The Federal Transit Administration
Report 47
A Handbook for Measuring Customer
Satisfaction and Service Quality
Transportation Research Board
National Research Council
BC Transit
Montgomery County Government
Transit Authority of River City
Barwood, Inc.
Central Ohio Transit Authority
Indiana County Transit Authority
York County Community Action Corp.
Delon Hampton & Associates
Oregon State University
North Carolina A&T State University
Parsons Brinckerhoff, Inc.
Madison Metro Transit System
The Palisades Consulting Group, Inc.
Pierce Transit
The Nettleship Group, Inc.
Reichert Management Services
Port Authority of Allegheny County
King County DOT/Metro
Peninsula Transportation Dist. Comm.
Corpus Christi RTA
Wayne Shackelford, Commissioner, Georgia DOT
Vice Chair:
Martin Wachs, Director, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California at
Executive Director:
Robert E. Skinner, Jr., Transportation Research Board
General Manager, AC Transit
(Past Chairwoman, 1998)
Secretary of Transportation, Florida DOT
Lloyd Viel Berkner Regental Professor, University of Texas at Dallas
President, TransManagement, Inc., Washington, DC
Secretary of Transportation, Delaware DOT
Secretary, Kansas DOT
President, Intermodal Association of North America, Greenbelt, MD
Joseph T. Stuart Professor of Civil Engineering and Director, ATLSS
Engineering Research Center, Lehigh University
Director, Institute for Transportation Research and Education, North
Carolina State University
Chair and CEO, Delon Hampton & Associates, Washington, DC
Hamilton Professor, Civil Engineering, University of Virginia
Director, Parsons Brinckerhoff, Inc., New York, NY
General Manager, San Diego Metropolitan Transit Development Board
Secretary of Transportation, Pennsylvania DOT
President and CEO, Trimac Corporation, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Missouri DOT
Director, North Dakota DOT
Senior VP, Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corporation
Secretary of Transportation, Washington State DOT
Staff Director, Capital District Transportation Committee
Executive Director, Port of Tacoma, Tacoma, WA
VPOperations Planning & Budget, Norfolk Southern Corporation, Norfolk, VA
President and CEO, Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority
Commissioner, Indiana DOT
Dean of Engineering, Pennsylvania State University
President, National Asphalt Pavement Association
Chief of Engineers and Commander, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Administrator, Research and Special Programs, U.S.DOT
Deputy Secretary, Office of the Secretary, U.S.DOT
Assistant Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration, U.S.DOT
President and CEO, Association of American Railroads
Maritime Administrator, U.S.DOT
Executive Director, American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials
Federal Transit Administrator, U.S.DOT
National Highway Traffic Safety Administrator, U.S.DOT
President, American Public Transit Association
Federal Railroad Administrator, U.S.DOT
President, American Concrete Pavement Association
Director, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, U.S.DOT
President and CEO, National Railroad Passenger Corporation
Federal Highway Administrator, U.S.DOT
Transportation Research Board Executive Committee Subcommittee for TCRP
Georgia DOT
AC Transit
University of Virginia
San Diego Metropolitan Transit Development Board
American Public Transit Administration
Transportation Research Board
Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California at Berkeley
Report 47
A Handbook for Measuring Customer
Satisfaction and Service Quality
Farmington Hills, MI
in association with
Cambridge, MA
Subject Areas
Public Transit
Research Sponsored by the Federal Transit Administration in
Cooperation with the Transit Development Corporation
Washington, D.C. 1999
The nation's growth and the need to meet mobility,
environmental, and energy objectives place demands on public
transit systems. Current systems, some of which are old and in need
of upgrading, must expand service area, increase service frequency,
and improve efficiency to serve these demands. Research is
necessary to solve operating problems, to adapt appropriate new
technologies from other industries, and to introduce innovations
into the transit industry. The Transit Cooperative Research Program
(TCRP) serves as one of the principal means by which the transit
industry can develop innovative near-term solutions to meet
demands placed on it.
The need for TCRP was originally identified in
TRB Special
Report 213Research for Public Transit: New Directions,
published in 1987 and based on a study sponsored by the Urban
Mass Transportation Administration—now the Federal Transit
Administration (FTA). A report by the American Public Transit
Association (APTA),
Transportation 2000
, also recognized the
need for local, problem-solving research. TCRP, modeled after the
longstanding and successful National Cooperative Highway
Research Program, undertakes research and other technical
activities in response to the needs of transit service providers. The
scope of TCRP includes a variety of transit research fields
including planning, service configuration, equipment, facilities,
operations, human resources, maintenance, policy, and
administrative practices.
TCRP was established under FTA sponsorship in July 1992.
Proposed by the U.S. Department of Transportation, TCRP was
authorized as part of the Intermodal Surface Transportation
Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA). On May 13, 1992, a
memorandum agreement outlining TCRP operating procedures was
executed by the three cooperating organizations: FTA, the National
Academy of Sciences, acting through the Transportation Research
Board (TRB); and the Transit Development Corporation, Inc.
(TDC), a nonprofit educational and research organization
established by APTA. TDC is responsible for forming the
independent governing board, designated as the TCRP Oversight
and Project Selection (TOPS) Committee.
Research problem statements for TCRP are solicited periodically
but may be submitted to TRB by anyone at any time. It is the
responsibility of the TOPS Committee to formulate the research
program by identifying the highest priority projects. As part of the
evaluation, the TOPS Committee defines funding levels and
expected products.
Once selected, each project is assigned to an expert panel,
appointed by the Transportation Research Board. The panels
prepare project statements (requests for proposals), select
contractors, and provide technical guidance and counsel throughout
the life of the project. The process for developing research problem
statements and selecting research agencies has been used by TRB
in managing cooperative research programs since 1962. As in other
TRB activities, TCRP project panels serve voluntarily without
Because research cannot have the desired impact if products fail
to reach the intended audience, special emphasis is placed on
disseminating TCRP results to the intended end users of the
research: transit agencies, service providers, and suppliers. TRB
provides a series of research reports, syntheses of transit practice,
and other supporting material developed by TCRP research. APTA
will arrange for workshops, training aids, field visits, and other
activities to ensure that results are implemented by urban and rural
transit industry practitioners.
The TCRP provides a forum where transit agencies can
cooperatively address common operational problems. The TCRP
results support and complement other ongoing transit research and
training programs.
Project B-11 FY'95
ISSN 1073-4872
ISBN 0-309-06323-X
Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 99-71030
© 1999 Transportation Research Board
Price $53.00
The project that is the subject of this report was a part of the Transit
Cooperative Research Program conducted by the Transportation
Research Board with the approval of the Governing Board of the
National Research Council. Such approval reflects the Governing
Board's judgment that the project concerned is appropriate with respect
to both the purposes and resources of the National Research Council.
The members of the technical advisory panel selected to monitor this
project and to review this report were chosen for recognized scholarly
competence and with due consideration for the balance of disciplines
appropriate to the project. The opinions and conclusions expressed or
implied are those of the research agency that performed the research,
and while they have been accepted as appropriate by the technical
panel, they are not necessarily those of the Transportation Research
Board, the National Research Council, the Transit Development
Corporation, or the Federal Transit Administration of the U.S.
Department of Transportation.
Each report is reviewed and accepted for publication by the technical
panel according to procedures established and monitored by the
Transportation Research Board Executive Committee and the
Governing Board of the National Research Council.
To save time and money in disseminating the research findings, the
report is essentially the original text as submitted by the research
agency. This report has not been edited by TRB.
Special Notice
The Transportation Research Board, the National Research Council, the
Transit Development Corporation, and the Federal Transit
Administration (sponsor of the Transit Cooperative Research Program)
do not endorse products or manufacturers. Trade or manufacturers'
names appear herein solely because they are considered essential to the
clarity and completeness of the project reporting.
