The key considerations for
survival and success in a
sector facing disruptive and
rapidly accelerating change
Life insurance 2020:
Competing for a future
2 PwC Future of Insurance
PwC Future of Insurance 1
02 Introduction
04 Overview
08 Section one
Two-speed global growth
14 Section two
Distribution disruption and the customer revolution
18 Section three
Information advantage through ‘big data’
20 Section four
Big and fast: Evolving business models
24 Are you still going to be in business in five years’ time?
25 Contacts
2 PwC Future of Insurance
The life and pensions sector has many reasons to be upbeat about its future. A larger
and longer living global population is increasing demand for retirement products.
In turn, the increasing affluence of people within the high-growth markets of South
America, Asia, Africa and the Middle East (SAAAME) is creating a growing need for
wealth protection.
But this is also a time of massive and potentially disruptive change. As customers
become accustomed to the ease, elegance and intuition of the Apple/Amazon
‘experience’, they want the same accessibility, transparency and responsiveness
in their life insurance and pensions products. We’ve already seen the emergence of
easy-to-access and manage products such as target date funds, which automatically
adjust the asset mix to the policyholder’s selected retirement age. Advances in
processing capacity, customer profiling and risk analytics are now opening the way
for a new generation of ‘smart’ policies. While being as affordable and easy to
understand/compare as today’s off-the-shelf products, these policies would be fully
customised and able to adapt to the individual customer’s changing needs. Crucially,
the technological developments that are making this new generation of policies
possible are also making it easier for new entrants to break into the market at relatively
little cost.
Looking outside-in
There is always a tendency to focus on what peers are doing and ignore developments
outside the industry orbit. But to stay in the game, your business needs to be thinking
and acting at the same rate as technology and customer expectations are evolving. This
is especially true at a time when start-ups and new entrants are eyeing the potential
within life and pensions. We’ve seen in other sectors how even market-leading
companies can quickly slide into obsolescence once customers see that they can get
what they want cheaper and easier. Examples of this rapid decline include Kodak,
which, having been America’s market-leading digital camera maker as recently as
2008, is now in Chapter 11. In the intervening period, smartphones took away Kodak’s
market by becoming the most popular means of digital photography. In this brief
period, we’ve also seen music stores lose out to the iTunes store and film rental shops
being swept aside by on-demand downloadable films. It’s therefore vital to make sure
that your business is alert to emerging threats from both inside and outside the
industry and that you’re ahead of the curve rather than playing catch-up.
While insurance is a highly regulated industry, this shouldn’t be an excuse for doing
nothing. If regulatory constraints are standing in the way of developments that could
benefit customers then it’s your job to make supervisors aware of this and work with
them to bring controls up to date. Moreover, you can’t simply wait for changes in
demographics and government policy to create new openings as more proactive
competitors are going to get in ahead of you. You have to be nurturing the new
If the shake-out in other commercial
sectors teaches us anything, it is
that no business, including
insurance, is immune from today’s
rapid and relentless shifts in
technology and customer
expectations. In this paper, we
explore the forces that are set to
transform the life and pensions
sector, what the new marketplace is
going to look like and how your
business can come out on top.
markets, designing the smart new
products and forging the partnerships
needed to capitalise on these
opportunities now. You will also need to
think about how to create the integrity
and trust within the organisation that
would allow you to respond to customers’
evolving needs faster and more effectively
than your competitors.
Fresh thinking
Many life and pensions companies are
conscious of the need for fresh thinking
and new strategies. Our latest global
CEO survey found that insurers as a
whole are just behind the technology,
communications and entertainment
sectors in their readiness to embrace
business model innovation
(see Figure 1).
Yet a survey of life and pensions
executives carried out for this report
raises questions about how far and how
quickly they’re prepared to go to adapt to
change and sustain competitive
The uncertainty over where
growth is going to come from and how
life and pensions companies are going to
deal with the disruptive forces they face is
reflected in the generally disappointing
share prices in the sector.
In Life insurance 2020: Competing for a
future’, we examine the developments
that are set to have the most decisive
impact over the next five years and the
main opportunities for innovation,
growth and competitive differentiation.
This includes how to deal with the
shifting focus of growth (‘Two-speed
global growth’), changes in customer
preferences (‘Distribution disruption and
the customer revolution’), sharper
profiling (‘Information advantage
through big data’) and new competitive
threats (‘Big and fast: Evolving business
models’). The aim is to help life
and pensions companies assess the
implications of a marketplace in
transformation for their particular
PwC Future of Insurance 3
Figure 1: Readiness to innovate
1 1250 CEOs from 60 countries were polled at the
end of 2011 as part of PwC’s 15th Annual Global
CEO Survey, published on 25.01.12
2 150 life and pensions executives were asked to
comment on the impact and likelihood of a series
of social, technological, environmental, economic
and political scenarios, as well as setting out their
short-and medium-term priorities, PwC 2012
Our latest global CEO survey found that insurers
as a whole are just behind the technology,
communications and entertainment sectors in
their readiness to embrace business model
New business models
lobal average
0 10 20 30 40
Cost reductions to existing processes
To what degree are you changing the emphasis of your company’s overall innovation portfolio in the following areas? Responses of ‘significantly increase’.
Base: All respondents
Source: PwC 15th Annual Global CEO Survey 2012
1 Banking & Capital Markets
2 Business and Professional Services
3 Healthcare
4 Automotive
5 Transportation & Logistics
6 Metals
7 Industrial Manufacturing
8 Retail
9 Consumer Goods
10 Hospitality & Leisure
11 Chemicals
12 Forestry, Paper & Packaging
13 Global
14 Construction/Engineering
15 Asset Management
16 Pharma & Life
17 Insurance
18 Technology
19 Communications
20 Entertainment & Media
ntertainment & Media
anking & Capital Markets
The forces shaping change
The life and pensions sector is facing a rapidly evolving and potentially disruptive set of
market dynamics:
An older population: The number of people aged over 60 will more than triple to over
two billion by 2050,
creating huge extra demand for retirement solutions.
