Public Housing
Admissions and Continued
Occupancy Policies
Approved by HABC Board of
Commissioners: October 18, 2022
CHAPTER 1: GENERAL POLICIES .................................................................................................. 1-1
CHAPTER 2: FAIR HOUSING AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY .................................................... 2-1
CHAPTER 3: APPLICATION & WAITING LIST ........................................................................... 3-1
CHAPTER 4: ELIGIBILITY FOR ADMISSION ............................................................................... 4-1
CHAPTER 5: TENANT SELECTION AND ASSIGNMENT PLAN ............................................... 5-1
CHAPTER 6: OCCUPANCY GUIDELINES ...................................................................................... 6-1
CHAPTER 7: VERIFICATION ........................................................................................................... 7-1
CHAPTER 8: INCOME & ADJUSTED INCOME ........................................................................... 8-19
CHAPTER 9: CALCULATING TOTAL TENANT PAYMENT & RENT ...................................... 9-1
LICY ............................................................................................... 10-1
CHAPTER 11: LEASING ................................................................................................................... 11-1
.......................................................................................................... 12-1
CHAPTER 13: PET POLICY ............................................................................................................ 13-1
CHAPTER 14: REEXAMINATIONS & CONTINUED OCCUPANCY ........................................ 14-1
NS ....................................................................................... 15-1
CHAPTER 16: INFORMAL HEARINGS FOR APPLICANTS ..................................................... 16-1
CHAPTER 17: INFORMAL HEARINGS: NON-CITIZENS ................................................ 17-1PRO
CHAPTER 18: COMPLAINTS AND GRIEVANCES ..................................................................... 18-1
........................................................................................ 19-1
CHAPTER 20: RECORD KEEPING ................................................................................................ 20-1
CHAPTER 21: PROGRAM INTEGRITY ........................................................................................ 21-1
LAN ................................................ 23-1
APPENDIX A: ACRONYMS USED IN PUBLIC HOUSING ........................................................... A-1
APPENDIX B: GLOSSARY OF ACOP TERMS ................................................................................ B-1
APPENDIX C: SMOKE-FREE POLICY ............................................................................................. C-1
APPENDIX D: FEDERALLY MANDATED INCOME EXCLUSIONS ........................................... D-1
APPENDIX E: VAWA EMERGENCY TRANSFER PLAN ................................................... E-1
APPENDIX F: PET POLICY FOR FAMILY DEVELOPMENTS ......................................... F-1
APPENDIX G: OVER-INCOME LIMITS ................................................................................... G-1
APPENDIX I: LONG TERM AFFORDABILITY CRITERIA .......................................................... I-1
CHAPTER 1: GENERAL POLICIES .................................................................................................. 1-1
1.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 1-1
1.2 PURPOSE OF THE POLICY ............................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.3 LOCAL OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.4 MTW AGREEMENT OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.5 IDENTIFYING MTW AND NON-MTW POLICIES ............................................................................................... 1-2
1.6 IDENTIFYING MTW POLICY ADDITIONS AND MODIFICATION ........................................................................ 1-2
1.7 PRIVACY RIGHTS ........................................................................................................................................... 1-3
1.8 SMOKE-FREE POLICY ..................................................................................................................................... 1-4
1.9 POSTING OF REQUIRED INFORMATION ......................................................................................................... 1-4
1.10 TERMINOLOGY ............................................................................................................................................ 1-5
CHAPTER 2: FAIR HOUSING AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY .................................................... 2-1
2.1 FAIR HOUSING POLICY .................................................................................................................................. 2-1
2.2 MONITORING AND ENFORCEMENT OF HABC’S POLICY AND PROGRAMS ..................................................... 2-2
2.3 COMPLIANCE WITH ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................... 2-2
2.4 REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS POLICY ................................................................................................... 2-2
2.4.1 Verification of Disability ............................................................................................................................... 2-3
2.4.2 Reexamination by Mail ................................................................................................................................ 2-3
2.4.3 Home Visits .................................................................................................................................................. 2-3
2.4.4 Other Accommodations ............................................................................................................................... 2-3
2.5 LANGUAGE INTERPRETATION, TRANSLATION OF DOCUMENTS .................................................................... 2-4
2.5.1 Language Assistance .................................................................................................................................... 2-4
2.6 FAMILY OUTREACH ....................................................................................................................................... 2-4
2.7.1 Definitions as Used in the Violence Against Women Act ............................................................................. 2-5
2.7.2 Confidentiality Requirements VAWA ........................................................................................................ 2-6
2.7.3 VAWA Self-Petitioners ................................................................................................................................. 2-6
2.7.4 Prohibition Against Denial of Assistance to Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault
and Stalking ........................................................................................................................................................... 2-7
2.7.5 Prohibition Against Termination of Assistance Related to Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence,
Sexual Assault and Stalking ................................................................................................................................... 2-7
2.7.6 Notification to Applicants & Residents Regarding Protections Under VAWA ............................................. 2-8
2.7.7 Victim Documentation ................................................................................................................................. 2-9
2.7.8 Conflicting Documentation ........................................................................................................................ 2-10
2.7.9 Discretion to Require No Formal Documentation ..................................................................................... 2-10
2.7.10 Failure to Provide Documentation ........................................................................................................... 2-10
2.7.11 VAWA Record Retention .......................................................................................................................... 2-10
CHAPTER 3: APPLICATION & WAITING LIST ........................................................................... 3-1
3.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.2 WHO MAY APPLY .......................................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.3 APPLYING FOR HOUSING ASSISTANCE .......................................................................................................... 3-1
3.5 INFORMATION CONTAINED ON THE WAITING LIST ....................................................................................... 3-2
3.6 TYPES OF WAITING LISTS ............................................................................................................................... 3-3
3.7 ADMINISTRATION OF THE WAITING LIST ...................................................................................................... 3-4
3.8 CLOSING THE WAITING LISTS ........................................................................................................................ 3-5
3.9 OPENING THE WAITING LIST ......................................................................................................................... 3-6
3.10 UPDATING & PURGING THE WAITING LIST .................................................................................................. 3-6
3.11 REMOVAL FROM THE WAITING LIST............................................................................................................ 3-7
3.12 FAMILY OUTREACH ..................................................................................................................................... 3-8
3.13 REPORTING CHANGES WHILE ON THE WAITING LIST .................................................................................. 3-8
3.13.1 Changes in Family Composition ................................................................................................................. 3-8
3.13.2 Changes in Site Selection ........................................................................................................................... 3-8
3.13.3 Changes in Preference ............................................................................................................................... 3-9
3.13.4 Changes in Type Of Waiting List................................................................................................................. 3-9
3.14 SPLIT HOUSEHOLDS WHILE ON THE WAITING LIST ...................................................................................... 3-9
3.15 MULTIPLE FAMILIES IN SAME HOUSEHOLD ............................................................................................... 3-10
CHAPTER 4: ELIGIBILITY FOR ADMISSION ............................................................................... 4-1
4.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.2 DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.2.1 Family ........................................................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2.2 Household .................................................................................................................................................... 4-2
4.2.3 Elderly Persons ............................................................................................................................................. 4-2
4.2.4 Near-Elderly Persons .................................................................................................................................... 4-2
4.2.5 Elderly Family ............................................................................................................................................... 4-2
4.2.6 Non-elderly Person with a Disability Family ................................................................................................ 4-3
4.2.7 Head of Household ...................................................................................................................................... 4-3
4.2.8 Spouse of Head of Household ...................................................................................................................... 4-3
4.2.9 Co-head ........................................................................................................................................................ 4-3
4.2.10 Adult/Other Adult ...................................................................................................................................... 4-4
4.2.11 Other Definitions ....................................................................................................................................... 4-4
4.3 FOSTER CHILDREN AND FOSTER ADULTS ....................................................................................................... 4-4
4.4 LIVE-IN AIDE .................................................................................................................................................. 4-4
4.5 JOINT CUSTODY OF DEPENDENTS ................................................................................................................. 4-5
4.6 REQUIREMENT TO ATTEND INTERVIEW ........................................................................................................ 4-6
4.7 COMPLETION OF A FULL APPLICATION .......................................................................................................... 4-7
4.8 VERIFYING FACTORS FOR ELIGIBILITY ............................................................................................................ 4-7
4.9 QUALIFICATION FOR ADMISSION .................................................................................................................. 4-8
4.10 DESIGNATED HOUSING ............................................................................................................................... 4-8
4.11 ELIGIBILITY AND SCREENING CRITERIA ........................................................................................................ 4-8
4.11.1 Preference Verification .............................................................................................................................. 4-8
4.11.2 Legal Capacity of the Head of Household .................................................................................................. 4-9
4.11.3 Income Limits for Eligibility ........................................................................................................................ 4-9
4.11.4 Mandatory Social Security Numbers ......................................................................................................... 4-9
4.11.5 Citizenship/Eligible Immigration Status ................................................................................................... 4-10
4.11.6 Mixed Families ......................................................................................................................................... 4-10
4.11.7 No Eligible Members ................................................................................................................................ 4-11
4.11.8 Non-citizen Students ................................................................................................................................ 4-11
4.11.9 Occupancy by Police Officers ................................................................................................................... 4-11
4.12 OTHER ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA ..................................................................................................................... 4-11
4.13 ADMINISTRATION OF SCREENING ............................................................................................................. 4-12
4.14 DEFINITIONS RELATED TO SCREENING ...................................................................................................... 4-12
4.15 ENTERPRISE INCOME VERIFICATION (EIV) SCREENNG ............................................................................... 4-13
4.16 DEBT SCREENING ...................................................................................................................................... 4-14
4.16.1 Denial for Debt to HABC .......................................................................................................................... 4-14
4.17 CRIMINAL BACKGROUND SCREENING ....................................................................................................... 4-15
4.18 DENIALS .................................................................................................................................................... 4-16
4.18.1 Mandatory Denials ................................................................................................................................... 4-16
4.18.2 Other Denials ........................................................................................................................................... 4-16
4.19 CONFIDENTIALITY OF CRIMINAL RECORDS ................................................................................................ 4-17
4.20 DISCLOSURE OF CRIMINAL RECORDS TO APPLICANT ................................................................................. 4-18
4.21 TENANT READINESS TRAINING .................................................................................................................. 4-18
4.22 SCREENING FOR SUITABILITY .................................................................................................................... 4-18
4.22.1 Rent Paying Habits ................................................................................................................................... 4-19
4.23 ESTIMATION OF DATE OF OCCUPANCY ..................................................................................................... 4-20
4.24 DOCUMENTING FINDINGS RELATED TO SCREENING .................................................................................. 4-20
4.25 PROHIBITED CRITERIA FOR DENIAL OF ADMISSION ................................................................................... 4-21
4.26 OWNER SELECTION OF TENANTS ............................................................................................................... 4-21
4.27 OWNER DENIAL OF ADMISSION ................................................................................................................ 4-22
4.28 HEARINGS ................................................................................................................................................. 4-22
CHAPTER 5: TENANT SELECTION AND ASSIGNMENT PLAN ............................................... 5-1
5.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 5-1
5.2 WAITING LIST PREFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.3 LOCAL PREFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.4 SPECIAL HOUSING INITIATIVES ...................................................................................................................... 5-2
5.4.1 Homeless Families Referred by the Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services (OHS) ........................................ 5-3
5.5 ORDER OF SELECTION ................................................................................................................................... 5-3
5.6 ORDER OF SELECTION FOR THE 22 SCATTERED SITES THOMPSON UNITS ....................................................... 5-5
5.7 PROHIBITION ON SELECTION LIMITS FOR MIXED POPULATION DEVELOPMENTS .......................................... 5-6
5.8 UNIT OFFERS ................................................................................................................................................. 5-6
5.8.1 Unit Offers for Applicants on the CALBWL Only .......................................................................................... 5-6
5.8.2 Unit Offers for Applicants on the CALBWL and CAMPBWL ......................................................................... 5-7
5.8.3 Unit Offers for Applicants on the CAMPBWL Only ...................................................................................... 5-7
5.8.4 Unit Offers for Applicants on the CAFAWL .................................................................................................. 5-7
5.8.5 Unit Offers for Project-Based Units Covered under the LTA Criteria ........................................................... 5-7
5.9 UNITS/DEVELOPMENTS INCLUDED IN THE CAMPBWL .................................................................................. 5-7
5.10 OFFER OF ACCESSIBLE UNITS ....................................................................................................................... 5-9
5.11 PREFERENCE DENIAL ................................................................................................................................... 5-9
5.12 LOW INCOME FAMILY ADMISSIONS .......................................................................................................... 5-10
5.13 UNITS DESIGNATED FOR THE ELDERLY ...................................................................................................... 5-10
5.14 CHANGES PRIOR TO UNIT OFFER ............................................................................................................... 5-10
5.15 TIME LIMIT FOR ACCEPTANCE OF UNIT ...................................................................................................... 5-11
5.16 UNIT ACCCEPTANCE: UNIT OUTSIDE OF HABC OCCUPANCY STANDARDS .................................................. 5-11
5.17 UNIT REFUSAL ........................................................................................................................................... 5-11
5.18 GOOD CAUSE FOR UNIT REFUSAL .............................................................................................................. 5-11
CHAPTER 6: OCCUPANCY GUIDELINES ...................................................................................... 6-1
6.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 6-1
6.2 DETERMINING UNIT SIZE ............................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.3 PARAMETERS FOR DETERMINATION OF UNIT SIZE........................................................................................ 6-1
6.4 EXCEPTIONS TO OCCUPANCY GUIDELINES..................................................................................................... 6-2
6.5 ACCESSIBLE UNITS ......................................................................................................................................... 6-3
6.6 FAMILY MOVES ............................................................................................................................................. 6-4
CHAPTER 7: VERIFICATION ........................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 7-1
7.2 FAMILY CONSENT TO RELEASE OF INFORMATION ......................................................................................... 7-1
7.3 VERIFICATION HIERARCHY ............................................................................................................................ 7-1
7.4 OVERVIEW OF VERIFICATION REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................. 7-2
7.5 UP-FRONT INCOME VERIFICATION (UIV) ....................................................................................................... 7-3
7.6 ENTERPRISE INCOME VERIFICATION (EIV) SYSTEM ........................................................................................ 7-3
7.6.1 Income Validation Tool ((IVT) ...................................................................................................................... 7-3
7.6.2 EIV Income Reports ...................................................................................................................................... 7-4
7.6.3 EIV Identity Verification ............................................................................................................................... 7-5
7.7 THIRD-PARTY WRITTEN VERIFICATION .......................................................................................................... 7-5
7.8 WRITTEN THIRD-PARTY VERIFICATION FORM ............................................................................................... 7-5
7.9 ORAL THIRD-PARTY VERIFICATION ................................................................................................................ 7-5
7.10 WHEN THIRD-PARTY VERIFICATION IS NOT REQUIRED................................................................................ 7-6
7.11 SELF-CERTIFICATION .................................................................................................................................... 7-6
7.12 RESIDENT FAILS TO RESPOND TO VERIFICATION REQUEST .......................................................................... 7-6
7.13 SUBSTANTIAL DIFFERENCE .......................................................................................................................... 7-7
7.14 FRAUD ......................................................................................................................................................... 7-7
7.15 SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS ....................................................................................................................... 7-7
7.16 DOCUMENTATION OF AGE .......................................................................................................................... 7-8
7.17 MARRIAGE .................................................................................................................................................. 7-8
7.18 SEPARATION OR DIVORCE ........................................................................................................................... 7-9
7.19 ABSENCE OF ADULT MEMBER ..................................................................................................................... 7-9
7.20 FOSTER CHILDREN AND FOSTER ADULTS ..................................................................................................... 7-9
7.21 VERIFICATION OF STUDENT STATUS ............................................................................................................ 7-9
7.22 VERIFICATION OF DISABILITY ...................................................................................................................... 7-9
7.23 VERIFICATION OF U.S. CITIZENSHIP AND OF ELIGIBLE IMMIGRATION STATUS .......................................... 7-10
7.24 VERIFYING INCOME ................................................................................................................................... 7-10
7.24.1 Earned Income ......................................................................................................................................... 7-10
7.24.2 Business & Self-Employment Income ...................................................................................................... 7-11
7.24.3 Social Security (“SS”)/Supplemental Security Income (“SSI”) Benefits .................................................... 7-11
7.24.4 Alimony or Child Support ......................................................................................................................... 7-12
7.25 ASSETS AND INCOME FROM ASSETS ......................................................................................................... 7-12
7.25.1 Assets Disposed of for Less than Fair Market Value ................................................................................ 7-13
7.25.2 Net Income from Rental Property ........................................................................................................... 7-14
7.26 RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS ........................................................................................................................... 7-14
7.27 INCOME FROM EXCLUDED SOURCES ......................................................................................................... 7-14
7.29 VERIFYING MANDATORY DEDUCTIONS ..................................................................................................... 7-16
7.29.1 Dependent and Elderly/Disabled Household Deductions ........................................................................ 7-16
7.29.2 Medical Expense Deduction ..................................................................................................................... 7-16
7.29.3 Disability Assistance Expenses ................................................................................................................. 7-16
7.29.4 Child Care Expenses ................................................................................................................................. 7-17
CHAPTER 8: INCOME & ADJUSTED INCOME ........................................................................... 8-19
8.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 8-19
8.2 MINIMUM INCOME ..................................................................................................................................... 8-19
8.3 ANNUAL INCOME ........................................................................................................................................ 8-19
8.4 ANNUAL INCOME EXCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................... 8-21
8.5 ANTICIPATING ANNUAL INCOME ................................................................................................................ 8-23
8.6 KNOWN CHANGES IN INCOME .................................................................................................................... 8-23
8.7 ROUNDING OF INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS ................................................................................................. 8-24
8.8 WAGES ........................................................................................................................................................ 8-24
8.9 BUSINESS INCOME ...................................................................................................................................... 8-25
8.10 MILITARY PAY ........................................................................................................................................... 8-26
8.11 ALIMONY AND CHILD SUPPORT ................................................................................................................ 8-26
8.12 CHILDREN’S EARNINGS .............................................................................................................................. 8-26
8.13 INCOME OF A LIVE-IN AIDE ....................................................................................................................... 8-26
8.14 INCOME OF FOSTER CHILDREN AND FOSTER ADULTS ................................................................................ 8-26
8.15 SEASONAL INCOME ................................................................................................................................... 8-27
8.16 INCOME OF PERSON PERMANENTLY CONFINED TO NURSING HOME ........................................................ 8-27
8.17 INCOME OF A PERSON MOVING INTO PUBLIC HOUSING FROM A NURSING HOME .................................. 8-27
8.18 INCOME OF TEMPORARILY ABSENT FAMILY MEMBERS ............................................................................ 8-28
8.19 INCOME OF NEW FAMILY MEMBERS ADDED TO THE LEASE....................................................................... 8-28
8.20 TEMPORARY AND SPORADIC INCOME ...................................................................................................... 8-28
8.21 WAGES FROM EMPLOYMENT WITH THE HABC OR A RESIDENT ORGANIZATION ....................................... 8-28
8.22 CONTRIBUTIONS TO RETIREMENT FUNDS ................................................................................................. 8-29
8.23 INCOME EARNED UNDER CERTAIN FEDERAL PROGRAMS .......................................................................... 8-29
8.24 RESIDENT SERVICE STIPEND ...................................................................................................................... 8-29
8.25 STATE AND LOCAL EMPLOYMENT TRAINING PROGRAMS ......................................................................... 8-30
8.26 HUD-FUNDED TRAINING PROGRAMS ........................................................................................................ 8-31
8.27 EARNED INCOME TAX CREDIT ................................................................................................................... 8-31
8.28 LUMP-SUM RECEIPTS ................................................................................................................................ 8-31
8.29 IMPUTED WELFARE INCOME ..................................................................................................................... 8-32
8.30 EARNED INCOME DISREGARD (EID) ........................................................................................................... 8-34
8.31 TREATMENT OF OVERPAYMENT DEDUCTIONS FROM SS BENEFITS ........................................................... 8-36
8.32 FULL TIME STUDENT INCOME EXCLUSION ................................................................................................. 8-36
8.33 ASSET INCOME .......................................................................................................................................... 8-36
8.34 ASSETS DISPOSED OF FOR LESS THAN FAIR MARKET VALUE ...................................................................... 8-37
8.35 CHECKING AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS ........................................................................................................ 8-37
8.37 LIFE INSURANCE ........................................................................................................................................ 8-38
8.38 PASSBOOK SAVINGS RATE......................................................................................................................... 8-38
8.39 ADJUSTED INCOME ................................................................................................................................... 8-39
8.40 DEDUCTIONS ............................................................................................................................................. 8-39
8.41 MEDICAL EXPENSE DEDUCTION ................................................................................................................ 8-39
8.42 DISABILITY ASSISTANCE EXPENSE DEDUCTION .......................................................................................... 8-40
8.43 CHILD CARE EXPENSE DEDUCTION ............................................................................................................ 8-42
CHAPTER 9: CALCULATING TOTAL TENANT PAYMENT & RENT ...................................... 9-1
9.1 INTR
N ............................................................................................................................................. 9-1
9.2 TOTAL TENANT PAYMENT FORMULA (TTP) FOR INCOME BASED RENT ......................................................... 9-1
9.3 TOTAL TENANT PAYMENT FOR OVER-INCOME FAMILIES .............................................................................. 9-1
9.4 MINIMUM RENT ............................................................................................................................................ 9-1
9.5 FLAT RENTS ................................................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.5.1 Establishing Flat Rents ................................................................................................................................. 9-2
9.5.2 Review of Flat Rents ..................................................................................................................................... 9-2
9.5.3 Posting of Flat Rents .................................................................................................................................... 9-2
9.5.4 Documentation of Flat Rents ....................................................................................................................... 9-2
9.5.5 Phasing In Flat Rents Increases .................................................................................................................... 9-3
9.5.6 Changing from Flat Rent to Income-Based Rent Due to Hardship ............................................................... 9-3
9.5.7 Flat Rent and Transfers ................................................................................................................................ 9-3
9.5.8 Flat Rents and Earned Income Disallowance (EID) ...................................................................................... 9-3
9.5.9 Prorated Assistance for Mixed Families ....................................................................................................... 9-4
9.6 MAXIMUM RENT AT PRIVATELY OWNED/MANAGED SITES .......................................................................... 9-6
9.7 FINANCIAL HARDSHIPS AFFECTING MINIMUM RENT .................................................................................... 9-6
9.7.1 Determination of Rent Hardship Exemption ............................................................................................... 9-7
9.7.2 No Financial Hardship .................................................................................................................................. 9-7
9.7.3 Temporary Hardship .................................................................................................................................... 9-7
9.7.4 Long-Term Hardship .................................................................................................................................... 9-7
9.8 UTILITY ALLOWANCES ................................................................................................................................... 9-8
9.8.1 Establishing the Utility Allowances .............................................................................................................. 9-8
9.8.2 Utility Allowance Revisions .......................................................................................................................... 9-9
9.8.3 Surcharges For HABC-Furnished Utilities ..................................................................................................... 9-9
9.8.4 Notice Requirements Utilities ................................................................................................................... 9-9
9.8.5 Utility Allowance Reasonable Accommodation ......................................................................................... 9-10
9.8.6 ResidentPaid Utilities ............................................................................................................................... 9-10
9.8.7 Utility Reimbursement ............................................................................................................................... 9-11
LICY ............................................................................................... 10-1
10.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 10-1
10.2 GENERAL STATEMENT ............................................................................................................................... 10-1
10.3 ELIGIBILITY FOR TRANSFER ........................................................................................................................ 10-2
10.4 TRANSFERS PURSUANT TO AN HABC MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) ................................ 10-2
10.5 TYPES OF TRANSFERS ................................................................................................................................ 10-3
10.7 EMERGENCY VAWA TRANSFERS ................................................................................................................ 10-3
10.9 ADMINISTRATIVE TRANSFERS ................................................................................................................... 10-5
10.10 IMMEDIATE NEEDS TRANSFERS ............................................................................................................... 10-5
10.11 REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION TRANSFERS ........................................................................................ 10-5
10.13 TRANSFERS FROM AN ACCESSIBLE UNIT ................................................................................................. 10-6
10.14 SEVERELY OVER/UNDER-HOUSED CATEGORY ......................................................................................... 10-7
10.15 OVER/UNDER-HOUSED CATEGORY ......................................................................................................... 10-7
10.16 FAMILY SPLITS ......................................................................................................................................... 10-7
10.17 HABC INITIATED TRANSFERS ................................................................................................................... 10-7
10.18 RESIDENT-INITIATED TRANSFERS ............................................................................................................ 10-8
10.19 TRANSFER WAITING LISTS ....................................................................................................................... 10-8
10.20 MOVING COSTS ..................................................................................................................................... 10-10
10.21 SECURITY DEPOSITS .............................................................................................................................. 10-10
10.22 PROCESSING TRANSFERS ....................................................................................................................... 10-10
10.23 UNIT OFFERS FOR TRANSFERS ............................................................................................................... 10-11
10.24 RENT ADJUSTMENTS FOR TRANSFERRED RESIDENTS ............................................................................ 10-11
10.25 RE-EXAMINATION DATE ........................................................................................................................ 10-11
CHAPTER 11: LEASING ................................................................................................................... 11-1
11.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 11-1
11.2 LEASE TERM & RENEWAL .......................................................................................................................... 11-1
11.3 EXECUTION OF LEASE ................................................................................................................................ 11-1
11.4 MODIFICATIONS TO THE LEASE ................................................................................................................. 11-2
11.4.1 Changes in Family Composition ............................................................................................................... 11-2
11.5 TERMINATION OF THE LEASE..................................................................................................................... 11-2
11.6 SECURITY DEPOSITS .................................................................................................................................. 11-2
11.7 PET DEPOSIT .............................................................................................................................................. 11-4
11.8 LEASING ACCESSIBLE UNITS ....................................................................................................................... 11-4
11.9 LEASE ORIENTATION ON PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................... 11-4
11.10 RENT PAYMENTS ..................................................................................................................................... 11-5
11.11 FEES AND NON-PAYMENT PENALTIES ...................................................................................................... 11-5
11.12 POSTING SCHEDULES OF CHARGES AND UTILITY ALLOWANCES .............................................................. 11-5
11.13 MAINTENANCE & DAMAGE CHARGES ..................................................................................................... 11-6
11.14 UTILITY PAYMENTS ................................................................................................................................. 11-6
11.15 PEST CONTROL ACTIVITIES ...................................................................................................................... 11-6
.......................................................................................................... 12-1
12.1 INSPECTIONS ............................................................................................................................................. 12-1
12.2 MOVE-IN INSPECTIONS ............................................................................................................................. 12-1
12.3 VACATE INSPECTIONS ............................................................................................................................... 12-1
12.4 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE INSPECTIONS ............................................................................................... 12-1
12.5 UNIFORM PHYSICAL CONDITION STANDARDS INSPECTIONS ..................................................................... 12-1
12.6 QUALITY CONTROL (QC) INSPECTIONS ....................................................................................................... 12-2
12.7 UNIT INSPECTIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 12-2
12.8 OTHER INSPECTIONS ................................................................................................................................. 12-2
12.9 EMERGENCY INSPECTIONS ........................................................................................................................ 12-2
12.10 NOTICE OF ENTRY .................................................................................................................................... 12-2
12.10.1 Emergency Entries ................................................................................................................................. 12-3
12.10.2 Non-Emergency Entries ......................................................................................................................... 12-3
12.11 UNIT INSPECTION VIOLATIONS.................................................................................................................. 12-3
12.12 RESIDENT DAMAGES ............................................................................................................................... 12-4
12.13 EMERGENCY REPAIRS .............................................................................................................................. 12-4
12.14 NON-EMERGENCY REPAIRS ..................................................................................................................... 12-5
CHAPTER 13: PET POLICY ............................................................................................................ 13-1
13.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 13-1
CHAPTER 14: REEXAMINATIONS & CONTINUED OCCUPANCY ........................................ 14-1
14.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 14-1
14.2 ELIGIBILITY FOR CONTINUED OCCUPANCY ................................................................................................ 14-1
14.3 OVER-INCOME FAMILIES ........................................................................................................................... 14-1
14.4 REEXAMINATION FREQUENCY .................................................................................................................. 14-2
14.5 REEXAMINATION NOTICE TO THE FAMILY ................................................................................................. 14-3
14.6 PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ..................................................................................................................... 14-4
14.7 RESCHEDULED REEXAMINATION APPOINTMENTS .................................................................................... 14-4
14.8 CONDUCTING REGULAR REEXAMINATIONS .............................................................................................. 14-4
14.8.1 Requirements to Attend Reexamination Interview ................................................................................. 14-5
14.9 COMMUNITY SERVICE ............................................................................................................................... 14-5
14.10 PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ................................................................................................................... 14-5
14.11 VERIFICATION OF INFORMATION ............................................................................................................ 14-6
14.12.1 Resident Rent Increases ......................................................................................................................... 14-6
14.12.2 Resident Rent Decreases ....................................................................................................................... 14-6
14.13 REEXAMINATIONS FOR FAMILIES PAYING FLAT RENTS ........................................................................... 14-7
14.13.1 Flat Rent Annual Updates ...................................................................................................................... 14-7
14.14 INTERIM REEXAMINATIONS .................................................................................................................... 14-8
14.15 STANDARD FOR TIMELY REPORTING ....................................................................................................... 14-9
14.16 METHOD OF INTERIM REPORTING .......................................................................................................... 14-9
14.17 DECREASES IN INCOME & INCREASES IN ALLOWANCE/DEDUCTIONS ...................................................... 14-9
14.18 INCREASES IN INCOME .......................................................................................................................... 14-10
14.19 CHANGES IN FAMILY COMPOSITION ..................................................................................................... 14-10
14.19.1 New Family Members Not Requiring Prior Approval ........................................................................... 14-11
14.19.2 New Family Members Requiring Approval .......................................................................................... 14-11
14.19.3 Departure of a Family or Household Member ..................................................................................... 14-11
14.19.4 Change in Family Size & Transfer ......................................................................................................... 14-12
14.20 ZERO INCOME, MINIMAL INCOME & TEMPORARY & SPORADIC INCOME ............................................. 14-12
14.20.1 Zero Income, Minimal Income & Temporary/Sporadic Income Adults ............................................... 14-12
14.20.2 Zero Income, Minimal Income & Temporary/Sporadic Income Household ........................................ 14-13
14.20.3 Interim Reexamination Other ........................................................................................................... 14-13
14.21 EFFECTIVE DATES: CHANGES IN RENT AT INTERIM REEXAMINATIONS ................................................. 14-13
....................................................................................................................................................................... 14-14
....................................................................................................................................................................... 14-14
14.24 OTHER INTERIM REPORTING ISSUES ...................................................................................................... 14-14
14.25 ERRORS IN RENT CALCULATION ............................................................................................................ 14-14
14.26 ABSENCE FROM THE UNIT ..................................................................................................................... 14-15
14.26.1 Permanently Absent Household Member ........................................................................................... 14-15
14.26.2 Temporarily Absent Household Member ............................................................................................ 14-15
14.26.3 Absence of an Entire Family ................................................................................................................. 14-15
14.26.4 Absence Due to Medical Reasons ........................................................................................................ 14-16
14.26.5 Absence Due to Incarceration .............................................................................................................. 14-16
14.26.6 Absence Due to Foster Care ................................................................................................................. 14-16
14.26.7 Parent/Legal Guardian Absent from the Unit ...................................................................................... 14-17
14.26.8 Absent Students ................................................................................................................................... 14-17
14.26.9 Minors in the Unit on a Temporary Basis ............................................................................................ 14-17
14.27 MILITARY FAMILIES ABSENCE FROM THE UNIT & CONTINUED OCCUPANCY ....................................... 14-18
14.28 GUESTS.................................................................................................................................................. 14-18
14.29 REMAINING MEMBER OF RESIDENT FAMILY - RETENTION OF UNIT ....................................................... 14-19
14.30 CHANGES IN UNIT SIZE .......................................................................................................................... 14-20
14.31 CONTINUED ASSISTANCE FOR "MIXED" FAMILIES ................................................................................. 14-21
14.32 APPLYING UTILITY ALLOWANCES AT REEXAMINATION ......................................................................... 14-21
NS ....................................................................................... 15-1
15.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 15-1
15.2 TERMINATION BY RESIDENT ...................................................................................................................... 15-1
15.3 MANDATORY TERMINATION..................................................................................................................... 15-1
15.3.1 Failure to Provide Consent ....................................................................................................................... 15-1
15.3.2 Failure to Document Citizenship .............................................................................................................. 15-2
15.3.3 Failure to Disclose and Document Social Security Numbers ................................................................... 15-2
15.3.4 Failure to Accept HABC’s Offer of a Lease Revision ................................................................................. 15-2
15.3.5 Methamphetamine Conviction ................................................................................................................ 15-3
15.3.6 Lifetime Registered Sex Offenders ........................................................................................................... 15-3
15.3.7 Noncompliance with Community Service Requirements ........................................................................ 15-3
15.3.8 Death of a Sole Family Member............................................................................................................... 15-3
15.4 ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZED REASONS FOR TERMINATION ......................................................................... 15-3
15.4.1 Family Absence from Unit ........................................................................................................................ 15-6
15.4.2 Over-Income Families .............................................................................................................................. 15-6
15.4.3 Failure to Make Payments at the Time and in the Amount Due Under the Lease .................................. 15-6
15.4.4 Procedural Non-Compliance .................................................................................................................... 15-7
15.5 TERMINATING ASSISTANCE OF A VAWA OFFENDER .................................................................................. 15-7
15.5.1 Limits on VAWA Protections .................................................................................................................... 15-8
15.6 ALTERNATIVES TO TERMINATION OF TENANCY ........................................................................................ 15-8
15.6.1 Exclusion of Culpable Household Member .............................................................................................. 15-8
15.6.2 Payment of Family Debts ......................................................................................................................... 15-8
15.7 CRITERIA FOR DECIDING TO TERMINATE TENANCY ................................................................................... 15-9
15.7.1 Evidence ................................................................................................................................................... 15-9
15.7.2 Consideration of Circumstances .............................................................................................................. 15-9
15.7.3 Consideration of Rehabilitation ............................................................................................................. 15-10
15.7.4 Reasonable Accommodation ................................................................................................................. 15-10
15.7.5 Nondiscrimination Limitation ................................................................................................................ 15-10
15.8.1 Conducting Criminal Records Checks ..................................................................................................... 15-11
15.8.2 Disclosure of Criminal Records to Family ............................................................................................... 15-11
15.8.3 Lease Termination Notice: Form, Delivery, and Content of the Notice ................................................. 15-11
15.8.4 Timing of the Notice .............................................................................................................................. 15-12
15.8.5 Notice of Nonrenewal Due to Community Service Noncompliance ...................................................... 15-13
15.8.6 Notice of Termination Based on Citizenship Status ............................................................................... 15-13
15.8.7 Eviction Notice ....................................................................................................................................... 15-13
15.8.8 Notification to Post Office ..................................................................................................................... 15-14
CHAPTER 16: INFORMAL HEARINGS FOR APPLICANTS ..................................................... 16-1
16.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 16-1
16.2 INFORMAL HEARING PROCESS .................................................................................................................. 16-1
16.2.1 Notice of Denial ....................................................................................................................................... 16-1
16.2.2 Scheduling an Informal Hearing ............................................................................................................... 16-1
16.2.3 Reasonable Accommodation Related to Informal Hearing Process ........................................................ 16-2
16.2.4 Conducting an Informal Hearing .............................................................................................................. 16-2
16.2.5 Informal Hearing Decision ....................................................................................................................... 16-2
16.2.6 Retention of Documents .......................................................................................................................... 16-3
CHAPTER 17: INFORMAL HEARINGS: NON-CITIZENS ......................................................... 17-1
17.1 INFORMAL HEARINGS WITH REGARD TO NON-CITIZENS ............................................................................ 17-1
17.1.1 Notice of Denial or Termination of Assistance ........................................................................................ 17-1
17.1.2 United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Appeal Process ...................................................... 17-1
17.1.3 Informal Hearing Procedures for Residents Who Are Non-citizens Pending a USCIS Appeal .................. 17-2
17.1.4 Informal Hearing Procedures for Applicants............................................................................................ 17-2
CHAPTER 18: COMPLAINTS AND GRIEVANCES ..................................................................... 18-1
18.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 18-1
........................................................................................ 19-1
19.1 OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................ 19-1
19.2 EXEMPT RESIDENTS ................................................................................................................................... 19-1
19.3 WORK ACTIVITIES ...................................................................................................................................... 19-2
19.4 BASIC COMMUNITY SERVICE & SELF-SUFFICIENCY REQUIREMENT ............................................................ 19-2
19.5 OBLIGATIONS OF HABC AND THE PRIVATELY OWNED/MANAGED SITES ................................................... 19-3
19.6 COMMUNITY SERVICE ............................................................................................................................... 19-4
19.7 SELF-SUFFICIENCY ACTIVITIES .................................................................................................................... 19-5
19.8 COMMUNITY & SELF-SUFFICIENCY REQUIREMENT PARTNERSHIPS ........................................................... 19-5
19.9 DOCUMENTATION AND VERIFICATION ..................................................................................................... 19-5
19.10 CHANGE IN STATUS BETWEEN ANNUAL DETERMINATIONS .................................................................... 19-7
19.11 NOTICE OF NON-COMPLIANCE OF A NON-EXEMPT HOUSEHOLD MEMBER ............................................. 19-7
19.12 ENFORCEMENT DOCUMENTATION ......................................................................................................... 19-8
19.13 IMPLEMENTATION OF COMMUNITY SERVICE .......................................................................................... 19-8
CHAPTER 20: RECORD KEEPING ................................................................................................ 20-1
20.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 20-1
20.2 RECORD KEEPING ...................................................................................................................................... 20-1
20.2.1 Record Retention ..................................................................................................................................... 20-1
20.2.2 Record Retention Citizenship Status ..................................................................................................... 20-2
20.2.3 Records Management .............................................................................................................................. 20-2
20.2.4 Privacy Act Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 20-3
20.2.5 Upfront Income Verification (UIV) Records ............................................................................................. 20-3
20.2.6 Criminal Records ...................................................................................................................................... 20-3
20.2.7 Medical/Disability Records ...................................................................................................................... 20-4
20.2.8 Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking Records ............................................... 20-4
CHAPTER 21: PROGRAM INTEGRITY ........................................................................................ 21-1
21.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 21-1
21.2 DETECTING ERRORS AND PROGRAM ABUSE ............................................................................................. 21-1
21.3 INVESTIGATING ERRORS AND PROGRAM ABUSE ...................................................................................... 21-1
21.3.1 Consent to Release of Information .......................................................................................................... 21-2
21.3.2 Analysis and Findings ............................................................................................................................... 21-2
21.4 DOCUMENTS, EVIDENCE AND STATEMENTS .............................................................................................. 21-2
21.6 NOTICE AND APPEALS ............................................................................................................................... 21-3
21.7 DISPOSITIONS OF CASES INVOLVING MISREPRESENTATIONS .................................................................... 21-3
21.8 FAMILY DEBT ............................................................................................................................................. 21-4
21.9 PAYMENT AGREEMENT FOR FAMILIES ...................................................................................................... 21-4
21.9.1 Guidelines for Payment Agreements ....................................................................................................... 21-5
21.9.2 Late Payments .......................................................................................................................................... 21-5
21.9.3 No Offer of Payment Agreement ............................................................................................................. 21-6
21.9.4 Additional Monies Owed ......................................................................................................................... 21-6
21.9.5 Transfers and Payment Agreements ........................................................................................................ 21-6
21.10.1 HABC or Privately Owned/Managed Staff Caused Errors ...................................................................... 21-7
21.10.2 Program Abuse by Staff ......................................................................................................................... 21-7
21.10.3 Payment to HABC or the Privately Owned/Managed Sites ................................................................... 21-7
21.10.4 Family Overpayment .............................................................................................................................. 21-8
22.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 22-1
22.2 RELOCATION PLANNING ............................................................................................................................ 22-1
22.3 SCREENING ................................................................................................................................................ 22-1
22.4 WAITING LIST ............................................................................................................................................ 22-1
22.5 RENT ......................................................................................................................................................... 22-2
22.6 TRANSFERS................................................................................................................................................ 22-2
22.7 PET POLICY ................................................................................................................................................ 22-2
22.8 LEASE REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................................. 22-2
22.9 REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION ............................................................................................................. 22-2
22.10 AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................................ 22-2
22.11 RESIDENT PARTICIPATION ....................................................................................................................... 22-2
22.13 COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS ................................................................................................... 22-3
LAN ................................................ 23-1
23.1 INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY ............................................................................................................... 23-1
23.2 ELIGIBLE PURCHASERS ............................................................................................................................... 23-1
23.2.1 Priority of Eligible Buyers ......................................................................................................................... 23-1
2 3 . 2 . 2 Prohibition Against Resident Displacement ..................................................................................... 23-1
2 3 . 2 . 3 Principal Residence Requirement ...................................................................................................... 23-1
2 3 . 2 . 4 Financial Capacity Requirement ........................................................................................................ 23-1
23.2.5 Other Requirements ................................................................................................................................ 23-3
23.2.6 Participants Who Have a Family Member with a Disability ..................................................................... 23-3
23.2.7 Selection Criteria and Methodology ........................................................................................................ 23-4
23.3 ELIGIBLE PROPERTIES ................................................................................................................................ 23-4
23.3.1 Property Feasibility .................................................................................................................................. 23-4
23.3.2 Home Inspections and Code Requirements ............................................................................................. 23-5
23.3.3 Property Appraisals and Sales Price ......................................................................................................... 23-5
23.4 FINANCING ................................................................................................................................................ 23-5
23.4.1 First Mortgage Financing ......................................................................................................................... 23-5
23.4.2 Ineligible First Mortgage Finance Products.............................................................................................. 23-6
23.4.3 Soft Second Mortgages ............................................................................................................................ 23-6
23.4.4 Recapture Provisions and Deed Restrictions ........................................................................................... 23-7
23.4.5 Pre-sale Costs, Closing Costs, and Down Payment Requirement ............................................................ 23-7
23.4.6 Replacement Escrow Accounts ................................................................................................................ 23-7
23.4.7 Maintenance Contract and Warranties ................................................................................................... 23-8
23.5 SCATTERED SITE HOMEOWNERSHIP PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION .......................................................... 23-8
23.5.1 Approval Process...................................................................................................................................... 23-8
23.5.2 Net Proceeds of Sales .............................................................................................................................. 23-8
APPENDIX A: ACRONYMS USED IN PUBLIC HOUSING ........................................................... A-1
APPENDIX B: GLOSSARY OF ACOP TERMS ................................................................................ B-1
APPENDIX C: SMOKE-FREE POLICY ............................................................................................. C-1
APPENDIX D: FEDERALLY MANDATED INCOME EXCLUSIONS ........................................... D-1
APPENDIX E: VAWA EMERGENCY TRANSFER PLAN ................................................... E-1
APPENDIX F: PET POLICY FOR FAMILY DEVELOPMENTS ......................................... F-1
APPENDIX G: OVER-INCOME LIMITS ................................................................................... G-1
APPENDIX I: LONG TERM AFFORDABILITY CRITERIA .......................................................... I-1
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 1-1
On March 31, 2005, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
and the Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC) entered into a Moving to Work
Demonstration Agreement (MTW Agreement). Under the terms of the MTW Agreement, HABC
will design and test innovative methods of providing housing and delivering services to low-
income families in an efficient and cost-effective manner. The MTW Agreement supersedes most
of the terms and conditions of the Annual Contributions Contracts (ACCs), the provisions of the
United States Housing Act of 1937 and HUD requirements to the extent necessary for HABC to
implement its MTW demonstration program.
The Public Housing Program was created by the U.S. Housing Act of 1937. Administration of the
Public Housing Program and the functions and responsibilities of the staff of HABC shall be in
compliance with HABC’s Personnel Policy, any union agreements of HABC, and this Admissions
and Continued Occupancy Policy (“ACOP”) and any other duly adopted policies. The
administration of HABC’s housing program will also meet the requirements of the MTW
Agreement. Such requirements include any Public Housing regulations, handbooks, and
applicable notices, as may be applicable given HABC’s MTW status. All applicable Federal, State
and local laws, including fair housing laws and regulations also apply.
The purpose of this ACOP is to
guidelines for HABC staff to follow in determining
eligibility for admission of applicants and continued occupancy by its residents. These guidelines
are governed by the requirements of the MTW Agreement, which takes into consideration local
policies and procedures. These policies and procedures for admissions and continued occupancy
are binding upon applicants, residents, and HABC.
This ACOP is designed to demonstrate that HABC is managing its program in a manner that
reflects its commitment to improving the quality of housing available to its applicants and residents,
and its capacity to manage that housing responsibly. In addition, this ACOP is designed to achieve
the following objectives:
To provide improved living conditions for very low- and low-income families while
maintaining their rent payments at an affordable level.
To operate a socially and financially sound public housing agency that provides decent,
safe, and sanitary housing within a suitable living environment for residents.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 1-2
To lawfully deny the admission of applicants, or the continued occupancy of residents,
whose habits and practices reasonably may be expected to adversely affect the health,
safety, peaceful enjoyment or welfare of other residents or the physical environment of the
neighborhood or create a danger to HABC employees.
To provide opportunities for upward mobility for families who desire to achieve self-
To facilitate the judicious management of HABC’s inventory, and the efficient
management of HABC staff.
To comply with Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 and all other applicable Federal
laws and regulations so that the admissions and continued occupancy are conducted
without regard to race, color, national origin, age, religion, sex, familial (family) or
disability or disability status.
The HABC Board of Commissioners must approve this ACOP and any subsequent changes. This
policy, or portions of it, will be provided to HUD, as may be required.
HABC’s objectives, under its MTW Agreement, is to operate its public housing program with
efficiency and to demonstrate to HUD or independent auditors that HABC is using its resources in
a manner that reflects its commitment to quality and service.
Policies that are adopted by HABC under the MTW Agreement are specifically noted in the ACOP
as MTW policies. Where an ACOP policy relates to MTW and Non-MTW programs, the policy
citation will not state MTW or Non-MTW. Finally, where regulatory citations are specifically
identified in this ACOP, if a corresponding MTW policy is in effect, the MTW policy will
supersede the existing and applicable HUD regulatory citation.
The following table reflects the MTW policies contained in this ACOP including the respective
effective date for each MTW initiative and any modification.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 1-3
Effective Date
Chapter 7:
Revision: FY
2019 Plan
Chapter 8:
Income and
Exclusion of all FT Student
FY 2019 Plan
8.33 ASSET
Asset Income Exclusion
Asset Income Calculation
FY 2018
Chapter 12:
Two-Year Recertifications
Three-year Recertifications
for fixed income
2018 Revision
Applicants and residents, including all adults (i.e., 18 years of age) in their households, are required
to sign the HUD 9886 Authorization for Release of Information. This document authorizes HABC
to request income information from the State wage information collection agency and other
Federal collection agencies in order to verify household income. This document incorporates the
Federal Privacy Act Statement and does not provide authorization for the release of family
information. Failure to sign the consent form will result in the denial of eligibility or termination
of assisted housing benefits.
HABC policy regarding release of information is in accordance with State and local laws.
Information to be supplied to a landlord, upon request, is limited to that specified in this ACOP.
HABC practices and procedures are designed to safeguard the privacy of applicants and residents.
All applicant and resident files will be stored in a secure location that is only accessible by
authorized staff.
HABC staff will not discuss family information contained in files unless there is a business reason
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 1-4
to do so. Inappropriate discussion of family information or improper disclosure of family
information by staff will result in disciplinary action.
All files must be signed for when removed from the secured file storage area.
Any and all information that would lead one to determine the nature and/or severity of a person's
disability, or eligibility based on a criminal background check, must be kept in a separate folder
and marked "confidential". The personal information in this folder must not be released except on
an "as needed" basis in cases where an accommodation or a criminal eligibility determination is
under consideration.
HABC, as required by HUD, has established a smoke-free policy which bars the use of
prohibited tobacco products in all public housing living units, interior common areas and outdoor
areas within 25 feet from public housing and administrative office buildings (collectively,
“restricted areas”).
Residents, staff and guests are required to adhere to HABC’s Smoke Free Policy. Copies of the
Smoke-Free Policy are included in this ACOP as APPENDIX C: SMOKE-FREE POLICY.
HABC’s Central Office and its developments will post, in conspicuous areas, the items outlined
below. Where applicable, HABC will post information on its website.
Income limits for admission
Current schedule of routine maintenance charges
The HABC's grievance procedures
A fair housing poster
The Zero Tolerance for Sexual Harassment Policy
An equal opportunity in employment poster
Required public notices
Information regarding security deposit charges
Information on preferences
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 1-5
Schedule of utility allowances (if applicable)
Information on screening and eviction for drug abuse and other criminal activity
A notice of where the ACOP is available
A notice of where the HABC MTW Plan is available
The Mold Prevention Notice.
The fraud hotline information
The following information is available, upon request, from HABC’s Central Office and from each
development management office:
A copy of the ACOP
A copy of the HABC MTW Plan
Information on application taking
Directory of the HABC's housing developments including names, address of offices and
office hours at each facility.
A copy of the lease
Resident selection policies
Information on application taking
Income limits for admission
HABC's grievance procedures
Mission Statement
The Housing Authority of Baltimore City is referred to as the "Housing Authority" or "HABC"
throughout this document.
"Disability" is used where "handicap" was formerly used.
"Family" is used interchangeably with "Applicant," "Resident" or "Participant" and
includes a single-person family.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 1-6
“INS” refers to the Immigration and Naturalization Service, or its successor
agency. "Landlord" refers to HABC.
"Noncitizens Rule" refers to the regulation effective June 19, 1995, restricting
assistance to U.S. citizens and eligible immigrants.
“Resident” or "Tenant" is used to refer to lessees of HABC. HABC. See Glossary for other
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 2-1
It is the policy of HABC to comply fully with all Federal, State, and local nondiscrimination laws
and with the rules and regulations governing fair housing and equal opportunity in housing and
HABC shall not on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, familial
status, marital status, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity:
Deny any family or individual the equal opportunity to apply for or receive assistance under
the Public Housing Program.
Deny to any family the opportunity to apply for housing or deny to any qualified applicant
the opportunity to lease housing suitable to its needs.
Provide housing that is different from that provided to others.
Subject a person to segregation or disparate treatment.
Restrict a person's access to any benefit enjoyed by others in connection with the housing
Treat a person differently in determining eligibility or other requirements for admission; or
Deny a person access to the same level of services.
To further its commitment to full compliance with applicable Civil Rights laws, HABC will
provide Federal, State, and local information to residents regarding unlawful discrimination in
housing and the recourse available to families who believe they are victims of such discrimination.
Such information will be made available during the pre-occupancy training session. In addition,
fair housing information and discrimination complaint forms will be made available upon request
by the asset managers at each of the site developments and by HABC’s Fair Housing & Equal
Opportunity Office.
HABC staff will be required to attend fair housing training, which will include the importance of
affirmatively furthering fair housing and providing equal opportunity to all families, including
providing reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities, as a part of the overall
commitment to quality customer service. Appropriate staff will attend local fair housing training
update programs sponsored by HABC, HUD and local organizations to keep current with new
Fair Housing posters are posted throughout the HABC offices, including in the lobby and interview
rooms, in such a manner as to be easily readable from a wheelchair. The equal opportunity logo
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 2-2
will be used on all outreach materials.
Except as otherwise provided in 24 CFR 8.21(c)(1), 8.24(a), 8.25, and 8.31, no individual with
disabilities shall be denied the benefits of, be excluded from participation in, or otherwise be
subjected to discrimination because the HABC facilities are inaccessible to or unusable by persons
with disabilities.
The HABC offices are accessible to persons with disabilities. Accessibility for the hearing
impaired is provided through the Maryland Relay System.
HABC’s Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Office (“FH&EO Office”) is responsible for
monitoring HABC’s compliance with and enforcing the requirements of the fair housing laws
and HABC’s fair housing policy as set forth in this ACOP. The FH&EO Office is located at 417
E. Fayette Street, Baltimore, Maryland (410-396-4247).
HABC has amended its capital plan to fund renovations to a number of units to make them
accessible in compliance with Section 504, the ADA, and the FHA.
As set forth in The HABC Reasonable Accommodations Policy and Procedures, HABC is
committed to ensuring that its policies and practices do not deny individuals with disabilities the
opportunity to participate in, or benefit from, nor otherwise discriminate against individuals with
disabilities in connection with the operation of HABC’s housing services or programs, solely on
the basis of such disabilities. Therefore, if an individual with a disability requires an
accommodation, such as an accessible feature or modification to HABC policy, HABC will
provide such accommodation, unless doing so would result in a fundamental alteration in the
nature of the program or an undue financial or administrative burden. In such case, HABC will
make another accommodation that would not result in a financial or administrative burden.
Written information regarding this policy and the procedures for making a request for a reasonable
accommodation is available at the Customer Relations Center, Public Housing Management
Offices, HABC’s Central Office, HABC’s Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Office and
HABC’s website.
Reasonable accommodations will be made for persons with a disability who require an advocate or
accessible offices. A designee will be allowed to provide information on behalf of the person with
the disability, but only with the permission of the person with the disability.
All HABC mailings will be made available in an accessible format upon request, as a reasonable
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 2-3
The definitions of the terms “individual with a disability”, as defined by Section 504, and “person
with disabilities”, as defined by the ADA, are set forth in the glossary to this ACOP.
2.4.1 Verification of Disability
HABC may verify a requestor’s disability only to the extent necessary to ensure that the requestor
is qualified for the housing for which he or she had applied, is qualified for deductions used in
determining adjusted income, is entitled to preferences that have been claimed, and/or that the
requested accommodation is needed to address or because of a disability. HABC will not require
persons requesting a reasonable accommodation to provide access to confidential medical records
to verify a disability and will not require specific details about the disability. HABC may require
documentation of the manifestation of the disability that causes a specific need for a specific
accommodation or accessible unit.
2.4.2 Reexamination by Mail
HABC will permit the family to submit reexamination forms through the mail as a reasonable
accommodation due to a family member’s disability. The mail-in packet will include notice to the
family of HABCs
the completed forms to HABC.
If there is more than one adult member in the household, but only one has a disability, re-
certification will not be processed through the mail. In such cases, the family may choose to have
the HABC conduct the re-certification
by a home visit or to have the non-disabled adult family
members come in for the appointment and then take the necessary forms home to the member with
a disability for completion and signature.
2.4.3 Home Visits
When requested and where the need for reasonable accommodation has been established, HABC
will conduct home visits to residents to conduct re-certifications.
Requests for home visit re-certifications must be received by HABC at least five working days
before the scheduled appointment date in order for the request to be considered.
2.4.4 Other Accommodations
HABC utilizes organizations that provide assistance for hearing- and sight-impaired persons when
When needed to address a disability, families will be offered an accessible unit or a unit with
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 2-4
accessible features unless it would result in undue financial and administrative burdens.
HABC uses contractors to:
Provide language interpretation services over the telephone.
Translate documents; and
Provide American Sign Language interpretation.
Information about how to request these services is available to HABC staff on the Baltimore
Housing intranet site. The Baltimore Housing intranet website also provides a link to documents
translated by HUD.
2.5.1 Language Assistance
HABC will provide readers to assist persons with
barriers in
certification process.
HABC may publicize and disseminate information to make known the availability of housing
assistance and related services for eligible families. When HABC’s waiting list is open, HABC
may publicize the availability and nature of housing assistance for eligible families through,
including but not limited to, the:
Baltimore Sun
Afro-American Newspaper
City Paper
Baltimore Housing Website
HABC may extend outreach subject to determination of any minority group reaching 2% of the
total population, based on the most recent census or amendment thereto.
To further enhance outreach, HABC may distribute fact sheets to the broadcasting media and may
initiate personal contacts with members of the news media, with community service personnel and
with not-for-profit organizations servicing non-English speaking populations. HABC may also
utilize public service announcements.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 2-5
HABC may communicate housing opportunities and eligibility requirements to other service
providers in the community, so that they may refer their clients to HABC for housing assistance.
The Violence against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA) provides special
protections for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking who
are applying for or receiving assistance under the public housing program.
The purpose of this policy is to implement applicable provisions of the Violence Against Women
Act of 2005 and the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (collectively VAWA),
and to set forth HABC’s policies regarding domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and
stalking. Notwithstanding VAWA’s title, this policy is gender neutral.
2.7.1 Definitions as Used in the Violence Against Women Act
The definitions applicable to the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) are the following:
Domestic Violence: Felony or misdemeanor crimes of violence committed by a current or former
spouse or intimate partner of the victim, by a person with whom the victim shares a child in
common, by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse or
intimate partner, by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or
family violence laws of the jurisdiction receiving grant monies, or by any other person against an
adult or youth victim who is protected from that person’s acts under the domestic or family
violence laws of the jurisdiction.
Dating Violence: Violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a
romantic or intimate nature with the victim and where the existence of such a relationship is
determined based on the following factors: length of the relationship; type of relationship; and
frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship.
Sexual Assault: Any non-consensual sexual act proscribed by Federal, tribal, or State law,
including when the victim lacks capacity to consent.
Stalking: Engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person causing a reasonable person
to fear for his or her safety or the safety of others or suffer substantial emotional distress.
Affiliated Individual: With respect to an individual, as a spouse, parent, brother, sister, or child
of that individual, or an individual to whom that individual stands in loco parentis, or an individual
who has guardianship over another individual who is not a minor, or any individual, resident or
lawful occupant living in the household of that individual.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 2-6
Bifurcate: The term bifurcate means, with respect to a public housing lease, to divide a lease as
a matter of law such that certain residents can be evicted or removed while the remaining family
members’ lease and occupancy rights are allowed to remain intact.
Actual and Imminent Threat: refers to a physical danger that is real, would occur within an
immediate time frame, and could result in death or serious bodily harm. In determining whether
an individual would pose an actual and imminent threat, the factors to be considered include: The
duration of the risk, the nature and severity of the potential harm, the likelihood that the potential
harm will occur, and the length of time before the potential harm would occur.
2.7.2 Confidentiality Requirements VAWA
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will keep confidential any information that the
resident submits in connection with VAWA protections, including keeping confidential the
location of a new dwelling unit, if one is provided, from the person(s) that committed an act(s) of
domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking against the resident. HABC and the
privately owned/managed sites will not disclose or release or enter into any shared database any
personally identifying information or individual information collected in connection with VAWA
protections requested or denied except to the extent that the disclosure is:
Requested or consented to by the individual in a time- limited release.
Required for use in an eviction proceeding or hearing; or
Otherwise required by applicable law.
If disclosure is required for use in an eviction proceeding or is otherwise required by applicable
law, HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will make reasonable attempts to provide
notice to victims affected by the disclosure of information and will take steps necessary to protect
the privacy and safety of the persons affected by the release of the information.
2.7.3 VAWA Self-Petitioners
HABC will review non-citizen applicant or resident requests for admission or continued
occupancy as a result of being a self-petitioner under the VAWA.
A VAWA Self-Petitioner is a non-citizen applicant or resident who claims to be a victim of
“battery or extreme cruelty”, which includes domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault
and stalking perpetrated by his or her spouse or parent, who is a citizen or lawful permanent
A VAWA Self-Petitioner may indicate that he or she has satisfactory immigration status, though
HABC has not yet verified that satisfactory immigration status. Satisfactory immigration status
means an immigration status which does not make the individual ineligible for financial assistance.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 2-7
A VAWA Self-Petitioner may submit an I-360 VAWA Self Petition, an I-130 Family-Based VISA
Petition or a USCIS Form 1-797 to demonstrate a claim of satisfactory immigration status. When
an I-360 VAWA Self Petition, an I-130 Family-Based VISA Petition or a USCIS Form 1-797 is
submitted, HABC may not request any additional information from the VAWA Self-Petitioner
other than what is required to complete the verification. When a VAWA self-petitioner uses the
Family Based VISA petition to satisfy immigration status, upon verification of the Family Based
VISA petition, HABC will require the petitioner to submit evidence of battery or extreme cruelty.
Housing assistance and all other VAWA protections will be granted to the VAWA Self-Petitioner
applicant or resident throughout the verification process until a final determination of lawful US
permanent residency can be made.
If HABC later determines that the VAWA Self-Petitioner does not have eligible immigration
status, HABC will notify the individual and take action to terminate assistance. HABC will also
inform the individual of local agencies that provide domestic violence and immigration support
2.7.4 Prohibition Against Denial of Assistance to Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating
Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking
Applicants who otherwise qualify for assistance or admission will not be denied admission on the
basis that the applicant is or has been a victim of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault,
or stalking. VAWA does not limit HABC’s authority to deny assistance to an individual or family
that is not otherwise qualified or eligible for assistance.
2.7.5 Prohibition Against Termination of Assistance Related to Victims of Domestic
Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking
Criminal activity directly relating to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking,
engaged in by a member of a resident’s family or any guest or other person under the resident’s
control will not be the basis for termination of assistance, tenancy, or occupancy rights if the
resident or an immediate member of the resident’s household is the victim or threatened victim of
such domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking.
Incidents of actual or threatened domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking will
not be construed either as serious or repeated violations of the lease by the victim or of such
violence or threat of violence, or as good cause for terminating the tenancy or occupancy rights of
the victim of such violence or threat.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, HABC and the privately owned/managed sites may exercise its
authority to evict, remove, terminate occupancy rights, or terminate assistance to any individual
who is a resident or lawful occupant and who engages in criminal acts of physical violence against
household members or others, without evicting, removing, terminating assistance to, or otherwise
penalizing the victim of such violence who is also a resident or lawful occupant.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 2-8
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites may exercise its discretion to bifurcate a Lease in
order to evict, remove or terminate assistance to residents or lawful occupants who perpetrate such
violence against victims or affiliated individuals.
Further, HABC and the privately owned/managed sites retains its authority to terminate the
tenancy of any resident if HABC and the privately owned/managed sites concludes that there is an
actual and imminent threat to other residents or those employed at or providing service to the
property if that resident is not evicted or terminated from assistance. VAWA does not limit HABC
and the privately owned/managed site’s authority to deny or terminate assistance to an individual
or family that is not otherwise qualified or eligible for assistance.
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites may terminate assistance or evict a resident for any
violation of the Lease not premised on the kinds of violence described above, if HABC and the
privately owned/managed sites refrains from subjecting a victim of domestic violence, dating
violence, sexual assault, or stalking to a more demanding standard than applied to other residents
facing Lease termination. VAWA does not limit HABC and the privately owned/managed site’s
authority to deny or terminate assistance to an individual or family that is not otherwise qualified
or eligible for assistance.
Notwithstanding the protections provided to residents under VAWA, HABC and the privately
owned/managed sites will:
Comply with court orders that address the rights of access to or control of property,
including civil protection orders issued to protect victims of domestic violence, dating
violence, sexual assault, and stalking; and
Comply with court orders that address the distribution or possession of property among
members of a household.
In the event HABC and the privately owned/managed sites evicts, removes or terminates assistance
to an individual by bifurcating the Lease HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will refrain
from penalizing the victim of such criminal activity who is a resident or lawful occupant. HABC
and the privately owned/managed sites will also provide any remaining family members with at
least 30 calendar days from the date of bifurcation of the lease or until expiration of the lease to
establish eligibility for continued occupancy if the individual evicted as a result of the bifurcation
of the Lease was the sole resident eligible for housing assistance. If a resident is unable to establish
eligibility, HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will provide resident a reasonable time,
not to exceed 60 days, to find new housing.
HABC will maintain the confidentiality of the resident’s new location in the event the resident
receives an emergency transfer related to VAWA protections.
2.7.6 Notification to Applicants & Residents Regarding Protections Under VAWA
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 2-9
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will provide notice to applicants and residents of
protections provided under VAWA, in multiple languages when necessary, at the following
At the time the applicant is denied admission to the public housing program.
At the time the individual is admitted to public housing program.
With any notification of lease termination or notification of termination of assistance.
2.7.7 Victim Documentation
When a resident family is facing denial or termination of assistance or is requesting an emergency
move because of the actions of a resident household member, or other person under the resident’s
control and a resident or immediate family member of the resident’s family claims that she or he
is the victim of such actions and that the actions are related to domestic violence, dating violence,
sexual assault or stalking, HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will require the individual
to submit documentation affirming that claim.
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will accept one of three methods for certification
of a claim:
A completed HUD VAWA Certification Form, which HABC and the privately
owned/managed sites will make available to a resident family upon request and/or
A Federal, State, tribal, territorial, local police or other law enforcement or court record and/or
Documentation signed and attested to by an employee, agent, or volunteer of a victim service
provider, an attorney, a medical professional, or a mental health professional, from whom the
victim has sought assistance in addressing domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault
or stalking, or the effects of abuse, in which the professional attests under penalty of perjury
to the professional’s belief that the incident or incidents in question are bona fide incidents of
abuse, and the victim of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking has
signed or attested to the documentation. The applicant or resident must sign the documentation
The required certification and supporting documentation must be submitted to HABC and the
privately owned/managed sites within 14 working days after HABC and the privately
owned/managed sites issues a written request for the documentation. The 14-day deadline may be
extended at HABC and the privately owned/managed site’s discretion. If the individual does not
provide the required certification and supporting documentation within 14 working days, or the
approved extension period, HABC and the privately owned/managed sites may proceed with
termination of assistance.
If HABC and the privately owned/managed sites can demonstrate an actual and imminent threat
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 2-10
to other residents or those employed at or providing service to the property, if the resident’s
tenancy is not terminated, HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will bypass the standard
process and proceed with the immediate termination of the family’s assistance.
2.7.8 Conflicting Documentation
In cases where HABC and the privately owned/managed sites receive conflicting certification
documents from two or more members of a household, each claiming to be a victim and naming
one or more of the other petitioning household members as the perpetrator, HABC and the
privately owned/managed sites may determine which is the true victim by requiring each to
provide acceptable third-party documentation, as described above. HABC and the privately
owned/managed sites shall honor any court orders issued to protect the victim or to address the
distribution of property.
2.7.9 Discretion to Require No Formal Documentation
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites have the discretion to provide benefits to an
individual based solely on the individual’s statement or other corroborating evidencei.e.,
without requiring formal documentation of abuse in accordance with 24 CFR 5.2007(b). If HABC
and the privately owned/managed sites accept an individual’s statement or other corroborating
evidence of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, HABC and the privately
owned/managed sites will document acceptance of the statement or evidence in the individual’s
2.7.10 Failure to Provide Documentation
To deny relief for protection under VAWA, HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will
provide the individual requesting relief with a written request for documentation of abuse. If the
individual fails to provide the documentation within 14 working days from the date of receipt, or
such longer time as HABC and the privately owned/managed sites may allow, HABC and the
privately owned/managed sites may deny relief for protection under VAWA.
2.7.11 VAWA Record Retention
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will retain a record of all VAWA emergency
transfer requests and outcomes for a period not less than three years. HABC and the privately
owned/managed sites will follow HUD reporting requirements regarding VAWA emergency
transfer requests and outcomes.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 3-1
The policy of HABC is to ensure that all applicants are treated in a fair and consistent manner.
This Chapter describes the policies and procedures for completing a preliminary application (pre-
application) for assistance and for placement and denial of placement on the waiting lists. HABC
centrally manages the waiting lists for conventional public housing developments, scattered site
properties, RAD properties, properties with LTA units and properties with public housing units
that are in privately owned/managed properties.
To apply for housing, an applicant must be an adult who is at least 18 years of age or older or
an emancipated minor.
HABC’s Admissions and Leasing Office maintains and administers HABC waiting lists for: (a)
properties that it owns and manages; (b) properties that have been converted under the Rental
Assistance Demonstration (RAD); (c) properties with the Long Term Affordable (LTA) units; and
(d) properties with privately owned and/or managed public housing units.
When the waiting list is open, applicants must complete a preliminary application (pre-application)
through HABC’s on-line applicant portal. The on-line portal may be accessed via computer, smart
phone, tablet or at kiosks located at HABC’s Admissions and Leasing Office and at various other
HABC properties. HABC will also provide paper pre-applications upon request.
Pre-applications will be made available in an accessible format upon request from a person with
a disability. Persons with disabilities may call HABC if they need a reasonable accommodation
to complete the pre-application through the on-line portal.
The purpose of the pre-application is to collect information needed to place applicants on the
appropriate waiting lists based on developments selected by applicants. Interviews are not
conducted as part of the pre-application process. If an applicant does not select specific
developments, HABC will place the applicant on the centrally administered First Available
Waiting List.
Upon submission of the completed pre-application and development selection form, applicants
will be placed on applicable waiting list(s) according to date and time of application, preference
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 3-2
and size and type of the unit needed. Applicants will receive written confirmation of placement on
the waiting list and their estimated wait time via First-Class Mail.
An applicant will be placed on the waiting list if the pre-application includes:
Name of the head of household and all household members.
Dates of birth of the head of household and all household members.
Social Security number for head of household, where applicable. Social Security numbers
of the other household members will be requested during the eligibility screening). ;
Mailing address.
Annual income for the household.
Race and ethnicity of the head of household.
Acknowledgement by the head of household of the accuracy of the information provided;
Locations of sites where applicant would accept a unit or determination to be placed on the
available waiting list.
Applicants may not be on both the centrally administered First Available Waiting List CAFAWL)
and a Centrally Administered Location Based Waiting List (CALBWL).
HABC will not pre-screen pre-applications. Information on the application will not be verified
until the applicant has been selected for the eligibility determination. Eligibility will be
determined when the full application process is completed, and all information is verified.
The waiting list for Thompson PCD and Remedial Vouchers is maintained by BRHP and is
separate from any other HABC waiting list. Application for, receipt of, or termination of a
Thompson Voucher will not affect a family’s standing on any other HABC waiting list.
HABC will organize the waiting list to allow for the accurate identification and selection of
applicants in proper order, according to the admissions policies described in this ACOP.
The waiting list will contain the following information for each applicant listed:
Name and social security number of head of household.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 3-3
Apartment size required (as determined by the occupancy standards for the applicant’s
family composition).
Gross household income.
Accessibility requirement, if any.
Date and time of application and/or application number.
Household type (family, elderly, disabled);
Admission preference, if any.
Race and ethnicity of the head of household; and
The specific development(s) selected, if applicable.
HABC centrally administers the waiting lists for:
Conventional public housing developments.
Scattered sites.
RAD properties.
Referral Program (Special Programs): Applicants are referred directly to HABC under
Special Programs or Allocations
Mixed population properties and certain other units covered by the Bailey Supplemental
Consent Decree (Bailey);
Properties with LTA units; and
Properties with public housing units that are in privately owned/managed properties.
For ease of distinction in this ACOP, the centrally managed waiting lists will be referred as
outlined below. See policies on UNIT OFFERS, UNIT REFUSAL, GOOD CAUSE FOR UNIT
Centrally Administered Location Based Waiting List: CALBWL
o This waiting list includes all units/developments not covered under the Centrally
Administered Mixed Population & Other Units Covered under Bailey
(CAMPBWL) described below.
o Families may select up to 3 developments on the CALBWL
o When selecting only developments covered under the CALBWL, families offered
a unit at one of the CALBWL selected developments, will be removed from all of
the waiting lists covered under the CALBWL if the offer is refused without good
Families meeting the eligibility requirements for the CAMPBWL may select to be listed on the
CAMPBWL and may select up to two developments on the CALBWL.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 3-4
Centrally Administered Mixed Population & Other Units Covered under Bailey:
o This waiting list includes the units at mixed population developments and other
units covered under Bailey.
o Families on this waiting list may receive up to three unit offers and if they refuse
all three offers without good cause, they will be removed from all centrally
managed waiting lists. Families cannot select specific developments covered under
Centrally Administered First Available Waiting List: CAFAWL
o Families selecting the CAFAWL may not select any other waiting list option.
o Families who select the CAFAWL are listed on all the development waiting lists
for which they are eligible, including those developments covered under the
o Families offered a unit will be removed from the waiting list if the offer is refused
without good cause.
Families may select from the list of waiting list options below; however only families meeting
the eligibility requirements for the CAMPBWL may select to be listed on the CAMPBWL.
Additionally, families meeting the eligibility requirements for the CAMPBWL may select to be
listed on the CAMPBWL and may select up to two developments on the CALBWL.
CAFAWL only; or
CALBWL: Up to three developments covered under the CALBWL
CALBWL and CAMPBWL: Up to two developments covered under CALBWL and
selecting to be listed on the CAMPBWL. For example, an elderly family or a non-elderly
person with a disability may choose to be on the list for the developments covered by the
CAMPBWL and may also choose to be listed on the CALBWL for two family
developments such as Brooklyn Homes and Cherry Hills Homes, etc.; or
CAMPBWL only, for three offers for developments covered by this waiting list.
All waiting lists will be maintained and operated in a manner that is consistent with applicable
civil rights and fair housing laws and regulations.
HABC’s waiting list will be administered in such manner to allow HABC to accurately identify
and select families in the proper order, according to admission policies described in this ACOP.
The waiting list will contain information required by federal regulations, as may be amended.
Information provided to applicants in choosing waiting list options will include but not limited to:
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 3-5
Number and size of different units
Accessible units
Estimate of the period the applicant would likely have to wait to be admitted at each site
HABC will post on its website and make available, on request, information sheets for each
development which will include but not be limited to:
Number and size of different units
Accessible units
Information on transportation, schools, and services in the surrounding area
HABC will manage it waiting lists in a manner that is consistent with HABC’s activities to
affirmatively further fair housing, such as marketing to groups least likely to apply for public
housing. In addition, HABC will have a system for regular review of the results of the location-
based waiting list operation to examine any changes in the racial and/or ethnic makeup and changes
in disability and familial status of each site through the steps described below:
As part of the annual MTW Plan preparation, HABC will assess any changes in the racial
and ethnic make-up and changes in disability and familial status of each site based on data
that has been determined to be accurate by HABC’s Independent Public Accountant.
At least every three years HABC will use independent testers or other means satisfactory
to HUD, to assure that location-based waiting lists are not being implemented in a
discriminatory manner, and that no patterns or practices of discrimination exist, and
providing the results to HUD. HABC evaluations will cover disability and familial status
as well as race and ethnicity; and
HABC will make changes in its location-based waiting list system, as needed, based on the
data and methods above to affirmatively further fair housing.
HABC may close the waiting list in whole or in part if there are enough applicants to fill
anticipated openings for the next five years. The waiting list may not be closed if doing so
would have a discriminatory impact inconsistent with applicable civil rights and fair housing
laws and regulations.
Closing of the waiting list will be announced on the Baltimore Housing website and in newspapers
of general circulation, minority publications and other suitable media outlets. HABC will give at
least 30 days’ notice to the public prior to closing the list.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 3-6
When HABC opens the waiting list, HABC will provide notice of the opening on the Baltimore
Housing website and in newspapers of general circulation, minority publications and other
suitable media outlets. The notice will be made in an accessible format if requested
To reach persons with disabilities, HABC will provide separate notice to local organizations
representing the interests and needs of persons with disabilities.
The waiting list shall be open for the period needed to cover projected turnover for the next five
When a PH development opens, that is part of an existing Location Based Waiting List; HABC
will use the existing waiting list to select applicants.
When a new PH development opens which is not part of an existing CALBWL, HABC will use
the CAFAWL to select applicants for this development. When a determination is made to open
a Waiting List for this development, HABC will provide notice of the opening consistent with the
policies in this ACOP. Existing applicants who would be eligible for housing at the new
development will be allowed to change their site selection and choose the new site; however, the
date and time of application for the new site will reflect the date and time the change was
requested. Applicants on the CAFAWL may also convert to a CALBWL and choose the new
development; however, their date and time of application will be updated to reflect the date and
time the change was requested. Retention of date and time of application when changes are made
Applicants are responsible for updating their application to reflect changes as needed to ensure
that all applicants and applicant information is current. HABC will send an update request via first
class mail to applicants identified for update of their application information. For example, HABC
may send an update request to applicants who may be called for an eligibility interview in the next
12 months. The update request will be sent to the last address that HABC has on record for the
family. If the update request is returned to HABC with a forwarding address, HABC will resend
the update request to the new address. If the update request is returned with no forwarding address
or if the update request is not returned within the required time frame, HABC will suspend the
application for one year from the waiting list update request due date. If during that one-year
period, the applicant contacts HABC, HABC will reinstate the applicant on the waiting list with
his/her date and time of application. Additionally, where additional contact information (phone,
e-mail, emergency contact) is available, HABC will attempt to contact the family using the
family’s alternate contact information during the one-year suspension period. If after the one year
suspension period ends, and the applicant has not contacted HABC or responded to HABC update
efforts, HABC will withdraw the applicants name from the waiting list.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 3-7
When an applicant is removed from the waiting list during the update process for failure to
respond to an update request, no informal hearing will be offered. The applicant’s failure to
respond prevents HABC from making an eligibility determination; therefore, no informal hearing
is required.
When an applicant is removed from the waiting list for failure to respond, HABC may reinstate
the applicant if the lack of response was due to HABC error, or in response to an applicant’s
reasonable accommodation request (indicating that the failure to respond was due to a disability)
or due to circumstances beyond the applicant’s control.
HABC will follow applicable regulatory requirements for notice of removal. Applicant's names
will be removed from all PH Waiting Lists for as a result of any of the following.
Being housed in a PH/RAD unit.
Being withdrawn.
Being determined ineligible by HABC.
Refusalan applicant refused the threshold number of offers of housing without Good
Cause; and
Upon written request by the applicant family. In such cases no informal hearing is
For the two policies below, rejection assumes that the cause is not related to an actionable unit
which would result in rejection at any development, i.e. lifetime sex offender registration
HABC will remove an applicant’s name from a development’s CALBWL when an
owner/management agent rejects an applicant from a specific development. The applicant will
retain placement on all other CALBWLs even if managed by the same owner/management agent.
HABC will allow the applicant to select a new CALBWL and retain his/her date and time of
Where an owner/management agent rejects an applicant from a development covered by the
CAFAWL or CAMPBWL, HABC will retain the applicant’s placement on the CAFAWL and
CAMPBWL; however, the applicant will no longer be offered units at the development where they
were rejected.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 3-8
HABC will monitor the characteristics of the population being served and the characteristics of
the population in HABC’s jurisdiction. Targeted outreach efforts will be undertaken in accordance
with HABC deconcentrating activities and Annual Plan.
While a family is on a waiting list, the family must inform HABC of changes in family
composition, preference status, site selections and contact information. The changes must be
submitted on the portal in person to HABC, via US Mail or fax. Changes in the family’s
circumstances while on a waiting list may affect the family’s qualification for a particular bedroom
size or preference and/or estimated wait time.
3.13.1 Changes In Family Composition
If a family reports a change in family composition while on the waiting list, the family will retain
its date and time of application, but the family’s position on the waiting list will be updated to
reflect the updated information/selection. For example, a family qualifies for a two-bedroom unit
and selects three developments with two-bedroom units. After six months on the waiting list,
another family member moves in with the family, and now the family qualifies for a three-bedroom
unit. If the family reports this change to HABC and any of the sites they originally selected do not
have three-bedroom units, the family will be able to select new sites that can accommodate the
family’s new family size and retain its original application date and time.
If the proposed Head of Household of an applicant family dies before a unit offer is made, an adult
family member, listed in the current application, may be instated as Head of Household.
3.13.2 Changes In Site Selection
A family may change its CALBWL site selections while on the waiting list; however, the family’s
date and time of application will be updated to reflect the date and time of the change in site
selections. For example, if a family only selects two CALBWLs and later decides to add a third
CALBWL, the date and time of application for the third CALBWL will reflect the date and time
of the request. The date and time for the two original locations will remain unchanged. Conversely,
if an applicant selects three CALBWLs and later requests to be removed from two of the
CALBWLs, the applicant will retain his/her date and time of application for the one remaining
If an applicant on the waiting list ages in place and is now elderly or if an applicant becomes
disabled while on the waiting list, HABC will allow the applicant to change a CALBWL selection
or choose the CAMPBWL, as applicable, and retain their date and time of application for the new
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 3-9
A family may only select sites which have the appropriate unit size for the family’s size and for
which they are eligible based on family composition. For example, a family who qualifies for a
one-bedroom unit may not select a site with only three-bedroom units. Additionally, developments
which are elderly only developments may only be selected by households whose head, co-head or
spouse is elderly.
3.13.3 Changes in Preference
When a family reports a change in preference status while on the waiting list, HABC will update
the preference but retain the date and time of application. The family’s position on the waiting list
will reflect the change in preference status. Families will be required to provide verification of any
claimed preference at the time of screening.
3.13.4 Changes In Type of Waiting List
While on the waiting list, a family may move from CALBWLs to CAFAWL. If a family switches
from CALBWL to CAFAWL or from CAFAWL to CALBWL, the family’s date and time of
application will be updated to reflect the date and time of the change in waiting list.
When a family on the waiting list(s) split up into two otherwise eligible families, only one of the
new families may retain the original pre-application date. Other former family members may
submit a new pre- application with a new pre-application date, if the waiting list(s) is open.
In the absence of a judicial decision or an agreement among the original family members, the
original head of household will retain the pre-application date. The head of household may allow
another adult household member on the application to retain the original pre-application date.
Exceptions to the policy will be made on a case-by-case basis and may include consideration of
the following factors:
The interest of any minor children, including custody arrangements.
The interest of any ill, elderly, or family member with a disability.
The interest of a family member who is the victim of domestic violence, dating violence,
sexual assault, or stalking, including a family member who was forced to leave an assisted
unit as a result of such actual or threatened abuse.
Any possible risks to family members because of domestic violence, dating violence,
stalking, sexual assault or criminal activity; and
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 3-10
The recommendations of social service professionals.
If two families living together apply as a family unit, they will be treated as a family unit.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 4-1
This Chapter defines HABC's criteria for admission and denial of admission to the program. The
policy of HABC is to strive for objectivity and consistency in applying these criteria to evaluate
the qualifications of applicants. HABC staff will review the information provided by the
applicant carefully and without regard to factors other than those defined in this Chapter.
Applicants will be provided the opportunity to explain their circumstances, to furnish additional
information, if needed, and to receive an explanation of the basis for any decision made by HABC
pertaining to their eligibility.
The second phase of the admissions process is the "determination of eligibility". At this time
HABC verifies that the information provided to HABC by the applicant is current and determines
if the applicant is eligible to live in public housing, RAD properties and properties with LTA units.
With the exception of the units that meet the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (“UFAS”),
HABC does not determine eligibility of applicants for Albemarle Square, Broadway Overlook and
Homes for Arundel because each of these sites maintains a site-based waiting list. HABC does
refer residents and applicants to Albemarle Square, Broadway Overlook and Homes for Arundel
to occupy their UFAS Accessible Units.
Pursuant to the Thompson Consent Decree, HABC created 22 public housing units (Thompson 22
Units) in neighborhoods within Baltimore City. HABC’s Admissions and Leasing Office is
responsible for screening the families for the Thompson 22 Units in accordance with the criteria
outlined in this chapter. The Baltimore Regional Housing Partnership (BRHP) is under contract
with HABC to counsel and prepare the families prior to them moving into the units.
The RAD properties and the properties with LTA units conduct additional screening for eligibility
pursuant to the LTA Criteria. In addition, other privately owned and managed sites conduct
additional screening pursuant to their tenant selection and assignment plans.
4.2.1 Family
To be eligible for admission, an applicant must qualify as a family. The definition of family is
made regardless of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status, Family
as defined by HUD, includes but is not limited to the following:
A family with or without children (if a child is temporarily absent from home due to
placement in foster care, the temporary absence shall not be considered in determining the
family composition and family size if the absence is presumed to be for less than 180 days).
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 4-2
An elderly family.
A near elderly family.
A non-elderly person with a disability family.
The remaining member of a resident family who was listed on the lease.
A one-person household who is not elderly, displaced, or a person with disabilities.
Two or more elderly persons or persons with disabilities living together,
One or more elderly persons or persons with disabilities who have a live-in aide.
Two or more near-elderly persons living together,
One or more near-elderly persons who have a live-in aide.
Two or more individuals who are not related by blood, marriage, adoption, or other
operation of law, but who either can demonstrate that they have lived together previously
or certify that everyone’s income and other resources will be available to meet the needs
of the family.
4.2.2 Household
Household is a broader term that includes additional people who, with HABC’s permission, live
in a public housing unit, such as live-in aides, foster children, and foster adults.
4.2.3 Elderly Persons
An Elderly Person is a person who is at least 62 years of age.
4.2.4 Near-Elderly Persons
A Near-Elderly person is a person who is 50-61 years of age.
4.2.5 Elderly Family
An elderly family is one in which the head, spouse, co-head, or sole member is an elderly person.
Identifying elderly families is important because these families qualify for the elderly family
allowance and the medical allowance as described in Chapter 6 and may qualify for a particular
type of development as noted in Chapter 4.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 4-3
An elderly family is one in which the head, spouse, co-head, or sole member is an elderly person.
Elderly families qualify for the elderly family allowance and the medical allowance described in
Chapter 8 and may qualify for a senior only development, an HABC mixed population
development or a RAD mixed population development.
4.2.6 Non-elderly Person with a Disability Family
A non-elderly person with a disability family is a family whose sole member, head of household,
or head of household’s spouse is a person with a disability who is under the age of sixty-two (62),
and who is eligible for a one-bedroom public housing unit or for a two-bedroom public housing
unit because a second bedroom is needed for disability related reasons. A non-elderly person
with a disability may qualify for LTA units designated for non-elderly persons with disabilities,
an HABC mixed population development or a RAD mixed population development.
4.2.7 Head of Household
The head of household is the adult member of the household who is designated by the family as
head, is wholly or partly responsible for paying the rent, and has the legal capacity to enter into a
lease under State/local law.
Emancipated minors who qualify under State law will be recognized as head of household if there
is a court order declaring them as an emancipated minor. If there is no court order, HABC will
consider other evidence of emancipation recognized under Maryland state law such as, for
example, a person under 18 who is married or serving in the military.
A family may designate an elderly member or member who is a non-elderly person with a disability
as head of household solely to qualify the family for the income deduction available for elderly
persons and non-elderly persons with disabilities, provided that the person is at least partially
responsible for paying the rent.
4.2.8 Spouse of Head of Household
Spouse means the marriage partner of the Head of Household.
For proper application of the Noncitizens Rule, the definition of spouse is: the marriage partner
who, in order to dissolve the relationship, would have to be divorced. The term "spouse" does not
apply to boyfriends, girlfriends, significant others, or co-heads.
4.2.9 Co-head
An individual in the household who is equally responsible with the head of household for
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 4-4
ensuring that the family fulfills all of its responsibilities under the program, but who is not spouse.
A household may have either a spouse or co-head, but not both. A co-head never qualifies as
a dependent.
4.2.10 Adult/Other Adult
An adult is an individual who is 18 years of age or older. Other adult means a family member,
other than the head of household, spouse or co-head, who is 18 years of age or older. Foster adults
and live-in aides are NOT considered other adults.
4.2.11 Other Definitions
Definitions for the following can be found in the glossary:
Full Time Student
Foster adults are adults, unrelated to the resident family, who are approved by a state placement
agency to live with the household. Foster children are children approved by a state placement
agency to live with household.
Foster children and foster adults who are living with an applicant or resident family are considered
household members but not family members and therefore do not have residual rights to the unit.
A household may include a live-in aide provided that such live-in aide:
Is 18 years of age or older.
Is essential to the care and well-being of an elderly person or a person with disabilities in
the household as verified in writing by a health professional.
Is not obligated for the support of the person(s).
Would not be living in the unit except to provide care for the person(s); and
Can demonstrate current residency in good standing by providing a landlord reference.
A live-in aide is not considered to be an assisted family member and has no rights or benefits under
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 4-5
the program:
The income of the live-in aide will not be counted for purposes of determining
eligibility or level of benefits.