Published reports of the
are available from:
Transportation Research Board
National Research Council
2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
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Printed in the United States of America
By Staff
Transportation Research
This handbook focuses on how to measure customer satisfaction and how to
develop transit agency performance measures. It will be of interest to transit managers,
market research and customer service personnel, transit planners, and others who need
to know about measuring customer satisfaction and developing transit agency
performance measures. The handbook provides methods on how to identify,
implement, and evaluate customer satisfaction and customer-defined quality service.
Transit agencies are concerned with delivering quality service to customers, which
is often defined by on-time performance, comfort, safety, and convenience. Transit
agencies continually strive to define quality service, yet a problem exists—definitions
of such service often evolve from management's perceptions of what constitutes
quality. These management definitions may vary significantly from what current and
potential customers perceive to be quality service.
Consumer definitions of quality service could prove helpful to the transit industry.
Under TCRP Project B-11,
Customer-Defined Transit Service Quality,
research was
undertaken by MORPACE International, Inc., to develop a methodology to assist
transit agencies in identifying, implementing, and evaluating customer-defined service
quality and in defining performance indicators that include customer-defined quality
service measures for fixed-route transit. This research includes rural, suburban, and
urban markets.
To achieve the project objective of producing a handbook, the researchers
conducted a review of current literature related to customer-defined transit service
quality measures, customer satisfaction measurement techniques within transit and
other industries, and transit performance measures and indicators. Next, the research
team developed a comprehensive list of service-quality measures from the customer's
perspective, ensuring that each measure was specific and clearly defined. A survey
was administered to customers to arrive at a ranking of service-quality measures, in
order of their impact on overall customer satisfaction. The survey instrument was
developed and refined based on the results of pretests. Alternative methods for ranking
servicequality measures were explored and evaluated, and a new approach was
introduced. Finally, the list of service-quality measures was compared with the list of
agency performance indicators, and the performance measures were revised to reflect
customerdefined service. Using the research findings from the field test, the
methodology was refined and a preliminary method for assessing transit operations
was developed. Methods for benchmarking and tracking information are also
Director, Cooperative Research Programs
Manager, Transit Cooperative Research Program
Senior Program Officer
Managing Editor
Associate Editor
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
Metropolitan Transit Authority, Houston, TX
Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District, Portland, OR
Chicago Transit Authority
Miami Dade Transit Agency
Southeast Missouri State University
Central Ohio Transit Authority
Minnesota DOT
FTA Liaison Representative
TRB Liaison Representative
1 CHAPTER 1 Introduction
1A. The Goals of Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality Measurement, 1
1B. How to Use This Handbook, 3
1C. Key Words, 4
5 CHAPTER 2 Goals for Transit Industry Service Quality Measurement
2A. Benefits and Requirements of Service Quality Measurement for Transit, 5
2B. Brief History of Customer Satisfaction Measurement, 6
2C. Defining Service Quality Measurement, 6
11 CHAPTER 3 Identifying Determinants of Service Quality
15 CHAPTER 4 Quantitative Analytical Techniques
4A. Overview, 15
4B. Problems with the Factor Analysis Approach, 16
4C. Uses of Quadrant Analysis, 17
4D. Regional and Industry Response Bias, 17
4E. Customer Loyalty and Establishing Customer Satisfaction Indices, 18
4F. Market Segmentation of Customer Satisfaction Findings, 20
4G. Linking Customer Satisfaction to Performance Measures, 20
23 CHAPTER 5 Impact Score Technique: An Explanation of the Method
27 CHAPTER 6 Impact Scores as Tracking Measures
29 CHAPTER 7 Quantitative Research Design
7A. Overview, 29
7B. Questionnaire Development, 30
7C. Response Rates and Sampling Error Estimates, 30
7D. Customer Satisfaction Benchmark Survey Instrument, 31
33 CHAPTER 8 An Illustration of Comparative Quantitative Results—
Using Alternative Analytical Techniques
8A. CTA Red Line – Computation of Impact Scores, 33
8B. CTA Red Line – Comparison with Quadrant Analysis, 34
8C. CTA Red Line – Translation of Impact Scores to a Report Card, 35
8D. CTA Red Line – Comparison with Factor Analysis, 39
8E. CTA Blue Line – Computation of Impact Scores, 41
8F. CTA Blue Line – Comparison with Quadrant Analysis, 41
8G. CTA Blue Line – Translation of Impact Scores to a Report Card, 42
8H. CTA Blue Line – Comparison with Factor Analysis, 46
8I. Combined CTA Rail – Computation of Impact Scores, 48
8J. Combined CTA Rail – Comparison with Quadrant Analysis, 49
8K. Market Segmentation of CTA Rail Customer Satisfaction Findings, 53
8L. Sun Tran – Computation of Impact Scores, 57
8M. Sun Tran – Comparison with Quadrant Analysis, 57
8N. Sun Tran – Translation of Impact Scores to a Report Card, 58
8O. Sun Tran – Comparison with Factor Analysis, 62
8P. Market Segmentation of Sun Tran Satisfaction Findings, 63
8Q. GLTC – Computation of Impact Scores, 67
8R. GLTC – Translation of Impact Scores to a Report Card, 68
71 CHAPTER 9 Agency Review of Customer Satisfaction Survey Findings
9A. General Reactions to Results, 71
9B. Usefulness of Survey Procedures and Application of Findings, 72
9C. Reactions to Findings Relevant to Specific Attributes, 72
81 CHAPTER 10 Converting Service Quality Research Findings into Transit
Agency Performance Measures
10A. Introduction, 81
10B. A Transit Agency's Perspective to Transit Performance Measurement, 81
10C. Overview of Transit Performance Measures, 83
10D. Frequency of Transit Service, 88
10E. Reliability of Transit Service, 90
10F. Explanations and Announcement of Delays, 91
10G. Crowding On-board Trains and Buses, 92
10H. Behavior of Other Riders, 92
10I. Smoothness of the Ride, 93
10J. Cost Effectiveness, Affordability, and Value, 93
10K. Availability of Seats, 94
10L. Frequency of Delays due to Repairs/Emergencies, 94
10M. Passenger Environment On-board Vehicles and at Stations/Stops, 94
99 CHAPTER 11 An Overview of Data Collection and Analysis Methods
11A. Principles of Data Collection, 99
11B. Approaches to the Analysis of Performance Data, 101
Customer Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction ResearchAn Historical Perspective, A-1
Literature Search Summary for Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction
Measurement – Outside Transit Industry, A-2
A-19 APPENDIX B Moderator's Guide
A-27 APPENDIX C Development and Refining of Customer Measures
A-37 APPENDIX D Sampling Plan for the TCRP B-11 Project Field Test
A-43 APPENDIX E Sample On-board Survey
A-45 APPENDIX F Customer-Defined Transit Service Quality Measures Survey
A-57 APPENDIX G The Relationship of Performance Measures to Customer-
Defined Service Attributes
Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality
A Handbook for Measuring Customer Satisfaction
and Service Quality
1A. The Goals of Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality Measurement
For transit agencies, as in other service industries, increases in customer satisfaction translate into
retained markets, increased use of the system, newly attracted customers, and a more positive public
image. To accomplish these ends, public transit needs reliable and efficient methods for identifying the
determinants of service quality from the customers' perspective.
The primary focus of this handbook is how to measure customer satisfaction and how to develop transit
agency performance measures in response to research findings. These are key elements of an ongoing
customer satisfaction monitoring process. However, before proceeding with these tasks, it is helpful to
consider the framework implied when customer feedback becomes the driver of agency service
improvement actions. Chart 1.1 below sets forth the goals, steps, and key work plan elements of a
successful customer satisfaction management plan.
