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Standing Letter of Authorization/
Instruction Enrollment Form
and Agreement
Part 1 – Merrill accounts
*Use this if you would like to set up standing instructions and/or authorizations for transfers out of a Merrill Account.
To: Merrill
Account number: ______________________________________________
Title of account: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Start date: ____________________________________________ Expiration date: __________________________________________
Start date can’t fall on a non-business day. This Enrollment Form and Agreement should be received at the branch office three
days in advance of the start date to allow necessary time for system enrollment. If not received within this time frame, your
enrollment may be delayed until the next scheduled payment date. The expiration date will be the earlier of the date indicated
above and the date the Merrill account has been closed.
Type of transaction authorized (mark and complete only one):
Name of recipient: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Journal entry (transfer of cash and/or securities to another Merrill account):
Receiving account number at Merrill: _________________________________________________________
Receiving account name at Merrill:___________________________________________________________
If transferring to an IRA at Merrill, record as a:
Deductible IRA contribution; or
Non-deductible IRA contribution
You may only make current-year contributions to IRA accounts. Contributions may not be designated for a prior year.
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Register and ship securities
Social Security number/Employer Identification Number of recipient: _______________________________________________
Name securities to be registered In: __________________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Fedwire transfer to domestic recipient(s)
ABA routing number: ___________________________________________________________________
Bank name:______________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
For credit to account number: ___________________________________________________________
Name of account: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Further credit account number: ___________________________________________________________
Name of account:_________________________________________________________________________________________
Fedwire transfer to international recipient(s) [in U.S. dollars only]
Bank ABA routing number:_______________________________________________________________
Bank name:______________________________________________________________________________________________
International bank ID (Swift):_____________________________________________________________
International bank name: ___________________________________________________________________________________
City: ________________________________________________________________________________
Country: _____________________________________________________________________________
For credit to account number: ____________________________________________________________
Name of account:_________________________________________________________________________________________
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Please complete only one of the following shaded boxes. If more than one standing instruction is being established, please
complete one form for each.
Standing Letter of Instruction (STLOI)
If the transaction being authorized is for a set dollar amount or number of securities on a periodic basis, please complete the
For funds:
Amount: $ ________________________________________________
For Securities:
Quantity______________ Security description _________________________________________ Symbol______________
Frequency of transaction:
Monthly Quarterly Semi-annually Annually
Standing Letter of Authorization (STLOA)
If the amount or the timing of the transaction being requested will vary and will be provided to Merrill by verbal instruction,
please complete the following:
For Funds:
Maximum amount of each transaction (greater than 0): $ ________________________________________
For Securities:
Maximum number of shares (greater than 0): __________________________________________________
Maximum bond quantity (greater than 0): ____________________________________________________
Authorized Person(s)* who may request transactions based upon this Standing Letter of Authorization:
______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________
(name) (title)
______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________
(name) (title)
______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________
(name) (title)
______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________
(name) (title)
* An Authorized Person(s) is a person or entity that is already indicated on Merrill records for your account as authorized to direct the type of transaction described in
the STLOA. This may be someone named in your account agreement as an Authorized Representative (for entities) or an agent or attorney-in-fact appointed under
apowerof attorney or other approved document.
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This Agreement contains the terms and conditions governing the MerrillLynch Standing Letter of Authorization/Instruction program
(“Agreement). As used in this Agreement, “you,” and “your” mean each person who signs the Standing Letter of Authorization/Instruction
Enrollment Form (Enrollment Form). “We,” “our,” “us” and “MerrillLynch” means MerrillLynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated,
BankofAmerica, N.A., (“BankofAmerica” or “BANA”) and/or any of their affiliates named in this Agreement and the Enrollment Form.
“MerrillLynch account(s)” means any and all accounts you, or the entity you represent, have with us, which may include loan accounts
of our affiliates that are on or integrated with the MerrillLynch systems/platforms.
Acknowledgment, additional terms and amendments
You acknowledge that you have read this Agreement and agree to its terms and conditions. You also acknowledge that this Agreement
must be signed by the persons who signed the account-opening agreements required for the establishment of your MerrillLynchaccount(s),
and agree that any additional terms and conditions contained in those documents shall apply to you, or the entity you represent, in the
Standing Letter of Authorization/Instruction program, as if they were fully set out in this Agreement.
