awards
Such as 1 Million Points etc.
Impress the Mistress (Explained later in the Guide)
Super Skill Shot
If you launch the Ball when Super Skill Shot is displayed; you will then need to hit the Ball into the
Gauntlet within 10 or so Seconds, this can be achieved by hitting the Ball up the Upper Gauntlet
Ramp (13) with the Top Right Flipper or by hitting the Ball up the Gauntlet Ramp (4).
Advance Multiplier (Explained later in the Guide)
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Kick Back (Givebacks) & Ball Save (Gauntlet Saver & As it was Again!)
KickbacksActivating the Kickbacks or Givebacks as they are called on this Table is quite different from
the usuall method you are used to, I will explain
You may of noticed that hitting the Ball through the Gauntlet via either the Gauntlet Ramp (4), Monument
Ramp (6) *Note - The Death Target must be removed first for the Ball to be able to go up this Ramp*
or the Upper Gauntlet Ramp (13) will cause the Ball will divert between a total of 5 different ways
Into the Power Shot (Explained later in the Guide)
Left Inlane
Above the Upper Left Thanos Target (2)
To the Bumpers area at the Upper Right of the Table
Right Inlane
If the Ball is diverted to the Upper Left Thano Target (2) you will then need to hit the Ball through the
Giveback Orbit (9) using the Top Left Flipper to successfully activate the Left Giveback (Kickback), repeat
the process again to light the Right Giveback (Kickback).
*Note - This Table does reset the Kickbacks earned if you lose a Ball*
Ball SaveThis is know as Gauntlet Saver on this Table; its activated by repeating the process detailed
above for attaining the Givebacks (Kickbacks) on this Table, it will only activate if you have both of the
Givebacks (Kickbacks) activated first.
*Note – Gauntlet Saver remains active until you lose the Ball*
There is also a normal Ball Save called ‘As it was Again’ this is activated in various Gem Main Missions
and Multiball Modes etc.
*Note – Ball Save remains active until you lose the Ball or the Ball Save timer runs out*
Left Kickback
Notification Light
Right Kickback
Notification Light
Gauntlet Saver
Notification Light
Ball Saver –
Notification Light
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Extra Balls
The 4 Ways to achieve an Extra Ball, they are always collected at the Upper Right Thanos Target (12) -
Max out the Multipliers - (Explained later in the Guide)
Silver Surfer Extra Ball - (Explained later in the Guide)
Kiss of Death Extra Ball - (Explained later in the Guide)
Power Shot Extra Ball - (Explained later in the Guide)
UATU Scoring
This Hurry Up Mode is activated upon lighting up all the 4 ‘UATU’ Rollovers, they are lit when the Ball
rolls down them via the Ins & Outlanes and the Lit Rollover can be changed with either the Left or Right
Trigger Buttons on your Controller.
When they are all lit the Hurry Up Mode will begin, you gain points by hitting the Thanos Targets – Lower
Thanos Target (1), Upper Left Thanos Target (2) and Upper Right Thanos Target (12). Also you can hit the
4 ‘HERO’ Targets (These can be seen in the Raising the Multiplier section later in this Guide). When the
Mode ends the score attained in this Mode will be added to your score.
‘U’ ‘A’
‘T’ ‘A’
Extra Ball
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Surf the Board –
To gain Points in this Hurry Up Mode you must hit either the Upper Left Thanos Target (2) or the Right
Orbit (8). Every time you successful hit one of these the Silver Surfer will then take control of the Ball and
send it round the Giveback Orbit (9). Once the Mode ends the Points attained in this Mode will be added to
your score.
If you managed to get the Silver Surfer to send it round the Giveback Orbit (9) by hitting either Upper Left
Thanos Target (2) or the Right Orbit (8) a total of 9 times in the same Game, you will be awarded with the
Silver Surfer Extra Ball which can be collected by hitting the Upper Right Thanos Target (12) with the Top
Right Flipper to claim it.
Kiss of Death -
This is tied to the Combo System in place on this Table, every 2+ Ramp/Orbit Combo you do will add to the
Impress the Mistress Level and once you reach Level 9 (Completion of 9 Combo shots) of that you will then
need to hit the Kiss of Death Sink Hole (11) to gain access to the Kiss of Death reward Mini Game.
A bunch of rewards will be cycling through the Dot – Matrix ranging from Points to lighting Kiss of
Death Extra Ball which can be collected by hitting the Upper Right Thanos Target (12) with the Top Right
Flipper to claim it, use the ‘Launch’ Button on your Controller to stop the Dot – Matrix on a reward or wait
about 8 Seconds and the Game will chose for you.