Chart 1.1
Overall Customer Satisfaction Management Plan
Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality
The results of a customer satisfaction measurement program cannot be expected to drive transit agency
service improvement plans unless the findings correlate with agency-based performance measures, i.e.
that data which the agency collects on a regular basis to document service performance. Customer
perspectives must also be validated or understood by frontline transit agency employees if corrective
action plans are to translate into successful implementation.
Hence, the customers' perspective, as measured, must be effectively communicated to agency personnel.
This communication should facilitate management's use of customer feedback in determining which
service improvements require immediate attention, which require further monitoring, and which
indicate a need for educating customers about service parameters. For while customers must always be
first, customers may not always be right. A fully diagnostic approach to customer satisfaction
measurement is essential, rather than reliance on ratings and ranking of service attributes alone.
Customer satisfaction indices, or CSIs, are determined from benchmark and tracking customer surveys.
These indices rely on measuring the impact of customers' ratings of individual service attributes on
overall satisfaction with service.
Several quantitative survey analysis techniques for this measurement are in use within transit and other
service industries. These include quadrant and gap analysis, factor analysis and multiple regression
analysis, and scattergrams. Of these, only factor and regression analysis can provide quantitative
benchmarks for continuous tracking, but problems are inherent. These include the need for large sample
sizes, the complications of explaining variability and weights, and reduction of potentially rich
individual service attribute findings into results for aggregated dimensions — with less relevancy for
specific transit improvements and performance measures.
This handbook proposes a new, simpler "impact score" or problems encountered approach. This
approach determines the relative impact of service attributes on overall satisfaction, when a recent
problem with the attribute is reported. Since the primary way transit agencies can improve customers'
overall satisfaction with service is to reduce customers' problematic experiences, the goal is to identify
those attributes which have the greatest negative impact on overall satisfaction and the greatest number
of customers encountering a problem. These "driver attributes" can be identified and prioritized in a
threestep process. Large sample and subsample sizes, and multivariate analysis techniques, are not
Another advantage of the impact score approach is that while more demanding telephone benchmark
surveys are recommended to establish baselines, periodic (annual or biannual) updates and tracking of
impact scores can be accomplished via on-board rider surveys only. These tracking updates can focus
on problem occurrence and those measures of service quality found in the baseline survey to have the
greatest impact on overall satisfaction.
For those transit agencies currently conducting customer satisfaction research using other methods,
adding the impact score approach will require only the following minor addition to the questionnaire.
After asking customers for their satisfaction rating on each individual service attribute (a series of
questions almost always included), the follow-up question, "Have you experienced a problem with this
service attribute within the last 30 days?"
(1: "Yes", 2: "No")
will be asked.
Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality
Unquestionably, all customer satisfaction analytical methods can be used in combination to fully
explore underlying relationships in customer perceptions, with the overall, diagnostic goal of
determining what elements of service need improvement. In combination with other approaches, or
alone, impact scores provide a straightforward method with results that are easy to explain, do not
require large sample sizes, and that streamline procedures for measuring — and improving — customer
satisfaction over time.
The TCRP B-11 project comparatively field-tested the impact score and other customer satisfaction
measurement approaches at three transit agency sites:
an urban rail system, the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) Red Line and CTA Blue Line in
Chicago, Illinois,
a suburban bus system, Sun Tran in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and
a small city bus system, Greater Lynchburg Transit Company (GLTC) in Lynchburg, Virginia.
1B. How to Use This Handbook
This handbook is organized for the "new ideas" and "comprehensive" customer satisfaction measurement
If you are interested in:
1. How to Measure and Compute Impact Scores GO TO CHAPTERS 5 AND 6
2. Benefits, Requirements, and a Brief History of GO TO CHAPTER 2 AND
Customer Satisfaction Measurement APPENDIX A
3. Identifying the Determinants of Service Quality GO TO CHAPTER 3 AND
from a Qualitative Perspective APPENDICES B AND C
Example List of Transit Service Quality Measures Page 13
4. A Review of Quantitative Customer Satisfaction
Measurement Techniques
5. Customer Satisfaction Research Design and Data GO TO CHAPTER 7 AND
Collection Methods APPENDICES D, E, AND F
Customer Satisfaction Benchmark Survey
6. The Development of Agency Performance GO TO CHAPTERS 9, 10,
Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality
1C. Key Words
Customer satisfaction measurement or indexing, or customer-defined service quality
— determining the
relevant impact of customers' ratings of individual service attributes on overall satisfaction with service.
Impact score or things gone wrong approach
— a new approach to customer satisfaction measurement
used extensively within automotive research and described herein.
Drivers of overall satisfaction
— those service attributes with the greatest impact on overall satisfaction
with service.
Attribute impact scores
— scores that indicate the relevant position of a service attribute in terms of its
impact on overall customer satisfaction and rate of customer reported problem occurrence.
Problem occurrence
the percent of customers experiencing a problem with a service attribute within
the past 30 days.
Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality
2A. Benefits and Requirements of Service Quality Measurement for Transit
Although empirical evidence is limited, increases in customer satisfaction are generally believed to:
shift the demand curve upward and/or make the slope of the curve steeper (i.e., lower price
elasticity, higher margins)
reduce marketing costs (customer acquisition requires more effort)
reduce customer turnover
lower employee turnover (satisfied customers affect the satisfaction of front-line personnel)
enhance reputation and public image (positive customer word-of-mouth)
reduce failure costs (handling customer complaints).
For transit agencies, an increase in customer satisfaction translates into retained riders, increased use of
the system, newly attracted customers, and an improved public image.
The requirements for a transit industry service quality measurement process are:
to derive the determinants of service quality from the customers;
to benefit from best practices established for service quality measurement within other
to take into account the complexities and unique aspects of public transit service;
to consider the differences inherent in urban, suburban, and rural systems – including modal
differences; and
to develop methods that are reasonably easy to describe and to implement so that cost and time
allocations are efficient.
Within the transit industry, only limited survey based customer satisfaction indexing research has been
conducted. The 1993 IDEA study
, based on small sample sizes within three urban transit systems, the
1995 Northwest Research Chicago Transit Authority Customer Satisfaction Report
, and customer
satisfaction studies conducted by BART in San Francisco
, TRI-MET in Portland, Oregon, and
MARTA in Atlanta are notable among the studies that have been published.
Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality
2B. Brief History of Customer Satisfaction Measurement
Appendix A provides a thorough literature review summary as to historical and methodological
perspectives of customer satisfaction research.
Consumer behavior as a distinct discipline dates only from the mid 1960s. Interest in understanding and
tracking specific consumer problems grew dramatically in the late 1970s under the broad label of
consumer satisfaction/dissatisfaction (CS/D) research. Its growth coincided with a growing interest on
the part of government regulators and consumer advocates in making policy formulation more rational
and systematic. The earliest comprehensive CS/D studies were, in fact, motivated by the policy
planning needs of a public regulatory agency, the Federal Trade Commission (Technical Advisory
Research Program 1979), and a private non-profit sector organization, Ralph Nader's Center for Study
of Responsive Law. Most CS/D research from 1975 to 1985 was conducted within product and goods
industries. Only after 1980 were initial concepts and models developed to measure consumer
satisfaction/dissatisfaction within service industries.
Since 1985, two different patterns have emerged. First, there has been a considerable drop in CS/D
research from a public policy perspective. At the same time, however, there has been substantial growth
in interest in the topic of consumer satisfaction research in the private sector. This has been driven
primarily by the growth of the service sector of the economy where managers have realized that
tracking satisfaction is crucial to success when intangibles such as personal attention and atmospheres
are the "product". A number of private sector satisfaction tracking services have emerged. Many of
these services have made extensive use of earlier methodological developments in social policy
Most of the early studies were based on survey data. An alternative approach was complaints data, data
on the extent to which consumers voluntarily speak up about their dissatisfactions. Such data have the
advantage of not requiring field surveys; however, they are typically biased in two important ways.