You agree that we shall have the right to amend this agreement by modifying or rescinding any of its existing provisions or by adding
any new provision. Any such amendment shall be effective as of a date to be established by us, subject to applicable law or regulation,
and notice to you.
You authorize us to effect transfers of funds and/or securities from your MerrillLynch accounts in the manner specified in the
Enrollment Form to which this Agreement relates, either 1) on a recurring basis in such amount or quantity and upon such schedule
as you have instructed in such Enrollment Form, or, 2) upon your or another Authorized Person’s telephone instruction, subject to any
limitations as you may have specified in such Enrollment Form. An Authorized Person(s) is a person or entity that is already indicated
on MerrillLynch records for your account as authorized to direct the type of transaction described in the STLOA. This may be someone
named in your account agreement as an Authorized Representative (for entities) or an agent or attorney-in-fact appointed under a
power of attorney or other approved document.
You understand that it is our current policy not to accept instructions transmitted by e-mail, although we reserve the right to
change this policy at any time. In the event that any erroneous transfers are made, you authorize us to initiate correcting entries
in your account and to act on your behalf to attempt to correct such errors to such extent as may be possible, provided that any
such correction is made in accordance with applicable laws, rules or regulations. You authorize any financial institution holding an
account of yours, to which you have authorized transfers to be made, to accept correcting instructions from us without responsibility
for the correctness thereof.
Business days and hours
Our business days for acceptance of instructions under the MerrillLynch Standing Letter of Authorization/Instruction program
are Monday through Friday, unless the New York Stock Exchange is closed, then we are closed as well. Requests for transfers are
accepted during business hours, which are generally between 8.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m.
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Types of instructions
Standing Letter of Instruction: The transaction you are requesting is for a set dollar amount or value or number of shares of
securities on a periodic basis. Once established, the transaction will occur automatically with no further instruction from you.
Standing Letter of Authorization: The transaction you are requesting will vary by amount (dollars or share/value) or timing and
requires your verbal instruction to MerrillLynch each time. Once established, you need not provide details regarding the recipient each
time. You may set a maximum dollar, share amount or quantity for each transaction.
Types of transfers
You may use the Standing Letter of Authorization/Instruction program to transfer funds and/or securities from your MerrillLynch
accounts, by MerrillLynch check, by Federal Reserve System wire transfer (wire transfer) or by journal entry to another specified
account atMerrillLynch, subject to certain limitations. You may request the following types of transfers:
Check: At your request, individual checks may be sent to you, your bank account, or to another party that you have specified in the
Enrollment Form in the amount you request, subject to any maximum amount that you may have established. Checks will be mailed
the next business day.
Register and ship: At your request, eligible securities may be held on the books and records of the issuer directly in your name
or in another party’s name.
Wire transfer: You may request that funds be transferred by Federal Reserve System wire transfer to an account in your name,
or in the name of another party, in the amount you specified on the Enrollment Form subject to any maximum amount you may
have established.
Journal entry: Funds or securities may be transferred, at your request, to another MerrillLynch account of yours or to another
party’s MerrillLynch account, as you specify on the Enrollment Form, in the amount or quantity you request, subject to any
maximum amount you may have established. Any journal-entry transfers will be made as of the close of business on the day
requested, ifreceived in time to be processed before the close of business at your local branch office. Otherwise, the transfer will
be made onthe next businessday.
Recurring transfers (Standing Letter of Instruction)
You may instruct transfers of funds and/or securities on a recurring basis, for a specific amount, to be made by check, by wire transfer
or by journal entry using the Enrollment Form. Such transfers may be scheduled on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis.
The date the first transfer is to be completed also must be specified on the Enrollment Form. If a recurring transfer is scheduled for a
non-business day, that transfer will be processed on the prior business day.
Start date
The start date can’t fall on a non-business day.
This Enrollment Form and Agreement should be received at the branch office three days in advance of the start date to allow
necessary time for system enrollment. If not received within this time frame, your enrollment may be delayed until the next
scheduled payment/transaction date.
Limits on transfer amounts
There is no minimum amount of funds or value of assets that you must transfer by check, by wire transfer, by journal entry to another
MerrillLynch account, or by request to register and ship. We reserve the right to establish minimum amounts upon notice to you.
The maximum amount of funds you may transfer is equal to your available credit balance. You may also establish a maximum
amount for transfers from your account for each Standing Letter of Authorization you establish, which maximum may be changed
byexecuting a new Enrollment Form.
