for the
bacp Ethical Framework
for the Counselling Professions
Copyright Information
This Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions is published by the British Association
for Counselling and Psychotherapy, BACP House, 15 St John’s Business Park, Lutterworth,
Leicestershire, LE17 4HB.
T: 01455 883300 F: 01455 550243
E: [email protected]
BACP is the largest professional organisation for counselling and psychotherapy in the UK,
is a company limited by guarantee 2175320 in England and Wales, and a registered charity
Copyright © 2018 British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.
First published 2018. This Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions takes eect
from 1 July 2018.
Permission is granted to reproduce for personal and educational use only.
Commercial copying, hiring and lending are prohibited.
Design by Steers McGillan Eves.
bacp Ethical Framework
for the Counselling Professions
Introduction 4
Our commitment to clients 6
Ethics 8
Values 8
Principles 9
Personal moral qualities 10
Conclusion 11
Good practice 12
Putting clients rst 13
Working to professional standards 14
Respect 15
Building an appropriate relationship 17
Breaks and endings 19
Integrity 19
Accountability and candour 20
Condentiality 21
Working with colleagues and in teams 22
Supervision 22
Training and education 24
Trainees 25
Research 26
Care of self as a practitioner 27
Responding to ethical dilemmas and issues 27
bacp Ethical Framework
for the Counselling Professions
The Ethical Framework sets out the expected ethical
principles, values and good practice standards for
BACP members.
As members and registrants of BACP, we have committed ourselves to the principles
and values set out in this Ethical Framework and recognise that our membership or
registration may be at risk if we fail to full our commitments.
This Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions is the main point of reference for
decisions in professional conduct hearings.
Using the
Ethical Framework
You should read and understand the Ethical Framework before working with clients.
This framework is designed to help you provide your clients with a secure base for your
work together. It is good practice to integrate the Ethical Framework into your work and
to use it as a resource to help you face any challenges and issues as they arise. This
works much better than just turning to it in an emergency or after something has gone
As a framework, it creates a shared structure within which we all work but with the
exibility to respond to the needs of dierent contexts and client groups. There are
three main sections:
Our commitment to clients provides a summary and overview. You may use this as
a separate document to give to your clients or include it in the information you
provide about your service.
Ethics is designed to help you understand the thinking behind how we work with
clients. It can be used in supervision to think through any issues or dilemmas.
Good practice considers the practicalities of putting our ethics into action.
The Good Practice in Action resources, and other resources on the BACP website,
provide additional non-binding practice guidance which you may nd relevant or
useful. The binding words are those used in the Ethical Framework for the Counselling
Professions, which should be your ultimate point of reference to decide what is
appropriate to your role and setting.
bacp Ethical Framework
for the Counselling Professions
Key terms
A practitioner is a member or registrant of the British Association for Counselling
and Psychotherapy who is providing therapeutically-informed services, particularly
coaching, counselling, pastoral care, psychotherapy or using counselling skills. This
includes being a supervisor, trainer, educator of practitioners, or researcher of any
aspect of the counselling professions.
Therapeutically-informed services are developed from and informed by the theory
and practices used in talking and listening therapies, typically coaching, counselling,
pastoral care, psychotherapy or using counselling skills. Such theories and practices
may be drawn from a wide academic and professional base, including neurology,
psychoanalysis, psychology, social sciences and other disciplines.
A client is anyone in receipt of coaching, counselling, pastoral care, psychotherapy
or counselling skills from a member or registrant of the British Association for
Counselling and Psychotherapy. All clients are entitled to receive services that satisfy
the commitments stated in this Ethical Framework in ways that are appropriate to the
type of service being provided and its setting.
All the principles of the Ethical Framework will apply to working with trainees and
supervisees, particularly to ensure that they are treated with respect, provided with
services that meet the required standards, and are protected from exploitation
or abuse by anyone with professional power or authority over them. Trainees and
supervisees will receive the same commitments and ethical standards as any client
receiving services from a member of the counselling professions.
