Little Caesars of Lubbock
Employee & Management Handbook
January 2022
Title Page
Welcome & Company History………………………………….………… 3
Employment Policy…………………………………….…………………. 3
Purpose of this Handbook…………………………………………............ 3
Your Employment Relationship……………………………………........... 4
Schedule & Attendance....…………………………………………............ 4
Pay Schedule ………………….…………………………………….......... 4
Employee Image ..……………………………………….………….......... 7
Personal Hygiene…………………………………………………….......... 8
Safety Guidelines……………………………………………………......... 9
Fire Prevention……………………………………................…..…............ 10
MSDS: Right to Know………………………............................................ 11
Shaker Board Guidelines…………………………………………………. 12
Shaker Board Policies and Procedures ....................................................... 12
Security Guidelines……………...………………..…….................……… 13
General Restaurant Policies………………………………………............. 15
Leaves of Absence ………………………………………………………. 16
Standards of Conduct……………………………………………............... 17
Workplace Violence Policy………………………………………............. 19
Sexual Harassment Policy………………………………………............... 19
Anti-Discrimination Policy………………………………………….......... 21
American with Disabilities Act………………………………………........ 23
Solicitation and Distribution of Literature………………………………… 23
Employee Acknowledgement and Confidentiality ……………………….. 24
Welcome to the Little Caesars’ Pizza Team! We hope your experience with Little Caesars is fun, exciting, and genuinely
rewarding. A positive work experience begins with you. Your success at Little Caesars depends on your enthusiasm,
flexibility, and willingness to learn new things. In return, you will gain valuable new skills. You will not only learn how
to make fresh, high quality products; you will also discover things about customer service, teamwork, and business
operations that you can use the rest of your life.
At Little Caesars, our goal is to be the best in pizza. To be the first choice among pizza customers, we must be able to
provide great-tasting products and quick, friendly, prompt and courteous service in a clean restaurant every day, to every
Company History
Little Caesars Pizza was founded in 1959 by Marian and Michael Ilitch. Through the years, Little Caesars has built a
reputation of providing delicious, quality products with quick, friendly service. As you will see, we use only high quality
ingredients in all of our products. We offer exceptional value, as well as convenience for our customers.
We continually strive to exceed our customers’ service expectations. Little Caesars’ research and development department
creates innovative ideas, products, and equipment, which have made Little Caesars known worldwide. Little Caesars, made
up of both company and franchise restaurants, is one of the top pizza chains in the world. Today, we operate restaurants
and serve customers in all 50 states and many continents. We continue to aggressively develop our brand across the globe.
To support this spectacular growth, we must continue to hire the most qualified people and provide effective training. Our
goal is to enable all Employees to provide excellent customer service while satisfying their career goals.
Equal Employment Opportunity Policy
Little Caesars seeks to employ, train, and promote the best-qualified people in all positions throughout our company and to
provide equal employment opportunity for advancement to qualified employees. Employment decisions are made without
distinction or discrimination of race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, disability, veteran status or any other
characteristic protected by federal, state or local law. Consequently, Little Caesars believes that all Employees have a right
to work in an environment free of intimidation and harassment.
Purpose of this Handbook
This handbook is presented as a matter of information and underscores our commitment to excellence. The handbook and
our policies stated herein are not intended to create nor should they be construed as a contract of employment. It is simply
intended to allow for a productive, harmonious working environment.
While Little Caesars believes wholeheartedly in the policies and procedures described in this handbook, the company
reserves the right to alter, modify, amend, change or terminate this handbook and/or any or all of these policies and
procedures in any manner which it believes to be in the best interest of Little Caesars.
This handbook supercedes any and all prior oral and written communications to you regarding your working conditions,
policies and procedures with the exception of any previously signed Confidentiality Agreement. It is your responsibility to
review the entire handbook and if you do not understand any portion of it, to contact your Franchise Owner.
Your Employment Relationship
CKC Pizza LLC dba Little Caesars of Lubbock is an “at will” Employer. That means the company can terminate the
employment of any Employee, with or without cause, and with or without notice. Likewise, Employees can terminate their
employment, with or without cause, with or without notice. Only the Franchise Owner has the authority to enter into any
agreement for employment other than “At Will”, and it must be in writing and signed by the Franchise Owner and the
Schedule • Attendance
You will be required to provide your manager with a schedule of your availability at the time of hire. As an Employee,
requests for days off for vacation or a special event should be directed in writing to the scheduling manager at least two
weeks prior to that schedule being posted. All other requests must be submitted by Wednesday each week and the schedule
is posted on Friday each week. Just because you request off it does not mean the request will be granted. Requests are
granted on the basis of store staffing levels. Once the schedule is posted, all changes are to be made by the restaurant
manager only. Since each Employee has different skill levels at each of the stations, you may not switch shifts with another
Employee without first obtaining permission from the restaurant manager.
As an Employee, you are not guaranteed a certain number of hours per week. Your schedule will be based on your
availability, job performance, and the sales volume of your restaurant. You may be asked (and expected) on occasion to
work at other restaurant locations.
Absenteeism and tardiness can be a problem that affects everyone from customers to management and co-workers. To
avoid problems, you are expected to be regular in attendance and punctual when reporting for work as scheduled. Therefore,
all Employees should arrive for work no more than 15 minutes prior to their scheduled shift and be prepared to clock in 5
minutes prior to their scheduled time. Arrive in a complete and clean uniform as outlined in the Dress Code section of this
handbook. Remember that operating a restaurant is a team effort. If you are going to be late or absent you must personally
notify management at least two hours prior to your scheduled starting time. Store Managers must notify their supervisor.
If you are absent, a doctor’s excuse may be requested. If you are absent three or more days for illness, injury or disability,
a doctor’s release to return work will be required before you return to your job. You must call in each day that you are
absent from work due to illness/injury. If a pattern of excessive absences or repeated lateness occurs, it may result in
disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Employees who are absent from work without notifying management will be considered as having voluntarily quit.
Pay Schedule
Payday is every other Tuesday. You have the option of receiving your pay by direct deposit or pay card or pay check
depending on what is currently available and approved through the payroll company.