First, some types of problems in some types of industries are more likely to be voiced than others, and
some problems are less serious than others, and/or less costly than others. Monopolies, such as some
transit systems, are often relatively "immune" to complaining except from a small elite. Finally, not all
consumers complain. These problems have led researchers in recent years to fall back on the more
costly, but more objective, survey research methods.
Initial survey research studies on CS/D sought to calibrate the amount and types of dissatisfaction in the
marketplace as a basis for policy planning. This body of research was largely descriptive. Wide
variation was found across purchase categories. These studies differ widely in the basic measure of
dissatisfaction they used. Some focused on more or less objective measures of "problems", others on
subjective feelings of "dissatisfaction." Some counted any negative experience whatsoever, some only
"serious" dissatisfactions, and some only the most recent problem. Also, there was the issue of
opportunity for problems. Definitional problems persist today.
2C. Defining Service Quality Measurement
Customer satisfaction research literature traditionally agrees that service quality is a measure of how
well the service level delivered matches customer expectations. Delivering quality service means
conforming to customer expectations on a consistent basis.
However, clearly, the fact that expectations
are confirmed is not always sufficient for satisfaction.
Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality
Generally, a set of discrepancies or gaps exists regarding organizational perceptions of service quality
and the tasks associated with service delivery to consumers. These gaps can be major hurdles to
attempting to deliver a service that consumers would perceive as being high quality. Chart 2.1 on the
following page shows the five gap areas identified.
These are:
GAP 1: Consumer expectation management perception gap
These are discrepancies between executive perceptions and consumer expectations.
Transit agency executives may not always understand what features connote high
quality to consumers in advance, what features a service must have in order to meet
consumer needs, and what levels of performance on those features are needed to
deliver high quality service.
GAP 2: Management perception — service quality specifications
There may be constraints (resources, or market conditions) which prevent
management from delivering what the consumer expects, or there may be an absence
of total management commitment to service quality.
GAP 3: Service quality specifications service delivery gap
There may be difficulty in standardizing employee performance even when
guidelines exist for performing services well and treating consumers correctly.
GAP 4: Service delivery external communications gap
Media advertising and other communications by an agency can affect consumer
expectations. Promising more than can be delivered will raise initial expectations but
lower perceptions of quality when the promises are not fulfilled. Also, transit
agencies can neglect to inform consumers of special efforts to assure quality that are
not visible to consumers, thereby affecting consumer perceptions of the delivered
GAP 5: Expected service perceived service gap
This is how consumers perceive the actual service performance in the context of what
they expected. The quality that a consumer perceives in a service is a function of the
magnitude and direction of the gap between expected service and perceived service.
Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality
Chart 2.1
Service Quality Model
Service quality, as perceived by a consumer, depends on the size and direction of GAP 5 which, in turn,
depends on the nature of the gaps associated with the design, marketing, and delivery of services. That
is, the magnitude and direction of each gap will have an impact on service quality.
Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality
Fornell, Claes, "
A National Customer Satisfaction Barometer: The Swedish
Journal of Marketing, January 1992, Volume 56, Number 1, pp. 6-
IDEA Program Final Report, Customer Satisfaction for the Mass Transit Industry,
Contract: TRANSIT-1, Transportation Research Board, prepared by: Tri-County
Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon, August, 1995.
Customer Satisfaction Survey of Chicago Transit Authority Riders, Northwest
Research Group, Inc., December, 1995.
Passenger Environment Survey Report, BART Customer and Performance
Research, January - March 1997.
Lewis, Robert C. and Bernard H. Booms (1983), "The Marketing Aspects of
Service Quality" in
Emerging Perspectives on Services Marketing,
L. Berry, G.
Shostack, and G. Upah, eds., Chicago: American Marketing, pp. 99-107.
This page left intentionally blank.
Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality 11
Exploratory investigation suggests that, within most service industries, consumers use basically similar
criteria in evaluating service quality.
These criteria seem to fall into 10 key categories labeled "service
quality determinants". These determinants are listed below. Overlap among the 10 determinants may
Determinants of Service Quality
1 RELIABILITY involves consistency of performance and dependability.
2 RESPONSIVENESS concerns the willingness or readiness of employees to provide
service. It also involves timeliness of service.
3 COMPETENCE means possession of the required skills and knowledge to perform the
4 ACCESS involves approachability and ease of contact.
5 COURTESY involves politeness, respect, consideration, and friendliness of contact
6 COMMUNICATION means keeping customers informed in language they can
understand and listening to them. It may mean that the company has to adjust its
language for different consumers — increasing the level of sophistication with a well-
educated customer and speaking simply and plainly with a novice.
7 CREDIBILITY involves trustworthiness, believability, and honesty. It involves having
the customer's best interests at heart.
8 SECURITY is the freedom from danger, risk, or doubt.
9 UNDERSTANDING/KNOWING THE CUSTOMER involves making the effort to
understand the customer's needs.
10 TANGIBLES includes the physical environment and representations of the service.
Research in other service industries indicates consumers "group" a wide array of attributes of service
under one of the 10 dimensions noted when judging service quality. However, this research is
preliminary and also suggests that it is advisable to determine, within the industry of study, whether
identifiable service quality segments exist — and whether, and in what ways, consumer expectations
differ across industry segments. Investigating how transit customers aggregate attributes of service into
collapsed quality dimensions is important to understanding how customer satisfaction should be
measured within an industry.
Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality 12
Regardless of what eventual quantitative analytical approaches are used, the process must begin with
acquiring a list of service attributes
from the customers
, through an exhaustive "listening to the voice of
the customer" process. This qualitative research is usually conducted through a series of focus groups.
Customers are requested to describe the ideal service or product in all of its feature details. Then
customers are asked to list their basic service or product requirements, starting with primary
requirements and continuing through the secondary and tertiary components of each of these
requirements. The moderator proceeds until the group has exhausted all the possible attributes of
service quality they would consider.
This process is repeated at multiple geographic and customer segment sites and the results are combined
and itemized into a full and complete attribute listing. The wording of the attributes is refined for clarity
and linkage with expected results. For example, "frequent service so that wait times are short". (Or if
further quantification is desirable: "frequent service so that wait times do not exceed 15 minutes".) This
process usually results in a listing of 40 to 55 defined attributes of transit service that can be rated by
customers (see Table 3.1, as an example).
A prototype moderator's guide for focus group sessions conducted to extract and prioritize customer
service quality requirements can be found in Appendix B. Appendix C contains a more detailed
description of the qualitative focus group explorations conducted as a part of the field test for this study,
at each of the three demonstration transit agency sites. The same format was used at each site and for
each transit mode. Recruitment of customers for the focus group sessions was accomplished through
distribution and collection of an on-board, or at-station, questionnaire to passengers. Basic demographic
and trip pattern data were requested, in addition to telephone numbers for the recruitment process.
Once the customer-defined service quality attribute list is developed for a locality, exhaustive
qualitative research with customers does not need to be repeated for several years (every four to seven
years is usually recommended). An open-ended question on the quantitative survey format which asks
respondents to name the one change they would make to improve service, or to name any additional
attributes or factors that have not been mentioned that affect their ratings of service quality, is usually
sufficient to update service quality attribute listings for subsequent tracking research.
Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality 13
Table 3.1
Example List of Transit Service Quality Measures
1 Absence of graffiti
2 Absence of offensive odors
3 Accessibility of trains/buses to handicapped
4 Availability of handrails or grab bars on trains/buses
5 Availability of monthly discount passes
6 Availability of schedule information by phone/mail
7 Availability of schedules/maps at stations/stops
8 Availability of seats on train/bus
9 Availability of shelter and benches at stations/stops
10 Cleanliness of interior, seats, windows
11 Cleanliness of stations/stops
12 Cleanliness of train/bus exterior
13 Clear and timely announcements of stops
14 Comfort of seats on train/bus
15 Connecting bus service to stations/main bus stops
16 Cost effectiveness, affordability, and value
17 Cost of making transfers
18 Displaying of customer service/complaint number
19 Ease of opening doors when getting on/off train/bus
20 Ease of paying fare, purchasing tokens
21 Explanations and announcement of delays
22 Fairness/consistency of fare structure
23 Freedom from nuisance behaviors of other riders
24 Frequency of delays for repairs/emergencies
25 Frequency of service on Saturdays and Sundays
26 Frequent service so that wait times are short
27 Friendly, courteous, quick service from personnel
28 Having station/stop near destination
29 Having station/stop near my home
30 Hours of service during weekdays
31 Number of transfer points outside downtown
32 Physical condition of stations/stops
33 Physical condition of vehicles and infrastructure
34 Posted minutes to next train/bus at stations/stops
35 Quietness of the vehicles and system
36 Reliable trains/buses that come on schedule
37 Route/direction information visible on trains/buses
38 Safe and competent drivers/conductors
39 Safety from crime at stations/stops
40 Safety from crime on trains/buses
41 Short wait time for transfers
42 Signs/information in Spanish as well as English
43 Smoothness of ride and stops
44 Station/stop names visible from train/bus
45 Temperature on train/bus — not hot/cold
46 The train/bus traveling at a safe speed
47 Trains/buses that are not overcrowded
48 Transit personnel who know system
Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality 14
A. Parasuraman, Valerie A. Zeithaml, and Leonard L. Berry, Journal of Marketing,
Fall 1985, Vol. 49, Number 4, pp. 41-50.
Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality 15
4A. Overview
In a typical quantitative customer satisfaction study, respondents evaluate overall satisfaction, then rate
each individual service attribute that customers have defined. A key question for researchers is which
attributes are the drivers of overall satisfaction (since not all attributes have equal impact)? When there
are 40 to 50 attributes that can impact customer satisfaction, and transit agency resources are limited,
how can it be determined which limited number of attributes should be targeted for problem occurrence
reduction, in order to produce the greatest possible increase in overall customer satisfaction with transit
Researchers have suggested many procedures for dealing with this problem. Several are considered by
Green and Tull (1975)
and reviewed in
The Maritz Marketing Research Report
continues in this area; no true "answer" for all applications has emerged. However,
derived importance
are usually preferred over
stated importance measures.
Stated importance measures
ask respondents to explicitly state their perception of the importance of
each attribute, usually using a 10-point scale. The results of this method can be straightforwardly
interpreted; however, results can be few, if any, statistical differences among attributes, so the aim of
the method — to prioritize attributes — is thwarted. For example, if 600 customers are asked to rate the
transit service on 46 attributes, each on a scale of one to ten, the mean ratings for 8 to 10 of the
attributes may range from 7.3 to 7.5, making the differences among their means statistically
insignificant, using a
t-test of significance.
This makes quadrant analysis unreliable since
differentiations among attributes by their mean importance or mean satisfaction ratings may not be
statistically significant, at least without very large sample sizes. The statistical significance challenge is
compounded when the results of a new tracking survey are compared with benchmark results.
Additionally, the approach does not take into account, or provide a reliable means, for measuring the
relative impact of service attributes on overall satisfaction.
Derived importance methods
rely on the statistical association between individual ratings (predictors)
and an overall satisfaction rating. The importance of an attribute is statistically determined from this
relationship. These measures can be generally described as follows:
Bivariate (Pearson) Correlation:
This measure separately tests the strength of the relationship of each independent variable
(attribute) with the dependent variable (overall satisfaction). It has the advantages of
familiarity and relative simplicity. However, joint effects with other attributes go
undiscovered, and often many attributes are similarly correlated with overall satisfaction.
Multiple Regression Analysis:
This approach allows the inclusion of additional independent variables (attributes) when
testing the relationship with the dependent variable (overall satisfaction). However, an
important consideration is that it is common in customer satisfaction research for
attributes to be correlated — sometimes highly — with each other. This multicolinearity
makes it difficult to measure the separate effects of the individual attributes on overall
satisfaction using the multiple regression approach.
Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality 16
Factor Analysis:
Factor analysis is a statistical technique that is used for many purposes including:
revealing patterns of intercorrelationships among variables, and
reducing a large number of variables to a smaller number of statistically independent
variables (dimensions) that are each linearly related to the original variables.
Combining Factor Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis
When multicolinearity is encountered in multiple regression modeling, factor analysis
can be used to first transform the independent variables to a smaller set of dimensions or
artificial variables that are uncorrelated among themselves. Then multiple regression
modeling is performed to predict the relative impact of the newly constructed
dimensions on the dependent variable (overall satisfaction).
To date, factor analysis combined with multiple regression analysis has been the most prevalent
analytical technique applied in customer satisfaction research within the transit industry.
4B. Problems with the Factor Analysis Approach
inherent problem is that a lot of the richness of the data is lost through factor analysis.
Individual attributes that, in isolation, have a high impact on overall satisfaction may not get targeted
because the factor analysis placed them within a dimension that did not prove crucial. For example, the
attribute of "freedom from the nuisance behaviors of others" may, in isolation, be highly correlated with
overall satisfaction. However, as a result of the factor analysis, this attribute can get placed within the
dimension of "travel environment" or "appearance", a newly constructed dimension which is not found
to have a strong impact on overall satisfaction.
is that factor analysis and multiple regression modeling, since they are highly complex, are
not easy to describe to transit managers and operations personnel. Empirical data indicates that its use in
other service industries limits "buy-in" by the very personnel who most need to be committed to the
translation of customer expectations into agency performance measures.
and an important consideration is that it is not a good idea to build complex models if the data
sets or subsample sets are small and the list of independent variables (attributes) you want to measure is
extensive. Large sample sizes are required. This is particularly problematic for the transit industry
where measures are needed for subsample groups such as by transit mode, transit dependent rider versus
non-transit dependent rider, secure customer versus vulnerable or at-risk customer, or by geographic
region of a city, or city vs. suburbs.
As a general rule, the minimum is to have at least five times as many observations as there are variables
to be analyzed, and the more acceptable range would be a ten-to-one ratio. Some researchers even
propose a minimum of 20 cases for each variable. (If 40 service attributes are being measured, the
sample size or sampling strata should be a minimum of 800). "One must remember that with 30
variables, for example, there are 435 correlations in the factor analysis. At a .05 significance level,
perhaps even 20 of those correlations would be deemed significant and appear in the factor analysis just
by chance. The researcher should always try to obtain the highest cases-per-variable ratio to minimize
the chances of "overfitting" the data,.. deriving factors that are sample specific with little generizability."
consideration is a cautionary one that, while more sophisticated and elegant analytical methods
have an appeal, it is risky to proceed when simpler and less demanding approaches will work as well.
Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality 17
The results of the Northwest Research 1995 report for the "Customer Satisfaction Survey of Chicago
Transit Authority Riders" indicate that problems of multicolinearity may exist with the factor analysis
approach to customer satisfaction measurement within the transit industry.
(MORPACE International,
Inc. does not have the primary factor analysis data results for the previous "IDEA Project" conducted by
J. D. Powers in 1993; however, the sample sizes for this pilot study were so small that a serious
question arises about the validity of the factor analysis results.)