Trainees will full all the commitments to clients within the Ethical Framework when
working as practitioners with members of the public as their clients. Good Practice
point 81 sets out the commitments for working with other trainees to learn new
knowledge and skills.
The principles of the Ethical Framework apply where appropriate to the participants
in research – for further guidance see Good Practice points 84–90 and the BACP
Ethical Guidelines for Research in the Counselling Professions.
Our responsibilities are set out as full or qualied commitments. We are fully and
unconditionally committed to fullling a specic requirement where we state ‘we
will …’ or ‘we must …’. Where we consider that a requirement may need to be varied
for good ethical reasons, we state that ‘we will usually …’.
We are committing ourselves to being openly accountable and willing to explain
how we have implemented any of these obligations to people with a valid interest
in our work.
bacp Ethical Framework
for the Counselling Professions
Clients need to be able to participate freely as they work with
practitioners of the counselling professions towards their desired goals.
This requires clients to be able to trust their practitioner with their
wellbeing and sensitive personal information. Therefore, as members or
registrants of BACP, we take being trustworthy as a serious ethical
commitment. We have agreed that we will:
Put clients rst by:
a. making clients our primary concern while we are working with them
b. providing an appropriate standard of service to our clients.
Work to professional standards by:
a. working within our competence
b. keeping our skills and knowledge up to date
c. collaborating with colleagues to improve the quality of what is being oered to
d. ensuring that our wellbeing is sucient to sustain the quality of the work
e. keeping accurate and appropriate records.
Show respect by:
a. valuing each client as a unique person
b. protecting client condentiality and privacy
c. agreeing with clients on how we will work together
d. working in partnership with clients.
Our commitment to clients
bacp Ethical Framework
for the Counselling Professions
Build an appropriate relationship with clients by:
a. communicating clearly what clients have a right to expect from us
b. communicating any benets, costs and commitments that clients may
reasonably expect
c. respecting the boundaries between our work with clients and what lies outside
that work
d. not exploiting or abusing clients
e. listening out for how clients experience our working together.
Maintain integrity by:
a. being honest about the work
b. communicating our qualications, experience and working methods accurately
c. working ethically and with careful consideration of how we full our legal
Demonstrate accountability and candour by:
a. being willing to discuss with clients openly and honestly any known risks
involved in the work and how best to work towards our clients’ desired
outcomes by communicating any benets, costs and commitments that clients
may reasonably expect
b. ensuring that clients are promptly informed about anything that has occurred
which places the client at risk of harm or causes harm in our work together,
whether or not clients are aware of it, and quickly taking action to limit or repair
any harm as far as possible
c. reviewing our work with clients in supervision
d. monitoring how clients experience our work together and the eects of our work
with them.
bacp Ethical Framework
for the Counselling Professions
Our ethics are based on values, principles and personal moral qualities that
underpin and inform the interpretation and application of Our commitment to
clients and Good practice.
Values are a useful way of expressing general ethical commitments that underpin the
purpose and goals of our actions.
Our fundamental values include a commitment to:
respecting human rights and dignity
alleviating symptoms of personal distress and suering
enhancing people’s wellbeing and capabilities
improving the quality of relationships between people
increasing personal resilience and eectiveness
facilitating a sense of self that is meaningful to the person(s) concerned
within their personal and cultural context
appreciating the variety of human experience and culture
protecting the safety of clients
ensuring the integrity of practitioner-client relationships
enhancing the quality of professional knowledge and its application
striving for the fair and adequate provision of services.
Values inform principles. They become more precisely dened and action-orientated
when expressed as a principle.
bacp Ethical Framework
for the Counselling Professions
Principles direct attention to important ethical responsibilities. Our core principles are:
Being trustworthy:
honouring the trust placed in the practitioner.
respect for the client’s right to be self-governing.
a commitment to promoting the client’s wellbeing.
a commitment to avoiding harm to the client.
the fair and impartial treatment of all clients and the provision of adequate services.
fostering the practitioner’s self-knowledge, integrity and care for self.
Ethical decisions that are strongly supported by one or more of these principles
without any contradiction with the others may be regarded as well-founded.