The company complies with all federal and state laws on overtime. All hourly paid (non-exempt) Little Caesars’ Employees
will be paid overtime after 40 hours of work within one week (unless state law differs), even if this time is split between
two or more restaurants.
The company complies with all federal and state laws on break procedures. Employees are eligible for a 15-minute break
after each 4-hour work period. It is not necessary to clock out for 15-minute breaks. No additional smoke breaks are
Minors (16 and 17 Years Old)
Maximum and minimum hours of work must be strictly adhered to in the case of minor Employees under the age of 18.
Each manager must ensure that all federal and state laws are followed.
Hours Worked
All hourly paid employees must be paid for all hours they work. Working “off the clock” without pay is prohibited.
In the event of a payroll error, see your manager and he/she will verify the error and contact the Area Supervisor
who in turn will contact the owner and payroll department.
Pay Increases
Promotional and pay increases are based on individual’s performance, attendance, ability, and company profitability.
Employees are measured on quality and quantity of products and service produced, and performance standards. The
following is an example of an Employee Evaluation:
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Change in Status
If you have a change in your name, address, tax status, or any other information necessary to maintain proper Employee
records, it is your responsibility to notify your manager and provide changes.
Payroll Records
Every Employee (including management) will be required and is responsible to properly clock in and out on the store POS
system. All Employees will clock in at their scheduled time, in full uniform and ready to work.
Employee Image
You are a representative of Little Caesars and are expected to present a positive, professional image whenever you are at
work. This image includes reporting to work at your scheduled time in a complete, clean uniform (as described below).
Your personal appearance should reflect the personal hygiene guidelines on pages seven and eight.
Dress Code/Uniforms
Little Caesars will provide you with your uniform shirt, a hat, and apron. Your uniform must be clean whenever you are
• The uniform shirt and slacks must be washed before reporting to work.
• The uniform shirt must be tucked in at all times. You may layer underneath your uniform shirt; however, if a short-sleeved
shirt is worn under the uniform, the sleeves may not extend below the uniform shirt sleeves.
• Black or brown belt is required as part of the uniform.
• Hats/Visors are to be worn at all times, as this is a health code requirement. Hats/visors must be worn straight and must
not be worn sideways or backwards. In order for employees to elect to wear a visor (rather than a hat) as part of their
uniform, the hair must be: buzzed, bunned, braided, OR a hair net worn over the hair.
Crew members and management are required to wear solid color khaki pants. Employees may wear solid color khaki
shorts however shorts must be long enough to touch the top of your knee. Shorts and pants must be belted tightly
enough to keep pants up over hips. Jeans, stretch pants, or corduroys are not acceptable.
Shoes will be leather-top, rubber-soled, and in good repair. Black or white leather top athletic shoes are acceptable –
canvas shoes or Bobs are not acceptable. If your shoes are deemed unsafe, you will be required to wear acceptable
shoes. No open-toed or high-heeled shoes will be allowed. Socks that cover the ankle must be worn with your uniform.
Proper shoes with proper soles go a long way to avoid slips and falls.
If an Employee reports to work in violation of any of the previously mentioned dress code policies, the manager will send
the Employee home to change into the proper uniform, and the time missed will be uncompensated and unexcused. Repeated
instances of this may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
NOTE: Uniforms bearing the Little Caesar logo cannot be worn outside the scope of regular business.
The apron MUST be worn in food production areas. It is the employee’s responsibility to keep the apron
clean at all times and sanitized while at work. Aprons:
- Must be removed BEFORE going outside. This includes breaks and leaving for the day/evening. The only
exception is taking pizzas to a parked vehicle.
- Must be removed before going to the restroom
- Must be sanitized each morning before beginning work
- Must be cleaned and sanitized each time shift is over – before leaving the store.
- You may smoke on your breaks, but NO additional smoke breaks are allowed.
- Smoking is allowed at your vehicle, at the end of the building (but not at the drive-thru area), or behind the
- Smoking or eating is NOT allowed anywhere on the sidewalk in front of the shopping center.
- You may sit in the lobby on break to eat as long as it is not during the lunch or dinner rush. You may also sit in
the storage area – where the “employee cart” is located – to take your break.
Because we work with food products and equipment, jewelry must not be worn.
Although it is not recommended, a single wedding band may be worn and is the only exception.
Other rings, bracelets, wristbands of any kind, dangling earrings are NOT allowed.
Necklaces, chokers, and chains are not allowed.
NOTE: Little Caesars does not assume responsibility for any personal items brought into the restaurant.
Tattoos & Hickies
Tattoos are allowed but limited. The following visible tattoos are not allowed at the time of hire or during the course of
employment. Should any become evident, you will be terminated.
- No nudity or sexually explicit tattoos allowed
- No lewd, vulgar, offensive or gang-related tattoos allowed
- No profanity or hateful comments allowed on tattoos
- Management and cashiers are not allowed to have ANY tattoos on the face, head, or neck
- If a tattoo is deemed questionable in nature, design, or content then the store manager or Area Supervisor will
simply ask that the tattoo be covered while the employee is working.
- Hickies on the neck/face are not allowed by employees or management.
Personal Hygiene
Whenever you work with food, it is important to maintain high cleanliness standards and this includes personal hygiene.
Even healthy people carry bacteria that can be harmful to food products. You should bathe daily and report to work clean
and well groomed. Makeup is to be kept to a minimum.
Hair is to be clean, neat and under control at all times.
Employees with shoulder-length hair or longer are required to tie it neatly back, into a “ponytail” and then
properly secure it before putting on their hat.
A hair net MUST BE WORN if hair is hanging loose around the face or otherwise not under control.
All male Employees should report to work clean shaven. Beards will be permitted only if covered with a beard
guard. Neatly trimmed moustaches, trimmed to the corner of the mouth, are acceptable.
Cleanliness is in your hands! Keep them clean. Fingernails must be trimmed, clean, and well kept. Artificial
nails and/or nail polish are not allowed and prohibited by the health department.
Before you begin work, you should wash your hands thoroughly in the hand sink for at least 20 seconds (the amount of time
it takes to say your ABC’s). Wash up to your elbows using antibacterial soap and hot water, rinse well, and dry with a
disposable towel throughout your shift, you should wash your hands whenever necessary.