Silver Surfer Board The Ball
needs to roll off this about 5
times to start the Surf the Board
Hurry Up Mode.
Silver Surfer He will move to
this position when the Hurry Up
Mode is active.
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Power Shot -
You may of noticed that hitting the Ball through the Gauntlet via either the Gauntlet Ramp (4), Monument
Ramp (6) *Note - The Target must be removed first for the Ball to be able to go up this Ramp* or the
Upper Gauntlet Ramp (13) will cause the Ball to divert between a totall of 5 different ways
Into the Power Shot
Left Inlane
Above the Upper Left Thanos Target (2)
To the Bumpers area at the Upper Right of the Table
Right Inlane
When the Ball diverts into the Power Shot Launch Lane –
If you want to go for the Multiplier Targets which are the 4 ‘HERO’ Targets then you will need to adjust the
Plunger with the Right Analogue Stick on your Controller and release it when ‘TARGETS’ is displayed on
the Dot – Matrix.
For the Orbit launch the Ball by pressing the ‘Launch’ Button down on your Controller and releasing it
when ‘ORBIT’ is displayed on the Dot – Matrix.
The more times you successful do a Power Shot the more the Points for doing one increases, also if you
manage to do about 7 Power Shots in one Game you will light the Power Shot Extra Ball which can be
collected by hitting the Upper Right Thanos Target (12) with the Top Right Flipper to claim it.
Power Shot Launch Lane You
can either launch the Ball by
pressing the ‘Launch’ Button down
and releasing or you can adjust the
Plunger with the Right Analogue
Stick on your Controller.
shown here (Dot Matrix) is what
then you will be aiming for when you
launch the Ball and it also displays
the amount of Points you will get for
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Increasing the Multipliers
The Multipliers on this Table are advanced by hitting the Ball at the all 4 ‘HERO’ Targets. You can also use
the Power Shot (Detailed earlier in the Guide) mechanic to make this a bit easier or use the Top Left Flipper
by hitting the Ball very late. If you max out the Multiplier you will light max Multiplier Extra Ball which
can be collected by hitting the Upper Right Thanos Target (12) with the Top Right Flipper to claim it.
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Multiball Modes
There are 3 Multiball Modes on this Table –
Both the Monument & Gauntlet Multiball Modes are stackable; meaning you can activate the Monument
Multiball while in the Gauntlet Multiball as long as you have destroyed the Monument on the Monument
Ramp(6) which will be explained below. Therefore it would become a 4 Ball Multiball hybrid where the
Jackpots for each mode will be available.
You can also have the Both the Monument & Gauntlet Multiball Modes ready for Gem Main Missions like
Reality Gem etc. this can help you complete certain Gems or cause you to find it harder, its dependant on
your personal preference. You can also have the UATA Scoring and Surf the Board Hurry Up Modes active
as well.
Monument Multiball *2 Balls* –
To start this Multiball Mode you must first hit the Monument Ramp (6) several times to remove the Death
Target which is blocking access to the Ramp *Note – Be careful because hitting this causes the Ball to
rebound violently!*
Once the Death Target has been destroyed, hit the Ball up the Monument Ramp (6) this will destroy the
Monument that Thanos has made for Death. Now you must rebuild the Monument by hitting the 2 Spinners
Left Spinner (5) & Right Spinner (7) each time you hit one of those the Percentage of the Monument
rebuilding process increases. Once you get the Percentage up to 100 % the Monument Multiball will begin.
The Objective of this Multiball is to hit the 2 Spinners Left Spinner (5) & Right Spinner (7) each time you
hit one of those the Jackpot increases, the Jackpot maxes out at 1.5 Million Points. You then need to hit the
Monument Ramp (6) to collect the Jackpot.
The Multiball will continue as long as you have a minimum of 2 Balls in play, you will have to repeat the
above process again if you wish to re-enter this Multiball Mode again.
Death Target –
access to the Monument
Ramp (6), must be hit
several times to remove.
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Gauntlet Multiball *3 Balls*
To get this Multiball you must first hit the Pop Bumpers when they are not flashing about 45 or so times
After you have done that the Locking Mechanic will be active on the Gauntlet; you must hit the lit Ramps to
lock a Ball and each time it will be a different Ramp although always out of these 3 –
Gauntlet Ramp (4)
Monument Ramp (6) *Note - The Death Target must be removed first for the Ball to be able to
go up this Ramp*
Upper Gauntlet Ramp (13).