Live-in aides are not subject to Noncitizen Rule requirements.
Live-in aides may not be considered as a remaining member of the resident family.
Relatives are not automatically excluded from being live-in aides.
Residents may not convert a live-in aide to a household member because such a conversion would
allow individuals to circumvent the application process and the public housing waiting list.
HABC will not allow household members currently listed on the lease to become the live-in aide.
Residents may not remove household members from the household only to add the same household
member back as a live-in aide.
A live-in aide may only reside in the unit with the approval of HABC. Written verification will be
required from a reliable, knowledgeable professional, such as a doctor, social worker, or
caseworker certifying that a live-in aide is needed for the care of the family member who is elderly
or a person with a disability.
After HABC approves the addition of a live-in aide on behalf of an applicant or a resident, the
applicant or resident must submit a specific live-in aide’s name and information for approval by
Any person proposed as a live-in aide, including relatives, must pass HABC’s screening eligibility
criteria. HABC has the right to disapprove the person identified to be the live-in aide based on the
"Other Eligibility Criteria" described in this Chapter, as applicable.
Because a live-in aide is an individual who resides in a unit in order to assist a person who is
elderly or has a disability, and is not considered to be a household member, it is HABC's policy
that no more than one individual at a time may serve as the live-in aide and reside in the resident’s
unit. HABC is not obligated to house the family members of live-in aides.
If the live-in aide or a live-in aide’s guest violates a lease provision or participates in drug-related or
criminal activity, HABC will rescind the live-in aide’s right to occupy the unit. When HABC
rescinds the live-in aide’s right to occupy the unit, the live-in aide is not entitled to the grievance
hearing process of the agency.
Dependents who are subject to a joint custody arrangement will be considered a member of the
family if they live with the applicant or resident family 50 percent or more of the time.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 4-6
When more than one applicant or resident (regardless of program) are claiming the same
dependents as family members, the family with primary physical custody at the time of the initial
examination or reexamination will be able to claim the dependents. If there is a dispute about
which family will be allowed to claim the dependents, HABC will make the determination based
on available documents such as court orders and IRS income tax returns showing which family
has claimed the child for income tax purposes, school records, and/or other credible
HABC may make an exception to the Occupancy Standard policy set forth in this ACOP and allow
two assisted households space for the same dependent children where there is joint physical and
legal custody; however, HABC will only allow one household to claim the dependent deduction.
Exceptions to the Occupancy Standard policy for these instances will be reviewed on a case-by-
case basis.
Applicants are required to attend an interview. HABC will verify applicant information, conduct
eligibility and suitability screening, and then make a determination about the applicant’s eligibility
for assistance. Screening will be carried out in accordance with the policies in this ACOP.
Applicants will be sent an eligibility appointment letter when they reach the top of the waiting list.
The letter scheduling the interview will identify the documents the applicant is required to bring
to the interview and the factors to be verified. HABC utilizes the application interview to discuss
the family’s circumstances in greater detail, to clarify information that has been provided by the
family, and to ensure that the information is complete. The interview is also used as a vehicle to
provide to the family information about the application process, verification process, and other
HABC services or programs, which may be available.
All adult household members are required to attend the interview. If a family misses two scheduled
interviews, without good cause, HABC will withdraw the family from the waiting list.
If an elderly or disabled family misses the second scheduled interview, HABC will attempt to
contact the head of household by phone and schedule a third interview. If HABC is still unable to
reach the applicant HABC will withdraw the family from the waiting list.
If a family is withdrawn from the waiting list and then responds to HABC within 90 calendar days
from the date of withdrawal, HABC will reinstate the family to the waiting list.
Reasonable accommodation will be made for persons with a disability who require an advocate
or accessible offices or to have the interview conducted at a location other than HABC’s offices.
A designee will be allowed to provide information on behalf of the applicant, but only with
permission of the person with a disability.
If an application is withdrawn due to failure to attend the full application interview, the applicant
will be notified in writing that the application has been withdrawn from the waiting list and that
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 4-7
they may re-apply for housing assistance if the waiting list is open. The applicant will also be
offered an opportunity to request an informal hearing.
The head of household and spouse, regardless of age, and all adult members must sign form
HUD-9886, "Release of Information," the declarations and consents related to
citizenship/immigration status and any other documents required by HABC. Applicants will be
required to sign specific verification and/or consent forms for information that is not covered by
the HUD-9886. Failure to sign required documents will be cause for withdrawal of the application
for failure to provide necessary certifications and releases as required by HABC.
Information provided by the applicant will be verified, including information related to
preferences, family composition, income, allowances and deductions, assets, eligible
immigration status, full-time student status and other factors related to eligibility and rent
If HABC determines at or after the interview that additional information or document(s) are
needed, HABC will request the document(s) or information in writing. The applicant will be given
5 working days to supply the information. If the information is not supplied in this time, HABC
will provide the applicant a notification of denial for assistance. The applicant will also be offered
an opportunity to request an informal hearing. (See CHAPTER 17: INFORMAL HEARINGS FOR
The full application for housing will be completed during the eligibility interview. Applicants will
be required to furnish complete and accurate information as requested by the interviewer during
the interview. HABC will obtain the information necessary to process and screen applicants for
eligibility and suitability.
Upon completion of the application interview, the following items will be verified to determine
eligibility for admission to HABC’s housing:
Local preference
Family composition and type (elderly/nonelderly person with a disability/family)
Annual income (including assets and asset income)
Deductions from annual income
Social Security numbers for all family members
Information used in applicant screening
Citizenship or eligible immigration status
Criminal history report
Credit history
Prior debt to a federally and/or state assisted housing program
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 4-8
Prior tenancy in federally assisted housing
Landlord references
The household is not eligible for a unit offer until a final eligibility determination has been made
and an appropriate vacant unit is available.
An applicant is qualified if he or she meets the following criteria:
Is a family as defined in this Chapter;
Heads a household where at least one member of the household is either a citizen or
eligible non-citizen.
Has an annual income at the time of admission at or below defined income limits?
Provides a Social Security number for all family members as required.
Consents to HABC’s collection and use of family information as provided for in HABC
consent forms.
Meets the resident Selection and Suitability Criteria as set forth in this policy including the
criminal background screening, debt screening, suitability screening and the attendance and
successful completion of the HABC’s pre-occupancy class.
HABC has units that are designated for occupancy by elderly persons and other units that are
designated for non-elderly persons with a disability. Designated units reserved for elderly persons
and/or for non-elderly persons with a disability shall only be occupied by applicants who meet the
criteria for the designated units.
The applicant must provide information needed by HABC to confirm eligibility and to determine
the appropriate level of assistance. An applicant’s intentional misrepresentation of any
information related to eligibility, award of preference for admission, housing history, allowance,
family composition or rent will result in denial of admissions.
4.11.1 Preference Verification
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 4-9
As part of the screening process, where applicable, HABC will identify the admissions preference
under which the applicant was selected from the waiting list. HABC will verify that the applicant
meets the claimed admissions preference.
Where an applicant was selected from the waiting list under a certain preference and where the
applicant cannot verify eligibility for such preference, HABC will return the applicant to the
waiting list with no preference. The applicant’s position on the waiting list will be re-ordered to
reflect the revision to the preference status.
4.11.2 Legal Capacity of the Head of Household
The head of household must have the legal capacity to enter into a lease under state and local
law. HABC does not permit a parent or legal guardian to co-sign the lease on the applicant's
behalf if the head of household is under 18 and, under State/local law, does not have the legal
capacity to enter a legally binding contract. A minor who is emancipated under state law may
be designated the head of household.
4.11.3 Income Limits for Eligibility
To be income eligible, the annual income of an applicant must meet one of the following:
Low-income family. A family whose annual income does not exceed 80 percent of area
median income (AMI), adjusted for family size.
Very low-income family. A family whose annual income does not exceed 50 percent of
AMI, adjusted for family size.
Extremely low-income family. A family whose annual income does not exceed the higher
of the federal poverty level or 30 percent of AMI.
4.11.4 Mandatory Social Security Numbers
The applicant and all members of the applicant’s household must provide the complete and
accurate Social Security number assigned to each household member, and the documentation
necessary to verify each Social Security number. See policies on verification of SOCIAL
These requirements do not apply to noncitizens who do not contend they have eligible immigration
Those applicants who cannot provide verification of Social Security numbers at the time of screening
will be given 90 calendar days to provide verification of their Social Security number. If Social Security
number verification is not provided within the required time frame, HABC will deny assistance to the
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 4-10
An applicant family may become a program participant, even if the family lacks the
documentation necessary to verify the Social Security Number (SSN) of a family member under
the age of 6 years. HABC will allow the family a 90-day period to verify the SSN of the family
member under the age of 6 years. An extension of one additional 90-day period must be granted
if HABC determines that, in its discretion, the applicant’s failure to comply was due to
circumstances that could not reasonably have been foreseen and were outside of the control of the
The Social Security number requirement also applies to persons joining the family after admission
to the program. Failure to furnish verification of Social Security numbers is grounds for
termination of tenancy.
The SSN requirement also applies to persons joining the family after admission to the program.
Failure to furnish verification of social security numbers is grounds for termination of tenancy.
Individuals exempt from providing a Social Security number are:
Individuals who do not have eligible immigration status; and
Residents age 62 and older as of January 31, 2012, whose initial determination of eligibility
was begun before January 31, 2010.
Residents who have previously disclosed a valid Social Security number during a recertification
process will not be required to resubmit a Social Security number unless they are issued a new
Social Security number by the Social Security Administration.
4.11.5 Citizenship/Eligible Immigration Status
In order to receive assistance, at least one family member must be a U.S. citizen, national or non-
citizen with eligible immigration status. Eligible immigrants are persons who are in one of the six
immigrant categories as specified by HUD.
For the Citizenship/Eligible Immigration requirement, the status of each member of the family is
considered individually before the family's status is defined. HABC will verify the
citizenship/immigration status of applicants when other eligibility factors are determined.
See CHAPTER 7: VERIFICATION for policies related to verification of citizenship and eligible
immigration status.
4.11.6 Mixed Families
A mixed family means a family whose members include those with citizenship or eligible
immigration status, and those without citizenship or eligible immigration status. If one family
member is either a citizen or an eligible immigrant, the family will qualify as a mixed family and
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 4-11
will have its
housing assistance
pro-rated (which means that such family will pay a higher rent than
the family would if all family members were either citizens or eligible immigrants).
4.11.7 No Eligible Members
Applicant families that include no eligible members will be ineligible for assistance. Such families
will be denied admission and offered an opportunity for a hearing. (See CHAPTER 17:
4.11.8 Non-citizen Students
Non-citizen students, as defined by HUD in the regulations, are not eligible for assistance. HABC
will establish and verify that an applicant is a non-citizen student before denying eligibility. See
regulations at 24 CFR 5.522.
4.11.9 Occupancy by Police Officers
In order to provide an increased sense of security for public housing residents HABC may allow
public housing units to be occupied by police officers.
Police officers will not be required to be income eligible to qualify for admission to HABC's public
housing program.
All applicants will be processed in accordance with The MTW Agreement and sound management
practices. Applicants will be required to demonstrate ability to comply with essential provisions
of the lease as summarized below.
Applicants will be required to present a valid photo identification card (such as a driver’s license,
state issued ID, student ID, etc.) for verification.
All applicants must demonstrate, through an assessment of current and past behavior, the ability
Pay rent and other charges as required by the lease in a timely manner.
Care for and avoid damaging the unit and common areas.
Use facilities, appliances, and equipment in a reasonable way.
Create no health or safety hazards.
Report maintenance needs in a timely manner.
Not interfere with the rights and peaceful enjoyment of others.
Avoid damaging the property of others.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 4-12
Not engage in criminal activity or alcohol abuse that threatens the health, safety or right to
peaceful enjoyment of other residents or staff.
Not engage in drug-related criminal activity on or off the HABC premises.
Not have ever been convicted of manufacturing or producing methamphetamine, also
known as "speed," on the premises of federally assisted housing.
Not contain a household member subject to lifetime sex offender registration requirement
under a state sex offender registration program.
Comply with necessary and reasonable rules and program requirements of HUD and
HABC; and
Comply with local health and safety codes.
All screening procedures shall be administered fairly and in such a way as not to discriminate on
the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, familial status, marital status,
disability, sexual orientation or gender identity, and not to violate a right to privacy.
“Currently engaging in or engaged in drug-related criminal activity” includes but is
not limited to:
Evidence that the individual has, within the past three years, engaged in the
behavior recently enough to justify a reasonable belief that the individual’s
behavior is current.
Evidence of a history or pattern of illegal substance abuse that the individual
has, within the past three years, engaged in to justify a reasonable belief that
the individual’s behavior is current.
“Currently engaging in or engaged in violent or other criminal activity” includes but is not
limited to:
Evidence that the individual has, within the past three years, engaged in the behavior
recently enough to justify a reasonable belief that the individual’s behavior is
Any history or evidence of repeated acts of violence on the part of an individual, or
a pattern of conduct constituting a danger to peaceful occupancy by neighbors.
Any history of initiating threats or behaving in a manner indicating an intent
to assault employees or other residents.
“Controlled substance” and “Drug” means a controlled substance as defined in section 102
of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802).
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 4-13
“Drug-related criminal activity” means the illegal manufacture, sale, distribution, or
use of a drug, or the possession of a drug with intent to manufacture, sell, distribute,
or use the drug. Drug-related criminal activity means on or off the premises, not just
on or near the premises.
“Covered person” means a resident, any member of the resident’s household, a guest,
or another person under the resident’s control.
“Guest” for purposes of this Chapter, means a person temporarily staying in the unit with
the consent of a resident or other member of the household who has express or implied
authority to so consent on behalf of the resident.
“Household” means the resident family and HABC-approved live-in aide.
“Other Criminal Activity” includes any criminal activity that threatens the health, safety
or right to peaceful enjoyment of the resident's public housing premises by other residents
or employees of HABC.
“Other Person under the Resident’s Control,” means that the person, although not staying
as a guest (as defined above) in the unit is, or was at the time of the activity in question,
on the premises (as defined in this section) because of an invitation from the resident or
other member of the household who has express or
y to so consent on
behalf of the resident.
“Premises” means the building or complex or development in which the public housing
dwelling unit is located, including common areas and grounds.
“Violent criminal activity” means any criminal activity that has as one of its elements the
use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force substantial enough to cause, or be
reasonably likely to cause, serious bodily injury or property damage.
HABC will conduct EIV screening for new applicants. An EIV existing tenant search will be
conducted on minor and adult members to identify applicants who may be receiving federal rental
assistance. If the EIV existing tenant search reveals that an applicant may be receiving another
federal housing program subsidy, HABC will give the applicant the opportunity to explain any
circumstances relative to his/her receiving another federal rental assistance subsidy. HABC may
contact the respective Public Housing Agency (PHA) or owner to confirm the individual’s program
participation status before admission. HABC will not enter into a lease with an applicant until
confirmation is obtained that there will be no duplicate rental assistance.
HABC will conduct EIV screening on all adult household members to identify former residents of
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 4-14
federally assisted rental programs who voluntarily or involuntarily left the program and have a
reportable adverse status and/or owe money to a PHA or to a landlord as a result of participation
in the Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP).
HABC will retain the search results with the application along with any documentation obtained
as a result of contacts with the applicant and the PHA and/or owner at the other location.
HABC will conduct a debt screening on all members 18 years old or older.
Previous outstanding debts to HABC or any public housing authority resulting from a previous
tenancy in the public housing or participation in the HCVP must be paid in full prior to admission.
No payment agreement will be accepted. The applicant will be rejected unless the applicant pays
the debt in full within 60 calendar days from the date HABC notifies the applicant of the debt
unless HABC determines that mitigating circumstances exist, or the debt cannot be collected under
law. Debts discharged in bankruptcy may not be collected. Debts may not be collected under
Maryland state law three years after the debt was incurred. If the debt was incurred in another
state, a determination as to whether the debt may be collected shall be made in consultation with
HABC’s Office of Legal Affairs.
Each person who has signed the lease is responsible for the entire debt incurred as a previous
HABC resident; however, remaining family members listed on the lease who did not sign the
lease, such as children of the head of household or spouse, will not be held responsible for the
parent's unpaid debt.
4.16.1 Denial for Debt to HABC
HABC may deny assistance to an applicant:
If the applicant family has current debt to HABC or another PHA or a judgment against them
in connection with participation in the HCVP or public housing assistance under the 1937 Act
for amounts paid to an owner under a HAP contract for rent, damages to the unit or other
amounts owed by the applicant family under the lease and the amount is not fully repaid within
60 calendar days from the date HABC notifies the applicant of the debt; and/or
If the applicant family has breached a repayment agreement with HABC or another PHA
entered in connection with participation in the HCVP or public housing assistance under the
1937 Act, and the amount is not fully repaid within 60 calendar days from the date of the
screening appointment.
Mitigating Factors
Review and approval by the Admissions and Leasing Manager is required when admission is based
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 4-15
on mitigating factors. HABC may consider the following factors when considering denial of
assistance related to debt screening:
The effects that denial of assistance may have on other members of the family who were
not involved in the action or failure.
Circumstances which led to the creation of the debt, i.e., death of a household member,
layoff, medical expenses.
Current financial circumstances.
The extent of participation or culpability of individual family members, including whether
the culpable family member is a minor or a person with disabilities, or a victim of domestic
violence, dating violence, or stalking.
HABC will check criminal history for all members of the applicant’s household who are 14 years
of age and older to determine whether any such member has engaged in drug-related, violent or
other criminal activity.
Verification of any past criminal activity will be done prior to final eligibility and will include a
review of conviction records.
HABC will deny eligibility for admission for a period of 18 months for a misdemeanor conviction
and for a period of three years for a felony conviction beginning on the date of conviction or the
release from incarceration, whichever is later.
HABC will not base a determination that an applicant or household engaged in criminal activity
warranting denial of admission, termination of assistance, or eviction on a record of arrest(s).
HABC has the authority to deny an applicant based on the results of the criminal background
check. If HABC denies admission based on the criminal background check and the applicant
disagrees with the results of the criminal background check the applicant may present
documentation that the criminal background check results are incorrect.
If HABC denies assistance based on criminal record information, HABC will notify the applicant
of the denial and will make the record available upon request to the applicant. The applicant will
have an opportunity to dispute the accuracy and relevance of the information through the informal
review process.
If the criminal record check identifies a pending criminal investigation or charge, HABC will
suspend an eligibility determination. HABC will inform the applicant that he/she may request
reactivation of the application within 90 calendar days of the final disposition of the case, provided
the disposition is not a conviction. If reactivation of the application is not requested within 90
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 4-16
calendar days, the applicant will be withdrawn.
4.18.1 Mandatory Denials
HABC will deny assistance because of one of the following:
Any household member has been convicted of drug-related criminal activity for the production
or manufacture of methamphetamine on the premises of federally assisted housing. This denial
will be permanent.
Any household member was evicted from public housing, Indian housing, or any Section 8
program because of drug-related or other criminal activity, for a three-year period beginning
on the date of eviction. For purposes of this ACOP, the term eviction shall include any
household member leaving the unit because of a pending eviction, pending termination from
the federally assisted program or other pending adverse action due to alleged criminal activity
or due to a pending lease enforcement action.
A member of the household who is subject to any registration requirement under a State sex
offender registration program, so that the period of ineligibility will be the same as the period
required for registration.
Mitigating Factors
Review and approval by the Admissions and Leasing Manager is required when admission is based
on mitigating factors. HABC may consider the following as a mitigating factor to reverse
mandatory denial of assistance related to criminal background screening:
Removal of the culpable family member from the application. In such instances, the head
of household must certify that the family member will not be permitted to visit or to stay
as a guest in the assisted unit.
4.18.2 Other Denials
HABC may deny assistance because of one of the following:
HABC determines there is reasonable cause to believe that any household member is currently
engaging in or has engaged in drug-related, violent, or other criminal activity.
HABC determines there is reasonable cause to believe that any household member is currently
abusing alcohol in a way that may interfere with the health, safety or right to peaceful
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 4-17
enjoyment of the premises by other residents. This includes cases where HABC determines
that there is a pattern of alcohol abuse.
Mitigating Factors
Review and approval by the Admissions and Leasing Manager is required when admission is based
on mitigating factors. HABC may consider the following as mitigating factors to reverse denial
of assistance related to criminal background screening during the information review process:
The seriousness of the case, especially with respect to how it would affect other residents.
The effects that denial of assistance may have on other members of the family who were
not involved in the action or failure.
The extent of participation or culpability of individual family members, including whether
the culpable family member is a minor or a person with disabilities, or a victim of domestic
violence, dating violence, or stalking.
The length of time since the violation occurred, the family’s recent history and the
likelihood of favorable conduct in the future.
Evidence of the family’s participation in or willingness to participate in social service or
other appropriate counseling service programs.
In the case of drug or alcohol abuse, whether the culpable household member is
participating in or has successfully completed a supervised drug or alcohol rehabilitation
program or has otherwise been rehabilitated successfully. HABC will require the applicant
to submit evidence of the household member’s current participation in or successful
completion of a supervised drug or alcohol rehabilitation program, or evidence of otherwise
having been rehabilitated successfully.
Evidence of work history or history of community volunteer work
Satisfactory completion of probation.
Removal of the culpable family member from the application. In such instances, the head
of household must certify that the family member will not be permitted to visit or to stay
as a guest in the assisted unit.
The circumstances that led to eviction no longer exist, i.e., the criminal household
member has died or is imprisoned.
HABC will ensure that any criminal record received is: (1) maintained confidentially; (2) not
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 4-18
misused or improperly disseminated; and (3) is destroyed once the purpose for which it was
requested is accomplished.
HABC will document in the applicant’s file that the applicant was denied admission due to findings
in the Criminal History Report.
When HABC takes any adverse action based on a criminal conviction record, the applicant and
subject of record will be provided with a copy of the criminal record and an opportunity to dispute
the record. Applicants will be provided an opportunity to dispute the record at an informal hearing.
The admissions process will include a pre- and/or post-occupancy Tenant Readiness Training.
HABC will try to assess an applicant’s readiness for housing prior to admission. However, in
certain circumstances HABC may require the applicant/resident to attend training after admission.
These cases include but are not limited to:
When the applicant must be housed precipitously due to an emergency (as defined by the
policies in the Tenant Selection and Assignment chapter of this ACOP); or
As a reasonable accommodation.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, an applicant’s failure to complete the Tenant Readiness Training
may result in denial of admission or termination of tenancy.
HABC may conduct a detailed interview and screening of all applicants. The interview may contain
questions designed to evaluate the qualifications of applicants to meet the essential requirements
of tenancy. Answers will be subject to third party verification.
HABC may complete a rental history check on all applicants.
In the absence of satisfactory landlord documentation, applicants must be able to demonstrate the
ability and willingness to comply with the terms of the lease. If the applicant is a person with a
disability, he or she must be able to demonstrate the ability and willingness to comply with the
terms of the lease with or without a reasonable accommodation.
HABC may rely upon sources of information which may include, but are not limited to, HABC
records, personal interviews with the applicant or resident, interviews with previous landlords,
employers, social workers, parole officers, criminal and court records, clinics, physicians, the
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 4-19
police department, and home visits for persons who have had negative landlord reference(s) for
poor housekeeping habits.
Factors to be considered in the screening are housekeeping habits, rent paying habits, prior history
as a resident, criminal records, the ability of the applicant to maintain the responsibilities of
tenancy, and whether the conduct of the applicant in present or prior housing has been such that
admission to the program would adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of other
s, or
the physical environment, or the financial stability of the project.
HABC's examination of relevant information pertaining to past and current habits or practices may
include, but is not limited to, an assessment of:
A credit history checks to determine if there is unreported income and/or assets, i.e., if an
applicant claimed zero income and routinely pays $500 toward a credit card, HABC would
question the source of the funds to pay on the credit card.
The applicant's past performance in meeting financial obligations, especially payment of rent
and utilities, which may include a credit history check.
Eviction, a record of disturbance of neighbors sufficient to warrant a police call,
destruction of property, and past or present housekeeping habits that may adversely
affect the health, safety, or welfare of other residents or neighbors.
Any history or evidence of repeated acts of violence on the part of any applicant family
member, or a pattern of conduct constituting a danger to peaceful occupancy by
Any history of initiating threats or behaving in a manner indicating an intent to assault
employees or other residents.
4.22.1 Rent Paying Habits
HABC may examine any records from a prior tenancy and may request written references from
the applicant's current landlord and may request written references from former landlords up to
the past three years to determine if the applicant was chronically late with rent payments, was
evicted at any time during the past three years for nonpayment of rent, or had other legal action
initiated against him/her for debts owed. Any of these circumstances may be grounds for an
ineligibility determination. HABC will consider the following factors during an informal review,
if requested by the applicant:
(1) Amount of former rent.
(2) Loss of employment.
(3) Death or divorce from primary support.
(4) Illness or other circumstances beyond applicant’s control.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 4-20
Applicants will not be considered to have a poor credit history if they were late paying rent because
they were withholding rent due to substandard housing conditions in a manner consistent with
applicable laws; or had a poor rent paying history clearly related to an excessive rent relative to
their income (using 50% of their gross income as a guide), and responsible efforts were made by
the applicant to resolve the nonpayment problem.
At the time the applicant completes the full application, HABC will make every effort to
accurately estimate an approximate date of occupancy; however, the date given by HABC does
not mean that applicants should expect to be housed by that date. The availability of a suitable unit
to offer an applicant is contingent upon factors not directly controlled by HABC, such as turnover
rates, and market demands as they affect bedroom sizes and project location.
An authorized representative of HABC will document any pertinent information received relative
to the following:
Criminal Activity - includes the activities identified in the criminal background check.
Pattern of Violent Behavior - includes evidence of repeated acts of violence on the part of
an individual, or a pattern of conduct constituting a danger to peaceful occupancy of
Pattern of Drug Use - includes a determination by HABC that the applicant
s exhibited
a pattern of illegal use of a controlled substance, which might interfere with the health,
safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment of the premises by other residents.
Drug-Related Criminal Activity - includes a determination by HABC that
the applicant
been involved in the illegal manufacture, sale, distribution, or use of an illegal drug, or the
possession of a drug with the intent to manufacture, sell, distribute or use the illegal drug.
Pattern of Alcohol Abuse - includes a determination by HABC that the applicant's
pattern of alcohol abuse might interfere with the health, safety or right to peaceful
enjoyment of the premises by other residents.
Initiating Threats - includes a determination by HABC that the applicant has a history
of behaving in a manner indicating intent to assault employees or other residents.
Abandonment of a Public Housing Unit is a determination by HABC that the applicant
left a PHA unit without advising PHA management staff so that staff could secure the
unit and protect the property from vandalism.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 4-21
Non-Payment of Rightful Obligations a determination by HABC that the applicant
owes rent, utilities and/or other charges to HABC or any other public housing authority.
Intentionally Falsifying an Application for Leasing a determination by HABC that
the applicant provided false information about family income OR size, used an alias
on the application for housing, or made any other materially false statement or
omission intended to mislead.
Grossly Unsanitary or Hazardous Housekeeping a determination by HABC that the
applicant created a fire hazard through acts such as hoarding rags, papers, or any other
materials; severely damaged the premises and equipment; caused infestation; caused foul
odors, deposited garbage in halls; or seriously neglected the premises. This category does
not include a determination that the housekeeping is found to be superficially unclean or
lacking in orderliness, where such conditions do not create a problem for neighbors.
Destruction of Property a determination by HABC that the applicant destroyed property in
previous rentals.
HABC will not reject an applicant because:
The applicant has no income.
The applicant is not employed.
The applicant does not participate in a job-training program.
The applicant will not apply for various welfare or
benefit programs.
The applicant has children.
The applicant’s marital status.
The applicant is on welfare.
The applicant is a student
After HABC has conducted applicable screening, HABC will refer eligible applicants to owners
who have vacant units. The owner is responsible for developing and HABC is responsible for
approving, owner written tenant selection plans which must be consistent with improving housing
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 4-22
opportunities for income eligible families and reasonably related to program eligibility and an
applicant’s ability to fulfill their obligations under the lease. An owner must promptly notify
HABC, in writing, of any rejected applicants including the grounds for any rejection.
If an applicant is referred to an owner for owner eligibility and suitability screening and his/her
application is rejected by the owner, the applicant may select a different site and maintain his/her
waiting list date and time. The applicant will only be removed from the CALBWL where the
owner denied the applicant even if the applicant is on other CALBWLs owned/operated by that
same owner. Owner rejected applicants will retain their position on all other CALBWLs provided
the reason for rejection does not violate HABC eligibility and screening policies.
If information is revealed that would cause HABC to deny admission to the household and the
applicant disputes the information, s/he shall be given an opportunity for an informal hearing
according to the HABC's hearing procedures outlined in the Chapter on Complaints, Grievances
and Appeals.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 5-1
This chapter explains the policies for selection of applicants from the waiting list that will be
assisted in HABC conventional public housing sites and other sites that use HABC’s ACOP and/or
do not have their own tenant selection and assignment plan.
Applicants will be listed on the waiting lists in sequence based upon:
Applicable preference factors.
Date and time of application.
Applicants will be selected from the waiting lists to form a final eligibility "pool" based on the
anticipated availability of units and size and type of units expected to be available. Applicants will
be placed in the appropriate eligibility pool based on the size and type of unit needed after
completing the verification and screening process.
To fill a vacancy, HABC will offer the dwelling unit to applicants at the top of the appropriate
eligibility pool
Preferences are used to establish the order of placement on the waiting list and do not guarantee
admission to the program. Every applicant must meet HABC's Selection Criteria as defined in this
Applicants are contacted by HABC when they reach the top of the waiting list to verify their
on preference changes while on the waiting list. HABC will verify during the full eligibility
determination interview whether the applicant meets the criteria for the preference.
Among applicants with equal preference status, the waiting list will be organized by date and time.
Local preferences are used to prioritize applicants on the waiting list. Public notice will be given
before HABC adopts any new local preference not set forth in this ACOP. The notice will be
publicized using the same guidelines as those for opening and closing the waiting list.
HABC uses the following Local Preferences:
1. Emergency Preferences
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 5-2
Families displaced due to Natural Disaster in the Baltimore metropolitan area. (Head, Co-
head or Spouse has to have been displaced)
Intimidated Crime Victims and Intimidated Witnesses of Crime Referred by the Maryland
State's Attorney or Deputy Attorney, the United States Attorney’s office or authorized
persons within a law enforcement agency. Applies to any family member.
Families displaced from the family’s residential housing unit due to governmental action
that occurs in Baltimore City. The Head of Household, Co-head of Household or spouse
has to be the person who is or is being displaced. For these purposes, the term “residential
housing unit” means real property that: (1) contains a permanent structure constructed, or
otherwise approved by the governing government authorities, for human habitation in
accordance with applicable building codes; (2) has an address recognized by the United
States Postal Service for delivery of mail; and (3) is occupied by the owner or by verified
permission of the owner. For these purposes, Government action does not include acts to
remove a person from any land, structure, place, space, or thing, which such person has no
legal right to occupy or remain.
HABC will select applicants with the emergency preference after selecting transfer families with
any type of emergency preference and before other transfer families.
2. Either the head of household, co-head, spouse or sole member of the family is:
Age 62 or older
Enrolled in an approved Job Training Program.
A veteran: or
A family where one or more members is a person with a disability.
3. Residency Preference: HABC will grant priority within each preference categories to families
where the head, co-head or spouse is a resident of Baltimore City/County. Applicants who do
not live in Baltimore City/County will only be considered for assistance after the waiting list
is exhausted of applicants who live in Baltimore City regardless of preference. Applicants who
are working or who have been notified that they are hired to work in the Baltimore City area
will be provided with a residency preference.
HABC may develop special housing initiatives that receive limited local preference through
HABC Board approval. These special initiatives are targeted for specifically named families and
may be based on HABC and community priorities or HUD targeted funding. In addition, SHIs
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 5-3
may include a defined number of PH units that will be allocated to families meeting specific
described criteria. An examples of special housing initiative is the program for homeless families
referred by the Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services (OHS).
The number and type of housing opportunities, eligibility and admissions criteria, lease terms, rent
payments and other terms and conditions may vary from program to program. The terms and
conditions of each Special Housing Initiative shall be described in MOUs or other agreements
subject to Board approval.
Generally, applicants for SHIs are referred to HABC. When referred to HABC, these families may
have already been determined eligible based on the referring organizations criteria. However,
these families must meet HABC income and other eligibility requirements in order to be housed.
In establishing special housing initiatives, HABC will determine the priority given to special
housing initiative applicants, including if appropriate, the ratio of admissions of standard
applicants to special initiatives applicants.
5.4.1 Homeless Families Referred by the Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services (OHS)
Pursuant to an agreement between HABC and the program funder, HABC will provide an
allocation of up to 100 public housing units for families referred by the Mayor’s OHS through
their Coordinated Access database. Applicants for units allocated under the Homeless allocation
must meet HABC eligibility and screening requirements. Eligible applicants will be assigned
appropriately sized units at family developments. Each family referred under this program will
have a primary service provider who will coordinate and monitor all program activities. Families
will be required to comply with and complete their service programs, which may include services
such as addiction, anti-aggression, family, and mental health counseling. HABC has the right to
terminate a family’s lease due to the family’s failure to comply with and complete the family’s
service program. The family must also comply with the terms of the family’s HABC lease.
Before applying its preference system, HABC will first match the characteristics of the available
unit to the applicants available on the waiting lists. Factors such as unit size, accessible features,
or units in housing designated for the elderly or for non-elderly persons with disabilities limit the
admission of families who match the characteristics and features of the vacant unit available.
The order of selection for vacant units, which includes residents requesting/needing transfers, as
well as applicants, will generally be as follows, subject to the requirements of Section 10.9 for
Administrative Transfers and Section 10.12, Demolition, Disposition, Revitalization, or
Transfer Type or Admission
Applicant or
Emergency to address health, safety,
and habitability issues
Emergency VAWA
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 5-4
Transfer Type or Admission
Applicant or
Emergency IV/IW
Emergency preference
Immediate Needs
Reasonable accommodation
Transfers from accessible units
Severely over-housed
Severely under-housed
Over/Under housed *
Local Preference 3 *
Local Preference 2 *
*For over/under housed transfers, on an annual basis, HABC will review its current occupancy
goals and objectives and based on that review, establish a ratio of new admissions to transfers.
NOTE: Where Emergency preferences are referred to HABC, the Executive Director or his/her
designee shall make a written determination on the admission priority of the emergency. Such
determination will be included in the file to provide a clear audit trail for selection and housing.
The default admission priority for applicant emergencies will be after all emergency transfers.
HABC does not apply additional preference points if a household qualifies for more than one of
the household types in Preference #2, i.e., is employed and has disabled family members.
The examples below assume the households selected the same site (or were next on the CAFAWL)
and qualify for the unit size.
Example #1
Applicant A will be selected before Applicant B even though Applicant B applied before Applicant
Applicant A:
Applied on 3/5/17,
Lives in Baltimore City.
Is employed; and
Is 63 years of age,
Receives 3 preference points, two for being a Baltimore City resident and one point for
qualifying for Preference 2.
Applicant B:
Applied on 11/15/16.
Is a veteran; and
Does not live in Baltimore City,
Receives 1 preference point for the veteran’s status.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 5-5
Example #2
Applicant C receives 3 preference points and will be selected before Applicant D, who receives
only 1 preference point. Even though Applicant D applied over one year before Applicant C,
applicants who do not live in Baltimore City will only be considered for assistance after the waiting
list is exhausted of applicants who live in Baltimore City regardless of preference.
Applicant C:
Applied on 10/10/15
Works in Baltimore City
Receives 2 points for working in Baltimore City (residency preference)
Receives 1 point for being employed
Applicant D:
Applied on 2/5/14
Is employed outside of Baltimore City
Does not currently live in Baltimore City
Receives 1 preference point for being employed
By matching unit and applicant characteristics, it is possible that applicants who are lower on the
waiting list may receive an offer of housing ahead of applicants with an earlier date and time of
Any admissions policies mandated by court order or directed by HUD related to desegregation or
Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity will take precedence over HABC’s preference system.
Under the Thompson Consent Decree, HABC created 22 public housing units in Baltimore City
(Thompson 22 Units). HABC’s Admissions and Leasing Office is responsible for screening the
applicants for the Thompson 22 Units in accordance with Chapter 4 of this ACOP. The families
found eligible to move into the Thompson 22 Units will be housed in accordance with the
following preferences:
Current residents of HABC public housing who are in the Baltimore Regional Housing
Partnership (“BRHP”) case load.
HABC’s Admissions and Leasing Office is also responsible for screening families to occupy the
Thompson 22 Units that meet the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (“UFAS”) in
accordance with the following preferences:
Preference HABC public housing residents who are on the reasonable accommodation
transfer waiting list and need the features of a UFAS unit; and
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 5-6
Preference Applicants on HABC’s public housing waiting list who need the features
of a UFAS unit.
Families selected by the Admissions and Leasing Office for the Thompson 22 Units that are UFAS
compliant will be referred to BRHP for pre-move counseling.
A mixed population development is one that is occupied by families whose head, spouse or sole
member is at least 62 years of age, and by families whose head, co-head or spouse or sole member
is a non-elderly person with a disability.
No limit will be established on the number of elderly families or non-elderly persons with
disabilities who may occupy a mixed population development. All other HABC preferences will
be applied.
Per HUD regulations, equal preference will be given to elderly families and non-elderly persons
with disabilities.
Applicants who are referred to a development converted under the Rental Assistance
Demonstration (RAD) may be screened by that development in accordance with the RAD Long
Term Affordable (LTA) Criteria.
The policies below cover unit offers for units covered under the CALBWL, CAFAWL and
Unit offers will be made to eligible applicants in the ready pool according to their ranking order.
If an applicant has been offered a unit from one of the applicant’s selected waiting lists, HABC
will not refer the applicant for other vacant units until a determination is made on the open referral.
For example, if an applicant is referred to a unit at Primrose Place and the applicant is also on the
waiting list for Heritage Crossing, the applicant will not be offered a unit at Heritage Crossing
until an outcome has been determined on the unit offered at Primrose Place.
5.8.1 Unit Offers for Applicants on the CALBWL Only
When an applicant selects up to three developments on the CALBWL only, the refusal of one unit
offer, without good cause, will result in removal from all selected developments covered by the
CALBWL. The applicant must reapply.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 5-7
5.8.2 Unit Offers for Applicants on the CALBWL and CAMPBWL
If an applicant selects the CAMPBWL and one or two developments covered by the CALBWL,
the applicant will have a total of three refusals of unit offers, without good cause, before being
removed from all centrally managed waiting lists. For example, assuming refusals are without
good cause:
If an applicant selects Heritage Crossing, Gilmor Homes and the CAMPBWL and the
applicant refuses an offer at Heritage Crossing, the applicant will be removed from the
Heritage Crossing waiting list and will have two more-unit refusals before being removed
from the Gilmor Homes and the CAMPBWL.
If the applicant is next offered a unit from the CAMPBWL and refuses the offer, the
applicant will be remaining on both the CAMPBWL and Gilmor waiting lists.
If the applicant is next offered a unit from either the CAMPBWL or Gilmor waiting list
and refuses the offer, the applicant will be removed from the CAMPBWL and Gilmor
waiting lists. The applicant will no longer be listed on any waiting lists and must reapply.
5.8.3 Unit Offers for Applicants on the CAMPBWL Only
Applicants who have selected the CAMPBWL only will not be able to choose a specific
development covered under the CAMPBWL. HABC will provide up to three (3) offers of dwelling
units for applicants who have the CAMPBWL as their waiting list option. If an applicant refuses
three unit offers without good cause, the applicant will be removed from the CAMPBWL and must
5.8.4 Unit Offers for Applicants on the CAFAWL
Applicants who have selected the CAFAWL only will be included on all development/unit waiting
lists for which they are eligible. Applicants who choose the CAFAWL will not be able to choose
a specific development covered under the CAFAWL. HABC will provide one unit offer to an
applicant who has chosen the CAFAWL as their waiting list option. If an applicant refuses the unit
offer, without good cause, the applicant will be removed from the CAFAWL and must reapply.
5.8.5 Unit Offers for Project-Based Units Covered under the LTA Criteria
HABC will select applicants for Project-Based (PB) Units covered under the LTA Criteria from
the PH CALBWL. The waiting list will identify the PB LTA units and inform interested families
that the PB LTA units will be subject to PB Program regulatory requirements and applicable
policies in the HCV Admin Plan.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 5-8
The CAMPBWL includes the following units and developments:
o Allendale
o Bel Park Towers
o Bernard E. Mason
o The Brentwood
o Chase House
o Ellerslie
o Govans Manor
o Hollins House
o J. Van Story Branch
o Lakeview Tower and Lakeview Extension
o McCulloh High Rise
o Monument East
o Primrose Place
o Rosemont Towers
o Wyman House
o Pleasant View Gardens Senior-12 UFAS Accessible Units developed pursuant to the
Bailey Consent Decree
o Pleasant View Gardens
UFAS Accessible Units developed pursuant
the Bailey Consent Decree and one-bedroom units converted under RAD
o Senior Terraces Apartment Building - 4 UFAS Accessible Units developed
to the Bailey Consent
1-bedroom units and applicable UFAS Accessible Units at the following developments:
o Arbor Oaks (4 UFAS Accessible Units developed pursuant to the Bailey Consent
o Decree)
o Heritage Crossing (4 UFAS Accessible Units developed pursuant to the Bailey
o Consent Decree)
o Hillside Park
o Townes at the Terraces (11 UFAS Accessible Units developed pursuant to the Bailey
o Consent Decree)
UFAS Accessible Units at Broadway Overlook
479 UFAS Accessible Units in public housing, scattered site housing, or privately owned or
managed property developed under the Bailey Consent Decree that use the Long-Term
Affordable (LTA) Criteria
Vacancies for the units and developments covered under the CAMPBWL will be filled by the first
eligible applicant on the CAMPBWL, CAFAWL or the reasonable accommodations transfer list.
Where the term eligible families are concerned, this means that the waiting list will include only
those families who meet the eligibility requirements for the development, i.e. Elderly Only, Mixed
Population (elderly or non-elderly disabled), Family.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 5-9
HABC has units designed for persons with mobility impairments, referred to as UFAS Accessible
Where a family needs a 2 or more BR unit on one level without steps, the only available units
which meet this qualification are UFAS Accessible Units. As such, families who are verified to
need such a unit, may be offered a UFAS Accessible Unit.
Applicants in which no household member has a mobility impairment will not be offered these
units until all residents and applicants who are eligible for the size of the available UFAS Accessible
unit and who have a household member who has a mobility impairment have been considered.
Before offering a vacant UFAS Accessible unit to an applicant in which no household member
has a mobility impairment, HABC will offer such units:
First, to a current resident at that HABC development who was approved by HABC to
transfer to a UFAS Accessible unit and who is on HABC’s reasonable accommodation
transfer waiting list because the resident or a household member has a disability that
requires the special features of the vacant unit.
Second, to a current resident at another HABC development who was approved by
HABC to transfer to a UFAS Accessible unit and who is on HABC’s reasonable
accommodation transfer waiting list because the resident or a household member has a
disability that requires the special features of the vacant unit.
Third, to an eligible qualified applicant on HABC’s public housing waiting list who has
a disability that requires the special features of the vacant unit or who has a household
member who has a disability that requires the features of the unit.
When offering a UFAS Accessible unit to an applicant in which no household member has a
mobility impairment, HABC will require the household to agree to move to an available non-
UFAS/non-accessible unit within 30 calendar days when either a current resident or an applicant
needs the features of the unit and there is another unit available for the household in which no
household member has a mobility disability. This requirement will be a provision of the lease
If HABC denies a preference, the applicant will be placed on the waiting list without benefit of the
HABC will notify the applicant in writing of the reasons why the preference was denied and offer
the applicant an opportunity for a review. The applicant must request an informal review within 14
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 5-10
calendar days. The request must be made in writing. If the preference denial is upheld as a result of
the meeting, or the applicant does not request a meeting, the applicant will be placed on the waiting
list without benefit of the preference. Fair Housing information and discrimination complaint
forms will be made available upon request by the asset managers at each of the site developments
and by HABC’s Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity Office.
HABC will ensure that at least 75% of the families admitted into public housing from the waiting
list have incomes that do not exceed 50% of the area median income as established in Baltimore
HABC will not admit any family whose income exceeds 80% of the HUD approved area median
Elderly families with a head, spouse or sole member at least 62 years of age will receive a
preference for admission to buildings with an elderly preference.
Changes in an applicant’s status, including but not limited to changes in family composition
and /or income that occur between the time of eligibility determination and unit offer may affect
the family's eligibility or Total Tenant Payment. The family will be notified in writing of
changes in the family’s eligibility or level of benefits and informed of the family’s right to an
informal hearing when applicable.
HABC will verify and process changes in family composition and/or income which occur between
the time of eligibility determination and unit offer. HABC will not lease a unit to a family whose
occupancy will overcrowd or underutilize the unit or whose change in income results in income
If changes in the family composition results in a change in the size of the unit for which the family
is eligible, HABC will place the family back on the waiting list for the appropriate size unit using
the family’s original date and time of application.
If changes in income result in a family being over-income, HABC will send a denial letter and
inform the family of its right to an informal hearing.
See policies in Chapter 4 on OWNER DENIAL OF ADMISSION for waiting list status when
an owner denies an applicant.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 5-11
Applicants must accept a unit offer within 3 working days of the date the offer is made. Offers
made over the telephone will be confirmed by letter. If unable to contact an applicant by telephone,
HABC will send a letter. Applicants will be removed from all centrally managed PH waiting lists
if they do not respond within three working days. If a letter is sent via US Mail, the three working
days is presumed to start two working days after the date on the letter. This policy presumes that
the unit offer letter is mailed on the same date referenced on the unit offer letter.
Once an applicant has accepted a unit, the applicant must sign a lease with an effective date that is
no more than 3 business days from the date of unit acceptance. However, if the unit is not ready
on the date of unit acceptance, the lease must be signed with an effective date which is no more
than 3 business days from the date the unit will be ready for occupancy.
If a family agrees to be housed in a unit that is smaller than the unit size under HABC’s occupancy
standards, the family will not be allowed to request an occupancy standard move for one year.
If a family agrees to be housed in a unit that is larger than the unit size under HABC’s occupancy
standards, the family will be required to sign a Lease Addendum whereby the family agrees to
move upon thirty days’ notice from HABC. In such circumstances, HABC will provide an
appropriately sized unit for the family who is required to move.
Generally, if an applicant rejects a unit that is offered, the applicant will be withdrawn from the
centrally managed Public Housing waiting list unless the applicant can demonstrate and HABC
can verify good cause for the refusal. Where unit offers are made for units covered under the
CAMPBWL, if an applicant rejects three unit offers, the applicant will be withdrawn from all
centrally managed Public Housing waiting list unless the applicant can demonstrate and HABC
can verify good cause for the refusal.
If an applicant accepts the unit offered but is unable to take occupancy at the time of the offer for
"good cause," the applicant will not be removed from the waiting list.
"Good cause" for the refusal to take occupancy of a housing unit is defined below. If an applicant
refuses an offer for good cause the applicant will retain his/her position on the waiting list and will
not be removed from the waiting list.
Reasons which constitute good cause include:
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 5-12
Inaccessibility to source of employment or children's day care such that an adult household
member must quit a job, drop out of an educational institution or a job training program,
which must be verified by the employer, job training program or day care center as
For families who have a family member with a disability, inaccessibility to the medical
provider or service provider, which must be verified by the family member’s healthcare
A qualified, knowledgeable, health professional verifies the temporary hospitalization or
recovery from illness of the principal household member, other household members, or a
live-in aide necessary to care for the principal household member.
The unit is inappropriate for the applicant's disabilities (if the inappropriateness of the unit
is not obvious, HABC may require verification from the applicant’s healthcare
There is a change to the school which covers the development selected and the
parent/guardian no longer finds the location selection appropriate.
Other circumstances that are determined by HABC’s Admissions and Leasing Office to
prevent the applicant from occupying the unit as may be verified by an independent third
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 6-1
Occupancy Guidelines are established by HABC to ensure that families occupy units of the
appropriate size. This Chapter explains the Occupancy Guidelines used to determine minimum
and maximum unit sizes based on the number of household members in the family when they are
selected from the waiting list, when a family’s composition changes, or when a family requests
an exception to the occupancy guidelines.
HABC does not determine who shares a bedroom but there must be at least one person per
bedroom. HABC’s Occupancy Guideline standards for determining unit size shall be applied in a
manner consistent with Fair Housing guidelines. HABC uses the general guidelines for
determining the unit size below in conjunction with the Parameters for Determination of Unit Size.
General Guidelines for Determining Unit Size
Bedroom Size
Persons in Household:
(Minimum #)
Persons in Household:
(Maximum #)
0 Bedroom
1 Bedroom
2 Bedrooms
3 Bedrooms
4 Bedrooms
5 Bedrooms
6 Bedrooms
For occupancy standards, an adult is a person as defined in this ACOP.
Generally, HABC will assign a unit within the following guidelines:
Single person families shall be allocated a zero or one bedroom.
The Head of Household will not be required to share a bedroom with anyone other than the
co-head of household or spouse.
A same or opposite sex couple who is married, has an interdependent relationship or
domestic partnership will be allocated a zero or one bedroom.
Household members of the same sex will be required to share a bedroom.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 6-2
Children of the opposite sex will not be required to share a bedroom.
Foster children, appropriately documented, will be included in determining unit size only
if they will be in the unit for more than 180 calendar days per year.
Live-in aides will generally be provided a separate bedroom. See the policy on live-in
aides for information on family members of live-in aides.
Space may be provided for a student who is away at school but who lives with the family
during school recesses.
Space will not be provided for a family member who will be absent for more than 180
cumulative calendar days in a twelve-month period, except for family members who have
been called to active duty. In the case where a family member has been called to active duty,
the family composition will remain unchanged even if the family member is absent from
the unit for more than six months. After one-year HABC may reevaluate the situation and
may take action to transfer the family to another unit based on the family’s composition.
HABC may grant exceptions from the guidelines at the family’s request or if HABC determines the
exceptions are justified by the relationship, age, sex, health or disability of family members, or
other individual circumstances. The Chief Operating Officer or his/her designee are authorized
to approve exceptions to occupancy standards. If an applicant requests to be listed on a smaller
or larger bedroom size waiting list, the following guidelines will apply:
In all cases, where the family requests an exception to the general occupancy standards,
HABC will evaluate the relationship and ages of all family members and the overall size
of the unit.
At the applicant’s request or at the discretion of HABC, a family may be placed on the
waiting list for a unit size smaller than designated by the occupancy guidelines if in doing
so, the family has an opportunity to be housed earlier, except where such placement
conflicts with HABC’s requirements under the section “Parameters for Determination of
Unit Size.” If placed in a smaller sized unit, the family must agree not to request a transfer
until the family composition changes or the family has occupied the unit for at least two
The family may request placement on a larger bedroom size waiting list than indicated by
HABC’s occupancy guidelines. The request must explain the need or justification for a
larger bedroom size and will be verified by HABC before the family is placed on the larger
bedroom size list.
o HABC will not assign a larger bedroom size due to additions of family members other
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 6-3
than by birth, adoption, marriage, or court-awarded custody. An exception will be
granted if the family has submitted an "Appointment of Temporary Guardian" to
HABC. If this form has been submitted, HABC will also require that the family have
initiated legal proceedings for guardianship or legal custody.
o HABC will consider the following requests for a larger bedroom size:
Person with Disability - HABC will grant an exception upon request as a reasonable
accommodation for persons with disabilities if the need is appropriately verified by
a healthcare provider familiar with the disability and who can explain how a larger
unit will address the disability.
To avoid vacancies, HABC may provide a family with a larger unit than the
occupancy standards permit subject to the approval of the Chief Operating Officer
or his/her designee.
Children specified in joint custody agreements will be considered family members if the
agreement specifies that they live with the parent for 50% or more of the time (at least 183
days a year) HABC will require verification of the custody agreement which may include
school records and or court orders. When more than one applicant or client family is
claiming the same dependents as family members, the family with primary custody at the
time of the initial examination or recertification will be able to claim the dependents. If
there is a dispute about which family should claim them, HABC will make the
determination based on available documents such as court orders, or an IRS return showing
which family has claimed the child for income tax purposes. For purposes of determining
unit size, HABC will follow the occupancy guidelines found in Chapter 6 of this ACOP;
however, an exception for an extra bedroom may be made for a child in a shared physical
custody arrangement. In any shared physical custody arrangement, children may only be
listed as a family member in one household.
HABC has units designed for persons with mobility impairments and for persons with sight and
hearing impairments. These units were designed and constructed specifically to meet the needs of
persons requiring the use of wheelchairs and for persons requiring hearing and vision
Preference for occupancy of these units will be given to families who have family members who
have disabilities and require the modifications or accessibility features provided in the units.
Accessible units must be offered first to residents on HABC’s reasonable accommodation transfer
waiting list who have a household member who needs the accessibility features of the unit and
second to applicants on HABC’s public housing waiting list who have a household member who
needs the accessibility features of the unit. An accessible unit may be offered to either a resident
or an applicant who does not have a household member who needs the features of the unit only
after the unit has been offered to and rejected by residents and applicants who have a household
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 6-4
member who needs the accessibility features of the unit.
If an accessible unit is offered and accepted by a resident or applicant who does not have a
household member who needs the accessibility features of the unit, the resident or applicant must
agree to a transfer to a non-accessible unit at a later date, if HABC identifies a resident or an
applicant who has a household member with a mobility impairment requiring the features of the
accessible unit. This requirement is set forth in an Accessible Unit Lease Addendum, which must
be signed by all residents leasing accessible units at the time the lease is signed.
The Asset Manager is required to complete a transfer application upon learning that a change in
the household composition results in the family being under-house or over-housed. The Asset
Manager may learn of a change in the composition of a resident family because of, among other
things, information obtained during recertification or due to the removal of a family member as
evidenced through a memorandum of understanding. If the transfer request is approved, the family
will be placed on the appropriate transfer waiting list (See chapter on Transfers).
The occupancy guidelines in this section are to be used as a guide in determining when a change
in the bedroom size is appropriate. Unusual situations not covered in this policy must be reviewed
with the Admissions and Leasing Manager for a decision.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 7-1
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites verify all information that is used to establish the
family’s eligibility and level of assistance. Applicants and residents must cooperate with the
verification process as a condition of receiving assistance. All information obtained through the
verification process will be handled in accordance with the records management policies
established by HABC and the privately owned/managed sites.
HABC will follow verification guidance in its approved MTW Plans and where not specifically
stated in an MTW Plan, HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will follow verification
guidance provided by HUD in Notice PIH 2010-19 and any subsequent guidance issued by HUD.
This chapter describes the general verification process and summarizes the verification policies on
income, assets, mandatory deductions and other family information used by HABC and the
privately managed sites.
Applicants and residents must supply any information that HABC, the privately owned/managed
sites or HUD determines is necessary for the administration of the program and must consent to
verification of that information by HABC and/or the privately managed sites.
It is required that all adult applicants and residents sign form HUD-9886, Authorization for Release
of Information, any other HUD required form and other forms required by HABC and the privately
owned/managed sites as part of the application process and as part of the re-certification process.
The purpose of form HUD-9886 is to facilitate automated data collection and computer matching
from specific sources and to provide the family's consent only for the specific purposes listed on
the forms.
If any family member who is required to sign a consent form fails to do so, HABC or the privately
owned/managed site will deny admission to applicants or terminate the lease of residents. The
family may request a hearing in accordance with HABC's or the privately owned/managed site’s
grievance procedures.
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will use the most reliable form of verification that
is available. In order of priority, the forms of verification that HABC and the privately
owned/managed sites will use are:
Up-front Income Verification using HUD’s Enterprise Income Verification system and the
Income Validation Tool (IVT)
Up-front Income Verification using a non-HUD system
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 7-2
Written Third Party Verification (may be provided by applicant or resident)
Written Third-party Verification Form
Oral Third-party Verification
The following are HABC’s and the privately owned/managed sites’ general verification
Any documents submitted for verification must be the original (not photocopies) and
generally must be dated within 60 calendar days of the date they are provided to HABC.
Generally, documents submitted for verification will remain valid for 150 calendar days
from the date of receipt.
Criminal history reports will be valid for no longer than 90 calendar days.
The documents must not be altered or in any way illegible. HABC may reject any tenant
provided documentation if:
o The document is not an original; or
o The original document has been altered, mutilated or is not legible; or
o The document appears to be a forged document (i.e. does not appear to be authentic)
Printouts from web pages may be considered original documents.
Any family self-certifications must be made in a format acceptable to HABC or the
privately owned/managed site and must be signed in the presence of an HABC
representative or a representative of the privately owned/managed site or a notary public.
The HABC staff member or the privately owned/managed site staff member who views the
original document will make a photocopy and date stamp the copy with the date the
document was received.
Unless otherwise stated, HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will accept
documents dated more than 6 months before the date of the applicant’s eligibility interview
or the resident’s reexamination if the document represents the most recent scheduled report
from a source. For example, if the holder of a pension annuity provides annual reports,
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites would accept the most recent report.
However, because a Social Security benefit letter may be obtained more than once per year,
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 7-3
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will not accept a benefit letter that is more
than 60 calendar days old.
If a verifier provides a range of hours worked, HABC and the privately owned/managed
sites will use the average of the range to calculate income.
Where income is fully excluded, HABC will not conduct third party verification of the
UIV refers to HABC’s and the privately owned/managed sites’ use of the verification tools
available from independent sources that maintain computerized information about earnings and
benefits. UIV will be used to the extent that these systems are available to HABC and the privately
owned/managed sites.
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will use HUD’s EIV system as a third-party source
to verify resident employment and certain income information during regular and interim
reexaminations of family composition and income. The following policies apply to the use of
HUD’s EIV system.
7.6.1 Income Validation Tool ((IVT)
The IVT report facilitates and enhances identification of unreported or under-reported income
during interim and regular reexaminations. The IVT also provides income and wage,
unemployment compensation and SSA benefit information. Additionally, the IVT report provides
income information for heads of household and family members where there may be discrepancies
in family reported income and employer reported information.
At each regular and interim reexamination of income and family composition HABC will:
Review the EIV Income and IVT reports to confirm/validate tenant-reported income.
Print and maintain the EIV Income and IVT Reports in the tenant file.
Obtain current acceptable tenant-provided documentation to supplement EIV information
(where applicable); and
Use current tenant-provided documentation and/or third-party verification to calculate
annual income.
Additionally, at each regular and interim reexamination of income and family composition, using
the IVT, HABC will:
Identify any reported discrepancies in family reported income and employer reported
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 7-4
Request the tenant to provide any documentation to confirm or dispute the income
If applicable, determine the tenant rent using the correct and updated income.
Determine the degree of tenant underreporting or misreporting of income information; and
Act in accordance with HABC policy to resolve the identified discrepancies.
7.6.2 EIV Income Reports
The data shown on income reports is updated quarterly. However, data may be between three and
six months old at the time reports are generated.
EIV income reports will be compared to family-provided information as part of the regular and
interim reexamination process. EIV Income reports may be used in the calculation of annual
income, as described in the Chapter on Income and Adjusted Income.
EIV income reports will be used as necessary to identify earned income and unemployment
benefits, and to verify and calculate Social Security, Dual Entitlement and/or Supplemental
Security Income benefits. EIV income reports will also be used to verify that families claiming
zero income or minimal income are not receiving income from any of these sources.
EIV Income Reports will be retained in resident files with the applicable annual or interim
reexamination documents. When HABC or the privately owned/managed site determines through
EIV Income Reports and third-party verification that a family has concealed or under-reported
income, corrective action will be taken pursuant to the policies this ACOP.
New Admission:
For each new admission, HABC will review the EIV Income and IVT Reports within 120 days
from the first PIC submission date to ensure that families, at the time of admission, accurately
reported income. HABC will print and retain the reports and will take action to address any income
discrepancies within 60 days from running the EIV income report.
Historical Adjustment:
For each historical adjustment, HABC will run the EIV Income and IVT Reports within 120 days
from the PIC submission date to ensure that families accurately reported income. HABC will print
and retain the reports and will take action to address any income discrepancies within 60 days from
running the EIV/IVT reports.
Interim Reexamination of Family Income and Composition
For each interim reexamination of family income and composition, HABC will review the EIV
Income and IVT Reports to ensure that families accurately reported income. HABC will print and
retain the reports and will follow up with the family and resolve the differences between reported
information using the HUD hierarchy of verification.
Regular Reexamination
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 7-5
For each regular reexamination of family income and composition, HABC will review and retain
in the tenant file the EIV Income and IVT Reports and any applicable documentation to resolve
identified income discrepancies.
7.6.3 EIV Identity Verification
The EIV system verifies resident identities against Social Security Administration (SSA) records.
These records are compared to Public and Indian Housing Information Center (PIC) data for a
match on Social Security number, name, and date of birth. When identity verification for a resident
fails, a message will be displayed within the EIV system, and no income information will be
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will identify residents whose identity verification
has failed. HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will attempt to resolve PIC/SSA
discrepancies by obtaining appropriate documentation from the resident. When HABC or the
privately owned/managed site determines that discrepancies exist as a result of errors by HABC
or the privately owned/managed site, such as spelling errors or incorrect birth dates, HABC or the
privately owned/managed site will correct the errors.
Written third-party verification is an original or authentic document generated by a third-party
source dated either within the 60-calendar day period preceding the reexamination or the HABC
or the privately owned/managed site request date. Such documentation may be in the possession
of the resident or the applicant. HABC or the privately owned/managed site may, at its discretion,
reject any resident-provided or applicant- provided documents and follow up directly with the
source to obtain necessary verification of information.
Examples of acceptable applicant-provided and resident-provided documents include but are not
limited to pay stubs, payroll summary reports, employer notice or letters of hire and termination,
SSA benefit verification letters, bank statements, child support payment stubs, welfare benefit
letters and/or printouts, and unemployment monetary benefit notices.
When upfront verification is not available and the family is unable to provide written third-party
documents, or the documents provided by the family are rejected by HABC or the privately
owned/managed site, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will request a written third-party
verification form. HABC or the privately owned/managed site may mail, fax, or e-mail third-party
written verification form requests to third-party sources.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 7-6
Oral third-party verification is mandatory if no form of written third-party verification is available.
Third-party oral verification may be used when requests for written third-party verification forms
have not been returned within 5 working days. HABC or the privately owned/managed site will
document oral verification attempts in the resident file.
Third party verification will not be required under the following circumstances:
Verification Service Charge
If there is a service charge for third party verification, HABC or the privately owned/managed site
will assume that third party verification is not available and use the next level of verification
according to the verification hierarchy set forth in section 7.3 of this chapter.
Primary Documents
Third-party verification is not required when legal documents are the primary source, such as a
birth certificate or other legal documentation of birth.
Imputed Assets
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will accept a self-certification from the family as
verification of assets disposed of for less than fair market value.
Assets Valued Up to $50,000
Per the section of this chapter on asset verification, HABC or the privately owned/managed site
will accept a self-certification of asset income and value if the family’s assets are valued up to
Self-certification, or “resident declaration,” is used as a last resort when HABC or the privately
owned/managed site is unable to obtain third-party verification. When information cannot be
verified by a third party or by review of documents, family members will be required to submit
self-certifications attesting to the accuracy of the information they have provided to HABC or the
privately owned/managed site. HABC or the privately owned/managed site will document the file
with attempts to obtain higher forms of verification before relying on self-certification.
The self-certification must be made in a format acceptable to HABC or the privately
owned/managed site and must be signed by the family member whose information or status is
being verified. All self-certifications must be signed in the presence of an HABC representative or
notary public.
Residents are required to respond to requests by HABC or the privately owned/managed site
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 7-7
for verification of family, income and/or expense information. HABC or the privately
owned/managed site will take the following actions when a family fails to respond to the
request for verification:
5 working days after the request for verification, HABC or the privately
owned/managed site will send a letter to the head of household, warning of the
consequences if the family fails to contact HABC or the privately owned/managed
site within the time frame set forth in the letter.
If at the end of the time frame set forth in the letter, the family has not provided the
requested information, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will send the
family a termination letter.
If UIV/ third party information differs substantially from applicant/resident provided information
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites reserve the right to request additional verification
information and use any other verification method in priority order to reconcile the difference.
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will use the $200 per month as the threshold for a
substantial difference.
7.14 FRAUD
Information provided by the applicant/resident that proves to be untrue may be used to disqualify
the applicant for admission or terminate the resident’s lease based on attempted fraud. HABC and
the privately owned/managed sites consider false information concerning the following to be
grounds for rejecting an applicant or terminating assistance:
Income, assets, family composition.
Social Security Numbers.
Allowances (e.g. medical, disability and/or child care expenses); and
Previous participant history or criminal history
The applicant/resident shall be notified in writing of such determination by HABC or the privately
owned/managed site and will be given the opportunity for a grievance hearing.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 7-8
Applicants and residents must provide documentation of a valid Social Security number for each
member of the household, except for individuals who do not contend eligible immigration status.
An exemption is also provided to existing residents who were at least 62 years of age as of January
31, 2010 and had not previously disclosed a Social Security number.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will accept the following documentation as acceptable
evidence of the social security number:
An original Social Security number card issued by the Social Security Administration
An original SSA-issued document, which contains the name and Social Security number
of the individual
An original document issued by a federal, state, or local government agency, which
contains the name and Social Security number of the individual
Verification of the Social Security number of a child under the age of 6 must be provided to HABC
or the privately owned/managed site within 90 calendar days from the date of admission to the
program or within 90 days of the date of the request to add the child to the household. A 90-day
extension may be granted if HABC or the privately owned/managed site determines that the
resident’s failure to comply was due to unforeseen circumstances and was outside of the resident’s
control. During the period HABC or the privately owned/managed site is awaiting documentation
of the Social Security number, the child will be counted as part of the assisted household.
When a resident makes a request to add a new household member who is 6 years of age or under
and has a Social Security number, the resident must provide the complete and accurate Social
Security number assigned to that member at the time of reexamination or reexamination, and the
documentation required to verify the Social Security number. HABC or the privately
owned/managed site will not add the new household member until such documentation is
If an official record of birth or evidence of Social Security retirement benefits cannot be provided,
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will require the family to submit other documents that
support the reported age of the family member (e.g., school records, driver's license if birth year
is recorded) and to provide a self-certification.
Certification by the head of household is normally sufficient verification of marriage.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 7-9
HABC or the privately owned/managed site may require the family to provide documentation of
the divorce or separation with a certified copy of a divorce decree, signed by a court officer; a copy
of a court-ordered maintenance or other court record; or other documentation that shows a couple
is divorced or separated.
If an adult member who was formerly a member of the household is reported to be permanently
absent, the family must provide evidence to support that the person is no longer a member of the
family (e.g., documentation of another address at which the person resides such as a lease or utility
Third-party verification from the state or local government agency responsible for the placement
of the foster child or foster adult with the family is required.
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites require families to provide information about the
student status of all students who are 18 years of age or older. This information will be verified
only if:
The family claims full-time student status for an adult other than the head, spouse, or co-
head, or
The family claims a childcare deduction to enable a family member to further his or her
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites with site-based waiting lists will verify the
existence of a disability in order to determine waiting list preferences. HABC and the privately
owned/managed sites will verify the existence of a disability to allow certain income disallowances
and deductions from income. HABC or the privately owned/managed site will use HUD’s
definition of disability in 24 CFR 5.403, as may be amended, to verify a disability for these
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will accept receipt of Social Security
Administration disability benefits or other benefits awarded exclusively to persons with disabilities
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 7-10
as verification of disability and to entitle a resident to the household deduction for persons with
disabilities. If the resident stops receiving Social Security Administration disability benefits, is not
receiving any other benefits that are awarded only to persons with disabilities and does not have
an obvious disability, HABC or the privately owned/managed site may require the resident to
provide disability verification from a healthcare professional verifying that the resident continues
to have a disability as a condition of the resident’s continuing to receive the household deduction
for persons with disabilities.
HUD requires a declaration for each family member who claims to be a U.S. citizen or national or
to have eligible immigration status. The declaration must be signed personally by any family
member 18 or older and by a guardian for minors.
Family members who claim U.S. citizenship or national status will not be required to provide
additional documentation unless HABC or the privately owned/managed site receives information
indicating that an individual’s declaration may not be accurate.
The documentation required for eligible non-citizens varies depending upon factors such as the
date the person entered the U.S., the conditions under which eligible immigration status has been
granted, age, and the date on which the family began receiving HUD-funded assistance.
For family members age 62 or older who claim to be eligible immigrants, proof of age is required;
however, no further verification of eligible immigration status is required.
For family members under the age of 62 who claim to be eligible immigrants, HABC or the
privately owned/managed site will verify immigration status with the U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services (USCIS). HABC will follow all USCIS protocols for verification of eligible
immigration status.
Any income reported by the family must be verified.
7.24.1 Earned Income
For verification of wages using paystubs (written third party verification), HABC and the privately
owned/managed sites require 4 pays stubs for weekly pay, 2 pay stubs for bi-weekly or bi-monthly
pay and 2 pay stubs for monthly pay. The pay stubs must be consecutive.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 7-11
If an applicant/resident provides more than the minimum required pay stubs for verification,
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will use only the minimum number of paystubs
required and will ensure that the pay stubs used reflect the most current paystubs provided.
MTW Policy
HABC will not verify adult full-time student (for adult FT students other than the head, co-
head or spouse) income as 100% of the earned income is excluded; however, HABC will verify
full-time student status.
7.24.2 Business & Self-Employment Income
Business owners and self-employed persons will be required to provide one or more of the
An audited financial statement for the previous fiscal year if an audit was conducted.
If an audit was not conducted, a statement of income and expenses must be submitted, and
the business owner or self-employed person must certify to its accuracy.
All IRS schedules completed for filing federal and local taxes in the preceding year. If
accelerated depreciation was used on the tax return or financial statement, an accountant's
calculation of depreciation expense, computed using straight-line depreciation rules.
At any reexamination HABC or the privately owned/managed site may request documents that
support submitted financial statements such as manifests, appointment books, cash books, or bank
If a family member has been self-employed for less than three (3) months, HABC or the privately
owned/managed site will accept the family member’s certified estimate of income and schedule
an interim reexamination in three (3) months.
If the family member has been self-employed for only three (3) to twelve (12) months HABC or
the privately owned/managed site will require the family to provide documentation of income and
expenses for this period and use that information to project income.
7.24.3 Social Security (“SS”)/Supplemental Security Income (“SSI”) Benefits
To verify the SS/SSI benefits of applicants, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will
request a current (dated within the last 60 calendar days) SSA benefit verification letter from each
family member who receives social security benefits. If a family member is unable to provide the
document, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will help the applicant request a benefit
verification letter from SSA’s Web site at or ask the family to request one
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 7-12
by calling SSA at 1-800-772-1213. The family will be required to provide the benefit verification
letter to HABC upon receiving it.
To verify the SS/SSI benefits of residents, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will obtain
information about SS/SSI benefits through HUD’s EIV system and confirm with the resident(s)
that the current listed benefit amount is correct.
If the resident disputes the EIV-reported benefit amount, or if benefit information is not available
in HUD systems, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will request a current SSA benefit
verification letter from each family member who receives Social Security benefits. If a family
member is unable to provide the document, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will advise
the resident that he or she may request a benefit verification letter from SSA’s Web site at or ask the family to request one by calling SSA at 1-800-772-1213. The
family will be required to provide the benefit verification letter to HABC or the privately
owned/managed site upon receiving it.
7.24.4 Alimony or Child Support
The methods HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will use to verify alimony and child
support payments will differ depending on whether the family declares that it receives regular
payments. If the family declares that it receives irregular or no payments, HABC or the privately
owned/managed site will verify payments using a disbursement history provided by the child
support enforcement agency. If the family declares that payments are regular, HABC or the
privately owned/managed site will use one or more of the following:
Copies of the receipts and/or payment stubs from a complete prior six (6) month average
Third-party verification form from the state or local child support enforcement agency
Third-party verification form from the person paying the support
Family's self-certification of amount received
If there are minors in the household and both parents and/or legal guardians do not reside in the
unit, HABC will request 3
party verification from the Family Court to confirm that no child
support is paid.
MTW Policy
Under the authority of the MTW Agreement, applicants and tenants will be allowed to self-
certify asset value and income when the market/face of the family’s assets is up to $50,000.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 7-13
When the market/face value of assets is over $50,000, HABC will apply regulatory verification
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will require the information necessary to determine
the current cash value of the family’s assets, which is the net amount the family would receive if
the asset were converted to cash.
Acceptable verification may include any of the following:
Verification forms, letters, or documents from a financial institution or broker.
Passbooks, checking account statements, certificates of deposit, bonds, or financial
statements completed by a financial institution or broker.
Quotes from a stockbroker or realty agent as to net amount family would receive if they
liquidated security or real estate.
Real estate tax statements if the approximate current market value can be declared from
Financial statements for business assets.
Copies of closing documents showing the selling price and the distribution of the sales
Appraisals of personal property.
7.25.1 Assets Disposed of for Less than Fair Market Value
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will obtain a self-certification from applicants and
residents as to whether any member has disposed of assets for less than fair market value during
the two years preceding the effective date of the applicant’s eligibility certification or the resident’s
reexamination. If the family certifies that it has disposed of assets, as defined by HUD, for less
than fair market value, verification is required that shows:
All assets disposed of for less than fair market value.
The date they were disposed of.
The amount the family received; and
The market value of the assets at the time of disposition. Third party verification will be
obtained wherever possible.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 7-14
7.25.2 Net Income from Rental Property
To verify net income from a rental property, the family must provide:
A current executed lease for the property that shows the rental amount or certification from
the current resident; or
A self-certification from the family members engaged in the rental of property providing
an estimate of expenses for the coming year and the most recent IRS Form 1040 with
Schedule E (Rental Income). If a Schedule E was not prepared, HABC or the privately
owned/managed site will require the family members involved in the rental of property to
provide a self-certification of income and expenses for the previous year and may request
documentation to support the statement including tax statements, insurance invoices, bills
for reasonable maintenance and utilities, and bank statements or amortization schedules
showing monthly interest expense.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will accept written third-party documents supplied by
applicants and residents as evidence of the status of retirement accounts. The type of original
document that will be accepted depends upon the family member’s retirement status.
Before retirement, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will accept an original
document from the entity holding the account with a date that shows it is the most recently
scheduled statement for the account but in no case earlier than 6 months from the effective
date of the examination.
Upon retirement, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will accept an original
document from the entity holding the account that reflects any distributions of the account
balance, any lump sums taken and any regular payments.
After retirement, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will accept an original
document from the entity holding the account dated no earlier than 12 months before the
date of the applicant’s eligibility interview or the resident’s reexamination that reflects any
distributions of the account balance, any lump sums taken and any regular distributions.
For fully excluded income, HABC and the privately owned/managed sites are not required to
follow the verification hierarchy, document why third-party verification is not available, or report
the income on the 50058. Fully excluded income is defined in 24 C.F.R 5.609 (c1 c17), as may
be amended, and is income that is entirely excluded from the annual income determination (for
example, food stamps, earned income of a minor, or foster care funds). HABC will accept the
family’s self-certification as verification of fully excluded income. HABC and the privately
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 7-15
owned/managed sites may request additional documentation if necessary to document the income
source. For example, under MTW, HABC fully excludes earned income of adult full-time students,
other than the head, co-head or spouse. In concert with this policy, HABC will not verify earned
income of adult full-time students where the income is fully excluded.
Partially excluded income is defined as income where only a certain portion of what is reported by
the family qualifies to be excluded and the remainder is included in annual income (for example,
the income of an adult full-time student, or income excluded under the earned income
disallowance). HABC or the privately owned/managed site will verify the source and amount of
partially excluded income.
A zero-income household is one where no household member receives any income, contributions
and/or benefits on his/her own behalf or on behalf of another individual in the household.
A minimal income household is one where the combined gross household income is $2,400 or less
per year.
A temporary or sporadic income household is one where the only source of income is temporary
or sporadic income.
See Chapter 13: Reexamination and Continued Occupancy policies related to zero, minimal
income and temporary/sporadic income households.
Households that report zero or minimal income and households reporting only temporary or
sporadic income may be required to provide information regarding their means of basic
subsistence, such as food, utilities, transportation, etc. If the family’s expenses exceed the family’s
known income, HABC or the privately owned/managed site may make inquiry as to the nature of
the family’s accessible resources.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site may also review the family information to evaluate
possible participation in programs such as TANF or unemployment compensation, and to provide
information on social service agencies and other organizations that may be of assistance to
HABC or the privately owned/managed site may question the family to determine if there is
unreported income and to clarify any discrepancies.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will require the following when the household claims
zero or minimal or only temporary/sporadic income at each successive income reexamination:
Head or co-head of household must complete a Personal Declaration and Continued
Occupancy Application.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 7-16
Completion of a zero income self-certification by each adult household member.
EIV check to confirm that no household member has any income or in the case of a
minimal income family, to verify the income reported.
Verification of any income source received at the certification prior to the claim of zero
income, minimal income or temporary or sporadic income. For example, if one household
member, at the certification prior to the claim of zero income, had wage income, HABC
or the privately owned/managed site will verify termination of employment.
HABC will run an EIV income report every 180 days for zero income, minimal income and
temporary/sporadic income households and will take action for unreported income.
Policies in this section cover verification of mandatory deductions.
7.29.1 Dependent and Elderly/Disabled Household Deductions
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will verify that the family members identified as
dependents or elderly/disabled persons meet the statutory definitions. No further verifications are
7.29.2 Medical Expense Deduction
Unreimbursed medical expenses will be verified through written third-party documents provided
by the family, such as pharmacy printouts or receipts. See policies related to medical expenses in
the chapter on income and adjusted income. HABC or the privately owned/managed site will verify
The household is eligible for the deduction.
The costs to be deducted are qualified medical expenses.
The expenses are not paid for or reimbursed by any other source.
Costs incurred in past years are counted only once.
7.29.3 Disability Assistance Expenses
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 7-17
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will verify that the family is eligible to deduct
unreimbursed disability assistance expenses. HABC or the privately owned/managed site will
allow a family to deduct unreimbursed disability assistance expenses after verifying that:
The family member for whom the expense is incurred is a person with disabilities
The expense permits a family member, or members, to work
The expense is not reimbursed from another source
Attendant Care
HABC will accept written third-party documents provided by the family. If family-provided
documents are not available, HABC will send a third-party verification form directly to the care
provider requesting the needed information. See policies related to disability assistance expenses
in Chapter 8: Income and Adjusted Income. Expenses for attendant care will be verified through:
Written third-party documents provided by the family, such as receipts or cancelled checks.
Third-party verification form signed by the provider, if family-provided documents are not
If third-party verification is not possible, written family certification as to costs anticipated
to be incurred for the upcoming 12 months.
Auxiliary Apparatus
Expenses for auxiliary apparatus will be verified through:
Written third-party documents provided by the family, such as billing statements for
purchase of auxiliary apparatus, or other evidence of monthly payments or total payments
that will be due for the apparatus during the upcoming 12 months.
Third-party verification form signed by the provider, if family-provided documents are not
If third-party or document review is not possible, written family certification of estimated
apparatus costs for the upcoming 12 months.
7.29.4 Child Care Expenses
The amount of the childcare expense deduction will be verified following the standard verification
procedures. HABC or the privately owned/managed site will verify that the household is eligible
to deduct unreimbursed childcare expenses by verifying the following:
The child is eligible for care (12 or younger).
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 7-18
The costs claimed are not reimbursed.
The costs enable a family member to work, actively seek work, or further the family’s
The costs are for an allowable type of childcare.
The costs are reasonable.
Reasonableness of Expenses
The actual costs the family incurs will be compared with standards of reasonableness for the type
of care in the locality to ensure that the costs are reasonable. If the family presents a justification
for costs that exceed typical costs in the area, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will
request additional documentation, as required, to support a determination that the higher cost is
7.30 Verification of Identity
Adult residents will be required to present a current photo identification card (such as a current
driver’s license, state issued ID, student ID, etc.) to demonstrate that the adult named on birth
certificate is, indeed, the resident. Copies of identification verification items must be retained in
the tenant file folder.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 8-19
A family’s income determines eligibility for assistance and is also used to calculate the family’s
rent payment. HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will use the policies and methods
described in this chapter to ensure that only income eligible families receive assistance and that
families pay the appropriate amount as set forth in this policy and in the MTW Plan, as applicable.
Once annual income has been established HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will
subtract from annual income the deductions for which a family qualifies in order to determine
adjusted income.
There is no minimum income requirement for applicants or residents in HABC’s conventional
public housing program. Certain privately owned sites may apply different income eligibility
requirements as set forth in their approved tenant selection criteria.
Annual income means all amounts, monetary or not, which:
Goes to, or is on behalf of, the family head or spouse (even if temporarily absent) or to any
other family member.
Is anticipated to be received from a source outside the family during the 12-month period
following admission or annual reexamination effective date.
Is not specifically excluded under 24 C.F.R. 5.609 or the MTW Plan, where applicable.
Annual income also covers amounts derived during the 12-month period from assets to which any
member of the family has access, except where otherwise excluded under the MTW Plan, as
Annual income includes, but is not limited to:
The full amount, before any payroll deductions, of wages and salaries, overtime pay,
commissions, fees, tips and bonuses, and other compensation for personal services. The
employment income of an emancipated minor is included if the emancipated minor is the
head of household, co-head, or spouse.
The net income from operation of a business or profession
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 8-20
o Expenditures for business expansion or amortization of capital indebtedness shall not
be used as deductions in determining the net income from a business. An allowance for
the straight-line depreciation of assets used in a business or profession may be deducted
as provided in IRS regulations. Withdrawals of cash or assets will not be considered
income when used to reimburse the family for cash or assets invested in the business.
Any withdrawal of cash or assets from the operation of a business or profession will be
included in income, except to the extent the withdrawal is reimbursement of cash or
assets invested in the operation by the family.
Interest, dividends, and other net income of any kind from real or personal property
o Expenditures for amortization of capital indebtedness shall not be used as deductions
in determining net income. An allowance for the straight-line depreciation of real or
personal property is permitted. Withdrawals of cash or assets will be considered income
when used to reimburse the family for cash or assets invested in the property.
If the family has net family assets in excess of $50,000, annual income shall include the
market value of the asset times the passbook savings rate. See MTW Policy on ASSET
The full amounts of periodic payments received from Social Security, annuities, insurance
policies, retirement funds, pensions, disability or death benefits, and other similar types of
periodic receipts (See section 8.4 (Annual Income Exclusions) of this chapter for treatment
of delayed or deferred periodic payment of Social Security or Supplemental Security
Income benefits).
Payments in lieu of earnings, such as unemployment and disability compensation, worker’s
compensation, and severance pay (See section 8.4 (Annual Income Exclusions) of this
chapter concerning treatment of lump-sum additions as family assets)
All welfare assistance payments (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, General
Assistance) received by or on behalf of any family member.
Periodic and determinable allowances, such as alimony and child support payments, and
regular cash and non-cash contributions or gifts received from agencies or persons not
residing in the dwelling made to or on behalf of family members
o Any contribution or gift received every 2 months or more frequently will be considered
a "regular" contribution or gift, unless the amount is less than $600.00 per year.
Imputed Welfare Income: Such amounts that involve a reduction of welfare benefits by the
welfare agency, in whole or in part, for a resident family member, because of fraud by a
family member in connection with the welfare program or because of a welfare agency
sanction against a family member for non-compliance with a welfare agency requirement
to participate in an economic self-sufficiency program shall be included in annual income.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 8-21
This limitation does not apply to the loss of welfare benefits resulting from the expiration
of a lifetime limit on benefits or a durational time limit on benefits.
o All regular payments to the head of the household for support of a minor, or payments
nominally to a minor for his/her support but controlled for his/her benefit by the head of
the household or a resident family member other than the head, who is responsible for his
or her support.
All regular pay, special payments, and allowances (such as longevity, overseas duty, rental
allowances, allowances for dependents, etc.), received by a member of the Armed Forces
(whether they are living or not) who is head of the family, spouse, or other family member
whose dependents are residing in the unit.
Annual Income does not include the following:
Income from the employment of children (including foster children) under the age of 18
Income from the employment of an emancipated minor if the emancipated minor is not the
head of household, co-head or spouse.
Payments received for the care of foster children or foster adults (usually individuals with
disabilities, unrelated to the resident family, who are unable to live alone).
Kinship and other similar state guardianship care payments. Kinship care, Kin-GAP, and
similar programs funded by states serve as an alternative to foster care placements. The
compensation to participating relatives or legal guardians is comparable to the
compensation to foster care parents. Payments for the care of foster children and foster
adults are exempt from income.
Lump sum additions to family assets, such as inheritances, insurance payments (including
payments under health and accident insurance, and worker’s compensation), capital gains,
one-time lottery winnings, and settlement for personal or property losses (see above if the
payments are or will be periodic in nature). See section below for treatment of delayed or
deferred periodic payments of Social Security or Supplemental Security Income benefits.
Amounts received by the family that are specifically for, or in reimbursement of, the cost
of medical expenses for any family member.
Withdrawals of cash or assets when used to reimburse the family for cash or assets invested
in a property.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 8-22
Income of a live-in aide provided the person meets the definition of a live-in aide.
The full amount of student financial assistance paid directly to the student, or the
educational institution is excluded.
The special pay to a family member serving in the Armed Forces who is exposed to hostile
Certain amounts received that are related to participation in the following programs:
o Amounts received under HUD funded training programs.
o Amounts received by a person with disabilities that are disregarded for a limited time
for purposes of Supplemental Security Income and benefits that are set aside for use
under a Plan to Attain Self-Sufficiency (PASS);
o Amounts received by a resident in other publicly assisted programs that are specifically
for, or in reimbursement of, out-of-pocket expenses incurred (special equipment,
clothing, transportation, childcare, etc.) to allow participation in a specific program.
o A resident services stipend, which is a modest amount (not to exceed $200/month)
received by a public housing resident for performing a service for HABC or a privately
owned/managed site, on a part-time basis, that enhances the quality of life in public
housing. Such services may include but are not limited to, fire patrol, hall monitoring,
lawn maintenance, and resident initiatives coordination. No resident may receive more
than one such stipend during the same period; and
o Incremental earnings and/or benefits to any family member from participation in a
qualifying state or local employment training program (including training programs not
affiliated with the local government), and training of family members as resident
management staff. Amounts excluded by this provision must be received under
employment training programs with clearly defined goals and objectives and are
excluded only for a limited period as determined in advance by HABC.
Temporary, non-recurring, or sporadic income (including gifts).
Reparation payments paid by foreign governments pursuant to claims filed under the laws
of that government by persons who were persecuted during the Nazi era.
A training program is defined as one with goals and objectives designed to lead to a higher level of
proficiency, and one, which enhances the individual’s ability to obtain employment. The training program may
have performance standards to measure proficiency. Training may include but is not limited to classroom training in
a specific occupational skill, on-the-job training with wages subsidized by the program, and basic education.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 8-23
All earned income for each full-time student 18 years old or older (excluding the head of
the household and spouse); (unearned income of adult full-time students, i.e. Social
Security, Supplemental Security Income and Child Support is counted) See MTW Policy
on WAGES ;
Adoption assistance payments in excess of $480 per adopted child.
Deferred periodic payments of Supplemental Security Income and Social Security benefits
that are received in a lump sum payment.
Amounts received by the family in the form of refunds or rebates under state or local law
for property taxes paid on the dwelling apartment.