The maximum number of shares of a security that you may transfer is equal to the settled number of shares of the specific security
inyour MerrillLynch account at the time of transfer. You may also establish a maximum amount for transfers from your MerrillLynch
account foreach Standing Letter of Authorization you establish, which maximum may be changed by executing a new Enrollment Form.
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Transfer confirmation
As part of your regular periodic account statement, you will receive detailed information about each check, wire transfer, register
andship request, or journal entry transfer that was completed during that statement period, pursuant to your Enrollment Form.
Youmay also check on the status of transfers at any time by calling MerrillLynch at 877.653.4732. Information about transfers is
also available online at merrilledge.com.
There are no charges for establishing a Standing Letter of Authorization/Instruction, for recurring or individual transfers by check
orbyjournal entry to another MerrillLynch account, or for incomplete transfers due to insufficient balances.
We may charge you a standard fee for each wire transfer; please consult your advisor regarding any applicable wire transfer fee. We
generally do not charge for transfers between MerrillLynch accounts. We do charge a fee for delivery of non-government securities.
Ifnot Direct Registration System (DRS)* eligible or participating, the fee is $500. If DRS* eligible, the fee is $25. We may change
ourfees upon notice to you.
* DRS eligibility is determined by the issuer of the stock.
Termination of the Standing Letter of Authorization/Instruction
Your Standing Letter of Authorization/Instruction Agreement and any Enrollment Form will remain in full force and effect until we
receive notification from you, or any authorized person, of its termination or until the expiration date shown in the Enrollment Form.
Any terminations will become effective as soon as we have had a reasonable amount of time to take action. You may cancel a Standing
Letter of Authorization/Instruction with us at any time, provided that the Agreement regarding prior transfers, affected for your
account, shall remain in effect. MerrillLynch and/or its affiliates reserve the right to cancel the Standing Letter of Authorization/
Instruction Agreement for any or no reason.
Stopping or cancelling a transfer
Any Standing Letter of Instruction for a recurring funds transfer that you have requested may be stopped or cancelled if you contact
Merrill Lynch at 877.653.4732 and your request is received in sufficient time for us to reasonably attempt to stop the transfer.
Generally, wemust receive your stop or cancellation request three business days before the date the transfer is to be made. If you
telephone, wemay require that you also confirm your request to stop or cancel recurring transfers, in writing, within 14 days after
your phone call. Requests to stop recurring transfers will result in the termination of the Standing Letter of Authorization/Instruction
Agreement and Enrollment Form and a new Enrollment Form must be executed to resume transfers or begin new transfers.
Note: Transfers of securities may not be stopped after transfer instructions have been processed by us.
MerrillLynch’s liability for failure to stop or cancel a transfer
Generally, it is possible to stop recurring funds transfers if MerrillLynch receives the request before 4:30 p.m., local time, and three
business days prior to the scheduled transfer. If the stop transfer request is not received in accordance with the above requirements,
MerrillLynch willnot be liable for any losses or damages that may be incurred.
Incomplete transfers
MerrillLynch reserves the right to cancel and not complete certain transfers for the following reasons:
Insufficient balance/Purchasing Power/Advance limit/Other limitations. If a scheduled recurring transfer or a requested
transfer exceeds, at the time of transfer, the available free credit balance for an Individual Investor Account, Business Delaware
account or the Purchasing Power (as defined in the account’s account agreement) for a central assets account, the transfer will be
cancelled. In addition, no transfer shall be permitted from any pledged MerrillLynch account except as permitted by the applicable
documents. You understand that we will not attempt to make a partial transfer.
Closed or transferred account: If your account is closed for any reason or if we have received a request to transfer your
account to another broker dealer or financial institution, your Standing Letter of Authorization/Instruction and any outstanding
transfer request will be cancelled insofar as it relates to the account so closed or transferred, but will continue in effect for any
other accounts that you continue to maintain with us.
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Automatic cancellation for account title changes: If you change the title of your account, we will treat that change as a
written request to cancel all outstanding transfer instructions and your Standing Letter of Authorization/Instruction, and we will
notaccept any additional transfer requests for that account until a new Enrollment Form is executed, reflecting the new account
title and including all necessary signatures.