The 1995 CTA Customer Satisfaction Report gives the correlation data results for the dimensions of
both bus travel and rail travel (sample sizes less than 600 each). The report acknowledges that: "It
should be noted that in some cases, variables (attributes) are highly correlated with dimensions that are
different than might be expected — for example, smoothness of ride correlates with driver attributes
rather than with comfort of the ride as might be expected. This would suggest that riders think about
attributes and combine attributes for evaluations in a way that is different from the traditional
performance indicators used by transit (and, we would note, different from the way in which attributes
are traditionally assembled by customers in other industries)."
In Chapter 8 of this report, we provide the results of our factor/regression analysis based on field test
results. The usefulness and reliability of results will be compared with those provided by our proposed
impact score approach.
4C. Uses of Quadrant Analysis
Quadrant analyses of customer satisfaction measures are often used to provide an underlying
understanding of ratings. Thus, for example, "strengths" are shown in one quadrant of the graphs as
those attributes that are above the median in customer importance and also above the median in
customer satisfaction. (Sometimes, as in a Gap Analysis, importances are derived by a bivariate
correlation of attribute satisfaction with overall satisfaction). Likewise, the "weaknesses" or
"opportunity" quadrant contains those attributes above the median in importance, but below the median
in satisfaction. Those attributes below the median in importance, but above the median in satisfaction
can be labeled the "maintenance of effort" quadrant; while the last "non-critical" quadrant contains
those attributes low in importance on which satisfaction is also judged to be low.
The disadvantages of this approach are that the divisions by quadrant are somewhat arbitrary and the
magnitude of the differences between attribute ratings is not usually taken into account. This approach,
while giving a general overview of the relationship between attribute importance and satisfaction
ratings, does not provide a stable quantitative measure of the impact of attributes on overall customer
satisfaction. There are no established numbers for each attribute that provide the benchmarks against
which future similarly collected customer satisfaction attribute measures can be tested — for
statistically significant changes in customer perception.
4D. Regional and Industry Response Bias
Customer measurements are often contaminated by a culture-induced scale bias that may invalidate
crossnational or regional comparisons. The bias reveals itself as a tendency for some customers to give
consistently higher or lower ratings of performance (even when actual performance levels are identical
and expectations are controlled). For example, people from the New England region of the U.S. exhibit
a temperament and follow norms quite unlike those found in Texas ... they are clearly working from
different frames of reference which can color their evaluations.
Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality 18
The following discussion of this problem is excerpted from a 1996 copyright article by Symmetrics
Marketing Corporation, entitled "Measuring Cross-National and Within-Country Response Bias Using
the International Scale Bias Index (ISBI)".
"While methods exist for estimating scale bias, all require that additional information be
obtained from customers. Some of these methods are rather elaborate and tedious (e.g.,
conjoint-based) and/or are difficult to explain to customers (e.g., magnitude estimation). A
technique developed by Symmetrics (Crosby, 1994; Crosby, 1992) makes it
possible to reliably estimate the magnitude of the scale bias by asking customers
additional questions that are a part of the International Scale Bias Index (ISBI). The index
is formed averaging the ratings of composite items. The items are statements of
performance categorized into six life domains: suppliers, sports, arts, education, science,
and services. Differences between regions/countries in their mean index scores are mainly
reflective of culture induced scale bias, i.e., a generalized tendency to be a harder or easier
grader of performance. The index scores can be used to make adjustments in the customer
measurements from each region/country in order to facilitate "apples-to-apples"
Current methods for correcting cross-regional bias in customer satisfaction measures are proprietary and
costly to incorporate. We point out their existence as a caution against comparing transit service quality
measures across regions and transit agencies.
An additional concern is the comparison of transit customer measures with those measures found within
other industries. In Sweden, the Customer Satisfaction Barometer (CSB) for more than 30 industries
and more than 100 corporations found that CSB scores are significantly higher for products than for
services, and that service monopolies score lower than competitive services (Fornell, 1993). Staple
foods and automobiles score at the top of the CSB; the police force and television broadcasting are at
the bottom (transportation services were not measured as a part of the Sweden CSB).
Thus, given present research methods, it is not advisable to set expected "target zones" for customer
satisfaction within transit, or to compare these measures directly by region, or with measures derived
for other industries. The best use of quantitative service quality measures is as internal benchmarks for
an agency against which future progress can be measured. Additionally, the research must determine
which measures, if targeted, will yield the greatest increase in overall customer satisfaction with service.
4E. Customer Loyalty and Establishing Customer Satisfaction Indices
Most major conceptual and measurement models of customer satisfaction explicitly include elements
related to customer value and customer loyalty. Satisfaction is a necessary, but not a sufficient,
condition of customer loyalty (D. Randall Brandt, 1996).
Customer loyalty is not repeat users or
transit dependent riders. Many repeat customers may be choosing transit because of necessity,
convenience, or habit. For these customers, if an alternative becomes available, they may quickly switch
to that service or mode. Instead, customer loyalty is reflected by a combination of attitudes and
behaviors. It usually is driven by customer satisfaction, yet also involves a commitment on the part of
the customer to make a sustained investment in an ongoing relationship with transit service. Attitudes
and behaviors that go with customer loyalty include:
an intention to use transit service again
a willingness (often an eagerness) to recommend transit service to friends, associates, and
other persons
Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality 19
commitment to, and even identification with, transit service
disinterest in and/or a general resistance to alternative means of transportation, when
these are available.
One measure of customer loyalty is the Secure Customer Index (D. Randall Brandt, 1996). A secure
customer is one who says that he or she is:
very satisfied with the service
definitely will continue to use the service in the future
definitely would recommend the service to others
The definition is illustrated in the diagram below:
Chart 4.1
Secure Customer Index
Responses to the three items — overall satisfaction, likelihood to continue using the service, and
likelihood to recommend — can be combined to create multiple classifications or segments based on
the degree of customer security. For example:
Secure Customers = % very satisfied/definitely would repeat/definitely would
Favorable Customers = % giving at least "second best" response on all three
measures of satisfaction and loyalty
Vulnerable Customers = % somewhat satisfied/might or might not repeat/might or
might not recommend
At Risk Customers = % somewhat satisfied or dissatisfied/probably or
definitely would not repeat/probably or definitely would
not recommend
Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality 20
The capacity to establish linkages between customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and business results
should be part of the architecture of any organization's customer satisfaction measurement process.
4F. Market Segmentation of Customer Satisfaction Findings
An important advantage of the impact score approach, as will be illustrated in Chapter 8, is that once
segments such as secure and vulnerable customers are identified, impact benchmark and tracking scores
can be easily computed, ordered, and compared by customer loyalty segments.
Modest sample sizes will allow the full impact score analysis to be performed by transit mode segment,
as well as by transit dependent status and such segments as commuters versus non-commuters, and
frequency of use categories.
Chapter 5, which follows, presents a thorough explanation of the Impact Score Approach.
4G. Linking Customer Satisfaction to Performance Measures
The process of linking goals to performance through measuring Customer Satisfaction (CS) is
exploratory and preliminary for even the most forward-thinking companies. First, companies must
formalize and quantify the relationship between CS and firm or agency performance. By determining
how CS improves performance or what specific CS components correlate with different improvements,
corporations can focus on only the most effective endeavors, allowing them to become more efficient in
Delivering CS is at an early evolutionary state in most U.S. firms. Most firms are not focused on
satisfying customers, even though research now correlates CS with improved performance. A firm's CS
implementation process must reflect the needs of individual customer segments, and the overall
program must be flexible enough to allow each business unit to develop measures and processes that fit
its management needs.