Amounts paid by a state agency to a family that has a family member with a developmental
disability living at home to offset the cost of services and equipment needed to keep the
family member with the developmental disability at home; and
Amounts specifically excluded by any other federal statute from consideration as income
for purposes of determining eligibility or benefits under a category of assistance programs
that includes assistance under a program to which the exclusions set forth in the above list
of excluded income apply. A notice will be published by HUD in the Federal Register
identifying the benefits that qualify for this exclusion. A list of these federally mandated
exclusions are included as Appendix D: FEDERALLY MANDATED INCOME
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will calculate anticipated annual income by adding
the income the family expects to receive during the 12-month period following the family’s
admission or regular reexamination effective date. Accordingly, annual income is calculated by
projecting current income forward for a 12-month period. If an estimate can be made for those
families whose income fluctuates from month to month by income averaging, this estimate will be
used so that the housing payment will not change from month to month. If there are bonuses or
overtime, which the employer cannot anticipate for the next twelve months, bonuses and overtime
received the previous year will be used. The method used depends on the regularity, source and
type of income.
If HABC or the privately owned/managed site verifies an upcoming increase or decrease in
income, annual income will be calculated by applying each income amount to the appropriate part
of the 12-month period.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 8-24
An employer reports that a full-time employee who has been receiving $8/hour will begin to
receive $8.25/hour in the eighth week after the effective date of the reexamination.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site would calculate annual income as follows: ($8/hour
× 40 hours × 7 weeks) + ($8.25/hr. × 40 hours × 45 weeks = $2,240.00 + $14,850.00 = $17,090.00)
Generally, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will round to the nearest whole dollar at
the annual calculation for each income/deduction source.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will round as follows for the following income and
Social Security Income
o When the Social Security benefit letter states that the monthly benefit is rounded
down to the whole dollar, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will calculate
annual income by using the full monthly (not rounded down) benefit before any
deductions and round at the final annual calculation. The benefit letter is only to be
used when Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) is not available or the resident
disputes EIV.
Applying the Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) to Social Security and Supplemental
Security Income
o When the EIV report does not yet contain the benefit for the upcoming year and
where HABC or the privately owned/managed site is required to apply the COLA
for the upcoming year, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will apply the
COLA to the current monthly benefit and will use the full monthly benefit to
calculate income. For example, if the current Social Security benefit is $560/month
and the COLA is 1.7%, HABC or the privately owned/managed site would increase
the monthly benefit of $560/month benefit by 1.7% to $569.52 and would then
multiply $569.52 times 12 to get the annual income. The rounding would occur at
the annual calculation $6834.
With respect to other income/deduction verification sources, HABC and the privately
owned/managed sites will follow the instructions for rounding set forth in the verification
document to calculate annual income and/or deductions.
The full amount, before any payroll deductions, of wages and salaries, overtime pay, commissions,
fees, tips and bonuses, and other compensation for personal services is included in annual income.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 8-25
For persons who regularly receive bonuses or commissions, HABC and the privately
owned/managed sites will average amounts received for the year preceding admission or
MTW Policy
Under the authority of the MTW Agreement, HABC will exclude all full-time student earned
income for adult full-time students, other than the head of household, co-head and spouse.
HABC will continue to apply a dependent deduction to adult full-time students. Additionally,
as HABC is excluding 100% of earned income for adult full-time students, HABC will verify
full-time student status; however, HABC will not conduct verification of full-time student
earned income.
Earned income include wages, income from a business and military pay
Annual income includes the net income from the operation of a business or profession.
Expenditures for business expansion or amortization of capital indebtedness shall not be used as
deductions in determining net income.
An allowance for depreciation of assets used in a business or profession may be deducted, based
on straight line depreciation, as provided in Internal Revenue Service regulations.
Any withdrawal of cash or assets from the operation of a business or profession will be included
in income, except to the extent the withdrawal is reimbursement of cash or assets invested in the
operation by the family.
Business Expenses
Net income is “gross income less business expense.To determine business expenses that may be
deducted from gross income, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will use current
applicable Internal Revenue Service (IRS) rules for determining allowable business expenses [see
IRS Publication 535], unless a topic is addressed by HUD regulations or guidance.
Business Expansion
HUD regulations do not permit HABC or the privately owned/managed sites to deduct from gross
income expenses for business expansion.
Business expansion is defined as any capital expenditures made to add new business activities, to
expand current facilities, or to operate the business in additional locations. For example, purchase
of a street sweeper by a construction business for the purpose of adding street cleaning to the
services offered by the business would be considered a business expansion. Similarly, the purchase
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 8-26
of a property by a hair care business to open at a second location would be considered a business
All regular pay, special pay, and allowances of a member of the Armed Forces are considered
income except for the special pay to a family member serving in the Armed Forces who is exposed
to hostile fire.
If the amount of child support or alimony received is less than the amount awarded by the court,
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will use the amount awarded by the court unless the
family can verify that they are not receiving the full amount.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will accept as verification that the family is receiving
an amount less than the award if HABC or the privately owned/managed site receives verification
from the agency responsible for enforcement or collection.
It is the family's responsibility to supply a certified copy of the divorce decree or other court
documents reflecting alimony awarded by the court or verification from the court or agency
responsible for enforcing child support payments reflecting the amount of child support payments
Employment income earned by children (including foster children) under the age of 18 years is
not included in annual income.
Income earned by a live-in aide, as defined in 24 CFR 5.403, is not included in annual income
Earned income of foster children is excluded from annual income.
Earned income of foster adults is included in annual income.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 8-27
Payments received for the care of foster children or foster adults (usually persons with
disabilities, unrelated to the resident family, who are unable to live alone) is excluded from
annual income.
All other income received on behalf of a foster child, or a foster adult is included in annual
income. For example, if a foster adult receives Supplemental Security Income payments
those payments are included in annual income.
People in some occupations regularly work less than 12 months per year, i.e., school employees,
agricultural workers, and construction workers. To determine annual income for individuals who
have seasonal income, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will use past actual income
received or earned within the last 12 months of the determination date. Therefore, interim
reexaminations will not be completed when circumstances change. Documentation may
include, but is not limited to UIV, EIV, W-2 forms and tax returns.
Mary is a teacher with the ABC school district, earning $2,000 per month. She works for nine
months a year. At the time of her regular reexamination Mary is not working. HABC or the
privately owned/managed site runs an EIV income report which has the actual income earned for
the prior year. The EIV income report shows income of $24,053 for the prior year. Mary received
$20,000 for her job as a teacher and collected $4,053 in unemployment the prior year. HABC or
the privately owned/managed site would use $24,053 as her income for the upcoming certification.
If a family member is permanently living in a hospital or nursing home and there is a family
member left in the household, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will conduct an interim
reexamination, remove exclude the income and medical expenses of the family member
permanently living in a nursing home and re-calculate the Total Tenant Payment. HABC or the
privately owned/managed site will remove the individual from the household.
If a family member is admitted to public housing upon release from a nursing home,
rehabilitation center or other healthcare or assisted living facility, and verifies a reduced
Supplemental Security Income or Old Age Survivors Disability Income (OASDI) income from
Social Security; HABC or the privately owned/managed site will annualize the current income
and conduct an interim reexamination within 90 calendar days of the date of admission. If within
the 90 calendar days, the resident experiences an increase in income from the Social Security
Administration, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will process an increase in rent
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 8-28
between the regularly scheduled reexaminations.
The income of family members approved to live in the apartment will be counted, even if the
family member is temporarily absent from the apartment. See policies on Temporarily Absent
family members for definition of Temporarily Absent.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will process an increase in rent between regularly
scheduled reexaminations when the household size increases due to the addition of an adult
household member approved by HABC and, where the addition is to a household living in a
privately owned/managed site. Requests for the addition of a new member to the household must
be approved by HABC and, where the addition is to a household living in a privately
owned/managed site, by that site, prior to the actual move-in by the proposed new member. The
addition of a family member will not result in re-examination of the income of the other family
members. Rather, the re-examination of the income of the other family members will occur during
the next regularly scheduled review.
Temporary and sporadic income is excluded from the calculation of annual income. (See Chapter
on Reexaminations and Continued Occupancy for regular and interim reexamination policies
related to temporary and sporadic income).
Sporadic income is income that cannot be reliably predicted. For example, the income of an
individual who works occasionally as a handyman would be considered sporadic if future work
could not be anticipated and no historic, stable pattern of income existed.
Daniel works occasionally as a handyman. He claims to have worked only a couple of times last
year and he has no documentation to support this claim. His earnings are neither reliable (he cannot
depend on them) nor do they recur at regular intervals. Daniel’s handyman earnings are not
included in annual income. If Daniel is the sole household member and has no other sources of
income or benefits, he would fall under the zero/minimal income verification and reexamination
Upon employment with HABC or a privately owned/managed site, or an officially recognized
resident organization, the full amount of employment income received by the person is counted.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 8-29
There is no exclusion of income for wages funded under the 1937 Housing Act Programs, which
includes public housing and Section 8.
Contributions to company retirement/pension funds are handled as follows:
While an individual is employed, only amounts the family can withdraw without retiring
or terminating employment are counted as assets.
After retirement or termination of employment, any amount the employee elects to receive
as a lump sum is counted as an asset. Regular withdrawals from retirement accounts are
treated as income; however, do not count any remaining amounts in the account as an
Income from some federal programs is specifically excluded from consideration as income,
Payments to volunteers under the Domestic Volunteer Services Act of 1973 (42 U.S.C.
5044(g), 505
Awards under the federal work-study program (20 U.S.C. 1087 cup)
Payments received from programs funded under Title V of the Older Americans Act of
1985 (42 U.S.C. 3056(f))
Allowances, earnings, and payments to AmeriCorps participants under the National and
Community Service Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12637(d))
Allowances, earnings, and payments to participants in programs funded under the
Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (29 U.S.C. 2931)
Amounts received under a resident service stipend are not included in annual income. A resident
service stipend is a modest amount (not to exceed $200 per individual per month) received by a
resident for performing a service for HABC or the privately owned/managed site, on a part-time
basis, that enhances the quality of life in the development. Such services may include, but are not
limited to, fire patrol, hall monitoring, lawn maintenance, resident initiatives coordination, and
serving as a member of HABC’s governing board. No resident may receive more than one such
stipend during the same period.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 8-30
Incremental earnings and benefits to any family member resulting from participation in qualifying
state or local employment training programs (including training programs not affiliated with a
local government) and the training of a family member as a resident management staff are excluded
from annual income. Amounts excluded by this provision must be received under employment
training programs with clearly defined goals and objectives and are excluded only for the period
during which the family member participates in the employment training programs.
HABC and privately owned/managed sites define training program as “a learning process with
goals and objectives, generally having a variety of components, and taking place in a series of
sessions over a period of time. It is designed to lead to a higher level of proficiency, and it enhances
the individual’s ability to obtain employment. It may have performance standards to measure
proficiency. Training may include, but is not limited to:
Classroom training in a specific occupational skill,
On-the-job training with wages subsidized by the program, or
Basic education.
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites define incremental earnings and benefits as the
difference between the total amount of welfare assistance and earnings of a family member prior
to enrollment in a training program and the total amount of welfare assistance and earnings of the
family member after enrollment in the program.
In calculating the incremental difference, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will use as
the pre-enrollment income the total annualized amount of the family member’s welfare assistance
and earnings reported on the family’s most recently completed HUD-50058.
End of participation in a training program must be reported in accordance with HABC’s or the
privately owned/managed site’s interim reporting requirements.
All other amounts (such as child support and alimony) are treated in the usual manner in
determining annual income. Child support, or other income that is not earnings or benefits, is not
a factor and will not be considered in regard to training income exclusions, regardless of whether
they have increased or decreased.
If a family has members who enroll in training programs at different times, the exclusion may be
taken at different periods. The rules will be applied individually to each member based on in
which type of program they are enrolled.
Employment Before Completion of Training Program
A resident who has substantially completed a training program to accept a job offer will be
eligible for the 18-month exclusion of income.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 8-31
"Substantial completion" of a training program will be completion of 75% of the program.
If a resident has completed that portion of the training program necessary to get a job and
continues simultaneously with the training program, the 18-month exclusion period will begin on
the date the resident started the new job, not the date the resident completes the training program.
The resident is not required to get a job that is directly related to the training program to be
eligible for the exclusion.
Other Factors to Be Considered
For self-employed residents, HABC and privately owned/managed sites will exclude only the net
income of a resident when factoring the earnings.
The resident is required to notify HABC or the privately owned/managed site within 10 working
days of enrolling in a qualifying training program.
Residents who have a decrease in income because of enrolling in a training program may request
an interim examination. HABC or the privately owned/managed site will determine the decrease
in incremental income because of the training program and adjust the resident’s rent accordingly.
Residents who do not notify HABC or the privately owned/managed site within 10 working
days of starting a training program, and have a decrease in income, will not have their rent
adjusted retroactively.
Amounts received under training programs funded in whole or in part by HUD are excluded from
annual income. Eligible sources of funding for the training include operating subsidy, Section 8
administrative fees, and modernization, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME
program, and other grant funds received from HUD.
To qualify as a training program, the program must meet the definition of training program
provided above for state and local employment training programs.
Earned income tax credit (EITC) refund payments received on or after January 1, 1991 (26 U.S.C.
32(j)), are excluded from annual income. Although many families receive the EITC annually when
they file taxes, an EITC can also be received throughout the year. The prorated share of the annual
EITC is included in the employee’s payroll check.
Lump-sum additions to family assets (i.e., inheritances, insurance payments inclusive of payments
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 8-32
under health and accident insurance and worker's compensation), capital gains, and settlement for
personal or property losses) are not included in income but may be included in assets.
Lump-sum payments caused by delays in processing periodic payments (unemployment or
welfare assistance) are counted as income. Lump sum payments from Social Security or
Supplemental Security Income are excluded from income, but any amount remaining will be
considered an asset. Deferred periodic payments, which have accumulated due to a dispute, will
be treated the same as periodic payments which are deferred due to delays in processing.
In order to determine the amount of retroactive resident rent that the family owes as a result of
the lump sum receipt, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will always calculate
retroactively to date of receipt.
Retroactive Calculation Methodology
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will go back to the date the lump-sum payment was
received, or to the date of admission, whichever is closer.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will determine the amount of income for each
certification period, including the lump sum, and recalculate the resident rent for each
certification period to determine the amount due HABC or the privately owned/managed site.
The family may pay this "retroactive" amount to HABC or the privately owned/managed site in
a lump sum or, at HABC's or the privately owned/managed site’s option, HABC or the privately
owned/managed site may enter into a Repayment Agreement with the family. The amount owed
by the family is a collectible debt even if the family becomes unassisted.
Attorney Fees
The family's attorney’s fees may be deducted from lump-sum payments when computing annual
income if the attorney's efforts have recovered a lump-sum compensation, and the recovery paid
to the family does not include an additional amount in full satisfaction of the attorney’s fees.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will not reduce the public housing rent for families
whose welfare assistance is reduced due to a "specified welfare benefit reduction," which is a
reduction in welfare benefits due to:
Fraud by a family member in connection with the welfare program; or
Noncompliance with a welfare agency requirement to participate in an economic self-
sufficiency program.
A "specified welfare benefit reduction" does not include a reduction of welfare benefits due to:
The expiration of a lifetime time limit on receiving benefits.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 8-33
A situation where the family has complied with welfare program requirements but cannot
or has not obtained employment ( an example: the family has complied with welfare
program requirements, but the durational time limit, such as a cap on the length of time
a family can receive benefits, causes the family to lose its welfare benefits);
Noncompliance with other welfare agency requirements.
Definition of "Covered Family"
A household that receives benefits for welfare or public assistance from a State or public agency
program which requires, as a condition of eligibility to receive assistance, the participation of a
family member in an economic self-sufficiency program.
Definition of Imputed Welfare Income
The amount of annual income, not actually received by a family, as a result of a specified
welfare benefit reduction, that is included in the family’s income for purposes of determining
rent is considered imputed welfare income.
The amount of imputed welfare income is determined by HABC or the privately owned/managed
site, based on written information supplied to HABC or the privately owned/managed site by the
welfare agency, including:
The amount of the benefit reduction
The term of the benefit reduction
The reason for the reduction
Subsequent changes in the term or amount of benefit reduction.
Imputed welfare income will be included at regular and interim reexaminations during the
term of reduction of welfare benefits.
The amount of imputed welfare income will be offset by the amount of additional income a
family receives that begins after the sanction was imposed. When additional income is at least
equal to the imputed welfare income, the imputed income will be reduced to zero.
If the family was not an assisted resident of public housing when the welfare sanction began,
imputed welfare income will not be included in annual income.
Verification Before Denying a Request to Reduce Rent
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will obtain written verification from the welfare
agency stating that the family's benefits have been reduced because of fraud or noncompliance
before denying the family's request for rent reduction. HABC or the privately owned/managed
site will rely on the welfare agency’s written notice to HABC or the privately owned/managed
site regarding welfare sanctions.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 8-34
Family Dispute of Amount of Imputed Welfare Income
If the family disputes the amount of imputed income and HABC denies the family’s request to
modify the amount, HABC will provide the resident with a notice of denial, which will
An explanation for HABC’s determination of the amount of imputed welfare income.
A statement that the resident may request a grievance hearing.
A statement that the information received from the welfare agency cannot be disputed
at the grievance hearing, and the issue to be examined at the grievance hearing will be
HABC’s determination of the amount of imputed welfare income, not the welfare
agency’s determination to sanction the welfare benefits.
If the resident requests a grievance hearing, the resident is not required to pay an escrow deposit
for the portion of resident rent attributable to the imputed welfare income.
Effective April 7, 2016, HUD implemented revised guidance and regulation on the Earned Income
Disregard. The policies below represent the revised EID requirements. Families eligible for and
participating in the disallowance of earned income under this section prior to May 9, 2016 will
continue to be governed by the EID as it existed immediately prior to that date. See
REEXAMINATION FREQUENCY for policy information on reexam frequency for households
with family members on EIDs.
This disallowance applies only to individuals in families already participating in the public
housing program and therefore does not apply for purposes of admission.
A qualified family is a family residing in public housing:
Whose annual income increases as a result of employment of a family member who
was unemployed for one or more years previous to employment.
Whose annual income increases as a result of increased earnings by a family member
during participation in any economic self-sufficiency or other job training program;
Whose annual income increases, as a result of new employment or increased earnings
of a family member, during or within six months after receiving assistance, benefits
or services under any state program for temporary assistance for needy families
funded under part a of title iv of the social security act, as determined by HABC in
consultation with the local agencies administering temporary assistance for needy
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 8-35
families (TANF) and welfare-to-work (WTW) programs. The TANF program is not
limited to monthly income maintenance, but also includes such benefits and services
as one-time payments, wage subsidies and transportation assistanceprovided that
the total amount over a six-month period is at least $500.
Description of the EID
Once a family member is determined to be eligible for the EID, the 24calendar month period will
begin on the effective date of the regular reexamination. 100% of the increase in earned income is
If the family member discontinues the employment that initially qualified the family for
the EID, the 24calendar month period continues.
During the 24calendar month period, EID benefits are recalculated based on changes to
family member income and employment (no change from current practice);
During the 24calendar month period, HABC will exclude all increased income resulting
from the qualifying employment of the family member.
The EID benefit is limited to a lifetime 24-month period for the qualifying family
At the end of the 24 months, the EID ends regardless of how many months were “used.”
Example of How the EID Works
Time Frame
EID Under this Regulation
January 2017
(month one)
Carl begins working and is eligible for EID.
100% of Carls increase in earned income is
July 2017
(month seven)
Carl is laid off.
EID “clock” continues to run.
February 2018
(month 14)
Carl begins working again.
100% of the increase in earned income due
to Carls employment is excluded.
December 2018
(month 24)
This is the final month during which Carl
receives his EID benefit.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 8-36
Applicability to Training Income Exclusions
If a resident meets the criteria for the mandatory earned income disallowance as outlined in
24 CFR 960.255, and as amended, HABC shall not deny a resident the disallowance based on the
resident’s receipt of any prior training income exclusion.
Applicability to Child Care and Disability Assistance Expense Deductions
The amount deducted for childcare and disability assistance expenses necessary to permit
employment shall not exceed the amount of employment income that is included in annual income.
Therefore, for families entitled to the earned income disallowance, the amounts of the full and
phase-in exclusions from income shall not be used in determining the cap for childcare and
disability assistance expense deductions.
Applicability to Training Income Exclusions
If a resident meets the criteria for the mandatory earned income disallowance as outlined in
24 CFR 960.255, and as amended, HABC shall not deny a resident the disallowance based on
the resident’s receipt of any prior training income exclusion.
When the Social Security Administration overpays an individual, resulting in a withholding or
deduction from his or her benefit amount, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will perform
an interim rent calculation until the overpayment is paid in full. The amount and duration of the
withholding will vary depending on the amount of the overpayment and the percent of the benefit
rate withheld.
Regardless of the amount withheld or the length of the withholding period, HABC or the privately
owned/managed site will use the reduced benefit amount after deducting only the amount of the
overpayment withholding from the gross benefit amount.
Non-MTW Policy: Earnings in excess of $480 for each full-time student 18 years old or older
(excluding the head of household, co-head and spouse will be excluded.
MTW Policy
HABC will exclude all adult, full-time student earned income, excluding the head of
household, co-head, or spouse. HABC will not verify adult full-time student income as 100%
of the earned income is excluded.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 8-37
MTW Policy
Using its MTW authority, HABC will exclude income from assets where the market/face value
of the asset is up to $50,000. When the market/face value of a family’s assets is in excess of
$50,000, HABC will calculate asset income by taking the market/face value of the family’s
assets and multiplying that value by the established passbook savings rate.
There are two terms that are important in calculating asset income Market Value and Cash Value.
Market Value is the face value of an asset (i.e. the value of a Certificate of Deposit).
The Cash Value of an asset is the Market Value less reasonable expenses that would be incurred
in selling or converting the asset to cash, such as the following:
Penalties for premature withdrawal.
Broker and legal fees; and
Settlement costs for real estate transactions
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will count assets disposed of for less than fair
market value during the two years preceding certification or reexamination. HABC and the
privately owned/managed sites will count the difference between the market value and the actual
payment received in calculating total assets. The difference will be included in calculating total
assets for two years.
Assets disposed of as a result of foreclosure or bankruptcy are not considered to be assets disposed
of for less than fair market value. Assets disposed of because of a divorce or separation are not
considered to be assets disposed of for less than fair market value.
HABC's and the privately owned/managed sites’ minimum threshold for counting assets disposed
of for less than Fair Market value is $5,000.00. If the total value of assets disposed of within the
two-year period is less than $5,000.00, they will not be considered an asset.
For regular checking accounts and savings accounts, cash value has the same meaning as market
value. If a checking account does not bear interest, the anticipated income from the account is zero.
In determining the value of a checking account, HABC or the privately owned/managed
site will use the average monthly balance for the last six months.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 8-38
In determining the value of a savings account, HABC or the privately owned/managed site
will use the current balance.
In determining the anticipated income from an interest-bearing checking or savings
account, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will multiply the value of the account
by the current rate of interest paid on the account.
Interest or dividends earned by investment accounts are counted as actual income from assets even
when the earnings are reinvested. The cash value of such an asset is determined by deducting from
the market value any broker fees, penalties for early withdrawal, or other costs of converting the
asset to cash.
In determining the market value of an investment account, HABC or the privately owned/managed
site will use the value of the account on the most recent investment report.
How anticipated income from an investment account will be calculated depends on whether the
rate of return is known.
For assets that are held in an investment account with a known rate of return (e.g., savings
certificates), asset income will be calculated based on that known rate (market value multiplied by
rate of earnings). When the anticipated rate of return is not known (e.g., stocks), HABC or the
privately owned/managed site will calculate asset income based on the earnings for the most recent
reporting period.
The cash value of a life insurance policy available to a family member before death, such as a
whole life or universal life policy, is included in the calculation of the value of the family’s assets.
The cash value is the surrender value. If such a policy earns dividends or interest that the family
could elect to receive, the anticipated amounts of dividends or interest is counted as income from
the asset whether the family receives it or not.
HABC will establish a passbook rate within 75 basis points (plus or minus .75 percent) of the
Savings National Rate in effect at the time HABC establishes the passbook rate. The passbook rate
may not be less than 0 percent. HABC will apply this policy to calculate asset income for applicants
and residents. For example, if the published FDIC Savings National Rate is .12% HABC might
add 75 basis points (.75 percent) for a passbook savings rate of .87%.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 8-39
Adjusted income is calculated by subtracting allowable deductions and allowances from annual
In determining adjusted income, HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will deduct the
following amounts from annual income:
1) Dependent allowance: A deduction of $480 is taken for each dependent, which is defined as
any family member other than the head, spouse, or co-head who is under the age of 18 or who is
18 or older and is a person with disabilities or a full-time student. Foster children, foster adults,
and live-in aides are never considered dependents.
2) "Elderly" allowance: $400 per household for families whose head or spouse is 62 or over or
are persons with disabilities. A single deduction of $400 is taken for the family.
3) Allowable medical expenses for all family members are deducted for elderly families and
families whose head, spouse or co-head is a person with a disability. Medical deductions will only
be allowed to the extent that the sum exceeds three percent of the annual income.
4) Childcare expenses for children under 13 are deducted when childcare is necessary to allow
an adult family member to work, actively seek work, or attend school (including vocational
5) Expenses for attendant care or auxiliary apparatus for persons with disabilities if needed to
enable the individual or an adult family member to work, actively seek work, or attend school
(including vocational training).
Unreimbursed medical expenses may be deducted to the extent that, in combination with any
disability assistance expenses, they exceed three percent of annual income.
The medical expense deduction is permitted only for families in which the head, spouse, or co-
head is elderly or is a person with a disability. If a family is eligible for a medical expense
deduction, the medical expenses of all family members are counted.
“Medical expenses” include medical insurance premiums, and medical expenses that are
anticipated during the period for which annual income is computed, and which is not covered by
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 8-40
The most current IRS Publication 502, Medical and Dental Expenses, will be used to determine
the costs that qualify as medical expenses. Over-the-counter products will not be eligible for
deductions as medical expenses unless they are accompanied by a doctor’s prescription.
Summary of Allowable Medical Expenses from IRS Publication 502
Services of medical professionals
Surgery and medical procedures that
are necessary, legal, non-cosmetic
Services of medical facilities
Hospitalization, long-term care, and
in-home nursing services
Prescription medicines and insulin,
but not nonprescription medicines
even if recommended by a doctor
Improvements to housing directly
related to medical needs (i.e., ramps
for a wheelchair, handrails)
Substance abuse treatment programs
Psychiatric treatment
Ambulance services and some costs
of transportation related to medical
The cost and care of necessary
equipment related to a medical
condition (i.e., eyeglasses/lenses,
hearing aids, crutches, and artificial
Cost and continuing care of
necessary service animals
Medical insurance premiums or the
cost of a health maintenance
organization (HMO)
Note: This chart provides a summary of eligible medical expenses only. Detailed
information is provided in IRS Publication 502. Medical expenses are considered only
to the extent they are not reimbursed by insurance or some other source.
Reasonable expenses for attendant care and auxiliary apparatus for a family member with a
disability may be deducted if they:
Are necessary to enable a family member 18 years or older to work, actively seek work, or
attend school (including vocational training);
Are not paid to a family member or reimbursed by an outside source.
In combination with any medical expenses, exceed three percent of annual income; and
Do not exceed the earned income received by the family member who is enabled to work.
Earned Income Limit on the Disability Assistance Expense Deduction
A family can qualify for the disability assistance expense deduction only if at least one family
member (who may be the person with disabilities) is enabled to work, actively seek work, or attend
school (including vocational training).
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 8-41
The disability expense deduction is capped by the amount of “earned income received by family
members who are 18 years of age or older and who are able to work” because of the expense. The
earned income used for this purpose is the amount verified before any earned income
disallowances or income exclusions are applied.
The family must identify the family member enabled to work, actively seek work, or attend school
(including vocational training) because of the disability assistance expenses. In evaluating the
family’s request, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will consider factors such as how
the work schedule of the relevant family members relates to the hours of care provided, the time
required for transportation, the relationship of the family members to the person with disabilities,
and any special needs of the person with disabilities that might determine which family members
are enabled to work, actively seek work, or attend school (including vocational training).
When HABC or the privately owned/managed site determines that the disability assistance
expenses enable more than one family member to work, the disability assistance expenses will be
capped by the sum of the family members’ incomes.
Eligible Disability Expenses
Expenses incurred for maintaining or repairing an auxiliary apparatus are eligible. In the case of
an apparatus that is specially adapted to accommodate a person with disabilities (e.g., a vehicle or
computer), the cost to maintain the special adaptations (but not maintenance of the apparatus itself)
is an eligible expense. The cost-of-service animals trained to give assistance to persons with
disabilities, including the cost of acquiring the animal, veterinary care, food, grooming, and other
continuing costs of care, will be included as an eligible expense.
Eligible Attendant Care
The family identifies and HABC or the privately owned/managed site verifies the type of attendant
care that is appropriate for the person with disabilities. Attendant care includes, but is not limited
to, reasonable costs for home medical care, nursing services, in-home or center-based care
services, interpreters for persons with hearing impairments, and readers for persons with visual
Attendant care expenses will be included for the period that the person enabled to work is
employed plus reasonable transportation time. The cost of general housekeeping and personal
services is not an eligible attendant care expense. However, if the person enabled to work is the
person with disabilities, the cost of personal services necessary to enable the person with
disabilities to work is an eligible expense.
Disability Expense Payments to Family Members
No disability expenses may be deducted for payments to a member of a resident family. However,
expenses paid to a relative who is not a member of the resident family may be deducted if they are
not reimbursed by an outside source.
Necessary and Reasonable Expenses
The family identifies and HABC or the privately owned/managed site verifies the type of care or
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 8-42
auxiliary apparatus to be provided. The family must describe how the expenses enable a family
member to work. The family must certify that the disability assistance expenses are necessary and
are not paid for or reimbursed by any other source.
Childcare expenses are amounts anticipated to be paid by the family for the care of children under
13 years of age during the period for which annual income is computed, but only where such care
is necessary to enable a family member to actively seek employment, be gainfully employed, or to
further his or her education and only to the extent such amounts are not reimbursed. The amount
deducted shall reflect reasonable charges for childcare. In the case of childcare necessary to permit
employment, the amount deducted shall not exceed the amount of employment income that is
included in annual income.
Childcare expenses do not include child support payments made to another on behalf of a minor
who is not living in an assisted family’s household. However, childcare expenses for foster
children that are living in the assisted family’s household are included when determining the
family’s childcare expenses.
Determining Who Is Enabled to Pursue an Eligible Activity
The family must identify the family member(s) enabled to pursue an eligible activity to receive
the childcare deduction. The term eligible activity in this section means any of the activities that
may make the family eligible for a childcare deduction (seeking work, pursuing an education, or
being gainfully employed).
In evaluating the family’s request, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will consider
factors such as how the schedule for the claimed activity relates to the hours of care provided, the
time required for transportation, the relationship of the family member(s) to the child, and any
special needs of the child that might help determine which family member is enabled to pursue an
eligible activity.
Seeking Work
If the childcare expense being claimed is to enable a family member to seek employment, the
family must provide evidence of the family member’s efforts to obtain employment at each
reexamination. The deduction may be reduced or denied if the family member’s job search efforts
are not commensurate with the childcare expense being claimed.
Furthering Education
If the childcare expense being claimed is to enable a family member to further his or her education,
the member must be enrolled in school (academic or vocational) or participating in a formal
training program. The family member is not required to be a full-time student, but the time spent
in educational activities must be commensurate with the childcare claimed.
Being Gainfully Employed
If the childcare expense being claimed is to enable a family member to be gainfully employed, the
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 8-43
family must provide evidence of the family member’s employment during the time that childcare
is being provided. Gainful employment is any legal work activity (full- or part-time) for which a
family member is compensated.
Earned Income Limit on Child Care Expense Deduction
When a family member looks for work or furthers his or her education, the amount that may be
deducted for childcare will be based on Department of Social Services purchase of care rates.
However, when childcare enables a family member to work, the deduction is capped by the amount
of employment income that is included in annual income. The earned income used for this purpose
is the amount of earned income verified after any earned income disallowances or income
exclusions are applied.
When the person who is enabled to work is a person who receives the earned income disallowance
(EID) or a full-time student whose earned income above $480 is excluded, childcare costs related
to enabling a family member to work may not exceed the portion of the person’s earned income
that actually is included in annual income. For example, if a family member who qualifies for the
EID makes $15,000 but because of the EID only $5,000 is included in annual income, childcare
expenses are limited to $5,000.
When the childcare expense being claimed is to enable a family member to work, only one family
member’s income will be considered at a time.
Eligible Child Care Expenses
The type of care to be provided is determined by the resident family. HABC or the privately
owned/managed site will not refuse to give a family the childcare expense deduction because there
is an adult family member in the household that may be available to provide childcare.
Allowable Child Care Activities
For school-age children, costs attributable to public or private school activities during standard
school hours are not considered. Expenses incurred for supervised activities after school or during
school holidays (i.e., summer day camp, after-school sports league) are allowable forms of
The costs of general housekeeping and personal services are not eligible. Likewise, childcare
expenses paid to a family member who lives in the family’s apartment are not eligible; however,
payments for childcare to relatives who do not live in the apartment are eligible.
Necessary and Reasonable Costs
Childcare expenses will be considered necessary if: (1) a family adequately explains how the care
enables a family member to work, actively seek employment, or further his or her education, and
(2) the family certifies, and the childcare provider verifies, that the expenses are not paid or
reimbursed by any other source. Childcare expenses will be considered for the time required for
the eligible activity plus reasonable transportation time.
To establish the reasonableness of childcare costs, HABC or the privately owned/managed site
will use the schedule of childcare costs from the Department of Social Services. Families may
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 8-44
present, and HABC will consider, justification for costs that exceed typical costs in the area.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 9-1
9.1 INTR
The accurate calculation of annual income and adjusted income will ensure that families are
paying the correct amount of rent pursuant to applicable regulations and the MTW Plan. This
chapter defines the allowable deductions from annual income and how the presence or absence of
household members may affect the total tenant payment (TTP) and resident rent.
TTP is the highest of the following amounts:
30 percent of the family’s monthly adjusted income
10 percent of the family’s monthly gross income
The minimum rent
Welfare rent (does not apply at HABC)
The monthly rent for a family whose adjusted income exceeds 120% of the area median income
for two consecutive years will be set by HUD in forthcoming guidance; however, where residents
reside in units financed with Low Income Housing Tax Credits, rent generally will not exceed the
applicable maximum rent as required under Low Income Housing Tax Credit regulations. See
HABC and/or the privately managed sites may establish a minimum rent. HABC has a
minimum rent of zero. There are privately owned sites that have an approved minimum rent
that exceeds zero. Where a minimum rent is established, residents will be required to pay at least
the amount established as the minimum rent. HABC and the privately managed sites may grant an
exemption due to financial hardship as defined in section 9.8 of this chapter.
Flat rent is designed to encourage self-sufficiency and to avoid creating disincentives for continued
residency by families who are attempting to become economically self-sufficient. Change in
family income, expenses, or composition do not affect the flat rent amount because it is outside
the income-based formula.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 9-2
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites that have public housing units shall provide each
family residing in a public housing unit that is eligible for a flat rent, during the regular
reexamination or when adding an adult who was not a member of the original households described
in Section 14.19. the choice to pay:
Income based rent; or
HABC-established flat rent.
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites that have public housing units will provide
sufficient information to families to make an informed choice, including the policy on
changing from flat rent to income-based rent due to financial hardship and the dollar amount
of the rent under each option. Policies related to reexamination of families paying flat rent are
contained in the Chapter 13 (Reexaminations and Continued Occupancy).
9.5.1 Establishing Flat Rents
For each public housing unit, HABC will set the flat rent amount at no less than eighty percent
(80%) of the applicable HUD Fair Market Rent (FMR) adjusted, if necessary, to account for
reasonable utility costs.
9.5.2 Review of Flat Rents
Every three years, beginning 2022, effective for reexams with effective dates of January 1
of that
year and thereafter, HABC will revise flat rents as necessary based on the rent reasonableness
analysis and changes to the FMR.
HABC will offer changes to the flat rent to all new admissions and to existing families at the next
regular reexamination.
If HABC determines that reasonable rents would be less than 60 percent of the applicable FMR,
HABC will conduct a rent reasonableness study once every three years.
9.5.3 Posting of Flat Rents
HABC will publicly post the schedule of flat rents in HABC’s central office and in each of the
development management offices and the privately owned/managed sites that have public housing
units will publicly post the schedule of the flat rents in their management offices.
9.5.4 Documentation of Flat Rents
HABC will maintain records that document the method used to determine flat rents, and that show
how flat rents were determined by HABC in accordance with this method.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 9-3
9.5.5 Phasing In Flat Rents Increases
For families whose flat rent is being phased-in, HABC will conduct a flat rent impact analysis to
determine the percentage increase in the family's rent amount at each regular reexamination. If the
increase is greater than 35 percent, HABC will phase in the rent increase at the maximum amount
annually over a three-year period so that it does not exceed 35 percent in any year until the flat
rent is fully phased in. If the increase is 35 percent or less, there will be no phase-in.
9.5.6 Changing from Flat Rent to Income-Based Rent Due to Hardship
A family can opt to change from flat rent to income-based rent if they are unable to pay the flat
rent due to financial hardship. All hardship situations will be verified.
Upon determination by HABC or a privately owned/managed site that a financial hardship exists,
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will allow a family to change from flat rent to income-
based rent effective the first of the month following the family’s approved request.
If a family changes from flat rent to an income-based rent due to a financial hardship, the family
will not be offered the option to change back to flat rent until the next regular reexamination.
Reasons for financial hardship include:
The family has experienced a decrease in income that will last at least 120 days because of
changed circumstances, including loss or reduction of employment, death in the family, or
reduction in or loss of earnings or other assistance that would affect the rent calculation.
The family has experienced an increase in expenses, because of changed circumstances,
for medical costs, childcare, transportation, education, or similar items that would affect
the rent calculation; or
Such other situations determined by HABC or the privately owned/managed site as
appropriate because they would affect the rent calculation.
9.5.7 Flat Rent and Transfers
When a family has chosen to pay a flat rent and is being transferred to a unit that has a higher or
lower flat rent amount, the family will be given a choice to select a rent option.
9.5.8 Flat Rents and Earned Income Disallowance (EID)
Because the EID is a function of income-based rents, a family paying flat rent cannot qualify for
the EID even if a family member experiences an event that would qualify the family for the EID.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 9-4
If the family later chooses to pay income-based rent, they will only qualify for the EID if a new
qualifying event occurred. A family currently paying flat rent that previously qualified for the EID
while paying income-based rent and is currently within the family’s 24-month period would have
the 24 cumulative months of full (100 percent) exclusion continue while paying flat rent if the
employment that is the subject of the exclusion continues, and the 24 -month lifetime limit would
continue uninterrupted. A family paying flat rent could therefore see a family member’s 24-month
lifetime limit expires while the family is paying flat rent.
9.5.9 Prorated Assistance for Mixed Families
A "mixed" family is one that includes at least one U.S. citizen or eligible immigrant and any
number of ineligible members. Proration of assistance will be offered to any "mixed" applicant
or participant family.
In calculating public housing rents for mixed families, HABC will use the established flat rent
applicable to the units.
HABC will complete the following steps when calculating rent for mixed families:
Step 1. Determine the total tenant payment in accordance with 24 CFR §5.628. (Annual
income includes income of all family members, including any family member who has
not established eligible immigration status.)
Step 2. Family maximum rent is equal to the applicable flat rent for the unit size to
be occupied by the family.
Step 3. Subtract the total tenant payment from the family maximum rent. The result is the
maximum subsidy for which the family could qualify if all members were eligible (family
maximum subsidy).
Step 4. Divide the family maximum subsidy by the number of persons in the family (all
persons) to determine the maximum subsidy per each family member who has citizenship
or eligible immigration status (“eligible family member). The subsidy per eligible family
member is the member maximum subsidy.
Step 5. Multiply the member maximum subsidy by the number of family members who have
citizenship or eligible immigration status (eligible family members). The product of this
calculation is the “eligible subsidy.”
Step 6. The mixed family TTP is the maximum rent minus the amount of the eligible subsidy.
Step 7. Subtract any applicable utility allowance from the mixed family TTP. The result
of this calculation is the mixed family tenant rent.
When the mixed family’s TTP is greater than the maximum rent, HABC will use the TTP as the
mixed family TTP. This method of prorating assistance applies to new admissions and regular
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 9-5
reexaminations after the effective date of the regulation.
The following tables provide examples of mixed family rent calculation
Example 1: Family of 4 with an annual income of $20,000, and one family member that is
not eligible to receive subsidy. The flat rent is $600. The applicable utility allowance is $100
per month.
Mixed Family Rent
Step 1: Determination of TTP
Step 2: Determination of
Maximum Rent
Applicable flat rent
Step 3: Determination of Family
Maximum Subsidy
$600 $500 = $100
Step 4: Determination of
Member Maximum Subsidy
$100 \ 4 = $25
Step 5: Determination of Eligible
3 * $25 = $75
Step 6: Determination of Mixed-
Family TTP
$600 $75 = $525
Step 7: Determination of Mixed-
Family Rent
$525 $100 = $425
Example 2: Family of 4 with an annual income of $20,000 and one family member that is
not eligible to receive subsidy. The flat rent is $480. The applicable utility allowance is
$100 per month.
Mixed Family Rent
Step 1: Determination of TTP
Step 2: Determination of
Maximum Rent
Applicable flat rent
Step 3: Determination of Family
Maximum Subsidy
$480 $500 = ($20)
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 9-6
Step 4: Determination of
($20) / 4 = ($5)
Privately owned/managed sites may have maximum rents that are lower than the flat rents. When
the maximum rent is lower than the flat rent, the resident will be given the choice between the
income-based rent and the maximum rent for the unit instead of the flat rent.
The financial hardship rules described below apply to sites that have established a minimum rent.
Sites that have established a minimum rent will grant an exemption from the minimum rent if a
family can document that they are unable to pay the minimum rent because of a long-term
hardship, which is a hardship that will last more than 90 days. If a family’s TTP is higher than the
minimum rent, the family is not eligible for a hardship exemption.
Sites that have established a minimum rent will notify all families at time of lease-up of their right
to request a minimum rent hardship exemption. Such notification will advise the family that the
determination regarding a financial hardship exemption is subject to the grievance policy and
procedures in effect at the site.
Sites that have established a minimum rent will review all resident requests for exemption from
the minimum rent due to financial hardships.
Situations under which residents would qualify for the minimum rent hardship exemption are
limited to the following:
The family has lost eligibility for or is applying for an eligibility determination for a
Federal, State, or local assistance program. This includes a family member who is a non-
citizen lawfully admitted for permanent residence under the Immigration and Nationality
Act who would be entitled to public benefits but for Title IV of the Personal Responsibility
and Work Opportunity Act of 1996.
The family would be evicted as a result of the imposition of the minimum rent
The income of the family has decreased because of changed circumstances, including loss
of employment.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 9-7
A death in the family that affects the rent calculation has occurred. To qualify under this
provision, a family must describe how the death has created a financial hardship (i.e.,
because of funeral-related expenses or the loss of the family member’s income).
To qualify for a minimum rent hardship exemption, a family must submit a request for a hardship
exemption in writing. The request must explain the nature of the hardship and how the hardship
has affected the family’s ability to pay the minimum rent.
9.7.1 Determination of Rent Hardship Exemption
When a family requests a minimum rent hardship exemption, sites that have established a
minimum rent will suspend the minimum rent requirement beginning the first of the month
following the family’s request. Such sites will then determine whether the financial hardship exists
and whether the hardship is temporary or long-term.
HABC defines temporary hardship as a hardship expected to last 90 days or less. Long term
hardship is defined as a hardship expected to last more than 90 days.
9.7.2 No Financial Hardship
If a site that has established a minimum rent determines there is no minimum rent financial
hardship, the site will reinstate the minimum rent and require the family to repay the amounts
The site will require the family to repay the suspended amount within 30 calendar days of the site’s
notice that a hardship exemption has not been granted.
9.7.3 Temporary Hardship
If a site that has established a minimum rent determines that a qualifying minimum rent financial
hardship is temporary, the site will not impose the minimum rent during the 90-day suspension
period. At the end of the 90-day suspension period, the site will reinstate the minimum rent from
the beginning of the first of the month following the date of the family’s request for a hardship
The family must resume payment of the minimum rent and must repay the site the amounts
suspended in accordance with the site’s repayment agreement policy.
9.7.4 Long-Term Hardship
If a site that has established a minimum rent determines that the minimum rent financial hardship
is long-term, the site will exempt the family from the minimum rent requirement for so long as the
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 9-8
hardship continues. The minimum rent hardship exemption will apply from the first of the month
following the family’s request until the end of the qualifying hardship. When the minimum rent
financial hardship has been determined to be long-term, the family is not required to repay the
minimum rent. Families approved for the exemption from minimum rent are required to re-verify
the financial hardship every 120 days.
The minimum rent hardship period ends when the family’s calculated TTP is greater than the
minimum rent.
For minimum rent hardship conditions based on loss of income, the minimum rent hardship
condition will continue to be recognized until new sources of income are received to enable the
family to pay at least the minimum rent.
For hardship conditions based upon hardship-related expenses, the minimum rent exemption
will continue to be recognized until the cumulative amount exempted is equal to the expense
When the minimum rent is suspended, the resident rent reverts to the highest of the remaining
components of the calculated TTP.
This section addresses utility allowances for families who pay utilities directly to the utility
company and who live in units with utilities furnished by HABC or a privately owned/managed
site, and excessive consumption charges. The utility allowances established by HABC apply to the
privately owned/managed sites.
Utility allowances (UAs) are provided to families paying income-based rents when the cost of
utilities is not included in the rent. When determining a family’s income-based rent, HABC will
use the utility allowance applicable to the type of dwelling unit leased by the family.
9.8.1 Establishing the Utility Allowances
HABC will establish allowances for HABC-furnished utilities for all individually metered utilities
and for all utilities purchased directly by residents from a utility supplier. HABC charges for excess
consumption of HABC-furnished utilities where sub-metering is in place for individual units.
HABC will maintain a record that documents the basis on which utility allowances are established
and revised, and the record will be made available for inspection by residents.
HABC will establish separate allowances for each utility. The objective of HABC in establishing
utility allowances for each dwelling unit category and unit size is to approximate a reasonable
consumption of utilities by an energy-conservative household of modest circumstances consistent
with the requirements of a safe, sanitary, and healthful living environment. Utilities may include
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 9-9
gas, electricity, fuel for heating, water, sewerage, and solid waste disposal for a dwelling unit.
Costs for telephone, cable/satellite TV, and internet services are not considered utilities. Utility
allowances are established in accordance with HUD regulations and guidelines.
9.8.2 Utility Allowance Revisions
HABC will review its schedule of utility allowances each year. Between annual reviews, HABC
will revise the utility allowance schedule if there is a rate change that by itself or together with
prior rate changes not adjusted for, results in a change of 10 percent or more from the rates on
which such allowances were based. Adjustments to resident payments because of such changes
shall be retroactive to the first day of the month following the month in which the last rate change
considered in such revision became effective. Such rate changes shall not be subject to the 60-day
notice requirement.
Unless HABC is required to revise utility allowances retroactively, revised utility allowances will
be applied to a family’s rent calculations at the next reexamination after the allowance is adopted.
9.8.3 Surcharges For HABC-Furnished Utilities
For dwelling units subject to allowances for HABC-furnished utilities where individual meters
have been installed, HABC charges for utility consumption in excess of the allowances. The excess
consumption is computed on a straight per unit of purchase basis and is based on HABC’s average
utility rate. The basis for calculating the excess utility consumption charges is described in
HABC’s schedule of allowances. Changes in the amount of excess consumption charges based
directly on changes in the HABC’s average utility rate are not subject to the advance notice
For dwelling units served by HABC-furnished utilities where individual meters have not been
installed, HABC may establish schedules of surcharges indicating additional dollar amounts
residents will be required to pay by reason of estimated utility consumption attributable to resident-
owned major appliances. The surcharge schedule will state the resident-owned equipment for
which surcharges will be made and the amounts of such charges. Surcharges will be based on the
cost to HABC of the utility consumption estimated to be attributable to reasonable usage of such
9.8.4 Notice Requirements Utilities
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will give notice to all residents of proposed
allowances and scheduled surcharges, and revisions thereof. The notice will:
Be provided at least sixty (60) days before the proposed effective date of the allowances,
scheduled surcharges, or revisions.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 9-10
Notify residents of the place where HABC’s documentation on which allowances and
surcharges are based is available for inspection; and
Provide all residents an opportunity to submit written comments during a period expiring
not less than thirty (30) days before the proposed effective date of the allowances,
scheduled surcharges, or revisions.
9.8.5 Utility Allowance Reasonable Accommodation
On request from a family, HABC may approve a utility allowance that is higher than the applicable
amount for the dwelling unit if a higher utility allowance is needed as a reasonable accommodation
because a family member with a disability uses equipment, which requires electricity to operate,
to address the disability need.
9.8.6 ResidentPaid Utilities
HABC will establish the utility allowance for sites with resident paid utilities for the unit, which
may be modified in accordance with applicable law and regulations.
The resident’s TTP will be reduced by the amount of the utility allowance, which HABC will
provide to the resident.
If the resident’s actual utility bill(s) exceeds the utility allowance, the resident must pay the full
amount of the bill to the utility supplier.
If the resident pays a flat rent, the resident is not entitled to a utility reimbursement because the
utility allowances are factored into the schedule of flat rents.
By signing a third-party notification agreement at application for the utility service, the resident
authorizes HABC or the privately managed sites, whichever is applicable, to be notified by
the utility provider if the resident fails to pay the utility bill. Failure of the resident to maintain
utility service is grounds for termination under the lease.
Applicants cannot be admitted, and residents cannot be transferred to a development with
resident-paid utilities unless they can obtain utility service. The following requirements apply
to residents living in developments with resident-paid utilities or applicants being admitted to
such developments:
If a resident or applicant is unable to get utilities connected because of a previous
balance owed to the utility company, the resident/applicant will not be permitted to move
into a unit with resident-paid utilities. As a result, a current resident will not be permitted
to transfer to scattered site units or privately managed sites with resident paid utilities
and an applicant will not be admitted to a unit with resident-paid utilities.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 9-11
When a resident is responsible for payment of utilities, payment of the utility bills is the
resident's obligation under the lease. Failure to maintain utilities is grounds for eviction.
If the unit is serviced by an individual meter, the resident is responsible for establishing
an account directly with the utility provider and paying for those individually metered
9.8.7 Utility Reimbursement
If the resident’s rent is less than the utility allowance, HABC or the privately managed site will
pay a monthly utility reimbursement, equal to the difference between one month's total tenant
payment and one month’s utility allowance, either to the resident or, with the resident’s consent,
directly to the utility provider on the resident’s behalf, if the resident is paying an income-based
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 10-1
HABC permits residents to transfer within or between housing sites for the reasons set forth in
this policy. The transfer policy will be carried out in a manner that does not violate fair housing
For purposes of this transfer policy the "losing development" refers to the development/unit from
which the family is moving and the "receiving development" refers to the development/unit to
which the family is transferring. Losing and receiving developments include privately
owned/managed sites with RAD units, LTA units and units with public housing subsidy.
HABC’s policy provides for resident transfers, within and/or between HABC public housing sites
and the privately owned/managed sites that are RAD sites or have LTA units or public housing
units for the following reasons:
To abate dangerous and/or substandard conditions within the unit that cannot otherwise
be addressed.
Because the resident is an intimidated crime victim and/or an intimidated crime witness
as defined in this chapter.
Because the resident is a crime victim as defined under the Violence Against Women Act,
as amended.
Because the resident has an approved reasonable accommodation transfer request to
address a disability.
To accommodate resident families that are determined to be over- or under-housed
because of their family size or composition.
Because the resident is living in a unit that has been certified as meeting the Uniform
Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS) for wheelchair accessibility or as near UFAS
compliant and no one in the household needs the accessibility features in the unit.
To permit rehabilitation of the resident’s unit.
Because the unit is scheduled for disposition and/or demolition.
To offer standard alternative accommodations when repairs to the unit cannot be made
within a reasonable time.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 10-2
Because the resident is living in a Low-Income Housing Tax Credit unit and no longer
meets the income eligibility requirements for the unit;
Pursuant to a memorandum of understanding between the resident and HABC.
To be determined eligible for a transfer initiated by residents, residents must submit the required
documentation to HABC to substantiate their requests and must be in good standing with HABC
at the time of transfer. When a resident who is not in good standing has been approved for a
transfer due to an emergency, immediate need, reasonable accommodation, demolition,
disposition, or because the resident is in an accessible unit and no one in the household needs the
features of the unit, HABC may require the resident to enter a memorandum of understanding
before allowing the resident to transfer.
A resident is not in good standing when:
A resident is delinquent in rent.
HABC has issued a Notice of Lease Termination and the outcome of the Notice of Lease
Termination is pending or the resident’s household is the subject of a pending lease
enforcement investigation.
The resident has a poor rental history or a history of disturbances; or
The resident, a member of the resident’s household or a guest of the resident has damaged
the unit.
The household has engaged in criminal activity.
Residents will not be allowed to transfer when HABC has received judgment or been awarded
possession of the unit.
Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Sites
Residents may not be transferred to a LIHTC site unless they are income eligible.
Resident Paid Utilities
Residents may not be transferred to a development with resident-paid utilities unless he/she can
obtain utility service.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 10-3
HABC may approve a transfer pursuant to an MOU entered into between the resident and HABC
to resolve a lease termination or other similar issue
The following are the types of transfers allowed under HABC’s transfer policy:
Emergency to Address Health, Safety, and Habitability Issues
Emergency Under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
Emergency to Address an Intimidated Crime Victim & Intimidated Crime Witness (IV/IW)
Immediate Needs
Reasonable Accommodation
Demolition, Disposition, Revitalization or Rehabilitation
Transfer from Accessible Units
Severely Over/Under Housed Category
Over/Under Housed Category 2
Emergency transfers to address health, safety, and habitability issues are made because the
resident's unit has become uninhabitable because of fire, flood, or other causes; or (b) one or more
properties adjacent to the resident’s unit is/are obsolete as to physical conditions and may pose a
threat to the safety of the resident.
When the unit is uninhabitable, the resident will be required to relocate. Relocation of the resident
is not a waiver by HABC of its right to terminate the resident’s lease where it is determined that
the damage was caused by an intentional act, carelessness/or negligence on the part of the resident,
a member of the resident's household, guest or other person under the resident’s control.
The following are conditions for which a resident may qualify for an Emergency VAWA transfer:
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 10-4
A resident or an immediate family member is a crime victim of domestic violence, dating
violence, sexual assault, or stalking.
The resident expressly requests the transfer, and the resident reasonably believes that harm
or further violence is imminent if the resident remains in the unit or if the sexual assault
occurred on the premises during the 90 day period preceding the request for transfer;
The resident has complied with all other obligations of the public housing program; and
Supporting documentation of the abuse is provided.
Residents receiving a VAWA-based Emergency Public Safety transfer may be referred to a
domestic violence crime victim services organization if a safe unit is not immediately available.
Consistent with HABC’s Emergency Transfer Plan, HABC may allow residents requesting
Emergency VAWA transfers to select up to three specific developments for transfer to protect the
resident’s safety and security. Where three development options are allowed, the applicable
developments covered under the CAMPBWL constitute one development selection. See
An Intimidated Crime Victim (“IV”) Means a person subject to a credible threat of imminent
harm or threatened harm in connection with the person’s status as a victim of a criminal act that is
planned, threatened, attempted or completed, who is cooperating with law enforcement.”
An Intimidated Crime Witness (“IW”) Means a person subject to a credible threat of imminent
harm or threatened harm in connection with the person’s status as a witness to a crime that is
planned, threatened, attempted or completed, who is cooperating with law enforcement.
The following are conditions for which a resident may qualify for an Emergency IV/IW transfer:
The household needs to be relocated because of a household member’s participation in a
witness protection program or in order to avoid reprisal as a result of providing information
to a law enforcement agency.
The household’s need to relocate has been verified by a local, State or Federal law
enforcement agency. The following are examples of the type of documentation required
for a family to be considered for this type of transfer: police reports, letter from law
enforcement agency describing the situation and the need for a transfer, or court records
such as a restraining order.
Consistent with HABC’s Emergency Transfer Plan, HABC may allow residents requesting
Emergency IV/IW transfers to select up to three specific developments for transfer to protect the
resident’s safety and security. Where three development options are allowed, the applicable
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 10-5
developments covered under the CAMPBWL constitute one development selection. See Appendix
An administrative transfer is a transfer that is initiated by HABC because HABC determines that
the transfer is in the best interest of the resident or HABC. HABC reserves the right to determine
the priority of the transfer. Full documentation for the transfer rationale must be placed in the
resident’s file. Administrative transfers require approval from the Executive Director or his/her
The consent decree entered in Bailey v. HABC (JFM-02-CV-225) and United States of America
v. HABC (JFM-04-CV-3107) (the Bailey Consent Decree) provides for immediate needs transfers,
which receive priority over other reasonable accommodation transfer requests.
The Immediate Needs Plan, which is Attachment B to the Bailey Consent Decree, defines
“Immediate Need” as follows:
An immediate need refers to a family (including a family of one) residing in public housing
that has a family member with a disability who: a) lacks access to a toilet; b) lacks access
to a shower or a bathtub that can be used by a person with a disability; c) lacks access to
the kitchen unless the person with the disability is a minor child under age 8 years; d) lacks
access to a bedroom; e) lacks access to a bedroom occupied by a minor child/children for
whom the person with a disability provides supervision or has child care responsibilities;
f) lacks the ability to enter or exit the unit without assistance; or g) is at a substantial health
risk, as verified by a healthcare professional, due to the conditions of the current unit.
The Immediate Needs Plan is to “remain in effect until HABC has completed the creation of the
total number of UFAS compliant accessible public housing units required under the” Bailey
Consent Decree. HABC may, in its sole discretion, continue the Immediate Needs Plan after the
total number of UFAS compliant accessible public housing units has been created.
Immediate Needs transfer requests are investigated by Immediate Needs teams in accordance with
the aforementioned Immediate Needs Plan. If the Immediate Needs team determines that the
resident has an Immediate Need, it will prepare, with input from the resident, an Immediate Needs
Plan. If the Immediate Needs Plan includes the option of a transfer to another unit and the family
selects that option, the family will be placed on the reasonable accommodation transfer waiting
list based on the date that the transfer request was made. Development selections will follow the
policies under Reasonable Accommodations Transfers.
HABC approves reasonable accommodation (RA) transfer requests to a disability of the head of
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 10-6
household or a household member. Disability verification is required where the disability is not
obvious or when it is not clear how a transfer will address the disability.
RA transfers are divided into two groups:
Transfers to UFAS or units on one level
All other RA transfers
Residents requesting an RA transfer to a UFAS unit or unit on one level may NOT select specific
Residents requesting all other RA transfers may select up to three locations as transfer options.
Where three development options are allowed, the applicable developments covered under the
CAMPBWL constitute one development selection.
HABC will relocate a resident family with reasonable written notice when the unit or property in
which the resident family lives is being disposed of or demolished or is undergoing major
rehabilitation that requires the unit to be vacant.
Affected resident families will be placed on the transfer waiting list created pursuant to the HABC
approved relocation plan.
In cases of revitalization or rehabilitation, the HABC approved relocation plan may provide that
the family may be offered a temporary relocation and may be allowed to return to the family’s unit
once revitalization or rehabilitation is complete.
In the event an accessible unit/unit with accessible features is occupied by a family that does not
require those features, HABC or the privately managed site will initiate a transfer when a resident
with a disability or an applicant with a disability requiring the accessible unit/features is identified.
Families living in accessible units/units with accessible features who do not need the accessible
unit/accessible features: (1) will be given notice to move when a resident with a disability or
applicant with a disability who needs the features in the unit is identified; (2) will receive a 30-
calendar day notice to move after a unit of appropriate size/type is identified; and (3) will be
required to transfer. If the family refuses to transfer, HABC or the privately managed site will
terminate the lease.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 10-7
Severely Over/Under-Housed Category Transfers where the number of occupants listed on HABC
Dwelling Lease constitutes over/under-housed conditions according to HABC’s Occupancy
Standards by two (2) or more bedrooms.
Over/Under-Housed Category Transfers are transfers where:
The number of occupants listed on HABC Dwelling Lease constitutes over/under-
housed conditions according to HABC’s Occupancy Standards by one (1) bedroom.
HABC may approve a request for a split family transfer to address:
A reasonable accommodation.
An emergency health, safety and/or habitability issue.
An over/under housed family in the event no appropriate size unit is available in the
absence of a family split; or
To address a VAWA situation.
The resident who splits from the original household must be otherwise eligible for occupancy of
a public housing unit and legally capable of executing a lease.
Transfers required by HABC are mandatory for the resident. Mandatory transfers are initiated by
HABC management with the forwarding of a Notice of Proposed Action to a resident. HABC may
proceed to terminate tenancy if a resident does not move based on a mandatory transfer. If the
family requests a grievance hearing within the required timeframe, HABC may not take action on
the transfer until the conclusion of the grievance process.
The following are HABC initiated transfers:
Emergency to Address Health, Safety, and Habitability Issues
Demolition, Disposition, Revitalization or Rehabilitation
Transfer from an Accessible Unit
Severely Over/Under Housed Transfers
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 10-8
Over/Under Housed Category 2 Transfers
Transfer Pursuant to an MOU
Family Splits to address Health, Safety, and Habitability Issues; to Address a VAWA
Situation or to Address a Severely Over/Under-housed Situation
Resident-initiated transfers are transfers that commence with a written transfer request submitted
to HABC by the resident and are approved by HABC. Resident reasonable accommodation
requests to transfer to address a disability may be made orally. The resident’s oral request shall be
memorialized in writing by the resident or on behalf of the resident by representative of the resident
or by HABC staff.
The following are resident-initiated transfers:
Immediate Needs
Reasonable Accommodation
Emergency VAWA
Emergency IV/IW
Families must document circumstances that serve as the basis for the transfer request in a form
acceptable to HABC.
HABC will verify the need for the transfer and determine eligibility for the requested transfer.
HABC will respond either by approving the transfer and putting the family on the appropriate
transfer waiting list, by denying the transfer, or by requiring more information or documentation
from the family.
If the family is not approved for the transfer, HABC will provide a denial letter to the family that
will include information on the family’s right to request a grievance. The letter denying a
reasonable accommodation transfer request will identify Fair Housing agencies that the resident
may contact.
Centralized transfer waiting lists are administered by the Office of Admissions and Leasing to
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 10-9
ensure that transfers are processed in the correct order and that procedures are uniform across all
properties. Housing Operations staff submits requests for transfers, including necessary
documentation, to the Office of Admissions and Leasing. The Office of Admissions and Leasing
staff places residents approved for transfers on the appropriate waiting list based on the date the
request was made for resident-initiated transfer requests and the date of the transfer application for
HABC-initiated transfers. Within each transfer category, selection will be determined by the date
and time of the resident-initiated transfer request or the date of the HABC-initiated transfer
application, which ever applies, and required unit type.
HABC may, at the time a resident reaches the top of the transfer waiting list, re-determine the
resident’s transfer needs prior to making any unit offer.
Residents on the Emergency to Address Health, Safety, and Habitability Issues; Emergency
VAWA; Emergency IV/IW; Immediate Needs; Demolition, Disposition, Revitalization, or
Rehabilitation, Transfers from an Accessible Unit; Reasonable Accommodation and Severely
Over/Under-housed transfer waiting lists will be offered units that become available before the
units are offered to applicants on the public housing waiting list. For over/under housed transfers,
on an annual basis, HABC will review its current occupancy goals and objectives and, based on
that review, establish a ratio of new admissions to transfers.
Transfers will be processed in the following order based on the date/time of application within
each category, subject to the requirements of Section 10.9, Administrative Transfers and Section
10.12, Demolition, Disposition, Revitalization, or Rehabilitation:
1. Emergency to address health, safety, and habitability issues
2. Emergency VAWA
3. Emergency IV/IW
4. Immediate Needs
5. Reasonable accommodation
6. Transfers from accessible units
7. Severely over-housed
8. Severely under-housed. HABC will house one severely under-housed current resident for
every 3 applicants housed at the affected AMP
9. When the list of severely over/under-housed current residents is exhausted, HABC will
house one over/under-housed current resident for every 4 applicants housed at the affected
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 10-10
HABC may, at its sole discretion, transfer a resident family without regard to its position on the
transfer list in order to address a family in crisis or to address a legal directive. The transfer must
be approved by two executive staff and full documentation that supports, and provides the reasons
for, the transfer rationale must be placed in the resident’s file.
HABC will pay for reasonable moving costs related to the transfer types outlined below. Moving
costs must be pre-approved by HABC.
Emergency to address health, safety, and habitability issues
Demolition, Disposition, Revitalization or Rehabilitation
Reasonable Accommodation and Immediate Needs
Transfers from accessible units
For all other transfers, the resident will pay all moving and other costs related to the transfer.
Residents transferring from one HABC development to another HABC development will not be
required to pay a new security deposit. Rather, the security deposit paid at the losing development
will be transferred to the resident’s account at the receiving development. If the resident has not
paid all or part of the security deposit to the losing development, the resident will be required to
pay the entire security deposit to the receiving development before being allowed to transfer.
Residents transferring between a privately owned or managed site and an HABC development
will be reimbursed the security deposit paid to losing development and required to pay a new
security deposit to the receiving development.
The Housing Managers at the losing and receiving developments will reach an agreement on the
date the lease for the unit in the losing development will end and the date the lease for the receiving
development will begin. They will also work cooperatively to complete the move and ensure that
the residents sign the required the pre-transfer and leasing documents. Residents transferring
between traditional public housing units will have three working days to return the keys to the
losing development. Residents transferring from private sites to traditional public housing must
return keys to the private site immediately.
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 10-11
When a suitable unit is available, HABC will offer the unit to the next family on the waiting list
per the transfer hierarchy. HABC has the right to offer the same unit to multiple residents at the
same time. If more than one resident accepts the unit, the unit will be leased to the resident who
accepts the unit before the expiration of the acceptance period and is on the highest priority waiting
list and has been on that waiting list for the longest period. Offers shall be made orally and in
Generally, if the resident rejects the offered unit, unless the rejection is for good cause: (1) in
resident-initiated transfers, the resident will be removed from the transfer waiting list; (2) in
HABC-initiated transfers, the resident will receive a lease termination notice.
Residents requesting RA transfers will be allowed to refuse three units, without good cause, before
being removed from the RA Transfer WL.
HABC may allow residents requesting Emergency IV/IW and VAWA transfers to select up to
three specific developments for transfer to protect the resident’s safety and security
If circumstances require immediate removal of the occupants in the unit, the resident will be
required to move to the first available appropriate size unit, which will be considered a temporary
move. If the unit from which the resident has been moved is made habitable, the resident may
have the option of returning to that unit or, if the unit cannot be made habitable, to another unit
in the same development. If the resident refuses to move, HABC will issue a lease termination
notice to the family.
The resident has the right to file a grievance in accordance with HABC’s Grievance Policy.
Removal from the transfer waiting list means the resident must reapply for a transfer.
Generally, a resident will pay the same rent at the receiving development as s/he paid at the losing
development. When a family is paying the flat rent at the losing development, the family will be
given a choice to pay income-based or the flat rent amount at the receiving development.
Residents who intend to transfer to a privately managed site may be screened by the site in
accordance with that site’s approved tenant selection plan. The screening may result in an increase
in the resident’s the rent payment.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will notify the resident of the rent amount before the
transfer occurs. Any applicable rent changes will be effective the first of the month following the
month of the transfer.
Upon transfer to another unit, the head of household will sign a new lease that will be effective the
HABC ACOP: DRAFT 7-26-19 10-12
date of the transfer. However, the date of the new lease may affect the reexamination date.
The receiving development should be certain that the annual, biennial or triennial review,
whichever applies, is properly scheduled to give the staff time to re-determine rent in order to
meet the established reexamination date.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 11-1
All units must be occupied pursuant to a dwelling lease agreement between HABC and the resident
or, at the privately owned/managed sites, between the landlord and the resident. (See Appendix J
Dwelling Lease). This chapter describes pre-leasing activities and HABC's policies pertaining
to lease execution, security deposits, other charges, and additions to the lease. This chapter also
describes HABC’s policies with respect to inspection of each dwelling unit prior to move-in, at
move-out, and during the period of occupancy.
The initial term of the lease will be for 12 months. The lease will renew automatically for 12-
month terms unless the resident has violated the community service requirement as described in
the chapter on community service. An annual signing process is not required because the lease
automatically renews for terms of 12 months.
The lease is incorporated into this policy by reference. The lease document will reflect current
HABC policies as well as applicable federal, state and local law. The privately owned/managed
sites may use a lease that is different from HABC’s lease but will also comply with applicable
federal, state and local law. The HABC lease, including attachments and rider(s) is attached as
Appendix J. The head of household is the person who signs the lease, assumes legal and financial
responsibility for the unit and is listed on the lease as the head of household.
The following provisions govern lease execution and amendments:
A lease is executed at the time of admission for all new residents.
A new lease is executed at the time of the transfer of a resident from one HABC unit
to another or between an HABC unit and a privately owned/managed unit.
Lease signers must be persons legally eligible to execute contracts.
The names and dates of birth of all household members are listed on the lease at initial
occupancy and on the HUD form 50058 at the time of re-examination. Only those persons
listed on the most recent HUD form 50058 shall be permitted to occupy the dwelling unit.
Changes to resident rents are made upon the preparation and execution of a notice of rent
adjustment by HABC or the owner/manager of a privately owned/managed site, which
becomes an attachment to the lease. Documentation of a change to a resident’s rent will be
included in the resident file.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 11-2
Households that include a live-in aide must sign the form in which both the head of
household and the live-in aide acknowledge that the live-in aide is not a party to the lease.
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites may modify their forms of lease from time to time.
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will provide residents with at least 30 calendar
days advance notice of the proposed changes to the lease and an opportunity to comment on the
changes. All comments will be considered before formally adopting changes to the lease.
After proposed changes have been approved by the Board of Commissioners and incorporated
into the HABC Lease or by a privately owned/managed site and incorporated into its lease, each
family will be notified at least 60 calendar days in advance of the effective date of the new lease
or lease revisions.
Schedules of special charges and rules and regulations are subject to modification or revision.
Because these schedules are incorporated into the lease by reference, residents and resident
organizations will be provided at least 30 calendars days’ written notice of the reason(s) for any
proposed modifications or revisions and must be given an opportunity to present written
comments. The notice will be delivered directly or mailed to each resident; or posted in at least
three conspicuous places within each structure or building in which the affected dwelling units are
located, as well as in a conspicuous place at the management office, if any, or if none, a similar
central business location within the development or site.
11.4.1 Changes in Family Composition
The lease will be modified to reflect all changes in family composition. Policies related to when
and how changes in family composition must be reported are set forth in the chapter on
Reexamination and Continued Occupancy.
A resident's refusal to accept permissible and reasonable lease modifications is grounds for
termination of tenancy.
Termination of the resident's lease is to be in accordance with the provisions contained in the lease
agreement and as stated in this policy.
“Security deposit” means any payment of money, including payment of the last month's rent in
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 11-3
advance of the time it is due, given to a landlord by a tenant in order to protect the landlord against
nonpayment of rent, damage due to breach of lease, or damage to the leased premises, common
areas, major appliances, and furnishings.
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites require new residents to pay a security deposit in
the amount of $50.00 or an amount not to exceed one month’s rent, whichever is lower. The family
may be allowed to pay the security deposit in installments, or the family may be required to pay
the security deposit in full prior to occupancy. Subject to applicable laws, the security deposit and
the interest earned on security deposits will be refunded to the resident unless used for any of the
costs listed below.
The amount of the security deposit required is specified in the lease. HABC and the privately
owned/managed sites will hold the security deposit for the period the resident occupies the unit.
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will refund the security deposit (including interest
earned on the security deposit) less any amounts owed within 45 calendar days after move-out and
resident's notification of a new address. The security deposit will be used by HABC and the
privately owned/managed sites to pay the cost of:
Unpaid rent;
Damages listed on the Move-Out Inspection Report that exceed normal wear and tear;
Other charges under the lease.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will provide the resident, or the person designated by
the former resident in the event of the former resident's incapacitation or death, with a written list of
any charges against the security deposit. If the resident or his/her designee disagrees with the
amount charged to the security deposit, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will meet
with the former resident or his/her designee to discuss the charges.
The resident must leave the dwelling unit in a clean and undamaged (beyond normal wear and tear)
condition and must furnish a forwarding address to HABC or the privately owned/managed site.
All keys to the unit must be returned to the appropriate management office upon moving out of the
If the resident transfers to another unit in an HABC owned and managed property, HABC will
transfer the security deposit to the new unit. The resident will be billed for any maintenance costs
or other charges arising out of the resident’s tenancy in the unit from which he or she is
transferring. Residents transferring between a privately owned/managed site and an HABC
development will be reimbursed the security deposit paid to the losing development, minus any
maintenance costs or other charges arising out of the resident’s tenancy and required to pay a new
security deposit to the receiving development.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 11-4
The policy on pet deposits is set forth in Chapter 12 (Pet Policy Family Developments) and in
The policy on leasing accessible units is set forth in the Chapter on Occupancy Guidelines, section
Before signing the lease, families will be required to attend a pre-occupancy training session.
When the family signs the lease, an HABC representative or a private manager, whichever is
applicable, will review the lease and the documents incorporated into the lease, including but not
limited to the documents listed below, with the head of household and co-head.
A copy of the lease
A copy of the grievance procedures
A copy of the House Rules or community rules, if applicable
A copy of the schedule of maintenance charges
Information about the protections offered under the Violence Against Women Act of 2013
At both the pre-occupancy training session and at the lease signing, a number of topics will be
discussed that will include, but are not limited to, the topics listed below, before the family signs
the lease.
Applicable deposits and other charges
Provisions of the lease
Family choice of rents
Rent payment options
Orientation to the community
Unit maintenance and work orders
Explanation of each of the forms to be signed by the family
Excess utility consumption charges
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 11-5
Terms of occupancy
Community service requirements
VAWA protections
The resident rent is due and payable on the 1st of every month. If the rent payment is not received
by the date set forth in the lease, a delinquent rent notice will be sent.
The requirements relating to fees and nonpayment penalties are set forth in the lease.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site shall assess and collect a fee of 5% of the monthly rent
if the resident does not pay the full amount of rent due by the end of the fifth day of the month.
Repeated late payment of rent and/or other charges is grounds for termination of the Lease. See
Chapter 14 (Lease Terminations).
Any rent payment received will be applied to the oldest rent charges in the resident's account.
A charge will be assessed against the resident for checks that are returned for insufficient funds or
checks written on a closed account. When HABC or a privately owned/managed site has been
informed that a resident’s check has been returned for insufficient funds, the resident will be notified,
and the rent is to be satisfied by the payment of the outstanding amount using HABC or privately
owned/managed site approved payment options immediately upon such notification to the resident.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will always consider the rent unpaid when a check is
returned because of insufficient funds or a check is written on a closed account. If a
check is
twice for insufficient funds, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will no
longer accept a check from, or on behalf of, that resident.
If HABC or the privately owned/managed site has not agreed, in writing, to accept payment at a
later date, a Failure to Pay Rent” complaint will be filed with the court. HABC or the privately
owned/managed site will note the cost of filing the “Failure to Pay” complaint in the resident’s
account and will seek an award of this cost in the “Failure to Pay” action upon judgment by the
court in favor of HABC or the privately owned/managed site.
Schedules of charges for services and repairs and the utility allowance schedule shall be publicly
posted in a conspicuous manner in the management office and will be provided to applicants and
residents upon request.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 11-6
In instances where HABC or the privately owned/managed site charges the resident for
maintenance and repair beyond normal wear and tear, the lease will state the basis for the
determination of such charges.
Charges for maintenance and repair beyond normal wear and tear are not due and collectible until
thirty calendar days after HABC or the privately owned/managed site gives written notice of the
charges. The written notice is considered an adverse action and will meet the requirements
governing a notice of adverse action. HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will not take
the proposed action until the time for the resident to request a grievance hearing has expired, or if
a hearing was requested within the required timeframe, the grievance process has been completed.
Nonpayment of maintenance and damage charges is a violation of the lease and is grounds for
Residents responsible for direct payment of utilities must abide by any and all regulations of
the specific utility company, including regulations pertaining to advance payments of deposits.
Failure to maintain utility services during tenancy is a lease violation and grounds for eviction.
Where applicable, charges for excess utility consumption will be due and collectible thirty
calendar days after HABC gives written notice of the charges. The written notice is considered
an adverse action and will meet the requirements governing a notice of adverse action.
Non-payment of excess utility consumption charges to HABC or the privately owned/managed
site is a violation of the lease and is
grounds for eviction.
HABC or the privately owned/managed sites will require that residents comply with pest control
activities undertaken by the housing authority. Residents will be required to provide access to the
apartment when pest control treatments are scheduled. HABC or the privately owned/managed
sites will enter any apartment where pest control activities are scheduled and/or needed. Residents
are required to complete all pre-treatment activities in their apartments prior to the pest control
treatment, such as placing items in plastic bags and storing food items. Failure to allow access for
pest control and/or failure to prepare the apartment for pest control activities will result in lease
termination. Pest Control activities must be completed on all units in order for the treatments to
be effective. For this reason, this policy will be strictly enforced. Residents are required to abide
by the terms of the Bed Bug Lease Addendum. Resident negligence, resulting in infestation, is a
violation of the Lease and may result in Lease termination. HABC will provide at least forty-eight
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 11-7
(48) hour notice prior to the pest treatment.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 12-1
HABC inspects each dwelling unit prior to move-in, at move-out, and annually during occupancy.
Additionally, HABC may require additional inspections, in accordance with HABC Policy.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site and the family will inspect the premises prior to
occupancy of the unit in order to
of the unit and
in the unit. A
copy of the initial
signed by HABC or the privately owned/managed site and the family,
will be kept in the resident file.
The head of household or co-head must sign the inspection form.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will perform a move-out inspection when the resident
vacates the unit. The resident will be given notice of the right to participate in the move-out
The purpose of this inspection is to determine necessary maintenance and whether there are
damages that exceed normal wear and tear. HABC or the privately owned/managed site will
determine if there are damages to the unit caused by the resident. Damages caused by the resident
may affect part or all of the resident’s security deposit.
The move-out inspection also assists HABC or the privately owned/managed site in determining
the time and extent of the preparation and repairs necessary to make the unit ready for the next
HABC will inspect the unit at least one a year for the purpose of preventive maintenance (PM).
The PM inspection will also cover inspection of major systems, i.e. heating, air conditioning.
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will inspect all units and common areas annually
using HUD's Uniform Physical Condition Standards (UPCS) as a guideline.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 12-2
The purpose of the QC inspections is to ensure that repairs have been completed at an
acceptable level of craftsmanship and to determine resident satisfaction with the work performed.
HABC inspection staff will conduct QC inspections for an established percentage of units.
HABC QC Inspection staff will conduct inspections on all units at a site as part of a site audit.
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will conduct unit inspections of all units at least
annually. The purpose of these inspections is to determine the housekeeping and unit
conditions. Units that fail the unit inspections will be subject to follow-up inspections.
During the unit inspections, the Reasonable Accommodation Survey Tool Short Form will be
completed with the resident to allow the resident to identify if any family member has a disability
and needs a reasonable accommodation to address that disability.
HABC and privately owned/managed site staff will periodically conduct walk-through
inspections to determine whether there may be lease violations, adverse conditions, or local code
HABC and privately owned/managed site staff may conduct an emergency inspection if they
believe that an emergency exists in a unit or on the site. A work order must be generated after the
inspection has been conducted.
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will be allowed to inspect units at reasonable times
with reasonable notice.
If HABC is unable to enter the dwelling unit because a different lock has been installed in the
dwelling unit, HABC will install a new lock to gain entry to perform the necessary inspection,
maintenance, extermination treatment or repair. HABC will leave a written statement posted on
the dwelling unit notifying the resident to come to the management office of his/her development
to obtain the new keys. This information will be included in advance in the notice to resident
scheduling such inspection, maintenance, extermination treatment or repair.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 12-3
12.10.1 Emergency Entries
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites may enter dwelling units at any time without
advance notice when there is reasonable cause to believe that an emergency exists. If no adult
household member is present at the time of an emergency entry, HABC and privately
owned/managed staff will leave a written statement showing the date, time and purpose of the
entry prior to leaving the dwelling unit.
12.10.2 Non-Emergency Entries
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will provide families with written 48-hour notice
prior to entering the unit for non-emergency reasons.
Non-emergency reasons for entering a unit are:
Maintenance and repairs- If a Resident requests repairs through the work order system of
HABC or the privately owned/managed sites, the Resident will be informed at the time of
the request that HABC or the privately owned/managed sites may enter the Resident’s unit
during normal business hours, without any further advance written notice to the resident,
for the sole purpose of making the requested repairs. Maintenance staff will knock and
announce their entry into the unit upon arrival to make the requested repairs.
HABC or the privately owned/managed sites will leave a summary of the actions taken during
the repair visit.
To make improvements
An adult family member should be present in the unit during a non-emergency inspection. If no
one is in the unit, the staff person(s) will leave a written notice for the resident regarding the date
and time the non-emergency inspection was attempted.
If a resident needs to reschedule a non-emergency inspection, the resident must notify HABC or
the privately owned/managed site at least 48 hours prior to the re-scheduled inspection.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will reschedule the non-emergency inspection no
more than twice unless the resident has a verifiable good cause reason for refusing entry. HABC
may request verification of such good cause. If the resident refuses to allow the inspection, the
resident will be in violation of the lease.
If a unit fails, the unit inspection HABC or the privately owned/managed site will provide the
resident with a copy of the inspection report with required corrections. The resident will be
required to correct noted items. A follow-up inspection will be conducted within 30 calendar
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 12-4
days. HABC or the privately managed site may require the resident to participate in
housekeeping/unit maintenance counseling. The inspection report will indicate whether required
corrections are to be charged to the resident or covered by HABC or the privately
owned/managed site.
If the resident fails make required corrections identified on the inspection report, lease termination
may result.
Repeated failed inspections or damages to the unit beyond normal wear and tear caused by the
resident, a member of the household or a guest of the resident may constitute serious or repeated
lease violations. HABC may charge the resident for the reasonable cost of repairs.
"Beyond normal wear and tear" is defined as items that could be charged against the resident's
security deposit under state law or repairs resulting from willful damage, neglect or negligence.
If the unit is damaged to the extent that conditions are created which are hazardous to the life,
health, or safety of the occupants, the resident must immediately notify HABC or the privately
owned/managed site, whichever is applicable, of the damage. Abatement of the emergency must
be completed within 24 hours from the time the work order is issued.
If HABC or the privately owned/managed site cannot make repairs within 24 hours, the resident
will be offered standard alternative accommodations. If HABC or the privately owned/managed
site can neither repair the defect within 24 hours nor offer alternative housing, rent shall be abated
in proportion to the seriousness of the damage and loss in value as a dwelling. Rent shall not be
abated if the damage was caused by a household member or guest, or if the resident rejects the
alternative accommodations.
The following items are to be considered emergency in nature and require immediate (less than 24
hour) response:
Broken lock which affects unit security
Broken window glass which affects unit security, is a cutting hazard, or occurs during
inclement weather (to be secured or abated)
Plumbing leaks that can cause flooding or damage to the unit
Natural gas leaks or smell of fumes
Backed-up sewage
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 12-5
Electrical hazard
Units in which the temperature is below 68 degrees because of defective or broken heaters.
Units with elderly residents or residents with disabilities in which HABC-owned air
conditioners are inoperable during the summer or in which the refrigerators are inoperable.
Inoperable smoke detectors will be treated as a 24-hour emergency and will be replaced or
made operable. Residents who disengage smoke detectors for convenience purposes are in
violation of their lease.
If necessary to bring the unit into UPCS compliance, routine or needed repairs will be completed
by HABC or the privately owned/managed site. Non-emergency repairs will be completed by
HABC or the privately owned/managed site within 30 calendar days of the inspection date.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 13-1
HABC’s policy on pets in family developments is set forth in the Pet Policy for Family
Developments (the Pet Policy), attached as Appendix F: PET POLICY FOR FAMILY
DEVELOPMENTS. The Pet Policy is reasonably related to the legitimate interest of HABC in
providing a decent, safe and sanitary living environment for residents, providing standards aimed
at creating the best possible environment for both pet owners and non-pet owners, and promoting
responsible care of pets.
Privately owned sites may have different pet policies. The family developments converted under
RAD shall follow the pet policy set forth in the Long Term Affordable (LTA) Criteria.
Neither HABC’s Pet Policy nor the pet policies followed by the privately owned sites, or the RAD
Sites apply to animals that are used to assist, support or provide service to persons with disabilities,
or to service animals that visit public housing developments.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 14-1
This Chapter summarizes the policy for conducting reexaminations. It also explains the interim
reporting requirements for families and the standards for timely reporting.
Residents who meet the following criteria will be eligible for continued occupancy:
Qualify as a family as defined in Chapter 4: Eligibility for Admission.
Are in full compliance with the obligations and responsibilities described in the dwelling
Whose family members, age 6 and older, each having submitted their social security
numbers or having provided a certification from the Social Security Administration
that a social security number has not been issued.
Whose family members have submitted required citizenship/eligible immigration
status/non-citizens documents.
Who are not over-income (as defined in this chapter) for the specified period of
Under the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (HOTMA) of 2016, over-income is
defined as a family with adjusted income which exceeds 120% of area median income (AMI).
After a family’s adjusted income has exceeded 120% of AMI for two consecutive years, HABC
will charge the family a monthly rent which will be set by HUD in forthcoming guidance.
At a regular or interim reexamination, if a family’s adjusted income exceeds the applicable over-
income limit, HABC will document the family file and begin tracking the family’s over-income
status. A family which is over-income will be placed on an annual recertification frequency
beginning with the first regular or interim recertification in which the family exceed the over-
income limit.
If one year after the applicable regular or interim reexamination the family’s adjusted income
continues to exceed the applicable over-income limit, HABC will notify the family, in writing,
that their adjusted income has exceeded the over-income limit for one year, and that if the family
continues to be over-income for 12 consecutive months, the family will be subject to HABC’s
over-income rent policies.
If two years after the applicable annual or interim reexamination the family’s adjusted income
continues to exceed the applicable over-income limit, HABC will charge the family the alternate
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 14-2
rent set by HUD; however, where residents reside in units financed with Low Income Housing
Tax Credits, rent generally will not exceed the applicable maximum rent as required under Low
Income Housing Tax Credit regulations. HABC will notify the family in writing of their new rent
amount which will be effective 30 days after HABC’s written notice to the family.
If, at any time, an over-income family experiences a decrease in income, the family may request
an interim redetermination of rent in accordance with HABC policy. If, as a result, the previously
over-income family is now below the over-income limit, the family is no longer subject to over-
income provisions as of the effective date of the recertification. In such instances, HABC will
notify the family in writing that over-income policies no longer apply to them. If the family’s
adjusted income later exceeds the over-income limit again, the family will be entitled to a new
two-year grace period.
HABC will update the over income limits no later than 60 days after HUD publishes the new
income limits each year. See Appendix G: OVER-INCOME LIMITS for the applicable income
limit for the current year.
HABC will begin tracking over-income families once these policies have been adopted.