Some examples are:
Going to the bathroom, sneezing, coughing, handling money, sweeping or mopping, using cleaning chemicals, answering
the telephone, touching your hair or face, etc.
If you have a cut, sore, or other wound, or a bandage on your hand, you must wear a plastic food service glove over it.
Whenever your hand becomes unsanitary, you must dispose of the glove, wash your hands, and then put on a fresh glove.
Other Precautions
There are certain activities that may cause harmful bacteria to come in contact with food products. You need to be aware
of these and avoid them when handling food. For example:
Do not smoke or use any type of tobacco product in the restaurant.
Do not eat or drink unless you are in the break area or lobby.
Do not chew gum or candy.
Do not touch your hair, face, or any part of your body while handling food.
Do not work if you are sick, especially if you have a fever, are vomiting, or have diarrhea.
Keep your uniform clean - wash it in hot water with detergent after each day you work.
Wear a clean apron, wipe the front with a sanitized cloth before starting work.
Safety Guide
Safety is the responsibility of all Little Caesars’ Employees. Most accidents and injuries can be prevented. However, if an
accident or injury occurs in the restaurant or parking lot, no matter how minor, it must be reported to the manager
immediately, and then to the supervisor/franchise owner. An incident report must be filled out by the Employee and the
manager as soon after the incident as possible. In case of an injury or accident, you may be asked to see a doctor at the
company’s expense to determine your physical status, at which time a written statement may be required.
General Safety Rules
Report any safety hazards to restaurant management.
All Employees must read the Employee Right to Know Training Materials concerning
hazardous substances located in the restaurant (see page 11).
No “horse play” is allowed. Management and employees will always conduct themselves in a businesslike manner.
Keep all floors and aisles free of clutter.
Clean up all spills immediately.
Use proper lifting techniques when performing lifting duties.
Place “wet floor sign” after cleaning up spills or when mopping.
Keep the back door locked and do not block access to the back door.
A Safe Way to Lift:
1. Position feet to straddle the load. Be sure of firm footing.
2. Keep load close to body, knees bent, back straight.
3. Grasp load firmly by opposite sides, keep elbows and arms close to body.
4. Lift by gradually straightening your legs, keeping your back straight.
5. To unload, reverse steps 1 through 5.
A safety belt is provided for moving/lifting heavy items.
Equipment Safety Rules
• Do not use equipment unless you are of proper age and have been trained on its
proper use.
No one under 18 is allowed to operate or clean any part of the dough mixer, dough divider,
dough rounder, or sheet out machine.
Tampering with or bi-passing a safety device on any machine is not allowed and will
not be tolerated.
Never place sharp objects into the dish water.
Never try to catch falling objects such as pizzas, pizza cutters, equipment, etc. To prevent
burns on your hands or arms, do not reach into the oven. Use the oven fork to move pizzas
or pop bubbles.
Use grippers and a spatula to support hot pans when taking them out of the oven. Use oven
mitts to carry or handle hot pans. Do not carry or transport them in large stacks that are
difficult to balance. Always call out a warning (“hot pans” or “behind you”) if you are
walking behind somebody while carrying/moving hot, sharp, or heavy objects.
Reporting Safety Hazards
If you notice a safety problem in the restaurant, let your restaurant manager or supervisor know about it. They should take
action to correct the problem. If no action is taken, call 806-786-5330 Area Supervisor or 801-483-1938 Corporate Office.
Responding to Customer Complaints
Employees are not to handle customer complaints…either on the phone or in person. When a customer has a complaint you
simple politely ask them to hold on a minute while you get the manager on duty. Never argue with a customer! Get the
manager and excuse yourself while the manager deals with the complaint. There is no reason for you to interact or engage
in violence with a customer. Again, get a manager….excuse yourself and let the manager handle it. If a customer gets out
of hand or threatening….the manager is to give the customer their money back and ask them to immediately leave. If the
customer refuses to leave the manger is to call 911 and have the police come and deal with the customer.
In Case of Injury
Notify the restaurant or manager if you are hurt at work, no matter how minor the injury seems to be and fill out an
incident report.
If an Employee or customer is seriously injured:
1. Do not administer first aid unless you are currently certified in First Aid and Bloodborne Pathogen training by
the American Red Cross.
2. Immediately call for emergency assistance (911 or the appropriate emergency number posted at the Telephone
3. Remain on the phone until help arrives.
In the case of serious injury, contact the supervisor/franchise owner right after help arrives.
First Aid
You must be certified in first aid training by the American Red Cross to administer health care.
Injuries or cuts that cause bleeding are one of the most common accidents in the restaurant industry. If you injure or cut
yourself, seek assistance from management immediately, no matter how minor the injury may be.
After assisting an employee who cut himself or herself, the following guidelines should be followed:
1. Dispose of any articles containing blood, such as towels, gauze, etc., into an empty garbage bag and place it directly
into the dumpster. Discard any food products that may have come in contact with blood in the same manner.
2. Wash hands and any skin exposed to blood with soap and warm water.
3. Wash, rinse, and sanitize the piece of equipment that caused the cut.
4. All areas that come into contact with blood such as preparation tables, floor, etc. should be washed, rinsed and sanitized
with a chemical sanitizer as quickly as possible. Remember, the Employee must wear a plastic food-service glove over
the bandage when handling food.
Fire Prevention Guidelines:
1. Keep the restaurant clean and uncluttered.
2. Do not store anything near the hot water heater.
3. Do not store pizza boxes or other paper supplies on or next to the oven.
4. Take out the trash frequently; don’t let it build up.
5. Keep the electrical box closed and objects away from it.
6. Report damaged cords to the manager.
7. If you smell gas, leave the restaurant immediately and call for assistance from outside of
the restaurant.
8. Do not smoke in the restaurant.
9. Do not block access to the back door.
Fire Extinguisher Usage
Fire extinguishers are designed to put out small fires before they spread. Even if you think you can put out the fire with an
extinguisher, someone should still call the fire department right away.
When using a fire extinguisher, remember PASS:
Pull the pin.
Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire.
Squeeze the trigger.
Sweep from side to side.
Remember to aim carefully, the fire extinguisher only lasts about 10 seconds.