Once 3 Balls have been locked the Multiball Mode will begin. Jackpots can be attained via the Ramps which
divert into the Gauntlet –
Gauntlet Ramp (4)
Monument Ramp (6) *Note - The Death Target must be removed first for the Ball to be able to
go up this Ramp*
Upper Gauntlet Ramp (13).
After you have hit all of those 3 Ramps, it will reset and you can hit them again. I believe the Jackpot
increases with every reset.
The Multiball will continue as long as you have a minimum of 2 Balls in play, you will have to repeat the
above process again if you wish to re-enter this Multiball Mode again.
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Half of the Universe Multiball *4 Balls*
To start this Multiball Mode you must first claim 1000 Million Souls from the Soul Pop Bumpers; this is
activated when you -
Achieve a Soul Pop Bumpers Skill Shot award (Detailed earlier in the Guide)
Awarded from the Kiss of Death (Detailed earlier in the Guide)
By failing a Gem Main Mission (Explained later in the Guide) – This will make the Soul Pop
Bumpers flash for a short time.
By completing a Gem Main Mission (Explained later in the Guide) – This will make the Soul Pop
Bumpers flash for a short time, but once you get up to the Upper Right of the Table the Ball will be
kept up there and won’t be able to drain down the Silver Surfer Board as a reward for completing the
Gem Main Mission.
Regarding the Gem Main Missions when you Fail/Complete them you must then get the Ball up to the
Upper Right of the Table as fast you can, I tend to quickly hit the Ball up the Thanos Ramp (10) then hit the
Ball with the Top Right Flipper to try and hit the Bumpers as many times as possible till they stop Flashing.
I just keep rinsing and repeating this till they stop Flashing.
Once you have reached 1000 Million Souls; the Half of the Universe Multiball Mode can now be activated
by hitting the Kiss of Death Sink Hole (11).
*Note – Every Hero you have collected by raising the Multipliers (Explained earlier in the Guide
under ‘Raising the Multiplierssection) will work as a Ball Save, you can also light the 4 ‘HERO’
Targets within this Mode to gain another*
Upon hitting that you will be given 4 Balls; Red Gates will block all of the Paths (Ramps/Orbits) but one.
Hit that Path (Ramp/Orbit) and one of the Gates will disappear. Hit that newly lit Path (Ramp/Orbit) and
another Gate disappears. Rinse and repeat until all of the Gates are gone and the Monument Ramp (6) is lit.
Shoot the Monument Ramp (6) and you will earn one random Gem as well as a Super Jackpot.
The Gates will then re-erect but this time you will only gain a Super Jackpot not a Random Gem, for that
you must drain 3 of the Balls then collect 1000 Million Souls again etc.
The Multiball will continue as long as you have a minimum of 2 Balls in play, you will have to repeat the
above process again if you wish to re-enter this Multiball Mode again.
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Gem Main Missions
To start one of the Main Missions you must first hit the Gauntlet a total of 3 times via either the Gauntlet
Ramp (4), Monument Ramp (6) *Note - The Death Target must be removed first for the Ball to be able
to go up this Ramp* or the Upper Gauntlet Ramp (13).
Upon hitting the Gauntlet 3 times one of the Gem Main Missions will activate, below is how to complete
each thus collecting the Gem -
Time Gem
Help Silver Surfer who is trapped in Time by the Mad Titan Thanos –
To free Silver Surfer you must hit one of the 3 Thanos Targets –
Lower Thanos Target (1)
Upper Left Thanos Target (2)
Upper Right Thanos Target (12)
Then you are given about 20 or so seconds to hit one of the 2 Spinners - Left Spinner (5) & Right Spinner
You must then repeat the above a further 2 times to finish the Mission and you acquire the Time Gem as
well as Completion Bonus Points.
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Power Gem
A massive GOD Monument will be put at the centre of the Table Playfield, so be carefully as hitting it as at
this moment of time it could result in a Ball Drain.
The objective is to power up the Ball to allow you to destroy the God Monument; this is done by hitting the
Ball up the Thanos Ramp (10) then hitting the Pop Bumpers with the Top Right Flipper. Rinse and repeat till
you have hit the Bumpers 25 times, 2 Balls will then be added and be infused with the necessary power to
destroy the GOD Monument.