The frequency of reexaminations by HABC and the privately owned/managed sites is based on the
resident’s program participation, income source and whether the resident chooses income based
rent or flat rent. The following identifies the frequency of the re-examinations:
MTW Policy
Except as set forth below, the re-examination of HABC residents will generally occur every
The re-examination of households where 100% of income is from fixed incomes sources
will occur every three years. Fixed income refers to social security income, supplemental
security income and/or pension income.
Regular re-examination of households who elect the flat rent option will occur every three
years. Households who elect the flat rent option will be required to certify their household
composition annually.
Regular re-examination of households who report zero or minimal income and households
at privately owned/managed properties will occur annually. Minimal income is defined as
$2,400 or less in annual gross household income.
When and if an over-income family’s income decreases to the point where their income no
longer exceeds 120% of area median income, HABC will conduct a certification to review
the family income and determine the applicable recertification frequency for the family.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 14-3
HABC may also schedule a regular reexamination for completion prior to the anniversary date for
administrative purposes.
At regularly scheduled reexaminations, residents will provide all certifications and forms in
accordance with HABC, HUD and tax credit requirements, as applicable.
The table below provides a summary of household types and reexamination frequency.
Table of Reexamination Frequency
Frequency of Reexamination
Households on fixed incomes only
Triennial (MTW Policy)
Over-Income Households
Households who select the flat rent option
Annual flat rent updates
Households who report zero income,
minimal income or temporary or sporadic
income only, child support only, State
Assistance (e.g., TANF) only
Households at privately owned/managed
Households with an Earned Income
Households on an EID will have
recertifications completed on a biennial
basis; however, if an EID period starts
outside of the effective date of the regular
recertification, HABC will conduct an
interim recertification at the start and end
of the 24-month exclusion period
All other households
Biennial (MTW Policy)
HABC reserves the right to create a different re-examination schedule.
When families move to a dwelling unit in another development, the receiving development will
prepare a new HUD form 50058 at the time of the family’s transfer. The receiving development
will complete a regular reexamination with an effective date that coincides with the new lease
effective date. The reexamination month may be made consistent with the reexamination schedule
at the new development but will not be more than 24 or 36 months from the last regular
reexamination. When families move to another dwelling unit within the same development, a new
HUD form 50058 must be prepared at the time of the family’s transfer.
All families will be notified of their obligation to recertify by first class mail. Generally, HABC
sends the reexamination notification letter at least 120 days before the scheduled reexamination
effective date. HABC will provide families with at least 14 working days advance notice of the
first scheduled reexamination appointment.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 14-4
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will provide notices in an accessible format or
mail notices to a third party, if requested as a reasonable accommodation by a person with
Persons with disabilities who are unable to come to HABC's office or the offices of the privately
owned/managed site for the reexamination may make a reasonable accommodation to have the
interview conducted at the person's home, which shall be approved if it is verified that the person
has a disability that prevents him/her from going to the HABC office or the offices of the privately
owned/managed site.
Verification that the person has a disability or that the requested accommodation will address the
disability may be required if the disability is not obvious.
If the family is unable to attend the first scheduled interview, the family must contact HABC or
the privately owned/managed site at least 10 working days before the interview is scheduled to
occur to schedule a new appointment.
If the family does not appear for the reexamination interview and has not rescheduled the
interview with HABC or the privately owned/managed site, HABC or the privately owned/managed
site will schedule a second appointment. HABC will provide the family with 10 working days
advance notice of the rescheduled appointment. HABC will not reschedule a reexamination
appointment more than twice except as a reasonable accommodation.
Families must contact HABC if they are unable to attend the second scheduled appointment. If
the family fails to appear for the second appointment HABC or the privately owned/managed site
will issue a notice of lease termination.
Exceptions to these policies may be made by the HABC Asset Manager or the property manager at
the privately owned/managed site if the family provides documentation of a good cause reason
that prevented them from canceling or attending the appointment.
The terms of the public housing lease and the privately owned/managed site leases require the
family to furnish information regarding income and family composition as may be necessary for
the redetermination of rent, eligibility, and the appropriateness of the housing unit. All adult
members of the household are required to sign consent/release forms necessary in the
recertification process.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 14-5
Any required documents or information the family is unable to provide at the time of interview
must be provided within 5 working days from the date of the interview. If the family is unable to
obtain or supply the information within the required time frame, the family must request an
14.8.1 Requirements to Attend Reexamination Interview
All adult household members will be required to attend the reexamination interview and sign the
Personal Declaration and Continued Occupancy Declaration. If the head of household is unable to
attend the interview, the appointment will be cancelled.
14.8.2 Household Members Turning 18
Residents are not required to report when a family member turns 18 years of age between regular
recertifications. However, if a family member will be 18 years of age on or before the household’s
recertification effective date, they must attend the reexamination appointment.
For families who include nonexempt individuals, HABC will determine compliance with
community service requirements. See the Chapter on Community Service.
All families will be notified of their obligation to recertify by first class mail. Generally,
HABC sends the reexamination notification letter at least 120 days before the scheduled
reexamination effective date.
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will provide notices in an accessible format or
mail notices to a third party, if requested as a reasonable accommodation by a person with
Persons with disabilities who are unable to come to HABC's office or the offices of the privately
owned/managed site for the reexamination may make a reasonable accommodation to have the
interview conducted at the person's home, which shall be approved if it is verified that the person
has a disability that prevents him/her from going to the HABC office or the offices of the privately
owned/managed site.
Verification that the person has a disability or that the requested accommodation will address the
disability may be required if the disability is not obvious.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 14-6
All information that affects the family's eligibility for continued occupancy and the family's total
tenant payment and rent will be verified in accordance with HABC or the privately
owned/managed site verification policies and procedures.
When the information has been verified, it will be analyzed to determine:
The continued eligibility of the resident as a family or as the remaining member of a
The unit size required by the family.
The amount of rent the family should pay.
As part of the reexamination process, HABC will make appropriate adjustments in the rent after
consultation with the family and upon verification of the information.
14.12.1 Resident Rent Increases
If, because of a regularly scheduled reexamination, the resident rent increases, a 30-day notice
will be mailed to the family prior to the reexamination effective date.
If less than 30 calendar days are remaining before the effective date, the resident rent increase
will be effective on the first day of the month following the 30-day notice.
If there has been a misrepresentation or a material omission by the family, or if the family
delay in the reexamination processing, the increase in rent will be effective on the scheduled
effective date.
14.12.2 Resident Rent Decreases
If the family reports a change that results in a rent decrease within 30 calendar days of the
regular reexamination effective date, the change will be effective on the regular reexamination
effective date.
If a resident reports changes in circumstances that result in a rent decrease more than 30
calendar days prior to the next reexamination date, the change will be treated as an interim
reexamination effective on the first day of the following month that the family reported the
change. The regular reexamination effective date will not change as a result of this action.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 14-7
If the family causes a delay so that the processing of the reexamination is not complete by the
regular reexamination effective date, any decrease in rent will be effective on the first day of the
month following completion of the reexamination processing by HABC or the privately
owned/managed site.
For a family that chooses the flat rent option, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will
conduct a reexamination of family composition at least annually and will conduct a reexamination
of family income at least once every three years.
Once a year, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will: (1) give each family the opportunity
to choose between the two methods for determining the amount of resident rent payable monthly
by the family; and (2) require each family to submit updated information about the household
composition. The family may choose to pay either a flat rent as determined in accordance with
HABC’s flat rent schedules, or an income-based rent. HABC and the privately owned/managed
sites will require families to submit their choice of flat or income-based rent in writing and will
maintain such requests in the resident file.
If the family choses a flat rent for the previous year, HABC or the privately owned/managed site
will provide the amount of income-based rent for only the year HABC or the privately
owned/managed site conducts an income reexamination or, during the intervening years, only if
the family specifically requests income recalculation and submits updated income information.
For further information on flat rent schedules and changes, see Chapter 8: Income and Adjusted
14.13.1 Flat Rent Annual Updates
In scheduling the annual update, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will follow the policy
used for scheduling the annual reexamination of families.
As flat rent updates will be determined annually, based on changes to fair market rents (FMR),
and resident rent updates will occur on the annual rent update anniversary, there may be times that
residents on flat rent are paying more or less than 80% of the FMR, depending on the change to
the FMR. Flat rent increases will be limited so that no family on flat rent will have an increase in
excess of 35 % of the family’s existing rent amount due to the increase in FMR.
If the family has chosen flat rent, his/her rent shall be adjusted at the next annual flat rent update
or regular reexamination rather than at the point the flat rent may change. At the time of the annual
flat rent update or regular reexamination, the family will be given the choice of changing to
income-based rent or of remaining on flat rent at the current (most recently adjusted) flat rent for
the family’s unit.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 14-8
Family circumstances may change between annual reexaminations. HABC policies and the polices
of the privately owned/managed sites define the types of information about changes in family
circumstances that must be reported, and under what circumstances HABC or the privately
owned/managed site will process interim reexaminations to reflect those changes. HUD
regulations also permit HABC and the privately owned/managed sites to conduct interim
reexaminations of income or family composition at any time.
The regular reexamination effective date will not change as a result of an interim reexamination.
HABC will verify all income and expense information for the household member for whom the
change is reported. Additionally, when a household reports removal of a household member,
HABC will verify that the household member has vacated the unit. Income/expense changes for
other household members are not required to be reviewed or verified during interim
Required Interim Reporting
Families are required to report the changes outlined below. HABC will process an interim rent
change when any of the following occur:
Zero or minimal income family receives monetary or non-monetary income
Family with only temporary or sporadic income receives monetary or non-monetary
Change in family composition
HABC will process an interim reexamination at the start and end of Earned Income Disregard
period. See Earned Income Disregard policies.
If a household reports a change that it was not required to make which will result in an increase in
rent, HABC will place the information in the file; however, HABC will not process an interim
increase in rent. There is one exception to this policy where FSS families are concerned. Upon
request from a family participating in the Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSS), if the family
reports an increase in income between regular recertifications and requests an interim
recertification, HABC will process the interim recertification so that the family can take advantage
of the escrow deposit feature of the FSS program. The family will also experience an increase in
rent as a result of the increase in income.
Optional Interim Reporting
Families may report the changes outlined below. HABC will process an interim rent change when
any of the following occur:
Decrease in income
Increase in allowable expenses
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 14-9
The standard for timely reporting is within 10 working days from the date of the change. This
standard applies to required and optional reporting. For example, if a resident loses his job on
April 1
, timely reporting of the job loss will be 10 working days from April 1
. See the policies
on effective dates of interim rent changes when reporting is or is not timely.
If the change is not reported within the required time period, or if the family fails to provide
signatures, certifications or documentation within the required time frame, it will be considered
untimely reporting.
Families are required to submit interim changes in writing. Generally, the head of household and
the person requesting the change will be required to attend an interview for an interim
Based on the type of change reported, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will determine
the documentation the family will be required to submit. Any information, document or signature
that is needed from the family to verify the change must be provided within 5 working days from
the date HABC or the privately owned/managed site made the request. This time frame may be
extended by HABC or the privately owned/managed site for good cause. HABC and the privately
owned/managed sites will accept required documentation by mail, by fax, electronic mail (email)
or in person.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site may conduct the interim reexamination by mail as a
reasonable accommodation when requested. (See Chapter 2: Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity).
Between regular reexaminations, residents may report a decrease in income and other changes,
such as an increase in allowances or deductions that would reduce the amount of the total tenant
payment within 10 working days of when the change occurs. Any information, document or
signature needed from the family that is needed to verify the change must be provided within 5
working days from the date of the HABC request.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will process the rent adjustment unless HABC or the
privately owned/managed site confirms that the decrease in income will last less than 30 calendar
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 14-10
Generally, families paying income-based and flat rents are not required to report increases in
income or assets between regular reexaminations. HABC and the privately owned/managed sites
will not process rent adjustments resulting from these increases in income until the next regularly
scheduled reexamination, except in certain cases as described in this ACOP.
Families must report all changes in household composition to HABC or the privately
owned/managed site within 10 working days from the date of the change. Such changes
include additions due to birth, adoption and court-awarded custody. The family must obtain
approval from HABC or the privately owned/managed site prior to all other additions to the
household. The change in family composition must be submitted in writing.
Following receipt of a family's request for addition of a household member, HABC or the privately
owned/managed site will conduct a pre-admission screening, including the criminal history report,
of the proposed new member. HABC or the privately owned/managed site will not allow the
addition of a new family or household member unless the individual meets the applicable
screening criteria and documentation requirements as described in Chapter 4: Eligibility for
Admission. Only new members approved by HABC or the privately owned/managed sites will
be added to the household.
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will conduct an interim reexamination for all
changes in family and household composition that occur between regular reexaminations and
annual updates. The head of household shall provide HABC or the privately owned/managed site
with all income documentation for the new household member. HABC or the privately
owned/managed site will process an increase in rent when the household size increases due to the
addition of a new family member with earned or unearned income.
If a household receives public assistance benefits and reports any change in family composition
between reexaminations, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will re-verify the public
assistance benefit and recalculate income and rent using the new benefit amount. Income
attributable to new members being added to the household will be evaluated and may result in a
recalculation of the rent.
Additions to the household subject to applicable screening:
Any person 18 or older the resident proposes to add to the lease.
Resident is awarded custody of a child who is 14 or older.
Children who are 14 and older are added through a kinship care arrangement.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 14-11
Resident desires to add a new family member to the lease, a live-in aide, or a foster
A unit is occupied by a remaining family member(s) under age 18 (not an emancipated
minor) and an adult who was not a member of the original household requests permission
to take over as the head of household.
Additions to the household not subject to screening:
Children born to a family member.
Children for whom court-awarded custody is provided, if the child is under the age of 14;
Legal adoptions of minors.
14.19.1 New Family Members Not Requiring Prior Approval
The addition of a family member as a result of birth, adoption, or court-awarded custody does not
require prior approval from HABC or the privately owned/managed site; however, the family is
required to notify HABC or the privately owned/managed site of the addition within 10 working
days of the occurrence.
14.19.2 New Family Members Requiring Approval
The family must inform HABC or the privately owned/managed site and obtain approval from
HABC or the privately owned/managed site for additional family members, other than additions
due to birth, adoption, and court-awarded custody, before the new member occupies the unit. Only
new members approved by HABC or the privately owned/managed site will be added to the
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will not approve the addition of family members
other than by birth, adoption, court-awarded custody, or marriage/interdependent relationship
where the occupancy standards would require a larger size unit, except as a reasonable
accommodation. Exceptions will be reviewed, and determinations made on a case-by-case basis.
Residents who fail to notify HABC or the privately owned/managed sites of additions to the
household, or who permit persons to join the household without undergoing screening, are in
violation of the lease. Such persons are considered to be unauthorized occupants by HABC or the
privately owned/managed sites and the entire household will be subject to eviction.
14.19.3 Departure of a Family or Household Member
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 14-12
If a family or household member ceases to reside in the unit, the family must inform HABC or the
privately owned/managed site within 10 working days of the occurrence. This notification
requirement includes removal of a live-in aide, foster child, or foster adult. The household must
complete a certification of removal and provide verification of the removal, i.e. new address for
the household member being removed, death certificate etc.
These individuals may not be added back to the lease and must apply as a new applicant for
placement on the HABC public housing waiting list.
14.19.4 Change in Family Size & Transfer
HABC will initiate a unit transfer, if needed under the Occupancy Guidelines, for additions to the
family in the following cases:
Addition of a minor who is a member of the family who had been living
Addition of a live-in aide approved by HABC or the privately owned/managed
Addition due to birth, adoption or court-awarded custody.
If a change due to birth, adoption, court-awarded custody, or need for a live-in aide requires a
larger size unit due to overcrowding, the resident will be placed on the appropriate transfer
waiting list for the larger unit and transferred to an appropriately sized unit when the resident
reaches the top of the waiting list and an appropriately sized unit becomes available.
Transfers due to over-housing or under-housing conditions caused by the addition or removal of
household members will be handled in accordance with Chapter 10: Transfer Policy.
14.20.1 Zero Income, Minimal Income & Temporary/Sporadic Income Adults
A zero-income adult is one who does not receive any income, contributions and/or benefits on
his/her own behalf or on behalf of another individual in the household.
A temporary or sporadic income adult is an adult who reports only temporary or sporadic income
Temporary and sporadic income is excluded from the calculation of annual income.
Zero income adults and adults reporting only temporary/sporadic income are required to report
monetary and/or non-monetary changes in income or benefits between regular reexaminations.
HABC will process an increase in rent when a zero income or minimal income adult reports
an increase in income or benefits between regular reexaminations as well as process an increase
in rent when an adult reporting only temporary or sporadic income reports an increase in
income or benefits between regular reexaminations.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 14-13
Once income/benefits are received and reported by an adult with zero and/or an adult reporting only
temporary/sporadic income, subsequent increases in income/benefits between regular
reexaminations do not need to be reported until the next regular reexamination.
14.20.2 Zero Income, Minimal Income & Temporary/Sporadic Income Household
A zero income or temporary/sporadic income household is one where no household member
receives any income, contributions and/or benefits on his/her own behalf or on behalf of another
individual in the household or the only income received by the entire household is
temporary/sporadic income.
A minimal income household is one where the gross annual household income is $2,400 or less
per year.
Households that report zero income, minimal or temporary/sporadic income may be required to
provide information regarding their means of basic subsistence, such as food, utilities,
transportation, etc. If the family’s expenses exceed the family’s known income, HABC may make
inquiry as to the nature of the family’s accessible resources.
See the policies on verification of zero income, minimal income or temporary/sporadic income
HABC will run an EIV income report on zero income and minimal income households as well as
households reporting only temporary/sporadic income every 180 days and take action for
unreported income. Regular reexaminations are conducted annually for zero income and minimal
income households and households reporting only temporary/sporadic income
14.20.3 Interim Reexamination Other
If at the time of regular reexamination, tenant-provided documents were used on a provisional
basis due to the lack of third-party verification, and third-party verification becomes available,
HABC will conduct an interim reexamination if the difference in income is greater than
HABC may conduct an interim reexamination at any time in order to correct an error in a
previous reexamination, or to investigate a tenant fraud complaint.
HABC will process reexaminations after the family request or family notification of changes in
income, expense, deductions and/or household composition.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 14-14
An increase in rent, because of a reexamination, will generally be effective on the first of the month
following 30 calendar days’ notice to the family.
A decrease in rent because of a reexamination will generally be effective on the first of the month
following the month in which the change was reported.
If a family fails to report a change within the required time frames or fails to provide all required
information within the required time frames, the increase will be applied retroactively to the date
it would have been effective had the information been provided on a timely basis. The family
will be responsible for any underpaid rent and may be offered a repayment agreement in
accordance with the policies in this ACOP or be required to make a lump sum payment.
If the change is not reported timely, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will not
retroactively apply the rent decrease. In this case, the rent decrease will be effective on the first
day of the month following th3e completion of the reexamination processing by HABC or the
privately owned/managed site.
In cases where, through no fault of the resident, the change cannot be verified until after the date
the change would have become effective, the change will be made retroactively.
If HABC or the privately owned/managed site causes the delay in the timely processing of the
reexamination: (1) in the case of a rent increase, the effective date will be the first of the month
following 30 calendar days’ notice to the resident; and (2 in the case of a rent decrease, the
overpayment by the family will be calculated retroactively to the date it should have been
effective, and the family will be credited for the amount.
Any changes reported by residents other than those listed in this section will be noted in the file
by the staff person but will not be processed between regularly scheduled reexaminations.
If HABC or the privately owned/managed site makes a calculation error at admission or during
regular or interim reexaminations, an interim reexamination will be conducted to correct the
error. The family will not be charged retroactively for any increase in rent. However, if the
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 14-15
family was underpaying rent, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will increase the
rent to the correct amount effective on the first of the month following 30 calendar days’ notice
to the family. HABC or the privately owned/managed site will credit the resident’s account
for rent that was overpaid due to error by HABC or the privately owned/managed site.
"Absence" and “absent” mean that no family member is residing in the unit.
To determine if the family is absent from the unit, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will:
Conduct home visits.
Write letters to the family at the unit; and/or
Call and/or write the emergency contact.
Families must notify HABC or the privately owned/managed site if they are going to be absent
from the unit for more than fifteen consecutive calendar days. A person with a disability may
request an extension of time as a reasonable accommodation.
14.26.1 Permanently Absent Household Member
Any member of the household will be considered permanently absent if s/he is away from the unit
for 6 consecutive months or more except as otherwise provided in this Chapter. A household
member who is permanently absent will be removed from the lease and that person’s income will
no longer be counted.
Anyone who is removed from the lease must apply to HABC for public housing in order to be
housed by HABC or in a privately owned/managed site.
14.26.2 Temporarily Absent Household Member
Generally, an individual who is or is expected to be absent from the assisted unit for less than 6
consecutive months per calendar year is considered temporarily absent.
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will compute all applicable income of every family
member who is on the lease, including those who are temporarily absent.
14.26.3 Absence of an Entire Family
Families are required to notify HABC or the privately owned/managed site in accordance with
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 14-16
the lease before they move out of a unit and to give HABC or the privately managed site
information about any family absence from the unit.
If the entire family is absent from the unit, without permission from HABC or the privately
owned/managed site for more than 30 consecutive calendar days, the unit will be considered to be
vacant and HABC or the privately owned/managed site will terminate tenancy.
In cases where the family has moved out of the unit, HABC or the privately owned/managed site
will terminate tenancy in accordance with the appropriate lease termination procedures contained
in this Policy.
As a reasonable accommodation for a person with a disability, HABC or the privately managed
site may approve an extension. During the period of absence, payment of the rent and other
charges must remain current.
14.26.4 Absence Due to Medical Reasons
If any family member leaves the household to enter a facility such as a hospital, a nursing home,
or a rehabilitation center, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will consult with a reliable
qualified source as to the likelihood and timing of the family member’s return. If the verification
indicates that the family member will be living in a nursing home permanently, the family
member will be considered permanently absent. If the verification indicates that the family
member will return in less than 6 consecutive months, the family member will be considered
temporarily absent, as long as rent and other charges remain current.
If the person who is determined to be permanently absent is the sole member of the household,
assistance will be terminated in accordance with Absence of Entire Family.
14.26.5 Absence Due to Incarceration
Any member of the household will be considered permanently absent if he/she is incarcerated for
30 consecutive calendar days for drug-related or other criminal activity.
14.26.6 Absence Due To Foster Care
If the family includes a child or children temporarily absent from the home due to placement in
foster care, HABC will determine from the appropriate agency when the child/children will be
returned to the home.
If the time is to be greater than 180 consecutive calendar days from the date of removal of the
child(ren), the family may be required to move to a smaller size unit. If all children are removed
from the home permanently, the unit size will be reduced in accordance with HABC's occupancy
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 14-17
14.26.7 Parent/Legal Guardian Absent from the Unit
When neither a parent nor a legal guardian remains in the household and the appropriate agency
has determined that another adult is to be brought into the assisted unit to care for the children for
an indefinite period: (1) within 30 calendar days, the proposed caretaker must provide
documentation to HABC or the privately owned/managed site that s/he is seeking custody or legal
guardianship of the children; (2) within 10 working days of receiving the documentation, HABC
or the privately owned/managed site will screen the proposed caretaker; and (3) if the proposed
caretaker passes the screening, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will enter into a lease
with the proposed caretaker. If the proposed caretaker does not provide the required
documentation or does not pass the screening, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will
take action to gain possession of the unit.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site may obtain periodic updates from social services staff
or the attorney representing the children regarding the status of the action to obtain custody or
legal guardianship.
The caretaker will be allowed to remain in the unit as a visitor until he or she signs the lease or is
determined to ineligible.
14.26.8 Absent Students
Full-time students who are 17 and older and attend school away from the home but live with
the family during school recesses may, at the family's choice, be considered either temporarily or
permanently absent.
If the family decides that the member is permanently absent, income of that member
will not be included in total household income, the member will not be included on
the lease, and the member will not be included for determination of unit size. College
students who were part of the family but who now live away from home during the
school year and are not considered members of the household may visit for up to 90
days per year without being considered a member of the household. Students under
the age of 17 who attend school away from home will not be considered permanently
Full-time students who attend school away from the home and live with the family during school
recess will be considered temporarily absent from the household.
14.26.9 Minors in the Unit on a Temporary Basis
In a joint custody arrangement, if the minor is in the household less than 90 calendar days per
year, the minor will be an eligible visitor and not a family member. If both parents reside in
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 14-18
federally assisted housing, only one parent will be able to claim the child for deductions and for
determination for the occupancy standards. For situations where the minor lives with the parent
for more than 90 calendar days, see Joint Custody of Dependents.
If a household member is temporarily absent and, in the military, all military pay and allowances
(except hazardous duty pay when exposed to hostile fire and any other exceptions to military pay
HUD may define) are counted as income.
On a case-by-case basis, HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will make reasonable
exceptions with respect to program requirements for active duty military families, to the extent
HABC can do so while responsibly administering the PH program.
Exceptions will be granted at HABC’s sole discretion and must be approved by the Deputy Chief
for Operations or his/her designee.
Exceptions may include, but are not limited to:
Allowing a guardian who meets HABC’s or the privately owned/managed site’s
screening criteria to move into the assisted unit on a temporary basis to care for any
dependents that the military person leaves in the unit. Income of the guardian
temporarily living in the unit solely for this purpose is not to be counted in determining
family income and rent.
Where a member of the family has been called into active duty, allowing the assisted
tenancy and dwelling lease to remain in effect for up to 9 consecutive months even
though all members of the family are temporarily absent from the assisted unit.
Until the member of the family called into active duty returns, allowing for a no-change
reexamination and then completing the interim reexamination within 30 calendar days
after the military family member returns.
14.28 GUESTS
HABC will reasonably accommodate a resident's overnight guests for a combined total period of
up to twenty-one (21) nights in any fifty-two (52) weeks period. If HABC agrees to extend the
time, HABC may impose such additional conditions as are reasonable. The term “guest” means
a person temporarily staying in the Dwelling Unit with the consent of the resident or other
member of the household who has express or implied authority to so consent on behalf of the
resident. An “overnight guest” means a guest who spends the night in the Dwelling Unit.
Absence of evidence of any other address will be considered verification that the guest is an
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 14-19
unauthorized household member
HABC will consider:
Statements from neighbors and/or HABC staff
Vehicle license plate verification
Post Office records
Driver's license verification
Law enforcement reports
Credit reports
Use of the unit address as the guest’s current residence for any purpose shall be construed as
permanent residence.
The burden of proof that the individual is a guest rests on the family. In the absence of such
proof, the individual will be considered an unauthorized occupant and HABC or the privately
owned/managed site will terminate the family's lease.
If an individual other than a leaseholder is representing to an outside agency that they are residing
in the resident’s unit, the person will be considered an unauthorized occupant.
Residents are not allowed to have boarders and lodgers live with them.
Resident families who separate while being assisted under the federally assisted program will be
assessed on a case-by-case basis to determine which family members remain assisted under the
program. The policy pertaining to remaining members is as follows:
To be considered the remaining member of the resident family, the person must have been
previously approved by HABC or the privately owned/managed site to be living in the unit.
A live-in aide, by definition, is not a member of the family and will not be considered a
remaining member of the family.
The head of household, the co-head or the remaining family member of the household who
has custody of any minor children will retain the federally assisted unit.
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In cases where the head of household and co-head of household have a joint custody
arrangement for minor children, the original head of household will retain the federally
assisted unit.
In cases where the head of household dies, leaving minor children, the new head of
household will be subject to all eligibility and admission requirements of HABC or the
privately owned/managed sites. If the new head of household is a current resident of
HABC or of a privately owned/managed site, the receiving development will screen the
resident to determine if s/he is in good standing.
In cases where there are two adult co-heads of household with no minor children, the
original head of household will retain the federally assisted unit.
In cases where a non-related adult has been added to the household, the original head of
household will retain the federally assisted unit.
In the event that the head of household dies, a remaining adult household member may
become head of household if that adult was on the lease and meets all other program
eligibility and continued occupancy requirements.
Exceptions to the “remaining family member” requirement will be reviewed by HABC or
the privately owned/managed site on a case-by-case basis.
If a separation is the result of a divorce or separation under a settlement or judicial decree,
HABC or the privately managed site will follow any court determination regarding which
family members will retain the federally assisted unit.
In order for a minor to continue to receive assistance as a remaining family member, HABC
or the privately owned/managed site has to verify that the court awarded emancipated
minor status to the minor or that the appropriate agency has arranged for another adult to
be brought into the unit to care for the child(ren) for an indefinite period of time. The adult
must meet the HABC screening criteria or the screening criteria of the privately
owned/managed site unless the adult is already a resident of HABC or a privately
owned/managed site, in which case the adult must be a resident in good standing.
Changes in family or household composition may make it appropriate to consider transferring the
family to comply with occupancy standards. HABC or the privately owned/managed site may use
the results of the regular or interim reexamination to require the family to move to an appropriate
size unit. See Chapter 10: Transfer Policy.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site shall grant exceptions from the occupancy standards
if the family requests and HABC or the privately owned/managed site determines that the
exceptions are justified according to this policy. See Chapter 6: Occupancy Standards.
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HABC or the privately owned/managed site will not assign a larger bedroom size due to additions
of family members other than by birth, adoption, marriage, or court-awarded custody.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will consider the size and number of bedrooms when
an exception is requested.
When a change in the circumstances in a resident family results in eligibility for another unit
size, the family will be placed on the appropriate transfer waiting list.
Under the Noncitizens Rule, "mixed" families are families that include at least one citizen or
eligible immigrant and any number of ineligible members.
If a mixed family does not qualify for continued assistance, the member(s) that caused the family
to be ineligible for continued assistance may move, or the family may choose prorated assistance.
Revised utility allowance schedules for residents who pay utilities directly to the utility company
will be applied to a family’s rent calculations at the first regular reexamination after the allowance
is adopted.
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This chapter presents the policies that govern voluntary termination of the lease by the family and
the mandatory and voluntary termination of the lease by HABC and the privately owned/managed
sites. Either party to the dwelling lease agreement may terminate the lease in accordance with the
terms of the lease. When the family moves from the family’s public housing unit, the family loses
its rental assistance. Families living in other federally assisted housing located in the privately
owned/managed sites may lose their assistance, depending on the circumstances of their move-
out. Therefore, there are additional safeguards to protect the family’s tenancy in federally assisted
housing. Likewise, there are safeguards to protect HUD’s interest in the federally assisted housing
programs. HABC and the privately owned/manages sites have the authority to terminate the lease
because of the family’s failure to comply with HUD regulations, for serious or repeated violations
of the terms of the lease, and for other good cause. HUD regulations also specify when termination
of the lease is mandatory by HABC and the privately owned/managed sites.
The family may terminate the lease by providing HABC or the privately owned/managed site with
30 calendar day’s prior notice at any time, for any reason, as indicated in the lease. Such notice
must be in writing and delivered to the property site office or HABC’s central office or the
privately owned/managed site or sent by pre-paid first-class mail, properly addressed. The notice
of lease termination must be signed by the head of household, spouse, or co-head. When a family
must give less than 30 days’ notice due to circumstances beyond the family’s control, HABC or
the privately owned/managed site, at its discretion, may waive the 30-day notice requirement.
Residents must provide HABC with seventy-two (72) advance notice of their actual move-out date
so that HABC can ensure that the unit is safely secured.
HUD requires mandatory termination of the lease for certain actions or inactions of the family.
Conditions for mandatory termination include the reasons listed in sections 14.3.1 through 14.3.8
15.3.1 Failure to Provide Consent
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will terminate the lease if any family member fails to
sign and submit any consent form s/he is required to sign for any reexamination.
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15.3.2 Failure to Document Citizenship
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will terminate the lease if:
A family fails to submit required documentation within the required timeframe concerning
any family member’s citizenship or immigration status.
A family submits evidence of citizenship and eligible immigration status in a timely
manner, but United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) primary and
secondary verification does not verify eligible immigration status of the family, resulting
in no eligible family members; or
A family member, as determined by HABC or a privately owned/managed site, has
knowingly permitted another individual who is not eligible for assistance to reside (on a
permanent basis) in the unit. The mandatory termination does not apply to ineligible
noncitizens listed on the lease resulting in proration of assistance.
15.3.3 Failure to Disclose and Document Social Security Numbers
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will terminate assistance if a participant family fails
to disclose the complete and accurate social security numbers of each household member and the
documentation necessary to verify each social security number.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will defer the family’s termination and provide the
family with the opportunity to comply with the requirement for a period not to exceed 90 calendar
days from the date HABC or the privately owned/managed site determined the family to be
noncompliant for circumstances beyond the participant’s control. These may include, but are not
limited to, delayed processing of the social security number application by the Social Security
Administration, natural disaster, fire, death in the family, or other emergency.
15.3.4 Failure to Accept HABC’s Offer of a Lease Revision
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will terminate the lease if the family fails to accept
HABC’s or the privately owned/managed site’s offer of a lease revision to an existing lease,
provided HABC or the privately owned/managed site has done the following:
The revision is on a form adopted by HABC or the privately owned/managed site pertaining
to requirements for notice to residents and resident organizations and their opportunity to
present comments.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site has made a written notice of the offer of the
revision at least 60 calendar days before the lease revision is scheduled to take effect and
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 15-3
HABC or the privately owned/managed site has specified in the offer a reasonable time
limit within that period for acceptance by the family.
15.3.5 Methamphetamine Conviction
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will immediately terminate the lease if HABC or the
privately owned/managed site determines that any household member has ever been convicted of
the manufacture or production of methamphetamine on the premises of federally assisted housing.
15.3.6 Lifetime Registered Sex Offenders
Should HABC or the privately owned/managed site discover that a member of an assisted
household was subject to a lifetime registration requirement at admission and was erroneously
admitted after June 25, 2001, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will immediately
terminate assistance for the household member.
In this situation, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will offer the family the opportunity
to remove the ineligible family member from the household. If the family is unwilling to remove
that individual from the household, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will terminate
assistance for the household.
15.3.7 Noncompliance with Community Service Requirements
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will review compliance with the community
service requirement in conjunction with the regular reexamination schedule.
15.3.8 Death of the Head of Household in a Single Member Household
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will terminate assistance for a deceased single member
household. HABC or the privately owned/managed site will list the end of participation date as
the date on which the family or designee of the deceased resident’s estate returned the keys and
signed a vacate notice; or the date the public housing lease was terminated; or the date HABC or
the privately owned/managed site legally regained possession of the unit, whichever occurs first.
To permit a presumed next of kin to obtain belongings of a deceased resident left in the
dwelling unit, such person must present valid picture identification and must: (1) be listed
on the resident’s emergency contact form; (2) present a letter of administration from a court
of competent jurisdiction; or (3) present a notarized statement, in the form approved by
HABC, certifying under penalties of perjury that he/she has the sole right to claim possession
of the items.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 15-4
HABC or the privately owned/managed site has the discretion to terminate the lease when and if
HABC or the privately owned/managed site determines that the resident, a member of the
resident’s household or guest, or any other person under the resident’s control participates in any
of the following activities:
Engaging in drug-related criminal activity on or off the premises;
Illegally using a drug or a pattern of illegal use of a drug that interferes with the health,
safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment of the premises by other residents;
Any criminal activity that threatens the health, safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment of the
premises by other residents or by persons residing in the immediate vicinity of the
Abuse or pattern of abuse of alcohol that threatens the health, safety, or right to peaceful
enjoyment of the premises by other residents (HABC will consider the use of alcohol to be a
pattern if there is more than one incident during the previous 12 months);
Furnishing false or misleading information concerning illegal drug use, alcohol abuse, or
rehabilitation of illegal drug users or alcohol abusers;
Incidents of actual or threatened domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or
stalking (such incidents may not be construed as serious or repeated violations of the lease
by the crime victim or threatened victim of such violence or stalking);
Fleeing to avoid, or harboring someone fleeing, prosecution, or custody or confinement
after conviction, for a crime, or attempt to commit a crime, that is a felony under the laws
of the place from which the individual flees or violating a condition of probation or parole
imposed under federal or state law;
Any member of the household, during the household’s current public housing tenancy,
becoming subject to a registration requirement under a state sex offender registration
Discovery of facts after admission to the program that would have made the resident
Discovery of materially false statements or fraud by the resident in connection with an
application for assistance or with a reexamination of income;
Failure to furnish such information and certifications regarding family composition and
income as may be necessary for HABC or for the privately owned/managed site to make
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 15-5
determinations with respect to rent, eligibility, and the appropriateness of the dwelling unit
Failure to transfer to an appropriate size dwelling unit based on family composition, upon
appropriate notice by HABC or the privately owned/managed site that such a dwelling unit
is available;
Failure to transfer out of a wheelchair accessible unit after it has been determined that no
one in the household needs the features of the wheelchair accessible unit upon appropriate
notice by HABC or the privately owned/managed site that another dwelling unit is
Failure to permit access to the unit by HABC or the privately owned/managed site after
proper advance notification for the purpose of performing routine inspections and
maintenance, for making improvements or repairs, or to show the dwelling unit for re-
leasing, or without advance notice if there is reasonable cause to believe that an emergency
exists. A written statement specifying the purpose of HABC’s, or the privately
owned/managed site’s entry delivered to the unit at least forty-eight (48) hours before such
entry shall be considered reasonable advance notification;
Failure to inform HABC or the privately owned/managed site of the birth, adoption or
court-awarded custody of a child within 10 working days of the event;
Failure to abide by the provisions of HABC’s pet policy or a privately owned/managed
site’s pet policy;
Repeated late payment of rent or other charges;
If the family has breached the terms of a repayment agreement entered into with HABC or
the privately owned/managed site;
Violation of a federal, state, or local law that imposes obligations in connection with the
occupancy or use of the premises (inclusive of failure to appear and provide all required
information during the re-examination unless the resident can show that failure to provide
the information was due to circumstances beyond the resident’s control;
Engaging in or threatening violent or abusive behavior toward HABC or the privately
owned/managed site personnel (abusive or violent behavior includes verbal as well as
physical abuse or violence; use of racial epithets, or other language, written or oral, that is
customarily used to intimidate may be considered abusive or violent behavior; threatening
refers to oral or written threats or physical gestures that communicate intent to abuse or
commit violence);
Resident caused damage;
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 15-6
Failing to move out of a unit to allow the rehabilitation of the unit; and
Failing to move out of a unit when the move is for health and safety reasons.
In addition, HABC or the privately owned/managed site may terminate the lease for other grounds
that constitute serious or repeated violations of material terms of the lease or for other good cause.
What constitutes serious or repeated lease violations, and other good cause, is based upon the
content of HABC’s or the privately owned/managed site’s lease. In the development of the terms
of the lease, HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will consider the requirements imposed
by state and local landlord-tenant law, as well as HUD regulations, federal statutes, and MTW
15.4.1 Family Absence from Unit
It is reasonable that the family may be absent from the public housing unit or the privately
owned/managed unit for brief periods. Absence in this context means that no member of the family
is residing in the unit. The family must supply any information or certification requested by HABC
or the privately owned/managed site to verify that the family is living in the unit, or explaining the
family absence from the unit, including any information or certification requested by HABC or
the privately owned/managed site on the reasons for the family absences. The family must
cooperate with HABC or the privately owned/managed site for this purpose.
If a family is absent from the federally subsidized unit for more than 30 consecutive calendar days,
and the family does not adequately verify that they are living in the unit; HABC or the privately
owned/managed site will terminate the lease.
If the family appears to have vacated the unit without giving proper notice, HABC or the privately
owned/managed site will follow state and local landlord-tenant law pertaining to abandonment
before taking possession of the unit.
15.4.2 Over-Income Families
See policies on over-income families in the chapter on Reexamination and Continued Occupancy.
15.4.3 Failure to Make Payments at the Time and in the Amount Due Under the Lease
If HABC or the privately owned/managed site obtains 4 judgments against a resident for failure to
pay rent in a preceding 12-month period, HABC or the privately owned/managed site may ask the
Court, when filing the fifth failure to pay rent complaint for authorization to deny the resident the
opportunity to keep occupancy of the unit, even if the resident pays the past due rent, and proceed
with eviction. This process is known as Foreclosing the Right of Redemption. Prior to foreclosing
a resident’s right to redemption, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will attempt to collect
the rent due and owing through home visits, rent conferences, correspondence and offers of Tenant
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 15-7
Readiness Training.
15.4.4 Procedural Non-Compliance
Three instances of procedural non-compliance may result in lease termination. A non-compliance
violation occurs when the resident fails to observe a procedure or requirement of HABC or the
privately owned/managed site, but does not misrepresent a material fact, and there is no
retroactive rent owed by the family.
VAWA provides that incidents of actual or threatened domestic violence, dating violence, sexual
assault or stalking may not be construed either as serious or repeated violations of the lease by the
victim of such violence or as good cause for terminating the tenancy or occupancy rights of the
victim of such violence.
Although VAWA provides termination protection for victims of domestic violence, dating
violence, sexual assault and/or stalking, it does not provide protection for offenders. HABC may
exercise its explicit authority to “evict, remove, or terminate assistance to any individual who is a
resident or lawful occupant of the housing and who engages in criminal activity directly relating
to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking against an affiliated individual or
other individual without evicting, removing, terminating assistance to, or otherwise penalizing a
victim of such criminal activity who is also a resident or lawful occupant of the housing.”
This authority supersedes any local, state, or other federal law to the contrary. However, if HABC
chooses to exercise this authority, HABC will follow any procedures prescribed by HUD or by
applicable local, state, or federal law regarding termination of assistance.
When the actions of a resident or other family member result in a decision to terminate the family’s
assistance and another family member claims that the actions involve criminal acts of physical
violence against family members or others, HABC will request that the victim submit the required
certification and supporting documentation in accordance with the stated timeframe. If the
certification and supporting documentation are submitted within the required timeframe, or any
approved extension period, HABC will terminate only the offender’s assistance. If the victim does
not provide the certification and supporting documentation, as required, HABC will proceed with
termination of the family’s assistance.
If HABC can demonstrate an actual and imminent threat to other residents or those employed at
or providing service to the property if the resident’s tenancy is not terminated, HABC will bypass
the standard process and proceed with the immediate termination of the family’s assistance.
For VAWA requirements and the policies pertaining to notification, documentation, and
confidentiality, see chapters on Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity as well as on Transfer Policy
in this ACOP.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 15-8
15.5.1 Limits on VAWA Protections
While VAWA prohibits HABC and the privately owned/managed sites from using domestic
violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking as the cause for a termination or eviction
action against a resident of federally subsidized housing who is the victim of the abuse, the
protections it provides are not absolute. Specifically, VAWA does not limit the otherwise available
authority of HABC or the privately owned/managed site to terminate assistance to or evict a victim
for lease violations not premised on an act of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault,
or stalking provided that HABC or the privately owned/managed site does not subject the victim
to a more demanding standard than the standard to which it holds other residents.
HUD regulations authorize HABC or the privately owned/managed site to terminate the victim’s
assistance when a victim poses an actual and imminent threat “only when there are no other actions
that could be taken to reduce or eliminate the threat.”
Upon consideration of alternatives to termination of tenancy and factors surrounding the violation,
HABC or the privately owned/managed site may, on a case-by-case basis, choose not to terminate
the lease subject to approval by HABC’s Deputy Chief of Operations or the person designated by
a privately owned/managed site to give such approvals.
15.6.1 Exclusion of Culpable Household Member
As an alternative to termination of the lease for criminal activity or alcohol abuse, HABC or the
privately owned/managed site may consider exclusion of the culpable household member as
documented in a memorandum of understanding. Such an alternative can be used for any other
reason where such a solution appears viable in accordance with the policies of HABC or the
privately owned/managed site.
As a condition of the family’s continued occupancy, the head of household must certify that the
culpable household member has vacated the unit and will not be permitted to visit or to stay as a
guest in the assisted unit. The family must present evidence of the former household member’s
current address upon request by HABC or the privately owned/managed site.
15.6.2 Payment of Family Debts
If a family owes amounts to HABC or the privately owned/managed site, and there are no other
lease violations, as a condition of continued occupancy, HABC or the privately owned/managed
site may require the family to pay the full amount or to enter into a payment agreement. See
Chapter 19: Program Integrity for additional policies on payment agreements.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 15-9
15.7.1 Evidence
HUD permits HABC and the privately owned/managed sites to terminate the lease for criminal
activity if a preponderance of the evidence indicates that a household member has engaged in the
activity, regardless of whether the household member has been arrested or convicted, and without
satisfying the standard of proof used for a criminal conviction.
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will use the preponderance of the evidence as the
standard for making all termination decisions.
15.7.2 Consideration of Circumstances
HABC or the privately owned/managed site may consider all circumstances relevant to a particular
case in order to determine whether or not to terminate the lease.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will consider the following factors before deciding
whether to terminate the lease for any of the HUD required lease provisions or for any other
The seriousness of the offending action, especially with respect to how it would affect other
The extent of participation or culpability of the head of household, or other household
members, in the offending action, including whether the culpable member is a minor, a
person with disabilities, or a victim of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault,
or stalking
The effects that the eviction will have on other family members who were not involved in
the action or failure to act
The effect on the community of the termination, or of the failure by HABC or the privately
owned/managed site to terminate the tenancy
The effect of HABC’s or the privately owned/managed site’s decision on the integrity of
the federally subsidized housing program
The demand for housing by eligible families who will adhere to lease responsibilities
The extent to which the head of household has shown personal responsibility and whether
s/he has taken all reasonable steps to prevent or mitigate the offending action
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 15-10
The length of time since the violation occurred, the family’s recent history, and the
likelihood of favorable conduct in the future
In the case of program abuse, the dollar amount of the underpaid rent and whether or not a
false certification was signed by the family.
15.7.3 Consideration of Rehabilitation
In determining whether to terminate the lease for illegal drug use or a pattern of illegal drug use,
or for abuse or a pattern of abuse of alcohol, by a household member who is no longer engaging
in such use or abuse, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will consider whether such
household member has successfully completed a supervised drug or alcohol rehabilitation
program. For this purpose, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will require the resident to
submit evidence of the household member’s successful completion of a supervised drug or alcohol
rehabilitation program.
15.7.4 Reasonable Accommodation
If the family includes a person with disabilities, HABC’s or the privately owned/managed site’s
decision to terminate the family’s lease is subject to consideration of reasonable accommodation
requests, if made by the family, in accordance with HABC’s reasonable accommodation policy
and procedures, which are followed by the privately owned/managed sites, federal law and HUD
regulations. If a family makes a reasonable accommodation request indicating that the behavior
of a family member with a disability is the reason for a proposed lease termination, HABC’s Office
of Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity may require documentation that the family member has a
disability and will determine whether the behavior is related to the disability. If HABC’s Office
of Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity determines that the family member has a disability and that
the behavior is related to the disability, it may engage in the interactive process with the family to
address the reasonable accommodation request. HABC’s Office of Fair Housing & Equal
Opportunity may approve such reasonable accommodation requests if it is established that the
behavior that is the basis of the proposed lease termination is being addressed such that the family
is able to meet the requirements of tenancy going forward.
15.7.5 Nondiscrimination Limitation
HABC’s eviction actions must be consistent with fair housing and equal opportunity requirements
of federal, state, and local law and applicable HUD regulations.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 15-11
15.8.1 Conducting Criminal Records Checks
HUD authorizes HABC and the privately owned/managed sites to conduct criminal records checks
on public housing residents for lease enforcement and eviction. HABC policy determines when
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will conduct such checks.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will conduct criminal records checks when it has come
to the attention of HABC or the privately owned/managed site, either from local law enforcement
or by other means, that an individual has engaged in the destruction of property, engaged in violent
activity against another person, or has interfered with the right to peaceful enjoyment of the
premises of other residents. Such checks will also include sex offender registration information.
To obtain such information, all adult household members must sign consent forms for release of
criminal conviction and sex offender registration records. HABC and the privately
owned/managed sites will not require the resident to pay the costs of a criminal records check.
15.8.2 Disclosure of Criminal Records to Family
If HABC or the privately owned/managed site uses the authority of 24 CFR 5.903 and 5.905 to
obtain criminal record information, certain protections shall be afforded to the resident before any
adverse action is taken. See Chapter 4: Eligibility for Admission for additional policy and
procedural information on disclosure of criminal records to the family.
The family will be given 10 working days from the date of the notice, to dispute the accuracy and
relevance of the information. If the family does not contact HABC or the privately
owned/managed site to dispute the information within that 10-business day period, HABC or the
privately owned/managed site will proceed with the termination action. Should the resident not
exercise his/her right to dispute the information prior to any adverse action, the resident still has
the right to dispute the information in the grievance hearing or at court trial.
15.8.3 Lease Termination Notice: Form, Delivery, and Content of the Notice
Notices of lease termination must be in writing. The notice must state the specific grounds for
termination, the date the termination will take place, the resident’s right to reply to the termination
notice, and the resident’s right to examine the HABC or the privately owned/managed site
documents directly relevant to the termination or eviction. If HABC or the privately
owned/managed site does not make the documents available for examination upon request by the
resident, HABC or the privately owned/managed site may not proceed with the eviction.
When HABC or the privately owned/managed site is required to offer the resident an opportunity
for a grievance hearing, the notice will also inform the resident of his/her right to request a hearing
in accordance with HABC’s or the privately owned/managed site’s grievance procedure. In these
cases, the tenancy shall not terminate until the time for the resident to request a grievance hearing
has expired or, if a grievance was requested, the grievance procedure has been completed.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 15-12
When HABC or the privately owned/managed site is not required to offer the resident an
opportunity for a grievance hearing because HUD has made a due process determination and the
lease termination is for criminal activity that threatens the health, safety or the right to peaceful
enjoyment or for drug-related criminal activity, the notice of lease termination must state that the
resident is not entitled to a grievance hearing on the termination. It will specify the judicial eviction
procedure to be used by HABC or the privately owned/managed site for eviction of the resident,
and state that HUD has determined that the eviction procedure provides the opportunity for a
hearing in court that contains the basic elements of due process as defined in HUD regulations.
The notice will also state whether the eviction is for a criminal activity that threatens the health,
safety, or the right to peaceful enjoyment of the premises of other residents or employees of HABC
or the privately owned/managed site, or for a drug-related criminal activity on or off the premises.
15.8.4 Timing of the Notice
HABC or the privately owned/managed site shall give written notice of lease termination as
14 calendar days in the case of failure to pay rent
A reasonable period considering the seriousness of the situation (that is at least fourteen
(14) calendar days but no more than thirty (30) calendar days):
o If the health or safety of other residents, HABC employees or contractors, or
persons residing in the immediate vicinity of the premises is threatened.
o If any member of the household has engaged in any drug-related criminal activity
or violent criminal activity.
o If any member of the household has been convicted of a felony.
o If any of the following occurs, provided that a thirty (30) day notice of termination
will be given in lieu of any shorter period if the situation does not result in a threat
to the health or safety of other residents, HABC employees or contractors, or
persons residing in the immediate vicinity of the premises:
o If illegal drugs are seized from the unit by any law enforcement officer.
o If any fire on the premises results from the deliberate, reckless or negligent
act of the resident, a member of the resident’s household, a guest, or any
other person under the resident’s control, or from the inaction of such
person(s). Examples of such conduct include but are not limited to: (a)
arson; (b) a violation of the HABC Smoke-Free Policy; (c) a flammable
material left within the reach of children; or (d) leaving an ignited stove or
other heat-producing equipment unattended.
o If a gun is seized from the resident or a household member by a law
enforcement officer on or off the premises.
o If the resident, a member of the resident’s household, a guest, or any other
person under the resident’s control unlawfully, recklessly, or negligently
possesses a gun or other weapon on the premises;
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 15-13
o If the lease violation is due to the undisclosed or unauthorized occupancy
of a person who is subject to a sex offender registration requirement in the
o If the resident refuses or impedes access to the unit to HABC as provided
in the lease, to perform an inspection, repair or maintenance, including
inspection or treatment for bedbugs, rodents and/or other pests, or the
resident fails to perform pre-treatment preparation as required by the lease;
o If the resident violates the HABC Pet Policy.
Thirty (30) calendar days in any other case, except that if a state or local law
allows a shorter notice period, such shorter period shall apply
The family must notify HABC at least seventy-two (72) hours before the actual move-out from
the unit, as required by local law. The Notice to Vacate that may be required under state or local
law may be combined with or run concurrently with the notice of lease termination.
15.8.5 Notice of Nonrenewal Due to Community Service Noncompliance
When HABC finds that a family is in noncompliance with the community service requirement, the
resident and any other noncompliant resident must be notified in writing of this determination.
Notices of noncompliance will be issued in accordance with the requirements and policies in the
Chapter 17: Community Service.
15.8.6 Notice of Termination Based on Citizenship Status
In cases where termination of tenancy is based on citizenship status, HUD requires the notice of
termination to advise the family of the reasons the family’s assistance is being terminated and to
advise the family of any of the following that apply: the family’s eligibility for proration of
assistance, the criteria and procedures for obtaining relief under the provisions for preservation of
families, the family’s right to request an appeal to the U.S. Citizen & Immigration Services
(USCIS) of the results of secondary verification of immigration status and to submit additional
documentation or a written explanation in support of the appeal, and the family’s right to request
an informal hearing with HABC either upon completion of the USCIS appeal or in lieu of the
USCIS appeal. Please see the Informal Hearing for Non-Citizens chapter in this ACOP for
HABC’s informal hearing procedures.
15.8.7 Eviction Notice
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 15-14
HABC or the privately owned/managed site may only evict the resident from the unit by instituting
a court action and obtaining a court order awarding possession to HABC or the privately
owned/managed site.
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites shall not proceed with an eviction action if it has
not made available the documents to be used in the case against the family and has not afforded
the family the opportunity to examine and copy such documents in accordance with the provisions
of federal law and HUD regulations.
15.8.8 Notification to Post Office
When HABC or a privately owned/managed site evicts an individual or family for criminal
activity, including drug-related criminal activity, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will
notify the local post office serving the dwelling unit that the individual or family is no longer
residing in the unit.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 16-1
Applicants who are denied admission to the program because they are determined to be
ineligible or because HABC has no units in its inventory, which includes units in the privately
owned/managed sites, to accommodate the size of the household, will be given written
notification promptly, including the reason for the denial and offering them an opportunity for an
informal hearing.
Informal hearings provide applicants the opportunity to review the reasons for denial of admission
and to present evidence to refute the grounds for denial. An applicant is someone who has applied
for admission to the public housing program but is not yet a resident in an HABC unit or in a
privately owned/managed unit occupied from an HABC public housing waiting list. Applicants
are not entitled to the same hearing process afforded residents under the grievance procedures of
HABC or the privately owned/managed sites.
16.2.1 Notice of Denial
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will give an applicant prompt notice of a decision
denying eligibility for admission. The notice will contain a brief statement of the reasons for the
decision and will also state that the applicant may request an informal hearing to dispute the
decision. The notice will describe the process for requesting an informal hearing.
Before the applicant is denied based on information obtained from criminal or sex offender
registration records, the applicant must be given the opportunity to dispute the information in those
records which would be the basis of the denial. The applicant may request an administrative
review within 10 working days of being notified that HABC or the privately owned/managed site
intends to deny the applicant based on criminal or sex offender records. Applicants who request
an administrative review and whose admission is denied may still request an informal hearing in
accordance with the procedures set forth in section 15.2.2 of this chapter upon being notified of
the denial.
16.2.2 Scheduling an Informal Hearing
Applicants must submit their request for an informal hearing in writing to HABC or the privately
owned/managed site within 10 working days from the date of the notification of their ineligibility.
If the applicant requests an informal hearing, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will
provide an informal hearing within 10 working days of receiving the request. HABC or the
privately owned/managed site will notify the applicant of the place, date, and time of the informal
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 16-2
16.2.3 Reasonable Accommodation Related to Informal Hearing Process
Applicants who have a disability and need a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in the
informal hearing process may request a reasonable accommodation during any stage of the informal
hearing process. HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will consider such requests for
reasonable accommodations.
16.2.4 Conducting an Informal Hearing
Informal hearings will be conducted by an impartial hearing officer. The person who is designated
as the hearing officer cannot be the person who made the determination of ineligibility or a
subordinate of that person.
The applicant may bring to the hearing any documentation or evidence s/he wishes and the
evidence along with the data compiled by HABC and/or the privately owned/managed site will
be considered by the hearing officer.
The hearing officer will make a determination based upon the merits of the evidence presented by
both sides.
16.2.5 Informal Hearing Decision
Within 10 working days of the date of the hearing, the hearing officer will mail a written decision
explaining the reason(s) for the decision to the applicant, his or her representative (if any), and
provide a copy of the decision to HABC’s Admissions and Leasing staff and, if applicable, to the
privately owned/managed site to place in the applicant's file.
In rendering a decision, the hearing officer will evaluate the following matters:
Whether or not the grounds for denial were stated factually in the notice.
Whether the grounds for denial of admission are in accordance with HUD regulations
and/or directives, HABC policy, the privately owned/managed site’s admissions criteria, if
applicable, and/or applicable state and/or local laws. See Chapter 4: Eligibility for
Admission for a detailed review of the grounds for applicant denial.
Whether the facts presented support the grounds for denial of admission.
In cases where the applicant makes a reasonable accommodation request to overturn the
denial because of the person’s disability, whether the applicant has provided evidence that
he or she has a disability that was the reason for the behavior or activity that resulted in the
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 16-3
denial and whether the applicant is taking steps to address the disability such that he or she
will be able to comply with the requirements of tenancy and program rules.
If the informal hearing decision overturns the denial, processing for admission will resume.
If the applicant fails to appear for his/her informal hearing, the denial of admission will stand and
the applicant will be so notified.
16.2.6 Retention of Documents
See Chapter on Program Administration.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 17-1
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will comply with HUD regulations and procedures
with respect to applicants who are pending a decision under the United States Citizenship and
Immigration Services (USCIS) appeal process. Assistance to a family may not be terminated while
HABC’s hearing is pending, but assistance to an applicant may be delayed pending the completion
of the informal hearing.
17.1.1 Notice of Denial or Termination of Assistance
The notice of denial or termination of assistance for non-citizens must advise the family of any of
the following that apply:
That financial assistance will be denied or terminated and provide a brief explanation of
the reasons for the proposed denial or termination of assistance.
The family may be eligible for proration of assistance.
In the case of a resident, what the criteria and procedures for obtaining relief are under the
provisions for preservation of families.
That the family has a right to request an appeal to the USCIS of the results of secondary
verification of immigration status and to submit additional documentation or explanation
in support of the appeal.
That the family has a right to request an informal hearing with HABC or the privately
owned/managed site either upon completion of the USCIS appeal or in lieu of the USCIS
For applicants, assistance may not be delayed until the conclusion of the USCIS appeal
process, but assistance may be delayed during the period of the informal hearing process.
17.1.2 United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Appeal Process
When HABC or a privately owned/managed site receives notification that the USCIS secondary
verification failed to confirm eligible immigration status, HABC or the privately owned/managed
site will notify the family of the results of the USCIS verification. The family will have 30 calendar
days from the date of the notification to request an appeal of the USCIS results. The request for
appeal must be made by the family in writing directly to the USCIS. The family must provide
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 17-2
HABC or the privately owned/managed site with a copy of the written request for appeal and proof
of mailing.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will notify the family in writing of the results of the
USCIS secondary verification within 10 working days of receiving the results. The family must
provide HABC or the privately owned/managed site with a copy of the written request for appeal
and proof of mailing within 10 working days of sending the request to the USCIS.
The family must forward to the designated USCIS office any additional documentation or written
explanation in support of the appeal. This material must include a copy of the USCIS document
verification request (used to process the secondary request) or such other form specified by the
USCIS, and a letter indicating that the family is requesting an appeal of the USCIS immigration
status verification results.
The USCIS will notify the family, with a copy to HABC or the privately owned/managed site, of
its decision. When the USCIS notifies HABC or the privately owned/managed site of the decision,
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will notify the family of its right to request an informal
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will send written notice to the family of its right to
request an informal hearing within 10 working days of receiving notice of the USCIS decision
regarding the family’s immigration status.
17.1.3 Informal Hearing Procedures for Residents Who Are Non-Citizens Pending a
USCIS Appeal
After notification of the USCIS decision on appeal, or in lieu of an appeal to the USCIS, a resident
family may request that HABC or the privately owned/managed site provide a hearing. The
request for a hearing must be made either within 30 calendar days of receipt of HABC’s or the
privately owned/managed site’s notice of termination, or within 30 calendar days of receipt of the
USCIS appeal decision.
The informal hearing procedures for resident families whose tenancy is being terminated based on
immigration status are the same as for any grievance under the grievance procedures for resident
17.1.4 Informal Hearing Procedures for Applicants
After notification of the USCIS decision on appeal, or in lieu of an appeal to the USCIS, an
applicant family may request that HABC or the privately owned/managed site provide a hearing.
The request for a hearing must be made either within 30 calendar days of receipt of HABC’s or
the privately owned/managed site’s notice of denial, or within 30 calendar days of receipt of the
USCIS appeal decision.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 17-3
The informal hearing procedures for applicant families are described below.
Informal Hearing Officer
HABC or the privately managed site will provide an informal hearing before an impartial
individual, who may be an HABC employee or an employee of the privately owned/managed site,
other than a person who made or approved the decision under review, and other than a person who
is a subordinate of the person who made or approved the decision.
The family must be provided the opportunity to examine and copy at the family’s expense, at a
reasonable time in advance of the hearing, any documents in the possession of HABC or the
privately owned/managed site pertaining to the family’s eligibility status, or in the possession of
the USCIS (as permitted by USCIS requirements), including any records and regulations that may
be relevant to the hearing.
The family will be allowed to copy any documents related to the hearing at the family’s own cost.
The family must request discovery of HABC documents or the privately owned/managed site
documents no later than 12:00 p.m. two working days prior to the hearing.
The family must be provided the opportunity to present evidence and arguments in support of
eligible status. Evidence may be considered without regard to admissibility under the rules of
evidence applicable to judicial proceedings.
The family must also be provided the opportunity to refute evidence relied upon by HABC or the
privately owned/managed site, and to confront and cross-examine all witnesses on whose
testimony or information HABC or the privately owned/managed site relies.
Representation and Interpretive Services
The family is entitled to be represented by an attorney or other designee, at the family’s expense,
and to have such person make statements on the family’s behalf.
The family is entitled to request an interpreter. HABC or the privately owned/managed site will
provide a competent interpreter, free of charge, upon request. The family may also or instead
provide its own interpreter, at the expense of the family.
Recording of the Hearing
The family is entitled to have the hearing recorded by audiotape. HABC or the privately
owned/managed site may, but is not required to, provide a transcript of the hearing. A transcript
of an audio taped informal hearing will not be provided by HABC or the privately owned/managed
Hearing Decision
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will provide the family with a written notice of the
final decision, based solely on the facts presented at the hearing, within 10 working days of the
date of the informal hearing. The notice must state the basis for the decision.
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A resident may submit a grievance to the Asset Manager for the property in which the resident
resides. The grievance process consists of two steps: (1) the informal resolution process and the
hearing process. The grievance process is described in the Resident Grievance Policy, which is
attached to this ACOP as Appendix G: RESIDENT GRIEVANCE POLICY AND
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 19-1
Residents must comply with the community service and self-sufficiency requirement (CSSR), as
required by law. Community service is the performance of voluntary work or duties that are a
public benefit, and that serve to improve the quality of life, enhance resident self-sufficiency, or
increase resident self-responsibility in the community. Community service is not employment and
may not include political activities. In administering community service requirements, HABC and
the privately owned/managed sites will comply with all nondiscrimination and equal opportunity
An adult (meaning a person aged 18 or older) member of the household who qualifies as outlined
below is considered to be exempt from the CSSR:
Is 62 years of age or older.
Blind or disabled, as defined under 216(i)(1) or 1614 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C.
Section 416(i)(1); Section 1382c), and who certify that, because of this disability, she or
he is unable to comply with the service provisions of this subpart, or is a primary caretaker
of such individual; or
Engaged in work activities. See Work Activities);
Able to meet requirements under a state program funded under part A of title IV of the
Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section 601 et seq.) or under any other welfare program in
Maryland, including a state-administered Welfare-to-Work program; or;
A member of a family receiving assistance, benefits, or services under a state program
funded under part A of title IV of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section 601 et seq.),
or under any other welfare program of Maryland, including a state-administered Welfare-
to-Work program, and has not been found by the state or other administering entity to be
in non-compliance with such a program.
Individuals who have special circumstances which they believe will prevent them from completing
the required community service hours for a given month, must notify HABC or the privately
owned/managed site in writing. HABC or the privately owned/managed site will review the
request and notify the individual of its determination. HABC or the privately owned/managed site
may require those individuals to provide documentation to support their claim.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will make the final determination as to whether to
grant an exemption from the community service requirement. If a resident does not agree with
HABC’s or the privately owned/managed site’s determination, the resident may dispute the
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 19-2
decision through HABC’s or the privately owned/managed site’s grievance procedures, whichever
is applicable.
An individual may be exempt from the CSSR requirement because he/she is engaged in work
activities. Thirty (30) hours is the minimum number of hours for a work activity to be eligible for
the exemption.
The person must be participating in an activity that meets one of the following definitions of “work
activity” contained in Section 407(d) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section 607(d)):
a. Unsubsidized employment.
b. Subsidized private sector employment.
c. Subsidized public-sector employment.
d. Work experience (including work associated with the refurbishing of publicly assisted
housing) if sufficient private sector employment is not available.
e. On-the-job-training.
f. Job-search.
g. Community service programs.
h. Vocational educational training (not to exceed 12 months with respect to any individual).
i. Job-skills training directly related to employment.
j. Education directly related to employment in the case of a recipient who has not received a
high school diploma or a certificate of high school equivalency.
k. Satisfactory attendance at secondary school or in a course of study leading to a certificate
of general equivalency, in the case of a recipient who has not completed secondary school
or received such a certificate.
Each non-exempt adult in a household must contribute and document 8 hours of
community service per month or participate in an economic self-sufficiency program for 8
hours per month.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 19-3
The CSSRs may also be met by performing a combination of community service and
participation in an economic self-sufficiency program.
The CSSR activities may be completed at 8 hours each month or may be aggregated across
a year. Any blocking of hours is acceptable as long as 96 hours is completed annually.
CSSR activities must be performed within the City of Baltimore and not outside the
jurisdictional area of HABC. The exception to this rule would be adults who are enrolled
in full-time higher education or vocational training. Their hours of education would count
toward the requirement.
Political activity is excluded.
Work activity must not take the place of work performed by paid employees; however,
residents may do community service on HABC or the privately owned/managed site
property or with or through HABC or the privately owned/managed site programs to assist
or enhance work done by an HABC or the privately owned/managed site employee.
At lease execution and regular reexamination, each adult member (18 or older) of a
federally assisted housing resident household must sign an acknowledgement that he/she
has received and read the CSSR. Further the resident acknowledgement includes resident
understanding that failure to comply with the CSSR will result in lease nonrenewal.
Residents must provide notice to HABC or the privately owned/managed site of a change
in exempt status, (see status definitions here)
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will give each household a written description of the
community service requirements, the process for claiming status as an exempt person, and the
process for HABC or the privately owned/managed site to verify exempt status. To the greatest
extent possible and practicable, HABC and its asset managers and the privately owned/managed
sites and their property managers will:
Provide names and contacts at agencies that can provide opportunities for residents,
including those with disabilities, to fulfill their CSSR; and
Provide referrals for volunteer work or self-sufficiency programs.
Additionally, HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will:
Provide the household with recording/certification documentation forms and a copy of the
Community Service policy.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 19-4
Determine exempt or non-exempt status regarding community service and notify the
household of the determination.
Review family compliance with CSSRs and will verify such compliance in conjunction
with the regular reexamination schedule.
Take appropriate action for failure to comply with the CSSR.
Follow HUD guidance on self-certifications of completion of the CSSR.
Community Service is volunteer work that benefits the property or the local neighborhood.
Eligible community service activities include, but are not limited to:
Serving at local public or nonprofit institutions, such as: schools, Head Start Programs,
before-or after-school programs, childcare centers, hospitals, clinics, hospices, nursing
homes, recreation centers, senior centers, adult daycare programs, homeless shelters,
feeding programs, food banks (distributing either donated or commodity foods), or clothes
closets (distributing donated clothing);
Serving at non-profit organizations serving HABC residents or their children or the
residents of the federally assisted units in the privately owned/managed sites and their
children, such as: Boy or Girl Scouts, Boys or Girls Club, 4-H Clubs, Police Activities
League (PAL), organized children's recreation, mentoring or education programs, Big
Brothers or Big Sisters, Garden Centers, community clean-up programs or beautification
Serving at programs funded under the Older Americans Act, such as: Green Thumb,
Service Corps of Retired Executives, senior meals programs, senior centers, Meals on
Serving at public or nonprofit organizations dedicated to seniors, youth, children, residents,
citizens, special-needs populations or with missions to enhance the environment, historic
resources, cultural identities, neighborhoods or performing arts.
Serving at HABC properties or the privately owned/managed sites to improve grounds or
provide gardens (so long as such work does not alter HABC’s or the privately
owned/managed site’s insurance coverage); or work through resident organizations to help
other residents with problems, including serving on the Resident Advisory Board, outreach
and assistance with HABC or the privately owned/managed site-run self-sufficiency
activities including supporting computer learning centers; and
Providing care for the children of other residents so parents may volunteer.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 19-5
For purposes of satisfying the CSSR, an economic self-sufficiency program is defined by HUD as:
Any program designed to encourage, assist, train, or facilitate economic independence of assisted
households or to provide work for such households. The self-sufficiency hours counted toward
the monthly community service requirement will be the hours when a non-exempt adult is actually
attending class or engaged in job training. It will not include time in transit.
Economic self-sufficiency programs include, but are not limited to:
Job readiness or job training while not employed.
Training programs through local One-Stop Career Centers, Workforce Investment Boards
(local entities administered through the U.S. Department of Labor), or other training
Higher education (junior college or college);
Apprenticeships (formal or informal);
Substance abuse or mental health counseling.
Reading, financial and/or computer literacy classes.
English as a second language and/or English proficiency classes; and
Budgeting and credit counseling.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site may, through their Family Self-Sufficiency programs,
coordinate Individual Training and Service Plans (ITSPs) with the CSSR. Specific CSSR activities
may be included in the ITSPs to enhance a person’s progress toward self-sufficiency. Regular
meetings with service coordinators may satisfy CSSR activities. Service coordinators may verify
community service hours within individual monthly logs.
If qualifying activities are administered by an organization other than HABC, a family member
who is required to fulfill a service requirement must provide one of the following:
A signed certification to HABC by such other organization that the family member has
performed such qualifying activities; or
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 19-6
A signed self-certification to HABC by the family member that he or she has performed
such qualifying activities.
If a signed self-certification is used to verify CSSR requirements, the signed self-certification must
include the following:
A statement that the resident contributed at least 8 hours per month of community service
not including political activities within the community in which the adult resides; or
participated in an economic self-sufficiency program as set forth in section 1.7 (Self-
Sufficiency Activities) above for at least 8 hours per month.
The name, address, and a contact person at the community service provider; or the name,
address, and contact person for the economic self-sufficiency program.
The date(s) during which the resident completed the community service activity or
participated in the economic self-sufficiency program.
A description of the activity completed; and
A certification that the resident’s statement is true.
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will follow HUD guidance on self-certifications of
completion of the CSSR.
If anyone in the household is subject to the community service requirement, HABC or the privately
owned/managed site will provide the household with community service documentation forms.
At lease execution and during the regular recertification process, each adult member (18 or older)
of a federally assisted housing resident household must sign an acknowledgement that he/she has
received and read the CSSR. Further the resident acknowledgement includes a statement that the
resident understands that failure to comply with the CSSR lease termination of tenancy.
At lease execution and during the regular recertification process each exempt adult member must
provide documentation that they are exempt from the CSSR.
If HABC or the privately owned/managed site has reasonable cause to believe that the certification
provided by the household is false or fraudulent, HABC or the privately owned/managed site has
the right to request additional documentation to verify CSSR participation.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will retain reasonable documentation of service
requirement performance or exemption in participant files.
HABC or the privately owner/managed site will conduct QC on the required sample size of CSSR
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 19-7
Exempt to Non-Exempt Status
If an exempt individual becomes non-exempt during the twelve-month lease term, it is the
household’s responsibility to report this change to HABC or the privately owned/managed site
within 10 working days.
After reporting such a change, or HABC or the privately owned/managed site determining such a
change is necessary, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will provide written notice of the
effective date of the CSSR requirement, a list of agencies in the community that provide volunteer
and/or training opportunities or other activities that qualify, as well as a documentation form on
which the household member may record the activities performed and number of hours
The effective date of the community service requirement will be the first of the following month.
Non-Exempt to Exempt Status
If a non-exempt person becomes exempt before the next regular reexam, it is the household’s
responsibility to report this change to HABC or the privately owned/managed site within 10
working days. Any claim of exemption will be verified by HABC or the privately owned/managed
After reporting such a change, or HABC or the privately owned/managed site determining such a
change is necessary, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will provide the household
written notice that the household member is no longer subject to the community service
The exemption will be effective immediately.
In the event a resident does not provide documentation of the CSSR, the resident will have 5
working days to submit to HABC, or the privately owned/managed site required documentation
form(s). If the resident fails to submit the documentation within the required time frame or within
any HABC or the privately owned/managed site approved extension, the resident will be
considered non-compliant with the CSSR and a notice of non-compliance will be issued. The
notice of non-compliance will include:
A brief description of the finding of non-compliance with the CSSR.
A statement that HABC or the privately owned/managed site will terminate the tenancy
before the next regular recertification unless the resident enters into a written cure
agreement with HABC or the privately owned/managed site or the household provides
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 19-8
written assurance that is satisfactory to HABC or the privately owned/managed site
explaining that the non-compliant resident no longer resides in the unit.
If a resident is non-compliant with the CSSR, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will
terminate the tenancy before the next regular recertification unless the resident agrees to enter into
a cure agreement, or the household provides a written declaration that the non-compliant
household member no longer resides in the unit
The cure agreement includes the means through which a non-compliant household member will
comply with the CSSR requirement. The household will have 10 working days from the date of
the notice of non-compliance to enter into a cure agreement to cure the non-compliance before the
next recertification. If after the cure period, the household member is still not compliant with the
CSSR, HABC or the privately owned/managed site shall terminate tenancy of the entire household,
in accordance with the lease, unless the household provides documentation that the non-compliant
household member no longer resides in the unit.
If the household reports that a noncompliant household member is no longer residing in the unit,
the household must provide documentation that the household member has actually vacated the
unit before HABC, or the privately owned/managed site will agree to continued occupancy of
the household. Documentation must consist of a certification signed by the head of household as
well as evidence of the current address of the household member that previously resided with
If the household does not request a grievance hearing or does not take corrective action required
by the notice of noncompliance within the required 10 business day timeframe, HABC or the
privately owned/managed site will terminate tenancy in accordance with the lease termination
policy found in this ACOP.
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will not substitute any community service or self-
sufficiency activities performed by residents for work ordinarily performed by HABC or the
privately owned/managed site employees or replace a job at any location where residents perform
activities to satisfy the service requirement.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 20-1
The policies that are discussed in the sections of this chapter below are:
Record Keeping
Reporting and Record Keeping for Children with Environmental Intervention Blood Lead
HABC will maintain complete and accurate accounts and other records for the program in
accordance with HUD requirements, in a manner that permits a speedy and effective audit. All
such records must be made available to HUD or the Comptroller General of the United States upon
In addition, HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will ensure that all applicant and
resident files are maintained in a way that protects the residents’ privacy rights.
20.2.1 Record Retention
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will keep the last three years of the Form HUD-
50058 and supporting documentation during the term of each assisted lease, and for a period of at
least seven years from the end of participation (EOP) date.
During the term of each public housing tenancy, and for at least seven years thereafter, HABC will
keep all documents related to a family’s eligibility, tenancy, and termination. In addition, HABC
will keep the following records for at least seven years:
The application files of the families who have been determined to be ineligible or who have
been withdrawn (the 7 years will be calculated based on the date of the ineligibility
determination or withdrawal);
Lead-based paint records.
Documentation supporting the establishment of flat rents and the public housing maximum
rent for mixed families.
Documentation supporting the establishment of utility allowances and excess consumption
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 20-2
Accounts and other records supporting HABC budget and financial statements for the
Complaints, investigations, notices, and corrective actions related to violations of the Fair
Housing Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, or the equal access final rule;
Other records as determined by HABC or as required by HUD.
Except for lead-based paint records, which must be retained for seven years, privately
owned/managed sites may establish their own record keeping policy consistent with HUD
regulations and guidance.
20.2.2 Record Retention Citizenship Status
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will retain for a minimum of five years the
following documents that may have been submitted to HABC or the privately owned/managed site
by the family, or provided to HABC or the privately owned/managed site as part of the USCIS
appeal or HABC’s informal hearing process:
The application for assistance
The form completed by the family for income reexamination
Photocopies of any original documents, including original USCIS documents
The signed verification consent form
The USCIS verification results
The request for a USCIS appeal
The final USCIS determination
The request for an informal hearing
The final informal hearing decision
20.2.3 Records Management
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will maintain applicant and resident files and
information in accordance with HUD’s regulations and guidance.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 20-3
All applicant and participant information will be kept in a secure location and access will be limited
to authorized HABC and, as applicable, privately owned/managed site staff.
HABC and the privately owned/managed site staff will not discuss personal family information
unless there is a business reason to do so. Inappropriate discussion of family information or
improper disclosure of family information by staff will result in disciplinary action.
20.2.4 Privacy Act Requirements
The collection, maintenance, use, and dissemination of Social Security numbers, employer
identification numbers, any information derived from these numbers, and income information of
applicants and residents must be conducted, to the extent applicable, in compliance with the
Privacy Act of 1974, and all other provisions of federal, state, and local law.
Applicants and residents, including all adults in the household, are required to sign a consent form,
HUD-9886, Authorization for Release of Information. This form incorporates the Federal Privacy
Act Statement and describes how the information collected in the form may be used, and under
what conditions HUD, HABC or the privately owned/managed sites may release the information
20.2.5 Upfront Income Verification (UIV) Records
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites access UIV data through HUD’s Enterprise Income
Verification (EIV) system and have adopted and follow specific security procedures to ensure that
all EIV data is protected in accordance with federal laws, regardless of the media on which the
data is recorded (e.g., electronic, paper).
20.2.6 Criminal Records
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites may only disclose the criminal conviction records
which HABC or the privately owned/managed sites receive from a law enforcement agency to
officers or employees of HABC and the privately owned/managed sites, or to authorized
representatives of HABC or the privately owned/managed sites who have a job-related need to
have access to the information.
Any criminal record received by HABC or a privately owned/managed site from a law enforcement
agency will be maintained confidentially, not misused or improperly disseminated, and destroyed,
once the purpose for which the record was requested has been accomplished, including expiration
of the period for filing a challenge to an action by HABC or the privately owned/managed site
without institution of a challenge or final disposition of any such litigation.
Any sex offender registration information received by HABC or a privately owned/managed site
from a state or local agency will be maintained confidentially, not misused or improperly
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 20-4
disseminated, and destroyed, once the purpose for which the record was requested has been
accomplished, including expiration of the period for filing a challenge to an action by HABC or
the privately owned/managed site without institution of a challenge or final disposition of any such
A record of criminal background and sex offender registration requirement screening, including
the type of screening and the date performed, shall be retained.
20.2.7 Medical/Disability Records
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will not inquire about the nature or extent of a
person’s disability. HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will not inquire about a
person’s diagnosis or details of treatment for a disability or medical condition. If HABC or a
privately owned/managed site receives a verification document that provides such information,
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will not place this information in the resident file.
HABC or the privately owned/managed sites will destroy the document or redact the confidential
medical information.
20.2.8 Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking Records
For requirements and HABC policies related to management of documentation obtained from
victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, see VAWA policies
contained in this ACOP.
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites shall report the name and address of a child living
in federally assisted housing, who is identified as having an elevated blood lead level to the public
health department after being so notified by any other medical health care professional. HABC
and the privately owned/managed sites will also report each known case of a child with an elevated
blood lead level to the HUD field office.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 21-1
This chapter outlines HABC's policies for the prevention, detection and investigation of program
abuse and resident fraud, which the privately owned/managed sites are required to follow.
Additionally, this chapter describes HABC's policies for the recovery of monies that have been
by families as well as remedies for errors or program abuse caused by HABC or the
privately owned/managed sites.
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites may use a variety of activities to detect errors and
program abuse including but not limited to:
Quality Control and Analysis of Data: HABC and the privately owned/managed sites
may employ a variety of methods including the use of EIV and other non-HUD sources of
up-front income verification and file reviews.
Independent Audits and HUD Monitoring: HABC and the privately owned/managed
sites will use the results reported in any independent audits or HUD monitoring reports to
identify potential program abuses as well as to assess the effectiveness of the error
detection and abuse prevention efforts employed by HABC and the privately
owned/managed sites.
Individual Reporting of Possible Errors and Program Abuse: HABC and the privately
owned/managed sites will encourage staff, residents, and the public to report possible
program abuse.
Public Records: Public records may be reviewed.
State Wage Data Record Keepers: Pursuant to federal and state laws, inquiries may be
made annually to detect unreported wages or unemployment compensation benefits.
Credit Bureau Inquiries: Credit bureau inquiries are made routinely to verify applicant
information as part of the applicant screening process.
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will review referrals, specific allegations,
complaints, and tips from any source including other agencies, companies, and individuals, to
determine if they warrant investigation. HABC and the privately owned/managed sites may
investigate when inconsistent or contradictory information is detected through file reviews and the
verification process.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 21-2
21.3.1 Consent to Release of Information
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites may investigate possible instances of error or abuse
pertaining to their applicants and residents. HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will
use available records in conducting their investigations. If necessary, HABC and the privately
owned/managed sites will require families to sign consent forms for the release of additional
21.3.2 Analysis and Findings
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will base their evaluations on a preponderance of
the evidence (see glossary) collected during their investigations.
For each investigation HABC or the privately owned/managed site will determine:
Whether an error or program abuse has occurred.
Whether any amount of money is owed to HABC or the privately owned/managed site;
What corrective measures or penalties will be assessed, if any; and
Whether the matter should be referred to HABC’s Internal Audits and Investigation Unit.
Documents and other evidence obtained by HABC and the privately owned/managed sites during
an investigation will be considered confidential and will either be kept in the resident file, or in a
separate work file. Cases under review will not be discussed among staff unless they are involved
in the investigation or have information which may assist in the investigation.
Whether HABC or the privately owned/managed site will enforce other corrective actions and
penalties identified in sections 20.7 through 20.9 of this chapter depends upon the nature of the
error or program abuse.
In the case of family-caused errors or program abuse, HABC will take into consideration:
The seriousness of the offense and the extent of participation or culpability of individual
family members.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 21-3
Any special circumstances surrounding the case.
Any mitigating circumstances related to the disability of a family member; and
The effects of a particular remedy on family members who were not involved in the offense.
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will inform the relevant party in writing of its
findings and remedies after the conclusion of the investigation.
The notice will include:
A description of the error or program abuse.
The basis on which HABC or the privately owned/managed site determined the error or
program abuses.
The remedies to be employed; and
The family’s right to appeal the results through an informal hearing or grievance hearing,
if applicable.
In all cases of misrepresentations involving efforts to recover monies owed, HABC or the privately
owned/managed site may pursue one or more of the following actions:
Criminal Prosecution
When HABC or the privately owned/managed site determines that program abuse by a family has
occurred and the amount of the violation meets or exceeds the threshold for prosecution under
local or state law, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will refer the matter to the
appropriate entity for prosecution. When the amount of the violation meets or exceeds the federal
threshold, the case will also be referred to the HUD Office of Inspector General (OIG).
Administrative Remedies
HABC or the privately owned/managed site may:
Terminate tenancy and demand payment of restitution in full.
Terminate tenancy and execute an administrative payment agreement.
Terminate tenancy and pursue restitution through civil litigation.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 21-4
Continue assistance at the correct rent upon payment of restitution in full.
Permit continued occupancy at the correct rent and execute an administrative payment
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will have appropriate documentation supporting that
a debt is owed by the family. The written documentation will include the method of calculation,
in a clear format, for review by the family.
When families owe money to HABC or to a privately owned/managed site, HABC or the privately
owned/managed site will make reasonable efforts to collect it. HABC or the privately
owned/managed site will use a variety of collection tools to recover debts including, but not limited
Requests for lump sum payments
Civil suits
Payment agreements
Collection agencies
Credit bureaus
A Payment Agreement, as used in this ACOP, is a document entered into between HABC or a
privately owned/managed site and the head of household, spouse/co-head, if any, who owes a debt
to HABC or the privately owned/managed site in connection with the tenancy. The payment
agreement contains details regarding the nature of the debt, the terms of payment, any special
provisions of the agreement, and the remedies available to HABC or the privately owned/managed
site upon default of the agreement. Any payment agreement between HABC or a privately
owned/managed site and a family must be signed and dated by HABC or the privately
owned/managed site and by the head of household and spouse/co-head (if applicable).
The maximum amount for which HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will enter into a
payment agreement with a family is $2,500.00, except as provided below.
The maximum length of time HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will enter into a
payment agreement with a family is 24 months. All payments are due by the close of business on
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 21-5
the 1
day of the month. If the 1
does not fall on a business day, the due date is the close of
business on the first business day after the 1
21.9.1 Guidelines for Payment Agreements
Payment agreements will be executed between HABC or the privately owned/managed site and
the head of household and co-head/spouse, if any. The monthly payment agreement amount and
the monthly rent amount together may not exceed 40% of the family’s monthly adjusted income.
If a family underreported or failed to report income and a payment agreement is executed, the
following provisions will be included:
A reference to the items in the public housing lease that state the family’s obligation to
provide true and complete information at every reexamination and the grounds on which
HABC or the privately owned/managed site may terminate assistance because of a family’s
action or failure to act.
A statement clarifying that each month the family not only must pay to HABC or the
privately owned/managed site the monthly payment amount specified in the agreement but
must also pay to HABC or the privately owned/managed site the monthly tenant rent.
A statement that the terms of the payment agreement may be renegotiated if the family’s
income decreases or increases; and
A statement that late or missed payments constitute default of the payment agreement and
may result in termination of tenancy.
Monthly payments may be decreased in cases of financial hardship. Families must make a written
request for a hardship consideration, which must include supporting documentation of the financial
hardship. HABC or the privately owned/managed site will verify the financial hardship and
provide a written response on the decision regarding the hardship request.
Payment agreements will follow the schedule below; however, HABC reserves the right to modify
the maximum term on a case-by-case basis.
Initial Payment
Due: (% of Total)
Amount Owed
Maximum Term
0 - $500
6 months
$501- $1,000
10 months
$1,001 - $2,500
24 months
21.9.2 Late Payments
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 21-6
A payment will be in arrears if the payment has not been received by the close of the business day
on which the payment was due, and prior approval for the missed payment has not been given by
HABC or the privately owned/managed site. If the due date is on a weekend or a holiday, the due
date will be at the close of the next business day.
If the family's payment agreement is in arrears, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will
send the family a delinquency notice giving the family 10 working days to make the late payment.
If the payment is not received by the due date set forth in the delinquency notice, it will be
considered a breach of the agreement and HABC or the privately owned/managed site may
terminate tenancy in accordance with the termination policies. HABC or the privately
owned/managed site may also require the family to pay the balance in full and/or pursue civil
collection of the balance due, in addition to termination of tenancy.
21.9.3 No Offer of Payment Agreement
The circumstances in which HABC or the privately owned/managed site will not enter into a
payment agreement are, as follows:
If the family already has a payment agreement in place; or
If HABC or the privately owned/managed site determines that the debt is so large that it
would take more than 24 months to repay.