* These safety guidelines are non-exhaustive and Little Caesars retains the discretion to change, alter or
modify them at any time.
MSDS: Right To Know Hazard Communication
Little Caesars strives to protect you against the dangers of hazardous chemicals. As an Employee, you are entitled to
information regarding the chemicals that are found in our restaurants. For example, window cleaner and even soap, if used
incorrectly, can be considered hazardous. Safety training and proper handling and storage of chemicals are just a few of the
things done to keep you safe.
How do you know if something is hazardous?
The first place to look is on the container of the substance. There are many different types of labels, but if a chemical is
hazardous, the label will tell you. So play it safe. Get in the habit of reading the labels on all containers and be sure to
follow all instructions. If you have questions ask your manager or refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (or MSDS for
short) found in the rest room of the store.
The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
This hazard communication tool gives details on chemical and physical dangers, safety procedures, and emergency response
techniques. Everything that is known about the chemical is listed here.
Remember the only person who can keep you safe every day on the job is you.
Make these common sense rules part of your job:
• Identify hazards before you start a job
• Respect all precautions; do not take chances
• Ask your manager when in doubt
• Read labels and Material Safety Data Sheets
• Know where to find information about your chemicals
• Follow warnings and instructions
• Learn emergency procedures
• Practice sensible, safe work habits
NEVER mix chemicals
Emergency Evacuation Plan
In case of fires or other emergencies, your restaurant has an Emergency Evacuation Plan. Go through this plan with your
restaurant manager and make sure you understand it.
Shaker Board Guidelines
Before any employee engages in shaker board activity, the Manager must make sure that:
1. They contact their franchisee, area supervisor, or marketing coordinator to check for any city licensing
ordinances/requirements that may be needed for shakerboarding.
2. An area outside the store must be identified where shakerboarding will be permitted. This will be on or closely
around the premises where the store is located, if permissible. The sidewalk is always the preferred area for
shakerboarding. When a sidewalk is not present, the shakerboarding area must be a safe distance from the roadway.
3. Employee is 18 years of age or older. Only Little Caesars employees will be permitted to shakerboard. No clubs,
organizations, schools, non-profit organizations, etc. are allowed to shakerboard.
4. Employee has been thoroughly trained on all the policies and procedures on how to use a shakerboard.
5. Employee can demonstrate knowledge of the policies and procedures on how to use a shakerboard.
6. Employee can demonstrate knowledge of the safety guidelines for shakerboard activities.
7. Review the following policies and procedures with the employee(s) who will be shakerboarding.
8. Store management will supervise shakerboard activity.
Employee's safety is first…so follow all the rules and procedures.
Be in complete Little Caesars uniform.
Smile, make eye contact and wave.
Be courteous, you represent the company.
Stay hydrated and use sunscreen.
Seek shade for 5 minutes each half hour.
Hold board in front of you and continually shake the board in any direction – up, down, sideways, etc.
Your safety is first. Stay on the sidewalks and follow the rules!
Shaker Board Policies and Procedures
The following policies and procedures must be followed at all times.
1) Employees must be in complete Little Caesars uniform and wear the reflective vest.
2) Employees must be on the sidewalk. When a sidewalk is not present, the shakerboarding area must be a safe distance
from the roadway.
3) Employees will not stand on objects while shaker boarding.
4) Employees will never step onto or cross the road, while using the shaker board.
5) Employees will never use the shaker board on the median of the roadway.
6) Store management will supervise shaker board activities.
7) Employees will never engage in horseplay, inappropriate behavior or any unsafe activities while shaking the board.
8) To limit distractions, off duty employees, friends and family are not allowed within the shaker board area.
9) Employees will never approach or get into any vehicle.
10) If a passer-by harasses an employee while shaker boarding, it must be reported to management immediately.
11) Do not use shaker board if inclement weather is present and a danger exists i.e. lightening.
12) Never obstruct your view with the shaker board.
13) All breaks from shaker boarding activities have to be approved by management.
14) Shaker board activities are only allowed during daylight hours.
15) Employees must return to the store at the completion of his/her shaker boarding shift.
16) Smoking is not allowed.
17) Talking on a cell phone is not allowed.
18) Wear one ear bud of a headphone device is allowed.
These general policies and procedures are not intended to alter the "at will" employment relationship. The above list is non-
exhaustive and provides examples only of behavior, which may result in disciplinary action and/or termination. Little
Caesars retains the discretion to change, alter or modify these general policies and procedures at any time.
Security Guidelines
The security of our Employees, customers, and restaurants is as important to us as it is to you. Therefore, we have
established guidelines that will help protect you and Little Caesars’ property.
Keep the restaurant’s back door closed at all times. Do not let unauthorized personnel in the back door of the
restaurant. Do not open the back door after dark.
Trash is to be taken out before the safe is opened in the morning and again at the end of the day shift. Never take
trash out if the safe is open or after dark. A member of management must be present when taking out the trash.
Management must always keep all restaurant keys in their possession. Never leave them in the restaurant overnight
or unattended. Never give them to an employee.
Management alarm codes and safe codes are confidential and must NOT be shared with anyone.
No company official, repairman, governmental official, vendor, etc. shall enter a restaurant without proper
identification and purpose. This includes a business card and picture identification. If someone complains, have
them contact the Area Supervisor. A member of management must ask for identification and call Area Supervisor
and notify him.
At no time will there by anyone other than scheduled Employees behind the front counter or in the back working
area: no customers, friends, relatives, or off duty Employees.
Never have weapons in the restaurant, in your vehicle or on your person while performing duties associated with
Little Caesars. This includes guns and knives.
If someone refuses to leave the restaurant, immediately call the police and await their help. Do not physically
remove or attempt to remove any person from the restaurant.
Upon termination of any Employee who has restaurant keys, the locks and safe combination must be changed
immediately. Keys must be returned within 24 hours of termination.
Always keep the cash drawer closed except when making a transaction. If any problems occur, call the manager.
Everyone will pay in cash or by credit card for all food products received over the counter and/or through the drive-
thru security window. Collect payment before giving the customer product. This applies to all company personnel,
friends, relatives and the general public.
