Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT)
Minimum Security Criteria
Third Party Logistics Providers (3PL)
Since its inception, the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT)
program has sought to enhance supply chain security throughout the
international supply chain, from point of stuffing, through to the first U.S. port of
arrival. It is well recognized that the two most vulnerable nodes in any
international supply chain occur at point of stuffing, and during the movement of
cargo from point of stuffing to place of export. Accordingly, CBP has sought to
leverage the trade community to adopt stronger security measures particularly at
these two critical junctures. CBP resources are committed towards validating
enhanced security measures which have been implemented at these most
important nodes in the international supply chain.
As required by the SAFE Port Act of 2006, CBP has expanded the enrollment
sectors to include other entities which can strengthen security along these critical
points. Long haul Mexican highway carriers and foreign marine terminal
operators were the first two new entities to be added to C-TPAT, each of which
can provide tangible security benefits at key points in the international supply
chain. As CBP looks to expand enrollment to include third party logistics
providers (3PL’s), focus must be given towards those 3PL’s which have direct
means to enhance security at critical points in the international supply chain.
Therefore, the creation of this C-TPAT enrollment sector is part of the continuing
evolution of the C-TPAT program and its efforts to include those supply chain
sectors that add value to CBP’s efforts to protect the supply chain, while also
continuing to be careful to not duplicate existing efforts or enrollment sectors.
Definition: A third party logistics provider (abbreviated “3PL”) is a firm that
provides outsourced or “third party” logistics services to companies for part, or
sometimes all of their supply chain management function. Third party logistics
providers typically specialize in integrated warehousing and transportation
services that can be scaled and customized to customer’s needs based on
market conditions and the demands and delivery service requirements for their
products and materials. Typical outsourced logistics functions include inbound
freight, customs and freight consolidation, and warehousing.
In order to be eligible for participation in the C-TPAT program, the 3PL must:
Be directly involved in the handling and management of the cargo throughout
any point in the international supply chain, from point of stuffing, up to the first
U.S. port of arrival. Entities which only provide domestic services and are not
engaged in cross border activities are not eligible.
Manage and execute these particular logistics functions using its own
transportation, consolidation and/or warehousing assets and resources, on
behalf of the client company.
Does not allow subcontracting of service beyond a second party other than to
other CTPAT members (does not allow the practice of “double brokering”, that
is, the 3PL may contract with a service provider, but may not allow that
contractor to further subcontract the actual provision of this service).
Be licensed and/or bonded by the Federal Maritime Commission,
Transportation Security Administration, U.S. Customs and Border Protection,
or the Department of Transportation.
Maintain a staffed office within the United States.
Note: Non asset-based 3PL’s who perform duties such as quoting, booking,
routing, and auditing (these type of 3PL may posses only desks, computers, and
freight industry expertise) but do not own warehousing facilities, vehicles, aircraft,
or any other transportation assets, are excluded from C-TPAT enrollment as they
are unable to enhance supply chain security throughout the international supply
C-TPAT recognizes the complexity of international supply chains and endorses
the application and implementation of security measures based upon risk
analysis. Therefore, the program allows for flexibility and the customization of
security plans based on the member’s business model.
Appropriate security measures, as listed throughout this document, must be
implemented and maintained throughout the above C-TPAT participants supply
Business Partner Requirements
Third party logistics providers must have written and verifiable processes for the
screening and selection of business partners including foreign consolidators,
customers, contractors, carriers, and vendors. Ensure that contracted service
provider companies who provide transportation, cargo handling, and security
services commit to C-TPAT Security Guidelines most closely associated with the
particular enrollment sector. Periodically review the performance of the service
providers to detect weakness or potential weaknesses in security. Third party
logistics providers must refrain from the practice of subcontracting (to non
CTPAT participants) beyond a second party or “double brokering” and ensure
that other providers within their supply chain also do the same.
Note: CBP believes double brokering weakens the supply chain as it lessens the
accountability of those within the supply chain and puts the original stakeholder
at a greater risk of supply chain incident.
Security Procedures
Point of Origin
C-TPAT Third party logistics providers must ensure business partners
develop security processes and procedures consistent with the C-TPAT
security guidelines to enhance the integrity of the shipment at point of origin.
Participation/Certification in Foreign Customs Administrations Supply
Chain Security Programs
Current or prospective business partners who have obtained a certification in
a supply chain security program being administered by foreign Customs
Administration should be required to indicate their status of participation to the
C-TPAT Third party logistics provider.