Properly implemented and managed, the performance measures process ensures that customer input
drives an organization's efforts to improve and innovate, and that the impact of these efforts can be
assessed. The key question is how does the "voice of the customer" data compare with the "voice of the
process" data? Customer expectations must be translated to, and linked with, performance measures for
the agency.
The whole relationship of transit agency performance measures to customer-defined measures is the
topic of Chapters 9, 10, and 11 of this report.
Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality 21
Green, Paul E. and Tull, Donald S., Research for Marketing Decisions; 3rd edition;
Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1975 (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey), pp. 478-484.
Maritz Marketing Report
, 1993.
Hair, Anderson, Tatham, Black, Multivariate Data Analysis, pp.373-374, Prentice
Hall, New Jersey.
Customer Satisfaction Survey of Chicago Transit Authority Riders, Northwest
Research Group, Inc., December, 1995.
"Customer Satisfaction Indexing" D. Randall Brandt, Conference Paper, American
Marketing Association, 1996.
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Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality 23
To address the impasse that often occurs in customer satisfaction measurement within the transit
industry, MORPACE International, Inc. has developed a non-proprietary method for deriving customer
satisfaction measures. The approach has an implicit logic that is easily understood and applied.
Variations of this method have been used by MORPACE in major customer satisfaction studies within
the automotive and health care industries.
Within the automotive industry this approach is known as
the "Things Gone Wrong" approach.
The Impact Score approach determines the relative impact of attributes on overall satisfaction, by
measuring customers' relative decreases in overall satisfaction, when a recent problem with an attribute
is reported. This makes sense because, within the delivery of quality service framework, the primary
way transit agencies can improve customers' overall satisfaction with service is to reduce customers'
problematic experience with those attributes which have the greatest negative impact on overall
satisfaction. These driver attributes can be identified and prioritized in a three-step process.
Step One
is to determine which attributes have the most impact on
satisfaction. For each attribute, the sample is divided into those respondents who have had
a recent problem with the attribute and those respondents who have not recently
experienced a problem with the attribute. (Those who have not experienced the attribute
within the past 30 days are grouped with those who have, but have not had a problem.)
The mean overall satisfaction ratings of the two groups are compared. The difference
between the two mean overall satisfaction ratings is called the "gap score". Gap scores are
computed and the attributes are then ordered by the size of their gap scores. A
can be
used to determine where statistical significance lies among gap scores.
The magnitude of an attribute's gap score should not change significantly over time. The
relationship between a service quality attribute and overall satisfaction with transit service
can be assumed to be structural. That is, once it is determined that an attribute is a driver
of customer satisfaction it will probably remain so, unless significant societal changes
occur, i.e., graffiti comes to be viewed as an art form.
Step Two
lists the attribute problem incidence rate for each attribute in a column next to
its gap score. (The percent of customers who experienced a problem with the service
attribute within the past 30 days). It will be important to take into account the rate at
which a problem with an attribute occurs within the customer base. It may be that a
particular attribute has a large gap score (and thereby a significant impact on overall
satisfaction), but the percent of customers reporting a problem with the attribute is
relatively small. In this case, it probably is not worth a transit agency's time and expense
to attempt to further lower the problem occurrence rate for the attribute. On the other
hand, if an attribute's gap score (impact on overall satisfaction) is moderately low, while
the rate at which customers experience a problem with the attribute is high, the effect of
the attribute on overall satisfaction is magnified and will require attention. Whether future
increases or decreases in problem incidence rates are statistically significant can be
validated by statistical tests (e.g.,
chi-square test, z-test of proportions,
Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality 24
Step Three
creates a composite index by multiplying the attribute's overall satisfaction
gap score by the attribute's problem incidence rate. The result is an attribute "impact
score". The attributes are then placed in descending order of their impact scores. The top
attributes are the drivers of customer satisfaction.
To summarize, impact scores are computed as shown in the following example:
Table 5.1
Impact Score Approach
* within the past 30 days
** percent of customers experiencing a problem with the service attribute within the past 30 days
The impact score data analysis can be implemented using just a spreadsheet program. The spreadsheet
can be structured so that the relevant inputs reside in one worksheet, the data analysis is conducted in a
second worksheet, and the results summarized in a third worksheet. Inputs from the survey can be fed
into simple formulas to determine mean ratings by group, gap values, percentages of respondents who
had a problem with transit service, impact scores and
to determine the statistical significance of
identified differences. If this data analysis system is constructed in the benchmark year, transit agencies
can input their own tracking data (from on-board surveys) during subsequent years.
This analytical approach is easy to describe to transit managers, the logic is implicit, and the method
can be implemented without using advanced statistical analysis techniques, and with smaller sample and
subsample sizes. The impact scores serve as statistically valid benchmarks for future customer
satisfaction monitoring.
The appropriateness of the formula of multiplying the gap score by the problem incidence rate can be
validated through a quadrant analysis of gap scores against problem incidence rates. What is the relative
impact score of an attribute with a high gap score but a low incidence rate, or a low gap score but high
incidence rate? Does the impact score prioritizing make sense when compared within a quadrant
analysis? If not, weighting schemes for problem incidence rates can be considered.
Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality 25
Proprietary studies conducted by MORPACE International, Inc. for Ford Motor
Company and Aetna Health Plans during the 1990s.
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Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality 27
As previously indicated, gap scores will not change significantly over time. It is problem occurrence
rates that can fluctuate and which can be reduced by transit agency actions. Future increases or
decreases in problem occurrence rates can be measured and validated with a
t-test or chi-square
This makes it possible to limit tracking surveys to a re-measure of overall satisfaction and problem
occurrence rates for each service attribute. With these data, impact scores can be recomputed and
updated. Beyond the benchmark survey, short-form questionnaires can be administered on-board,
greatly reducing continuing research costs for an ongoing customer satisfaction measurement program.
The end result is service quality attribute tracking from the customer's perspective, as shown in Chart
6.1. This tracking information is crucial for developing appropriate, and sufficiently targeted, transit
agency performance measures. It also provides a means for evaluating the specific impacts of planned
agency actions over time.
Chart 6.1
Overall Satisfaction and Attribute Impact Score Tracking
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Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality 29
7A. Overview
There are two primary requisites of any market research process:
1. As we have discussed, the analytical plan must be sufficiently powerful to produce
results that are both useful and statistically valid and, concomitantly,
2. Sampling plans and data collection procedures must assure the reliability of the input
The 1996 two-part
Travel Survey Manual
prepared by Cambridge Systematics, Inc. (with Barton
Aschman Associates) for the U.S. Department of Transportation and the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency is a primary source and reference document for research methods as they apply to transit
customer surveys.
In relation to prerequisite #1 above, as we have explained, both quadrant analysis and factor analysis
combined with multiple regression analysis, can be unreliable in producing results that are sufficient
foundations for transit agency actions. Depending on final collected sample sizes, these approaches can
also end up being statistically unreliable for transit subgroup markets. Other industries such as
automotive, health care, and financial services have learned from hard experience that these
multivariate analysis approaches are often best used as added value analytical explorations, which may
add benefit to predictable findings.
Prerequisite #2 stipulates that, for the analytical results to be both useful and valid, the data on which it
is based must have been collected in a way that minimizes both sampling errors and non-sampling
errors and biases. (For a full discussion of these issues the reader is referred to Section 5.0 of the above
Travel Survey Manual.
) Essentially, increasing sample size is the primary means of reducing
sampling error; while non-sampling error is reduced by ensuring that the sample collected is fully
representative of the population of transit riders.