A ticket is to be completed on the POS when a special order is placed, and before any product can be made.
Bank deposits and change orders are to be made by the manager during the morning bank run.
At no time are you to do anything with the bank deposit or funds in the safe other that take them to the bank.
Never take deposits or store funds home.
There are bad people who sometimes call and try to get you to take the deposit or funds to an offsite location in
order to steal it. Do not fall for this fraud. No one with our company, corporate, or the owner himself would ever
call you and direct you to do such things.
Each register should have no more than $200 at any time.
Limit the amount of cash in the register by performing cash pulls and then “dropping” the money into the deposit
compartment of the safe. Multiple cash drops will need to be made during peak business hours to keep cash in the
drawer within the policy limits. All sales must be transacted on the cash register. Any manipulation of company
funds will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary up to and including termination.
Never leave the safe open.
At the beginning of each shift one Employee will be assigned to a register. Never walk away from your assigned
register without management approval. Log out of the register if you have to walk away. Never operate a register
that you are not assigned to. If you notice someone operating a register that they are not assigned to, report it to
your manager immediately.
Due to the nature of our business, we may be the target of robberies. If there is a robbery:
• Remain calm and do exactly as the person says.
• Observe the person’s appearance and try to remember all the details (height, weight, etc.).
• Call the police and then the supervisor/franchise owner, and list the robber’s description as fully as
Never talk to the media. Have them contact the corporate office at 801-483-1938.
Any deviations from these guidelines may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
*These security guidelines are non-exhaustive and Little Caesars retains the discretion to change, alter or
modify them at any time.
Box Counts
Box/soda/cheese counts must be completed by management twice daily. Results are recorded on daily count sheets and
entered into the POS twice daily.
Unsold/Unused Pizzas and Other Waste
All unsold/unused Hot-N-Ready pizzas and other waste products are discarded and entered into the waste log on the POS.
Waste product is not to be eaten, taken home, or given away.
General Restaurant Policies
English is the only language to be used in the restaurant except when communicating with a customer in order to
clarify an order.
No Employee, full or part-time, will be employed in the same restaurant as a relative if there is a reporting
relationship between two Employees. Relatives include, but may not be limited to spouses, parents, children,
stepparents, stepchildren, adopted children, aunts, uncles, grandparents and in-laws.
Dating between employees in a reporting relationship is prohibited. If two Employees start dating, cohabitate, or
marry while assigned to the same restaurant or department, and are in a reporting relationship, one will be asked to
transfer to another restaurant. The decision as to which Employee is transferred will be based upon business needs.
If a transfer is not feasible, the Employees will be permitted to determine which of them will resign.
Even if there is no reporting relationship, relatives or persons in a closer than normal relationship (such as dating
or cohabitation) will be asked to transfer to another restaurant or work separate shifts. It is the responsibility of the
Employee to notify the supervisor if a relationship, as discussed, occurs. Little Caesars does not condone dating in
the work place.
No loitering of friends, relatives, or off-duty Employees is permitted in any part of the restaurant at any time (this
includes the parking lot).
Parking for customers is directly in front of the store and all areas closest to the entrance.
Employees will park in the designated parking area in order that we do not restrict immediate access to the store
entrance. After dark, Employees’ cars should be parked within sight when viewed from the lobby.
We do not cash Employees or other personal checks.
Employees must have management permission to use the telephone unless it is an emergency.
Cell phones are allowed in the restaurant but must be turned OFF while you are at work. No use of a cell phone
for personal calls or texting is allowed unless employee is on break and not in a work area. (Management is
exempted for cell phone business use.) If you have an emergency, notify your manager and use the store phone.
IPods, MP3 players, earphones, earplugs, etc. are NOT allowed.
Little Caesars does not provide a place to lock up your personal items and we do not assume responsibility for any
personal items brought into the restaurant.
Scales, sauce and cheese templates and portion cups are to be properly used at all times by every Employee to
provide consistency and accuracy when preparing all Little Caesars products. This will help to ensure customer
An Employee will be required, upon the company’s request, to submit to a search of any pocket, package, purse,
briefcase, duffel bag, or other container brought onto company premises.
No Employee under the age of 18 will be in the restaurant by themselves. A minor Employee (age 16-17) must have
adult supervision 100 percent of the time.
If you need an accommodation due to a disability, please contact your supervisor or franchise owner.
Under no circumstances should restaurant paperwork be taken home.
The use of home computer systems to conduct business related to Little Caesars will not be allowed.
In an effort to provide a safe work place for our Employees, from time to time, activities in and/or around the
restaurant may be video and/or audio taped without prior notice to Employees.
Eat and drink only in designated areas. Drink Policy is as follows:
- Employee may bring canned or bottled drinks – if we do not sell the bottled drink in our store. Place it in
designated area.
- Employee may purchase store drinks for consumption outside the store or in the lobby.
Not Allowed:
- Employee may not bring drinks to the back of the store if purchased in the store.
- Employee may not bring in any bottled drink larger than 1 liter.
- Employee may not bring in any drink cup with or without a lid.
- Employee may not bring in any container of any size that does not contain the original beverage.
Water cups are one-time use cups. Dispose of water cups each time you get a drink. Do not leave used cups in the
walk-in. That is a Health Code violation.
Leaves of Absence
Employees that are eligible under the Family and Medical Leave Act will be entitled to a leave absence, as outlined by
Federal or State law.
Bereavement Leave
Little Caesars grants leave of absence to employees in the event of the death of an employee’s current spouse, child, parent,
legal guardian, brother, sister, grandparent, or grandchild; or mother-, father-, sister-, bother-, son- or daughter-in-law. An
employee with such a death in the family may take up to three (3) consecutive scheduled workdays off without pay with the
approval of the company. The employee’s manager may approve additional unpaid time off.
Jury Duty
We encourage employees to serve on jury duty when called; however, we do not provide paid time off for you to serve.
You should notify your manager of the need for time off for jury duty as soon as a notice or summons from the court is
received. You may be requested to provide written verification from the court clerk of performance of jury service. If work
time remains after any day of jury selection or jury duty, you will be expected to return to work for the remainder of your
work schedule.
