50.34 Electron Application Job Aid
Effective Date: 11/01/2021
Doc No. ELIMS.DR.L.J.334
Revision No. 1
50.34 Electron Application Job Aid
The new CDC Specimen Submission Form 50.34 Electron Application allows external submitters who are not yet
using the CDC Specimen Test Order and Reporting (CSTOR) portal to submit specimen information to CDC. The
purpose of the 50.34 Electron Application is to allow for offline submissions to CDC. The 50.34 Electron
Application is replacing the legacy PDF version of the CDC Specimen Submission 50.34 Form.
Downloading and Installing the 50.34 Electron Application
To download the 50.34 Electron Application, navigate to the external CDC website link and click the ShareFile
link to open the tab where you can download the 50.34 installer. Once you click the ShareFile link, then click
"Download" to download the 50.34 installer.
After clicking "Download," save the installer locally to your computer.
Then, navigate back to where you saved the installer and double click on
it to begin the installation process. Then, navigate to where you saved
the installer and double click on it to begin the installation process.
NOTE: If you are having trouble proceeding forward with the
installation, you will need to right-click on the installer, then select
"properties." Select the check box next to "Unblock" as seen below.
Then, try to run the installer again.
50.34 Electron Application Job Aid
Effective Date: 11/01/2021
Doc No. ELIMS.DR.L.J.334
Revision No. 1
Once the installation process begins, you will first come to the License Agreement screen and click “I Agree” to
Next, you will see the Choose Installation Options screen. The “Only for me” option will be selected by default
and is the option that you should pick. Click “Next” to continue.
NOTE: The “Anyone who uses this computer” option requires special admin permissions and shouldn’t be
Next, you will be brought to the Choose Install Location screen. The default destination folder doesn’t need to
be altered. You will select “Install” to complete the remainder of the installation. Once the application is finished
installing, you will select “Finish” to exit the installation wizard.
NOTE: You can uncheck the “Run CDC Form 50.34” checkbox if they don’t wish to launch the application after
closing the wizard. Leaving it checked will launch the 50.34 Electron Application upon clicking “Finish.
50.34 Electron Application Job Aid
Effective Date: 11/01/2021
Doc No. ELIMS.DR.L.J.334
Revision No. 1
Launching and Navigating the 50.34 Electron Application
To launch the 50.34 Electron Application, you will select the “Start Menu” on your computer, then navigate to
the “CDC Form 50.34” application. You can also search for the application in the search bar on your desktop.
Once you launch the application, you will be brought to the human specimen origin template by default where
you can either select a new template or begin filling out the form. To select a different specimen origin
template, you will select the drop-down menu and pick the appropriate template.
NOTE: You can select from the following specimen origin templates: Human, Animal, Food, Environmental,
Medical Device, and Biologic.
Once the correct specimen origin template has been selected, you can
begin to fill out the form. The first field that you will fill out is the Test
Order Name field. You will select the desired Test Order Name and the
Test Order Code will automatically populate and a warning will populate
stating there’s further information needed.
NOTE: The 50.34 Electron Application has incremental search features built in where you can search for items
you are looking for in all pick lists throughout the form. You no longer have to scroll through pick lists to find
your desired field.
50.34 Electron Application Job Aid
Effective Date: 11/01/2021
Doc No. ELIMS.DR.L.J.334
Revision No. 1
Next, you will fill out the “Date sent to CDC” field. You can select the current date or a previous date. You cannot
select a future date for this field.
NOTE: If you select a future date, you will be prompted with an error and will not be able to export the form to
PDF until the error is resolved.
The next required field that you will fill out is the “Specimen source (type)” field in the Specimen Information
section. You can also utilize the incremental search feature in this field to find your desired source type.
NOTE: If this field isn’t filled out, you will be prompted with an error when attempting to export the form to PDF
until the error is resolved.
50.34 Electron Application Job Aid
Effective Date: 11/01/2021
Doc No. ELIMS.DR.L.J.334
Revision No. 1
The final required field is either the SPHL “Institution Name” located in the top right corner of the form, or the
Original Submitter’s “Institutional Email” field located underneath the SPHL section. You must fill out one of
these sections to save the form to PDF. You can use the incremental search feature to find the desired SPHL
institution name. Once you select your appropriate institution name, all other fields in gray will be automatically
populated. If you are submitting from an institution that isn’t part of the global submitter SPHL list, the
“Institutional Email” located in the Original Submitter section of the application needs to be filled out to
Once the required fields have been filled out, you can enter any additional information you wish to enter, then
select “File” and then “Save to PDF.”
Once you have selected “Save to PDF,” you will be prompted to save the PDF locally to your machine at the
preferred file path. Once the file is saved, the PDF will automatically open in your preferred PDF reader. You will
then see a PDF version of the 50.34 Form that you just filled out with the included barcodes.
NOTE: All fields that were previously grayed out in the 50.34 Electron Application will no longer be grayed out
once you populate the PDF version of the 50.34 Form.