21.9.4 Additional Monies Owed
If the family has a payment agreement in place and incurs an additional debt to HABC or the
privately owned/managed site, the payment agreement may be amended so that the additional
amounts owed by the family will be added to the existing payment agreement if the payments
can be completed within 24 months of the date of the original agreement and do not exceed
40% of the family’s adjusted monthly income.
21.9.5 Transfers and Payment Agreements
If the family requests a transfer to another unit and has a payment agreement in place and the
payment agreement is not in arrears, the family will be permitted to move. Exceptions for
families who are in arrears will be considered on a case-by-case basis and make take into
account situations including but not limited to emergencies, reasonable accommodations and
occupancy standards.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 21-7
This section specifically addresses actions of an HABC staff member or a privately
owned/managed site staff member that are considered errors or program abuse related to a federal
housing program. Additional standards of conduct may be provided in the HABC personnel policy
or in the personnel policies of the privately owned/managed site.
21.10.1 HABC or Privately Owned/Managed Staff Caused Errors
HABC or privately owned/managed staff-caused incorrect rental determinations include failing to
correctly apply federal housing rules regarding family composition, income, assets, and expenses,
errors in calculation.
21.10.2 Program Abuse by Staff
Any of the following will be considered evidence of program abuse by HABC or privately
owned/managed site staff:
Failing to comply with federal housing program requirements for personal gain.
Failing to comply with federal housing program requirements as a result of a conflict-of-
interest relationship with any applicant or resident.
Seeking or accepting anything of material value from applicants, residents, vendors,
contractors, or other persons who provide services or materials to HABC or the privately
owned managed site.
Disclosing confidential or proprietary information to outside parties.
Gaining profit because of insider knowledge of activities, policies, or practices of HABC
or the privately owned/managed site.
Misappropriating or misusing federal housing funds.
Destroying, concealing, removing, or inappropriately using any records related to the
federal housing program; or
Committing any other corrupt or criminal act in connection with any federal housing
21.10.3 Payment to HABC or the Privately Owned/Managed Sites
The family is not required to pay an underpayment of rent if the error or program abuse is caused
by HABC staff or staff of a privately owned/managed site.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 21-8
21.10.4 Family Overpayment
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will credit a family for any family overpayment of
rent, regardless of whether the overpayment was the result of staff-caused error or staff program
abuse. If the family is no longer a resident of HABC or privately owned/managed housing, HABC
or the privately owned/managed site will reimburse the family.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 22-1
HABC is converting certain public housing developments under RAD (RAD Sites), which after
conversion will be assisted by project based rental assistance subsidies. This chapter sets forth the
policies applicable to these RAD Sites.
The owners and managers of the RAD Sites will operate them in accordance with RAD
requirements and the agreements that establish criteria for tenant selection and continued
occupancy at the sites, which are the Long Term Affordable (LTA) Criteria, attached at Appendix
Should residents require relocation because of acquisition, demolition, or rehabilitation for a
project converting under RAD, HABC requires the owners of the RAD Sites to undertake a
planning process in conformance with the Uniform Relocation Act (URA) in order to minimize
the adverse impact of relocation.
Existing residents shall not be rescreened at conversion. However, the owners/managers of the
RAD Sites may verify the existing residents’ income and household composition to determine if
they meet the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit requirements.
Current public housing residents or residents from other RAD Sites referred to the RAD Site who:
(i) are in good standing, (ii) meet the income-eligibility requirements for the RAD Site, and (iii)
are approved for a reasonable accommodation or immediate needs transfer to a RAD Site shall not
be rescreened.
Applicants from the HABC public housing waiting list referred to a RAD Site may be screened by
the RAD Sites in accordance with the LTA Criteria.
Owner and managers of RAD Sites are prohibited from establishing any site-based waiting list for
the RAD Sites. Applicants for units in the RAD Sites shall be referred by HABC from HABC's
public housing applicant and reasonable accommodation transfer waiting lists for leasing available
units in the RAD Sites.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 22-2
22.5 RENT
Rent will be determined by the RAD owners and managers in accordance with the LTA Criteria.
The owners/managers of the RAD Sites will conduct initial income verifications, annual re-
examinations of income and interim certifications, as well as income verifications upon turnover.
RAD owners and managers will process transfers in accordance with the LTA Criteria unless
superseded by federal or state law.
The RAD owners and managers shall follow the pet policy set forth in the LTA Criteria.
The RAD owners and managers shall follow the lease requirements set forth in the LTA Criteria.
The RAD owners and managers shall follow the reasonable accommodation policy set forth in the
LTA Criteria.
The RAD owners and managers shall follow the policy regarding the availability of documents set
forth in the LTA Criteria.
The RAD owners and managers shall follow the policy regarding resident participation set forth
in the LTA Criteria.
The RAD owners and managers shall follow the grievance policy and appeals procedure set forth
in the LTA Criteria.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 22-3
The policies governing the RAD Sites shall not violate state or federal law. If the LTA Criteria
are deemed to be in violation of either state or federal law, or both, and in the event that a waiver
of any such law cannot be obtained, they shall be amended to ensure that said violations are cured
and that the LTA Criteria remain in compliance with applicable law.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 23-1
This section describes HABC’s Scattered Site Homeownership Plan under the Moving to Work
Demonstration Agreement (MTW).
The following outlines who will be eligible to purchase homes, which properties will be eligible,
the structure of the purchase financing, and how HABC administers the program.
23.2.1 Priority of Eligible Buyers
Eligible buyers are, in order of priority: (1) residents of scattered sites public housing units; (2)
residents of public housing developments; and (3) Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP)
(also known as Section 8) participants.
23.2.2 Prohibition Against Resident Displacement
Residents of scattered site properties will not be displaced to create a homeownership opportunity
for another family.
23.2.3 Principal Residence Requirement
Each eligible buyer must use the dwelling unit purchased as the principal residence of his or her
family. This restriction will be included in mortgage loan documents, closing cost grant assistance
agreements, the deed, and any other appropriate legal documents associated with the sale of the
property. Furthermore, if a family discontinues use of the property as its principal residence and
sells or rents the unit, recapture provisions of HABC’s investment in the rehabilitation of the
property, soft second mortgage assistance, appreciation, and/or settlement assistance will be
23.2.4 Financial Capacity Requirement
HABC’s public housing homeownership program incorporates the following requirements and
Income Eligibility will be determined through a combined analysis of gross income,
current debt, and obligations. All participant families must have an income level at or
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 23-2
below 80% of the AMI established for the Baltimore Metropolitan Area. A family must
meet a minimum income requirement such that they can qualify for a mortgage for 50% of
the appraised value of the house. The analysis of income and debt will determine how
much of a mortgage the family can afford. Participating families will be expected to fully
obtain first mortgage financing possible prior to determining the level of assistance they
may receive from HABC in the form of a soft second mortgage.
Affordability During the initial screening process, HABC’s Homeownership
Coordinator will compute the family’s income debt ratio based upon standards in
traditional lending products. The analysis of income and debt will determine how much of
a mortgage the family can afford. A family must qualify for a mortgage of at least 50% of
the appraised value of the house in order to purchase that house.
Down Payment Requirement Purchasers in the HABC’s homeownership program will
be required to make down payment of $250. This amount may be adjusted to prevent
creating financial hardship that would prevent purchase ability to pay for inspections,
appraisal and other related expenses.
Minimum Cash Contribution Purchasers in HABC’s homeownership program will be
required to invest a minimum of one percent (1%) of the purchase price of their homes or
$1,000, whichever is greater. The purchasing family must use its own resources other than
grants, gifts, credit cards, loans, and contributions, or similar amounts to invest an amount
of the down payment that is not less than one percent of the purchase price of the family’s
home or $1000, whichever is greater. This investment must be documented and verified
at the time of settlement. The purchasing family’s out of pocket paid expenses such as:
earnest money deposit, down payment, home inspections, appraisal, etc., may be credit
towards the family meeting the minimum cash contribution. One eligible source of funds
for meeting this down payment requirement will be the funds contributed by the family
into escrow accounts due to the family’s participation in HABC’s Family Self-Sufficiency
HABC’s Homeownership Office will inform families about available homeownership
incentive programs in the city and state. Such financial assistance will be made available
to eligible purchasers in HABC’s homeownership program for amounts in excess of one
percent of the purchase price or $1000, whichever is greater.
HABC will refund the earnest money deposit if the purchasing family is unable to obtain
mortgage financing or decides they are no longer interested in purchasing the property.
Participation in a Homeownership Counseling Program: Participants in HABC’s
homeownership program will be required to obtain a certification that they completed an
HABC-approved homeownership counseling program prior to settlement. A list of HABC-
approved homeownership counseling agencies and the required counseling topics will be
available to participants. Participants in HABC’s homeownership program will also be
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 23-3
required to participate in post-purchase counseling. HABC will provide a list of appropriate
counseling agencies to participants.
23.2.5 Other Requirements
Participants must be residents in good standing at the time of the application and remain in good
standing through the settlement of the property. Good standing is defined as follows:
The participant is in compliance with the current lease.
The participant is not currently under investigation for possible lease violations.
There is no HABC initiated breach of lease action against the participant.
The participant’s rent payments are current (including utilities and other charges);
The participant must have a record of timely rental payments (no more than 4 late rental
payments within a 12-month period) (for participants in the HCVP, the current landlord
must provide the participant’s payment history).
The participant has not been evicted from public or private housing within the last 3 years.
The participant was not terminated from the HCVP for program non-compliance.
The participant must successfully pass a home inspection (no unit inspection violations);
The participant must successfully pass a credit and criminal background check; and
There is no evidence of a recurring breach of lease resulting in judgment in favor of HABC
or any other landlord within the past 24 months.
23.2.6 Participants Who Have a Family Member with a Disability
If a participant or any family member who will reside in the purchased home has a disability and
requires accessible features, the following reasonable accommodations and special assistance will
be provided:
The family will be provided information and application assistance for the Maryland State
Disability Mortgage Program which has liberal underwriting criteria and may offer a lower
than market interest rate.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 23-4
The family will be given information about applying for a Direct Homeownership
Assistance grant for closing cost or down payment assistance (beyond the down payment
required from the buyer’s own funds), as long as program funds are available.
Processing of a reasonable accommodation request for accessible features.
23.2.7 Selection Criteria and Methodology
The following guidelines, procedures, and principles will be applied to the Program:
The selection process will follow priority tiers set forth in Section 21.2.1 (Priority of
Eligible Buyers).
The length of residency in public housing may be considered during the selection process.
Families displaced from the family’s residential housing unit by governmental action that
occurs in Baltimore City may receive a higher priority for program participation than
families not affected by such displacement.
Families, who are initially not considered eligible, will be referred to credit counseling,
homeownership counseling, Family Self-Sufficiency programs, and other resources that
may help the family become eligible over time.
Eligible families must meet all the program requirements of the Scattered Site
Homeownership program.
Only HABC owned scattered site properties are eligible for purchase under this program.
23.3.1 Property Feasibility
The determination as to which properties are eligible for homeownership will be made solely by
HABC based on its assessment of the community and the agency’s best interests.
The general scope of repairs and renovations to be considered for properties in the homeownership
program will consist of updating or upgrading heating, plumbing, electrical systems, windows,
appliances, cabinetry, and roofs. Replacement of flooring, walls, lights, and fixtures may also be
included. HABC limits the scope of repairs and renovations of units disposed of directly by HABC
to eligible purchasers to $75,000 per unit, which may be increased by HABC to accommodate
renovations related to disability accessibility or rehabilitation of properties within the historic
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 23-5
If a candidate family states a preference to buy its current residence, HABC will evaluate the
feasibility of satisfying that preference. The property must meet the rehabilitation cost limit test.
Rehabilitation cost limit test: the rehabilitation costs cannot be more than 1/3 of the appraised
value after rehab.
If the rehabilitation exceeds the cost limit or the family is unable to afford the unit, the family will
be offered choices among HABC’s vacant house inventory for which rehabilitation is completed
or well underway.
23.3.2 Home Inspections and Code Requirements
HABC’s properties rehabilitated for homeownership purposes will meet all of the relevant housing
and building code requirements of state and local law. The home buying family will be required
to obtain an independent home inspection for the family’s own information. A list of licensed and
qualified home inspectors may be obtained from the Maryland Department of Labor Licensing and
Regulation. The cost of the home inspections will be credited toward the buyer’s minimum cash
23.3.3 Property Appraisals and Sales Price
HABC will contract for an independent appraisal of a property to establish a sales price, and thus
determine the feasibility of purchase by a participant. The appraisals will establish the after-rehab
value of the property, based upon a scope of work for planned rehabilitation. The potential
purchaser must be able to qualify for a first mortgage based on one-half of the appraised value of
the property.
23.4.1 First Mortgage Financing
The participant is responsible for obtaining first mortgage financing. HABC will strongly urge that
a participant secure a mortgage loan from a Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac approved lending
institution. If a participant chooses to use a mortgage broker, the mortgage broker must adhere to
HABC written policy.
Lenders must provide a good faith estimate to the participant that includes:
Any points, fees, or other charges.
Any mortgage insurance fees; and
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 23-6
Any monthly escrow amounts required for property taxes and homeowner's insurance.
More specifically, lenders must not charge in excess of three (3) points -- one (1) point for the
origination fee and two (2) points for the mortgage interest rate discount. Lenders must charge
only the actual fee incurred by the lender for obtaining the credit report and appraisal and any other
documents and services required as part of the mortgage transaction. Lenders must adhere to the
disclosure requirements set forth in applicable federal law and regulations. No lender will be given
favored treatment by HABC.
Mortgage products funded by the State of Maryland and administered through the City Office of
Homeownership may be available to participants. These programs include the Maryland Tenant
Conversion Mortgage Program, which is designed to aid residents desiring to purchase their
current residences, and the Maryland Disability Mortgage Program.
Each assistance program may have its own provisions for recapture or repayment if the property
is sold or rented.
23.4.2 Ineligible First Mortgage Finance Products
HABC will not sell a property to a participant who obtains financing as a result of the following
mortgage products:
No documentation loans
Interest only loan
Conventional 80/20 loan
Adjustable-rate loan
Balloon payment loans
Any loans for which prepayment penalties or fees are applicable, or will be assessed, are not
eligible for use with HABC homeownership programs.
23.4.3 Soft Second Mortgages
Subject to funding availability, HABC may offer non-cash, non-interest bearing second mortgages
to eligible homebuyers up to 25% of the after-rehab appraised value of the property, which may
be increased to up to 50% on a case-by-case basis or in extenuating circumstances as long as
HABC funding is available to support such mortgages. HABC second mortgage assistance may
be made only after eligible homebuyers have obtained a first mortgage commitment to the fullest
extent that their incomes allow. If the participating family can afford a first mortgage for the full
appraised value of the property, no soft second mortgage will be provided.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 23-7
HABC requires that second mortgages be paid back in full during or after the first mortgage has
been paid in full, if the property or any part of the land thereof is refinanced, or if ownership is
transferred or sold.
Closing Costs HABC may match closing costs up to $5,000 to be applied at closing. All closing
costs will be based on need and only apply after required personal contribution, government and/or
lender assistance have been applied.
23.4.4 Recapture Provisions and Deed Restrictions
If a property acquired through HABC’s scattered sites homeownership program is resold,
refinanced with a cash-out or leased, the following recapture provisions will take effect. During
the first five years of homeownership, HABC will be entitled to full reimbursement of the amount
of the non-cash second mortgage; and 50% of the appreciation of the property. After the fifth
anniversary of the sales date, if the property is resold, HABC will recapture decreasing
percentages of the non-cash second mortgage and appreciation. If a property purchased through
HABC’s Scattered Sites Homeownership program is resold, refinanced with a cash-out or leased,
during the first 10 years after sale, the following recapture provisions will take effect:
1) First 5 years 50% of appreciation;
2) Years 6-10 25% of appreciation;
3) Year 11 and beyond no recapture of appreciation.
23.4.5 Pre-sale Costs, Closing Costs, and Down Payment Requirement
Certain costs associated with the implementation of this program may be incurred prior to the sale
of a scattered site unit to a participant. Prior to the sale of the property, the unit is still owned by
HABC and the family is still an HABC resident or an HABC voucher participant. HABC will pay
for the appraisal conducted prior to sale for the purpose of establishing the sales price.
The traditional services of a real estate agent for either the buyer or the seller are not required.
Nonetheless, HABC will not prohibit participating families from employing the services of a
buyer’s agent. If a participant chooses to hire a real estate agent licensed to perform services in the
State of Maryland, the participant will be responsible for negotiating when the licensed real estate
agent will be paid and for paying that fee by closing. Agent commission fees will be limited to 3%
of the first mortgage amount.
23.4.6 Replacement Escrow Accounts
HABC strongly encourages the establishment of a replacement escrow account for each property
sold. The purpose of the account is to ensure that larger, and often unexpected, maintenance needs
or problems do not undermine the feasibility of homeownership for participating families.
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 23-8
Each buyer will be encouraged to make monthly contributions to the escrow account as part of the
first mortgage monthly payments. Maintenance escrow accounts provide a cushion for the new
homeowners and relegate some savings to cover maintenance needs.
23.4.7 Maintenance Contract and Warranties
HABC will strongly suggest that the homebuyer purchase a homeowner’s maintenance contract
from a reputable company. The cost typically ranges from $400 to $600 annually depending on
the selected plan. To assist in the annual purchase cost of the maintenance contract, the homeowner
may choose to establish a savings or escrow account.
HABC will guarantee that all major systems are operational and functional at the time of
settlement. In addition, homeowners will be provided manufacturer warranties for all new
appliances installed in the home. Homeowners will be responsible for contacting the manufacturer
regarding issues related to the appliances. Any warranties and guarantees may be voided if the
homeowner fails to provide proper care and maintenance or if it is determined that the problems
resulted from homeowner, family member and or guest misuse, neglect, or carelessness.
23.5.1 Approval Process
The approval process is as follows:
Residents on the rent roll are periodically mailed a preliminary interest application
describing the program and listing the documents required to submit an application.
All completed applications are date stamped and processed according to date of receipt.
The applicant’s ability to qualify for a mortgage is evaluated based on at least 50% of the
sales price of the property.
All families who express interest in homeownership are required to attend homeownership
counseling. Prior to settlement, participants are required to provide a homeownership
counseling certificate, which must be dated within one year of property settlement.
Participants are required to provide proof of financing prior to ratifying a sales contract.
23.5.2 Net Proceeds of Sales
HABC uses the proceeds of homeownership sales to further rehab units to be sold to buyers and
HABC ACOP: Draft Date 7-26-19 23-9
for other affordable housing purposes.
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 A-1
1. ACC Annual contributions contract
2. ACOP Admissions and continued occupancy policy
3. ADA Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
4. AIDS Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
5. AMI Area median income
6. AMP Asset management project
7. BR Bedroom
8. BRHP Baltimore Regional Housing Partnership (administers the Baltimore Housing
Mobility Program)
9. CDBG Community Development Block Grant (Program)
10. CFP Capital fund program
11. CFR Code of Federal Regulations (published federal rules that define and implement laws;
commonly referred to as “the regulations”)
12. CNI Choice Neighborhoods Initiative
13. COCC Central office cost center
14. CPI Consumer price index (published monthly by the Department of Labor as an inflation
15. DOFA Date of final availability
16. EID Earned income disallowance
17. EIV Enterprise Income Verification
18. EIOP End of initial occupancy
19. EOP End of participation
20. EPC Energy performance contract
21. FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
22. FHA Federal Housing Administration (HUD Office of Housing)
23. FHEO Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (HUD Office of)
24. FICA Federal Insurance Contributions Act (established Social Security taxes)
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 A-2
25. FMR Fair market rent
26. FR Federal Register
27. FSLA Federal Labor Standards Act
28. FSS Family Self-Sufficiency (Program)
29. FY Fiscal year
30. FYE Fiscal year end
31. GAO Government Accountability Office
32. HA Housing authority or housing agency
33. HCV Housing choice voucher
34. HCVP Housing Choice Voucher Program
35. HERA Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008
36. HOPE VI Revitalization of Severely Distressed Public Housing Program
37. HOTMA Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016
38. HUD Department of Housing and Urban Development
39. HUDCLIPS HUD Client Information and Policy System
40. IAIU Internal Audit and Investigations Unit (HABC unit that investigates certain types of
lease violations and reviews IVIW & VAWA transfer requests)
41. IMS Inventory Management System
42. IPA Independent public accountant
43. IRA Individual retirement account
44. IRS Internal Revenue Service
45. IV/IW Intimidated Victim/Intimidated Witness
46. JTPA Job Training Partnership Act
47. LBP Lead-based paint
48. LAP Language assistance program
49. LEP Limited English proficiency
50. LIHTC Low-income housing tax credit
51. LIPH Low-income public housing
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 A-3
52. LTA Long term affordable
53. MTW Moving to Work
54. NEDs Non-elderly persons with disabilities
55. NOFA Notice of funding availability
56. OGC HUD's Office of General Counsel
57. OIG HUD’s Office of Inspector General
58. OMB Office of Management and Budget
59. PASS Plan to Achieve Self-Support
60. PHA Public housing agency
61. PHAS Public Housing Assessment System
62. PIC PIH Information Center
63. PIH (HUD Office of) Public and Indian Housing
64. QA Quality assurance
65. QC Quality control
66. QHWRA Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998 (also known as the Public
Housing Reform Act)
67. RAB Resident Advisory Board
68. RAD Rental Assistance Demonstration Program
69. REAC (HUD) Real Estate Assessment Center
70. RFP Request for proposals
71. RIGI Regional inspector general for investigation (handles fraud and program abuse
matters for HUD at the regional office level)
72. ROSS Resident Opportunity and Supportive Services
73. SSA Social Security Administration
74. SSI Supplemental security income
75. SWICA State wage information collection agency
76. TANF Temporary assistance for needy families
77. TPA Tenant participation activities
78. TR Tenant rent
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 A-4
79. TTP Total tenant payment
80. UA Utility allowance
81. UFAS Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards
82. UIV Upfront income verification
83. UPCS Uniform Physical Condition Standards
84. URA Uniform Relocation Act
85. URP Utility reimbursement payment
86. USCIS United States Citizens & Immigration Services
87. VAWA Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013
88. VCA Voluntary Compliance Agreement
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 B-1
1. Accessible. When used in reference to a building, physical structure or a portion of a building
or structure, including a dwelling unit, means capable of being approached, entered, exited
and used by individuals with disabilities, including persons who use wheelchairs. When used
with respect to a program, means affording persons with disabilities an equal opportunity to
participate in the program without disability-related barriers to access and incorporating the
effective communication requirements of 28 C.F.R §§ 35.160 35.164.
2. Accessible dwelling units. When used with respect to the design, construction or alteration
of an individual dwelling unit, means that the unit is located on an accessible route, and when
designed, constructed, or altered, can be approached, entered, and used by individuals with
physical disabilities. A unit that is on an accessible route and is adaptable and otherwise in
compliance with the standards set forth in 24 CFR 8.32 & 40, (the Uniform Federal
Accessibility Standards) is "accessible" within the meaning of this paragraph.
3. Accessible facility. All or any portion of a facility other than an individual dwelling unit used
by individuals with physical disabilities.
4. Accessible or accessibility features. Specific features added to housing units for use by a
person with a disability. Accessible or accessibility features include, but are not limited to,
grab bars, hand rails, lever handles on faucets, raised toilet seats and benches for a shower
or bathtub.
5. Accessible route. For persons with a mobility disability, a continuous, unobstructed path that
complies with space and reach requirements of the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards
(UFAS). For persons with hearing or vision disabilities, the route need not comply with
requirements specific to mobility.
6. Actual and imminent threat. Actual and Imminent Threat mean words, gestures, actions, or
other indicators of a physical threat that (a) is real, (b) would occur within an immediate time
frame, and (c) could result in death or serious bodily harm.
7. Adaptability. The ability to change certain elements in a dwelling unit to accommodate the
needs of persons with disabilities and persons who do not have disabilities; or the ability to
meet the needs of persons with different types and degrees of disability.
8. Adjusted income. Annual income, less allowable HUD and HABC MTW deductions and
9. Affiliated individual. With respect to an individual, a spouse, parent, brother, sister, or child
of that individual, or an individual to whom that individual stands in loco parentis (in the
place of a parent), or any individual, tenant, or lawful occupant living in the household of
that individual
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 B-2
10. Annual contributions contract (ACC). The written contract between HUD and HABC under
which HUD agrees to provide funding for a program under the 1937 Act, and HABC agrees
to comply with HUD requirements for the program.
11. Annual income. The anticipated total income of an eligible family from all sources for the
12-month period following the date of determination of income, computed in accordance
with the regulations.
12. Applicant (applicant family). A family that has applied for admission to a program but is not
yet a participant in the program.
13. Assets. (See net family assets.)
14. Auxiliary aids. Services or devices that enable persons with impaired sensory, manual, or
speaking skills to have an equal opportunity to participate in, and enjoy the benefits of,
programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance.
15. Bifurcate. With respect to a public housing or Section 8 lease, to divide a lease as a matter
of law such that certain tenants can be evicted or removed while the remaining family
members’ lease and occupancy rights are allowed to remain intact.
16. Child. A member of the family other than the family head, co-head or spouse who is under
18 years of age and who is not an emancipated minor.
17. Childcare expenses. Amounts anticipated to be paid by the family for the care of children
under 13 years of age during the period for which annual income is computed, but only where
such care is necessary to enable a family member to actively seek employment, be gainfully
employed, or to further his or her education and only to the extent such amounts are not
reimbursed. The amount deducted shall reflect reasonable charges for childcare. In the case
of childcare necessary to permit employment, the amount deducted shall not exceed the
amount of employment income that is included in annual income.
18. Citizen. All persons born or naturalized in the United States.
19. Co-head. An individual in the household who is equally responsible for the lease with the
head of household. A family may have a co-head or spouse but not both. A co-head never
qualifies as a dependent. The co-head must have legal capacity to enter into a lease.
20. Community service. The performance of voluntary work or duties that are a public benefit
and that serves to improve the quality of life, enhances resident self-sufficiency, or increases
resident self-responsibility in the community. Community service is not employment and
does not include political activities (except voter registration activities).
21. Confirmatory review. An on-site review performed by HUD to verify the management
performance of HABC.
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 B-3
22. Consent form. Any consent form approved by HUD, HABC or the privately owned/managed
sites to be signed by assistance applicants and residents to obtain information from any third-
party source.
23. Covered families. Statutory term for families who are required to participate in a welfare
agency economic self-sufficiency program and who may be subject to a welfare benefit
sanction for noncompliance with this obligation. The term includes families who receive
welfare assistance or other public assistance under a program for which federal, state, or local
law requires that a member of the family must participate in an economic self-sufficiency
program as a condition for the assistance.
24. Dating violence. Violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship
of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim; and where the existence of such a
relationship shall be determined based on a consideration of the following factors:
The length of the relationship
The type of relationship
The frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship.
25. Dependent. A member of the family (except foster children and foster adults) other than the
family head, co-head or spouse, who is under 18 years of age, or is a person with a disability,
or is a full-time student.
26. Dependent Deduction. An exemption of $480 for each member of the family residing in the
household (other than the head, co-head or spouse, live-in aide or foster child) who is under
eighteen years of age or who is eighteen years of age or older and has a disability, or is a full-
time student.
27. Designated Housing Plan. The plan submitted by HABC and approved by HUD under
which HABC is permitted to designate a building, or portion of a building, for occupancy by
elderly families or families with disabilities.
28. Developments. See Housing Projects.
29. Disability assistance expenses. Reasonable expenses that are anticipated, during the period
for which annual income is computed, for attendant care and auxiliary apparatus for a family
member with a disability, and that are necessary to enable a family member (including the
member with the disability) to be employed, actively seek work or attend school provided
that the expenses are neither paid to a member of the family nor reimbursed by an outside
30. Disabled Family or Families with disabilities. A family whose head, co-head, spouse, or
sole member is a person with disabilities; two or more persons with disabilities living
together; or one or more persons with disabilities living with a live-in aide.
31. Disabled person. See person with disabilities.
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 B-4
32. Displaced family. A family in which each member, or whose sole member, is a person
displaced from the family’s residential unit by governmental action that occurs in Baltimore
City, or a person whose dwelling has been extensively damaged or destroyed as a result of a
disaster in the Baltimore Metropolitan area declared or otherwise formally recognized
pursuant to federal disaster relief laws.
33. Domestic violence. Felony or misdemeanor crimes of violence committed by a current or
former spouse of the victim, by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common,
by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse, by a
person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family violence laws
of the jurisdiction receiving grant monies, or by any other person against an adult or youth
victim who is protected from that person’s acts under the domestic or family violence laws
of the jurisdiction.
34. Domicile. The legal residence of the head of household, co-head or spouse as determined in
accordance with state and local law.
35. Drug-related criminal activity. The illegal manufacture, sale, distribution, or use of a drug,
or the illegal possession of a drug with intent to manufacture, sell, distribute, or use the drug.
36. Economic self-sufficiency program. Any program designed to encourage, assist, train, or
facilitate the economic independence of assisted families, or to provide work for such
families. Such program may include job training, employment counseling, work placement,
basic skills training, education, English proficiency, financial or household management,
apprenticeship, or any other program necessary to prepare a resident to work. An economic
self-sufficiency program includes any work activities as defined in the Social Security Act
(42 U.S.C. 607(d)). Also see 24 CFR 5.603(c).
37. Effective date. The “effective date” of an examination or reexamination refers to: (i) in the
case of an examination for admission, the date of initial occupancy and (ii) in the case of any
reexamination of an existing resident, the date the re-determined rent becomes effective.
38. Elderly family. A family whose head, co-head, spouse, or sole member is a person who is at
least 62 years of age.
39. Elderly person. An individual who is at least 62 years of age.
40. Eligible family. A family that is income eligible and meets the other requirements of the
Housing Act of 1937, as amended, and Part 5 of 24 CFR.
41. Emancipated minor. A person under the age of 18 classified as an adult.
42. Employer identification number (EIN). The nine-digit taxpayer identifying number that is
assigned to an individual, trust, estate, partnership, association, company, or corporation.
43. Eviction Notice. A notice to vacate, or a complaint or other initial pleading used under state
or local law to commence an eviction action.
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 B-5
44. Evidence of citizenship or eligible status. The documents which must be submitted as
evidence of citizenship or eligible immigration status. (See 24 CFR 5.508(b).)
45. Exempt Status. The status of residents who do not have to comply with the community &
self-sufficiency requirement.
46. Extremely low-income family. A family whose annual income does not exceed the federal
poverty level or 30 percent of the median income for the area as determined by HUD,
whichever number is higher, with adjustments for smaller and larger families. HUD may
establish income ceilings higher or lower than 30 percent of median income if HUD finds
such variations are necessary due to unusually high or low family incomes. (See 24 CFR
47. Facility. All or any portion of buildings, structures, equipment, roads, walks, parking lots,
rolling stock, or other real or personal property or interest in the property.
48. Fair Housing Act. Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended by the Fair Housing
Amendments Act of 1988.
49. Fair market rent (FMR). The rent, including the cost of utilities (except telephone, cable
and internet services), as established by HUD for units of varying sizes (by number of
bedrooms), that must be paid in the housing market area to rent privately owned, existing,
decent, safe, and sanitary rental housing of a modest (non-luxury) nature with suitable
amenities. See periodic publications in the Federal Register in accordance with 24 CFR Part
50. Family. A family is either a single person or a group of persons and includes:
A household with or without children. A child who is temporarily away from home
due to placement in foster care should be considered a member of the family.
An elderly family or a near-elderly family
A disabled family
A displaced family
The remaining member of a resident family
A single person who is not an elderly or displaced person, or a person with disabilities,
or the remaining member of a resident family.
51. Family self-sufficiency program (FSS program). The program established by HABC in
accordance with 24 CFR part 984 to promote self-sufficiency of assisted families, including
the coordination of supportive services (42 U.S.C. 1437u).
52. Federal agency. A department of the executive branch of the federal government.
53. Flat rent. A rent established by HABC for each public housing unit based on the market rent
charged for comparable units in the unassisted rental market, set at no less than 80 percent
of the applicable Fair Market Rent (FMR), and adjusted by the amount of the utility
allowance, if any.
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 B-6
54. Foster child care payment. A payment to eligible households by state, local, or private
agencies appointed by the state to administer payments for the care of foster children.
55. Full-time student. A person who is attending school or vocational training on a full-time
basis (carrying a subject load that is considered full-time for students under the standards and
practices of the educational institution attended). (See 24 CFR 5.603)
56. Gender identity. A personal conception of oneself as male or female or both or neither.
57. Handicap. (See person with disabilities.)
58. Head of household. The adult member of the family who is the head of the household for
purposes of determining income eligibility and rent and is responsible for the lease.
59. Household. A household includes additional people other than the family who, with HABC’s
permission, live in an assisted unit, such as live-in aides, foster children, and foster adults.
60. Housing agency (HA). See public housing agency.
61. Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. The Act in which the U.S. Housing
Act of 1937 was recodified, and which added the Section 8 Programs.
62. Housing Projects. Housing that is publicly financed through development, construction
and/or operation for low income, very low income and extremely low-income families. Such
housing is also referred to as developments, communities, complexes, AMPs, sites and
scattered site properties and may be at a single location or may be at scattered locations or in
a mixed income development.
63. HUD. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
64. Imputed asset. An asset disposed of for less than fair market value during the two years
preceding examination or reexamination.
65. Imputed asset income. HUD-established passbook rate multiplied by the total cash value of
assets. The calculation is used when net family assets exceed $5,000.
66. Imputed welfare income. An amount of annual income that is not actually received by a
family as a result of a specified welfare benefit reduction but is included in the family’s
annual income and therefore reflected in the family’s rental contribution.
67. Income. Income from all sources of each member of the household, as determined in
accordance with criteria established by HUD.
68. Income-based rent. The resident’s rent, which is based on the family’s income and HABC’s
rent policies for determination of such rents.
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 B-7
69. Income Disallowance. Income excluded from the calculation of annual income.
70. Income Targeting. The HUD requirement that 40% of all new admissions in public housing
during any given fiscal year be reserved for extremely low-income families. This
requirement may be modified in HABC’s MTW Agreement.
71. Indian. Any person recognized as an Indian or Alaska Native by an Indian Tribe, the federal
government, or any state.
72. Indian Housing Authority (IHA). A housing agency established either by exercise of the
power of self-government of an Indian Tribe, independent of state law, or by operation of
state law providing specifically for housing authorities for Indians.
73. Individual with handicaps. See person with disabilities.
74. Interdependent relationship. A close personal relationship in which two people live
together, one or each provides financial support, domestic support or personal care to the
75. Intimidated Crime Victim (“IV”) Means a person subject to a credible threat of imminent
harm or threatened harm in connection with the person’s status as a victim of a criminal act
that is planned, threatened, attempted or completed, who is cooperating with law
76. Intimidated Crime Witness (“IW”) Means a person subject to a credible threat of imminent
harm or threatened harm in connection with the person’s status as a witness to a crime that
is planned, threatened, attempted or completed, who is cooperating with law enforcement.
77. Jurisdiction. The area in which HABC has authority under state and local law to administer
the program.
78. Landlord. Either the legal owner of the property, or the owner's representative or managing
agent as designated by the owner.
79. Lease. A written agreement between HABC or a privately owned/managed site and a resident
family for the leasing of a federally assisted housing unit. The lease establishes the legal
relationship between HABC or the privately owned/managed site and the resident family.
80. Live-in aide. A person who resides with one or more elderly persons, or near-elderly persons,
or persons with disabilities, and who:
Is determined to be essential to the care and well-being of the persons.
Is not obligated for the support of the persons; and
Would not be living in the unit except to provide the necessary supportive services.
81. Local preference. A preference used by HABC to select among applicant families.
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 B-8
82. Low-income family. A family whose income does not exceed 80 percent of the median
income for the area as determined by HUD with adjustments for smaller or larger families,
except that HUD may establish income limits higher or lower than 80 percent for areas with
unusually high or low incomes.
83. Maximum rent. Privately owned/managed sites: Privately owned/managed sites may have
maximum rents that are lower than the flat rents. When the maximum rent is lower than the
flat rent, the resident will be given the choice between the income-based rent and the
maximum rent for the unit instead of the flat rent.
Mixed families: Public housing maximum rents are used to calculate the tenant rent for a
mixed family. The public housing maximum rent is based on the value of the 95th percentile
of the total tenant payment (TTP) for each tenant within HABC. HABC recalculates the
public housing maximum rents on an annual basis.
84. Medical expenses. Medical expenses, including medical insurance premiums that are
anticipated during the period for which annual income is computed, and that are not covered
by insurance (a deduction for elderly or disabled families only). These allowances are given
when calculating adjusted income for medical expenses in excess of 10 percent of annual
85. Minimal income. Annual adjusted income that is $2,400 or less.
86. Minimum rent. An amount established by HABC or the privately owned/managed sites of
up to $50.
87. Minor. A member of the family household other than the family head, co-head or spouse,
who is under 18 years of age.
88. Mixed family. A family whose members include persons with U.S. citizenship or eligible
immigration status and persons who do not have U.S. citizenship or eligible immigration
89. Monthly adjusted income. One twelfth of adjusted income (see definition of adjusted
90. Monthly income. One twelfth of annual income (see definition of annual income).
91. Moving To Work Demonstration Program. As established under the Section 204 of the
Omnibus Consolidated Rescissions and Appropriations Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104-134) (the
“1996 Appropriations Act”) for purposes of providing public housing agencies the flexibility
to design and test various approaches for providing and administering housing assistance that
reduces cost and achieves greater cost effectiveness in Federal expenditures; gives incentives
to families with children whose heads of household are either working, seeking work, or are
participating in job training, educational or other programs that assist in obtaining
employment and becoming economically self-sufficient; and increase housing choices for
low-income families.
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 B-9
92. National (U.S. National). A person who owes permanent allegiance to the United States, for
example, as a result of birth in a United States territory or possession.
93. Near-elderly family. A family whose head, co-head, spouse, or sole member is a person who
is at least 50 years of age but below the age of 62; or two or more persons, either of whom is
at least 50 years of age but below the age of 62, living together; or one or more persons who
are at least 50 years of age but below the age of 62 living with a live-in aide.
94. Net family assets. Net cash value after deducting reasonable costs that would be incurred in
disposing of real property, savings, stocks, bonds, and other forms of capital investment,
excluding interests in Indian trust land and excluding equity accounts in HUD
homeownership programs. The value of necessary items of personal property such as
furniture and automobiles shall be excluded.
95. Non-elderly person with a disability or NED. A family whose sole member, head of
household or head of household’s spouse is a person with a disability who is under age 62
and who is eligible for a one-bedroom public housing unit or for a two-bedroom public
housing unit because a second bedroom is needed for disability related reasons.
96. Noncitizen. A person who is neither a citizen nor a national of the United States.
97. Obsolete as to physical conditions. Where HABC has made a determination that one or more
properties adjacent to a Scattered Sites property is in a state of disrepair due to abandonment
and/or structural deficiency that may pose a threat to the safety of an occupant of the HABC-
owned unit.
98. Occupancy Standards. Established by HABC to determine the appropriate number of
bedrooms for families of different sizes and compositions.
99. Other Adult. A family member who is 18 or older who is not the head, co-head or spouse.
100. Person with disabilities. For the purposes of program eligibility. A person who has a
disability as defined under the Social Security Act or Developmental Disabilities Care Act,
or a person who has a physical, emotional, developmental or mental impairment expected to
be of long and indefinite duration and whose ability to live independently is substantially
impeded by that impairment but could be improved by more suitable housing conditions.
This includes persons with AIDS or conditions arising from AIDS but excludes persons
whose disability is based solely on drug or alcohol dependence. For the purposes of
reasonable accommodation. A person with a physical or mental impairment that
substantially limits one or more major life activities, a person regarded as having such an
impairment, or a person with a record of such an impairment.
101. Premises. The building or complex in which the dwelling unit is located, including common
areas and grounds.
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 B-10
102. Preponderance of Evidence. Evidence which is of greater weight or more convincing than
the evidence which is offered in opposition to it; that is, evidence which as a whole shows
that the fact sought to be proved is more probable than not. Preponderance of the evidence
may not be determined by the number of witnesses, but by the greater weight of all evidence.
103. Previously unemployed. With regard to the earned income disallowance, a person who has
earned, in the 12 months previous to employment, no more than would be received for 10
hours of work per week for 50 weeks at the established minimum wage.
104. Public assistance. Welfare or other payments to families or individuals, based on need,
which are made under programs funded, separately or jointly, by federal, state, or local
105. Public housing agency (PHA). Any state, county, municipal, or other governmental entity
or public body, or agency or instrumentality of these entities, that is authorized by HUD to
engage or assist in the development or operation of low-income housing under the 1937
Housing Act, as amended.
106. Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998. The Act which amended the U.S.
Housing Act of 1937 and is also known as the Public Housing Reform Bill. The Act is
directed at revitalizing and improving HUD's Public Housing and Section 8 assistance
107. Reasonable accommodation. A change, exception, or adjustment to a rule, policy, practice,
or service to allow a person with disabilities to fully access HABC’s programs or services.
108. Recertification (also called reexamination). The process of securing documentation of total
family income and family composition used to determine the rent the resident will pay until
the effective date of the next scheduled reexamination if there are no additional changes to
be reported.
109. Remaining member of the resident family (residual member). The person left in assisted
housing who may or may not qualify for assistance on the person’s own circumstances.
110. Rent burden. When a resident pays more than 40% of the household income on rent and a
payment agreement with HABC.
111. Residency preference. HABC preference for admission of families that live in Baltimore
City. (See residency preference area.)
112. Residency preference area. The city of Baltimore, MD.
113. Responsible entity. For the public housing program, HABC administering the program under
an ACC with HUD is the responsible entity.
114. Secretary. The Secretary of U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 B-11
115. Section 8. This section of the United States Housing Act of 1937 authorizes subsidies
currently known as tenant based and project-based vouchers.
116. Section 214. This section restricts HUD from making financial assistance available for non-
citizens unless they meet one of the categories of eligible immigration status specified in
Section 214.
117. Section 9. This section of the United States Housing Act of 1937 authorized the creation
and operation of public housing.
118. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This law requires that at least 5% of all units
in federal-funded properties be accessible to people with mobility impairments, at least 2%
of all of the units be accessible to people with sensory impairments, that reasonable
accommodations be made when necessary to allow full use of housing and that housing for
persons with disabilities be as integrated as possible.
119. Security deposit. A dollar amount (maximum set according to state law) which can be used
for unpaid rent or damages to HABC and the privately owned/managed sites upon the end
of the tenancy. Currently, the security deposit is the lesser of one month’s rent or $50.00.
120. Sexual assault. Any nonconsensual sexual act proscribed by federal, tribal, or state law,
including when the victim lacks capacity to consent (42 U.S.C. 13925(a)).
121. Sexual orientation. Homosexuality, heterosexuality or bisexuality.
122. Single person. A person living alone or intending to live alone.
123. Social security number (SSN). The nine-digit number that is assigned to a person by the
Social Security Administration and that identifies the record of the person’s earnings reported
to the Social Security Administration. The term does not include a number with a letter as a
suffix that is used to identify an auxiliary beneficiary.
124. Specified welfare benefit reduction. Those reductions of welfare benefits (for a covered
family) that may not result in a reduction of the family rental contribution. A reduction of
welfare benefits because of fraud in connection with the welfare program, or because of
welfare sanction due to noncompliance with a welfare agency requirement to participate in
an economic self-sufficiency program. (See definition of imputed welfare income.)
125. Spouse. The marriage partner of the head of household.
126. Stalking. To follow, pursue, or repeatedly commit acts with the intent to kill, sexually
assault, falsely imprison, injure, harass, or intimidate; or to place under surveillance with the
intent to kill, sexually assault, falsely imprison, injure, harass, or intimidate another person;
and in the course of, or as a result of, such following, pursuit, surveillance, or repeatedly
committed acts, to place a person in reasonable fear of the death of, or serious bodily injury
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 B-12
to, or to cause substantial emotional harm to (1) that person, (2) a member of the immediate
family of that person, or (3) the spouse or intimate partner of that person.
127. State wage information collection agency (SWICA). The state agency, including any Indian
tribal agency, receiving quarterly wage reports from employers in the state, or an alternative
system that has been determined by the Secretary of Labor to be as effective and timely in
providing employment-related income and eligibility information.
128. Subsidized Project. A multi-family housing project (except for a project owned by a
Cooperative Housing Mortgage Corporation or Association) which receives the benefit of
subsidy in the form of:
Below-market interest rates pursuant to Section 221(d)(3) and (5) or interest
reduction payments pursuant to Section 236 of the National Housing Act; or
Rent supplement payments under Section 101 of the Housing and Urban
Development Act of 1965; or
Direct loans pursuant to Section 202 of the Housing Act of 1959; or
Payments under the Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program pursuant to
Section 8 of the United States Housing Act after amendment by the Housing and
Community Development Act unless the project is owned by a Public Housing
A public housing project.
129. Tenant (Resident). The person or persons (other than a live-in aide) who executes the lease
as lessee of the dwelling unit.
130. Tenant rent. The amount payable monthly by the family (minus the utility allowance) as rent
to HABC or to the privately owned/managed site.
131. Total tenant payment (TTP). The highest of 30% of the family’s adjusted monthly income
or 10% of the family’s monthly income.
132. Unauthorized occupants. Anyone who has lived in the unit beyond the approved guest
period who is not listed on the lease.
133. Utilities. Water and sewer services, electricity, gas and other heating services. Telephone,
cable and internet services are not included.
134. Utility allowance. The estimated amount approved by HABC of the monthly cost of a
reasonable consumption of utilities for the unit by an energy conservative household of
modest circumstances consistent with the requirements of a safe, sanitary, and healthful
living environment.
135. Utility reimbursement. The amount paid to the family, if any, by which the utility allowance
for the unit, if applicable, exceeds the total tenant payment (TTP) for the family occupying
the unit.
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 B-13
136. Veteran. A person who has served in the active military or naval service of the United States
at any time and who shall have been discharged or released there from under conditions other
than dishonorable.
137. Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA) of 2013. A landmark federal law
enacted to improve criminal justice and community-based responses to domestic violence,
dating violence, sexual assault and stalking, and to provide certain protections for victims of
such crimes, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, including protections in the
application for, and occupancy of housing.
138. Violent criminal activity. Any criminal activity that has as one of its elements the use,
attempted use, or threatened use of physical force against the person or property of another.
139. Waiting list. A list of families organized according to HUD regulations and HABC policy
who are waiting for a unit to become available.
140. Welfare assistance. Income assistance from federal or state welfare programs, including
assistance provided under TANF and general assistance. Does not include assistance directed
solely to meeting housing expenses, nor programs that provide health care, childcare or other
services for working families. For the FSS program (984.103(b)), welfare assistance includes
only cash maintenance payments from federal or state programs designed to meet a family’s
ongoing basic needs, but does not include food stamps, emergency rental and utilities
assistance, SSI, SSDI, or social security.
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 C-1
The Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC) adopts this Smoke-Free Policy (the
“Policy” or “Smoke-Free Policy”) in accordance with 24 C.F.R. § 965.653, which requires
public housing authorities to develop and implement a policy prohibiting the use of prohibited
tobacco products in their public housing living units and interior areas and other restricted
areas as defined below. The Smoke-Free Policy is intended to improve indoor air quality,
benefit the health of public housing residents and HABC staff, reduce the risk of fires, and
lower overall maintenance costs. The Policy bars the use of prohibited tobacco products in all
HABC public housing living units, and other restricted areas. The Smoke-Free Policy also
extends to all outdoor areas up to twenty-five (25) feet from any HABC public housing unit
and HABC administrative office buildings. A list of the properties affected by this policy can
be found on HABC’s website or provided upon request.
This Policy does not prohibit smoking outside of the smoke-free areas nor does it make HABC
a guarantor of resident health or of the smoke-free condition of the resident’s unit or common
Designated Smoking Area (DSA) - “Designated smoking areaor “DSA” means areas on the
grounds near HABC public housing or administrative office buildings, at least twenty-five (25)
feet from all doors and windows, in order to accommodate residents who smoke. These areas
shall be outside of any restricted areas (as defined below), and may, if HABC deems
appropriate, include partially enclosed structures. The location of all DSAs will be furnished
upon request.
ENDS - “ENDS” means Electronic Nicotine Delivery System or e-cigarettes, also known as
Interior Common Areas - Interior common areas” include but are not limited to: hallways,
rental and administrative offices, community centers, day care centers, laundry centers,
electrical closets, storage units and similar structures.
Notice of Violation A Notice of Violation or “Notice” - means notice to the resident in
writing and delivered to the Dwelling Unit or sent by prepaid first-class mail, properly
addressed to the resident. Such Notice will include the specific violation of the Smoke Free
Policy and also state the outcome(s) for failure to correct such violation(s).
Prohibited Tobacco Products - “Prohibited tobacco products” are items that involve the
ignition and burning of tobacco leaves, such as: cigarettes, cigars, and pipes, including water
pipes (“hookahs”).
Public Housing - Public housing is defined as low-income housing, and all necessary
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 C-2
appurtenances (e.g., community facilities, public housing offices, day care centers, and laundry
rooms) thereto, assisted under the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 (the 1937 Act), other than
assistance under section 8 of the 1937. Public Housing includes Scattered Sites units.
Restricted Area Restricted area means all public housing living units, interior common
areas and outdoor areas within 25 feet from public housing and administrative office
Smoke-Free Areas - Smoke-Free Areas are areas where smoking is prohibited such as living
units and interior common areas, including but not limited to bathrooms, lobbies, hallways,
stairways, elevators, management offices, community rooms balconies and on the grounds of
all HABC properties including playgrounds, basketball courts, lawns, parks, courtyards,
walkways and parking lots except in Designated Smoking Areas (DSAs).
Smoking - Smoking is defined as inhaling, exhaling, breathing or carrying any lit cigar,
cigarette, pipe, other tobacco product or similarly lighted smoking material in any manner or
in any form. E-cigarettes are not considered smoking under this policy.
Water Pipes (hookahs) - Water pipes (also known as “hookahs”) are smoking devices that
use coal or charcoal to heat tobacco, and then draw the smoke through water and a hose to the
user. Both the heating source and burning of tobacco are sources of contaminant emissions.
HABC will post signs in the management offices and in conspicuous locations throughout the
developments and HABC offices that reference the Smoke-Free Policy. The signs will be in a
format accessible to all residents and visitors (including persons with disabilities). HABC will
also use various communication letters, flyers, and resident meetings to share information on
the Smoke-Free Policy.
Smoking is prohibited in the locations outlined below:
1. All public housing residential units (including HABC’s Scattered Sites inventory);
2. Common areas such as stairwells, community centers, lobbies, laundry rooms and
3. Areas within 25’ of all residential, management and administrative offices
4. Playgrounds and Basketball courts on HABC properties
5. Balconies and porches on HABC properties
This Policy applies to all public housing properties owned by HABC. The Policy does not
apply to properties that are not owned by HABC such as mixed-finance developments and
properties assisted under the Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP). A list of mixed-
finance developments that are not subject to this policy is available upon request.
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 C-3
The smoking of ignited tobacco products such as cigarettes, cigars, and pipes, including water
pipes (hookahs) is prohibited under this Policy. The use ENDS within a dwelling unit is not
prohibited by this Policy but the use of such electronic cigarettes is prohibited in all other
Smoke-Free Areas.
HABC will partner with appropriate organizations to provide smoking cessation information
to residents. Medicaid recipients may be eligible to receive financial assistance for cessation
services and prescription cessation medications depending on Maryland’s Medicaid program.
Cessation resources are currently available at: Residents may also contact national
telephone-based tobacco cessation services (“quit lines”) such as 1-800-QUIT-NOW, and
community health centers to obtain information about services that are available through
them. A list of HABC’s cessation support partners will be provided to residents and will also
be made available upon request.
HABC may, in its sole discretion, provide Designated Smoking Areas to accommodate
residents that smoke. All Designated Smoking Areas will be outside of restricted areas.
Designated Smoking Areas will include suitable wellness and safety features, such as
appropriate seating, lighting and shade and will be accessible for persons with disabilities, in
accordance with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (and the U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 8), Title
II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Fair Housing Act. This may include a flat or
paved pathway, ramp, and adequate lighting. Designated Smoking Areas are not required under
HUD regulations, and HABC may, at any time restructure, remove in part or in whole, or
otherwise eliminate a Designated Smoking Area as HABC deems appropriate, after giving
notice to public housing residents of the affected site.
HABC’s adoption of this Smoke-Free Policy does not make HABC or any of its employees,
official, contractors and agents the guarantor of: (1) the health of any resident, household
member or guest, or HABC employee; or (2) the smoke-free condition of any resident’s unit
and the common areas. HABC will take reasonable steps to enforce the Smoke-Free Policy in
accordance with the Lease Addendum that incorporates the Policy in the HABC lease.
A violation of this Policy constitutes grounds for initiation of the enforcement remedies of the
Smoke-Free Policy. Violation of the provisions of the Policy by a household member, guest or
any other person under the resident’s (leaseholder) control constitutes a breach of the HABC
lease. HABC will implement a graduated enforcement process that includes escalated warnings
and documentation in the resident’s file, up to and including lease termination, as follows:
1. 1st Violation When evidence of a violation of this Policy is received by HABC, such
as smoking in a restricted area by a resident, household member, guest or any other
person under the resident’s control, the resident will receive a written Notice of
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 C-4
Violation. The Notice of Violation will inform the resident of the nature of the
violation, and will request that the resident appear at the management office for a
conference with the Asset Manager or other designee to receive support and
informational materials, with a one-time option of having the 1st Violation expunged
if: (a) the resident enters a cessation program within thirty (30) days of the date of the
Notice of Violation; or (b) if the violation occurred due to smoking by a household
member, guest or other person under the resident’s control. The Notice of Violation
will include information on how to reply to the Notice and the resident’s right to file a
grievance pursuant to the HABC Grievance Policy and Procedure (the “Grievance
Policy”) in effect at the time of such violation of this Policy.
2. Second Violation When evidence of a violation by the same resident is received a
second time by HABC, the resident will receive a second written Notice of Violation,
which will describe the nature of the violation, and request a conference with the Asset
Manager or other designee, to receive support and informational materials The Notice
of Violation will inform resident of the opportunity for a one-time option of having the
second Violation expunged only if the option was not already used in response to the
first Violation, and (a) the resident enters a cessation program within thirty (30) days
of the date of the Notice of Violation; or (b) if the violation occurred due to smoking
by a household member, guest or other person under the resident’s control . The Notice
of Violation shall include information on how to reply to the Notice and the resident’s
right to file a grievance pursuant to the Grievance Policy in effect at the time of such
violation. The Notice of Violation will also inform resident of the consequences of a
further violation.
3. Third Violation If evidence of a violation by the same resident is received a third
time by HABC, the resident will receive a written Notice of Lease Termination. Notices
of Lease Termination shall include information on how to reply to the Notice of
Termination and the resident’s right to file a grievance pursuant to the HABC
Grievance Policy in effect at the time of such termination. Provided, however, that if
the termination notice includes other basis for such lease termination that are not
subject to a grievance under the Grievance Policy, such as certain criminal activity, the
resident shall have no right to file a grievance on the violation of this Policy.
4. Grievances Upon receipt of a Notice of Lease Termination, residents may file a
grievance in accordance with HABC’s Grievance Policy, a copy of which can be
obtained from the Management Office of any HABC development, subject to
subsection 3 of this section above.
5. Eviction HABC may pursue resident eviction upon a third violation, subject to
grievance procedures subsection 3 of this section above, and subsection 6 of this section
6. Inapplicability of Graduated Process When Fire Results from A Violation: The
graduated enforcement process described above does not apply to any first or
subsequent violation of this Policy that results in a fire in the resident’s unit, or on the
resident’s development or on any other property owned or assisted by HABC. In such
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 C-5
event, the provisions of the HABC lease that govern fires caused by the resident will
control and resident will not receive any Notice of Violation as described above prior
to a lease termination as provided in the lease.
When a resident makes a reasonable accommodation request concerning this Policy, to address
a disability, HABC will make the accommodation in accordance with HABC’s policies and
procedures, unless doing so would result in a fundamental alteration in the nature of the Smoke-
Free Policy or cause an undue financial and administrative burden on HABC. For example, an
individual with a mobility disability may request a reasonable accommodation to move to a
section that provides easier access to a Designated Smoking Area. Such requests will be
evaluated on a case-by-case basis in order to make a determination. However, HABC will not
permit smoking in a restricted area as a reasonable accommodation for a disability.
Smokers with certain health conditions (e.g., cognitive impairment) may require special
attention to ensure they understand the Policy and available cessation resources, as well as
reasonable accommodation request procedures; however, such residents must comply with the
Transfers to an alternate site with greater access to a non-restricted area or a Designated
Smoking Area will not be available to HABC residents except as a reasonable accommodation
to address a disability.
This Policy does not change any requirements regarding the possession and use of marijuana
in federally subsidized housing. The possession and use of medical and non-medical marijuana
are prohibited in public and federally assisted housing. Accommodations allowing the use of
medical marijuana in public and federally assisted housing are not reasonable under the Fair
Housing Act.
Residents will be required to sign a lease addendum that incorporates the Smoke-free Policy
in the lease. In the lease addendum, residents acknowledge that: (1) HABC’s adoption of this
policy for a smoke-free living environment does not in any way change the standard of care
that HABC or its Asset Managers would have to a resident household to render buildings and
premises designated smoke-free any safer, more habitable, or improved in terms of air quality
standards than any other rental property; (2) HABC specifically disclaims any implied or
express warranties that the building, common areas, or resident’s dwelling unit and premises
will have any higher or improved air quality standards than any other rental property; (3)
HABC cannot and does not warrant or promise that the rental premises or common areas will
be free from secondhand smoke; (4) HABC’s ability to police, monitor or enforce the terms of
the Policy and the lease addendum will be dependent in significant part on voluntary
compliance by the resident, members of the household and guests, as well as by other residents
and guests in other parts of the smoke-free area; and thus cooperation of residents is expected;
And (5) Residents with respiratory ailments, allergies or other physical or mental conditions
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 C-6
relating to smoke are informed that HABC does not assume any higher duty of care to enforce
the Policy or the lease addendum than any other HABC obligation under the lease.
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 D-1
77 FEDERAL REGISTER 43347: Published May 20, 2014
HUD's regulations provide for HUD to periodically publish in the Federal Register a notice that
lists amount specifically excluded by any Federal statute from consideration as income for
purposes of determining eligibility or benefits in a HUD program.
1. The value of the allotment provided to an eligible household under the Food Stamp Act
of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 2017(b)).
2. Payments to volunteers under the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973 (42 U.S.C.
5044(f)(1), 5058).
3. Certain payments received under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C.
4. Income derived from certain sub-marginal land of the United States that is held in trust
for certain Indian tribes (25 U.S.C. 459e).
5. Payments or allowances made under the Department of Health and Human Services'
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (42 U.S.C. 8624(f)).
6. Income derived from the disposition of funds to the Grand River Band of Ottawa Indians
(Pub. L. 94-540, section 6);
7. The first $2000 of per capita shares received from judgment funds awarded by the
National Indian Gaming Commission or the U.S. Claims Court, the interests of individual
Indians in trust or restricted lands, and the first $2000 per year of income received by
individual Indians from funds derived from interests held in such trust or restricted lands
(25 U.S.C. 1407-1408). This exclusion does not include proceeds of gaming operations
regulated by the Commission.
8. Amounts of scholarships funded under title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20
U.S.C. 1070), including awards under federal work-study programs or under the Bureau
of Indian Affairs student assistance programs (20 U.S.C. 1087uu). For section 8 programs
only (42 U.S.C. 1437f), any financial assistance in excess of amounts received by an
individual for tuition and any other required fees and charges under the Higher Education
Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.), from private sources, or an institution of higher
education (as defined under the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1002)), shall
not be considered income to that individual if the individual is over the age of 23 with
dependent children (Pub. L. 109-115, section 327) (as amended);
9. Payments received from programs funded under title V of the Older Americans Act of
1965 (42 U.S.C. 3056g).
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 D-2
10. Payments received on or after January 1, 1989, from the Agent Orange Settlement Fund
(Pub. L. 101-201) or any other fund established pursuant to the settlement in In Re Agent
Orange Liability Litigation, M.D.L. No. 381 (E.D.N.Y.);
11. Payments received under the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act of 1980 (Pub. L. 96-
420, 25 U.S.C. 1728).
12. The value of any childcare provided or arranged (or any amount received as payment for
such care or reimbursement for costs incurred for such care) under the Child Care and
Development Block Grant Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 9858q);
13. Earned income tax credit (EITC) refund payments received on or after January 1, 1991,
for programs administered under the United States Housing Act of 1937, title V of the
Housing Act of 1949, section 101 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965,
and sections 221(d)(3), 235, and 236 of the National Housing Act (26 U.S.C. 32(l)).
14. Payments by the Indian Claims Commission to the Confederated Tribes and Bands of
Yakima Indian Nation or the Apache Tribe of Mescalero Reservation (Pub. L. 95-433).
15. Allowances, earnings and payments to AmeriCorps clients under the National and
Community Service Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12637(d)).
16. Any allowance paid under the provisions of 38 U.S.C. 1833(c) to children of Vietnam
veterans born with spina bifida (38 U.S.C. 1802- 05), children of women Vietnam
veterans born with certain birth defects (38 U.S.C. 1811-16), and children of certain
Korean service veterans born with spina bifida (38 U.S.C. 1821).
17. Any amount of crime victim compensation (under the Victims of Crime Act) received
through crime victim assistance (or payment or reimbursement of the cost of such
assistance) as determined under the Victims of Crime Act because of the commission of
a crime against the applicant under the Victims of Crime Act (42 U.S.C. 10602(c)).
18. Allowances, earnings, and payments to individuals participating in programs under the
Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (29 U.S.C. 2931(a)(2)).
19. Any amount received under the Richard B. Russell School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C.
1760(e)) and the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 (42 U.S.C. 1780(b)), including reduced-
price lunches and food under the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women,
Infants, and Children (WIC).
20. Payments, funds, or distributions authorized, established, or directed by the Seneca
Nation Settlement Act of 1990 (25 U.S.C. 1774f(b)).
21. Payments from any deferred U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs disability benefits that
are received in a lump sum amount or in prospective monthly amounts (42 U.S.C. Sec.
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 D-3
22. Compensation received by or on behalf of a veteran for service-connected disability,
death, dependency, or indemnity compensation as provided by an amendment by the
Indian Veterans Housing Opportunity Act of 2010 (Pub. L. 111-269; 25 U.S.C. 4103(9))
to the definition of income applicable to programs authorized under the Native American
Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act (NAHASDA) (25 U.S.C. 4101 et seq.)
and administered by the Office of Native American Programs.
23. A lump sum or a periodic payment received by an individual Indian pursuant to the Class
Action Settlement Agreement in the case entitled Elouise Cobell et al. v. Ken Salazar et
al., 816 F.Supp.2d 10 (Oct. 5, 2011, D.D.C.), for a period of one year from the time of
receipt of that payment as provided in the Claims Resolution Act of 2010 (Pub. L. 111-
24. Any amounts in an ``individual development account'' as provided by the Assets for
Independence Act, as amended in 2002 (Pub. L. 107-110, 42 U.S.C. 604(h)(4));
25. Per capita payments made from the proceeds of Indian Tribal Trust Cases as described
in PIH Notice 2013-30 ``Exclusion from Income of Payments under Recent Tribal Trust
Settlements'' (25 U.S.C. 117b(a)); and
26. Major disaster and emergency assistance received by individuals and families under the
Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Pub. L. 93-288, as
amended) and comparable disaster assistance provided by States, local governments, and
disaster assistance organizations (42 U.S.C. 5155(d)).
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 E-1
Emergency Transfer/Move Plan for Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence,
Sexual Assault, or Stalking
Dated June 13, 2017
A. Emergency Transfers/Move Vouchers
The Housing Authority of Baltimore City (“HABC”) is concerned about the safety of its residents
in the Low-Income Public Housing (“LIPH”) and participants in the Housing Choice Voucher
Program (“HCV”), and such concern extends to residents and participants who are victims of
domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. In accordance with the Violence
Against Women Act (“VAWA”),
HABC allows residents and participants who are victims of
domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking to request an emergency transfer or
emergency move voucher from the resident or participant’s current unit, to another unit under the
covered program. The ability to request a transfer or move voucher is available regardless of sex,
gender identity, or sexual orientation.
HABC’s ability to honor such request for residents and
participants currently receiving assistance, however, may depend upon a preliminary determination
that the resident or participant is or has been a victim of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual
assault, or stalking, and in the case of residents, on whether HABC has another dwelling unit that is
available and is safe to offer the resident for temporary or more permanent occupancy.
This plan identifies residents and participants who are eligible for an emergency transfer, the
documentation needed to request an emergency transfer, confidentiality protections, how an
emergency transfer may occur, and guidance to residents and participants on safety and security.
This plan is based on a model emergency transfer plan published by the U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development (“HUD”), the Federal agency that oversees that the LIPH and HCV
programs administered by HABC are in compliance with VAWA.
B. Eligibility for Emergency Transfers/Move Vouchers
A resident or participant who is a victim of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or
stalking, as provided in HUD’s regulations at 24 CFR part 5, subpart L is eligible for an emergency
transfer, if: the resident or participant reasonably believes that there is a threat of imminent harm
from further violence if the resident or participant remains within the same unit. If the resident or
participant is a victim of sexual assault, the resident or participant may also be eligible to transfer if
the sexual assault occurred on the premises within the 90-calendar-day period preceding a request
for an emergency transfer.
Despite the name of this law, VAWA protection is available to all victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual
assault, and stalking, regardless of sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation.
Housing providers cannot discriminate on the basis of any protected characteristic, including race, color, national
origin, religion, sex, familial status, disability, or age. HUD-assisted and HUD-insured housing must be made available
to all otherwise eligible individuals regardless of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 E-2
A resident or participant requesting an emergency transfer/move voucher must expressly request the
transfer/move voucher in accordance with the procedures described in this plan. Residents or
participants who are not in good standing may still request an emergency transfer/move voucher if
they meet the eligibility requirements in this section.
C. Emergency Transfer/Move Voucher Request Documentation
Residents - To request an emergency transfer, a resident shall notify the management office of the
resident’s development (the “Management Office”) and submit a written request for a transfer to the
Management Office using the form approved by HABC.
Participants - To request an emergency move voucher, a participant shall notify the HCV Office
located at 1225 West Pratt Street, Baltimore, MD 21223 (the “HCV Office”) and submit a written
request for a move voucher to the HCV Office using the form approved by HABC.
HABC will provide reasonable accommodations to this policy for individuals (residents and
participants) with a disability.
The resident or participant’s written request for an emergency transfer/move voucher should include
1. A statement expressing that the resident or participant reasonably believes that there is a
threat of imminent harm from further violence if the resident or participant were to remain
in the same dwelling unit assisted under the covered program; or
2. A statement that the resident or participant is a sexual assault victim and the sexual assault
occurred on the resident’s or participant’s premises during the 90-calendar-day period
preceding the resident or participant’s request for an emergency transfer/move voucher.
D. Confidentiality
HABC will maintain in a confidential manner, any information that the resident or participant
submits in requesting an emergency transfer/move voucher, and information about the emergency
transfer/move voucher, unless; (1) the resident or participant gives HABC written permission to
release the information on a time limited basis; or (2) disclosure of the information is required by
law or required for use in an eviction proceeding or hearing regarding termination of assistance from
the covered program. This includes keeping confidential the new location of the dwelling unit of the
resident or participant, if one is provided, from the person(s) that committed an act(s) of domestic
violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking against the resident or participant. The Notice
of Occupancy Rights under the Violence Against Women Act for All Residents (and the Notice of
Occupancy Rights Under the Violence Against Women Act for All Participants) provides additional
information about HABC’s responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of information related to
incidents of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking.
E. Emergency Transfer/Move Voucher Timing and Availability
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 E-3
HABC cannot guarantee that a transfer/move voucher request will be approved or how long it will
take to process a transfer/move voucher request. HABC will, however, act as quickly as possible
to move a resident or participant who is a victim of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual
assault, or stalking to another unit, subject to availability and safety of a unit.
Residents - If a resident reasonably believes a proposed transfer unit would not be safe, the tenant
may request a transfer to a different unit. If a unit is available, the transferred resident must agree
to abide by the terms and conditions that govern occupancy in the unit to which the resident has
been transferred. HABC may be unable to transfer a resident to a particular unit if the resident has
not or cannot establish eligibility for that unit.
If HABC has no safe and available units for which a resident who needs an emergency transfer is
eligible, HABC will assist the resident or participant in identifying other housing providers who
may have safe and available units to which the resident could move. At the resident or participant’s
request, HABC will also assist the resident or participant in contacting the local organizations
offering assistance to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking that
are attached to this plan.
F. Safety and Security of Residents and Participants
Pending processing of the transfer/move voucher request and the actual transfer or move, if it is
approved and occurs, the resident or participant is to be urged to take all reasonable precautions to
be safe.
A resident or participant who is or has been a victim of domestic violence are encouraged to contact
the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233, or a local domestic violence shelter,
for assistance in creating a safety plan. Persons with a hearing impairment may call 1-800-787-
3224 (TTY).
A resident or participant who is or has been a victim of sexual assault may call the Rape, Abuse &
Incest National Network’s National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800-656-HOPE or visit the online
hotline at
A resident or participant who is or has been a victim of stalking seeking help may visit the National
Center for Victims of Crime’s Stalking Resource Center at
Attachment: List of local organizations aiding victims of domestic violence, dating violence,
sexual assault, or stalking.
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 F-1
This Pet Policy for Family Developments (“Pet Policy”) sets forth the requirements of the Housing
Authority of Baltimore City (“HABC”) in permitting ownership of certain pets by residents
(“Residents”) of public housing family developments. Residents must submit an application for a Pet,
and if approved, must pay the pet security deposit as provided in this Pet Policy before maintaining a
pet in their dwelling unit or the Premises (as the term Premises is
defined below
The Pet Policy applies to all Residents, household members, guests and any other person under the
Resident’s control, of public hous
ng family developments.
e Pet Policy, as it may be amended by
HABC, shall be incorporated into and made a part of the Resident’s lease, as an attachment to the lease.
Exclusion From Applicability. This Pet Policy does not apply to animals that assist, support, or
provide service to persons with disabilities. HABC shall not apply nor enforce this Pet Policy against
animals that are necessary as a reasonable accommodation to assist, support, or provide service to
persons with disabilities. This exclusion applies to such animals that reside in public housing, as such
term is defined herein, and such animals that visit public housing developments.
1. The term Managementmeans HABC Housing Operations or its designee, which is the
Asset Manager of Resident’s development and his/her designee.
2. (a) The term “Pet” is defined as a domesticated small animal limited to dogs, cats, gerbils,
hamsters, guinea pigs, small birds such as parakeets, canaries, finches, cockatoos, and parrots,
and fish, lizards and amphibians within the size and weight limitations established in this
(b) The following animals are excluded from the definition of Pet and are expressly
prohibited from being kept, owned, or harbored in, on or about the Dwelling Unit or
(as the term Premises is
below) by any Resident or any member of the
Resident’s household, guest, or any other person under the Resident’s control:
(i) Wolves and part wolves, and dogs that are known to exceed thirty-five (35)
pounds at maturity, including, but not limited to, Afghan Hounds, Great
Danes, Collies, Retrievers (Golden, Labrador), Pointers, Irish Setters,
Dalmatians, Boxers, Doberman Pinschers, German Shepherds, Rottweilers,
Pit Bulls, Bull Terriers, Giant Schnauzers, and Siberian Huskies.
(ii) Any animal maintained or utilized for breeding, fighting, or sale, or as a
guard dog; and
(iii) Any animal prohibited under any applicable Federal, state, or local law from
being kept in a residence.
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 F-2
(c) The term “Pet” is categorized as follows:
(i) Smaller Petmeans Pets that must be always kept in a cage or tank, such as
gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs, birds, lizards, amphibians and fish within the
size and weight limitations established in this Policy.
(ii) Larger Pet means dogs and cats, within the size and weight limitations
established in this Policy.
3. The term “Premisesmeans the building, complex or development in which the Resident’s
Dwelling Unit is located. Any conduct prohibited on the Premises under the Pet Policy is
prohibited on or in any other HABC-owned or assisted property.
4. The term public housingis defined as housing assisted under the Housing Act of 1937,
other than Housing Choice Voucher Program (“Section 8”). Public housing includes dwelling
units in a mixed finance development that are assisted by HABC with capital or operating
assistance but does not include public housing developments for the elderly or persons with
1. Number Limitations - No more than: (a) one Larger Pet (dog or cat), and/or (b) one cage
holding no more than two Smaller Pets, or one 20-gallon fish tank may be kept in a Dwelling
Unit. Heads of household shall be responsible for each Pet. The Resident must maintain the
and in
state and local public health, animal control,
and animal anti-cruelty laws and regulations.
2. Size of Pet - Dogs or cats (Larger Pets) shall weigh no more than thirty-five (35) pounds at
maturity. Fish, amphibians, and lizards must be housed humanely within a single bowl or
steel framed glass fish tank having a capacity of not more than twenty (20) gallons. Birds can
be no larger than one (1) pound. Other Smaller Pets such as gerbils, hamsters and guinea pigs
must be no larger than two (2) pounds.
3. Resident’s Capacity to Care for Pets - A Pet owner must be physically and mentally capable
of taking care of the Pet. Further, Pet owners must be able to provide food and medical care
for their Pets.
Pet Security
Deposit - A
Pet security deposit of
dollars ($50.00) shall be
required for Larger Pets. The Pet security deposit may be paid over a consecutive three (3)
month period and will be held by HABC in the manner required for applicable security
under Maryland
Upon move-out or Pet removal the cost to de-flea, deodorize, and clean the carpet and/or floor
tile will be deducted from the Pet security deposit if deemed necessary by Management. The
Dwelling Unit will be inspected and the remainder of the Pet security deposit, if any, will be
refunded as required by law, if the Dwelling Unit is free of damage. The move-out inspection
will be performed by the Resident and Management.
The Pet security deposit may only be applied to damages caused by the Pet or to HABC’s
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 F-3
cost to remove the Pet if the Resident vacates his or her unit without removing the Pet.
5. Hold
Harmless -
A Pet is the sole responsibility of the Resident. HABC, its employees,
contractors, agents, and staff are in no way
for any actions, injuries, claims or
damages caused by the Resident’s Pet.
6. Vaccinations Every Pet, if required by law, must wear a current City Animal license and
be vaccinated. Resident must submit the pet license to the Management Office together with
his or her application for Pet registration. A copy of the Pet’s (dog or cat) current inoculation
and treatment is to be furnished and verified annually by a licensed veterinarian which must
indicate dates of most recent shots and treatment against disease and parasites as follows:
(a) Dogs rabies, parvo-virus, para-influenza, distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis
(D.H.L.), hookworm, heartworm, roundworm, tapeworm, and other internal and
external parasites, fleas, ticks and other diseases of the skin including eczemas.
(b) Cats rabies, rhinotracheitis, calici virus, pneumonitis, tapeworms, hookworms,
and other
and external
fleas, lice, and ticks.
7. Spaying and Neutering Female cats and dogs over six months of age must be spayed and
male cats and dogs over eight months must be neutered unless the Resident submits to HABC
a licensed veterinarians written certification giving medical reasons why spaying or neutering
is detrimental to the pet’s health.
8. Breeding, Fighting, Sale Prohibited - Residents shall not breed any dog, cat or other animal,
or maintain an animal in a manner in which breeding is the intended result, on or in connection
with any HABC Property. "Breeding" is defined as activity to cause the production of
offspring for the purpose of sale or other remuneration. Residents shall not engage in animal
fighting on or in connection with any HABC property. Any Resident who engages in animal
breeding or animal fights or the sale of animals is subject to lease termination. A Resident
who no longer wishes to keep his or her Pet and sells the Pet as a method of removing the Pet
from his or her Unit is not considered to have engaged in the prohibited sale of animals.
9. Housekeeping/Pet Hygiene In addition to the Resident’s housekeeping requirements
expressed elsewhere in the Lease:
(a) The Resident must maintain the Dwelling Unit free of Pet odors and in a clean and
sanitary condition.
(b) Dogs are not to be caged. Dogs may be kept in humane dog crates for transporting
the dog.
(c) Dogs must be able to eliminate waste outside the Dwelling Unit. The Resident must
scoop the dog waste and place it in a plastic bag securely before placing the plastic
bag in a heavy plastic trash bag, which is tied and disposed of in an approved trash
(d) Cats must be litter box trained. Litter boxes must be changed a minimum of once a
week and scooped once a day. Cat litter is to be bagged securely in a heavy plastic
trash bag, which is tied and disposed of in an approved trash receptacle.
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 F-4
(e) Birds must be
always maintained in a cage
, and never allowed to fly free within the
Dwelling Unit.
(f) Other Smaller Pets such as gerbils, hamsters and guinea pigs must also be always
maintained in a cage, and not allowed to wander about the Dwelling Unit or
(g) Dog and cat bedding and the Dwelling Unit are to be kept free of, and treated
regularly against, infestations by fleas, ticks, lice, pet worms, mites, bedbugs, and
other parasites and vermin. If
of any such parasites or vermin occurs,
Management shall have the right to eradicate in all affected areas at Pet owner’s
(h) Residents must control noise and odor caused by their Pets.
(i) Residents shall not leave exposed pet food and dirty pet food dishes in their units or
on the Premises.
10. Pet Control in Public Area Dogs must be on a leash outside of the
Unit and in
all public areas. Under no circumstances may any Pet of any kind be taken into, or permitted
to be in, the recreation/community rooms, or any other common area.
11. Waste Control Pet owners shall be responsible for immediate cleanup of Pet feces in
accordance with applicable law. Resident must ensure that his/her yard is kept clear of Pet
feces. Resident will not place any animal fecal waste, cat litter, etc., or other articles in any
sink, bathtub, toilet, or on the grounds. Residents must place all Pet waste in a heavy plastic
trash bag, tied and disposed of in an approved trash receptacle. If a toilet has to be unclogged
or a sink unstopped because of animal waste, cat litter, and/or stones from a fishbowl, the
Resident will pay all associated costs.
12. Nuisance/Endangerment of Persons If any Pet becomes a threat to: (a) the safety or quiet
and peaceful
of the
by any other
Resident, his/her households and their
guests; (b) the safety of HABC employees, contractors, delivery persons
or visitors to the
Premises or otherwise significantly interferes with the performance of their duties; or (c) if
such Pet causes damage to any part of the building or grounds or the
and fixtures
thereof;, then, upon the written request of
Management, Resident
shall permanently remove
such Pet from the Premises within five (5) calendar
ys. In the case of a Pet biting a person,
the Pet must be immediately removed to an area for observation for a period designated by a
Health Officer and must then be
by a licensed Veterinarian. Animal bites must also
be reported to the local Health Department and/or the Police. Refusal by the Pet owner to
abide by Management’s request for the removal of such Pet is a material lease violation that
may result in termination of the Resident’s lease. A directive from Management for the
removal of a Pet may be grieved by Resident as applicable under the HABC Grievance Policy.
13. Complaints/Problems Management will investigate complaints and/or reported problems
concerning a Pet. Management will notify the Pet owner in writing of the complaint and the
Resident will have twenty-four (24) hours to respond to a complaint that Management has
determined to be material. If the Manager verifies the complaint and the Pet is not
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 F-5
endangering other people, the Resident will be given the opportunity to address the issue that
gave rise to the complaint. If Management receives a second complaint, which is verified
by management, the Resident will be informed the Pet must be removed. However, the
Resident may file a grievance. Failure to comply may result in termination of residency. If
the complaint is of a nature that requires HABC to immediately contact an officer or
authorized agent of a humane society, or a police officer or other public official required to
protect animals, the above procedures will not apply, and the complaint may be addressed
by such authorized entities or officials.
14. Resident’s Absence No Pet, other than fish in a fish tank, shall be left alone in any Dwelling
Unit for over twenty-four (24) hours. Any Resident who will be absent for twenty-four (24)
hours or longer for any reason must plan for such Pet to be kept elsewhere during his/her
absence if no other adult resides in the Dwelling Unit under the lease.
15. Pet-sitting” Prohibited Residents are not permitted to “pet-sit” other people’s Pets or
animals. Residents shall not allow their guests or visitors to bring any animal prohibited under
this Pet Policy to their Dwelling Unit or the Premises.
16. Animal Rescue An officer or authorized agent of a humane society, or a police officer or
other public official required to protect animals who presents documentation to Management
of his or her authority to rescue or remove an animal will be provided access by HABC to
enter the Dwelling Unit to rescue the animal.
17. Responsibility for Pet in an Emergency The Resident shall complete Section III of the
Pet Application and submit it to Management Office. Section III of the Pet Application is an
agreement signed by one (1) person who is not a Resident of the Dwelling Unit who will
assume immediate responsibility for the Pet in case of an emergency or in case the Resident
becomes unable to provide proper care for the Pet. In addition, the Resident shall file with
the Management Office a document in the form provided by HABC authorizing Management
to have the Pet removed in the event that the Resident cannot care for the Pet, and the
responsible party cannot be reached or the responsible party refuses to provide proper care
for the Pet. Management will contact an appropriate authority for removal of the Pet in such
18. Fire Emergency When a fire alarm or smoke detector sounds, if the Resident is unable to
evacuate safely with the Pet, the Pet is to be placed in the bathroom and the door is to be
closed. If evacuation is necessary the fire department will be responsible for the evacuation
of Residents first, and then the Pet.
19. Subsequent Agreements –Resident must notify Management upon Resident’s removal of a
Pet for which Resident paid a pet security deposit. Resident and Management will perform an
inspection of the apartment. The Pet security deposit will be used towards any damages and
the balance, if any, of the Pet security deposit will be returned to the Resident within forty-
five (45) days. If the Resident determines he/she wants a new Pet, Resident must submit a
new application for a Pet, and upon approval, the Pet must be registered with the Management
Office and a new Pet security deposit must be collected in accordance with the Pet Policy.
20. Resident’s Signature Residents will receive a copy of the Pet Policy as an attachment to
the Lease. At the time they sign their Lease, Residents must sign an acknowledgment of
receiving the Pet Policy, acknowledging notice and acceptance of the Pet Policy. Residents
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 F-6
who wish to maintain a Pet will have to meet all requirements listed in this
Pet Policy
complete and sign the
for Pets” form and pay the pet security deposit prior to
keeping a Pet in their Dwelling Unit.
21. Modifications to Pet Policy - HABC reserves the right to rescind or change any of the
foregoing rules to make such rules and regulations as may be deemed necessary for the safety,
care and cleanliness of the Premises, and for the security, comfort and convenience of all
Residents. Any changes deemed necessary by HABC will be made in accordance with the
22. Incorporation of Pet Policy in Lease - This Pet Policy is made a part of the HABC Dwelling
Lease as an attachment to the Lease, and any violation of this Pet Policy, will be considered
a material breach of the Lease. If any Court declares a particular provision of this Pet Policy
to be invalid or unenforceable, all other terms of this Pet Policy shall remain in effect, and
both HABC and the Resident will continue to be bound by all such other terms of the Pet
______________________________________ ___________________
______________________________________ ___________________
ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________
Attachment: Application for a Pet
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 F-7
I/we, ________________________________ and ____________________________________,
Head of Household Co-Head of Household
Resident(s) of _______________________, residing at ________________________________
Name of Development Address
verify that I/we have received and reviewed the HABC Pet Policy, and I/we understand and accept
the HABC Pet Policy
. I/we am/are also aware that the HABC Pet Policy is an
official part of
my/our Lease, and that I/we am/are to abide by all its terms, and that my/our failure to do so is a
material violation of my/our Lease.
Signature of Resident(s)
_________________________________ ___________________
Head of Household Date
_________________________________ ___________________
Co-Head of Household Date
Type: ___
________________ S
Weight: _____________
nd M
Spayed: _____________________________ Neutered: ___________________________
City License No.: __________________________________ (Copy must be attached)
Date of Most Recent Vaccination(s): ____________________________
n’s N
n’s A
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 F-8
I, _________________________________, (non-Resident) am a relative /friend (circle one) of
Name of Non-Resident
Resident(s) _____________________________, and I reside at __________________________.
Name of Resident(s)/Applicant(s)
Address of
By signing below, I (non-Resident) agree to remove the Pet from Resident’s unit and accept full
responsibility for the Pet identified in Sections I and II of this application in the event of an
emergency or if the Resident is unable to care for the Pet. I certify that the information in Section
III of this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Printed Name of Non-Resident: _________________________
Signature of Non-Resident: ____________________________
Date: _______________________
Telephone Number of Non-Resident: ____________________
By signing below, I/we (Resident(s)/Applicant(s)) certify that the information in this application
is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge, and I/we agree that Management is authorized
to have the Pet removed in the event that I/we cannot care for the Pet and the non-Resident
identified above cannot be reached or is unable to remove or care for the Pet.
Printed Name(s) of Resident(s) /Applicant(s): _______________________________________
Signature(s) of Resident(s) / (Applicants(s) _________________________________________
Date: _______________________
Telephone Number of Resident(s) /Applicant(s): ______________________
Printed Name of Manager: ____________________
Signature of Manager: _________________________ Date:______________________
Telephone Number of Manager: ______________________
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 G-1
Over Income Limit 2019
Persons in Family
Over income limit is applied to a family's adjusted income.
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 H-1
This grievance policy and procedures (the “Grievance Policy”) is established to ensure that
residents are afforded an opportunity for a fair hearing if the resident disputes any Housing
Authority of Baltimore City (HABC) action or failure to act involving the resident's lease or
HABC actions, which adversely affects the individual resident's welfare, rights, duties or
status. Tenancy shall not terminate until such time as the grievance process has been
completed. This Grievance Policy shall be incorporated by reference into the dwelling lease
and made an attachment to the lease.
This Grievance Policy applies to the privately owned/managed sites that do not have separate
admissions and continued occupancy policies, which include a grievance policy.
Maryland law affords residents the opportunity for a court hearing that provides the basic
elements of due process (as defined below) before eviction from the dwelling unit. Therefore,
this Grievance Policy shall be applicable to only the individual grievances defined in Section
III.F below. The following are not subject to this Grievance Policy:
A. Refusal to pay rent when due unless the amount of rent charged is in dispute.
B. Disputes between residents not involving management.
C. Class grievances.
D. Any criminal activity that threatens the health, safety, or the right to peaceful
enjoyment of the premises of other residents or employees of HABC.
E. Any violent or drug related criminal activity on or off the premises.
F. Any criminal activity that resulted in felony conviction of a household member; or
G. Any lease termination due to the occupancy of a person subject to a sex offender
lifetime registration requirement.
A. Class Grievance: Any grievance in which the decision on an individual grievance
would be, as a practical matter, dispositive of the interests of other residents.
B. Complainant: Any resident, as defined in paragraph H below, who presents to the
management office a grievance in accordance with the procedures set forth herein.
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 H-2
C. Drug: A controlled substance as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances
Act (21 U.S.C. 802).
D. Drug Related Criminal Activity: The illegal manufacture, sale, distribution, or use of
a drug, or the possession of a drug with intent to manufacture, sell, distribute, or use
the drug.
E. Elements of Due Process: An eviction action or termination of tenancy in a state or
local court in which the following procedural safeguards are required:
1. Adequate notice to the resident of the grounds for terminating the tenancy and
for eviction.
2. Right of the resident to be represented by counsel.
3. Opportunity for the resident to refute the evidence presented by HABC,
including the right to confront and cross-examine witnesses and to present any
affirmative legal or equitable defense which the resident may have.