A major problem for most initial Customer Satisfaction/Service Quality Benchmark Surveys (and our
impact score approach is no exception) is that they must almost always be conducted by phone, due to
the length of the questionnaire required to measure all possible attributes. There are some exceptions to
this, such as BART and other commuter rail lines, where time on the service is adequate to allow
customers to fill out a questionnaire of modest length. However, as previously noted, since the gap
scores (the measure of relationship between each attribute and overall satisfaction) do not change much
over time, it is possible to limit customer satisfaction tracking surveys to a re-measure of overall
satisfaction and the percent of customers experiencing a problem with each attribute — plus relevant
transit use and demographic questions. With these data, impact scores can be recomputed and updated.
Future increases or decreases in problem occurrence rates can be validated by a
For tracking surveys it is also appropriate to consider paring the original list of attributes being tested to
those which received the top 10 to 15 impact scores in the Benchmark Survey. This reduction in length
makes it feasible to administer the tracking questionnaire via a representative on-board or an at-station
survey, thus greatly reducing future research costs.
Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality 30
The second difficulty with data collection methods for the Benchmark Survey is that it is almost always
inefficient, and sometimes inappropriate, to conduct this survey using a random-digit-dial (RDD)
household telephone sample, because of the low incidence rate of transit riders within most populations.
The market research industry rule of thumb is that RDD sampling methodology is not cost effective for
customer surveys if the incidence rate of customers falls below 15%. Additionally, there is some
evidence (BART and CTA survey experience) that when RDD survey methodologies are used to
capture transit riders, infrequent riders are over sampled. Therefore, an alternative step is required to
compile a representative sampling frame of transit customer telephone numbers. This can be
accomplished through on-board or at-station surveys.
A detailed sampling plan for the on-board or at-station surveys must be developed by mode, route,
travel days, and time of day. Sampling plans will differ widely by site and, again the
Travel Survey
(Section 8.0) is the best reference for designs. The specific sampling plans for the on-board or
at-station surveys at the three transit agency sites for this project are detailed in Appendix D. Contact
points with riders varied.
7B. Questionnaire Development
Questionnaires distributed must be serially numbered and tracked to verify route/station and time of day
of distribution. Surveyors keep written records of the numbers of the questionnaires distributed on or
during their assigned trip or time period, so that segment response rates can be tabulated and the data
weighted according to agency provided ridership counts by mode, routes, and time of day.
The Sampling Frame Collection Instrument is a short-form questionnaire suitable for obtaining rider
transit usage and demographic information, essential as a baseline for measuring the validity of
Benchmark Survey phone respondents. A sample on-board or at-station questionnaire is included as
Appendix E. Survey items, at a minimum, should include:
a. frequency of use
b. transit dependency status trip purpose
c. transfer patterns
d. zip code
e. age
f. employment status
g. income
h. ethnic group
i. sex
j. overall satisfaction with service
k. respondent's phone number
7C. Response Rates and Sampling Error Estimates
Respondents are asked to provide their home or work telephone number so that the follow-up
Benchmark Survey can be completed by phone at their convenience. To encourage the provision and
legibility of valid telephone numbers, prizes of $100 each can be offered through a lottery of those who
complete and return the on-board or at-station questionnaire — with a valid phone number.
For the TCRP B-11 project field test, a total of 10,000 questionnaires were distributed on CTA, 5,000
on the Red Line and 5,000 on the Blue Line; 2,720 questionnaires were distributed on Sun Tran in
Albuquerque, and 821 on GLTC in Lynchburg, Virginia. An at-station survey response rate of 46.3%
was accomplished for CTA Rail (29.5% with valid phone numbers); the response rate for Sun Tran was
Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality 31
48.6% (43.2% with valid phone numbers); and for GLTC 33.6% (27.4% with valid phone numbers).
When the demographics and transit usage patterns of those riders who provided numbers were
compared with those riders who did not provide numbers, no statistically significant differences were
Some weights were required to assure results from the on-board and at-station surveys were
representative by lines and stations for CTA, by routes for Sun Tran, and by time of day at each of the
three transit sites (See Appendix D).
For completion of the Benchmark Survey phone interviews at each site, quotas were established by line,
station or route, and time of day, as required to assure fully representative samples. Additionally, phone
completes were monitored for frequency of transit use, income, and age to assure representativeness
with on-board/at-station survey sample rider characteristics.
Within the field test time and budget available, a total of 974 phone interviews were completed — 300
with customers of the CTA Red Line, 302 with customers of the CTA Blue Line, 303 with customers of
Sun Tran, and 69 with GLTC customers. Results for the CTA Blue Line, Red Line, and Sun Tran have
a sampling margin of error of ± 4.7% at the 90% confidence level. At the 90% confidence level,
weighted results for combined CTA rail have a sampling error margin of ± 3.3%, while results for
GLTC have a sampling margin of error of 9.9%. Weighting factors for CTA and Sun Tran data can be
found in Appendix D to this report. Throughout this report, findings cited take into account the possible
calculated sampling error for each transit sample.
7D. Customer Satisfaction Benchmark Survey Instrument
An example benchmark questionnaire survey instrument is provided in Appendix F. This interviewing
format averages 20 minutes in length.
The Benchmark Survey Instrument contains the following key elements, each of which is measured on
a 10-point scale. Those attributes tested are the 46-48 composite elements developed as a result of the
qualitative research at each of the three demonstration sites (See Table 3.1).
Benchmark Questionnaire
overall satisfaction with the service or product (Q61)
the importance of each service attribute (Q13-Q60)* **
satisfaction with each attribute (Q62-Q109)**
whether the customer experienced a problem with each attribute within the past 30 days
("yes", "no") (Q110A-JJ)**
customer loyalty segment questions (Q129 and Q130)
open-ended exploration of the one service improvement customers would like to see (Q131)
Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality 32
transit use and demographic segment questions:
a. frequency of use (Q1)
b. transit dependency status (Q2-Q3, Q133)
c. tenure of transit use (Q4)
d. trip purpose (Q5-6)
e. transfer patterns (Q7-Q9)
f. transit access mode (Q10-Q11)
g. fare method (Q12)
h. zip code (QB)
i. length of residency (Q132)
j. age (Q134)
k. employment status (Q135)
l. income (Q136-Q138)
m. ethnic group (Q139)
n. sex (Q140)
Importance measures are not necessary for factor analysis, multiple regression analysis, or impact scores
and it is recommended, in the interest of brevity, that this series of questions be eliminated. For quadrant
analysis, importance measures can be derived. An index of importance can be derived by correlating
each of the attributes with overall satisfaction. The median of the correlation coefficients can be
determined, and each of the correlations can be expressed as a percentage of this median value.
A split sample can be used to test some attributes for importance, satisfaction, and problem occurrence.
The purpose of the split sample is to shorten the length of the survey. For example, at each of the TCRP
B-11 sites, all respondents were asked to rate the same 30 attributes, then one-third of respondents were
asked to complete ratings for an additional 6 attributes, while another one-third were asked to rate a
different 6 attributes, and the last one-third of respondents were asked to rate the final 6 attributes. Thus,
in total, 48 attributes were tested, but each respondent was asked to rate only 36. Differences in sample
sizes must be taken into account when determining statistically significant differences among ratings for
impact scores; and factor analysis is unreliable unless all respondents are asked about all attributes.
For all analyses of results presented in Chapter 8, two of the attributes tested are not included. These are
"having a (station) (bus stop) near my home" and "having a (station) (bus stop) near my workplace or
destination". These two attributes generally are considered most important to transit customers, are
essential to overall satisfaction with service, and have very low rates of reported problem occurrence,
primarily because if the convenience of station or stop location is not present, the customer does not use
A trade-off choice series of possible safety improvements at transit stations or stops, or on trains and
buses, is included in the Benchmark Survey as an optional investigation (Q111-Q128).