However, practitioners may encounter circumstances in which it is impossible to
reconcile all the applicable principles. This may require choosing which principles
to prioritise. A decision or course of action does not necessarily become unethical
merely because it is controversial or because other practitioners would have reached
dierent conclusions in similar circumstances. A practitioner’s obligation is to consider
all the relevant circumstances with as much care as possible and to be appropriately
accountable for decisions made.
bacp Ethical Framework
for the Counselling Professions
Personal moral qualities
Personal moral qualities are internalised values that shape how we relate to others
and our environment. They represent a moral energy or drive that may operate
unconsciously and unexamined. This moral energy or drive is ethically more benecial
when consciously examined from time to time and used to motivate our ethical
development or shape how we work towards a good society.
‘Personal moral qualities’ are a contemporary application of ‘virtues’ from moral
The practitioner’s personal and relational moral qualities are of the utmost importance.
Their perceived presence or absence will have a strong inuence on how relationships
with clients and colleagues develop and whether they are of sucient quality and
resilience to support the work.
High levels of compatibility between personal and professional moral qualities will
usually enhance the integrity and resilience of any relationship.
Key personal qualities to which members and registrants are strongly encouraged to
aspire include:
openness with clients about anything that places them at risk of harm or causes actual
benevolent, responsible and competent attentiveness to someone’s needs, wellbeing
and personal agency.
the capacity to act in spite of known fears, risks and uncertainty.
the conscientious deployment of the skills and knowledge needed to achieve a
benecial outcome.
the ability to communicate understanding of another person’s experience from that
person’s perspective.
bacp Ethical Framework
for the Counselling Professions
impartial and principled in decisions and actions concerning others in ways that
promote equality of opportunity and maximise the capability of the people concerned.
the ability to assess accurately and acknowledge one’s own strengths and weaknesses.
sense of self in relationship to others that forms the basis of responsibility, resilience
and motivation.
commitment to being moral in dealings with others, including personal
straightforwardness, honesty and coherence.
the capacity to work with the client’s concerns without being personally diminished.
showing appropriate esteem for people and their understanding of themselves.
a personal commitment to consistency between what is professed and what is done.
possession of sound judgement that informs practice.
The challenge of working ethically means that practitioners will inevitably encounter
situations that require responses to unexpected issues, resolution of dilemmas, and
solutions to problems. A good understanding of the ethics that underpin our work is a
valuable resource which is helpful in making signicant decisions. The use of an ethical
problem-solving model and discussion about ethics are essential to good practice.
This Ethical Framework is intended to assist practitioners by directing attention to the
variety of ethical factors that may need to be taken into consideration and to identify
alternative ways of approaching ethics that may prove more useful.
No statement of ethics can eliminate the diculty of making professional judgements
in circumstances that may be constantly changing and full of uncertainties. By
accepting this statement of ethics, members and registrants of the British Association
for Counselling and Psychotherapy are committing themselves to engaging with
the challenge of striving to be ethical, even when doing so involves making dicult
decisions or acting courageously.
bacp Ethical Framework
for the Counselling Professions
As members of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) we are
committed to sustaining and advancing good practice.
This section of the Ethical Framework looks behind Our commitment to clients and Ethics
to consider their implications for Good practice in more detail.
It sets out what can be expected of all members and registrants of BACP as practitioners
providing therapeutically-informed services, particularly coaching, counselling,
pastoral care, psychotherapy and using counselling skills. This includes being a
supervisor, trainer, educator of practitioners, or researcher of any aspect of the
counselling professions. Trainees will full all the commitments to clients within the
Ethical Framework when working with members of the public as their clients. Good
practice point 81 sets out the commitments for working with other trainees to learn
new knowledge and skills.
As members and registrants of BACP, we have committed ourselves to the principles
and values set out in this Ethical Framework and recognise that our membership or
registration may be at risk if we fail to full our commitments.
Our responsibilities are set out as full or qualied obligations. We are fully and
unconditionally committed to fullling a specic requirement of Good practice where
we state ‘we will…’ or ‘we must…’. Where we consider a requirement may need to be
varied for good ethical reasons, we state that ‘we will usually…’.