An increasingly wealthy global population: The number of middle class people
(earning more than $10 a day) will grow from 430 million in 2000 to 1.2 billion in
with two-thirds of this growth coming from India and China, creating much
more wealth to protect and more demand for life cover.
An increasingly connected global population: The number of
people connected to the internet will increase from 1.8 billion
today to 5 billion by 2020,
changing how customers interact
with your business and their expectations over the speed and
intuition of response.
Surge in data traffic and development of advanced analytical
techniques: The amount of data flowing around the internet
will reach 1.3 billion terabytes by 2016 (from around 240
exabytes in 2010).
Advanced analytical techniques would allow
your business to turn this goldmine of digital information into a
complete picture of how individual customers behave, what they
expect and the risks they present.
Sensors track behaviour: Sensors are now being applied to driving and health,
allowing customers to be more proactive about their safety, health and well being and
therefore providing insurers with invaluable insights about their policyholders.
Cloud transforms cost equation: Cloud computing is allowing businesses to turn
fixed costs into variable costs. This could reduce expenses for your business, but also
lower barriers to entry from new competitors.
Influx into the cities: Over the next 30 years, some 1.8 billion people are expected
to move into cities, most of them in Asia and Africa, increasing the world’s urban
population to 5.6 billion
and reshaping the marketplace for insurers and other
financial services businesses.
4 PwC Future of Insurance
Nearly 50% of the life and
pensions executives in our
survey believe that the internet
will not only change how
customers buy insurance, but
also the type of products they
3 UN Population Division media release, 11.03.09
4 ‘Is the Developing World Catching Up? Global
Convergence and National Rising Dispersion’ by
Maurizio Bussolo, Rafael E. De Hoyos and Denis
Medvedev, The World Bank Development
Economics Prospects Group, September 2008.
Middle class is defined as people whose income
levels are between the average incomes of Brazil
and Italy, in purchasing power parity terms.
5 The Internet in 2020, published by Intac, 22.07.10
6 PwC life and pensions survey 2012
7 Cisco Visual Networking Index, updated estimate,
8 United Nations, Department of Economic and
Social Affairs, Population Division, 2009 Revision
PwC Future of Insurance 5
Nearly 50% of the life and
pensions executives believe that
harnessing ‘big data’
developments will provide a
key source of competitive
advantage and increased
market share
09 PwC life and pensions survey 2012
10 United Nations Population Division; World
Bank World Development Indicators and
PwC analysis 2012
11 Swiss Re Sigma World Insurance 2010
Most life and pensions
executives believe that
pollution is increasing, with a
significant proportion (one in
eight) seeing it as a threat to
health and well-being, though
most believe it will be
Pollution: The global increase in
industrialisation and urbanisation is
fuelling further rises in pollution and the
dangers to health this creates. This could
lead to increased demand for your life
products on the one side and the need to
adjust premiums to reflect shifts in health
and mortality rates on the other.
Limits of medicine: The rise reflected
in pandemics such as avian flu and
drug-resistant strains of diseases like
tuberculosis highlights the limits of
medicine in the face of mutating viruses
and will heighten risks and liabilities.
SAAAME grows, mature markets slow:
As growth in developed markets stalls and
SAAAME markets continue to expand
rapidly, the focus of investment and
growth within the insurance market is
going to shift.
Huge potential for further growth in
SAAAME markets: GDP per capita has
been growing at 9% in China and at 4%
in India over the past 20 years.
Yet most
SAAAME markets still have life insurance
to GDP penetration of less than 3%
therefore considerable room to grow.
Pressure of debt burden: Sovereign
debt concerns and slowing growth in
developed markets are leading to
instability in capital markets, which could
affect both demand for your products
and your position as an investor.
6 PwC Future of Insurance
Figure 2: The new market dynamics
Source: PwC Insurance 2020, January 2012
Global Growth
Disruption and
Advantage through
‘Big Data’
Business Models
‘Big and Fast’
What How
Nearly 50% of life and pensions
executives believe that a
combination of inflation,
rising government debt and
defaults in bond markets
threaten the solvency of
smaller insurers, especially in
the Western world
More than 70% of life and
pensions executives believe that
public health provision will
worsen and more than 40% feel
social security systems will
eithercrumbleor be
drastically pared back over the
next ten years
Cash-strapped governments withdraw
welfare: State support for ageing
populations in many markets is being
eroded by a combination of government
debt and a decline in the ratio of people
working to retired (‘dependency ratio’).
As governments look to insurers to help
fill the gap in public provision, reputation
and social responsibility are going to
become ever more crucial competitive
differentiators, spurring smart firms to
look beyond short-term ‘transactional’
gains at how to meet more enduring
objectives in areas such as public trust,
health and well-being.
Governments look to overhaul
regulation: Regulatory change is going to
be a way of life for the foreseeable future.
It is important to look beyond compliance
to understand how regulatory
developments will affect your strategy,
product design, costs and organisational
12 PwC life and pensions survey 2012
PwC Future of Insurance 7
The implications
for the competitive
Dealing with the STEEP dynamics
calls for a major rethink of strategic
assumptions, routes to market and
organisational models, with the ability to
look outside-in on your business at the
core (Figure 2 sets out the four main
challenges we address in this paper):
Two-speed global growth
Demand for retirement solutions in
mature markets is increasing, but life
cover sales as a proportion of GDP in a
number of major developed markets
including the US are declining.