Service Provider Screening and Selection Procedures
The C-TPAT Third party logistics provider must have documented service
provider screening and selection procedures to screen the contracted service
provider for validity, financial soundness, ability to meet contractual security
requirements, and the ability to identify and correct security deficiencies as
needed. Service Provider procedures should utilize a risk-based process as
determined by an internal management team.
Customer Screening Procedures
The C-TPAT Third party logistics provider must have documented procedures
to screen prospective customers for validity, financial soundness, the ability of
meeting contractual security requirements, and the ability to identify and
correct security deficiencies as needed. Customer screening procedures
should utilize a risk-based process as determined by an internal management
Container Security (where applicable)
Third party logistics providers should ensure that all contracted service providers
have procedures in place to maintain container integrity. Container integrity must
be maintained to protect against the introduction of unauthorized material and/or
persons. At point of stuffing, procedures must be in place to properly seal and
maintain the integrity of the shipping containers. A high security seal must be
affixed to all loaded C-TPAT importer containers bound for the U.S. All seals
must meet or exceed the current PAS ISO 17712 standards for high security
Container Inspection
Procedures must be in place to verify the physical integrity of the container
structure prior to stuffing, to include the reliability of the locking mechanisms
of the doors. A seven-point inspection process is recommended for all
containers prior to stuffing:
Front wall
Left side
Right side
Inside/Outside doors
Container Seals
Written procedures must stipulate how seals are to be controlled and affixed
to loaded containers. Procedures must be in place for recognizing and
reporting compromised seals and/or containers to U.S. Customs and Border
Protection or the appropriate foreign authority. Only designated employees
should distribute container seals for integrity purposes.
Container Storage
Containers must be stored in a secure area to prevent unauthorized access
and/or manipulation. Procedures must be in place for reporting and
neutralizing unauthorized entry into containers or container storage areas.
Conveyance Security (where applicable)
Conveyance (tractor and trailer) integrity procedures must be maintained to
protect against the introduction of unauthorized personnel and material.
Conveyance Inspection Procedures
To counter internal conspiracies, supervisory personnel or a security
manager, held accountable to senior management for security, should search
the conveyance after the driver has conducted a search. These searches
should be random, documented, based on risk, and should be conducted at
the truck yard and after the truck has been loaded and en route to the U.S.
1. Tractors:
Doors/tool compartments
Battery box
Air breather
Fuel tanks
Interior cab compartments/sleeper
2. Trailers:
Fifth wheel area - check natural compartment/skid plate
Exterior - front/sides
Rear - bumper/doors
Front wall
Left side
Right side
Inside/outside doors
Trailer Security (where applicable)
All trailers in the third party logistics provider’s custody, trailer integrity must
be maintained, to protect against the introduction of unauthorized material
and/or persons. Third party logistics providers must have procedures in place
to maintain the integrity of their trailers at all times.
It is recognized that even though a third party logistics provider may not
“exercise control” over the loading of trailers and the contents of the cargo,
third party logistics provider must be vigilant to help ensure that the
merchandise is legitimate and that there is no loading of contraband at the
loading dock/manufacturing facility. The third party logistics provider must
ensure that while in transit to the border, no loading of contraband has
occurred, even in regards to unforeseen vehicle stops or trailer drops before
final transit across the border. C-TPAT recognizes the unique situation of the
cross-border cartage industry along the Southern Border corridors and
encourages and endorses third party logistics providers to work within the
supply chain to make a reasonable effort to ensure the integrity of trailers,
especially during the cross-border segment.
Trailers must be stored in a secure area to prevent unauthorized access
and/or manipulation. Procedures must be in place for reporting and
neutralizing unauthorized entry into trailers, tractors or storage areas.
The third party logistics provider must notify U.S. Customs and Border
Protection of any structural changes, such as a hidden compartment,
discovered in trailers, tractors or other rolling-stock equipment that crosses
the border. Notification should be made immediately to CBP, and in advance
of the conveyance crossing the border. Notifications can be telephonically
made to CBP’s Anti-Terrorism Contraband Enforcement Team (A-TCET) at
the port.
Container Security
When transporting a container or trailer bound for the USA for a C-TPAT
importer, a high security seal that meets or exceed the current PAS ISO
17712 standards for high security seals must be utilized.