Security reasons: At our discretion, we may not complete a transfer from your account for security reasons.
Your liability for unauthorized transfers and risks of certain transfers
With a Standing Letter of Authorization/Instruction, you may direct us to transfer funds and/or securities, based upon instructions
that you agree may be delivered by telephone and by using agent banks and funds transfers and communications systems that are
not within our control. In addition, if there are other account holders named on your account or if your account is for a corporation,
partnership, trust or other fiduciary account for which authorized persons have been identified to us, you are authorizing these other
account holders or authorized persons to instruct transfers under the Standing Letter of Authorization/Instruction. For these reasons,
and, except as may be otherwise provided by law, you are agreeing to indemnify and hold us harmless from any loss or liability that
may arise from using the wire transfer system or from our acting upon instructions by telephone that we, in good faith, believe to be
genuine, unless we are negligent in receiving or processing such instructions.
You should contact MerrillLynch immediately if you believe that someone is making transfers from your account without your
permission; telephoning is the best way of keeping possible losses down.
If an unauthorized person gives us telephone instructions for a check or third-party journal entry transfer of funds and you sustain a
loss as a result, you will be liable for no more than U.S.$50. You will not be liable for any unauthorized transfer that occurs after we
have been notified of possible unauthorized telephone instructions regarding your account for such check or third-party journal entry
transfer of funds.
Transfers of funds by wire transfer, through agent banks, related funds transfer and communications systems involve various risks
that you assume in agreeing to participate in the Standing Letter of Authorization/Instruction program. In particular, such risks
include, but are not limited to, the following: 1) wire transfers are irreversible, once transmitted by an agent bank, and may not be
recoverable; 2) the liability of agent banks, with respect to wire transfers, is limited by law, and their responsibility for processing
transfers is limited to relying upon identifying account numbers, rather than account party names; 3) the use of wire transfers is not
covered by U.S. federal law on electronic-fund transfers; therefore, you do not have certain protections that you might have if you
used an alternative funds transfer system that is covered by such law.
Indemnification and limitation of liability
You agree to indemnify and hold MerrillLynch harmless from any loss, liability, cost or expense for acting upon your instructions,
whether written, in person or by telephone, except as limited by applicable law.
In no event shall MerrillLynch be liable to me/us for any damages, whether consequential, direct, indirect or special, arising out
of any failure to execute any transfer in a timely manner and in accordance with my or another Authorized Person’s instructions,
except direct damages resulting from your negligence or bad faith. MerrillLynch shall not be liable for any errors, delays or negligence
of any funds transfer, or communications systems, or any intermediary, agent bank or subagent bank that may be used in making
transfers for my/our account, each of which shall be deemed to be my/our agent.
Your liability: Reporting errors, request to terminate, cancel or stop a one-time transfer request or
reoccurring transfers (STLOA/I)
Reporting errors or questions
Call immediately if you think someone has transferred or may transfer funds from your account without permission.
If you see an error or have a question about a one-time Standing Letter of Authorization or a reoccurring Standing Letter of
Instruction transfer, call 877.653.4732 or write to us at the address below. We must receive notice of problems or errors within
60 days after the first statement or receipt was sent on which the problem or error appeared.
Telephoning is the best way of minimizing your losses. If you call us, we may ask you to report the error or problem in writing
within10 business days.
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Report errors or problems in writing to the address found in your statement. Include the following information:
Your name, address and account number;
A description of the error or the electronic transfer you are unsure about; and
The amount of the suspected error.
Any funds that are redeemed or withdrawn in connection with a transaction for which you are not liable will be credited back to you
or your account.
If it is decided that no error occurred, you will be sent a written explanation within three business days after the investigation is
finished. You may ask for copies of the documents used in the investigation.
Termination, stopping or cancelling one-time transfer requests or recurring transfers (STLOA/I)
To stop, terminate or cancel one-time transfer requests and/or recurring transfers, call 877.653.4732. If you prefer, you may write to
the address found in your statement.
Your notice to cease payments should be timed to arrive at least three business days before the payment is due to be made.
Requests to stop recurring transfers will result in the termination of the Standing Letter of Authorization/Instruction Agreement and
Enrollment Form, and a new Enrollment Form must be executed to resume transfers or begin new transfers.
If you request that we stop a regular payment at least three business days before the reoccurring payment is scheduled and we do
not do so, we will be liable for your losses or damages.