SAAAME markets, the big rise is in life
cover, with sales of retirement products
growing less quickly. Your business will
need to develop an agile operating
model capable of dealing with the
different trajectories of growth. This
includes developing innovative growth
strategies on the one side and meeting
the need for scale and efficiency to
sustain margins on the other. It will also
be important to support the
development of insurance markets,
including investment in professional
training and educating consumers
about the value of life and pension
cover and how it works.
As cities grow and make up an ever-
increasing share of global GDP, they
will become a key competitive
‘battleground’ for insurers. City
dwellers’ demand for insurance and
other financial services is greater than
that of their rural counterparts,
especially in SAAAME markets. Indeed,
some observers now see the real
distinction as not between emerging
and developed markets, but rather
between city and rural areas.
Distribution disruption and the
customer revolution
Consumers have become accustomed to
the ease, intuition and elegance of
digital retail interaction and want the
same experience from your business.
As smartphones, iPads and other such
versatile mobile devices proliferate,
they also want to be able to conduct
business when they want, where they
want and on the channel of their
Customers want greater transparency
(allowing them to compare products),
flexibility (products that adapt to their
changing needs) and control (the
comfort of being able to change their
mind if not satisfied).
Regulatory insistence on greater
transparency will make it easier to
compare prices and value.
Developments such as the caps on fees
in India and the planned elimination of
commissions for advisers in the UK are
going to bring charges and the value
policyholders receive in return further
into the spotlight.
The emergence of virtual networks,
multichannel interaction and direct-to-
consumer life insurance is fragmenting
the value chain.
Risk-based capital regimes are raising
capital demands for variable annuities
and could lead to higher prices, just as
many customers are once again looking
for the assurance of guarantees.
Information advantage through
‘big data’
Extracting profiling data from all of the
unstructured purchasing, social media
and other digital trails people leave
behind would allow your business to
gain unprecedented insights into their
health, wealth and behaviour. The
technology to make this possible is
already available. The challenge is how
to channel the data into actionable
insights and build the results into
decision making, product design and
the underlying culture of the business.
Sensor technology could be used to help
develop a more proactive approach to
risk management and customer support
by allowing your business to monitor
policyholdershealth in real time and
alert them to any early signs of illness.
Your business would benefit from
reduced liabilities and could offer lower
premiums in return.
Big and fast: Evolving business models
The improved ability to sense consumer
sentiment would allow your business
to adjust your position in the market
and provide products and services that
meet customer demands in shorter
timeframes. Gathering information
throughout the customer lifecycle,
in near real-time, would allow your
business to shorten management
decision cycles, speed up development
cycles and ultimately better serve
your customers.
Use of cloud computing and other
technology developments to harness
more data and automate underwriting
is opening up customised solutions at
lower cost.
Use of technology to create ‘virtual
outsourcing’ solutions can improve
service and reduce costs.
Cheap and easy access to open
source software and cloud computing
allow new players to enter the
market and take advantage of flexible
rented computing capacity and smart
new analytics to develop their
businesses without the need for high
start-up costs.
A combination of more informed risk
management and use of automation to
lower costs would allow your business
to provide policies offering secure
returns at reasonable premiums under
a risk-based capital regime.
Dealing with the STEEP dynamics calls for a major
rethink of strategic assumptions, routes to market
and organisational models, with the ability to
look outside-in on your business at the core
13 According to Swiss Re Sigma World Insurance in
2005 and 2010, life insurance premiums as a
proportion of GDP in the US fell from 4.14% in
2005 to 3.5% in 2010
8 PwC Future of Insurance
SAAAME markets are seeing rising demand for insurance as economies expand and
people acquire more wealth to protect (Figure 3 compares increases in population and
GDP per capita in SAAAME and developed markets). Our CEO survey found that nearly
half of insurance industry leaders see emerging markets as more important than
developed markets to their company’s future.
Life policies are likely to be the main focus of growth for now. The relatively young
average age of most SAAAME markets means that demand for pension products is
growing less quickly. While the opportunities may be slow to emerge, the demographic
Section one
Two-speed global growth
The growth agenda is being shaped
by the diverging economic prospects
and demographic profiles of most
SAAAME and developed markets.
Figure 3: Rising middle class
GDP per capita growth; percentage compound annual growth rate, 1980–2010
Sources: United Nations Population Division; World Bank World Development Indicators and PwC analysis
Notes: GDP per capita is in constant 2005 US$
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
United States
2.5 3
United Kingdom
Population growth, percentage compound annual growth rate, 1980–2010
14 121 insurance CEOs from 42 countries were
surveyed as part of the 15th Annual PwC Global
CEO Survey
profile will eventually begin to catch up
with the West as health improves and
people live longer. There are currently
around 600 million people aged over 60
in the world. By 2050, there will be more
than 2 billion,
with SAAAME markets
accounting for much of this growth.
China already has an ageing population
relative to other major markets such as
India. In turn, Brazil has more pensioners
for every 100 contributing workers than
the US. As the Brazilian government
spends more on pensions as a percentage
of GDP than Germany, France or Japan,
the pensions sector will need to grow
quickly to relieve the pressure on the
public purse.
Urbanisation fuels demand
A further spur for growth in SAAAME
markets will come from rapid
urbanisation. Over the next 30 years,
some 1.8 billion people are expected to
move into cities, most of them in Asia and
Africa, increasing the world’s urban
population to 5.6 billion.
By 2030,
around half of the world’s urban
population will be living in Asia. Urban
populations tend to have a higher
demand for insurance and other financial
services. In the case of life and pensions,
the factors contributing to this include
greater exposure to financial products
and the need for life cover when taking
out a mortgage. Family sizes also tend to
go down as people move off the land and
into confined cities. This leaves people
with fewer children to support them in
their old age and therefore increases the
need for pensions and life cover. The
challenge will be how to capitalise on
urban growth, while developing
profitable services for rural customers.