You then have 3 Balls on the Playfield; you need to keep hitting the GOD Monument till it is destroyed, the
progress of this can be seen on the Dot - Matrix. Destroying it completes the Mission and you acquire the
Power Gem as well as Completion Bonus Points.
The Mission will continue as long as you have a minimum of 2 Balls in play, you will have to repeat the
above process again if you wish to re-enter this Gem Main Mission again.
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Mind Gem
Upon starting this Mission you will see 2 Balls floating around on the centre of the Playfield, also you will
notice that the Flipper controls have been reversed meaning – Holding or pressing the Triggers on your
Controller will now release the Flipper instead of pull/hold the Flipper up.
This is the one that most people are having trouble with, but I figured out the trick to it. It's a pretty simple
trick really. You just need to let the Flippers catch the Balls. In other words, don't press the Trigger Buttons
on your Controller at all. The Balls rarely do a side drain in this Mission and since the Flippers are up, the
gap between the Flippers is even smaller than usual. Not to mention, the extra elastic Slingshots really come
in handy in this Mission.
Now on to completing this Mission and collecting the Gem - In the 1
Phase, you need to free the captured
Balls with the Blue Ball. If the Blue Ball drains before you rescue any of the captured Balls, the Mission will
end. My advice is let the Blue Ball rest on the Flipper (a simple Nudge will do it) and then press and release
the Trigger Button on your Controller to free the other Balls. About 50% of the time, the Blue Ball will hit
one of the captured Balls while coming down from the Gauntlet at the start of the Mission, so you may not
even have to worry about this Phase at all.
In 2
Phase, The Mission will continue as long as you have a minimum of 2 Balls in play, you will have to
repeat the above process again if you wish to re-enter this Gem Main Mission again.
You will need to hit the Gauntlet 6 times via the Gauntlet Ramp (4), Monument Ramp (6) or the Upper
Gauntlet Ramp (13). This is pretty simple to do, when the 2/3 Balls are captured on the Flippers. Just aim for
the Gauntlet Ramp (4) with the Ball on the Right Flipper and Monument Ramp (6) with the Ball on the Left
Flipper, this is assuming you have at least a Ball on each of the Flippers. Just keep hitting those Ramps and
the Ball will continue to go through the Gauntlet, the last hit needed for the Gauntlet is only 1 Ball which is
the Blue Ball as the other 2 Balls are locked in the Gauntlet. Once you have hit the Gauntlet 6 times the
Mission is completed and you acquire the Time Gem as well as Completion Bonus Points.
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Reality Gem
Once the Reality Gem Main Mission begins the Table Playfield will be turned upside down, don’t worry you
have Infinite Ball Saver while this Mission is active
You start of which a time limit of about 30 or so Seconds in which you need to build up the Percentage
Metre (Seen on the Dot Matrix) to restore Reality to 100% by hitting the lit Ramps/Orbits (solid lights),
before the time runs out. Each time you hit a lit Ramp/Orbit, the lit Ramp/Orbit will change. Repeat the
process of hitting the solid lit Ramps/Orbits till you reach 100%, also hitting the Pop Bumpers on the Upper
Right of the Table adds 1% to the Metre and will pause the time limit by 1 Second for each hit.
You can activate a Multiball Mode within this Mission like Monument or Gauntlet Multiball depending if
before this Mission became active that the Locking process for either was active. In my opinion having
Multiball makes this Mission a breeze.
Once you reach 100% the Mission is completed and you acquire the Reality Gem as well as Completion
Bonus Points.
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Soul Gem
Upon activation of this Gem Main Mission you will be taken to the Soul Gem Mini – Playfield
This is quite a challenging Mission as you don’t have Flippers to control/keep the Ball on the Playfield; you
instead have 2 Magnets –
Left Magnet activated with the Left Trigger on your Controller
Right Magnet - activated with the Right Trigger on your Controller
You basically have to hit all 6 ‘GUILTY’ Targets on the Left side of the Soul Gem Mini – Playfield, and the
6 ‘GUILTY’ Targets on the Right Side. Finally once you have hit all the Targets you then need to hit the
Mission Complete Sink Hole which is now visible after the Centre Target had been knocked down.
Once that has been down the Mission is completed and you acquire the Soul Gem as well as Completion
Bonus Points.