We are committing ourselves to being openly accountable and willing to explain
how we have implemented any of these obligations to people with a valid interest
in our work.
Good practice
bacp Ethical Framework
for the Counselling Professions
Putting clients rst
We will make each client the primary focus of our attention and our work during our
sessions together.
Any professional or personal interests that conict with putting a client’s interests
rst will be carefully considered in consultation with a supervisor, an independent
experienced colleague or, when appropriate, discussed with the client aected before
services are oered.
We will give careful consideration to how we manage situations when protecting
clients or others from serious harm or when compliance with the law may require
overriding a client’s explicit wishes or breaching their condentiality see also 10, 55
and 64.
In exceptional circumstances, the need to safeguard our clients or others from serious
harm may require us to override our commitment to making our client’s wishes and
condentiality our primary concern. We may need to act in ways that will support any
investigations or actions necessary to prevent serious harm to our clients or others. In
such circumstances, we will do our best to respect the parts of our client’s wishes or
condences that do not need to be overridden in order to prevent serious harm.
We share a responsibility with all other members of our professions for the safety and
wellbeing of all clients and their protection from exploitation or unsafe practice. We
will take action to prevent harm caused by practitioners to any client – see also 24.
We will do everything we can to develop and protect our clients’ trust.
bacp Ethical Framework
for the Counselling Professions
Working to professional standards
We must be competent to deliver the services being oered to at least fundamental
professional standards or better. When we consider satisfying professional standards
requires consulting others with relevant expertise, seeking second opinions, or making
referrals, we will do so in ways that meet our commitments and obligations for client
condentiality and data protection.
We will keep skills and knowledge up to date by:
a. reading professional journals, books and/or reliable electronic resources
b. keeping ourselves informed of any relevant research and evidence-based guidance
c. discussions with colleagues working with similar issues
d. reviewing our knowledge and skills in supervision or discussion with experienced
e. regular continuing professional development to update knowledge and skills
f. keeping up to date with the law, regulations and any other requirements, including
guidance from this Association, relevant to our work.
We will keep accurate records that:
are adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for the type of service being
comply with the applicable data protection requirements – see
We will collaborate with colleagues over our work with specic clients where this is
consistent with client consent and will enhance services to the client.
We will work collaboratively with colleagues to improve services and oer mutual
support – see 56–59 Working with Colleagues and in Teams.
We will maintain our own physical and psychological health at a level that enables us to
work eectively with our clients – see 91 Care of self as a practitioner.
bacp Ethical Framework
for the Counselling Professions
We will be covered by adequate insurance when providing services directly or
indirectly to the public.
We will full the ethical principles and values set out in this Ethical Framework
regardless of whether working online, face-to-face or using any other methods of
communication. The technical and practical knowledge may vary according to how
services are delivered but all our services will be delivered to at least fundamental
professional standards or better.
We will respect our clients’ privacy and dignity.
We will respect our clients as people by providing services that:
a. endeavour to demonstrate equality, value diversity and ensure inclusion for all clients
b. avoid unfairly discriminating against clients or colleagues
c. accept we are all vulnerable to prejudice and recognise the importance of self-
inquiry, personal feedback and professional development
d. work with issues of identity in open-minded ways that respect the client’s autonomy
and be sensitive to whether this is viewed as individual or relational autonomy
e. challenge assumptions that any sexual orientation or gender identity is inherently
preferable to any other and will not attempt to bring about a change of sexual
orientation or gender identity or seek to suppress an individual’s expression of
sexual orientation or gender identity
f. make adjustments to overcome barriers to accessibility, so far as is reasonably
possible, for clients of any ability wishing to engage with a service
g. recognise when our knowledge of key aspects of our client’s background, identity or
lifestyle is inadequate and take steps to inform ourselves from other sources where
available and appropriate, rather than expecting the client to teach us
h. are open-minded with clients who appear similar to ourselves or possess familiar
characteristics so that we do not suppress or neglect what is distinctive in their lives.