PwC Future of Insurance 9
Reaching into new markets
While many SAAAME markets offer
strong growth potential, they can be
hard for incomers to break into. There
may be restrictions on foreign
ownership and licences. Even in
relatively liberalised markets, entrants
may face prohibitive acquisition prices
or entrenched competition from large
local players. It’s telling that a number
of international groups have now
chosen to withdraw from some
SAAAME markets. While some want to
re-focus on core business, others have
clearly faced problems in developing
the critical competitive mass in these
Digital distribution would allow your
business to move into new markets
without the need for expensive and
difficult to establish branch or agency
networks on the ground. It could be
especially important in reaching remote
customers – successful models in other
financial sectors include Kenya’s M-
Pesa, which provides access to payment
and deposits via the mobile phone
network and now has 15 million
customers, more than all of the
country’s banks put together.
Joint ventures are also going to be
crucial in reaching customers and
gaining a foothold in the market.
It’s therefore important to think about
what to offer potential partners that
competitors cannot. This may be
particular risk management or product
expertise. It may also be international
coverage that would allow the partner
to develop its global presence.
15 UN Population Division media release, 11.03.09
16 Economist, 24.03.12
17 United Nations, Department of Economic and
Social Affairs, Population Division, 2009 Revision
18 www.thinkm-pesa.com, 16.04.12
Promoting market
While the market potential of countries
with low insurance penetration is clear
(see Figure 4), there are significant
variations. In Mexico, the Middle East and
many parts of Eastern Europe, premiums
as a proportion of GDP were less than
0.5% in 2010, compared to 1.67% for
emerging markets as a whole. These
penetration rates underline the
importance of market development, not
only in distribution and product launches,
but also to educate new markets in the
uses and value of life and pensions cover.
Reputational risks
The aggressive pursuit of top-line growth
in SAAAME markets creates its own
inherent risks, including the potential for
asset bubbles and mis-selling. The recent
curbs on commissions for unit-linked
insurance plans (ULIP) in India, the
mainstay of the life insurance market,
provide a good example of the regulatory
and reputational risks opened up by what
had been rapid and untrammelled
growth. The new controls precipitated
a sharp fall in overall life premiums in
and are likely to lead to a shift
towards more traditional products such as
whole life insurance. More broadly, while
revenue expansion is the key priority for
many businesses operating in SAAAME
markets, the quality of underwriting and
sustainability of growth could prove to be
the key long-term differentiators.
10 PwC Future of Insurance
Figure 4: Insurance penetration Life premiums as a percentage of GDP
84% of life and pensions executives believe
ageing trends will continue to increase in the
developed world. But 59% believe there will
only be a marginal shift in the global
insurance product portfolio due to offsetting
demographic shifts in SAAAME markets
19 PwC life and pensions survey 2012
20 Financial Times, 27.05.12
Source: Swiss Re Sigma World Insurance in 2010
South Africa
PwC Future of Insurance 11
Putting enough away
The mature markets are moving in a
different direction. Demand for life cover
is slowing (see Figure 5) – in the US, the
number of life policies is the lowest for 50
In contrast, pension growth
continues to accelerate as populations
age. Mature markets are also
characterised by the mounting pressure
on margins and the disillusionment
created by the financial crisis, which has
dented public trust and fundamentally
changed customers’ appetite for risk. The
challenge is how to develop the trusted,
affordable and understandable policies
that would allow life companies to re-
engage with customers.
State support for ageing populations is
being eroded by fiscal pressures and a
decline in the proportion of working to
retired people (‘dependency ratio’) in
many markets. The scaling back of state
support has been compounded by the
decline in employer-provided defined
benefits plansaround half the current
US workforce will have neither a state nor
employer-supported pension plan.
As people live longer and state and
employer support is withdrawn, there is
an obvious need to save more for
retirement. Yet most people are falling
short. In the US, for example, the average
worker has saved just $25,000 for
their retirement or just 7% of the
recommended $350,000.
Some countries such as Australia have
stepped in to make taking out a pension
plan compulsory. Others such as the UK
are looking to influence behaviour by
requiring all employers to make sure their
employees are signed up for a pension
and thus putting the onus on the
employee to opt out if they don’t want to
be covered. Applying such behavioural
economic principles would certainly
overcome some of the inertia that deters
many people from putting money aside
for their old age.
Figure 6: Openings for combined health and wealth solutions
21 USA Today, 02.12.10
22 ‘Pension coverage and retiremement security’ published by Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, 22.12.09
23 Wells Fargo Retirement Survey 2011
Sources: PwC subject matter experts and analysis
Converging customer
health-wealth needs
Available industry
and advice
Life and
health risk
and asset
• Huge retirement population (Baby
• Retirees living longer lives; healthcare
needs increasing
• In addition, healthcare is becoming
increasingly more expensive (due to
expensive advances in medical devices,
technology, treatment)
• Government and insurance transferring
more of the healthcare costs to
More than ever before greater need
for individual wealth preservation
Source: Swiss Re, Sigma Data
Figure 5: Insurance density change in ratio of life premium
(in US$) to population (2001–2010)
South Africa
Accessible options
he development of low cost and easy-to-
understand and compare policies will be
crucial in filling the gaps created by the
withdrawal of social welfare and defined
benefits plans.
Some life companies may be reluctant to
devote too much investment to what they
see as low-margin business. But it isn’t
just low-income policyholders who want
simplicity. Tech-savvy millennials and
generation X-ers are using the internet
and social media to compare and buy
products, with direct-to-consumer life
policies likely to be a key growth area.