Military Leave
Employees who wish to serve in the military and take military leave should contact the franchise owner for information
about their rights before and after such leave. You are entitled to reinstatement upon completion of military service,
provided you return or apply for reinstatement within the time allowed by law.
Medical/Disability Leave
Medical leave begins when ordered by the employee’s physician. The employee must provide the company with a
certification from a health care provider. The certification indicating leave/disability should contain:
- The date on which the employee became disabled
- The probable duration of the period or periods of disability, and
- A statement that, due to the disability, the employee is unable to perform one or more of the essential functions
of the positions without undue risk to the employee or to other persons.
Leave returns will be allowed only when the employee’s physician sends a release. Pregnancy, childbirth or related medical
conditions will be treated like any other disability.
Standards of Conduct
All Little Caesars’ Employees are “at will” employees. This means that either the Company or the Employee can end the
employment relationship at any time, for any reason or no reason at all with or without advance notice.
We are interested in your success and your career with Little Caesars. We expect you to follow our policies and procedures
and to perform your job in a professional, productive manner.
Show respect, courtesy and professionalism to customers, Employees, vendors and management.
Allow co-workers space to perform job assignments. Do not rub against, hug, pat, kiss, or otherwise touch another
employee, manager, or any other person inside the store. Other than a brief, simple handshake or fist bump,
company policy is “hands to yourself”.
Accept and perform work assignments from your management team as directed without arguing.
Be on time for work and report as scheduled in a clean, full uniform. Employees are to clock in only when they are
prepared to begin at their assigned position. Employees must take care of personal needs (i.e. restroom, hair, beard,
hat, tuck shirt in, etc.) before clocking in.
Notify your manager or supervisor if there is a problem getting to work or fulfilling your shift, or if you need to leave
work early.
Follow all company standards regarding appearance, grooming, and uniforms.
Adhere to the guidelines for sanitation, safety, and security.
Perform your job duties correctly and efficiently to achieve the desired results.
You may not record anything in the store such as photos, video, or audio recordings. You may not post photos, or
other information on social media or any other electronic format.
Attend all meetings as required by management.
Cooperate fully with management in all company investigations.
Do not use prejudicial, abusive, obscene, or offensive language and/or behavior towards anyone.
Do not fight with, threaten, provoke or intimidate anyone - co-employees, supervisors, customers, etc.
Horseplay is never acceptable in the workplace.
Do not solicit, possess or use alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs in the restaurant or on company property, or report
to work under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.
Do not neglect or become careless in performing work assignments or job duties.
Do not repeatedly report to work late or continuously be absent as this will disrupt the efficient flow of our business
All food is to be prepared and served using Little Caesars standards. Adding additional toppings, overtopping, or
adding ingredients without paying for them is not allowed whether for yourself or for a guest.
Report all complaints of inappropriate behavior, discrimination, and sexual harassment to your direct supervisor.
Do not alter/falsify time or work records.
Do not take company, co-workers or vendors property without permission. Theft is immediate termination.
Do not discuss recipes, operational procedures or sales with anyone outside of work.
Do not gossip, form cliques, or create negative working conditions for others.
Do not make public statements that would damage or misrepresent Little Caesars. If you are in disagreement with
company policies or procedures, the disagreement should be discussed through the appropriate channels.
Do not misrepresent or take advantage of your position, job duties, and/or company property or services for personal
or financial gain.
When your performance or actions do not meet these standards or when your actions are inconsistent with company
expectations, you may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
*These Standards of Conduct and General Restaurant Policies are not intended to alter the “at-will”
employment relationship. The prior lists are non-exhaustive and provide examples only of behavior, which
may result in disciplinary action and/or termination. Little Caesars retains the discretion to change, alter,
or modify the Standards of Conduct or General Restaurant Policies at any time.
Workplace Violence Policy Statement
It is the policy of Little Caesars to promote a safe and secure environment for its Employees. We are committed to working
with our Employees to maintain a work environment free from violence, harassment, intimidation and other disruptive
behavior. While this kind of conduct is not pervasive in our company, no company is immune. Disruptive behavior at one
time or another affects every company or organization.
Violence, threats, harassment, intimidation and other disruptive behavior in our workplace will not be tolerated. All
reports or incidents will be taken seriously and will be dealt with appropriately. Such behavior can include oral or written
statements, gestures, or expressions that communicate a direct or indirect threat of physical harm. Individuals who commit
such acts may be removed from the premises and shall be subject to disciplinary action, criminal penalties, or both.
We need your cooperation to implement this policy effectively and maintain a safe working environment. Do not ignore
violent, threatening, harassing, intimidating or other disruptive behavior. If you observe or experience such behavior by
anyone on company premises whether he or she is a company Employee or not, report it immediately. Anyone who receives
such reports should seek advice from the Area Supervisor or Franchise Owner regarding investigating the incident and
initiating appropriate action. We, as an organization, will attempt to maintain complete confidentiality whenever possible
to protect the individual’s specific personal situations and privacy. [PLEASE NOTE: Threats or assaults that require
immediate attention should be reported first to the local law enforcement agency then to the Area Supervisor at 806-786-
5330, or Corporate Office at 801-483-1938.
We will support all efforts made by management in dealing with violent, threatening, harassing, intimidating or other
disruptive behavior in our workplace and will monitor whether this policy is being implemented effectively.
Sexual Harassment
Little Caesars is committed to providing a work environment that is free of all forms of sexual harassment. Little Caesars
does not tolerate any form of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is defined generally as unwelcome sexual advances,
requests for sexual acts or favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Examples include, but are not
limited to obscene jokes, pictures or objects sexually suggestive or insulting comments or contact. It is illegal and against
Company policy for an Employee to harass a customer, supplier, franchisee, vendor, or another Employee. Any Employee
who engages in any action or conduct constituting sexual harassment will be subject to disciplinary action up to and
including termination of employment.
Sexual Harassment Defined:
Sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal, visual or physical
acts of a sexual or sex-based nature where submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or
condition of an individual’s acceptance or rejection of such conduct; or such conduct interferes with an individual’s work
performance or creates an intimidating hostile or offensive environment.