We will take the law concerning equality, diversity and inclusion into careful
consideration and strive for a higher standard than the legal minimum.
bacp Ethical Framework
for the Counselling Professions
We will challenge colleagues or others involved in delivering related services whose
views appear to be unfairly discriminatory and take action to protect clients, if
necessary – see 11.
We will do all that we reasonably can to ensure that our clients are participating on a
voluntary basis. Hesitant clients or clients who feel under pressure from other people
or agencies to work with us will have their reservations acknowledged and taken into
account in how services are oered.
We will work with our clients on the basis of their informed consent and agreement. We
recognise that exceptional situations may arise where we may need to prioritise the
safety of the client or others over our client’s wishes and condentiality see 10.
Careful consideration will be given to working with children and young people that:
a. takes account of their capacity to give informed consent, considering whether it is
appropriate to seek the consent of others who have parental responsibility for the
young person, and their best interests
b. demonstrates knowledge and skills about ways of working that are appropriate to
the young person’s development and how relationships are formed
c. demonstrates a sound knowledge of the law relevant to working with children and
young people and their human rights
d. is informed about the current culture and customs that aect parenting/care giving
and how children and young people interact with each other and other signicant
people in their lives.
We will give careful consideration to obtaining and respecting the consent of
vulnerable adult clients, wherever they have the capacity to give consent, or involving
anyone who provides care for these clients when appropriate.
Our work with clients will be based on professional partnerships with them that aim to
increase their wellbeing, capability and/or performance.
bacp Ethical Framework
for the Counselling Professions
Building an appropriate relationship
We will usually provide clients with the information they ought to know in advance in
order to make an informed decision about the services they want to receive, how these
services will be delivered and how information or data about them will be protected.
Where the urgency or seriousness of the situation requires us to intervene before
providing such information, we will do so at the rst appropriate opportunity.
We will give careful consideration to how we reach agreement with clients and will
contract with them about the terms on which our services will be provided. Attention
will be given to:
a. reaching an agreement or contract that takes account of each client’s expressed
needs and choices so far as possible
b. communicating terms and conditions of the agreement or contract in ways easily
understood by the client and appropriate to their context
c. stating clearly how a client’s condentiality and privacy will be protected and any
circumstances in which condential or private information will be communicated to
d. providing the client with a record or easy access to a record of what has been agreed
e. keeping a record of what has been agreed and of any changes or clarications when
they occur
f. being watchful for any potential contractual incompatibilities between agreements
with our clients and any other contractual agreements applicable to the work being
undertaken and proactively strive to avoid these wherever possible or promptly
alert the people with the power or responsibility to resolve these contradictions.
We will periodically review each client’s progress and, when practicable, seek our
client’s views on how we are working together.
We will establish and maintain appropriate professional and personal boundaries in
our relationships with clients by ensuring that:
a. these boundaries are consistent with the aims of working together and benecial to
the client
b. any dual or multiple relationships will be avoided where the risks of harm to the
client outweigh any benets to the client
c. reasonable care is taken to separate and maintain a distinction between our
personal and professional presence on social media where this could result in
harmful dual relationships with clients
bacp Ethical Framework
for the Counselling Professions
d. the impact of any dual or multiple relationships will be periodically reviewed
in supervision and discussed with clients when appropriate. They may also be
discussed with any colleagues or managers in order to enhance the integrity of the
work being undertaken.
We will not have sexual relationships with or behave sexually towards our clients,
supervisees or trainees.
We will not exploit or abuse our clients in any way: nancially, emotionally, physically,
sexually or spiritually.
We will avoid having sexual relationships with or behaving sexually towards people
whom we know to be close to our clients in order to avoid undermining our clients’
trust in us or damaging the therapeutic relationship.