The availability of easy-to-understand
products could also help to attract more
customers from SAAAME markets, many
of whom may be unfamiliar with life
To date, such policies have tended to be
fairly unsophisticated. But as we outline
later in the paper, developments in risk
analytics and customer profiling are going
to bring greater customisation and
sophistication to such low-cost and fast-
access products. Even complex products
need not be complicated for customers
to understand if designed and marketed
well. Providers can take care of the
intricacies of ‘lifetime’ management
and adjustment, while the goals and
performance are clear to the customer.
New generation solutions
The paring back of social welfare is
likely to heighten consumer uncertainty
about health care and pension provision.
Life and pensions companies are ideally
placed to address these uncertainties by
bringing together solutions for health,
wealth and retirement (see Figure 6),
which would provide an opportunity
to develop more tailored and higher
margin packages.
With the financial crisis having made
people less confident about the adequacy
of returns from their pensions and other
investments, they’re coming to favour
assurance over yield. The desire for
greater certainty is reflected in the
renewed popularity of guarantees. The
problem is that the risk-based capital
demands being ushered in by EU
Solvency II and comparable
developments in other parts of the world
could increase the capital charges for
guaranteed annuity products. Some life
and pensions companies are already
beginning to scale back such products.
Even if they remain, the high cost of the
capital requirements may make some
annuities too expensive for a lot of mass
market consumers. There are therefore
opportunities if your business could
manage the market risks more effectively
and hence reduce the capital demands
and product prices.
New solutions inspired by behavioural
economic principles are also emerging,
which adapt to each life stage before
seeking to offer a target return for
policyholders once they enter retirement.
By offering relatively high-risk/high-yield
investments in the initial years of the
policy and then moving to lower risk
assets later on, the provider takes
responsibility for managing risk and
reward, without holding the risks on its
balance sheet. Policyholders gain some
assurance over future income, while still
assuming the risk from a regulatory
capital perspective.
This approach can be developed further
through contracts offering lifetime
support. These would help to manage the
financial needs of policyholders in their
younger years, such as paying off a
student loan or saving for a mortgage,
and then shift to life cover and pension
solutions as children come along and
attention turns towards saving for
12 PwC Future of Insurance
New solutions inspired by behavioural economic
principles are also emerging, which adapt to each
life stage before seeking to offer a target return for
policyholders once they enter retirement.
PwC Future of Insurance 13
Questions for your organisation
n How can you provide greater certainty for policyholders and help
them to address their evolving needs?
n How can you turn demands for greater transparency to your
advantage by creating more straightforward, cost-competitive and
easy-to-understand products?
n Is your business sufficiently agile to capitalise on emerging
developments and operate at two different speeds of growth?
14 PwC Future of Insurance
Most insurers tend to look at what their competitors are doing and then see how they
could do this better. But customer expectations are now being set outside the sector as
they become accustomed to the choice and accessibility of retail sites, such as Amazon
and the one click interaction of an Apple app. They now want this experience from
their insurers.
We’ve already seen in the UK how quickly market comparison sites have transformed
motor insurance. Aggregators now control nearly 50% of the private motor market,
and with it much of the customer relationship. They are now reaching into home and
life cover, with easier comparison leading to a sharp fall in insurers’ margins. Social
media is taking customer rating one stage further by allowing consumers to share
ratings and become advocates for a particular product or service.
But the distribution revolution goes much further than just comparison and price.
For example, some companies are developing apps that let policyholders send through
a photo of the damage when they have a car accident. In this way, they can get their
claim in train there and then. On the life side, a lot of companies are now able to offer
immediate quotes and coverage over the internet, doing away with the long wait for
medical checks.
Changing routes to market
The traditional life and pensions model in which policies are
sold through intermediaries receiving a commission from the
provider still prevails in India, China and many other SAAAME
markets. But even here its grip is loosening as new regulatory
controls are introduced and more customers opt to self-serve or
seek out fully impartial guidance.
More than 80% of the executives in our survey believe that
intermediaries will become less tied to insurers as adviser
commissions are withdrawn in some markets and customers
seek greater impartiality. This could leave life companies with
little direct contact with the customer and put further pressure
on margins.
The change in fee structures is also likely to reduce the number of IFAs operating in the
mass market. Some life and pensions companies may therefore look to build up their
direct sales forces or strengthen their digital distribution capabilities. Others will seek
to market their products through affinity or corporate channels. Examples include the
extension of employee cover to families. This allows policyholders to take advantage of
economies of scale on price. In turn, your company could benefit from preferred access
Section two
Distribution disruption and the customer revolution
As customer expectations become
more exacting and the supply chain
becomes more fragmented, your
business will need to develop new
routes to market or risk being cut
out of the loop.
34% of life and pensions
executives expect that
consumers will turn to their
social networks to obtain
advice and share information,
reinforcing the demands for
greater transparency
24 UK Insurance Aggregators 2011, An in-depth
analysis of the UK Insurance Aggregator market,
published by Datamonitor, 12.01.12
25 PwC life and pensions survey 2012
to a known customer segment. Other
examples include new web communities
that not only negotiate discounts with
providers, but also pool subscribers’
contributions to pay for small claims.
The insurers’ savings on the
administrative costs of these claims can
be passed on to the customers buying
through the network.
Even where agency channels still
predominate, it will be crucial to think
about how you engage with your
customers and how they receive advice,
as many customers will choose to
augment face-to-face advice with
information gleaned from the internet
and social media. India and China are
clear examples of markets where
customers find it useful to research
products online, but still feel more
comfortable buying through an
Operating under the spotlight
Regulatory developments such as the UK’s Retail Distribution Review
(RDR) are set to spark a major shake-up in how pensions and other
investment products are priced, marketed and sold by curbing or putting
an end to the inducements paid to advisers to sell particular products.