Specific examples of sexual harassment may include but are not limited to: graphic verbal sexually suggestive objects,
graphic verbally suggestive comments about an individual’s body, clothing or appearance, cartoons or pictures, sexually
degrading words used to describe an individual, including nicknames, and comments, lewd stories, languages or jokes,
innuendoes or comments of a sexual nature that may be offensive to others, and any unwanted physical contact or
proposition. Behavior at off premises social events sponsored by Little Caesars and dating between employees may also be
a basis for claims of sexual harassment.
Management Responsibility
Little Caesars is committed to vigorously enforcing its Sexual Harassment Policy at all levels. All members of management
are accountable for the effective administration of this policy.
Little Caesars managers and supervisors have a responsibility to communicate Little Caesars position on sexual harassment
to employees in their area of responsibility. We take all reports seriously and will respond promptly to insure a confidential
objective investigation. Management is responsible for taking decisive action to prevent or curtail any activities observed
or known that might reasonably be perceived by others as harassment even if no complaint has been made. An investigation
should occur no matter how innocent the conduct appears. The keyword for defining sexual harassment is “unwelcome”.
What may seem innocent or minor to one person may be offensive to someone else, therefore, the merits of a complaint
cannot always be immediately determined.
Reporting Procedures
An employee who believes that he/she has been the subject of sexual harassment should report the alleged incident(s)
immediately to the Store Manager or Supervisor. If the incident involves this individual, contact the Area Supervisor 806-
786-5330 or Corporate Office 801-483-1938. This person will obtain an individual written statement of the alleged
incident(s) from the employee and an investigation will be done. There will be no discrimination or retaliation against any
employee registering a complaint.
Generally an investigation includes the following:
The investigator will initiate a prompt, thorough, and fair investigation. An investigation will be completed even if the
employee refuses to complete the complaint form.
If the alleged harassment is severe, the alleged recipient and alleged offender will be separated upon receipt of the complaint.
The alleged offender may be suspended without pay pending the final results of the investigation. The length of the
suspension will vary based on the length of the investigation. If the outcome of the investigation shows the complaint was
unfounded, the suspended employee will be reinstated to active employment with retroactive pay.
The investigator(s) will meet with the alleged offender. The investigator will review, with the alleged offender, this policy
and disclose that a complaint of sexual harassment has been made. The alleged offender will then have the opportunity to
agree/refute the allegation by responding both verbally and in writing on a response form to be provided by the investigator.
The investigator(s) may re-interview the alleged recipient and the alleged offender.
The investigator(s) will ask potential witnesses to fill out a witness form and may interview the witnesses.
The investigator(s) may meet with the employee’s direct supervisor to evaluate the information collected and determine a
course of action.
The result of the investigation will be communicated to the alleged recipient and the alleged offender.
Corrective Action
If the final outcome of the investigation shows that the alleged offender committed sexual harassment, the employee will
be disciplined in a manner consistent with the severity of the harassment. This may include, but is not limited to, a verbal
warning, a written warning, a suspension without pay, transfer, demotion, or termination of employment.
Should the results of the investigation prove to be inconclusive, all parties involved will review this policy with the
understanding that any violation of this policy in the future will call for immediate disciplinary action.
Little Caesars will investigate complaints as confidentially and discreetly as possible and resolve complaints to the best of
its ability with respect to the privacy of all individuals involved. It is essential that all rumors during the course of the
investigation stop. Employees who are not involved in the investigation who ask questions will be advised that the matter
is private and confidential, and will be informed if they become a part of the investigation. It is management’s responsibility
to limit the number of persons who are involved to a strict “need to know basis.”
Employees who witness sexual harassment of another employee, or are personally subjected to sexual harassment are
encouraged to report the incident(s) immediately to the store manager or call the Area Supervisor 806-786-5330 or
Corporate Office at 801-483-1938.
False, Malicious Claim
Accusations of sexual harassment are taken seriously by Little Caesars. Those who knowingly and intentionally make false
allegations, which have no basis in fact, may be subject to discipline up to and including termination of employment.
This policy is not a contract and may be changed at any time, at the discretion of the Company.
Anti-Discrimination Policy
Little Caesars is committed to providing equal employment and advancement opportunities to all qualified individuals
without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, disability, veteran status or any other characteristic protected
by law. As such, we strive to provide a work environment that is free of all forms of discrimination and illegally based
harassment. Little Caesars believes that all employees have the right to work in an environment that is free from
discrimination and/or harassment.
Employees have the right and the responsibility to immediately report instances of threats, discriminatory treatment, or
harassment without fear of retaliation. Discrimination or harassment based on the above factors will not be tolerated and
will result in discipline up to and including termination of employment. Any employee who intentionally or unintentionally
engages in actions or conduct that violate this policy will be subject to discipline up to and including termination of
employment. If you report any incidents and no action is taken, immediately call the Area Supervisor 806-786-5330 or
Corporate office at 801-483-1938.
Discrimination occurs when a person is treated differently than a similarly situated person in part because of their race,
color, national origin, religion, age, sex, disability, veteran status or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or
local laws. The action may or may not be intentional. Neutral actions, which cause disparate treatment or a disparate impact
on the recipient, may also be considered discriminatory.
Discriminatory harassment includes, but is not necessarily limited to, conduct which abuses an individual’s dignity such as
unwelcome annoyances, threats, demands, persistent nagging, joking or teasing, inflicting a succession of annoyances or
ethnic, racist or sexist slurs or derogatory comments, or objectionable conduct including physical advances or intimidations,
visual displays such as posters, cartoons and drawings, or distractions because of an individual’s race, color, national origin,
religion, age, sex, disability, veteran status or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local laws. Harassment
also occurs when an individual is subjected to conduct that has the purpose or effect of unreasonable interfering with a
person’s work performance or creates an intimidating or offensive and hostile working environment.
Reporting Procedures
Employees, who believe they have been subjected to discrimination or harassment, or have witnessed it, are encouraged to
immediately report it to the Store Manager or Supervisor. If the incident involves this individual, contact the Area
Supervisor at 806-786-5330 or Corporate Office 801-483-1938. An investigator will conduct a thorough and prompt
investigation to the fullest extent possible and will keep complaints and their resolutions confidential.
Generally an investigation includes the following:
The investigator will initiate a prompt, thorough, and fair investigation. An investigation will be completed even if the
employee refuses to complete the complaint form.