You may be charged a fee for stop payment requests. See your account agreement for current fee information.
Our liability for failure to make transfers
If a reoccurring transfer is not completed on time or in the correct amount according to agreements governing your account, we may
be liable for the resulting losses or damages.
There are some exceptions. MerrillLynch will not be liable, for instance, if:
Circumstances beyond our control (such as fire or flood) prevent the transfer, despite reasonable precautions that were taken
There may be other exceptions stated in the agreement governing your account or provided by applicable law.
Disclosure of account information
Subject to applicable law, MerrillLynch, BANA or other affiliates holding your deposit accounts will disclose information to third
parties about your account only:
Where it is necessary to complete a transaction;
To third parties, including our affiliates, who have a business purpose for requesting information regarding the account;
To credit bureaus and other consumer reporting agencies;
To comply with a government agency or court orders; or
If you have given written permission.
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)
For traditional IRAs, which includes IRA Rollovers (IRRAs), contributions cannot be made beginning in the calendar year when you
reach age 70½, and generally, you will be required to terminate these instructions at that time. For Roth IRAs, there is no age
restriction on your ability to contribute. Additionally, the maximum contribution is aggregated regardless of how many or which type
of IRAs you may make contributions to in any one year.
Please note that there are limitations on annual contributions to traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, and new contributions
to Rollover IRAs and that your Modified Adjusted Gross Income may further reduce your contribution limits. Please
refer to your Custodial Agreement and consult your tax advisor for additional details on these limitations. Amounts
rolled over to Rollover IRAs are not included for this purpose.
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Governing rules
Wire transfers to your account or funded from your account or otherwise funded by you may involve one or more funds transfer
systems, including without limitation, Fedwire or Clearing House Interbank Payments System (CHIPS). Accordingly, notwithstanding
any choice of law that may be provided elsewhere in this agreement, such wire transfers will be governed by the rules of any funds
transfer system through which the transfers are made, as amended from time to time, including without limitation, Fedwire, the
National Automated Clearing House Association, any regional association (each an “ACH”) and CHIPS. Funds transfers through
Fedwire will be governed by and subject to, Regulation J, Subpart B, and Uniform Commercial Code Article 4A, which are incorporated
by reference hereunder. Wire transfers through CHIPS are governed by and subject to CHIPS Rules and Administrative Procedures
and by the laws of the state of New York, including Article 4A of the New York Uniform Commercial Code, regardless of whether the
payment message is part of a wire transfer that is a Remittance Transfer, except that in the case of inconsistency between New York
law and EFTA, EFTA shall govern.
You acknowledge that you have received and read a copy of this Agreement.
By signing below, you confirm the accuracy of the information you have provided above and authorize us to initiate and complete
the transactions set forth in the Agreement and Enrollment Form. You agree to the terms and conditions of the Standing Letter
of Authorization/Instruction Agreement and Enrollment Form, including the provisions regarding indemnification, all of which you
understand and agree may be subject to change by MerrillLynch, upon applicable notice to you. This Agreement and Enrollment Form
willremain in force until the expiration date indicated or until you deliver a written request to us to cancel it.
For trusts, other fiduciary arrangements or businesses where all trustees/fiduciaries/authorized representatives must act by a majority
or unanimously, please have all required persons sign.
Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Date:_________________________________
Print name and title, if applicable (such as trustee, director, etc.)
Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Date:_________________________________
Print name and title, if applicable (such as trustee, director, etc.)
Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Date:_________________________________
Print name and title, if applicable (such as trustee, director, etc.)
Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Date:_________________________________
Print name and title, if applicable (such as trustee, director, etc.)
MerrillLynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated (also referred to as “MLPF&S” or “Merrill”) makes available certain investment products sponsored, managed, distributed or
provided by companies that are affiliates of BankofAmerica Corporation (“BofACorp.”). MLPF&S is a registered broker-dealer, registered investment adviser, Member SIPC and a
wholly owned subsidiary of BofACorp.
Investment products:
Are Not FDIC Insured Are Not Bank Guaranteed May Lose Value
©2020 BankofAmerica Corporation. All rights reserved. | SHEET-06-20-0344 | 06/2020
To learn about BankofAmerica’s environmental goals and initiatives, go to bankofamerica.com/environment. Leaf icon is a registered trademark of BankofAmerica Corporation.
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