We will avoid continuing or resuming any relationships with former clients that could
harm the client or damage any benets from the therapeutic work undertaken. We
recognise that conicts of interest and issues of power or dependence may continue
after our working relationship with a client, supervisee or trainee has formally ended.
a. We will exercise caution before entering into personal or business relationships with
former clients
b. We will avoid sexual or intimate relationships with former clients or people close to
them. Exceptionally, such a relationship will only be permissible following careful
consideration in supervision and, whenever possible, following discussion with
experienced colleagues or others concerned about the integrity of the counselling
professions, when:
enough time has elapsed or the circumstances of the people concerned have
suciently changed to establish a distinction between the former and proposed
new relationship
any therapeutic dynamics from the former relationship have been suciently
resolved to enable beginning a dierent type of relationship. (This may not
be possible with some clients or inappropriate to some therapeutic ways of
an equivalent service to the one provided by the practitioner is available to the
former client, should this be wanted in future
the practitioner has taken demonstrable care in ensuring that the new
relationship has integrity and is not exploitative
c. We will be professionally accountable if the relationship becomes detrimental to
the former client or damages the standing of the profession.
bacp Ethical Framework
for the Counselling Professions
Breaks and endings
We will inform clients about any xed limits to the duration or number of sessions as
part of the contracting process.
We will endeavour to inform clients well in advance of approaching endings and be
sensitive to our client’s expectations and concerns when we are approaching the end
of our work together.
We will inform clients in advance of any planned breaks in working together, for
example, holidays or medical treatments, and give as much notice as possible.
Any unplanned breaks due to illness or other causes will be managed in ways to
minimise inconveniencing clients and, for extended breaks, may include oering to put
clients in touch with other practitioners.
In the event of death or illness of sucient severity to prevent the practitioner
communicating directly with clients, we will have appointed someone to communicate
with clients and support them in making alternative arrangements where this is
desired. The person undertaking this work will be bound by the condentiality agreed
between the practitioner and client, and will usually be a trusted colleague, a specially
appointed trustee or a supervisor.
We will maintain high standards of honesty and probity in all aspects of our work.
We will be as open and as communicative with our clients, colleagues and others as is
consistent with the purpose, methods and condentiality of the service.
Whenever we communicate our qualications, professional experience and working
methods, we will do so accurately and honestly. All reasonable requests for this
information will be answered promptly.
bacp Ethical Framework
for the Counselling Professions
We will give conscientious consideration to the law and how we full any legal
requirements concerning our work – see also 14f, 23 and 70.
We will promptly notify this Association about any criminal charges or disciplinary
procedures brought against us. We will also notify this Association of civil claims arising
from work in the counselling professions, or if we have been declared bankrupt.
We will avoid any actions that will bring our profession into disrepute.
We will encourage clients to raise any concerns about our work with them at the
earliest possible opportunity, give any concerns careful consideration and, when
appropriate, attempt to resolve them. Clients will be informed of any applicable
complaints processes open to them including the Professional Conduct Procedures of
this Association
Accountability and candour
We will take responsibility for how we oer our clients opportunities to work towards
their desired outcomes and the safety of the services we provide or have responsibility
for overseeing.
We will discuss with clients how best to work towards their desired outcomes and any
known risks involved in the work.
We will ensure candour by being open and honest about anything going wrong and
promptly inform our clients of anything in our work that places clients at risk of harm,
or has caused them harm, whether or not the client(s) aected are aware of what has
occurred by:
a. taking immediate action to prevent or limit any harm
b. repairing any harm caused, so far as possible
c. oering an apology when this is appropriate
d. notifying and discussing with our supervisor and/or manager what has occurred
e. investigating and take action to avoid whatever has gone wrong being repeated.
bacp Ethical Framework
for the Counselling Professions
We will consider carefully in supervision how we work with clients – see 60–73.
We will monitor how clients experience our work together and the eects of the work
with them in ways appropriate to the type of service being oered.