If the alleged harassment is severe, the alleged recipient and alleged offender will be separated upon receipt of the complaint.
The alleged offender may be suspended without pay pending the final results of the investigation. The length of the
suspension will vary based on the length of the investigation. If the outcome of the investigation shows the complaint was
unfounded, the
suspended employee will be reinstated to active employment with retroactive pay.
The investigator(s) will meet with the alleged offender. The investigator will review, with the alleged offender, this policy
and disclose that a complaint of discrimination has been made. The alleged offender will then have the opportunity to
agree/refute the allegation by responding both verbally and in writing on a response form to be provided by the investigator.
The investigator(s) may re-interview the alleged recipient and the alleged offender.
The investigator(s) will ask potential witnesses to fill out a witness form and may interview the witnesses.
The investigator(s) may meet with the employee’s direct supervisor to evaluate the information collected and determine a
course of action.
The result of the investigation will be communicated to the alleged recipient and the alleged offender.
Corrective Action
If the final outcome of the investigation shows that the alleged offender committed discrimination or harassment, the
employee will be disciplined in a manner consistent with the severity of the offense. This may include, but is not limited to
a verbal warning, a written warning, a suspension without pay, transfer, demotion or termination of employment.
Should the results of the investigation prove to be inconclusive, all parties involved will review this policy with the
understanding that any violation of this policy in the future will call for immediate disciplinary action.
If the complaining party is not satisfied with the disposition, he or she may submit a written appeal to the Area Supervisor
806-786-5330 at Corporate Office 801-483-1938 who will review the allegations and investigate material and either adopt
the representative’s findings and conclusions or recommend other action.
Little Caesars will investigate complaints as confidentially and discreetly as possible and resolve complaints to the best of
its ability with respect to the privacy of all individuals involved. It is essential that all rumors during the course of the
investigation stop. Employees who are not involved in the investigation who ask questions will be advised that the matter
is private and confidential, and they will be informed if they become part of the investigation. It is management’s
responsibility to limit the number of persons who are involved to a strict “need to know basis.
Employees who witness discrimination or harassment of another employee, or are personally subjected to harassment, are
encouraged to report the incident(s) immediately to the store manager, supervisor, or franchise owner at 801-483-1938.
Managers have the responsibility to communicate to the franchise owner ANY and ALL claims of workplace violence,
harassment, and/or discrimination.
False, Malicious Claims
Accusations of harassment are taken seriously by Little Caesars. Those who knowingly and intentionally make false
allegations, which have no basis in fact, may be subject to discipline up to and including termination of employment.
This policy is not a contract and may be changed at any time, at the discretion of the Company.
Americans With Disabilities Act
Little Caesars complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and does not discriminate against the disabled with respect
to terms, conditions, and privileges of employment. If you require reasonable accommodations to perform the essential
functions of your job, contact your supervisor or franchise owner.
Solicitation and Distribution of Literature
In order to ensure efficient operation of our business and to prevent disruption to colleagues, we have established control of
solicitations and distribution of literature on Little Caesars property. Little Caesars has enacted rules applicable to all
colleagues governing solicitation, distribution of written material, and entry onto the premises and work areas. All
colleagues are expected to comply strictly with these rules. These rules do not apply to company sponsored or supported
events. Any colleague who is in doubt concerning the application of these rules should consult with Franchise Ownership.
No colleagues shall solicit or promote support for any cause or organization during his or her working time or during
the working time of the colleague or colleagues to whom such activity is directed.
No colleague shall distribute or circulate any written or printed material in work areas at any time, or during his or
her working time or during the working time of the colleague or colleagues to whom such activity is directed.
Under no circumstances will non-colleagues be permitted to solicit or to distribute written material for any purpose
on Little Caesars property.
I acknowledge that I have received a complete copy of the January 2022 Employee and Management Handbook. Please
read and sign below:
I acknowledge that I have reviewed and understand the policies, procedures, guidelines, standards of conduct and
information contained in this Employee & Management Handbook. I further acknowledge that nothing contained in this
handbook is intended to nor does it constitute a contract for employment. In consideration of my employment, I agree to
conform to the policies, procedures, guidelines and standards of conduct of CKC Pizza LLC dba Little Caesars of Lubbock
and I understand that the policies, procedures, guidelines, standards of conduct, wages and benefits of the company may
change from time to time. I further understand that my employment with CKC Pizza LLC dba Little Caesars of Lubbock is
“at-will” and can be terminated at any time, with or without cause and with or without notice. I also understand that no
restaurant manager, supervisor, or any other representative, other than the Franchise Owner, has the authority to enter into
any agreement for employment. I understand and specifically acknowledge that any agreement for employment, other than
“at-will”, must be in writing and signed by the Franchise Owner and me.
I also hereby assign to CKC Pizza LLC dba Little Caesars of Lubbock all ideas, invention, or other property rights I may
develop during the course of my employment relating to the food restaurant and food distribution industry.
Working for a direct competitor of Little Caesars while working part or full time for us is not allowed.
Never discuss Little Caesars with the media. If a reporter calls your restaurant, immediately call the corporate office
at 801-483-1938, or take a message and give it to your supervisor.
Never make any comments to a reporter - even if you think the information is accurate and portrays Little Caesars
in a positive manner.
Do not share confidential information with family, friends, etc. or when in a public place where conversation may
be overheard (i.e., elevators, restaurants, bars, etc.). Limit the sharing of plans and programs in the workplace only
to those who need to know. The greater number of people you share confidential information with, the greater the
likelihood that other people may be made aware of our business. What may start out as an innocent comment can
turn into valuable information for our competitors to use against us.
Your pay rate is also considered confidential.
Never post upcoming plans or copies of reports with sales information in places where they could be seen by persons
who do not need the information or by persons not involved with Little Caesars’ business (including visitors).
If you hold a meeting in a public place, be sure no materials are left behind. The meeting room should never be left
unattended if materials/visuals are in the room. If you don’t recognize someone entering your meeting, be sure to
check for proper identification.
Be sure to shred confidential materials that are to be discarded. Do not place them in public trash.
Any deviations from these guidelines may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.