Conveyance Tracking and Monitoring Procedures
Third party logistics providers must ensure that conveyance and trailer
integrity is maintained while the conveyance is en route transporting cargo to
the U.S. border by utilizing a tracking and monitoring activity log or equivalent
technology. If driver logs are utilized, they must reflect that trailer integrity
was verified.
Predetermined routes should be identified, and procedures should consist of
random route checks along with documenting and verifying the length of time
between the loading point/trailer pickup, the U.S. border, and the delivery
destinations, during peak and non-peak times. Drivers should notify the
dispatcher of any route delays due to weather, traffic and/or rerouting.
Third party logistics provider’s management must perform a documented,
periodic, and unannounced verification process to ensure the logs are
maintained and conveyance tracking and monitoring procedures are being
followed and enforced.
During Department of Transportation Inspections (DOT) or other physical
inspections on the conveyance as required by state, local or federal law,
drivers must report and document any anomalies or unusual structural
modifications found on the conveyance.
Trailer Seals
The sealing of trailers, to include continuous seal integrity, are crucial
elements of a secure supply chain, and remains a critical part of a third party
logistics providers commitment to C-TPAT. A high security seal must be
affixed to all loaded trailers bound for the U.S. All seals must meet or exceed
the current PAS ISO 17712 standards for high security seals.
Clearly defined written procedures must stipulate how seals in the third party
logistics provider’s possession are to be controlled during transit. These
written procedures should be briefed to all drivers and there should be a
mechanism to ensure that these procedures are understood and are being
followed. These procedures must include:
Verifying that the seal is intact, and if it exhibits evidence of tampering
along the route.
Properly documenting all original and replacement seal numbers.
Verify that the seal number and location of the seal is the same as stated
by the shipper on the shipping documents.
If the seal is removed in-transit to the border, even by government
officials, a replacement seal must be placed on the trailer, and the seal
change must be documented.
The driver must immediately notify the dispatcher that the seal was
broken, by whom; and the number of the replacement second seal that is
placed on the trailer.
The third party logistics provider must make immediate notification to the
shipper, the customs broker and/or the importer of the placement of the
second seal.
Less-than Truck Load (LTL) (where applicable)
Shipments that are less-than-truckload must use a high security padlock or
similarly appropriate locking device when picking up local freight in an
international LTL environment. The third party logistics provider must ensure
strict controls to limit the access to keys or combinations that can open these
After the freight from the pickup and delivery run is sorted, consolidated and
loaded onto a line haul carrier destined to the cross the border into the U.S., the
trailer must be sealed with a high security seal which meets or exceeds the
current PAS ISO 17712 standard for high security seals.
In LTL or Pickup and Delivery (P&D) operations that do not use consolidation
hubs to sort or consolidate freight prior to crossing the U.S. border, the importer
and/or third party logistics provider must use ISO 17712 high security seals for
the trailer at each stop, and to cross the border.
Written procedures must be established to record the change in seals, as well as
stipulate how the seals are controlled and distributed, and how discrepancies are
noted and reported. These written procedures should be maintained at the
terminal/local level.
In the LTL and non-LTL environment, procedures should also exist for
recognizing and reporting compromised seals and/or trailers to U.S. Customs
and Border Protection or the appropriate foreign authority.
Physical Access Controls
Access controls prevent unauthorized entry to facilities, maintain control of
employees and visitors and protect company assets. Access controls must
include the positive identification of all employees, visitors and vendors at all
points of entry.
An employee identification system must be in place for positive identification
and access control purposes. Employees should only be given access to
those secure areas needed for the performance of their duties. Company
management or security personnel must adequately control the issuance and
removal of employee, visitor and vendor identification badges. Procedures for
the issuance, removal and changing of access devices (e.g. keys, key cards,
etc.) must be documented.
Visitors Controls
Visitors must present photo identification for documentation purposes upon
arrival. All visitors should be escorted and visibly display temporary
Deliveries (including mail)
Proper vendor ID and/or photo identification must be presented for
documentation purposes upon arrival by all vendors. Arriving packages and
mail should be periodically screened before being disseminated.
Challenging and Removing Unauthorized Persons
Procedures must be in place to identify, challenge and address
unauthorized/unidentified persons.