4. A decision based upon the facts presented at the hearing.
F. Grievance: Any dispute that a resident may have with respect to the management's
(HABC) action or failure to act in accordance with the individual resident's lease or
management procedures, which adversely affects the individual resident's rights,
duties, welfare or status, including any dispute about the amount of rent that is
charged. For the purpose of the lease and the grievance procedures, the definition of
"grievance" does not include the issues set forth in Sections II.A through II.G above.
G. Premises: The building or complex or development in which a public or assisted
housing dwelling unit is located, including common areas and grounds.
H. Resident: The adult person (or persons, other than a live-in aide, as defined in the
lease): (1) who resides in the unit, and who executed the lease with HABC as lessee
of the dwelling unit, or, if no such person now resides in the unit, (2) who resides in
the unit and is identified in the lease as a household member, and is the remaining
head of household of the resident family residing in the dwelling unit.
I. Reasonable Accommodation: A modification or change in HABC’s rules, policies,
practices or services that will provide the opportunity to participate in HABC’s
programs and services and/or to meet HABC’s essential requirements of tenancy
made for an otherwise eligible individual with a disability.
J. Violent Criminal Activity: Any criminal activity that has as one of its elements the
use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force substantial enough to cause, or
be reasonably likely to cause, serious bodily injury or property damage.
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 H-3
As much as possible should be left to the mutual efforts of management and the resident, with
both parties attempting to resolve all complaints as quickly and justly as possible. However,
the resident may present a grievance for any complaint which cannot be resolved by such
methods, and the following procedure will apply:
A. The resident shall, either orally or in writing, present a description of the grievance to
the management office within ten (10) working days after the HABC action or failure
to act, giving rise to the grievance, so that the grievance may be discussed informally
and settled without a formal hearing. (The form attached as Exhibit A may be used
for this purpose.)
B. The resident shall be given a receipt by management upon presentation of the
grievance, stating the date of filing and the nature of his/her grievance, and a copy will
be retained in the management resident file. (The receipt shall be in the form attached
as Exhibit B.)
C. The asset manager, in concert with the resident, will establish a mutually agreeable
date, time and place for the informal discussion of the grievance.
D. The asset manager shall mail to the resident within five (5) working days after the
meeting, a summary of the informal discussion and his/her decision regarding the
proposed disposition of the complaint and the specific reason therefor. The summary
shall specify the procedures by which a hearing may be obtained if the resident is not
satisfied with the decision. A copy of the form attached as Exhibit C shall be enclosed
with the summary which is to be used by the resident to request a formal grievance
E. The resident may request a formal grievance hearing as described in Section V below.
A. Request for Hearing: If the resident is not satisfied with the results of the informal
discussion of grievance and desires a formal grievance hearing, the resident must
submit a written request for a hearing to the management office, no later than ten (10)
working days after the date resident receives the Summary of Discussion, pursuant to
Section IV above. The written request shall specify:
1. The reasons for the grievance.
2. The action or relief the resident is requesting.
(The form for this purpose, Exhibit C, may be obtained from the Management Office.)
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 H-4
B. Prerequisite For Obtaining Formal Hearing: All grievances shall be presented either
orally or in writing pursuant to the informal procedures described in Section IV above
as a condition precedent to a hearing. A resident may request a waiver of this
requirement. However, the resident bears the burden of establishing good cause for
failing to comply with the prerequisite condition. For purposes of this section, good
cause includes, but is not limited to: (a) a verifiable medical condition that prevented
the resident from requesting an informal hearing; (b) a documented absence from the
unit which prevented the resident from receiving a notice of adverse action; (c) a
verifiable disability that prevented the resident from understanding or being aware of
the adverse action that the resident disagrees with; or (d) documentation that
management did not schedule an informal discussion, and such failure was not due to
lack of cooperation by the resident. To request such a waiver, the resident shall follow
the following procedure:
1. The resident shall complete and submit to the management office a request for
a waiver, which shall be in the form attached as Exhibit D.
2. A hearing panel will be convened.
3. The resident shall appear before the hearing panel to show why he or she failed
to proceed in accordance with Section IV above.
4. If the hearing panel decides the resident has shown good cause for his or her
failure to proceed in accordance with Section IV above, the hearing panel may
waive the requirements of Section IV.
5. The resident will be notified in writing of the decision of the hearing panel on
the resident’s waiver request. If the hearing panel grants such a waiver, it shall
immediately set a date for a hearing on the resident’s grievance, and the
resident will be notified in writing of the hearing date.
Failure to request a hearing shall not constitute a waiver by the resident of his or her
right thereafter to contest management's action in disposing of the complaint in an
appropriate judicial proceeding.
C. Failure to Make a Timely Request for a Hearing: If the resident does not make a
request for a hearing within ten (10) working days after receipt of Summary of
Discussion, management's disposition of the grievance shall become final.
The resident may request a waiver of this ten (10) working days requirement.
However, the resident bears the burden of establishing good cause for failing to
proceed in accordance with this requirement. For purposes of this section, good cause
includes, but is not limited to: (a) a verifiable medical condition that prevented the
Resident from proceeding within the ten (10) working day period; (b) a documented
absence from the unit which prevented the resident from receiving the summary of
the informal discussion of grievance; or (c) a verifiable disability that prevented the
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 H-5
resident from understanding or being aware of the summary of informal discussion of
grievance. To request a waiver, the resident shall follow this procedure:
1. Within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of Summary of Discussion, the
resident shall submit to the Management Office a request for waiver of this
ten (10) working days requirement.
2. A hearing panel will be convened.
3. The resident shall appear before the hearing panel to show why he or she failed
to proceed within the given ten (10) working days period.
4. If the hearing panel decides the resident has shown good cause for his or her
failure to proceed within the ten (10) working days period, the hearing panel
may waive the ten (10) working days requirement.
5. The resident will be notified in writing of the decision of the hearing panel on
the resident’s waiver request. If the hearing panel grants such a waiver, it shall
immediately set a date for a hearing on the resident’s grievance, and the
resident will be notified in writing of the hearing date.
Failure to request a hearing shall not constitute a waiver by the resident of his or her
right thereafter to contest management's action in disposing of the complaint in an
appropriate judicial proceeding.
D. Escrow Deposit: In any grievance involving the amount of rent or any part thereof,
as defined in the lease, which management claims is due under the lease, and which
has not been paid, the resident shall pay to management at the time the resident files
his or her request for a formal hearing under Section V. A above, an amount equal to
the amount of rent due and payable as of the first of the month preceding the month
in which the act or failure to act took place. The resident shall thereafter pay the same
amount of the monthly rent to the management office, and the management office
shall deposit the monies in an escrow account until the complaint is resolved by
decision of the hearing panel. Following this decision, any amount due the resident
from the escrow deposits shall be returned in full to him or her within thirty (30)
calendar days. These requirements for escrow deposit must be waived by
1. In the event management determines, upon request by the resident, that the
resident is unable to pay the escrow deposit because of a financial hardship
exemption from the minimum rent requirements in accordance with the lease,
2. For the portion of the resident’s rent attributable to the imputed welfare
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 H-6
Unless so waived, the failure to make such payments shall result in a termination of
the grievance procedure, if failure to make payment shall not constitute a waiver of
any right the resident may have to contest management's disposition of his or her
grievance in an appropriate judicial proceeding.
E. Scheduling of Hearings: Upon the resident’s compliance with all applicable
procedures or waiver pursuant to Section V above, the asset manager shall, within five
(5) working days, forward the resident’s request for a grievance hearing to the hearing
panel secretary. The secretary will immediately notify the members of the hearing
panel of the resident’s request for a formal hearing and shall promptly schedule a
hearing within forty-five (45) calendar days at a time mutually convenient for the
panel, the resident and management. A written notification shall be delivered by hand
or by regular mail, specifying the time, the place and the procedures governing the
hearing, to the hearing panel members, the resident and the appropriate management
A. The grievance shall be presented before a permanent hearing panel consisting of five
(5) voting persons and a secretary who will be provided by management.
B. The Policy Committee of the Resident Advisory Board (RAB) will select two (2)
permanent panel members; management will select two (2) panel members for each
grievance hearing; and one impartial member will be selected on a rotating basis from
a list of names previously compiled by agreement between management and the
Policy Committee of RAB. No one on the list may be an officer, employee or resident
of HABC.
C. The Policy Committee of RAB will select two (2) alternate panel members, who will
serve on the panel if a permanent RAB member cannot be contacted, is unable to
attend the hearing or is unable to serve.
D. No relatives of the resident shall serve on the hearing panel.
E. No person from the resident’s development shall serve on the hearing panel.
F. No person whose duties or responsibilities are involved in any way with the grievance
at issue shall serve on the hearing panel.
G. The term for the permanent hearing panel members and alternates selected by RAB
will be for one year, beginning January 1 of each year. If a permanent RAB member
leaves before the end of his or her term, the position will be filled by an alternate and
a new alternate will be selected. Members may be reappointed for subsequent terms.
The list from which the impartial member is selected will also be drawn up on an
annual basis, effective January 1 of each year.
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 H-7
A. The hearing shall be held before the hearing panel selected pursuant to Section VI
above. The full panel or three members shall constitute a quorum for the hearing of a
grievance if one member chosen by the Policy Committee of RAB, one member
chosen by management, and the impartial member are present.
B. The impartial member shall act as moderator at the hearing. His or her responsibilities
will include coordinating all activities associated with the hearing, such as calling
witnesses and maintaining order, and generally ensuring that the hearing is conducted
in a fair and orderly manner.
C. The resident shall be afforded a fair hearing providing the basic safeguards of due
process, which shall include:
1. The opportunity to examine before the hearing any HABC documents and to
copy all documents and records that management intends to rely upon at the
hearing. Any document relevant to the hearing that management does not
make available to resident after request by resident may not be relied on by
management at the hearing. The copying of documents that management
intends to use at the hearing shall be done at the expense of management. All
other documents shall be copied at the expense of the resident.
2. The right to be represented by counsel or another person chosen by the resident
as his or her representative, at the resident’s expense.
3. The right to a private hearing (which includes only panel members, the
resident, the asset manager, the hearing panel secretary, the resident’s counsel
or representative and witnesses) unless the resident requests a public hearing.
4. The right to present evidence and arguments in support of his or her complaint,
to controvert evidence relied on by management, and to confront and cross
examine all witnesses upon whose testimony or information management
5. The right to a decision based solely and exclusively upon the facts presented
at the hearing.
6. The hearing panel shall hear each case and judge it on its own merit.
D. Management and resident shall exchange lists of witnesses that each intends to call
upon at the hearing.
E. If the resident or management fails to appear at a scheduled hearing, the hearing panel
may make a determination to postpone the hearing or may make a determination that
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 H-8
the party has waived the right to a hearing. Both the resident and management shall
be notified of the determination by the hearing panel, provided that a determination
that the resident has waived the right to a hearing shall not constitute a waiver of any
right the resident may have to contest disposition of the grievance by management in
an appropriate judicial proceeding.
F. At the hearing, the resident must first make a showing of an entitlement to the relief
sought and thereafter management must sustain the burden of justifying management's
action or failure to act against which the complaint is directed.
G. The hearing shall be conducted informally by the hearing panel, and oral or
documentary evidence pertinent to the facts and issues raised by the complaint may
be received without regard to admissibility under the rules of evidence applicable to
judicial proceedings. The moderator shall require management, the resident, counsel
and other participants or spectators to conduct themselves in an orderly fashion.
Failure to comply with the directions of the moderator to obtain order may result in
exclusion from the proceedings.
H. The resident or management may arrange, in advance and at the expense of the party
making the arrangement, for a transcript of the hearing. Any interested party may
purchase a copy of such transcript.
A. The hearing panel shall prepare a written decision, together with the reasons therefor,
within ten (10) working days after the hearing. A copy of this decision shall be sent
to the resident, the Assistant Chief of Conventional Public Housing or the Assistant
Chief of Private Management, whichever is applicable, and the appropriate
management office. Management shall retain a copy of the decision in the resident's
B. If the grievance is in reference to monies due to HABC, and the hearing panel rules in
favor of management, a written agreement may be made between the resident and the
appropriate asset manager for payment. The asset manager shall take into
consideration any recommendations made by the hearing panel as to the amount and
the scheduling of payments.
C. The decision of the hearing panel shall be binding on management, which shall take
all action, or refrain from any action, necessary to carry out the decision unless the
HABC Board of Commissioners determines within a reasonable time (30 calendar
days) and promptly notifies the resident of its determination that:
1. The grievance does not concern management's action or failure to
act in accordance with or involving the resident’s lease or management
rules, which adversely affect the resident’s rights, duties, welfare or status.
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 H-9
2. The decision of the hearing panel is contrary to applicable federal, state or
local law, the MTW Agreement, or HUD regulations or the requirements of
the Annual Contributions Contract between HUD and HABC.
D. A decision by the hearing panel or the HABC Board of Commissioners in favor of
management or which denies the relief requested by the resident in whole or in part
shall not constitute a waiver of, nor affect in any manner whatsoever, any rights the
resident may have to a trial or judicial review in any judicial proceedings, which may
thereafter be brought in the matter.
Upon written notification submitted by the resident of a request for a reasonable
accommodation as part of an informal discussion of grievance, or a formal grievance hearing,
HABC will provide reasonable and accessible accommodations for residents with qualified
disabilities and communication that is as effective as that provided to individuals without
disabilities. Moreover, HABC shall take appropriate steps to ensure that communications
with residents with disabilities are as effective as communications with others, which may
include, but not be limited to, enlarged print, a signer (sign language interpreter), audio
communication, Braille, or a reader.
In computing time periods referred to in this procedure, Saturdays, Sundays and federal,
state or HABC legal holidays occurring on weekdays shall not be included in determining
working days.
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 H-10
NAME: _______________________________________
ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________
TELEPHONE NUMBER(S): ____________________________________________
HOUSING DEVELOPMENT: ___________________________________________
NAME OF ASSET MANAGER (If Known): _______________________________
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF GRIEVANCE (Include Dates If Known): ____________
I understand that I can bring documents, witnesses and other persons that I think
will be helpful to me at the informal discussion of my grievance with HABC. I also
understand that I have a right to bring a lawyer or representative to the informal
discussion of my grievance at my own expense.
**** NOTICE ****
If you are a person with a disability and are unable to comply with the contents
of this document, you have the right to ask HABC to make a reasonable
accommodation for you. To make such a request, please contact your Housing
Manager at 443-984-1867 or Maryland Relay at 410-547-9247.
Resident’s Signature: ___________________________ Date: _______________
Housing Management Staff Name and Signature
Received by: __________________________
Signature: ____________________________ Date: _______________
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 H-11
NAME: ___________________________ ACCOUNT NUMBER: ___________
ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________
TELEPHONE NUMBER(S): ____________________________________________
HOUSING DEVELOPMENT: ___________________________________________
NAME OF ASSET MANAGER: ________________________________
On _____________ [Date] at _________ [Time], the undersigned Housing Management
Staff received the attached Resident Grievance and Request for Informal Discussion of
Grievance from, or on behalf of, the above-named person (“Resident”).
Resident will be notified of the date and time of the informal discussion.
Resident may bring documents, witnesses, and other persons that Resident thinks will
be helpful to Resident at the informal discussion of Resident’s grievance with HABC.
Resident also has the right to bring a lawyer or representative to the informal discussion
of the grievance at Resident’s own expense.
**** NOTICE ****
If you are a person with a disability and are unable to comply with the contents
of this document, you have the right to ask HABC to make a reasonable
accommodation for you. To make such a request, please contact your Housing
Manager at 443-984-1867 or Maryland Relay at 410-547-9247.
__________________________________________ ___________________
Signature of Resident (or Representative) Date
__________________________________________ ____________________
Signature of Housing Management Staff Date
Printed Name and Title of Housing Management Staff
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 H-12
NAME: _____________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________
TELEPHONE NUMBER(S): ____________________________________________
HOUSING DEVELOPMENT: ___________________________________________
NAME OF ASSET MANAGER (If Known): _______________________________
Statement Of Formal Grievance Hearing Request
I have received the summary of the discussion we had on ____________, regarding
my grievance concerning: _______________________________________________
Your decision in this matter is not satisfactory, and I therefore request a formal
grievance hearing in accordance the Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC)
grievance policy and procedures.
Action Or Relief You Are Requesting
I am requesting the following action or relief: __________________________
I understand that I can bring documents, witnesses and other persons that I think
will be helpful to me at the formal grievance hearing. I also understand that I have
a right to bring a lawyer or representative to the formal grievance hearing at my
own expense.
**** NOTICE ****
If you are a person with a disability and are unable to comply with the contents
of this document, you have the right to ask HABC to make a reasonable
accommodation for you. To make such a request, please contact your Housing
Manager at 443-984-1867 or Maryland Relay at 410-547-9247.
Resident’s Signature: ___________________________ Date: _______________
Housing Management Staff Name and Signature
Received by: __________________________
Signature: ____________________________ Date: _______________
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 H-13
It is the Resident’s responsibility to demonstrate good cause as to why the Resident did
not comply with the required procedures set forth in the Housing Authority of
Baltimore City (HABC) Grievance Policy for obtaining a formal grievance hearing.
Good cause for why the required informal discussion of grievance was not conducted,
includes, but is not limited to:
1) A verifiable medical condition that prevented the Resident from requesting an
informal hearing.
2) A documented absence from the unit which prevented the Resident from
receiving a notice of adverse action.
3) A disability that prevented the Resident from understanding or being aware of
the adverse action that Resident disagrees with.
4) Documentation that the Housing Manager did not schedule an informal
discussion, and such failure was not due to lack of cooperation by the
Good cause for why the Resident did not request a formal grievance hearing within ten
(10) working days after the summary of the informal discussion of grievance as required
includes, but is not limited to:
1) A verifiable medical condition that prevented the Resident from requesting a
formal hearing within the ten (10) working days after receiving the Summary of
the Informal Discussion of Grievance.
2) A documented absence from the unit which prevented the Resident from
receiving the summary of the informal discussion of grievance; or
3) A verifiable disability that prevented the Resident from understanding or being
aware of the summary of informal discussion of grievance.
You may bring documents, witnesses and other persons that you think will be
helpful to you at any hearing or discussion with you to consider your Request for
Grievance Waiver Hearing, and to a formal hearing on your grievance if your
request for waiver is granted. You further have the right to bring a lawyer or
representative to such hearing or discussion at your own expense.
**** NOTICE ****
If you are a person with a disability and are unable to comply with the contents
of this document, you have the right to ask HABC to make a reasonable
accommodation for you. To make such a request, please contact your Housing
Manager at 443-984-1867 or Maryland Relay at 410-547-9247.
Resident’s Signature: ___________________________ Date: _______________
________________________________________________________________________ _____________
Housing Management Staff Name and Signature
Received by: __________________________
Signature: ____________________________ Date: _______________
Page -1- of -2-
HABC ACOP: Draft 7-26-19 H-14
NAME: ________________________________________________
ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________
TELEPHONE NUMBER(S): ____________________________________________
HOUSING DEVELOPMENT: ___________________________________________
NAME OF ASSET MANAGER (If Known): ________________________________
Request for Grievance Waiver Hearing Request And Verification
I am requesting a grievance waiver hearing for the following reason(s):______________
I have attached the following documents to verify the information I have provided above:
Statement Of Formal Grievance Hearing Request
I am requesting a formal grievance hearing on my grievance of the following action or
failure to act by Management: __________________________________________
Action Or Relief You Are Requesting
I am requesting the following action or relief: ______________________________
**** NOTICE ****
Review Page 1 above for a notification of your rights and responsibilities
regarding your Request for Grievance Waiver Hearing.
Resident’s Signature: ___________________________ Date: _______________
Housing Management Staff Name and Signature
Received by: __________________________
Signature: ____________________________ Date: _______________
Page 2 of 2
General RAD LTA Criteria
12-27-13 rev 4-7-14
This document sets forth the admissions and leasing criteria for long term affordable (LTA”)
units, applicable to applicants for and residents of LTA units. The Owner and Management Agent
shall not change the criteria set forth in this document without approval from the Housing
Authority of Baltimore City (“HABC”).
(a) Applicant shall mean a household on HABC’s waiting list for public housing.
(b) “Bailey Consent Decree” refers to the Consent Decree, as amended or modified, entered
in Bailey v. Housing Authority of Baltimore City, JFM 02-CV-225; JFM-04-CV-03107.
(c) “ACOP” refers to the Housing Authority of Baltimore City’s Admissions & Continued
Occupancy Policy for Public Housing.
(d) “Family” is defined as including, but is not limited to, the following, regardless of actual
or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status:
(1) A single person, who may be an elderly person, displaced person, disabled person, near-
elderly person, or any other single person; or
(2) A group of persons residing together, and such group includes, but is not limited to:
(i) A family with or without children (a child who is temporarily away from the
home because of placement in foster care is considered a member of the family).
(ii) An elderly family.
(iii) A near elderly family.
(iv) A disabled family.
(v) A displaced family; and
(vi) The remaining member of a tenant family.
(f) Long Term Affordable unitsor LTA units shall mean those units that are reserved
and leased upon initial occupancy for residents of ____________, and individuals from
HABC’s public housing and/or transfer waiting lists. These units shall remain affordable
for a period of 40 years consistent with requirements under the Bailey Consent Decree The
LTA units for non-elderly persons with disabilities (“NED”) shall be reserved exclusively
for NEDs for a period of 15 years. The applicants and tenants in these units have any and
all rights, privileges and benefits that are provided to HABC’s public housing residents or
applicants and such tenants shall pay no more than 30% of their monthly adjusted income
in rent as participants in the Housing Choice Voucher Program. Notwithstanding the
above, no minimum income is required. NED and UFAS LTA units must be operated and
maintained in accordance with the terms stated herein.
General RAD LTA Criteria
12-27-13 rev 4-7-14
(g) “Management Agent” means the company engaged to manage and operate the
development on behalf of the owner.
(h) Non-elderly person with disabilities” or NED shall mean a family whose sole
member, head of household, or head of household's spouse is a person with a disability
who is under age sixty-two (62), and which is eligible for a one-bedroom public housing
unit or for a two-bedroom public housing unit because a second bedroom is needed for
disability-related reasons; and who is on HABC’s waiting list.
(i) Ownerrefers to the entity with ownership interest in the housing development, which is
responsible for ensuring the Management Agent complies with the admissions and leasing
requirements for the LTA units.
(j) “Resident” shall mean a household who leases an LTA unit under these criteria.
(l) UFAS unit” shall mean a unit containing accessible features and certified by an architect
designated by HABC as compliant with Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS).
(m) “Violent Criminal Activity” means any criminal activity that has as one of its elements
the use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force substantial enough to cause, or
be reasonably likely to cause, serious bodily injury or property damage. 24 C.F.R. §5.100.
The amount of the security deposit will be equal to one month’s rent, or Fifty Dollars ($50.00),
whichever is lower. The Agent will establish a payment plan for payment of the security deposit
in the event of a documented hardship situation.
Applicants will not be charged an application fee. Additionally, Applicants will not be charged
any fee for credit or criminal background checks.
(a) Applicants may be screened for credit and criminal background according to the detailed
screening process set forth in Section 4.1 below. Lack of credit history will not be sufficient
justification for rejection of an Applicant.
4.1. Detailed Screening Process For New Applicants
(a) Credit and criminal background reports may be evaluated through a third-party screening
(b) Rental history may be verified up to the past three years.
(c) Applicants may be rejected for any of the following reasons: Agent or other acceptable
General RAD LTA Criteria
12-27-13 rev 4-7-14
references indicates a history of lease violations, including but not limited to repeated judgments
for failure to pay rent, chronic late rental payments (more than four (4) late rental payments within
a twelve (12) month period), prior eviction(s), history of public disturbances, damage to living unit
or property of others, physical and/or verbal attacks on others, history of poor or unsatisfactory
housekeeping as defined by the House Rules developed for O’Donnell Heights or any other
behavior that would have a substantial adverse impact upon the health, safety or peaceful
enjoyment of the Development by other Residents, members of the community or Agent personnel.
4.1.1. Credit Screening Criteria
(a) Credit Information.
Applicants may be denied eligibility if they have a history of not meeting past financial
obligations as demonstrated by the following:
More than four (4) late rental payments within a twelve (12) month period only if
the Applicant leased a dwelling unit that received continuous direct rental
assistance subsidy that provided for the Applicant to pay no more than thirty percent
(30%) of his or her income during the Applicant’s tenancy.
No unsatisfied collections, charge-offs, or judgments in the past 24 months totaling
more than $3,000 in the aggregate.
Notwithstanding evidence of difficulty meeting past financial obligations, Applicants will
be favorably considered if their poor payment history relates to:
Medical debts
Student loans
Applicants will not be denied eligibility solely based on bankruptcy.
Other credit issues such as collections, charge-offs, judgments, or liens will be reviewed in
light of all the circumstances including evidence of the Applicant’s limited disability
benefits, prior lack of subsidized housing, illness or loss of Spouse, loss of primary support,
etc. Such review may result in a favorable consideration for Applicant despite such credit
issues. The housing application shall inform applicants that they can provide information
about or to explain the circumstances for their poor credit history.
(b) Pre-Denial Review
The Management Agent shall provide Applicants the opportunity to discuss reasons for a
poor credit history, mitigating circumstances or requests for reasonable accommodations
prior to the Owner/Agent making a determination to deny the applicant. Said pre-denial
review will not replace or remove the informal hearing process set forth in 10.1 below.
Examples of extenuating circumstances that should result in a favorable review by the
Owner/Agent include (but are not limited to):
General RAD LTA Criteria
12-27-13 rev 4-7-14
Applicants whose form of income is from Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
or similar form of disability payment.
Applicants whose previous housing payment was substantially disproportionate
to the tenant portion of rent for which he or she will be responsible in the LTA
Applicants with a documented / disclosed hardship that is not likely to repeat.
4.1.2. Criminal Screening
(a) General.
1. Denial of Eligibility. Applicants will be denied eligibility for admission
for any of the following reasons:
Any household member who has been convicted of drug-related
criminal activity in connection with the manufacture or production of
methamphetamine. This results in a lifetime ban from assisted housing.
Any household member who has been evicted for drug-related criminal
activity within the prior 3 years.
Any household member is subject to a lifetime registration requirement
under a State sex offender registration program.
2. Applicants may be denied eligibility for admission based upon the
Public records, landlord references or criminal background checks
indicate there is reasonable cause to believe that the Applicant and/or
other household members have a history of violent criminal activity,
violent behavior or alcohol or drug abuse that would threaten the health,
safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment of the premises by other tenants.
Public records or criminal background checks indicate Applicant/or
household member has been convicted of a drug-related offense,
Violent Criminal Activity, or felony offense.
"Alcohol or drug abuse” means, including but not limited to:
Evidence of a history or pattern of illegal substance abuse that the
individual has, within the past three years, engaged in to justify a reasonable
belief that the individual’s behavior is current.
"Violent criminal activity” means, including but not limited to:
General RAD LTA Criteria
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Evidence that the individual has, within the past three years, engaged in
the behavior recently enough to justify a reasonable belief that the individual’s
behavior is current.
Any history or evidence of repeated acts of violence on the part of an
individual, or a pattern of conduct constituting a danger to peaceful occupancy by
Any history of initiating threats or behaving in a manner indicating an
intent to assault employees or other tenants.
3. Pending charges for any crime (not just those listed below) may be
considered a cause for temporary denial of eligibility for admission. If the
Applicant is temporarily denied admission because of the existence of a
pending charge, the Applicant will maintain a priority order for occupancy
of a Unit until disposition of the pending charge, either favorably (in which
case the application process can continue) or unfavorably (in which case the
Applicant will be considered against the criminal screening guidelines set
(b) Specific Felony Crimes
The following felonies may subject new Applicants to a maximum seven (7) year
exclusion period. The exclusion period is calculated from the date of conviction or
release from incarceration, whichever is later. If Management Agent chooses to
utilize the maximum seven (7) year exclusion period to deny a new Applicant, the
applicant shall be notified that they may contact the TC for assistance with
appealing the decision of the Management Agent in application of the 7 year
exclusion period.
1. Felony Child Abuse
2. Sexual Abuse of a Minor except when crime results in conviction as a sex
offender subject to a lifetime registration requirement, who, in such case, is
prohibited from federally assisted housing.
3. Felony Arson
4. Malicious Burning of Personal Property (First degree)
5. Burning with Intent to Defraud
6. Felony Assault Attempted Poisoning
7. Manufacture, Distribution or Possession with the Intent to Distribute of
CDS (Controlled Dangerous Substances)
8. Damage to Associated Building when Charged as a Felony
9. Murder (all forms)
10. Attempted Murder (all forms)
11. Voluntary Manslaughter (all forms)
12. Homicide (all forms)
13. Kidnapping
14. Child Kidnapping
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15. Abduction of Child Under 16
16. Robbery
17. Robbery with a Dangerous Weapon
18. Carjacking
19. Felony Sexual Crimes, except when crime results in conviction as a sex
offender subject to a lifetime registration requirement, who, in such case, is
prohibited from federally assisted housing.
20. Weapons Crimes - Felonies
21. Use of a Machine Gun in a Crime of Violence
22. Use of a Machine Gun for Aggressive Purposes
23. Manufacture or Possession of a Destructive Device
(c) Other Felony Crimes
Denial of eligibility for admission based upon all other types of felony crimes may
subject Applicants to a maximum three (3) year exclusion period beginning on the
date of conviction or the release from incarceration, whichever date is later.
(d) Misdemeanor Crimes
Denial of eligibility for admission based upon misdemeanor convictions may
subject applicants to a maximum eighteen (18) month exclusion period beginning
on the date of conviction or the release from incarceration, whichever date is later.
(e) Confidentiality of Criminal Records
Any criminal record received must be maintained confidentially, not misused or
improperly disseminated.
(f) Disclosure of Criminal Records to Family
Before taking any adverse action based on a criminal conviction record, the
applicant and subject of record will be provided with a copy of the criminal record
and an opportunity to dispute the record at an informal hearing.
4.1.3. Other Reasons to Deny Eligibility
In addition to the credit and criminal background screening criteria above, Applicants may
be rejected only for any of the following reasons:
Applicant fails to respond to a request for verification of information or for
additional information within ten (10) working days of the written request from the
Applicant makes any materially false statement or omission on the application
and/or during an application interview with the intention of misleading the Owner
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Applicant’s household size is incompatible with the Owner/Agent’s occupancy
standards and/or unit availability. Provided, however, that an Applicant who has a
verifiable need for a live-in aide may not be denied admission on the grounds that
the addition of a live-in aide violates the Owner/Agent’s occupancy standards.
4.1.4. Prohibited Criteria for Denial of Eligibility
An Applicant cannot be rejected because he or she:
Has no income.
Is not employed.
Does not participate in a job-training program.
Will not apply for various welfare or benefit programs.
Has children, except in the case of an Applicant for a NED unit whose household
members include one or more children.
Is receiving welfare benefits.
Has children born out of wedlock.
Is a student, unless otherwise prohibited by financing for the Development.
4.2. Mitigating Circumstances
Mitigating circumstances are facts relating to the applicant's record of unsuitable rental
history or behavior, which, when verified would indicate both: (1) the reason for the
unsuitable rental history and/or behavior; and (2) that the reason for the unsuitable rental
history and behavior is no longer in effect or is under control, and the applicant's prospect
for lease compliance is an acceptable one, justifying admission.
If unfavorable information is received about an applicant, consideration shall be given to
the time, nature, and extent of the applicant's conduct and to factors that might indicate a
reasonable probability of favorable future conduct. To be factored into the screening
assessment of the applicant, mitigating circumstances must be verifiable.
If the mitigating circumstances claimed by the applicant relate to a change in disability,
medical condition or course of treatment, the Owner/Agent shall have the right to refer
such information to persons who are qualified and knowledgeable to evaluate the evidence
and to verify the mitigating circumstance. The Owner/Agent shall also have the right to
request further information reasonably needed to verify the mitigating circumstance, even
if such information is of a medically confidential nature. Such inquiries will be limited to
the information necessary to verify the mitigating circumstances or, in the case of a person
with disabilities who has requested a reasonable accommodation, information necessary,
to verify the reasonable accommodation.
4.2.1. Mitigating Circumstances
Examples of mitigating circumstances include:
General RAD LTA Criteria
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Evidence of successful rehabilitation.
Evidence of the Applicant family's participation in and completion of social service
or other appropriate counseling service.
Evidence of successful and sustained modification of previous disqualifying
Consideration of mitigating circumstances does not guarantee that the Applicant will
qualify for admission. Such circumstances will be considered in light of:
The applicant's ability to substantiate through verification the claim of mitigating
circumstances and his/her prospects for improved future behavior; and
The applicant's overall performance with respect to all the screening requirements.
However, if mitigating circumstances are found the applicant will keep his place
on the waiting list and will be housed in the unit which was offered if that unit is
still available and if it is not will be housed when the next appropriately sized unit
becomes available.
4.3. Citizenship/Eligible Immigrant Status
To receive assistance, a family member must be a U.S. citizen or an eligible immigrant.
Eligible immigrants are persons who are in one of the categories established by HUD.
Assistance to the family may not be delayed, denied, or terminated based on immigration
status at any time prior to receipt of the decision from an appeal to the Immigration and
Naturalization Service.
5.1. General. These occupancy guidelines will be followed by HABC and the Owner to
ensure that families occupy units of the appropriate size. This policy maintains the
maximum usefulness of the units, while preserving them from excessive wear and tear or
5.2. Determining Unit Size.
(a) The Owner does not determine who shares a bedroom/sleeping
room, but
there must be at least one person per bedroom. Standards for determining unit size shall be
applied in a manner consistent with Fair Housing guidelines and shall be implemented by
HABC and referred to Owner.
(b) For occupancy standards, an adult is a person who is at least 18 years of age
or older, an emancipated minor, or in a legally recognized marriage as under the laws of
the State of Maryland or a marriage recognized by the State of Maryland. All guidelines
in this section relate to the number of bedrooms in the unit.
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(c) Owner will assign a unit within the following guidelines:
(i) Separate bedrooms should be allocated for persons of the opposite sex
than adults who have a spousal relationship and children under
five years old).
(ii) Live-in aides will generally be provided a separate bedroom for
their occupancy only. The Owner is not obligated to nor will it
house the family members of a live-in aide.
(iii) Space may be provided for a child who is away at school but who
lives with the family during school recesses.
(iv) Space will not be provided for a family member who will be absent
most of the time except for family members who have been called
to active duty. In the case of a family member in active duty, the
family composition will include the member who is away from the
unit for such purpose, even if the active duty family member is
absent from the unit for more than six months. After one (1) year
the Owner may reevaluate the situation and take appropriate action.
(v ) Single person families shall be allocated a zero- or one-bedroom unit.
The living room should not be used as a bedroom except for purposes
of a reasonable accommodation.
Bedroom Size
Persons in
(Minimum #)
Persons in
(Maximum #)
0 Bedroom
1 Bedroom
2 Bedrooms
3 Bedrooms
4 Bedrooms
5.3. Exceptions To Occupancy Standards.
The Owner or HABC, as applicable, will grant an exception to the occupancy standards
upon request as a reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities if the need is
appropriately verified by a licensed medical professional or social worker. A reasonable
accommodation for a larger unit may be granted for example when a person with a
disability needs space for medical equipment, and such need is appropriately verified.
- HABC will not assign a larger bedroom size due to additions of family members
other than by birth, adoption, marriage, or court-awarded custody.
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An exception will be granted if the family has submitted an "Appointment of
Temporary Guardian" to the Owner. If this form has been submitted, the Owner will
also require that the family have initiated legal proceedings for guardianship or legal
- All members of the family residing in the unit must be approved by the Owner.
The family must obtain approval of any additional family member before the person
occupies the unit except for additions by birth, adoption, or court-awarded custody, in
which case the family must inform the Owner within 30 days.
- To avoid vacancies, the Owner may provide a family with a larger unit than the
occupancy standards permit subject to the approval of the HABC. The family must
agree to move to a suitable, smaller unit when another family qualifies for the larger
unit and there is a suitable smaller unit available. This requirement shall be included
in the lease.
5.4. Accessible Units. Units designed and constructed to meet the needs of persons
with mobility disabilities will be first offered to households with a family member who needs the
accessible features of the unit. Accessible units will be offered to households who do not need
the accessible features of the unit only after the Owner determined with the understanding
that such applicants must accept a transfer to a non-accessible unit at a later date if a person with a
requiring the unit applies for housing and is
Owner will conduct initial income verifications, re-certifications of income and interim
certifications, as well as income verifications upon turnover.
6.1. Total Tenant Payment
The Total Tenant Payment is the greater of:
- 30% of the adjusted monthly income
- 10% of the monthly income
- The minimum rent as established by the HABC
The Total Tenant Payment does not include charges for excess utility consumption or other
If a minimum rent is established the resident will be required to pay at least the amount established
as the minimum rent, unless Management Agent grants an exemption from the due to financial
6.2 Rent Determination.
The amount of rent and family size or composition will be set forth in the lease or, if there
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are changes, in a lease supplement, which will be delivered to the resident. The amount of
monthly rent and the family composition will remain in effect for the period between
annual re-certifications, unless during such period:
(a) Resident can show a change in Resident's circumstances that would justify a
reduction in rent by submitting a signed statement and other documentation,
setting forth the facts as to the family composition, employment and family
income. Such circumstances include, but are not limited to, the following: (1)
Divorce; (2) Marriage; (3) Separation; (4) Death; (5) Retirement; (6)
Unemployment; (7) Strike; (8) Layoff; (9) Sick Leave; (10) Disability; (11)
Entry into or discharge from military service; (12) Birth; and (13) Change of
job or other reduced income.
(b) Resident can show a decrease in income which is believed to be temporary in
(c) Resident can show that the income on the basis of which the rent was calculated
has terminated. Resident shall report this information to the Owner/Agent
together with any information concerning other sources of income which have
become available to family members since the last rent determination. The rent
will then be redetermined based on the information which is provided, but in no
case will the rent be increased, beyond the original rent, until the next Annual
6.2.2 Reporting a Change in Income Resident shall report any change in income
described in Paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) above within thirty (30) days of its
occurrence. Any decrease in rent resulting from the change will take effect on the
first of the month following the month in which the change occurred.
6.3. Minimum Income.
Resident is not required to have any minimum income.
6.4. Determining and Calculating Income
6.4.1. Generally the final calculation for each income or deduction source will be
rounded to the nearest dollar, unless documentation from the income source provides
(a) “Income” is defined as the anticipated total income from all sources for purposes
of calculating the TTP. This includes net income derived from assets, received by the
family head and spouse (even if temporarily absent) and by each additional family member
for the 12-month period following the effective date of initial determination or
reexamination of income. It does not include income that is temporary, non-recurring, or
income that is specifically excluded by other federal statute.
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(b) “Annual income” is the amount of income prior to any allowable expenses or
deductions and does not include income that has been excluded by other provisions in this
policy. Annual income is used to determine whether or not applicants are within the
applicable income limits. “Adjusted Income” is defined as the Annual Income minus any
allowable deductions.
6.4.3. Mandatory Deductions.
The HUD mandatory deductions from Annual Income must be applied when
calculating income for program eligibility and determination of rent. The mandatory
deductions are as follows:
(a) Dependent allowance: $480 each for family members (other than the head
or spouse), who are minors, and for family members who are 18 and older
who are full-time students or who are disabled.
(b) "Elderly" allowance: $400 per household for families whose head or spouse
is 62 or over or disabled.
(c) Allowable medical expenses for all family members are deducted for
elderly and disabled families. Medical deductions will only be allowed to
the extent that the sum exceeds three percent of the annual income.
(d) Childcare expenses for children under 13 are deducted when childcare is
necessary to allow an adult family member to work, actively seek work, or
attend school (including vocational training).
(e) Expenses for attendant care or auxiliary apparatus for persons with
disabilities if needed to enable the individual or an adult family member to
6.4.4. Training Income Exclusions.
Income from certain training programs will be excluded from calculating income
for program eligibility and determining the amount of rent. A training program is
defined as one with goals and objectives designed to lead to a higher level of proficiency,
and one, which enhances the individual’s ability to obtain employment. The training
program may have performance standards to measure proficiency. Training may include
but is not limited to: (a) classroom training in a specific occupational skill; (b) on-the-job
training with wages subsidized by the program; or (c) basic education.
The exclusions are as follows:
(a) Exclusion of amounts received under training programs funded by HUD
(b) Amounts received by a participant in other publicly assisted programs which
are specifically for or in reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses incurred
(special equipment, clothing, transportation, childcare, etc.) and which are
made solely to allow participation in a specific program. Exclusion of
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amounts received from participation in qualifying State or local employment
training programs (including training programs not affiliated with a local
government) and training of a family member as resident management staff.
Amounts excluded by this provision must be received under employment
training programs with clearly defined goals and objectives and are excluded
only for the period during which the family member participates in the
employment-training program. For this purpose, Annual Income does not include incremental
earnings and benefits resulting to any family member from participation in
qualifying State or local employment training programs. All other amounts (such as child support and alimony) are treated
in the usual manner in determining annual income. Child support, or other income
that is not earnings or benefits, is not a factor and will not be considered in regard
to training income exclusions, regardless of whether they have increased or
decreased. Any member of the resident’s family is eligible for the exclusion,
provided the individual is enrolled in the qualifying employment-training program.
If a family has members who enroll in training programs at different times, the
exclusion may be taken at different periods. The rules will be applied individually
to each member based on which type of program they are enrolled in. Upon verification, residents who are actively enrolled in a
qualifying training program will have the incremental income from the training
program excluded from their annual income. A resident who has substantially completed a training program in
order to accept a job offer will be eligible for the 18-month exclusion of income.
"Substantial completion" of a training program will be completion of 75% of the
program. If a resident has completed that portion of the training program necessary
to get a job and continues simultaneously with the training program, the 18-month
exclusion period will begin on the date the resident started the new job, not the date
they complete the training program. The resident is not required to get a job that is
directly related to the training program to be eligible for the exclusion. For self-employed residents, only the net income of the resident will
be excluded when factoring the earnings. The Resident is required to notify the HABC within 10 working
days of enrolling in a qualifying training program. Residents who have a decrease in income as a result of enrolling in
General RAD LTA Criteria
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a training program may request an interim examination. In the event the interim
examination results in a decrease in incremental income as a result of the training
program, the resident’s rent will be adjusted accordingly. All training income from a HUD sponsored or funded training
program, whether incremental or not, is excluded from the resident’s annual income
while the resident is in training. Income from a Resident Services training program,
which is funded by HUD, is excluded.
6.4.5. Averaging Income. When Annual Income cannot be anticipated for a full twelve
months, the HABC will annualize current income and conduct an interim reexamination if
income changes. If there are bonuses or overtime, which the employer cannot anticipate
for the next twelve months, bonuses and overtime received the previous year will be used.
Income from the previous year may be analyzed to determine the amount to anticipate
when third-party or check-stub verification is not available. If by averaging, an estimate
can be made for those families whose income fluctuates from month to month, this estimate
will be used so that the housing payment will not change from month to month. The method
used depends on the regularity, source and type of income.
6.4.6. Income Of Person Permanently Confined To or Released from Nursing
Home. If a family member is permanently confined to a hospital or nursing home and there
is a family member left in the household, HABC will conduct an interim reexamination,
exclude the income and medical expenses of the family member permanently confined to
a hospital or nursing home and re-calculate the Total Tenant Payment. If a family member
leases an LTA Unit upon release from a nursing home, rehabilitation center or other
healthcare or assisted living facility, and verifies a reduced SSI or OASI income from social
security, HABC will annualize the current income and conduct an interim reexamination
within 90 days of the date of admission. If within the 90 days, the resident experiences an
increase in income by the Social Security Administration, HABC will process an increase
in rent between the regularly scheduled re-certifications.
6.4.7. Income Of New Family Members Added to the Lease. HABC will process an
increase in rent between regularly scheduled re-certifications when the household size
increases due to the addition of an adult household member approved by the Management
Agent. Requests for the addition of a new member of the household must be approved by
the Management Agent and HABC, prior to the actual move-in by the proposed new
6.4.8. Regular Contributions And Gifts. Regular contributions and gifts received from
persons outside the household are counted as income for calculation of the Total Tenant
Payment. Any contribution or gift received every 2 months or more frequently will be
considered a "regular" contribution or gift, unless the amount is less than $600.00 per year.
This includes rent and utility payments made on behalf of the family and other cash or non-
cash contributions provided on a regular basis. It does not include casual contributions or
sporadic gifts. If the family's expenses exceed their known income, HABC will make
inquiry of the family about contributions and gifts.
6.4.9. Alimony And Child Support Regular alimony and child support payments are
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counted as income for calculation of Total Tenant Payment. If the amount of child support
or alimony received is less than the amount awarded by the court, the HABC must use the
amount awarded by the court unless the family can verify that they are not receiving the
full amount. HABC will accept as verification that the family is receiving an amount less
than the award if HABC receives verification from the agency responsible for enforcement
or collection. It is the family's responsibility to supply a certified copy of the divorce
6.4.10. Lump-Sum Receipts. Lump-sum additions to family assets, such as inheritances,
insurance payments (including payments under health and accident insurance and worker's
compensation), capital gains, and settlement for personal or property losses, are not
included in income but may be included in assets. Lump-sum payments caused by delays
in processing periodic payments (unemployment or welfare assistance) are counted as
income. Lump sum payments from Social Security or SSI are excluded from income, but
any amount remaining will be considered an asset. Deferred periodic payments, which have
accumulated due to a dispute, will be treated the same as periodic payments which are
deferred due to delays in processing. In order to determine amount of retroactive tenant
rent that the family owes as a result of the lump sum receipt the HABC will always
calculate retroactively to date of receipt the lump-sum payment was received, or to the date
of admission, whichever is closer. The family's attorney fees may be deducted from lump-
sum payments when computing annual income if the attorney's efforts have recovered a
lump-sum compensation, and the recovery paid to the family does not include an additional
amount in full satisfaction of the attorney fees.
6.4.11. Retroactive Payments. In the event the calculation of income results in the family
owing a retroactive payment, the family should make the payment in a lump sum. The
Management Agent, at its option, may enter into a Repayment Agreement with the family.
The amount owed by the family is a collectible debt even if the family becomes unassisted.
6.4.12. Contributions To Retirement Funds Assets. Contributions to company
retirement/pension funds are handled as follows:
(a) While an individual is employed, only the amounts the family can withdraw without
retiring or terminating employment will be counted as income.
(b) After retirement or termination of employment, any amount the employee elects to
receive as a lump sum will be counted as income.
6.4.13. Assets Disposed Of For Less Than Fair Market Value. The HABC must count
assets disposed of for less than fair market value during the two years preceding
certification or reexamination. The HABC will count the difference between the market
value and the actual payment received in calculating total assets. The difference will be
included in calculating total assets for two years. Assets disposed of as a result of
foreclosure or bankruptcy are not considered to be assets disposed of for less than fair
market value. Assets disposed of as a result of a divorce or separation are not considered
to be assets disposed of for less than fair market value. If the total value of assets disposed
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of within the two-year period is less than $5,000.00, they will not be considered an asset.
6.4.14. Child Care Expenses. Un-reimbursed childcare expenses for children under 13
may be deducted from annual income if they enable an adult to work, actively seek work,
attend school full time, or attend full-time vocational training. In the case of a child
attending private school, only before or after-hours care can be counted as childcare
expenses. If a tenant is eligible for the earned income disallowance, the amount of
deduction for childcare expenses necessary to permit employment shall not exceed the
amount of employment income that is included in annual income. Therefore, the
disregarded or excluded amounts cannot be used in determining the cap for the childcare
expense deduction. Childcare expenses must be reasonable. Reasonable is determined by
what the average childcare rates are in the Development’s jurisdiction. Allowing
deductions for childcare expenses is based on the following guidelines:
(a) Childcare to work: The maximum childcare expense allowed must be less than the
amount earned by the person enabled to work. The "person enabled to work" will
be the adult member of the household who earns the least amount of income from
(b) Amount of Expense: The HABC will survey the local care providers in the
community to determine what is reasonable. The HABC will use the collected data
as a guideline. If the hourly rate materially exceeds the guideline, the HABC may
calculate the allowance using the guideline.
6.4.15. Medical Expenses When it is unclear in the HUD rules as to whether or not to
allow an item as a medical expense, IRS Publication 502 will be used as a guide.
Nonprescription medicines, unless prescribed by a licensed medical professional, will not
be considered a medical expense. Chiropractic services will be considered allowable
medical expenses.
6.4.16. Proration Of Assistance For "Mixed" Families. Proration of assistance must be
offered to any "mixed" applicant or participant family. A "mixed" family is one that
includes at least one U.S. citizen or eligible immigrant and any number of ineligible
members. Applicant mixed families are entitled to prorated assistance. Families that
become mixed after June 19, 1995, by addition of an ineligible member are entitled to
prorated assistance.
6.4.17. Prorated TTP Calculation for Mixed Families. Prorated assistance will be
calculated by subtracting the Total Tenant Payment from the applicable Maximum Rent
for the unit the family occupies to determine the Family Maximum Subsidy. The family's
TTP will be calculated by:
(a) dividing the family maximum subsidy by the number of persons in the family to
determine member maximum subsidy.
(b) multiplying the member maximum subsidy by the number of eligible family
members to determine eligible subsidy.
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(c) subtracting the amount of eligible subsidy from the applicable maximum rent for
the unit the family occupies to get the family's revised total tenant payment.
6.4.18. Income Changes Resulting From Welfare Program Requirements. Owner will
not reduce rent for families whose welfare assistance is reduced specifically because of:
(a) fraud; or
(b) failure to participate in an economic self-sufficiency program; or
(c) noncompliance with a work activities requirement.
However, Owner will reduce the rent if the welfare assistance reduction is a result of:
(x) the expiration of a lifetime time limit on receiving benefits; or
(y) a situation where a family member has complied with the welfare agency’s
economic self-sufficiency or work activities requirements but cannot or has not
obtained employment; or
(z) a situation where a family member has not complied with other welfare agency
requirements. Imputed welfare income is the amount of annual income not actually
received by a family as a result of a specified welfare benefit reduction that is included
in the family’s income for rental contribution. Imputed welfare income is not included
in annual income if the family was not an assisted resident at the time of sanction. The
amount of imputed welfare income is offset by the amount of additional income a
family receives that begins after the sanction was imposed. When additional income
is at least equal to the imputed welfare income, the imputed welfare income is reduced
to zero. Owner will obtain from the welfare agency written verification that the
family's benefits have been reduced for fraud or noncompliance before denying the
family's request for rent reduction.
6.4.19. Utilities. No applicant can be admitted nor tenant transferred to a development
with resident-paid utilities unless he or she can obtain utility service. The Resident is
responsible for establishing an account directly with the utility provider and paying for
those individually metered utilities. The Resident’s rent must be reduced by the amount of
the established utility allowance. If the Resident’s actual utility bill(s) exceeds the utility
allowance, Resident must pay the full amount of the bill to the utility supplier. If Resident
pays a flat rent, Resident is not entitled to a utility reimbursement. Failure of Resident to
retain and maintain utility service is grounds for termination under the Lease.
6.5. Verification of Income.
Owner shall verify income and other information pertaining to the Resident’s household
in accordance with the methods set forth in this section 6.5.
A third-party source should first be used to verify employment, unemployment and social
security benefits.
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6.5.1. Employment Income. Verification forms should be used to request that the
employer specify the:
(a) Dates of employment
(b) Amount and frequency of pay
(c) Date of the last pay increase
(d) Likelihood of change of employment status and effective date of any known
salary increase during the next 12 months
(e) Estimated income from overtime, tips, bonus pay expected during next 12
months Acceptable forms of verification include:
(a) EIV information obtained from
(b) Employment verification form completed by the employer.
(c) Check stubs or earning statements that indicate the employee's gross pay,
frequency of pay or year to date earnings.
(d) W-2 forms plus income tax return forms.
(e) Self-certification or income tax returns signed by the family may be used
for verifying self-employment income, or income from tips and other gratuities.
(f) State Wage Information Collection Agency (SWICA) means the State
agency, receiving quarterly wage reports from employers in the State, or an
alternative system that has been determined by the Secretary of Labor to be as
effective and timely in providing employment-related income and eligibility
(g) In cases where there are questions about the validity of information
provided by the family, the Management Agent will require the most recent
federal income tax statements.
6.5.2. Social Security, Pensions, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Disability Income.
Acceptable methods of verification include:
(a) Benefit verification form completed by agency providing the benefits
(b) Computer report electronically obtained or in hard copy.
(c) Award or benefit notification letters prepared and signed by the providing
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6.5.3. Unemployment Compensation.
Acceptable methods of verification include:
(a) Computer report electronically obtained or in hard copy, stating payment dates
and amounts
(b) Verification form completed by the unemployment compensation agency.
(c) Payment Stubs
6.5.4. Welfare Payments or General Assistance.
Acceptable methods of verification include:
(a) Verification form completed by payment provider.
(b) Written statement from payment provider indicating the amount of grant/payment,
start date of payments, and anticipated changes in payment in the next 12 months.
(c) Computer-generated Notice of Action.
6.5.5. Alimony or Child Support Payments.
Acceptable methods of verification include:
(a) Copy of a separation or settlement agreement or a divorce decree stating amount
and type of support and payment schedules.
(b) A notarized letter from the person paying the support.
(c) Family's self-certification of amount received and of the likelihood of support
payments being received in the future, or that support payments are not being
(d) If payments are irregular, the family must provide a statement from the agency
responsible for enforcing payments to show that the family has filed for
6.5.6. Net Income from a Business. In order to verify the net income from a business, the
Management Agent will view IRS and financial documents from prior years and
use this information to anticipate the income for the next 12 months. Acceptable
methods of verification include:
(a) IRS Form 1040, including:
i. Schedule C (Small Business)
ii. Schedule E (Rental Property Income)
iii. Schedule F (Farm Income)
(b) Audited or unaudited financial statement(s) of the business.
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(c) Credit report or loan application.
(d) Documents such as manifests, appointment books, cash books, bank
statements, and receipts will be used as a guide for the prior six months (or
lesser period if not in business for six months) to project income for the next
12 months. The family will be advised to maintain these documents in the
future if they are not available.
(e) Family's notarized statement as to net income realized from the business
during previous years.
6.5.7 Child Care Business. If a Resident is operating a licensed day care business, income
will be verified in the same manner as with any other business. If the family has filed a tax
return, the family will be required to provide it. HABC will conduct interim reevaluations
every 60 days and require the Resident to provide a log with the information about
customers and income.
6.5.8. Recurring Gifts. The family must furnish a notarized statement that contains the
following information:
(a) The person who provides the gifts;
(b) The value of the gifts;
(c) The regularity (dates) of the gifts;
(d) The purpose of the gifts.
6.5.9. Zero Income Status. Each adult (18 years of age or older) household member
claiming to have no income will be required to execute forms to allow HABC to verify that
the household is not receiving any income such as unemployment benefits, SSI, or the like.
6.5.10. Full-Time Student Status. Only the first $480 of the earned income of full-time
students 18 years of age or older, other than head or spouse, will be counted towards family
income. Financial aid, scholarships and grants received by full time students are not
counted towards family income. Verification of full-time student status includes:
(a) Written verification from the registrar's office or other school official; or
(b) School records indicating enrollment for sufficient number of credits to be considered
a full-time student by the educational institution.
The admission of Full-Time Students shall be governed by Section 42 of the Internal
Revenue Code and the parties acknowledge that the Owner may deny a unit to a full-time student
in the event that it would cause the Owner to fail to conform with Low Income Housing Tax Credit
Requirements or would cause the Project’s eligible fraction for tax credit purposes to fall below
6.5.11. Verification of Income Exclusions. HABC will attempt third party verification of
income exclusions wherever possible. When third party verification of income exclusions
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are not possible or practical, a review of documents or notarized self-certification will be
6.5.12. Income From Assets. Residents will be allowed to self-certify the value of
family’s assets totaling $5000 and less. Savings Account Interest Income and Dividends. Verification will
be done using the following:
(a) Account statements, passbooks, certificates of deposit, or HABC
verification forms completed by the financial institution.
(b) Broker's statements showing value of stocks or bonds and the earnings
credited the family. Earnings can be obtained from current newspaper
quotations or oral broker's verification.
(c) IRS Form 1099 from the financial institution, provided that the
HABC must adjust the information to project earnings expected for the
next 12 months. Interest Income from Mortgages or Similar Arrangements.
Verification will be done using the following:
(a) A letter from an accountant, attorney, real estate broker, the buyer, or a
financial institution stating interest due for next 12 months. (A copy of
the check paid by the buyer to the family is not sufficient unless a
breakdown of interest and principal is shown.)
(b) Amortization schedule showing interest for the 12 months following
the effective date of the certification or recertification. Net Rental Income from Property Owned by Family. Verification will be
done using the following:
(a) IRS Form 1040 with Schedule E (Rental Income).
(b) Copies of latest rent receipts, leases, or other documentation of rent
(c) Documentation of allowable operating expenses of the property: tax
statements, insurance invoices, bills for reasonable maintenance and
utilities, and bank statements or amortization schedules showing
monthly interest expense.
(d) Lessee's written statement verifying rent payments to the family and
family's notarized statement as to net income realized.
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Resident is permitted to have a guest in the unit for no more than fourteen calendar days during a
twelve-month period. The term “guest” means a person temporarily staying in the LTA Unit with
the consent of Resident or other member of the household who has express or implied authority to
so consent on behalf of the Resident. A household member who is absent from the unit because
he or she (a) is attending college, (b) is on military duty, or (c) is under a joint custody arrangement
will not considered a guest when he or she stays in the unit. Management may waive/extend the
two-week period of time solely at its own discretion, as circumstances warrant.
If any family member leaves the household to enter a facility such as a hospital, nursing home or
rehabilitation center, the Owner/Agent will seek advice from a reliable qualified source as to the
likelihood and timing of the family member’s return to the unit. If the Owner/Agent verifies that
the family member will be living in a nursing home and not likely to return to the unit, the family
member will be considered permanently absent. If the Owner/Agent verifies that the family
member will likely return in less than 180 consecutive days, the family member will not be
considered permanently absent as long as the rent and other charges remain current.
A remaining member of Resident’s family is the person or persons who are listed in the lease or
lease supplement as an authorized household member. A remaining member may be eligible to
enter into a lease with the Owner/Agent as the new head of household. The remaining member of
the resident’s family must: (a) have been previously approved by the Owner/Agent to live in the
unit and (b) satisfy the applicant screening criteria set forth herein. In the event the remaining
family member is a minor, the Owner/Agent may approve, as an additional household member to
the lease, an adult person non-member of the Resident household, who submits written
documentation of a court-ordered custody or guardianship of the minor remaining family member
and who satisfies the LTA eligibility criteria,
10.1. Informal Hearing for Applicants Denied Eligibility.
10.1.1. Notice of Ineligibility Determination.
Applicants who are determined ineligible will be sent a written notice promptly by
10.1.2. Content of Written Notice of Ineligibility.
The notice of ineligibility (the “Ineligibility Notice”) will:
(a) Inform the Applicant of the status of his or her application and will state the
basis for the ineligibility determination;
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(b) Offer the Applicant an opportunity for an informal hearing concerning the
denial of eligibility;
(c) Specify that the Applicant must request an informal hearing within 14 working
days from receipt of the notice;
(d) Inform the Applicant of his or her right to request a reasonable accommodation
in order to participate in the hearing process and provide contact information
for the Applicant wishing to make such a request. Written requests for
reasonable accommodations for informal hearings are preferred, but verbal
requests will be accepted with a written confirmation provided back to the
Applicant by the Owner/Agent. Applicants who have a disability and need a
reasonable accommodation in order to participate in the informal hearing
process may request a reasonable accommodation during any stage of the
informal hearing process;
(e) Inform the Applicant that a list of any witnesses or documents relied upon by
HABC or the Owner/Agent will be made available to the Applicant for review
prior to the informal hearing upon request. HABC or Owner/Agent may charge
Applicant the reasonable cost for reproduction of any documents requested.
(f) Inform the Applicant that his or her attorney or advocate may attend and
represent him or her at the informal hearing, to include presenting evidence to
dispute determination by the Owner/Agent or evidence of mitigating
circumstances, as provided in Section 4.2 hereunder. Participants, which
include, but are not limited to, the Applicant, Owner/Agent and HABC may
engage in appropriate and relevant conversations during the hearing;
(g) Provide contact information for the TC and inform the denied Applicant that
the TC is available to assist the Applicant with appealing a denial..
10.1.3. Scheduling the Informal Hearing.
(a) If the Applicant requests an informal hearing, the Management Agent will
schedule an informal hearing within fourteen (14) business days of receiving the
request and notify the Applicant of the place, date, and time for the hearing.
10.1.4. Hearing Officer.
Informal hearings will be conducted by an impartial hearing officer, to be
designated by Management Agent. Audio or video recordings of the informal
hearings shall be prohibited by any participant. The person who is designated as
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the hearing officer cannot be the person who made the determination of ineligibility
or a subordinate of that person. Housing units are not required to be held open
during the period the Notice of Ineligibility is being appealed. The Management
Agent shall wait for the appeal notice period to expire before sending denial
notification to HABC for waitlist disposition purposes. Applicants shall be advised
of their right to be represented by legal counsel or an advocate and present evidence
to dispute the Management Agent’s determination or evidence of mitigating
10.1.5. Decision of Hearing Officer.
The Owner/t Agent will send the Applicant the written decision via first class mail
within three (3) business days of the informal hearing. The written decision shall
state the reasons for hearing officer’s decision and the evidence provided at the
hearing in support of such decision. The hearing office shall only consider evidence
presented at the informal hearing in deciding whether to uphold or overturn the
Notice of Ineligibility. In the event the Notice of Ineligibility is overturned by the
Hearing Officer, the Applicant shall be determined eligible for the next available
unit, subject to size availability.
10.2. Grievance Policy and Procedure. Grievances of the Resident shall be governed
by the attached Grievance Policy and Procedure (Exhibit 1).
11.1. Agent-Initiated Transfers: The Agent may require that a Resident accept a
transfer when a Resident occupies a housing unit with accessible features that are not
needed for the Resident or Resident’s family and a Resident or Applicant has been
identified who does need the accessibility features of the unit. Failure to accept a
Management Agent-initiated transfer will be a Lease violation and may result in
termination of the lease, provided that resident was provided proper notice at the beginning
of the lease term that by accepting an accessible unit the resident may be responsible for
moving costs if the unit is needed for a resident requiring an accessible unit.
Resident will be responsible for moving costs. The Management Agent will give the
Resident 30 days’ advance notice of the intended transfer. The Resident will have two (2)
working days to complete the actual move and turn over possession of the vacated unit.
The Resident may request, and the Management Agent may grant, an extension of up to
three (3) working days if needed.
The Management Agent may require that a Resident transfer because the unit is to be
rehabilitated or demolished. The Owner/Management Agent is responsible for moving
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11.2 Resident Requested Transfers: A Resident must be permitted to request a
transfer to another unit based upon the criteria set forth below. Valid reasons for Resident
requested transfers include:
Accessible Unit Resident may request a unit with needed mobility or
hearing/vision impaired accessibility features. If a transfer is required, the
Owner/Management Agent is responsible for moving costs.
Reasonable Accommodation The Agent will provide reasonable accommodations
to individuals with a disability to the maximum extent feasible. Moving costs will
be paid by Owner/Management Agent.
Crime Victim- Resident may request a transfer if a criminal attack, recent or
ongoing, or credible threat of an imminent criminal attack against the Resident, or
member of Resident’s household, has destroyed the family’s peaceful enjoyment
of the unit. Resident will be responsible for moving costs.
A unit becomes uninhabitable through no fault of the resident. Moving costs will
be paid by Owner/Management Agent.
Resident must be current with all rental payments and charges due under the lease to
receive approval for a Resident requested transfer. Residents may refuse unit transfer offers
for good cause. After rejecting 3 offers, the resident is withdrawn from the transfer waitlist.
Residents whose transfers are mandatory are subject to lease termination. Residents may
file for a grievance under the Grievance Procedure if the transfer is denied or in the case of
a mandatory transfer, the Resident disputes the basis for requiring the transfer.
11.3 Transfer to HABC Conventional Public Housing: In addition to the bases set
forth in this Section 11, a Resident may be eligible to transfer to a suitable HABC
conventional or mixed finance public housing unit, or other HABC long term affordable
for the following reasons:
To abate dangerous and/or substandard conditions within the unit that cannot
otherwise be addressed.
To abate emergency life-threatening living conditions caused by third party
criminal activity.
To accommodate verified physical conditions caused by long-term illness and/or
disability (such as the ability to live closer to a required medical treatment center).
To accommodate resident families that are determined to be over- or under-housed
by virtue of family size.
To permit the rehabilitation of the resident’s unit.
To offer standard alternative accommodations when repairs to the unit cannot be
made within a reasonable time.
HABC will always consider a request to transfer as a reasonable accommodation for a
person with a verified disability. For reasonable accommodation transfers, HABC is
responsible for moving costs. This right to transfer shall include a request to transfer from
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Long Term Affordable Units at O’Donnell Heights to the public housing transfer list.
Residents who apply for a transfer to public housing, per this Section, shall be placed on
the public housing transfer waiting list based upon the date and time of filing of Resident’s
application for reasonable accommodation.
All transfer requests shall be initiated by HABC or the Resident in writing. In order to be
eligible for transfer the Resident shall submit the required documentation to HABC to
substantiate the request and must be in Good Standing with HABC and the
Owner/Management Agent at the time of the transfer.
12.1. The leasing requirements and lease terms must comply with the provisions set forth
in 24 CFR 966, subpart A. Notwithstanding this provision, the requirements for
security deposits shall comply with Section 3 hereunder, and redetermination of
rent shall comply with Section 6 hereunder.
12.2. Lease Termination
-By Owner/Management Agent: The lease is automatically renewable for
a 12-month period. Leases can only be terminated for serious or repeated
violation of material terms of the lease or other good cause consistent with
the requirements of 24 CFR 966.
-By Resident: The Resident may terminate the lease by providing the Agent
30-day’s notice, which is effective on the last day of a month.
12.2.1. Notice of Lease Termination
The notice of lease termination to the Resident shall state specific grounds for
termination, and shall inform the Resident of the Resident's right to make such reply
as the Resident may wish.
(a) When the Management Agent is required to afford the Resident the
opportunity for a grievance hearing, the notice shall also:
1 Inform the Resident of the Resident's right to request a hearing
in accordance with the Grievance Procedure (Exhibit 1);
2 Specify the judicial eviction procedure to be used by the
Management Agent for eviction of the Resident, and state that
HUD has determined that this eviction procedure provides the
opportunity for a court hearing that contains the basic elements
of due process as defined in HUD regulations; and
3 State whether the eviction is for criminal activity or for drug
related criminal activity.
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(b) When the Management Agent is not required to afford the Resident
the opportunity for hearing under the Grievance Procedure, the notice of
lease termination shall:
(1) State that the Resident is not entitled to a grievance hearing
on the termination;
(2) Specify the judicial eviction procedure to be used by the
Management Agent for eviction of the Resident, and state that HUD
has determined that this eviction procedure provides the opportunity
for a court hearing that contains the basic elements of due process
as defined in HUD regulations; and
(3) State whether the eviction is for criminal activity or for
drug-related criminal activity.
VAWA protects applicants, tenants and immediate family members of tenants who are victims of
domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking from being denied, evicted or terminated from
housing assistance based solely on criminal acts of domestic violence against them. Criminal acts
of domestic violence against the victim shall not be considered “serious or repeated lease
violations” or “criminal activity” that are grounds for termination of the lease or denial of housing
The Reasonable Accommodation policy is designed to provide persons with disabilities reasonable
accommodations, upon request, so that they may fully access and utilize the housing program and
related services. Written information regarding this policy and the procedures for making a request
for a reasonable accommodation shall be posted and made available at Owner/Management Agent
offices and, if different, at the Management office on the property. This policy is intended to afford
persons with disabilities an equal opportunity to obtain the same result, to gain the same benefit,
or to reach the same level of services as those who do not have disabilities. Situations in which
this policy applies include, but are not limited to, when a family initiates contact with the
Owner/Management Agent, when the Owner/Management Agent initiates contact with a family
including when a family applies, and when the Owner/ Management Agent schedules or
reschedules appointments of any kind.
To be eligible for a reasonable accommodation, a person must have a disability. A person
requesting an accommodation due to a disability should submit a Request for Reasonable
Accommodation Form (the Request Form). The Request Form will be available in an alternative
format to accommodate those needing such a format in order to submit the request. However, a
reasonable accommodation request may also be made orally or in another equally effective means
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of communication. The Owner/Management Agent will acknowledge receipt of the request within
twenty (20) business days of receiving the request and, within this time period, the
Owner/Management Agent may request additional information or documentation needed in order
to make a decision regarding the request. Owner/ Management Agent will make a decision on the
request within thirty (30) business days after receiving all needed information and documentation
from the requestor. The decision will be communicated in writing or, if required because of the
requestor’s disability, in an alternative format. If the Owner/ Management Agent will be unable
to make a decision within thirty (30) business days, it will advise the requestor in writing with the
reason(s) for the delay. If the Owner/Management Agent finds that the requested accommodation
would result in a fundamental alteration in the nature of its housing programs or activities, or in
undue financial and administrative burdens, the Owner/Management Agent may deny the request
and/or present an alternate accommodation that will meet the need of the requestor.
The Owner/ Management Agent may make reasonable accommodations through such means as
reassignment of services to accessible buildings, alteration of existing facilities and construction
of new facilities, or any other methods that result in making its programs or activities readily
accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities.
The Owner/Management Agent is not required to make structural changes in existing housing
facilities where other methods are effective in achieving compliance or to provide supportive
services that are not part of the program.
Verification of Disability
The Owner/Management Agent may verify a requestor’s disability only to the extent necessary to
ensure that the requestor is qualified for the housing for which he or she had applied, is qualified
for deductions used in determining adjusted income, is entitled to preferences that have been
claimed, and that the requested accommodation is needed. The Owner/Management Agent will
not require applicants to provide access to confidential medical records in order to verify a
disability and will not require specific details about the disability. The Owner/Management Agent
may require documentation of the manifestation of the disability that causes a specific need for a
specific accommodation or accessible unit.
Recertification by Mail
The Owner/Management Agent will permit the family to submit annual and/or interim
recertification forms through the mail, when the Owner/Management Agent has determined that
the request is necessary as a reasonable accommodation.
The mail-in packet will include notice to the family of the deadline for returning the completed
forms to the Owner/Management Agent.
If there is more than one adult member in the household, but only one is disabled, re-certification
can be processed through the mail or the family may choose to have the re-certification conducted
by a home visit or to have the non-disabled adult family members come in for the appointment and
then take the necessary forms home to the member with a disability for completion and signature.
Home Visits
When requested and where the need for reasonable accommodation has been established, home
visits to residents will be done to conduct annual and/or interim re-certifications.
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Requests for home visit re-certifications must be received by the Owner/Agent at least five
working days before the scheduled appointment date in order for the request to be considered.
It is the policy of the Owner/Agent to comply fully with all Federal, State, and local
nondiscrimination laws and with the rules and regulations governing Fair Housing and Equal
Opportunity in housing and employment.
Owner/Agent shall not deny any family or individual the equal opportunity to apply for or receive
assistance under the housing assistance programs at the Development on the basis of race, color,
sex, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, familial status, marital status, or disability or sexual
Consideration will be given as to whether documents which are written in English and are relevant
to the Resident’s tenancy will be translated into other languages. The decision to translate such
documents will be based on the following factors:
The number of Residents who do not speak English and who do speak the other
The estimated cost per Resident of translation of the English written documents into
the other language;
The availability of translation services for non-English speaking Residents.
Readers will be provided to assist Residents with literacy barriers in completing documents
relating to their tenancy.
A copy of each of the following documents will either be posted in a conspicuous location at the
management office for the site or will be provided to the Resident:
The Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy;
Schedule of maintenance charges;
Dwelling Lease;
Complaint and Grievance Policy and Procedure;
Fair Housing poster;
General RAD LTA Criteria
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Equal Opportunity in Employment poster;
Required public notices;
Schedule of Utility Allowance, as applicable;
Information on eviction for drug-related and other criminal activity
Residents are authorized to participate in all activities set forth in 24 CFR Part 964.
All residents in LTA units are eligible to participate in TC activities and also eligible to serve on
the Resident Advisory Board and serve as commissioners at HABC. The Owner has budgeted in
its initial operating budget the sum of fifteen ($15.00) per LTA unit annually for participation in
RAB meetings and training. Annually, this sum shall increase on par with other operating
expenses in the operating budget.
20. These Admissions and Leasing Criteria Applicable to Long Term Affordable Units shall
not violate State or Federal law. In the event these admissions and leasing criteria are deemed to
be in violation of either State or Federal law, or both, they shall be amended to ensure that said
violations are cured and that they remain in compliance with applicable law.
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This Long Term Affordable Resident Grievance Policy and Appeals Procedure (the
Grievance Procedure”) is established to assure that Residents are afforded an opportunity
for a fair hearing if the Resident disputes a Management Agent action or failure to act
involving the Resident's Lease, or Management’s regulations which adversely affect the
Resident’s rights, duties, welfare or status. Neither housing assistance nor tenancy shall be
terminated until such time as the grievance process has been completed. This Grievance
Procedure shall be incorporated by reference into the dwelling lease.
1. This Grievance Procedure shall be applicable to all resident grievances, except
the following:
A. Refusal to pay rent when due, unless the amount of rent charged is in dispute;
B. Disputes between Residents not involving Management Agent;
C. Class grievances;
D. Any criminal activity that threatens the health, safety or the right to peaceful
enjoyment of the premises of other residents or employees of the Management
H. Any violent or drug related criminal activity on or off the premises of other
residents or employees of the Management Agent;
I. Any criminal activity that resulted in felony conviction of a household
member; or
J. Any lease termination due to the occupancy of person subject to a sex
offender lifetime registration requirement.
2. Maryland law requires that Residents be given the opportunity for a court hearing
before eviction from a dwelling unit. Thus, where the Grievance Procedure does
not apply, the Management Agent is still required to use proper judicial process.
3. The following definitions are applicable to this Grievance Procedure:
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A. Class Grievance: Any grievance in which the decision on an
individual grievance would be, as a practical matter, dispositive of the interests
of other Residents.
B. Complainant: Any Resident, as defined in below, who presents to the
Management Agent a grievance in accordance with the procedures set forth
C. Grievance: Any dispute that a Resident may have with respect to the
Management Agent’s action or failure to act in accordance with the individual
Resident's lease or regulations which adversely affect the individual Resident's
rights, duties, welfare or status, including any dispute about the amount of rent
that is charged. The definition of "grievance" does not include the matters set
forth in Section II.1. A through G above.
D. Resident: The adult person (or persons, other than a live-in aide, as
defined in the lease): (1) who resides in the unit, and who executed the lease
with the landlord of the dwelling unit, or (2) if no such person now resides in
the unit, the person who resides in the unit, and is the remaining head of
household of the Resident family residing in the dwelling unit.
As much as possible should be left to the mutual efforts of Management Agent and Resident,
with both parties attempting to resolve all complaints as quickly and justly as possible.
However, the Resident may present a grievance for any complaint which cannot be resolved
by such methods, and the following procedure will apply in grievances based on lease
termination notices that are subject to the grievance policy. For all non-lease termination
grievances, the time periods for the informal discussion and formal grievance hearing shall be
as follows:
A. The Complainant shall, either orally or in writing, present a description of the
grievance to the Management Agent Office within twenty (20) working days after the
Management Agent’s action or failure to act, giving rise to the grievance, so that the
grievance may be discussed informally and settled without a formal hearing (the
“Informal Discussion”). Forms for requesting an Informal Discussion or formal
grievance hearing shall be available from the Management Agent. Use of the request
form is optional.
B. The Resident shall receive a receipt upon presentation of the grievance stating the date
of filing and the nature of his/her grievance, and a copy will be retained in the
Management Office’s Resident file.
C. The Management Agent, in concert with the Complainant, will establish a mutually
agreeable date, time and place for the Informal Discussion.
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D. The Management Agent shall mail to the Resident within three (3) working days after
the meeting, a summary of the Informal Discussion and his/her decision regarding the
proposed disposition of the complaint and the specific reason thereof (“Summary
Decision”). The Summary Decision shall specify the procedures by which a hearing
may be obtained if the Complainant is not satisfied.
A. Request for Hearing: If the Complainant is not satisfied with the results of the
Informal Discussion, the Complainant shall submit a written request for a hearing to
the Management Agent, no later than ten (10) working days after the date
Complainant receives the Summary Decision, pursuant to Section III. above. The
written request shall specify: (1) the reasons for grievance; and (2) the action of relief
B. Hearing Prerequisite: All grievances shall be presented either orally or in
writing pursuant to the procedures prescribed in Section III. above as a condition
precedent to a hearing, unless the Complainant obtains a waiver of this prerequisite
from a Hearing Panel.
C. Waiver of the Hearing Prerequisite:
In order to request a waiver of the hearing prerequisite, the Complainant must show
good cause for failing to request and proceed with an Informal Discussion, and shall
comply with the following:
1. Within three (3) working days after the deadline for presenting a grievance in
accordance with the procedures for an Informal Discussion the Complainant
shall submit to the Management Office a request for a waiver of this hearing
2. A hearing will be convened before a Hearing Panel in order to decide whether
the hearing waiver request will be granted.
3. The Complainant shall appear before the Hearing Panel to show why he or she
failed to proceed within the time period for the Informal Discussion.
4. If the Hearing Panel decides the Complainant has shown good cause for his or
her failure to proceed within the time period for the Informal Discussion, the
Hearing Officer or Hearing Panel may grant the waiver.
5. If the Informal Discussion prerequisite is waived, the Hearing Panel will
immediately set a date for a hearing concerning the Complainant’s grievance.
D. Failure to Make a Timely Request for a Hearing: If the Complainant does not make
General RAD LTA Criteria
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a request for a hearing within five (5) working days after receipt of the Summary
Discussion, Management Agent's disposition of the grievance shall become final.
Failure to request a hearing shall not constitute a waiver by the Complainant of his or
her right thereafter to contest Management Agent's action in disposing of the
complaint in an appropriate judicial proceeding.
E. Escrow Deposit: In any grievance involving the amount of rent or any part thereof,
as defined in the lease, which the Management Agent claims is due under the lease,
and which has not been paid, the Complainant shall pay to Management Agent at the
time the Complainant files his or her request for a formal hearing, an amount at least
equal to the amount of rent due and payable as of the first of the month preceding the
month in which the act or failure to act took place. The Complainant shall thereafter
pay the same amount of the monthly rent to the Management Agent, and the
Management Agent shall deposit the monies in an escrow account until the grievance
is resolved by decision of the Hearing Panel. Following this decision, any amount
due the Complainant from the escrow deposits shall be returned in full to him or her
within 30 days. These requirements for escrow deposit must be waived by
Management Agent:
3. in the event Management Agent determines, upon request by the Complainant,
that the Complainant is unable to pay the escrow deposit because of a financial
hardship in accordance with the requirements under the lease, or
4. for the portion of the Complainant’s rent attributable to the imputed welfare
Unless so waived, the failure to make such payments shall result in a termination of
the grievance procedure, provided that failure to make payment shall not constitute a
waiver of any right the Complainant may have to contest Management Agent's
disposition of his or her grievance in an appropriate judicial proceeding.
F. Scheduling of Hearings: Upon Complainant's compliance with all applicable
procedures or waiver, the formal grievance hearing will be scheduled within five (5)
working days of the Complainant’s request. The hearing will be held before a
Hearing Panel. A written notification shall be delivered by hand or by regular mail,
specifying time, the place and the procedure governing the hearing, to the
Complainant, the Management Agent, and the Hearing Officer or the members of the
Hearing Panel.
A. The grievance shall be presented before a Hearing Panel consisting of five (5)
voting persons and a Secretary (who is non-voting) for record keeping purposes
who will be provided by Management or HABC. The Resident Advisory Board
(“RAB”) will select two (2) panel members; Management and/or HABC will select
two (2) panel members; and one (1) impartial member will be selected from a list
General RAD LTA Criteria
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of names previously compiled by HABC. The Hearing panel shall not include any
of the following persons:
1. Any relatives of the Complainant or Management;
2. Any person from the Complainant’s development;
3. Any person whose duties, responsibilities or knowledge involve the
grievance at issue; and
4. Any person whose duties, responsibilities or knowledge involve the
operation of the development.
A. If the hearing is held before a Hearing Panel, three members, including the impartial
member, shall constitute a quorum for the hearing. The impartial member shall act
as moderator at the hearing. His or her responsibilities will include coordinating
all activities associated with the hearing, such as calling witnesses and maintaining
order, and generally insuring that the hearing is conducted in a fair and orderly
B. The Complainant shall be afforded a fair hearing providing the basic safeguards of
due process, which shall include:
1. The opportunity to examine before the hearing any HABC documents and to
copy all documents, records and regulations of Management Agent, that are
relevant to the hearing. Any document relevant to the hearing which
Management Agent does not make available after request thereof by the
Complainant, may not be relied on by Management Agent at the hearing. The
copying of documents, which Management Agent intends to use in responding
to the grievance, shall be done at the expense of Management Agent. All other
documents shall be copied at the expense of the Complainant.
2. The right to be represented by Counsel or other person chosen by the
Complainant as his or her representative.
3. The right to a private hearing (which includes only the Hearing Panel
members, the Complainant, the Housing Manager, the Panel Secretary,
Counsel or representative from both sides and witnesses) unless the
Complainant requests a public hearing.
4. The right to present evidence and arguments in support of his or her complaint,
to controvert evidence relied on by Management Agent, and to confront and
cross examine all witnesses upon whose testimony or information
Management Agent relies.
5. The right to a decision based solely and exclusively upon the facts presented
at the hearing.
General RAD LTA Criteria
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6. The Hearing Panel shall hear each case and judge it on its own merit.
C. The Management Agent and Complainant shall exchange a listing of witnesses that
each intends to call upon at the hearing.
D. If the Complainant or Management Agent fails to appear at a scheduled hearing, the
Hearing Panel may make a determination to postpone the hearing, or may make a
determination that the party has waived the right to a hearing. Both the Complainant
and Management Agent shall be notified of the determination by the Hearing Panel,
provided that a determination that the Complainant has waived the right to a hearing
shall not constitute a waiver of any right the Complainant may have to contest
disposition of the grievance by Management Agent in an appropriate judicial
E. At the hearing, the Complainant must first make a showing of an entitlement to the
relief sought and thereafter Management Agent must sustain the burden of justifying
Management Agent's action or failure to act against which the complaint is directed.
F. The hearing shall be conducted informally by the Hearing Panel, and oral or
documentary evidence pertinent to the facts and issues raised by the complaint may
be received without regard to admissibility under the rules of evidence applicable to
judicial proceedings. Failure to comply with the directions of the moderator of the
Hearing Panel for order may result in exclusion from the proceedings.
G. Upon request of either or both parties, the hearing shall be recorded. The Complainant
or Management Agent may arrange, in advance and at the expense of the party making
the arrangement, for a transcript of the hearing. Any interested party may purchase a
copy of such transcript.
A. The Hearing Panel shall prepare a written decision, together with the reasons
thereof, within three working days after the hearing. A copy of this decision shall
be sent to the Complainant, and the Management Agent. The Management Agent
shall retain a copy of the decision in the Resident's folder in the Management
Office. A copy of such decision, with all names and other personal identifying
references deleted, shall also be maintained on file by Management and made
available for inspection or purchase by a prospective Complainant, his representative,
and the Hearing Panel.
B. If the grievance is in reference to monies due under the tenancy, and or Hearing
Panel rules in favor of Management Agent, a written agreement will be made
between the Complainant and the Management Agent for payment of the amount
due and the schedule for payment.
C. The decision of the Hearing Panel shall be binding on Management Agent, which
General RAD LTA Criteria
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shall take all action, or refrain from any action necessary to carry out the decision,
unless the decision of the Hearing Panel is contrary to applicable Federal, State or
local law or applicable regulations, or the HABC Moving to Work Agreement and
Annual Plan.
D. A decision by the Hearing Panel denying the relief requested by the Complainant
in whole or in part shall not constitute a waiver of, nor affect in any manner
whatsoever, any rights the Complainant may have in any judicial proceedings,
which may thereafter be brought in the matter.
If the Complainant’s grievance hearing was due to a complaint concerning a notice of lease
termination, and the Hearing Panel upholds Management Agent's action to terminate the
tenancy, Management Agent shall issue to the Resident a Notice to Vacate prior to
commencing an eviction action. The Notice to Vacate shall not be issued prior to the
Hearing Panel’s decision having been delivered by hand or by regular mail to the
Complainant. Such Notice to Vacate must be in writing and specify that if the Resident
fails to quit the premises within the applicable statutory period, or by the termination date
stated in the notice of termination, whichever is later, appropriate action for eviction will
be brought against him/her and he/she may be required to pay court costs, and attorney's
fees if the Management Agent prevails in the eviction action.
Upon notification made by the Resident (a) upon the Resident’s request for an informal
grievance, and (b) upon the Resident’s request for a formal grievance, the Management
Agent will provide reasonable and accessible accommodations for residents with qualified
disabilities and ensure that communication is as effective as that provided to individuals
without disabilities. Moreover, the Management Agent shall take appropriate steps to
ensure that communications with participants with disabilities are as effective as
communications with others, which may include, but not be limited to, enlarged print, a
signer, audio communication, Braille, or a reader.
In computing time periods set forth herein, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays observed by the
Management Agent shall not be included.
General RAD LTA Criteria
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This Pet Policy and any amendments thereto, shall apply to all Residents of the LTA Units. This
Pet Policy, as it may be amended from time to time, shall be incorporated into and made a part of
the Resident’s lease..
Exclusion from Applicability. This Pet Policy does not apply to animals that assist, support, or
provide service to persons with disabilities. The Management Agent shall not apply nor enforce
this Pet Policy against animals that are necessary as a reasonable accommodation to assist, support,
or provide service to persons with disabilities. This exclusion applies to such animals that reside
at and visit the Development.
The term Pet is defined as a domesticated small animal limited to dogs, cats, gerbils,
hamsters, guinea pigs, birds, (parakeet, canary, finches, cockatoo, small parrot) and fish. The
following breeds are excluded from the definition of Pet, and shall be expressly prohibited
from being kept, owned or harbored in, on or about the Premises (as that term is defined
in the Lease) by any Resident or any member of the Resident’s household: PIT BULLS,
1. Number Limitations - No more than one domesticated Pet, and/or one 20-gallon tank of
fish will be kept in a Unit. Heads of household shall be responsible for their Pet. The
Resident must maintain the Pet responsibly and in accordance with applicable State and
local public health, animal control, and animal anti-cruelty laws and regulations.
2. Size of Pet - Dogs or cats or others defined in paragraph 1 shall weigh no more than twenty
(25) pounds at maturity. Fish are limited to a single bowl or steel framed glass fish tank
having a capacity of not more than twenty (20) gallons. Birds can be no larger than one
(1) pound.
3. Resident’s Health - A Pet owner must be physically and mentally capable of taking care
of the Pet.
4. Security Deposit - A refundable Pet security deposit of twenty-five dollars ($25.00)
shall be required for each Pet. The Pet security deposit can be paid over a three (3) month
consecutive period, and will be held in the manner required for applicable security
General RAD LTA Criteria
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5. Upon move-out or Pet removal the cost to de-flea, deodorize, and clean the carpet and/or
floor tile will be deducted from the Pet security deposit if deemed necessary by
Management. The Dwelling Unit will be inspected and the remainder of the Pet security
deposit will be refunded, if the Dwelling Unit is free of damage. The move-out inspection
will be performed by the Resident and Management.
The Pet security deposit may only be applied to damages caused by the Pet.
