How to confirm the sources of financing of your project
This table shows the documents you need to provide to confirm different types
of project financing
If documents are in a language other than English or French, please provide a translation of the
main point, either in English or French.
For deal memos and contracts only, please complete in either English or French the summary
forms available on our website in the ‘Downloads’ section.
Please do not use these summary forms for letters of intent/commitment/interest.
For the purposes of confirming financing, a letter of intent/commitment must include a firm
undertaking to advance, grant or invest a specific monetary amount. This differs from a letter of
interest, where no such commitment is made.
Where an amount is shown with an upper and lower limit, the lowest amount will be considered.
Letters of intent/commitment/interest must be valid during the Project Evaluation Meeting and
dated no more than 6 months from the last day of the Project Evaluation meeting unless the letter
specifies validity beyond the six-month period.
It is the responsibility of the applying producers to obtain updated letters of intent
Source of Financing
Documents required
Public funds
national, regional,
Agreement, deal memo or a recent letter of intent/commitment
with amounts.
Official resolutions listing the project title and support amount can
also be accepted for certain funds but may be subject to
reconfirmation by the national authorities.
TV investments (both
presales and co-
Agreement, deal memo or a recent letter of intent with amounts. *
*For ARTE ZDF (or any other German public broadcaster), a letter specifying
that the broadcasters’ involvement is conditional on approval by the
Programme Conference will not be considered as a firm commitment in the
absence of additional confirmation from the broadcaster.
Guarantees (MG)
for distribution
(both national or
Agreement, deal memo or a recent letter of intent with amounts.
If the company acting as distributor or sales agent is the same
company as one of the co-producers or a company affiliated to one of
the co-producers, a recent bank letter covering the amount of the MG
to be invested in the film must be provided.
Source of Financing
Documents required
third party deferrals
Letter of intent with amounts clearly indicating the budgetary item(s)
to be deferred and signed by the authorized person (i.e. the relevant
producer when deferring the producer’s fee or the crew member
whose fees are being deferred).
Own investment
(including own
investment by
Recent bank letter or a bank statement detailing the liquidity available
on the account. Online banking extracts will be accepted provided the
name of the account owner is clearly visible.
Tax credit, tax
shelter, cash rebate,
production incentive
Austria: Letter of intent with amounts from FISA Filmstandort
Belgium: Agreement, deal memo or letter of intent with amounts
(dated no more than 6 months from the last day of the Project
Evaluation meeting) from the company providing the tax shelter and
the European certificate for the work issued by the competent
national authorities.
Canada: An opinion from a chartered accountant independent of the
producers confirming the eligibility of the project for the tax credit(s)
in question and including an estimation of the value of the tax
Croatia: Letter of intent with amounts from the Croatian Audiovisual
Centre (HAVC).
Cyprus: Letter of intent with amounts from Cyprus Film Commission.
Czechia: "Incentive Project Registration Certificate" / "Project Record
Certificate" from the Czech Film Fund or letter from the Fund
confirming that the project is eligible for the cash rebate.
Estonia: Letter of confirmation from the Estonian Film Institute,
stating the foreseen amount of the cash rebate.
Finland: Letter of intent with amounts from Business Finland.
France: Please note that the French tax credit available to French
producers cannot be confirmed for Eurimages. The foreign producer
tax credit (C2I - TRIP Tax Rebate for International Productions) to
the French production services company can however be confirmed
by an opinion letter from an independent chartered accountant
stating the amount.
Georgia: Letter of intent with amounts from Georgian National Film
Source of Financing
Documents required
Tax credit, tax
shelter, cash rebate,
production incentive
Germany: Letter of intent with amounts from the DFFF.
Greece: Letter of intent with amount from EKOME.
Temporary change of what should be provided. See news item on our
website or contact one of the Project Managers for further details.