Even without such regulation, life companies are facing much greater
media scrutiny over their pricing. Indeed the key issue for the industry is
not new regulation, but how to deliver value and fairness while still
being able to generate reasonable profits and shareholder returns. The
elimination of payments from providers to agents will also spur further
disaggregation in the sector, requiring businesses to consider where in
the value chain of advice, distribution, design and administration they
can best compete.
Without commissions, life companies face the challenge of how to
differentiate their products more effectively. Greater choice,
transparency and customer focus will heighten the challenges for
product design, pricing and cost control. While some business models
will come under threat, this is also an opportunity to stand out from
the pack.
Our market research underlines the importance of being much clearer
about the value you provide for customers and making sure the quality
of delivery stands up to more comprehensive market comparison.
The findings also show that many products and distribution strategies
will only attract enough customers and deliver an acceptable margin if
they’re targeted at very specific market segments. The ‘serve all’ model
will be all but redundant as a result. To stay in the game, businesses
need to be absolutely clear about who they’re targeting, what they’re
going to sell to them and how they’re going to make money.
PwC Future of Insurance 15
26 Staying in the game: Customer perspectives on a
post-RDR world, published by PwC in June 2012
Figure 7: The evolving model of advice, sales and service
Source: PwC
label website
Mobile Apps
On the customer’s wavelength
As customers become more confident
about researching and buying products
direct, it is important to look at how to
interact with virtual networks, provide
guidance and access for customers
looking to self-serve, and develop an
infrastructure of multi-channel advice,
sales and assistance. Comparable changes
have been seen in the travel industry,
where the traditional agency model has
been largely replaced by the unbundling
of flights, hotels and car hire, many of
which are bought online.
More than half of the executives in our
survey believe consumers will use online
channels to research life and pensions
products and around a third believe
consumers will use multiple channels.
These developments call for speedy on-
demand service and seamless information
integration across all channels (see
Figure 7). If you can effectively manage
customer preferences and tailor product
fferings to different segments you will be
more likely to win and retain customers.
Repositioning your business
A more complex and fragmented sales,
advice and service model is set to emerge
as a result of the distribution disruption
and customer revolution. This would
require your business to judge whether
it can most effectively compete as
manufacturer, distributor or
administrator and, if so, in which
customer segments. The evolving value
chain is likely to feature a number of
loose collaborations and virtual networks.
Examples might include generalists
bringing in specialists to support their
advice in areas such as financial and
tax planning.
16 PwC Future of Insurance
More than half of the
executives in our survey
believe consumers will
use online channels to
research life and
pensions products and
around a third believe
consmers will use
multiple channels.
PwC Future of Insurance 17
Questions for your organisation
n Where in the value chain are you best positioned to compete?
n Do you need to build or strengthen your own distribution
n How can you reach out to customers and sustain margins
when you can no longer rely on the incentive of adviser
n How best can you use technology to assist your customers
and your intermediaries?
n How could products be simplified so they wouldn’t need to be
sold through an adviser?
Bancassurance comes
to the fore
The move towards holistic health,
wealth and retirement solutions
creates important openings for
Bancassurance is also one of the
fastest-growing channels in many
SAAAME markets including China
and India. Banks have the advantage
of being able to build on their
existing relationships and are often
more trusted than independent
advisers in these markets.
In some countries, including the US,
regulatory and market separation
between insurers and banks will
need to be overcome to make the
most of the holistic opportunity.
18 PwC Future of Insurance
Advances in analytics are already allowing life and pensions businesses to develop a
better understanding of their risks and price more keenly. But we’ve only been
scratching the surface up until now. The most important differentiator is going to be
how to extract customer profiling data from all the purchasing, social media and other
digital trails people leave. A lot of this information is unstructured, and new techniques
are emerging to analyse this ‘big data’ (see Figure 8). For example, transactional data is
being used to find out where and what customers buy to determine ‘well-being’ scores,
which can then be used to identify whether they are a good risk.
Analysis of these rich sources of data would allow you to develop a clear and
comprehensive profile of the health, wealth and behaviour of the customer before he or
she applies, saving all the form filling and verification needed. This would in turn allow
you to target particular customers and offer instant online cover.
Proactive cover cuts risks
Next up in the big data revolution are sensors. Sensor technology is already coming
into play in motor cover, allowing insurers to judge how carefully the policyholder
drives and reflect this in their pricing. In turn, safer drivers benefit from lower
premiums. Importantly, these devices have also lowered accident rates by helping to
encourage more careful driving.
Section three
Information advantage through big data
Increased processing power and
smarter analytics will pave the way
for more informed prevention, risk
selection and premium pricing,
allowing your business to offer
cheaper and more personalised
products, while still sustaining
Big Data refers to the phenomenal amount of
structured, semi-structured, and unstructured
internal and external organisational data that is
exchanged every day, but most of which goes unused.
Figure 8: Tapping into rich new sources of data
Patterns generated by phones,
appliances and other devices that
can provide insight into events
and habits
Conversations and images that improve customer
experience through captured attitudes and beliefs
Data captured through business operations
waiting to be enhanced with unstructured
data from the outside world
Economic trends and global events that
impact investments and buying habits
Sentiment, relationships and
preferences that consumers broadcast
Untapped business knowledge hidden
in documents and emails
Source: PwC
Big data
News and
For life and health insurers, sensor
technology is helping to monitor
policyholdershealth (see Figure 9).
The devices would alert them to any early
signs of illness so they can see a doctor
in good time. They could also help to
promote safer choices and support
verification in areas such as healthy eating
and alcohol consumption. Your business
would benefit from reduced liabilities and
could offer lower premiums in return.
Much of the technology needed to capture
and sift through this big data is already
available. The bigger question is how
the results are used. To make the most of
the potential, your business needs to be
able to aggregate the analysis and turn it
into the actionable insights that would
allow you to target customers, develop
customised products and tap into new
market opportunities more quickly
and effectively than your competitors.