We will protect the condentiality and privacy of clients by:
a. actively protecting information about clients from unauthorised access or disclosure
b. informing clients about how the use of personal data and information that they
share with us will be used and who is within the circle of condentiality, particularly
with access to personally identiable information
c. requiring that all recipients of personally identiable information have agreed to
treat such information as condential in accordance with any legal requirements and
what has been agreed with the client at the time of disclosure
d. informing clients about any reasonably foreseeable limitations of privacy or
condentiality in advance of our work together, for example, communications to
ensure or enhance the quality of work in supervision or training, to protect a client
or others from serious harm including safeguarding commitments, and when legally
required or authorised to disclose
e. taking care that all contractual requirements concerning the management and
communication of client information are mutually compatible
f. ensuring that disclosure of personally identiable information about clients is
authorised by client consent or that there is a legally and ethically recognised
g. using thoroughly anonymised information about clients where this provides a
practical alternative to sharing identiable information.
bacp Ethical Framework
for the Counselling Professions
Working with colleagues and in teams
Professional relationships will be conducted in a spirit of mutual respect. We will
endeavour to build good working relationships and systems of communication that
enhance services to clients.
Practitioners will treat colleagues fairly and foster their capability and equality of
Practitioners will not undermine any colleague’s relationship with clients by making
unjustiable or ill-judged comments.
All communications between colleagues about clients should be on a professional
basis and thus purposeful, respectful and consistent with the management of
condences agreed with clients.
Supervision is essential to how practitioners sustain good practice throughout their
working life. Supervision provides practitioners with regular and ongoing opportunities
to reect in depth about all aspects of their practice in order to work as eectively,
safely and ethically as possible. Supervision also sustains the personal resourcefulness
required to undertake the work.
Good supervision is much more than case management. It includes working in depth
on the relationship between practitioner and client in order to work towards desired
outcomes and positive eects. This requires adequate levels of privacy, safety and
containment for the supervisee to undertake this work. Therefore a substantial part or
preferably all of supervision needs to be independent of line management.
Supervision requires additional skills and knowledge to those used for providing
services directly to clients. Therefore supervisors require adequate levels of expertise
acquired through training and/or experience. Supervisors will also ensure that they
work with appropriate professional support and their own supervision.
bacp Ethical Framework
for the Counselling Professions
All supervisors will model high levels of good practice for the work they supervise,
particularly with regard to expected levels of competence and professionalism,
relationship building, the management of personal boundaries, any dual relationships,
conicts of interest and avoiding exploitation.
All communications concerning clients made in the context of supervision will be
consistent with condentiality agreements with the clients concerned and compatible
with any applicable agency policy.
Careful consideration will be given to the undertaking of key responsibilities for clients
and how these responsibilities are allocated between the supervisor, supervisee and
any line manager or others with responsibilities for the service provided. Consideration
needs to be given to how any of these arrangements and responsibilities will be
communicated to clients in ways that are supportive of and appropriate to the work
being undertaken. These arrangements will usually be reviewed at least once a year, or
more frequently if required.
Trainee supervision will require the supervisor to collaborate with training and
placement providers in order to ensure that the trainee’s work with clients satises
professional standards. The arrangements for collaboration will usually be agreed and
discussed with the trainee in advance of working with clients.
When supervising qualied and/or experienced practitioners, the weight of
responsibility for ensuring that the supervisee’s work meets professional standards
will primarily rest with the supervisee.
Supervisors and supervisees will periodically consider how responsibility for work
with clients is implemented in practice and how any diculties or concerns are
being addressed.
The application of this Ethical Framework to the work with clients will be discussed in
supervision regularly and not less than once a year.
Supervisors will conscientiously consider the application of the law concerning
supervision to their role and responsibilities.
bacp Ethical Framework
for the Counselling Professions
Supervisors will keep accurate records of key points discussed in supervision.
Supervisees have a responsibility to be open and honest in supervision and to draw
attention to any signicant diculties or challenges that they may be facing in their
work with clients. Supervisors are responsible for providing opportunities for their
supervisees to discuss any of their practice-related diculties without blame or
unjustied criticism and, when appropriate, to support their supervisees in taking
positive actions to resolve diculties.
Supervision is recommended to anyone working in roles that require regularly giving or
receiving emotionally challenging communications, or engaging in relationally complex
and challenging roles.
Training and education
All trainers will have the skills, attitudes and knowledge required to be competent
teachers and facilitators of learning for what is being provided.
Any information about the teaching, education or learning opportunities being
provided will be accurate and enable potential students to make an informed choice.