6. Hold Harmless The Management Agent shall not be responsible for any actions or
injuries or damages caused by the Resident’s Pet. A Pet is the sole responsibility of the
7. Vaccinations Every Pet, if required by law, must wear a current City Animal license and
be vaccinated. Resident must submit registration papers to the Management Office. A
copy of the Pet’s (dog or cat) current inoculation and treatment is to be furnished and
verified annually by a licensed veterinarian which must indicate dates of most recent shots
and treatment against disease and parasites as follows:
(a) Dogs rabies, parvo-virus, para-influenza, distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis
(D.H.L.), hookworm, heartworm, roundworm, tapeworm, and other internal and other
parasites, fleas, ticks and other external parasites and other diseases of the skin including
(b) Cats rabies, rhinotracheitis, calici virus, pnemonitis, tapeworms, hookworms,
heartworms, and other internal parasites, fleas, lice, ticks and other external
Female cats and dogs over six months of age must be spayed and males over eight months
must be neutered, unless a licensed veterinarian gives medical reasons why such is
detrimental to the Pet’s health.
8. Housekeeping The Unit must be kept free of odors and maintained in a clean and sanitary
condition. Cats must be litter box trained and dogs must be able to exercise outside the
Dwelling Unit. Litter boxes must be changed a minimum of once a week and scooped once
a day. Kitty litter is to be bagged securely in a heavy plastic trash bag, tied, and disposed
of in an approved trash receptacle.
(a) Birds must be maintained in a cage and never allowed to fly free within the
Dwelling Unit.
(b) Dog and cat bedding and the Dwelling Unit are to be kept free of and treated
regularly on an ongoing basis against infestations by fleas, ticks, lice, pet worms,
mites, and other parasites. If infestation of any such parasites or vermin occur
General RAD LTA Criteria
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which shall be determined by Management to have occurred due to inattentive care
by the Pet owner, and/or if such infestation shall spread to other Dwelling Units,
Management shall have the right to eradicate in all affected areas at Pets owner’s
(c) Pet owners must control excessive noise and odor caused by their Pets.
9. Pet Control in Public Area Pets must be on a leash outside of the Dwelling Unit and in
all public areas. Under no circumstances may any Pet of any kind be taken into, or
permitted to be in, the recreation/community rooms, or any other “common” room.
10. Waste Control Pet owners shall be responsible for immediate cleanup of Pet feces in
accordance with applicable law. Resident must insure that their yard is kept clear of Pet
feces. Resident will not place any animal fecal waste, kitty litter, etc., or other articles in
the sinks, plumbing fixtures or on the grounds. Residents must place all Pet waste in a
heavy plastic trash bag, tied and disposed of in an approved trash receptacle.
If a toilet has to be unclogged or a sink unstopped because of animal waste, kitty litter,
and/or stones from a fish bowl, the Resident will pay all associated cost.
11. Nuisance If, in the judgement of Management, any Pet becomes a threat to the safety
and comfort or quiet enjoyment of the Premises to any other Resident, employee, or visitor
to the Premises, or if such Pet causes substantial damage to any part of the building or
grounds or the furnishings and fixtures thereof, then, upon the written request of
Management, such Pet shall be permanently removed from the Premises by the Pet’s owner
within five (5) days.
If the Resident files a grievance the Pet shall be allowed to remain until the grievance
process is exhausted. In the case of a Pet biting a person, the Pet must be immediately
removed to an area for surveillance for a period designated by a Health Officer and must
then be examined by a licensed Veterinarian. Animal bites must also be reported to the
local Health Department and/or the Police. A bite victim or parent of a child bitten by an
animal can swear out a complaint against the owner of the Pet at the nearest district court.
Refusal by the Pet owner to abide by Management Agent’s request for a Pet’s removal may
result in termination of residency.
12. Complaints/Problems Any and all complaints about Pets will not be considered valid
(or heard) unless they are in writing, dated and signed by the person(s) making the
complaint. Management Agent will review complaints and/or problems concerning a
Pet/Pet owner. Management Agent will notify in writing the Pet owner of the complaint
and the Resident will have 24 hours to answer the complaint. Two or more legitimate
complaints will mean the Pet must be removed unless the Pet owner initiates a grievance
procedure. Failure to comply may result in termination of residency.
13. Resident’s Absence No dog or cat shall be left alone in any Unit over twenty-four (24)
hours. Any Resident who is away twenty-four (24) hours or longer for any reason must
make arrangements for such Pet to be kept elsewhere during his/her absence.
General RAD LTA Criteria
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14. Responsibility for Pet in an Emergency The Pet owner shall file with the Management
an affidavit of agreement signed by one (1) person who is not a Resident of the Unit who
will assume immediate responsibility for the Pet in case of an emergency or in case the Pet
owner becomes unable to provide proper care for the Pet. In addition, the Pet owner shall
file with Management Agent an affidavit authorizing Management Agent to have the Pet
removed in the event that the Pet owner cannot care for the Pet and the responsible party
cannot be reached. Management Agent will contact the SPCA or an appropriate authority
for removal of the Pet in such event
15. Fire Emergency When a fire alarm or smoke detector sounds, Pets are to be placed in
the bathroom and the door is to be closed. If evacuation is necessary the fire department
will be responsible for the evacuation of Residents first, and then the Pet.
16. Subsequent Agreements If a Resident has an approved Pet and that Pet is disposed of,
the Resident must notify Management Agent. The Resident and Management Agent will
perform an inspection of the apartment. The Pet security deposit will be used towards any
damages and the balance, if any, of the Pet security deposit will be returned to the Resident
within 45 days. If the Resident determines they want a new Pet, the Pet must be registered
with the Management Office and a new Pet security deposit must be collected in
accordance with the Pet Policy.
17. Resident’s Signature All Residents, whether desiring a Pet or not, must sign this
Attachment to the Lease, thereby acknowledging agreement and acceptance of the Pet
Policy. Those Residents desiring a Pet will have to meet all requirements listed in this
Attachment and sign the “Application for Pets” including Section 3 which includes the
“Co-Responsibility” section for a non-Resident friend or relative to sign.
18. The Management Agent reserves the right to rescind or change any of the foregoing rules
to make such rules and regulations as may be deemed necessary for the safety, care and
cleanliness of the Premises, and for the security, comfort and convenience of all Residents.
Any changes deemed necessary by the Management Agent will be made in compliance
with the Lease.
19. This Pet Policy is made a part of the HABC Dwelling Lease and any violation of the terms
and conditions contained herein, will be considered a breach of the Lease. If any Court
declares a particular provision of this Pet Policy to be invalid or illegal, all other terms of
this Pet Policy will remain in effect, and both the Management Agent and the Resident will
continue to be bound by all valid, legitimate terms of the Pet Policy.
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Resident’s Initials:
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I, and Resident(s) of
, living at verify I have received, reviewed,
understand and accept the Pet Policy Regarding Pets Admittance and Ownership at
. I am also aware that the Pet Policy is an official part of my Lease, and that I am to abide by all
its terms.
Resident Signature: Date:
Pet Description: Type: Sex:
Weight: Age: Name:
Color and Markings:
Security Deposit Required: Security Deposit Paid:
Veterinarian’s Name:
Telephone Number:
Resident’s Initials:
Page -2- of -31-
I, , (non-Resident) relative /friend (circle one) of
Resident ,
(Resident’s Name)
live at , and I agree
(Non-Resident’s Address)
to accept full responsibility of the Pet listed above in the event the said Resident is unable to care for the Pet in
any twenty-four hour period.
Print Name: Date:
Signed: Date:
Telephone Number:
Resident Signature: Date:
Telephone Number:
Manager Signature: Date:
Resident’s Initials:
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(Name of Management Agent)
Management Agent, permit the ownership by Resident of the Pet described as
at the following address: .
Management Agent’s Signature:
I hereby acknowledge my right as a Resident to keep a household Pet as defined in paragraph 1 of the Pet
I agree to comply with this Pet Policy (an Attachment to the Lease) with the understanding that violation of this
Pet Policy may be grounds for Pet removal or termination of tenancy.
Date: Date:
Dwelling Lease
THIS DWELLING LEASE AGREEMENT (the "Lease") is made on this day of
, by and between the Housing Authority of Baltimore City (“HABC”) as
“Landlord,” and as “Resident” or “Head of Household.” If
two persons are Head of Household, such persons are individually and jointly referred to in this Lease
as Resident, Head of Household, or Co-Head of Household. HABC and Resident agree as follows:
The parties to this Lease are HABC and the person(s) identified above as Resident or Head of
Household. HABC and Resident are collectively referred to in the Lease as the “parties.” The parties
agree that relying on the information in Resident’s application, HABC has determined that Resident is
eligible to receive housing assistance under a program funded by the United States Department of
Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”), in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth this
Lease and the HABC Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policies (the “ACOP”). Resident
represents to HABC that all of the statements made in the application are true and correct, and
understands that a material false statement by Resident in the application is grounds for termination of
the Lease and eviction from the Dwelling Unit in accordance with Section 18 below.
Resident’s Initials:
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Dwelling Unit
HABC agrees to lease to Resident, the dwelling unit located at
, subject to the terms, covenants and conditions set forth in this Lease.
For purposes of this Lease, the term “Premises” means the building, complex or development in which
the Dwelling Unit is located. Any conduct prohibited on the Premises under this Lease is prohibited on
or in any other HABC-owned or assisted property as indicated in the Lease.
HABC and Resident agree that the summary below is accurate as of the date this Lease was signed and
any modifications to the Lease approved by HABC as set forth in the Lease will supersede and replace
the summary:
Head(s) of
Leased Dwelling
Entity ID
Lease Start Date
Monthly Rent
Rent Due Date
1st day of each
Late Fee
5% of one
month’s rent
Date Late Fee is
6th day of the
Admission Date
Rent Type
Move-in Type
Unit Type
Number of
Household Size
Office Address
Office Phone
Office Hours
Resident’s Initials:
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Dwelling Lease
Authorized Occupants.
The following persons represent the composition of Resident’s household approved by HABC to reside
in the Dwelling Unit, and are referred to in the Lease as “Household members:”
Date of
to Resident
Social Security No.
(Last 4 Digits)
Authorized Household Members Record.
The Household members consist of Resident, any family members and any live-in aide as the term
“live-in aide” is defined in Section 9(n) of this Lease below. The Household members are listed in
Attachment 1 to the Lease, titled Authorized Household Members Record, and are the only persons
authorized to reside in the Dwelling Unit. The Authorized Household Members Record will be
amended and signed by HABC and Resident upon any change to Resident’s household composition
approved by HABC due to the addition or removal of a Household member as provided in this Lease.
Attachment 1, as may be amended from time to time, is incorporated by reference and made a part of the
Except additions due to birth, adoption or court-awarded custody of a child, which Resident must
promptly report to HABC within ten (10) working days, Resident must request HABC’s approval to
add any other person as an occupant of the Dwelling Unit, as provided in Section 9(n) below. If HABC
approves the request, HABC and Resident will record the addition on the Authorized Household
Members Record and both parties will sign the document. Resident agrees not allow such person to move
into the unit prior to receiving HABC’s written approval.
Resident acknowledges that any person who is subject to a sex offender lifetime registration
requirement in any jurisdiction is prohibited from being admitted to, or residing in, public housing.
Resident is required, and agrees, to notify HABC whenever any member of the household authorized
under this Lease to reside in the Dwelling Unit is no longer residing in the Dwelling Unit. Resident
agrees to make such notification within ten (10) working days after the Household member no longer
resides in the Dwelling Unit, as provided in Section 9(m) below.
Unauthorized Occupancy Prohibited.
Any person not listed as a Household member in the Authorized Household Members Record or
otherwise approved by HABC in writing to reside in the Dwelling Unit, who remains in the Dwelling
Unit overnight for more than twenty-one (21) nights in a period of fifty-two (52) weeks or less, will be
considered an “Unauthorized Occupant.” Resident understands and agrees that it is a material breach of
the Lease and grounds to terminate the Lease if Resident allows an Unauthorized Occupant to
Resident’s Initials:
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Dwelling Lease
remain or reside in the Dwelling Unit, or allows any person who is not a Household member to use the
address of the Dwelling Unit to send or receive mail or for other purposes. See Section 10(a) below for
additional information.
Initial Lease Term
The Lease will have an initial term (the “Initial Lease Term), beginning on:
(Month) (Day) (Year), and ending on
(Month) (Day) (Year).
Automatic Renewal of Lease -
Resident’s Initials:
Unless terminated by HABC or Resident as provided in the Lease, the Lease will automatically renew at
the end of the Initial Lease Term for a term of twelve (12) months (the “First Renewal Term”), except
as provided in the next section. Subject to the termination and nonrenewal sections of this Lease, the
Lease will continue to renew automatically for additional twelve-month terms after the First Renewal
Nonrenewal of Lease for Failure to Comply With Community Service/Self-Sufficiency
All non-exempt public housing adult residents are required to contribute eight (8) hours per month of
community service (volunteer work) or participate in eight (8) hours of training, counseling, classes or
other activities that help an individual toward economic self-sufficiency and economic independence.
This requirement is described in Attachment 6, which is incorporated by reference and made a part of
this Lease. If Resident or another family member(s) has failed to comply with the requirement to
perform a specified number of hours of community service or participate in an economic self-
sufficiency activity, HABC will not renew the Lease upon expiration of the lease term in effect unless:
Resident and any noncompliant family member(s) enter into a written agreement with
HABC in the form approved by HABC, to cure such noncompliance by completing the
additional number of hours of community service or economic self-sufficiency activity
needed to make up the deficiency as well as the total number of hours required for the next
twelve-month lease term; or
Resident provides a written certification that the non-compliant family member(s) no longer
resides in the Dwelling Unit.
Attachment 6 may be modified by HABC consistent with applicable laws and HABC Policies, including
changes in the number of hours of community service/economic self-sufficiency activities that all non-
exempt public housing adult residents must perform as a condition of occupancy. Resident agrees to
comply with Attachment 6 as may be modified by HABC from time to time.
Right of HABC and Resident to Terminate Lease
HABC may terminate the Lease at any time in accordance with Sections 18, 19 and 22 below. Resident
may terminate the Lease in accordance with Section 20 below.
Signing of Lease
Except for automatic renewals, the Lease must be signed by Resident and HABC. The Lease is
effective once it is signed by both parties.
Resident’s Initials:
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Dwelling Lease
Rent Payments
Monthly Rent Amount - Resident agrees to pay a monthly rent in the amount of
$ .
First Month’s Rent Resident agrees to pay a first month’s rent in the amount of
$ at the time this Lease is signed. If the Lease is signed after the first day of
the month, Resident’s first month’s rent will be a prorated amount of the monthly rent based on the number
of days remaining in the month.
Rent Amount is Subject to Change by HABC - Resident’s monthly rent has been
determined by HABC in accordance with HABC policies established under authority of
HUD regulations (“HABC Policies”), based on Resident’s statements of Resident's
anticipated annual family income. The monthly rent is subject to change by HABC during
or after any term of the Lease in accordance with HUD regulations, HABC Policies and the
Rent Due Date; Rent Payment Location and/or Methods
The first month’s rent is due at the signing of the Lease. Rent for all following months is due on the first
day of each month at the locations and/or by the methods designated by HABC in writing.
Charge for Late Rent Payment (“Late Fee”)
Rent is considered late if it is not received by HABC on the first (1st) day of the month in which it is due.
If Resident does not pay the full amount of rent due under the Lease by 11:59 p.m. on the fifth (5th)
calendar day of the month in which the rent is due, HABC will assess and collect a late fee of five
percent (5%) of the monthly rent amount. The late fee will be assessed on the sixth (6th) day of the
month. If a late fee has been assessed, any payment made by Resident will be applied first to the oldest
rent charge and then to the late fee charge, if allowed under applicable laws, before the most current
monthly rent charge. Any remaining balance on the rent due will be subject to collection through a Failure
to Pay Rent court action.
If the fifth (5th) calendar day of the month is on a Saturday, Sunday, or a day that is a HABC, Baltimore
City, or Federal holiday, Resident will have up to 11:59 p.m. on the next working day to pay the rent due.
If the rent due is not paid by 11:59 p.m. of such working day after a Saturday, Sunday, or HABC,
Baltimore City, or Federal holiday, a late fee will be assessed on the following day.
Charge for Returned Checks
If at any time HABC accepts payment by check, HABC will assess and collect a fee of twenty- five
dollars ($25.00) if Resident’s check is not honored by the bank on which it is drawn (bounces). If
Resident’s check is dishonored for payment on a second occasion, HABC will not accept any further
personal checks from or on behalf of Resident.
Court Action for Failure to Pay Rent
HABC will file an action in court to evict Resident and obtain possession of the Dwelling
Unit if:
Resident fails to pay the full amount of rent due plus any late fee that has been
assessed; and
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Any amount of rent that is due remains unpaid after HABC has given notice to
Resident in accordance with Section 22 of the Lease. HABC will seek all remedies
available by law in a failure to pay rent court action such as court costs, future rent and
foreclosure of the right of redemption.
If HABC has obtained four (4) prior court judgments against Resident within a twelve
month period for failure to pay rent, and is filing another court action against Resident for a
fifth judgment within the same twelve month period, HABC will ask the court to foreclose
Resident’s right to redeem the Dwelling Unit (“FRR Judgment”). If HABC obtains a FRR
Judgment against Resident, Resident will not have the right to stay in the Dwelling Unit and
will be evicted even if Resident pays the entire FRR Judgment amount.
Minimum Rent
HABC may establish a minimum monthly rent for the Dwelling Unit in accordance with HUD
regulations and HABC Policies (the Minimum Monthly Rent”). If Resident’s income-based rent for
the Dwelling Unit is less than such Minimum Monthly Rent, Resident will pay the amount established
by HABC as the Minimum Monthly Rent.
Amount of Minimum Monthly Rent
The Minimum Monthly Rent for the Dwelling Unit is: Dollars ($
). If
the amount shown is zero, HABC has not established a Minimum Monthly Rent. If at any time during a
lease term or any renewals, HABC establishes a Minimum Monthly Rent and such Minimum Monthly
Rent is greater than Resident’s income-based rent, Resident agrees to pay such Minimum Monthly Rent
amount in lieu of Resident’s income-based rent.
Financial Hardship Exemption from the Minimum Monthly Rent
HABC will grant an exemption from payment of the Minimum Monthly Rent if the Resident is unable
to pay the Minimum Monthly Rent because of financial hardship as determined by HABC in accordance
with HABC Policies.
Responsibility for Requesting a Financial Hardship Exemption from the Minimum Monthly
Resident will be responsible for requesting a financial hardship exemption from the Minimum Monthly
Rent by submitting a request to the Asset Manager of Resident’s development. A copy of HABC
Policies on financial hardship exemption from the Minimum Monthly Rent is available at the
management office of Resident’s development. Resident is responsible for establishing a financial
hardship under the HABC Polices.
Rent Options (Choice of Paying an Income-Based Rent or a Flat Rent)
Timing of Rent Choice Offer
If eligible, as provided in the HABC ACOP, HABC will give Resident a choice annually, of paying either
an income-based rent or a flat rent as the monthly rent for the Dwelling Unit.
Income-Based Rent
An income-based rent is rent that is based on the total income of Resident and all family members in
the household (the “Household Income”) and HABC’s policies for determining the amount of income-
based rent. Income-based rent is generally thirty percent (30%) of a family’s adjusted gross Household
Flat Rent
A flat rent is rent established by HABC for the Dwelling Unit that is usually set at no less than eighty
percent (80%) of the fair market rent (“FMR”) for the Dwelling Unit as determined by HUD. HUD may
modify the FMR from time to time. If Resident chooses to pay the flat rent, Resident’s rent will be
updated annually to reflect the current flat rent based on any changes by HUD in the FMR. However,
the flat rent will not be increased because of an increase in Resident’s Household Income. At the time
of the annual rent update or Resident’s regular Reexamination (Periodic Review), Resident will be given
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choice of changing to income-based rent or remaining on a flat rent at the current (most recently
adjusted) flat rent amount for the Dwelling Unit.
Information to Assist Resident in Choosing a Rent Option
HABC will provide sufficient information for Resident to make an informed choice about Resident’s
rent options, including HABC’s policies on families changing from a flat rent to an income-based rent in
circumstances of financial hardship, and the dollar amount of Resident’s monthly rent under each rent
option. If Resident chooses the flat rent option, HABC must conduct a reexamination of family income
at least once every three years, and a reexamination of household composition annually.
Request to Change from a Flat Rent to an Income-Based Rent
If Resident is paying a flat rent, Resident may, at any time, request to change from paying a flat rent to
paying an income-based rent if Resident is unable to pay the flat rent due to financial hardship. If HABC
determines that Resident is unable to pay the flat rent because of financial hardship, HABC will allow
Resident to change to paying an income-based rent effective the first of the month following the
approved request. Reasons for financial hardship include the following:
Resident has experienced a decrease in Household Income that will last at least 120
days because of changed circumstances, including loss or reduction of employment,
death in the family that affects rent calculation, or reduction in or loss of earnings or
other assistance;
Resident has experienced an increase in expenses, because of changed circumstances,
for medical costs, child care, transportation, education, or similar items that would
affect the rent calculation; and
Such other situations determined by HABC as appropriate because they would affect
the calculation of Resident’s rent.
Other Charges Due And Collectible Under The Lease
Other charges due under this Lease include any balance due on the security deposit, utility
charges, maintenance and repair charges beyond ordinary wear and tear, returned check
charges, court costs, HABC installation charges for Resident-supplied air conditioners, and
other expenses incurred by HABC due to Resident’s failure to pay rent when due, or
Resident’s failure to allow HABC entry into the Dwelling Unit as required by the Lease.
Any charge for maintenance or repair assessed against Resident will be based on the
schedule of charges for maintenance or repair of Resident-caused damage in effect at the
time of such damage. The schedule of charges in effect at the time this Lease is signed is
attached as Attachment 2. The schedule of charges, as may be amended by HABC from
time to time, will be posted in the management office of Resident’s development.
Payment for such charges, except any unpaid security deposit which is due on demand, will
be due and collectible thirty (30) calendar days after the date HABC gives Resident notice
of the charge, with notice that if Resident disputes the charge, Resident has the right to file a
grievance in accordance with the HABC Resident Grievance Policy and Procedure (the
“Grievance Policy”) that is in effect at the time such dispute arises. The current Grievance
Policy is Attachment 3 to the Lease.
All such charges will be collectible in the same manner as rent if and when permitted by
applicable Federal, State or local law, otherwise, HABC will file any other appropriate court
action authorized by law to collect any such unpaid charges, or terminate the Lease.
Documentation of Changes in Residents Rent
Changes in Resident’s rent made by HABC as provided by in this Lease will be stated in a Lease
Supplement, which HABC will send to Resident in accordance with the notice provisions of this
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Lease. Any new monthly rent amount shown in the Lease Supplement will remain in effect until
Resident’s next regular Reexamination (Periodic Review), subject to any change that Resident reports
to HABC as provided in the Lease that may affect the calculation of Resident’s rent.
Security Deposit Amount
Resident agrees to pay a security deposit in the amount of $ , which is
equal to one month's rent or a lesser amount established by HABC, to protect HABC against unpaid
rent or damage to the Dwelling Unit at the end of the tenancy. As provided in Section 15(a) below,
HABC will provide Resident with a written inspection report of the condition of the Dwelling Unit at
the time of occupancy, to be signed by HABC and Resident.
Security Deposit Receipt
Resident’s Initials:
HABC hereby acknowledges receipt of $ from Resident toward Resident’s security
deposit in the total amount of $ , leaving a remaining balance of $ to be
paid by Resident on or before . Interest shall accrue on the security deposit in
accordance with applicable State and/or local laws. At the end of Resident’s tenancy, the security
deposit together with any interest accrued will be refunded to Resident, less any rent and/or charges
owed by Resident at such time, in accordance with applicable State and/or local laws.
Resident’s Rights Concerning the Security Deposit
Resident’s Initials:
Resident has the following rights under Maryland law:
Resident has the right to have the Dwelling Unit inspected by HABC in Resident’s
presence for the purpose of making a written list of any damages in the Dwelling Unit that
may exist at the beginning of Resident’s occupancy, if Resident so requests by certified
mail to HABC within fifteen (15) calendar days of Resident’s occupancy. The move-in
inspection that will be conducted by HABC and Resident described in Section 15(a)
satisfies this requirement;
Resident has the right to be present when HABC inspects the Dwelling Unit at the end of
Resident’s occupancy in order to determine if any damage was done to the Dwelling Unit,
if Resident notifies HABC by certified mail at least fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the
date of Resident’s intended move, of Resident's intention to move, the date of moving, and
Resident's new address;
HABC must conduct the inspection within five (5) days before or after Resident’s date of
intended moving;
HABC must notify Resident in writing of the date of the inspection;
Resident has the right to receive, by first-class mail, delivered to Resident’s last known
address, a written list of the charges against the security deposit claimed by HABC and the
actual costs, within forty-five (45) days after the end of Resident’s occupancy;
HABC is required to return any unused portion of the security deposit, by first-class mail,
addressed to Resident’s last known address within forty-five (45) days after the end of
Resident’s occupancy; and
Failure of HABC to comply with the security deposit law may result in HABC being liable
to Resident for a penalty of up to three (3) times the security deposit withheld, plus
reasonable attorney's fees.
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Transfer of Security Deposit Paid on a Prior Unit Resident’s Initials:
If Resident is signing this Lease as a result of a transfer from a prior HABC public housing unit, any
security deposit paid by Resident for such prior public housing unit will be transferred and credited
towards Resident’s security deposit for the Dwelling Unit. Resident will be notified of any changes to
HABC Policies on transfers of prior security deposit payments.
Utilities Furnished by HABC
If HABC furnishes utilities to the Dwelling Unit, the following will apply, and subsection b below will
not apply:
If the Dwelling Unit is individually metered or sub-metered for any utility furnished by
HABC (such as electricity, gas, water, heating fuel), HABC will provide a utility
allowance to Resident based on a utility allowance schedule established by HABC, which
will be posted in the management office of Resident’s development.
Resident agrees to pay HABC for all Resident’s utility usage in excess of the utility
allowance. Payment for such excess utility usage charges will be due and collectible in the
same manner as provided in Section 6(h) above. The utility allowance schedule may be
modified by HABC in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
If the Dwelling Unit is not individually metered or sub-metered for a utility furnished by
HABC, HABC reserves the right to impose charges for the estimated amount of the utility
that is consumed by Resident-owned major appliances or for any optional functions of
equipment furnished by HABC. Such charges will be based on a surcharge schedule
established by HABC in accordance with HUD regulations, which will be posted in the
management office of Resident’s development. Resident agrees to pay for all such
surcharges, which will be due and collectible in the same manner as provided in Section
6(h) above. Failure of Resident to pay excess utility charges or surcharges for Resident-
owned major appliances is a material breach of the Lease and grounds for termination of
the Lease.
Resident agrees not to waste HABC-supplied utilities and agrees to comply with any
applicable law, regulation, or guideline of any governmental entity regulating utilities or
fuels. Resident further agrees to abide by any applicable local ordinance or HABC notice
to residents restricting or prohibiting the use of space heaters in certain housing units.
HABC shall not be liable for the failure to supply utility service for any circumstances of
any nature whatsoever beyond its control.
Utilities Furnished by Resident
If the Dwelling Unit is individually metered for utilities supplied directly by the utility provider(s) and
not by HABC, the following will apply, and subsection a above will not apply:
Resident Will Establish and Maintain an Account Directly with Utility Provider(s)
Resident will establish and maintain an account directly with the utility provider(s) and pay the
utility provider(s) directly for utilities (such as electricity, gas, water, heating fuel).
HABC Will Provide a Utility Allowance to Resident
HABC will provide a utility allowance to Resident for the Dwelling Unit based on a utility allowance
schedule established by HABC, which will be posted in the management office of Resident’s
development. If Resident’s actual utility bill(s) exceeds the utility allowance, Resident must pay the
full amount of the bill(s) to the utility supplier(s). If Resident’s actual utility bill is less than the utility
allowance, Resident retains the benefit of such saving. The
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utility allowance may be modified by HABC in accordance with HUD regulations, HABC Policies
and this Lease.
Reduction of Resident’s Total Payment by Resident’s Utility Allowance
The Total Tenant Payment or “TTP” is the total amount that a person would pay for rent unless the
person is entitled to a reduction such as a utility allowance deduction. Resident’s monthly Total Tenant
Payment has been reduced by the amount of Resident’s monthly utility allowance, to determine
Resident’s monthly rent provided in Section 6(a) above. If Resident’s monthly rent is less than Resident’s
monthly utility allowance, HABC will pay the difference as a monthly utility reimbursement, either to
Resident or with Resident’s consent, directly to the utility provider on Resident’s behalf, if Resident
is paying an income-based rent. If Resident pays a flat rent, Resident is not entitled to a utility
Amount of Resident’s TTP, Utility Allowance and Any Utility Reimbursement (For
Resident-furnished utilities only)
The amounts of Resident’s Total Tenant Payment, utility allowance, and any utility reimbursement to
Resident as of the date of this Lease are provided in the box below, and may be modified by HABC in
accordance with HUD regulations, HABC Policies and the Lease. (The box below applies only to
Resident-furnished utilities and will not be filled in if HABC supplies utilities.)
Additional Requirements
Resident shall authorize the utility provider to notify HABC if Resident fails to maintain
utility service.
Failure of Resident to maintain utility service is a material breach of the Lease and
grounds for termination of the Lease.
HABC shall not be liable for any failure by Resident to maintain utility service for the
Dwelling Unit or for any failure by the utility provider to supply such utility to the Dwelling
Appliances and Equipment
Listed below are the appliances and equipment that will be supplied by HABC without additional cost
(except any excess utility charge as may be applicable), and those appliances and equipment which will
be supplied and paid for by Resident. Resident is not permitted to install any other appliance or
equipment without prior HABC written approval.
To Be Supplied And Paid For By HABC:
To Be Paid For By Resident:
Monthly utility reimbursement payment to Resident: $
Resident’s monthly Total Tenant Payment: $
Resident’s monthly utility allowance: $
Resident’s monthly rent: $
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Reasonable Accommodation to Address a Disability Relating to Utilities
If Resident is subject to a utility allowance, and needs an increase in his/her utility allowance based on
a disability or medical condition that requires the use of medical or other equipment by Resident or a
family member, Resident may make a reasonable accommodation request for such increase, in an amount
to be determined by HABC, by contacting the management office of Resident’s development.
Periodic Reviews (Reexamination) for Continued Eligibility
Resident agrees to furnish accurate information to HABC as requested by HABC, regarding Resident’s
family income, employment, expenses and household composition, to be used by HABC in determining
continued eligibility, whether Resident’s rent should be adjusted as required under HUD regulations
and HABC Policies, and whether the size of the Dwelling Unit is appropriate for Resident's needs. These
determinations, referred to in the Lease as the “Periodic Review” or “Reexamination,” will be made in
accordance with the ACOP that is in effect at the relevant time. The ACOP will be available for review
in the management office of Resident’s development and on the HABC website. Periodic Reviews
include regular and interim Reexaminations and may be conducted in the frequency deemed appropriate
by HABC.
The frequency of Resident’s regular Reexamination for income and/or household composition (e.g.,
annual, every two years, or every three years) will be based on factors specified in the HABC ACOP,
such as, Resident’s income source and whether Resident chooses income-based rent or flat rent.
Interim Reexamination Due to Changed Circumstances
Resident may request an interim Reexamination between regular Reexaminations due to changed
circumstances, such as a decrease in household income, increase in expenses or deductions, and/or
changes in household composition. HABC will process the interim reexamination in accordance with
the ACOP and make a determination as to any rent adjustment to which the Resident may be entitled
unless HABC verifies that the decrease in income will last less than thirty (30) calendar days or such
other period of time provided in HABC Policies.
Resident’s Right to File A Grievance If Resident Disagrees With A Rent Determination
If Resident disagrees with a rent determination made by HABC at any regular or interim Reexamination
(Periodic Review), Resident may submit a grievance in accordance with the Grievance Policy that is in
effect at the time such dispute arises. The current Grievance Policy is Attachment 3 to the Lease.
Notification and Process for Regular Reexaminations
For a regular Reexamination, HABC will send Resident a reexamination notification letter at least one
hundred and twenty (120) days before the first day of Resident’s designated Reexamination Month (the
“Reexamination Effective Date”), which will specify the scheduled Reexamination appointment date.
The appointment date will be at least fourteen (14) working days of the date of the appointment letter.
For regular Reexaminations, Resident and all adult family members must appear in person and must
provide any information and documents that HABC or HUD determines are necessary in the
administration of the Public Housing Program, including but not limited to evidence of citizenship or
eligible immigration status. Resident and all adult family members must sign all
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documents required by HABC to review the household’s eligibility for continued occupancy such as a
personal declaration, and authorization to third-parties to release information to HABC. For interim
Reexaminations, Resident and the adult family member reporting the change must appear in person and
must provide any information and documents, and complete and sign any documents that HABC or
HUD determines are necessary in the administration of the Public Housing Program, including evidence
of citizenship or eligible immigration status.
Any information or document provided by the family must be accurate and complete, and current as
provided in the HABC ACOP. As a condition of admission to, or continued assistance under, the
program, HABC will require the Resident and such other family members as HABC designates, to
execute any release and consent forms, as required, authorizing any financial institution or other private
source of income, employer, or any Federal, State or local agency, to furnish or release to HABC or
HUD such information as HABC or HUD determines to be necessary. The use or disclosure of
information obtained from Resident and household members or from another source pursuant to this
release and consent shall be limited to purposes directly connected with administration of the program.
Examples of Required Verification
HABC must obtain and document in the Resident’s file third party verification of the following factors,
or must document in the file why third party verification was not available:
Reported family annual income;
The value of assets, except when HABC may accept a self-certification by Resident;
Expenses related to deductions from annual income; and
Other factors that affect the determination of adjusted income or income-based rent.
Resident agrees to comply with HABC's request for verification by ensuring that Resident and all adult
family members sign releases for third party sources, present documents for review, or provide other
suitable forms of verification (e.g. notarized support statements, yearly income tax forms) as requested
by HABC. HABC agrees to maintain any information so received in accordance with the governing
Timeframe for Reporting Increases in Income Zero Income Households/Individuals
If Resident or a member of Resident’s household reports no income, Resident and such household
member must report any and all monetary and/or non-monetary income and/or benefits received, within
ten (10) working days of the income or benefit. Resident shall report such income or benefit to the Asset
Manager of Resident’s development. Any increase in Resident’s rent due to the reported change, or
deferral of increase if Resident is eligible, will be made in accordance with HABC Policies.
Timeframe for Reporting Increases in Income Income-based/Flat Rent Households
If Resident pays an income-based rent or a flat rent, Resident must report increases in income or assets
at the time of Resident’s regular Reexamination. Resident is not required to report increases in income
or assets between Resident’s regular Reexaminations. HABC may change the requirements for residents
to report increases in income in accordance with HABC Policies and applicable laws. Upon such
change, Resident agrees to report any increase in income as required by HABC after notice by HABC to
Resident in accordance with the Lease. Any increase in Resident’s rent due to the reported change, or
deferral of increase if Resident is eligible, will be made in accordance with HABC Policies and the Lease.
Timeframe for Reporting Decreases in Income
Resident may report a decrease in income and/or other changes, such as an increase in Resident’s
allowable expenses that may reduce the amount of Resident’s rent payment, at any time between
Resident’s regular Reexaminations. Resident must make the report to the Asset Manager of Resident’s
development, within ten (10) working days of when the change occurs. Resident must provide any
information, document or signature needed from Resident’s household in order to
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verify the change, within ten (10) working days of HABC’s request. A delay by Resident in providing
the requested information, document or signature may result in a delay in the effective date of any
decrease in Resident’s rent. HABC will process the reported decrease/change as an interim
Reexamination as described in subsection b above.
Increases in Monthly Rent
Except as otherwise provided in this Section 9, any increase in Resident’s rent that occurs as a result of
information provided at a regular Reexamination (Periodic Review) will be effective as of Resident’s
Reexamination Effective Date shown in Section 3 on page 1 above, or in the event of a late review as a
result of HABC’s actions or omissions, thirty (30) calendar days after Resident is notified of the rent
increase, whichever is later. Any increase in rent occurring late as a result of Resident’s actions or
omissions during a regular Reexamination (Periodic Review) will be effective retroactively as of
Resident’s Reexamination Effective Date.
Decreases in Monthly Rent
If Resident reports a change that results in a rent decrease within thirty (30) calendar days of Resident’s
Reexamination Effective Date, the change will be effective on Resident’s Reexamination Effective
If Resident reports a change in circumstances that results in a rent decrease more than thirty (30) calendar
days prior to Resident’s Reexamination Effective Date, the change will be treated as an interim
Reexamination and will be effective on the first day of the following month that the family reported the
change. Resident’s Reexamination Effective Date will not change as a result of this action.
If Resident causes a delay so that the processing of the reexamination is not completed by Resident’s
Reexamination Effective Date, any decrease in rent will be effective on the first day of the month following
completion of the reexamination processing by HABC.
Errors in Rent Calculation
If HABC makes a calculation error at a regular or interim Periodic Review, an interim reexamination
will be conducted to correct the error. Resident will not be charged retroactively for any increase in rent.
However, if Resident was underpaying rent, HABC will increase the rent to the correct amount effective
on the first of the month following thirty (30) calendar days’ notice to Resident. HABC will credit the
Resident’s account for rent that was overpaid due to error by HABC.
Failure to Report Income / Underreported Income
If Resident and/or a family member fails to report or underreports income:
Resident must immediately repay HABC any rent due as a result of underpaid rent based on
such failure to report income or underreported income;
If HABC determines that such failure to report income, or underreporting of income was an
error by Resident and/or a family member that does not constitute a material breach of the
Lease, and Resident is unable to pay the full amount due immediately, HABC, may, at its
sole discretion, enter into a repayment agreement with Resident if appropriate, for payment
of the rent due as a result of the underpaid rent; or
If HABC determines that such failure to report income or underreporting of income was due
to a material false statement or fraud by Resident and/or a family member in connection
with an application for assistance or with a reexamination of income or household
composition, HABC will terminate the Lease and take appropriate action to collect any
amount of rent due.
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Timeframe for Reporting Changes In Household Composition
Resident shall report all changes in household composition to the Asset Manager of Resident’s
development within ten (10) working days of the change. Such changes include births, adoption or court
ordered custody, or when a Household Member no longer resides in the Dwelling Unit.
HABC Approval is Required to Add a Person to Resident’s Household
With the exception of births, adoption or court ordered custody, any person proposed to reside in the
Dwelling Unit, including but not limited to a foster child, foster adult or live-in aide, must be approved
in advance by HABC before the person may reside in the Dwelling Unit. Proposed additions to the
Household, including live-in aides, must meet screening criteria described in the ACOP as applicable, in
order to be permitted to reside in the Dwelling Unit. If HABC approves the addition, the Authorized
Household Members Record (Attachment 1) will be modified to reflect the addition. If the new member
of the household is an adult, the person will be required to sign and date the modification.
When applicable, HABC will request that Resident provide, and Resident agrees to provide HABC, the
income information of the proposed new household member, other than a live-in aide. In such event,
HABC will consider the income of the proposed new household member as family income for purposes
of calculating Resident’s rent, and Resident’s rent may be increased, as a result, prior to the next regular
Periodic Review.
A live-in aide, for the purposes of this Lease, is a person who is determined to be essential to the care and
well-being of the Resident or a family member, and who would not be living in the Dwelling Unit except
to provide necessary supportive services. Medical verification of the need for a live-in aide is required.
Resident and any approved live-in aide must sign a form acknowledging that the live-in aide must
comply with the lease requirements applicable to members of the household, and that when the need for
support services ends, the live-in aide will no longer be authorized to occupy the Dwelling Unit and must
vacate the Dwelling Unit within the time period specified by HABC.
Removal of a Household Member
When Resident requests to remove a household member, upon verification by HABC that such
household member no longer resides in the Dwelling Unit, HABC will remove the applicable income
and expenses of the removed household member for purposes of calculating Resident’s rent, and
Resident’s rent may be decreased, as a result, prior to the next regular Periodic Review.
The timing of rent increases and rent decreases related to changes in family composition will be
consistent with HABC’s Policies on rent increases and decreases at regular and interim Periodic Reviews.
Use of Dwelling Unit
Resident shall have the right to exclusive use and occupancy of the Dwelling Unit by the members of
the household identified in Attachment 1 to the Lease Authorized Household Members Record, as
the family’s private and sole residence. HABC will reasonably accommodate Resident's overnight
guests for a total combined period of up to twenty-one (21) nights in any fifty-two (52) week period. In
extenuating circumstances, if HABC is notified in advance, HABC may extend the period of time. If
HABC agrees to extend the time period, HABC may impose such additional conditions as are reasonable
and consistent with this Lease. For purposes of this Lease, (1) the term “guest” means a person
temporarily staying in the Dwelling Unit with the consent of Resident or other member of the household
who has express or implied authority to so consent on behalf of Resident; and (2) the term “overnight
guest” means a guest who spends the night in the Dwelling Unit.
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Resident agrees to obtain prior written HABC approval in accordance with Section 9(n) above, before
allowing any person who is not identified as an authorized household member in Attachment 1 to the
Lease to reside in the Dwelling Unit.
Resident’s Responsibility for Conduct of Resident’s Household and Guests
Resident is responsible for the conduct of all household members including any live-in aide, guests, and
any other person under Resident’s control, and must ensure that they do not engage in conduct that is
prohibited under the Lease, as such activity would be a material violation of this Lease and subject the
Lease to be terminated, regardless of whether Resident was aware of the conduct.
HABC may require Resident and Resident’s household to transfer or move temporarily from the
Dwelling Unit, and Resident agrees to transfer or temporarily move from the Dwelling Unit to
another dwelling unit or another appropriate temporary accommodation for the following
to permit rehabilitation or renovations of the Dwelling Unit;
when repairs or maintenance to the Dwelling Unit cannot be made within a reasonable time
or while the Dwelling Unit is occupied;
when HABC decides to sell, dispose of, or demolish the Dwelling Unit;
if Resident is housed in a unit with an accessibility feature not needed by Resident or
member of Resident’s household;
when the circumstances relating to the Dwelling Unit do not meet requirements under
Federal, State or local law or HABC policies for occupancy;
any other reason required or permitted under the HABC ACOP or applicable laws and
If HABC determines that a transfer or temporary or permanent relocation is warranted, Resident
will be given written notice setting forth the reasons necessitating the transfer. When an
appropriately sized unit becomes available, upon notification to Resident, Resident shall move to
such available unit within a reasonable amount of time as determined by HABC. However, if the
relocation is governed by the Federal Uniform Relocation Act (“URA”) Resident will not be
required to relocate until HABC has provided the notice required by the URA and given
Resident notice of relocation benefits available under the URA.
HABC will pay the reasonable cost of transferring or relocating Resident when HABC requires
Resident to transfer from the Dwelling Unit. Resident will be liable for any costs allowed by
law, incurred by HABC in connection with Resident’s refusal to transfer or move temporarily, or
Resident’s delay in transferring or moving temporarily when required by HABC, and/or
Resident’s failure to return keys and sign appropriate documents in the form approved by HABC
in order to return possession of the Dwelling Unit to HABC.
Involuntary transfers (transfers initiated by HABC) are subject to the Grievance Policy. Except
in the case of transfers required due to conditions in the Dwelling Unit that HABC determines
may pose a health or safety risk to anyone, no transfers may be made until either the time to
request a grievance has expired or the grievance proceeding has been completed.
If HABC requires Resident to move from the Dwelling Unit because it is a unit with an
accessibility feature not required to address a disability of Resident or a family member, HABC
will provide Resident with thirty (30) calendar days’ notice to move. Resident must leave the
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Dwelling Unit in clean and good condition, ordinary wear and tear excepted, and must immediately
return the keys to the Dwelling Unit to HABC upon move-out. The Lease Addendum for Occupancy
of Accessible Units, Attachment 9, is incorporated by reference and made a part of this Lease.
If Resident makes a request with supporting verification, as may be required by HABC, for a unit
with accessibility features required to address a disability, HABC will have the choice to modify
Resident's existing Dwelling Unit, if it is reasonable to make such an accommodation, or transfer
Resident to another unit with the needed features.
HABC will consider a transfer request by Resident in accordance with the transfer priorities
established in the HABC ACOP. If Resident is approved for a transfer Resident will be placed
on a waiting list that applies to Resident’s transfer priority and unit type for Resident’s
household. If Resident is placed on a transfer waiting list for any reason other than a reasonable
accommodation to address a disability, HABC may, at the time Resident reaches the top of the
transfer waiting list, re-determine Resident’s transfer needs prior to making any unit offer to
Resident. Resident agrees to provide information reasonably requested by HABC in order to
make such redetermination. Resident is responsible for all of Resident’s moving costs and other
costs related to the transfer except when reasonable moving costs are to be paid by HABC in
accordance with HABC Policies and the URA.
Resident understands and agrees that Resident cannot maintain more than one Federally-assisted
unit, and any failure of Resident to surrender possession of the Dwelling Unit upon accepting
possession of another Federally-assisted unit is: (1) a material breach of this Lease and the
program requirements for such other Federally-assisted unit, and (2) grounds to terminate this
Lease and assistance to Resident for the new unit.
HABC is obligated, other than for circumstances beyond its control, as follows:
To maintain the Dwelling Unit and the development in a decent, safe and sanitary condition.
To comply with requirements of applicable building codes, housing codes, and HUD regulations
materially affecting health and safety.
To make non-emergency repairs to the Dwelling Unit within thirty (30) calendar days of the
inspection date and abate emergency items within a reasonable period of time from the time the
work order is requested.
To keep the development buildings, facilities and common areas not otherwise assigned to
Resident for maintenance and upkeep in a clean and safe condition.
To maintain in good and safe working order and condition electrical, plumbing, sanitary,
heating, ventilating and other facilities and appliances, including elevators, supplied or required
to be supplied by HABC. If Resident becomes aware of any defect of the aforementioned
systems or facilities, Resident has an obligation to notify HABC promptly.
To provide and maintain appropriate receptacles and facilities (except containers for the
exclusive use of Resident’s household) for the deposit of garbage, rubbish and other waste
removed from the Dwelling Unit by Resident.
To supply running water and reasonable amounts of hot water and reasonable amounts of heat at
appropriate times of the year, except where the heat or hot water is generated by an installation
within the exclusive control of Resident and supplied to Resident directly by a utility provider.
To notify Resident of the specific grounds for any proposed adverse action by HABC. Such
adverse action includes, but is not limited to, a proposed lease termination, transfer of Resident
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to another unit, or imposition of charges for maintenance and repair, or for excess consumption of
To consider lease bifurcation in circumstances involving domestic violence, dating violence,
sexual assault or stalking. Nothing in this preceding statement shall be construed to allow the
perpetrator or abuser to receive housing assistance under a lease bifurcation.
To develop a local policy for administration of the community service and economic
self-sufficiency requirements for public housing residents.
To notify Resident of the presence of any known lead-based paint and lead-based paint hazards
and do what is required by law to address the hazard.
To make smoking-cessation information available to HABC residents and maintain a smoke-
free policy.
To continue to work cooperatively with HABC’s Resident Advisory Board in establishing
necessary and reasonable HABC rules and policies.
Resident is obligated under this Lease, as follows:
To read and/or have read to Resident and understand all terms of this Lease before signing. If
and when Resident realizes that he/she cannot comply with the requirements of this Lease,
Resident shall promptly notify HABC of this fact.
Not to: (1) commit any fraud, or assist any person in committing or attempting to commit fraud,
in connection with any Federal, state or local housing assistance program; or (2) possess, or
receive assistance for occupancy of, any other unit assisted under any Federal, state or local
housing assistance program during the term of the Lease.
To make all payments that are due under the Lease at the time and in such amounts as the Lease
Not to assign the Lease or sublease the Dwelling Unit or any part of the Dwelling Unit.
Not to provide accommodations for boarders or lodgers.
Not to: (1) allow any person who is not identified in the Lease as a member of Resident’s
household to reside in the Dwelling Unit, or remain in the Dwelling Unit in violation of the
overnight guest policy, or use Resident’s address to receive mail, or store property in the
Dwelling Unit; and (2) allow access to, the Dwelling Unit or the Premises, any person who
Resident knows or should reasonable know is under a no-trespass or banning notice from
To assure that Resident, Resident’s household members and their guests and visitors comply
with all security, sign-in, registration and/or identification card system, guest visitation, building
entry and exit requirements, and parking requirements that exist at Resident's building or
development, and as may be amended from time to time by HABC.
To use the Dwelling Unit solely as a private dwelling for, and as the sole residence of, Resident
and Resident's family members as identified in the Lease (Attachment 1, as may be amended)
and not to use or permit its use for any other purpose. HABC, by prior written approval, may
consent to the use of the Dwelling Unit for legal profit-making activity subject to Federal
regulations, HABC's policies, and local laws, where HABC has determined that such activities
are incidental to primary use of the Dwelling Unit as a residence by members of the household.
Resident must report any income derived from such profit-making activity during Resident’s next
regular Reexamination (Periodic Review). Use of the Dwelling Unit for any purpose other than
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the sole private dwelling of Resident and authorized family members, without prior written HABC
approval is a material violation of the Lease. Resident must obtain prior written approval from HABC in
order to use any indoor or outdoor common area for an event.
To comply with the Smoke-Free Policy Lease Addendum and ensure that Resident, member(s) of
Resident’s household, guest(s) and any other person(s) under Resident’s control abide by
HABC’s Smoke-Free Policy which prohibits the use of prohibited tobacco products: (1) in all
public housing living units including the Dwelling Unit; and (2) other restricted areas as defined
in the policy, including but not limited to any area that is within 25-feet from a structure on the
Premises. The Smoke-Free Lease Addendum is Attachment 10 to the Lease and contains the
HABC Smoke-Free Policy. The Smoke-Free Lease Addendum and the HABC Smoke-Free
Policy are incorporated by reference and made a part of the Lease.
To abide by necessary and reasonable regulations, rules, policies and procedures (collectively,
“regulations”) implemented by HABC for the benefit and wellbeing of the housing development
and residents which shall be posted in the management office of Resident’s development and
incorporated by reference in the lease. Such regulations will be implemented only after notice to
all affected residents and opportunity for residents to provide written comment within thirty (30)
calendar days of the date of notice.
To comply with all obligations imposed upon Resident by applicable provisions of building,
housing and fire codes materially affecting health and safety, and related safety programs that
may be implemented by HABC such as Resident participation in fire or emergency safety
training, and/or evacuation drills, and such other safety activities established by HABC.
To keep the Dwelling Unit and such other areas as may be for Resident’s exclusive use in a clean
and safe condition. The parties agree that the tasks which Resident shall perform are indicated
below by Resident's initials:
[ ] keeping Dwelling Unit walls, floors, cabinets, windows, doors, ceilings, woodwork,
appliances and fixtures of the interior clean and free of grease, dirt, trash, litter, debris,
obstructions, clutter, unsanitary matter and hazards;
[ ] depositing trash and garbage properly in compactor chutes, dumpsters, and covered
trash cans;
[ ] shoveling snow from individual walkways;
[ ] keeping individual sidewalks and yards clean and free of trash and litter;
[ ] keeping individual balconies, fire escapes, canopies, furnace rooms, storage areas,
trash areas and basements, as applicable, clean and free of trash, clutter and litter, and
obstructions, and to not hang clothes on any such balconies;
[ ] keeping common hallways and stairways in a clean and sanitary condition (applies
to buildings with less than 10 units);
[ ] cleaning common hallway tile;
[ ] cutting individual grass and cleaning lawn areas;
[ ] maintaining individual trash areas;
[ ] other:
To dispose of all garbage, rubbish and other waste from the Dwelling Unit in a sanitary and safe
manner and to deposit such items in the facilities provided. To seal tightly and place in a tightly
sealed trash bag and deposit only in dumpsters, containers which hold or have held any
household cleaning preparation, or other substance which may be hazardous to the health or
safety of others.
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To use only in a reasonable manner all electrical, plumbing, sanitary, heating, ventilating,
air-conditioning and other facilities and appurtenances, including elevators. To refrain from
depositing into any part of the plumbing or sanitary facilities any items (such as disposable
diapers, socks, or sanitary supplies) not intended for use in or with such facilities.
To ensure that Resident, members of Resident’s household, and their guests refrain from
destroying, defacing, damaging, or removing any part of the Dwelling Unit, development, or
To pay reasonable charges (other than for ordinary wear and tear) for the repair of damages to the
Dwelling Unit, development buildings, facilities, common areas, or Premises caused by Resident,
Resident's household or guests, or any other person under Resident’s control, in accordance with
a schedule of charges as posted in the management office of Resident’s development from time
to time. No charges will be assessed against Resident for damages which result in a police
complaint filed by Resident and for which Resident was not responsible. For these purposes,
repair of damages includes the removal of any item placed, affixed or installed by Resident in any
part of the Dwelling Unit or on any part of the development without prior HABC approval as
required by this Lease.
To conduct himself or herself and cause other persons who are on the Premises with Resident's
consent to conduct themselves in a manner which will not disturb Resident's neighbors' peaceful
enjoyment of their accommodations or threaten the health and safety of other residents, HABC
employees or contractors, and will be conducive to maintaining the development and
neighborhood in a decent, safe and sanitary condition.
To comply with Attachment 11, the Lease Addendum for Prevention and Extermination of Bed
Bugs, Rodents and Other Pests, for all bed bug, rodent and pest control activities undertaken by
HABC. Resident is required to: (1) provide access to the Dwelling Unit when pest control
inspections and treatments are scheduled; (2) complete all pre-treatment activities in the Dwelling
Unit as reasonably directed by HABC, prior to the bed bug, rodent and other pest control
treatment; and (3) complete all post-treatment activities as reasonably directed by HABC for the
success of the treatment. HABC will enter the Dwelling Unit whenever a bed bug, rodent and/or
other pest control activity is scheduled and/or needed. The Lease Addendum for Prevention and
Extermination of Bed Bugs, Rodents and Other Pests, Attachment 11, is incorporated by
reference and made a part of this Lease.
To promptly notify HABC or HABC’s designee of the need for any repairs to the Dwelling Unit,
and to allow HABC access into the Dwelling Unit without delay to make such repairs.
To refrain from illegal or other activity under Federal, state or local law, which impairs the
physical or social environment of the development, neighborhood, Premises or other HABC-
owned or assisted property.
To ensure that Resident, member(s) of Resident’s household, and their guest(s) do not engage in:
Any criminal activity under Federal, state or local law that threatens the health or safety of
other residents of the Premises or other HABC-owned or assisted property, or their right to
the peaceful enjoyment of the Premises or other HABC-owned or assisted property; or
Any criminal activity under Federal, state or local law that threatens the health or safety of
HABC employees, agents or contractors; or
Any drug-related criminal activity under Federal, state or local law, on or off the Premises.
To ensure that no other person under Resident’s control engages in:
Any criminal activity under any Federal, state or local law that threatens the health or safety
of other residents of the Premises or their right to the peaceful enjoyment of the Premises; or
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Any criminal activity under Federal, state or local law that threatens the health or safety of
HABC employees, agents or contractors; or
Any drug-related criminal activity on the Premises.
To understand the following definitions which apply for purposes of this Lease and Resident’s
obligations under the Lease:
The term "drug-related criminal activity" means the illegal (under any federal, state or local
law) manufacture, sale, distribution, or use of a drug, or possession of a drug with intent to
manufacture, sell, distribute or use the drug. Certain activity that may not be drug-related
criminal activity under State law is considered criminal drug-related activity under Federal
law and grounds for termination of tenancy. For example, illegal possession of marijuana
under Federal law on or off the Premises is grounds for termination of the Lease.
The term “drug” means a controlled substance as defined in section 102 of the Controlled
Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802), irrespective of any state or local law to the contrary.
The term “guest” (also see Section 10(a) above) means a person temporarily staying in the
Dwelling Unit with the consent of Resident or other member of the household who has
express or implied authority to so consent on behalf of Resident.
The phrase “other person under Resident's control” means that the person, although not
staying as a guest (as defined in subsection C above) in the Dwelling Unit, is, or was at the
time of the activity in question, on the Premises (as the term Premises is defined under
Section 3 above) because of an invitation from Resident or other member of the household
who has express or implied authority to so consent on behalf of Resident. Absent evidence
to the contrary, a person temporarily and infrequently on the Premises solely for legitimate
commercial purposes is not under Resident’s control.
To refrain from: (1) making any alteration to the Dwelling Unit or Premises including, but not
limited to, construction, placement, or installation of exterior fencing, wiring, repairs or
redecoration to the interior or exterior of the Dwelling Unit or to the equipment; (2) installing
additional equipment or major appliances (such as air conditioners, freezers, refrigerators,
washers and dryers) without prior written consent of HABC; and (3) erecting, building or placing
on HABC property any fence, shed, equipment or other structure. For purposes of this Lease, the
term equipment includes but is not limited to playground equipment, tree houses, tents,
trampolines, canopies, doghouses, open-flame lamps and (Tiki) torches, and water apparatus such
as aboveground or in-ground pools, inflatable kiddie pools, and water slides.
To refrain from changing any lock or installing new locks on any exterior or interior door of the
Dwelling Unit without HABC's prior written approval.
To take reasonable precautions to prevent fires, including but not limited to: (1) using, placing
and/or storing flammable materials in the Dwelling Unit only in a manner permitted and required
by applicable housing and fire codes, and keeping such materials out of the reach of children; (2)
using, charcoal burners, grills, hibachis, or other similar devices used for cooking, in accordance
with State and local laws. Such devices can only be used if the location of the Dwelling Unit
allows for the device to be placed at a required minimum required distance from a structure. A
copy of the applicable law is available at the management office of Resident’s development; and
(3) ensuring that Resident, Resident’s household members and guests do not leave any heat producing
appliance, equipment, material, or object unattended or within the reach of children while in use or
(aa) To refrain from installing, attaching, erecting, or hanging, or otherwise causing or allowing to be
installed, erected, attached or hung, any air conditioning unit, satellite dish, radio or television antennae,
clothes line, or wiring of any kind, on or from any part of the Dwelling Unit or Premises without prior
written authorization from HABC. If the proper installation of any such item and/or proper
specifications for the item, as determined by HABC, will result in additional
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cost, Resident will be responsible for all such costs and no installation will be approved by HABC
prior to Resident demonstrating ability to pay the cost.
(bb) To refrain from placing any permanently affixed sign of any type in or about the Dwelling Unit
and the Premises, unless and until such sign is approved by the appropriate zoning authority and HABC
has given written permission to place such sign.
(cc) To comply with a notice from HABC to remove at Resident’s expense, and without damage to the
Dwelling Unit or Premises, any air conditioning unit, equipment, appliance, fence, shed, pool, lock,
playground, or other item installed, constructed, erected or attached by Resident without prior written
approval from HABC in accordance with the Lease. Failure of Resident to comply with a removal notice
issued by HABC, within the time provided in the notice is a material breach of lease and ground to
terminate this Lease. Provided, however, that a removal notice is not required before HABC may initiate
lease termination proceedings against Resident for any violation of the Lease.
(dd) To provide HABC notice at least thirty (30) calendar days in advance of the date on which Resident
proposes to vacate the Dwelling Unit, and in addition, to notify HABC at least seventy-two (72) hours
before Resident’s actual move-out from the Dwelling Unit, as required by local law. At the time Resident
vacates, Resident shall secure and lock all doors and windows and openings in any basement or
basement areaways and leave the Dwelling Unit clean and free from trash and litter. Resident shall
remove any personal property when Resident leaves, abandons or surrenders the Dwelling Unit and
return the keys to HABC on the date specified in the notice to HABC. HABC will consider any personal
property remaining after Resident vacates to have been abandoned and will take the steps necessary to
dispose of it and charge any costs of disposal to Resident’s account.
(ee) To move in and move out only during hours when the management office of Resident’s
development is open, unless Resident has obtained prior written approval from the Asset Manager of
Resident’s development.
(ff) To ensure that Resident and other Household Members do not engage in an abuse or pattern of
abuse of alcohol that affects the health, safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment of the Premises or other
HABC-owned or assisted property by other residents.
(gg) To comply at all times with the requirements of the HABC Pet Policy, which is Attachment 5 to
this Lease, as may be amended by HABC from time to time. As provided in the Pet Policy, Resident
must meet all requirements provided in the Pet Policy, and must complete and sign the “Application for
a Pet” and pay the pet security deposit if the application is approved by HABC, before Resident may
maintain a pet such as a dog or cat in the Dwelling Unit or on the Premises.
(hh) Not to unlawfully, recklessly or negligently possess any weapon.
To refrain from washing any vehicle on the Premises, and on a public street or other location
where HABC supplied water will be used.
(jj) To refrain from placing, storing, possessing, driving, riding and/or using any operable or inoperable
dirt bike, golf-cart, snowmobile, or riding lawnmower on the Premises. For purposes of this lease, a “dirt
bike” means any motorized bicycle, motorcycle, or similar vehicle designed for use on rough surfaces
such as dirt roads or trails that are not registered under the Maryland Vehicle Law. Examples of dirt
bikes include minibikes and all-terrain vehicles (ATV) either of the three or four wheel variety.
(kk) To maintain utility service in accordance with Section 8b above concerning Resident-furnished
utilities, if applicable to Resident.
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In the event that the Dwelling Unit is damaged to the extent that conditions are created that are
hazardous to life, health or safety of the occupants:
Resident shall immediately notify the Asset Manager of Resident’s development of the damage.
HABC shall be responsible for emergency repair of the Dwelling Unit within a reasonable time
after receiving notice from Resident. HABC will attempt to abate emergency conditions in the
unit within a reasonable period of time after receiving a request for repair. A list of such
"emergency conditions" as defined by HABC in good faith cooperation with the Resident
Advisory Board (“RAB”), will be posted in the management office of Resident’s development. If
the damage was caused by Resident, Resident's household or guests, the cost of repair will be
charged to Resident. The cost of repair being charged to Resident does not limit or waive any
other rights HABC may have concerning damage to HABC property caused by Resident,
Resident's household or guest.
If necessary repairs cannot be made within a reasonable period of time HABC will offer Resident
standard alternative accommodations, if available in public housing. Resident may be given the
opportunity to return to the Dwelling Unit after repairs are completed, as determined by HABC in
accordance with HABC’s policies governing admission and occupancy.
In the event repairs cannot be made within a reasonable period of time, or if standard alternative
accommodations in public housing are not available as provided in subsection (c) of this Section,
rent will be abated in proportion to the seriousness of the damage, and the extent of the
diminished use of the Dwelling Unit by Resident provided; however, that no abatement of rent
will occur if Resident rejects an offer for an available standard alternative accommodation or if
the damage was caused by Resident, a member of Resident's household or guest.
Resident agrees to continue to pay full rent for the Dwelling Unit, less any portion of rent abated
by agreement of HABC and Resident, until the conditions are corrected.
If HABC determines that the Dwelling Unit is uninhabitable because of imminent danger to the
life, health and safety of Resident’s household, and Resident refuses standard alternative
accommodations or temporary relocation to other available accommodation if standard
alternative accommodation in public housing is not available, this Lease will be terminated, and
any rent paid for the period that the Dwelling Unit is uninhabitable will be credited to Resident’s
Resident agrees to provide HABC access to the Dwelling Unit without delay or hindrance for the
following inspections:
Move-in Inspection
HABC and Resident and/or Resident’s authorized representative will inspect the Dwelling Unit prior to
occupancy by Resident. HABC will give Resident a written report of the conditions of the interior and
exterior of the Dwelling Unit, and note any equipment provided with the Dwelling Unit. The inspection
report shall be signed by HABC and Resident and a copy of the inspection report retained in Resident's
folder. Any deficiencies noted on the inspection report will be corrected by HABC at no charge to
Resident. Resident has thirty (30) calendar days after move-in to notify HABC of any additional
deficiencies not noted on the original inspection report, which will be corrected by HABC at no charge
to Resident. Deficiencies will be corrected within thirty (30) calendar days.
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Preventive Maintenance (PM) Inspections
HABC will inspect the Dwelling Unit at least once a year for purposes of preventative maintenance,
and correct any deficiencies based upon the severity in compliance with Section 12(c).
Pest Treatment Inspections
HABC will conduct inspections for purposes of appropriate treatment of the Dwelling Unit and/or
adjacent units for pests. The inspections and treatments will be in the frequency or intervals determined
by HABC to be necessary and appropriate. Except in the case of an emergency, HABC will provide
Resident at least forty-eight (48) hour notice prior to the inspection. Resident agrees to comply with
Attachment 11, the Lease Addendum for Prevention and Extermination of Bed Bugs, Rodents and other
Housekeeping Inspections
HABC has developed uniform housekeeping standards for all families in an effort to maintain HABC
properties in a decent, safe and sanitary condition. The uniform housekeeping standards are found in the
Public Housing Resident Handbook, which will be provided to Resident by HABC. Once a year, HABC
will conduct a housekeeping inspection of the Dwelling Unit to ensure that Resident is maintaining the
interior and exterior of the Dwelling Unit in accordance with the uniform housekeeping standards.
HABC will provide Resident at least forty-eight (48) hour notice prior to the inspection. In
the event Resident has not contacted HABC to reschedule the inspection and is not home at
the scheduled time of the inspection, HABC staff will enter the Dwelling Unit and conduct
the inspection. HABC staff will leave a notice in the Dwelling Unit informing Resident of
the inspection.
If the Dwelling Unit does not pass the housekeeping inspection, Resident will be required to
remedy deficiencies within an appropriate deadline reasonably determined by HABC based
on the seriousness of the deficiencies. Another inspection will be scheduled to occur within
thirty (30) calendar days from the date of notification of inspection results. If the Dwelling
Unit does not pass a second inspection, HABC may terminate the Lease.
HUD Inspections and HABC Pre-HUD Inspections
HABC will notify Resident of any scheduled inspection to be conducted by HUD, or may otherwise be
required by HUD under the public housing program. Prior to such HUD inspections, HABC will inspect
the Dwelling Unit and notify Resident of any deficiencies in the Dwelling Unit. Resident must
remove/abate all deficiencies caused by Resident, especially any deficiencies that may impact the score
HABC may receive from HUD for the condition of the Dwelling Unit. Resident must comply with a
notice from HABC to remove, at Resident’s expense, any such deficiencies noted by HABC in the pre-
HUD inspection.
Move-out Inspection
HABC will inspect the Dwelling Unit when Resident vacates and will provide Resident a written report
of any damage beyond ordinary wear and tear for which Resident is responsible, and the charges for the
repair of such damages. Resident has the right to participate in such inspection, and may participate in
person and/or through or with an authorized representative. If Resident fails to notify HABC, as required
by this Lease, that Resident intends to vacate, or fails to provide a forwarding address in a notice of intent
to vacate, HABC will send the move-out inspection report to Resident’s last known address.
HABC shall, upon reasonable advance notice to Resident, be permitted to enter the Dwelling
Unit during reasonable hours for the purpose of performing routine inspections and maintenance,
for making improvements or repairs, or to show the dwelling unit for re-leasing. Except in an
emergency, a written statement specifying the purpose of HABC’s entry delivered to the
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Dwelling Unit at least forty-eight (48) hours before such entry shall be considered reasonable advance
HABC may enter the Dwelling Unit at any time without advance notification when there is
reasonable cause to believe that an emergency exists.
In the event that Resident and all adult members of Resident's household are absent from the
Dwelling Unit at the time of entry, HABC will leave a written statement in the unit specifying the
date, time and purpose of entry prior to leaving the unit.
Failure of Resident to allow HABC access to the Dwelling Unit to perform such inspections,
improvements, repairs, or maintenance, including pest eradication treatment, is a material breach
of the Lease and grounds for termination of the Lease. Inability of HABC to gain entry to the
Dwelling Unit for any reason caused by Resident, including but not limited to a change of locks
by Resident, is a material violation of the Lease that will result in lease termination.
If HABC is unable to gain entry into the Dwelling Unit because a different lock has been
installed in the Dwelling Unit, HABC will install a new lock in order to gain entry to perform the
necessary inspection, maintenance, extermination treatment or repair. Resident will be provided
keys to the new lock at the management office of Resident’s development during working hours.
The cost of removing Resident-installed locks and installing new locks will be charged to
Resident’s account. Resident’s Initials:
Except as otherwise provided, notice to Resident will be in writing and delivered to the
Dwelling Unit or sent by prepaid first-class mail, properly addressed to Resident.
If Resident is visually impaired and has so notified HABC, such notice will be in an accessible
Notice to HABC shall be in writing, delivered to the management office of Resident’s
development or sent by prepaid first-class mail, properly addressed to the management office of
Resident’s development. The address and contact numbers of the management office of
Resident’s development is:
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
Work Order Number:
After Hours Number:
Subject to Section 19(c) below, HABC will terminate this Lease only for serious or repeated violation
of material terms of the Lease or other good cause, such as the following:
Failure of Resident to make any payment(s) at the time and in the amount due under the Lease;
Failure of Resident to fulfill any of Resident’s obligations in the Lease including but not limited
to the ones set forth in Section 13 of the Lease;
Discovery after admission of any fact that makes, or would have made, Resident ineligible for
admission to the public housing program;
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Discovery of a material false statement or other fraud by Resident in connection with any
application for assistance or continued assistance, or with a regular or interim reexamination;
Failure of Resident or a family member to comply with community service requirement
provisions as described in Attachment 6 to this Lease, as grounds for non-renewal of the Lease
and termination of tenancy at the end of the twelve-month Lease term;
Failure of Resident to accept a revision to the Lease, which may be in the form of a rider to the
Lease or in the form of a new lease, with written notice provided by HABC at least sixty (60)
calendar days before the lease revision is to take effect, and specifying a reasonable time limit for
acceptance by Resident;
Failure of Resident and all adult family members to appear and provide all required information
at the time of a Periodic Review of Resident by HABC for income or household composition;
Failure to permit HABC entry into the Dwelling Unit: (1) at any time requested by HABC
without advance notice in order to address an emergency; or (2) during reasonable hours upon at
least forty-eight hours advance notice for the purpose of performing inspections and maintenance,
including pest eradication inspections and treatment, and for making improvements or repairs;
A determination by HABC that Resident or any member of the household has ever been
convicted of drug-related criminal activity for the manufacture or production of
methamphetamine on the premises of federally assisted housing;
Flight, or harboring any person fleeing, to avoid prosecution, or custody or confinement after
conviction of the Resident, or any household member or other person, for a crime, or attempt to
commit a crime, that is a felony under the laws of the place from which the individual flees, or
that, in the case of the State of New Jersey, is a high misdemeanor; or violation of a condition of
probation or parole imposed under Federal or State law;
Failure of Resident to: (1) relocate or transfer from the Dwelling Unit in a timely manner when
requested by HABC as provided in this Lease; or (2) return possession of Resident’s prior
dwelling unit to HABC, or other landlord as applicable, if such prior dwelling unit was
subsidized under a Federal, State or local program, and Resident signed this Lease as a result of a
transfer from such dwelling unit. (The term “return possession” includes leaving such prior
dwelling unit in a clean and good condition, ordinary wear and tear excepted, and returning all
keys to such dwelling unit to HABC, or other landlord as applicable.)
Illegal, reckless and/or negligent possession of a gun or other weapon.
Abuse, harassment, threat of violence, or violence against a HABC employee or contractor,
another resident or member of such resident’s household, or a guest or visitor.
Absence of Resident from the Dwelling Unit for more than thirty (30) consecutive calendar days
or more without good cause.
Allowing any person not authorized by HABC to reside in the Dwelling Unit or to use the
Dwelling Unit address to receive mail or to store his/her belongings in the Dwelling Unit.
Any of the following types of activity by Resident, any member of Resident's household or a
Any criminal activity that threatens the health, safety or right to peaceful enjoyment of the
Premises or other HABC-owned or assisted property by other residents, HABC employees,
or persons residing in the immediate vicinity of the Premises or such other HABC-owned or
assisted property, or any drug-related criminal activity on or off the Premises. Provided,
however, that criminal activity directly relating to domestic violence, dating violence, or
stalking, by a member of Resident’s household or any guest or other person under
Resident’s control, shall not be cause for termination of the tenancy or occupancy rights, if
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Resident or immediate member of the Resident’s household is a victim of such domestic violence,
dating violence, or stalking;
Any activity that threatens the health, safety or right to peaceful enjoyment of the Premises
or other HABC-owned or assisted property by other residents, employees or contractors of
HABC, or persons residing in the immediate vicinity of the Premises or such other HABC-
owned or assisted property;
Illegal possession or use (or pattern of illegal use) of a controlled substance;
Abuse (or pattern of abuse) of alcohol, that HABC determines interferes with or threatens
the health safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment of the Premises or other HABC-owned or
assisted property by other residents; or
Furnishing false or misleading information concerning illegal drug use, alcohol abuse, or
rehabilitation of illegal drug users or alcohol abusers.
Any of the following types of activity by any other person under Resident’s control:
Any criminal activity that threatens the health, safety or right to peaceful enjoyment of the
Premises by other residents, HABC employees, or persons residing in the immediate
vicinity of the Premises. Provided, however, that criminal activity directly relating to
domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking by a member of Resident’s
household, guest, or other person under Resident’s control, shall not be cause for
termination of the tenancy or occupancy rights of the victim, if the Resident or family
member in Resident’s household is a victim of such domestic violence, dating violence,
sexual assault or stalking;
Any drug-related criminal activity on the Premises; or
Any activity that threatens the health, safety or right to peaceful enjoyment of the Premises
by other residents, employees of HABC, or persons residing in the immediate vicinity of the
Failure of Resident to maintain utility service for any Resident-furnished utility required by this
A determination that Resident no longer meets eligibility requirements for the Public Housing
Program under applicable HUD regulations or HABC Policies;
Funding is no longer made available to HABC to operate the Public Housing Program.
The federal law known as the Violence Against Women Act (“VAWA”) provides certain protections
to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking, as defined below. Despite
the name of the law, VAWA protections are not only available to women, but are available equally to
all individuals regardless of sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation.
For purposes of this Lease:
The term “actual and imminent threat” consists of a physical danger that is real, would
occur within an immediate time frame, and could result in death or serious bodily harm. In
determining whether an individual would pose an actual and imminent threat, the factors to
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be considered include the duration of the risk, the nature and severity of the potential harm, the likelihood
that the potential harm will occur, and the length of time before the potential harm would occur.
The term “affiliated individual” means, with respect to an individual -
A spouse, parent, brother or sister, or child of that individual, or an individual to
whom that individual stands in loco parentis (such as a legal guardian of a minor
child); or
An individual who has guardianship over another individual who is not a minor; or
Any individual, resident or lawful occupant living in the household of that individual.
The term “bifurcate” means, with respect to a public housing lease, to divide a lease as a
matter of law such that certain lawful occupants of a household can be evicted or removed
while the remaining family members’ lease and occupancy rights are allowed to remain
The term “dating violence” means violence committed by a person who is or has been in a
social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim. The existence of such a
relationship will be determined based on: (A) the length of the relationship; (B) the type of
relationship; and (C) the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the
The term “domestic violence” means felony or misdemeanor crimes of violence committed
by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the victim, by a person with whom the
victim shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated
with the victim as a spouse or intimate partner, by a person similarly situated to a spouse of
the victim under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction receiving grant
monies, or by any other person against an adult or youth victim who is protected from that
person’s acts under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction.
The term “sexual assault” includes any non-consensual sexual act proscribed (prohibited)
by Federal, tribal, or State law, including when the victim lacks capacity to consent.
The term "stalking" means engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person
causing a reasonable person to fear for his or her safety or the safety of others or suffer
substantial emotional distress.
Occupancy Rights of Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault or
An incident or incidents of actual or threatened domestic violence, dating violence, sexual
assault or stalking will not be considered a serious or repeated violation of the Lease by the
victim of such violence or threatened violence and will not be good cause for terminating
the tenancy or occupancy rights of the victim of such violence or threatened violence.
HABC may request in writing that the Resident submits documentation to verify a claim
that Resident or member of Resident’s Household is a victim of actual or threatened
domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking.
HABC will accept any one of the following three methods for verification of a claim:
A completed HUD VAWA Certification Form, which HABC will make available to
Resident upon request; and/or
A Federal, State, tribal, territorial, local police or other law enforcement or court
record; and/or
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Documentation signed and attested to by an employee, agent, or volunteer of a victim
service provider, an attorney, a medical professional, or a mental health professional,
from whom the victim has sought assistance in addressing domestic violence, dating
violence, sexual assault or stalking, or the effects of abuse, in which the professional
attests under penalty of perjury to the professional’s belief that the incident or incidents
in question are bona fide incidents of abuse, and the victim of domestic violence,
dating violence, sexual assault or stalking has signed or attested to the documentation.
The victim or Resident must sign the documentation provided.
Such documentation must be provided to HABC within fourteen (14) working days after
Resident receives a written request for such documentation from HABC. If Resident does
not provide the documentation within fourteen (14) working days after receiving HABC’s
written request, HABC may proceed with terminating the Lease, and eviction for violation
of the Lease that otherwise would constitute good cause to evict or grounds for termination.
HABC will keep all information provided pursuant to this subsection (c) in confidence,
including keeping confidential the location of a new dwelling unit, if one is provided, from
the person(s) that committed the act(s) of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault
or stalking against the Resident. HABC may only disclose such information to the extent
that disclosure is (A) requested or consented to by the individual in writing; (B) required for
use in an eviction proceeding under this Section 19; or (C) otherwise required by applicable
HABC may exercise its authority to evict, remove, terminate occupancy rights, or terminate
assistance to Resident or other lawful occupant of the Dwelling Unit if the Resident or such
other lawful occupant engages in criminal acts of physical violence against household
members or others, without evicting, removing, terminating assistance to, or otherwise
penalizing the victim of such violence, if the victim is the Resident or other lawful occupant
of the Dwelling Unit. Such eviction, removal, termination of occupancy rights, or
termination of assistance shall be done in accordance with Federal, State, and local law and
HUD regulations.
HABC may, at its sole discretion, bifurcate (divide) the Lease in order to evict, remove or
terminate assistance to Resident or other family member if Resident or a family member
perpetrates such violence against a victims or affiliated individual.
Nothing in this Section 19:
Limits any otherwise available authority of HABC to evict Resident for any violation
of the Lease not based on the act or acts of violence at issue against the Resident or a
member of the Resident's household, provided that HABC does not subject an
individual who is or has been a victim of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual
assault or stalking to a more demanding standard than other residents in determining
whether to evict or terminate; or
Limits, or may be interpreted to limit, the authority of HABC to terminate Resident’s
tenancy if HABC can demonstrate an actual and imminent threat to other residents or
HABC employees and contractors if Resident's tenancy is not terminated; or
Limits the authority of HABC, when notified, to honor court orders addressing rights
of access to or control of the Dwelling Unit, including civil protection orders issued to
protect the victim and to address the distribution of property among household
members in a case where a family breaks up.
This Lease may be terminated by Resident at any time by giving thirty (30) calendar days advance
written notice to HABC in the manner specified in Section 17(c) above. In addition, Resident is required
by local law to notify HABC at least seventy-two (72) hours before Resident’s actual move-
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out from the Dwelling Unit, to ensure the unit is safely secured. Failure of Resident to give HABC
advance notice of Resident’s intent to vacate and return all keys to the Dwelling Unit to HABC upon
moving out will result in a continuation of the rent charge and other applicable charges until the date
HABC obtains legal possession of the Dwelling Unit.
Failure of Resident or a family member to comply with the Community Service/Economic Self-
Sufficiency Activities requirement as applicable to the household is grounds for non-renewal of the
Lease and termination of tenancy by HABC at the end of the twelve-month lease term in effect.
Resident may terminate the Lease by giving notice to HABC as provided as in Section 20 above. HABC
may terminate the Lease by providing notice to Resident as follows:
The notice of lease termination to Resident will state the specific grounds for termination, the date
the termination will take place, the Resident’s right to reply to the termination notice, and the
Resident’s right to examine the HABC documents directly relevant to the termination or eviction.
When HABC is required to provide Resident the opportunity for a grievance hearing, the notice
of lease termination will inform Resident of Resident's right to file a grievance and request a
hearing in accordance with the Grievance Policy.
When HABC is not required to provide Resident the opportunity to file a grievance and request a
hearing under the Grievance Policy, the notice of lease termination will:
State that Resident is not entitled to a grievance hearing on the termination and the reason
for such determination by HABC;
Specify the judicial eviction procedure to be used by HABC for eviction of Resident, and
state that HUD has determined that this eviction procedure provides the opportunity for a
hearing in court that contains the basic elements of due process as defined in HUD
State whether the eviction is for criminal activity or for drug-related criminal activity. In
the event that HABC intends to rely on a criminal record and/or police report as the basis
for termination of a tenancy, HABC will provide Resident with a copy of the criminal
record and/or police report before a court trial concerning such termination. Resident must
be given an opportunity to dispute the accuracy and relevance of that record in a court trial.
Additionally, HABC will provide Resident with a reasonable opportunity to examine, at
Resident’s request, before a court trial concerning a termination of tenancy, any
documents, including records and regulations, which are in the possession of HABC, and
which are directly relevant to the termination of tenancy. Resident will be allowed to copy
any such document at Resident’s expense.
HABC shall give written notice of termination of this Lease of:
Fourteen (14) calendar days which will run concurrently (at the same time) with any State
or local laws, in the case of the failure to pay rent;
A reasonable period of time considering the seriousness of the situation, of at least
fourteen (14) calendar days but not more than thirty (30) calendar days:
If the health or safety of other residents, HABC employees or contractors, or
persons residing in the immediate vicinity of the Premises or other HABC-owned or
assisted property is threatened;
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If Resident or a member of Resident’s household has engaged in any drug-related
criminal activity or violent criminal activity;
If Resident or a member of Resident’s household is convicted of a felony;
If conduct by Resident, a Household member, guest or any other person who is on
the Premises with the Resident’s consent demonstrates a clear and imminent danger
to HABC’s property; or
If any of the following occurs:
If illegal drugs are seized from the Dwelling Unit by any law enforcement
If any fire on the Premises results from the deliberate, reckless or negligent act
of Resident, a member of Resident’s household, a guest, or any other person
under Resident’s control, or from the inaction of such person(s). Examples of
such conduct include but are not limited to: (a) arson; (b) a violation of the
HABC Smoke-Free Policy; (c) a flammable material left within the reach of
children; or (d) leaving an ignited stove or other heat-producing equipment
If a gun is seized from Resident or Household member by a law enforcement
officer on or off the Premises;
If Resident, a member of Resident’s household, a guest, or any other person
under Resident’s control unlawfully, recklessly, or negligently possesses a gun
or other weapon on the Premises;
If the lease violation is due to the undisclosed or unauthorized occupancy of a
person who is subject to a sex offender registration requirement in the
Dwelling Unit;
If Resident refuses or impedes access to the Dwelling Unit to HABC as
provided in the Lease, to perform an inspection, repair or maintenance,
including inspection or treatment for bedbugs, rodents and/or other pests, or
Resident fails to do pre-treatment preparation as required by the Lease; or
If Resident violates the HABC Pet Policy.
A thirty (30) day notice of lease termination will be given to Resident in lieu of any shorter period if a
situation or conduct described in this subsection E does not threaten the health or safety of other
residents, HABC employees or contractors, or persons residing in the immediate vicinity of the
Thirty (30) calendar days in all other cases.
The notice of lease termination will include a Notice of Occupancy Rights under VAWA as
required by HUD regulations.
HABC has established the Grievance Policy to ensure that HABC residents are afforded an opportunity
for a fair hearing if a resident disputes actions or failure to act by HABC involving the Lease. Any
grievance the Resident may have arising from this Lease that is subject to the Grievance Policy will be
resolved in accordance with the Grievance Policy that is in effect at the time such grievance arises. The
Grievance Policy is attached to the Lease as Attachment 3 and is incorporated
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by reference. A copy of the Grievance Policy is posted in the management office of Resident’s
Any delay or failure by HABC or Resident to enforce immediately any provision of this Lease or
exercise a right or remedy under the Lease does not prevent HABC or Resident from enforcing such
provision of the Lease or exercising such right or remedy at a later time without penalty or waiver.
Resident acknowledges that Resident’s signing of documents relating to Resident’s tenancy with
HABC for any reason, such as a new lease for a transfer, a lease modification or supplement, or
documents necessary for Resident’s Periodic Reviews, or the like, is not a waiver by HABC of any
right to proceed with lease enforcement action for any violation of the Lease that occurred prior to the
signing of such documents.
Resident may, at any time during the tenancy, request a reasonable accommodation to address a
disability of Resident or family member, including a reasonable accommodation to enable Resident to
comply with the lease or other requirements of occupancy, by making such request to the management
office of Resident’s development.
At the time of leasing and at each regular Periodic Review, Resident agrees to identify Resident’s
relative(s) or other individual(s) who: (1) Resident authorizes HABC to contact in the event of an
emergency concerning Resident’s household and Resident is unavailable or unable to act; and (2)
Resident authorizes to take, secure, or remove Resident's belongings if Resident should die or become
physically or mentally unable to comply with the terms of the Lease. Resident may make changes to
Resident’s emergency contacts as necessary between regular Periodic Reviews. Nothing in this Section
is intended as an agreement by HABC that such designated individual(s) is/are entitled to take possession
of the Dwelling Unit upon Resident's disability or death, or to enter into a lease with HABC for the
Dwelling Unit. Nothing in this paragraph is intended to confer on such designated individual the status
of "remaining member of Resident’s family."
HABC in good faith cooperation with RAB (the Resident Advisory Board), may modify this Lease at
any time, by written rider or in the form of a new lease, consistent with governing laws and regulations.
Provided, however, that in the event of a change in any applicable Federal, State or Local law that renders
any provision of this Lease inconsistent with such law, the Lease will be considered modified by such
changed law without need for a written rider and the affected Lease provision shall, upon notice from
HABC, be implemented in accordance with such changed law.
The following attachments are incorporated into and made a part of this Lease:
Attachment 1: Authorized Household Members Record
Attachment 2: Schedule of Charges for Maintenance and Repairs for Resident-Caused Damage
Attachment 3: HABC Grievance Policy
Attachment 4: Disclosure of Information on Lead-based Paint and Lead-based Paint Hazards
Attachment 5: HABC Pet Policy
Attachment 6: Community Service Policy
Attachment 7: Mold Prevention Notice
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Attachment 8: Combination Carbon Monoxide / Smoke Alarm Notice
Attachment 9: Lease Addendum for Occupancy of Accessible Units
Attachment 10: Smoke-free Policy Lease Addendum and HABC Smoke-free Policy
Attachment 11: Lease Addendum for Prevention and Extermination of Bed Bugs, Rodents and
Other Pests
By initialing below, Resident makes the following acknowledgements:
I have read or had read to me the terms of the Lease, and I understand the Lease,
including the provisions regarding drug and criminal activity
I have received Attachment 1 - Authorized Household Members Record
I have received Attachment 2 - Schedule of Charges for Maintenance and Repairs for
Resident-Caused Damage
I have received Attachment 3 - HABC Grievance Policy
I have received Attachment 4 - Disclosure of Information on Lead-based Paint and
Lead-based Paint Hazards
I have received Attachment 5 - HABC Pet Policy
I have received Attachment 6 - Community Service Policy
I have received Attachment 7 - Mold Prevention Notice
I have received Attachment 8 - Combination Carbon Monoxide / Smoke Alarm Notice
I have received Attachment 9 - Lease Addendum for Occupancy of Accessible Units
I have received Attachment 10 - HABC Smoke-free Lease Addendum with the HABC
Smoke-free Policy attached as Exhibit A
I have received Attachment 11 - Lease Addendum for Prevention and Extermination of
Bed Bugs, Rodents and Other Pests
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Lease on the date written on page 1 above, at
Baltimore, Maryland.