This in turn requires speed of decision
making, organisational agility and the
right talent, along with the customer-
centric culture that underpins these
Figure 9: Sensor technology enhances insight and prevention
PwC Future of Insurance 19
79% of life and pensions executives feel that privacy concerns and the
costs of sensor technology would be overcome and we would begin to see
increased adoption of medical devices over the next decade
27 PwC life and pensions survey 2012
Source: PwC
File for future
NA Protein
Pricing granularity
Access to richer, more accurate medical
information has enabled a better understanding
of risk. By developing sharper pricing
apabilities, life insurers can now compete
more effectively for share.
Product design
ith access to more granular, quicker
information about customers, it is now possible
o customise not just insurance products, but
also develop holistic income solutions catering
to individuals’ specific needs.
Automation of core processes has started to
reduce cycle time, making it possible to improve
customer abandon rates through the quoting
process and allow for greater market capture.
Advances in medical technology, devices and preventative care are increasing life expectancy and also generating richer information for pricing, product
evelopment and analytics
Body area networks and embedded devices and sensors will result in more preventative healthcare, but will generate more information
Questions for your organisation
n How can you harness the latest advances in analytics to improve
risk understanding and design and price products to satisfy
customer needs and expectations more effectively?
n When will big data capabilities become a competitive imperative?
n Will your legacy systems allow you to keep pace?
n Do your organisational and decision-making structures allow you
to make the most effective use of the risk and customer profiling
analysis at your disposal?
20 PwC Future of Insurance
In the past, scale (‘big’) would have gone a long way towards meeting customer
demands for choice and value. Now, your business also needs to be fast to succeed.
To meet evolving customer expectations, your business needs to be able to speed up its
decision making and customer delivery cycles within the front office. This would allow
you to harness new sources of information, develop more responsive products and
operate across multiple channels.
Effective use of technology is going to be a crucial factor in sharpening productivity and
customer responsiveness. This isn’t just making use of greater automation to reduce
costs and quicken delivery, but also harnessing digital developments to spur greater
innovation and differentiation.
Organisationally, it will be important to streamline decision-making processes and cut
through the functional dependencies and other needless complexities that slow down
your company’s ability to respond to market demands. The underlying attribute is the
ability to understand customers’ needs and put their needs first, which in turn makes
culture a key component in enhancing productivity.
The deployment of talent is also critical. This includes automating the underwriting of
routine risks, which would release underwriting and product development teams to
focus their skills on complex, specialised and unfamiliar risks. For example,
underwriters could be switched to analysing risks and developing responsive products
for customers in SAAAME markets where risk data and openings for underwriting
automation are limited.
The result would be a more productive and profitable operating model in which
resources are better aligned with the level of return. This approach would also allow
your business to eliminate many of the low value tasks carried out by underwriters,
while allowing businesses to maintain more flexible cost structures and move in on
opportunities with greater agility.
Section four
Big and fast: Evolving business models
The changing focus of global
growth, shifts in customer
expectations and the opportunities
for smarter underwriting are
coalescing into new business,
operational and organisational
models, creating openings for new
entrants and forcing existing
players to raise their game.
Effective use of technology is going to be a crucial
factor in sharpening productivity and customer
responsiveness. This isn’t just making use of
greater automation to reduce costs and quicken
delivery, but also harnessing digital developments
to spur greater innovation and differentiation.
The moments that matter
Culture and behaviour cut across all
the factors that will allow you to meet
customer expectations. The insight
and agility of your staff are clearly
crucial in responding to customer
needs. Equally important is the
integrity needed to put the customer
first and provide solutions that are
genuinely right for them rather than
just meeting sales and bonus targets.
Such integrity is not only a key focus
for regulators, it is also a hugely
important competitive differentiator,
allowing your business to engage and
build up trust with your customers.
But attributes such as insight,
agility and integrity can be difficult to
instil within many organisations. Even
attempts to build them into
performance objectives and incentives
can falter if the ways people work and
think on a day-to-day basis are
unchanged. It is therefore important
to hard wire these aspirations into the
‘moments that matter’ within the
working day. It might be what
information they use to make
decisions. It might also be what other
teams they collaborate with as your
business looks to develop more
innovative and effective client
The underlying factor is how staff
judge what they do. This includes
taking pride in providing a good
solution for such an important life
decision as life and pensions cover and
recognising the value they create for
society as a whole.
Leadership is critical in defining and
providing the role models for the
behaviour needed under this new way
of working and making sure it is an
organisation-wide priority. HR and
line management can also play a
decisive role in nurturing the desired
culture and behaviour on the ground
and clearing the obstacles that could
get in the way.
PwC Future of Insurance 21
22 PwC Future of Insurance
Figure 10: New service models
Agile new entrants
The urgent need to strengthen agility,
productivity and customer focus is
heightened by the growing threat from
new entrants.
The development of internet channels
has allowed companies to reach new
customers and markets without the need
for a physical presence and with low
variable costs, though the initial
investment has been considerable.
Cloud computing and other advances
in storage and processing power are
allowing agile companies, including new
entrants to harness state-of-the-art
connectivity and analytical capabilities,
without the high fixed costs. As they
will only be using the computing
power needed to meet their current
requirements, this just-in-time ‘virtual
outsourcing’ approach would allow
them to break into new markets and
flex up as their customer base grows
with much greater flexibility and lower
costs than new entrants in previous eras.
They can also tap into social media
and other external data to profile their
target customers without the need for
extensive databases.
Intuitive automated advice
A model for rapid and effective market
entry is Mint in the US. Mint is a free
personal finance and money management
platform and therefore has close
similarities with automated life insurance
advice and guidance. It analyses all the
user’s bank transactions to give them a
bird’s eye view of their financial situation
and how to improve it. Mint reflects
the market trend towards more flexible
assisted and self-directed models
(see Figure 10).