Hungary: Proof that the production company and production are
officially registered with the National Film Office or, if appropriate, a
letter of confirmation from the Hungarian National Film Institute, or
if available the decision of the National Film Office establishing the
eligibility of support.
Iceland: Letter of intent with amount from the Icelandic Film Centre.
Ireland: Letter of opinion from a chartered accountant independent
of the producers stating the amount of the tax credit.
Italy: Copy of the electronic application form submitted to the
Ministry of Culture including the page stating the amount of the tax
Latvia: Letter of intent with amount from the relevant fund.
Lithuania: Certificate of Qualification with amounts from Lithuanian
Film Centre.
Netherlands: Letter of intent with amount from the Netherlands
Film Fund.
Norway: Letter of intent with amount from the Norwegian Film
Poland: Letter of intent with amounts from the Polish Film Institute
(PISF), or an Agreement for financial support with PISF.
Portugal: Letter of intent with amount from ICA.
Romania: For tax credit - agreement, deal memo or letter of intent
with amounts with the company investing in the film and
confirmation from the competent national authority. For cash rebate
letter of intent with amounts from the competent national
Serbia: Certificate confirming the eligibility of costs issued by Film
Centre Serbia or agreement on awarding incentive funds with
Ministry of Culture.
Source of Financing
Documents required
Tax credit, tax shelter,
cash rebate,
production incentive
Slovakia: Letter of intent with amount from Slovak Audiovisual Fund
confirming that the project is approved for the cash rebate.
Slovenia: Letter of intent with amount from Slovenian Film Centre.
Spain: Letter of intent with amounts and proof of registration as a
company of the AIE investor, or a letter of opinion from a chartered
accountant independent of the production stating the amount and
that the project is eligible.
Switzerland: Letter of intent with amount from the Federal Office
of Culture - Film Investment Refund Switzerland (PICS).
UK: confirmation that the project will have British qualifying status,
usually in the form of provisional recognition of the co-production
issued by the BFI, plus a calculation of the expected amount of the
Other countries: please contact the Eurimages Secretariat before
submitting your project.
Equity investments,
product placement,
Agreement, deal memo or a signed letter of intent with amounts and
information on recoupment and a recent bank letter (i.e. a letter
from the bank or a bank statement detailing the liquidity available)
pertaining to the company providing such financing.
In-kind contribution
(i) A list of goods/services that will be provided in-kind;
(ii) Evidence of possession of the material or of the services
provided through a price list, catalogue, website list, invoices for the
materials/equipment bought etc;
(iii) A clear indication of the corresponding item(s) in the production
budgets provided.
Please note the following when filling out the on-line financing plan:
- MGs for international sales shown on the financing plan must be shared among co-
producers in the same proportions as the co-production percentages, except where an
international sales advance is fully or partially financed by one or more Soficas. In this
case the entire Sofica-financed amount must be shown only on the French financing plan.
- Where the producer is also the distributor or sales agent for the film, or where the
distributor or sales agent is a company affiliated to the production company, an MG
for distribution or international sales can only be confirmed using a bank
letter or
- Please note that any letter of intent, with or without amounts, must be dated
six months of the last day of the Project Evaluation meeting, unless the letter specifies a
longer validity date. It is the responsibility of applying producers to obtain updated
letters where necessary.
- Deferrals of producer’s fees and overheads should be confirmed by a signed and dated
declaration from the co-producer(s) concerned. Please note, however, that
total deferrals
of fees and overheads plus in-kind contributions to the project can
only be considered as
confirmed to a maximum level of 15% of the total
production budget even though a
higher amount can be shown on the financing plan.
- Please note also that the amount of Eurimages support allocated to each co- producer
must, in principle, be in line with the co-production percentages, except
where non-
proportional allocation has been decided. In this case the rules laid down in Article
4.3.2 of the Eurimages regulations must be observed.
The Secretariat reserves the right to request any further evidence of financing it
necessary to assess the project. If you have questions on how to
confirm any type of
financing, please contact us.