Personnel Security
Processes must be in place to screen prospective employees and to periodically
check current employees. Maintain a current permanent employee list (foreign
and domestic), which includes the name, date of birth, national identification
number or social security number, position held and submit such information to
CBP upon written request, to the extent permitted by law.
Pre-Employment Verification
Application information, such as employment history and references must be
verified prior to employment.
Background checks / investigations
Consistent with foreign, federal, state and local regulations, background
checks and investigations should be conducted for prospective employees.
Periodic checks and reinvestigations should be performed based on cause
and/or the sensitivity of the employee’s position.
Personnel Termination Procedures
Companies must have procedures in place to remove identification; facility
and system access for terminated employees.
Procedural Security
Security measures must be in place to ensure the integrity and security of
processes relevant to the transportation, handling and storage of cargo in the
supply chain.
Documentation Processing
Procedures must be in place to ensure that all documentation used in the
movement of merchandise/cargo is legible, complete, accurate and protected
against the exchange, loss or introduction of erroneous information.
Documentation control must include safeguarding computer access and
Manifesting Procedures
To help ensure the integrity of cargo received from abroad, procedures must
be in place to ensure that information received from business partners is
reported accurately and timely.
Shipping & Receiving (where applicable)
Arriving cargo should be reconciled against information on the cargo
manifest. Cargo weights, marks and labels, piece or carton count should be
verified. Departing cargo should be checked against purchase or delivery
orders. Drivers delivering or receiving cargo must be positively identified
before cargo is received or released.
Cargo Discrepancies
All shortages, overages and other significant discrepancies or anomalies
must be resolved and/or investigated appropriately. CBP and/or other
appropriate law enforcement agencies must be notified if illegal or suspicious
activities are detected.
Security Training and Threat Awareness
As a liaison between CBP and the trade community, the third party logistics
provider should create opportunities to educate those in the supply chain they do
business with on C-TPAT policy, and those areas in which the third party logistics
provider has relevant expertise, which might include security procedures, best
practices, access controls, documentation fraud, information security, internal
conspiracies, and technologies that further the goal of a secure global supply
chain. These interactions should focus on employees working in shipping,
information technology, receiving and mailroom processing. A threat awareness
program should be established and maintained by security personnel to
recognize and foster awareness of the threat posed by terrorists at each point in
the supply chain. Employees must be made aware of the employee response
and reporting procedures the company has in place to address a security
situations they may likely encounter. Additional training should be provided to
employees in the shipping and receiving areas, as well as those receiving and
opening mail.
Additionally, specific training should be offered to assist employees in
maintaining cargo integrity, recognizing internal conspiracies and protecting
access controls. These programs should offer incentives for active employee
Physical Security (where applicable)
Cargo handling and storage facilities in domestic and foreign locations must have
physical barriers and deterrents that guard against unauthorized access. 3PL’s
should incorporate the following C-TPAT physical security guidelines throughout
their supply chains as applicable.
Perimeter fencing should enclose the areas around cargo handling and
storage facilities. Interior fencing within a cargo handling structure should be
used to segregate domestic, international, high value and hazardous cargo.
All fencing must be regularly inspected for integrity and damage.
Gates Gate Houses
Gates through which vehicles and/or personnel enter or exit must be manned
and/or monitored. The number of gates should be kept to the minimum
necessary for proper access and safety.
Private passenger vehicles should be prohibited from parking in or adjacent to
cargo handling and storage areas.
Building Structure
Buildings must be constructed of materials that resist unlawful entry. The
integrity of structures must be maintained by periodic inspection and repair.
Locking Devices and Key Controls
All external and internal windows, gates and fences must be secured with
locking devices. Management or security personnel must control the issuance
of all locks and keys.
Adequate lighting must be provided inside and outside the facility including
the following areas: entrances and exits, cargo handling, storage areas, fence
lines and parking areas.
Alarms Systems & Video Surveillance Cameras
Alarm systems and video surveillance cameras should be utilized to monitor
premises and prevent unauthorized access to cargo handling and storage
Information Technology Security
Information Technology (IT) integrity must be maintained to protect data from
unauthorized access or manipulation.
Password Protection
Automated systems must use individually assigned accounts that require a
periodic change of password. IT security policies, procedures and standards
must be in place and provided to employees in the form of training.
A system must be in place to identify the abuse of IT including improper
access, tampering or the altering of business data. All system violators must
be subject to appropriate disciplinary actions for abuse.