What is also telling about Mint is how fast
it has been able to gain significant scale
on a shoestring budget. Most of the
technology basics needed to set up the
site didn’t cost anything. Rather than
spending money on advertising, Mint
trusted its 36,000 Facebook fans to
promote its services. The speed at which
companies like Mint can get up and
running and the usability of their services
make them a real threat to established
ource: PwC
organise it for me
I’ll organise it myself with
a little help
I’ll organise it myself
elegated giving way to Assisted (personal advice with the support of technology infrastructure); which is evolving towards a co-existence model with
Self-Directed advice
PwC Future of Insurance 23
Mint now has seven million users
was recently taken over by Intuit, which
also markets Turbotax, America’s most
opular automated tax filing package.
Access to Intuit’s tax and transactional
data would give Mint the potential to gain
a complete picture of a user’s finances –
spending, savings and earnings from all
sources. This would allow it to develop a
fuller picture of the user’s behaviour and
become an advocate for their needs.
The challenge is how quickly your
business can respond and how to keep
one step ahead of these nimble
newcomers. Around half of the executives
in our survey believe that it will be ten
years before ‘big data’ comes into its own.
However, the example of Kodak cited
earlier shows that they may not have
anything like that much time to adapt
once the faster, cheaper and more
intuitive products and services become
While most SAAAME markets are still at
an early stage of big data development,
agile companies are looking at how to
reate the infrastructure that would allow
them to leapfrog into the big data league.
The concentration of software design
and analytical services in India and
other SAAAME markets could provide
a useful launch pad for the development
and application of big data within
Too little, too slow
Unfortunately, few life and pensions
companies appear to have grasped the
speed and magnitude of the changes in
the competitive landscape or the need
for fundamental strategic shifts these
developments demand. Our survey
found that their number one priority
is enhancing operational efficiency.
New products, data analytics and other
innovations are much lower down the list.
Clearly efficiency is an essential priority
when margins are under pressure. But it
can only go so far. Simply doing what you
do a little better may not be enough to
guarantee survival and success when the
sector is facing transformational change.
58% of life and
pensions executives
are planning to
effectiveness, but
only 32% are
planning to invest
in their data
infrastructure and
analytical tools
28 Mint website, 12.06.12
29 PwC life and pensions survey 2012
Questions for your organisation
n Could low-cost entrants come in to undercut your business and
how can you compete?
n Would new technology allow you to operate more efficiently and
capitalise on opportunities with greater speed and agility?
n How prepared are you to face fast-growing information-based
players that are likely to disrupt your industry?
24 PwC Future of Insurance
There is no certainty that existing players will be in the best position. Indeed, with
technology set to have such a major impact on what customers expect and how
products are underwritten and marketed, the unwieldy legacy systems employed by
many life companies may put them at a competitive disadvantage.
It is therefore vital to think about how to make sure your business is able to keep
pace, and where possible, lead change. We believe that there are five key attributes
that will mark out the businesses that will be able to compete and succeed from those
that won’t:
Speed of decision making and agility to respond
Clear insights into where in the complex new value chain they are best able
to compete
Using the latest developments in technology to enhance customer profiling, reduce
costs and improve customer experience
Using new technology to industrialise routine underwriting, sharpen their analytical
capabilities and release talent to focus on high-growth markets and deal with more
complex risks
And to make sure they get the benefit from this, being able to communicate value
clearly and convincingly to analysts and investors
While the future may be hard to predict, it’s definitely not impossible to prepare for.
The speed at which your business can make use of these attributes to anticipate and
adapt to change rather than simply reacting to events is going to be a key differentiator
in the shake-up ahead.
Are you still going to be in business in five
years time?
The life and pension market has
considerable growth potential. The
big questions are: who is best placed
to take advantage of these changes
and how?
This publication has been prepared for general guidance on matters of interest only, and does not constitute professional advice. You should not act upon the
information contained in this publication without obtaining specific professional advice. No representation or warranty (express or implied) is given as to the accuracy or
completeness of the information contained in this publication, and, to the extent permitted by law, PricewaterhouseCoopers does not accept or assume any liability,
responsibility or duty of care for any consequences of you or anyone else acting, or refraining to act, in reliance on the information contained in this publication or for any
decision based on it.
Research team and
lead authors
Jamie Yoder
US Insurance Advisory Co-leader
Partner, PwC (US)
+1 773 255 2138
Anand Rao
Partner, PwC (US)
+1 617 633 8354
Mansoor Bajowala
Director, PwC (US)
+1 312 298 3817
Anuraag Sunder
Principal Consultant, PwC (India)
+91 124 462 0184
David Law
Global Insurance leader
Partner, PwC (UK)
+44 7710 173 556
John Wynn
Global Insurance Advisory leader
Partner, PwC (Hungary)
+44 7802 948 447
Achim Bauer
UK Insurance Strategy
Consulting leader, Partner, PwC (UK)
+44 (0)20 7212 1405
John Wynn
Global Insurance Advisory leader
Partner, PwC (Hungary)
+44 7802 948 447
Peter Whalley
Hong Kong Insurance leader
Partner, PwC (Hong Kong)
+852 2289 1192
Allan Buitendag
National Insurance Consulting leader
Partner, PwC (Canada)
+1 416 815 5239
Anand Rao
Partner, PwC (US)
+1 617 633 8354
Jamie Yoder
US Insurance Advisory Co-leader
Partner, PwC (US)
+1 773 255 2138
Jonathan Simmons
Canada Insurance leader
Partner, PwC (Canada)
+1 416 869 2460
Paul McDonnell
US Insurance Advisory Co-leader
Partner, PwC (US)
+1 646 471 3986
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