Signature of Resident Signature of Resident
(Head of Household) (Co-Head of Household)
Signature of Witness Printed Name of Witness
Signature of Authorized Official Printed Name of Authorized Official
Signature of Witness Printed Name of Witness
Attachment 1 to the Lease Authorized Household Members Record
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In accordance with the dwelling lease agreement (the “Lease”) between the Housing Authority of
Baltimore City (“HABC”) as Landlord, and the person(s) who signed below as Resident
(individually and jointly referred to as “Resident”), for the dwelling unit identified in the Lease (the
“Dwelling Unit”). HABC and Resident agree that this Authorized Household Members Record is
incorporated in, and made a part of, the Lease.
PART 1--- [Check Applicable Box]
AT LEASE SIGNING: This Authorized Household Members Record is signed with the Lease and
represents the composition of Resident’s household authorized to reside in the Dwelling Unit
effective as of the date the Lease was signed. The parties have not signed any prior Authorized
Household Members Record.
Record is signed by the parties to add the person(s) listed below to the Lease as authorized
members of Resident’s household who may reside in the Dwelling Unit. By signing below,
Resident and HABC agree, Resident and HABC agree that the following person(s) are added to
the Lease and authorized to reside in the Dwelling Unit effective:
. The parties further agree that this Authorized Household Members
Record amends and replaces any prior Authorized Household Members Record signed by the
Date of
to Resident
(Last 4 Digits)
AMENDMENT - REMOVAL OF HOUSEHOLD MEMBER: This Authorized Household Members
Record is signed by the parties to remove the person(s) listed below from the Lease. By signing
below, Resident and HABC agree that the following person(s) are removed from the Lease and
are no longer authorized to reside in the Dwelling Unit effective:
. The parties further agree that this Authorized Household Members
Record amends and replaces any prior Authorized Household Members Record signed by the
Date of
to Resident
Last 4 Digits)
Attachment 1 to the Lease Authorized Household Members Record
Page 2 of 2
By signing below, Resident and HABC agree that as of the date the Lease was signed, or with
the addition or removal of the person(s) identified in Part 1 above, if applicable, the following
persons represent the composition of Resident’s household approved by HABC and authorized
to reside in the Dwelling Unit on the date this document was signed by the parties:
Date of
to Resident
(Last 4 Digits)
Name of Head of Household Signature of Date
Name of Co-Head of Household Signature of Date
Name and Title of HABC Staff Signature of HABC Staff Date
This notification (the “Notice of Schedule of Charges for Maintenance and Repairs”) is
Attachment 2 to the dwelling lease agreement (the “Lease”) between the Housing
Authority of Baltimore City (“HABC”) as Landlord, and the person(s) who signed below as
Resident (individually and jointly referred to as “Resident”), for the dwelling unit identified in
the Lease (the “Dwelling Unit”). In accordance with the terms of the Lease, this Notice of
Schedule of Charges for Maintenance and Repairs is incorporated in, and made a part of,
the Lease.
You (Resident) are required by your Lease to pay reasonable charges for the repair of
damage (other than for ordinary wear and tear) to your Dwelling Unit, development
buildings, facilities, common areas, or Premises caused by you, a member of your
household, a guest or any other person under your control, in accordance with a schedule
of charges established by HABC.
For these purposes, repair of damages also includes but is not limited to: (1) HABC’s
removal of any item placed, affixed or installed by you in any part of your dwelling unit or
on any part of the development or Premises either without the prior written approval of
HABC as required by this Lease, or not consistent with any written approval given to you
by HABC; (2) removing and installing locks due to resident caused acts in violation of the
lease or due to lost or misplaced keys; and (3) other expenses HABC may incur due to
your refusal to allow HABC access to the Dwelling Unit as provided in the Lease.
The cost for repairing such damages will be in accordance with a schedule of charges in
effect at the time of such damage, as posted in the HABC management and maintenance
offices. The schedule of charges, as may be amended by HABC from time to time, is
incorporated in your Lease as Attachment 2. The current schedule of charges in effect is
attached as Exhibit A to this document.
HABC will give you notice of any proposed charge before adding the charge to your
account and asking you to pay the amount. When you receive notice of such proposed
charge, you have a right to file a grievance in accordance with HABC’s Grievance Policy
in effect at the time, if you dispute the charge.
In accordance with the Lease, no charges will be assessed against any resident for
damages, which result in a police complaint, filed by a resident and for which the resident
was not responsible. Nor will charges be assessed for normal wear and tear of the
Dwelling Unit or the Premises.
By signing below, you acknowledge receipt of this Notice of Schedule of Charges for
Maintenance and Repairs and the charges for repairs of any damage for which you will
be held responsible under your Lease.
Signature Date Signature Date
Head of Household Co-Head of Household
Resident’s Responsibilities and Acknowledgments
(Effective December 1, 2009)
Max Force Roach Stations $ 1.10
*Full Entry Lock Replacement- Regular & 504 Locks $ 70.25 (Includes Labor)
(Including Knob/Lever System)
*Full Replacement of Deadbolt Lock System $ 45.25 (Includes Labor)
(Regular and 504 Locks)
*Full Replacement of Privacy Passage Lock System $ 42.75 (Includes Labor)
(Regular and 504 Locks)
*Re-key or Cylinder Change $ 18.13 (Includes Labor)
(Regular and 504 Locks)
Door Keys (set of two) $ 2.50
Mailbox Keys (set of two) $ 2.50
Paint (5-Gallon Bucket) Flat, Latex or Semi- Gloss $ $70-$80
Paint (1-Gallon Bucket), Semi-Gloss Only $ 8.25
Paint Roller (26-6838-5200) $ 3.50
Paint Roller Cover (26-1315-3070) $ 2.25
Paint Tray (26-8942-1900) $ 1.09
Paint Brush 2” Wide (24-3973-4005) $ 3.75
Paint Brush 3” Wide (24-3973-4010) $ 4.50
Sink Plunger 4” (30-2386-3475) Cup Force $ 4.95
Toilet Plunger 6” (30-2386-4022) Cup Force $ 6.50
Outdoor Trash Can and Lid (13-1884-4920) $ 11.95
(Offered only in developments without dumpsters)
Indoor Trash Can and Lid (Plastic step-on) $ 26.10
Window Shades $ 3.00 per shade
*Maintenance Mechanics will repair/replace all locks unless there is additional damage to
the door and/or frame. In that instance a Carpenter will complete the repairs/replacement
to the locks and/or door.
EXHIBIT A (Continued)
(Effective December 1, 2009)
All maintenance charges are for repairs and services resulting from willful damage or neglect.
There are no maintenance charges due to fair wear and tear. The Housing Authority of Baltimore
City does not impose any penalties or fines on its residents. Charges to the residents imposed for
repair/replacement of goods and materials and labor costs are the actual costs incurred by the
Carpentry $45.00/Hour
Electrician $64.00/Hour
HVAC/Plumbing $61.00/Hour
Janitorial Services $18.79/Hour
Maintenance Mechanic $24.49/Hour
Mechanical $60.00/Hour
Painter $45.00/Hour
Plasterer $45.00/Hour
0 to 15 MINUTES HABC Will Charge for 15 Minutes
16 TO 30 MINUTES HABC Will Charge for 30 Minutes
31 MINUTES TO 45 MINUTES HABC Will Charge for 45 Minutes
46 MINUTES TO 1-HOUR HABC Will Charge for 1 HOUR
The services listed below cannot be requested. If deemed necessary for safety reasons residents
will be given notice and the opportunity to perform the service or services. If the resident fails to
perform the tasks outlined and staff, to abate the safety hazard, performs the service a charge for
labor will be posted to the resident’s account. Please note HABC will cut the grass, free of
charge, for an elderly and/or physically disabled resident upon request.
Clean gas or electric range (appliance to be removed from unit)
Clean refrigerator (appliance to be removed from unit)
Clean resident’s hallway/balcony area
Clean resident’s tile area
Clean resident’s lawn area
Cut resident’s lawn
EXHIBIT A (Continued)
(Effective December 1, 2009)
For the following list of items repaired or replaced by Maintenance, the Resident will be
charged the actual cost of materials to HABC if repaired or replaced due to abuse or neglect The
prices listed are for guidance purposes and reflect the current rates as of the issuance of this
Schedule of Charges.
Cabinets (Counter tops and Doors)
Refrigerators ($359 GE Frost-Free or actual cost) Sink
& Fixtures
Miscellaneous (Exhaust fan)
Gas & Electric Ranges: (Prices may vary between Scattered Sites Properties and Conventional
Public Housing)
Scattered Sites:
20” Gas Actual cost to HABC ($249)
24” Gas Actual cost to HABC ($279)
30” Gas Actual cost to HABC ($449)
Conventional Public Housing:
20” Gas Actual cost to HABC ($256.38)
24” Gas Actual cost to HABC ($281.61)
30” Gas Actual cost to HABC ($270.39)
20” Electric Actual cost to HABC ($260.10) 30”
Electric Actual cost to HABC ($246.39)
UFAS/504 Stoves
30” Gas – Actual Cost to HABC ($516) 30”
Electric Actual Cost to HABC ($594)
30” Self-Cleaning Actual Cost to HABC ($725)
BATHROOM (Price includes Labor)
Face Basin
Medicine Cabinet
Medicine Cabinet Clips
Sink (Replacement of sink legs)
Soap Tray
Toilet Bowl
Toilet Seat
Toilet Tank Replacement
EXHIBIT A (Continued)
(Effective December 1, 2009)
For the following list of items repaired or replaced by Maintenance, the Resident will be
charged the actual cost of materials to HABC if repaired or replaced due to abuse or neglect The
prices listed are for guidance purposes and reflect the current rates as of the issuance of this
Schedule of Charges.
Toilet Tissue Holder
Toothbrush Holder
Towel Bar
BEDROOM (Price includes Labor)
Closet Pole and Bracket $10.00
Tile, Cement, Laminate or Wood
Door Jambs
Door Knockers
Interior/Exterior Doors
Store Front Windows (balcony doors) Handrail
Handrail Brackets
Mailbox Door Mail
Repair/Replace Detector
Cable wires (removal by HABC only after notice to resident) Actual Cost to HABC
Air conditioners (removal by HABC only after notice to resident) Actual Cost to HABC
Actual labor and materials costs to HABC if repair/replacement is caused by resident
If appropriate, HABC will pay the governmental entity to abate the fine or citation and charge
the resident’s account the amount submitted.
This grievance policy and procedures (the “Grievance Policy”) is established to ensure that
residents are afforded an opportunity for a fair hearing if the resident disputes any Housing
Authority of Baltimore City (HABC) action or failure to act involving the resident's lease or
HABC actions, which adversely affects the individual resident's welfare, rights, duties or status.
Tenancy shall not terminate until such time as the grievance process has been completed. This
Grievance Policy shall be incorporated by reference into the dwelling lease and made an
attachment to the lease.
This Grievance Policy applies to the privately owned/managed sites that do not have separate
admissions and continued occupancy policies, which include a grievance policy.
Maryland law affords residents the opportunity for a court hearing that provides the basic
elements of due process (as defined below) before eviction from the dwelling unit. Therefore,
this Grievance Policy shall be applicable to only the individual grievances defined in Section
III.F below. The following are not subject to this Grievance Policy:
A. Refusal to pay rent when due, unless the amount of rent charged is in dispute;
B. Disputes between residents not involving management;
C. Class grievances;
D. Any criminal activity that threatens the health, safety or the right to peaceful
enjoyment of the premises of other residents or employees of HABC;
E. Any violent or drug related criminal activity on or off the premises;
F. Any criminal activity that resulted in felony conviction of a household
member; or
G. Any lease termination due to the occupancy of a person subject to a sex
offender lifetime registration requirement.
A. Class Grievance: Any grievance in which the decision on an individual
grievance would be, as a practical matter, dispositive of the interests of other
B. Complainant: Any resident, as defined in paragraph H below, who presents to
the management office a grievance in accordance with the procedures set forth
C. Drug: A controlled substance as defined in section 102 of the Controlled
Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802).
D. Drug Related Criminal Activity: The illegal manufacture, sale, distribution, or
use of a drug, or the possession of a drug with intent to manufacture, sell,
distribute or use the drug.
E. Elements of Due Process: An eviction action or termination of tenancy in a
state or local court in which the following procedural safeguards are required:
1. Adequate notice to the resident of the grounds for terminating the
tenancy and for eviction;
2. Right of the resident to be represented by counsel;
3. Opportunity for the resident to refute the evidence presented by HABC,
including the right to confront and cross-examine witnesses and to
present any affirmative legal or equitable defense which the resident
may have;
4. A decision based upon the facts presented at the hearing.
F. Grievance: Any dispute that a resident may have with respect to the
management's (HABC) action or failure to act in accordance with the
individual resident's lease or management procedures, which adversely affects
the individual resident's rights, duties, welfare or status, including any dispute
about the amount of rent that is charged. For the purpose of the lease and the
grievance procedures, the definition of "grievance" does not include the issues
set forth in Sections II.A through II.G above.
G. Premises: The building or complex or development in which a public or
assisted housing dwelling unit is located, including common areas and
H. Resident: The adult person (or persons, other than a live-in aide, as defined in
the lease): (1) who resides in the unit, and who executed the lease with HABC
as lessee of the dwelling unit, or, if no such person now resides in the unit, (2)
who resides in the unit and is identified in the lease as a household member,
and is the remaining head of household of the resident family residing in the
dwelling unit.
I. Reasonable Accommodation: A modification or change in HABC’s rules,
policies, practices or services that will provide the opportunity to participate in
HABC’s programs and services and/or to meet HABC’s essential requirements
of tenancy made for an otherwise eligible individual with a disability.
J. Violent Criminal Activity: Any criminal activity that has as one of its elements
the use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force substantial enough
to cause, or be reasonably likely to cause, serious bodily injury or property
As much as possible should be left to the mutual efforts of management and the resident, with
both parties attempting to resolve all complaints as quickly and justly as possible. However,
the resident may present a grievance for any complaint which cannot be resolved by such
methods, and the following procedure will apply:
A. The resident shall, either orally or in writing, present a description of the
grievance to the management office within ten (10) working days after the
HABC action or failure to act, giving rise to the grievance, so that the grievance
may be discussed informally and settled without a formal hearing. (The form
attached as Exhibit A may be used for this purpose.)
B. The resident shall be given a receipt by management upon presentation of the
grievance, stating the date of filing and the nature of his/her grievance, and a
copy will be retained in the management resident file. (The receipt shall be in
the form attached as Exhibit B.)
C. The asset manager, in concert with the resident, will establish a mutually
agreeable date, time and place for the informal discussion of the grievance.
D. The asset manager shall mail to the resident within five (5) working days after
the meeting, a summary of the informal discussion and his/her decision
regarding the proposed disposition of the complaint and the specific reason
therefor. The summary shall specify the procedures by which a hearing may
be obtained if the resident is not satisfied with the decision. A copy of the form
attached as Exhibit C shall be enclosed with the summary which is to be used
by the resident to request a formal grievance hearing.
E. The resident may request a formal grievance hearing as described in Section V
A. Request for Hearing: If the resident is not satisfied with the results of the
informal discussion of grievance and desires a formal grievance hearing, the
resident must submit a written request for a hearing to the management office,
no later than ten (10) working days after the date resident receives the
Summary of Discussion, pursuant to Section IV above. The written request
shall specify:
1. The reasons for the grievance.
2. The action or relief the resident is requesting.
(The form for this purpose, Exhibit C, may be obtained from the Management Office.)
B. Prerequisite For Obtaining Formal Hearing: All grievances shall be presented
either orally or in writing pursuant to the informal procedures described in
Section IV above as a condition precedent to a hearing. A resident may request
a waiver of this requirement. However, the resident bears the burden of
establishing good cause for failing to comply with the prerequisite condition.
For purposes of this section, good cause includes, but is not limited to: (a) a
verifiable medical condition that prevented the resident from requesting an
informal hearing; (b) a documented absence from the unit which prevented the
resident from receiving a notice of adverse action; (c) a verifiable disability
that prevented the resident from understanding or being aware of the adverse
action that the resident disagrees with; or (d) documentation that management
did not schedule an informal discussion, and such failure was not due to lack
of cooperation by the resident. To request such a waiver, the resident shall
follow the following procedure:
1. The resident shall complete and submit to the management office a
request for a waiver, which shall be in the form attached as Exhibit D.
2. A hearing panel will be convened.
3. The resident shall appear before the hearing panel to show why he or
she failed to proceed in accordance with Section IV above.
4. If the hearing panel decides the resident has shown good cause for his
or her failure to proceed in accordance with Section IV above, the
hearing panel may waive the requirements of Section IV.
5. The resident will be notified in writing of the decision of the hearing
panel on the resident’s waiver request. If the hearing panel grants such
a waiver, it shall immediately set a date for a hearing on the resident’s
grievance, and the resident will be notified in writing of the hearing date.
Failure to request a hearing shall not constitute a waiver by the resident of his or her right
thereafter to contest management's action in disposing of the complaint in an appropriate
judicial proceeding.
C. Failure to Make a Timely Request for a Hearing: If the resident does not make
a request for a hearing within ten (10) working days after receipt of Summary
of Discussion, management's disposition of the grievance shall become final.
The resident may request a waiver of this ten (10) working days requirement. However, the
resident bears the burden of establishing good cause for failing to proceed in accordance with
this requirement. For purposes of this section, good cause includes, but is not limited to: (a) a
verifiable medical condition that prevented the Resident from proceeding within the ten (10)
working day period; (b) a documented absence from the unit which prevented the resident
from receiving the summary of the informal discussion of grievance; or (c) a verifiable
disability that prevented the resident from understanding or being aware of the summary of
informal discussion of grievance. To request a waiver, the resident shall follow this
1. Within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of Summary of Discussion,
the resident shall submit to the Management Office a request for waiver
of this ten (10) working days requirement.
2. A hearing panel will be convened.
3. The resident shall appear before the hearing panel to show why he or
she failed to proceed within the given ten (10) working days period.
4. If the hearing panel decides the resident has shown good cause for his
or her failure to proceed within the ten (10) working days period, the
hearing panel may waive the ten (10) working days requirement.
5. The resident will be notified in writing of the decision of the hearing
panel on the resident’s waiver request. If the hearing panel grants such
a waiver, it shall immediately set a date for a hearing on the resident’s
grievance, and the resident will be notified in writing of the hearing date.
Failure to request a hearing shall not constitute a waiver by the resident of his or her right
thereafter to contest management's action in disposing of the complaint in an appropriate
judicial proceeding.
D. Escrow Deposit: In any grievance involving the amount of rent or any part
thereof, as defined in the lease, which management claims is due under the
lease, and which has not been paid, the resident shall pay to management at the
time the resident files his or her request for a formal hearing under Section V.
A above, an amount equal to the amount of rent due and payable as of the first
of the month preceding the month in which the act or failure to act took place.
The resident shall thereafter pay the same amount of the monthly rent to the
management office, and the management office shall deposit the monies in an
escrow account until the complaint is resolved by decision of the hearing panel.
Following this decision, any amount due the resident from the escrow deposits
shall be returned in full to him or her within thirty (30) calendar days. These
requirements for escrow deposit must be waived by management:
1. In the event management determines, upon request by the resident, that
the resident is unable to pay the escrow deposit because of a financial
hardship exemption from the minimum rent requirements in accordance
with the lease, or
2. For the portion of the resident’s rent attributable to the imputed welfare
Unless so waived, the failure to make such payments shall result in a termination of the
grievance procedure, provided that failure to make payment shall not constitute a waiver of any
right the resident may have to contest management's disposition of his or her grievance in an
appropriate judicial proceeding.
E. Scheduling of Hearings: Upon the resident’s compliance with all applicable
procedures or waiver pursuant to Section V above, the asset manager shall,
within five (5) working days, forward the resident’s request for a grievance
hearing to the hearing panel secretary. The secretary will immediately notify
the members of the hearing panel of the resident’s request for a formal hearing
and shall promptly schedule a hearing within forty-five (45) calendar days at a
time mutually convenient for the panel, the resident and management. A
written notification shall be delivered by hand or by regular mail, specifying
the time, the place and the procedures governing the hearing, to the hearing
panel members, the resident and the appropriate management official.
A. The grievance shall be presented before a permanent hearing panel consisting
of five (5) voting persons and a secretary who will be provided by
B. The Policy Committee of the Resident Advisory Board (RAB) will select two
(2) permanent panel members; management will select two (2) panel members for each
grievance hearing; and one impartial member will be selected on a rotating basis from a list of
names previously compiled by agreement between management and the Policy Committee of
RAB. No one on the list may be an officer, employee or resident of HABC.
C. The Policy Committee of RAB will select two (2) alternate panel members,
who will serve on the panel if a permanent RAB member cannot be contacted,
is unable to attend the hearing or is unable to serve.
D. No relatives of the resident shall serve on the hearing panel.
E. No person from the resident’s development shall serve on the hearing panel.
F. No person whose duties or responsibilities are involved in any way with the
grievance at issue shall serve on the hearing panel.
G. The term for the permanent hearing panel members and alternates selected by
RAB will be for one year, beginning January 1 of each year. If a permanent
RAB member leaves before the end of his or her term, the position will be filled
by an alternate and a new alternate will be selected. Members may be
reappointed for subsequent terms. The list from which the impartial member
is selected will also be drawn up on an annual basis, effective January 1 of each
A. The hearing shall be held before the hearing panel selected pursuant to Section
VI above. The full panel or three members shall constitute a quorum for the
hearing of a grievance if one member chosen by the Policy Committee of RAB,
one member chosen by management, and the impartial member are present.
B. The impartial member shall act as moderator at the hearing. His or her
responsibilities will include coordinating all activities associated with the
hearing, such as calling witnesses and maintaining order, and generally
ensuring that the hearing is conducted in a fair and orderly manner.
C. The resident shall be afforded a fair hearing providing the basic safeguards of
due process, which shall include:
1. The opportunity to examine before the hearing any HABC documents
and to copy all documents and records that management intends to rely
upon at the hearing. Any document relevant to the hearing that
management does not make available to resident after request by
resident may not be relied on by management at the hearing. The
copying of documents that management intends to use at the hearing
shall be done at the expense of management. All other documents shall
be copied at the expense of the resident.
2. The right to be represented by counsel or another person chosen by the
resident as his or her representative, at the resident’s expense.
3. The right to a private hearing (which includes only panel members, the
resident, the asset manager, the hearing panel secretary, the resident’s
counsel or representative and witnesses) unless the resident requests a
public hearing.
4. The right to present evidence and arguments in support of his or her
complaint, to controvert evidence relied on by management, and to
confront and cross examine all witnesses upon whose testimony or
information management relies.
5. The right to a decision based solely and exclusively upon the facts
presented at the hearing.
6. The hearing panel shall hear each case and judge it on its own merit.
D. Management and resident shall exchange lists of witnesses that each intends to
call upon at the hearing.
E. If the resident or management fails to appear at a scheduled hearing, the hearing
panel may make a determination to postpone the hearing, or may make a
determination that the party has waived the right to a hearing. Both the resident
and management shall be notified of the determination by the hearing panel,
provided that a determination that the resident has waived the right to a hearing
shall not constitute a waiver of any right the resident may have to contest
disposition of the grievance by management in an appropriate judicial
F. At the hearing, the resident must first make a showing of an entitlement to the
relief sought and thereafter management must sustain the burden of justifying
management's action or failure to act against which the complaint is directed.
G. The hearing shall be conducted informally by the hearing panel, and oral or
documentary evidence pertinent to the facts and issues raised by the complaint
may be received without regard to admissibility under the rules of evidence
applicable to judicial proceedings. The moderator shall require management,
the resident, counsel and other participants or spectators to conduct themselves
in an orderly fashion. Failure to comply with the directions of the moderator
to obtain order may result in exclusion from the proceedings.
H. The resident or management may arrange, in advance and at the expense of the
party making the arrangement, for a transcript of the hearing. Any interested
party may purchase a copy of such transcript.
A. The hearing panel shall prepare a written decision, together with the reasons
therefor, within ten (10) working days after the hearing. A copy of this decision
shall be sent to the resident, the Assistant Chief of Conventional Public
Housing or the Assistant Chief of Private Management, whichever is
applicable, and the appropriate management office. Management shall retain
a copy of the decision in the resident's folder.
B. If the grievance is in reference to monies due to HABC, and the hearing panel
rules in favor of management, a written agreement may be made between the
resident and the appropriate asset manager for payment. The asset manager
shall take into consideration any recommendations made by the hearing panel
as to the amount and the scheduling of payments.
C. The decision of the hearing panel shall be binding on management, which shall
take all action, or refrain from any action, necessary to carry out the decision
unless the HABC Board of Commissioners determines within a reasonable
time (30 calendar days) and promptly notifies the resident of its determination
1. The grievance does not concern management's action or failure to act in
accordance with or involving the resident’s lease or management rules,
which adversely affect the resident’s rights, duties, welfare or status.
2. The decision of the hearing panel is contrary to applicable federal, state
or local law, the MTW Agreement, or HUD regulations or the
requirements of the Annual Contributions Contract between HUD and
D. A decision by the hearing panel or the HABC Board of Commissioners in favor
of management or which denies the relief requested by the resident in whole or
in part shall not constitute a waiver of, nor affect in any manner whatsoever,
any rights the resident may have to a trial or judicial review in any judicial
proceedings, which may thereafter be brought in the matter.
If a resident has requested a hearing in accordance with the procedure under Section V, on a
complaint involving a management notice of termination of the tenancy, and the hearing panel
upholds management's action to terminate the tenancy, management shall not commence an
eviction action in a state or local court until it has served a Notice to Vacate on the resident.
In no event shall a Notice to Vacate be issued prior to the decision of the hearing panel having
been delivered by hand or by regular mail service to the resident. Such Notice to Vacate must
be in writing and specify that if the resident fails to quit the premises within the applicable
statutory period, or by the termination date stated in the notice of termination, whichever is
later, appropriate action for eviction will be brought against him/her and he/she may be required
to pay court costs and attorney's fees.
Upon written notification submitted by the resident of a request for a reasonable
accommodation as part of an informal discussion of grievance, or a formal grievance hearing,
HABC will provide reasonable and accessible accommodations for residents with qualified
disabilities and communication that is as effective as that provided to individuals without
disabilities. Moreover, HABC shall take appropriate steps to ensure that communications
with residents with disabilities are as effective as communications with others, which may
include, but not be limited to, enlarged print, a signer (sign language interpreter), audio
communication, Braille, or a reader.
In computing time periods referred to in this procedure, Saturdays, Sundays and federal, state
or HABC legal holidays occurring on weekdays shall not be included in determining working
I understand that I can bring documents, witnesses and other persons that I think
will be helpful to me at the informal discussion of my grievance with HABC. I also
understand that I have a right to bring a lawyer or representative to the informal
discussion of my grievance at my own expense.
Resident’s Signature: Date:
Asset Management Staff Name and Signature
Received by:
**** NOTICE ****
If you are a person with a disability and are unable to comply with the contents
of this document, you have the right to ask HABC to make a reasonable
accommodation for you. To make such a request, please contact your Asset
Manager at 443-984-1867 or Maryland Relay at 410-547-9247.
On [Date] at [Time], the undersigned Asset Management
Staff received the attached Resident Grievance and Request for Informal Discussion of
Grievance from, or on behalf of, the above-named person (“Resident”).
Resident will be notified of the date and time of the informal discussion.
Resident may bring documents, witnesses and other persons that Resident thinks will be
helpful to Resident at the informal discussion of Resident’s grievance with HABC.
Resident also has the right to bring a lawyer or representative to the informal discussion of
the grievance at Resident’s own expense.
Signature of Resident (or Representative) Date
Signature of Asset Management Staff Date
Printed Name and Title of Asset Management Staff
**** NOTICE ****
If you are a person with a disability and are unable to comply with the contents
of this document, you have the right to ask HABC to make a reasonable
accommodation for you. To make such a request, please contact your Asset
Manager at 443-984-1867 or Maryland Relay at 410-547-9247.
Statement Of Formal Grievance Hearing Request
I have received the summary of the discussion we had on , regarding
my grievance concerning:
Your decision in this matter is not satisfactory, and I therefore request a formal grievance
hearing in accordance the Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC) grievance policy
and procedures.
Action Or Relief You Are Requesting
I understand that I can bring documents, witnesses and other persons that I think
will be helpful to me at the formal grievance hearing. I also understand that I have a
right to bring a lawyer or representative to the formal grievance hearing at my own
Resident’s Signature: Date:
Asset Management Staff Name and Signature
Received by:
Signature: Date:
**** NOTICE ****
If you are a person with a disability and are unable to comply with the contents
of this document, you have the right to ask HABC to make a reasonable
accommodation for you. To make such a request, please contact your Asset
Manager at 443-984-1867 or Maryland Relay at 410-547-9247.
It is the Resident’s responsibility to demonstrate good cause as to why the Resident did not
comply with the required procedures set forth in the Housing Authority of Baltimore City
(HABC) Grievance Policy for obtaining a formal grievance hearing.
Good cause for why the required informal discussion of grievance was not conducted,
includes, but is not limited to:
1) A verifiable medical condition that prevented the Resident from requesting an
informal hearing;
2) A documented absence from the unit which prevented the Resident from
receiving a notice of adverse action;
3) A disability that prevented the Resident from understanding or being aware of
the adverse action that Resident disagrees with;
4) Documentation that the Asset Manager did not schedule an informal
discussion, and such failure was not due to lack of cooperation by the
Good cause for why the Resident did not request a formal grievance hearing within ten
(10) working days after the summary of the informal discussion of grievance as required
includes, but is not limited to:
1) A verifiable medical condition that prevented the Resident from requesting a
formal hearing within the ten (10) working days after receiving the Summary
of the Informal Discussion of Grievance.
2) A documented absence from the unit which prevented the Resident from
receiving the summary of the informal discussion of grievance; or
3) A verifiable disability that prevented the Resident from understanding or being
aware of the summary of informal discussion of grievance.
You may bring documents, witnesses and other persons that you think will be helpful
to you at any hearing or discussion with you to consider your Request for Grievance
Waiver Hearing, and to a formal hearing on your grievance if your request for waiver
is granted. You further have the right to bring a lawyer or representative to such
hearing or discussion at your own expense.
Resident’s Signature: Date:
Asset Management Staff Name and Signature
Received by:
Signature: Date:
Page -1- of -2-
**** NOTICE ****
If you are a person with a disability and are unable to comply with the contents
of this document, you have the right to ask HABC to make a reasonable
accommodation for you. To make such a request, please contact your Asset
Manager at 443-984-1867 or Maryland Relay at 410-547-9247.
Request for Grievance Waiver Hearing Request And Verification
I am requesting a grievance waiver hearing for the following reason(s):
I have attached the following documents to verify the information I have provided above:
Statement Of Formal Grievance Hearing Request
I am requesting a formal grievance hearing on my grievance of the following action or
failure to act by Management:
Action Or Relief You Are Requesting
I am requesting the following action or relief:
Resident’s Signature: Date:
Asset Management Staff Name and Signature
Received by:
Signature: Date:
Page -2- of -2-
**** NOTICE ****
Review Page 1 above for a notification of your rights and responsibilities
regarding your Request for Grievance Waiver Hearing.
EXHIBIT D Continued
Revised 11/2017
Lead Warning Statement
Housing built before 1978 may contain lead-based paint. Lead from paint, paint chips and dust can pose
health hazards if not managed properly. Lead exposure is especially harmful to young children and
pregnant women. Before renting pre-1978 housing, landlords must disclose the presence of known lead-
based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the dwelling. Residents must also receive a federally
approved pamphlet on lead poisoning prevention.
HABC’s (Landlord) Disclosure
(a) Presence of lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards:
(i) Known lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards are present in the housing
(ii) Landlord has no knowledge of lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the
(b) Records and reports available to the Landlord:
(i) Landlord has provided the Resident with all available records and reports pertaining
to lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the housing (list documents
(ii) Landlord has no reports or records pertaining to lead-based paint and/or lead- based
paint hazards in the housing.
Resident’s Acknowledgment (initial)
(c) Resident has received copies of all information listed above.
(d) Resident has received the pamphlet Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home.
(e) Resident has received the Maryland Department of Environment’s Notice of Tenant’s
Agent’s Acknowledgment (initial)
(f) Agent has informed the lessor of the lessor’s obligations under 42 U.S.C. 4852(d) and is
[Insert Development Name]
Revised 11/2017
aware of his/her responsibility to ensure compliance.
Certification of Accuracy
The following parties have reviewed the information above and certify to the best of their knowledge, that
the information they have provided is true and accurate.
Landlord (By Asset Manager) Date
Resident (Head of Household) Date
Resident (Co-Head of Household) Date
This Pet Policy for Family Developments (“Pet Policy”) sets forth the requirements of the Housing Authority of
Baltimore City (“HABC”) in permitting ownership of certain pets by residents (“Residents”) of public housing
family developments. Residents must submit an application for a Pet, and if approved, must pay the pet security
deposit as provided in this Pet Policy before maintaining a pet in their dwelling unit or the Premises (as the term
Premises is defined below).
The Pet Policy applies to all Residents, household members, guests and any other person under the Resident’s
control, of public housing family developments. The Pet Policy, as it may be amended by HABC, shall be
incorporated into and made a part of the Resident’s lease, as an attachment to the lease.
Exclusion From Applicability. This Pet Policy does not apply to animals that assist, support, or provide service
to persons with disabilities. HABC shall not apply nor enforce this Pet Policy against animals that are necessary
as a reasonable accommodation to assist, support, or provide service to persons with disabilities. This exclusion
applies to such animals that reside in public housing, as such term is defined herein, and such animals that visit
public housing developments.
Revised 11/2017
1. The term Managementmeans HABC Housing Operations or its designee, which is the
Asset Manager of Resident’s development and his/her designee.
2. (a)
The term Pet is defined as a domesticated small animal limited to dogs, cats, gerbils,
hamsters, guinea pigs, small birds such as parakeets, canaries, finches, cockatoos, and parrots,
and fish, lizards and amphibians within the size and weight limitations established in this
The following animals are excluded from the definition of Pet and are expressly
prohibited from being kept, owned or harbored in, on or about the Dwelling Unit or
Premises (as the term Premises is defined below) by any Resident or any member of the
Resident’s household, guest, or any other person under the Resident’s control:
Wolves and part wolves, and dogs that are known to exceed thirty-five (35)
pounds at maturity, including, but not limited to, Afghan Hounds, Great
Danes, Collies, Retrievers (Golden, Labrador), Pointers, Irish Setters,
Dalmatians, Boxers, Doberman Pinschers, German Shepherds, Rottweilers,
Pit Bulls, Bull Terriers, Giant Schnauzers, and Siberian Huskies;
Any animal maintained or utilized for breeding, fighting, or sale, or as a
guard dog; and
Any animal prohibited under any applicable Federal, state or local law from
being kept in a residence.
Revised 11/2017
The term Pet” is categorized as follows:
Smaller Pet means Pets that must be kept in a cage or tank at all times, such
as gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs, birds, lizards, amphibians and fish within
the size and weight limitations established in this Policy.
Larger Pet means dogs and cats, within the size and weight limitations
established in this Policy.
3. The term Premises” means the building, complex or development in which the Resident’s
Dwelling Unit is located. Any conduct prohibited on the Premises under the Pet Policy is
prohibited on or in any other HABC-owned or assisted property.
4. The term public housingis defined as housing assisted under the Housing Act of 1937,
other than Housing Choice Voucher Program (“Section 8”). Public housing includes dwelling
units in a mixed finance development that are assisted by HABC with capital or operating
assistance, but does not include public housing developments for the elderly or persons with
1. Number Limitations - No more than: (a) one Larger Pet (dog or cat), and/or (b) one cage
holding no more than two Smaller Pets, or one 20-gallon fish tank may be kept in a Dwelling
Unit. Heads of household shall be responsible for each and every Pet. The Resident must
maintain the Pet responsibly and in accordance with applicable state and local public health,
animal control, and animal anti-cruelty laws and regulations.
2. Size of Pet - Dogs or cats (Larger Pets) shall weigh no more than thirty-five (35) pounds at
maturity. Fish, amphibians and lizards must be housed humanely within a single bowl or steel
framed glass fish tank having a capacity of not more than twenty (20) gallons. Birds can be no
larger than one (1) pound. Other Smaller Pets such as gerbils, hamsters and guinea pigs must
be no larger than two (2) pounds.
3. Resident’s Capacity to Care for Pets - A Pet owner must be physically and mentally capable
of taking care of the Pet. Further, Pet owners must be able to provide food and medical care
for their Pets.
4. Pet Security Deposit - A refundable Pet security deposit of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be
required for Larger Pets. The Pet security deposit may be paid over a consecutive three (3)
month period, and will be held by HABC in the manner required for applicable security
deposits under Maryland law.
Upon move-out or Pet removal the cost to de-flea, deodorize, and clean the carpet and/or floor tile will be deducted
from the Pet security deposit if deemed necessary by Management. The Dwelling Unit will be inspected and the
remainder of the Pet security deposit, if any, will be refunded as required by law, if the Dwelling Unit is free of
damage. The move-out inspection will be performed by the Resident and Management.
The Pet security deposit may only be applied to damages caused by the Pet or to HABC’s cost to remove the Pet
if the Resident vacates his or her unit without removing the Pet.
Revised 11/2017
5. Hold Harmless - A Pet is the sole responsibility of the Resident. HABC, its employees,
contractors, agents and staff are in no way responsible for any actions, injuries, claims or
damages caused by the Resident’s Pet.
6. Vaccinations Every Pet, if required by law, must wear a current City Animal license and
be vaccinated. Resident must submit the pet license to the Management Office together with
his or her application for Pet registration. A copy of the Pet’s (dog or cat) current inoculation
and treatment is to be furnished and verified annually by a licensed veterinarian which must
indicate dates of most recent shots and treatment against disease and parasites as follows:
Dogs rabies, parvo-virus, para-influenza, distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis
(D.H.L.), hookworm, heartworm, roundworm, tapeworm, and other internal and
external parasites, fleas, ticks and other diseases of the skin including eczemas.
Cats rabies, rhinotracheitis, calici virus, pnemonitis, tapeworms, hookworms,
heartworms, and other internal and external parasites, fleas, lice, and ticks.
7. Spaying and Neutering Female cats and dogs over six months of age must be spayed and
male cats and dogs over eight months must be neutered unless the Resident submits to HABC
a licensed veterinarians written certification giving medical reasons why spaying or neutering
is detrimental to the pet’s health.
8. Breeding, Fighting, Sale Prohibited - Residents shall not breed any dog, cat or other animal,
or maintain an animal in a manner in which breeding is the intended result, on or in connection
with any HABC Property. "Breeding" is defined as activity to cause the production of
offspring for the purpose of sale or other remuneration. Residents shall not engage in animal
fighting on or in connection with any HABC property. Any Resident who engages in animal
breeding or animal fights or the sale of animals is subject to lease termination. A Resident
who no longer wishes to keep his or her Pet and sells the Pet as a method of removing the Pet
from his or her Unit is not considered to have engaged in the prohibited sale of animals.
9. Housekeeping/Pet Hygiene In addition to the Resident’s housekeeping requirements
expressed elsewhere in the Lease:
The Resident must maintain the Dwelling Unit free of Pet odors and in a clean and
sanitary condition;
Dogs are not to be caged. Dogs may be kept in humane dog crates for transporting
the dog.
Dogs must be able to eliminate waste outside the Dwelling Unit. The Resident must
scoop the dog waste and place it in a plastic bag securely before placing the plastic
bag in a heavy plastic trash bag, which is tied and disposed of in an approved trash
Cats must be litter box trained. Litter boxes must be changed a minimum of once a
week and scooped once a day. Cat litter is to be bagged securely in a heavy plastic
trash bag, which is tied and disposed of in an approved trash receptacle.
Revised 11/2017
Birds must be maintained in a cage at all times, and never allowed to fly free within
the Dwelling Unit.
Other Smaller Pets such as gerbils, hamsters and guinea pigs must also be maintained
in a cage at all times, and not allowed to wander about the Dwelling Unit or
Dog and cat bedding and the Dwelling Unit are to be kept free of, and treated
regularly against, infestations by fleas, ticks, lice, pet worms, mites, bedbugs, and
other parasites and vermin. If infestation of any such parasites or vermin occurs,
Management shall have the right to eradicate in all affected areas at Pet owner’s
Residents must control noise and odor caused by their Pets.
Residents shall not leave exposed pet food and dirty pet food dishes in their units or
on the Premises.
10. Pet Control in Public Area Dogs must be on a leash outside of the Dwelling Unit and in
all public areas. Under no circumstances may any Pet of any kind be taken into, or permitted
to be in, the recreation/community rooms, or any other common area.
11. Waste Control Pet owners shall be responsible for immediate cleanup of Pet feces in
accordance with applicable law. Resident must ensure that his/her yard is kept clear of Pet
feces. Resident will not place any animal fecal waste, cat litter, etc., or other articles in any
sink, bathtub, toilet, or on the grounds. Residents must place all Pet waste in a heavy plastic
trash bag, tied and disposed of in an approved trash receptacle. If a toilet has to be unclogged
or a sink unstopped because of animal waste, cat litter, and/or stones from a fish bowl, the
Resident will pay all associated costs.
12. Nuisance/Endangerment of Persons If any Pet becomes a threat to: (a) the safety or quiet
and peaceful enjoyment of the Premises by any other Resident, his/her households and their
guests; (b) the safety of HABC employees, contractors, delivery persons or visitors to the
Premises or otherwise significantly interferes with the performance of their duties; or (c) if
such Pet causes damage to any part of the building or grounds or the furnishings and fixtures
thereof;, then, upon the written request of Management, Resident shall permanently remove
such Pet from the Premises within five (5) calendar days. In the case of a Pet biting a person,
the Pet must be immediately removed to an area for observation for a period designated by a
Health Officer and must then be examined by a licensed Veterinarian. Animal bites must also
be reported to the local Health Department and/or the Police. Refusal by the Pet owner to
abide by Management’s request for the removal of such Pet is a material lease violation that
may result in termination of the Resident’s lease. A directive from Management for the
removal of a Pet may be grieved by Resident as applicable under the HABC Grievance Policy.
13. Complaints/Problems Management will investigate complaints and/or reported problems
concerning a Pet. Management will notify the Pet owner in writing of the complaint and the
Resident will have twenty-four (24) hours to respond to a complaint that Management has
determined to be material. If the Manager verifies the complaint and the Pet is not
endangering other people, the Resident will be given the opportunity to address the issue that
gave rise to the complaint. If Management receives a second complaint, which is verified by
management, the Resident will be informed the Pet must be removed. However, the Resident
Revised 11/2017
may file a grievance. Failure to comply may result in termination of residency. If the complaint is of a nature
that requires HABC to immediately contact an officer or authorized agent of a humane society, or a police officer
or other public official required to protect animals, the above procedures will not apply and the complaint may
be addressed by such authorized entities or officials.
14. Resident’s Absence No Pet, other than fish in a fish tank, shall be left alone in any Dwelling
Unit for over twenty-four (24) hours. Any Resident who will be absent for twenty-four (24)
hours or longer for any reason must make arrangements for such Pet to be kept elsewhere
during his/her absence if no other adult resides in the Dwelling Unit under the lease.
15. Pet-sitting” Prohibited Residents are not permitted to “pet-sit” other people’s Pets or
animals. Residents shall not allow their guests or visitors to bring any animal prohibited under
this Pet Policy to their Dwelling Unit or the Premises.
16. Animal Rescue An officer or authorized agent of a humane society, or a police officer or
other public official required to protect animals who presents documentation to Management
of his or her authority to rescue or remove an animal will be provided access by HABC to
enter the Dwelling Unit to rescue the animal.
17. Responsibility for Pet in an Emergency The Resident shall complete Section III of the
Pet Application and submit it to Management Office. Section III of the Pet Application is an
agreement signed by one (1) person who is not a Resident of the Dwelling Unit who will
assume immediate responsibility for the Pet in case of an emergency or in case the Resident
becomes unable to provide proper care for the Pet. In addition, the Resident shall file with
the Management Office a document in the form provided by HABC authorizing Management
to have the Pet removed in the event that the Resident cannot care for the Pet, and the
responsible party cannot be reached or the responsible party refuses to provide proper care
for the Pet. Management will contact an appropriate authority for removal of the Pet in such
18. Fire Emergency When a fire alarm or smoke detector sounds, if the Resident is unable to
evacuate safely with the Pet, the Pet is to be placed in the bathroom and the door is to be
closed. If evacuation is necessary the fire department will be responsible for the evacuation
of Residents first, and then the Pet.
19. Subsequent Agreements Resident must notify Management upon Resident’s removal of a
Pet for which Resident paid a pet security deposit. Resident and Management will perform an
inspection of the apartment. The Pet security deposit will be used towards any damages and
the balance, if any, of the Pet security deposit will be returned to the Resident within forty-
five (45) days. If the Resident determines he/she wants a new Pet, Resident must submit a
new application for a Pet, and upon approval, the Pet must be registered with the Management
Office and a new Pet security deposit must be collected in accordance with the Pet Policy.
20. Resident’s Signature Residents will receive a copy of the Pet Policy as an attachment to
the Lease. At the time they sign their Lease, Residents must sign an acknowledgment of
receiving the Pet Policy, acknowledging notice and acceptance of the Pet Policy. Residents
who wish to maintain a Pet will have to meet all requirements listed in this Pet Policy,
complete and sign the “Application for Pets” form, and pay the pet security deposit prior to
keeping a Pet in their Dwelling Unit.
21. Modifications to Pet Policy - HABC reserves the right to rescind or change any of the
foregoing rules to make such rules and regulations as may be deemed necessary for the safety,
care and cleanliness of the Premises, and for the security, comfort and convenience of all
Residents. Any changes deemed necessary by HABC will be made in accordance with the
22. Incorporation of Pet Policy in Lease - This Pet Policy is made a part of the HABC Dwelling
Lease as an attachment to the Lease, and any violation of this Pet Policy, will be considered
a material breach of the Lease. If any Court declares a particular provision of this Pet Policy
to be invalid or unenforceable, all other terms of this Pet Policy shall remain in effect, and
both HABC and the Resident will continue to be bound by all such other terms of the Pet
Attachment: Application for a Pet
I/we, and , _
Head of Household Co-Head of Household
Resident(s) of , residing at
Name of Development Address
verify that I/we have received and reviewed the HABC Pet Policy and I/we understand and accept
the HABC Pet Policy
. I/we am/are also aware that the HABC Pet Policy is an
official part of
my/our Lease, and that I/we am/are to abide by all its terms, and that my/our failure to do so is a
material violation of my/our Lease.
Signature of Resident(s)
Head of Household Date
Co-Head of Household Date
Pet Description: Type: Sex:
Weight: Age: Name:
Color and Markings:
Spayed: Neutered:
City License No.: (Copy must be attached)
Date of Most Recent Vaccination(s):
Veterinarian’s Name:
Veterinarian’s Address:
Telephone Number:
Revised 11/2017
I, , (non-Resident) am a relative /friend (circle one) of
Name of Non-Resident
Resident(s) , and I reside at .
Name of Resident(s)/Applicant(s) Address of Non-Resident
By signing below, I (non-Resident) agree to remove the Pet from Resident’s unit and accept full
responsibility for the Pet identified in Sections I and II of this application in the event of an
emergency or if the Resident is unable to care for the Pet. I certify that the information in Section
III of this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Printed Name of Non-Resident:
Signature of Non-Resident:
Telephone Number of Non-Resident:
By signing below, I/we (Resident(s)/Applicant(s)) certify that the information in this application
is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge, and I/we agree that Management is authorized
to have the Pet removed in the event that I/we cannot care for the Pet and the non-Resident
identified above cannot be reached or is unable to remove or care for the Pet.
Printed Name(s) of Resident(s) /Applicant(s):
Signature(s) of Resident(s) / (Applicants(s)
Telephone Number of Resident(s) /Applicant(s):
Printed Name of Manager:
Signature of Manager: Date:
Telephone Number of Manager:
Revised 11/2017
HABC ACOP: Approved 3-28-18
Residents must comply with the community service and self-sufficiency requirement (CSSR), as required by
Community service is the performance of voluntary work or duties that are a public benefit, and that
serve to improve the quality of life, enhance resident self-sufficiency, or increase resident self-responsibility in
the community. Community service is not employment and may not include political activities. In administering
community service requirements, HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will comply with all
nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements.
An adult (meaning a person aged 18 or older) member of the household who qualifies as outlined
f a
t from the CSSR:
Blind or disabled, as defined under 216(i)(1) or 1614 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C.
Section 416(i)(1); Section 1382c), and who certify that, because of this disability, she or
he is unable to comply with the service provisions of this subpart, or is a primary caretaker
of such individual; or
Engaged in work activities. See Work Activities);
Individuals who have special circumstances which they believe will prevent them from completing the required
community service hours for a given month, must notify HABC or the privately owned/managed site in writing.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will review the request and notify the individual of its determination.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site may require those individuals to provide documentation to support
their claim.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will make the final determination as to whether to grant an
exemption from the community service requirement. If a resident does not agree with HABC’s or the privately
owned/managed site’s determination, the resident may dispute the decision through HABC’s or the privately
owned/managed site’s grievance procedures, whichever is applicable.
HABC ACOP: Approved 3-28-18
An individual may be exempt from the CSSR requirement because he/she is engaged in work activities. Thirty
(30) hours is the minimum number of hours for a work activity to be eligible for the exemption.
HABC ACOP: Approved 3-28-18
The person must be participating in an activity that meets one of the following definitions of “work activity” contained
in Section 407(d) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section 607(d)):
a. Unsubsidized employment;
b. Subsidized private-sector employment;
c. Subsidized public-sector employment;
d. Work experience (including work associated with the refurbishing of publicly assisted
housing) if sufficient private sector employment is not available;
e. On-the-job-training;
f. Job-search;
g. Community service programs;
h. Vocational educational training (not to exceed 12 months with respect to any individual);
i. Job-skills training directly related to employment;
j. Education directly related to employment in the case of a recipient who has not received a
high school diploma or a certificate of high school equivalency;
k. Satisfactory attendance at secondary school or in a course of study leading to a certificate
of general equivalency, in the case of a recipient who has not completed secondary school
or received such a certificate;
l. Able to meet requirements under a state program funded under part A of title IV of the
Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section 601 et seq.) or under any other welfare program in
Maryland, including a state-administered Welfare-to-Work program; or;
m. A member of a family receiving assistance, benefits, or services under a state program
funded under part A of title IV of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section 601 et seq.),
or under any other welfare program of Maryland, including a state-administered Welfare-
to-Work program, and has not been found by the state or other administering entity to be
in non-compliance with such a program.
Each non-exempt adult in a household must contribute and document 8 hours of
community service per month or participate in an economic self-sufficiency program for 8
hours per month.
HABC ACOP: Approved 3-28-18
The CSSRs may also be met by performing a combination of community service and
participation in an economic self-sufficiency program.
The CSSR activities may be completed at 8 hours each month or may be aggregated across
a year. Any blocking of hours is acceptable as long as 96 hours is completed annually.
CSSR activities must be performed within the City of Baltimore and not outside the
jurisdictional area of HABC. The exception to this rule would be adults who are enrolled
in full-time higher education or vocational training. Their hours of education would count
toward the requirement.
Political activity is excluded.
Work activity must not take the place of work performed by paid employees; however,
residents may do community service on HABC or the privately owned/managed site
property or with or through HABC or the privately owned/managed site programs to assist
or enhance work done by an HABC or the privately owned/managed site employee.
At lease execution and regular reexamination, each adult member (18 or older) of a
federally assisted housing resident household must sign an acknowledgement that he/she
has received and read the CSSR. Further the resident acknowledgement includes resident
understanding that failure to comply with the CSSR will result in lease nonrenewal.
Residents must provide notice to HABC or the privately owned/managed site of a change
in exempt status, (see status definitions here)
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will give each household a written description of the community
service requirements, the process for claiming status as an exempt person, and the process for HABC or the
privately owned/managed site to verify exempt status. To the greatest extent possible and practicable, HABC
and its asset managers and the privately owned/managed sites and their property managers will:
Provide names and contacts at agencies that can provide opportunities for residents,
including those with disabilities, to fulfill their CSSR; and
Provide referrals for volunteer work or self-sufficiency programs.
Additionally HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will:
Provide the household with recording/certification documentation forms and a copy of the
Community Service policy;
HABC ACOP: Approved 3-28-18
Determine exempt or non-exempt status regarding community service and notify the
household of the determination;
Review family compliance with CSSRs and will verify such compliance at least 90
calendar days before the end of the lease term.
Take appropriate action for failure to comply with the CSSR.
Follow HUD guidance on self-certifications of completion of the CSSR.
Community Service is volunteer work that benefits the property or the local neighborhood. Eligible
community service activities include, but are not limited to:
Serving at local public or nonprofit institutions, such as: schools, Head Start Programs,
before-or after-school programs, childcare centers, hospitals, clinics, hospices, nursing
homes, recreation centers, senior centers, adult daycare programs, homeless shelters,
feeding programs, food banks (distributing either donated or commodity foods), or clothes
closets (distributing donated clothing);
Serving at non-profit organizations serving HABC residents or their children or the
residents of the federally assisted units in the privately owned/managed sites and their
children, such as: Boy or Girl Scouts, Boys or Girls Club, 4-H Clubs, Police Activities
League (PAL), organized children's recreation, mentoring or education programs, Big
Brothers or Big Sisters, Garden Centers, community clean-up programs or beautification
Serving at programs funded under the Older Americans Act, such as: Green Thumb,
Service Corps of Retired Executives, senior meals programs, senior centers, Meals on
Serving at public or nonprofit organizations dedicated to seniors, youth, children, residents,
citizens, special-needs populations or with missions to enhance the environment, historic
resources, cultural identities, neighborhoods or performing arts;
Serving at HABC properties or the privately owned/managed sites to improve grounds or
provide gardens (so long as such work does not alter HABC’s or the privately
owned/managed site’s insurance coverage); or work through resident organizations to help
other residents with problems, including serving on the Resident Advisory Board, outreach
and assistance with HABC or the privately owned/managed site-run self-sufficiency
activities including supporting computer learning centers; and
Providing care for the children of other residents so parents may volunteer.
HABC ACOP: Approved 3-28-18
For purposes of satisfying the CSSR, an economic self-sufficiency program is defined by HUD as: Any program
designed to encourage, assist, train, or facilitate economic independence of assisted households or to provide
work for such households. The self-sufficiency hours counted toward the monthly community service
requirement will be the hours when a non-exempt adult is actually attending class or engaged in job training. It
will not include time in transit.
Economic self-sufficiency programs include, but are not limited to:
Job readiness or job training while not employed;
Training programs through local One-Stop Career Centers, Workforce Investment Boards
(local entities administered through the U.S. Department of Labor), or other training
Higher education (junior college or college);
Apprenticeships (formal or informal);
Substance abuse or mental health counseling;
Reading, financial and/or computer literacy classes;
English as a second language and/or English proficiency classes; and
Budgeting and credit counseling.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site may, through their Family Self-Sufficiency programs, coordinate
Individual Training and Service Plans (ITSPs) with the CSSR. Specific CSSR activities may be included in the
ITSPs to enhance a person’s progress toward self-sufficiency. Regular meetings with service coordinators may
satisfy CSSR activities. Service coordinators may verify community service hours within individual monthly
If qualifying activities are administered by an organization other than HABC, a family member who is required
to fulfill a service requirement must provide one of the following:
A signed certification to HABC by such other organization that the family member has
performed such qualifying activities; or
HABC ACOP: Approved 3-28-18
A signed self-certification to HABC by the family member that he or she has performed
such qualifying activities.
If a signed self-certification is used to verify CSSR requirements, the signed self-certification must include the
A statement that the resident contributed at least 8 hours per month of community service
not including political activities within the community in which the adult resides; or
participated in an economic self-sufficiency program as set forth in section 1.7 (Self-
Sufficiency Activities) above for at least 8 hours per month;
The name, address, and a contact person at the community service provider; or the name,
address, and contact person for the economic self-sufficiency program;
The date(s) during which the resident completed the community service activity, or
participated in the economic self-sufficiency program;
A description of the activity completed; and
A certification that the resident’s statement is true.
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will follow HUD guidance on self-certifications of completion
of the CSSR.
If anyone in the household is subject to the community service requirement, HABC or the privately
owned/managed site will provide the household with community service documentation forms.
At lease execution and at least 90 calendar days prior to the lease anniversary date, each adult member (18 or
older) of a federally assisted housing resident household must sign an acknowledgement that he/she has received
and read the CSSR. Further the resident acknowledgement includes a statement that the resident understands
that failure to comply with the CSSR will result in nonrenewal of the lease.
At lease execution and at least 90 calendar days prior to the lease anniversary date each exempt adult member
must provide documentation that they are exempt from the CSSR.
If HABC or the privately owned/managed site has reasonable cause to believe that the certification provided by
the household is false or fraudulent, HABC or the privately owned/managed site has the right to request
additional documentation to verify CSSR participation.
HABC or the privately owned/managed site will retain reasonable documentation of service requirement
performance or exemption in participant files.
HABC or the privately owner/managed site will conduct QC on the required sample size of CSSR certifications.
HABC ACOP: Approved 3-28-18
Exempt to Non-Exempt Status
If an exempt individual becomes non-exempt during the twelve month lease term, it is the household’s
responsibility to report this change to HABC or the privately owned/managed site within 10 working days.
After reporting such a change, or HABC or the privately owned/managed site determining such a change is
necessary, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will provide written notice of the effective date of the
CSSR requirement, a list of agencies in the community that provide volunteer and/or training opportunities or
other activities that qualify, as well as a documentation form on which the household member may record the
activities performed and number of hours contributed.
The effective date of the community service requirement will be the first of the following month.
Non-Exempt to Exempt Status
If a non-exempt person becomes exempt during the twelve month lease term, it is the household’s responsibility
to report this change to HABC or the privately owned/managed site within 10 working days. Any claim of
exemption will be verified by HABC or the privately owned/managed site.
After reporting such a change, or HABC or the privately owned/managed site determining such a change is
necessary, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will provide the household written notice that the
household member is no longer subject to the community service requirement.
The exemption will be effective immediately.
In the event a resident does not provide documentation of the CSSR, the resident will have 10 working days to
submit to HABC or the privately owned/managed site required documentation form(s). If the resident fails to
submit the documentation within the required time frame or within any HABC or the privately owned/managed
site approved extension, the resident will be considered non-compliant with the CSSR and a notice of non-
compliance will be issued. The notice of non-compliance will include:
A brief description of the finding of non-compliance with the CSSR.
A statement that HABC or the privately owned/managed site will not renew the lease at
the end of the current 12-month lease term unless the resident enters into a written cure
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agreement with HABC or the privately owned/managed site or the household provides written assurance that is
satisfactory to HABC or the privately owned/managed site explaining that the non-compliant resident no longer
resides in the unit.
If a resident is non-compliant with the CSSR, HABC or the privately owned/managed site will not renew the
lease at the end of the term unless the resident agrees to enter into a cure agreement or the household provides
a written declaration that the non-compliant household member no longer resides in the unit
The cure agreement includes the means through which a non-compliant household member will comply with
the CSSR requirement. The household will have 10 working days from the date of the notice of non-compliance
to enter into a cure agreement to cure the non-compliance over the course of the upcoming lease term. If after
the cure period, the household member is still not compliant with the CSSR, HABC or the privately
owned/managed site shall terminate tenancy of the entire household, in accordance with the lease, unless the
household provides documentation that the non-compliant household member no longer resides in the unit.
If the household reports that a noncompliant household member is no longer residing in the unit, the household
must provide documentation that the household member has actually vacated the unit before HABC or the
privately owned/managed site will agree to continued occupancy of the household. Documentation must consist
of a certification signed by the head of household as well as evidence of the current address of the household
member that previously resided with them.
If the household does not request a grievance hearing, or does not take corrective action required by the notice
of noncompliance within the required 10 business day timeframe, HABC or the privately owned/managed site
will terminate tenancy in accordance with the lease termination policy found in this ACOP.
HABC and the privately owned/managed sites will not substitute any community service or self- sufficiency
activities performed by residents for work ordinarily performed by HABC or the privately owned/managed site
employees, or replace a job at any location where residents perform activities to satisfy the service requirement.
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This notification (the Mold Prevention Notice”) is Attachment 7 to the dwelling lease agreement
(the “Lease”) between the Housing Authority of Baltimore City (“HABC”) as Landlord, and the
person(s) who signed below as Resident (individually and jointly referred to as “Resident”), for
the dwelling unit identified in the Lease (the “Dwelling Unit”). In accordance with the terms of
the Lease, this Mold Prevention Notice is incorporated in, and made a part of, the Lease.
This Mold Prevention Notice provides guidance to HABC residents on understanding,
preventing and minimizing the occurrence and growth of mold/moisture infiltration (entry) in
HABC properties.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) provides the following list of ten
things that people (including property owners and renters) should know about mold:
Potential health effects and symptoms associated with mold exposures include allergic
reactions, asthma and other respiratory complaints.
There is no practical way to eliminate all mold and mold spores in the indoor
environment; the way to control indoor mold growth is to control moisture.
If mold is a problem in your home or school, you must clean up the mold and eliminate
sources of moisture.
Fix the source of the water problem or leak to prevent mold growth.
Reduce indoor humidity (to 30-60%) to decrease mold growth by venting bathrooms,
dryers and other moisture-generating sources to the outside; using air conditioners and
de-humidifiers; increasing ventilation; and using exhaust fans whenever cooking,
dishwashing and cleaning.
Clean and dry any damp or wet building materials and furnishings within 24-48 hours to
prevent mold growth.
Clean mold off hard surfaces with water and detergent, and dry completely. Absorbent
materials such as ceiling tiles, that are moldy, may need to be replaced.
Prevent condensation: Reduce the potential for condensation on cold surfaces (i.e.,
windows, piping, exterior walls, roof, or floors) by adding insulation.
In areas where there is a perpetual moisture problem, do not install carpeting (i.e., by
drinking fountains, by classroom sinks, or on concrete floors with leaks or frequent
Molds can be found almost anywhere; they can grow on virtually any substance, if
moisture is present. There are molds that can grow on wood, paper, carpet, and foods.
Ten Things You Should Know About Mold
Mold may be found in any location. Mold can grow on virtually any substance if
moisture is present. Mold may be controlled indoors by limiting moisture and water
As stated in the Lease, residents of HABC are responsible for keeping a clean home.
The following guidelines will assist in reducing moisture and preventing mold
growth within your home:
Maintain a clean home; pay particular attention to the kitchen, bathroom(s),
windows and doors.
Clean your home using appropriate cleaning materials, such as water,
detergent, bleach and liquid soap. Make sure that cleaned areas dry
Strive to maintain the climate and moisture levels in your home at a reasonable
Remove visible moisture accumulation in the unit promptly.
Use appliances as directed (such as air conditioners, washing machines,
dryers, fan, vents, and humidifiers.
Do not block or inhibit (obstruct) proper venting.
Maximize the use of vents and exhaust fans. (In other words, make the
most use of vents and exhaust fans.)
Open windows and/or vents and fans when showering.
Use your exhaust fans when cooking.
Circulate fresh air throughout the unit.
Avoid air drying wet clothes in your unit or leaving wet clothes in piles to dry.
The dryer exhaust must vent outside.
Avoid installing carpeting in or around areas that may have leaks or
frequent condensation (moisture), such as under or around sinks,
bathtubs or showers.
As needed, call the work order number you were given, or contact your
Management Office to address all maintenance concerns. [See the front
page of your Lease for the telephone number to your Management
By signing below, Resident agrees to comply with the terms of this Mold Prevention
Head of Household
Co-Head of Household
Resident’s Responsibilities
This notification (the “CO/Smoke Alarm Notice”) is Attachment 8 to the dwelling lease
agreement (the “Lease”) between the Housing Authority of Baltimore City (“HABC”) as
Landlord, and the person(s) who signed below as Resident (individually and jointly referred
to as “Resident”), for the dwelling unit identified in the Lease (the “Dwelling Unit”). This
CO/Smoke Alarm Notice informs residents of their responsibilities concerning the
combination carbon monoxide/smoke alarm installed in their units. The combination carbon
monoxide/smoke alarm is referred to in this document as “CO/Smoke Alarm”. In
accordance with the terms of the Lease, this CO/Smoke Alarm Notice is incorporated in,
and made a part of, the Lease.
I (Resident) understand that HABC has installed one or more electrically controlled and/or
battery-operated CO/Smoke Alarms in my Dwelling Unit for the benefit and safety of my
household. I understand that neither I nor any member of my household, guest or any other
person under my control shall take any action to remove, deactivate, damage or destroy
such CO/Smoke Alarm(s) in my Dwelling Unit. I also understand that HABC is not
responsible for supplying batteries, if warranted, for a battery-operated CO/Smoke Alarm,
and it shall be my responsibility to replace any such batteries at my expense. I further
understand that if I elect to install my own carbon monoxide alarm(s), smoke alarm(s) or
combination alarm(s), all HABC-installed CO/Smoke Alarms in my Dwelling Unit must
remain in place and in an operable condition.
I agree that it is my obligation to either notify Management in person, or send a letter by
certified mail, should any CO/Smoke Alarm installed in my Dwelling Unit malfunction or
need repair or replacement. I further agree to leave all CO/Smoke Alarms installed in my
Dwelling Unit by HABC in good working order.
By signing below, I (Resident) agree to comply with the terms of this CO/Smoke Alarms
Signature Date Signature Date
Head of Household Co-Head of Household
Resident’s Responsibilities and Acknowledgments
This Lease Addendum for Occupancy of an Accessible Unit (the “Lease Addendum”) is executed on
the date written below, in accordance with the dwelling lease agreement (the “Lease”) between the
Housing Authority of Baltimore City (“HABC”) as Landlord, and the person(s) who signed below as
Resident (individually and jointly referred to as “Resident”), for the dwelling unit identified in the Lease
(the “Dwelling Unit”). HABC and Resident agree that this Lease Addendum is incorporated in, and
made a part of, the Lease. Resident and HABC further agree as follows as indicated in the section of
the document executed by the parties as applicable:
1. The Dwelling Unit to be occupied by Resident under the Lease is accessible to persons with a
disability; and
2. Resident (including family members on the Lease) does not require a dwelling unit that is
accessible to persons with a disability (accessible unit); and
3. Although Resident and members of the Resident’s family on the Lease do not have a disability
that requires an accessible unit, Resident nevertheless accepts assignment to, and agrees to
occupy, the Dwelling Unit which is an accessible unit, with the express understanding and
agreement that in accordance with Federal Regulations at 24 C.F.R. § 8.27, HABC will require
Resident and his/her household to move out of the accessible unit and transfer to a unit without
accessibility features (non-accessible unit) within thirty (30) calendar days notice, when the
following conditions arise:
a. Another HABC resident or applicant who has a disability or a household member of such
resident or applicant who has a disability needs the accessibility features of the accessible
unit occupied by Resident under the Lease; and
b. Another dwelling unit of appropriate size is available for Resident’s household.
4. If HABC notifies Resident that the family is required to move from the accessible unit and Resident
does not move out within the 30-day period, Resident will be in material breach of the Lease and
HABC may terminate the Resident’s Lease. HABC may make exceptions to this 30-day move-out
period for reasons beyond the family’s control such as death, serious illness, or other medical
emergency of a household member. The thirty-day period to transfer does not entitle Resident to
maintain possession of two units for thirty days. Resident will choose a move-out date within the
thirty-day period and will have three (3) working days from the move-out date to complete the
move and return possession of, and keys to, the accessible unit to HABC.
5. If during the tenancy under the Lease, Resident or a member of the Resident’s household
requires the accessibility features of the accessible unit in order to address a disability,
Resident may stay in the accessible unit so long as the need is verified by a healthcare provider
and the need continues to exist.
__________________________ _____________________ ________
Name of Head of Household Signature of Date
Head of Household
__________________________ _____________________ ________
Name of Co-Head of Household Signature of Date
Co-Head of Household
__________________________ _____________________ ________
Name and Title of HABC Staff Signature of HABC Staff Date
1. The Dwelling Unit to be occupied by Resident under the Lease is accessible to persons with a
disability; and
2. Resident or a member of Resident’s family on the Lease presently has a disability that requires
the accessibility features of the Dwelling Unit; and
3. If the accessibility features of the Dwelling Unit are no longer needed by Resident or a family
member on the Lease, in accordance with Federal Regulations at 24 C.F.R. § 8.27, HABC will
require Resident and his/her household to move out of the Dwelling Unit and transfer to a unit
without the accessibility features (non-accessible unit) within thirty (30) calendar days notice,
when the following conditions arise:
a. Another HABC resident or applicant who has a disability or a household member of such
resident or applicant who has a disability needs the accessibility features of the accessible unit
occupied by Resident under the Lease; and
b. Another dwelling unit of appropriate size is available for Resident’s household.
4. If HABC notifies Resident that the family is required to move from the accessible unit and Resident
does not move out within the 30-day period, Resident will be in material breach of the Lease and
HABC may terminate the Resident’s Lease. HABC may make exceptions to this 30-day move-out
period for reasons beyond the family’s control such as death, serious illness, or other medical
emergency of a household member. The thirty-day period to transfer does not entitle Resident to
maintain possession of two units for thirty days. Resident will choose a move-out date within the
thirty-day period and will have three (3) working days from the move-out date to complete the
move and return possession of, and keys to, the accessible unit to HABC.
__________________________ _____________________ ________
Name of Head of Household Signature of Date
Head of Household
__________________________ _____________________ ________
Name of Co-Head of Household Signature of Date
Co-Head of Household
__________________________ _____________________ ________
Name and Title of HABC Staff Signature of HABC Staff Date
1. Introduction This Lease Addendum for the Housing Authority of Baltimore City Smoke-Free Policy
(the “Lease Addendum”) is incorporated and made a part of the dwelling lease agreement (the “Lease”)
between the Housing Authority of Baltimore City (“HABC”) as Landlord, and the person(s) who signed
below as Resident (individually and jointly referred to as “Resident”), for the dwelling unit identified in
the Lease (the “Dwelling Unit”).
2. Purpose The Lease requires Resident to ensure that Resident, member(s) of Resident’s household,
their guest(s), and other person(s) under Resident’s control, do not engage in any smoking of a prohibited
tobacco product in the Dwelling Unit and other restricted areas. This Lease Addendum provides notice
of the HABC Smoke-Free Policy, which is attached to this Lease Addendum as Exhibit A, and notice
of Resident’s responsibilities and rights under the Smoke-Free Policy.
3. Smoke-Free Policy Due to the increased risk of fire, increased maintenance costs, and the health
effects of secondhand smoke, HABC desires to maintain a smoke-free environment, in accordance with
the regulations of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) and, to
protect the health and safety of residents. Therefore, HABC has adopted the Smoke-Free Policy. The
Smoke-Free Policy prohibits smoking of any Prohibited Tobacco Product in any Restricted Area, as
those terms are defined below.
4. Definitions (a) The term "smoking" means inhaling, exhaling, breathing, carrying, or possessing any
lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe, waterpipes (hookahs) other tobacco product or similar lighted product in
any manner or in any form;
(b) The term “Restricted Areas” includes but is not limited to: (i) all indoor areas of any building
on the development including the Dwelling Unit, hallways, entryways, balconies and patios, elevators,
rental and administrative offices, community rooms, day care centers, laundry centers, and similar
structures); and (ii) all outdoor areas within twenty-five feet (25’) from any public housing and
administrative office buildings;
(c) The term “Prohibited Tobacco Products,” as may be amended by HABC from time to time,
means items that involve the ignition (lighting) and burning of tobacco leaves, such as cigarettes, cigars,
pipes, and waterpipes (hookahs); and
(d) The term “Premises” means the building, complex or development in which the Dwelling
Unit is located.
5. Application of the Smoke-Free Policy The Smoke-Free Policy applies to Resident and all members
of Resident’s Household, their guests and any other person(s) under Resident’s control. The Smoke-
Free Policy also applies to all other residents of the development, guests, visitors, contractors, service
personnel and employees. By signing below, Resident agrees to this Lease Addendum and agrees to
comply with its terms.
6. Resident’s Acknowledgements Resident acknowledges that:
(a) While HABC strives to maintain its developments as smoke free in order to guard against the
negative effects of smoking and second-hand smoke, HABC is not a guarantor of a smoke-free
(b) HABC 's adoption of the Smoke-Free Policy will not make HABC the guarantor of the health
of Resident, members of Resident’s household and their guests, or of the smoke-free condition of any
part of Premises.
(c) HABC will take reasonable steps to enforce the Smoke-Free Policy against any person found
to be in violation of the policy as stated in the attached Smoke-Free Policy . However, HABC is not
required to take steps in response to smoking unless HABC has actual knowledge of the smoking and
the identity of the responsible household.
(d) HABC is not responsible for the failure of any person to comply with the Smoke-Free Policy.
(e) HABC’s adoption of the Smoke-Free Policy in an effort to create a smoke-free living
environment, does not in any way change the standard of care that HABC has under applicable law
relating to the safety and habitability, and air quality standards of the Premises;
(f) HABC's ability to police, monitor or enforce the Smoke-Free Policy is dependent in
significant part on compliance by residents and of the development and their guests.
(g) Residents with respiratory ailments, allergies or other condition relating to smoke are put on
notice that HABC does not assume any higher duty of care to enforce the Smoke-Free Policy than any
other obligation HABC has under the lease.
(h) The prohibitions of the Prohibited Tobacco Products provided in the Smoke-Free Policy is in
addition to the prohibitions of the illegal possession or use of a drug that is a controlled substance as
defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802), as provided in the Lease.
7. Disclaimer HABC specifically disclaims any implied or express warranties that the Premises will
have any higher or improved air quality standards than any other rental property. HABC cannot, and
does not, warranty or promise that the Premises will be free from secondhand smoke.
9. Lease Violation Resident is responsible for the actions of Resident’s household, their guests and
visitors, and any other person(s) under Resident’s control. Failure of Resident’s household to adhere to
any conditions of this Lease Addendum is a material breach of Resident’s Lease and grounds for
termination of the Lease. In addition to lease termination upon the failure to comply with this Lease
Addendum, Resident will be responsible for all costs to repair any damage caused to the Dwelling Unit
based on any violation of this Lease Addendum.
By signing below, Resident and HABC agree to the terms and conditions of this Lease Addendum.
__________________________ _____________________ ________
Name of Head of Household Signature of Date
Head of Household
__________________________ _____________________ ________
Name of Co-Head of Household Signature of Date
Co-Head of Household
__________________________ _____________________ ________
Name and Title of HABC Staff Signature of HABC Staff
The Housing Authority of Baltimore City’s (“HABC”) goals include maintaining a high
quality living environment for its residents. Bedbugs, rodents and other pests can
create health and safety hazards in living environments. It is important that residents
and HABC work together to prevent the infestation of bedbugs, rodents and other
pests. Rodents include but are not limited to, mice and rats, and pests include but
are not limited to, bedbugs, roaches, ants and other insects, all of which are
collectively referred to in this Lease Addendum as “Pests.” This Lease Addendum,
also referred to as the “Addendum,” contains important information for residents
including responsibilities for prevention and extermination of Pests.
This Lease Addendum is an attachment to the dwelling lease (the “Lease”) entered
into by and between HABC as Landlord, and the person(s) who signed below as
Resident (individually and jointly referred to as “Resident”), for the dwelling unit
identified in the Lease, which is referred to in this Addendum as the “Dwelling Unit.”
This Lease Addendum is incorporated in and made a part of the Lease. By signing
this Lease Addendum, Resident and HABC acknowledge that both parties are aware
of the challenges that Pests can cause and will cooperate throughout Resident’s
tenancy in the effort to prevent and address potential issues concerning Pests.
HABC and Resident further agree as follows:
HABC Inspection Prior to Move-in. HABC represents that the Dwelling
Unit has been inspected by a licensed pest control professional and there is no
known Pest infestation in the Dwelling Unit as of the date of the Lease.
Resident Pre Move-in Inspection of Furnishings and Personal Property.
Resident must conduct a pre move-in inspection of all Resident’s furnishings and
personal property (collectively referred to as “Resident’s Property”), to ensure that all
such Resident’s Property is free of Pests. By signing this Lease Addendum, Resident
represents that all Resident’s Property will be inspected and will be known to be
free of Pests before they are moved into the Dwelling Unit. Resident further
understands and agrees that if Resident’s Property has been exposed to any Pest
infestation, Resident will not move any and all such Resident’s Property into the
Dwelling Unit unless and until Resident’s Property has all been properly cleaned
and treated by a licensed pest control professional and cleared of any Pests, at
Resident’s expense.
Resident’s Continuing Obligations After Move-in. Resident agrees to comply with the
following responsibilities to prevent and control possible Pest infestation for the duration of the
Maintaining Good Housekeeping Practices. While the presence of
Pests is not always related to cleanliness or housekeeping practices, good
housekeeping will help prevent and control the possibility of Pest infestation. A
cluttered, untidy, or dirty home is more difficult to inspect and treat because Pests
can find many more hiding places in such situations. Exposed food particles, crumbs
and trash attract Pests, so Resident agrees to: (i) properly dispose of such items; (ii)
properly store food; and (iii) maintain good housekeeping practices as described in
the Lease, so as to eliminate such attractions to Pests.
Compliance With the HABC Pet Policy. Resident is required by the
Lease to comply with the HABC Pet Policy. The HABC Pet Policy is an attachment
to the Lease and is incorporated in, and made a part of, the Lease. The HABC Pet
Policy requires among other things, that all residents submit an application for pets
such as dogs and cats, obtain written HABC approval, and pay the pet deposit before
the resident may maintain such pet in his/her dwelling unit or on the development.
Resident agrees to comply with all aspects of the Pet Policy including but not limited
to the requirements to: (i) obtain written HABC approval before maintaining any pet
such as a cat or dog in the Dwelling Unit or the development; and (ii) not to leave
exposed pet food and dirty pet food dishes in the Dwelling Unit, including interior and
exterior areas, or on the Premises, as such items are an attraction to Pests.
Inspection for Other Sources of Pests. If Resident stays in a hotel,
another person’s home or any other location, Resident will inspect all clothing,
luggage, shoes and personal belongings before re-entering the Dwelling Unit for any
presence of Pests such as bedbugs. Resident will inspect backpacks, shoes and
clothing after using public transportation or visiting theaters and such other public
places. After guests visit the Dwelling Unit, Resident will inspect beds, bedding and
upholstered furniture for signs of Pests especially bedbugs, and immediately report
any evidence of Pests to HABC for treatment.
Access for Inspection and Pest Treatment. Resident will be given
notice of scheduled inspections and pest treatments, except in the case of an
emergency as provided in the Lease. Resident shall allow access to the Dwelling
Unit for such inspections and/or treatments by HABC, HABC’s pest control
professionals, and any other HABC private and public partners in the effort to
eliminate Pests. Resident and all household members, guests and any other
person(s) under Resident’s control must cooperate with HABC and must not interfere
with inspections or treatments. HABC will enter the Dwelling Unit whenever a bed
bug, rodent and/or other pest control activity is scheduled and/or needed. If HABC is
unable to gain entry into the Dwelling Unit because a different lock has been installed
in the Dwelling Unit, HABC will install a new lock in order to
gain entry to perform the necessary inspection, maintenance, extermination
treatment or repair. Resident will be provided keys to the new lock at the
management office of Resident’s development during working hours. The cost of
removing Resident-installed locks and installing new locks will be charged to the
Resident’s account.
Treatment of Neighboring Units May Require Treatment of
Resident’s Unit. Resident understands and agrees that if a neighbor’s unit is
infested, HABC and/or its pest control professionals may need access to Resident’s
Dwelling Unit to inspect for sources of infestation and/or treat such neighboring unit
as well as the Dwelling Unit as necessary. Resident agrees to provide such access
as many times as HABC deems necessary to successfully treat such units as well as
the Dwelling Unit.
Cooperation For Repeated and Follow-up Treatments Required.
Successful treatment and/or prevention of a Pest infestation require full cooperation
by all HABC residents. If HABC confirms the presence of Pests, or intends to engage
in preventative measures, Resident must cooperate with HABC and its pest control
professionals to treat and eliminate the Pests, and/or take other appropriate
precautions and actions. Resident agrees to follow all directions from HABC and/or
its pest control professionals to: (i) prevent infestation in the Dwelling Unit, and/or the
building; and (ii) treat the infestation in the Dwelling Unit, and/or neighboring units,
and/or the building that is infested.
Successful treatment and/or prevention of Pest infestation may also require multiple
treatments and follow-up treatments or inspections. Resident understands that
HABC and its pest control professionals and other public and private partners may
need to perform follow up inspections several times in the weeks and months after
the final treatment to confirm complete eradication. Resident agrees to allow access
to the Dwelling Unit as requested by HABC for these purposes. Resident further
agrees not to treat the unit for bedbug, rodent or pest infestation without prior written
approval of HABC, and acknowledges that HABC has the full right to select a licensed
pest control professional to perform treatments of the unit and building.
Refusal of Entry or Treatment. Resident understands and agrees that
refusing entry or treatment without rescheduling appointments in advance of the day
of the scheduled treatment is material non-compliance with this Lease Addendum
and is grounds for Lease termination. Whenever a Pest inspection or treatment has
been scheduled and Resident (including a household member, guest or any other
person(s) under Resident’s control) refuses entry or treatment, Resident will be
charged the cost of the service call in the amount stated in the notice scheduling the
inspection or treatment.
Adhering to Instructions For Pre-treatment Preparation. Resident
agrees to follow the instructions and guidelines that may be provided by HABC to
residents from time to time for the prevention and extermination of Pests, including
but not limited to instructions for adequately preparing for bedbug and other Pest
treatments and disposing of property that is infested. The instructions will be provided
as applicable to a scheduled treatment. Resident agrees to prepare for treatment in
accordance with such instructions. Resident further agrees to attend training
sessions that may be provided by or on behalf of HABC for the prevention and
elimination of Pests.
Violations. Any violation of this Lease Addendum, including but not limited
to the following conduct is a violation of the Lease and grounds to terminate the
Failure to perform the inspections described in this Lease Addendum;
Failure to adequately prepare for inspection and/or treatment of the
Dwelling Unit for Pests as instructed by HABC;
Refusal to comply with reasonable recommendations, instructions and
requests by HABC and/or its pest control professionals and partners
for Pest inspections and Pest treatment;
Refusal to allow HABC and/or its pest control professionals entry into
the Dwelling Unit;
Refusal to allow HABC to inspect or treat the Dwelling Unit, including
interior and exterior areas;
Interfering with HABC’s access to the Dwelling Unit, such as by
removing or installing locks without prior written HABC;
Any other action by Resident, household member, guest, or any other
person(s) under Resident’s control that prevents inspection and/or
treatment of the Dwelling Unit;
Poor housekeeping practices;
Failure to comply with the requirements of the HABC Pet Policy described
No Indemnification By HABC. Resident understands and agrees that HABC
has no duty to replace any of Resident’s Property that may be destroyed by Pests
whether Resident-caused or otherwise. Resident further understands and agrees
that if Resident fails to report the presence of Pests to HABC, it will likely make
worse any damage or losses that may be sustained by Resident or other residents.
HABC has no liability with respect to damage or losses caused by Resident to
Resident or to other residents, or losses sustained by Resident caused by other
While HABC strives to prevent and exterminate Pests, the success of HABC’s efforts
requires cooperation by all residents. HABC is not the guarantor of the conduct of
other residents; however, HABC will take reasonable steps to fully enforce this Lease
Addendum against a household that is in violation of its requirements.
Property Insurance. HABC is not liable for any loss of Resident’s Property
or other damage sustained by Resident as a result of Pest infestation. Any loss of
Resident’s Property or other damage sustained by Resident resulting from an
infestation of Pests, and Resident’s liability to others, may only be covered by
renter’s insurance. Resident is advised to obtain renter’s insurance at Resident’s
Move-out Inspection: As part of the move-out inspection described in the
Lease, HABC will inspect the Dwelling Unit for the presence of Pests. Resident has
the right to participate in the move-out inspection as described in the Lease. The
cost of eliminating any Pests present which were caused by Resident may not be
deducted from any security deposit paid by Resident unless allowed by applicable
By signing below, Resident and HABC agree to the terms and conditions of this
Lease Addendum.
Name of Head of Household Signature of Date
Head of Household
Name of Co-Head of Household Signature of Date
Co-Head of Household
Name and Title of HABC Staff Signature of HABC Staff Date
The Housing Authority of Baltimore City (“HABC”) and
(“Resident”), parties to a dwelling lease (the “Lease”) for the public housing unit located at
(the “Unit”), agree to the addition of this rider to the Lease (the
“Rider”) in accordance with Section 27 of the Lease, to provide a subsection in Section 10 of the
Lease regarding any area in the Unit designated by HABC as non-habitable space (“Non-
Habitable Space”). The parties agree to the terms stated below.
Modification to the Lease.
The Lease is modified by adding the following language in Section 10 of the Lease:
Non-Habitable Space Is Excluded From Resident’s Living Space.
For purposes of this Rider and the Lease, Non-Habitable Space means any space in the Unit that
HABC determines is not meant for occupancy under applicable housing codes, which may include
a basement, a mechanical room, mechanical closet and access way.
For any Unit where HABC has determined that any part, area, section or space within or attached
to the Unit is Non-Habitable Space, such Non-Habitable Space is excluded from Resident’s living
space in the Unit to which resident shall have exclusive right pursuant to Section 10(a) of the
Lease. Ant such Non-Habitable Space shall be kept secured under lock and key by HABC and
Resident shall not have access to, or use or control of the Non-Habitable Space. The Non-
Habitable Space shall be for the exclusive use and control of HABC at all times during the
Resident’s occupancy.
Resident further understands and agrees that:
Non-Habitable Space will be designated by a lock on the door or other access leading to
the Non-Habitable Space, which shall remain locked at all during Resident’s occupancy.
HABC will not provide Resident a key to the Non-Habitable Space.
Resident shall not tamper with or remove any lock on or leading to the Non-Habitable
Space, and shall not change the lock or install any new lock.
Resident shall notify HABC immediately if Resident becomes aware of, or has reason
to believe that damage to the Non-Habitable Space occurred or repairs concerning the
Non-Habitable Space are needed.
Resident shall not enter, use or occupy the Non-Habitable Space and shall not store any
materials, items, equipment, or belongings in or on any part of the Non-Habitable Space.
Resident shall not allow any person to enter, use or occupy any part of the Non-Habitable
Resident shall not place any object, equipment or belonging that blocks or otherwise
interferes with HABC’s access, ingress or egress to the Non-Habitable Space.
Violation of this Rider is a Violation of the Lease
This Rider is incorporated into the Lease by reference and made a part of the Lease. A violation
of this Rider is a violation of the Lease and shall be subject to Section 18 of the Lease regarding
Terms of Lease Remain In Effect
Except as specifically stated herein, all other terms and conditions of the Lease shall remain
unchanged. In the event of any conflict between the terms of this Rider and a term of the Lease,
the terms of this Rider shall control. Any term that is capitalized and defined in the Lease, shall
have the same meaning for purposes of this Rider as it has in the Lease.
, 20 , at Baltimore, Maryland.
Signature of Resident Signature of Resident
(Head of Household) (Co-Head of Household)
Signature of Witness Printed Name of Witness
Signature of Authorized Official Printed Name of Authorized Official
Signature of Witness Printed Name of Witness
Rider 1 to the HABC Dwelling Lease Draft - 9/2022
Rider 1 to the HABC Dwelling Lease Draft - 9/2022