Any selection of students will be fair, respectful and transparent to candidates and use
procedures designed to select suitable students.
Any assessments of students will be fair, respectful and provide reasoned explanations
for the outcome to the students.
Care will be taken when using examples of work with clients for teaching purposes that
the client information is used with the consent of the person or suciently anonymised
so that the person concerned cannot be identied by any means reasonably likely to be
bacp Ethical Framework
for the Counselling Professions
Trainers and educators will model high levels of good practice in their work, particularly
with regard to expected levels of competence and professionalism, relationship
building, the management of personal boundaries, any dual relationships, conicts of
interest and avoiding exploitation.
Trainers and educators will encourage trainees to raise any concerns at the earliest
opportunity and have processes and policies for addressing any trainee’s concerns.
Trainers and educators are responsible for providing opportunities for trainees to
discuss any of their practice-related diculties without blame or unjustied criticism
and, when appropriate, to support trainees in taking positive actions to resolve
Trainees working with each other will:
a. relate respectfully to others and endeavour to support each others’ learning
b. follow good ethical practice when working with each other, for example when
practising skills or in personal development.
In the interests of openness and honesty with clients:
a. trainees on a practitioner-qualifying course working with clients will inform clients
(or ensure that clients have been informed) that they are trainees
b. trainees who are undertaking post-qualication CPD or further training will be
guided by any applicable training requirements when using their professional and
ethical judgement about whether to inform clients that they are in training.
All trainees will:
a. seek their clients’ permission to use any information from work with them for
training purposes, for example, in presentations, case studies or as assessed
practice. Alternatively, any report of work undertaken will be so thoroughly
anonymised that the identity of the person concerned cannot be identied by any
means reasonably likely to be used. Consent is required if anonymity cannot be
assured or when required by the training provider’s instructions or regulations
b. ensure that they deliver services that satisfy the minimum professional standards
when working as practitioners with members of the public. This standard may be
achieved with the assistance of appropriate professional support
bacp Ethical Framework
for the Counselling Professions
c. collaborate with their trainers, placement providers, supervisors and other
professional advisers to provide services to their clients that satisfy professional
standards by being undertaken with reasonable care and skill
d. be watchful for any incompatibilities between contractual requirements that have
implications for work with clients, for example, between agreements with clients,
training providers and placements, and seek appropriate support in order to ensure
that all contractual requirements are compatible
e. be open and honest with trainers, placement providers and supervisors about all
issues relevant to their selection, training, supervision and professional practice.
We value research and systematic inquiry by practitioners as enhancing our
professional knowledge and providing an evidence-base for practice in ways that
benet our clients.
We will usually support and provide opportunities for research if it is compatible with
the services we provide.
When undertaking research we will be rigorously attentive to the quality and integrity
of the research process, the knowledge claims arising from the research and how the
results are disseminated.
All research that we undertake will be guided by the BACP Ethical Guidelines for
Research in the Counselling Professions.
All participants in research will do so on the basis of explicit informed consent.
All research will be reviewed in advance to ensure that the rights and interests of
participants have been considered independently of the researcher.
The research methods used will comply with standards of good practice in any services
being delivered and will not adversely aect clients.
bacp Ethical Framework
for the Counselling Professions
Care of self as a practitioner
We will take responsibility for our own wellbeing as essential to sustaining good
practice with our clients by:
a. taking precautions to protect our own physical safety
b. monitoring and maintaining our own psychological and physical health, particularly
that we are suciently resilient and resourceful to undertake our work in ways that
satisfy professional standards
c. seeking professional support and services as the need arises
d. keeping a healthy balance between our work and other aspects of life.
Responding to ethical dilemmas and issues
We recognise that professional and ethical issues, problems and dilemmas will arise
from time to time and are an unavoidable part of our practice.
We will use our supervision and any other available professional resources to support
and challenge how we respond to such situations. We will give careful consideration to
the best approaches to ethical problem-solving.
We will take responsibility for considering how best to act in such situations and will be
ready to explain why we decided to respond in the way we did.