Centre Target /
Sink Hole
Left Magnet
Right Magnet
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Space Gem
Upon starting this Mission Thanos will create a Purple Portal and will be standing over one of 3 places –
Gauntlet Ramp (4)
Monument Ramp (6)
Thanos Ramp (10)
After hitting the Ramp that Thanos was standing over you then need to hit the Flashing Ramp/Orbit or Kiss
of Death Sink Hole (11). This will lock Thanos into place and a Purple Portal will appear on the Tables
Playfield which you must hit –
Upon hitting the Portal you will hit Thanos, beware as you have a time limit of about 15 – 20 Seconds each
shot. Repeat the above process a further 2 times to complete the Mission and you acquire the Soul Gem as
well as Completion Bonus Points.
Purple Portal this
is an example of one
Thanos He can’t
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This Table has 2 Wizard/Frenzy Modes
Thanos Frenzy – This is activated by playing through each of the Gems once in the same game then
hitting the Ball up the Thanos Ramp (10).
Warlock Frenzy This is activated by collect all the Gems (Collection of each was explained
earlier in the Guide), then hitting the Ball up the Monument Ramp (6) *Note - The Death Target
must be removed first for the Ball to be able to go up this Ramp. Also be careful because
hitting this causes the Ball to rebound violently!*
Thanos Frenzy *Timed at 2 Minutes*
If you have played through (not completed) all the 6 Gems then you will have access to the Thanos Frenzy,
this can be started upon hitting the Ball up the Thanos Ramp (10). Once you have done that you will be
given a 2 Ball Multiball but wait you can’t see the lower Flippers! Yep that’s right but don’t worry you have
infinite Ball Save for the duration of this Mode. The Frenzy lasts about 2 Minutes you will notice all
Ramps/Orbits etc. will be lit and the more you hit them the more Jackpots you receive and after each hit the
Jackpot will be larger for the next hit, after the time is depleted the Flippers will be revealed and the points
accumulated in the Mode will be added to your score.
*Note - You will have complete all the Gem Missions and then play through the Warlock Frenzy.
Finally you will need to repeat the above process again if you wish to re-enter this Wizard/Frenzy
Mode again as the Table will reset upon failure/completion of the Warlock Frenzy.*
Also whatever Gems you collected on the journey to this Frenzy will remain collected/completed, so from
now on only the Gems you don’t have will be available via the Gauntlet for example the only Gem you have
left to get is the Mind Gem, so now the only Gem Mission available will be the Mind Gem.
Lower Flippers are covered up
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Warlock Frenzy *Timed at 2 Minutes* -
Now if you managed to complete all 6 Gem Missions then you will be able to start the true Wizard Mode of
the Table which is Warlock Frenzy, its available at the Monument Ramp (6) *Note - The Death Target
must be removed first for the Ball to be able to go up this Ramp* once you successfully hit the Ball up
there the Frenzy will begin.
You will be given a 4 Ball Multiball and a Infinite Ball Saver for the duration of this Mode which is 2
Minutes. In those 2 Minutes you must complete all 3 Phases to defeat the Mad Titan Thanos and recover the
Infinity Gauntlet
Phase 1: Hit the Gauntlet via Gauntlet Ramp (4), Monument Ramp (6) or the Upper Gauntlet Ramp
(13) a total of 6 times.
Phase 2: Hit the Thanos Targets - Lower Thanos Target (1), Upper Left Thanos Target (2) and
Upper Right Thanos Target (12) a total of 15 times.
Phase 3: Hit the Monument Ramp (6) a total of 4 times.
While you play through the 3 Phases the Playfield will be affected by a random condition such as it being
upside down, Flippers being covered, reverse Flipper position or magnetic bursts which effect the Balls
movement etc. and all these will constantly alternate while in this Frenzy. After completion of Phase 3 you
will be award some Completion Bonus Points which I believe is 50 Million Points.
After completion/failure, the progress of the Table will be reset thus Table Reset!
Special Thanks to all the Zen Studios Forum Community! Members such as Cloda, shogun00, PSKay,
snakeman07, Rafie, tenorhero & E113
I couldn’t have completed the Guide without your help
either directly or indirectly - you are all awesome!!!
In closing I hope you enjoyed this Table, I certainly have and I hope by using this Guide it increases that
Fun factor for you and everyone else who plays with you etc.
Check out the other Tables available, they are all available to download on the Xbox Live Marketplace in
Add-Ons section or download it straight from the PFX2 Platform itself. Zen Pinball 2 on PlayStation
Network, Zen Pinball on the Apple AppStore, Zen Pinball 3D & Marvel Pinball 3D on Nintendo 3DS and
Zen Pinball THD on Android Marketplace.
Thanks for viewing my Guide,
Pinball is Supreme! SUPREME!!!